FY16 SHERIFF GCC APPL SPECIAL CONDITIONS BODY CAMERAApril 1, 2015 Ms. Fonda Sykes New Hanover County Sheriff's Office 395@ Juvenile Center Road Castle Huyme` North Carolina 2@4ZQ Dear Ms. Sykes: The Governor's Crime Commission ispleased to inform you that your application entitled 2075 New Hanover - Enhancing the ��ofLawfrift)rceincntand Commumitv(PR0Q\�� has been selected to move forth in the grant process by submitting a revised application. Please he aware that because nf uncertainty of federal budget allocations. there may bcadditional budget adjustments or reductions Co the federal grant amount recommended for your pnn��mo./4UappUcuduoo are ouhiccL 1* the availability and level of funding that the state will receive once the fluuU federal budgets are approved and funding isallocated tu our state. When completing this application, please refer to the attached Modification Conditions for udetailed listing mfdxc required revisions. All grant av,uoJs are contingent upon your acceptance of these Modification Conditions and upon the availability *f federal funding. Subsequently, the application will be ocvievvcJ by staff ofthe Governor's Crime Commission to ensure all ayocimi conditions and budget modifications have been completed as required. All revisions must be completed nw later than 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2015. Please upload a signed copy of the attached Modification Conditions into the GEMS system. You do not need tv mail u copy V[thu application or signature pu�cs. Continuation o[ the funding process is also contingent upon the mmonduiorv attendance &o one ofthree Program Development Toaioin�VVmrkshopebeing held io June. The Project Director and Finance ()00cer must attend one mandatory workshop: registration information and workshop dates and locations can bc found om the {;(.Cvvcbnitea[ im the near future. Applicants who comply with mandatory Program Development attendance umwell as complete the program modifications by the above stated deadline will be approved to continue with the funding process. Please note funding is not available until federal grant awards are received. Program,,, approved for Governor's Cdoot Cmooruixaiom funding are required to comply with pro�oammomubc au�Ds�u| reporting requirements. Flc�mciieoa �o(un�in� and/or prograrn termination may rcym|t if reporting requirements are net met. This provision will be discussed in dc\ui) at the Program Development Training Workshops. Upon cmzop(c1ionof training requirements and once federal funds have been received by the Governor's {`rimoeC000moimsion,your agency may receive a formal Grant /\vvurd to be signed by the authorizing official and project director. The signed award must bereturned io the Governor's Crime Commission. I[ there ixa change nf authorizing official, financial officer and/or project director prior to rcccivin� \bc �rant award. 0irasc notify our office immediately. 0[ you have any questions or need further assistance please contact a Criminal Justice Planner at (919) 753-4564. The Governor's Crime [mn�mivaioo looks forward k/working with you mm this important and promising project. Sincerely, L. David Huffman, Executive Director North Carolina Governor's Crime Corrimission Attachments PROJECT NAME: 2015 - New Hanover - Enhancing the Saftey of Law Enforcement and Community IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: New Hanover County Sheriff's Office PROJECT ID: PROJ010980 The Governor's Crime Commission is pleased to inform you that your grant application has been selected to submit a final revised application. All federal grant programs may be subject to federal cuts and revisions for U.S. Department of Justice funding for this fiscal year. As a result, unlike in previous years, a submission of full application does not guarantee that your final application will be funded or funded in the amount requested. All applications are subject to the availability and level of federal funding that the state will receive once federal allocations for states have been finalized. Consequently, please be prepared that there may be a delay in determining the grants selected for funding and the amount of each grant award. In addition, funding of grant projects are subject to receipt of federal funding to the NC Governor's Crime Commission. Therefore, the official start date of projects may change based on when federal funds are received by GCC. Funds expended by your agency prior to the receipt of federal funds by GCC will not be reimbursed. The grant award packet will contain the start date for the project. This is the date for which GCC may reimburse expenditures for allowable costs. Expenditures prior to the date on the grant award packet cannot be reimbursed. It is important to note that any correspondence outside of the grant award packet signed by all parties is not legally binding. In order to be considered for funding, all applications must be completed using the new on-line Grants Enterprise Management System (GEMS), by 11:59 p,fm, on April 30, 2015. Subsequently, the application will be reviewed by staff of the Governor's Crime Commission (GCC) to ensure all modification conditions and budget modifications have been completed as required. Your application has been reviewed for compliance with federal and state guidelines in consideration of being awarded a grant. To be considered for funding you must review this document and submit the requested information in the content of your full application. Total Federal Amount Requested - $45,000 Total Federal Amount Approved - $ 45,000 Tentative Start Date: 7/1/2015 End Date: 6/30/2016 t- I I e, c l i a, I g e 11, r'i e l) I- e c i e r -1 d d e ;T u, ,ilia,. 3 0, 2 6, p l e a,,,; (,, a fak .i. ;hi s c a i 1 Ira i af, rr, [,,) r,("('; prflicy c,,l-ianaes, all cijuer',5[ costina less �h, n %'5,000 Per uri�t should to rece c 'I Cl y r)v !i,,-,,;1e�J as a supfr-`-ly .It(,' at, chlange�;Ic) the BC, ,,aget Details d SUrnnnary RECOMMENDED Total Budget Match Share $60,000 $15,000 Federal Share $ 4 x,00 Tentative Start Date: 7/1/2015 End Date: 6/30/2016 t- I I e, c l i a, I g e 11, r'i e l) I- e c i e r -1 d d e ;T u, ,ilia,. 3 0, 2 6, p l e a,,,; (,, a fak .i. ;hi s c a i 1 Ira i af, rr, [,,) r,("('; prflicy c,,l-ianaes, all cijuer',5[ costina less �h, n %'5,000 Per uri�t should to rece c 'I Cl y r)v !i,,-,,;1e�J as a supfr-`-ly .It(,' at, chlange�;Ic) the BC, ,,aget Details d SUrnnnary Prior to procuieryierlq, lr:ws 'V ions, su�t-",, re(,1[[_1/i01N1 1 GM,, r­-1111—d '0 ijp�oad M Projec! Afl,(-A�Chrrier,,ts 7 �Af t, T ency s purc;1asfn,,,,1, proct 8rernr­,n' is { l cy OR ) of i1r protocol an(,] ricih[v, l`` design,�-xted Gr,; ° r1 c 4, E f � 1 e c I i �,-i r i g e o c, c,; r s w i "I t P (,i .ht h i z i r i:,i "1 if , f i � llc,.'3­11 k,,i a k- isli,er and d , or p r o j e c i r e r I a ti,JiS V0 J1 13l"AIS soon as JeCL the GUA',`� r Ulr�, r 0 J C', [1 G poss�ble, 1--liease reter on , 1,2� i 10) o EMS Gr pmpo,:4 User Gidde for Cr4ronaf Jti`,,;tice and Juvend f rl- Jus"Jc­e P3,-)je('J,-",-;' on the G'EWS 1­10rnepagc.­) at FaiiUre TO Updalt, F_ !h t rol"s in Ci[.,,MS n­lay dekay receir,-A of tfi ; grarit aw,,,,-­,1r(J Plea,,--,e mv\ e.,vv, of hc; followwl(_., .:`l:r:tl. .,' YfA I.I Iy, (""'heck the box Indicatirig {I­)e, secfi.)ris �,ave umdJers,,00d t0­i�', x",;Jl t a ,,,twed For detailed information regarding application requirements, please refer to the GEMS Grant proposal User Guide for Criminal Justice Improvement and Juvenile Justice Projects found on the GEMS homepage (t11paL.//qems.ncdps.qov) under the "training materials" section. Your recommended federal share total does not reflect the required match amount. This is not a guaranteed amount or award. Totals may change after your agency has responded to this letter and the federal budget is approved. Please ensure you have made the necessary changes to the individual line items of the budget to reflect the federal amount approved, as indicated above. DETAILED BUDGET PAGES A Detailed Budget Narrative must be uploaded into GEMS (Application Attachments section) to illustrate the detailed line item budget information. It is vital that this uploaded information be consistent with the information that is included in your budget. The NC Office and Management and Budget along with the NC State Auditor's have clearly defined rules regarding unallowable costs including following but not exclusive to: * Indirect Costs o Food & Beverage (except per * Travel & Compensation for diem) Federal/GCC Employees o Common Area Maintenance * Lobbying Activities Fees * Fund Raising o Gift Cards CD Land Acquisition o Sporting events c) Bonuses or Commissions o Visa fees / Passport Charges * Military-Type Equipment c Tips * State and Local Sales Taxes o Bar Charges / Alcoholic * Corporate Formation Beverages * Honorariums o Laundry charges o, Stipends o Travel & lodging in excess of • Incentives state per them • Fines and Penalties o Membership fees to • Entertainment organizations whose primary • Aircraft & Vehicle Purchases activity is lobbying • Vehicle maintenance and o Premium pay Repairs o Costs incurred outside the • Building Insurance project period • General Liability Insurance o Trinkets, give-away items, • Auto Insurance promotional items (11-shirts, • Gas cards mugs, logo-typed pens, etc.) • Audits' Audit costs for audits not required at performed in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 are unallowable. Must quality lot OMB Audit (Audit Threshold — expend 5750,000 or More in federal funds in organizational fiscal year), • Construction MATCH REQUIREMENTS -i Your agency is required to provide a match of 25"11U PERSONNEL :1 All federally funded and match personnel listed in the application must include a complete job description for each position listed and must include the job title as listed on the grant proposal, key responsibilities, and all required day-to-day activities of that position. In addition, the job description should specify whether the position is part-time or full-time, the percentage of time allocated to the grant funded project and the specific duties as they directly relate to the grant. Also, non-profits are required to provide a full staff roster and a list of current board of directors indicating their place of employment (if applicable). These items must be uploaded into GEMS at the time of the full application. CONTRACTUAL J Be aware that contracted services cannot exceed $650.00 for an 8-hour day and cannot exceed $81.25 per hour (excluding travel and subsistence costs) without written PRIOR APPROVAL from the Governor's Crime Commission. All contractual services must be approved in advance by GCC. A signed contract for services between your agency and the agency or individual that you plan to contract with should be forwarded to GCC for approval prior to its execution. Funds will not be reimbursed for expenses incurred prior to the approval of the draft contract. You can expedite the approval process by using the standard contract provided on our website. Go to www.ncqccd.or_q; click on Grants Management at the left side of the page; click on Standard Grant Forms; scroll to the bottom of the page; click on Sample Contract (Microsoft Word Document File). After contract templates are approved by GCC, contracts should be executed and a copy sent to GCC to be placed in the official grant file. If contractual line items in the budget section are to fund a position, please indicate such in the new application question requesting the information. For any contractual full-time or part-time positions, please be aware that more specific job description boxes will appear for you to fill out. These boxes must be completed; along with a complete job description in the large job description box. This box will allow up to 2000 characters. Please be advised that you cannot proceed further in your full application until all of this information has been filled out. TRAVEL J All out of state travel must be requested in advance and approved by the Grants Management Director. A current Travel Policy must be submitted within 90-days of the grant project's implementation and must not exceed the allowable State rate based on fiscal year 7/1/2015 allowances for mileage and per diem. However, you are encouraged to upload the policy at this time to expedite reimbursements after the project is awarded. Prior approval from GCC is required for consideration to utilize the federal per them rate for subsistence and lodging. You must verify that your travel reimbursement request is consistent with the Travel Policy of your agency. Ifyour -agency does not have a Travel Policy you may follow the state of North Carolina's Travel Policy and the IRS rate for ground travel. The IRS rate for ground travel is 57 cents/mile. State rates for lodging: $65.90 per night for in-state lodging and $77.90 per night for out-of-state lodging. State rates for meals: $37.30 per day for in-state meals and $39.50 per day for out-of-state meals. Receipts are required, regardless of your agency's travel policy. OPERATING/SUPPLIES J Office supplies: You may have a general office supply line item for pens, paper, folders, etc. While such costs may be entered under one line item, it is required that the items to be purchased under this one line item be listed in a detailed and exhaustive attachment if all items cannot be listed in the project narrative. Refrain from using "etc.". A sample office supply list may be downloaded and modified for your use at http://www,ncdr)s.aov/lndex2.cfm?a=000003,000011,000603,000607,003199. All costs should be broken down into monthly rates. For example: Quantity Cost per Item Total Cost 12 $125.00 $1,500.00 :1 Agencies are not allowed to request rent reimbursement for property they own/paying a mortgage, J Please be aware cell phones must be under the name of the agency and cannot be under the name of an individual, Otherwise the expense will not be reimbursed. J The procurement policy or purchasing policy must be submitted to the grants management specialist prior to the purchase. The NC Office of State Auditor requires all agencies funded by the Governor's Crime Commission must have an adequate policy prior to making the purchase. FOOD & DRINKS J Food & Beverages are unallowable expenses of the Office of Justice Programs as of October 21, 2011. This restriction does not impact direct payment of per them amounts to individuals in a travel status under your organization's travel policy. EQUIPMENT J Drafts of lease agreements for equipment must be pre-approved by GCC prior to execution. ,-J *New Items for which the single unit cost is under $5,000 are no considered equipment. These items, should be entered in the budget detail under supplies. PROJECT TIMELINE J The project timeline should focus more on the delivery of grant funded activities as they relate to this project rather than grant reporting/requirement activities, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM J If on your grant proposal you certified that an Equal Employment Opportunity Program has been formulated and is on file, federal regulations require that such plans incorporate statistics from the preceding fiscal year. Please ensure that your plan is updated in conformity with this requirement, Your certification in the application ("Certification of Filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Program") should list a date on or after July 1, 2014, such as the case may be, for the plan that is on file. If your agency is exempt from filing an EEOP, please complete an EEOP exemption form and upload it into GEMS. SAM REGISTRATION J SAM Registration (System for Award Management) - Active sub-recipient registration with SAM must be maintained and active throughout the life of the grant. The GEMS organization administrator must update GEMS to reflect the new expiration date at the time of renewal and provide a screenshot from httr)s://www.sam.qQy as proof of active SAM registration, The screenshot proof must contain the DUNS number entered in GEMS for the agency and the expiration date. COLLECTION OF TRAFFIC LAW ENFORCEMENT STATISTICS (Law Enforcement Agencies PD&I 'J For the year 2015, your agency is required to report DCS traffic stop information to the NC State Bureau of Investigation. N.C.G.S. § 114-10.01 requires that the North Carolina Department of Justice's Division of Criminal Statistics, (hereinafter "DC S") collect, correlate, and maintain information relative to traffic stops conducted by law enforcement officers. Certain law enforcement agencies are to submit to DCS traffic stop information within 60 days of the close of each month. A list of agencies required to report this information may be found at http://www.ncdoj.gov/AgenciesRequiredList.aspx. Any listed agency that does not submit the required information is deemed ineligible to receive any law enforcement grants available by or through the State until that information which is reasonably available is submitted to DCS. To be eligible to receive Governor's Crime Commission funding, your agency must ensure that traffic stop information, including historical data that is reasonably available, is reported to the SB1. Additional information may be found at http!//trafficstops.ncdoi.gov/Default.aspx. PROJECT ATTACHMENTS In addition to the modification conditions document, please ensure all required attachments are uploaded into GEMS *For Law Enforcement, this may be found in your ethics standards policy. * *If the project contains a "general office supply" line item, a list of items to be purchased under that line item must be provided. A draft office supply list may be found on the website of the Goveror's Crime Commision — Grants .Management— Forms PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL CORRECTED BUDGET TOTALS ARE UPDATED IN THE GEMS APPLICATION ON THE RESPECTIVE BUDGET PAGES IN THE FULL APPLICATION AND THE BUDGET SUMMARY PAGE. If you have any questions, please contact this office at (91 9) 733-4564. This form must be signed by both parties and all pages uploaded into GEMS prior to finalizing the application submission. Should this project be selected to receive a grant award, mandatory attendance at the PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT TRAINING WORKSHOP is required in order for your account to be activated. I fully understand and hereby agree to adhere to all Special Conditions as listed above by the Governor's Crime Commission. I also fully understand and accept that any failure to meet any part of or all of these Special Conditions can and will constitute grounds for grant funds to be either suspended pending corrective compliance as directed by the Governor's��Qe �Qommission or terminated for gross or repeated violation of this policy. Authorizing Official, Title Agency/Oeganization Name Project Director Receipt of a new award is contingent upon receipt of all required reports for past awards. This includes the effective and thorough utilization of previous year's awards. A decision to award this grant will not take place until all required reports are submitted and/or documentation providing justification for underutilization or for failure to submit reports is submitted and reviewed. Grant Document Routing W Start date: 4/7/2015 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Signatures required: Chris Coudriet, County Manager Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of documents attached: 1 original — Sheriff's Office body camera grant documents Explanation of document(s): On January 5, 2015, the Board approved the Sheriff's request to apply for a grant with the Governor's Crime Commission to purchase body cameras. The purchase total is $60,000, grant amount $45,000 and a required match in the amount of $15,000. The match will be provided by Federal Forfeited Property funds. The application has been selected to move forward in the award process. Attached is a document that requires the County Manager's signature. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Teresa -- --- �-------------------- - - - - -- far f nance department use ---------------------- ;--------------------- - - - - -- DA'Z'E ADDED TO LASERFICHE' PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: January 5, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Sheriff PRESENTER(S): Sheriff McMahon CONTACT(S): Fonda Sykes, Administrative Support Specialist SUBJECT: Approval of Sheriff's Office Grant Application to the N.C. Governor's Crime Commission to Purchase Body Cameras BRIEF SUMMARY: The Sheriffs Office wishes to apply for a grant from the N.C. Governor's Crime Commission for the purchase of body cameras for all sworn personnel. The amount of the grant is $60,000 and will require a $15,000 match. The Sheriff proposes to used Federal Forfeited Property funds for this match. The cameras will cost approximately $1,200 each. Phase 1 will be to purchase 66 cameras for Patrol Division. Phase 2 as funds become available will be to purchase an additional 34 cameras for School Resource Officers. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval to apply for the grant and if awarded, use Federal Forfeited Property funds for the required match. ATTACHMENTS: Grant Evaluation Forni COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSI- ONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - January 5, 2015 ITEM: 3 Grant Enterprise Management System Page 1 of 3 1201 Fiont Street Sultu 200 Ers Raleigh, 1 2760'9 r ��'hotlE,: (.� l9' 733-4564 - Fax r "919'. 733 X070 ={ ' � <„ ,= �, Use r��niy Grant Application Project N ironer F1FROJ0!O980 Application Review Before your application can be suhlnded to G CC Me fdlovw„nc nersonno! nius 3a„roY. lire appi`caiiion Project Role Name Rowi sv Status, View My Projects Project Review Comment History Date I Comment By Review Cotnrnent I � Name of Project. 201`5 Nee H nvvef . 1h tr,cing t e ,c ey .:3t f CortarnifErt As>i nrn nt. 01211 1A . t_ 5 .r. 'S 1 r1P , ; ,F -' and CWmfininity Organization Contacts and Personnel Intoimation Application Organization information itnplonionting Agency Inforination Grganiz.atEarr Name: £,,;... by .:z, Implementing AUsncy %ime sts .t r ,. B(Iling Address 230 v, v o1 r::)e:,t Address: Address: 2: city� City: State : lil,Fm ,, i ina Statr. r`I�rar, Zipcode v40L 732 : 7 -W Cato, Phone 'c ;;).: c. -718, Phone_ ' 2,:- DUNS Number '.. V, }02 9 ;r,;, Fax: CGR Registration: res For- L ,.bg+ �nfvrcf.rnertf,Acjencil s Federal Tax It). ;9CiC _. _+ •, : t? of Swor n Gtt€ rs -. Fiscal Year End Date: C. Authonzing Financial Officer: Project Director: SenYa S `iYkes _ General informa *,ion Program Priority: i(;', o.a.�.�r�„t. i .��c.�.... �a : rs u;rr �. w .. � :cY .�, ' PrajacfS.a °e Dare: _ - Projaci Errs E.'Fate: US Congress #anal Districts Popuiaflon of Project Area...:..... : N.C_ House DiS'ImtS: Proiec$ C.,tni(eS' N.C, Senate Dirtricmc P roject Sri €nmrary: - + Principal Place of PerPorrriance: Tn c.. n:rtry „r, .+ r. >. ,! 5 '., I;, f n••r City r :ante ZIP Code 'f,411 c ,s09 Abstract and Narrative Project Abstract (The Problem); Briefly ce�; Grant Enterprise Management System Page 2 of 3 ownes was not a n me Me a P,o mmy ar oMmynn any, ws "s rw r; +a " �. . :" ""a;" PU, o WIT WMWGS M PAN d =Id hne wkwool Me nownsvor mW s,we, Me no Kv 0 QMWPV mmot 400-y ,momm a to MWA WO M wmww'� nWWN Wo KNO Than *,Is r;: „mWw "m c W : +i ..r "'a 'lens Inji n"O qy0i'mum-a me am,, Pm _ .. Project Narrative (Operation): Include adeGc,,ripPon "! how 70A IWA pomms am inte"al W we praect and how wrowum rMu opemsy and mwmwt Owwm_" s0ve'an mcmy mygm 0 t" K�wg A�W� A. innno 0-nwww mwd= WHMAy inkPNehawNsy 7 wwAmwo owwown ynp�Mo ��S,q "�Mnw I rwno V, 0`MM%wWWW`w"_G11heWW"aA"M"-'"W 1wo mm"n Project Tirnellm of ActWWq ty asue the, to! Project Gontis G"I G"2 �ne lievi �'­ety ��d'err`r�; �Afil'e tl' alnent offr,:S o ndut�e',jr vi'oo�o 'ro, otIl"' �Z�'!', 't'�'mes i' Ne, rm"n, C"4 Tom W"WIM mum W "PWO Owns M"-no a D"Sntj 0(­JeI)cva!'o .rat. Pmject0bjmtl"s t Pro fen Objective: " pmn" horsy ,WOE dwx mid.."arruas W "Mm" in"y tnore Off t""ienfly polAe"t vaivaf;le oy"I'jr' NII"Uvoo' 06 UWd V W D. Of d0rAO*,I an,i Nev, ioaroot' ,f:..,'; i o vxfla;o A, IJov" -oanovvr n(';'f' y ( d" o depuly ,a of w'nr Iodf ev�do'le' colle,t�on Performance Measum i he berfcrarancO vvili he me. "'Sure'd by the nit. "ber ol cuml-dwros A an Me clans and Me snoxydoy awme Q W ove"WMI O'nq chzozl�> am� '7t e I mow"i 0!i1l"eGUtiOn ol oflandors will also se4ve ca ,, perfonoao'e t"Casufe E"Wathon MM&d, I ,he body vtwn antaas, vvill oe evainted by respame in won W Owes Mm wenmen" mmong nwo ma to. o., mMwW T" _Wwn 4 O"ms mmms I" npons; Am Me DWV Alto apt % oMw W Me "kWhAty A Me, evuome Pro em SustschAWN Planning DesaMe, yma %nnW waluty wommlaihN plan A On Prop at and hm t W RouR w wwanent noakand Aw4mg Vtol GQC Amd,NW on g, As Two enon mrsdAe rehn v! nam9y wo oq mmqr ow mmwww mNm ii wwww, ="a M "W "Mm sou" xnw "Mce " w In woommm n own " cva", N = owan so www v W"M. , d "�a Project Buntgort 9mmary Category Total I Year I Total Year 2 Total i1 =;sr .tai SW my x _ I I'mm Buchge%_ SHAWN $60'DNIO 9AAO "MMA Funds: s96.OQv.4 a ING) 00 MAO TOTAL FEDERAL. REQUEST: 545,G6o.igP USMIN woo CRIMMAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT Description of Match Miatchinq ft ,ads may r,,AUlk, locaL sue or prIvale hn,ds bumm am %&A WAG H 4 wO man "wou Descite art :antis owco "t ca_ n mat"'T, The men m5d) wA he Awn Me Nw Harmer Cauny N=M's am i edes QwWe Sera mg Ones Buciget Dowis Shan Inscription Quantity Unit Cost I Total Project CertlhcMhans A. Certification of Non-Supplanting The appurt way wuhm Mal M.M WOO Mi Pet be uned to W" Ant a SpAce S26 C9 was Konds W A 00c d N' rt KUM, Mat wowd, h Me acsem c Is Q.3 A fun f: he mw am%& v pnm Gowws B. Certification of Filing an EMW Entlal"ment Onanunity Proagrarn the pr" . Amu WMRS UU! Me aplAwanugmnNo hoo wwww . EIM OWWWKY &WWI WXTI'm laWd 01MV2015 VI snoodwo- wor no ­vxmd r ie DIrloirTI1,01 � = 1,1)OhU�10y 6Wdelmw W C F R 42 A Q 0 sa .3 J Ad, s on A& w to &Me n .,4 .,P New Hanover County Human Resources tI Mark Francolini !: _ Human R"ourcesi Director „a�,o�<, 230 klarketplare Drhve, Suile 136 Wilnlir,clton, NG wwm* 010,79=178 C. Certification of Submission of Annual AuM live proient dowr unns MM a OVY of Me 2nnual ant Moe Rowitea Q he awe a VW sue Awa, a nd �anw S 1,0, no ­Oyn' ds "IW40 hy X,6 Cn,eer;A cr-'a!ule 14, -23 NW E.: if you wxdW nwnd or .z ate o So= A SAO am rwou ons "Mqn "WA own "Ovel ao"q Imm a wo ayen,:v you rnwsl file a y0ow hool" audit uJone OV a CPA wM yyy AgWyIg agenoys &W . h SUd, 9,NN ,4 D. Certification of Submission of Current Annual Operating Budget: Tlha Mat a MR 0 Te Wvmen"g emay ""Wo W"A x, ,a NAO M"- W"Wd "M _a"St https:Hgems.nccrimecontrol.orgIMYPROJECTSlgccApplicationIPageslgccApplicationRevi... 4/6/2015 Grant Enterprise Management System E, Certification that Applicant is Eligible to Receive Federal Funds Page 3 of 3 Tint? pi" dtrw1ol Ceflifies iinal llelvle( IN, lyawt '11policallf nor 'i,v �f offict"fl; dlro";tol's Onsu`alrfl ale" p'eo- Vy Jobani;on( s ndeo' ..jible or voluntanly excluded f -olll race.v!ng teQeta' flinds. N Ille nirrvclot w:Innvt ale' U-s explanalicit be, 'V'o":hx' lf tjl ntton n thi',� lorcigian) 12',,� co�;!icat on or v:N ba In connocf.— v -anllot be piovided thc a.pp!icajil vAll riot oo Glen led ranicllpr n by tho Governor s CrIm", Co'!milis.on as Io ")T "A a* pov'� Ille Mi�,l e,du if reont", iW ap"Alclalion will be repe""Ied F. Certification Regarding Lobbying: ifI), armor, .s re"erving 000 of he pro ie" 'ki'l fies fil.1f npp-'r;lasWm raVk �r d -jai'. j f C� any conila-- tN,, mak f ­j any fedef"If ;Ira! -'h", of ':inv te'k-qa. -C q k, 'A a,y 2, :)n'r 1 r iQ' 'l: I!- he pale to '-),Iy per.'oll o. or atten),tIng r'f;l,ejj n C_ 1 411, —.P:Q',"o, ot ally lederai it or an onq)l�"Yee' A a ln�,lber (,t Calxy-ss .,a r, delai ��'nl #'L' Pi�'JI'- Tal"t L'ojo--t Lobr,ying vitw, , ' irl ax;corijanci, 'vzlh It", G. Drug Free Workplace Compliance: rtvr sE,'-)?f" ag(-,n ,es ai%Ey it.- pros ec" (,e'rnites that < "a a ,at, t c: ego ri-l'-arn was e.0 'il and-�' "Ifl b, el(' :jan;"'Tlv "A ()-oge C. to att�-U: f2) a Colpy of 'Ile a�enja n? thal progla,. il l,-,dkld1:-;i an aleil'toric'e by . lo ! f'e vAl N,,, aub I;Sh'7.Ld notify e!I1p2:nyE.,es tnai and rr. ?au . in, -!"(; ent noll',Q!r"'i Mc' 'Al "�Jro v"o"'W" th;z' 'Ijk' '4� al� �-I—WP,?S MH it A 11�rs , I bo� taktli �)galnsf l,,- n(h7ify III(,' anj)licaml : ',wy cfifninal o;:Ju statijt." Co:l'�.clgon ,atria alnusi, tr 8tillent otogiam and, '�B) In", appiin'i 11 will make a a at,t, effnn m, Ina nt-- . 'JQ O ;"nI and 5i54 of the'- ADitIc 4 Aot 'e' 1�4t B 8 ano ""j tIorls"' F 0 ond :ll l"A of I A 1 _)f H, Certification of Compliance with General Statute 114-10.01: c, low rPrt III 0111C I I lrf,= tmt !fl(.- C; I I in it I I I) agency +' ')reaenl IV ill C, a' d V" IT I,"",: I' fflljI tf,F it 1 Statlite 1 to 01 for !lie oura*mln of tile fi4nded p.ioleA A� ',tg�� -r,--y may bo Ill rxillrharIl-C v4l' ejlci't:fw t cj1V 1 '4 aw reported to IN, tvislor. of t'r minat M',,Amatoon P il D'a""ar c' li of ". n, ro fe'nortil-ill ol cps: A :�i finq of I a,,,j I ently regra, ID ref" fft-'tt C ,r 0 1, IRS Form 990 and IRS Form 990 - Z: Fhe pfote'l Olectl)r ce-1fifie2 €h-a" the 'nost rf"Cen 'W f R , 'o ;'R�(Urn C-1 nf'fl'lj(." I z i I)f E2 I:n'ffj Pi,t; on to-i'll Income lot ho "I'l-') V ha's t- n ticloaded "Mr, tnls (ole", IITNI'atorl I", - Q l" Pd! J altat"I'llie"I"F, n ft, the ftirlvir The projecl 6rectos ceitifies filial rletthi�r an i)9,,) not all IRS F (,,m 99(; lia's b��n tipna.e(l VN' ?fw� rip'p p. I yli( In)lemtnting aqalqj :not " norfiro fit lqa , zaU,,' I T it)(, Implementing agenny :F, a ncinprofit IganlzItlozl that ro exefnrl troir" Ite?w,,n: to fi;f,- aIi R'S %l In 1 he qti') otnetlfing aqency Is a nonpdzt 'o n-, 'j"ji" an if-- , t �S' Ff'lrll� 990 )r an Porlyl ';90' F- https:llgems.nccrimecontrol.orgIMYPROJECTSlgccApplicationIPageslgccApplicationRevi... 4/6/2015