Agenda 2015 03-20 Special Meeting�f I N?Y' •F 75!r ti� n 0 AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Executive Development Center, Oleander Room 1241 Military Cutoff Rd, Wilmington Friday, March 20, 2015 Item Start Item Item Description Discussion Leader Time Number 8:00 a.m. 1. Welcome & Orientation - Opening remarks from the Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr. - Review purpose and outcomes for the retreat Chris Coudriet - Review agenda Warren Miller 8:20 a.m. 2. Review New Hanover County History Map Warren Miller Chris Coudriet 9:05 a.m. 3. Break 9:15 a.m. 4. NHC Strategy Warren Miller - Review and reaffirm County's Mission, Vision, Chris Coudriet Values and Strategy Map Beth Schrader Review Progress on Strategic Measures and Citizen Survey Results 10:00 a.m. S. Context Map Warren Miller - Discussion of trends and issues influencing the county and county priorities - Identify critical issues 10:45 a.m. 6. Break 10:55 a.m. 7. Prioritizing Strategic Objectives Warren Miller - Identifying top 3 priorities - Compare with issues / ideas identified in Context Map exercise; Are there any changes needed? 11:45 a.m. 8. Wrap Up and Adjourn Chris Coudriet New Hanover County Board Retreat New Hanover County NE Branch Library — Oleander Room March 20, 2015 WMeeting Summary S Summery Overview This report summarizes the work of the New Hanover County Commissioners during the Board Retreat on March 20, 2015. The Board members worked to address the following objective: • Prioritize New Hanover County strategic objectives for 2015 -2016 This meeting was professionally facilitated and included the opportunity for participants to interact in open conversation, to share and build upon ideas. This report describes the activities, comments, and ideas of the participants, as well as accomplishments and future goals. The major headings of this report correspond to the key agenda items and discussions during the retreat. Welcome and OwIeMz -Zlen Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr and County Manager Chris Coudriet welcomed the group to the retreat. The purpose and anticipated outcomes of the retreat were discussed. Warren Miller, facilitator, reviewed the agenda with the Board members. In addition, he reviewed "What Success Looks Like" based off of interviews with the board members conducted prior to the retreat. .f' f, Vision for Successful Retreat • Agree on priorities — a unified voice coming out of retreat, confident about these • Focus on big picture — stay out of weeds It Confident about our decisions Stay on topic • Respectful conversation — okay to disagree • Everyone speaks — no one dominates • Adjourn on time 3 w � �Y f0 C +' O A Y m s W CL tn E m U U H W C M M Vn y � G 3 E a, E L OU o t y H � O. i co m E L H y L 4 C O n in E o U U L O O .Vf U f0 � Z = -W to :3 O s s � o q1 � Y � 3 'I 4, o U N L 0 rq U N L E (3 LE � y M G L E m OG m H E C -a L L E 4- �+ L O E M U O `.i ?: um L5 k S X n � a p . � s _ ' 1 i� mow. A I ■� A � C 3 O V L Y (D ��F C O C •E O C 3 � m a r as o as m C N O V w U it 3 CL CL G1 f0 eo *' r- O o E O O fl. V)i CL 0 C t V U #� C cu 0 O C Y , Q 'L in a M (U CL �y ��-I 3: OC Vf Q N N H Mission, Vision, Values Strategy Mapj. Survey Results In this segment of the meeting, Warren Miller reviewed the New Hanover County Vision, Mission, and Values. Next, Beth Schrader, reviewed the New Hanover Strategy Map, performance measures and citizen survey results (see appendix). The Board members discussed these items; asked questions; and suggested potential changes. Comments on Mission • What is the definition of sound fiscal management? • Stewards • Minimize financial impact on citizens Good, positive informative Today and tomorrow o Keep in touch with citizens Comments on Vision • Responsible to our citizens • Arm of state government • Not a lot of wiggle room • Mandates first • Add addressed in fiscally responsible manner • Broad flexible • Expectations of citizens • Not unlimited resources • Tell our story • Add respect for our historical foundation 'jgjMise Strategy Map 11RFE • *""�` cti [ 1f�YA1�f0iR9� 1#�C:.AIRlr�4bD'64Y[RItAtYL� il Ga j FLrf� :i�sl'i�K'Sk � mil• .Mlib�' .Y� v�a.lN- - -�F�Y iII1T �ANW�4tw�� liM�1tM r ice.... -.s.: ycisY "'�]I w �rlislw pt.�y? MWON im :w4 f d. gi Comments to New Hanover County Enterprise Strategy Map • Overall structure makes sense. Policy priorities may change. • We have a role in these, but not complete control. • We haven't achieved all goals. • It is helpful that we already tie all of our policy discussions to the map. • We are doing a great job of increasing public awareness of services; citizens also need to go to the web, NHC TV, etc. • Must maintain flexibility to change Citizen Survey 1) ProMte a strop& diverse evorockmy and Mils yliiility job growth zj Redot.e and pt'ewml tdri.me 3) Prepare �tudentrvto tt sucLessfuI in a 21st centuri world �fi�+lnistrittws— �aa�rtFy Maq�'�Qfltes I�fsvr'lldnove�Gesn�t71 IN 58.4% would .pay additional takes to fund tap priority » Assuming no tax inrrea' e: i:roni c alturally diverse CaMm.. 18S%. Would Eedlaw tunEiing to piatined envirotnnettt nAtural rF:s,7wces tMrrch 2g7AlE 31NkS New Hanover County Context Map In this section, the Board members were asked; What are the broader community trends, governmental factors, economic climate, other outside factors that will impact the county and our priorities over the next 1 -2 years? In addition, they were asked; based on what we are seeing in this map, what are the 5 -6 critical issues /ideas to consider in the coming year? Trends and issues were recorded on the context map. o.. Community Trends Population growth /aging population /retirees moving here o Growing medical services • More sports /field access /youth activity • Growth in schools • More apartment /multi - family units a Gang violence more visible /increased focus • Expansion of arts /cultural community • Growth in business /economic hub Political /Governmental Factors • State support for infrastructure, including inlets, beach, storm damage projects • Cooperation — water and sewer across 421 • New Congressman in DC, relatively new state representatives • Expansion of Port • County Commissioners policy emphases on economic development • Flagship community college investment • 22 -25% County workforce eligible to retire in 5 years • Growth of local government (disproportionate to population growth) Economic Climate • Doesn't support middle class wage /not balanced • Becoming more diverse • Consumer confidence up /sales tax, fees up • More people 4 more pressure on infrastructure, need for jobs, education, etc. • Losing jobs in film industry— many impacts Outside Trends • Decrease Federal /State funding • Emphasis on regional governance • State tax reform (sales tax) • Offshore drilling, windmills • Confusion on education reform (especially University) • Incentives (film, JDIG, etc.) • Environment enforcement (e.g. coal ash, aquifers) • Regulatory environment coastal areas Assets • Beaches • Fresh water • AAA bond rating • Colleges • Medical center • Downtown riverwalk • Historic district; history • Airport, port, 1 -40 • People — passionate, smart staff • Parks • Vibrant, growing arts /cultural • Quality of life, quality of place Critical Issues • Beach /sand re- nourishment • Economic development • Land use planning • Special use permit reform (Text amendment process revision clearer, more predictable process) • Property tax rate: always alternatives to raising taxes; budget within our means; innovate /look at partnerships /debt timing • Voter - approved debt • 421 water /sewer expansion Uncertainties • Film, television • Shift and shaft —federal/state to local • Unfunded mandates • EPA regulations /shifting standards • Hurricanes Prioritizing Strategic Objectives The board was then asked to consider as the staff prepares to put together a budget and allocate staff resources in the next year, select their top 3 in terms of where they wish to allocate additional dollars/ resources. Board members would be asked to make their case for top strategic objectives prior to utilizing onsite handheld voting. Board members ranked their top 3 choices across all 9 strategies. Top choice =5 points 2nd choice =3 points; 3rd choice = l point. The survey results from Board members are as follows: Ranking Results Points Priorities 11 Promote a strong and diverse economy and high quality job growth 7 Increase the safety and security of the community 6 Prepare all students to be successful in a 21s' century world 5 Reduce health risks and diseases 5 Support a planned environment that enhances community and preserves and protects our natural resources 3 Reduce and prevent crime 3 Create and support a vibrant and culturally diverse community that 11 encourages private investment 0 Enhance self - sufficiency of individuals and families 0 Improve community literacy and workforce readiness skills Following the results, Board members were asked to review the critical issues they generated in the context map. Specifically; do any of these ideas require them to change their strategic objective priorities? The Commissioners noted that the priorities aligned well with the critical issues. Wrap Up and Adjourn In closure, Chris Coudriet reviewed the next steps in the budgeting process. Board members were thanked for their time and contribution to the retreat. APPENDIX Measuring Progress 2014 Citizen Survey Results t Beth Schrader Strategy & Policy Manager Adwilnill: W—OunlyMenWeevoffics mftch Citizen Survey Results 0 1= Strongly disagree, 7=Strong.ly agree NHC has a great quality of Ida 547 547 NHC government provides quality services 4.69 472 NHC is a gEW place to do business 460 464 NHC government is efficient end efleCttva 404 4.15 NHC government spends my tax dollarsuisely, 366 3.90 I feel sat and secure in my NHC commurAy $01 486 I would recommend NHC to f4milyAwnds;ista aW place to We 549 5.24 Adminianow—cuumv Mahwrlk office lQW620,2015 Citizen Survey — New Questions 1 NHC government does a good job listening to Its residents M14C government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community It is very likely I will still be a resident of NHC 111111101OWL in 5 years .. ...... ...... — ------- 0% 20% 46% 60% 80% 10M Disagree Neutral ''Agree A,dmtoiWvWn—CounWM&n&W's Office New Nit wwor county Slides Measuring Progress Against Strategic Goal. Beth Schrader Strategy & Policy Manager Administration — County Morkager's Office W crrh au, 2015 + i Now"anaver0oun4v Reduce & Prevent Encourage Private Promote Strong Crime Investment Diverse Economy & High Quality Jobs f3 i Aen -0z,: VesOfffce l+i.uih,xa,zms ( ; N@wFianwwCounty Slide Promote Strong Reduce Health Prepare Students Diverse Economy & Risks & Prevent to be Successful High Quality Jobs Diseases I� Administration CountyMana„asr'sCrffice Mrrch2o.2085 Q ! Newmarimrcoum Slides 7 It SUPERIOR PUBLIC HEALTH & PUBLIC SAFETY • Reduce and prevent crime • Increase the safety and security of the community • Reduce Health Risks and diseases SUPERIOR EDUCATION & WORKFORCE Prepare all students to be successful in a 21st century world • Enhance the self- sufficiency of individuals & families • Improve community literacy & workforce readiness skills INTELLIGENT GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Promote a strong diverse economy & high qualityjob growth Create and support a vibrant and culturally diverse community that encourages private investment Support a planned environment that enhances community & preserves and protects our natural resources EFFECTIVE COUNTY MANAGEMENT (GOOD GOVERNANCE) • Improve public awareness of . Improve the customer experience . Deliver value for taxpayer money NHC responsibilities & services and increase citizen satisfaction Control costs and manage to the budget • Manage risk • Improve operational &reduce effectiveness and liability alignment (processes, services, & resources) Pursue innovative technology solutions to maximize employee performance Maintain competitive tax and fee rates • Build &strengthen • Develop, recommend and productive strategic implement policies that partnerships achieve desired outcomes Plan for long -term sustainability of County services • Engage with citizens to understand and then act on citizen needs MIA Build a culture of innovation & Hire & retain people committed collaboration to serving the public MISSION VISION New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, A vibrant, prosperous, diverse coastal courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management community, committed to building a to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow, sustainable future for generations to come. C- °J o � � � CL ci Lh W J ra J 0 ULO 0 Ln lo!� �6 s « « -A d 1 .. y. fif El� 661 Z m _0 = 0 0 4--J Q 0 0 tDLO M CL �!+a . ar k+i L pl r I #,k ll' r hn !u 0 —0 tDLO 0 � u E 0 4--) 4--J 0 u 0 0 u biD Q.� 0 .Lf) 0 U 4--a E M U _ Q� Co 7D 0 U M Co Q�1 Ln C Q CC 0 c Co c- 0 VI cl� CL w W >m W :mw.� Cu �Dlo 4--1 C> 6Lml CD CIIA el"Am", rw ;—M 4-J Low CD 6W wpm " I 4. -4 ft-M L tka 0 L CL duo L m �7 Lq- Ln Vf V) N p 1 u Is qqf a N L a� Ct3 Jc V V) L Mo G V 0 CL LOKI For W V) M w4 O N O N s u L u 0 L tio m c 0 V I c 0 L H .c M a 3 O u L O fp z O � Ln r4 O � N. N ui O lD N E IMD. L, OO O CAD O H 1 Lti d' M Ln Lri L O m y O � v o L 4�j II 75 LA cli •' u L E E to {�i W -0 O -0 X V V (V 'Ei V) z 0 > 0 w 0 r w 0 A E -1-j V wo 1. 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L > • W �L L 0 U c W i Cli L LL U �QC �J E u'f i'm En r` N y O M O � N t u L ar u O JA L as as c c o u c o U O L O N c ' c _ �E 3 4 z VI U CU [Q � i O N 2 �ll U a� oC tio c 0 V) O E O cL C cu a- 06 LA E V) O >. .0 E O O '~ V fQ W Cf w to > .� a= Ln N O N L ►� u_ O ai coo to C O O V C 1 L Mn E 10 a DO d N C 0 V L O m z 2014 New Hanover County Citizen Survey Executive Summary Summary and Purpose In October of 2014, New Hanover County conducted the second biennial Citizen Survey. The first survey was conducted during December of 2012. Four thousand citizens were randomly selected to gather statistically valid data regarding: • Satisfaction and perceptions about New Hanover County as a community • Satisfaction and perceptions about New Hanover County Government/ Services Survey Results will be used to: 1) Assess progress on the New Hanover County Strategic Plan. 2) Inform program and budget priorities. 3) Inform ongoing community initiatives (e.g. Comprehensive Plan, Community Health Assessment survey). 4) Assess public perceptions of New Hanover County and County programs. 5) Compare results to 2012 to understand how we are doing. Survey Methodology The survey was conducted during October and November of 2014. Four thousand residents were randomly selected from the list of registered voters. Surveys were mailed to selected residents by Insight Research via first class mail. A cover letter signed by the Chairman and County Manager was printed on the first page of the 4 -page survey brochure. Additionally, for the first time, an electronic version of the cover letter and survey was made available / accessible via the web and actively promoted. The survey included questions that addressed: 1) The performance of NHC government and the quality of life in the community 2) Citizen priorities 3) Citizen awareness, engagement and community participation (civic, social, volunteer, and NHC government) 4) Respondent demographic, housing, and healthy behavior information Key Findings Survey Response / Respondents • Of the 4000 surveys mailed, 3800 surveys were delivered, and 1132 mail surveys and 259 internet surveys were completed. This equates to a mail response rate of 29.8 %. This response rate was significantly higher than a typical community survey, which averages —20 %, and is nearly double the response rate seen in in 2012 (567 completed surveys, and a 15.8% response rate). • Compared to 2012, respondent demographics tended to skew older, more highly educated, and have higher incomes. Respondents were more likely to own their own homes rather than rent, Page 1 1 and were more likely to be self - employed or a business owner. Respondents were also more likely to be long term residents of the county. Fewer respondents reported having children at home. New Hanover County government continues to make positive progress • Perceptions about the quality of County services, the effectiveness and efficiency of County government, County government spending tax dollars wisely, and NHC as a great place to do business have improved slightly from 2012. There was also greater agreement / consistency in the responses (smaller standard deviation). New Hanover County continues to be a very desirable place to live • 81.3% of respondents agree New Hanover County has a great quality of life. • 72.9% of respondents would recommend New Hanover County to friends and family as a great place to live. • 79.3% of respondents agree that it is very likely they will still be a resident of New Hanover County in 5 years Community Priorities and Trade -Offs • "Promoting a strong, diverse economy and high quality job growth" continues to rank as the single highest priority. However, compared to 2012, its importance relative to other priorities has declined somewhat. • "Reduce and prevent crime" was identified as the second highest priority. The percentage of respondents reporting that they "feel safe and secure" in their community has likewise declined as compared to 2012. • "Prepare students to be successful in a 215' century world" was identified as the third highest priority, up versus 2012. • 58.4% of respondents would be willing to pay additional taxes to provide funding towards their top priority. • Assuming no tax increases, 28.7% of respondents would take funding from quality of life programs ( "create and support a vibrant and culturally diverse community ") to support their highest priority. Additionally, 18.8% of respondents would reduce funding to programs that support a "planned environment that builds community and protects natural resources." Opportunities for Improvement • One of the key drivers (or predictors) of citizen perception about quality services and spending tax dollars wisely has to do with how effectively NHC listens to its residents. Respondents identified this as an area for improvement. • Respondents rated providing "residents with the information they need to get involved with the community" as an area for improvement. A more detailed analysis is available in the full report. Page 1 2 R New Hanover County Citizen Survey Report Conducted November & December 2014 Table of Contents Your Participation in the Community 34 Opinions of Different Groups of Respondents 42 Priorities of Different Groups of Respondents 55 Health & Eating Habits of Different Groups of Respondents 67 Correlations and Regression 78 Open -Ended Question ( "Verbatims ") 81 ♦ Is there anything we haven't asked you that you would like to 82 share? ♦ What is the most recent County sponsored program /service you 111 have heard about? (Open -ended answers) Summing Up — An Executive Summary 121 Appendix A - Survey - Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Page Purpose & Scope 2 Survey Description 3 Survey Construction 5 Survey Distribution 6 Background Questions (including health questions) 7 About the Rated Items 24 ➢ Interpreting the 7 -Point ratings 25 Your County 26 Your Priorities 30 Your Participation in the Community 34 Opinions of Different Groups of Respondents 42 Priorities of Different Groups of Respondents 55 Health & Eating Habits of Different Groups of Respondents 67 Correlations and Regression 78 Open -Ended Question ( "Verbatims ") 81 ♦ Is there anything we haven't asked you that you would like to 82 share? ♦ What is the most recent County sponsored program /service you 111 have heard about? (Open -ended answers) Summing Up — An Executive Summary 121 Appendix A - Survey - Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 New Hanover County Citizen Survey Report Purpose and Scope: Survey research represents one method of collecting important opinion information from your citizens and property owners. Properly conducted survey research helps convert this information into clear "messages" to you about what they expect from you and believe about you as a supplier of services. We attempted to measure citizen opinions regarding... ♦ Your County ♦ Your Priorities ♦ Your Participation in the Community The ability of survey results to assist you in decision making can be enhanced by looking at the survey data from different perspectives or `views'. Each view contributes to a more complete understanding of the true opinions underlying people's responses to the survey questions. Looking at multiple views is part of the process of transforming relatively meaningless `data' into useful `information' and hopefully even into `insight'. Consequently, the results presented in this report are presented in various levels of detail in order to provide you with different views of the data. For example, in some cases the results summarize the opinions of all of the people who responded to the survey taken together. In other cases, the survey data is segmented into groups of respondents who differ from one another along one or more dimensions (See Table Below). This segmentation of the data enables you to determine if different groups of people answered questions differently. In your case we explored differences based on these questions: ➢ Did you respond to the 2012 New Hanover County survey? ➢ How long have you lived in New Hanover County? ➢ Which, if any, city /town limits do you live within? ➢ What type of housing do you live in? ➢ Do you currently rent or own your home? ➢ Your gender: ➢ Your age range: ➢ Do you have children under age 18 living in your home? ➢ Are you a business owner or self - employed? ➢ Highest level of education: ➢ Your race /ethnicity: ➢ Your total household income: In this report, we will refer to respondents, citizens and customers interchangeably. Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Survey Description: The survey is divided into five principle parts: 1. Your County 2. Your Priorities 3. Your Participation in the Community 4. About You (Background & Health Questions) 5. Open Ended Question Your County items were rated by respondents. This included items such as: ➢ Quality of life in New Hanover County ➢ Overall County government effectiveness ➢ Use of tax dollars ➢ New Hanover County as a place to do business Your Priorities attempted to measure what is most important to citizens. ➢ Ranking things from most to least important ➢ Where more and less tax dollars should be going ➢ Locating different types of development close together ➢ Interconnecting streets Your Participation in the Community included questions about: ➢ County communication concerning County programs and services ➢ Participation of respondents in various groups ➢ Volunteer practices ➢ Recent voting practices of respondents ➢ Expressing their views Background & Health Questions were asked to help understand what types of people responded to the survey. This information enables important differences in people's responses to be examined based on these questions: ➢ Did you previously respond to ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not sure the 2012 New Hanover County survey? ➢ How long have you lived in ❑ Under 5 ❑ 5 -14 years ❑ 15 years + New Hanover County? years ➢ Which, if any, of these ❑ None /incorporated ❑ Kure Beach city /town limits do you live NHC ❑ Wilmington within? ❑ Carolina Beach ❑ Carolina Beach ➢ What type of housing do you ❑ Apartment ❑ House with large lot currently live in today? ❑ Town home ❑ Carriage home ❑ House with ❑ Retirement small lot community _�, � %/ 3 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 ➢ Do you currently rent or own ❑ Rent ❑ Own your home? ➢ What type of housing did you ❑ Apartment ❑ House with large lot live in 10 years ago? ❑ Town home ❑ Carriage home ❑ House with ❑ Retirement small lot community ➢ What type of housing do you ❑ Apartment ❑ House with large lot want to live in 10 years from ❑ Town home ❑ Carriage home now? ❑ House with ❑ Retirement small lot I community ➢ Your gender: ❑ Female I ❑ Male ➢ Your age range: ❑ Under 30 ❑ 65 -74 ❑ 30 -49 ❑ 75+ ❑ 50 -64 ➢ Do you have children under ❑ Yes ❑ No age 18 living in your home? ➢ Are you a business owner or ❑ Yes ❑ No self - employed? ➢ Your highest level ❑ Some high school ❑ Vocational or 2 yr. degree of education is ... ❑ High school graduate ❑ College graduate (BA or ❑ Some college but no BS) degree ❑ Graduate degree ➢ Cardio Exercise ❑ 0 minutes per wk ❑ 61 -149 minutes per wk ❑ <60 minutes per wk ❑ 150 minutes per wk + ➢ Eating Fruit ❑ <1 time per day ❑ 3 -4 times per day ❑ 1 -2 times per day ❑ 5 or more times per day ➢ Eating Vegetables ❑ <1 time per day ❑ 3 -4 times per day ❑ 1 -2 times per day ❑ 5 or more times per day ➢ Which best describes your ❑ American Indian or Alaskan Native ❑ Asian race /ethnicity? (Check one) ❑ Black or African American ❑ Hispanic ❑ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ❑ White ➢ Your total household income: ❑ Under $20,000 ❑ $50- 74,999 (Check one) ❑ $20- 29,999 ❑ $75- 99,999 ❑ $30- 49,999 ❑ $100,000+ An Open Ended Question was also asked and the comments were transcribed. Comments provide an opportunity for respondents to reveal information of importance that was not specifically asked for in the survey. They also lend value to the interpretation of ratings by providing a better sense of context or supportive evidence that enriches the interpretation. The open ended question asked was: ➢ Is there anything we haven't asked you that you would like to share? Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Survey Construction: Care has been taken in the construction of this survey to help ensure citizen opinion information is gathered in an appropriate manner. In particular, the following characteristics of surveys, which are known to influence the accuracy of the information received, were considered during construction. These include: 1. WORDING OF STATEMENTS ♦ Statements are kept brief to reduce the amount of reading required. ♦ Statements are reviewed for ambiguity to ensure they convey only one meaning where possible. ♦ Statements are designed to be neutral or slightly positive. ♦ Each statement ideally covers only one idea to be rated. 2. STATEMENT ORDER ♦ When possible, statements are put in order from the most general to the most specific. This is done to avoid raising specific issues early that may positively or negatively influence responses on more general statements that follow. ♦ Statements are grouped with other statements into similar categories. ♦ More emotionally charged statements to be rated are generally placed toward the end of a category, or the end of the survey since they can influence ratings on other less emotionally charged issues. 3. INSTRUCTIONS ♦ Instructions provided at the beginning of the survey clearly indicate the purpose for the survey. The instructions also assure respondents that confidentiality will be preserved, and described when and how to return the survey. 4. RATING SCALE ♦ A 7 point scale is used for rating purposes. This type of scale supports a multitude of parametric statistical tests that are most useful in evaluating and prioritizing the strengths and areas for improvement. ♦ A copy of the survey used is presented at the end of the report. -�' � %/ 5 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Survey Distribution: Approximately 4000 surveys were mailed (and we estimate about I delivered) to customers (registered voters) via first class US Mail, using live stamps. The surveys were mailed by Insight Research. Surveys that were not deliverable were returned to the County by the USPS. A cover letter, signed by the Chairman and Manager was printed on the first page of the 4 -page survey brochure. The letter included: ♦ The reason for the survey ♦ How and when to complete the survey ♦ Guarantee of anonymity by using an independent research firm The survey was also posted online and was publicized by the County. \I% 6 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Background Questions Overall Response: About 3800 surveys were delivered by mail. 1132 mail surveys and 259 internet surveys in all were completed, which is a response rate of about 29.8% for the mail surveys. This is an excellent return rate and more than enough surveys to achieve the goals of this project. Please note: Not every respondent answers every question. 25. Did you previously respond to the 2012 New Hanover County survey? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not sure Did you previously respond? Count Percent of Respondents Yes 222 16.3% No 661 48.5% Not sure 480 35.2% Totals 1363 100.0% Percent of Respondents � � %/ 7 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 26. How long have you lived in New Hanover Co.? ❑ Under 5 years ❑ 5 -14 years ❑ 15 years + How long have you live in New Hanover County? Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Under 5 years 148 10.7% 11.6% 5 -14 years 358 25.9% 32.8% 15 years + 874 63.3% 55.6% Totals 1380 100.0% 100.0% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Percent of Respondents Under 5 years 5 -14 years 15 years + Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 27. Which, if any, of these city /town limits do you live within? ❑ None /unincorporated NHC ❑ Kure Beach ❑ Carolina Beach ❑ Wilmington ❑ Carolina Beach Where Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent None /unincorporated NHC 451 33.0% 38.7% Carolina Beach 35 2.6% 2.5% Kure Beach 34 2.5% 1.8% Wilmington 823 60.2% 54.2% Wrightsville Beach 24 1.8% 2.7% Totals 1367 100.0% 100.0% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Percent of Respondents None Carolina Beach Kure Beach Wilmington Wrightsville Beach Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 28. Which type of housing do you currently live in today? ❑ a. Apartment ❑ c. House with courtyard -sized lot ❑ e. Carriage home / garage apartment ❑ b. Town home ❑ d. House with large estate lot ❑ f. Retirement community Current Housing Count Percent of Respondents Apartment 67 4.9% Town home 101 7.5% House with courtyard lot 500 36.9% House with estate lot 664 49.0% Carriage / garage apt 3 0.2% Retirement community 19 1.4% Totals 1354 100.0% 10 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 29. Do you currently rent of own you home? ❑ Rent ❑ Own Rent or Own Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Rent 121 8.9% 16.7% Own 1240 91.1% 83.3% Totals 1361 100.0% 100.0% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Percent of Respondents Rent Own -)%/ 11 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 30. What type of housing did you live in 10 years ago (in 2004)? ❑ a. Apartment ❑ c. House with courtyard -sized lot ❑ e. Carriage home / garage apartment ❑ b. Town home ❑ d. House with large estate lot ❑ f. Retirement community 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% Housing 10 years ago Count Percent of Respondents Apartment 97 7.3% Town home 81 6.1% House with courtyard lot 444 33.5% House with estate lot 694 52.3% Carriage / garage apt 4 0.3% Retirement community 7 0.5% Totals 1327 100.0% 52.3% 0.5% House with Carriage / Retirement estate lot garage apt communitv _�� � %/ 12 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 31. What type of housing did you want to live in 10 years from now (in 2024)? ❑ a. Apartment ❑ c. House with courtyard -sized lot ❑ e. Carriage home / garage apartment ❑ b. Town home ❑ d. House with large estate lot ❑ f. Retirement community 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% Housing 10 years ago Count Percent of Respondents Apartment 44 3.4% Town home 135 10.4% House with courtyard lot 442 34.2% House with estate lot 514 39.8% Carriage / garage apt 17 1.3% Retirement community 141 10.9% Totals 1293 100.0% Percent of Respondents 13 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 32. Your gender: ❑ Female ❑ Male Your Gender Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Female 704 51.1% 52.1% Male 673 48.9% 47.9% Totals 1377 100.0% 100.0% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% Gender -�� � %/ 14 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 33. Your age range: ❑ Under 30 ❑ 65 -74 ❑ 30 -49 ❑ 75+ ❑ 50 -64 Your Age Range Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Under 30 46 3.4% 6.1% 30 -49 221 16.1% 22.5% 50 -64 410 29.9% 34.7% 65 -74 436 31.8% 23.2% 75+ 260 18.9% 13.5% Totals 1373 100.0% 100.0% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Your Age Range Under 30 30-49 50 -64 65 -74 75+ Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 15 34. Do you have children under age 18 living in your home? ❑ Yes I ❑ No Children under age 18? Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Yes 207 15.2% 18.5% No 1156 84.8% 81.5% Totals 1363 100.0% 100.0% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Children under age 18? Yes No 16 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 35. Are you a business owner or self - employed? ❑ Yes I ❑ No Business owner or self- employed? Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Yes 307 22.5% 21.0% No 1056 77.5% 79.0% Totals 1 1363 j 100.0% j 100.0% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Business owner or self - employed? 77.5% Yes No _�' � %/ 17 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 36. Your highest level of education is ... ❑ Some high school ❑ Vocational or 2 yr. degree ❑ High school graduate ❑ College graduate (BA or BS) ❑ Some college but no degree ❑ Graduate degree Education Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Some high school 8 0.6% 3.3% High school graduate 87 6.3% 9.3% Some college but no degree 236 17.2% 19.5% Vocational or 2 yr. degree 134 9.8% 8.4% College graduate (BA or BS) 496 36.1% 35.2% Graduate degree 412 30.0% 24.4% Totals 1373 100.0% 100.0% Education 60% 50% 40% 36.1% 30.0% 30% 20% 9.8% 10% 0% Some high High school Some college Voc /2 yr BS /BA Grad degree school grad degree -10% -�� � %/ Insight Research, Inc. 18 County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 37. During the past month, how many total minutes of cardio exercise or physical activity for your heart (such as walking, running, aerobics, or swimming) did you do? During the past month, how many total minutes of cardio exercise or physical activity for your heart (such as walking, running, aerobics, or swimming) did you do? ❑ 0 minutes each week (I did not exercise or participate in any moderate /intense physical activity) ❑ <60 minutes per week ❑ 61 -149 minutes per week ❑ >_150 minutes per week Minutes of Cardio Exercise Count Percent of Respondents 0 minutes per week 91 6.7% <60 minutes per week 275 20.3% 61 -149 minutes per week 511 37.7% >_150 minutes per week 479 35.3% Totals 1356 100.0% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% minutes per week Minutes of Cardio Exercise 61 -149 minutes per 19 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 38. During the past week, not counting juice, how many times did you eat fruit? (Count fresh, frozen or canned fruit) During the past week, not counting juice, how many times did you eat fruit? (Count fresh, frozen or canned fruit) ❑ <1 time per day ❑ 1 -2 times per day ❑ 3 -4 times per day ❑ 5 or more times per day Daily Fruit Consumption Count Percent of Respondents <1 time per day 343 25.5% 1 -2 times per day 712 52.9% 3 -4 times per day 206 15.3% 5+ times per day 86 6.4% Totals 1347 100.0% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% Daily Fruit Consumption -�' � %/ 20 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 39. During the past week, how many times did you eat vegetables that were not fried? Do not include rice or other grains. During the past week, how many times did you eat vegetables that were not fried? Do not include rice or other grains. ❑ <1 time per day ❑ 1 -2 times per day ❑ 3 -4 times per day ❑ 5 or more times per day Daily Vegetable Consumption Count Percent of Respondents <1 time per day 176 13.1% 1 -2 times per day 725 53.9% 3 -4 times per day 320 23.8% 5+ times per day 124 9.2% Totals 1345 100.0% Daily Vegetable Consumption 70% 60% 53.9% 50% 40% 30% 23.8% 20% 13.1% 9.2% 10% 0% <1 time per day 1 -2 times per day 3 -4 times per day 5+ times per day -10% -�' � %/ 21 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 40. Which best describes your race /ethnicity? (Check one) ❑ American Indian or Alaskan Native ❑ Asian ❑ Black or African American ❑ Hispanic ❑ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ❑ White Race /Ethnicity Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Amer Indian or Alaskan Native 8 0.6% 0.9% Black or African American 81 6.1% 5.6% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1 0.1% 0.0% Asian 2 0.1% 0.7% Hispanic 10 0.7% 0.9% White 1235 92.4% 91.8% Totals 1337 100.0% 100.0% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Race /Ethnicity U.6% 0.1% Amer Indian or Black or African Hawaiian or Alaskan Native American Pacific Islander 0.1% Asian 92.4% Hispanic White —�� � %/ Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 22 41. Your total household income: (Check one) ❑ Under $20,000 ❑ $50- 74,999 ❑ $20- 29,000 ❑ $75- 99,999 ❑ $30- 49,999 ❑ $100,000+ Household Income Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Under $20,000 56 4.5% 9.1% $20- 29,000 69 5.6% 7.4% $30- 49,999 199 16.1% 21.7% $50- 74,999 313 25.3% 22.3% $75- 99,999 203 16.4% 13.9% $100,000+ 398 32.1% 25.6% Totals 1238 100.0% 100.0% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Household Income Under $20- 29,000 $30- 49,999 $50- 74,999 $75- 99,999 $100,000+ $20,000 23 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 About the Rated Items The 7 -Point Ratings This section provides information about the results for each statement on the survey that was rated on the 7 -point scale. Both a table and graph of the results are provided for each category of statements. TABLE DESCRIPTION: The following information is included in the Tables: Valid N ♦ Refers to the `Number' of people responding to the statement. Mean ♦ Refers to the `Average' rating received from all respondents who rated the statement. Median ♦ Refers to the `Middlemost' score in a list of rank - ordered scores, above and below which 50% of the scores lie. Standard ♦ Refers to a measure of the amount of variability there is Deviation in the responses above and below the average. For example, a smaller standard deviation indicates less variability, and thus more agreement among respondents than a larger standard deviation indicates. (See Appendix B for more detailed description of the Standard Deviation). GRAPH DESCRIPTION: A graph of the average ratings for each statement is presented with the blue bars and the scale on the left. The standard deviations are shown by the red dots (right scale). 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 510 2.5 2.0 1.5 Mean 1.0 St Dev 0.5 0.0 _�, � %/ 24 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Interpreting the 7 -Point Ratings Two questions often asked in survey research are; "What is a good score, and how do I know where my real areas for improvement are ?" Although every organization is different, a general theme in the opinion research literature indicates that "good" is not always "good enough ". That is to say, although an average rating of a `4' on a 7 -point scale may be perceived to be a "neutral" or even a "good" rating, it actually takes a much higher average rating to increase the likelihood that people are genuinely satisfied. Consequently, it is good practice to aim for the highest average possible. At Insight Research, Inc., we have found it useful to suggest a target average of 5.5 or better for satisfaction statements for most industries. Scores lower below the target do not necessarily indicate a problem, but should be considered as areas for potential improvement that are worthy of attention. For local governments, however, achieving an overall satisfaction rating of 5.5 is often difficult; most average closer to 5.2. One reason for this difficulty might be that unlike most organizations in the private sector, a government usually keeps (rather than loses) most of their "unhappy customers ". In addition, as mentioned earlier, low standard deviations reflect more agreement among respondents. As a result, it is most desirable to have a high "average" rating and a low "standard deviation ". This would indicate that most people agree that the rating should be high. A good rule of thumb suggests that standard deviations of 1.2 or less are desirable. The following diagram illustrates the relationship between the "average" and "standard deviation" with blocks 1 to 4 reflecting "Least Desirable" to "Most Desirable" in that order. Average Std. Dev. n i Low Low 0 z Low High 3 High High (ZD a High Low -�, � %/ 25 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your County: We usually focus on the Mean (Average) for each item. The responses here tell us that residents generally enjoy living in New Hanover County and would recommend it to others. As we typically see, they do not however feel as positive about the services provided by the County. We would note that in striving for excellence, you have chosen to word your satisfaction statements more positively than most. This sets the bar higher, and probably has resulted in lower ratings than if you had worded the statements differently. The Valid N represents the number of answers for each item. Median refers to the `middlemost' score in a list of rank - ordered scores. For example, S2 has a median of 5.0. This tells us that at least half of the respondents gave an answer of `5' or higher and at least half of them gave us an answer of `5' or lower. The standard deviations indicate the amount of variability in the answers. Ideally, you would want high averages and low standard deviations to the questions below, since this would mean consistently good ratings. See the Distributions of Ratings, on the following page. 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 _�' � %/ Insight Research, Inc. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 510 2.5 2.0 1.5 0 Mean 1.0 ■ St Dev 0.5 0.0 26 County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statements 2012 Valid N 2014 Median Std. Dev. 1 = Strongly Disagree; 7 = Strongly Agree Mean (Number Responding) Mean (Middlemos t Score) (Amount of Variability) S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 1378 5.47 6.0 1.22 New Hanover County government provides quality S2 4.63 1356 4.72 5.0 1.31 services. New Hanover County government is efficient and S3 effective. 4.04 1334 4.15 4.0 1.42 New Hanover County government spends my tax S4 dollars wisely. 3.66 1329 3.90 4.0 1.50 S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.60 1191 4.64 5.0 1.44 I feel safe and secure in my New Hanover County S6 community. 5.01 1380 4.86 5.0 1.75 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & S7 friends as a great place to live. 5.49 1376 5.24 6.0 1.50 New Hanover Co. government provides residents S8 with the information they need to get involved in the NA 1330 4.58 5.0 1.55 community. New Hanover Co. government does a good job S9 listening to its residents. NA 1285 4.01 4.0 1.55 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New S10 Hanover County in five years. NA 1364 5.72 6.0 1.75 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 _�' � %/ Insight Research, Inc. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 510 2.5 2.0 1.5 0 Mean 1.0 ■ St Dev 0.5 0.0 26 County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Distributions of Ratings (Your County) The following tables and /or graphs are presented to show how many respondents rated each rated item a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. By showing the distributions of responses in this manner, you can also gain a better appreciation for the `standard deviation' associated with each statement. Thus, for example, the distribution of ratings for a statement with a smaller standard deviation will show a lot of respondents rating that statement similarly (within a point or two). The distribution will be more spread out across the 1 to 7 scale when a statement has a large standard deviation. ➢ Statements 5 -10 shown on the following page. S1 40% 30% 29.3% 29.4% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 40 30 20 10% 0% -�, � %/ Insight Research, Inc. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% S4 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29.1% Statements 1 = Strongly Disagree; 7 = Strongly Agree Mean (Average Rating) Std. Dev. (Amount of Variability) S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 1.22 S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. 4.72 1.31 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 1.42 S4 New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 1.50 ➢ Statements 5 -10 shown on the following page. S1 40% 30% 29.3% 29.4% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 40 30 20 10% 0% -�, � %/ Insight Research, Inc. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% S4 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29.1% ° 9.6% 9.2% 9.6% 27 County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Distributions of Ratings (Your County) - Continued 4( 3( 2( 1( ➢ Statements 1 -4 are shown on the previous page. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% S7 Statements Mean Std. Dev. 7.4% 1 = Strongly Disagree; 7 = Strongly Agree (Average Rating) (Amount of Variability) S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.64 1.44 S6 I feel safe and secure in my New Hanover County community. 4.86 1.75 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place S7 to live. 5.24 1.50 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they S8 need to get involved in the community. 4.58 1.55 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 1.55 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five S10 years. 5.72 1.75 4( 3( 2( 1( ➢ Statements 1 -4 are shown on the previous page. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% S7 30.4% 21.0% 21.5% 7.4% ° ° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S9 29.5% 21.0% ° 8.6/° 9.2% ° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 SO 60% ° 50% 40% 30% 26.t% 20% 5.7% ° ° ° 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 28 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your County (Continued): 11. Please rate the following characteristics as they relate to New Hanover County as a whole: Poor Fair Good Good Excellent �. Sense of community L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 ��. Opportunities to volunteer L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 Opportunities to participate ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ in communitv issues 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% ■ Community ■ Volunteer Issues � �� 29 - — Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Very Counts Poor Fair Good Good Excellent Excellent iv. Sense of community 54 254 557 397 92 v. Opportunities to volunteer 25 142 423 488 274 vi. Opportunities to participate in 30.4% 35.1% 19.7% 63.8 iii. Opportunities to participate in community issues 64 262 502 373 142 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% ■ Community ■ Volunteer Issues � �� 29 - — Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Very Weighted Ratings Percents Poor Fair Good Excellent Good Poor =O, Exc. =1.0 i. Sense of community 3.9% 18.3% 40.0% 28.5% 6.6% 52.6 u. Opportunities to volunteer 1.8% 10.2% 30.4% 35.1% 19.7% 63.8 iii. Opportunities to participate in community issues 4.6% 18.8% 36.1% 26.8% 10.2% 53.1 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% ■ Community ■ Volunteer Issues � �� 29 - — Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Priorities: 12. From the list below, please check your top priority for New Hanover County. (Check only one) ❑ Increase the safety and security of the ❑ Prepare all students to be successful in a 21 st community century world ❑ Reduce and prevent crime ❑ Create and support a vibrant and culturally ❑ Reduce health risks and diseases diverse community that encourages private ❑ Enhance the self - sufficiency of individuals and investment families ❑ Promote a strong, diverse economy & high ❑ Improved community literacy and workforce quality job growth readiness ❑ Support a planned environment that builds community & protects natural resources Top Selection Count Percent of Respondents 2012 Percent Safety /security 205 14.9% 16.33% Reduce crime 244 17.8% 9.07% Health 13 0.9% 1.81% Self- sufficiency 107 7.8% 7.06% Literacy 25 1.8% 2.22% Students 213 15.5% 14.11% Diversity 58 4.2% 6.05% Economy 300 21.8% 26.01% Environment 208 15.1% 17.34% Totals 1373 100.0% 100.00% 30 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 17 3R% 14.9 0 15.5% j15.11%lo 4.2 30 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Priorities: (Continued) ❑ Increase the safety and security of the ❑ Prepare all students to be successful in a 21 st community century world ❑ Reduce and prevent crime ❑ Create and support a vibrant and culturally ❑ Reduce health risks and diseases diverse community that encourages private ❑ Enhance the self - sufficiency of individuals and investment families ❑ Promote a strong, diverse economy & high ❑ Improved community literacy and workforce quality job growth readiness ❑ Support a planned environment that builds community & protects natural resources 13.Assuming no tax increases, which one item above would you take money from in order to invest more in your top priority? Write in the letter, a -i 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Take From? Count Percent of Respondents Safety /security 67 5.4% Reduce crime 48 3.8% Health 91 7.3% Self- sufficiency 171 13.7% Literacy 100 8.0% Students 94 7.5% Develop Diversity 358 28.7% Economy 85 6.8% Environment 235 18.8% Totals 1249 100.0% Take Money From J.�*a t`�e N- 'A' aLa r�5 .,A \ec ake y P ye �e O� 31 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Priorities: (Continued) (All Respondents) ❑ Increase the safety and security of the ❑ Prepare all students to be successful in a 21s' community century world ❑ Reduce and prevent crime ❑ Create and support a vibrant and culturally ❑ Reduce health risks and diseases diverse community that encourages private ❑ Enhance the self - sufficiency of individuals and investment families ❑ Promote a strong, diverse economy & high ❑ Improved community literacy and workforce quality job growth readiness ❑ Support a planned environment that builds community & protects natural resources 14. Would you be willing to pay additional taxes to go ❑ Yes towards your top priority item in question 12 above? Accept Tax Increase? Count Percent of Respondents Yes 791 58.4% No 564 41.6% Totals 1355 j 100.0% Accept Tax Increase? 80% 70% 58.4% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% - 0% Yes 41.6% No ❑ No -�� � %/ 32 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Priorities: (Continued) (All Respondents) Strongly Wma Please rate haw much you disagree or agree with each statement. Disagree Agree _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, a 10 10 13 10 0 13 stores and shops, single family houses) to be-located- near each other - 16 New Hanover County should require streets to be interconnected to reduce 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 congestion on main roads - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 7.0 Statements Valid N Mean Median Std. Dev. 1 = Strongly Disagree; 7 = Strongly Agree (Number (Average (Middlemost (Amount of 3.0 ■ StDev Responding) Rating) Score) Variability) New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, S15 single family houses) to be located near each 1357 3.61 4.0 1.99 other. New Hanover County should require streets to S16 be interconnected to reduce congestion on main 1348 4.96 5.0 1.96 roads. 7.0 2.5 6.0 2.0 5.0 1.5 4.0 Mean - 1.0 3.0 ■ StDev 2.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 515 516 S15 Distribution 40% — 30% -23.7% 19.4% 20% 10.3% 11.8% 0 10.3% 9.6% 10% — 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S16 Distribution 40% 29.7% 30% 19.3% 20% 15.2 ° %a o 9.5% 10% � 5■0 7.6% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 33 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Participation in the Community: 17. The County provides many programs and services. What is the most recent County sponsored program /service you have heard about? For these comments, please see page 111. -�' � %/ 34 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Participation in the Community: (Continued) ❑ Friends /family ❑ Emails ❑ NHCTV 18. How did you hear ❑ Website ❑ Radio ❑ Other TV about it? (The program) ❑ Billboard ❑ Newspaper ❑ Print ads / maaazine How they heard Count Percent of Responses Friends / family 216 23.5% Website 94 10.2% Billboard 31 3.4% Emails 72 7.8% Radio 83 9.0% Newspaper 223 24.2% NHCTV 42 4.6% Other TV 102 11.1% Print ads / magazine 58 6.3% Totals 921 NA Note: Some respondents gave more than one answer here. 40% 35% 30% 25% 23.5% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% How They Heard ��a y`tie ay\ka lea e'c ata any ago et �.1 ,�.1 _`,ce O ti \tc` ay Q 1 35 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Participation in the Community: (Continued) 19. Did you or do you plan to use / attend the program / service in Question 17? ❑Yes ❑ No 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Plan to use / attend? Count Percent of Respondents Yes 352 53.7% No 304 46.3% Totals 656 j 100.0% Plan to use / attend? Yes No 36 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Participation in the Community: (Continued) ❑ Not interested/ don't 20. If No, why not? need ❑ Location ❑ Other (Check all that apply) ❑ Timing / schedule not ❑ Cost 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% If NO why not? Count Percent of Respondents Not interested / don't need 136 37.4% Timing / schedule not good 98 26.9% Location 19 5.2% Cost 19 5.2% Other 92 25.3% Totals 364 100.0% If NO,why not? Not Timing / Location Cost interested / schedule not don't need good 25.3% Other -�� � %/ 37 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Participation in the Community: (Continued) 21. Do you belong to, or donate to, any of the following kinds of organizations or groups? (Check all that apply.) Type of Group Board Active Member, but Given No Member Member not active money only Other (describe): These are ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ listed later in the report. TYPE of GROUP Board Member Active Member Member, but not active Money only No �. Professional association 77 308 148 89 503 u. Local or national charity 70 275 91 652 183 Sports or youth group 18 186 33 201 634 iv. Social organization 58 354 89 113 499 v. Political organization 16 162 130 221 586 vi. Civic or community organization 96 311 79 170 474 vii. Religious organization 68 616 111 175 358 TYPE of GROUP By Percentage of Survey Respondents Board Member Active Member Member, but not active Money only No �. Professional association 5.5% 22.1% 10.6% 6.4% 36.2% ��. Local or national charity 5.0% 19.8% 6.5% 46.9% 13.2% Sports or youth group 1.3% 13.4% 2.4% 14.5% 45.6% iv. Social organization 4.2% 25.4% 6.4% 8.1% 35.9% V. Political organization 1.2% 11.6% 9.3% 15.9% 42.1% vi. Civic or community organization 6.9% 22.4% 5.7% 12.2% 34.1% vii. Religious organization 4.9% 44.3% 8.0% 12.6% 25.7% TYPE of GROUP By Percentage of Survey Respondents *High Involvement (Board or Active) *Low Involvement (Not Active or Money Only) None I. Professional association 27.60% 17.00% 36.20% II. Local or national charity 24.80% 53.40% 13.20% III. Sports or youth group 14.70% 16.90% 45.60% IV. Social organization 29.60% 14.50% 35.90% V. Political organization 12.80% 25.20% 42.10% VI. Civic or community organization 29.30% 17.90% 34.10% VII. Religious organization 49.20% 20.60% 25.70% *We simply added the first 2 columns in the second table to get these numbers. Note that there is some overlap among respondents. Low Involvement is sum of the 3rd and 4th columns. -�� � %/ 38 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Participation in the Community: (Continued) 22. In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you participated in the following activities. 1 -2 times 3 -12 times 13 -26 times More than 26 times Volunteered time 348 Never 1 -2 3 -12 13 -26 More than 512 224 times times times 26 times i. Volunteered your time (for no pay) to 165 613 277 262 Walked, ran, etc for charity some group or activity in New Hanover ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ County ii. Participated in a club or civic group in ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ New Hanover County iii . Provided help to a friend or neighbor ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ iv. Personally walked, ran, or bicycled for a charitable cause (this is separate from ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ financial giving) How many times? Never 1 -2 times 3 -12 times 13 -26 times More than 26 times Volunteered time 348 285 283 132 261 Participated, club or civic group 512 224 257 125 133 Provided help to friend or neighbor 31 165 613 277 262 Walked, ran, etc for charity 815 332 105 8 18 Percent of 1391 Respondents Volunteered time 25.0% 20.5% 20.3% 9.5% 18.8% Participated, club or civic group 36.8% 16.1% 18.5% 9.0% 9.6% Provided help to friend or neighbor 2.2% 11.9% 44.1% 19.9% 18.8% Walked, ran, etc for charity 58.6% 23.9% 7.5% 0.6% 1.3% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Never 1 -2 times 3 -12 13 -26 More times times than 26 times ■ Volunteered time • Participated, club or civic group Provided help to friend or neighbor • Walked, ran, etc for charity -�� � %/ Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 39 Your Participation in the Community: (Continued) 23. Voting: Which of the following apply to you? (Choose all that apply to you) ❑ You are currently registered ❑ You voted in the last ❑ You voted in the off -year election (2013) presidential election year ❑ None of these (2012) 40 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Voting Percent of Voting Count 84.3% Respondents Currently registered 1330 95.6% Voted in 2012 presidential 70% 1264 o 90.9/ election Voted in off -year election (2013) 1173 84.3% None of these 8 0.6% 40 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Voting 100% 90% 84.3% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% - 20% - 10% - - 0.6 0% Currently Voted in 2012 Voted in off -year None of these registered presidential election (2013) election 40 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Your Participation in the Community: (Continued) 24. How else have you chosen to express your views? (Check all that apply) Type of Expression Done within the Done over 12 past 12 months months ago �. Contacted an elected official ❑ ❑ ii . Contacted newspaper /radio ❑ ❑ iii . Attended a rally / protest ❑ ❑ iv. Signed a petition ❑ ❑ v. Put a sign in your yard ❑ ❑ Have not done this Type of Expression Counts Within past 12 months Done over 12 months ago Have not done this I. Contacted an elected official 508 214 549 II. Contacted newspaper /radio 234 170 786 III. Attended a rally /protest 228 142 816 IV. Signed a petition 493 248 519 V. Put a sign in your yard 261 199 778 Type of Expression Percentages of 1391 Respondents Within past 12 months Done over 12 months ago Have not done this I. Contacted an elected official 36.5% 15.4% 39.5% II. Contacted newspaper /radio 16.8% 12.2% 56.5% III. Attended a rally /protest 16.4% 10.2% 58.7% IV. Signed a petition 35.4% 17.8% 37.3% V. Put a sign in your yard 18.8% 14.3% 55.9% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Expressing Views Offill 9 I. Contacted an II. Contacted III. Attended a IV. Signed a V. Put a sign in official paper /radio rally petition your yard -�' � %/ 41 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Opinions of Different Groups of Respondents Although the findings presented thus far are revealing, it is often helpful to perform more fine - grained analyses of the data to determine if any particular groups of respondents rate the statements significantly different from other groups. Consequently, additional analyses, including analyses called "Analyses of Variance" were performed on the data, to determine if any differences could be found among respondents based on: Groupings Based on: ➢ Source: Mail or Web ➢ How long have you lived in New Hanover County? ➢ Which, if any, city /town limits do you live within? ➢ Your gender: ➢ Your age range: ➢ Do you have children under age 18 living in your home? ➢ Rent or own home? ➢ Are you a business owner or self - employed? ➢ Highest level of education: ➢ Your race /ethnicity: ➢ Your total household income: ➢ Type of housing If analyses of this type show significant differences along one or more of these dimensions, then the County should consider taking these differences in citizen responses into account when making plans for the future. Statements for Comparison: Continued on Next Page 4 -�, � %/ 42 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. 4.72 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S4 I New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.64 S6 I feel safe and secure in my New Hanover County community. 4.86 S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. 5.24 S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. 4.58 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses) to be located near each other. 3.61 S16 New Hanover County should require streets to be interconnected to reduce congestion on main roads. 4.96 Continued on Next Page 4 -�, � %/ 42 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based: Sources: Mail or Web ➢ Based on how the respondent completed his /her survey, these items had statistically significant differences. Plot of Means (Averages) 6.5 Statement Ave. S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. 4.72 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S4 I New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.64 S6 I feel safe and secure in my New Hanover County community. 4.86 S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. 5.24 S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. 4.58 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 Plot of Means (Averages) 6.5 6.0 ti 55 N ................................................... ............................... ........................ ....................j.......... 'ti Q7 - -------- 45 ....... y 4.0 a.. 53 $ 54 3.5 55 f 56 t 57 3.0 k 5S Mail web + 51{] ➢ Reading this graph: For these statements, respondents on the web were less satisfied than those who responded by mail. 43 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: How long have you lived in New Hanover County? 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 as 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 Plot of Means co- - -- - - - - -- Under 5 yrs. 5 -14 yrs. 15 yrs.+ -e- Sri -G-s9 o.. Sill S15 -�' � %/ 44 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S4 New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses ) to be located near each other. 3.61 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 as 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 Plot of Means co- - -- - - - - -- Under 5 yrs. 5 -14 yrs. 15 yrs.+ -e- Sri -G-s9 o.. Sill S15 -�' � %/ 44 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Which, if any, city /town limits do you live within? ➢ Based on where they live in the County, these items had statistically significant differences. Please note the fairly small number of respondents from Carolina, Kure and Wrightsville. Where they live Statement Ave. S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. 5.24 58 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get 2.5% Wilmington involved in the community. 4.58 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, 3.61 single family houses) to be located near each other. Where they live Count Percent of Respondents None /unincorporated NHC 451 33.0% Carolina Beach 35 2.6% Kure Beach 34 2.5% Wilmington 823 60.2% Wrightsville Beach 24 1.8% Totals 1367 100.0% -�' � %/ 45 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Plot of Means (Averages) 6.5 6 fl .............................................................. . a-' 50 E3 ....., a ........ ............................... ID _ 5 d...... ..................................... �...... �.. I 4.0 ........................................>.......... . y.._ ................ ...-...-...-...-.....,.......—.............;....... ... ......................... .._ 35 ......... ......... 30 ...................................................................................................................................... ............................... 2.5 S1 None Kure B Wrightsville B ° 57 Carolina B Wilmington ° so s9 Q27 S15 -�' � %/ 45 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Your gender: ➢ This item had statistically significant differences based on Gender. -�' � %/ 46 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Plot of Means (Averages) Ave. 515 3.80 3.61 and shops, single family houses to be located near each other. 3.75 .. ..... ... ... __.. 3.70 _ ............. ............. _................ ............ ;................ 3.65 _............ ............. 3 fi0 ............. . ............... ............ :........... __.. _.. 3.55 ............. . ................ ............ .... ........... 3.50 .............. ............. - ............ ............ 3.45 _ ............. ............. '............... ............ 3.40 Female Male 032- Gentler 515 -�' � %/ 46 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores 3.61 and shops, single family houses to be located near each other. -�' � %/ 46 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Your age range: ➢ Based on age range, these items had statistically significant differences. 47 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Plot of Means S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 6.5 New Hanover County government provides quality services. 4.72 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S4 I New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.64 S6 6.0 4.86 S7 .......................................... ...................................... .... ............................. S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. 4.58 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses ) to be located near each other. 55 _ .................................................................................. 1.................... ............................... ......... A w 116 4.5 �. 40 . r .. ............................... S1 52 ..�.... . ............ br o.. S3 S4 35 _ .............._..........; ........... ........................................................................ ............ S5 S6 S7 3.0 t S8 Under 30 30-49 50 -64 65 -74 75+ + S9 S10 033 -Age Range -B- S15 47 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. 4.72 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S4 I New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.64 S6 I feel safe and secure in my New Hanover County community. 4.86 S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. 5.24 S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. 4.58 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses ) to be located near each other. 3.61 47 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Do you have children under age 18 living in your home? ➢ Based on whether or not they have children at home, this item had statistically significant differences. 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 30 Plot of Means (Averages) d Yes No Q34- Children at home? --e- S3 ff S5 o.. S15 S1.6 Statement Ave. S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. g S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses ) to be located near each other. _A d Yes No Q34- Children at home? --e- S3 ff S5 o.. S15 S1.6 -�' � %/ 48 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.64 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses ) to be located near each other. 3.61 S16 I New Hanover County should require streets to be interconnected to reduce congestion on main roads. 4.96 -�' � %/ 48 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Do you currently rent or own your home? ➢ Based on whether they rent or own their home, these items had statistically significant differences. Plot of Means (Averages) 65 60 55 50 m 45 o_ 4.0 3.5 n 3.0 Rent Own a 510 515 Q29 -Rent or 01xn o.. 516 -�' � %/ 49 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses ) to be located near each other. 3.61 S16 New Hanover County should require streets to be interconnected to reduce congestion on main roads. 4.96 -�' � %/ 49 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Are you a business owner or self - employed? ➢ Based on whether or not they own a business, these items had statistically significant differences. 5.0 4.E 4_E 4,4 w �c+ 4E } 4_c 3_E 3_E 3.4 Plot of Means Yes No 035- Business Owner? 52 53 a.. 54 55 53 is S9 _�' � %/ Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 50 Statement Ave. S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. 4.72 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S4 New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S5 I New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.64 S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. 4.58 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 _�' � %/ Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 50 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 m m 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 Highest level of education: Plot of Means (Averages) o.................. o. m.........................._e................................................ ...... ............ . . . ......... Some H5 Some College BA or B5 HS Grad Voc12 yr Grad Degree 036- Education S1 S4 �.. S7 S9 S15 51 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 S4 New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. 5.24 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses ) to be located near each other. 3.61 51 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Your race /ethnicity: Race /Ethnicity Count Percent of Responses American Indian or Alaskan Native 8 0.6% Black or African American 81 6.1% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1 0.1% Asian 2 0.1% Hispanic 10 0.7% White 1235 92.4% Totals 1337 100.0% ➢ Please note: There very small samples for all but blacks and whites. We would not consider the differences with the other groups as strong evidence for action. 7 6 5 w v m 4 3 2 1 Plot of Means Am Indian Black Nat Hawaiian Asian Hispanic White Q40- RacefEthnicity --q- sl 5T slo 5115 516 52 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. 5.24 S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses) to be located near each other. 3.61 S16 I New Hanover County should require streets to be interconnected to reduce congestion on main roads. 4.96 52 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Your total household income: ➢ Based on income, these items had statistically significant differences. 6 -5 6 -0 5 -5 50 N v 4 -5 4 -0 3 -5 3 -0 Plot of Means (Aveages) 1 E3. Under 20K 20 -29K 30-49K 50 -74K 75 -99K 100K+ 041- Income -e- S1 -n- S3 o.. S4 S6 S7 S9 + S 1 0 k- S15 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 53 Statement Ave. S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. 5.47 S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. 4.72 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S4 I New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. 4.64 S6 I feel safe and secure in my New Hanover County community. 4.86 S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. 5.24 S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. 4.58 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 S15 New Hanover County should allow more types of development (apartments, stores and shops, single family houses) to be located near each other. 3.61 S16 New Hanover County should require streets to be interconnected to reduce congestion on main roads. 4.96 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 53 Satisfaction Scale Opinions based on their answer to: Type of Housing: ➢ Based on the type of housing they live in, these items had statistically significant differences. T 5 5 n� m 7 4 3 2 Plot of Means Apartment House courtyard Carriage home Town home House estate lot Retire. comm. Q28- Housing S2 ff S3 m- S4 59 i slo -�' � %/ 54 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Statement Ave. S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. 4.72 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. 4.15 S4 New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. 3.90 S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. 4.01 S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 5.72 T 5 5 n� m 7 4 3 2 Plot of Means Apartment House courtyard Carriage home Town home House estate lot Retire. comm. Q28- Housing S2 ff S3 m- S4 59 i slo -�' � %/ 54 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities of Different Groups of Respondents Beginning on this page, we break out people's priorities based on "Type of Respondent ". The question asked was: 12. From the list below, please check your top priority for New Hanover County. (Check only one) ❑ Increase the safety and security of the ❑ Prepare all students to be successful in a 21 st community century world ❑ Reduce and prevent crime ❑ Create and support a vibrant and culturally ❑ Reduce health risks and diseases diverse community that encourages private ❑ Enhance the self - sufficiency of individuals and investment families ❑ Promote a strong, diverse economy & high ❑ Improved community literacy and workforce quality job growth readiness ❑ Support a planned environment that builds community & protects natural resources The groupings were based on: ➢ Source: Mail or Web Response ➢ How long have you lived in New Hanover County? ➢ Which, if any, city /town limits do you live within? ➢ Your gender: ➢ Your age range: ➢ Do you have children under age 18 living in your home? ➢ Rent or own home? ➢ Are you a business owner or self - employed? ➢ Highest level of education: ➢ Your race /ethnicity: ➢ Your total household income: ➢ Type of housing 55 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Source: Mail or Web Response We see that Web respondents selected Environment as their top priority from the list while Mail respondents chose Economy. Priorities by Source 40 30 20 10 I 0 Mail Web _�' � %/ 56 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Percent Mail Percent Web Priority Issue Count Count Safety /security 175 15.7 30 11.6 Reduce crime 201 18.0 43 16.6 Health 12 1.1 1 0.4 Self- sufficiency 88 7.9 19 7.3 Literacy 23 2.1 2 0.8 Students 179 16.1 34 13.1 Diversity 45 4.0 13 5.0 Economy 253 22.7 47 18.1 Environment 138 12.4 70 27.0 40 30 20 10 I 0 Mail Web _�' � %/ 56 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Mail Web _�' � %/ 56 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: How long have you lived in New Hanover County? 7 Priorities by How Long 40 30 We 10 Ell Percent Under 5 yrs. Percent 5 -14 yrs. Percent 15+ yrs. Priority Issue Count Count Count Safety /security 23 15.5 46 13.0 135 15.7 Reduce crime 26 17.6 56 15.8 160 18.6 Health \ 2 0.6 11 1.3 Self- sufficiency 9 6.1 29 8.2 68 7.9 Literacy 3 2.0 7 2.0 15 1.7 Students 23 15.5 55 15.5 134 15.5 Diversity 8 1 5.4 1 17 4.8 33 3.8 Economy 33 22.3 72 20.3 192 22.3 Environment 23 15.5 71 20.0 114 13.2 40 30 We 10 Ell ■ Under 5 yrs. ■ 5 -14 yrs. 15+ yrs. _�' � %/ 57 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 ��aoa well ``�coa Ja�c�� �ty��a \ J� ■ Under 5 yrs. ■ 5 -14 yrs. 15+ yrs. _�' � %/ 57 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Which, if any, city /town limits do you live within? Priorities by Where 40 30 20 10 °a • None • Carolina Kure B ■ Wilm Wrights -�' � %/ 58 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 None Carolina Kure B Wilm. Wrights Priority Issue Count Count Count Count Count Safety /security 59 13.2 6 17.1 5 15.2 128 15.8 3 12.5 Reduce crime 70 15.7 7 20.0 4 12.1 148 18.2 8 33.3 Health 7 1.6 1 2.9 5 0.6 Self- sufficiency 31 6.9 3 8.6 7 21.2 61 7.5 1 4.2 Literacy 9 2.0 16 2.0 Students 81 18.1 4 11.4 4 12.1 119 14.7 4 16.7 Diversity 18 4.0 3 8.6 1 3.0 36 4.4 Economy 100 22.4 6 17.1 8 24.2 179 22.0 4 16.7 Environment 72 16.1 5 14.3 4 12.1 120 14.8 4 16.7 40 30 20 10 °a • None • Carolina Kure B ■ Wilm Wrights -�' � %/ 58 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Your gender: Priorities by Gender 40 30 20 10 0 el INZ ■ Female Male _�' � %/ 59 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Percent Female Percent Male Priority Issue Count Count Safety /security 99 14.3 103 15.5 Reduce crime 116 16.7 124 18.6 Health 8 1.2 5 0.8 Self- sufficiency 45 6.5 62 9.3 Literacy 13 1.9 12 1.8 Students 121 17.4 90 13.5 Diversity 26 3.7 32 4.8 Economy 135 19.5 161 24.2 Environment 131 18.9 76 11.4 40 30 20 10 0 el INZ ■ Female Male _�' � %/ 59 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Your age range: Priorities by Age Range 40 30 20 10 N ■ Under 30 ■ 30 -49 50 -64 ■ 65 -74 ■ 75+ -�' � %/ 60 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Under 30 30 -49 50 -64 65 -74 75+ Priority Issue lCount Count Count Count Count Safety /security 4 8.7 24 11.0 61 14.9 66 15.5 47 18.3 Reduce crime 5 10.9 28 12.8 73 17.8 81 19.0 54 21.0 Health 1 2.2 1 0.5 6 1.5 2 0.5 3 1.2 Self- sufficiency 8 17.4 16 7.3 27 6.6 30 7.0 25 9.7 Literacy 5 2.3 3 0.7 10 2.3 7 2.7 Students 6 13.0 46 21.0 61 14.9 61 14.3 36 14.0 Diversity 3 6.5 12 5.5 13 3.2 17 4.0 12 4.7 Economy 10 21.7 43 19.6 98 24.0 96 22.5 49 19.1 Environment 9 19.6 44 20.1 67 16.4 63 14.8 24 9.3 40 30 20 10 N ■ Under 30 ■ 30 -49 50 -64 ■ 65 -74 ■ 75+ -�' � %/ 60 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Do you have children under age 18 living in your home? Priorities by Children at Home 40 30 20 10 M Percent Yes ,a Percent No Priority Issue Count Count Safety /security 17 8.3 186 16.3 Reduce crime 23 11.2 212 18.6 Health 2 1.0 11 1.0 Self- sufficiency 20 9.8 86 7.5 Literacy 1 0.5 23 2.0 Students 57 27.8 155 13.6 Diversity 10 4.9 48 4.2 Economy 46 22.4 245 21.5 Environment 29 14.1 175 15.3 40 30 20 10 M ■ Yes ■ No _�' � %/ 61 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 ,a �5 J e�a�J �o�J JL0 ■ Yes ■ No _�' � %/ 61 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Do you currently rent or own your home? Priorities by Rent or Own Percent Rent Percent Own Priority Issue Count Count Safety /security 22 18.3 179 14.6 Reduce crime 18 15.0 221 18.0 Health 1 0.8 12 1.0 Self- sufficiency 11 9.2 94 7.7 Literacy 1 0.8 21 1.7 Students 16 13.3 195 15.9 Diversity 7 5.8 50 4.1 Economy 25 20.8 267 21.8 Environment 1 19 15.8 186 15.2 40 30 20 10 cA Rent Own _�' � %/ 62 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Are you a business owner or self - employed? Priorities by Business Owner? Percent Yes ,a Percent No Priority Issue Count Count Safety /security 26 8.6 177 17.0 Reduce crime 44 14.5 194 18.6 Health 3 1.0 8 0.8 Self- sufficiency 28 9.2 79 7.6 Literacy 5 1.7 17 1.6 Students 55 18.2 154 14.8 Diversity 20 6.6 38 3.6 Economy 68 22.4 224 21.5 Environment 54 17.8 153 14.7 40 30 20 10 0 -A z ,a �5 J J , ea�wr e�a�J JL0 ■ Yes ■ No _�' � %/ 63 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Your race /ethnicity: Priorities by Race Note: The other racial groups only had a very ew number of respondents. 40 M 20 10 e, Percent Am Indian (a Percent Black -,A Percent Hispanic Percent White Priority Issue Count Count Count Count Safety /security 1 12.5 15 19.0 1 10.0 182 14.9 Reduce crime 3 37.5 16 20.3 214 17.5 Health 1 1.3 1 10.0 11 0.9 Self- sufficiency 3 3.8 1 10.0 100 8.2 Literacy 2 2.5 22 1.8 Students 1 12.5 14 17.7 1 10.0 185 15.1 Diversity 1 12.5 5 6.3 2 20.0 49 4.0 Economy 21 26.6 3 30.0 264 21.6 Environment 2 25.0 2 2.5 1 10.0 198 16.2 Note: The other racial groups only had a very ew number of respondents. 40 M 20 10 e, °J (a �� -,A • Am Indian • Black Hispanic • White _�� � %/ 64 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Your total household income: Priorities by Income 40 30 20 10 0 -J Under 20K 20 29K 30 49K I 50 74K 75 99K 100K + Priority Issue No. No. No. No. No. No.' Safety /security 12 22.2 8 11.6 31 15.7 47 15.0 30 14.9 46 11.7 Reduce crime 10 18.5 12 17.4 35 17.8 57 18.2 39 19.4 65 16.5 Health 1 1.9 3 1.5 2 0.6 1 0.5 4 1.0 Self- sufficiency 4 7.4 8 11.6 16 8.1 32 10.2 11 5.5 27 6.9 Literacy 1 1.9 6 3.0 8 2.6 3 1.5 5 1.3 Students 5 9.3 7 10.1 28 14.2 44 14.1 37 18.4 71 18.0 Diversity 3 5.6 5 7.2 7 3.6 13 4.2 6 3.0 19 4.8 Economy 6 11.1 16 23.2 43 21.8 65 20.8 40 19.9 94 23.9 Environment 12 22.2 13 18.8 28 14.2 45 14.4 34 16.9 63 16.0 40 30 20 10 0 -J I • Under 20K • 20 -29K • 30-49K • 50 -74K • 75 -99K • 100K+ _�, � %/ 65 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Priorities based on: Type of Housing: Priorities by Type of Housing Priority Issue % Apt % Town Home % Court. % Estate % Card. % Retire. Priority Issue Count Count Count Count Count Count Safety /security 12 17.1 15 15.0 83 16.8 85 12.9 1 33.3 3 15.8 Reduce crime 13 18.6 16 16.0 94 19.0 111 16.8 4 21.1 Health 3 3.0 3 0.6 5 0.8 1 5.3 Self- sufficiency 7 10.0 8 8.0 42 8.5 47 7.1 1 5.3 Literacy 2 2.9 1 1.0 12 2.4 9 1.4 Students 10 14.3 14 14.0 67 13.5 121 18.3 1 5.3 Diversity 3 4.3 8 8.0 19 3.8 27 4.1 Economy 14 20.0 22 22.0 107 21.6 142 21.5 1 33.3 7 36.8 Environment 9 12.9 13 13.0 68 13.7 113 17.1 1 33.3 2 10.5 40 30 20 10 0 CIO • Apartment • Town Home Courtyard • Estate • Carriage • Retirement _�' � %/ 66 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health & Eating Habits of Different Groups of Respondents Momi Beginning on this page, we break out people's health and eating habits based on "Type of Respondent ". The questions asked were: During the past month, how many total minutes of cardio exercise or physical activity for your heart (such as walking, running, aerobics, or swimming) did you do? ❑ 0 minutes each week (I did not exercise or participate in any moderate /intense physical activity) ❑ <60 minutes per week ❑ 61 -149 minutes per week ❑ ?150 minutes per week During the past week, not counting juice, how many times did you eat fruit? (Count fresh, frozen or canned fruit) ❑ <1 time per day ❑ 1 -2 times per day ❑ 3 -4 times per day ❑ 5 or more times per day During the past week, how many times did you eat vegetables that were not fried? Do not include rice or other grains. ❑ <1 time per day ❑ 1 -2 times per day ❑ 3 -4 times per day ❑ 5 or more times per day Groupings are based on: ➢ How long have you lived in New Hanover County? ➢ Which, if any, city /town limits do you live within? ➢ Your gender: ➢ Your age range: ➢ Do you have children under age 18 living in your home? ➢ Do you currently rent or own your home? ➢ Are you a business owner or self - employed? ➢ Highest level of education: ➢ Your race /ethnicity: ➢ Your total household income: Continued on Next Page 4 \ � %/ 67 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: How long have you lived in New Hanover County? Cardio by How Long in the Area Fruit Consumption by How Long in the Area < 5 yrs. Percent 5 -14 yrs. Percent 15+ yrs. Percent How much they work out Count Count Count 0 min /wk 8 5.5 15 4.2 68 8.0 <60 min /wk 31 21.2 55 15.4 188 22.1 61 -149 min /wk 56 38.4 163 45.8 292 34.3 150+ min /wk 51 34.9 123 34.6 304 35.7 Fruit Consumption by How Long in the Area Vegetable Consumption by How Long in the Area < 5 yrs. Percent 5 -14 yrs. Percent 15+ yrs. Percent Servings per day Count Count Count <1 time /day 38 26.2 81 23.2 224 26.4 1 -2 times /day 81 55.9 194 55.6 435 51.2 3 -4 times /day 21 14.5 58 16.6 126 14.8 5+ times /day 5 3.4 16 4.6 64 7.5 Vegetable Consumption by How Long in the Area \% 6s Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 < 5 yrs. Percent 5 -14 yrs. Percent 15+ yrs. Percent Servings per day Count Count Count <1 time /day 13 9.0 42 12.0 121 14.3 1 -2 times /day 92 63.9 199 56.7 431 50.9 3 -4 times /day 32 22.2 88 25.1 200 23.6 5+ times /day 7 4.9 22 6.3 94 11.1 \% 6s Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Which, if any, city /town limits do you live within? Cardio by Where They Live Fruit Consumption by Where They Live None Pct C Beach Pct K Beach Pct Wilm Pct W Beach Pct How much they work out Count Count Count Count Count 0 min /wk 24 5.4 2 5.9 8 23.5 61 7.6 1 4.3 <60 min /wk 106 23.9 6 17.6 14 41.2 149 18.5 2 8.7 61 -149 min /wk 166 37.4 13 38.2 5 15.2 308 38.3 6 26.1 150+ min /wk 148 33.3 13 38.2 12 35.3 287 35.7 14 60.9 Fruit Consumption by Where They Live Vegetable Consumption by Where They Live None Pct C Beach Pct K Beach Pct Wiim Pct W Beach Pct Servings per day Count Count Count Count Count <1 time /day 117 26.8 13 38.2 14 42.4 189 23.5 6 26.1 1 -2 times /day 227 52.1 16 47.1 13 39.4 432 53.7 13 56.5 3 -4 times /day 66 15.1 4 11.8 5 15.2 127 15.8 4 17.4 5+ times /day 26 6.0 1 2.9 1 3.0 56 7.0 Vegetable Consumption by Where They Live 69 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 None Pct C Beach Pct K Beach Pct Wiim Pct W Beach Pct Servings per day Count Count Count Count Count <1 time /day 60 13.7 8 23.5 4 11.8 98 12.3 3 12.5 1 -2 times /day 242 55.1 17 50.0 21 61.8 425 53.3 11 45.8 3 -4 times /day 97 22.1 7 20.6 7 20.6 197 24.7 9 37.5 5+ times /day 40 9.1 2 5.9 2 5.9 77 9.7 69 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Your Gender: Cardio by Gender Fruit Consumption by Gender Female Percent Male Percent How much they work out Count Count 0 min /wk 43 6.5 47 6.8 <60 min /wk 131 19.8 141 20.4 61 -149 min /wk 247 37.3 265 38.4 150+ min /wk 241 36.4 237 34.3 Fruit Consumption by Gender Vegetable Consumption by Gender Female Percent Male Percent Servings per day Count Count <1 time /day 148 21.4 194 29.7 1 -2 times /day 361 52.3 348 53.3 3 -4 times /day 131 19.0 75 11.5 5+ times /day 50 7.2 36 5.5 Vegetable Consumption by Gender Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Female Percent Male Percent Servings per day Count Count <1 time /day 68 9.9 108 16.5 1 -2 times /day 351 50.9 370 56.7 3 -4 times /day 199 28.9 122 18.7 5+ times /day 71 10.3 53 8.1 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Your age range: Cardio by Age Range Fruit Consumption by Age Range <30 Pct 30- 50- 65- 75+ Pct Servings per day <30 No No No No <1 time /day 11 25.0 75+ 22.7 92 22.9 49 28.2 64 26.0 74 26 59.1 How much they work 49.1 223 55.6 217 51.1 140 No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct out 15.4 5+ times /day 2 4.5 21 9.7 26 6.5 28 6.6 0 min /wk 1 2.2 1 9 4.1 1 16 3.9 1 31 7.2 34 1 13.6 <60 min /wk 9 20.0 44 20.2 83 20.3 81 18.9 55 22.0 61 -149 min /wk 16 35.6 95 43.6 163 39.9 156 36.4 79 31.6 150+ min /wk 19 42.2 70 32.1 147 35.9 160 37.4 82 32.8 Fruit Consumption by Age Range Vegetable Consumption by Age Range <30 Pct 30- 49 Pct 50- 64 Pct 65- 74 Pct 75+ Pct Servings per day No No No No No <1 time /day 11 25.0 49 22.7 92 22.9 120 28.2 66 26.0 1 -2 times /day 26 59.1 106 49.1 223 55.6 217 51.1 140 55.1 3 -4 times /day 5 11.4 40 18.5 60 15.0 60 14.1 39 15.4 5+ times /day 2 4.5 21 9.7 26 6.5 28 6.6 9 3.5 Vegetable Consumption by Age Range \I% 71 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 <30 Pct 30- 49 Pct 50- 64 Pct 65- 74 Pct 75+ Pct Servings per day No No No No No <1 time /day 4 8.9 20 9.3 24 6.0 71 16.6 54 21.6 1 -2 times /day 25 55.6 110 50.9 228 57.1 227 52.9 134 53.6 3 -4 times /day 15 33.3 59 27.3 102 25.6 92 21.4 50 20.0 5+ times /day 1 2.2 27 12.5 45 11.3 39 9.1 12 4.8 \I% 71 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Do you have children under age 18 living in your home? Cardio by Children at Home Fruit Consumption by Children at Home Yes Pct No Pct How much they work out Count Count 0 min /wk 6 2.9 81 7.1 <60 min /wk 42 20.3 229 20.2 61 -149 min /wk 84 40.6 422 37.2 150+ min /wk 75 36.2 401 35.4 Fruit Consumption by Children at Home Vegetable Consumption by Children at Home Yes Pct No Pct Servings per day Count Count <1 time /day 33 16.1 307 27.2 1 -2 times /day 112 54.6 591 52.4 3 -4 times /day 41 20.0 162 14.4 5+ times /day 19 9.3 67 5.9 Vegetable Consumption by Children at Home \ � %/ 72 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Yes Pct No Pct Servings per day Count Count <1 time /day 16 7.8 159 14.1 1 -2 times /day 109 53.4 605 53.8 3 -4 times /day 54 26.5 262 23.3 5+ times /day 25 12.3 99 8.8 \ � %/ 72 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Do you currently rent or own your home? Cardio by Rent or Own Fruit Consumption by Rent or Own Rent Pct Own Pct How much they work out Count Count 0 min /wk 5 4.2 85 7.0 <60 min /wk 32 26.7 239 19.7 61 -149 min /wk 48 40.0 451 37.1 150+ min /wk 35 29.2 440 36.2 Fruit Consumption by Rent or Own Vegetable Consumption by Rent or Own Rent Pct Own Pct Servings per day Count Count <1 time /day 37 30.8 297 24.6 1 -2 times /day 56 46.7 647 53.7 3 -4 times /day 22 18.3 181 15.0 5+ times /day 5 4.2 80 6.6 Vegetable Consumption by Rent or Own -�' � %/ 73 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Rent Pct Own Pct Servings per day Count Count <1 time /day 16 13.3 156 13.0 1 -2 times /day 62 51.7 650 54.1 3 -4 times /day 35 29.2 281 23.4 5+ times /day 7 5.8 115 9.6 -�' � %/ 73 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Education: Cardio by Education Fruit Consumption by Education Some HS Grad Pct INo Some I Voc/ I BS /BA Pct Grad Servings per day No No HS Grad No No No <1 time /day 2 BS /BA 34 40.5 47 HS 47 36.2 115 College 71 2yr 1 -2 times /day 5 62.5 Deg How much they 56 1 43.1 56 1 43.1 1 284 1 58.3 1 232 No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct work out 16.3 5+ times /day 4 4.8 10 7.7 10 7.7 15 3.1 0 min /wk 1 12.5 12 14.5 21 9.1 10 7.6 26 5.3 21 5.1 <60 min /wk 2 25.0 30 36.1 57 24.7 25 18.9 95 19.4 64 15.6 61 -149 min /wk 3 37.5 24 28.9 88 38.1 58 43.9 184 37.6 153 37.2 150+ min /wk 2 25.0 17 20.5 65 28.1 39 29.5 185 37.8 173 42.1 Fruit Consumption by Education Vegetable Consumption by Education Some HS Pct HS Grad Pct INo Some College Pct I Voc/ 2yr Pct I BS /BA Pct Grad Deg Pct Servings per day No No No No No No <1 time /day 2 25.0 34 40.5 47 36.2 47 36.2 115 23.6 71 17.3 1 -2 times /day 5 62.5 28 1 33.3 56 1 43.1 56 1 43.1 1 284 1 58.3 1 232 1 56.6 3 -4 times /day 1 12.5 18 21.4 17 13.1 17 13.1 73 15.0 67 16.3 5+ times /day 4 4.8 10 7.7 10 7.7 15 3.1 40 9.8 Vegetable Consumption by Education -�' � %/ 74 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Some HS Pct HS Grad Pct INo Some College Pct I Voc/ 2yr Pct I BS /BA Pct Pct Servings per day I No No No No No <1 time /day 3 37.5 15 18.3 42 18.5 19 14.7 59 12.1 38 9.3 1 -2 times /day 3 37.5 47 57.3 121 53.3 61 47.3 269 55.2 222 54.3 3 -4 times /day 2 25.0 13 15.9 40 17.6 38 29.5 123 25.3 103 25.2 5+ times /day 7 8.5 24 10.6 11 8.5 36 7.4 46 11.2 -�' � %/ 74 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Your race /ethnicity: Cardio by Race /Ethnicity Fruit Consumption by Race /Ethnicity Am Ind Pct Hisp Pct Black Pct White Pct How much they work out Count Count Count Count 0 min /wk 1 12.5 2 20.0 10 13.0 78 6.4 <60 min /wk 2 25.0 2 20.0 21 27.3 242 19.8 61 -149 min /wk 3 37.5 2 20.0 26 33.8 462 37.8 150+ min /wk 5 62.5 6 60.0 20 26.0 440 36.0 Fruit Consumption by Race /Ethnicity Vegetable Consumption by Ethnicity Am Ind Pct Hisp Pct Black Pct White Pct Servings per day Count Count Count Count <1 time /day 1 12.5 2 20.0 20 25.6 310 25.6 1 -2 times /day 2 25.0 5 50.0 34 43.6 654 53.9 3 -4 times /day 5 62.5 2 20.0 15 19.2 176 14.5 5+ times /day 1 10.0 9 11.5 73 6.0 Vegetable Consumption by Ethnicity -�' � %/ 75 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Am Ind Pct Hisp Pct Black Pct White Pct Servings per day Count Count Count Count <1 time /day 1 12.5 6 60.0 12 15.8 159 13.1 1 -2 times /day 3 37.5 3 30.0 31 40.8 661 54.4 3 -4 times /day 4 50.0 1 10.0 22 28.9 286 23.6 5+ times /day 11 14.5 108 8.9 -�' � %/ 75 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Your total household income: Cardio by Income Fruit Consumption by Income <20K Pct 20- 30- 50- 75- 100K+ Pct Servings per day <20K No No No No No <1 time /day 20 37.0 22 100K+ 61 31.8 70 39K 46 49K 85 74K 1 -2 times /day 99K 42.6 31 How much they 94 49.0 177 57.1 111 55.8 210 No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct work out 17.0 5+ times /day 3 5.6 3 4.5 12 6.3 19 6.1 12 6.0 0 min /wk 4 1 7.7 14 1 20.9 15 1 7.6 25 1 8.0 7 1 3.5 17 1 4.3 <60 min /wk 17 32.7 17 25.4 52 26.3 64 20.6 43 21.3 48 12.1 61 -149 min /wk 20 38.5 20 29.9 70 35.4 124 39.9 91 45.0 142 35.9 150+ min /wk 11 21.2 16 23.9 61 30.8 98 31.5 61 30.2 189 47.7 Fruit Consumption by Income Vegetable Consumption by Income <20K Pct 20- 39K Pct 30- 49K Pct 50- 74K Pct 75- 99K Pct 100K+ Pct Servings per day No No No No No No <1 time /day 20 37.0 22 32.8 61 31.8 70 22.6 46 23.1 85 21.6 1 -2 times /day 23 42.6 31 46.3 94 49.0 177 57.1 111 55.8 210 53.3 3 -4 times /day 8 14.8 11 16.4 25 13.0 44 14.2 30 15.1 67 17.0 5+ times /day 3 5.6 3 4.5 12 6.3 19 6.1 12 6.0 32 8.1 Vegetable Consumption by Income \ � %/ 76 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 <20K Pct 20- 39K Pct 30- 49K Pct 50- 74K Pct 75- 99K Pct 100K+ Pct Servings per day No No No No No No <1 time /day 13 24.5 11 16.7 26 13.5 45 14.6 22 11.0 39 9.9 1 -2 times /day 25 47.2 34 51.5 104 54.2 175 56.6 113 56.5 206 52.3 3 -4 times /day 11 20.8 14 21.2 47 24.5 65 21.0 48 24.0 103 26.1 5+ times /day 4 1 7.5 7 1 10.6 1 15 1 7.8 1 24 1 7.8 1 17 1 8.5 1 46 1 11.7 \ � %/ 76 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Health and Eating Habits based on: Type of Housing: Cardio by Type of Housing Fruit Consumption by Type of Housing Apt Pct Town Court Pct Estat Carriage Pct Retir Servings per day Apt No No No Court No <1 time /day 22 Carriage 25 25.3 132 27.2 149 Home 3 100.0 4 a 1 -2 times /day 32 46.4 e How much they work 258 53.2 352 54.0 2 66.7 9 No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct No Pct out 2].3 5+ times /day 5 7.2 8 8.1 18 3.7 53 8.1 0 min /wk 3 4.3 7 7.0 30 6.0 44 6.8 1 33.3 1 5.3 <60 min /wk 18 25.7 19 19.0 111 22.3 112 17.3 2 66.7 5 26.3 61 -149 min /wk 26 37.1 38 38.0 193 38.8 244 37.6 7 36.8 150+ min /wk 23 32.9 36 36.0 163 32.8 249 38.4 6 31.6 Fruit Consumption by Type of Housing Vegetable Consumption by Type of Housing Apt Pct Town Home Pct Court Pct Estat e Pct Carriage Pct Retire Pct Servings per day No No No No No No <1 time /day 22 31.9 25 25.3 132 27.2 149 22.9 3 100.0 4 21.1 1 -2 times /day 32 46.4 51 51.5 258 53.2 352 54.0 2 66.7 9 47.4 3 -4 times /day 10 14.5 15 15.2 77 15.9 98 15.0 5 2].3 5+ times /day 5 7.2 8 8.1 18 3.7 53 8.1 1 Vegetable Consumption by Type of Housing 77 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Apt Pct Town Home Pct Court Pct Estat e Pct Carriage Pct Retire Pct Servings per day No No No No No No <1 time /day 10 14.5 13 13.1 76 15.7 70 10.7 1 33.3 2 10.5 1 -2 times /day 37 53.6 60 60.6 253 52.4 353 54.1 2 66.7 8 42.1 3 -4 times /day 15 21.7 19 19.2 112 23.2 165 25.3 8 42.1 5+ times /day 7 10.1 7 7.1 42 8.7 64 9.8 1 5.3 77 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Correlations and Regression (Predictors of Satisfaction) Another type of analysis (Multiple Regression Analysis) was also performed to determine which statements are most highly correlated with, and /or have the greatest predictive value when considering key general statements. Another way of thinking about what this analysis means is, "Which specific items account for the most variability in a given general item ?" This type of analysis can be quite useful when you wish to prioritize areas for improvement and /or identify which areas of strength are most highly linked to satisfaction. Key General Statements S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. S4 New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place t S8 live. S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. Specific Predictors for S1 (Strong predictors are bold) S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. Note If we consider only Statements 3, 5, 6, 81 9 as contributors, then 5, 3, 8 & 6 emerge as significant predictors. (In that order) There are of course many factors that contribute to citizen /customer satisfaction with these general statements. However, the scope of this survey did not allow for addressing most of them. Continued on Next Page 4 -�, � %/ 78 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Correlations and Regression (Predictors of Satisfaction) Continued: ➢ When significant predictors are discovered, you can take these into account when planning for the future. ➢ Below are the statistically significant predictors of the other general statements. General Statement S2 I New Hanover County government provides quality services. Specific Predictor for S2 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. S4 New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. Note If we consider only Statements 3, 5, 6, 81 9 as contributors, then 3, 5, 9 & 8 emerge as significant predictors. (In that order) -�' � %/ 79 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 General Statement S4 I New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. Specific Predictor for S4 S3 New Hanover County government is efficient and effective. S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. S2 New Hanover County government provides quality services. S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. Note If we consider only Statements 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 as contributors, then 3, 9 & 5 emerge as significant predictors. (In that order) -�' � %/ 79 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Correlations and Regression (Predictors of Satisfaction) Continued: General Statement S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. Specific Predictors for S35 S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. S6 I feel safe and secure in my New Hanover County community. S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. S5 New Hanover County is a great place to do business. S9 New Hanover Co. government does a good job listening to its residents. S4 New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely. Note If we consider only Statements 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 as contributors, then 5, 6, 8, 9 & 3 all emerge as significan predictors. (In that order) General Statement S10 It is very likely that I will still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. Specific Predictor for S36 S1 New Hanover County has a great quality of life. S7 I would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live. S8 New Hanover Co. government provides residents with the information they need to get involved in the community. Note If we consider only Statements 3, 5, 6, 81 9 as contributors, then 8, 5 & 6 emerge as significant predictors. (In that order) -�' � %/ 80 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Open Ended Questions ( "Verbatims ") Symbols ♦ NR - This stands for Name Reference, which means that a person's name was mentioned. Each Name Reference includes the survey's case and /or ID number. ♦ ( ?) - This denotes an illegible word. Written Comments ♦ An individual respondent's complete answer to an open -ended question appears in one cell. One or more ideas may be expressed within that cell. In the report we arrange the comments by the idea mentioned first within each cell. ♦ If a cell was blank, there was no answer. Comment Contents Topic Page Is there anything we haven't asked you that you would like to 82 share? The County provides many programs and services. What is the most recent County sponsored program /service you 111 have heard about? \I% ss Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 The open ended question was stated as follows. Is there anything we haven't asked you that you would like to share? Case Q26- Q27- Q33- Q34- Is there anything else... No. How Long Where Age Range Children The county commissioners & senior staff need to stop wasting my tax dollars on spending for meals & travel to meetings. They should 2 15+ yr Wilm 30 -49 No follow the same rules as all county employees. They need to understand how disrespectful it is to waste money when many taxpayers are working hard to make ends meet. Provide services to city residents! We are county taxpayers too. Recent examples: debris pickup. Why didn't county pick up post storm debris in the city portion of the county? When city & county 4 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No governments agree to "split the cost," city residents pay 2/3 of the cost. Residents in unincorporated county pay only 1/3! What a raw deal! County commissioners need to make a decision about trash. No 6 15+ yr Wilm 30 -49 No fracking. Too many people in poverty & not enough jobs. Do not agree with relaxed welfare /food stamp system. Caters to 7 5 -14 yr Wilm 65 -74 No drugs & illegals while we struggle to survive. Concerned about the direction the county is going in a liberal direction. Pay attention to Washington, NC. It has followed the 9 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No liberal direction since the last presidential election. Our county is falling apart. Please don't do this here. Please put more money into education (public) to support students 16 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No & staff. Wilmington is not safe — crime every day. Holdups, robberies, assaults. I love Wilmington other than I never relax because I don't 19 5 -14 yr Wilm 50 -64 No ever feel safe. On TV, in paper, every day. In last 2 years my daughter & next door neighbors' house broken into. Not safe —gangs, etc. We in the city are tired of funding the bill for people outside of the 20 15+ yr WHIM 50 -64 No city & not being represented properly in county decisions. 26 15+ yr 65 -74 No Why can't our trash service tie in like the city? I would like to see city buses used for getting high school students to 28 5 -14 yr Wilm 65 -74 No school. It would give students more flexibility, reduce costs & increase bus service for Wilmington. Please stop wasting money on these walking trails & put in some 35 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No sidewalks. Stop grants for arts organizations (use private funds). We need more boating & fishing access, such as public docks, ramps 49 15+ yr Wilm <30 No & marinas. Thanks. 53 15+ yr Uninc 65 -74 Please work hard to keep our neighborhoods single family! There should be a major recreation /sports complex with an indoor lap pool for exercise, partially supported by membership fees with city or county residents getting a reduced rate. Classes for swimming 54 <5 yr Wilm 65 -74 No & health (exercises) would be valuable to all & help senior citizens cope with changes in physical decline. Nutrition classes & demos could be helpful in decreasing reliance on unhealthy fast foods. We need more county multipurpose fields. The lack of athletic fields 55 15+ yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes & parks is embarrassing for our community. 82 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 83 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 I love Wilmington. A city, yet feeling of a small town. Great 56 5-14 yr wilm 75+ No university, great library. Ocean! Beach! Thank you! I wish all the nearby county residents who are using city streets & 61 15+ yr wilm 75+ No facilities could be annexed or taxed to pay their share of wear & tear. I am a disabled grandmother raising my 4 year old granddaughter. Affordable housing in a safe neighborhood is hard to find. Becoming 67 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 Yes overpriced to live here on a fixed income. Also, volunteering with disabled & homeless. So many fall through the cracks. 69 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No More disc golf courses. Taxes = services. This is an amazing location. It would be worth the money to eliminate the above ground electrical lines. Property 70 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 Yes values would increase & justify the cost. Continue to add more green spaces & sidewalks. Please stop Titan. We cannot afford one more ounce of toxins in our 71 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No water! Need to stop developing homes with sewer. Put sewer in 80 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No communities that are old & need it for failing septic systems that pump all the time. Please consider the importance of investing in youth sporting 83 15+ yr KBeach 30 -49 Yes facilities. There are not enough & our county could attract many visitors if we had better facilities to host sport tournaments, etc. Derrick Hickey shouldn't be allowed to litter our community & zip tie 84 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 Yes his signs to street signs! It's a disgrace! You have not expressed any interest in keeping air & water quality 86 5 -14 yr KBeach 65 -74 No high. NHCO is appealing because of a clean environment. 89 15+ yr CBeach 30 -49 No County commission is extremely too conservative. I am disappointed in the allowance of the rezoning & construction of 91 15+ yr Uninc <30 No the Wal -Mart in Porters Neck area. We need more taxes to meet infrastructure needs. Probably having 96 15+ yr wilm No democrats as well as republicans on boards would help. Would like to share my thoughts in person. Would be very important 104 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No to me. 117 <5 yr Unlnc 30 -49 No I really like living here! Food pantries are very limited & provide little in milk, fruits & 119 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No vegetables. Wilmington used to be a wonderful place to live. Now people come from places they didn't want to be but seem to want to change Wilmington to be just like from where they came. They are 120 15+ yr WHIM 75+ No destroying the history & beauty of this old, old city along the Cape Fear & the Atlantic. It's getting too expensive to live in my home town. Yes, I think this county would benefit greatly if you lose the small 127 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 No mind mentality. Plan for a cruise ship to be docked here. That would be nice. Please use bonds /debt within reason or not at all! Let's not be 128 5-14 yr wilm 30 -49 Yes Detroit 2050. Overall, very pleased with Mr White, et al. 129 Cut wasteful spending, county in particular. Seems this questionnaire focuses on government programs & citizen volunteering opportunities. I am more concerned with the 130 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 No availability of quality jobs & business opportunity. I don't need the government providing community volunteers, I do that through my church. I need lower taxes. 83 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 84 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 I see too many road changes that are not necessary, IE "roundabouts 132 15+ yr WHIM 50 -64 Yes — waste of dollars! Put up 4 way stops. Our education system is atrocious & it is not a money issue. My granddaughter starte4d school in MA 3 years ago & their education system is far superior to ours. They make learning interesting & feed 133 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No kids healthy food, not junk. Our kids in NC are bored & the teachers don't make sure they know the basics & foundation before they move on. Parents should be made to sit in on classes when their kids misbehave in class. Make parents be responsible for kids education. 138 5 -14 yr wilm 75+ No Wasted money on baseball park (city). Why doesn't education lottery go to education? We just voted on a 144 5-14 yr wilm 30 -49 Yes bond to improve schools by raising taxes! On question 12, 1 think education & proper learning facilities are crucial to ensuring the growth within the community. If the schools 146 <5 yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes are not where they should be (including good teachers at a fair salary) businesses will not want to stay or relocate here. I always tell my kids to go big or go home. Basically if you do something then strive to be the best. Our schools should be doing 147 15+ yr Uninc 30 -49 Yes this. It should be the best in the state. Put politics aside for the sake of our kids. Also fix Greenville Loop & Oleander intersection. It is a mess. 148 <5 yr wilm 50 -64 No Need more communication of what the county provides. Don't just raise taxes. Do a lean process. That's what I have to do to 150 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No meet my budget. Poorly written survey questions. Too many personal questions. Most 152 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No important — drainage issues! I find prices in New Hanover county overall 3% higher than the five 156 15+ yr KBeach 50 -64 No surrounding counties. I love living in New Hanover county. It's a great place to work & 160 5 -14 yr CBeach 50 -64 No retire. Continue to provide & expand free public access to our ocean, river, 161 5 -14 yr KBeach 65 -74 No ICWW and streams. Yes there is! The question is: Why does New Hanover county seem to 164 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No promote & foster the fatherless family units within our community through the NHC social services department? Especially in the current economy, fiscal responsibility by way of 169 15+ yr WBeach 30 -49 Yes decreasing spending is most important to me. The county should have mandatory recycling for all residents by providing containers as the city does. It is unfair for city taxpayers to do their share to extend the life of the landfill while county residents 170 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No toss all their garbage. Hauling garbage to Sampson County is not the answer. There is no "away." County commissioners, show some courage & charge residents of the unincorporated areas for garbage services. 171 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Constitutional rights of home owners. The voters voted to fund the CFCC bond referendum. It should all be 188 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 No spent. Shame on you, Woody White. The county mandated Seitter Acres pay for Cape Fear water & sewer when only 2 septic tanks failed in our neighborhood. We did not vote 189 5 -14 yr Unlnc <30 No to do this expensive project. If the county mandates something, they need to help pay for it in a more substantial way. Seniors on a fixed income have to pay $8k to $12k for it. 84 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 85 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 New Hanover - Wilmington city council needs to get rid of all the 192 5 -14 yr WHIM 75+ No developers & real estate people on the board. Wilmington needs neighborhood public transportation & easy access for non -car owners /drivers (too young to drive, unable to purchase a 193 15+ yr wilm <30 Yes vehicle, too old to drive, unable to drive because of injury). The list goes on & on! 195 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Everyone should have county available! Please consider more parks. We need space for our sports teams, I 196 5-14 yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes soccer, football, lacrosse, etc. New Hanover county, particularly Wilmington, has a significant & 202 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No entrenched underclass. If we could do something about this, it would help with many of the priorities in #12. The answers in question #12 are meaningless — vague, leading, contradictory! Just ask: 1.) education, 2.) crime, 3.) property 204 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 Yes allurement & social programs, 4.) job growth, 5.) environment protection and 6.) lower taxes. Ask us which is our priority? Pay teachers more money, even if you have a school tax for only 208 15+ yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes families with children in school, not retirees, etc. 210 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No I cannot pay more taxes. Fixed income. County government taxes should be allocated to non - profit organizations that provide critical care services to citizens of the 211 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No county. Blue Ribbon Commission, Kids Making It, Carousel Center are examples. A great need that I see for Wilmington is convenient public transportation. I have to travel by foot over 2 miles to catch a bus. I live in the Greenville Loop /Pine Grove /Holly Tree area. We need 213 15+ yr WHIM 30 -49 Yes many more bus stops throughout Wilmington, please! If more convenient, more people might ride the bus instead of so many cars on our streets & cut down on pollution! We need better public transportation so everyone doesn't have to 215 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 Yes own a car & more convenient access to the transportation. Police can't seem to enforce traffic laws & government can't get a 219 15+ yr CBeach 50 -64 No handle on crime. Downtown at night is unsafe. Gangs come here because it's easy. We need to repair our roads. Stop building running trails that only 221 15+ yr CBeach 65 -74 No young people use & do not contribute to property taxes that build & support them. Stop planting trees under electrical wires! Business buildings, schools 224 5-14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No do this. Carolina Beach Road from Monkey Junction to Snow's Cut Bridge is not safe. Make it safer please. It is sometimes impossible to leave my 225 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No development & access CB Road. People drive 70 mph, have been rear ended twice in the last 4 years. Regulate scooters. 226 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Politicians need to police themselves & work for the working people! Crime is a problem. Development off Airline Rd Galleria Shopping 227 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 Yes Center— I am against turning into lots of apartments. Area too congested. Question #12 is a terrible question that will produce no meaningful 229 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No information. The choices are vague & have a great deal of overlap. Without #21 being meaningful #22 is also useless. Provide town hall meetings monthly to provide better 231 15+ yr WHIM No communication for the citizens of the county. 246 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No Water rates are much too high. 85 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 247 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 Yes Need to consolidate with Wilmington. Cut salary of school administrators /CTE department head & increase teacher pay. Get textbooks in schools. Obey laws passed about 251 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 Yes neighborhood schools. Stop busing Dawson St /Mar stellar to Myrtle Grove district. WAVE transit is an embarrassment. Very large buses carrying 1 to 2 people. Why not use small vans or better yet use voucher system to 252 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No reimburse the huge excess or private cab companies to transport current WAVE customers. Please have a scheduled checking of main roads like Wrightsville 253 <5 yr Wilm 65 -74 No Avenue, etc., for checking & repairing potholes. This is another waste of taxpayer money. This could be done via 255 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No computer for lower cost. Most of the county employees I have dealt with are arrogant & 256 <5 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No unfriendly. Use lottery money for schools only, as it was set up for. In the school 257 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No system get rid of half the superintendents & keep the teachers. 260 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Insurance & taxes are driving me out of the county. Tax breaks for older population. Property tax first on the list, not 264 5 -14 yr Unlnc 75+ No being in Wilmington city limits. Prefer the county. 269 15+ yr KBeach 50 -64 No You should have a "prefer not to answer" for #41. We need affordable gated community housing for our senior 270 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No citizens. 271 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No We need to stop Titan from harming our water & air! Keep traffic out of residential neighborhoods that connect major 272 5 -14 yr Wilm 65 -74 No thoroughfares. Enforce speeding citations in residential neighborhoods. Make government more simple by combining county & city 273 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No governments. 275 <5 yr Unlnc 75+ No Please enforce your noise ordinance with motorcycles! Continue to support regional public transportation. Exercise control 277 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No over public utility rates increases (too high, too fast). Disappointed that the county did not provide space for flying model 278 15+ yr WBeach 75+ No aircraft (particularly radio control). It's educational & this activity benefits all age groups, particularly seniors! 280 <5 yr Wilm 75+ No More teachers & more teacher's assistants. Better communication of county business /activity. I only see some 282 5 -14 yr Unlnc 75+ No things in newspaper. Water & sewer service is poor & expensive! New Hanover county must produce a serious economic development 285 <5 yr Wilm 30 -49 Yes effort if the county hopes to compete for high quality companies to relocate & grow here. Tell Woody to keep pressing on budget items, particularly the school 287 15+ yr Uninc 65 -74 No budget issues. Capital expenditures. 288 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No #28 -30 does not list single house + lot. 291 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No Supporting environmental & animal rights. 86 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 87 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 I strongly disagree with budget spending. Too much is spent on law enforcement (especially sheriff), fire & social engineering programs. They do not listen to citizens & abuse citizens through unrealistic property appraisals. Too much money is spent on school administrators & not enough on students. Fix the education system 292 <5 yr KBeach 30 -49 Yes by grouping students by ability. How do I find out results of this survey? Why was the specific nutrition questions asked & why were they asked? Why not carbohydrate intake, Omega 6 intake, wheat, sugar, fruit drinks, etc? Why not questions on satisfaction of citizens on each branch /service offered? We need a recycling drop -off facility in the central part of the city. 294 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 No The existing ones are located too far away. I am an advocate for a clean environment & businesses that 296 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No encourage that. Not fracking, Titan Cement, off shore drilling. I am for film incentives. Please provide more safety for pedestrians, especially college 299 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No students crossing College Rd. Our streets are becoming way to scary. 301 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Careful planning + conservative ideology = long term success. The lack of skill of county employees is appalling. I received a couple of checks & they were unable to tell me what they were for. 302 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Obviously the checks had no info on them to allow me to determine the answer. In private business this would not be tolerated. Need a new county manager!!! New Hanover county & Wilmington have done very little to keep pace with area growth. I understand part of this is due to events in 303 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Raleigh but our infrastructure has passed it's peak. It is not as pleasant living in NHC as it was 15 -20 years ago. County's online presence not very user friendly. Board of Election 307 <5 yr wilm 50 -64 No site very confusing, for instance. The app to find political districts doesn't work well. My income is steadily falling — no "cost of living" increase - & my expenses are exorbitant. Many projects you recommend seem wasteful & unnecessary. Study ways to save & return money to taxpayers. I learned as a child that I couldn't have everything 1 wanted. I don't need "frills." As an ill senior citizen I need my money 309 15+ yr WHIM 75+ No to live on. The county & city seem to look for ways to spend other peoples' money. Tighten your belt. Use your efforts to save & return the savings to taxpayers. So many of your proposals seem absolutely unnecessary & wasteful. Protect sanctity & safety of neighborhoods. Highways are for through traffic. No "connector" streets. Need to lower taxes & insurance rates for families on fixed income & 312 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No retired or freeze them at 2000 rates. Governmental policies are discouraging businesses to locate & grow 323 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 Yes in community (ie: special use permit). Need to attract more quality jobs to community. Please create & publicize opportunities for small businesses to serve 324 <5 yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes New Hanover county. 327 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Cut your spending! 328 5-14 yr wilm 65 -74 No We need more bike paths. No because the government got it — they know everything. Thank 331 15+ yr wilm <30 No you for your wonderful time. Clean up Government Center Drive. You can hardly walk down the 332 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No sidewalk & we have dignitaries visiting there (like the governor). 87 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 88 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Why can't retirement communities be built like Dell Webb 333 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No communities? Everything here is high -rise! We want patio homes, small yards & small HOA requirements. 339 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No Fixed income. Cannot afford more taxes or long term care. 340 15+ yr WBeach 65 -74 No 911 service not good. Taxes too high. Signage for zone awful. Went to meeting & it had been postponed. Sign not changed. If I have to live within a budget so should the 346 15+ yr Wilm 6 No government. The cross city trail which is just in front of where I live is a hazard. The old -boy network still has the power! Improve Market St, add plaza, put all wires underground, landscape. 348 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No Also all main streets. To improve quality of life in New Hanover county please reduce 349 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 Yes regulations, reduce government employees & reduce taxes. Woody is a good person but he should be kicking asses. 352 <5 yr Wilm <30 No Animal control services could use some improvement. I used to work at the health department. Commissioners (except for poor Bryan Berger) are top notch & used to consider us employees. 356 5 -14 yr Wilm 65 -74 No Also greatly appreciated Mr Coudriet having an employee meeting with us & asking for feedback. I gave him suggestions & he was receptive to them. Home windstorm is too high. Taxes are too high. NC is unfriendly to 357 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No retirees. Would you like us to reduce your property tax at the expense of 358 5 -14 yr Wilm 30 -49 Yes something else? YES! You didn't ask if there were specific needs in our community. There 360 5 -14 yr 65 -74 No are & they are a bike path along Middle Sound Loop & fire hydrants along Middle Sound Loop. 364 5 -14 yr Wilm 65 -74 No I am concerned about income disparity & child poverty in our county. We chose Wilmington because of it's medical facilities & because it's 365 5-14 yr Wilm 75+ No a lovely city near the ocean. 367 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No Would like pick up of yard waste in county. There is a need to improve walking & biking in the county. This will provide alternative modes of transport & improve the quality of life. 368 5 -14 yr Wilm 30 -49 No Also need to encourage mixed use developments that have services to encourage sustainable development. The first thing executive & professional people look for when 372 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No relocating is good schools for their children. Although literacy is an important issue I believe this would be 380 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No accomplished if we put funds into our schools & family support systems. It would be nice to see sales tax increase occasionally & not always 381 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No property tax. As a retiree our income is stagnant at best. 386 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No This town & county caters to the wealthy. County commissioners should be more concerned with protecting the quality of living of the residents than pleasing contractors when 387 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No they want to develop land that's near residential areas. It appears that the county commissioners support those who will financially support their political interests. 388 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No Fix roads. Bring back film jobs. It would be nice if more real businesses came to NHC. Not retail but 390 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No industries. 88 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 89 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Do not increase taxes & provide roadways to accommodate 391 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No community growth. Can the county think about building apartments for the disabled who 392 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No are on a fixed income? 394 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Connect existing sidewalks. More bike paths. No mention of traffic. No mention of consolidation of city & county 397 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No services. 398 15+ yr 75+ No Stop spending on consultants, IE: baseball stadium. 401 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No Transportation. I'm extremely upset with the amount of money (tax) spent by county representatives on personal & family while "working" out of town /state. There should be specific amounts allotted to spend daily 404 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No when representing NHC while on business out of town /state or representing NHC elsewhere. The amount does not include family ever. That should be out of pocket. Our taxes are too high. Services are poor for what we pay (poor value). Local government is very inefficient. Schools are poor quality 405 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No but throwing more money at them won't fix them. We need to do everything possible to get parents to do their part & concentrate on fundamentals. Teach skills, facts & thinking skills. Please investigate inordinate number of county employees with handicap parking permits. They use them for preferred parking, particularly downtown. Also, eliminate the "honor system" time 408 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No sheets. It is being widely abused. Use electronic methods. Reinstate temporary service time for employees, unfair & illegal deprivation of benefits. Stop abuse of county phones & vehicles for personal use. It is so hard to keep neighborhood looking good. Hard to get zoning. Linda Painter & ( ?) Perry (nuisance — sheriff's department) to enforce 409 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No laws. Need more control over sheriff's department. We have no street lights, water or septic. Only paying taxes on land on which house is located. I think all the early voting places should have been open starting 10/23/14 rather than just one. It seems like it was trying to make 410 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No voting more difficult for voters who walk. Only 1 place was open on Saturday this year. 416 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No Put sidewalks in Wendover, Ogden. 417 5 -14 yr uninc 50 -64 No I love living here. The county needs to work on continuous improvement through interaction & involving employees to improve processes & 418 15+ yr WHIM 65 -74 No procedures. This could very easily make department better & save tax dollars at the same time. 422 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No Why don't we put prayer back in school? 423 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No Please continue to support the schools! Traffic is terrible. Roads are not sufficient & yet more & more 425 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No multifamily buildings are approved. Questions #1 - #16 are somewhat difficult to answer. For residents of the city of Wilmington: ambiguous jurisdictional functions, 429 15+ yr WHIM 75+ No overlapping responsibilities, etc. Often confusing. The best example is streets & roads — state, county or city ? ?? I believe New Hanover county has quite a bit of potential. I would be 432 5 -14 yr Wilm 30 -49 No willing to pay more taxes to improve the community & overall quality of life. 89 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 90 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 I just voted to improve transportation in Wilmington, a priority in a 433 5-14 yr wilm 50 -64 No previous survey. I'd like more cooperation between city & county. 439 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Interest in the city /county consolidation —yes. I believe that the economic vitality of the community is directly linked to careful planning, preservation of natural resources & 446 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No aesthetics. The biggest economic powerhouses in our state, Raleigh /Durham /Chapel Hill & Charlotte recognize this. #28 is ridiculous! Where is the typical suburban home for incomes 447 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No listed in #41 under $75k. Where is choice to select more county parks? 452 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Please consolidate NHC services /governance with Wilmington! I love living in Wilmington but we have many issues that must be dealt with as a community. The cost of living is too high. Our rentals & prices too purchase a home do not allow for working class to live outside of our low SES, minority areas downtown. We seem to think 453 15+ yr WHIM 30 -49 No that because we have the beach we can overcharge our constituents. This issue is relative to our high crime rates. It is a shame that I do not feel safe outside, anywhere, at night. We have done a terrible job handling our crime here & the social issues that perpetuate it. 458 15+ yr KBeach 75+ No Do not care for surveys. They are a waste of time. No one listens. You need to improve the inspections department. They initially "lost" 459 <5 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No my plans & took an unacceptable amount of time to approve them once "found." Put a parking lot for the city trail at Rogers ville & Eastwood. Get 462 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No killed walking down Rogersville just to get to the trail! After making an inquiry to the county we never received a response regarding the property of the business are 51 on Old Wrightsboro 467 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No Rd. No one contacted the residential homeowner next door regarding the business & the concern of pollutants & water contaminants. Traffic is major problem. How about overpasses at very busy 469 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No intersections? Over 20 years traffic has increase x10 in area I live & travel. I have seen accidents almost daily. Littering is awful too! Why deny building permits to housing developments due to over capacity of Market St., then approve WalMart & now another 474 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No "upscale" grocery store? This really shows little interest in quality of life for affected residents. We love Wilmington & are very happy with it's governance & it's 476 5 -14 yr wilm 65 -74 No emphasis on & preservation of our historic past while being modern & up to date. 479 <5 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No How additional housing developments affect school capacities. 480 5 -14 yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes Stop Titan Cement!! 485 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 Yes More money to schools! The schools are a disgrace & teacher pay & incentives are an 486 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No embarrassment. Roads & bridges need upgrading. Wilmington has such potential but is a hodgepodge the way it's going. Do not let contractors build until you have the roads & traffic under control. Ogden to Porter's Neck is a complete mess & you allowed a 488 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No WalMart to build ?? Use common sense. WalMart is fine, but the traffic does not warrant this. 492 15+ yr wilm 75+ No Taxes are too high. 90 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 91 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Please make the quality education of our youth a top priority. Very unhappy with the current school board & many of the decisions they 498 15+ yr unlnc 30 -49 Yes make. Also unhappy with the WalMart going up in the northern end of the county. Retail development should not trump the building of new schools & infrastructure improvements. Heighten level of accountability on county commissioners /executives 503 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No of the county on travel & expense related items. 504 15+ yr wilm 75+ No What are you looking for in this poll? Why are city resident county taxes so darn high? I pay for city police & county residents law enforcement. I pay for city roads & county roads. I should not pay for county administration — zero, nothing. 1 should only pay for one administration. Please stop the double 506 15+ yr WHIM 65 -74 Yes taxation for city residents. My county taxes pay for county resident services. Should I pay welfare in the form of county resident services? NO! County taxes should be adjusted immediately for city residents. I would like to see more walking /bike paths, better pedestrian road crossings, spruce up & add landscaping in median between NJK & 508 5 -14 yr CBeach 50 -64 No Carolina Beach Bridge. I would also like to feel safer when visiting Wilmington. Crime is a problem. Compared nationally this county seems to have a low wage (wage 509 <5 yr wilm 30 -49 No depressed) economy for blue collar workers. I'd like, if possible, to see the local government address this. 510 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No We need more city /county shared services. Make it easier for NHC residents to recycle. Save the landfill. Don't 521 15+ yr unlnc 50 -64 No allow all these political signs in the landfill either! Why do we waste money on dual governments & services on the smallest county in the state when one of each world work perfectly 523 15+ yr unlnc 65 -74 No well for all & leave the beaches to run their own governments functions for they are better at their needs. Biggest growing problems are crime, infrastructure, & traffic 524 15+ yr wilm 75+ No congestion. The biggest problem future generations will face is population 525 5 -14 yr KBeach 65 -74 No growth. No matter what NHC plans America will need a policy on population growth. 526 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 Yes Tell the county manager to get his head out of his ass! County commissioners do a great job, especially Woody White & 530 15+ yr wilm 75+ No Padgett. 531 5 -14 yr wilm 65 -74 No Thanks for the survey. I would like to share the fact that I think the salary range is not in line with the economy for this area. The concern of management positions getting large salary increases while the blue collar staff 532 15+ yr unlnc 50 -64 No struggle to feed their families should be investigated to find a solution to a fairer way to even the playing field financially. Accountability for government workers. Wish we had a highrise bridge in Wilmington. Need a county 534 15+ yr unlnc 65 -74 No recreational program in Wrightsboro or Castle Hayne, or North Chase area. Stop throwing money at gang problems. It doesn't help. Stop the 535 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No meeting & talking about it. Get out there & do something. Board of commissioners only represent real estate & business 538 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No interests. 539 <5 yr Wilm 1 65 -74 No More bike paths! 91 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 92 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Too much crime in Wilmington for such a small town. Don't feel safe 542 <5 yr CBeach 50 -64 No there. In the coming years there will be jobs. Who should get these jobs? 547 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No Americans, legals with green cards or illegals? Insurance rates (wind & hail) are too high. County should work with NC state insurance commissioner to keep them down or lower. Very 552 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No hard to figure out who to call with wild animal problems. Seems like health issue, but you call them & they just say no, they don't offer to send you to correct phone number. Signs to your office buildings are very poorly placed & puzzling 554 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No /largely unexplained (all over the county)! 556 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No When are you going to work for the people? 557 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Room occupancy taxes should not go to convention center! Housing should not be extended to more than (3) unrelated parties. 563 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No The Quad Plan is bad unless sufficient parking is provided. The county & city will develop new slums if not careful. 564 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No The city of Wilmington is building too many apartments. I wish we had more opportunities to dispose of hazardous waste, eg paint. I am concerned about the Board of Elections requiring UNCW 568 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No on- campus residents being required to know the dorm street address. College students should be encouraged to vote. 571 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 Yes Please continue to promote FILM! My vocation since I moved here in 1985 has been to help facilitate the growth that the county has experienced since the early 1980's & 572 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 Yes I really feel a connection to the area accordingly, in that I've been involved in the construction of roads, bridges, the airport, landfill and more. The biggest issue for many of us are the lack of good paying jobs in 573 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 No New Hanover county. The poor state of our schools is also tragic. 578 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No No cement plant please. Concerned about excess development near environmentally sensitive areas, ie S Rohr Flytrap Garden, Halyburton. Traffic & 580 5 -14 yr WHIM 30 -49 Yes to dangers on Market Street between 17 &Colonial. Incentives to Titan Cement not okay. Gang violence & crime near downtown. As the county has grown not enough attention has been paid to ease of getting around, both by private vehicles & mass transportation. 583 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No Roads are not adequate to meet demands of traffic. Need more bike /foot trails in southern part of county. Political info is sparse at best. Candidates should respond to issues of 585 15+ yr wilm 75+ No current interest in the community & how they would address them. Regarding #12 & 13. 1 strongly believe in a strong vocational program for the children of this county. If a child is taught a skill & learns the 587 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No feeling of earning money & being a contributing member of our society, many of these other issues will solve themselves. CFPUA merger has not shown lower costs or better services. Stop fire 588 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No merger talks. Will not be productive. Only empire building by fire officials. Please stop putting medians where there used to be turn lanes. You 589 15+ yr Unlnc 30 -49 No are causing traffic congestion & inconvenience. 591 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No Fix the roads before adding more apartments & businesses. You made a real mistake when you did not keep & upgrade the trash 593 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No incinerator. You should have figured out the cost of shipping our trash somewhere else before you destroyed the facility. 92 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 595 15+ yr wilm 75+ No Our roads are terrible & getting worse. They need your attention! 596 <5 yr wilm 75+ No Better zoning. Communities are mixed residence & business. 599 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Need better boating access in the northern part of the county. 600 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No Online would be easier for you & me. Wife did not get this. Don't approve of money spent on bike trails. Don't see much use. 601 15+ yr wilm 75+ No Why not put sidewalks in neighborhood so seniors 75+ have a place to walk? We need the cross city trail to be included in Shipyard Blvd connecting with 17th Street. Our schools need more gym space. I'm 604 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 Yes voting for the 2014 bond! We need to build a city that is more family friendly. I am disappointed in our elected officials. New Hanover county has many issues & they have not been addressed. I cannot believe our 605 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No county tax dollars went to the legal defense of trying to get Burgaw out. That money could have been used much more effectively. Against Titan. New Hanover county has not planned properly. 608 5 -14 yr Unlnc 75+ No Example is the new super Walmart being built on north 17th St. Traffic is awful and getting worse! Marathons /triathlons should be conducted with less negative impact 609 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No on county. This is a great place to live. City government does a great job. Biggest 614 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No problem I see is traffic which is due to a great thing — growth. CFPUA has not saved me money. Business & developers don't pay 618 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No their fair share of impact. Not enough thought into protecting the natural habitat & visual aspects of NHC. The air in Wilmington /New Hanover county is often stinky, more so lately it seems. I've heard this is caused by paper plant in 619 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No Riegelwood. True? Can the county do something about it? Our business- and tourism - friendly reputation won't be sustained with bad air. The special use permit is an obstacle to economic development & 620 15+ yr WHIM 75+ No jobs which contribute to our tax base. 623 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No Merge government (all) with the city. Teach bible in schools, Pray in schools. Hang Ten Commandments in 624 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No every school. Forget everything secular. Teach creation in schools or remove teaching evolution. A great place to live with lots of potential. Greater resources are 626 <5 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No needed for education starting with pre -k with more emphasis on trade /vocational training to attract more industry. Improve customer service at the tax office & building department. 627 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 Yes Both departments are not market driven. A new bridge from Brunswick to Wilmington well below current Cape Fear bridge so south Brunswick residents & south New Hanover 629 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No residents could connect for jobs & please, LESS noise & stress on Cape Fear bridges & Wilmington! 634 <5 yr wilm 65 -74 No Keep Titan out. Wish politicians made financially what we do & they could work 637 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No together for the good of the community. Please get the 140 connector to Brunswick done! Wider pathways. A Hugh McRae park. Street sweepers working at 638 <5 yr wilm 50 -64 Yes night. A full center turning lane on Gordon Road. Hire more sheriffs. LED lighting. 93 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 94 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 In recent news interviews & questions about receipts the county manager excused them all as "cost of doing business "! Where, NYC? Seems arrogant! Also CFPVA is out of control. Why is there no 640 15+ yr uninc 30 -49 Yes questions about actual services? Instead of how many times did you "eat veggies" that were not fried? Really? This survey seems slanted! It is a shame that taxpayers had to pay for this as well. 643 5 -14 yr uninc 50 -64 Yes Would like more electronics recycling days (free). Our roads are in disrepair. Too many apartment -type housing. 646 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Department of transportation too slow in their work. We need more transportation alternatives. 652 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Do you think a survey is a true way to gain insight? I don't. None of NHC business what we eat! Is not government business to 654 <5 yr CBeach 50 -64 No ask questions about what occurs in our home! I almost threw this in the trash! The entry to Wilmington looks terrible. Common areas at overpasses 656 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No & road medians look awful & unkempt. Pitiful & shameful. I would like to be informed about ways to participate in the community more often, eg the NHC Arboretum, Cape Fear museums, 658 5 -14 yr uninc 65 -74 No NHC Historical Assoc & other worthwhile organizations. To paraphrase the famous line in Field of Dreams, "If you tell them, they will come." Include Castle Hayne in the city. Too rural & should never be 662 15+ yr uninc 75+ No incorporated. No leaders, poorly educated. Stop spending my money on social "programs." No public funding for sports facilities. Cut regulations. No annexing. Cut government 663 15+ yr uninc 65 -74 No employees in half. Lower water /sewer costs. How about taking some laws off the books? 664 5 -14 yr wilm 65 -74 No Good job on this survey. The sheriff's department does a great job. Would like to see more sidewalks /trails & ways for pedestrians to 671 5 -14 yr Unlnc 75+ No cross busy streets. Please improve traffic & driving conditions. Put bike paths 673 Unlnc 50 -64 Yes everywhere! Get rid of Chris Caudriet. Only using New Hanover county for a 675 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No stepping stone to another job. Benefits for charities are usually too costly for many people to 676 5 -14 yr 75+ No participate. If the county would publish a list of volunteer opportunities & who to 677 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No contact with phone or email, more residents might volunteer to help. 680 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 Yes Halyburton Park is great! Need more like it. City council wasted money on researching baseball & buying Inland 686 5-14 yr wilm 75+ No Greens. Great job at muni! 689 15+ yr uninc 65 -74 No Build bypasses & repair roads. I belong to environmental support groups that combine purposes named in #22 (education, advocacy, outdoor recreation), including Cape Fear River Watch, Sierra Club, Coastal Federation, Coastal Land Trust, Audubon, Friends of Airlie Gardens, etc. County staff (sheriff, 694 15+ yr uninc 65 -74 No environmental services, social services, library, school personnel, parks, deeds, planning, etc) do a great job. County commissioners do not. They need to support a responsible system to deal with recycling & other solid waste, establish an effective materials recovery facility (combined public /private). 695 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No The problem of gangs. 94 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 95 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Next survey ask traffic suggestions current /future. Service roads? Synchronize traffic lights? Please issue public report. Few years ago lost /unaccounted school computers & the solution to prevent recurrence. How? County tracks /accounts for equipment in school 696 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No system & other county owned equipment. Please issue public report how to improve accountability, frugal, cost efficient CFPU. Please public report of this survey. Newspaper & local TV news. NO TAX INCREASE. I truly believe that the damage done by the NCGA over the last two years will affect NHC in a negative way. We need to attract companies & by turning "back the clock" we will not attract them to 698 <5 yr Wilm 30 -49 No our beautiful NHC. Also, losing so much future business from the movie industry "takes away" one of the most unique & "cool" characteristics from our identity. I would like to see more planning to avoid the terrible traffic on Market Street & other areas, like 17th St Ext. I would like for our leaders to save money, improve our schools, preserve our beautiful 700 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No trees, clean up the downtown area. We have too many bars, tattoo parlors & seedy characters downtown. Our river front is beautiful but not the atmosphere. 707 15+ yr KBeach 6 No Can we do something about public transportation? I'm relatively new here & as yet not familiar with NHC & it's 710 <5 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No programs. County -wide recycling program. Bike trails /routes. Get citizens 711 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No exercising, decrease traffic & pollution. 713 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No Thank you for all your hard work! Please insure county staff are more "environmentally conscious" 714 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No when awarding zoning or development rights. There were no questions about our (failed) economic development program. I am not sure about your question about services so I did not answer. 715 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No I guess I need more specifics. 717 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No Connect bike trails. Lack of safe bike trails. 726 5 -14 yr WBeach 75+ No Thank you for wanting my input! Not in favor of bond issues. I think sales tax income is a more 728 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No uniform way to raise money. We need to keep the film industry in Wilmington. It has an enormous 729 <5 yr Unlnc <30 No economic impact on our great area. 730 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Better roads. Upgrade roads that are not in state system but are still open & used 732 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No by all. Why does New Hanover county force expensive, unneeded and /or 733 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No unnecessary services on it's citizenry in the name of fairness & public good? The county should not allow more housing developments until 739 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No streets /roads are improved to handle the traffic. Eastwood Road & side streets entering — not enough stoplights. 741 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No Medians are dangerous. New Hanover county can't even put in speed bumps or signs to slow traffic at Kensington & Wilmington Christian Academy. NC DOT 745 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No leaves the entrance at MLK a disgrace to one of the most renowned areas of coastal Carolina! Bev Perdue wasted 200 million in the pockets of the city of Wilmington. 95 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 96 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Good survey. Publish the results & then tell us what action will be 750 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No taken when derived from this survey. Survey is based on volunteerism & expansion. Our desire is for a 752 15+ yr wilm 75+ No stable community. We do not feel that government is responsible to be involved in many of the areas that are questioned. I would rather see an increase in sales tax as opposed to increase in 754 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No property tax. Let everyone pay their fair share. 755 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Taxes are ridiculous. Park the non - income, no revenue producing city buses. They are a 762 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No major waste of taxpayers money. The operate with less than 10% riders all day long. We need to focus on services that help more people (like road repair 763 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No & rapid transit) rather than those that benefit the vocal minority (parks & walkways). Glad to see a consolidated water & sewer authority. Hope the city & 765 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No county fire departments are next, then maybe police departments? My main disagreement with this council is the total lack of care for the environment in wooing businesses. Titan is the prime & 771 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No unforgivable example. Secondly the emphasis by county & city government on increasing density wherever possible is pleasing only to real estate interests & not to us, the residents. Make better use of current tax dollars. Money should be spent in 773 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No county, not just city! More sidewalks, more bike paths, more free spay & neuter clinics 775 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No (for animals)! Schools, libraries, parks & other educational & recreational spaces 779 5-14 yr wilm 30 -49 Yes are very important to me. 780 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 Yes Woody is doing a great job! 781 <5 yr wilm 75+ No I have been a resident in NC for only 14 months. We do not need more houses until roads & schools can be 782 5 -14 yr wilm 65 -74 No built /improved to accommodate more people. We need to improve our public schools in NHC, including more 785 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 Yes language immersion opportunities K -12. 786 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 No We need more affordable housing in New Hanover county. Please address congestion & repairs needed in our schools & on our 787 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No streets. We will gladly pay for these necessities. It's hard to support until our county is able to handle it! Would like sidewalks built in Pine Valley that were promised 30 years 788 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No ago! Why is there no minimum standard housing policy for the county? 1 789 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No really do not think elected officials really care about anything or anybody but themselves. Stop all wasteful spending. Review county employee personnel 790 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No levels, realize that's where there is no more money to spend & cut back. 796 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No County offices need to give better records of their spending. 797 5 -14 yr 50 -64 No Gay and married. Please do not ask the property owner to bear the cost of schools & transportation (bond issues). Consider a small sales tax increase. The lottery was supposed to take care of buildings for schools & new 800 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No construction. Always borrowing for these is not a good practice. Do some project each year & not 4 or 5 at the same time requiring large sums of money. 96 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 97 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Department of Revenue personnel are atrocious. Rude, lazy, 805 5 -14 yr Uninc 50 -64 No incompetent, dishonest, greedy; both in person & by mail. "F" is my grade for them. Road construction issues. Need wider paved lanes & better 808 5-14 yr Wilm 50 -64 No asphalt /tar. Better & more signs (lanes, street names). Need for better roads & transportation options besides a personal 809 <5 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No car. Consolidate city /county where economically feasible. Building 810 15+ yr Uninc 75+ No restrictions should require less dense structure growth. New Hanover county is a county trying to behave like a city. STOP! 812 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No Either consolidate with the city of Wilmington or go back to providing only basic county services. Need to improve the entrance for the south (Brunswick County) into 817 5 -14 yr Wilm 50 -64 Yes the city. The street scape looks terrible! 821 5 -14 yr Uninc 75+ No Development & growth are not intrinsically good for quality of living. Would love to see another dog park in the area. Increase green 824 5 -14 yr wilm 65 -74 No space downtown. Increase crosswalks, especially Holly Tree Rd & South College. New Hanover county is not proactive in operating, maintaining or replacing major infrastructure. They also frequently rezone & change 830 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No density in areas when pressured by developers & money impacting communities, traffic & not having adequate infrastructure to support such as schools, water /sewer, roads & employment opportunities. Too much trash on roadway. Lack of mowing abandoned homes, 847 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No trailers, cars & boats unsightly. N HC doesn't have a lot of good paying jobs but yet you have people 848 15+ yr Uninc 65 -74 No that don't want the Titan Co here. Is it a lack of money that not more streets are being paved? 41st 856 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No Street is terrible! 860 5 -14 yr WBeach 65 -74 No Need to fix road conditions & traffic issues. Might be useful to ask if person taking survey worked for NHC in any 863 15+ yr Uninc 65 -74 No manner. I am an elected official, so I work part time, for example. Gangs are a frightening reality in Wilmington. Gang crime & drug 875 15+ yr KBeach 65 -74 No crimes keep many citizens on edge. Never without vigilance. The votes taken by the technical review committee within the Planning Department on planning & zoning issues by giving equal 876 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No weight to representatives from non - interested or uninvolved entities, eh soil conservation & fire department. What do these questions have to do with good government? 877 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No Questions #15 & 16 are important. Many roads need attention & need to be repaved. What is the 878 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No purpose of the islands near the intersections on Wattmoor? That roads need to be fixed or repaved. Cape Fear public utility authority is non - responsive to complaints & 879 5-14 yr Wilm 50 -64 No exhibits arrogance in dealing with customers. 881 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No Traffic! 882 <5 yr Wilm 30 -49 No Ban fracking. Label or ban GMO's. Education should be our highest priority & it should be for all 886 15+ yr WBeach 65 -74 No children in the county & it needs the county support. 97 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 98 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 I think that money doesn't always fix everything, especially the school systems. A lot starts at home. I also don't like the way we treat firemen & police authorities. The people that criticize should do 887 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No those jobs just one time & they would look at things differently & think they need to be paid a lot more for risking their lives every day to protect us & save lives. The top priority for New Hanover county should be to work with the 888 15+ yr wilm 75+ No city of Wilmington to become consolidated. Many county residents do not realize that city citizens also pay county taxes. 890 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No We need jobs for the underclass (those who are struggling). Do away with charter schools. Put that wasted money back where it 895 15+ yr wilm belongs, in public education. The accident rate for NHC is one of the highest in NC. County needs a 903 15+ yr WBeach 75+ No program to improve this. I am very concerned with the land clearing & building of apartment & single family homes that is currently happening along 17th St & Masonboro Loop Rd. The roads are so overly congested & I feel like 904 15+ yr KBeach 30 -49 No the approval of these projects is going to create population growth beyond what our county can handle. I am glad I live in Kure Beach. I wish I never had to leave the island. Commutes are miserable. I live in Wrightsville Sound /Airlie Rd area & feel city & county 911 5-14 yr wilm 50 -64 Yes attention to needs for our area is poor. 912 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No Please provide leadership & common sense. Too many give away programs. Put people to work. We worked for 917 5 -14 yr Wilm 75+ No everything we have. Too much waste in government. Why do we need all the politicians? Paid for nothing. Too high taxes. 921 <5 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Wish for more job opportunities. Please stop election signs along our roads, especially ones repeated 922 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No over & over again. Woody White — your article about supporting the school bond 927 5 -14 yr wilm 65 -74 No disgusted me. Our schools need help now! Why is there not a question about community involvement with 930 5 -14 yr Wilm 75+ No UNCW & CFCC & their services. Most of my community involvement is there & their growth is driving our economy. Please protect our quality of life & vital source of our economy by 931 5 -14 yr wilm 65 -74 No encouraging business that is healthy for our environment & does not pollute. I am very much opposed to Titan & ashamed that our local 935 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 Yes government has not listened to it's citizens on this issue. Although we need more industry here I do not think Titan is a good 940 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No company to have here. Add bus service to Wrightsville Beach. Parking very limited & $2.00 944 <5 yr wilm 65 -74 No per hour = becoming "exclusive" community. Way to increase county revenue? Higher tax on cigarettes. County wide trash collection or trash drop off locations through the 947 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No county. Green space, trails, parks, etc. are nice for a thriving economy. More money should be spent on services, safety & security, infrastructure. Academics not athletics, encouraging industrial growth which brings 949 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No better paying jobs. Stop the money handouts & entitlement programs, drug test entitlement recipients, spend tax dollars more wisely. Eliminate government waste. 98 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 99 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 We are very much behind in planning for mass transit. Electric trains 950 15+ yr wilm 75+ No for lower carbon dioxide output. 953 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No Why bother? 957 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Stop rampant building. Roads cannot handle traffic volume. I identify as a Wilmington resident, not a county resident & would not have moved here if the city & UNCW were not here. I think the 959 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No city /county should merge & Wilmington should be the local government. I would like to know why NH county does not offer to help pay the cost of water & sewer lines in parts of the county that still are using wells & septic systems. These people have been paying taxes for 961 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 Yes years when the county paid the full price (except for the individual hook -up fees). Just because the county farmed out these services to the "non- profit" CFPUA does not mean that NH county should not continue to pay to install the main lines. Would be great if schools offered night classes or weekends at 964 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No nominal cost, ie crafts, how to do, etc. This is done up north & very successful. 965 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Do not allow the city to annex any more land. The government should restrict high density housing development. Apartment buildings & condos are being built everywhere & the 966 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No county does not have the infrastructure to support this high density development (roads, sewer, water, schools). Also, environmental laws should be stricter & strictly enforced. No palm - greasing! The current flood zone that our home is in prevents us from selling 975 5-14 yr wilm 75+ No our home. We need help. 984 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No Turn lane at Alderman school. Bike path in New Hanover county. Public pool in the southern part of 989 5 -14 yr CBeach 50 -64 No the county. Funding computers /technology in the school bond issue is NUTS over 991 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No 20 years, because the technology will be obsolete in 12 months! There is not an easy way to cross north to south in Wilmington. We 992 15+ yr 50 -64 No need road from Monkey Junction to 1 -40. there needs to be a bike lane along Myrtle Grove Rd from 993 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Masonboro Loop to Carolina Beach Rd. Much use & road is very narrow. Accident waiting to happen! Very dangerous! Very disappointed in the way tax dollars are used & valued. When housing values tanked the rate wasn't reduced & remained the same based on 2007 valuations. The city of Wilmington uses the tax payer for an ATM machine. They should run the government as we have to 994 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No as an individual. The Wilmington mayor is an example of conflict of interest with his real estate. The Sheriff (even though we are not Democrats) is probably the best I have ever seen in all the cities I have lived in! Private communities (not gated) need more visibility from the sheriff's department. Tired of hearing our streets are private — there 995 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No is nothing more to be done! We paid for our streets & we pay for all the taxes (school, sheriff's dept). Revamp the sheriff's dept to include more protection from all violations regarding safety in communities. 997 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 Yes Quit wasting money. We want county commissioners to be open to everything! Trying to 998 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No cut out schools & the community college is a crime! Incumbents need to get in the middle! 99 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 999 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Why don't we make our schools better by teaching them the bible? High speed rail to Raleigh /Durham is needed including right of ways. Medical facilities are strongly improving. Response to home break - ins is very poor because most effort goes into murder & drugs (as it should). It's not a good county for industrial development in spite of 1000 15+ yr wilco 75+ No strong post -high school educational offerings. The future is not on the beaches. Support rehab of the inner city but locate baseball away from the river. The high volume of 3 high condos is a bad strategic plan. Why are you sending out a survey that costs New Hanover taxpayers 1004 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No money only to pay a business in Fender County? I'm not impressed with Mr Coudriet nor the job he is doing. Additionally the sheriff's department seems to be top heavy with 1005 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No poor money management & accountability. The commissioners should pay closer attention to the sheriff's budget. I would like to see slower speed limits in some areas! Eliminate those scooters or make them get a license & insurance! Make the police enforce more traffic violations & teach them to use their turn signals 1006 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No while driving a police or sheriff car. Do we save money by the police taking home their patrol cars? Seeing a police car in my neighborhood does not deter a criminal or vandal. 1008 15+ yr wilm 75+ No Get water & sewer in whole county! 1012 5 -14 yr 6 65 -74 Yes Stop the high homeowner insurance rates! Need more people answering phones at governments offices so that 1017 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No you don't have to listen to recordings over & over again. 1021 5 -14 yr Uninc 75+ No Very disappointed in the Brian Berger debacle. 1024 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Why did you ask about fruit & vegetables? Terrible traffic control during Ironman Triathlon for neighborhoods 1025 <5 yr Uninc 75+ No trying to access Market St or Military Cutoff! Please find another route! Why are you using a Pender county research service? 1026 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No Stop wasting time & get something done. Make a decision. Consolidation will be supported if jobs are eliminated! If we 1027 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No consolidate to improve duplicate jobs should be eliminated! We need better jobs & better pay in the ILM. I've given up because pay is so low & I have 2 college degrees. Also environment is my #2 concern here & we are far behind many states & drastic changes 1032 5 -14 yr Unlnc 30 -49 No need to be made to go green & preserve /protect our environment, natural resources & the wildlife within it. We have to leave some land for wildlife & protect our oceans. Jobs may be #1 but this is still very important! County needs to plan & build roads & streets before building new 1034 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No commercial entities like WalMart. Do not consolidate fire & rescue. Should not have done away with 1035 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No fire department. Cape Fear public utilities need to answer to the people of county. They are out of control (total bureaucracy). Police city & county are too confrontational to citizens, maybe even 1038 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No to the extent of marshal law. 1046 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 No I feel we are being overtaxed & not represented correctly. 1052 5 -14 yr wilm 75+ No Too high real estate taxes. You will end up with my house eventually. / 100 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 / 101 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Totally opposed to government borrowing money! Schools & parks should be financed "as you go." As county grows, tax percentage 1053 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No (property tax) should drop & total budget should increase less than expected revenues, were taxes unchanged. Natural consequence of economics of scale. At least 10 years ago my area was promised a park & a library. To date NHC's answer is that they will extend Castle Hayne park & put in little wooden library book boxes. There are housing developments & a lot of tax money being paid in my area but we get nothing for our 1057 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No taxes paid, not even trash service. Taxation without representation is what it feels like living in unincorporated New Hanover county. What can a library book box 5 miles from my home in Castle Hayne park do for my community? Too many contractors flooding the area with housing & commercial 1060 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No projects. Please add veterans groups to your survey for organizations to 1061 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No donate or support. 1062 <5 yr Unlnc 50 -64 Yes Boost our economy. More jobs please, even part time jobs. Spend the voted for money in Battle Park & we need more boat 1064 5 -14 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No ramps. The roads are beginning to be repaired & redone. They are long 1069 5 -14 yr Wilm 50 -64 No overdue. There are many more that need to be attended to. Two major concerns. Crime downtown keeps citizens away. Highway 1071 5 -14 yr Wilm 65 -74 No infrastructure needs immediate attention to mitigate traffic issues. For traffic issues please get planners out of the office certain hours 1073 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No so they can be aware of NHC issues! Have you tried to deal with the inspection & zoning people? It is a 1081 15+ yr CBeach 50 -64 No joke! Who wants to deal with people who cannot be truthful? Put a moratorium on new construction. Too much traffic, too few 1082 15+ yr Wilm 75+ No bike paths. the county needs to distribute tax dollars equally throughout NHC. 1083 15+ yr CBeach 30 -49 No The southern end of NHC does not receive it's fair share of tax funds. Our educational system is very important to the future of NHC. So is 1094 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No the presence of the film industry. We need more opportunities for job in NHC. Grants for small 1098 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No businesses. Help for UNCW business school. New expansion at UNCW in engineering & medical field /med school. Quality of life in a community is often affected by fixed expenses. 1099 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No The county has continually ignored the need to rein in utility costs. Rehab vacant industrial areas for homeless, creating employment & 1101 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No safe habitat for adults & families. On #12, a, b & c should not have been included with others!— They 1103 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No are givens to be addressed! Why have we not lobbied Raleigh to accept the ACPO /Medicare /Medicaid expansion for the voting public's benefit? 1107 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No Why no real minimum wage ordinance? Why is it that after 70+ years we are beginning to improve water & sewage (in spite of the "combined regional water & sewage" regrouping)? My wife & I were on vacation during the last election & we requested absentee ballots. I received mine & voted but my wife 1108 <5 yr Wilm 65 -74 No never received hers. I called voters office & they said they were both sent on the same day. My wife was denied the privilege of voting. Was this a dirty trick by a biased employee? / 101 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 102 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Traffic is a problem that effects life quality. Lights are not completely in line & business is hurt because people avoid areas to stay out of 1110 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No traffic! I moved here in October 1977. Traffic has ruined much of the quality of life here! 1111 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 Stop Titan. It will simply ruin northern New Hanover county. Encouragement of retail outlets (Express, 9 -West, Tommy Bahama, etc.) akin to Charleston would be a boon for downtown as well as no 1112 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No additional fee increases or confusion in paid parking spaces. A downtown park along the northern waterfront with an amphitheater similar to Norfolk, though on a smaller scale, would be a plus also. Frustrated with lack of high quality employers being attracted to one 1113 <5 yr CBeach 50 -64 Yes of the most beautiful regions in the county. Do they all have to go to the triangle? Bicycle & running paths to link up with the city paths can encourage 1115 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No a healthy life style. Catch up with the city! 1116 15+ yr wilm <30 No We want constant government. Low taxes. 1117 <5 yr wilm 65 -74 No I live downtown. We really don't need another Walmart but who's listening? 1124 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No Obviously none of the county commissioners live near where they're being built! A lot of money is spent on studies with little useful information as result. Look at clear cutting near Halyburton Park. No plan for 1125 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No environmental factors. They could have done a better job & county could have required monitoring of trees, water, dirt, etc. I am concerned that the county is going liberal instead of 1128 15+ yr Unlnc 75+ No conservative. Look at Washington. This is a sign to us of what happens when government goes liberal. I can see that county government is trying to self - evaluate & 1132 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 Yes improve, which is good. We have lots of work left to do in this regard. Keep trying & we will support you. We do not need a county and city government . It is nothing but a waste of money to keep someone employed. New Hanover property 1136 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No taxes are way over board. I have a water view lot in Fender County and plan to build and move there in the next year. 1138 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No n/a I would like to know much more about the adoption and implementation of the Garner Report; I believe strongly that the management and execution of the County's (and city's) Economic Development initiatives should be controlled by a County hired and controlled staff person; I believe the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan should form the foundation for all land use and policy and updated 1140 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No regularly (every 6 years), including zoning; I believe aquifer, surface and watershed protection is critical and under no circumstances should any decisions be made by staff and /or elected officials that could or do harm to our water supply; I believe that all land use plans and submissions should first and foremost "Do NO Harm" to our natural resources especially our coastal environment. 1141 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No no 102 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 103 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Need to consolidate services of city and county. We were annexed by city years ago and still have not received services promised from city. Duplication of government is expensive. County does betterjob 1147 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No than city of managing government . City and county taxes are not fairly assessed. Many county residents pay half amount of taxes of what we pay because of not being annexed by city yet they enjoy same amenities and parks we do. Stop the bike trails & build Sidewalks!HH! It's ridiculous not having sidewalks but all these silly bike trails. Most people want to walk 1148 <5 yr Wilco 30 -49 No their stroller, their dog, & their seniors in neighborhoods not bike all across the city. Really! Put that question in your survey. The direction of the comprehensive plan and the Garner Report 1153 5-14 yr Wilco 30 -49 don't match 1155 15+ yr Unlnc 30 -49 No Need a new county manager The county manager comes across as "arrogant" and not subject to 1156 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 No county rules pertaining to spending taxpayer dollars. Recommend he be replaced. 1167 15+ yr Unlnc 30 -49 No mandate contract garbage collectors to provide curbside recycling. There isn't enough enforcement of littering or pet related laws in 1168 5-14 yr Wilco 50 -64 No NHC 1170 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 Yes Pedestrian overpasses The county government needs to reduce taxes and quit spending wasted tax money on useless services , ie foodstamps , section 8 and other dependent services for people that are able to work and that are here illegally . Let them stand on their own two feet, because we 1174 15+ yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes tax payers are sick of supporting lazy moochers. Get rid of the (CFPUA),the commissioners sold the TAX PAYERS a bad deal when they merged with the city just so they could raise rates and not have to answer to the tax payers.We havent forgotten what the county did. Fix what you broke. We need to clean up our waterways and creeks. I don't want to fish or eat shellfish from them anymore. I'm afraid to swim sometimes 1178 15+ yr Unlnc 30 -49 No too. They are too polluted now. The air and water and environment seems to be the last thing on the commissioner's minds, but these things are the reason that most people live here. 1179 5 -14 yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes We need mandatory county wide recycling Yes, how soon can the community expect to see an alternative driving route on Market Street between Porters Neck and Military 1180 <5 yr wilco 50 -64 Yes Cutoff? Also, a street sweeper should be used at night in the same area. Much debris from accidents and trash at many of the sewer locations. Stop inventing ways to waste money. If there was a bottomless pit of money these programs would be great but you continue to create a 1185 15+ yr Wilco 65 -74 No dependent an entitlement minded citizen. People need to rely on themselves instead of government. 103 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 104 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 I find the two bond issues (education and 4 improvements ) in competition with one another & it has NOT been made clear. I must have a budget to live by and I expect my government and elected officials to do so. All the proposed ideas have merit in various ways 1187 15 +yr wilm 65 -74 No but I will not vote for projects that the voters are not assured will be carried through.Unelected professionals have a great deal of influence in what the monies are used for in these two bond issues. I find 4 City use of over $40,000 worth of "informative" signage" arrogant and a poor use of taxpayers monies. The NHC government property tax is too high. Large budget cuts could be made if food, travel and credit card expenses for both elected and county employees were reduced or eliminated. When I chair a meeting or ask employees to join me at lunch or after hours for a meeting we all bring a brown bad lunch or dinner at our own cost. County employees and elected officials should do the same. I recently attended a county meeting as a volunteer at lunch where 1189 15 +yr Unlnc 65 -74 No the NHC provided food. Only two of the volunteers ate the food provided but county employees kept coming in to eat. What a waste. I could go on and on about waste I see and reductions in expenditures that could be made. Citizens are getting very riled up about the waste and talk of increased taxes. If a business or film industry wants to locate in NHC NO SUBSIDIES SHOULD BE OFFERED. We are a wonderful county and will remain so with less county government. I am very concerned about, from my viewpoint, the irresponsible spending of tax payer monies by the county commissioners. I am disgusted with their responses when questioned by the media and their unconcerned and entitled attitude. I cannot in good conscience vote for any tax increase for schools or any other projects when once the increase is passed the commissioners can spend it on other 1191 15 +yr Unlnc 65 -74 No projects than what it was intended for. I do not have confidence in their judgment when they spend money so carelessly during a time when average tax payers are having to tighten their belts and spend less due to continually rising water /sewer rates, insurance rates, insurance rates, etc. I cannot remember a time I have been so disappointed and disheartened in our elected public officials and I will express my dissatisfaction at the polls next week. CFPUA is a disgrace to NH Co. but not a surprising creation for a board of realtors and developers. The board's treatment of Sheila Schult was reprehensible. She was the only person on the county staff who was responsive and treated me with respect when I tried 1201 15 +yr Unlnc 65 -74 No to bring a legitimate oversight to the board's attention. Apparently the board didn't want a gatekeeper who actually allowed a citizen to express an opinion that might stand in the way of their empire building. But really, what difference does it make since we're all going to choke on pollution from the concrete plant anyway? 104 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 / 105 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 I would like to know why New Hanover County is not interested in investing in schools and services and why they are so reluctant to raise taxes. No one likes higher taxes, but if your schools and projects are severely underfunded, then people are going to start leaving. Also, why does it take so long for buildings and businesses to be 1205 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 Yes built? It seems like many businesses are avoiding setting up in NHC because it just takes too long to get permits and such. There needs to be better and faster communication between departments and agencies because it seems that there are MANY duplication of services in this county. I was very glad to see that the Fire Services looked at that and took an initiative to share services. I think we don't get value for taxes paid in New Hanover County. The county puts too much emphasis on buildings, technology and frills at the schools when students have abysmal skills in reading, writing, math, history and knowledge of our system of government. Rigor in education can be achieved in simple, clean, safe school buildings with hard working teachers, students and supportive parents. The 1207 15+ yr Wilm 65 -74 No county is wasting money on nonsense. I want value for my tax dollar. Taxes should not be raised until a better job is done. Trim the administration and demand performance. I visited the Health Department and found it to be run in a horribly inefficient manner. Do the county commissioners ever visit the schools or other places they spend our money? Private business would go bankrupt if they were run the way the health department is run. I've seen a lot of steady growth in 4. 1 hope the schools continue to improve. I think the Library and its children's programs are wonderful. I wish crime would go down - downtown continues to be scary at night and the areas near the Children's Museum and Fit for 1209 5 -14 yr WHIM 30 -49 Yes Fun seem to have a lot of shootings. And I feel that 4 has a large population of generations of people on welfare, which is terribly sad for the children. I am very proud to be a resident of New Hanover County and raise my children here. 4 is a great place to be, but I've consistently struggled with the minimal emphasis put on uplifting historically disenfranchised communities. Though there are certainly racial disparities at play as I reflect on these communities, but it's unfortunate that the leadership of the county and city will not take the historical context 1212 5 -14 yr Wilm 30 -49 No into account as they try to meet the achievement goals of the county as a whole. A cross city trail is great in the "pretty" parts of 4, but ongoing beautification, revitalization, and educational /economic programs in under served communities is desperately needed to bridge the gap between the "haves" and "have nots" within our community. 1217 <5 yr wilm <30 No I'm a college student at UNCW. 1218 <5 yr wilm <30 No Currently enrolled graduate student. I think the NHC government is overstaff and employees folks that do 1221 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No not know their jobs and /or the laws and regulations they are charged with enforcing, particularly the planning engineers and staff. / 105 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 106 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Why not ask REAL questions like: Do you approve of inept, wasteful and usurpatious government and detached and uncontrolled "Authorities" entities constantly raising rates on essentials like water completely without regard for the ability of the large population of fixed income (or diminishing income) retirees in the city and county? 1222 <5 yr Wilm 65 -74 No OR: do you approve of exceedingly costly "transportation" bonds that do nothing whatsoever to relieve the flow of automotive traffic into, out of and within the city? OR: Do you feel that your elected officials often act in collusion with development concerns and big money family interests that are not in concert with the true best interests of the citizenry? Supporting a physically active community through intelligent 1224 5 -14 yr Unlnc <30 Yes development and adequately funding education are the most important things to me. Do not give in to the old money and political pressures of a dying 1229 <5 yr Wilm <30 No generation. Plan for the community, not the wealthy minority. Bike paths, parks, boat & kayak launches specific questions. Improving recycling programs and landfill use. Clean water specifics. 1230 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No Cement plant specifics (do people want Titan). School support and school management specifics. Abundant clean water and clean air are the keys to our economic 1238 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No development and great quality of life. 1239 <5 yr Wilm <30 No UNCW student so results will be skewed Improved biking trails on River road or 2 road would be great. Too much traffic too close on River Road. Would never take my family 1241 <5 yr Uninc 30 -49 Yes biking there. But a separate path, much like portions of the cross - city trail would be great and more widely used. Stop Titan. It is an awful detractor to our otherwise beautiful 1245 5 -14 yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes community. Not the kind of business I think 4 should be attracting. We should be focusing on tech and clean industries. Vegetarian, prefer to purchase organic or locally grown foods when possible. Would like to own a home with land in the next 5 years, 1246 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No but probably will have to move to Pender County to find that. Don't feel NHCo is affordable any longer and is getting too conjested. Yes, you need to solicite our opinion on how to make county government more efficient. Taxpayers in NHC cannot continue to pay high taxes to support fat county salaries such as those paid in the county manager's office. Why do we need a legislative affairs person making over $105,000 ? ? ?? What NHC needs is a taxpayers 1248 5 -14 yr Wilm 50 -64 No association to oversee county budgets and question them. Why should the county manager and commissioners not be subject to the same spending rules as the other employee? County manager has already said a 5 cent tax increase will be proposed, and an additional 4 cent increase if the school bond is approved.... that's a 15% increase in the tax rates! Taxpayers cannot afford it. I live in Tulsa OK with property in 4. 1 appreciate the communication 1256 65 -74 No with the county. 106 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 107 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 My biggest safety concern are scooters that are allowed on road where the speed limit is 55 MPH, and these roads don't have shoulders!!! I saw a person pushing a shopping cart up 2 Road facing traffic, ON THE SHOULDERLESS ROAD, this morning on my way to work, and it almost created an accident. Where are the patrol cars. STOP the scooters. If you get a DWI and lose your license, you can always get a scooter, so where is the consequence? Make the law that, if the speed limit is over 45 MPH and there are no shoulders on the roads, then scooters and bikes are not allowed on them!!! I have never seen this in any other town but in NC... and we're inundated in NHC with them! ALSO, stop "copping out" on your responsibility to 1258 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No maintain the sand on our beaches and dredge our inlets! If the beach and boating go, then so does the tax payer dollar. Finally, don't allow annexation unless the annexing entity is willing to take over a major boon in services. If I had lived in one of the areas in NHC that was annexed and didn't receive updated roads, etc., I would have had a major * #)% -FIT! People don't attend the Council meetings because they know you're not listening to them! Take the major issues and FIX THEMH! If you're wondering if we need more parks and bike paths, the answer is NO... not until you fix the more pressing problems. Also, stop overpaying the cops and firemen until they really do their jobs... and take away their big screen TVs and perks that keep them in the station rather than out among the people! 1261 <5 yr Unlnc 65 -74 No No, thanks The prospective school board should have to pass an SAT that we get 1263 15+ yr Unlnc 65 -74 No to review..and they should be impeccable in education... not the bad spellers we have. I am a proud LGBTQ member and there were no questions in relation 1264 15+ yr Unlnc 30 -49 No to sexual indentiy or sexual orientation. For instance it only asks if I am male or female, not transgender. I am transgender ftm. I struggled with the question about what is most important to me. I wish that question had been a Rank style question. I almost clicked on Reduce Crime /Increase Safety but clicked on Create Jobs instead because I feel like if we have more job opportunities and better pay, 1267 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No the crime will reduce. With more and better paying jobs we would keep and attract new residents who are goal- oriented and community- minded. For the record I do not live in subsidized housing but have still felt increasingly unsafe over the past 10 years in the 28401 and 28403 zip codes where I have lived and worked. NHC needs to find a better way of policing without manipulating or over stepping the civil rights of its citizens. Yes we have a massive crime problem, yes it is a huge issue especially in my neighborhood and yes I want a police presence there but what I don't agree with 1270 <5 yr WHIM <30 No are some of the actions taken with its citizens - remember this is public information and is publicly noticed. Take the proper steps towards making a safer community without inhibiting the quality of life for your residents. Nbc needs to look at DSS. Its a mess and neismith is ignorant and a 1282 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No bad representation of NHC. He the morale is aweful as a result of supervisors are not trained and are abusive to workers. 1288 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No No We should not favor the film industry over any other industry. 1294 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 Yes Film =Jobs, but so does, Tourism, Nuclear Energy, etc. even Titan =Jobs. 107 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 1302 <5 yr wilm 30 -49 No I'd love to see a repeal of the motorcycle helmet law. Eliminate recurring property tax on personal cars /trucks. Should be a 1306 5 -14 yr unlnc 50 -64 No one time expense at time of purchase only. Incorporate a county gasoline tax instead to help pay for road repairs. NHC's relationship with incorporated areas (i.e. 4) needs to be improved, leading to appropriate consolidation of services. I strongly 1308 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No object to NHC decisions that provide duplicate services to unincorporated areas that we city residents are taxed by the city for. Best example: picking up storm debris. County parks concerns- Le more trash cans along walking paths for 1309 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 No waste. We need to pay firefighters, law enforcement officers and teachers 1316 5 -14 yr wilm 50 -64 No more money!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1) 1 work downtown and feel unsafe at night. There should be more 1320 5 -14 yr wilm 30 -49 Yes of a police presence there. 2) The gardens and libraries are outstanding. 3) 4 is a beautiful place to live. I am a student, so all my responses regarding housing, education and 1321 <5 yr Wilm <30 No income relate to myself as well as my family. 1) While I understand that the County Commissioners are Elected Officials, something should have been done about Brian Berger and his behavior long before it was. 2) We need a county manager /director that is as dedicated to doing what is best for the community, as he is impressing people with his expensive meals and big words. 3) There obviously no forethought when all of the General Funds were cut from the DSS budget. This caused more problems 1331 <5 yr Wilm 30 -49 Yes than it fixed, because the General Funds are what help people who are what I like to call "in between ". It impacted clients who apply for services, Child Protective Services, Child Welfare Services, and Adult Protective Services. We all know that there is NO funding available for the elderly, this was the only chance at getting additional help that most of the elderly population, but nobody could find room in the budget for it. 4) Merit raises for county employees need to be brought back. 1336 15+ yr wilm 65 -74 Tax refunds after bonds are paid for 1339 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 No I am a New Hanover County teacher Think it completely through before you build. Money really is not 1341 15+ yr 50 -64 No everything. Market Street, South College Road, and 2 Road can not handle 1343 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No anymore traffic. Stop new multi - family construction permits. It would be nice if the county government tv channel was digital. And if it is already, why can't I get a signal. Also, someone needs to 1345 15+ yr unlnc 50 -64 No do a better road analysis. To many intersection u turns, cause traffic accidents. Would love to know why NHC is asking about money when it had no 1350 15+ yr wilm 30 -49 Yes problem giving a school employee a $75K /year job for sleeping with her boss. Stop new development when there are so many empty commercial buildings and vacant lots from past construction. Preserve 1358 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No woods /natural trees and green space!!!! Just because somebody is wealthy shouldn't mean that they have carte blanche to build, build, build. Let's limit development and recycle! 108 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 / 109 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 I would like to see more safe pedestrian /cycling /alternative transportation access that connects areas of the county. Similar to the bike paths and walking paths throughout 4 proper. There is no 1359 <5 yr Unlnc <30 No safe way to get from one location to another in any part of the county. If there were more options available I think a lot more people would take advantage of this. High density housing will overload the road system in this county. That needs to be controlled since it will lead to grid -lock, which is already happening in some intersections (e.g. Oleander @ College, Eastwood @ Military Cutoff /Oleander, New Center @ College, + more. // Parking fees, especially downtown & 5, need to be limited. 1360 5 -14 yr Wilm 50 -64 No You can not continue to increase the fees without affecting the tourists. Many of my friends will NOT go downtown now, because of the parking charges. // One last thing, w /regard to taxes, they can not continue to rise. Smart management has to do more with what is collected, not continue to raise taxes. Our beautiful way of life here, in ILM, depends on how these items above are managed. I am very concerned with our local police department. I have two teenagers, one in college at CFCC and one in High School. Both of my kids have been targets of extremely aggressive police officers. My son was pulled over in a neighborhood for speeding. The police officer R Knolf Jr. used physical force on my son who never once talked back to the officer or treated him with disrespect. Another incident with this officer. I was driving down Oleander drive and 1 saw this officer yelling at an older man who made a mistake on a side 1362 <5 yr Wilm 30 -49 Yes street. He was shaking his head in discust and point his finger at this gentlemen as if he had committed a terrible crime. These are just a few situations. There are many many more however I have NEVER lived in a town where police officers are so aggressive and disrespectful to the tax payers who fund their benefits and payroll. I think it starts at the top of the police force. We need a police force that addresses criminals however we also need a police force that has a little compassion for situations that are non - harming. NHC is continuing to build apartments after apartments without the approval of its citizens. The roads are extremely congested and dangerous yet. Market street is awful yet since I have lived in the 1369 5 -14 yr Unlnc 50 -64 No Porters Neck area NHC and the zoning board have approved the building of apartment complexes one after the other without concern for the problems with traffic We need curbside recycling and yard waste removal. There are too 1372 15+ yr Unlnc 50 -64 No many trash companies providing the same service on my street. The need for the county to support non - profit organizations. The county is getting A LOT in services by non - profits. New Hanover 1375 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 No County needs to support more non - profits. You could have asked what our opinion is for well -run non - governmental organizations. why isn't the county enforcing laws with overgrown & unkempt property that have hoarding things on them that have been called 1376 15+ yr Wilm 50 -64 Yes about & not fixed, why aren't you asking about social services & such that aren't following up on children not registered in schools 1377 15+ yr wilm 50 -64 No Traffic gets worse everyday. Stop multi - family building permits. My main request is more, better, safer bike commuting lanes. This 1378 5 -14 yr Wilm 30 -49 No would be an easy town to get around without a car if it were safer to do so. / 109 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 / 110 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 The CFPUA billing structure and fees are out of control. -- It would be nice to live in a community that listens to the voting, taxpaying, citizens rather than real estate developers and corporate interests -- 1387 5 -14 yr Unlnc 30 -49 Yes Our natural resources are our greatest asset and should be protected -- The Cape Fear Region should invest in tech, research, and renewable energy industries instead of heavy manufacturing. City councilmen and officials should be more conscientious with their "business" spending. IE Barfield eating at expensive restraunts at 1388 15 +yr Unlnc 50 -64 No conventions because he can. "Cost of doing business" my ass. No regard for the residents who are forced to bankroll this type of abuse. Time to change how much is appropriated. I've lived downtown for 26 years. Thanks to the liberal bar on every corner philosophy, I will be moving to Brunswick County in the next 1389 15 +yr Wilm 50 -64 Yes year. I no longer feel safe nor do I enjoy living in downtown Wilmington. Nice work!! / 110 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 17. The County provides many programs and services. What is the most recent County sponsored program /service you have heard about? Your Participation in the Community: ----------------------------------------- 17_ The County provides many programs and services_ What is the most recent County sponsored program/service you have heard about? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❑ Friends /family ❑ Emails ❑ NHCTV 18_ How did you hear about it? ❑ website ❑ Radio ❑ Other TV ❑ B'illboard ❑ Newspaper ❑ Print ads I magazine 19. Did you or do you plan to use I attend the program 1 service in Question 17? ❑ Yes ❑ No --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20_ If No, why not? (Check ❑ Not interested 1 don't need ❑ Location ❑ Other all that apply) ❑ Timing 1 schedule not good ❑ Cost Key to Columns Q18 -1: Friends/ family Q18 -2: Website, and so on. Q20 -1: Not interested / don't need Q20 -1: Timing / schedule not good, and so on. Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Airlie Gardens 1 1 1 1 1 Airlie Gardens. 1 1 Airlie Gardens. 1 1 Anti -gang (failed). 1 2 1 Arboretum Fall show. 1 1 Arboretum. 1 1 1 Arboretum. 1 1 1 Art in the Arboretum. 1 2 1 Beach renourishment. 1 1 2 1 Better law enforcement. 1 1 Bike paths. 1 1 1 Bike paths. 1 1 Bike trail /green way? 1 Bike trails (or is that only Wilmington)? 1 2 1 Bike /walking trails. 1 1 Bond issue. 1 1 2 1 Bond Issues 1 2 1 �� � %/ 111 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 -2 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Bus. 1 1 Cape Fear expo. 1 2 1 Cape Fear Museum Sky Quest 1 1 Cape Fear Museum's Science 1 1 Spooktacular. Cape Fear utility. 1 1 1 1 1 Charity benefit walks/drives. 1 1 2 1 Child services. 1 1 1 Citizen Patrol 1 2 1 Citizen Survey 1 1 Citizens getting training with the 1 1 2 sheriff's department. Combine fire 1 2 services. Combining fire 1 2 1 resources. Combining fire 1 1 1 1 resources. Commissioners meeting 1 1 Community college presentations. 1 2 1 Community garden workshop. 1 1 Community policing. 1 1 Convention center. 1 2 1 County "Theme" Committees and CAC 1 1 1 1 county commission meeting 1 1 1 County comprehensive plan. 1 1 1 1 County extension. 1 1 County fair. 1 1 County fair. 1 1 County fire stations. 1 2 1 County library. 1 1 County master planning. 1 2 1 -�� � %/ 112 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 -2 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 County neighborhood 1 1 1 association. County park shelter rentals. 1 1 Creative writing week. Relay for life 1 1 1 2 1 (cancer). Crime. 1 1 Cross City Trail 1 1 1 1 Cross city trail. 1 1 1 Cross city trail. 1 1 cross -city trail 1 2 1 D.A.R.E. 1 2 Did not hear about. Disc golf. 1 1 Drug busts. 1 1 2 DUI court is positive & successful. 1 2 1 Early voting. 1 1 Early voting. 1 1 Early voting. 1 1 1 1 Economic development services. Wilmington regional film commissioner. The 1 1 1 2 1 loss of business (future) in spite of "grant" replacement. Election volunteer for sheriff's humane 1 1 society. Election. 1 1 Election. 1 1 Elections. 1 1 Elections. 1 1 1 1 Elections. 1 1 Engineering department. 1 2 1 Environmental management & 1 1 hazardous waste �� � %/ 113 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 -2 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 disposal. Event at park or college. 1 2 1 Family health info. Resources at library 1 fair. Fire Day at Haliburton. 1 1 Fire day at Halliburton Park 1 1 1 1 Fire department consolidation. 1 Fire department 1 2 1 merger. First book. 1 1 1 Fit for Fun. 1 1 Flag football. 1 1 Flu shot clinic. 1 2 Flu shot clinic. 1 2 Flu shot clinic. 1 2 1 FLU SHOTS 1 2 1 Flu shots & other immunizations. 1 1 2 1 Food stamps. 1 1 Food Truck Frolic 1 1 Free rabies clinic. 1 1 1 Friends of the library. 1 1 Habitat for Humanity. 1 1 1 1 Halloween at the Library 1 1 Halyburton 1 1 1 Halyburton parks "burn." 1 1 Haunted Library 1 1 Haunted library. 1 1 Have not heard of any. Have not heard of 2 1 any. Have not heard of the "many 1 2 1 programs" you speak �� � %/ 114 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 -2 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 sbout Hazardous waste disposal. 1 1 Health care support. 1 2 1 1 Health Department Flu Clinic 1 2 1 Health education. 1 1 Healthier food initiative 1 1 Healy dept. HIV testin 1 1 Home delivered meals. 1 2 1 Home delivered meals. 1 1 Home ownership 1 2 program. Home show. 1 1 1 Hospice care. 1 Household toxic waste disposal. 1 1 I do not remember. I don,t use many county services. I think people should provide their own services whenever 2 1 possible and not depend on government Improvement in law enforcement. 1 1 Infrastructure. 1 1 1 1 Kidsville News. Libraries are one of the best services in 1 1 county. Well managed. Landfill. 1 1 1 Law enforcement. 1 1 1 1 Lectures at N.E. library. 1 1 Library programs. 1 1 �� � %/ 115 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 2 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Library programs. 1 1 Library service. 1 1 Library service. 1 1 1 Library Services 1 1 Library tutoring. 1 2 1 Li b ra ry. 1 1 likely events held at Thalian Hall and /or Town Hall type discussions related 1 1 1 2 1 1 to community policing Literacy council. 1 1 2 1 Loss & lack of firemen. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Marathon. 1 1 2 1 Mentoring homeless. 1 1 Military cutoff extension. 1 2 1 Miss Castle Hayne. 1 1 n/a New Hanover County Parks & Libraries. 1 1 1 1 1 1 New Hanover County Project Assist. 1 1 New Hanover County Schools 1 1 New Hanover county senior resource 1 1 1 center programs. New Hanover county tax appraiser survey. 2 1 New Hanover Soil Water Conservation 1 New Hanover Special Olympics 1 1 1 2 1 NHC Blue Ribbon Commission 1 2 1 NHC CAC 1 1 NHC library. 1 1 1 NHC park. arrowhead 1 1 NHC public library. 1 1 1 1 1 1 �� � %/ 116 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 -2 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 NHC school fair in August. 1 1 NONE none 1 2 1 None 2 1 None 2 1 None none None 2 1 Not sure. Nothing. Open Gate. 1 2 1 Paint recycling collection. 1 2 1 Parental training. 1 2 1 Parkinson's support group at senior 1 1 center. Pa rks. 1 1 Pa rks. 1 1 Plan New Hanover County 1 2 1 Planning and Zoning mistakes 1 1 Planning Board Public Meeting 1 2 1 Planning commission /planning 1 1 boards. Planning committee. 1 2 1 Police department 1 1 2 program. Pop Warner events. Possibly hazardous waste disposal. 1 1 1 Potassium pills. 1 1 Probably something to do with the arts 1 2 1 Programs = spending. Stop! 1 Programs at parks. 1 1 Public hearing for permits sought. 1 1 1 2 1 -�� � %/ 117 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 -1 Q18 -2 Q18 3 Q18 -4 Q18 -5 Q18 -6 Q18 -7 Q18 -8 Q18 9 Q19 Q20 -1 Q20 -2 Q20 -3 Q20 -4 Q20 -5 Public library programs. 1 1 1 Recycle hazardous liquids, re: paint thinner. 1 recycling 1 1 Recycling drop offs. 1 1 Recycling. 1 1 Recycling. 1 1 Riverfest. 1 2 1 Road bond. 1 1 2 1 Roads. 1 1 1 1 Schedule TV repeats of meetings. 1 1 School & transportation bonds. 1 2 1 School bond. 1 1 1 1 Schools suck. 1 2 1 Schools. 1 2 1 Schools. 1 1 Senior center 1 1 Senior center activities. 1 2 1 Senior center. 1 1 Senior center. 1 2 1 Senior center. 1 Senior center. 1 1 Senior center. 1 1 Senior center. 1 1 Senior center. 1 1 Senior citizen building. 1 1 Senior resource center 1 2 1 Senior services. 1 2 1 Services for senior citizens for a friend. 1 2 1 Sewer expansion. 2 Sewers. 1 Sheriff's academy. 1 1 1 1 Sheriffs department. 1 1 -�� � %/ 118 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 -2 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Sheriff's department. 1 2 1 Sheriff's program to educate citizens. 1 2 1 Sheriff's senior citizen academy. 1 Silver slipper for 1 1 senior. Silver slippers. 1 2 1 Smoke alarm assistance. 1 2 1 social services 1 2 1 Social services. 1 1 Social services. 1 2 1 Soil testing at extension. 1 2 1 spanish classes 1 2 1 Story time at the library 1 1 Strategic planning. 1 2 1 Sunday movies @ the Library 1 1 Tai chi classes at senior center 1 1 tax office, had to appeal overstated 1 1 tax assessments Tax preparation for 1 1 seniors. Teaching CPR. 1 1 The blue recycle 1 2 cans. The Haunted Library 1 1 1 1 Theme commities & CAC 1 1 This survey 1 1 This survey 1 1 this survey 1 1 This survey. 1 1 Trails (on land & aquatic). 1 1 Training for poll workers. 1 1 Transportation bond. 1 1 1 1 1 1 -�� � %/ 119 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 -1 -2 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Trash collection. 1 2 1 Tree trimming & sewer upgrade. 1 2 Tree trimming. 1 2 1 Triathlon. 1 2 1 Unknown 2 1 updating sidewalks and pedestrian 1 1 safety VA support. 1 2 1 Veterans health. 1 2 1 Veterans services. 1 1 VITA /Senior citizens 1 1 Voter info. 1 2 1 1 Voter supression. Voting & making sure others are registered 1 1 1 1 1 AND vote. Walking routes. 1 1 Walking trail proposal. 1 1 Walking trails. 1 1 1 1 1 Walking trails. 1 1 1 1 1 Wasting money on pet projects. 1 1 1 2 1 Water service improvements. 1 1 1 WAVE transit. 1 2 1 Way Program 1 1 WPD work with children. 1 1 1 2 1 1 Wrightsville Beach park activities. 1 1 Youth gang prevention. 2 1 120 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 SUMMING UP —AN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Although this list is not exhaustive, here are some of the items from your recent survey that we thought were interesting and /or important. Please review the entire report, and read from your many written comments to gain additional insight. Items of Note: ➢ About 3800 surveys were delivered by mail. In addition, the survey was offered online. 1132 mail surveys and 259 internet surveys in all were completed, which is a response rate of about 29.8% for the mail surveys. This is an excellent return rate and more than enough surveys to achieve the goals of this project. ➢ 11 % of respondents have lived in the County under 5 years; 63% for over 15 years (p. 8). ➢ 33% of respondents do not live in a town or city limit. 60% live in Wilmington. (p. 9) ➢ 51 % of respondents are female and 49% are male. ➢ About 20% of respondents are under age 50; 30% are 50 -64; 51 % are over age 65 (p. 15). ➢ 9% of respondents rent their home while 91% own their home. ➢ 15% of respondents have children at home (under age 16). ➢ 22.5% of respondents are business owners or self - employed. ➢ 66% of respondents have a BA/BS degree or higher (p. 18). ➢ 6% of respondents are black; 92% are white (p. 22). ➢ 10% of respondents have a household income under 30K; 16% were 30 -49K; 25% were 50 -74K; 16% were 75 -99K; 32% were over 100K (p. 23). ➢ 7% or respondents do no cardio exercise per week. 73% do 61 or more minutes per week (p. 19). ➢ 25% of respondents eat fruit less than 1 time per day. 22% eat 3 or more servings per day (p. 20). ➢ 13% of respondents eat vegetables less than 1 time per day. 33% eat 3 or more servings per day (p. 21). ➢ Satisfaction with NHC government is up slightly since 2012 (p. 26). \ � %/ 121 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 - Continued from Previous Page- ➢ 78% of respondents rated New Hanover County's "sense of community" as good or better. 88% rated the "opportunities to volunteer' as good or better. 77% rated the "opportunities to participate in community issues" as good or better (p. 29). ➢ When asked to check their single top priority from a list of nine subject areas, the items checked most often were: (Please see page 30 for the actual wording.) ➢ Strong economy ➢ Reduce crime ➢ Prepare students ➢ Environment ➢ Safety /secu rity ➢ When asked which single item they would take money from in order to invest more in their top priority, the items checked most often were: (Please see page 31.) ➢ Develop diversity ➢ Environment ➢ Self- sufficiency ➢ When asked if they would be willing to pay additional taxes to go toward their top priority item in question 12, 58% said "Yes" while 42% said "No ". ➢ Respondents most often hear about County programs and services through: Newspaper Friends /family Other TV Website Radio ➢ We found numerous differences in the responses based on demographic characteristics. Here is one example: Web respondents tended to give lower satisfaction ratings than did mail respondents. Another example: Wrightsville Beach respondents chose "reduce crime" as their top priority more than did other respondents. These and other similar analyses begin on page 42. We hope this information will help you make good decisions. If you have any questions at any time, please let me know. We look forward to working with you in the future. Tollie Mitchell, Program Director Insight Research, Inc. \I% 122 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 New Hanover County Citizen Survey -y Md try k38f1J& AM. fr - MG. Please help New Hanover County set priorities forthe future. An independent research firm is conducting this anonymous survey. Your name is not required, but your responses are important. e, Please return your completed survey in the postage paid envelope by November 5�'. Your parTicipayion is greatly appreciaied! Your County: (a G) Please rate haw much you disagree or agree with each statement. Strmgly Strongly Disagree Agree Leave any item BLANK if you have no opinion or it does not apply- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ..................... ........................................................... 1- New Hanover County has a great quality of life- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ........................... .................................................................... 2- New Hanover County government provides q uality services- 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------- 3- New Hanover County government is efficient and effective- 0 0 0 () 0 0 () - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------- 4- New Hanover County government spends my tax dollars wisely- () 0 0 Q 0 0 0 5- N ew Hanover County is a great place to do business. 0 0 0 () 0 0 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6- 1 feel safe and secure in my New Hanover County community- 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................................................ 7- 1 would recommend New Hanover Co. to my family & friends as a great place to live- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8- New Hanover Co- government provides residents with the inforn-kation they need to 0 0 0 0 0 0 get involved in the community- 9- New Hanover Co- government does a good job listening to its residents. () 0 a () 0 0 () --------------------------------------------------- 10- It is very likely that I YAII still be a resident of New Hanover County in five years. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ............................................................................................................................................... 111. Please rate the following characteristics as they relate to New Hanover County as a whole: Poor Fak Good Very Good Excellent . ......... 7 ...................... ................ ........ ❑ ................. ❑ 13 ................. ........ Sense W COMMU 11T 13 ❑ 67Wortu;-k- les ir ................. ❑ Ei ................ ........ ❑ Ei ................. ❑ Ei ................. ❑ Ei ........ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- im. Opportunities to participate in El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ community issues .............................................................................................................................................. Your Priorities: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12- From the list below, please check your top priority for New Hanover County. (Check only one ❑ a- Increase the safety and security of the community ❑ b- Reduce and prevent crime ❑ G. Reduce health risks and diseases ❑ d- Enhance the self-sufficiency of individuals and families ❑ e- Improve community literacy and workforce readiness ❑ f- Prepare all students to be successful in a 21 century world ❑ g- Create and support a vibrant and culturally diverse community that encourages private investment ❑ h- Promote a strong, diverse economy & high quality job growth ❑ i. Support a planned environment that builds community & protects natural resources ................................................................... 13- Assuming no tax increases, which one Rem above would you take money from in order to invest more in your top priority Write in the letter, a-i ................................................................................................................................................. 14. Would you be willing to pay additional taxes to go towards your top priority item in ❑ Yes ❑ No question 12 above? ................................................................................................................................................. � � %/ 123 Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 mmilgly Strongly Please rate how much ymu disagree mr agree -with each state noeoL o|oumr,�e Agree �''������������������������������������������������������_'I''2- -4''�­6­7 ---_ 15 New Hanover Coun�shou�oDon more typesofdewe|opment(mpmnkne�s ' o 0 m o C3 m oko����d�hopa�ing�ta�i�hmu�����be�o�8ydn��[��m*�h�� _..___y� � . . _ _ �_____________________ _o _ __ Ne`wHanover Cmun�ohmu� m requiroo�e1otnbwinAyroonnewtedton�|uoe 1G o 0 0 m 0 m o congestion on main nxmdo Your Partici Participation Community: —'----'----'----'-------'----'----'---------------------- 17- The What is the most recent County sponsored /mo0vaxmsenmc* you have heard about? -..----..----..----..__������]�'����___-__-'��.�����_—__-_--'��-�����-___--__' 18. How did you hear about h? 0 xVe»Nm ] Radio 0 Other TV ----------------------------------------------- 0--Bil-lboard---------------------- Z1._N_ews9.aper ---------------- LI-Pnnt ads-/-magazine_' 19. Did you ordoyou plan tmume/mnend the program /memviimoin Question 17? 0 Yea 0 No 20- If No, (Check El Not interested / don't need El Location L1 Other aU\hmtmpp|y� 0 Timing / schedule not good O Cost 21. Do you belong to, or donate to, any of the following kinds of organizations or groups? (Check all that app4y.) Type mfGroup Board Member ��� Member, but ��* ^ No 13-26 Mmmthan 26 Kdembwr nmt�:dwm u�on | times -_-_-___--___-_-_-___-__--__-_-__----__--_--___---__---.oY.mxy----__ / Professional association 0 ] Z) 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------''-------- m oc|mnutonm|���� 0 ] ZJ 0 0 ---------- ---------------------------------------------''-------- � Spwr'wv�uhg�u� 0 0 ] 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------''-------- rv. Social organization E3 Cl Q El Ll '-------'-------'-------'----'-------------'-'---------'----------''-------- ^ I organ ion 0 U O 0 0 '-------'-------'-------'----'-------------'-'---------'----------'------- v, Qv� 0 0 O 0 0 '-------'-------'-------'----'-------------'-'---------'----------'------- ,m n 0 0 0 0 0 '-----__'-----__'-----__'--__'--__-��-__----��'-------_��---------��.---_-��_ vim. Other (describe) 22 |m the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you participated in the fol|ov.-ingootivitiem. Qone within the Done over 12 �r � 1me �d 3-12 13-26 Mmmthan 26 o?et.h-| s ~ times \1nnom zhnoa '-�- (for -- gnoup��--'—''-----------'--'-'-'---------------- your --^'---- 0 0 0 O 0 '--- --'------'-----'-'--'-'-'---------------- _-'--�_'__'_---..��--- Ple -�-���i���1�-_-_ -_-_-_ - P------'n-- club - civic —group - New Hanover 0 [l 0 O 0 ____�qMnty ._________________________________'_''___'________________________________ im. Provided '-------'-------'-------'----'-------'-----'—''----------'-'--'-'-'---------------- El 0 El 0 El n^ Personally ran, orNcyukm1�voo�a��U|e � ' ' 0 0 0 O 0 cause (this is separate from financial giving) 23. Voting: Which uf the following apply to you? (Choose all \ka apply toyou) CJ You are currently registered CJ You voted |nLh* off-year election (2O13) El You voted in the last presidential election year (20112) 0 None of these 24- How else have you chosen to express your views? (Check all that apply) Type of Expression Qone within the Done over 12 Have not 1_2_mov_zh moxz-h���� o?et.h-| s ----------------------------------------- _past /. Contacted �ne�oAmdoO�|m| -s-------- 0 -_---U :I .— 0 -�/.-��W��W- _ _- _' ��Ll_______-_-_'��___-_---..��—..— ..�-����---_-____��:I___-_---..��—..— -��- , � -_-_-_ _-'--�_'__'_---..��--- Ple -�-���i���1�-_-_ -_-_-_ _-'--� ................... d........ 124 _�' � %/ Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014 About You (Your onawer -&iU remain mnonymomo): —'-----'----'-----'------------'----'---------------`-------- 25. Did you previously respond tm the 2012 New Hanover County [3Yes El No 0 Not sure —'-----'----'-----'------------'—~-^-----`------`--------`-------- 26 How Ion gha*e you |i*edinN ewHmnmver CO- ? (Check one) 0 Under 5yrs. Z)5-14)rs- 015 yrs. ~ _j '���h.'i f- 'a?y.������_' ----�'NunmI'-�nomnp-oxa--t e--d ------ ]Cum0nm0eo c--h -------- �-------------------- ii limits dmvnu live within? NHC ] Kure Beach 0 Wrightsville Beach 28- What type of housing do you currently live intDday? (Check the one that best app4ies) cxm- Apartmen Elu.House -with courtyard-sized lot E3 e. Carriage home I garage apartment cxu. Town home L3 d- House with large estate lot E3t Retirement community -''----------------''--''----''--------------------------------------- 29- Do you currenfly rent or own your home? U Rent U0wn -''-'---''----''----''-------''---------------------------------------- 30- What type of housing did you live in1Qyears ago (in20 04)? W rite inth e letter a-f__ —'-----'----'-----'------------'----'----'----'------------ 31 What type o[homsingdo you wanttoIiveim10 years from now (in 20Z4)? W rile imthe letter mJ___ 32. Your gender: :1 Female El Male ............................................................... 33- -.................................................................................. Your age range: 0 Under 30 0304} 0 50+64 0 05-74 0 75+ —'-----'----'-------------`- 34. ---------`--`-`---`---`--`-`--`-- Do you have children under age 1@living in your home? :3 Yes L3 No —'-----'----'-----'-------------`--`-`--`--`--`-`---`--`-`---`-`-`--`--`-`--` 35- Are you m business owner ur El Yes L3 No —'-----'----'-----`------------`-`--`---`--`-`--`--`--`-`------------------- 36 Ymm hRhmseve ]Sn oc�| OGmmw 0 mf education is_ Z High muhuo|graduate 0 Vocational or2yr. degree 0 Graduate degree 37.Durin0the past month, how many 1ota|minutes of cardio exercise or physical activity for your heart (ouchoowalkimg.rmnning' aerobics, mr swim nning) did you do? oo minutes each week U did not exercise mr participate |m any mnmomvefintenvephysical activity) o460 minutes per week o m1'14m minutes per week o :2 1so minutes per week -'----[----'—'------'----'----' -------'---'-i---------��'--------'---'-------' am. uurnQone��mmm/�em'nmmmmmnn��Ju/om,nm�mmanynnnmmmmymuemz�un \,.murmm*mm'xn��mnmr canned fruit) U <1 time per day L3 1'z times per day Ua4 times per day o 5mr more times per day 'D"u"r'iii-���--������ �;������---��, -';����-'���----'������-�-��, �-'������----- Q �� .n«m��xam� ynu ve~ mo vm�n�n m nc mv other groinm. u <1umoperday E3 1'2timempmrdav E3 s4 times per day cz smr more times per day 0��M�m|n�m or�a��N�� El Asian 40. Which best d000n�enyour race /ethnicity? [J B|u«kmrA�Mco~^�m�U�on El Hispanic Check one) O Native Hummi|mnnr Pacific Islander El White El Under $20/000 El $20-29,999 El S30-49:999 0$50-74.999 El $75-99,999 ]$Y00,000+ Is there anything we haverill asked you that you would like to share? Tha nk you for your participation! 125 _�' � %/ Insight Research, Inc. County Citizen Survey Dec 2014