FY15 CFMF PRESCRIPTION ASST PROG GRANT AWARDOrganization: Amount of Grant: Date of Payment: Term of Grant: Project Title: Grant ID: F( ear �Cap FOUNDATION RANT CONTRACT New Hanover County Senior Center $9.500 04/15/2015 12 Months Prescription Assistance Program (PAP) 1(34 The following terms are agreed upon as conditions for this grant: The tax - exempt status verified in the proposal is still valid; any changes in the organization that could lead to a change in the status will be reported to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation immediately. The funds will be used by the above -named organization solely for the purposes described in the project title above. No funds will be utilized for the purpose of promotion or advancement of political causes The organization will keep and maintain records of expenditures adequate to verify the use of'grant funds. Progress reports concerning budget, personnel and program developments will be timely completed and returned to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. Misappropriation of grants funds or unsatisfactory progress (as determined by the Foundation) may result in a demand that the grantee repay grant funds to the Foundation. 4. The organization will repay, upon demand, to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation the amount of the grant if any condition of the contract is not upheld. Additionally, the organization will repay Cape Fear Memorial Foundation an amount equal to the book value of any assets acquired through a capital grant from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation if and when your organization is sold, or loses its tax - exempt status or no longer provides services consistent with those supported by this grant. The organization will send to the Foundation copies of any printed publicity regarding the awarding of the grant or the program supported by the grant; the organization may, if it chooses, refer to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation's support in any such publicity. Future payments under multi -year grants will be subject to availability of funds and to satisfactory review of progress reports which document meaningful progress toward the goal. The following special terms will be observed: None The terms of this contract are accepted by: Cape Fe Memo r all Fo tion By: 4 Anna Erwin, CPA, President New Hanover County Senior Center By- ;Typed Narny of Bird Chairman Date: April 8, 2015 By: __ - mature of Date:�1 2508 INDEPENDENCE BLVD, STE 200 WiLM:NGTON, NC 28412 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: AGNrs R. BEANS WILIAM H. CAMERON JANELLE A. RHYNE, M -D., M.A.C.P JAws D. HuNDLEY, M.D. GARRY GARRiS W. CARTER MEBANE. III, CHAIR—N RONALD $INC AIR. RcBERT F. WAR` (CK. CPA R ICHA.Qu L. WooDB 7RY ANNA ERWIN, CPA, PRESIDENI (910) 452-5879 FAX r April 9, 2015 Ms. Brenda "Ben" Brew Senior Resource Center Manager New Hanover County Parks and Gardens 2222 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 -5525 Re: Grant ID: 1634 Prescription Assistance Program (PAP) Dear Ms. Brow: At its meeting on April Srr, 2015, the Board of Directors of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation approved a grant of $9,500 for your organization. This grant is to help fund the above - referenced project. To accept this grant, please have your Board Chair sign and date both copies of the enclosed Grant Contract. Retain one original for your records and return an original to us for our file. Please do not send any mailing to the foundation requiring a recipient's signature. If conf rrnation of receipt is required, organizations are encouraged to follow up with an email or telephone call. The grant check will be mailed by April 15, 2015 provided a signed contract has been received. With your acceptance of this grant you agree to use these funds only for the purpose shown above and to provide progress reports as requested by us. .Misappropriation of grant funds or failure to timely and accurately complete and return progress reports may result in our demand for a repayment of monies to the foundation. Please feel free to publicize your receiving these funds. However, we would appreciate a copy of any release you make, The Directors of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation are pleased to support you as you serve our community and wish you continued success. Enclosures Grant Document Routing 63 Start date: 5/4/2015 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Signatures required: i/ Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of document(s) attached: 2 original — Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Grant Award Explanation of document(s): The Cape Fear Memorial Foundation has awarded the Senior Resource Center its annual Prescription Assistance Program Grant. The amount of the grant is $9,500. The funds will allow the Senior Resource Center to continue its prescription counseling program. No budget amendment is needed because the anticipated grant award was included in the FY 14 -15 Adopted Budget. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Teresa PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature