2015-05-18 RM ExhibitsExhibit Book KXX -, L Page LCLJ- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DONATION OF K9 TO BRUNSWICK COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE WHEREAS, New Hanover County Sheriff's Office has a K9 which they purchased in September 2011 and named Funny; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Office desires to donate the K9 to the Brunswick County Sheriff's Office; and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina General Statues 160A -280, the County may donate to another governmental unit within the United States any personal property, including supplies, materials, and equipment, that the governing board deems to be surplus, obsolete, or unused pursuant to a resolution adopted after the posting of a public notice of such resolution at least five (5) days prior to its adoption; and WHEREAS, a public notice has been posted as required prior to the adoption of this resolution approving the donation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: 1. That the donation of the K9 to Brunswick County Sheriffs Office is approved. 2. That County staff is directed to process any required documents to complete the transaction. ADOPTED this the 18th day of May, 2015. ATTEST: /� Ul��J 7' Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book UY k)( Page . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS KIWANIS DAY PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the first Kiwanis club was organized in Detroit, Michigan, USA, in 1915 and celebrates its Centennial Anniversary this year; and WHEREAS, the Kiwanis Club of Wilmington started its service in Wilmington North Carolina, USA, in 1920 and celebrates its Ninety -Fifth Anniversary on May 27, 2015; and WHEREAS, Kiwanis International is one of the largest service organizations in the world with more than 600,000 members of all ages and abilities in more than 80 nations; and WHEREAS, the members of Kiwanis Club of Wilmington are devoted to improving the world, one child and one community at a time by providing college scholarships, supporting organizations for boys and girls and providing countless service hours to charitable organizations; and WHEREAS, the service provided by the Kiwanis Club of Wilmington has had a positive impact on our community and citizens; and WHEREAS, in addition to improving lives, Kiwanis club members serve as positive role models, nurture fellowship and provide community service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 27, 2015 be recognized as "Kiwanis Day" in New Hanover County and that citizens of New Hanover County are called upon to render support to the members of this organization and to make themselves aware of Kiwanis, whose members this day are providing meaningful service to our homes, schools and community. ADOPTED this the 18`h day of May, 2015. ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book MlY Page iC). NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF RECOGNITION FOR VETERANS STATUS TO WWII COASTWISE MERCHANT MARINERS Findings 1: Some US Merchant Marine Seamen of WWII gained veteran status under a court ruling via Schmacher, Willner, et al, V. Secretary of the Air Force Edward C. Aldridge, Jr 665 F Supp 41 (D.D.C. 1987). The USCG later required they meet certain eligibility requirements. Findings 2: Some 10,000 to 30,000 coastwise seagoing tug. and barge merchant seamen have been or may be denied recognition upon application because actions taken by government agencies (prior to P. L. 95 -202) have removed required eligibility records from being available to the veteran. Findings 3: Commandant, USCG Ltr 5739 Ltr of 09 Apr 2010 states, "The US Government did not issue mariner credentials to females during the World War II." Findings 4: USCG Information Sheet #77 (April 1992) identifies acceptable forms of documentation for eligibility meeting the requirements pursuant to Schmacher V. Aldridge, 655 41(D.D.C. 1987): a. Certificate of Discharge (Form 718A) b. Continuous Discharge Books (ship's deck/engine logbooks -- non - military document) c. Company letters showing vessel names and dates of voyages (non - military document) Findings 5: Commandant USCG Order of 20 March, 1944 relieves masters of tugs, towboats and seagoing barges of the responsibility of submitting reports of seamen shipped or discharged on forms 718A. This action removes item (a) from the eligibility list in Findings 4. Findings 6: USCG Information Sheet #77 (April, 1992) further states "Deck logs were traditionally considered to be the property of the owners of the ships. After World War II, however, the deck and engine logbooks of vessels operated by the War Shipping Administration were turned over to that agency by the ship owners, and were destroyed during the 1970s because they were too burdensome to keep and too costly to maintain." This action effectively eliminates item (b) from the eligibility list in Findings 4. Findings 7: Company letters showing vessel names and dates of voyages are highly suspect of ever existing due to the strict orders prohibiting even the discussion of ship /troop movement. Then consider item (c) of Findings 4 should be removed from the eligibility list. USCG Info Sheet #77, page 2 refers. Findings 8: Excerpts from President Roosevelt's fireside Chat 23: On the Home Front (Oct. 12, 1942): "In order to keep stepping up our production, we have had to add millions of workers to the total labor force of the Nation. "In order to do this, we shall be compelled to use older men and handicapped people, and more women, and even grown boys and girls, wherever possible and reasonable, to replace men of military age and fitness; to use their summer vacations, to work somewhere in the war industries." Underage combatants had served in all of America's wars from the time of the Revolution. The unknown number who served in the Second World War perpetuated that legacy. They served with distinction and valor, and indisputably demonstrated that, despite their age, they could serve as well as those around them. Findings 9: Post the Revolutionary War; many Acts of Congress were enacted to provide pensions to those veterans applying for support. Thousands of servicemen were without documented service and remained without any viable means to prove service. Excerpts from documents retained at the NARA provide: Generally the Process required an applicant to appear before a court of record in the State of his or her residence to describe under oath the service for which a pension was claimed. This establishes precedence for using certified oaths in conjunction with the Social Security documents as alternative documentation. Findings (10): USCG Official Shipping/Discharge documents (Forms 718A) were obtained from the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC that contained information proving Active Duty (AD) services for some WWII coastwise barge and tug Mariners. Together with information obtained via a FOIA request to the National Maritime Center, research brought forth additional information. Research conducted between June - August 2013, in concert with the NMC, using official records of 1172 coastwise mariners and the USCG Merchant Marine Casualties of WWII report of 1950 identified: WWII Coastwise Mariners Listing: Excel Sheet #1 1172 Mariners identified via official USCG Shipping/Discharge Forms 718A 84 Mariners may be women according to their feminine sounding names; OR 7.2% 1058 Mariners' ages were specified. Ages ranged from 10 to 78 583 Mariners identified within draft age and included those in 4F status; OR 5 5. 1 % of known ages 525 Mariners identified at over the draft age of 37; OR 49.6% of known ages 114 Mariners with age not specified; OR 09.7% 47 Mariners who served were under the age of 17; OR 4.4% of known ages 16 Mariners KIA with 1 receiving DD Form 1300 National Maritime Form DD 214 Listing: Excel Sheet #2 794 Mariners were identified on NMC Coastwise Mariners listing identifying Active Duty services 291 Mariners on NMC listing had no USCG MMLD numbers listed; OR 36.6% 85 Mariners issued DD Form 214 from NMC listing, OR 10.7% of NMC; OR 7.2% of WWII CMM Merchant Marine KIA & MIA Casualties from all causes = 9521 * (usmm.org) 5662 Mariner Casualties from USCG per 1950 Report * (USCG 1950 casualty report) 3859 Mariner Casualties from Other Sources * (Additional sources = Art. Moore and US Congress) Merchant Marine Casualties recognized by all sources = 414 344 Mariner Casualties from USCG 1950 Casualty Report * (USCG 1950 casualty report) 70 Mariner Casualties from NMC report & not listed on USCG 1950 Casualty List (NMC DD 1300 Report) 1 Mariner in NMC DD 1300 files as having received Form DD 1300 yet 16 identified on WWII CM listing Rationale: 9521 Merchant Mariners KIA or MIA serving and only 414 receiving Veteran status. Findings 11: The USCG cannot provide a true estimate of merchant mariners serving in WWII. GAO/HEHS- 97 -196R refers. Estimates range from 250,000 to 840,000 from recognized historians and GAO audit. None of these historians were aware of these 10,000 to 30,000 coastwise merchant seamen where many served without proper credentials and were not included in above estimates. Some were elderly and handicapped; others women and some were school children who served in billets, drew wages and paid taxes. They served on the same vessels in the same hostile war zones and performed the same services alongside others who were documented. Yet, only about 91,000 merchant mariners have been recognized as veterans with iust 1192 of these veterans in receipt of compensation or pension benefits the VA refers. This is a vast disparity in ratio of the other service branches. Findings 12: DOD and NARA Agreement N1- 330 -04 -1 of Jul, 08, 2004 puts in place a procedure to transfer military personnel files of individuals from all services, (including civilian personnel or contractual groups who were later accorded military status under the provisions of Schmacher, Willner, et al, V. Secretary of the Air Force Edward C. Aldridge, Jr 665 F Supp 41 (D.D.C. 1987). This agreement affects military personnel records of individuals 62 years after separation from service. Action has taken place for all except the US Merchant Marine IAW above stated court order. This inaction by the Department of Homeland Security via (COMDT USCG) has caused many of the mariners to have gone unrecognized for their services. Many seafarers have passed without ever gaining recognition or benefits and soon all will be History. National Personnel Records Center estimate there are between 1400 to 2500 Cubic feet of Shipping /Discharge documents being stored at the NARA district offices and NMC yet to be transferred to the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri. NMC cites about 91,000 out of 250,000 to 840,000 have ever received recognition as veterans; and, with many unable to gain access because of age and health condition requiring assistance from others outside family. Had compliance taken place, these records would have been available to all and providing the mariner a chance to being recognized many years ago and enjoying the benefits awarded to them via court order. WHEREAS, (1) By court order, Schumacher v. Aldridge 665 F Supp 41 (D.D.C. 1987) provided for veteran status to certain US Merchant Marine seamen during WWII (07 December, 1941 to 31 December, 1946) with the same benefits accorded all veterans as administrated by the Veterans Administration. There were no provisions for the elderly, handicapped, women or school children to even be considered for their services as mariners serving anywhere within the US Merchant Marine providing an avenue to veteran status; and WHEREAS, (2) The USCG Information Sheet #77 of Apr. 1992 identifies specific criteria to be used to prove active duty performed by an individual seaman for the purpose of attaining veteran status and findings (5), (6) & (7) identified specific official government actions that removed these particular documents from the reach of the mariner. This clearly identifies the requirement to put in place a method of utilizing alternative documentation and other approved methods to replace specific documents removed from use by the government actions cited elsewhere in this document; and WHEREAS, (3) Women were removed from ships at the onset of WWII and not allowed to serve in any capacity by direction of the War Shipping Administrator, Admiral Emory S. Land. The Captains of the Ports (USCG COTP) were given specific directions to deny official USCG maritime credentials to any woman requesting them. They served but without official credentials in every capacity on most vessels. Families were the sole crew on many barges throughout the WWII and afterwards. Companies welcomed this arrangement because critical crew replacements were reduced considerably. This allowed those barges to move the bulk war materials more quickly and freed the more able bodied seaman to man the larger seagoing ships taking vital supplies to troops on all the fronts, keeping the enemy from our doors. A win win situation vital to war defense. To date there is no law or other avenue recognizing women as veterans of the US Merchant Marine during WWII; and WHEREAS, (4) President Roosevelt's speech of 12 Oct, 1942 puts in Place the use of elderly and handicapped individuals, school children and women in an effort to support war efforts by replacing men of military age and fitness, and in stepping up our production of war materials for those on the front lines. Because of this speech, women, the elderly, disabled and school children entered the varied war defense plant services in droves and many found their way into the coastwise barge and tug trades as well; and WHEREAS, (5) DOD & NARA Agreement NI- 330 -04 -1 of July 08, 2004 provides for the transfer of military records to the National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, MO for use as archival records, open to the public. But inaction by the DHS for the mariner in over 10 years has caused the veteran loss of due access of his records that may have accorded him recognition as a veteran. Recommend Congressional inquiry into delay of WWII Merchant Mariners personnel records; and WHEREAS, (6) Previously attempted bills, HR 1288 and 5 -1361, would have provided for alternative records to be used in place of records lost, destroyed or denied for coastwise seamen affected; and allowed women and school children be recognized for their services rendered for the first time ever. There are no laws in place to allow for resolution of this issue; and WHEREAS, (7) The elderly, disabled, children and women have served in every war this nation has ever known. Most have served without recognition but history is replete with actions of young children stepping up to serve, some receiving our highest honors and others serving in our highest ranks of service, congress and the presidency; e.g. President Andrew Jackson (age 13); America's first Admiral, David Glasgow Farragut was appointed a midshipman at (age 9) by President James Madison; Willie Johnson (age 11) was recipient of the Medal of Honor; Albert Cohen of Memphis TN who enlisted at age 11 & KIA age 15. History is filled with children defending this nation and Coastwise Mariners had their fair share of them. Findings #9 & #10 provide support info; and WHEREAS, (8) Although they served gallantly and with honor, actions taken against those that were elderly and disabled, school children and women by denying them official credentials during WWII is considered discrimination today; and WHEREAS, (9) The process used to determine whether an individual performed service under honorable conditions that satisfies the requirements of a coastwise merchant seamen who is recognized as having performed active duty service under the court ruling via Schmacher, Willner, et al, V. Secretary of the Air Force Edward C. Aldridge Jr 665 f Supp 41 (D.D.C.1987). There are no considerations in any existing legislation that provides for women who served, under aged school children or elderly and handicapped seaman any avenue to attain veteran status. Nor is there a current avenue to use alternative methods of recognition or other actions that have proved effective in past wars for use in lieu of documents that were denied and/or destroyed by several specific official government actions. The following actions are recommended: (1) Initiate congressional actions to: Provide sufficient response to support Merchant Mariners' provisions of HR 1288 (with wording intact to insure all coastwise barge and tugboat mariners who served during WWII (regardless of age, gender or disability) are recognized as veterans in accordance with or similar to: court ruling via Schmacher, Willner, et al, V. Secretary of the Air Force Edward C. Aldridge, Jr 665 F Supp 41 (D.D.C. 1987, granting veterans status). (2) Initiate congressional inquiry into: Delay of WWII Merchant Mariners personnel records movement to National Military Personnel Center. (3) Initiate congressional actions to: Recognize WWII Mariners identified as KIA/MIA as Veterans of this Nation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby supports these efforts on behalf of the World War II Coastwise Merchant Mariners and urges our Representatives in the Senate (Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis) and in the House (Representatives Walter Jones and George K. Butterfield) to fully support and initiate all necessary actions, including full support of HR 1288, "WW II Merchant Mariners Service Act ", to pass legislation approving the above findings and recommendations. ADOPTED this the 18th day of May, 2015. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ATTEST: �pL� 1-1 U-V�� Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book �XX1.� Page LCL New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for March 2015 Current Year 2014 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 142,437,299.67 $ (1,102,300.42) $ 8,339.52 $ 14,212,447.55 $ (738,130.00) $ 374,981.33 $ 29,772.17 $ (848.82) $ (202.32) $ $ $ 156,679,519.39 (1,841,279.24) 383,118.53 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date Write -off $ $ $ 141,343,338.77 138,954,148.88 (26.88) $ $ $ 13,849,298.88 12,886,350.39 133.23 $ $ $ 28,721.03 21,817.82 (11.12) $ $ $ 155,221,358.68 151,862,317.09 95.23 Outstanding Balance $ 2,389,163.01 $ 963,081.72 $ 6,892.09 $ 3,359,136.82 Collection Percentage $ 98.31 $ 93.05 $ 76.00 $ 97.84 YTD Interest Collected $ 174,661.82 $ 12,991.95 $ 230.13 $ 187,883.90 NCDMV Vehicle Tax Collections IYTD Interest Colle tDed I $ 957,109.03 I $ 7,491,063.13 71,902.98 Total 2014 Collections YTD $ 159,613,167.10 Prior Years 2004 -2013 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,555,977.70 $ 2,525,777.15 $ 1,775,834.77 $ 5,857,589.62 Abatements $ (366,028.68) $ (69,566.52) $ (7,827.91) $ (443,423.11) Adjustments $ 1,144.29 $ 287.22 $ - $ 1,431.51 Total Levy $ 1,191,093.31 $ 2,456,497.85 $ 1,768,006.86 $ 5,415,598.02 Collections to Date $ 365,234.97 $ 87,033.44 $ 352,411.89 $ 804,680.30 Write -off $ (7,838.16) $ (117,402.74) $ (150,033.73) $ (275,274.63) Outstanding Balance $ 818,020.18 $ 2,252,061.67 $ 1,265,561.24 $ 4,335,643.09 YTD Interest Collected $ 78,584.72 $ 17,341.01 $ 57,369.68 1 $ 153,295.41 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 957,975.71 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 160,571,142.81 NEW 6� — ER C N C> A Clerk to the Board I e, Date New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for March 2015 Exhibit Book X) Page ..IQ Current Year 2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments $ Real Estate $ Personal Property $ Motor Vehicles $ Combined $ 7,516,502.19 $ (88,206.78) $ 4,643.66 $ 913,933.65 $ (15,851.53) $ 681.85 $ 1,649.56 $ (120.33) $ 781.15 $ $ $ 8,432,085.40 (104,178.64) 6,106.66 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date Write -off $ $ $ 7,432,939.07 7,306,876.31 (6.59) $ $ $ 898,763.97 847,455.29 (15.19) $ $ $ 2,310.38 1,831.51 (1.45) $ $ $ 8,334,013.42 8,156,163.11 (23.23) Outstanding Balance $ 126,056.17 $ 51,293.49 $ 477.42 $ 177,827.08 Collection Percentage 1 $ 98.301 $ 94.29 $ 79.34 $ 97.87 MTD Interest Collected 1 $ 8,046.45 1 $ 819.02 $ 16.50 $ 8,881.97 NCDMV Vehicle Tax Collections Current month / YTD $ 64,230.60 1 $ 503,054.20 YTD Interest Collected $ 4,689.28 Total 2014 Collections YTD Prior Years 2004 -2013 8,672,788.56 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 60,707.23 Grand Total AH Collections YTD $8,733,495.79 NEW H VER COUNTY //,/2 C man Clerk to the Board Date Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 75,254.65 $ 121,141.55 $ 88,897.58 $ 285,293.78 Abatements $ (7,032.42) $ (2,204.72) $ (464.19) $ (9,701.33) Adjustments $ - $ 148.46 $ 94.48 $ 242.94 Total Levy $ 68,222.23 $ 119,085.29 $ 88,527.87 $ 275,835.39 Collections to Date $ 28,049.05 $ 1,823.90 $ 23,134.53 $ 53,007.48 Write -off $ (282.93) $ (3,877.46) $ (5,093.08) $ (9,253.47) Outstanding Balance $ 39,890.25 $ 113,383.93 $ 60,300.26 $ 213,574.44 MTD Interest Collected $ 3,868.28 $ 567.24 1 $ 3,264.23 1 $ 7,699.75 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 60,707.23 Grand Total AH Collections YTD $8,733,495.79 NEW H VER COUNTY //,/2 C man Clerk to the Board Date Exhibit BookUXI X Page t 5.(a AGENDA: May 18, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 070 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -070 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage the budget Fund: General Department: Sheriff Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office $88,799 Total $0 $88,799 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office $88,799 Total $0 $88,799 Fund: Federal Forfeited Property (FFP) Department: Sheriff Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office $8,724 Total $0 $8,724 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office $8,724 Total $0 $8,724 Section 2: Explanation To budget 1) insurance proceeds from a wrecked vehicle and 2) reimbursement for overtime pay worked in conjunction with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) cases. The insurance proceeds are split between the General Fund and FFP to mirror the initial purchase of the vehicle. The total amount for the budget amendment is $97,523. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -070, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 1 2015. (SEAL) n y JuAlhan Barfie ., airman 0 A ST: ,Q Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book'j(VX[k Pan X151 AGENDA: May 18, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 068 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -068 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage the budget Fund: General Department: Social Services Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Department of Social Services $28,434 Total $0 $28,434 Revenue: Decrease Increase Incentive Payments $28,434 Total $0 $28,434 Section 2: Explanation Additional monies received through DSS incentive payments will be used for the Family Support Program. The program purchases services to assist fathers to become better parents and support their children financially. It works with non - custodial parents referred from Child Support Court and the New Hanover County Child Support Office and is 100% funded through child support enforcement incentive payments. North Carolina earns incentive payments based on the Child Support Program performance as compared to the other states in the nation. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -068, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 18th day of May, 2015. (SEAL) , �' /" J Barfiel hairm ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book xyxa- Page AGENDA: May 18, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 071 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -071 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health / wellness education, programs, and services Fund: General Department: Social Services Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Department of Social Services $241 Total $0 $241 Revenue: Decrease Increase Department of Social Services $241 Total $0 $241 Section 2: Explanation To budget funds received from the North Carolina Natural Gas (NCNG), Share the Warmth Program. Funds will be used to assist low - income NCNG customers in a heating related crisis situation. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -071, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 18th day of May, 2015. (SEAL) z � " 4 �z - Jon926 Barfield, . airM ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board