Agenda 2015 06-08AGENDA JUNE 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., CHAIRMAN - BETH DAWSON, VICE - CHAIRMAN SKIP WATKINS, COMMISSIONER - WOODY WHITE, COMMISSIONER - ROB ZAPPLE, COMMISSIONER CHRIS COUDRIET, COUNTY MANAGER - WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY - TERESA ELMORE, CLERK TO THE BOARD 4:00 PM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.) INVOCATION (Reverend Michael Burbeck, Pastor, St. Mark Catholic Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Rob Zapple) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Appointment of Voting Delegate to the NACo 2015 Annual Conference 3. Ratification of Approval of an Application for the Waiver of Landfill Tipping Fees for the Lighthouse Project Sponsored by BB &T 4. Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Pender County, North Carolina, for the New Hanover County Landfill's Acceptance of Solid Waste from the Pender Commerce Park 5. Adoption of a Resolution to Declare Equipment Surplus and Approval of Disposal by Donation and Sale by Electronic Public Auction or Any Other Method Authorized by NCGS 160A- Article 12 6. Approval of Changes to the By -Laws of the Parks Conservancy of New Hanover County, Inc. 7. Appointments to the Senior Resource Center Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) Advisory Committee 8. Approval and Award of Request for Proposals (RFP) # 15 -0311 to Nee, Inc., for the County's Home and Community Care Block Grant Nutrition Program 9. Approval of Board of Education Capital Outlay Budget Amendment #8 10. Adoption of Budget Amendments ESTIMATED MINUTES REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 5 11. Public Hearing and Consideration of Approval to Submit a Joint Application with the City of Wilmington to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program for 2015 Funding from the Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 U.S. Department of Justice 10 12. Consideration of an Interlocal Agreement with Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) to Fund a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for Extension of Water and Sewer to the 421 Corridor 10 13. Consideration of FY2014 -2015 Year -End Budget Amendment 10 14. Consideration of Environmental Management Capital Improvement Projects 45 15. Public Hearing on the FY2015 -2016 Recommended Budget PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS MINUTES 10 16. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 17. ADJOURN Note: Minutes listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Mission New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Vision A vibrant prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Core Values Integrity - Accountability - Professionalism - Innovation - Stewardship Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Barfield CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Work Session Meeting held on May 14, 2015 Agenda Review Meeting, May 14, 2015 Regular Meeting, May 18, 2015 Work Session Meeting held on May 28, 2015 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Barfield CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Appointment of Voting Delegate to the NACo 2015 Annual Conference BRIEF SUMMARY: The National Association of Counties' (NACo's) 80th Annual Conference will be held July 10 -13, 2015 in Mecklenburg County, NC. A designated voting delegate must be appointed and submitted to NACo by June 19, 2015. The Board may also choose to designate an alternate voting delegate. Per NACo, any elected or appointed official or staff member from a county /parish/borough may be a voting delegate. The voting of NACo's annual election of officers and policy adoption will take place on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. at the NACo Annual Business Meeting. Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr. and Commissioner Rob Zapple are scheduled to attend the conference. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Appoint designated voting delegate and alternate delegate. ATTACHMENTS: NACo 2015 Annual Conference - Voting Credentials COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Appoint voting delegate. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Appointed Commissioner Zapple. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 2 NACONational Association of Counties The Voice of America's Counties MEMORANDUM ELECTION OF SECOND VICE PRESIDENT To: County Board Chairpersons, Parish Presidents, Borough Mayors, County Judges, Elected County Executives and County Clerks From: Riki Hokama, NACo President Date: May 8, 2015 Subject: Voting Credentials — 2015 Annual Conference WE � tAA 1 9 NEW HANOVER CO. MANAGER'S OFFICE NACo is preparing for the 80th Annual Conference to be held July 10 -13, 2015, in Mecklenburg County, N.C. It is important that your county participates in the association's annual election of officers and policy adoption. In order to participate, a county must have paid its membership dues and have one paid registrant for the conference, according to NACo bylaws. Please read the enclosed information carefully. Indicate on the credentials form the name of the county voting delegate and alternate authorized to pick up your county's voting materials. A checklist is enclosed to assist you in filling out the voting credentials form. Additionally, the chief elected official of your county must sign the form. A chief elected official may include the following: • board chair /president • mayor • county judge • elected county executive Please, ill out this form in advance and mail, fax or scan and e-mail the enclosed form by FRIDAY, JUNE 19. If no one from your county is planning to register for the conference, you do not have to turn in the credentials form. Alex Koroknay - Palicz - Fax (202) 393 -2630 Credentials Committee Attn: Alex Koroknay - Palicz National Association of Counties 25 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20001 AKPalicz @naco.org Membership Coordinator, Alex Koroknay - Palicz, can be reached at 888.407.NACo (6226) x291, his direct line at 202.942.4291 or akpalica @naco.org. We look forward to seeing you in Mecklenburg County! , 25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW 1 Suite 5qyoia �ss� eQs001 ur?eOg;3Ag2261 fax 202.393.26301 www.naco.org ITEM: 2 -1 -1 2015 General Voting Frequently Asked Questions On what issues or for which candidates do counties/parishes/boroughs vote? Counties vote on resolutions that set NACo legislative and association policy for the coming year. Delegates also elect NACo officers for the coming year. The position of second vice president is usually the one position that is contested. How can my county vote? A county must be a NACo member "in good standing" in order to vote. This means your county's dues for 2015 must be paid before the voting occurs. Also, the county must have at least one paid registration for the annual conference and have proper credentials. What are credentials? Credentials attest to a county's eligibility to vote. Credentials contain information on the number of votes a county is eligible to cast, as well as the identity of the delegate that is authorized to cast the county's vote. How is the credentials form distributed? The form is mailed to the clerk and chief elected official of member counties so that the county can provide the name of the voting delegate to NACo. Conference registrants will receive an e-mail with a link to the credentials form as well. Only counties that have paid their 2015 NACo dues will receive a credentials form. This form is mailed in May. Please return this form by Friday, June 19, 2015. Why did I receive a credentials form? You are receiving this form because you are the chief elected official at your county, your county's clerk, or you registered for the 2015 NACo Annual Conference. If you wish to vote, please bring the credentials form to your chief elected official to fill out and return to us. Please see this packet for more instructions on the form. My county has misplaced the credentials form. What should I do? The credentials form will be available in the Elections and Voting Credentials section of the NACo website (www.naco.org /credentials) shortly after it is mailed. A member login is required to download and print the form. After you download, print, and fill out the form correctly, you can return it to NACo. Please call Alex Koroknay- Palicz at 888.407.NACo (6226) x291 if you need assistance. If my county is not registering for the Annual Conference, does my county have to send in the credentials form? No. Only counties who register are able to vote. Please do not return the credentials form to the NACo office if your county does not plan to register for the Annual Conference. What is a voting delegate? A voting delegate is someone authorized by your county/parish/borough board to pick up a ballot and cast your county's votes at the annual conference. The delegate must have a paid registration to the conference. Who may be a voting delegate? Any elected or appointed official or staff member from your county/parish/borough may be a voting delegate. That decision is up to your county board. What is an alternate? An alternate is another elected or appointed official or staff member from the county delegated by the county to pick up and cast its ballot. The alternate must have a paid registration to the conference. • The delegate OR alternate listed on the credentials form may pick up your county's ballot. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 2 My county has only one person attending the conference. Does my county have to designate an alternate? No. It is not necessary to list an alternate if a delegate is named. Whose ballots may the state associations of counties /parishes/boroughs receive? Your state association of counties /parishes /boroughs is allowed to pick up any unclaimed ballots from counties/parishes /boroughs that have registered delegates. The pick -up for state associations is Sunday afternoon during the conference. The state association may then cast those ballots in the election. My county does not want our state association to pick up our votes. How does my county go about indicating this decision? You must check the box that says "If my ballot is not picked up, 1 DO NOT A UTHORIZE my state association to pick up or cast my county's vote. I understand that my county's votes will NOT be cast if I select this option. " • Remember that your county's votes will not be cast at all with this option if your delegate does not pick up the ballot. If I do not get my credentials form into the NACo office by June 19, may I become credentialed on site at the conference? Yes. You may bring the original credentials form signed by your chief elected official or fill out the on -site ballot form. By signing the on -site ballot form you declare that you and the other conference attendees from your county have agreed that you are the voting delegate for your county. You must be registered for the conference to be able to vote. What would happen if more than one registered attendee from my county fills out the on -site ballot form? If there is confusion as to who the authorized delegate is, and more than one person claims to be your county's authorized delegate, officials from your county will need to resolve the dispute by 5 p.m. EDT on Sunday July 12, 2015. Unless the dispute is resolved, your county's votes will not be counted. To resolve the dispute, all registrants who filled out the on -site ballot form need to agree as to who is authorized to cast their county's votes and communicate that to Alex Koroknay - Palicz at the credentials desk by 5 p.m. EDT on July 12. How do I get my ballot? When you submit your credentials form NACo staff prints out a paper ballot to bring to the NACo Annual Business Meeting. In order to vote you will need to pick up this paper ballot at the NACo Credentials Desk. Your county has until 1 p.m. on Sunday July 12 to come to the Credentials Desk and pick up your ballot. If you do not pick it up by 1 p.m. your state association can then pick up your vote until 5 p.m. unless you check the box on the form to not permit them. If you check that box and do not pick up your own ballot your county WILL NOT be permitted to vote. What would happen if I've picked up my ballot, but I need to leave before the election on Monday? If you have picked up the ballot for your county but won't be present to cast it at the NACo Annual Business Meeting on Monday morning, you can give that ballot to a delegate from your same county, from another active member in your state, the head of your state delegation, or your state association president or president's designee. To do this, you (transferer) and the person you are handing the ballot to (transferee) must sign the Record of Ballot Transfer form on the back of your ballot. My county won't be attending this year's Annual Conference, can we still vote? Yes. Your county can still have its votes counted without attending the conference, but one person from your county still needs to register. You must have at least one person registered by 12 PM EDT on July 7. If you register, do not plan to attend and wish to vote, you MUST designate your state association president as your delegate on the Credentials Form. Your state association president or his/her designee will pick up and cast your ballot. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 3 How does NACo determine the number of votes each county receives? The number of votes is determined by the amount of dues a county pays. Dues are based on population. All counties are entitled to at least one vote. Members with more than $499 in dues are entitled to one additional vote for each additional $500 in dues or fraction thereof paid in the year the meeting is held. • Counties with dues of $400 to $499 receive one vote. • Counties with dues of $500 to $999 receive two votes, and so on. • The maximum number of votes a county can receive is 121. My county has 10 votes. How can our 25 commissioners divide or share the votes? That is up to your county. NACo has no rule as to how counties decide to allocate their votes. Counties may split their vote amongst the candidates running for second vice president if it is desired. I've heard the term "unit vote" used. What is that? Some states, by custom or policy, cast all of their votes as a block or "unit." State associations typically have a meeting before the election to determine how they will handle the voting process. • Check with your state association regarding the time, date and location of this meeting. • NACo bylaws permit each county to cast its vote as it chooses. Your county does not have to vote with your state association should you so choose. When does the voting take place? This year's election will be held on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. at the NACo Annual Business Meeting. How does the voting occur? Votes are cast by state, not by state association. Counties from a state sit together as a delegation. The reading clerk will call out states at random. A state appointed representative will approach the microphone and call out that state's vote. This will continue until one of the candidates has a majority (50 percent plus 1) of the total number of votes being cast. Voting may still continue after the fifty percent plus one mark has been reached. What is a roll call? Roll call is a way of voting for NACo resolutions to be passed. if a roll call is necessary, the names of the states will be read out in alphabetical order by the reading clerk. A state appointed representative will approach the microphone and call out that state's vote as "yes" or "no." This will continue until all votes have been cast. What happens if there is a dispute over the election process? It is rare, but sometimes irregularities occur with how votes are cast or counted, or how the credentialing process is conducted. As a safeguard elections may be challenged during the voting process at the NACo Annual Business Meeting. Challenges are allowed under two circumstances. A voting delegate may challenge the vote for his/her state, and his/her state only. A candidate running to become a NACo officer may challenge the vote of any state. If a challenge is made, the NACo Credentials Committee may audit the ballots of a state delegation to ensure that the number of votes the state is casting matches the number of ballots the state has. The committee may also audit the ballot transfer records on the back of each ballot and the State Voting Totals Form, which is a form states fill out showing the number of votes cast for each candidate. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management PRESENTER(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director CONTACT(S): Joe Suleyman SUBJECT: Ratification of Approval of an Application for the Waiver of Landfill Tipping Fees for the Lighthouse Project Sponsored by BB &T BRIEF SUMMARY: The Environmental Management Department has received an application from BB &T Bank's Lighthouse Project committee for the waiver of landfill tipping fees. The project selected for this year is work performed for The Cape Fear Literary Council's facility, which is in need of repairs, painting, cleaning, maintenance and landscaping. The project, conducted May 11 -31, 2015, is estimated to generate approximately two (2) tons of solid waste, to include construction waste. Due to the delay in receipt of the application, this request is for the ratification of approval for the waiver, retroactive to May 11, 2015. The landfill has waived a total of $145,726 in tipping fees (2,738 tons) fiscal year to date, from all sources. The Environmental Management Director recommends approval of the waiver request retroactive to May 11, 2015, with a maximum cap of four (4) tons for the duration of this project. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Effective County Management • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratification of approval of the application to waive landfill tipping fees for up to four (4) tons of waste generated within New Hanover County for the duration of the 2015 Lighthouse Project for the Cape Fear Literary Council, sponsored by BB &T Bank. ATTACHMENTS: Tipping Fee Waiver Application COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. K ]►1101 Fs`f11 M►1I1.MAT I Y 161►6`A Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 3 APPLICATION FOR WAIVER OF TIPPING FEES This form should be completed and submitted to the Director of Environmental Management for consideration of a waiver of established tipping fees. The Director will review the application and make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. Submit the completed form to: Joe Suleyman Director, Environmental Management 3002 US Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 SECTION ONE (To be completed by Applicant) Name of Organization: grsna Bank3m - 1ru2st Company Address: 115 N. Third Streat, 2'."i Floor Wilmington, NC 28401 Primary Contact: Debbie . ops$ Assistan-c bo Nurks° F'7 3Id -�Dt Phone: _ slf ��) 815 aim, Email Address: mot; adt.r.-Qm L) What is the mission of your organization'? Since 2008, BB &T has bo.en in,olved it a cx4mP.1ty zervlce project called The Lighthouse Project which is bankwide. Our 1111mxng -tim area empi(*yeea 1x-::VP chosen for our project this year, The Cape Fear Literacy Council whero people .44 all ages laara how to read. Their facility is in need of' repair, painting, cleaning, maintenance„ lanacapmg and additional other services. We will be removing carpet fixing walls, painting, cleaningz civet theif Shpd, repairing light fixtures and ceiling tiles, and working on their narking Ict. -S landscip=g kill be performed as well. 2.) What type of services) do /does your organization provide to the residents of New Hanover County? We are a financial institution that gives back to :,ur community with events suchas our Lighthouse Project, Carousel Center, Brigade Begs & Girls Club, BB&T Football Jamboree to name a few. 3.) Outline the necessity of this request and its impact on your organization: If we are approved for waiver of tipping fees, all of the funds we have allocated to the project at the Cape Fear Literacy Council will be used at the Cape Fear Literacy Council. This could mean additional painting, or fixtures, or literacy programs to assist NeTi Hanover County residents to learn to read in an improved environment. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 4.) Have tipping fees been waived in the past for this organization (circle one)? YES NO Z am not aware that we have applied for the waiver of tipping fees in the past. 5.) please attach a copy of any documentation of your organization's IRS status 6.) What waste removal/hauling company will be transporting your waste? Pink Trash 7.) What is the estimated amount (in tons or cubic yards) of expected waste generation? 2 Tons OR 20 Cubic Yards 8.) Check type(s) of waste: Game or refuse x Construction waste Bulky waste (mattresses, furniture, etc.) I hereby certify that the information above is true' and accurate, and that I am authorized by my organization to *ubnmit this request on its behalf. I also understand that it is my organization's responsib9h), to ensure that no hazardous or prohibited wastes will be disposed of. Signature: dJ Cam_ �! _ Date: i SECTION TWO (To be complOW by NHC DENT) I have the tipping fee waiver request and COMMEND DO NOT RECOMMEND approval (circle one). Signature: Cc: NHC Landfill Mgr. Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 2 Date: S- 6 - 2 0JS -h. AvLk �,, cook pvl�, ` Form WM9 (Aev_ Auguat 2018) depadmerlt of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service N N 0. c 0 7 C W .c c M. y ao Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the Identification Number and Certification requester. Do net send to the IRS. ,Name tas Mown an your Income tax return) Branch Banking and Trust Compaq ousiness name/disregarded entity name, if different from Check appropriate box forfederal tax ciassillostion: ❑ lndividuai/eale proprietor 0 C Corporation ❑ 6 Corporation ❑ Partnership ❑ TruaVeatate ❑ Limited liability company. Enter the tax clssslflcdon (CFC. corporafion, S =S corporation, P--partnership). ► Other (see Instructions) ► rss (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) '.O. Box 483 My. state, and 2 Iston- Salem, NC 27102 account number(a) here (option Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given an the "Name" line to avoid backup withholding. For Individuals, this Is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, s99 the Part I Instructions on page 3. For ocher entitles, it is your employer Identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3. Note. If the account is In more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose number to enter. Exemptions (see instructions); Exempt payee code (f any) 5 Exemption from FATCA reporting code (if any) name and address 0©M00KI Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer Identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the ) nternal Revenue Service ORS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and S. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below), and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have bean notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all Interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, Item 2 does not apply. For mortgage Interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, aofttdbutions to an Individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than Interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the instructions on paste 3. veyn I Signature of He re U.S.oarson ► General Instructions Section references are to the internal ROMue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developments. The IRS has created a page on IRS.gov for information about Form W -9, at www.ks.gov/w9, Inforrnatlon about any future developments affecting Farm W -9 (such as legislation enacted after we release ip will be posted on that page. Purpose of.Form A person who Is required to file an Information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (rlN) to report, for exempla, income paid to you, payments made to you in settlement of payment card and third parry network transactions, real estate transactions, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured properly, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA. Use Form W -9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), in provide your correct TIN to the person requesting It (the requester) anti, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be Issued), 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withhold'mg if you are a U.S. exempt payee. If applicable, you are also certifying that as a U.S. person, your allocable share of any partnership income from a U.S, trade or business is not subject to the cat h o-'W ► alR5-/a withholding tax on foreign partners' share of effectively connected income, and 4. Certify that FATCA code(s) entered on this form of any) Indicating that you are exempt from the FATCA reporting, is correct. Note. If you are a U.S. person and a requester gives you a form other than Form W -9 to request your TIN, you must use the requesters form If It is substantially similar 10 this Form W -9. Definition of a U.S. person. For federal tax purposes, you are considered a U.S. person If you are: • An individual who Is a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident al €en, • A partnersW corporation, company, or association created or organized In the United States or underihe laws of the United States, • An estate (outer than a foreign astate), or • A domestic trust (as defined In Regulations section 801.7701 -7). Speciaal rules for partnerships. Parinereh €pa that conduct a trade or business In the United States are generally required to pay a withholding tax under section 1446 on any foreign periners' share of effectively connected taxable income from such buslneas. Further, in certain cases where a Form W-9 has not been received, the rules under section 1446 require a partnership to presume that a partner is a foreign person, anti pay the section 1446 withholding trek. Therefore, If you are a U.B. person that is a partner in a partnership conducting a trade or business in the United States, provide Farm W -910 the partnership to establish your U.S. status and avoid section 1446 withholding on your share of partnership Income. 0. 1o231x Form W- 9 (Rev. 8 -2al3) Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management PRESENTER(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director CONTACT(S): Joe Suleyman SUBJECT: Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Pender County, North Carolina, for the New Hanover County Landfill's Acceptance of Solid Waste from the Pender Commerce Park BRIEF SUMMARY: Wilmington Business Development and the Chairman of the Pender County Board of Commissioners have requested that the New Hanover County (NHC) Landfill accept municipal solid waste from the Pender Commerce Park. This Commerce Park lies less than two (2) miles from the NHC Landfill, and 64 (sixty - four) acres of the Commerce Park lie within New Hanover County. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources has conditionally approved this arrangement, pending an executed Interlocal Agreement (ILA). The NHC Department of Environmental Management, in conjunction with the NHC County Attorney's office, has prepared an ILA defining the term, limitations and conditions of waste acceptance that will enhance regional business development initiatives by simplifying solid waste management within the Pender Commerce Park. The current tipping fee in effect will be increased by $2.00 per ton for any waste originating from the Pender Commerce Park during the term of this Agreement. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Productive Strategic Partnerships • Collaborate on regional planning RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Interlocal Agreement #15 -0291 with Pender County for the NHC Landfill's Acceptance of Municipal Solid Waste from the Pender Commerce Park. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Interlocal Agreement #15 -0291 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 4 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 4 New Hanover County Contract #15 -0291 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, made and entered this day of 2015 by and between PENDER COUNTY, North Carolina, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Pender "; and NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "New Hanover." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the economic development benefits generated by PCP are mutually beneficial to both counties; and Im WHEREAS, both counties are agreeable that solid waste generated by PCP be eligible for disposal at the New Hanover County Landfill (NHCL). NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and other good and valuable consideration set forth herein, Pender and New Hanover hereby agree as follows: 1%� N116 1. New Hanover agrees to accept municipal solid waste generated from within the geographic confines of PCP at NHCL. 2. Tenants of PCP may elect to utilize NHCL for their solid waste disposal needs. Any tenant of PCP may opt to utilize NHCL disposal facilities at its sole discretion. 3. Tenants of PCP will be subject to the same fee structure for solid waste disposal as established in the New Hanover County Code of Ordinances — Appendix B, Fee Schedule, with a surcharge of $2.00 per ton. 4. Municipal solid waste accepted for disposal at NHCL that originates from PCP is limited to a maximum of 20 tons per day, with an annual limit of 6,240 tons per year. This limit may be amended by mutual agreement between New Hanover and Pender. Page 1 of 4 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 New Hanover County Contract #15 -0291 5. NHCL reserves the right to reject any waste in excess of the daily or annual limit, or any waste that contains banned /prohibited wastes, hazardous waste, or regulated medical waste. 6. The term of the ILA is for five (5) years, and may be extended by mutual agreement between New Hanover County and Pender County. 7. Any construction waste generated through site development activities by new tenants of PCP, their contractors and subcontractors that is delivered to NHCL for recycling will not be included in the daily and annual tonnage limits. 8. Source - separated recyclables, such as paper, cardboard, aluminum, glass, or plastic beverage containers delivered to NHCL will not be subject to fees and will not be included in the daily and annual tonnage limits. 9. Pender will endeavor to notify New Hanover in advance of any pending changes to tenant status in order to maintain an accurate estimate of expected waste generation rates. SIGNED this (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to the Board (SEAL) No , 2015. NEW HANOVER COUNTY New Hanover County Manager PENDER COUNTY Pender County Manager Page 2 of 4 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 2 ATTEST: Clerk to the Board This instrument has been pre - audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Pender County Finance This instrument has been pre - audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. New Hanover County Fi Approved as to form: New Hanover County Attorney NORTH -• ®® .mom mom mom mom • • • 00 mom ®® No New Hanover County Contract #15 -0291 Approved as to form: Pender County Attorney I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Teresa P. Elmore personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board of Commissioners, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its County Manager, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of 2015. Page 3 of 4 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 3 New Hanover County Contract #15 -0291 Notary Public My Commission Expires: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of Pender County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board of Commissioners, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its County Manager, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. My Cc Witness my hand d official seal, - .. ® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ®® ® ® Page 4 of 4 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 4 is , 2015. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Lisa Wurtzbacher, Finance Director CONTACT(S): Mark Boyer, Media Productions Coordinator; Lena Butler, Purchasing Supervisor SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution to Declare Equipment Surplus and Approval of Disposal by Donation and Sale by Electronic Public Auction or Any Other Method Authorized by NCGS 160A- Article 12 BRIEF SUMMARY: The County issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on January 9, 2015 to replace the equipment in the Board's Assembly Room. MTS Services was awarded the contract and has completed the installation and testing of the new equipment. The removed equipment is no longer needed and staff requests that the Board declare the equipment listed on Attachments "A" and "B" surplus and approve the dispositions as outlined below. New Hanover County Schools requested that the County donate some of the equipment for their use. Attachment "A" contains the serial number, model, and manufacturer of the equipment requested by the Schools. NCGS 160A -280 permits the donation of any personal property including supplies, materials, and equipment that the Board deems to be surplus, obsolete, or unused to another governmental unit within the United States pursuant to a resolution adopted after the posting of a public notice of such at least five (5) days prior to the adoption of the resolution. The County intends to dispose of the remaining equipment listed on Attachment "B" by electronic public auction or any other method authorized by NCGS 160A- Article 12. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Effective County Management • Increase efficiency and quality of key business processes RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution declaring equipment surplus and approve donation of equipment detailed on Attachment "A" to New Hanover County Schools and sale of equipment detailed on Attachment "B" by electronic public auction or any other method authorized by NCGS 160A- Article 12. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Attachment A Attachment B Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 5 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DONATION OF EQUIPMENT TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS AND SALE BY ELECTRONIC AUCTION WHEREAS, the County has replaced equipment in the Board's Assembly Room with new equipment; and WHEREAS, the equipment listed on Attachments "A" and "B" is now surplus to the County's operations and staff requests that the Board declare the equipment surplus; and WHEREAS, the County has received a request from New Hanover County Schools for donation of some of the equipment as identified on Attachment "A;" and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina General Statues (NCGS) 160A -280, the County may donate to another governmental unit within the United States any personal property, including supplies, materials, and equipment, that the governing board deems to be surplus, obsolete, orunused pursuant to a resolution adopted after the posting of a public notice of such resolution at least five (5) days prior to its adoption; and WHEREAS, the remaining equipment identified on Attachment "B" will be sold by electronic public auction or any other method authorized by NCGS 160A- Article 12. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: 1. That the equipment identified in Attachments "A" and "B" is declared surplus property. 2. That the donation of the equipment listed on Attachment "A" to New Hanover County Schools is approved. 3. That the equipment listed on Attachment "B" is to be sold by electronic public auction or any other method authorized by NCGS 160A- Article 12 is approved. 4. That County staff is directed to process any required documents to complete the transaction. ADOPTED this the 8th day of June, 2015. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 1 Manufacturer Clear One Clear One Extron Sabine Sharp Sharp Description Audio Processor Audio Processor RG B440 Interface Feedback Supressor Sharp 60" LCD TV Sharp 60" LCD TV Attachment A June 8, 2015 Part /Model Number XAP800 XAP800 ER 9625 F BX -2400 LC- 60E77UN LC- 60E77UN Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 5 - 2 - 1 Serial Number 3145 -0630 5056 -0632 520668 FBX2405399 -X 1840462 911832627 Attachment B June 8, 2015 Manufacturer Description Part /Model Number Serial Number American Auto Matrix UM11ce GC1 Altinex Component DA DA1226AT 100678 Altinex Component DA DA1226AT 100686 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135489 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135489 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135490 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135491 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135492 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135493 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135494 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135505 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135507 Cables to Go USB Super Booster 29341 135509 Cables to Go Rackmount VGA +Audio over Cat5 39958 804111H1200069 Cables to Go Rackmount VGA +Audio over Cat5 39958 804111H1200073 Cables to Go Rackmount VGA +Audio over Cat5 39958 804111H1200074 Cables to Go Rackmount VGA +Audio over Cat5 39958 804111H1200076 Cool Gear USB Hub 8366 N/A Crestron PR02 ZA11073 2339619 Crestron Crestner Wireless Gateway CNRFGWA /ZA10127 C234986 Crestron Touchpanel ST- 1550/ZA11108 C259723 Crestron Crestnet to RJ11 Adapter CN -RJ11 C286130 Crestron Touchpanel Base ST- DS/ZA11162 C308604 Crestron Power Controller ST- PC /ZA11073 C310281 Crestron Power Controller ST- PC /ZA11073 C310298 Crestron Power Controller ST- PC /ZA11073 C310303 Crown Amplifier GCTS600 8001300300 Crown Amplifier GCTS600 8001300437 Crown Amplifier GCTS600 8001300537 Crown Amplifier GCTS600 8001300578 Electro -Voice Speaker T25i 9925A1133 Electro -Voice Speaker T25i 9925A1134 Electro -Voice Speaker T25i 9925A1135 Extron RGB440 Interface ER 9625 547609 Extron RGB440 Interface ER 9625 547708 Extron RGB440 Interface ER 9625 547708 Extron Matrix Switcher ER9918 552353 Extron Matrix Switcher ER9957 552356 Extron Audio DA MDA3A A01Q3CH E 16944 WO 1053501 -30 Extron Video Scaler IN1502 A02WUAS E 17466WO 1351960 -32 Furmin Power Conditioner PL -Pro L0005127 Kramer S -Video DA VM -3S 598882 Kramer Composite to Y/C Converter 401D 720218 Kramer Comp to Y/Z Decoder 401D /N 4060447367 Kramer Scan Convertor VP -704SC 704 - 100295 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 1 Link Electronics Svid to Composite Makie Mixing Board Marantz Recorder Deck Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel Smart Sympodium Touchpanel TRULink VGA +Audio over Cat remote TRULink VGA +Audio over Cat remote TRULink VGA +Audio over Cat remote Williams Sound Co FM Transmitter KLM AM /FM Stereo Receiver Attachment B June 8, 2015 PCN -40 1604 -V LZ P RO PM D5000 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DTF -521 B/01 I D350 DT770 39986 39986 39986 T4 R3100 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 5 - 3 - 2 (21)BW18728 MZ010007200043 7AFP00813 7AFP00948 7AFP00988 7AFP01017 7AFP01025 7AFP01026 7AFP01042 7AFP01085 7AFP01098 7AFP01217 DT770 -R1 -10483 462111611200627 8031111H1200123 8031111H1200306 18611 unknown NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Parks PRESENTER(S): Tara Duckworth, Parks & Gardens Director CONTACT(S): Tara Duckworth SUBJECT: Approval of Changes to the By -Laws of the Parks Conservancy of New Hanover County, Inc. BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Parks Conservancy Board is recommending several changes to their by -laws that were originally adopted at the inception of the Conservancy Board. Many of the proposed changes to the by -laws are stylistic or grammatical, or are otherwise self - explanatory. The more substantive points include: • Recommend adding four (4) new directors to the Conservancy Board, bringing the total to twelve (12) at -large directors, plus the county commissioner representative. This is largely an outreach board, and there is a lot of work to do in terms of raising funds and promotion. The Conservancy Board feels that four new members would really help with these responsibilities. • Recommend reducing the term for officers to one year, and eliminating any term limits for officers. • Change the list of committees, providing for fundraising and development; volunteer and events; policy; finance; and nominating committees. The nominating committee will be tasked with recruiting potential applicants for consideration by the Board of Commissioners. The Conservancy Board still retains the discretion to add additional committees as needed. • Recommend attendance requirement so that all directors are expected to miss no more than 25% of the Conservancy Board meetings in a fiscal year, but the President may grant exceptions in his or her discretion (i.e., for excused absences). The attendance requirement does not apply to committee meetings. • Clarified that every director may serve a total of two consecutive full three -year terms. If members are appointed to fill an unexpired term or some other partial term, they still are eligible to be reappointed to two more full three -year terms. • Clarified that the Finance Committee is responsible for commissioning an annual independent audit or a similar annual financial report in a form approved by the Conservancy Board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Productive Strategic Partnerships • Develop appropriate public /private partnerships Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of changes to the by -laws of the Parks Conservancy of New Hanover County as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Park Conservancy By -Laws Mark -up Parks Conservancy By -Laws Clean Final COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 BY -LAWS OF THE PARKS CONSERVANCY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, INC. Article I — Purposes Section 1: Mission Statement: Our mission is t -To care for and improve New Hanover County's parks. By doing so, we improve more than the county's beauty.— wWe improve its health, community, and economic strength. Section 2: The Parks Conservancy is a tax - exempt, nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The general purposes of the Parks Conservancy are as follows: a. To encourage and arrange for gifts, grants, bequests, and devises to the Parks Conservancy for its work in the furtherance of the objectives for which it is organized_ and to provide for the proper expenditure, use, and conservation of all gifts, grants, bequests, and devises so received. b. To establish an endowment and receive and distribute monies for prospective funding of capital improvements at County parks and to encourage the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge of the history and natural heritage of Southeastern North Carolina. c. To arrange for such meetings of Parks Conservancy directors and officers or other interested individuals; as may be legally necessary or considered desirable in the furtherance of the aims and purposes of County parks. d. To provide oversight to all internal groups_ ineluding but not ':.,,: t °vd— t6wr'cifiteei3 e. To foster relationships with other related organizations. f. To serve as ambassadors for the County parks to the community. g. To participate in and support County parks events and programs. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 it is fo- tts@, aft— d. To provide oversight to all internal groups_ ineluding but not ':.,,: t °vd— t6wr'cifiteei3 e. To foster relationships with other related organizations. f. To serve as ambassadors for the County parks to the community. g. To participate in and support County parks events and programs. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 Article II — Membership Section 1: The Corporation will not have members. Article III — Directors Section 1: Composition of the Board. The Board of Directors "Board" shall consist of thirteen (13)- e (9)-members appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and serving at the pleasure of the County Commissioners as follows: • One (1) County Commissioner • Twelve (12) F4ght-(8).At large members appointed by the County Commissioners Section 2: Elections, Terms, and Vacancies. Terms of directors will be for three (3) years and will begin on July 1 of the year following their appointment and expire on June 30 of the last year of their terms. Directors appointed or ratified by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms (six years). They will again be eligible for appointment to the Board after one year off the Board. Directors may be removed at the sole discretion of the County Commissioners with or without cause. Directors initially appointed to a term of less than three (3) years, whether because they were appointed to fill a vacancy or otherwise, shall be eligible to serve two consecutive full terms in addition to completing the partial term to which they initially were appointed. Section 3: Ex Officio Directors. The Board may appoint Ex Officio Directors in its discretion. Such Ex Officio Directors shall not be entitled to vote on matters before the Board.Eleetions, 'T'erms, and Vaeaneies. T-efms of dir-eetar-s will be for- three (3) years and will begin an july 1 of the yea fellewing their- appeintment and &ipir-e en itine 30 ef the last year- ef their- terms. , appointed or- ratified by the New Hanover- Gatia�y Board of Gem i - - i - - - nay seFve - . - - f �we eenseetitive teRiis (si�E years); they will again be eligible fer- appeintment te the Board after- one year- ag the Bear-d. Dir-eetar-s may be r-emoved at the sole diser-etion of the Section 4: Honorary Directors. In recognition of significant service to the Parks Conservancv or other contributions of other- nata-Fe, the Board of Dir- ee+ars may -a4e appoint honorary or emeritus directors. Such directors shall be considered eEx &Officio members of +h B&�Directors and btA shall not be entitled to vote on matters before the Board.shal not ha -ve the r,w &- to vote -a+ Bear- d meetJflg5Tr_, Offieio rR,....ber-s. yeeemmendedmei bens by ,ment. The following e- -ElGeie fnember-s eatild be ineluded an the Board with the indieated ter-fn lifnits�s. Section 5: Quorum. A simple majority of all duly appointed members of the Board with the power to vote shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board. Section 6: Function. The Board e s shall be the governing body of the Parks Conservancy. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 2 Section 7: Attendance and Participation Requirements. All board members shall serve on at least one standing committee of the Board and shall not miss more than 25% of the meetings of the Conservancy Board during a given fiscal year and their- assigned eammit4ee. The President shall have the authority, within his or her discretion, to make exceptions to this attendance requirement. Article IV — Officers Section 1: Officers. The officers of the Parks Conservancy shall be a President, �We-a Vice - Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and stieh ather- affieer-s ° agents as the Bear- of Dir-eetar-s find to be needed. Section 2: Method of Election. Vaeaneies. The officers shall be elected by a majority of the Directors present at the monthly - meeting in June of each year, which shall also be the annual meeting of the Parks Conservancy. OfficersTh,ey shall hold office for one year twe feats -� following their election or until successors are elected. e€ -a seeendeensectrti�,, term. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by the Board z Gaffiffiit4ee for the unexpired term of the officer4 whose term is not completed. Section 3: Duties of Officers. a. President. The President shall be responsible for carrying out the policies adopted by the Parks Conservancy and its Board of Dir- ee+°rs. He or she shall preside at all meetings ef the Geasen.. ney "embed' eetk+gs of the Board of D - eeter - °, and all meetings of the Executive Committee. He or she shall execute all deeds, contracts, agreements, transfers, and such other instruments as may be o approved by the Board of r-s. b. Vice - Presidents. The Vice - Presidents shall perform such duties as may be prescribed b-y from time to time by the Board of D 'eetef- , the Executive Committee, or the President. rEither Vice President v,,.,., Iin case of the absence or disability of the President, the Vice - President maybe assigned by the Board or Executive Committee to perform any or all of the duties of the President. rThe County Gammissi °° an the Board ofPir- °°*°rs will c. Secretary. The Secretary shall oversee the preparation, review, and approval of ""' the books of the Parks Conservancy, as well as true records and - minutes of all meetings of the Parks Conservancy, it's Board °r-s-, and it's Executive Committee. d. Treasurer. Subject to the policies of the Parks Conservancy, the Treasurer shall have custody of and manageffien+--ef the assets of the Parks Conservancy shall be tiadei4ake„ by the Tr -eastr All financial transactions shall be overseen and approved 'oil ntly by the Treasurer of the Foundation and the New Hanover County Parks and Gardens Director'"r°°* °r of P, r4s or his or her appointee. The Parks Conservancy shall operate under an annual budget as recommended by the Direeter amadd thie Tr °,�,, °r and as amended Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 3 and adopted by the Board_ by the &Eeetitive Gafnfnit4ee - aeting for- the Be d. The Treasurer shall review and authorize disbursement of funds according to the budget or Board approval; ii�d transfer funds among bank and investment accounts; -, Iii)-M+&4 periodically review the status of the budget, interim financial statements, and the transactions and books of the Parks Conservancy iv monitor the performance of investment accounts and r °rI �' �fi shAll recommend changes to the &°°°rule° r°mm tteeBoard; �_:___� review Aay-the-annual independent audit or similar annual financial report obtained by the Board and recommend and monitor corrective actions -and vi render to the &ieetttiv ttee- the Board accounts of all fiscal transactions and of the financial condition of the Conservancy. Article V — Executive Committee Section 1: Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of the: President of the Parks Conservancy Vice Presidents of the Parks Conservancy Secretary of the Parks Conservancy Treasurer of the Parks Conservancy County Commissioner Representative to the Parks Conservancy New Hanover County Parks and Gardens DirectorDir -ee* ^r of,. New Hanover- County n (Non- Voting Member) The President shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee. Section 2: Function. The Executive Committee shall act between the meetings of the Board °r-s and shall possess all the powers of the Board in regard to the conduct of the business of the Parks Conservancy -, provided, however, that the Executive Committee shall oversee the solicitation, receipt, and disbursement of Parks Conservancy funds within the approved annual budget and in accordance with the budgeting procedures established by the Board. Section 3: - Procedure. The Executive Committee aetion may Make action errb M simple majority vote by mail, email, telephone, or other means if a meeting is not practical. Section 4:____7-Quorum. Three (3) voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 4 Article VI — Committees Section 1: Committees. The Board of Dir- ee+°rs may, , provide for any and all committees necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the Parks Conservancy. r°mmit4ees v,,.,., a's° be established by the President as he E)r- she, with the appr-aval of the E-�Eeetitive Gafnfnit4ee, deems desirable. The duties and responsibilities of each committee, not inconsistent with these By -laws, shall be fixed by the Board of Dir-eetar-s °r the &°°°title° r„v,,v it4e° The President and the Director of New Hanover County Parks shall be members ex officio of each committee and shall not have the power to vote in committee meetings. All other members shall be appointed for certain terms by the Board Dir-eetar-s to .,- by the E-°°°title° r°mmit4ee .,,.ting f r the Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President for unexpired terms. Section 2: Standing Committees. The standing committees of the Board ° are: a. Fundraising & Develobment b. Volunteer & Events C. Policy d. Finance e. Nominating 'a, d. Pr -agr- airs & vcrcreaeh Subeeriimit tees Events, Edueati6n, Valtiffiteer-s The Finance Committee's responsibilities shall include commissioning an annual independent audit or a similar annual financial report in a form approved by the Board. Non -Board members may serve on the standing committees of the Board, but the committee chair must be a member of the Parks Conservancy Board. Article VII — Meetings of the Conservancy Section 1: Regular Meetings. There shall be an annual meeting of the Board Of Dir- e6*°rs of the Parks Conservancy, to be held in June in Wilmingten New Hanover County, North Carolina, together with such additional meetings as the Board of smay schedule. Section 2: Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Parks Conservancy may be called by a majority vote of the Board Section 3: Notice. At least five (5) days prior to the date set for any regular meeting of the Parks Conservancy, notice of the time and place of such meeting shall be mailed delivered to each member of the Board. Such notice may be made provided through newsletters or at other regular meetings. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 5 Article VIII — Fiscal Year Section 1: Duration. The fiscal year of the �'ett�Parks Conservancy shall be from July 1 through June 30 inclusive. Article IX- Consistency Requirements Section 1: Any park activity or capital improvement that the Parks Conservancy intends to undertake or fund must be fully consistent with the New Hanover County Parks and Gardens Master Plan, Capital Improvements Strategic Plan, and Park Activities guidel and approved by the New Hanover County Parks and Gardens Director. Article X — Amendments Section 1: Method. These By -laws may be amended, altered, or repealed by a recommendation of the Board of D -, ete at any regular meeting or at any special meeting (provided notice of the proposed change or amendment is given in the notice of such special meeting), with final approval by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 6 Addendum One — June 3, 2013 Whereas, the adopted Bylaws do not address staggered terms for initial appointment of directors, Now, Therefore, the following addendum is adopted and enacted: Initial Board. For initial appointments, two persons shall serve one year terms, three persons shall serve two year terms, and three persons shall serve three year terms. For purposes of Section 3 Elections, Terms, and Vacancies, any initial term less than three years duration shall not constitute a term when determining re- appointment eligibility. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 7 BY -LAWS OF THE PARKS CONSERVANCY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, INC. Article I — Purposes Section 1: Mission Statement: Our mission is to care for and improve New Hanover County's parks. By doing so, we improve more than the county's beauty; we improve its health, community, and economic strength. Section 2: The Parks Conservancy is a tax - exempt, nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The general purposes of the Parks Conservancy are as follows: To encourage and arrange for gifts, grants, bequests, and devises to the Parks Conservancy for its work in the furtherance of the objectives for which it is organized, and to provide for the proper expenditure, use, and conservation of all gifts, grants, bequests, and devises so received. b. To establish an endowment and receive and distribute monies for prospective funding of capital improvements at County parks and to encourage the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge of the history and natural heritage of Southeastern North Carolina. c. To arrange for such meetings of Parks Conservancy directors and officers or other interested individuals as may be legally necessary or considered desirable in the furtherance of the aims and purposes of County parks. d. To provide oversight to all internal groups. e. To foster relationships with other related organizations. f. To serve as ambassadors for County parks to the community. g. To participate in and support County parks events and programs. Article II — Membership Section 1: The Corporation will not have members. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 1 Article III — Directors Section 1: Composition of the Board. The Board of Directors ( "Board ") shall consist of thirteen (13) members appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and serving at the pleasure of the County Commissioners as follows: • One (1) County Commissioner • Twelve (12) At large members appointed by the County Commissioners Section 2: Elections, Terms, and Vacancies. Terms of directors will be for three (3) years and will begin on July 1 of the year following their appointment and expire on June 30 of the last year of their terms. Directors appointed or ratified by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms (six years). They will again be eligible for appointment to the Board after one year off the Board. Directors may be removed at the sole discretion of the County Commissioners with or without cause. Directors initially appointed to a term of less than three (3) years, whether because they were appointed to fill a vacancy or otherwise, shall be eligible to serve two consecutive full terms in addition to completing the partial term to which they initially were appointed. Section 3: Ex Officio Directors. The Board may appoint Ex Officio Directors in its discretion. Such Ex Officio Directors shall not be entitled to vote on matters before the Board. Section 4: Honorary Directors. In recognition of significant service to the Parks Conservancy or other contributions, the Board may appoint honorary or emeritus directors. Such directors shall be considered Ex Officio Directors and shall not be entitled to vote on matters before the Board. Section 5: Quorum. A simple majority of all duly appointed members of the Board with the power to vote shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board. Section 6: Function. The Board shall be the governing body of the Parks Conservancy. Section 7: Attendance and Participation Requirements. All board members shall serve on at least one standing committee of the Board and shall not miss more than 25% of the meetings of the Conservancy Board during a given fiscal year. The President shall have the authority, within his or her discretion, to make exceptions to this attendance requirement. Article IV — Officers Section 1: Officers. The officers of the Parks Conservancy shall be a President, a Vice - President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Section 2: Method of Election. The officers shall be elected by a majority of the Directors present at the monthly meeting in June of each year, which shall also be the annual meeting of the Parks Conservancy. Officers shall hold office for one year following their election or until successors are elected. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by the Board for the unexpired term of the officer whose term is not completed. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 2 Section 3: Duties of Officers. a. President. The President shall be responsible for carrying out the policies adopted by the Parks Conservancy and its Board. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Board and all meetings of the Executive Committee. He or she shall execute all deeds, contracts, agreements, transfers, and such other instruments as may be approved by the Board. b. Vice - President. The Vice - President shall perform such duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board, the Executive Committee, or the President. In case of the absence or disability of the President, the Vice - President may be assigned by the Board or Executive Committee to perform any or all of the duties of the President. c. Secretary. The Secretary shall oversee the preparation, review, and approval of the books of the Parks Conservancy, as well as true records and minutes of all meetings of the Parks Conservancy, its Board, and its Executive Committee. d. Treasurer. Subject to the policies of the Parks Conservancy, the Treasurer shall have custody of and manage the assets of the Parks Conservancy. All financial transactions shall be overseen and approved jointly by the Treasurer and the New Hanover County Parks and Gardens Director or his or her appointee. The Parks Conservancy shall operate under an annual budget as recommended by and as amended and adopted by the Board. The Treasurer shall: (i) review and authorize disbursement of funds according to the budget or Board approval; (ii) transfer funds among bank and investment accounts; (iii) periodically review the status of the budget, interim financial statements, and the transactions and books of the Parks Conservancy; (iv) monitor the performance of investment accounts and recommend changes to the Board; (v) review any annual independent audit or similar annual financial report obtained by the Board and recommend and monitor corrective action; and (vi) render to the Board accounts of all fiscal transactions and of the financial condition of the Conservancy. Article V — Executive Committee Section 1: Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of the: President of the Parks Conservancy Vice President of the Parks Conservancy Secretary of the Parks Conservancy Treasurer of the Parks Conservancy County Commissioner Representative to the Parks Conservancy New Hanover County Parks and Gardens Director (Non - Voting Member) The President shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee. Section 2: Function. The Executive Committee shall act between the meetings of the Board and shall possess all the powers of the Board in regard to the conduct of the business of the Parks Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 3 Conservancy; provided, however, that the Executive Committee shall oversee the solicitation, receipt, and disbursement of Parks Conservancy funds within the approved annual budget and in accordance with the budgeting procedures established by the Board. Section 3: Procedure. The Executive Committee may take action by simple majority vote by mail, email, telephone, or other means if a meeting is not practical. Section 4: Quorum. Three (3) voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee. Article VI — Committees Section 1: Committees. The Board may provide for any and all committees necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the Parks Conservancy. The duties and responsibilities of each committee, not inconsistent with these By -laws, shall be fixed by the Board. The President and the Director of New Hanover County Parks shall be members ex officio of each committee and shall not have the power to vote in committee meetings. All other members shall be appointed for certain terms by the Board. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President for unexpired terms. Section 2: Standing Committees. The standing committees of the Board are: a. Fundraising & Development b. Volunteer & Events C. Policy d. Finance e. Nominating The Finance Committee's responsibilities shall include commissioning an annual independent audit or a similar annual financial report in a form approved by the Board. Non -Board members may serve on the committees of the Board, but the committee chair must be a member of the Parks Conservancy Board. Article VII — Meetings of the Conservancy Section 1: Regular Meetings. There shall be an annual meeting of the Board of the Parks Conservancy, to be held in June in New Hanover County, North Carolina, together with such additional meetings as the Board may schedule. Section 2: Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Parks Conservancy may be called by a majority vote of the Board. Section 3: Notice. At least five (5) days prior to the date set for any regular meeting of the Parks Conservancy, notice of the time and place of such meeting shall be delivered to each member of the Board. Such notice may be provided through newsletters or at other regular meetings. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 4 Article VIII — Fiscal Year Section 1: Duration. The fiscal year of the Parks Conservancy shall be from July 1 through June 30 inclusive. Article IX — Consistency Requirements Section 1: Any park activity or capital improvement that the Parks Conservancy intends to undertake or fund must be fully consistent with the New Hanover County Parks and Gardens Master Plan, Capital Improvements Strategic Plan, and Park Activities Guidelines, and approved by the New Hanover County Parks and Gardens Director. Article X — Amendments Section 1: Method. These By -laws may be amended, altered, or repealed by a recommendation of the Board at any regular meeting or at any special meeting (provided notice of the proposed change or amendment is given in the notice of such special meeting), with final approval by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 5 Addendum One — June 3, 2013 Whereas, the adopted Bylaws do not address staggered terms for initial appointment of directors, Now, Therefore, the following addendum is adopted and enacted: Initial Board. For initial appointments, two persons shall serve one year terms, three persons shall serve two year terms, and three persons shall serve three year terms. For purposes of Section 3 Elections, Terms, and Vacancies, any initial term less than three years duration shall not constitute a term when determining re- appointment eligibility. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Aging PRESENTER(S): Amber Smith, Senior Resource Center Manager CONTACT(S): SUBJECT: Appointments to the Senior Resource Center Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) Advisory Committee BRIEF SUMMARY: The Senior Resource Center requests the approval of four (4) appointments to the Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee reviews all HCCBG grant monies that fund programs for older adults in New Hanover County and makes recommendations to the Commissioners for distribution of funds and selection of agencies to provide community based services. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of four (4) appointments to the HCCBG Advisory Committee. ATTACHMENTS: HCCBG Advisory Committee Applications COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER 2222 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD ? WILMINGTON, NC 28403 'TELEPHONE 910-798-6400 FAX 910-798-6411 Dome and Community Care Mock Grant Advisery Ccmmittee ,Application Name: r'-D I A rs Date: Street Address: -`t 7C�� F, v s h b/\ � v"e City: r � � i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS a� 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 f Y Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION - Telephone (910) 798 - 7149 1 rrt FAX (910) 798 -7145 BoardlCommittee: HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Name: C S _ E -Mail: Home n Address: 71) P� t1S 171)A16 r 1 AI v v (1 D c !reef 1ty tp o e Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: 2/o 6 3 t� UP Fax: (city) (Zip Code) Cell:1l 7?Sr705Z Business: Years living in New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: 1q/ Age: 4!� (Information for the purpose of assuring a crass - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? if yes, name Employer. 1 Crt A LI ) A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: LL `S e !2 S Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? to promote good stewardship of grant funding used to provide services for seniors 50 years of age and older in New Hanover County Conflict or Interest: if aboard member believes he /she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Gi v-r! f J Qualifications for serving: � 0 + iy f C Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: 5 en- A-^ 119 List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. 4 04�'-k7�I 2. 3. rt�/1 C�� �a_r�t^4� S �'1 i%Ci �- �;'02.� i Date:� ~ Signature Applications are kept on file for 18 months t understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 R`P Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone (9 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Te'10) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board /Committee: HONE AND COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT ADVISORY COMMITTEE _ rr Name: JAL r �T /�E- �` � E- Mail: Home Address: /-/,7c; r /fir 6)&-*, Y V2 Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: Fax: Cell: 1d q / ..// ? ? :i Business: Years living in New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: L, Age: , (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? if yes, name Employer. r A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with Now Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation : Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: /11 /jSTe-P 6" b , i, Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? to promote good stewardship of grant funding used to provide services for seniors 50 years of age and older in New Hanover County Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you iike to see addressed by this committee? CC U A/ 271 A/( Qualifications for serving:. . j % A QIV Z) /-; �6 -T I f U 5, Y- V11,9 S o-6V r is Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. 2. 3. Date: / 1 / f c5 Signature , ` Applications are kept on file for 18 months i understand that;" board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER rf, 2222 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 2$403 I5 M TELEPHONE 910- 798.6400 FAX 910-798-6411 Dome and Community Care J31ccK Crant Adviscry Committee Annlicaticn Name: .. zi- 2��d Z�d 14 5 Date : Street Address: v j 12 &�S #4!J c D 10, 1 V, City: I L a State: C. Zip Code. �2 W %,rl Telephone: Email: l�,� _}���s G , 121, Goln Education: /C SC/ e7o ( f25 e2 L114' I Work Experience: Volunteer Experience: Community Involvement/Committees: Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 IY 1 its Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 r FAX (910) 798 -7145 f�'•, �j .a Board /Committee: HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK CRANT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Name: , I E -Mail: Home Address: ,�",� bil) yJ buck �'' (t: Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: qM, S S�f�- n 1 J- Fax: (City) (Zip Code) Cell: Business: Years living in New Hanover County- r Male: Female: LJ Race:_��,� ,� _' Age: d ( nform lion for the purpose of assuring a cross- section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name % Employer: A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department Occupation: —� �r �' CJ 4 Y� e-- Professional Activities: a u 17 K A') il , ✓S: � � �� � � � �J, '1)- l4 Volunteer Activities: Whydo you wish to serve on this board /committee? to promote good stewardship of grant funding used to provide services for seniors 60 years of age and older in New Hanover County Conflict of Interest: if aboard member believes he /she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration, The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas off concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? }� 1 y} Q _ A, `�� p (' � 61 �.r 1 Qualifications for serving: (At Q i- M; h q )e A 6 6,% e� P e, D Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: A Ir51 'yf i/� List three local personal references and phone numbers: rl Date: [�. ,_.,- ��. ., _- � � Signature Applications are kept on file For 18 months I understand that any board or co itee appointee maybe removed without cause by a majority of Co ty Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 7 -1 - 5 Name: ] ) 1 K6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER 2222 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 TELEPHONE 910-798-6400 FAX 910-798-6411 home and Community Care Mock Crarnt,Advisory Committee application - .- k Street Address: ! -S l Z"') d a city, 1.x,11`I V ► rl q � Z' k1 M <L Z`) Date: c -l(-- c ,-rc2 State: YV� Zip Code: 'Z CLGs Telephone: 1z, Email.• Education: ) /� ✓f� l (➢. YZJ b Y) Gc irr, � -Y1 L( ')l / �- u E ~' 11'c Q,e J) V)/- Work Experience: Volunteer Experience. Community Involvement/Committees: Ioe 4 c� �_ e U C C- r_ Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION - Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board /Committee: HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Name: Andrew Zeldin E_Mail: zeldingcm @gmail. com Home Address: 705 Autumn Leaves Ct. Wilmington 26411 (Street) y (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different. Home Phone: 9107995706 (C#Y) Fax: Cell: 9102339536 Years living in New Hanover County: 22 Male: ✓ Female: Race: Caucasian (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name (Zip Corte) Business: 2339538 Age: 43 Employer. Assistance for Life Care Management, LLC and UNC Wilmington A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vf, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department Occupation: Care Manager /Lecturer- Gerontology Professional Activities: Facilitate Forget -Me -Hots Support Group /VVA -685 Auxillary Member Volunteer Activities: Coach soccer Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? to promote good stewardship of grant funding used to provide services for seniors 60 years of age and older in New Hanover County Conflict of interest: if aboard member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himseff/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Access to services, meeting the needs of at risk older adult population, socialization opportunities, transportation Qualifications for serving: Master's of Science in gerontology, work with older adults as a care manager and understand their needs, teach the study of aging at UNC Wilmington. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None at this time List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1 Jane Jones 910 - 395 -4553 ext. 209 2 Ellie Covan 910- 262 -4546 3 Chris Lantz 910 -962 -3250 Date: �/ Signature Applications are kept on fife for 18 months I understand that any board or c without cause by a majority of Co Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 7 appointee may be removed Name: NEW HANOVER COUNTY SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER 2222 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 TELEPHDNE 91 D 7986400 FAX 9 1 0 -798 64 1 1 11cme and CCmmunitr Care Flcck CrantAc►viscry Committee Applicaticn Street Address: City. I ✓��fZ�� State: �A Date. Zip Code: Telephone: —# 10 ' J ~ 9S Email: 7,6L0;A)/f 0 Vim, Community Involvement/Committees: T (ff!7 N M I J) IV J 0-3 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 8 -t � I [2,A3A'-L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Aging PRESENTER(S): Amber Smith, Senior Resource Center Manager CONTACT(S): Ellen Connor, Nutritionist; Lena Butler, Purchasing Supervisor SUBJECT: Approval and Award of Request for Proposals (RFP) # 15 -0311 to Nee, Inc., for the County's Home and Community Care Block Grant Nutrition Program BRIEF SUMMARY: Sealed proposals were received on May 14, 2015 in response to the County's RFP # 15 -0311 for the Nutrition Services Program and the results are detailed below: Company Evaluation Score Standard Meal Pricing Shelf Stable pricing Catering Thyme 59 $3.12 $3.12 Diamond Food Enterprises 77 $3.63 $4.75 Nee, Inc. 78 $3.30 $3.30 Valley Services 56 $3.48 $3.80 On May 15, 2015, members of the NHC Senior Resource Center, Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee, and NHC Staff commenced evaluation of proposals utilizing a standardized evaluation form. The Cape Fear Area Agency on Aging representatives provided technical assistance for Home and Community Care Block Grant standards. After careful consideration, the committee unanimously selected Nee, Inc. as the company to recommend to the Board of Commissioners for award of contract. Although Nee, Inc. was not the vendor with the lowest cost, the committe's recommendation was based on the following factors: Vendor received the highest evaluation score Vendor's services were competitively priced Vendor's sample menu complied with grant standards Vendor's proposal complied with all Technical Specifications Vendor took no exceptions to the RFP as issued Nee, Inc. is the current provider who has an established history with the Senior Resource Center for providing excellent service and food quality as evidenced by positive client satisfaction survey results. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Effective County Management • Deliver value for taxpayer money Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 8 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution to award contract for the County's Home and Community Care Block Grant Nutrition Program to Nee, Inc., effective July 1, 2015. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Evaluations COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval of evaluation committee recommendation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION AWARD OF CONTRACT TO NEE, INC., FOR NUTRITION SERVICES WHEREAS, after due advertisement, proposals were received by the Purchasing Supervisor on Thursday, May 14, 2015 for Nutrition Services from the following four (4) companies; and Company Score Standard Meal Pricing Shelf Stable Pricing Catering Thyme 59 $3.12 $3.12 Diamond Food Enterprises 77 $3.63 $4.75 NEE Inc. 78 $3.30 $3.30 Valley Services 56 $3.48 $3.80 WHEREAS, an evaluation committee consisting of NHC staff, NHC Senior Resource Center Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) Advisory Committee, and the Area Agency on Aging representatives met and evaluated the proposals; and WHEREAS, after careful consideration, the committee unanimously selected Nee, Inc., as the company to recommend to the Board of Commissioners for award the contract to provide nutritious meals to the well and moderately impaired and frail elderly in their homes within the County; and WHEREAS, although Nee, Inc. did not submit the lowest cost proposal, the recommendation was based on the following factors: • Vendor received the highest evaluation score • Vendor's services were competitively priced • Vendor's sample menu complied with grant standards • Vendor's proposal complied with all Technical Specifications • Vendor took no exceptions to the RFP as issued. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the contract to provide Nutrition Services for the Senior Resource Center is awarded to Nee, Inc., and the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contracts, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. ADOPTED this 8th day of June, 2015. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 8 - 1 - 1 Amber Smith, SRC Manager New Hanover County Senior Resource Center 2222 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone 910- 798 -6400 Fax 910- 798 -6411 May 1S, 2015 RFP 150311 EVALUATIONS On May 14, 2015, by the 2:OOPM deadline, four (4) RFPs were received. The proposals were publicly opened and cursory review was conducted by Lena Butler, Purchasing Supervisor for New Hanover County. The four proposals were from: Catering Thyme, LLC Office Location: 4604 Bentley Dr., Wilmington, NC 28409 Diamond Food Enterprises Office Location: 6726 Netherlands Dr., Suite 100, Wilmington, NC 28405 N €€ Inc. Office Location: 1984 Eastwood Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403 Valley Services Office Location: 4400 Mangum Dr., Jackson, MS 39288 On May 15, 2015, at 9:30 AM members of the NHC Senior Resource Center, Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee, and NHC Staff commenced evaluation of proposals, utilizing a standardized evaluation form. The Cape Fear Area Agency on Aging representatives provided technical assistance for Home and Community Care Block Grant standards. Attendees: Amber Smith Teresa Hewett Ellen Connor Elizabeth J. Grace Jane Jones Ginny Brinson Susan D. Sprenger R.T. Hayes Agency NHC Senior Resource Ctr. (SRC) NHC Finance NHC Senior Resource Ctr. Senior Tar Heel Legislature (STHL) Cape Fear Area Agency on Aging Cape Fear Area Agency on Aging NHC DSS Title SRC Manager Grants & Project Analyst Nutrition Program Manager NHC STHL Delegate Director Aging Specialist Supervisor Adult Protective Ser. Volunteer Older Citizens Action League President Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 8 - 2 - 1 The unanimous recommendation was in favor of NEE, Inc. Determining factors were: Highest evaluation score, competitive bid price for daily standard meals and shelf stables allowing an option to serve more seniors, sample menu complies with grant standards, and the only bidder who complied with all Technical Specifications and no RFP exceptions. NEE Inc. has an established history with the Senior Resource Center of providing excellent service and food quality as evidenced by positive client satisfaction survey results. Evaluation Summary Evaluation Score Catering Thyme LLC. 59 Diamond Food Enterprises 77 NEE Inc. 78 Valley Services 56 1. Catering Thyme LLC. Bid Quote: Standard Meal $3.12 and Shelf Stable $3.12 Advantages: • Lowest Bid Price for standard and shelf stable (menu did not include all Grant nutrition requirements) • Locally owned caterer • Back -up off -site kitchen Disadvantages: • Incomplete Technical Specifications A. Missing notarized statement of No Revocation License B. Missing background checks on company principles • Sample menus did not meet grant nutrition standards • Limited proposed number of onsite staffing • Is currently in a formal agreement with the NC Department of Revenue for prior tax year liabilities. • No statement from an insurance agent that the bidder would be approved for coverage if awarded the contract. 2. Diamond Food Enterprises Bid Quote: Standard Meal $3.63 and Shelf Stable $4.75 Advantages: • Locally owned caterer • Back -up offsite kitchen • Presentation of bid packet was well organized Disadvantages: • Highest Bid Price for both standard meals and shelf stable meals • Incomplete Technical Specifications A. Missing notarized Revocation License statement B. Missing notarized IRS Delinquencies statement Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 8 - 2 - 2 3. NEE Inc. Bid Quote: Standard Meal $3.30 and Shelf Stable $3.30 Advantages: • Highest Evaluation Score • Competitive Bid Price for both standard meals and shelf stable meals • Menus met grant nutrition standards • Technical Specifications were complete • Locally owned caterer • Established positive history with the Senior Resource Center providing quality and dependable food services to older adults • Presentation of bid packet was well organized and easy to follow • Line of frozen meals • Working knowledge of the Home and Community Care Block Grant requirements • Serving supplies exceeded those of other bidders. Disadvantages: • Second lowest bid price, but well within the parameters of the FY16 proposed budget. 4. Valley Services Bid Quote: "Average" Standard Meal $3.48 (with fluctuating prices based on weekly meals ordered) and Shelf Stable $3.80 Advantages: • Established national company • Line of frozen meals Disadvantages: • Third highest bid prices that fluctuates depending on number of meals ordered per week • Increased administrative and staff tracking of weekly invoicing • Meal cost increase if there is a decrease in meal count due to reduction in Grant Funds, further reducing the number of clients that can be served. • Out of state based company • Technical Specifications "Can't Comply" with 4.6 A. Payment and Record Keeping B. Accounting practices of charges for "late fees, interest, and attorney fees" C. Background Checks on company principles will not be provided Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 8 - 2 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Approval of Board of Education Capital Outlay Budget Amendment #8 BRIEF SUMMARY: On May 5, 2015 the New Hanover County Board of Education adopted New Hanover County Board of Education Capital Outlay Fund Budget Amendment 48. • The budget amendment appropriates Board of Education fund balance for furniture and equipment, which was approved by the Board of Education as part of the FY15 -16 Requested Budget. As outlined in the budget plan, the items would be paid with FYI 4-15 funds. • $110,000 will fund the top priorities from the Furniture and Equipment Request, the remainder will be budgeted on July 1, 2016. A combination of County revenue and general fund balance will be used. It should be noted, the attached Furniture and Equipment Request is not prioritized. • $189,500 will fund the first five vehicles on the attached Vehicle Request. The remaining vehicles will be funded with Child Nutrition fund balance. f1 1Y.illY or" [dWKIKKIa1"011 0 1 D1011 Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Support programs to improve educational performance RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve New Hanover County Board of Education Capital Outlay Fund Budget Amendment 48 ATTACHMENTS: Capital Outlay Fund Budget Amendment 48 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 9 New Hanover County Board of Education Capital Outlay Fund Budget Amendment #8 Be it resolved by the New Hanover County Board of Education that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, on the 5th day of May, 2015: Expenditures by Purpose /Function: Increasel(Decrease) Regular Instruction $ 110 000 00 Capital Outlay Technology Support Operational Support 189,500.00 Pupil Support Unbudgeted (Contingency) 299,500.00 Revenue by Source: New Hanover County Revenue $ New Hanover County Bond Revenue _ DPI School Bus Revenue PSBCF - Lottery Revenue QSCB Revenue Other Revenue _ Transfers. from Other Funds Fund Balance Appropriated 299,500.00 $ 299,500.00 Explanation: To appropriate fund balance for fumiture and equipment approved as part of the 2015116 Budget Planning Process for which funds are currently available. Also note new Project Budget column on Budget by Source and Project, This amount represents the total project budget while, current budget only shows current portion net of Ltior year expenditures. Total Appropriation in Current Budget Amount of Increase/(Decrease) of above Amendment Total Appropriation in Current Amended Budget $ 175,989,196.05 299,500.00 $ 176,288,696.05 Passed by majority vote of the Board of Education of New Hanover County on the s44` day of 20f< . Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 1 Capital Outlay Fund Budget Summary: Revenue by Source: New Hanover County Current Budget Amendment #8 Revised Budget Expenditures by Purpose /Function: 160,000,000.00 DPI School Bus Revenue 810,791.00 Regular Instruction $ 13,381.34 $ 110,000.00 $ 123,381.34 Capital Outlay 173,143,568.18 50,000.00 173,143,568.18 Technology Support 1,678,991.80 Fund Balance Appropriated 1,678,991.80 Operational Support 1,108,618.44 189,500.00 1,298,118.44 Pupil Support 30,000.00 30,000.00 Unbudgeted (Contingency) 14,636.29 14,636.29 $ 175,989,196.05 $ 299,500.00 $ 176,288,696,05 Revenue by Source: New Hanover County $ 5,149,977.19 $ 5,149,977.19 New Hanover County Bonds 160,000,000.00 160,000,000.00 DPI School Bus Revenue 810,791.00 810,791.00 PSBCF - Lottery Revenue 4,274,085.16 4,274,085.16 Other Revenue 50,000.00 50,000.00 Transfers from Other Funds 3,562,000.00 3,562,000.00 Fund Balance Appropriated 2,142,342.70 299,500.00 2,441,842.70 $ 175,989,196.05 $ 299,500.00 $ 176,288,696.05 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 2 Capital Outlay Fund Budget by Funding Source and Project #: Funding Source/ Pro`ect # Program Pro ect Description Project Budget Multi -Year Current Budget Amendment #8 Revised Budget PSBCF - Lottery Revenue: 9075.12 076 Site and Drainage Improvement 160,846.45 26,529.99 26,529,99 9110.14 076 Security Upgrades 210,000.00 195,096.72 195,096.72 9111.14 076 Williston Mechanical Room Renovations 155,000.00 90,383.78 90,383,78 9112.14 076 Hoggard Water Heater Replacement 52,000,00 25,453.98 25,453,98 9113.14 076 Wrightsboro Floor Repairs 95,000.00 93,650.00 93,650.00 9114.14 076 Williston Asbestos Abatement 44,200.00 44,110.50 44,110.50 9115.14 076 Playground Equipment Improvement 85,000.00 65,787.39 65,787.39 9117.14 076 Hoggard HVAC Phase 11 1,083,500.00 916,419,12 916,419.12 9118.14 076 Noble HVAC Replacement 750,184.61 491,602.75 491,602.75 9119.14 076 Hoggard Exterior Door Replacement 75,000.00 28,684.01 28,684.01 9122.14 076 Noble PA System 48,000.00 18,151.87 18,151 87 9123.14 076 Laney HS Roof Replacement - Design 343,568.00 321,037.40 321,037.40 9133.14 076 My6e Grove Water Heater Replacement 59,000.00 24,177.65 24,177.65 9140.15 076 Veterans Park Cooling Tower Rplmt 472,500.00 472,500.00 472,500.00 9145.15 076 Sunset Park Soffit & Fascia Rplmt 183,000.00 183,000.00 183,000.00 9146.15 076 Sunset Park Roof Rplmt 551,000.00 551,000.00 551,000.00 9147.15 076 Codirgton HVAC Rplml 223,000.00 223,0002 223,000,00 9148.15 076 Eaton HVAC Rplmt 223,000.00 223,000.00 223,000.00 9149.15 076 Williston Chiller Rpimt 170,500.00 170,500.00 170,500,00 9158.15 76 Sidbury Road (College Park) 110,000,00 110,000.00 110,0pq.00 5,094,299.06 4,274,085.16 - 4,274,085,16 OPI School Bus Revenue: 6550 120 School Bus Leases (DPI) 1,920,025.00 810,791,00 - 810,791.00 Local Funding: 8500 801 Capital Outlay Contingency n/a 14,636.29 14.636.29 6401.38 813 Wireless Project 90,751.25 6,308.02 6,308.02 6401,60 813 Mobile Labs at various schools 92,694.00 5,600.82 5,600.82 9076 813 Laney Field House Renovations 36,340.46 639.16 639.16 5110 814 Furniture and Equipment 109,241.41 13,381,34 13,381.34 6401.46 814 Novell to AD Migration -Phase II 157,350.00 88,996,57 88,996,57 6540 814 Custodial Equipment 48,600.00 188.96 188,96 6550 814 Vehicles 177,158.00 94,138.48 94,138.48 6850 814 Handheld Radios 29,999.59 29,999.59 29,999.59 9121 814 Myrtle Grove tech upgrades 89,999.69 9,178.67 9,178.67 9125 814 Myrtle Grove - Phase I HVAC 769,515,39 388,540.11 388,5411 9126 814 Alderman - South hallway floor repairs 59,391.75 14,111.75 14,111,75 9127 814 Wri htsboro - Boiler Replacement 87,538.71 80,000.00 80,000,00 9128 814 Blair - PA system replacement 35,788.12 4,750.00 4,750.00 9129 814 Roland Grise- PA system replacement 49,130.87 4,751.00 4,751.00 9130 814 Johnson - Carpet Replacement 109,422.50 103,370,00 103,370.00 9135 814 Laney PA System Replacement 91,602.36 17,290,00 17,290,00 9136 814 Howe Kitchen AC Replacement 163,430.12 43,613.85 43,613.85 Ogden - New Mobile and Drainage 9137 814 Improvements for existing units 109,993.35 7,173.50 4,717.50 11,891.00 9139 814 Access Control Looks 15,999,50 1,431.00 1,431,00 9140 814 Proximity Exterior Door Locks 192,870.00 192,870.00 192,870.00 9141 814 Classroom Lacks 229,280.00 231,130.00 231,130.00 9142 814 Replace PA Systems 193,626.76 191,806.17 191,806.17 6401.51 815 58 mobile labs 1,179,200.00 1,179,200,00 1,179,200.00 6401.72 815 TV- Studio - new infrastructure 7,700.00 7,700.00 7,700.00 6401.73 815 Update core network equipment 126,400.00 126,400.00 126,400.00 6401.74 815 Repl computers and monitors 278,700.00 278,700.00 278,700.00 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 3 Funding Source/ Project Budget Project # Program Project Description Multi-Year Current Budget Amendment #8 Revised Budget 6550 815 Vehicles 203,500.00 203,500.00 203,500.00 9115 815 Playground Equip Rplmt & Access 100,000.00 100,000.00 100;000.00 9130 815 Johnson Abatement & Carpet Rplmt 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 9137 815 Mobile Classroom Replacement 757,906,54 618,750.61 (4,717.50) 614,033.11 9142 815 Johnson HVAC Rplmt - 9143 815 NHHS CATV System 43,100,00 43,100.00 43,100.00 9144 815 Williston CATV System 26,900.00 26,900.00 26,900.00 9149 815 Williston Chiller Rpimt 9,500.00 9,500.00 9.500.00 9151 815 NHHS Painting 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 9152 815 Williston Kitchen Hood Rplmt 132,000.00 132,000.00 13200000 9153 815 Kitchen Coler/Freezer Rplmts 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 9154 815 Laney E.xt Door Rplmt 25,000.00 25,000.00 2$,000.00 9155 815 Rock Church Facility Purchase 3,605,527.00 3,605,527.00 3,605,527.00 9158 815 New Elementary School Design 2,410,051.00 2,410,051.00 2,410,051.00 9157 815 Sidbury Road Complex Improvements 178,100.00 178,100,00 178,100.00 9160 815 Virgo Lighting 76,350.00 70,986.00 70,986.00 9172 815 Fire Alarm Panel Replacement 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 5110 816 Furniture and Equipment - 110,000.00 110,000.00 6550 816 Vehicles 189,500.00 189,500.00 12,444,658,37 10,904,319,89 299,500.00 11,203,819.89 2014 Bond Program! 9001.01 900 Northeast ES 17,011,380.00 17,011,380.00 17,011,380.00 900203 900 College Park ES Rplmt 17,011,381.00 17,011,381.00 17.011,381.00 9003.05 900 Blair ES Rplmt 17,011,381.00 17,011,381.00 17,011,381.00 9004.06 900 Laney HS Addns & Renovns 10,558,788.00 10,558,788.00 10,558788.00 9005.08 900 Hoggard HS Addns & Renovns 16,424,781.00 16,424,781.00 16,424,781.00 9006.09 900 New Hanover HS Renovns 5, 279 ,394.00 5,279,394.00 5,279,394.00 9007.10 900 Roland Grise MS Renevns 11,660,898.00 11,660,898.00 11,660,898.00 9008.11 900 Noble MS Renovns 7,906,664.00 7,906,664.00 7,906,664.00 9009.12 900 Trask MS Renovns 9,901,100.00 9,901,100.00 9,901,100.00 9010.13 900 Myrtle Grove MS Renovns 8,727,903.00 8,727,903.00 8,727,903.00 9011,14 900 Wrightsville Beach ES Addns & Renovns 7,332,492.00 7,332,492.00 7,332,492.00 9012,07 900 Technology - Network Infrastructure 5,690,014.00 5,690,014.00 5,690,014.00 9013.07 900 Technology - Security Cameras 3,402,276.00 3,402,276.00 3,402,276.00 9014.07 900 Technology - VoIP Core InfrastrlEquip 469,279.00 469,279.00 469,279.00 9015.04 900 Sunset Park Roof Rplmt 669,800.00 669,800.00 669,800.00 9016.04 900 Noble Roof Rplmt 302 ,445.00 302,445,00 302,445.00 9017.04 900 Trask Roof Rplmt 313,986.00 313,986.00 313,986.00 9018.04 900 Laney Roof Rpfmt 426,030.00 426,030.00 428,030.00 9019.04 900 Johnson Roof Rplmt 990,867.00 990,667,00 990,667.00 9020.04 900 Hoggard HS Roof Rplmt 783,503.00 783,503.00 783,503.00 9021.04 900 Trask Roof Rplmt 927,272,00 927,272,00 927,272.00 9022.04 900 Pine Valley Roof Rplmt 826,763.00 826,763.00 826,763.00 902104 900 Codingten Roof Rplmt 430,642.00 430,642,00 430,842.00 9024,04 900 Eaton Roof Rplmt 436,783.00 436,783.00 436,183.00 9025.04 900 Holly Tree Roof Coating 986,040.00 986,040.00 986,040.00 9026.04 900 Freeman Roof Rplml 479,595.00 479,595.00 479,595.00 9027.04 900 Veterans Park Roof Coating 627,888.00 627,888.00 627,881100 9028.04 900 Noble Abmt/Carpet Rplmt 304,553.00 304,553.00 304,553.00 9029.04 900 Hoggard AbmUCarpet Rpimt 681,750.00 681,750.00 681,750.00 9030.04 900 Laney AbmtJCarpt Rplmt 516,208.00 516,208.00 516,208.00 9031.04 900 Wrightsboro Boiler Rplmt 50,448.00 50,448.00 50,448.00 9032.04 900 Myrtle Grove Bailer Rplmt 150,169.00 150,169.00 150,169.00 9033,04 900 Roland Grise AHU Rplmt 64 ,526.00 64,526.00 64,526,00 9034.04 900 Codington HVAC Imprmts 260,720,00 260,720.00 260,720.00 9035.04 900 Eaton HVAC Imprmts 261,525.00 261,525.00 261,525.00 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 4 Funding Source! Project Budget Pra'ect p Pr ram Project Description Multi -Year Current Budget Amendment #8 Revised Budget 9036.04 900 Veterans Park HVAC Imprmts 367,474,00 367,474.00 367,474.00 9037.04 900 New Hanover HVAC Imprmts 360,459.00 360,459.00 350,459.00 9038.04 900 Bradley Creek HVAC Imprmts 2,111,757.00 2,111,757.00 2,111,757.00 9039.04 900 Johnson HVAC Imprmts 7,111,758.00 2,111,758.00 2,111,758.00 9040.04 900 HVAC 8 Controls Imprmts at Ver Schools 1,509,314.00 1,509,314,00 1,509,314,00 9041.15 900 Program Management 3,106,796.00 3,106,796,00 3,106,796.00 9042.16 900 Contingency 1,553,398.00 1,553,398.00 1,553,398.00 160,000,060.00 160,000,000.00 160,000,000.00 $ 179,458,982.43 $ 175,989,196.05 $ 299,500.00 $ 176,288,696.05 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 5 New Hanover County Schools Capital Outlay Summary 2015 -16 & 2016 -17 Summary of Capital Requests: Category 2015 -16 Priorities 2016 -17 Priorities Total Requests Repairs & Renovations $ 3,738,500 $ 3,529,500 $ 7,268,000 Technology 1,835,100 4,104,600 5,939,700 Furniture & Equipment 304,175 361,100 665,275 Vehicles 304,900 187,900 492,800 Total $ 6,182,675 $ 8,183,100 $ 14,365,775 Capital Outlay Fundinq Recommendation (2015 -16): Revenue Source epairs & Renovations Furniture Equipment Vehicles Technology Total Lottery $ 1,590,000 1,202,642 $ $ 1,590,000 Capital Fund Balance 110,500 189,500 $ $ 300,000 Child Nutrition Fund Balance 300,000 115,400 $ $ 115,400 State Equip Reserve 550,000 550,000 County Appropriation 1,550,000 164,900 1,285,100 3,000,000 General Fund Balance 598,500 28,775 627,275 Total $ 3,738,500 $ 304,175 $ 304,900 $ 1,835,100 $ 6,182,675 Lottery Summary: Available as of 2.10.15 $ 200,772 Pending Reversion for Bond Project $ 277,000 Pending Allotment for 14115 1,202,642 $ 1,680,414 State Program 015: Current Reserve $ 250,000 Estimated 15116 Appropriation 300,000 $ 550,000 Board of Commissioy�ors - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 6 Capita! Outlay Summary 2015 -16 Summary NHCS Vehicle Request BUDGET YEAR 2015 -2016 BUDGET YEAR 2016 -2017 N Cr REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT CITY v VEHICLE TYPE REPLACED FOR MILEAGE COST MAINT 1 * 1997 3/4 TON CARGO VAN 7021 144,773 $26,800.00 MAINT 1 1999 PICK -UP TRUCK 7049 138,039 $23,700.00 MAINT 1 ** 1999 PICK -UP TRUCK 7025 137,475 $23,700.00 TECH 1 * 1996 3/4 TON CARGO VAN 8078 111,426 $21,600.00 TRANS 1 * 1992 ACTIVITY BUS (replacement 8119 190,614 $87,600.00 TRANS 1 * bus will have a lift) 8001 204,086 $93,700.00 CHILD NUTR 1 * 1998 REFRIG TRUCK 8062 104,000 $115,400.00 TOTAL $304,900.00 BUDGET YEAR 2016 -2017 * New Request ** Originally approved for 14/15, but shifted other vehicles up in priority due to condition. Board of Commissiqners - June 8, 2015 Capital Outlay Summary 2015 -16 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 7 vehicles N 7 REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT QTY VEHICLE TYPE REPLACED FOR MILEAGE COST MAINT 1 * 1997 3/4 TON CARGO VAN 7071 123,317 $27,800.00 MAINT 1 12000 3/4 TON CARGO VAN 7079 138,039 $27,800.00 MAINT 1 ** 1999 PICK -UP TRUCK 7026 143,975 $22,500.00 TECH 1 * NEW SUV N/A N/A $22,200.00 TRANS 1 * 1989 ACTIVITY BUS 8119 190,614 $87,600.00 TOTAL $187,900.00 * New Request ** Originally approved for 14/15, but shifted other vehicles up in priority due to condition. Board of Commissiqners - June 8, 2015 Capital Outlay Summary 2015 -16 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 7 vehicles NHCS Furniture and Equipment Request School /Dept Y d m z Description 2016 -16 Priorities 2016 -17 Priorities Ashley Desk, Student, combo $ 13,610 Myrtle Grove I Desk, student $ 6,700 Ashley IChair, task $ 1,220 Myrtle Grove IStudent Chairs $ 5,300 Hoggard ChairrTables for Health Room $ 1,926 College Park Chair, task $ 1,220 Myrtle Grove Media Center Chairs $ 3,100 Ashley Reception Furniture (desks, chairs, etc) $ 1,471 Ashley Desks, teacher, double pedestal $ 2,333 Myrtle Grove ITeacher Desks $ 2,200 College Park Chair, teacher $ 1,819 Pine Valley Chair, task $ 1,024 College Park Desk, single pedestal $ 2,161 College Park Chair, ganging $ 3,013 Hoggard ITable, conference and Chairs $ 3,435 Myrtle Grove File Cabinet 4 drawer $ 1,600 Myrtle Grove Folding Tables $ 700 Technology Tables, folding 8' $ 1,533 Hoggard Administration Office & Reception furniture $ 5,152 Wrightsville Bch lWorkstation Front Office $ 3,054 Ashley Tables, patio $ 10,165 College Park Table, picnic 46 " $ 1,000 Ashley Mats (indoor and outdoor) $ 5,350 College Park Trash Receptacles wllid & liner $ 3,039 Murrayville * New Mobile Units Furniture $ 6,500 $ 13,000 Purchasing * Furniture /Equipment/Blinds $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Technology * Custodial Equipment Replacement $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Bellamy * Student Desks $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Bellamy * Student Chairs $ 13,500 $ 13,500 Bellamy * Mud Master and Scraper Entry Mats $ 1,250 Finance * Workstations $ 40,000 Purchasing * Sidbury Road Auditorium ChairsStorage400 /400 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 Maintenance * Defibrillator $ 1,200 Maintenance * Tractor w/ Attachments $ 26,500 Maintenance * Gantry Crane, Trolley & Hoist $ 6,300 Maintenance * Lift Gate $ 6,$D0 Operations * Replace postage meters at each admin building and inserter in Finance. Will save $3,600 per year in reduced maintenance fees. $ 22,000 rMurrayville * Student Chairs I $ 8,800 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 Capital outlay summary 2015 -16 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 8 Furniture and Equipment NHCS Furniture and Equipment Request $ 304,176 $ 361,100 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 capital Outlay summary 2016 -16 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 9 Furniture and Equipment N m 7 Cr 3 2015 -16 2016 -17 School /Dept Description Priorities Priorities Trask Student Desk Combos $ 48,000 Castle Hayne * Student Chairs $ 3,000 Lake Forest Teacher Chairs $ 5,100 Trask * Media Center Chairs $ 8,600 Murray Teacher Task Chairs $ 7,700 Trask * Media Center Rec Tables $ 3,300 Williams * Library Furniture $ 11,000 Trask * Media Center Round Tables $ 2,000 Murray * Art Room Stools $ 1,100 Murray * Student Work Tables $ 1,100 Trask * I Storage Cabinets $ 6,200 Trask * jConference Tables $ 2,000 Trask ILockers $ 2,500 Murrayville * jHorseshoe Tables $ 1,200 Murrayville * IRec. Tables $ 1,000 Castle Hayne * Playground Equipment $ 35,400 Murrayville * IlPlayground Equipment $ 32,000 Murrayville Large Study Carrells $ 1,400 Murrayville * IlBookcases $ 5,000 Murrayville * File Cabinets $ 1,300 Murrayville * Storage Cabinets $ 1,200 Pine Valley * Classroom Rugs $ 5,100 Murray * Office Chairs $ 1,200 Murray * Folding Chairs $ 1,100 Williams * Office Furniture $ 4,600 Technology * Exec Desk Chairs $ 8,600 Technology * Conference Room Chairs $ 17,100 Technology * lConference Room Tables $ 10,000 $ 304,176 $ 361,100 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 capital Outlay summary 2016 -16 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 9 Furniture and Equipment NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 C4161019 OWN 1 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Adoption of Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: 15 -073 Sheriff 15 -074 Social Services 15 -075 Health 15 -076 Emergency Management 15 -078 Engineering Strong Financial Performance • Control costs and manage to the budget RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the ordinances for the budget amendments listed. YrW��v���w�NWYQ B/A 15 -073 B/A 15 -074 B/A 15 -075 B/A 15 -076 B/A 15 -078 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 10 AGENDA: June 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 073 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -073 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Fund: General Department: Sheriff Expenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office $10,737 Total $0 $10,737 Revenue: Decrease Increase Insurance Claims Proceeds $10,737 Total $0 $10,737 Section 2: Explanation To budget insurance proceeds received for a totaled 2009 Ford Explorer. A replacement vehicle will be purchased and additional funding for the purchase will come from Federal Forfeited Property funds. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -073, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 8th day of June, 2015. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 10- 1 - 1 AGENDA: June 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 074 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -074 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage to the budget Fund: General Department: Social Services Expenditure: Decrease Increase Department of Social Services $14,217 Total $0 $14,217 Revenue: Decrease Increase IV -D Incentive Payments $14,217 Total $0 $14,217 Section 2: Explanation Additional monies received through DSS incentive payments will be used to administer the Family Support Program. This program purchases services to assists fathers to become better parents and support their children financially. It works with non - custodial parents referred from Child Support Court and the New Hanover County Child Support Office and is 100% funded through child support enforcement incentive payments. North Carolina earns incentive payments based on the Child Support Program performance as compared to the other states in the nation. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -074, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 8th day of June, 2015. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 1 AGENDA: June 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 075 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -075 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health / wellness education, programs, and services Fund: General Fund Department: Health Expenditure: Decrease Increase Health Department $8,000 Total $0 $8,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Ministering Circle Grant $8,000 Total $0 $8,000 Section 2: Explanation The Ministering Circle of Wilmington has awarded a grant to the New Hanover County Health Department in the amount of $8,000. The grant will provide $5,000 for the Mobile Dental Unit to fund dental referrals of patients requiring specialized dental care. The remaining $3,000 will be used to purchase diabetic and phlebotomy supplies, hypertension and hypoglycemic medications, and over the counter cough suspension for the Good Shepherd Center. There is no County match required for the grant. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -075, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 8th day of June, 2015. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 10- 3 - 1 AGENDA: June 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 076 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -076 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety / crime prevention Understand / act on citizen needs Fund: General Fund Department: Emergency Management Expenditure: Decrease Increase Emergency Management $1,105 Total $0 $1,105 Revenue: Decrease Increase NC Dept. of Public Safety Grant $1,105 Total $0 $1,105 Section 2: Explanation The NC Department of Public Safety has awarded New Hanover County Emergency Management a grant in the amount of $1,105. The grant is provided from hazardous materials facility filing fees collected during the 2014 Tier II reporting period of January to March 2015. The grant must be used to support hazardous materials emergency response planning, training and exercises, as mandated in NC General Statute 166A -29.1. There is no County match required for the grant. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -076, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 8th day of June, 2015. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 10- 4 - 1 AGENDA: June 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 078 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -078 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Intelligent Growth / Economic Development Strategic Objective(s): Understand / act on citizen needs Fund: General Department: Stormwater Expenditure: Decrease Increase Transfer to Capital Project $115,335 Stormwater $115,335 $115,335 Total $115,335 $115,335 Fund: Capital Improvement Project Department: Various Expenditure: Decrease Increase Capital Project Expense $115,335 Total $0 $115,335 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in from General Fund $115,335 Total $0 $115,335 Section 2: Explanation The FYI adopted budget included expenditures for drainage improvements and emergency repairs in the unincorporated areas of the County. In order to better account for the multi -year nature of drainage projects, approval is requested to transfer the FYI drainage funds to the existing Capital Improvement Project Fund. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -078, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 8th day of June, 2015. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 10- 5 - 1 ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 10- 5 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Sheriff CONTACT(S): Chief Rhonda Smith SUBJECT: PRESENTER(S): Sheriff Ed McMahon Public Hearing and Consideration of Approval to Submit a Joint Application with the City of Wilmington to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program for 2015 Funding from the U.S. Department of Justice BRIEF SUMMARY: The JAG program provides states and units of local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution and court programs, prevention and education programs, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, crime victim and witness initiatives, and planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs. New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington are certified as disparate agencies; therefore 2015 JAG Grant funding in the amount of $71,478 is eligible as a joint allocation, $35,739 each agency. Submittal of a joint application is required for disparate agencies. The New Hanover County portion of the funding would be used to pay for electrical wiring update for the 2nd SABLE helicopter. (Last year's funds were used to update electrical wiring on one of the SABLE helicopters.) The JAG grant process requires a public hearing to be held for discussion on use of funds. A Memorandum of Understanding between New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington is required as part of the JAG grant process. There is no local match requirement. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct a public hearing on the use of the 2015 authorize the Sheriffs Office to submit a joint Wilmington, and authorize the County Manager Understanding. ATTACHMENTS: Script JAG grant funding. After closing the public hearing, application for the 2015 JAG grant with the City of to execute the required County /City Memorandum of COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 11 Conduct public hearing. Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Conducted public hearing. Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 11 SCRIPT FOR AGENDA ITEM June 8, 2015 Chairman Barfield: The JAG program provides states and units of local governments with funding necessary to support community programs in areas such as law enforcement, corrections, drug treatment, and the courts. The JAG grant process requires a public hearing to be held for discussion on the use of funds. New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington are certified as disparate agencies. The 2015 JAG Grant funding in the amount of $71,478 is eligible as a joint allocation, $35,739 each agency. Submittal of a joint application is required. The New Hanover County portion of the funding would be used to pay for an electrical wiring update for the second SABLE helicopter. There is no local match requirement. Is there a motion to open the public hearing? MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this item? [Receives Public Comments] Is there a motion to close the public hearing? MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Is there a motion for staff to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington as a required part of the JAG grant process? MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 11-1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Lisa Wurtzbacher, Finance Director CONTACT (S): Lisa Wurtzbacher and Tim Burgess, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of an Interlocal Agreement with Cape Fear Public Utility Authority ( CFPUA) to Fund a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for Extension of Water and Sewer to the 421 Corridor BRIEF SUMMARY: The County, as a part of its economic development initiative, has been working with the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority ( CFPUA) to address how to extend water and sewer to the 421 Corridor which will assist in efforts to bring a diverse set of businesses to the County in a largely undeveloped area. In two past joint County /City meetings, this idea has been discussed in detail. To further clarify the timeline and cost of the project, staff is requesting that an interlocal agreement with the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority be entered into, which will require the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority to manage the development of a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) consisting of demand projections, modeling, alternative analysis, selection, pre - design activities and the engineer's opinion of probable cost. The County will fund the PER in an amount not to exceed $100,000. This agreement only commits the County to fund the PER and does not commit the County to extend water and sewer to the 421 corridor. The CFPUA Board will consider this item for approval at their June 10, 2015 meeting. It is anticipated that the report will be complete February 2016. f1 1Y.illY or" [dWKIWILIN a1"01101WINV Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Build and maintain infrastructure • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the interlocal agreement. ATTACHMENTS: Interlocal Agreement Exhibit A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 12 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGARDING INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (hereinafter, "Agreement ") is made as of the day of , 2015 by and between the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, a water and sewer authority organized under General Statutes Chapter 162 A ( "Authority ") and New Hanover County, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina ( "County "); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County desires to evaluate alternatives and select an effective way to expand water and sewer infrastructure on the western side of the Northeast Cape Fear River, U.S. Highway 421 corridor (Exhibit A), to promote one or more of the following policies: A. Facilitate economic development at levels of density consistent with County land use planning; B. Enhance fire protection along said corridor; C. Provide water and sewer to areas where industry and property owners have requested improvements and such extension is deemed by the County to be economically advantageous; and WHEREAS, the County has determined that a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) is an appropriate method of evaluation, pre - design and cost estimation prior to entering agreements for design and construction; and WHEREAS, the Authority has expertise in managing water and sewer projects on behalf of the County and is willing to manage development of this PER; and WHEREAS, a maximum project budget of $100,000 is necessary for a Preliminary Engineering Report consisting of demand projections, modeling, alternatives analysis, selection, pre- design activities and engineer's opinion of probable cost. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Development of the PER will be funded by the County and the project will be managed by the Authority. 2. Consultant selection will commence after mutual approval of this agreement and transfer of funds to the Authority. Page 1 of 4 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 12- 1 - 1 3. The professional services contract for the PER shall be awarded and managed by the Authority on behalf of the County. 4. The County's contribution for the professional services contract shall not exceed $100,000. Upon successful completion of the Final PER, the County will be refunded any remaining Project funds balance. 5. Successors and Assigns. This agreement inures to and is binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties. 6. Right of Suspension. The County and the Authority have the unilateral right to suspend this agreement at any time with 30 days prior written notice. Project costs to date upon suspension shall be paid by the County. Page 2 of 4 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 12- 1 - 2 This, the day , 2015 (SEAL) ATTEST: James G. Brumit, Secretary CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY By: Patricia 0. Kusek, Chairman This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act this the day of , 2015. Authority Finance Officer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that James G. Brumit personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Secretary of the CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY, a North Carolina body politic and corporate, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Authority, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman Patricia 0. Kusek, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him as Secretary. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this day of , 2015. Notary Public My Commission Expires: (Seal) Page 3 of 4 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 12- 1 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY (COUNTY SEAL) By: Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa Elmore, County Clerk This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act this the day of 2015. County Finance Officer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that they are County Clerk to New Hanover County, a North Carolina body politic and corporate, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Authority, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by them self as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this day of 12015. Notary Public My Commission Expires: (Seal) Page 4 of 4 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 12- 1 - 4 1 1 I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I , , 1 0 Kerr Ave �. u7 Oleander Dr G fi CD � a! N �a a0 0 U 17 ((D New Hanover County Overview Q 1 I� '' —s'I� I� 1 Exhibit A U.S. 421 Corridor Utilities ILA 100� N 0 0.5 1 w E Us Hwy Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 74/76 Miles s ITEM: 12 -2 -1 W CL Market St NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Consideration of FY2014 -2015 Year -End Budget Amendment BRIEF SUMMARY: The year -end budget amendment makes the following adjustments to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: • Transfers funds between functions in the General Fund, but does not increase the General Fund budget. • Transfers funds between functions to account for the projected overage in jail health of $400,000. • Distributes a negative salary adjustment factor of $1.2 million in the General Government function within the General Fund. • Increases the room occupancy tax expenditure by $360,765 to cover an anticipated increase in room occupancy tax the County distributes to the Tourism Development Authority. • Adjusts the Fire Service District and Schools fund to account for funds not being borrowed to finance the capital outlay. Strong Financial Performance • Control costs and manage to the budget RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the ordinance for budget amendment 15 -072. ATTACHMENTS: B/A 15 -072 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 13 AGENDA: June 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CONINUSSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 -072 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -072 be made to the annual Budget Ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage to the budget Fund: General Department: Various Expenditure: Decrease Increase General Government $641,164 $2,617,287 Human Services $3,724,882 $0 Public Safety $743,000 Culture and Recreation $202,000 Increase Transfer to Other Funds $2,108,836 Debt Service $1,542,241 $724,834 Total $5,469,123 $5,469,123 Fund: School Expenditure: Decrease Increase Long -term debt issued $641,164 $360,765 Total $641,164 $0 Interest on Investments $1,070 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in $2,108,836 Other Financing Sources $2,750,000 $724,834 Total $2,750,000 $2,108,836 Grand Total $641,164 IF-so $0 Fund: Room Occupancy Tax Expenditure: Decrease Increase Economic & Physical Development $135,181 $360,765 Total $0 $360,765 Revenue: Decrease Increase Room Occupancy Tax $135,181 $360,765 Total $0 $360,765 Fund: Fire Expenditure: Decrease Increase Public Safety $135,181 $0 Total $135,181 $0 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sales Tax $171,223 Charges for Services $63,526 Interest on Investments $1,070 Long Term Debt Issues $1,116,195 Misc. Revenue $20,361 Appropriated Fund Balance $724,834 Total $1,116,195 $981,014 Grand Total $135,181 $0 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 13- 1 - 1 Section 2: Explanation The budget amendment makes the following adjustments: GENERAL FUND Expenditures 1) Transfers funds between functions in the General Fund, but does not increase the General Fund budget. Funds were moved from Human Services and Debt Service due to DSS expenditures being less than anticipated when the budget was adopted. Changes in the timing of the bond sales decreased the debt service needed in FY14 -15. A decision was made not to issue $8.75 million in installment debt that was budgeted to fund capital in FY14 -15 ($6 million in the General Fund and $2.75 in the Schools Fund). This reduced the payments on the short term debt in FY14 -15 and beyond. 2) The transfer to the schools funds was increased to account for funds not being borrowed for the $2,750,000 capital expenses. 3) Funds are transferred between functions to account for the projected overage in jail health of $400,000. Expenditures have been monitored in these line items throughout the year and steps have been taken to decrease expenditures. It is still anticipated expenditures will exceed the budgeted amount. 4) The salary lag (a negative salary adjustment factor of $1.2 million is budgeted in the General Government function within the General Fund, to account for the fact that not all positions are filled for the entire fiscal year). The salaries and benefits were monitored during the year and the adjustments distribute funds among divisions to account for this. The projected shortfall in health insurance (expenditures exceed the amount budgeted) is absorbed by unspending in other areas, primarily human services. It should be noted, a similar underexpenditure in DSS is not expected in FY15 -16 due to a change in manner in which the DSS budget was estimated for FYI 5-16. OTHER FUNDS 1) The County distributes a portion of its room occupancy tax, based on where the room occupancy tax is collected and as dictated by general statute, to the County's Tourism Development Authority. Due to the overall increases seen in the room occupancy tax collections, the County expects to distribute more to the Tourism Development Authority than originally budgeted. The room occupancy tax and the distribution to the Tourism Development Authority are being increased by $360,765 to cover this anticipated increase in expenditure. 2) The Fire Service District and Schools Fund are adjusted to account for the funds not being borrowed to finance the capital outlay. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -072, amending the annual Budget Ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted this 8th day of June, 2015. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 13- 1 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director CONTACT(S): Joe Suleyman SUBJECT: Consideration of Environmental Management Capital Improvement Projects BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval is requested to establish a new capital project fund for the Environmental Management Department's smaller capital projects, and to transfer funds from the current fiscal year 2015 adopted budget into the new capital project fund. These capital projects to be included in the fund were either included in the fiscal year 2015 budget or are new projects to meet requirements in preparation for the expanded recycling operations. Specifically, the expansion of the landfill's concrete pad is necessary for the new construction and demolition recycling program, and was a project that was included in the current FY15 adopted budget. The other projects involve preparing the remaining portion of the former Wastec building to house the new material recovery facility (MRF). The Capital Project Ordinance for the establishment of the Environmental Management Capital Improvement Project Fund is presented in the amount of $1,395,000. Landfill C & D Pad Expansion $550,000 Remaining C & D Permit & Installation Costs $140,000 Wastec Floor, Pit, Roof, Walls and Sprinkler System $705,000 Transfer to Environmental Management Capital Improvement $1,395,000 Approval is also requested to provide additional funding to two existing capital projects. The total cost of the Leachate Treatment System project will not be known until the bid process is complete, but it is currently estimated to require an additional $700,000 of funding. These funds will be available in current fiscal year revenues for transfer into the capital project fund. The engineering costs for the partial closure of landfill cells 2 -6 require $450,000 in funding, which is currently available for transfer from the Environmental Management Enterprise Fund. Transfer to Landfill Leachate Treatment System Upgrade Capital Project 1 $700,000 Transfer to Landfill Northern Property Closure Capital Project 1 $450,000 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Innovate programs to protect the environment Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 14 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request adoption of BA 15 -077 and the Capital Project Ordinance to establish the Environmental Management Capital Improvement Project Fund. ATTACHMENTS: BA 15 -077 Capital Project Ordinance COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 14 AGENDA: June 8, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 15 - 077 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 15 -077 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Intelligent Growth / Economic Development Strategic Objective(s): Innovate programs to protect the environment Fund: Environmental Management Department: Environmental Management Expenditure: Decrease Increase Transfer to Capital Projects $2,545,000 Environmental Management $1,395,000 $1,150,000 Total $1,395,000 $2,545,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Environmental Management $1,150,000 Total $0 $1,150,000 Fund: Environmental Management Capital Improvement Department: Environmental Management Expenditure: Decrease Increase Capital Project Expense $1,395,000 Total $0 $1,395,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in from Enterprise Fund $1,395,000 Total $0 $1,395,000 Fund: Landfill Leachate Treatment System Upgrade Capital Project Department: Environmental Management Expenditure: Decrease Increase Capital Project Expense $700,000 Total $0 $700,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in from Enterprise Fund $700,000 Total $0 $700,000 Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 14-1 -1 Fund: Landfill Northern Property Closure Capital Project Department: Environmental Management Expenditure: Decrease Increase Capital Project Expense $450,000 Total $0 $450,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in from Enterprise Fund $450,000 Total $0 $450,000 Section 2: Explanation The Environmental Management Department is requesting adoption of this budget amendment to establish the Environmental Management Capital Improvement Fund and to transfer additional funds to the existing Landfill Leachate Treatment System Upgrade and Landfill Northern Property Closure Capital Project Funds. The total Enterprise Fund transfer to Capital Project Funds is $2,545,000. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 15 -077, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, is adopted. Adopted, this 8th day of June, 2015. (SEAL) Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 14- 1 - 2 CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FUND BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the ongoing capital improvements for various Environmental Management functions within the County, in accordance with the County's Capital Improvement Plan, which capital projects involve the construction and /or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159 -13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said projects. 3. The County desires to expend its own funds for the purpose of paying certain costs of the project, for which expenditures the County reasonably expects when necessary to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt to be incurred by the County. 4. This declaration of official intent is made pursuant to Section 1.150 -2 of the Treasury Regulations to expressly declare the official intent of the County to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt to be hereinafter incurred by the County for certain expenditures paid by the County on or after the date which is sixty (60) days prior to the date hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159 -13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the ongoing capital improvements for various Environmental Management functions within the County, in accordance with the County's Capital Improvement Plan, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Transfer in from Enterprise Fund $1,395,000 Total $1,395,000 4. The following appropriation necessary for the project is herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense $1,395,000 Total $1,395,000 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this 8th day of June, 2015. Teresa P. Elmore Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Board of County Commissioners Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 14- 2 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Chris Coudriet, County Manager CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing on the FY2015 -2016 Recommended Budget BRIEF SUMMARY: On Monday June 8, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners will review the FY2015 -2016 recommended budget with specific organizations and hold a public hearing at 4:00 p.m., or thereafter to receive public comments on the FY2015 -2016 budget to include Board directed changes. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Strong Financial Performance • Control costs and manage to the budget RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: On Monday, June 8, 2015, review the FY2015 -2016 recommended funding with specific organizations and hold a public hearing at 4:00 p.m., or thereafter to receive public comments on the FY2015 -2016 recommended budget. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Conduct public hearing. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Conducted public hearing. Board of Commissioners - June 8, 2015 ITEM: 15