2015-05-18 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, MAY 18, 2015 PAGE 303 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, May 18, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr; Vice-Chairman Beth Dawson; Commissioner Skip Watkins; Commissioner Woody White; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau; and Clerk to the Board Teresa Elmore. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pastor Shawn Blackwelder, St. Paul's United Methodist Church, provided the invocation and Commissioner Zapple led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Barfield asked if any member of the Board would like to remove or discuss any item on the Consent Agenda. Hearing no comments, Chairman Barfield requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion: Commissioner Watkins MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes – Governing Body The Commissioners approved the following minutes as submitted by the Clerk to the Board: Special Meeting held on April 23, 2015 Special Meeting held on April 29, 2015 Agenda Review Meeting held on April 30, 2015 Regular Meeting held on May 4, 2015 Approval to Apply for the 2015 Bulletproof Vests Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance – Sheriff’s Office The Commissioners approved the grant application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for the 2015 Bulletproof Vests Grant. The grant will require a 50% local match. The total grant request is for $124,500, with a local match of $62,250 from the Sheriff's existing budget for safety equipment. Approval to Apply for the 2015-16 Carolinas Human Trafficking Task Force Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance – Sheriff’s Office The Commissioners approved the grant application for the 2015-16 Carolinas Human Trafficking Task Force Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The purpose of the grant is to support the development and enhancement of multidisciplinary human trafficking task forces that implement collaborative approaches to combat all forms of human trafficking, sex trafficking and labor trafficking, within the US. The grant amount of $100,000 would fund operations for three years. There is no match requirement. Funds would be used for overtime pay for detectives and various necessary equipment. Adoption of a Resolution Declaring K9 Funny as Surplus and Authorizing Disposal Using Private Negotiation and SaleAssistance – Sheriff’s Office The Commissioners adopted a resolutiondeclaring K9 Funny as surplus and authorizing staff to negotiate and sell to Police Service Dogs, Inc. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 10.1. Adoption of Kiwanis Day Proclamation The Commissioners adopted a Proclamation recognizing May 27, 2015 as Kiwanis Day in New Hanover County. The Kiwanis Club of Wilmington began its service in 1920 and celebrates is ninety-fifth anniversary this year. Chairman Barfield will attend the Kiwanis Day event and present the proclamation. A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 10.2. Adoption of a Resolution Supporting HR1288 "WWII Merchant Mariners Service Act" The Commissioners adopted a resolution in support of HR1288 "WWII Merchant Mariners Service Act" and the companion bill to HR1288 be placed before the US Senate for its passage. HR1288 addresses the issue of allowing certain types of documentation for the purpose of authenticating service and allows for certain benefits. Don Horton of Camden County, President, WWII Coastwise Merchant Mariners, requested the adoption. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 10.3. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, MAY 18, 2015 PAGE 304 Approval of March 2015 Tax Collection Reports – Tax Department The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports as of March 2015: New Hanover County New Hanover County Fire District Copies of the Tax Collection Reports are hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 10.4. Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendments – Budget Department The Commissioners adopted the following Budget Ordinance Amendments for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: 15-068 Department of Social Services 15-070 Sheriff's Office 15-071 Department of Social Services Copies of the budget ordinance amendments are hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXXIX, Page 10.5. REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS PRESENTATION OF STELLAR AWARD FOR PROFESSIONALISM TO SHERIFF ED MCMAHON Chairman Barfield reported that Reach for the Stars is New Hanover County’s recognition initiative that provides a way for citizens to share their experiences on-line at NHCGOV.COM. Gerald Holland, a New Hanover County citizen, nominated Sheriff Ed McMahon for a Stellar Award through the shared value of “professionalism,” noting the Sheriff’s ongoing commitment to the Sheriff’s academy and outreach to involve citizens in the workings of the Office of the Sheriff and his personal attendance and participation in those efforts. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield presented Sheriff McMahon with a certificate and congratulated him on the recognition. County Manager Coudriet reported that the County’s Reach for the Stars and Stellar Awards presentation and dinner on May 14, 2015, recognized the Sheriff and 63 county employees, who received Steller awards in recognition of superior customer service by aligning their work with the five shared values of Professionalism, Innovation, Integrity, Stewardship, and Accountability. PRESENTATION OF SERVICE AWARDS TO RETIREES AND EMPLOYEES County Manager Coudriet recognized the following retirees receiving retirement awards: Brenda "Ben" Brow, Senior Resource Center, with nine years of service Alfreda Gee, Health Department, with twenty-eight years of service Fonda Lazzaro, Sheriff’s Office, with thirty years of service Chairman Barfield presented a retirement award to each person and the Commissioners expressed appreciation and thanked each one for their years of dedicated service. County Manager Coudriet requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: Five Year: Lutha Eason, Sheriff’s Office Ten Year: Cheryl Crossman, Department of Social Services Fifteen Year: Gwendolyn Hill, County Manager’s Office Twenty–Five Year: Sarah Sholar, Planning and Inspections Department Thirty Year: Wanda Coston, Planning and Inspections Department Chairman Barfield presented a service award to each employee and the Commissioners expressed appreciation and thanked each one for their years of dedicated service. County Manager Coudriet requested the following new employees to stand and be introduced: Brandon Fowler, Environmental Management Sornatha Fulford, Elections Angelo Garcia, Department of Social Services Jonathan Lockamy, Tax Department LeAnne McCallum, Department of Social Services Tina Montague, Sheriff’s Office Alexis Mott, Department of Social Services Terry Nichols, Health Department Dierdre Parker, Department of Social Services NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, MAY 18, 2015 PAGE 305 Raquel Perez, Department of Social Services David Stone, Fire Services Ann Wrenn, Health Department On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield welcomed the employees to County Government and wished them success in their new positions. APPROVAL OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL FUNDING RECOMMENDATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 Bob Speight, member of the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC), reported that the JCPC voted unanimously to recommend the allocation of $433,344 in State JCPC funding for fiscal year 2015-16 in accordance with the JCPC priorities of Psychological Services, Community Services/Restitution, Teen Court and Home-Based Family Services as follows: Youth Empowerment Services (YES) = $380,019 Teen Court = $45,725 JCPC Administration = $7,600 Motion: Vice-Chairman Dawson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to approve the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 JCPC funding as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PRESENTATION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2015 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL UPDATE Finance DirectorLisa Wurtzbacher presented the third quarter financial update as of March 31, 2015 highlighting the following: General Fund: Year to Date Revenues: Actual Percent Ad Valorem Taxes: $159,632,368 98.50% Sales Taxes: 29,574,594 54.59% (13% growth rate) Other Taxes: 3,015,275 91.60% Charges for Service: 7,609,429 73.04% Intergovernmental Revenue: 29,941,536 65.33% (long-term debt will not be issued) Other Revenues: 1,155,681 81.36% Appropriated Fund Balance: 0 Total Revenues: $230,928,883 77.46% Expenditures: General Government: $22,553,643 65.63% Human Services: 39,051,455 63.28% Public Safety: 37,352,243 70.77% Economic and Physical Development: 784,297 38.29% (pending incentive payments) Culture and Recreation: 7,543,997 58.65% Education - Community College: 7,969,954 75.01% Debt Service: 23,709,005 72.85% ($1.5 million from CFCC not spent) Transfers Out: Education – Public Schools: 62,790,829 72.47% Other: 3,262,537 71.81% Total Expenditures: $205,017,960 68.77% Fire Services Fund: Revenues: Ad Valorem Taxes: $8,668,786 98.28 % Sales Taxes: 1,366,615 54.79% Intergovernmental Revenue: 26,392 22.44% Charges for Service: 108,958 177.24% Other Revenues: 26,052 427.08% Appropriated Fund Balance: - 0 Total Revenues: $10,196,803 77.65% Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits: $5,578,606 68.75% Operating Expenditures: 2,364,677 78.99% Debt Service: 446,618 68.60% Capital Expenditures: 1,046,085 76.25% Total Expenditures: $9,435,986 71.86% Revenues over Expenditures: $760,817 Environmental Management Operating Fund: Revenues: Charges for Service: $8,495,563 74.26% NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, MAY 18, 2015 PAGE 306 Intergovernmental Revenue: 282,700 68.78% Other: 372,641 40.25% Transfers In: 1,408,869 0% Total Revenues: $10,559,773 66.76% Expenditures: Salaries and Benefits: $1,244,345 66.13% Operating Expenditures: 3,517,606 59.69% Debt Service: 430,798 54.33% Capital Expenditures: 383,913 17.76% Transfers: To Capital Reserve Fund 250,000 100% To Env. Mgmt. Post Closures: 1,158,869 100% To Capital Projects: 3,411,000 100% Total Expenditures: $10,396,531 65.73% Revenue over Expenditures: $163,242 In discussion, Ms. Wurtzbacher and County Manager Coudriet noted that revenues were more than the amount budgeted and have been redirected to cover funds that would have been borrowed for capital projects. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Barfield thanked Ms. Wurtzbacher for the update. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointment to the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority Chairman Barfield reported that a vacancy exists on the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority and seven applications have been received. Motion : Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner White, to reappoint Commissioner Skip Watkins to a three-year term on the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority with the term expiring on May 31, 2018. Upon Vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Appointments to the New Hanover County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Chairman Barfield reported that up to six vacancies exist on the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee with four new applications available for consideration. Motion : Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dawson, to appoint Juli A. Harvey, Hillary A. Kenny, Kristie Pate, and Elaine Terrill to serve initial one-year terms on the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee with the terms expiring on May 31, 2016. Postponement of Appointment to the New Hanover County Risk Management Advisory Committee Chairman Barfield reported that an unexpired term on the Risk Management Advisory Committee exists with one application available for consideration. Vice-Chairman Dawson requested the Clerk to re-advertise the vacancy and to confirm the residency of the applicant, James Kefalonitis. Postponement of Appointment to the New Hanover County Special Board of Equalization and Review Chairman Barfield reported that a vacancy exists for an alternate member on the Special Board of Equalization and Review with one application available for consideration. Vice-Chairman Dawson requested the Clerk to confirm the residency requirement of two years for the applicant, Hari Lairmore, and to re-advertise if necessary. Appointment to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Chairman Barfield reported that a vacancy exists for an unexpired term on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees with twelve applicants available for consideration and requested direction from the Board. Vice-Chairman Dawson nominated Constance (Connie) N. Parker. Commissioner White nominated Brian C. Eckel. Vote Results : The Board voted 4 to 1 to appoint Brian C. Eckel to serve an unexpired term on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees with the term to expire on September 30, 2017. Vice-Chairman Dawson voted in support of Constance (Connie) N. Parker. Appointments to the Trillium Health Resources - Southern Regional Advisory Board Chairman Barfield reported that two vacancies exist for the Trillium Health Resources - Southern Regional Advisory Board and three members from the CoastalCare Area Board are eligible for appointment. Appointments are needed for a County Commissioner representative and one representative from the criteria stated in N. C. G. S. 122C-118.1(b) with terms to be effective July 1, 2015. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, MAY 18, 2015 PAGE 307 Motion : Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to appoint Vice-Chairman Dawson as the Commissioner representative on the Trillium Health Resources, Southern Regional Advisory Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vice-Chairman Dawson nominated Lee A. Jackson, Jr., Ph.D. for appointment as he currently serves as a member of the CoastalCare Area Board and fills the Psychology Professional category. Vote Results : The Board voted UNANIMOUSLY to appoint Lee A. Jackson, Jr., Ph.D to a three-year term on the Trillium Health Resources - Southern Regional Advisory Board with the term expiring July 31, 2018. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield reported that no one from the public had signed up to speak on non-agenda items. ADDITIONAL ITEMS City/County United Way Golf Tournament Chairman Barfield announced that every year the City and County employees participate in a golf tournament to raise money for the United Way and the County has won five of the last six years. Roger Johnson, City of Wilmington representative, reported that the golf tournament that started in 1997 with the City winning the first eight years, raised $3,000 for the 2015 United Way Campaign and he presented the golf trophy to the Commissioners. On behalf of the County, Chairman Barfield accepted the golf trophy. Recognition of Meeting Attendees  Vice-Chairman Dawson recognized and welcomed Zeke Partin, Chairman of the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors.  Chairman Barfield recognized and welcomed the three fellows of the NHC/UNCW Fellowship program:  Phillip LaMotte is currently working in the County Manager’s Office with the Strategy and Policy Manager on County policies.  Meghan Upchurch is currently working in the Planning and Inspections Department helping staff with the Comprehensive Plan.  Caroline Dawkins is currently working in the Human Resources Department helping staff with the onboarding program, emergency staffing and the internship program. Budget Work Session County Manager Coudriet reported that the next Budget Work Session was tentatively scheduled on the same day as the Agenda Review meeting of June 4th; however, he and Assistant County Manager Avril Pinder will be out of town attending a conference. He suggested that a work session be scheduled within the next two weeks and he offered to work with the Clerk’s office to schedule a date and time for the session. Discussion of Turbines at the WASTEC Facility and Approval for an Appraisal Commissioner Watkins reported that the remaining turbines at the WASTEC site may have some functionality and value for the County and he believed that a narrow window exists for the County to determine a potential value that previous Boards may not have considered. However, he did not want to jeopardize the contract for the demolition and removal of equipment or the interlocal agreement with the City of Wilmington for the recycling program. Before proceeding with the removal or demolition of the turbines, he believed the Board should have an appraisal completed on the turbines. Motion : Commissioner Watkins MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to request staff, through a third party, determine the market value of the turbines at the WASTEC site and any related equipment, whether any of the items have any value ranging from scrap to resale and for repurposing. In discussion of the cost for an appraisal, Commissioner Watkins said that he would amend his motion to reflect a prudent appraisal cost and if too costly, he would rescind his motion for the appraisal. County Manager Coudriet suggested that a service agreement be developed for the appraisal and the Commissioners could be informed of any third party agreement before the County commits any funding. The Environmental Management Fund would absorb any cost of an appraisal. The County’s contract with Target to demolish and remove the facilities is for $300,000, though Target may have performed an analysis for a salvage value or resale value of the turbines. In any case, the Legal Department and Environmental Management would need to negotiate a breakup fee with Target; even so, the company is aware that the Board is discussing the matter. He recommended that a third party review should determine whether the turbines could be reused, repurposed or sold as assets. The Commissioners discussed that they would need to know the value of the equipment, whether it has scrap value or operational value in the turbine housing and associated infrastructure, in order to consider whether the County could repurpose the facility operationally in handling of municipal solid waste disposal. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 REGULAR MEETING, MAY 18, 2015 PAGE 308 Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the amended motion. Amended Motion : Commissioner Watkins MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Zapple, to request staff, through a third party, contingent upon a prudent appraisal cost, determine the market value of the turbines at the WASTEC site and any related equipment, and determine whether any of the items have any value ranging from scrap to resale and for repurposing. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Additional Comments:  Commissioner Zapple reportedthat he along with Chairman Barfield and Vice-Chairman Dawson th attended the NCACC Assembly Day on May 6 and had productive meetings with the local legislators, including a conversation with Senator Brown from Onslow County on SB369 Sales Tax Redistributions.  Commissioner Zapple reported on visiting the General Electric Aviation Manufacturing facility with members of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.  Commissioner Zapple reported on attending and being a part of the program for the oral presentations of the Isaac Bear Early College High School Senior Projects and commended the students for their tremendous talent and hard work.  Vice-Chairman Dawson reported that she along with Chairman Barfield, Commissioner Watkins, and Commissioner Zapple attended the Reach for the Stars recognition dinner for employees and congratulated the winners and thanked them for their commitment to public service.  Chairman Barfield also congratulated the winners and complimented the Reach for the Stars program that honors employees. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 10:20 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P. Elmore Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The entire proceedings are available for review and checkout at all New Hanover County Libraries and on-line at www.nhcgov.com.