JULY 12 2015 BUILDING APPS0 ) ,6,i\ ' tt! NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUI LDING lot{'QIJ-f PERMIT 15-L672 APPLICATION TYPE : COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Uh1, Inc CITY: wit-minqron NAIIIE: A11 Celtutar Solutions GorilIa, LLC Militarv Cutoff Ste 204CITY: wilminston LICENSE #i 62082 ACCOUNT #: CITY: wilminqr-on APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATET_W_APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: na PROIECT ADDRESS: 5216 Carolina Beach Rd. Unit 5 PHONE #: ero-753-6588 ZTPi 284t2 PHONE #: s4o-4500 ST: Nc ZIPi 28la3 ST: NC ZTP2 28406 PHONE #:910-763-5688 PHONE #:910-231-1806 occuPANT/BUSTNESS PROPERTY OWNER,S OWNER,S ADDRESS: NAME: 1508 CONTRACTOR: uht, rnc. ADDRESS: P . o. Box 444 1 EMAIL ADDRESSI uciGer:. rr. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: cres uhf (Check A11 Ihat Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTOTU: I ALTERATTON ! neruOVarrOn ! eeruennl lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? ffi Y"i[ ruo REPATRS ! nrlOCArrOU lS BLDG SPRINKLERED? n Yes ffi ruo N h NEW coNsrRucrroN: I rnecr NEhr srRUcruRE f] FAsr rRAcK ! snrr-r- ! uerrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: o)\s 3N ol\) 2 s If UPFIT - The Shelt Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building ffi ves il tO oF occuPANcY usE? [ves flNo ***** What is the New OccupancyType? PH: 815-0019 PH: NC REG #: 2683 NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Remove int. wafls, modify ceiling qrid, complete trim out for retail store. ts food or beverages prepared or served in this structureZ Ives El*o ls The Property Located ln The FloodplainZ fl ves El r.ro DISCI-AIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ord'inances and requlatiojl.$+he-MC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in thgalrproved plang and specifications or change in contractor or contractor lhfqnfi-ation. ."'UOTE:An[Work Performed WO the Appropriate Permits will 5e in Vplatiln of the NC State Bldg Code andor chanoe in contractor or contractor Subject-to Fines Up To $50Q.00". ment Services Center will be notifi6d of any changes in ork Performed WO the Appropriate Permits will be in \ pRopERTyUSE: EoFHcE f]RESTAUMNT [uencnNnLE EEDuc [eer [coruoo orHER: PAYMENTMETHOD: ffiCnSn ftCnecr(PAYABLEToNHC) fierr-lAccouNr [!]ucnnsn Ioscoven WATER: EcFPUA fICOMMUNIWSYSTEM f]wELL _EZONINGUSECLASSIFICATION: SEWER: frcreun fr cenrnnlSEpTtc fle-nvnreSEPTlc fIcoMMUNITYSYSTEM *" SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:- Approval:- City:-DATE:- FLOOD: A v BFE+2ft= IF Yes, nthat ARCH DESIGN ENGR DESIGNPROFESSIOML: ***** IS THIS A CHANGE was the Previous Occupancy Type? PROFESSIOML: liarren WiLson SIGNATURE: (Qualmer) Note: Demolition notifications &using the contain Asbestos or not. You are r€quired to for Hazardous Air Pollutants emolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: http:/ ,yww.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: .945,000 BUILDING HEIGHT: n TOTAL AREA SQ FT : -1.&.!.SQ FT PER FLR: 7. 3so TOTALSQFTUNDERROOF: 7, 350 #OFSTRUCTURES: T tate whether the facility or building was found to at least 10 days prior to the # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: r #OFFLOORS: r SO FT ACRES DISTURBED:-L NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXST LAND DTSTURBING PERMIT? fl VrS il *O SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: REVISED OATE 4111112 Comment PERMIT FEE: $ 5qt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT PPLICATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI'ISI{ER ALL O,,ESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YO{JR PRO]ECT -Project Responsibility" l{AltE: Eston Blinkrey spling Cleek Lane CITY: wi.Lnington SUBDMSIOITI: spring Cree k BLOCK S: frz sttbb Jole -Q^sl APPLICATIOII Number (Offlce Use) DATE: 6/ 3A /15 PHo E f: 91a.29'7 .1,459 ZI,P, 2o4rl LOT #: PlOl,lE #: 910.612.1521 CITY: .:l}}gg!9!_ Sr: Nc ZIP: 28411 sr:gzIP: ZlLlll_ *i 910.29't -1459 *: 914.291 .1459 PROPERW O{IIIER, S O {ER,S ADORESS: MllE: Ronald & Yvonne Rumple 158 spinq creek talre CoNTRACTOR: Eston Brinkley LICENSE *: 6s03s ADDRESS: PoBox 10082 CITY: 'lilningtonEIiiAIL ADDRESS: PHOiIE PROIECT CoI'ITACT PERSolil: Eston Brinkley PHO{E I sulnoom - sF ! cne rluu.rse - sFSF OTHE R: -sF SF TOTAL HEATEO 5Q FT:TOTAL SQFT UiIDER ROOF: 328 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COSTtT-"a'r-or : $ gd,!!-# OF STORIES: 2 rs Any ELEGTRTCAL, PLunBrI{G or IiEcMNIcAL },lork Belng Done to the accessory structure? [ Ves fi If the project ls a Relocation, ls there a Natural Gas Line on the current Site? fl ves Is thene Electrtcal Powen on this Building? lilYet l-l ruo pRopERTy rrsE / occupANcy t @ srue le rar'rr r-v f! ouer-ex ! ro.,NHousE DE5CRIPTIoi{ 0F lioiK: rye ar.e bui.ldinq 4 12L!9 flont porcE !9o! oye! an e{!s!i!q slab Clq C 1q!!Iq No ElHo EXrSTr 6 CO STTCTrON: I AlrrmrrOr ! nrNOvarrOH I eeHenal neearns fl RELocArroN NElr cor{srRucrror: [ :nrcr r{Ehr REsrDEl{cE o" I aoorrroN To ExrsTrNG RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AI{D AI{ShIER BELOIdALL THAT APPLY TO Yq,lR PRO]ECT: ! rrr crucr SF I oer eamer sr @ eoncH 328 sF I eoor- - sF I sronaer sneo ! orcr back porch xoof over an existing deck DISCLAIMER: lhe6by ceniry hd afl inirmation in hls applicaton is conect ad dl work will clmply wl'l ha Stab ariuing Code and all ohEr +plicable Stat dd bcd larr,s and ordinances and Egulalions. Th6 NHC Devolopment S6rvices Cenbr will b€ nolif€d of any changes in he approvad plan6 dld 6pecifcat'ons or changs in contracbr or contrabr inlcrmatbn. '.tlOTEr Any Work P6.blm6d w/O fle AppropriaE Pemitswllb6 in Vaolalion of the NC SlaE Edg Cod. ard slrbiect D Fines Up To $500.00"' om{ER/co1{rRAcroe e<k* B:fu.r,h/,, u STGMTURE: {k 79,/-4 **** **.* *!r*,r,r*** ******* * * ** *(l l'I I,lil** * *** * * * * * + +,i ,r,i )r:r )*,*:r r. :r. '* * *** ***** ***,* '* * ,r *:i,r * ,r,i * r. *,i,r.* ** rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rt{ A FLooDpLArrr l-l ves M} EXISTI]S IiPERWOI'S AREA: NEtrt $tPERVIolrS AREA 3 TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXrST LA,{D DrSTURErI{G pERr{rT: fi VeS E iO SQ FT 5Q FT r{ArER: ! creur f} cou.4uNrry svsrem I pRrvArE WELL ! cerurnal uer-l sEUER: fl crnua ! CENTML sEprrc [l enrvare seerrc fl coMMUNrry sYsrEM ti,* SEPARATE PER',IITS REQIJIRED FOR ELECT, I.!ECH, PLBG, GAS EQIJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pay',lEtrT r,lErroD: I casx I cr:cx (pavABLE ro nncl flmrnrcAt{ ExPREss E nclvrsl ! orscoven **** *+ + *r****:t+ *:t** *** )i+** ****++***** 'l*** 'r'r.:r* *** +* ++ * *** *** t,it +)t**:t ***+**+ ***t t****t$* ** zol'lE: _ 0F FICER: Approval:_ City: (FOR OFFICE USE flI.Y) SETBACKS: F: REVISEO DATE O4l11/12 LH: RH: B: DATE:FLOOD:BFE+2n=67-t Aots-6tU1 15- L7 62NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Tongue and Groove, LLC PROIECT ADDRESS: 8019 BaId Easle Lane CITY: wilmington, NC SUBDIVISION:BLOCK #: APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATEI---@APPLTCANT'S NAlylE: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: 910-264-3251 ZIPi 2847r Joe Newcomb LOT #: PHONE #:PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIIlE: Ol',lNER'S ADDRESS: 8019 CITY: WilmingtonBald Eagle Lane CONTRACTOR: Tongue and Groove, LLC ADDRESS: 6331 Oteander Drive EilAIL ADDRESS ! billuatongue-and-groove. com LICENSE #: 54432 ST: NC ZIP:284L1 ST: NC ZTPz 28403 #. 9to-264-3251 (fJ|; wiLminqton PHONE PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Bil-l de Brurn PHONE *i 910-264-3251 ExrsTrNG coNsTRUcTroN: I ALTERATToN I nrruovnrroru [ crrurnnl REPATRS ! nrlocnrroru NEhl CoNSTRUCTION: ! enrCr NEkt RESIDENCE or ! nOOrrrON TO EXISTING RESIDENCE ,}*PLEASE CHECKAND ANSWER BELOW -SF ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! oer GARAGE _ sF ! eoor- _ sF @ orcr 6n 5p f] eoncH - sF ! sronacE sHED OTHER: SF SF NO NEI,{ IMPERVIOUS AREA: O sQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: 0.014 EXI5T LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: [-1 YTS [T] IVO wATER, ! creua [] coul,rururry sysrEM ! enrvnrr wrll ! cerurnnL tntELL sEWER: ! creun ! crrurnnL sEprrc @ enrvnrE sEprrc ! coNr"rururry sysrEM 'r"r"' SEPARATE PERMTTS REQUTRED FOR ELECT, 'I1ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUrp, PREFABS & TNSERTS {"r.:* ! cnsx il cxecr (eAvABLE ro NHc) ffi ru'renrcaN ExpREss fl ,cTvrsa fl orscovenPAYII,IENT METHOD: tx******************************************.***********,***xr.*******:r,t r(xx***********,F***** ZONE:OF FICE R: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:- LH: REVISED DAIE 04/71/72 !nrr GARAGE I surunoou _sF f]cnrrruHouse SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: o TOTAL SQFT UNDER ROOF: O TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 6tj TOTAL PROIECT COSTlresst-ot; ! $ ss,ooo # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRfCAL, PLUMBING or I'IECHANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Stnucture? fl V"t E ruo If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Sitel fi ves E] ruo Is thene Electrical Powen on this Building? [Ilyes E *o pRopERTy usE / occupANCy: @ srr,rcr-e FAMTLY ! ouer-ex f] rowruHouse DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Redo an existing co4qICte patio, add a wood drip through deck and hot tub. (There wilf be no new additional- impervj-ous area- new deck j-s "drip-through".) and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in he approved plans and specifications or change in contractor or contactlr informaton. *..NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O he AppropriaE Permits will be in Violation of the NC StaE Bldg Code and Subject to Fines Up To $500.00'.- OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Birl de Bruin SIGNATURE : Mrt:=- (Print Name)i(*************,k*****************************************************************1.,*t ***** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? I-'] YTS EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 6!! - SQ FT Approval:_ City:_ DATE :F LOOD : RH:_ B:_ NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" NAI}IE: Enrlque Morales/ PhilIlp Balderose PROIECT ADDRESS: 2c)B overlook Dr CITY: wilminsron SUBDIVISION: The overlook at Middle Sound DEVELOPER: AoS -bq Sy 15-1686 APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATE2 6/22/15 ZTP:284rr BLOCK #: _ LOT #: 23 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIvlE: D.R Horton, lnc CITY: Myrtle Beach PHONE #: PHONE #: 84r-646-2813 ST: sc ZTP2 29519 ACCOUNT #: OT,.INER'S ADDRESS: 4073 BCllC TCrrC BfVd CONTRACTOR: D.R. Horton, rnc ADDRESS: 4073 Belle Terre Blvd EHAIL ADDRESS: emfacundoGdrhorton.com LICENSE #: 2961 6 CITY: Myrtle Beach sT: sc zIPz 29519 #: aqt-6qa-zzta #i 843-646-23t8PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Enrique Morales PHONE PHONE Inrr GARAGE 54r SF E oET GARAGE I eoor- _ sF sF E] PoRcH 244 sF I sronacE sHED _ sFSUNROOM GR E ENHOUS E ! orcx SF OTHER: ExrsrrNc coNsTRucTroru: ! ALTERATToN ! neruovnrroru ! crrrrrnnl REPATRS f] nrlocnrroru NE}', coNsrRUCTroN: E] enecr NE!'I RESTDENCE or f] aoorrroN To ExrsrrNc RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWERBELOtI SF SF ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: tr tr TOTAL HEATED SQ FTz 2ei5 TOTAL SQFT UNDER ROOF: :roo TOTAL AREA SQ FT: :roo TOTAL PROIECT C0STlressr-ot1 i $ res, aos # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLU,{BING or MECHAiIICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? fl V"r E ruo If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? fi Ves ffi ,o Is there Electrical Power on this Building? [l]ves Elruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUpANCy: I SrnCr-r FAMTLY ! OUer-rx ! rownHouse DESCRIPTION OF tdORK: Sinqle Eamify Residential and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Cenbr will be notified of any changes in tle approved plans and specifications or change in contractor or contactcr information. *'-NOTE:AnyWork Performed W/O he Appropriate Permitswillbe in Violation of the NC State Bldg Code and Subject to Fines Up To $500.00-., OWNER/CONTRACTORi Enrique Morat-es/D. R. Horton. rnc. SIGNATURE: (Print Name)****xx********,t *****xx,t<****'*xx*x*.***xxxxx***xxx*********x***'t ****************x**r.*.,t *r(*xx hrATER, I creua f] comrurur'rrry sysrEm ! enrvnrr wrll f] cer,rrnnL wELL sEwER: @ creun f] crnrnal sEprrc ! enrvarE sEprrc ! coNNururry sysrEM rs rHE pRopERry LocArED rN A FLOODPLATN? ]*] yeS El *O EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT NEW ImPERVIOUS AREA: 3132 SQ FT ZONE: _ OFFICER: Appnoval:_ City: (FOR OFFICE UsE 0NtY) SETBACKS: F: {'** SEPARATE PERMTTS REQUTRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUrp, PREFABS & TNSERTS *** Jcnsn ilcxecx (pAyABLE ro NHc) ffierr-r- AccorJNr ffimczvrsn florscovenPAYT'IENT METHOD: t***x*******************x********************x**********x***x********+****************x** SF TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .24 ExIsT LAND DISTURBTNG pERMTT: [I ves lEj r'ro REVISED DATE 04/1.I/12 BFE+2ft q DATE:_ FLOOD: LH:_ RH:_ B: = +-l t,b ?ns- b't'{oL5-L725 APPLICATION Number (office Use) DATEi 6/tB/L5 PHONE #: gto-tat-aaae ZIP:28q,,rt PHoNE #: 97a-i63-26i6 ST: Nc ZIPi 284ot ACCOUNT #: ST: Nc ZIP: 28406 #: 9ro-763-6688 #:9to-23r-1806 NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE : COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Uh1, Inc. PROIECT ADDRESS: 2120 tTrh sr OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAItlE : mn :Parking Lot Bus Shelter CITY: wit-minston PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIIIE: OWNER,S ADDRESS: I2oI Cameron Company GIen Meade DrCITY: witminqron CONTRACTOR: UhI, InC LICENSE #: 62a82 CITY: wifminqronADDRESS: p.o. Box 4441 EilAIL ADDRESS! uciGec. rr. com PHONE PHONEPROIECT CONTACT PERSON: cres uhl (Check AII That Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTOru: ! ALTERATTON fl neruOVarrOru ! Cerurnnl lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Yes il No REPATRS I nelOCarrOru lS BLDG SPRINKLERED? n Yes flNo NEW coNsrRUCrroN: I tnecr NEhr srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK f] snell ! unrrr I aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE Construct steel, glass & wood bus shel-terACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The ShellPermit #: *,r.*** IS THIS A IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: Greqorv p. Is Elect Power on this Building I Ves E ,O OFoccuPANcY usE? flYEs ffi No ***** What is the New Occupancy Type? PHi 672_4634 NC REG #: PH: NC REG #: 61 59 DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Construct 7-person steef, glass & wood bus she.Iter; No plbq,elec, HVAC ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? fl ves E No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? fl Yes El ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and requlations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of anv chanoes in the aooroved olans and lbecifications or chanoe in contractor or contractor ihformation. .'.NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O the Appropriate Permiis will 5e in Violation of the'NC State Bldg Code and Subject-to Fines Up To $500.00-'- OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ur'r, rnc.SIGNATURE: (Auslmer) (PrintNaEle) contain Asbestos or not. You 8re required to call the Nauonal Emission Standards br Hazardous Alr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (9'19)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to the demolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: http:/ ,yvwy.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 1s , 0 0 0 BUILDING HEIGHT: Na EXSr LAND DtSTuRBtNG pERMtr?f]ves ElNo SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o PRoPERilusE: EoFFlcE ERESTAURANT luencnrurLE EEDUc nApr lcoruoo orHER:Bus sherter *- SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IVECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *- PAYMENT',=',::.o.:.H.::::**n...::.=*:::::f.::::i?..n.._r.]::::::.:::.*8.*T:::T..Eorscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) wATER: ECFPUA ECOMMUNTTYSYSTEM EWELL EZONTNGUSECT-ASSIFICATION: SEWER: E]CFPUA ECENTRALSEPTIC f]ENVETCSEPTIC f]COMMUNIWSYSTEM ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_DATE:_ FLOOD: A v BFE+2ft=. CHANGE TYPe ? Kot ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: TOTALAREASQFT: qO SQ FT PER FLR: 90 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ea # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: r #OFFLOORS: r ACRES DISTURBED: O, O02O66 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: go SQ FT REVISED DATE 4/11N2 Comment PERMIT FEE: $ DEVELOPER: na \,{i tu APPLTCANT'S t.lA E: DEVELOPEN: CO TRACTOR: ADDRESS: ye??-rei{ APPLICATIOI'I Number *No FLAN' x NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERPITT APPLICATIoN TyPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AIISHER ATL QUESTIONS APPI-ICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT PRO]ECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION; PROPERTY OIrII{ER,S MII1E : O![ilER'S ADORESS: DATE: PHONE *: LOT #: PHONE 4/o-Zzo-zd 3*: ST: _ zIP: LICENSE s: CITY: EMIL ADDRESS : PHONE s: PROJECT COI'ITACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! noor- ! oecx TOTAL SQ FT UIDER ROOF: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUnBT G or tilECHAt{fCAL Work Being Done If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Is thene Electrical Power on this Building? frlyes TOTAI PROJECT COST1r-essrory , t laoog ,/ uarre: d ctpla V sEwERt lt2l CFPUA Ll f OF STORIES: ZONE:OF FICE R: lt PERI.IIT ,r.@rrr,Zgq( 3o Plot{E r: 1tO.Z71 -797a SF ! sronaer suru SF SF SF OTHER: TOTAL AREA SQ FT:/(? ALTERATToN I nerovarroru f] erlenal necrrns f] RErocArroN iIEU CONSTRUCTIOT: I CNTCT NEW RESIDENCE O" I AOOTTTOI TO EXISTING RESIDEI{CE I'PLEASE CHECX AIID AISMR BELOh' AI.L THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! rrr eanaee sF ! oer canace sr l-l poncr <E ! surunoor.l _ sF I cneeuousr 5F TOTAT HEATED SQ FT: / occUpAr,,cy: l1![smate FAm]Ly 7fl ounlex ! ro]rNHoUsE t . , // oF.roRK: ^ilii- ,)-1'-- l"lr^ ^4/DEscRIprIor{ 0F roRK: ^1 aKZ .nt.rt ,Uqll lt1(f)<41 KJ_OhCa ^_.{/ , // (^r >n i r-, l1 otoct*- y' /(tlr,ra / ..-,/,0 -n^t /,)^-712-7---7^. /^-./ DlSCLAfllER: I hereby c€dt t/al an inbmstion 'n risspptic6don-b corecrsnd s[ work wii compty wih tle 5o,"'aui,oing coo" "nHi ffibE Stab End tocattaws / Xa,-]W4and odin rnces and rcgu tatbns The NH C DG velopmont Se ryFes C€n E, wi I b€ roflred o I sn v ch;nges h t|€ appro reO pran s ano specirrcarons ol ;i.coni'acb'|inbrmaron"lyott,o"vw-rp.2**,{"orr-;tr;;16;;;;;,"',u-n*"",,n"^.ro.Erdscrfand>ubFcrbr""jl,i"i:ffir#j,"' -uq((/* ''' *, *-"7*f 'Ye ^petoptiaycntE wrtbe in vorston oi rhe Nc srac Erog c2f anysuopcr i_i."Jgo ,o rsoo oq-, ot^rilER/cor{rRAcron: /! "it[t-^ z/ ^ srGnaTURE: Cl.,llad".^ 4- PRoPERW usE / occupANcY , g{rror" raurlv ,fl ounlex rs rHE pRopERTy rocarcD r{ A FLooDILATN? n yEs E ,uo EXISTING IIiIPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NE}'I IIiTPERVIOUS AREA: -5Q FT Exrsr LAND DrsruRBrNG prnnrr, l-l vrs l--.1 uo cor,ruuNrw svsrem I pRrvATE ],ELL ! ceurnnl well cENTML sEprrc I rnrvare srrrrc f] coMMUNrry sysrEr.l (Foi 0fFr(r usE o{LY) SETBAC(S: F: LH: Appnoval : *** SEPMAIE PERHIIS REQUIRED FOR ETEC], MECH, PLBG, GA' TQUIP, PRTFABS 8 INSERTS *}* paynEflr ilErHoD: Ecosr Ecrix (pAyaBr.E. *.1 E*r^r;;;;.;, "Erirrri^"'nrr.orr* *,* +* *,| *:f**+ **.i* **** * * *,lrl:*:r **** ** * **** *:t )t + *:i:t+ ** * * **:* *!t * *:t )*:* **:|:*:l*** ***** * )t **)t+ ***:l:i*** ** .o .n" o.."rro"rllI"e: fl ves fl ro 6as Line on the current site? !ves I tofl roo iEVISED DAIE O4l11/12 RH: R' Comment: _ City;_DATE:_ FLOOD:8FE+2ft= ,rr,r--K- CTTY: BLOCX f: &olt- b'lb3 15-L700 APPLICATIof{ t{umber (OfFlcc Use) mre : t lz>{,s PHorrE #; 11,W t<n1* LICET{sE *: { 6&}5 t;* ]crrv, t..l*ffi - 4o+e- " pffi[ PHOT{E #; srndc npr2^8,foS* Tto-fii7tzL t{A}tE: ttIEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER!,TIT APPLIcATIott rYPFr COIIFIERCIAI PLEASE Ar{St{ER AtL QUESTIONS APPLTCABLE TO YOUR pRolECT '?roJect ResponsibilitlP f.\. 1 b*J,^"{,,, .\,^r *ht+- Clr,o*6(:+t .J OCCUPAI*T/BUSIT{ESS PROPERTY O#{ER'S IIIIiIE :L.lL ohft{ER'S ADORESS: Y. A, tLu"^b l, ** .t, L.tt PRO]SCT CONTTACT U Ptr{,f Exrsr corsrRucrron: ffiar-rERArrffi f] neriviirg[ -rfiiiml neparns fl nrlmlrror lf RCocdm, is there a Naiural Gas Une on the curent Sire? [Ye- f]ruo tS BLm spntNxmnED? flrs BLm sPRINKLEREoa flves f,f No I{Et{ co{srRucrroit: f] r*rcr I{Et{ s?RUcruRE f]FAsr rRAcK f] xerr@qgrrr f, ArD ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: lot Iq - r^L. L.-t, t, (Check a]l Th.t App1y) PHOI{E rf upFrr * The Shel} permit *: {t-'lo8m IF Yes, r&at ms the Prstrious Occupancy Tlpel .L".t"*.t &. b lr:q, ,(9 oF e{S"* Is Elect Porcer on this Bui}dtng fl ves d(iq0 pn: 1*/.?6SS ilc ftE6 *: Sf qp}. PH: ?{{- {ooo NC REG *:z35il Ancfi DESI6T{ PROFESSTOU|L: Eit6R DESIGf, PiOFESSrOilnt: DESCRfPTION OF ISRK: t* #OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: #OF FLOORS: SQ FT DISCI-AIMER: I hereby c€rtify that all lnformatiolt in this appllcaton is conct and all wort will cornfly with the Srate Building Cod€ and dl oher apolicaHe Slale ff.ftiffi!"dff&,iffiiEHiffUtl?"H#?F*'te'N8{LFtiJ"\ffm13iffifi,?B\fiIllloT#i#,{,fl1il"S,i,9.*;V*Eftryffid"$gEAf Effiffiggti,or cfianoe ln contractor or con39-6o lfiibmaiibn. 'i'N0ft: ,'jirWoi{ipai&ii& W7c'iirJlrp}lob?iii-plini{sI SubJectlo Fines Up To $5(X).00* a , , , , owNEfrrcoNTRA;ssrfu' YJ* tL.-^Sh" sGNATURE: h bod s bevgaopo ptepsod il tsvcd kr tl$ srufirs? f]v"r #n b The Prropery Iocfrd h The Hoo#dn? fty"* BUILDING HEIGHT: 3I j farm.., (Prfffl3n ) ildc: Danolitm nodfcadone & 8b66. rt'rrcrd p.rrnlt rppficldo(lr aI. b bG ]tmltbd wkp tho rySicdm flm (OHt€-370s)hdfuorbrrHdif w*ihmdb conilin Asbo$ or not Ydr rli' ltqrhcd b ca{ the t{atorul Emb*lon &nhdr h }laardour Alr Hut nti (ilESHAp} rt (919p07-Sm st l*t tO d.yr trlor !o rh. domdldon dr'tytdlity or Mldhg. $oe Asbrcloc Wcb Silo: htp//*rnx.epi.stata..rc.us/ept/s$b&erodehmp.hht p(sT LAND DtSTuRBtNG pERMn? flves E No SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUSAREA: PRoPERrYuseSprnce flnesreunmn fluencnrrne [eouc ilapr f]coxoo orHEFu WATER QIIGFPUA E]corrMUNtrYsYsrEM nwELL ErcMNG usE ct-AsistFlcATtor* SEWER: TGEPUA f]CENIRATSEPTIC LJPRIVATESEMC DCOi'MUNTTYSYSTEM*, $f;PARATfr FfrRMITS AfrOUiREO FON 6LCCT, MfiC}'', PL$*, ffA$ XQfiIP, P&TTA8$ &,f{SfrRTS *' PAY1IENTMETHoD: flcrsH Eh{:o<enyasuroNHc) flnuenlcmD<pREss ff uovsl fJoscoven (FOROTHCE rrsE ONLn RFVISED OAIE,{/t1l12ZONE:_OFFICER: _ SETBACKS: F: LH: RH:_B:Aprovat: cit). -TAF- FLooD: BFE+2F. TOTAL PROJECTCOST: -J5 C'O<-> TOTALAREASQ FT: 1 .F- TOTAL SQ FrUNDER ROOF: C rFo ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUSAREA SQ FT PER FLR: ( 4oo r #OFSTRUCTURES: Comment N --fIT PERMTT ree, t--l-:2-3- srr-Z zrp'5f tEu ADDRESS: EIIIATL AX}RESS: I**'T IS THIS A CHAI{6E OF OCCI'PA{CY USE? N 5- l+qs 1-b4 t./NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIa TYPE: COIIIIIERCIAL PLEASE AIISIdER ALL QUESTIOiIS APPLICAALE TO YOt,lR PRO]ECT .Pr.oJect Responsibitlttf '7-t c-'g 8rt 5,4o.<.1'*,-APPLICANT'S ltlAfiE: DEVELOPER: e,/' 'T PROJECT ADDRESS: 0ccuPANT/BUSINESS ra E:6/l PROPERTY OI {ER'S Oi/'INER, S ADDRESS: co rRAcron: C*r' AtDREss: tls 2 EfIIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSO : tco I 111114pr€lltn,1." $'1.nr LLL CITY: t1t P10r,rE PI{oNE nsnarns fl RELo(trroN rs BLDG sPRrNKLEneo: I v." f]ruo sr i.r< zrp!)S f a't *: a1!G=tt/Y111 (che.k all rh.t Apply) EXrST CO 5TRTJCTTOT: I llrrmrtot I nrrovlrrot ! crteul tf RMon, is there a Natural cas Line on the Current Ste? l_lVes ll tto l{Eh, cor{srRrcTror{r flrnecr E}, srRtrcTURE I rasr rnacx I sxer-r- f] urrrr I aoo ro flrsr srRrrcTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: Is Elect PoHeF on this Bullding I yes Eruo IS TIIIS A CHANGE Occuprncy Tt4Oe? oF occuPAr{cY user flvrs flrrc [hat ls the Nex Occupancy Type?IF Ye', Lfiat ARCH DESIGN EiIGR DESIGI{ uas the Previous PROFESSIOML:NC REG *: NC REG *:PROFESSIOt{AL: DEscRrPTroN or upnx: 'f-.,9rw rrr r'+r 0*l NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ARE/U pRopERry usE: EoFFtcE f]nesrAJRAr,n fluencerru-e [eouc E epr ncoHoo OTHER Gr,, wnrec g(9rrua fl coMMt-,Nnv sysrEM fl WELL fl zoNtNGt rJsE crASStFcAnoN: sE\ iER ErcFpr.rA - GENTRA sEpTrc I iEvare semc E coMMUNmy sysTEM PAVUET'Ir MEIHOO: ECASH IO{EO<(PAYABLE TO sco\rER zor.re [i[-r-I#)rct* PH: PH: (O.lL4 ei hn )Iklt : Demolldo.r n dtc.lbo. &..!..tB rsnovrl pomll.pdlc.don. lrD b be a.6mlttd ltin0 tho.ppth.tEo ft.m (0}f|S376S) wietle. fiE fEitiv or htkif *€a found E It lbod or ba,trgr tr p.r€d d 3ftd ln ti: oua'.z [ve" I tlo l. Thc Propry Locd.d ln Thr FloodCdnz E ves E ruo DISCLAIMER: I her€q c!ftty thst sllinfomation in this-spplication is con@t and allwork willcomply with lhe SDat€ Burlding Cod€ and attother sppticsbte Steteand.lrcal lav/s and odin€nc€s and regulations. The NHC Developm€nt Servi:€s C6nt6r willb€ notfrA, ol snv chano€s in th6 eoDroved obns and i6-ifi6iions or change rn contractor or clntraclor inlomralion. -NOTE: AnyWo* Pefonned w/O th€ Approp&ts Pormib will& in Viol€tiori of th€ l,lc Ststs Bldq Code 6ndsubiocr to Fh.s Up To $500.00- ^ ^- - - -)-4- -:-- -;*r;*;il;;s,.. i<flu- Gr {^k-^,. src*aruae: A / 7 €onlln A.5e.b. or no! Yc{ rt f.qllrd D..t th. Mlor.J Emhdon St od.nb 6r lb..dcr Ar Pottsa.r- (}{88&qD.t (91S)7Orue5O I h.e tO d.F Ftc. b t|c d.molllion ot.ny llolltly or buildiqg, 8.. A.-b-b W.b SIbl htFru Mr.€ti.6Eb.ic.L]€rspira.bst ahftp.nfni TorAL AREA se FT . 'LL-]-- se Fr pER FLR, - * oF sroRrEs:_ TorAL se FT uNDenI6iE-_ , oF srRucruREs: *oFFLooRs:_ ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRarxc penurtz llves I No (FOR OFFTCE t SE ONLY)REVSSD DAlE aflln2 #.SETMO(S: F: >lz LH:# RH:-gi B_ -P'/SFLOOP--_ V -Are**A v- 7tx PERMIT FEE $ TLL ao APPLICATIOI{ tllrber | (9ffrc. us.) l"- t b,. lJ-,9 b't#ii:tk o/-r/ry zrp:ZEY// LICEiEE *: 1, C (" L5.ACCot.t'tT f: crw:(r,\ r'\r -:F; 5LF+,l-4 L Approval: Gttr.-lle_DA CB lnpechon Requreo, 91 0254-09U1 ffi,, CITY: P}O E #: Plo E *: ?lo"rtl ,otg *rt<:6; -ql1 "y APPLICANT'S M'4E: DEVELOPEN : PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUEDTVISION:tz PROPERTY o}'IT{ER,5 ot{rlER'S ADDRESS: *' ab3^7-t2^3az SIt _ZI:P | 24o-) sr: f\e(zrp: ZRZ{Z 8 TION SF SF No Dro EXISrI G IIiIPERVIOI'S AREA: -SQ FT ,'lEl, Ir{pERvIoUs mea: 7_S4 O sq ff ExIsT |AND DTSTURB!,IG pEnxrr: I yes [--.1 uo ZONE:OF FICE R: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ F LOOD: Comment: LH: RH: a. t PTUITFEE: i nEZ t5- t++3 NEW HAN',ER couNry BUTLDTNG pE,t,rl) l5 - (!#b APPLICATION tlumber E ( Orq ci7-5 !( crw: APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSI,/ER Al-t QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR pROlECf "ProJect Responsibilit)/, LIcEi,IsE : 4ZI 6ZL CITY: /'-A /-r,iL,.tc^ fz.b A /a Exrsru{G co srRUcrIoN3 f} alrrnnrror ! nrruovarroru ! errenal neratns I Reloca t{EH CONSTRUCTIOT, ffiTNCCT NEW RESIDENCE O" I NOOTTTOI TO EXISTING RESIDENCE I orr eaneer sr [rcncx IYO sF [J eool o C,C' sr f] sronaer srro E orcx 4'1 2- sr orHER: ToTAt HEATED Sa rr: Z\1L:oyr,:a-:, UNDER RooF: 21/10 TorAL AREA sQ FT: {16< TOTAL PROIECT CoSTlressroe, g 352\,478 f OF STORIES: Z rs Any ELECTRTCAL, pLUrlBrNG or r4rcHA rcAl .,ork Being Done to the Accessory structur€? [ va, f]If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on th€ Current Sifl ! r.,fs thene Electrical powen on this Building?f]ves [ruo pRopERw usE / occupANcv, $srtcr_r rar"rrrv fl ouer_ex I rowNHousE DESCRIPTION OF r,lOR(: 0lsc!AlMER:lhercbyce(i'halatinbmstoninfiisepplica1jonisco@ctsnd"n*o*,,i conltactt, inbmaion.'-l!oTErAny work Perfomed w/O heAppropriaE permio",fft" i"'viof" "-- cr'carcns orchsnoe in conlraclcrr tion offie Nc St6E Bldgrcode.id subiecl b Fines upfoj50o.0o., A:*e- STGNATURE: -ines UD To 35/d9 rs rHE pRopERry LocArED rN A FrooDpLArN? E[ yEs E ,ro tlArER: fl crouo ffi co*rNrw sysrEM ! Rnrvare t,lErr fl cENTRAT wELL sEtrtER: f] creur f] CENTML sEprrc I enrvnre rrrrra ffi coMMUNrry sysrEtit pERt[Ijt RIQUTRTD rOR ELECI, fiECH, PLBG, GAS rQUrp, pRErABs 8 rNSER]s ,,, *r:r:l-::l1T_,-"_H-.j-r:" .l#orrcr (payaBr.E ro rucl fl anrnrcor rxenrss fln.zrrro Iorscovrn** *:| ** * * * '| * * * *:* ** * * * ** *** * + *** *+,t****:t******:r **:r:r******:r:* +* **:t *:t *:** r* *** *:i * **:r****l**** * * (roR 0Ffrcr usE oriLY) SETBACKS: F: COI'ITRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI|AIL ADOREsS: PRO]ECT COI{TACT PERSON: '*PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOt,t ALL THATAPPLY TO YOUf, PiOJECT:lrrr eannee [*l 6lt sr fl suruRoor'r - sF I enreunousr - sr TOTAL ACRES DISTURBTD: .A PTO E ': PHONC T: RtwstD oart o4l11/12 BFE+2ft= qto -44<-6141 ZIP I v ru,ls/?)+ dDlS-LpqgI APPLICATION Number (Offt." t s") NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIiATI0N TYPE; SIGNS / BILLBOARDS PLEASE PRIHT CLEARLY & AI.ISNER ATT QU€STIONS PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA}IE : 7t4t1 'FS AL56=sss sr\iE_zrn, ?K411 rr.P1-rroffi4l 2- u,Aria-.g)T&t4 uqE:352--4tVo rs srcN(s) oN oR oFF inrursssl 8o* ffiorr DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify ulat all information in this application is conect and allwork will comily with the Stale Building and otdinanc€c and regulations. The NHC Development Services Genter will be nolilied of any changes in the approved cmlractor inrormation. -'NOTE: Any Work Performed yvTg 169 Appropriate Pemits will be in Molatjon ol the NC State ,t**:i:|;i*******:t***:t**,t,****,t:t,t,l****)t*!*****,t*:****:t*********,t,i**:i* t,t****** :t,t**** ****,i* TOTAL PRO]ECT COST: $EOID-OD IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? f VCS E *O ++* SEPARATE PER'',IrTS REqJTRED FOR ELECT, IrtECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUrp, PREFABS & rilSERTS *** PAYlilENr itETHoo: ffi casn ffi cxecx (rAvABLE ro NHc) ffi anenrcan ExpREss E uc/vrsa f orscovrn ,t****,i*:t*****:t*************:t*****************************:l*******:t*****,t*,f:l:i***,t**!t!t*:t*!t (FoR oFFICE USE ONLY)REVI9ED DATE 3/3Ol12 Approval:_ city:_ DATE:._ FLOOD: BFE+2ft= N ZIP: PR0PERTY OI,INER'S NAI'IE : OIdNER,S ADDRE55: K'fi1 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT SI6N 1 Height: SIGN 2 Height: SIGN 3 Height: SIGN 4 Height: u PHONE PHONE PHONE wPE oF Sr6N(S) B-t*""*DrNG (6round) I I 5HINCLE | -j cHnNFE qrv\nd(orllVM tnfffOlN" Sv\brv, llaRQUEE i* I pno:rcrron l*l noorr^rall IlcnNopv I llorHER Signs on this Project: I --b' * )bt * rotal sQ.rr. or sign: q bq X -- _- Total SQ.FT. of Sign: _--*=-* APPLY) X Total SQ.FT. of Sign:-" ^ "- X -- Total SQ.FT. of Sign: -.,-,,- ECK L]R Total Number of Sign Dimensions: Slgn Dimensions: Sign Dimensions: Sign Dimensions: r ",1i1 amotr rTla =\e crr l\te, Elt -\llttvul R\ ch Ceylat'rt'rFt, (cH Etate and local lavrs "or change in contraclor or Comment:PERMIT FEE: $. ,.) DEVELOPER: ffi APPLICANT,S I{AIITE: Responsibilitt'' PHOHE #: or,rNER/coNrRACroR: V iet Wfdtf-n cfhf*{ sr.NAruRE: ., .1 ,ffi, APPLICAI{T'S NAI{E: NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcATIot't rvPE; SIGNS I BILLBOARDS PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & Al{sl,lER ALL QUESTIONS "Project$v" 4S-ro6ab 15- L777 APPLICATIOII Ntmber iix+ii" ur"l orre:?:L=I.S rr.11;rrrffi{}}u,ilv-g.ff.l4t{ $q-Loje?T47vCI nn \tLvion Le 7-{-otl#a,tJ [_j noori I orHrn this ProJect: _ , --J-g,; ,"*r.Fr. or urr^,\b6#' rorAl pRolEcr cosr: $&fiar{-$ rs rHE pRopERry LocArED rN A FLooopLmNl l] ves ffi *o **'i SEPARATE PERmITS REQT IRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** '^T:.:X;,-..3.'::...Y:::::.::":::.:::']...::'::::::::...H:'i::::....Y.o,'corER (FOR OFFTCE USE or{tY)REVISEO OATE 3/3Att2 N PERilTT FEE: $. {1 OCCUPATIIT/BUSINESS PROPERTY Ofi.IER'S EI{AIL AI}DRESS: PRO]ECT COT{TACT ctrfrttrvtffi^. LrcENsE o,ZS?Bb-SPFS PHOilE trrv,\S)1E41 , (on1\ l*l rRo:rcrrou i...l caruopv PHOHE PHONE Total SQ.FT, of Sign: Total SQ.FT. of Sign: Total SQ.FT. of Sign: rs sr6N(s) oN oR oFF PREII{I5ES? DISCIAIMER: I hereby certifo lhat all info.mation in lhis apdication is conEl fid all worft will corndy with the Stat€ ard ordinances and regulatiofls. The NHC Dw€lopment Services Center will be notified of any c*tanges in the contracto( informatian. *NOTE: Any Work Perfomed VflO Ure Appropriate Permits will be in Viole[on of th€ PERSON: Ri Ch a and all other * * * * !t*** ** ******** ** ***** CfiINER/C${TRACTOR:sIGNA !t * * !* *,t'3 * * ** * * * * * :f * * * * rt *,t * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * *,* :l * !* * * * * * * :f wPE OF SrGil(S) S-r*rrtr*DrN6 (6round) l*j snrruole Height: ,%: Tota} Number of Sign Dimensions: Sign Dimensions: Sign Dimensions: Sign Dimensions: ITIARQUEE TIALL Signs on ll,_ _l-r-_ -_.SIGN X SIGN 2 SIGN 3 SIGN 4 Height: Height: Height: --x-_ X (cHECKALLTHAT APPLY) Comment: *--ruWtl L]i,l cHmee DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ol,Il{ER' 5 COI{TMCTOR: ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION (Print Name) APPLICATION TYPE., COMMERCIAL PTEASE ANSI,ER ALL QUESTIoNS APPTICABLE To YOUR PR0IECT "ProJect Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAIIIE: Nexsen Pruet - Thomas ,.rohnson, ,fr. (Aqenc for American Tower6) D,i|EI 5 /i.///g'5/i,/rn DEVELOPER: .American Tov/ers Lr,C - Jifl Hou6e PHONE #:919-466-s163 PROIECT ADDRESS: 5s91 Marvln K Moss tane CITY: wilmlnqton ZIP i 2\4os OCCUPANT/BUSINESS l.lAME: American Towers LLC dctS- a5d? NEh' HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT L5-L320 APPLICATION Nurnber (offi.ce Use) PROPERTY O[^INER' S OWNER,S ADDRESS: MME: american Towers LLc *: 919-466-5153 STi Nc zIP: 2?sr8 PHg'lE .500 Reqencv Parkway, * 1oo CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRES5: LICENSE #: CITY: EMIL ADDRESS: ST: #: ztP I PROJECT CONTACT PERSON! Ji11 Hou6e PHONE PHONE#: 919-46G-5163 (Check All that Apply) ExrsT coNsTRUcTroN: I ALTERATTON fl neNOvnrrOu !.CeUennl lI Relocatlon, is thers a Natural Gas Line on the Current site'l flVes I t to REPAIR5 TI RELOCATION ls BLDG sPRrNKLEneo'r f] ves f] tto NEld CoN5TRUCTTON: ul ERECT NEW 5TRUCTURE E rasr TRACK n SHELL E UPFrT E ADD TO EXrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: **,ir.* Is THIS A CHANGE was the Prevlous Occupancy Typel Occupancy Type? IF Yes, what ARCH DESIGN EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONALI PRoFESSIoNAL r Tower Enq. Professionals- K. Martin Tov/er Enq. Professlonals- K. Martin rfi: -91-9:-g-q:;-6-l5l* NC REG *: o'|3szo PH: 919-651-6351 NC REG *" 0'13920 DESCRIPTIoN 0F I^IORK: wireless communicatrions ?ower site (Oudlll.4 (Pdnt NEm!) Notei Domollton no[ncailons & aEbostos rdnovol p€rmh appllca{ofis aro io bo submltted uslng lh6 sppllcston lorn ls food or beveragos praparod or served in tHs slruclure? f]ves [lNo b The Property Locat€d ln The Floodplatnt I ves El No Code and all other appllcable Slate aooroved Dlans and soecillcatlons (lonrnhq NC Slate Bldg Cod6 snd OWNEFUCONTMCTOR: thomqa "Johlson,,rr. (Aqent) clnraln Asbostos or not. You fr€ roqulrBd to call the Nadonal E nbslon Sandsrds lor Hazadous Atr Pollut6nts (NESI-IAB at (919)707 at l6ast 10 days palor to lho domolldon ol any fadllty orbulldlng, Soo Asbostos W€b Sts: hllp/ vwv, opl, stlle. nc, u6/opl/asbstos/shmp. ht nI TOTAL PROJECT COST: S2lO.oOO BUILDING HEIGHT: 195' tower TOTAL AREA SO FT : -q-,s5 SQ FT PER FLR: N/A TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF; N/A # OF STRUCTURES: N/A EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMrr? r-l yES EI No SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTy USE: florrrce I nesrnunntw [uencnNrLr f]eouc f] ner [couoo orHER:relecom rower . WATER: ECFPUA DCOMMUNIry SYSTEM NWELL MZONING USE CTASSIFICATION: N'TS sEwER: E cFpuA E cENTRAL sEprc n p-RrvArE sEPlc ;366uuuNtw svsrerlt , ,i r^ii.Al l |rllnMlr$RE{ltrlliEllFOI]ELF(j-I.MrOll,lrlljrj,,i;Ali|Olll|,Plri l,^i,lirilr.l.ll Iil1)" PAYMENTMETHoD: ncAsH flctecrlenvnnLEToNHc) [ruuentcnNexPRESs nMc/vlsA f]DlscovER *rdiat.*.t*.**t.ra*Hr (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY} ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLooD:BFE+2fi= N PERMIT FEE: $ SIGNA ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: z . szo fsll[V or bulldlng was lound to # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: N/A # OF FLOORS: N/A SQ FT Is Elect Powen on thls Buildlng El Yes E UO oF occuPANcY user f]ves [lruo what ls the New Comment REVISEO DAIE 1/l1/I2 RECETVED JUL 10 2015 NElrl HAMTVER COUNTY BUILDIIIre . APPLICATI(N mE.. ZOTII'TG (tld.rcor?orated Areas of cqrlttl) PLEASE PRIIfi CLEARLY & AISTER ALL QUESTIOG 'Project Responsibilitlf Ja6iah Bell JCt5 - (o5zzPERIqTT ir_1r6rrd t{umber to+rtce-Gj DATEr 7 / ot/LsAPPLICAI{T'S 'IIIIE:DEVELOPER: .;'agi36 PIIO E #r 9t-o-616-0063 PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIO{: . rre 9227 sedqley Dr CITY:.wilmirrqtson ZlP: zettz ._152,_ _-BLOCK *:LOT *: pHOIrlE #: 910_616_0063 CIW: g1le!!S@_ ST: Nc ZIP: zea12 LICE SE #lC0 TRACTffi: ,raaiah BelI AITDRESS: e22? sedqtev Dr EIiIAIL AIDRESS: .i asiahbell@yahoo. com PROPERTY OhII{ER' S OdITERJ S ADDRESS: lUlllE: Jasiah selt 9227 sedqley Dr PROIECT COI{TACT PERSO{ ! ,rasiah gell CITY: sil6irrogo',ST: Nc ZIP: 28a12 #t -9.L9=sls= r!-g]- *, -9:Lgf!:.9.9.E}- PH(xtE PHOITE Is yot R pRolECT: ! conmercial I nesidential l-l Ne lnsta]tatlon ! Replacement I ottren DESCRIPTIOI'I OF ORK: ARCH DESIE{ EI{GR DESIG PROFESSIO AL; PROFESSIOML: PH: PH: NC RE6 #: NC REG *: Is THE PRoPERTY LoCATED IN A FLodrPtAIt{? EYes E Ho IS y(ruR PROIECT: E ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 6ust ue tess than 'r2 tuet ar dimensan"l f] coHsrRucTIoN TMILER I seasonar sALES Lor loruen: BUILDING HEIGHT: 15, TOTAL SQ FT UNDER FOOR: 120 ft2 NUMBER OF STRUCTURES: and qdinancss and regulaliorrs. Th€ NHC Oevetopmoot Services C€or6r wil be nolifi€d ot aoy changos in the approved plans ard specifcaf,ons c+lange in cortlElclor or contraclor inforlna(on. *NOTE: Any Work Performed WO dle Appropdaie PermiE will b€ in Violaltoo ol the NC State Bldg fue and Slbjecr to Fines Up To $500.00- TOTAL PROIECT COSTc""suq: $ $rooo.oo O{I{ER/CO{TRACTOR: sasiatr e.11 SI6NATURE : (Print Nare) pRopERry usE: [l RE5TDENTTAL ! eusrnrss I eouc [nnr I c mrER: f] CFpUA El CONlr4UNrry SySTEH_-E pRrvATE yELL zoitrNc usE cLAssrFrcATroN: sExER: I cFPUA E cE[rRAL sEPrrc ffenrvnre sEPrrc El coi'l]'luNrrY sYsrEr'l *** SEpAIi&ii: Plliiiiis Rltj.iiil :; l(i:i iiii.r, ti: aii, f ii.:, t'.:. ii-.:i, I'i:li,'.i I ( 1... .,- ' pAy Err itErKD: Et .*, f] .r,r.* (PAYABLE ro r{Hc) [ menrcal exmrss finclwsa ZONE: - OFFICER: Approval:_ CitY:FLOOO: - BFE+2ft= I'l *,t****,i*****:f,t(:!tlt:i,*,rr(**,i:r**,*,i*t,t'i:1.*:**t,t:a:i+1.**:t:***'i*'t************:t'l*'''l(*'t)t:l:t:i**'l*'(:t*x***** ( FoR OFFTCE USE ol{LY)RtwsED 4ltzla2 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- NUIiIBER OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SITE AREA: 120 fI2 TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: 120 ft2 I orscoven ComEnt:PERXIT FEE: ' 1rt Y T, <ha.l I ornen,