HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 18 2015 BUILDING APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CENTER 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 17O WILilTNGTON, NORTH CAROLTNA 28403 TELEPHONE (gLO) 798-7308 acl S-tp,!/.D REVISIONS PROIECT APPLICATION #: L5-1640 review 2 Project's Street Address: 7613 Vancouver ct Contractor: D. R. Horton rNC. DATE SUBIT,IITTED: 1 /13/15 City: wilminsron Name of ProjectS waterside at woodLake Phone Number: 843-646-23t8 Email: PCBalderoseGdrhorton . com The Revisions are for: Is thene a Change Is there a Change or (Chech oLL thot apply) l7l auuaing l-l rtectrical [-l zoning [-l mecnanical I-l Rrumuing l-l engineering l-l ri"e in the Occupancy Type from what is [-l ves (explain below) Increase in Square Footage from what is shown [--E] ves (exprain berow) shown onE the NO on E otn""(explain below) original application? the original application? [*l ruo PLeose give us o brief but detoiled description of your revisions: Switchj-nq scrqen porch to Sunroom If revisions are considered ..substantial,, PhilIip Balderose it may require a neh, application. pcbalderose@drho rton.com Digitally signed by pcbalderose@drhorton.com DN: cn=pcbalderose@dthorton.com Print NameSignatune :r*'i**********'****:i't*********** FOR OFFICE USE ONLy **,t *************************** ATTENTTON PLANS EXAIiITNER: Please notify Dsc if these revisions change the permit footprint/square footage information and/or cost of the project. PLAN RE-REVIEW FEES ARE REQUIRED ON THIS PRO]ECT FOR: n eloa [-l elec n mecn I pr-ee n zorurruc n rrne n osc consultant: Providing service exceLLence for our citizens in coordinotion & coLloboration uith oLL departnents, ogencies &jurisdictions in the construction & deveLopnent of New Honover county. Og/25/2O12 eaib8.+8 15-17 07NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERf'IIT APPLICATI0I TYPE I RESIDENIIAL pLtAsE AISOTR ALt qESTIoIS ApptrCASt€ TO yoUR pROlrCT "PrcJect ResponslbUlty,, P}IONE BLOCT( at ! LOT t: APPTICAIION Nunbar (OffL<. UsG) . DATE:. 6/2312015 I: glgt!.k!.g,gg-_ APPLICANrTS ilAl'1E: xen coff.r Jr DEVET_OPER: .cLtfrs covc rJrrc PROIECT ADDRESS. 620{ chmocllorsvlll. Dr SUBDMSION: NautLcal oreetro CITY: ztPi 23!E_ PROPERIY Oli$lER,S l,lAllE : O{,{'JER'S ADORESS:CITY! CONIRACTOR: tIcEN9E *! {8248 ACCOUNT t! ADDRESS:CITY!ST: Nc ZIP: lg{ag E|.|,\IL ADDRESS: .ketrJ!€aeoofooDstluotlon, om P1ONE #: 910-{58-5605 PROIECT COI{TACT PERSoN: K6D colf,er .rr pKrNE *: 910-833-4055 0IINER/C0NTMCTOR: Ka coff6, .r.SIGNAIURE: ++rt r++ i*tt **+ * ***** r"a** a JIlrIlJiS,l* * *rr* * *, * r* + ** rr*ri ri*+***r*r*r+ r+* + * r ***a**.* *+ir++ rs TflE pRopERTv LOCAIED rN A FrOoDprAI{? o yEs E[ no f: 9r0-4s8-5605 sTr lE_zIP:349_ ExrsTrNG coNsTRucrroN: [alrenrrrol fl nHrwarrot ficeumar- REpArRs fl RELocATToN NEU' CO|{STRUCTIOi|, [l rnrcr NEU| RESTDENCE o" IaOOrrrOt TO EXTSTIi*i nESIOINCE I.PLEAse cHE(K AlIo AI{${EI BELoI{ ALL TmT APPI.Y To YoUR PRoJE€Ti ;/^ D flnrr aauae 31g- sF f] orr eanaer rr Eponc,{g4- ,r f]surrocn't -sr I roor- - sr I sronnc sHED _ sF f]cneemousr-sr Eorcx-sF, o:rHER: ,sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: IOTZ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER#}:- ",^' ** '0 ",T0fAL PROIECT C0STtrerur : $ $160,000 # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTUCAL, PLUfiTIIG or fiEcHAIr(At H,rk Belng Dore to the Accessory Structuret B Ves Q Ho If the prgject is a Relocatlon, ls there a NaturaL Gas Llne on the Current Site? QVes Q Ho Is there Electrlcal Power on thls Sulldlng? F'llV"t pNo pRopERry usE / occupAtttcyr [t srrcu rffirly nurprEx ETorMousE DESCRXPTIOiI OF tiORK! stngle r&lly nomc oD Blab. olsoll|ilER lh.rby erdt hdtl tnhmdon h hl. epb.{.n b ffiecl hd d wkwlt @mplywlh ir Sbb Eduhg Cods€nd s! ots sphlbh sbb ed bl b}s tod odhs6 aid €guhuonr ThsNtiC oaslopmntSsNlcscotrb, willbc rctfi.d ol6nrchonga6 h he appBEd pbns snd 6pellle[onr dchoo._h @nmb] orMt6b{ lnbm.ion, ''NOTE: Anywqk Ptddrmd WO h! Apprcpdob Podho *il| b6 ln vlobdotr ot h6 Ic Stab BktO cod. rid S! Wb Flnqffio$ra.Og- HArEn: f]cFpuA Eco.$,lLr{rry sysrEt.l ApRwArE }IELL f]CENTRAL I{ELL srwrn: I crpuA E cENTRAL stpuc firnrvrre sEprrc fl co"rmNrry sysrEt4 r*' SEPAIATE PERhIIS REQI,,IREO FOR ELECT, I.IECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & IIISEiTS "IpAy{Eilr }rErthot f,t.sr, f,tcnrck (pAyaEt E ro r*r) Oorr-u l..*ni 'Qrcfvrsl ff orscorrn EXISTII*G IITIPERVIOIJS AREA: -sQ FI NEW II.IPERVIOIS AREA; _SQ FT TOTAL ACNES DISTI.RBED: -Exrsr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERtir;-E vrs Qt no iEWSED hIE O'I1IA? LH:_ RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= vtr *+r**r***tr+l****+*ia*r*+*+*+t*ir*t+*a+t**+t+*i+ti*l+****r*** (roR orfrcE u* fltY) ZONE: OFFICER: SETBACKS: F: Approval:_ clty:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: I I I i I I I I