HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 24 2015 BUILDING APPS,'#, r..at;;r/ "Proj ect Responsibility" APPLICANT,5 [\IA}1E: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIOT.I: ^06 10t 5NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT I APpLrcArroN rypE: R#&IDEIITfAF 0Crnf1%0 A l PLEASE ANSI4IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT APPLICATION Number (Office Use) I.r l"r{ *:4,0 ttil- lb&X ztpz il{til7 LOT PROPERTY Oil'IER,S q{NER'5 ADORESS: PHONE #: ST: frrfi,i LICENSE *, fir ll7 c:,rv N;lm,r"nW sr:lJ0 zrp: J PIpNE r: Qn *# PERSON:PHoNE #: .$t; 'll,T,lU*z EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTOTu: ffi115sArr0N I ner,rOvnrrOru f]errtrnnl REpArRs fl nelocarror,r NEr,r CoNSTRUCTTON: f] rnrCr NEht RESTDENCE or I AOOTTTON TO EXrSTrNG RESTDENCE **PLEASE C}IECK AND ANSWERBELO{ ALL T}UTT APPLY TO YO.,IR PRO]ECT: sF f oer GAMGE - sF f] roor- - sr I nrr GAMGE flponcH - sF f] surunoomSF fl sronner sHro OTHER: I enrrmHouse SF I orcr - sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: T0TAL PRolEcT CoST(r-essr-o0 : $ Lrt{O,cA Any ELECTRICAL, pLUttBING on mECHANICAL Wonk Being Done the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturyrt' there Electrical Povrer on ydit Building? ffv"t 5F SF TOTAL AREA SQ FT: I5 If Is PROPERTY UsE / DESCRIPTION OF OCCUPAI'ICY:SINGL EXISTIiG IMPERVIOJS AREA: NEhJ I!4PERVIflJS AREA: # OF STORIES: to the Accessory Gas Line on the Ef uo Structure Current r[vu, Wd f slte? [ ves W* REVTSED oATE g1l1Ut2 BFE+2ft= ErnC) |-n rnE A9o ,\tEDGi N PERMIT FEE: $ FAr,rrLY fl ouer-rx I rou$tHouse WORX: DISCLAIMER: I hereDy certir that all inbrmation in tlis applicalion is conect and all work will comply Mfire Stale Building Co<te and all other applicabl€ Slale and local laws aod ordioances and regulatbns. The NHC Development Services Cenbr witl be notfied of any chmges in lhe approved plans and specificaiions 9H:hanglin 99!ITII:, OhINER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE: **,r.* **r( 'i***,**r()r******* *****(iiTlJil?** i.,r**:r**:&{.****'r******** *** *{****,r***** *****r** ****** rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN A FLOODPLATNI tr]l VrS [ ruO SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: -SQ FTEXIST IAND DI5TURBING PERI,IIT: [-I VCS fI TtIo wATER: drrruo fl co'trur'rrry sysrEM f, enrvarr uru f] cenrnal wru sEr,rrER: {crruo ft cenrnal sEPTrc I enrvaru sEPTrc f] colltqunrrY sYsrEM '*$ scpA&ATE p[RmITs ftequxfiEe Foft ELrcT, i,lEcfl] p!-&6, 6 5 H8!"11p, p{tEr&Bs & lflSrHTS *x* oo'If[.lrxo.'i...HffI..H.'ff.':.1'j'#:'.ri?..F-ii:11HifliT:....E.T/.'.'ff...H:.':::"* ZONE:OF F ICE R: Approval:- City:_ DATE :- (FOR OFFICE USE O'ILY) SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B: Comment: FLOOD: Kb CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:{P monrss: BLOCX #: conracbr inbrmaibn. NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPPIENT SERVICES CENTER 236 Government Center Drive, Suite 17O hlrL ritcToN, onlll cARoLrM 284{,3 TELEPIOT'|E (910) 798-730E REVISIONS PRO]ECT APPLICATIO #: Project's Street Mdress: 92 pelican poinr Road Contractor: Nc solar Now, rnc. Email: permitt j.ng@ncsolarnow. com DATE SUB}IITTED: 1/ 75/ 15 City: wilmlnqron Name of Project: Escalavaqe Solar Pv InBtallation Phone Number: 919-833-9096 I rlunutng The Revisions are for:(Chech oLL thot apply) [-71 auitatng I---l tlectrical l---l nechanlcat l---l zoning [--l rngtneertng l-l ri"" Is there a Change in the occupancy Type from Hhat is l-'i vgs (exptain beloi{) shoun onE Is there a chante or Increase in Square Footage from what ls shom on the origlnal applicatlon? f] ves (explaln beloY) EIm f]] otner(exptain b€lox) the orlginal appllcationl NO Pleose give us a brLef but detalLed descriptlon of your revLsions: Data Sheeta for the racki nq /mount i nq of the solar py array have been Drovided Der reouesr If revisions are consideFed "substantial, it may nequire a ner applicag Chria Baker Print llame **.r:.*r'..,t*,**,*,r,t*:il*.:.+,t,*a*t*t, FoR OFFICE USE Ol{Ly:r*a:t+*r*,***a*tr**,},}:i*.a**l.'r*,a*:. ATT€tfiIOt{ PLA S EXAf.tIt{ER: please notlfy DSC if these revisions change the perml.t footprlnt/squane footage informatlon andlor cost of the project. PLAI{ RE.RTVIEI{ FEES ANE REQUIRED ON THIS PRO]ECT FOR: l*'l SLDG I elrc l-l recr I prm l-l zounc I rrne [-l osc consultant: ProelttLog servl.e excelleac. lor out cltlzens 7n coo"ttination e colLabototLon elth oLL departants, agencics & luflsclL.tlohs ln the const?uctlon & .teveloqtcnt of lE t&]novcr County.09l2st 2012 Cu'lil/'1 ffi APPLICANT, S DEVELOPER: i*PLEASE CHECX flarr crmcr ! surunoor.r _ sF I cReelnouse - sr NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI{SI{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPI.ICAEIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility', J o I'f ,t-l eVhDg, CITY: b)lL BLOCK S: _ LOT PHONE f: 440€ CITY: Iott L--u^a-rlrr-G*^------ "*r, NAr,tE: PROJECT ADDNESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OhltlER'S t'tME : OI'NER, S ADORESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMIL 'ODRESS: BELOI,I ALL THAT APPLY TO sF ! orr canace YOUR PROJECT: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOr: 3.r-, ToTAt AREA 5Q rorAL pRolEcT cosTlressroe , S 41, t f3. H* oF sToRrEs: rs Any ELEcrRrcaL, PluirBrilc or r4EcHrflrcal work Being Done to the ac(essory st.u(tu.el Wi", 1rf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curnent site? E ves rs there ELectrical power on this Building? pfvur I to PROPERTY usE / OCCUpAilcy, ffsrrele rllrrrv ! ourlrx f] TolJNHousE_ DEscRrprro oF NoR(: /<, cA{& r uJ{= +- L- r-t "A A€ FT: No P-ruo g t.-9'^{ _L<! and ordin ances and rcgulalions The NH c De v€lopmen t se rvices c€n Er will be notlied o t an y changes in he apprc ved ptan s snAspecificstions ;; change n conlracb r orconlracbr inbrlneiion "'NOIE:Any Work Perfomed W/O fie ApproprisE pemits wil be in Vbtarion of the NC :t**t )t* * i* * )k )t r*,t * )t** ** *,t Exrsr LAND DrsruRBrNG prnnrr: l-..] vrs [--l m (FOR oFFTCE USE q{rY) SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B: FLOOD: REVISEo DATE 64111/12 8FE+2ft= il PERTUT FEE I t wL f -\f 7o APPLICATION Number (Offi.e Use) tl DArE: Llld l(t PHONE *: t I sr: !3!zrp : *: 4'tq sr ! concH -sF ! cool _ sr ! sronnce srro fl oecr SF OTHE R: )otg- 6of I zrq: +^f/'lD 4 ZIP:_ PHONE *: EXTSTIT'IG COI{STRUCTION: I alrennrrot arror fl GENERAL REpArRs ! nerocarroru NEI4J CONSTRUCTIOT: ! TNTCT NEW RESIDENCE O" ! MOTTTOI,I TO EXISTING RESIDENCE AI{D ANS}JER * !r )r,l *)r)r*)r*:r**)r)r **** *** *** * *(!itll Jil",I* * * *** * * ** *,r * * *,ry ,1,* *,r,* ** *,* rs rHE pRopERry rocATED rN l rlooopurrl l--l yrs M,no EXISTIiIG II.IPERVIOT,,5 AREA: - NEl.l IIIPERVIoUS AR€A: Jo /.F"d I okt!(s sr6r,taruRE: SQ FT SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ldArER: I (fwa @cauuNrry sysrEM ! enrvrrr wrrr fl CENTRAL WELL sEwER: I creua @/crtrnal sEprrc ! nnrvarr trorrc ! coMMUNrry sysrEM *** SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I,1ICH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PRIIABS & ]NSERTS *iT payrEr,rr r,rErHoD: ! crsn flcnrc( (payaBLE ro rncy f] arenrao* .*o..i, E nct*sa I orscovrn * * * *,t** *:t*+ )**** +* *,1*:** *,* )r ,r * *** rl*)*,t*+ * *)t*i )*+*,t,t)i* *:*,*,* *****:t)t )*** * * *** *,t* * )t,*:t * )*,t * ,* * ,* !i r)i* * )i,t ZONE:OF FICER: Approval :_ City;_ DATE: Comment: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSOT,I ;