FY16 LIBRARY LSTA PLANNING GRANTGRANT AGREENIENT LSTA 2015-2016 I Planning Grant This is an agreement by and between Neiv Hanover County Public Library, hereinafter referred to as "the Librarv.­ and the State Library of North Carolina. Department Of Cultural Resources, hereinafter referred to as the "State Library." Institution and/or Library, Naine: New Hanover County Public Library Mailing address: City, State, Zll': Project manager name/title: C07-11CAA __k Protect manager telephone: Project manager email: DUNS number: Federal Employer Identification Nffl_nber: _, _ A - i ... ... .. . . ... .. Indirect cost rate for this award: Library fiscal year ending date: June 30 Federal Award Identification Information required by 2 CFR 200.3 )31 Federal Award ID number: LS- 00- 15- 0034 -15 Federal Award Date: March 20, 2015 Grant Award period Start and f-'rid Date: July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016 Amount of Federal Funds Obligated by this Action; $425625 Federal Award Project Description as required by FFATA: LSTA State Grants Contact information for awarding official: Raye Oldham, Federal Programs Consultant, State Library of' North Carolina, 4640 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-4640, 919-807-742'), raye.oldharn((vncdcr.g ov. CFDA Nance "Number: I " SfL A State Grants ,"45.310 This award is not R&D. The State Library has agreed to fund this grant with federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds to be disbursed through North Carolina Accounting System accounting fund 46011495410145, IN CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING THE ABOVE REFERENCED GRANT FUNDINC, THE LIBRARY HEREBY AGREES 'r ro. 1. Accept and administer an LSTA grain from the State Library in the amount of'$42,625 for costs associated with the project represented in the Library's grant application, grant award letter, and any amendments thereto. 2. Abide by all Grant Provisions as certified in this document and the grant application-, ]including any certifications submitted with this grant aRreernent such as Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Compliance and Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension-, Lobbying; Federal Debt Status; Nondiscrimination. 2015-2016 LSTA Grant Agreernent page I of 5 3. Regularly inforin the State Library on the progress of prQject activities as defined in the grant application. 4. Encumber and expend project funds (grant and matching) Z7 • only upon or after the effective date of this grant agreement and before its len-i'lination; • in accordance with the project budget as submitted with the project application, or as modified in the grant award letter, or as an-iended and approved by the State Library; and • in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. 5. Expend project funds in a manner that ensures free and open competition. 6, Subri-iii grain reimbursement requests with appropriate documentation of eligible project expenditures (grant and matching) as defined In the grant application, at least quarterly, on or before October 15, January 15, and April 15. 7. On or before April 15, 2016, request a minimum of see enty-f ive percent (75%4) of the award amount and provide documentation for seventy-five percent (75'%) of the required match; provide a list of remaining activities with an estimate of grant and matchinc, expenditures as defined in the L- -- -1 grant application. S. Complete all project expenditures (grant and matching) by June 30, 2016, or by the tern-unation date of this agreement as amended by mutual consent. 9. On or before July 15, 2016, submit a final request for reimbursement. 10. If eligible, the Library and all sub,,rantees shall: (a) ask the North Carolina Department ol'Revenue for a refund of all sales and use taxes paid by them in the performance of this Contract, pursuant to N,C.G.S. 105-164.14, and (b) exclude all refundable sales and use taxes from all reportable expenditures before the expenses are entered in their reimbursement reports, I I. Request prior written approval from the State Library for any equipment with a per unit price above 55,000. List this equipment on the State Library Annual Equipment'Fracking Survey, provided each January, for the remainder of its useful life. If fair market value at the time of surplus or disposal exceeds $5,000, disposal must be cleared with the State Library. 11 Acknowledge the Institute of Museum and Library Services in all related publications and activities in conjunction A,-Ith the use of grant Funds as follows: "This publicatioii/activity/pi-ograiii/etc, was supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the federal Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department Of Cultural Resources.- Submit a copy of any publications or materials produced under the grant to the State Library. 13. Provide library services resulting from the grant to all members of the community served, in compliance with all Federal statutes relating to non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age. 14. Request prior written approval from the State Library for any subcontracting or assiumment to any subgrantee or assignee. Neither the Library nor any subgrantee or assig ,nee is relieved of the duties and responsibilities of this agreement. Subgrantees and assignees agree to abide by the terms of this agreement and must provide all information necessary for the Library to comply with the terins of this agreement. 15. Only approved, awarded expenditures are allowable; any funds not expended as defined in the grant application will be repurposed by the State Library upon tennination of this agreement. 2015-2016 LSTA Grant Agreement page 2 oJ'5 16. Submit a final report \o the State Library 6y August 15.2O16, providing u description ofprQjout expenditures, a narrative of prqject activities, evaluative elements, and other elements required by (he funder. 17. Certify upon completion of the grant that grant funds were received, used, and expended for the Purposes for which they were g |S. Maintain adequate financial records mu ensure complete reporting, and retain programmatic, financial, and audit records relating cothe grant for u minimum of three years from the due date of the final grant report mtthe end of the Five Year Plan, oc until all audit exceptions have been resolved, whichever ixlonger. Provide access upon request /o the Department u[ Cultural Resources, Q@Occof the StmvcAudiior, Institute ofMuseum and Library Services and the Comptroller General or their designees, to all records and documents related |w the mwm/d. including audit work papers in puxyeuuiou ofauy auditor wfthe Library. 14. Ensure that grant funds are audited in coinplionuc vvi[6 state and federal audit requ rcraenuu for local governments and public authorities, institutions oflil'oher education, and non-profit organizations, and, u, applicable, according tm the standards *fthe federal Single Audit Act ufl904aoamended |946 and 20O3. and Circular A'|33'f\udizsuf States, Local Governments. and Non-Profit Organizations" au supplied bytile Executive Office of the President, O1ficcofMonagenomntand Budget, Washington, DC. 20. Comply the requirements u[North Carolina General Statute 143C-6-23: --State grant funds wJmimjsmn/iom; oversight and rcpnilino requirements" am6 the c°rmespondivonu|cs of N*m6 Carolina Administrative Code, Td|e9.8u6chupor8]M. "Uniform Administration mf8mmGroou.''including submission ofrequired financial reports within six month,, (or nine months for $500,000 threshold) of the end o[the Library's fiscal year(s) in `rbiub grant fonds are received. 2 1. The State A Uditor and the using allency's internal auditors shal I have access to persons and records as arcoult of all ceoUnciu 01' grants entered into by State agencies urpolitical suhdb6mionm in accordance with General Statute l47-64.7 and Session Law 20lO-lV4, Section 2A (i.o_ the State Auditors and internal auditors may audit the records of the contractor during and after the term of the contract no verify accounts and data affecting fees orperformance). 22. File with the State Library ucopy of the Library's policy addressing conflicts of interest that may arise involving the Library's mmnugmmcnuenp|oyccyuudmcmbcrao�itsbomrdofdirucum` commissions, or other governing body. The policy shall address situations in which any of these individuals may directly or indirectly hcoofir,except uothe Library's employees or members ofits board, commissions. or other g overningbody. from the Library's disbursing ofgromt funds and |ucuy matching funds and shall include actions to be taken by the Library or the individual, or both, to avoid conflicts "[ interest and the appearance of impropriety. (N.C.G.8. l43C-6-23{b)), The policy shall bc filed before the State Library may disburse the grant funds, unless the Library is covered by the provisions of N.C.G.S. 160A-479.11 and 14-234. 2l File with the StateGbrary the Librarr^s sworn written statement completed by the Ubrary'oboard of directors or other governing body stating that, pursuant koN.[G.8. 143C-6-23(c), the Library does not have any overdue tax debts, mm defined hy N.C.G.8. ]05'24S.|.xc the federal, State, orlocal level. The policy shall be filed before the State Library may disburse the grant funds, unless the Library iu covered by the provisions nfC.S. |60/\-47V.)l and 14-234. 2015-2016L8TA Gmu Agi-eemien| page ]of 5 THE STATE 11JBRARY AGREES TO: \. Award LSTA grant funds mthe Library iothe amount and under the \onio and conditions stated above, yub�imctn` the availability *ffunds. 2 Poy [STA grant funds mpuo receipt *fo6muhmroeincotrequests formpprovod, mvvmndcd mzpemd6rorce subiniU1cJ quarterly by the Libmry. flay bI June 30.2O|6. all approved requests received ommrbefore April l5,2Ol6�, and by August 3l,20l6, all approved requests received by July i5,2U\6. 3. /\aais/ the Library u* appropriate and necessary rvi,hdbw implcmeom(i*m of this jmcL Provide monitoring and mrersi�hvbon�b a cormbientiom*[pe6edic�naUu. calls, visits, and review of m:inibonnemouu requests and reports. 4� Report om this project toNc{edmrml funding agency, the Institute ofMmmcuou and iihruryServices, and the Nm1b Carolina Office *fS|n\c Budget and Management in uuuur6uuuc with all applicable federal and state requirements. THIS AGREEMENT iuin effect upon signing 6yoJ| parties. b may bc amended, i[ necessary, upon the mutual acceptance *[o written amendment :* this ogroeniant signed and dated by the Library and the State Library. Such amueodmcmi(m) ebuU state any and/or all c6um�c(o) t*bcmadm. This u�� rncou muy be terminated by mu1uw| consent rvi:k 68 days- prior written notice or as otherwise provided by \mn/, Rumozng signed m�cmcnzoz���oiGcsuco�p6��A'c grant owurd awards not accepted 6ySeptember 30, 2015 may be withdrawn. [Pleam xign in blue ink] Signature, Library Director Printed Naine Signature, Locall)HI(—Wennnent or ln,�&uiional Representative Printed Name Signature, , Ca] Shepard, State Date Date Title Date Return two complete sets of this agreement with original signatures in blue ink to: LSTA Grant Agreements; Library Development Section. State Library of North Carolina; 4640 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699-4640 2015-2016LSTA Grant Agreement 1)uQr4oJ5 GRANT PROVISIONS The following state and federal provisions apply to the LSTA grant program. Libraries awarded grants must agree to comply with these provisions, 1. , Grant Agreement and Timing of Expenditures Official notification of the grant award must be received from the State Library and a grant agreement (formal agreement between the grantee and the State Library) signed by both the representatives of the library and the State Librarian before any funds may be encumbered or expended for the project. 2. Allowable and Unallowable Costs Grantees must carry out the grant project according to the approved grant proposal, and all federal funds must be expended solely for the purpose for which a grant was awarded. The following costs are unallowable and may not be proposed as grant project costs: bad debts, contingencies, contributions and donations, entertainment, fines and penalties, under recovery of costs under grant agreements (excess costs from one grant agreement are not chargeable to another grant agreement), 3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance Grantees must expend grant funds in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. 4. Budget Revisions and Programmatic Changes Grantees must not deviate from the approved budget and plan for carrying out the grant project as contained in the approved grant application unless prior approval is obtained from the State Library. 5. Records Retention Grantees must maintain adequate records to ensure complete reporting, and retain programmatic and financial records relating to the grant for a minimum of three years from the due date of the final grant report at the end of the Five Year Plan, or until all audit exceptions have been resolved, whichever is longer. 6, Free and Open Competition Purchases made from grant funds must be carried out to ensure free and open competition to the extent possible. Libraries eligible to purchase under state contract may use this option for grant purchases. 7. Debarment & Suspension Transactions for the purposes of this grant will not knowingly be made with parties who have been debarred or suspended from receiving Federal financial assistance under Federal programs and activities (Debarment and Suspension Certification). See Excluded Parties List System at httM://www.sam.gov . 8. Equipment Purchases and Inventory Equipment with a per unit price above $5,000 requires advance written approval from the State Library. If fair market value at the time of surplus or disposal exceeds $5,000, disposal must be cleared with the State Library. 9. Publicizing & Acknowledging Funds Grantees are required to credit IMLS/LSTA in all related publications and activities in conjunction with the use of grant funds. Grantees should publicize grant-supported activities in available and appropriate media. The following statement must be used when meeting these requirements: "This publication/ activity/program was supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the federal Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources." Copies of any publications or materials produced under the grant must be submitted to the State Library. IMLS logos are available at http://www.imls.govlrecipients/imis acknowledgement,aspx 10. Lobbying Grantees are prohibited by federal law from using grant funds to pay costs associated with lobbying Congress or the public for purposes of influencing elections, legislation, or the award of any federal funds. Grantees receiving an award of over $100,000 must file a certification regarding lobbying. 11. Non - discrimination All library services provided as a result of federal grant funds must be available without discrimination to all members of the community served. Participation may not be denied on the basis of race, color, national origin, handicap, age, or sex. Relevant legislation includes but is not limited to the following: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 2000 et seq.); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C, §§701 et seq.); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. §§1681-83, and 1685-86); the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§6101 et seq.). 12. Trafficking _La_Persons Grantees must comply with 22 U.S.C. § 7104(g) which prohibits engaging in trafficking in persons, procuring a commercial sex act, or using forced labor. 13. Audit and Financial Reporting Requirements LSTA grants must be audited in compliance with federal and state audit requirements for local governments and public authorities, institutions of higher education, and non-profit organizations. The following source documents outline the standards and requirements: United States Office of Management and Budget: (OMB) Circular A -133 - Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. North Carolina General Statute 1430 -6-23 "State grant funds: administration; oversight and reporting requirements," and the corresponding rules of North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 09, Chapter 03M, "Uniform Administration of State Grants," LEGAL REFERENCES: * 2 CFR 220 - Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (formerly OMB Circular A-21) * 2 CFR 225 - Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments (formerly OMB Circular A-87) • 2 CFR 230 - Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations (formerly OMB Circular A-122) • 45 CFR 1110 - Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs • 45 CFR 1170 - Nondiscrimination an the Basis of Handicap in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities 0 45 CFR 1183 - Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments 0 45 CFR 1185 - Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Non procurement) and Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants) & OMB Circular A-102 — Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments • OMB Circular A -110 — Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations 2015-2016 LSTA. Grant Agreement page 5 of 5