Meeting Package PWBC 9 Sep 2015 9September2015 Meeting Minutes Vice-chairman Andrewcalled themeetingto order at 5:00and introductions were made by each; the meeting’sattendance sheetisattached.The Augustmeeting minutes were approved and the current PWBC fund balance was noted at ~$3631.98.Staff noted participation in the NC Beach Inlet and Waterway Association’s fallconference would reflect an upcoming ~$2000 reduction in the balance. Current Efforts: NHC’s Wrightsville Beach (WB) Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR)Project Permitting A pre-applicationsubmittal meeting was held on 4 September with the NC Division of Coastal Management. Minor edits were requested with most of the comments centered on riparian notifications.The formal application submittal is anticipated soon. Mason Inlet Relocation Project (MIRP) Mason Inlet Preservation Group(MIPG)has been updated on US Fish and Wildlife Services’ (USFWS) revised Biological Opinion,NHC’srevisedHabitat Mgt. Plan, requested USACE permit modification and potential maintenance event for this fall inclusive of the AIWW crossing. Staff has requested a proposal for contract management and surveys for a 2015/2016 maintenance event. Staff noted the late notification (mid-July) of the AIWW crossing trigger and the potential contracting/costing implications. Shallow Draft Inlet (SDI) Permitting TheFederalreview of the joint applicationcontinues andanamendedBiological Assessmentis being edited bySDI-5(Bogue, Topsail, Carolina, Lockwood FollyandShallotte Inlets) stakeholders. The US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Army Corps of Engineers have determined formal consultation is requiredto account for new listed species and new critical habitat designations. Shoreline Mapping Program (SMP) 2015 The 2015 shoreline transects are completed, the data is being interpreted by the contracted engineers and thereport/contractor presentationisanticipated at the November PWBC meeting. CB15-year Extension The Wilmington District has requested clarifications within Head Quarter’sstudy guidance Beach Renourishment Evaluation Report(BRER). The non-federal Risk Reduction Plan’sscope/fee/schedule hasbeen negotiated.NHC has also negotiated,as optional tasks,refinedmodeling efforts for each CSDR project. By implementing the refined modeling, NHCwillbegindeveloping the CSDRs’optimal templateattributesshould NHC constructWB in FY18 and CB in FY19. Approval bythe NHC Commissioners will be requested during the 14SeptemberBoard of Commissioner’s meeting. A non-Federal proposal hasbeendevelopedand submitted to the USACE HeadQuartersthrough Section 7001 of WRRDA 2014.The proposal isrequestingatwo-cyclemaintenanceextension (six years)of the CB CSDR project(2023). This proposal would bridge the time lapse between routinemaintenance cycles andthe 15-year study effort.The proposal would serve as an ongoing placeholder and current reference document should a Water Resource Development Act (WRDA)2016 provide the delegationprojectsupportinglanguage. WB Economic Update The USACE’s economic update is ongoingwith a completion target date of December 2015. The USACE has projected the total cost at $333K and NHC has provided the non-federal share ($116.5K). By March 2016, the resulting benefit cost ratio (BCR), the updated cost assessment and the cost control board(CCB)resolution will provide the Wilmington District its budgeting submittal supportfor the District’s proposed FY2018/2019budget request. WBValidation Report The Validation Report’s scope/fee/schedulehasnot been developed.The new BCRand cost assessmentwill be used in the Validation Report which will be the decision document supporting aSection 902 increaserequestin a future WRDA Bill. A non-Federal proposal has beendevelopedand submittedthrough Section 7001 of WRRDA 2014. The proposal requestsan increase inconstruction cost capacity of the WB CSDR project through 2036. The proposal would serve as an ongoing placeholder andcurrentreference document should a WRDA 2016 provide the delegation project supportinglanguage. CB Inlet MaintenanceDredging The USACE hopper dredge plant Murdenis scheduled for two to three days ofmaintenance dredgingin mid to late September. Inter-local Agreement The initial working group has met and made good progress. A thirdmeeting has beenscheduled. FY16CB/KB CSDR Maintenance The Wilmington District has awardedtheFY16 CB/KB CSDR maintenance eventto Marinex Construction. Public Comments: Vice-chair Andrew reminded all of the Coastal Resources Commission Meeting scheduled for rd the 23in the NHC complex. The meeting was adjourned at ~5:40. Agenda 9September2015,5:00–6:00PM New Hanover County(NHC), Government Center Finance Conference Room #500 5:00Call to Order Welcome/Introductions Request approval of the Augustmeeting minutes (emailed 13August2015). Port, Waterway & Beach Commission (PWBC)fundbalanceis~$3631.98. Current Efforts: NHC’sWrightsville Beach (WB) Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR)ProjectPermit Preparation NC Division of Coastal Mgt. permitapplicationsubmitted. Mason Inlet Relocation Project(MIRP) Proposedpermit modifications, re-consultation and revised management planoverview presented tothe Mason Inlet Preservation Group. Awaiting formal MIPG response. Maintenance event this fall is under advisement. Shallow DraftInlet(SDI-5)Permitting Formal consultation required. Biological Assessment editing underway. Shoreline Mapping Program (SMP) 2015 FY15 data presentation tentatively October or November. CB15-YearExtension Beach Renourishment Evaluation Report (BRER)clarification questions have been provided to South Atlantic Division. Non-federal Risk Reduction Plancontracttentativelygoing before the BOC onSeptember 14th. WRRDA 2014, Section 7001 Proposal, two-cycle extensionproposal submitted. WBCSDREconomic Update Wilmington District USACE economic updateisunder way, due date December 2015. WB Validation Report (Supporting Section 902) Scope/fee/schedule yet to bedeveloped. WRRDA 2014, Section 7001 Proposal, construction capacity proposal submitted. CB Inlet Maintenance Dredging Fall Murdenevent proposed,details being developed. Inter-local Agreement (ILA) 3rdmeetingscheduled. Public Comment: Adjourn