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Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority will be held Thursday, October
22, 2015 at 12:00 pm in the Wave Transit Board Room at Forden Station, 505 Cando St., Wilmington, NC
28405. An agenda for the meeting is presented below.
1)Call to Order
2)Moment of silence
3)Pledge of Allegiance
4)New Authority member recognition
5)New employee recognition
6)Public Comment Period 10 minutes
7)Maintenance issues update 15 minutes
Mr. Bill Harned, Area Vice President, First Transit
8)Consent agenda 05 minutes
1.Approval of minutes from the September 24, 2015 meeting (p. 3)
2.Advance Technology Grant Resolution (p. 10)
3.Purchase order for one (1) light transit vehicle (p. 11)
4.Community Transportation Program (CTP) Resolution (p. 12)
5.Agreement with WMPO for §5303 funding (p. 13)
9)Committee Reports 20 minutes
Executive Committee, Mr. Jeff Petroff, Chairman
Planning & Operations Committee, Mr. Andrew Koeppel, Chairman
September 2015 Operating & Statistical reports (p. 20)
Finance & Budget Committee, Mr. William Bryden, Chairman
September 2015 Financial Statement (p. 23)
Facilities Committee, Mr. Jeff Petroff, Chairman
10)Staff report 10 minutes
Wilmington Multimodal Transportation Center STP-DA Resolution (p. 24)
Purchase of two (2) used light transit vehicles
11)New business 05 minutes
12)Old business 05 minutes
Authority offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 in observance of Veterans Day.
Bus service will operate on a normal schedule.
The next regular meeting of Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority is scheduled for Thursday,
November 19, 2015 in the Forden Station Board Room located at 505 Cando Street, Wilmington, NC
The following items are attached for consideration. A brief explanation and recommendation
1)Approval of minutes from the September 24, 2015 meeting (p. 3)
2)Advance Technology Grant Resolution (p. 10)
The Authority currently has automated vehicle locating devices on board buses and shuttles that
utilize 2G technology for communicating data between revenue vehicles and AVL servers. The data
is used for real time passenger information on signage at Forden Station, on the Wave Transit
website and in conjunction with the Wave Transit text messaging program. AT&T is in the process
of phasing out 2G technology. The Authority has identified grant funding from the NCDOT Advance
Technology program to upgrade the 2G modems to 3G modems. The cost to upgrade current
modems to work with current AVL equipment is estimated not to exceed $26,085. Funding equal
to $2,609 for the required ten percent local match has been identified in the current year budget.
Approval of the resolution is recommended.
3) Purchase order for one (1) Light Transit Vehicle (p. 11)
Included in the Authority’s Elderly and Disabled Program Management Plan is the acquisition of one
light transit shuttle bus for use on Route 207. The route serves areas with a high population of
disabled passengers including the Wilmington Veteran’s Administration Clinic and Laney High
School. Purchase of the vehicle is through the NC State contract. Local matching funds in the
amount of $22,588 are included in the Authority’s adopted budget. The Authority has applied for
10% funding in the amount of $11,294 from NCDOT which would reduce the Authority’s match, if
awarded. Production of the vehicle is not to exceed ninety days. Approval of the purchase order is
4) Resolution for 2016 Community Transportation Program (CTP) Resolution (p. 12)
The Authority has been granted $217,481 from NCDOT for FY 2016 in Community Transportation
Program funding. 85% of the funds are from state and federal allocations. The grant requires a
15% local match which is included in the adopted operating budget. The funding is for
administration of the Paratransit program. The grant partially funds eight administrative positions,
and administrative costs for 24 paratransit vehicles. It also funds paratransit program marketing
and other administrative costs. Approval of the resolution is recommended.
5) Agreement with WMPO for §5303 funding (p. 13)
Federal Transit provides funding for mandated transit planning to the states for distribution to
metropolitan areas. The funding is codified at 49 CFR §5303. The current recipient of the funding is
the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO). The WMPO has
traditionally split the planning duties and revenues to support the efforts with the Authority. In the
past, the split has been 65% of §5303 revenue to the Authority. The proposed agreement would
increase the Authority’s percentage to 70%. The Authority appreciates the WMPO for their efforts
to ensure that planning activities are properly funded. Approval of the Agreement with the City of
Wilmington (lead planning agency) on behalf of the WMPO is recommended.
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
September 24, 2015
Mr. Jeff Petroff, Chairman, Presiding
Mr.Jeff Petroff, Chairman
Mr.Kevin O’Grady, Vice-Chairman
Mr.Don Betz, Secretary
Mr. Jonathan Barfield
Mr.Bill Bryden
Mr.Andy Koeppel
Ms.Anne K. Ryan
Mr.Beck Smith
Mr.Rick Richards
Mr.Steven Kelly
Mr.Albert Eby, Executive Director
Ms.Megan Matheny, Director of Planning& Development
Mr.Joe Mininni, Director of Finance & Administration
Ms.Mary Crawford, Accounting Clerk
Ms. NoelFox,Craige and Fox PLLC,Attorney
Mr.Rick Dunning, Senior Vice President, First Transit
Mr.Bill Harned, Area Vice President, First Transit
Ms. Pat Batleman,Councilmember, Town of Leland
Mr.Terrance Dewberry, ATU1328 President, Raleigh
Ms.Carmen Iris, ATU 1328 Representative, Raleigh
Ms.Yzone Riley, ATU 1328 Member, Wilmington (Operator)
Ms.Sabrina Troy, ATU 1328 Member, Wilmington (Operator)
Mr.Joseph Lamb, Citizen
Ms.June Stafford, Citizen
Ms.Sharon Boyd, UNCW
Ms.Sherita McCullers, ATU1328 Vice President, Raleigh
Ms.Jackie McCullough, ATU 1328 Representative, Wilmington (Operator)
Mr.Kwame’ Johnson, ATU 1328 Member, Wilmington (Operator)
Mr.Henry A. Benjamin, Citizen
Ms.Erin Hawkins, Citizen
Mr.Chris Dodson, NHC Senior Resource Center
Mr. Petroffcalled the meeting to order at 12:01 pm
The meeting began with a moment of silence followed by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/20153
Mr. Petroffopened the public comment period
Mr. Petroffinformed the public that the purpose of the public comment period was to hear from
the public
No responses from the Authority to public comment would be offered
Ms. Staffordstated she uses public transportation and has grownto appreciate the system for a
small cityas she comes from the Washington DC area
Ms. Stafford said she appreciates what the drivers do andrecognizes the difficulty of their job
She reported that the stop request button does not always work; therefore, customers are forced
to yell to the driver so the driverwill know where to stop
Ms. Stafford stated that implementing a numbering system for all of the bus stop locations would
greatly benefit customers, emergency services and staff
Ms. Stafford stated Wave Transit should start a charitablecampaign to raise moneyfor benches
and sheltersbecause there is no extra money forbenches, sheltersand beautification of the bus
Ms. Staffordinquired about whom she should speak with at a later date with respect to customer
service issues
Ms. Stafford was referred to Mr. Eby or Ms. Matheny
Ms. Hawkins stated she is a student at UNCW and feels as though students have not been
provided the transportationthey are paying for
Ms. Hawkins said students are supposed to travel in shuttle vehicles; however they are being
picked up by picked upbypassenger vans
She said this has had a negative impact on the student body and revealed she has been late for
class and work
Ms. Hawkins said sometimes there is only one shuttle bus running when two are advertised to
She said one of thedriver had a carpool van which was switched out with a shuttle andtwenty
minutes later, the shuttlebroke down in route
She stated she should not have to wait 30 minutesfor a ridebut she hasbeen forced toon more
than one occasion
Ms. Hawkins said she is a nontraditional student and must work in order to support herself; and
shedoes not want to jeopardize her job or education because of unreliable transportation
Ms. Boyd said that employersin a forum she attended were concerned about the lack of ADA
accessibilityon the vehicles operating on UNCW
Ms. Boyd stated she understands Wave Transit is working hard to address the maintenance
issues while maintaining communications and keeping UNCW representatives informed
She stated she felt as though today was a minor success as this was the first time since the fall
semester beganthat all the appropriatevehicles were on UNCWroutes
She encouragedeveryone to take extraordinary measures to expedite a resolution
Mr. Benjamin inquired as to how long passengers must wait for the buses to beup to par
Mr. Benjamin stated passengers have not seen any results and the issues only seemto be
getting worse
Mr. Benjaminwants to know how longuntil the maintenance issues are resolved
Ms. Riley said that she came before the board during the August 2015 meeting with
maintenance issues she experienced firsthandwith the UNCW shuttles
She said thatas an operator, she has witnessed buses not going out at all on the routes
She said that she hashad to combine herUNCW shuttle route with another UNCW shuttle route
when there is a shortage of vehicles
Ms. Riley said that First Transit keeps asking for thirty more days and it seems like every thirty
more days the situation gets worse
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Mr. Dewberry stated he would like to echo the comments made by others
Mr. Dewberry presented a petition requesting better transportation service
He requested that theboard put out an RFP formanagement ofWave Transit
Hearing no further comments Mr. Petroffclosed the public comment period
Mr. Petroffrecognized Mr. Dunningand Mr. Harned to provide an update regarding the
maintenance issues
Mr. Dunning stated thatdespite his efforts, First Transit has not had any conversations with Mr.
Dewberry andATU 1328 regarding maintenance concerns
Mr. Dunning stated he recognizesthe importance of delivering services that were compliant with
the agreement between First Transit and the Authority
He stated that First Transit hasestablished goals they wish to attain in order to deliver compliant
Mr. Dunning stated First Transit has a goal ofmaking pullout, making service and doing
everything that they need to do to deliver reliable service
He said First Transit had a very difficult time overthe last 90 days; however, they are taking
steps to turn things around
Mr. Dunning said that in reviewing the statisticsreported,to say there has not been any
improvement in maintenance is not the case
He said they are not currently where they want or need to be with respect to the Authority’s
goals; however,they are very close
He said that over the last 27 days they have been tracking vehicle availability and monitoring
closely the vehicle status report
Mr. Dunning presented the board with the tracking and status reports and provided a brief
overview of each report
He said that at 3:00 pmdaily, First Transit senior management meets to establish a plan of
action for next day’s service
Mr. Dunning said that he is still confident that nolater than October 1, 2015, First Transit willbe
in a position where theyare able to operate the fleet in compliance with the management
agreementand to have the right vehicles on the right routes
Mr. Dunning revealedthat 100% of service was covered during 23 of the past 27 days of service;
although he admits that not every daythe correct vehicle was on the right route
He said that on 14 of the days, the proper vehicle was on the proper route and on the four days
they did not make pullout, theywere at 92-96% of making all the pullouts from the garage
He said that last Monday and Tuesday they had several vehicles go down with brakerelated
Mr. Betz stated that First Transit is not delivering what is needed to customers and is putting the
system in jeopardy
Mr. Betz stated that he is beginning to question the October 1, 2015 deadlinemade by First
Transit to deliver100% of service everyday
He said that First Transit’s management contract is scheduled to conclude on June 30, 2016 and
expressed interest in startingan RFP process for management services
Mr. Betz said that he has been on the board for many years and has never had this situation, of
this magnitude, for this long
Mr. Betz askedwhy they are having this problem
Mr. Dunning stated that the nature of the contract is a management contract, wherein First
Transitprovidesfourindividuals tomanage operations forWave Transit
He stated the management fee covers the four employees and that all operating expenses are
passed through to and paid for by the Authority
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/20155
He said they have never had this level of breakdowns in the past, but they are also are faced
with an increasingly older fleet that hasnot had necessarymajor component work done
Mr. Dunning said he understands thefrustrationof the board and Wave Transit staff over service
expectations that have not been met and provided assurance in meeting a service standard of
operating 100% of the routes with 100% of the right vehicles by October 01, 2015
Mr. Betz stated that technically the fleet has aged under the watch of First Transit
Mr. Dunning agreed and said that they are in this position because the prior contractor did a poor
job in terms of preventative maintenance and vehicle repair
Mr. Petroff expressed concern withthe previous Interim Contract General Manager’s
Mr. Petroff stated that prior to the Interim GMbeing relieved of his dutiesby First Transit
immediately after offering his notice of leave,FirstTransit would have been wise to transition the
position so that information and knowledge could be transferred to the next interim or permanent
General Manager
He indicated this could have attributed to the recent maintenance issues that occurred
He stated that little regard was given to how immediate termination of the Interim GM would
affect the Authority
Mr. Dunning stated that Mr. Humphrey was removed due to anemployment offer with a
competing transit managementcompany and he felt as though continued service would not have
been in the best interest of FirstTransit
He stated he does not feel that the immediateremoval contributed to any of the maintenance
issuesthat occurred
Mr. O’Grady said he noticeda pattern with respect to pullout
He said that at the beginning of every week there has been a problem making pullout
He asked what could be done on weekends to address the issue
Mr. Harned stated he feels as though it isa scheduling issue and may need to increase their
weekendmaintenance staffing
Mr. Eby stated that he asked Mr. Humphrey about the Monday morning maintenance issues
Mr. Eby told the previous Interim GM that First Transit had a serious weekend problem that
needed immediate resolution
He said that Mr. Humphry’s response was that there is an issue with alack of weekend
supervisionin the Maintenance Department
Mr. Eby explained that supervision was contractually obligated to First Transit and their
performance was non-compliant with the management agreement
Mr. O’Grady inquired as to who is staffing the Parts Department
Mr. Eby said that f parts management has beentransferredto First Transit
He saidFirst Transit hired two new employees whoare learning to run the partsdepartment
Mr. Eby said that progress has been made and acknowledged the effortsofFirst Transit with
respect to repair parts management
Mr. O’Grady asked Mr. Dunning if they are going to make their October 1deadline
Mr. Dunning stated he is confident they will be able to make their October 1
He said a reasonable success is defined as all buses back from being repair, having adequate
spare buses and being in a position to be able to respond tomaintenance issues
Mr. Bryden requestedMr. Dunning include the of vehicle type required for each route be
included on the maintenance reports submitted by First Transit
Mr. Petroff requested that if anything is needed fromWave Transit to keep the buses running to
bring it to the attention of staff and the board as soon as possible
Mr. Smith asked staff for a weekly maintenance report tracking compliance with the requests of
the board
Mr. Koeppel asked about electronic software to keep up with needed parts
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Mr. Eby stated First Transit is compliant with the preventive maintenance procedures and
inspections but the quality of the PM’s was in question
He stated that staff was working to implement quality controls to ensure that PM’s are being
done to properstandards
Ms. Ryan said that if any other system left clients on the roadside in inclementweatherthere
would have been liability issues for health and other consequences that are more than just
unacceptable poor service
She said First Transit owes the 100,000 passengers that utilize the service on a monthly basis
more than just an apologyfor the inconvenience
Mr. Dunning apologized for the poor service
Mr. O’Grady reminded Mr. Dunning that by law the Authority cannot intervene between the
contractor and the union so he is asking that differences be set aside so meetings can be
established so improvements can be made and passengers can have adequate service going
Mr. Petroff thanked Mr. Dunning and Mr. Harned for the maintenance update
Mr. Petroffpresented the September2015 consent agenda for approval
Mr. Betzmade a motion to accept the September2015 consent agendaas presented
Mr. Koeppelseconded the motion and the motion carried
Mr. Petroffstated the committee did meetand no action was needed for the items discussed
He said the objective of the meeting was to briefthecommitteeon the maintenance issues
Mr. Petroffrecognized Mr. Koeppelto give the committee report
Mr.Koeppel said ridership for the month of August was down as compared to August 2014
Maintenance issues could be a contributing factor
He said Sunday ridership levels have increased with the implementation of weekend service for
Route 108 Market St.
Mr. Koeppel said Wave Transit should anticipate on receiving roughly $50,000 in ad revenue by
the close of the calendar year
He revealed that 56% of fixed route buses contain some type of advertising
Mr. Koeppel said the amenities program is moving along and thatthefirst installationis
anticipated to begin in November
Mr. Koeppel touched upon the timeline for the Short Range Transit Plan and reveled that
planning efforts are schedule to kick off in November 2015
Mr. Koeppel stated improvements were made to the Text Message Program
Ms. Ryan stated that the Text Message Program notifiespassengers of the bus locationwhen
the bus is tracking; however, if a bus is down for maintenance and is not tracking, the customer
will be altered to call the main line for current status on the route
She stated that the program is a valuable customer service initiative
Mr. Petroffrecognized Mr. Brydento give the committee report
Mr. Bryden stated theAuthority is waiting for the annualSMAP allocation apportionmentfrom
He said ROAP funds will be $50,000 less than last year’s allocation
He said anybudget shortfall from increased maintenance should be made up bylower than
expectedfuel costs
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He stated that increases in maintenance costs would be closely monitored as the fiscal year
Modifications to the budget would be evaluated and presented to the board if necessary
Mr. Petroffstated the committee did not meet
Mr. Petroffrecognized Mr. Ebyto give the committee report
Mr. Eby stated that he went to Washington DCto meet with Congressman Rouzer and
Congressman Jones to discuss the DRIVE Act
He said that the current transportation bill runs throughOctober 30, 2015under a continuing
He said both congressmen were confident that a long term transportation bill wouldbe passed
before the current continuing resolution expired
Mr. Eby said that Congressman Rouzer was on the House Transportation & Infrastructure
Committee which is responsible for transportation
Rep. Rouzer expressed confidence that a long term transportation would be passed bill in
He also anticipatedcompetitive funds in the new transportation billwhich would allow the
Authority to compete nationally for capital grantswhich could include new buses
Mr. Eby said heexpressed to Congressmen Rouzer and Jones some of the issues that Wave
Transit has been experiencing and reiteratedthat the inability of the Authority to replace vehicles
leadsto much larger maintenance costsand makesWave Transit service much less reliable
Mr. Eby stated that the recently adopted North Carolina budget allowed municipalities to levy a
vehicle registration fee of up to $30.00
A maximum of $5.00 could be levied for public transportation
The current allowable levy is $25.00
He said currently none of our funding partners have a municipal public transportation tax levy
Mr. Eby inquired as to whether the Authority shouldapproach cities in the regionto pursue a
vehicle registration feeof $5.00 with the proceeds going to public transportation as well as
current legislative general statutes that also allows County Commissioners to levy a vehicle tax
up to $7.00 with the proceeds going to public transportation
He said that he had requested data from NC DMV to determine the amount of revenue that could
be raised by implementing the levies
Mr. Koeppel asked Councilman O’Grady and Commissioner Barfield if they would bring the
vehicle registration fee idea to members of the City and County boardto see what their reaction
would be
Mr. Betz stated that data to support the vehicle tax shouldbe created to present to the City and
County Finance Departmentto educate local elected officials on the request
Mr. Eby stated that Medicaid has been authorized by the state to convert to managed service
Medicaid Transportation would be the responsibility of insurance agencies under contract to the
state instead of NHC DSS
He said it is unknown whether theAuthority wouldbe able to capture fully allocated costs for
Medicaid transportation
The changes are very large and complex and will take significant time to implement
Mr. Eby stated that staff would continue to follow and report as details emerged
Mr. Bryden stated that if the funding was available by means of a vehicle tax, the best position
for WaveTransit would be to replace a number of vehicles every year in order to maintain a
modernfleet that was responsibly staggered
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Mr. Smith asked if the bus maintenance report could be revised to include a daily and weekly
report and illustrate each route through the duration of service rather than just the beginning of
the service
Mr. Betz asked about a backup contingencyplan, possibly renting or leasing vehicles for a short
Mr. Eby said that staff islooking into thoseand other possibilities
Mr. Koeppelmade a motion to adjourn the September24, 2015 board meeting
Mr. Smithseconded the motion and the motion carried
The board meetingis scheduled for October 22, 2015at 12:00 pm in the Forden Station Board
Respectfully Submitted,
Albert Eby
Executive Director
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Attachment E
A motion was made by and seconded by for adoption of the
following resolution, and upon being put to a vote was duly adopted.
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
WHEREAS, the has requested the N.C.
upgrading the 2G modems in 33 fixed-
Department of Transportation to assist in the funding of
route vehicles from 2G to 3G/4G. Upgrades are inclusive of hardware and programming.
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
WHEREAS, the will provide 10% of the cost of
the above described project;
Board Chair
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the is hereby authorized to enter
into a contract with the N.C. Department of Transportation and execute all agreements and
contracts with the N.C. Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Division.
Don Betz, Secretary,
I, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Board of
for the minutes of a meeting of the
Directors _22_____October______,_____.
duly held on the day of 2015
Signature of Certifying Official
the official authorized to enter onto agreement sign the resolution.
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201510
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
PO Box 12630 Wilmington, NC 28405
910-343-0106 Fax: 910-343-8317
Purchase Order
National Bus Service
800 Pickens Drive Extension
Marietta, Ga 30062
Date:5-Oct-15PO #:16-0632
Ship To:Bill To:
Cape Fear Public Transportation AuthorityCape Fear Public Transportation Authority
1480 Castle Hayne Rd.PO Box 12630
Wilmington, NC 28401Wilmington, NC 28405
For:28 FT LTV
QtyPart #DescriptionUnit CostExt cost
LTV28 FT LTV RFP Body Style$112,940.20$112,940.20
Total cost$112,940.20
GL NumberAmountDivisionGrant Code%
97000 112,940.20 FPNC-16-X012100
Accrued Sales Tax 21400
Sales Tax 12600
This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government
Budget and Fiscal Control Act
Joseph MininniDate
Director of Finance
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201511
Section 5311
Applicant seeking permission to apply for Community Transportation Program funding, enter into agreement with the
North Carolina Department of Transportation, provide the necessary assurances and the required local match.
A motion was made by and seconded by for the adoption of the following resolution, and
________________ _______________
upon being put to a vote was duly adopted.
WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of North Carolina
have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as the agency responsible for
administering federal and state public transportation funds; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation will apply for a grant from the US Department of
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration and receives funds from the North Carolina General Assembly to
provide assistance for rural public transportation projects; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of these transportation funds is to provide grant monies to local agencies for the
provision of rural public transportation services consistent with the policy requirements for planning, community
and agency involvement, service design, service alternatives, training and conference participation, reporting and
other requirements (drug and alcohol testing policy and program, disadvantaged business enterprise program,
and fully allocated costs analysis); and
WHEREAS, Cape Fear Public Transportation Authorityhereby assures and certifies that it will provide the
required local matching funds; that its staff has the technical capacity to implement and manage the project,
prepare required reports, obtain required training, attend meetings and conferences; and agrees to comply with
the federal and state statutes, regulations, executive orders, Section 5333 (b) Warranty, and all administrative
requirements related to the applications made to and grants received from the Federal Transit Administration, as
well as the provisions of Section 1001 of Title 18, U. S. C.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Chairman of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authorityis hereby
authorized to submit a grant application for federal and state funding, make the necessary assurances and
certifications and be empowered to enter into an agreement with the NCDOT to provide rural public transportation
I Don Betz, Secretary, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a
meeting of the duly held on the 22nd day of October, 2015.
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
Signature of Certifying Official
Note that the authorized official, certifying official, and notary public should be three separate individuals.
Affix Notary Seal Here
Seal Subscribed and sworn to me
Notary Public
Printed Name and Address
My commission expires
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201512
made and entered into this ____ day of _____________, 2015by
and between the City of Wilmington,on behalf of the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan
Planning Organization, a metropolitan planning organizationand the Cape Fear Public
Transportation Authority d/b/a “Wave Transit”, a North Carolina public transportation authority.
,by joint resolution the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County
established the “Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority” (hereinafter referred to as “Wave”)
to provide public transportation services within the area designated as the Wilmington Urbanized
Area(hereinafter referred to as “UZA”), effective July 1, 2004,in recognition of the fact that
some traffic and transportation concerns of eachentity are the same without regard for any
jurisdictional boundary; and
, pursuant to, and in compliance with,23 C.F.R. § 450.306 (2014), the
Wilmington Urban Area MetropolitanPlanning Organization(hereinafter referred to as“MPO”)
was designated as the policy body for cooperative transportation decision making in the UZA;
the City of Wilmington serves as the Lead Planning Agency for the MPO;
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201513
,onDecember 15, 2010, the MPO,City of Wilmington, New Hanover
County, North Carolina Department of Transportation, and other urban area jurisdictions adopted
the “Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan” which affects the UZA;and
,Wave is the provider of public transportation services in the UZA; and
, on June 22, 2005,the Secretary of Transportation for the State of North
Carolina, with authority vested by the Governor of the State of North Carolina, and in
accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code § 5307(a)(2) and the Transportation Equity
Act for the 21st Century, declared Waveto be a designated recipient of Federal Urbanized Area
Formula Program funds for the UZA; and
, the MPO is the recipient of Federal Transit Administration 49 U.S.C. §
5303 (2013) transit planning funds for the UZA; and
, the Federal Transit Administration,pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 5303 (2013),
provides 80% of transportation planning funds for the UZA, the North Carolina Department of
Transportation provides 10%,and the required 10% local match is shared by the members of the
MPO in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperative, Comprehensive,
and Continuing Transportation Planning, dated August 11, 2007; and
,23 C.F.R. § 450.314 (2014) requires an agreement between Waveand the
MPO specifying cooperative procedures for carrying out transportation planning and
NOW THEREFOREin consideration of the mutually beneficial covenants of
agreement between the parties hereinafter expressedin enumerated terms, the adequacy
and sufficiency of which of hereby acknowledged byeach as valuable consideration the
City of Wilmington on behalf of the MPO and Wave agree as follows:
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201514
The MPO and Waveshall cooperate in long range planning for the
provision of public transportation services in the UZA, including the Metropolitan
Transportation Improvement Program (hereinafter referred to as “MTIP”). Such
cooperation includes, but is not limited to, estimating funds needed for the services
recommended in the MTIP as adopted by the MPO.MTIP is in accordance with the
State Transportation Improvement Program,and is periodically amended as the State
Transportation Improvement Program is updated.
Waveshall be afforded the opportunity for meaningful participation in
the public transportation planning and decision making process.The parties shall
ensure that projects in the public transportation service portion of the MTIPare
included in the planning process.
Waveagrees and covenants to dutifully and properly perform the program
tasks assigned to them as evidenced by the line item allocation shown on the MPO’s
budget which is known as the Unified Planning Work Program.
The MPO willpay to Waveseventy percent (70%) of its allocation of 49
U.S.C. § 5303 (2013)planning funds for the term of this agreement.No funds paid
under this Agreement shall be paid from the City of Wilmington’s funds, except those
held for the MPO. No funds paid under this agreement shall exceed $56,140.
This Agreement shall commence on the date of its full execution by all
parties and continue for one year or as long as Federal and State funding for public
transportation planning are provided forthe UZAif such funding is for less than one
This Agreementshall terminate as a result of the loss ofFederal
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201515
and/or State funding for public transportation services forthe UZA. Additionally, any
party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party which
specifies an effective date of termination. The effective date of said “Notice of
Termination” shall be no earlier thanthirty (30) days prior to the date the notice is
7.Governing Law.
All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina without regard
to any conflicts of law principles and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of federal or
state courts within the State of North Carolina. In the event of a conflict between the
various terms and conditions contained herein or between these terms and other
applicable provisions, then the more particular shall prevail over the general and the
more stringent or higher standard shall prevail over the less stringent or lower
8.Entire Agreement, Amendments.
This Agreement constitutes the entire contract
between the parties,and no warranties, inducements, considerations, promises or
other inferences shall be implied or impressed upon this agreement that are not set
forth herein. This Agreement shall not be altered or amended except in writing signed
by all Parties.
,the due execution in agreement by parties heretoas evidenced by
the hereafter affixed signatures.
(This space is left intentionally blank)
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201516
Bill Saffo, Mayor
Penelope Spicer-Sidbury, City Clerk [SEAL]
Approved as to form:
William E. Wolak, City Attorney
I, __________________________________, a Notary Public of _______________ County,
North Carolina, certify that Penelope Spicer-Sidbury personally came before me this day and
acknowledged that she is City Clerk of the City of Wilmington, and that by authority duly given
and as the act of the Council, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Mayor,
sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its City Clerk.
WITNESS my hand and official seal, this _____ day of _____________, 2015.
Notary Public
My commission expires:____________
This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by The Local Government
Budget and Fiscal Control Act.
This ___ day of __________________, 20____.
Debra H. Mack, City Finance Officer
Project Number: ___MP1516________ (if applicable)
Account Number: ___021-2753-442.31-60
Amount of Contract: $__Not to Exceed 56,140
Federal ID Number: ____56 6000239_____
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201517
by and through its Transportation Advisory Committee
Honorable Laura Padgett, Chair
Attest: ________________________________
Secretary Mike Kozlosky
I, ____________________________, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid,
certify that Mike Kozlosky came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Secretary of
Transportation Advisory Committee of the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan
Planning Organization
, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Organization, the
foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman and attested by himself as its
WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ___ day of ____________, 2015.
______________________________ (Seal)
Notary Public
My commission expires: __________.
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201518
AUTHORITY d/b/a/ Wave Transit
By: ________________________________
Attest: ________________________________
I, ____________________________, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid,
certify that ______________________ personally came before me this day and acknowledged
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority d/b/a Wave
that s/he is the Secretary of the
, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Authority, the foregoing
instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its seal and attested by herself as
its Secretary.
Witness my hand and official seal, this the ____ day of ______________, 2015.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: ____________.
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201519
Monthly Passenger Summary
September 2015
Total Passengers Fixed Route
180,000 120,000
120,000 80,000
60,000 40,000
0 -
Seahawk Shuttle Paratransit
Passengers by Route September 2015
Fixed Route
No. NamePassengersTransfers
101Princess Place15,8612,345
103Oleander East6,8931,126
105Medical Center7,153846
106Shipyard Blvd5,495641
107College Road2,111231
108Market Street6,965973
201Carolina Beach Road9,8831,036
202Oleander West7,072597
204Brunswick Connector2,226253
205Longleaf Park7,959757
301Pleasure Island955
711Yellow Express8,679
707Red Express 13,458
709Loop Express 2,688
UNCW Total
Para-Transit Services
ADA Passengers
Non-ADA Passengers
Para-Transit Total
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201521
This Month
% Change
Ridership Statistics Current% ChangeCurrentPrior
Last Year
Total Bus Passenger Trips 88,023 96,675-8.95% 262,568 276,266-4.96%
Total Trolley Passenger Trips 3,814 4,542-16.03% 11,186 15,128-26.06%
Total UNCW Passenger Trips 55,395 58,235-4.88% 79,797 80,851-1.30%
Total Fixed Route Passenger Trips 147,232 159,452-7.66% 353,551 372,245-5.02%
Average Weekday Passenger Trips 6,388 6,951-8.10%
Average Saturday Passenger Trips 2,197 2,202-0.24%
Average Sunday Passenger Trips 1,075 1,151-6.65%
Operating Statistics - Fixed Route
Total Revenue Miles 108,106 108,483-0.35% 298,514 300,792-0.76%
Total Revenue Hours 7,936 7,9040.41% 20,912 21,013-0.48%
Accidents Non Preventable1 10.00% 3 30.00%
Accidents Preventable
Passenger Trips/Revenue Mile 1.36 1.47-7.34%1.181.24-4.30%
Passenger Trips/Revenue Hour 18.55 20.17-8.04%16.9117.71-4.56%
Operator Overtime7.18%2.28%214.91%
Farebox Revenue and Pass Sales$ 88,121$ 83,0946.05%$248,397$250,458-0.82%
Average Fare per Bus Passenger$ 0.96$ 0.8216.88%$0.91$0.865.57%
This Month
% ChangeCurrentPrior% Change
Ridership Statistics Current
Last Year
Total ADA Passenger Trips1,6951,48913.83%4,6474,11312.98%
Total Non ADA Passenger Trips3,3253,555-6.47%10,40410,906-4.60%
Total Paratransit Passenger Trips5,0205,044-0.48%15,05115,0190.21%
Average Weekday Passenger Trips224231-3.13%
Average Saturday Passenger Trips604435.23%
Average Sunday Passenger Trips206229.17%
Operating Statistics - Paratransit
Total Revenue Miles41,33738,6916.84%120,261112,8246.59%
Total Revenue Hours2,2091,97811.70%6,3235,8877.41%
Accidents Non Preventable100.00%100.00%
Accidents Preventable01-100.00%3250.00%
Passenger Trips/Revenue Mile0.120.13-6.85%0.130.13-5.98%
Passenger Trips/Revenue Hour2.272.55-10.90%2.382.55-6.70%
Operator Overtime2.58%5.16%-50.00%
Revenue Miles4,0616,949-41.56%12,65518,636-32.09%
Revenue Hours100126-20.60%308332-7.23%
Special Services
Greyhound Ticket Revenue$2,873$3,061-6.14%$8,571$7,62812.36%
Amtrak Passengers29322927.95%1,03181626.35%
Horizon Revenue$572$863-33.72%$2,156$2,219-2.84%
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201522
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
Statement of Operating Position
Date : 7/1/2015 - 9/30/2015
Budget Scenario : 2016 (1) (Board Adopted Original)
ActualBudget Variance25%
GL account
Operating revenues
Farebox revenues 305,043 317,000 (11,957)24.06% 1,268,000
Passes 47,075 55,000 (7,925)21.40% 220,000
Contracted services
Fixed Route 72,977 105,000 (32,023)17.38% 420,000
Para-Transit 187,973 165,500 22,47328.39% 662,000
Total: Operating revenues 613,068 642,500 (29,432)23.85% 2,570,000
Nonoperating revenues
Federal grants 754,808 886,789 (131,981)21.28% 3,547,157
State grants 20,396 188,738 (168,342)2.70% 754,950
Subsidy from primary government
City of Wilmington 1,285,000 321,250 963,750100.00% 1,285,000
New Hanover County - 68,750 (68,750)0.00% 275,000
Subsidy from other governments 101,250 25,094 76,156100.87% 100,375
Local Government Pledged to Capital - (3,750) 3,7500.00% (15,000)
Other Income 38,190 27,750 10,44034.41% 111,000
Total: Subsidies 2,199,644 1,514,621 685,02436.31% 6,058,482
Total: Revenues and Subsidies 2,812,712 2,157,121 655,59232.60% 8,628,482
Operating expenses
Salaries and wages
Fixed Route 667,834 817,051 149,21720.43% 3,268,204
Para-Transit 142,639 163,816 21,17721.77% 655,266
Taxes and benefits
Taxes 59,133 75,919 16,78619.47% 303,677
Benefits 232,026 260,270 28,24422.29% 1,041,078
Fuels and lubricants 182,104 236,850 54,74619.22% 947,400
Maintenance 258,220 134,656 (123,564)47.94% 538,624
Tires 15,236 33,875 18,63911.24% 135,500
Communications & Utilities 37,210 39,850 2,64023.34% 159,400
Professional services 105,579 105,705 126 24.97% 422,820
Other services 39,121 25,282 (13,840)38.69% 101,126
Liability & Property 161,585 86,625 (74,960)46.63% 346,500
Auto 123,007 72,000 (51,007)42.71% 288,000
Worker Comp 71,362 52,750 (18,612)33.82% 211,000
Office supplies and expenses 16,362 10,550 (5,812)38.77% 42,200
Marketing 1,247 12,425 11,1782.51% 49,700
Other expenses 39,138 29,497 (9,641)33.17% 117,987
Total: Operating expenses 2,151,803 2,157,121 5,31824.94% 8,628,482
Net Results 660,909
Fund Balance Contributions
City of Wilmington 157,822 157,822 - 157,822
New Hanover County - 157,822 (157,822) 157,822
Total: Fund Balance Contributed 157,822 315,644 157,822 315,644
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201523
Introduced by: Albert Eby, Executive Director
Date: October 22, 2015
the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority was created in July 2004 by Joint
Resolution of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County to provide public transportation services
throughout the WMPO adopted boundary of the Wilmington urban area; and
,in 1995 the region began the planning process for the Wilmington Multimodal
Transportation Center (WMMTC); and
, in 2007 the North Carolina Department of Transportation purchased property in
downtownWilmington for the purpose of constructing the WMMTC; and
, the first phase of the WMMTC would be design and construction of the transit portion
of the WMMTC by the Authority; and
, on June 25, 2015 the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority unanimously
passed a resolution of support for a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Wilmington, the
Cape Fear Public Transportationand the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the WMMTC;
, the Memorandum of Agreement for the WMMTC is currently in development; and
,the WMPO has issued a call for projects utilizing STP-DA funding;
that the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority
respectfullyrequests that the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation
Advisory Committee appropriate $3,000,000 in federal Surface Transportation Program - Directly
Attributable (STP-DA) to the Authority for design and construction of the transit portion of the Wilmington
Multimodal Transportation Center.
Adopted at a regular meeting
onOctober 22, 2015
Jeff Petroff, Chairman
Don Betz, Secretary
CFPTA Agenda Packet 10/22/201524