Agenda 2015 11-16AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., CHAIRMAN - BETH DAWSON, VICE - CHAIRMAN SKIP WATKINS, COMMISSIONER - WOODY WHITE, COMMISSIONER - ROB ZAPPLE, COMMISSIONER CHRIS COUDRIET, COUNTY MANAGER - WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY - TERESA ELMORE, CLERK TO THE BOARD NOVEMBER 16, 2015 9:00 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.) INVOCATION (Rev. Laura Hayes Mitchell, Senior Pastor, Trinity United Methodist Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Rob Zapple) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Adoption of State Road Resolutions 3. Approval of Bank Resolutions and Agreements for Deposit Accounts with BB &T, Bank of America and Yadkin Bank 4. Approval of Grant Submittal to the 2015 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program to Replace Personal Protective Gear 5. Approval of Five Donations for Accession into the Museum's Permanent Collection 6. Approval of 27 Items to be Deaccessioned from the Museum's Permanent Collection 7. Approval of Monthly Collection Reports for August 2015 8. Approval of Monthly Collection Reports for September 2015 ESTIMATED MINUTES REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 15 9. Presentation of Service Awards and Introduction of New Employees 10 10. New Hanover County ABC Board Annual Update 10 11. New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Annual Update 15 12. Subcommittee Report on Interlocal Agreement (ILA) for Cost Sharing Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Projects (CSDR) and Consideration of Alternatives 10 13. Consideration of the Award of Bids for Construction of the Landfill C &D Pad Expansion Project 10 14. Consideration of the Award of Bids for the Construction of a new Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 20 5 10 ESTIMATED MINUTES 15. Presentation: Update on Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Report 16. Committee Appointments 17. Discussion of Conference Expenses and an Allocated Budget for Each Board Member PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 10 18. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 19. ADJOURN Note: Minutes listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Mission New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Vision A vibrant prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Core Values Integrity - Accountability - Professionalism - Innovation - Stewardship Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Barfield CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review Meeting held on October 15, 2015 Closed Session Meeting held on October 19, 2015 Regular Meeting held on October 19, 2015 Agenda Review Meeting held on October 29, 2015 Regular Meeting held on November 2, 2015 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore SUBJECT: Adoption of State Road Resolutions BRIEF SUMMARY: NCDOT is considering the addition of the following roads and requesting the Board to adopt resolutions in support of adding the roads to the state system: • Sturbridge Court located within the Lantana Crossing Subdivision (Phase 5) in New Hanover County (Division File No. 1200 -N) • Craftsman Way and a portion of Bloomington Way located within the Wendover South Subdivision (Phase 2) in New Hanover County (Division File No. 1219 -N) STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt NCDOT SR -2 resolutions. ATTACHMENTS: NCDOT Request Letter and Maps (Lantana Crossing Subdivision) NHC Sturbridge Map NCDOT SR -2 Resolution (Lantana Crossing Subdivision) NCDOT Request Letter and Maps ( Wendover South Subdivision) NHC Craftsman Bloomington Map NCDOT SR -2 Resolution ( Wendover South Subdivision) COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 2 C1. Transportation October 21, 2015 Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 RECEIVED 0 C T 2 C 2015 H HT RA8ICORY Gmwnor NICHOLAS J. TENNYSON S- --ry Subject: Proposed Addition to the State System of Highways; Sturbridge Court (Division File No: 1220 -N) Dear Ms. Elmore: This office is considering adding Sturbridge Court which is located within the Lantana Crossing (Phase 5) subdivision in New Hanover County to the state system. After the Board's consideration, if they concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. Sincerely, ,� q Anthony W. Law District Engineer AWL:jdd Attachments: Copy of SR -1 Road Petition request form and locator map —/'Nothing Compares State of North Carolina I Department of Transportation I NCDOT District 3,300 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 26401 (0)9I0- 251- 2655(F)251 -2759 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 2 -1 -1 N N E1 'A 3 Rio,9 TPAP• 4 .a y E '•z 6511 a 9981 ' I I I P _ s � L wl a.lsmxs ssi ] ac,.x pi95i° P4 Gir 3.K.Wx. —I ] .1 r y gPi IIIIII �R A X80 1 YL L� P •' Pi 3 �� JNIx NgHlm Nuavkv B 3 g1Ul�AT}1I I is ��� ',�1 •' +�` f5i1 tlli9 Isg S "K p�' (�5 '15 115544 }iiii5i5'i45i'i5ii 'Y Cw 1 1�1 554 }45111µj1 {�11u511L1, 1 i � e5' 1 54 5 5145 5 � C / +SI55,11 +1L1 / '�! nlllll55'll x' �` i f 5i5i iliill��^ �S 09 Ocal x I �E w a E++ d I I4F �//�� r ~ vJ Jog. I ° 115 1551 r a I I4F �//�� r ~ vJ 0 ° 115 1551 r a s a gig 155iiI�! 5511}54J 1 O �9 G� jaqI � A ttF I,I1,1, > QlRgg� @�'$Sp>sa!3 �� }d Pp,p ¢ Al M� �� �� �t ii=0 x �Z � 4� H Nq J W Z z EL _� OL Q SO m o I I4F �//�� r ~ vJ 0 LU X �. �Wv W ¢ WO/ a x �Z � 4� H J W Z z EL _� OL Q SO m o Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 2 C y Lai pis LLJ SITE Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 3 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Sturbridge Court located within the Lantana Crossing Subdivision (Phase 5) in New Hanover County (Division File No. 1200 -N). WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division ofHighways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the roads) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 16th day of November, 2015. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 16t11 day of November, 2015. Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 3 - 1 RECEIVED aa•5SA'[pq, d ,Yauaa O 3 2 tl i;l STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS NiCHOLAs J. TENNYsoN GOVERNOR SECRETARY October 19, 2015 Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: Proposed Addition to the State System of Highways; Craftsman Way and a portion of Bloomington Way (Div. File No: 1219 -N) Dear Ms. Elmore, This office is considering adding Craftsman Way and a portion of Bloomington Way to the North Carolina Department of Transportation state highway maintenance system. The requested roadways are located within the Wendover South (Phase two) Subdivision in New Hanover County. After the Board's consideration, if they concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. Sincerely,,'` -� Id !� Anthony W. Law District Engineer AWL:jdd Attachments: Copy of SR -1 Road Petition request form and locator map NCDOT District 3, 300 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 (0) 910 - 251 -2655 (F) 251 -2759 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 1 e I I WON* OHM IMF 9a E � . all N r gy� ' 05 . l�G I _- lit IM I Ilia p L ♦ 3 e S q � Z .1.. k ;k 5 ®�t ��� t I R yak �4 loll! l ;pi ;. Board of Commissioners - November 16,2015 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 2 WENDOVER SOUTH PHASE TWO Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 3 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Craftsman Way and a portion of Bloomington Way located within the Wendover South Subdivision (Phase 2) in New Hanover County (Division File No. 1219 -N). WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division ofHighways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the roads) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 16th day of November, 2015. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 16t11 day of November, 2015. Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 2 - 6 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Lisa Wurtzbacher, Chief Financial Officer CONTACT(s): Lisa Wurtzbacher SUBJECT: Approval of Bank Resolutions and Agreements for Deposit Accounts with BB &T, Bank of America and Yadkin Bank BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached are bank resolutions and agreements for deposit accounts with BB &T, Bank of America and Yadkin Bank. The authorized signers on the accounts are Lisa Wurtzbacher, Chief Financial Officer; Barbara D. McClure, Deputy Chief Financial Officer; and Jennifer R. Maready, Deputy Chief Financial Officer. These resolutions and agreements are necessary to add Jennifer R. Maready and change the titles of Finance Director and Assistant Finance Director to Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Financial Officer. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Strong Financial Performance • Provide sufficient investment to add /maintain government resources RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of the bank resolutions and agreements for deposit accounts with BB &T, Bank of America and Yadkin Bank. ATTACHMENTS: BB &T Resolution & Agreement for Deposit Account Bank of America Banking Resolution & Certificate of Incumbency Yadkin Bank Resolution of Lodge, Association or Other Similar Organization COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 3 BB &T RESOLUTION AND AGREEMENT FOR DEPOSIT ACCOUNT NEW HANOVER COUNTY 566000324 Name of Entity EIN ❑ Corporation ❑X Government Entity ❑ Sole Proprietorship ❑ Unincorporated Association ❑ General Partnership ❑ Non - Profit Corporation ❑ Limited Liability Company ❑ Limited Partnership ❑ Other I, the undersigned, hereby certify to BB &T that I am the Secretary (or as applicable, Proprietor, Authorized Partner, Authorized Manager or other Authorized Employee) of the above named Entity duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina ; and that the following are resolutions duly adopted by the Entity, and that such resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been amended or rescinded: RESOLVED, that BB &T is hereby designated as a depository institution in which the funds of this Entity may, subject to the rules of BB &T, be deposited by any of its officers, agents or employees; and that any such officer, agent or employee is hereby authorized on behalf of the Entity and in its name to endorse for deposit, whether in demand or time accounts, or for negotiation or collection, any and all checks, drafts, certificates of deposit or any other payment instrument payable to the Entity, which endorsement may be in writing, by stamp or otherwise, with or without signature of the person so endorsing, it being understood that on such items all prior endorsements are guaranteed by the Entity, irrespective of the lack of a guarantee by the Entity; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that any of the individuals listed below (a 'Designated Representative ") is hereby authorized to open or close any deposit account with BB &T and to authorize those persons ( "Authorized Signers ") who may execute a BB &T signature card on behalf of the Entity and transact business on such account: Designated Representative (Signature) P Printed/Typed Name Lisa Wurtzbacher Barbara McClure Jennifer R Maready Title Chief Financial Officer Deputy Chief Financial Officer Deputy Chief Financial Officer FURTHER RESOLVED, that BB &T be and is hereby authorized and directed to honor, pay and charge any of the accounts of the Entity, without inquiry to or responsibility for the application of the proceeds thereof, all checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment, withdrawal or transfer of money in the accounts of or to the credit of the Entity, and to honor any authorization for the transfer of funds between different accounts whether oral, by phone or electronic means without inquiry as to the circumstances related thereto and for whatever purpose or to whomever payable, including requests for conversion into cash as well as for deduction from and payment of cash out of any deposit, and whether or not payable to, endorsed or negotiated by or for the credit of any person signing same or any other officer, agent or employee of the Entity, when signed or endorsed by an original or facsimile signature of any ONE Authorized Signer; and FOR BANK USE ONLY Prepared By B73826 Date 10/26/2015 Center 5121743 Bank No. 102 State NC Forward to: Centralized Document Scanning Operations M/C 100- 99 -15 -11 ERE, Illlllll�llllilllllllllVlllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnll Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 FURTHER RESOLVED, that BB &T be and is hereby authorized to honor, receive, or pay any items bearing the signature of any one Authorized Signer even though payment may create an overdraft or even though such items may be drawn or endorsed to the order of such signer for exchange or cashing, or in payment of the individual obligation of such signer, or for deposit to such Authorized Signer's personal account and BB &T shall not be required or be under any obligation to inquire as to the circumstances of the issuance or use of any such item or the application or disposition of such item or the proceeds thereof; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Entity assumes full responsibility and holds harmless BB &T for any and all payments made or any other action taken by BB &T in reliance upon the signatures, including facsimiles thereof, of any Authorized Signer regardless whether or not the use of the facsimile signature was unlawful or unauthorized and regardless of by whom or by what means the purported signature or facsimile signature may have been affixed if such signature reasonably resembles the specimen or facsimile signature of the Authorized Signer; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that any Designated Representative, or person authorized in writing by a Designated Representative, is authorized to act on behalf of the Entity as follows: obtain information on accounts; appoint, remove or change Authorized Signers; deliver any night depository agreement; enter into any agreement for cash management services; lease a safe deposit box; enter into an agreement for deposit access device; enter into an agreement for credit cards; or enter into other agreements concerning the deposit accounts at BB &T; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and all prior resolutions executed on behalf of the Entity are hereby revoked and that the foregoing resolutions shall remain in full force and effect until the Entity officially notifies BB &T to the contrary in writing. BB &T may conclusively presume that this Resolution and Agreement for Deposit Account and any signature cards executed pursuant hereto are in effect and that persons identified herein are properly authorized to act on behalf of the Entity. The Entity, as changes to the Designated Representatives and/ or Authorized Signers are made, will immediately report and certify such changes to BB &T through submission of a new Resolution and Agreement for Deposit Account and /or signature card, as applicable. BB &T shall be fully protected in relying on such certifications and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any claims, demands, expenses, losses, or damages resulting from the signature of any Designated Representative so certified, or refusing to honor any signature not so certified; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that all transactions by any officer, employee or agent of the Entity on its behalf and in its name prior to the delivery of this Resolution and Agreement for Deposit Account are hereby ratified and approved. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal, if any, of this Entity, this day of , Year For Corporations including Non - Profit: Secretary /Assistant Secretary (Corporate Seal) For All Other Entities: (Proprietor, Authorized Partner, Authorized Manager, or other Authorized Person) 8010 (1110) (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 2 Page 2 of 2 Bank of America'' Deposit Account &Treasury Management Services Merrill Lynch Banking Resolution and Certificate of Incumbency Note: Please enable Macros CLIENT INFORMATION Please select one of the following options: F New Resolution /Incumbency 9 ` Update Incumbency (Used to Add or Delete individual authorized signers) fv— Supersede Resolution /Incumbency (Replaces any and all prior banking resolutions) ORGANIZATION LEGAL NAME (Must match legal name indicated in company formation documents) New Hanover County • This Banking Resolution and Certificate of Incumbency will apply to all accounts the Organization maintains with us. • The Organization adopts the following Banking Resolution and Certificate of Incumbency (with specimen signatures)* The undersigned certifies that: 1) Any individual (each an "Authorized Signer ") with any of the following Titles Title: Chief Financial Officer Title: Deputy Chief Financial Officer Title: is authorized, acting alone, including by electronic signature, electronic record or other electronic form, (a) to establish accounts from time to time for the Organization at Bank of America, N.A. (the 'Bank "), as well as to operate and close such accounts, (b) to enter into any and all agreements and transactions contemplated by the provision of treasury management services by the Bank, including but not limited to Electronic Funds Transfer Services, and (c) designate persons to operate each such accounts including closing the account, and to designate persons to act in the name and on behalf of the Organization /Client with respect to the establishment and operation of treasury management services. 2) the person whose signature, name, and title appear in the "AGREEMENT, TAX INFORMATION CERTIFICATION and AUTHORIZATION" section of the Deposit Account Documentation Signature Card ( "Signature Card ") and those persons listed below on the Incumbency Certificate, are Authorized Signers who are authorized, including by electronic signature, electronic record or other electronic form, to establish accounts and to designate persons to operate each such account and to execute contracts and agreements (including treasury management service agreements, including but not limited to Electronic Funds Transfer Agreements) with the Bank and that the signatures of such Authorized Signers are genuine. 3) the persons who signed in the Designated Account Signers section of the Signature Card are authorized to operate any accounts opened with the deposit account documentation unless otherwise noted on the Signature Card, and that the signatures of such Designated Account Signers are genuine. 4) the foregoing is a complete, true and correct copy of the banking resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors, the Members or the General Partners, Commission, Council or Governing Board as applicable, of the Organization, government entity or authority and that the resolutions are still in full force and effect and have not been amended or revoked and do not exceed the objects or powers of the Organization, government entity, authority or the powers of its management or Governing Board, Commission or Council. Incumbency Certificate: Add /Delete Name Title Signature Add Lisa Wurtzbacher Chief Financial Officer . Add Barbara McClure Deputy CFO Add Jennifer Maready Deputy CFO ' If you choose to provide your own Banking Resolution and Certificate of Incumbency (with specimen signatures), it must a attach d to the signature card. This Banking Resolution and Certificate of Incumbency must be signed as follows: • Corporations: Secretary or assistant secretary of the company must sign. • Any Partnership type: One of the general partners must sign. If the general partner is an organization, show the name of the general partner and include capacity of signer • Limited Liability Company: • Member Managed LLC: One of the members or an officer of the company must sign. If the member or manager is an organization, show the name of the member or manager and include capacity of signer. • Manager Managed LLC: The manager or managers or an officer authorized of the company must sign. If the member or manager is an organization, show the name of the member or manager and include capacity of signer. • Other unincorporated organizations: An officer of the organization who is authorized by the by -laws or operating agreement of the company must sign. • Government entities, authorities or agencies: An authorized signer of the government entity /authority who is authorized by the statutes must sign. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand as (title) of the Organization listed above Title: Type or Print Name of Certifying Individual Name of Company who is General Partner or Member, leave blank if not applicable. (Type or print Name of company including the legal name of any member, managing member, manager, or general partner who is signing and who is not an individual) Signature: Date: 00- 35- 2654NSBW 04- 09.2014 HS (SF) Ban[ko dild,c,AggMgii .ssjoagrgd&yglnber 16, 2015 ©2014 Bank of America Corporation ITEM: 3 - 2 - 1 RESOLUTION OF LODGE, ASSOCIATION OR OTHER SIMILAR ORGANIZATION Yadkin Bank By: New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 165 1005 High House Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Cary, NC 27513 Referred to in this document as "Financial Institution" Referred to in this document as "Association" I, Ab te(e5ct 1I 1 A certify that I am Secretary iclerk) of the above named association organized under the laws of North Carolina Federal Employer I.D. Number 56- 6000324 and that the resolutions on this document are a correct copy of the resolutions adopted at a• meeting of the Association duly and properly called and held on (date). These resolutions appear in the minutes of this meeting and have not been rescinded or modified. (( �� Pbor-2-1 AGENTS Any Agent listed below, subject to any written limitations, is authorized to exercise the powers granted as indicated below: Name and Title or Position Signature Facsimile Signature (if used) A Lisa Wurtzbacher, Chief Financial Officer X L X B. Barbara D. McClure, Deputy Chief Financial Officer X ' X C Jennifer Rebecca Maready, Deputy Chief Financial Officer X X D. X X E. X X 1 F. X i X POWERS GRANTED (Attach one or more Agents to each power by placing the letter corresponding to their name in the area before each power. Following each power indicate the number of Agent signatures required to exercise the power.) Indicate A, B, C, Description of Power Indicate number of D, E, and /or F signatures required A, B, C (1) Exercise all of the powers listed in this resolution. 1 - A, B, C (2) Open any deposit or share account(s) in the name of the Association. A, B, C (3) Endorse checks and orders for the payment of money or otherwise withdraw or transfer funds on deposit with this Financial Institution. (4) Borrow money on behalf and in the name of the Association, sign, execute and deliver promissory notes or other evidences of indebtedness. (5) Endorse, assign, transfer, mortgage or pledge bills receivable, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, stocks, bonds, real estate or other property now owned or hereafter owned or acquired by the Association as security for sums borrowed, and to discount the same, unconditionally guarantee payment of all bills received, negotiated or discounted and to waive demand, presentment, protest, notice of protest and notice of non - payment. (6) Enter into a written lease for the purpose of renting, maintaining, accessing and terminating a Safe Deposit Box in this Financial Institution. (7) Other LIMITATIONS ON POWERS The following are the Association's express limitations on the powers granted under this resolution. EFFECT ON PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS This resolution supersedes resolution dated If not completed, all resolutions remain in effect. CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORITY I further certify that the Association has, and at the time of adoption of this resolution had, full power and lawful authority to ado t the resolutions on page 2 and to confer the powers granted above to the persons named who have full power and ame. (Apply seal ow where appropriate.) If checked, the Association is a non - profit lodge, association or similar organization. X 7w w X X �(n/ltest by Otherr OOffficerr)� f515 " ©1985, 1997 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form OA -1 4/3012003 1 /page 1 of 2/ Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 1 RESOLUTIONS ` The Association named on this resolution resolves that, (1I The Financial Institution is designated as a depository for the funds of the Association and to provide other financial accommodations indicated in this resolution. (2) This resolution shall continue to have effect until express written notice of its rescission or modification has been received and recorded by the Financial Institution. Any and all prior resolutions adopted by the Association and certified to the Financial Institution as governing the operation of this association's account(s), are in full force and effect, until the Financial Institution receives and acknowledges an express written notice of its revocation, modification or replacement. Any revocation, modification or replacement of a resolution must be accompanied by documentation, satisfactory to the Financial Institution, establishing the authority for the changes. (3) The signature of an Agent on this resolution is conclusive evidence of their authority to act on behalf of the Association. Any Agent, so long as they act in a representative capacity as an Agent of the Association, is authorized to make any and all other contracts, agreements, stipulations and orders which they may deem advisable for the effective exercise of the powers indicated on page one, from time to time with the Financial Institution, subject to any restrictions on this resolution or otherwise agreed to in writing. (4) All transactions, if any, with respect to any deposits, withdrawals, rediscounts and borrowings by or on behalf of the Association with the Financial Institution prior to the adoption of this resolution are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. (51 The Association agrees to the terms and conditions of any account agreement, properly opened by any Agent of the Association. The Association authorizes the Financial Institution, at any time, to charge the Association for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on the Financial Institution, so long as they contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. (6) The Association acknowledges and agrees that the Financial Institution may furnish at its discretion automated access devices to Agents of the Association to facilitate those powers authorized by this resolution or other resolutions in effect at the time of issuance. The term "automated access device" includes, but is not limited to, credit cards, automated teller machines (ATM), and debit cards. (7) The Association acknowledges and agrees that the Financial Institution may rely on alternative signature and verification codes issued to or obtained from the Agent named on this resolution. The term "alternative signature and verification codes" includes, but is not limited to, facsimile signatures on file with the Financial Institution, personal identification numbers (PIN), and digital signatures. If a facsimile signature specimen has been provided on this resolution, (or that are filed separately by the Association with the Financial Institution from time to time) the Financial Institution is authorized to treat the facsimile signature as the signature of the Agent(s) regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature may have been affixed so long as it resembles the facsimile signature specimen on file. The Association authorizes each Agent to have custody of the Association's private key used to create a digital signature and to request issuance of a certificate listing the corresponding public key. The Financial Institution shall have no responsibility or liability for unauthorized use of alternative signature and verification codes unless otherwise agreed in writing. Pennsylvania. The designation of an Agent does not create a power of attorney; therefore, Agents are not subject to the provisions of 20 Pa.C.S.A. Section 5601 et seq. (Chapter 56; Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries Code) unless the agency was created by a separate power of attorney. Any provision that assigns Financial Institution rights to act on behalf of any person or entity is not subject to the provisions of 20 Pa.C.S.A. Section 5601 et seq. (Chapter 56; Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries Code). FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION USE ONLY Acknowledged and received on (date) by itials) _ This resolution is superseded by resolution dated _ Comments: EX M © 1985, 1997 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form OA -1 4/30/2003 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 2 (Page 2 of 2) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Fire Services PRESENTER(S): Donnie Hall, Fire Chief CONTACT(S): Donnie Hall SUBJECT: Approval of Grant Submittal to the 2015 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program to Replace Personal Protective Gear III N I DI ON10 0 ILI L10 1141119 The 2015 Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant Program conducted by US Department of Homeland Security, (FEMA) provides Federal grant dollars to Fire/Rescue organizations to help offset the expense of providing the nation's fire responders with up -to -date equipment and resources to protect their communities. Fire Services is seeking to apply for the 2015 Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant to replace outdated and obsolete Self Contained Breathing Respirators. The current units have reached their end -of -life cycle and the compliancy standards for the units has been updated. Additional safety features for fire fighters have been added to the standard providing for more personal protection from superheated gases and dangerous air particles of combustion. The grant submittal will include the replacement of 104 respirator units. The total cost to replace the units is $943,384. The local (county) share would be $85,762 with Federal Funding totals at $857,622. County share portion ($85,762) will be included in the FY 17 Budget request for the Fire District. It is not anticipated that the grant recipients will be notified of the award until July 2016. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize Fire Services to submit the grant application to FEMA for consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Grant Evaluation Form COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. 141110ILI16X9 [I7►10111769R0:N 0 [I7►6`M Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 4 Go�vi v. �C+ � n NEW HANOVER COUNTY $ _r 2 �2 Grant Application Evaluation Form Lead Department: �" Date: -i 'Q, �rrv;c� n�a vct►- ,b�-,- Q15 Department Head:. Fo us Area: .f 'r A� ah n ► � Co- Applicants / Other Participating Departments/ Agencies /Community Organizations: Grant Title: Funding Organization: Fiscal Year: Grant Amn —f- Lv $ S7�_ Matching Funds. &Yes callo If Yes, Amount: te-o,-S &New Grant ❑Recurring Grant Multi -Year Grant? ❑Yes ❑No ❑In-J�-'ind v(5ash ❑Land _ nOther Application Due Date: Briefly describe the purpose of the grant. -ri r6 f" vrl -]z �v 1 { r #f W- i5ftct far e AA fYf If known: Are any other NHC Departments eligible for this funding? ❑Yes o oPossibly Specify, which one(s)? Will this project in any way duplicate or compete with another service or ❑Yes o ❑Possibly program provided by NHC, another local agency or community organization? Will this grant provide support for a mandated service? 4es ❑No Can we capitalize on this funding to meet current and/or future equipment or es ❑No facility needs? Does the grantor agency accept indirect costs as an allowable expense? ❑Yes Ao If Yes, what dollar or percentage is allowed? 1 IPagc Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 ia� '0�;�io°;��`a�fQt�n.��i�?:`,.'r r ::s.rc „__, •.,�s*e �a�...arear.:a I have read, and am familiar with, the Grant Policy (AM 13-001). 1 acknowledge that as the Department Head, I am agreeing to be responsible for the administration of this grant and will en iffe a requirements are fully met in a timely manner. Department Head Signature D t DD /MM ❑Approved Grants & Project Analyst ' Oi�ot Approved a e ( /1 1) l( Date (DD M/YY) �av_� - �11.', 5 Board of Commissioners - NovVmber 16, 2015 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 2 21Page Can the proposal be completed within grant time frame allotted? VSf es ❑No ❑Possibly Can the requirements of this grant be met with current staffing levels? es ❑No ❑Possibly Will new positions be requested (or expiring grant funded positions extended)? ❑Yes 40 If Yes, how many new positions will be funded by the grant? new positions How many existing positions will be funded by the grant? existing positions Will the grant create a program or require any County commitment for funding ❑Yes o after grant funding ends? Does this program fit well with and enhance a current department or County VYes ❑No program / initiative / service? If Yes, please explain: S� S Fp ►' Does sufficient administrative support exist o make the grant worth pursuing? 6Yes ❑No Do grant proceeds exceed the total costs to provide the program to the County ❑Yes o (this includes the expense for staff time associated with applying and administering the grant)? -Or- Does implementing the program supported by the grant save the county more Oyes VK XO money in avoided costs than the total cost to provide the program (including ant application and administration)? Are matching funds in the current budget or does the match require additional ❑Available funding? n'1Gi c,'11 L / �uz&� n l %A-cTditional Needed r, ,L& f f_4 ❑N /A- No matching funds D�o�es the ant extend beyon the �al year (7/1 to 6/30)? r uired/r uested ❑Yes o S 4d 0 Is funding received in advance or on a reimbursement basis? ❑In Advance oKe-imbursement I have read, and am familiar with, the Grant Policy (AM 13-001). 1 acknowledge that as the Department Head, I am agreeing to be responsible for the administration of this grant and will en iffe a requirements are fully met in a timely manner. Department Head Signature D t DD /MM ❑Approved Grants & Project Analyst ' Oi�ot Approved a e ( /1 1) l( Date (DD M/YY) �av_� - �11.', 5 Board of Commissioners - NovVmber 16, 2015 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 2 21Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Museum PRESENTER(S): Barbara L. Rowe, Museum Curator CONTACT(s): Barbara L. Rowe SUBJECT: Approval of Five Donations for Accession into the Museum's Permanent Collection BRIEF SUMMARY: The Museum collects objects pertaining to the history, science, and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear region. Submitted for approval are five donations to be added to the Museum's permanent collection. The items recommended for accessioning have all been reviewed by the Curator, Director, Collections Committee, and were approved by the Museum Advisory Board at their October 21, 2015 meeting. Each item offered has a special story to preserve. From an 1806 slave bill of sale to a 2001 Wilmington Waves baseball team yearbook, the objects document 300 years of the region's stories. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Enhance and add recreational, cultural and enrichment amenities RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Move to accept five donations of regional artifacts into the Cape Fear Museum Permanent Collection. ATTACHMENTS: Accession Chart COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 5 oA 0 P� O N 0 Ed cz 0 0 a 0 0 U° xU z a� CA o CA CA oO CA CA CC U C�j o O N bA _> c} C�j O C� s". bJJ O U zS —p O cd � � N N � 4a O cd � U O N CG C N + p o C C�j o ~cij o _ �. C�j o o cG � CA a ra ra ra ra ra ra 0 0 o ° o U � � w 0 � s-• bA � % O .O W H A 0 o Board of Commissioners - Novem ®s 16, 2015 O N N ITEM: 5- 1- 1 N I . 5 11 i ,ey. N O 0 Ed cz O 0 a .O 0 U° xU Z t3-2 � 14 i . C�j CG CA 'C�j i. p o�ol sx. �• '! cd � , m !a Z CA N 7ii'r� i--i o • � �j Iii U � a �!, �� \C N C�j � cG i � N O Z� C�j CA a W zS c) N CA N 41 ^O ble O O O O Q Q Q 0 Q N 0 0 CA pJ C) W 7:) U bA O ,Z >C O N -0 .- C�j N = -t -0 CA a) ._ L � � O � C�j N r n � O vn N 'n N bA � O .ti c�j c�j >~ cj N Q c�j O cj a O c:� O p zS N 5 U ' a) W 'v A O O tu N zS zS )* '° L7�� aaatir�r�wEc�j Ux vc �7a>4C/ � . . . . . . . . . . W o d � A o00 &ard of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 -" -" ITEM: 5 - 1 - 2 : \ \ / � \ � \ § \ ■ \ / / �\ \ } .$ �\ / U \ . > r . � 4! % Q � ƒ k � o d k k � 7 cn k U 2 v q \ ' •{ k \ -0 u � % 2 § @ •9 '\ ® to E o § \ / -0 �-). u �jk. /k� / v 7 k v °� t 2 in. zs / J Cj k k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Board 7 Commis i IT E :)mm- November ]$2015 :5 -] -a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Museum PRESENTER(S): Barbara L. Rowe, Museum Curator CONTACT(S): Barbara L. Rowe, Museum Curator SUBJECT: Approval of 27 Items to be Deaccessioned from the Museum's Permanent Collection BRIEF SUMMARY: Museum staff and the Museum Advisory Board have been diligently culling items from the permanent collection that have no relevant provenance, are in very poor condition, or are duplicates of better examples. This process is a recommended step in effective collections management. The items recommended for deaccession have all been reviewed by the Curator, Director, Collections Committee, and were approved by the Museum Advisory Board at their October 21, 2015 meeting. Recommendations for disposition are also provided. Most items are identified for either the Museum's Demonstration Collection or for public auction, a procedure which removes the sale from immediate conflict of interest with the Museum. Income earned from items sold at auction goes into a restricted account used to purchase new artifacts for the collection or to conserve objects already in the collection. An object may also be recommended for transfer to another collecting institution. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Enhance and add recreational, cultural and enrichment amenities RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept the recommendation of the Museum Advisory Board to deaccession 27 items from the Museum's Permanent Collection. ATTACHMENTS: Deaccession Chart COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 6 0 0 Ed cz 0 O a U cz U w i—i Li 0 0 U U z �� O o U t� 0 0 U 0 0 . CA � raa 0 0 U 0 0 C . o� raa '.O U O _CA O � CA O O � N � N U y N O � U � � O cd C� N 00 a\ a\ a\ ITEM: 6 -1 -1 / \ 2 \ / � \ § \ ■ \ / �\ \ } .$ �§ / U \ ITEM: 6 -] -2 m 0 . . m 0 . . o •- � $ ? 7 .§ _ 0 � o .g � � � 2 \ � / \ � � \ m _ ° E _ \ � _ / � � 2 � = U � u © o � � . . � A o U\ �2 led . � U \ J� k — q % $ y g U 00 RoAr'rl .. � ITEM: 6 -] -2 0 0 Ed cz 0 0 a U U cz U w 0 A zoo �raa 0 0 U 0 0 U 00 raa 0 0 U 00 raa t O O U O j N i. O v 11 0 1 �y 0 O Fj 0 •�� 0 i1 .may rH N N V 00 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 3 0 0 Ed cz O O a U cz U w �i O U U zoo �Ha � � N o C�j� 0 U N 00 raa 0 U N 00 raa O O O � � C N ' N � C�j � ^. O - y O r U CC 'CA _. f CA N a\ a\ a\ a\ ITEM: 6 - 1 - 4 0 U U O Ed cz 0 0 a U cz U w O U U z 00 0 0 N O U O •� � O N U _O N O p •� � '1� Vl - e�C W � � CA My "CJ N 0 a\ a\ a\ ITEM: 6 - 1 - 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Roger Kelley, Tax Administrator CONTACT(S): Allison Snell, Assistant Tax Administrator SUBJECT: Approval of Monthly Collection Reports for August 2015 BRIEF SUMMARY: NCGS 105 -350 requires the Tax Collector to submit a report showing the amount of taxes collected. The 2014 and 2015 August totals are more comparable than were July 2015 to July 2014. We are ahead of where we were in August 2015 compared to August 2014 due in part to tax notices being generated in July 2015. Tax notices for the 2014 tax year were generated in August 2014. The report for August 2015 in comparison to August 2014 is as follows: New Hanover County Current Year August 2014 Real Property 4.92% 0.23% Personal Property 3.25% 1.90% Motor Vehicle 100% 32.30% Overall Collection Rate 6.14% 0.24% Total collected YTD $9,270,554.36 $340,040.57 Fire District Current Year August 2014 Real Property 5.13% 0.21% Personal Property 28.08% 5.36% Motor Vehicle 100% 26.60% Overall Collection Rate 6.88% 0.22% Total Collected YTD $470,866.54 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the August 2015 Monthly Collection Reports. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Monthly Report for August 2015 $16,670.37 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 7 Fire District Monthly Report for August 2015 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 7 New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for August 2015 Current Year 2015 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 149,615,662.97 $ (837,657.27) $ 889.93 $ 25,191.78 $ - $ - $ 1,941,995.97 $ $ $ 151,582,850.72 (837,657.27) 889.93 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date Write -off $ $ $ 148,778,895.63 7,313,430.07 - $ $ $ 25,191.78 818.53 - $ $ 1,941,995.97 1,941,995.97 $ $ $ 150,746,083.38 9,256,244.57 - Outstanding Balance $ 141,465,465.56 $ 24,373.25 $ - $ 141,489,838.81 Collection Percentage - 4.92 20,023.16 3.25 $ 100.00 $ 6.14 MTD Interest Collected $ 270.42 $ - $ 14,039.37 $ 14,309.79 Total 2015 Collections YTD $ 9,270,554.36 Prior Years 2005 -2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,826,059.15 $ 3,119,974.31 $ 1,249,783.82 $ 6,195,817.28 Abatements $ (3,701.32) $ (49,485.73) $ (111.38) $ (53,298.43) Adjustments $ 20,023.16 $ - $ - $ 20,023.16 Total Levy $ 1,842,380.99 $ 3,070,488.58 $ 1,249,672.44 $ 6,162,542.01 Collections to Date $ 263,450.89 $ 33,407.72 $ 17,328.21 $ 314,186.82 Write -off $ (13.44) $ (10.32) $ (34.18) $ (57.94) Outstanding Balance $ 1,578,916.66 $ 3,037,070.54 $ 1,232,310.05 $ 5,848,297.25 MTD Interest Collected $ 21,987.90 $ 4,623.95 $ 7,849.49 $ 34,461.34 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 348, 648.16 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 9,619,202.52 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 1 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for August 2015 Current Year 2015 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 6,780,389.76 $ (70,943.19) $ (7,023.69) $ 408.65 $ - $ - $ 126,095.62 $ - $ - $ $ $ 6,906,894.03 (70,943.19) (7,023.69) Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date Write -off $ $ $ 6,702,422.88 343,692.78 - $ $ $ 408.65 114.75 - $ $ $ 126,095.62 126,095.62 - $ $ $ 6,828,927.15 469,903.15 - Outstanding Balance $ 6,358,730.10 $ 293.90 $ - $ 6,359,024.00 Collection Percentage - 5.13 138.52 28.08 $ 100.00 $ 6.88 YTD Interest Collected $ 38.57 $ - $ 924.82 $ 963.39 Total 2014 Collections YTD $ 470,866.54 Prior Years 2005 -2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 98,480.92 $ 156,444.18 $ 59,228.00 $ 314,153.10 Scroll Abatements $ (480.09) $ (2,238.37) $ - $ (2,718.46) Adjustments $ 138.52 $ - $ - $ 138.52 Total Levy $ 98,139.35 $ 154,205.81 $ 59,228.00 $ 311,573.16 Collections to Date $ 14,632.25 $ 1,237.07 $ 919.17 $ 16,788.49 Write -off $ (0.79) $ (1.08) $ (1.70) $ (3.57) Outstanding Balance $ 83,506.31 $ 152,967.66 $ 58,307.13 $ 294,781.10 YTD Interest Collected $ 1,267.30 $ 147.57 $ 346.59 $ 1,761.46 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 18,549.95 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 489,416.49 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Roger Kelley, Tax Administrator CONTACT(S): Allison Snell, Assistant Tax Administrator SUBJECT: Approval of Monthly Collection Reports for September 2015 BRIEF SUMMARY: NCGS 105 -350 requires the Tax Collector to submit a report showing the amount of taxes collected. We are ahead of where we were September 2015 compared to September 2014 due in part to tax notices being generated in July 2015. We have also seen an increase in the usage of installment coupons. Tax notices for the 2014 tax year were generated in August 2014. The report for September 2015 in comparison to September 2014 is as follows New Hanover County Current Year September 2014 Real Property 10.08% 4.00% Personal Property 4.87% 2.58% Motor Vehicle 99.98% 64.60% Overall Collection Rate 11.74% 4.01% Total collected YTD $17,806,749.33 $5,684,701.41 Fire District Current Year September 2014 Real Property 10.36% 3.95% Personal Property 28.08% 7.26% Motor Vehicle 99.99% 78.05% Overall Collection Rate 12.73% 3.97% Total Collected YTD $876,608.34 $295,996.69 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the Monthly Collection Reports for September 2015. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for September 2015 Fire District Monthly Collection Report for September 2015 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 8 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 8 New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for September 2015 Current Year 2015 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 149,633,858.55 $ (856,842.64) $ 1,122.69 $ 25,191.78 $ - $ - $ 2,811,403.14 $ - $ - $ $ $ 152,470,453.47 (856,842.64) 1,122.69 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date Write -off $ $ $ 148,778,138.60 14,994,400.01 (6.40) $ $ $ 25,191.78 1,227.70 (0.01) $ $ $ 2,811,403.14 2,810,851.20 - $ $ $ 151,614,733.52 17,806,478.91 (6.41) Outstanding Balance $ 133,783,732.19 $ 23,964.07 $ 551.94 $ 133,808,248.20 Collection Percentage - 10.08 20,023.16 4.87 $ 99.98 $ 11.74 YTD Interest Collected $ 270.42 $ - $ - $ 270.42 Total 2015 Collections YTD 17,806,749.33 Prior Years 2005 -2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,826,059.15 $ 3,119,974.31 $ 1,249,783.82 $ 6,195,817.28 Abatements $ (21,896.90) $ (90,548.61) $ (111.38) $ (112,556.89) Adjustments $ 20,023.16 $ - $ - $ 20,023.16 Total Levy $ 1,824,185.41 $ 3,029,425.70 $ 1,249,672.44 $ 6,103,283.55 Collections to Date $ 398,204.75 $ 81,456.75 $ 21,561.76 $ 501,223.26 Write -off $ (15.48) $ (13.29) $ (56.13) $ (84.90) Outstanding Balance $ 1,425,965.18 $ 2,947,955.66 $ 1,228,054.55 $ 5,601,975.39 MTD Interest Collected $ 36,587.47 $ 13,549.91 $ 9,398.53 $ 59,535.91 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 560,759.17 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 18,367,508.50 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 8 - 1 - 1 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for September 2015 Current Year 2015 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 6,780,389.76 $ (71,046.44) $ (7,023.69) $ 408.65 $ - $ - $ 182,067.41 $ $ $ 6,962,865.82 (71,046.44) (7,023.69) Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date Write -off $ $ $ 6,702,319.63 694,409.60 (1.00) $ $ $ 408.65 114.75 - $ $ 182,067.41 182,045.42 $ $ $ 6,884,795.69 876,569.77 (1.00) Outstanding Balance $ 6,007,909.03 $ 293.90 $ 21.99 $ 6,008,224.92 Collection Percentage - 10.36 138.52 28.08 $ 99.99 $ 12.73 YTD Interest Collected $ 38.57 $ - $ - $ 38.57 Total 2015 Collections YTD 876,608.34 Prior Years 2005 -2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 98,480.92 $ 156,444.18 $ 59,228.00 $ 314,153.10 Abatements $ (480.09) $ (3,750.98) $ - $ (4,231.07) Adjustments $ 138.52 $ - $ - $ 138.52 Total Levy $ 98,139.35 $ 152,693.20 $ 59,228.00 $ 310,060.55 Collections to Date $ 21,873.71 $ 4,365.63 $ 1,063.80 $ 27,303.14 Write -off $ (1.05) $ (1.08) $ (2.74) $ (4.87) Outstanding Balance $ 76,264.59 $ 148,326.49 $ 58,161.46 $ 282,762.28 YTD Interest Collected $ 2,360.07 $ 872.03 $ 388.72 $ 3,620.82 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 30,923.96 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 907,532.30 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 8 - 2 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): Commissioners and Chris Coudriet, County Manager CONTACT(S): Bo Dean, Human Resources Analyst SUBJECT: Presentation of Service Awards and Introduction of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: Service awards will be presented to retirees and employees. New employees will be introduced and have their photo taken with the Board of Commissioners. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Effective County Management • Hire, develop and retain talented people • Recognize and reward contribution RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Present service awards and meet new employees. ATTACHMENTS: November Service Awards November New Employees COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Present service awards and meet new employees. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Presented service awards and met new employees. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Robert W. Martens, New Hanover County ABC Board Chairman and Martina Queen, ABC Board Chief Executive Officer CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board and Martina Queen SUBJECT: New Hanover County ABC Board Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County ABC Board will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County ABC Board Information New Hanover County ABC Board Presentation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ABC BOARD Number of Members: 5 - Chairman designated by County Commissioners Term of Office: Three years - may be reappointed Regular meeting: Third Tuesday of every month at 8:30 a.m. at the ABC General Office, 6009 Market Street, Wilmington, NC. Compensation: $300 per month for Chairman and $250 per month for other members, effective 2/18/2013. Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 18B -700; increased membership from 3 to 5 members effective 10/1/2010. Qualifications: Appointed on the basis of appointee's interest in public affairs, good judgment, knowledge, ability and good moral character. Brief on the functions: 1) Establish stores and adopt local policies. 2) Set budget including employees' salaries. 3) Hire general manager to oversee day -to -day operation of the system. 4) Buy or lease property for the system. 5) Review reports and perform other duties in accordance with 18B -701. 6) Board is an independent entity of the State. CURRENT MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Augustus Codington Everett, Jr. First 10/18/10 6/30/13 4001 Providence Court Second 6/17/13 6/30/16 Wilmington, NC 28412 (910) 392 -6226 (H) (910) 619 -7900 (C) (910) 762 -6452 (W) William A. Kopp, Vice - Chairman First 6/16/14 6/30/17 6231 Stonebridge Road effective 10/1/14 Wilmington, NC 28409 (910) 799 -4517 (H) (910) 431 -7121 (C) Robert W. Martenis, Chairman First 10/18/10 6/30/13 9004 St. Stephens Place Second 6/17/13 6/30/16 Wilmington, NC 28412 (910) 313 -1312 (H) (910) 297 -6800 (C) Vivian "Zeke" Partin First 6/22/15 6/30/18 112 Lees Cut Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (910) 256 -9530 (H) (919) 880 -7868 (C) Thomas Wolfe First 4/19/10 (eff. 7/1/10) 6/30/13 3739 Reston Court Second 6/17/13 6/30/16 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 392 -0654 (H) (910) 228 -8569 (C) Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10-1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ABC BOARD (Continued) CURRENT MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION New Hanover County Ex. Officio Members: Avril Pinder, Deputy County Manager Appointed 4/19/10 Wanda Copley, County Attorney Marnina Queen, Chief Executive Officer New Hanover County ABC Board File: /ABC 6009 Market Street B/C #1 — 10.15 Wilmington, NC 28405 -3617 910- 762 -7611 Fax: 910- 343 -0491 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 1 - 2 � N O O o i- p Om IQ, 3 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 1 CD � C p C m COD ca � v &ME cc � i o Cc � cc m _ ca o 3 = o a o ca a � N O O o i- p Om IQ, 3 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 1 O ca O i i cz �i C003 a� bA U U O O C� O ct U O O '.d O U U H A ct O O U U cc 'd ct O O U O ct '.d � U ct ct ct by ct bA � U ct cO O � � U + ct ct w ct ct • • 0 U �a �o �'m V am _ z Q IN as go "d O C� � U U � U O � bhp O ct ct 7� O U ct H � A Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 2 �Q - w0: goo U = 3m O 1� c � U 1� c v cc �o i t O 0 � VC). O o� U O t O ' w ct ct U .ct U caU a� + ct O 0 Q a a Ow ct "��H�N ct . Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 3 Z it O o Om c �U ;m - �Q- Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 4 1� � c Ron 0 M � 0 c 0 0 - ct O O � N -� � cc ct �O 00 01 O M caV1 ct 69 69 69 69 69 U 4 4 4 4 c 1� ME O ct -� \O ct ct ct U U c U o H LJ O O� Q Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 4 (D ctl (A _ 0 / @ 0 7 � J{ m $ § \7 CO LM Co m _a \ED q { m E■ 2 \�$ Co U �•� § o $k o ■ ° §_ ƒ■ z �) �§ ƒ CD �� \§ \� Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 6 O 1� cc O 40 40 Ron Ron ca bA CC O CC O V ZZ CC U 42 O v � v O y � C O � � CC � v • � v1 i 45o C � •CVC � p v z AAA H L" O CC bA 42 O C V O bA N5 O O O O R O CC � �v O � O C � AA O O N CC O O O J O Q v Q om �U s DO JQ 0 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 7 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1� li Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 8 m CD 0*4 C V-Z 0 IME Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 9 J O Q v Q om �U s DO JQ Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 10 � CC 4 W 3 cc o H aD A _ Ii ao � .4-o cd Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 10 O V O O CC ~ 0 0 v 0 0 x 3 z C.� w C.� O � U � �x o � �z �4-o ° ~ �, 0 o J O Q v Q om �U s DO JQ r�L CA O O CA O O Ow Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 10- 2 - 11 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Paul R. Smith, New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Chair CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board and Harry Tuchmayer, Library Director SUBJECT: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Library Advisory Board will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Information New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Presentation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 11 NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Number of Members: 12 Term: 3 years Regular Meetings: Third Thursday every month at 2:00 p.m. at the Main Library, 201 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 Statute or cause creating Board: Policy for the Governing and Operation of the Library. Brief on the functions: To develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the County's public library system. Also responsible for making recommendations to the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the library. Board members are expected to actively promote the library's service program; keep abreast with trends in public library development and to work for the continued improvement of library services offered by the County. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 11-1 -1 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Jan Brewington, Secretary First 8/17/15 8/31/18 706 South 7t" Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910 - 612 -6941 (C) 910 - 815 -3731 (W) Denise Chadurjian Unexpired 8/19/13 8/31/15 409 S. Second Street First 8/17/15 8/31/18 Wilmington, NC 28403 919 - 218 -7470 (H) Amy Damutz, Vice -Chair First 2/16/15 8/31/18 8109 Masonboro Sound Road Wilmington, NC 28409 910 - 392 -7075 (H) 910 - 470 -7075 (C) John F. Gardner III First 4/21/14 8/31/17 1704 N. Lumina Avenue, Unit 60 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 910 - 840 -3159 (C) 910 - 815 -2785 (W) Andrew R. Jones Unexpired 3/16/15 8/31/17 4306 Stratton Village Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 910 - 617 -8603 (C) 910 - 763 -3404 (W) John Osinski First 8/15/11 8/31/14 174 Treasure Island Way Second 8/11/14 8/31/17 Wilmington, NC 28411 910 - 686 -2461 (H) 910 - 962 -4271 (W) Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 11-1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD (CONT.) Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 11- 1 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Harriet Smith First 8/19/13 8/31/16 1080 St. Joseph St., 9F Carolina Beach, NC 28408 910 - 256 -7980 (H) 704 - 560 -2245 (C) Paul R. Smith, Chairman First 9/15/14 8/31/17 6801 Buckhurst Court Wilmington, NC 28411 910 - 794 -7153 (H) 910 - 431 -6064 (C) Elizabeth Stanfield First 8/16/10 8/31/13 2910 Park Avenue Second 8/19/13 8/31/16 Wilmington, NC 28403 910 - 762 -5151 (H) 910 - 617 -5151 (C) Emilie F. Swearingen Unexpired 11/18/13 8/31/15 830 Cutter Court First 8/17/15 8/31/18 Kure Beach, NC 28449 910 - 458 -4430 (H) 910 - 620 -0026 (C) Virginia Teachey First 8/16/10 8/31/13 8713 Champion Hills Drive Second 8/19/13 8/31/16 Wilmington, NC 28411 910 - 681 -0320 (H) 910 - 520 -0414 (C) Bradford L. Walker First 8/19/13 8/31/16 306 Apollo Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910 - 791 -2669 (H) 910 - 620 -5508 (C) 910 - 962 -3718 (W) Director: Harry Tuchmayer File: /Library New Hanover County Library B/C #17 10/15 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910 - 798 -6301 (Info) 910 - 798 -6309 (Adm.) 910 - 798 -6321 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 11- 1 - 2 L J V 3 a 0 V LM O M 2 3 a Z (1) LM LL (1) s LM O 4 to i a Ln O N i O CL GC M c c El 'E v I 0 m 0 0 05 _0 Jc: Q i J L� Ak Ln O tD r-I EO > z o m V O L � O Q � Z Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 1 K� _ J � ir Ln O N 0) N 4l N 0 V O ca 2 3 Z Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 2 r ` _ cn ON s z V Z a L O rML J L 3 H 0 V 0 a, L M U N C6 L 0 L . . jolt U 0 z M L LA %, 4WMA a� U 0 0 E ca N L M L M M L H L V M 4l N i O V L 0 ca 3 a� z Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 3 1 '.r: i O V a� 0 z Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 4 � � N _0 'L U O p (A � N U O U U cn 4-J U -0 p N C6 d! 0 a--+ ate•+ C6 _0 i U �O L N H V u N OU s N b .0 c}'n �+ O +-+ L f6 > p G! V H -0 (3) a M M = U o 'E Q X Q -0 c: a.J M U M 'J L- L V M ° � 0 +J V N O v L MID N M N •� 'N U 2 N 3 E O CSC Z M W ci W. i O V a� 0 z Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 4 Ln 3 t O ' L O a m = N 0 3 N �+ Z L > N 4 � CL O i i i �O +� O Q U •> = a, 0 —0 �O L .. V i (J N L N U Q u u 3 o L o 0 V u c: CL a) E o a•+ H W ca O V M �, 3 s o Tool U +- N N " `n � (3) � 4 s _0 o W w °= M 4 z •- oloom L G � L •� �� U L 3 V L •— Vf N m C Loo M cn •aA G 0 Q V Q s a u L. z Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 5 r ` _ s 3 0 LM t7 r � i O V O ca 2 Z Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 6 1 -'.r: N ca � � L U M L � Q � L U O i N1 i m ClA J � L N a (D �' O N i O N 00 >' 0 H J bD •N �' .� � a (3) c0 (n L —0 Qi }, U N C6 c6 4— O a_+ 4J f6 U (3) O X v Q D N � GJ Q cn i O V O ca 2 Z Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 6 1 -'.r: At �u N 10. .t. _? p- pq RE � W two LM O O V LL > _ _ > �s a 3 Board of Commissioners - Novembe 201 ITEM: 11- 2 - 7 r ` _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Engineering PRESENTER(S): Layton Bedsolde, Shore Protection Coordinator CONTACT(S): Jim Iannucci, County Engineer and Layton Bedsole SUBJECT: Subcommittee Report on Interlocal Agreement (ILA) for Cost Sharing Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Projects (CSDR) and Consideration of Alternatives BRIEF SUMMARY: On 5 December 2011, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (BOC) unanimously endorsed the Beach Nourishment Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between New Hanover County (NHC), Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach. In the absence of federal and state funding, the NHC room occupancy tax would pay up to 82.5% of our beach communities CSDR projects and the community receiving the CSDR maintenance event would participate up to 17.5 %. On 13 May 2015, the Port, Waterway & Beach Commission (PWBC) entertained a discussion led by the Mayors of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach regarding the 17.5% local participation. On 10 June 2015, the PWBC's Chairman Barbour requested the BOC consider a subcommittee to bring back to the BOC options for the 17.5% local participation. On 22 June 2015, the BOC instructed a subcommittee to return with a list of potential short term alternatives to the current 17.5% local cost share. The subcommittee's summary power point presentation offers options for the BOC's consideration. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Build and maintain infrastructure RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The subcommittee is offering alternatives for the BOC's consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Subcommittee's Power Point Summary COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Accept report and take under advisement. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 12 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Accepted report and took under advisement. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 12 r. O tw M E M 0 r-- L O M H M O V Ln ri ri w O N 4l N E 4l O 4 ,UL 0 V O ca 2 3 a� z Board of Commissioners - Novembe201 ITEM: 12- 1 - 1 LA N I iry 0 � 4l N N CA I .0 • � . _ ,. � � o o _ U . N LPL o Ln N N ate+ L � � U O N •� ate-+ N .� L m L m N of E L U O �_ p a--+ of of N O +' U s✓ `n O o H E O ° Ul N v cB > N N L U cB O O U N 00 L N cB 0 Q in N o c N _ tA H H m> N N ++ cB U 00 N U m� N O N U Q L O V °+- O a a c� m u > L cn c-I M L Q CL L +, L N N i N u Ov u O L N > O i✓ C: � Q " Q N cB 0 3 a� ` 5 U O H Q -0 a' �O N i` O .N N U N> cB O Q) L Z 1 O v O fB of o 4J 4 Q 0 0 m •� N L (Y) c�idod of p �f?Commr=ssio�er Novembe201 L I- 115M : (b2 -� 2 , d i O Ln i cB c-I _0 c-I U c-I N +D M IA O U GJ E 0 3 LA Ln en a N i J & 1, l �•� 0 0 V y N V E O O of O + LA } + O aF_ O 4A O fB a + Q N u � O � E L N N cB 0 ++ N N 0 (n O •�-+ 0 =3 �' N � i i }' U O O O L E O N ca EQ � L O L Ln r-i 2 o }' °' Q w 0 3 Ll1 i (V L - O N N (V 4l ON •� Q cn •N -0 O }' O � BoargofFommissioners - November � 201 `� N Q n -0 Q ITEM: 12-1- 3 , 00 Q r-r -0 r-r 0 00 0 H O CL O E L a I Q] a H O Q Ln O N 4l N E 4l O Z N O L 0 0 OL �_ w (� o a + CL L fB a+ Lf1 O L 0 � E cn N U 2 cn 4J N Q =3 }, O E L Z L E L O (B L O O U U z -C =3 - c >% ++ =3 N cB N U U O N � U U 0 0 O N CL o + o N '� N +' O O i N Ln V CA � fB u > OC � O E cB O N N L S O of o E "� N _ 3 u <� cc o N a cB 00 V N Q) Q O Ln cn .o Z O O 3 O g�am -0 of L �O\ CoK9ioFrersL-nNovember � 201 `� N m TEM: 12- 1- 4 Y 00 00 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 0° 00 C W 0 u m 0 N 0 0 0 000 0 X00 N � N � U1 N N N W m u 3 U 0 m m Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 m U W 0 �fl C j 0 W a—+ 0 0 z u > o u u Q Z N U Z N 0 0 .ti lD > a� � Q CL W U 2 � Z N U L �+ O U a E � o OM 0+,> Q Q M N •U L 0 W N O U N � H >� O N ._ v r, 0 0 � a O Y E E Or- « -C 0 L ° H t/? U F-- Q m U 0 O O 0 cna 000 00 00 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 0° 00 C W 0 u m 0 N 0 0 0 000 0 X00 N � N � U1 N N N W m u 3 U 0 m m Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 m U W 0 �fl C j 0 W U o 0 0 z u > o u u Q Z N U Z Y a 0 0 V 3 0 00 00 C 00 00 °� ° 00 m is C W 0 u m 0 N 000 000 0 r Ul N N N W u u x Ln Ln r-I w O N 4l N E 4l O 4 ,UL O V O 2 ^3, W Z C il=u� Bo r� ofd micgioners - November 6,201 ITE41: 12- 1 - 5 o u 0 0 0 C C C m ^ a N 0 0 .ti lD Ln Ln r-I w O N 4l N E 4l O 4 ,UL O V O 2 ^3, W Z C il=u� Bo r� ofd micgioners - November 6,201 ITE41: 12- 1 - 5 o u Ln w r-4 w O N 4l N E 4l O Z N N U N � L E Y N c � L O N N C .0 Q 1 U- O U =3 C1A N > E U_ cN/f 06 z L Q O O LL 0 • • d • Ln w r-4 w O N 4l N E 4l O Z N N E N N N U_ cN/f L Q N u � � O V > U O •� L E t N � cn � L cB Z cB = Q N N i;abi of Commissioners - Novembe 201 0 ITEM: 12- 1 - 6 CL w 4-+ LA 4-+ w PrA a� E O L O N O U N L E O U N H i m Y m U O U m Ln O N i 4l E 4l O Z s n N O V L > O 2 3 a� Z Board of Commissioners - Novembe201 ITEM: 12- 1 - 7 . & NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management PRESENTER(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director CONTACT(S): Joe Suleyman (301.111 Drill 9 Consideration of the Award of Bids for Construction of the Landfill C &D Pad Expansion Project BRIEF SUMMARY: The capital project Ordinance for the Landfill Construction & Demolition (C &D) Pad Expansion project was adopted on June 8, 2015. The capital project fund currently has a balance available of $581,000. A bid opening was held on October 14, 2015. A total of two (2) qualified bids were received. Having not received the minimum three (3) bids required by NC GS 143 -129 the bid was readvertised. The rebids were opened October 29, 2015, and the lowest responsible bidder was Port City Builders, Inc., with a bid amount of $649,869. This bid amount exceeded the amount budgeted for the capital project. Pursuant to state statute, staff negotiated a reduced project cost. Reductions to the project include elimination of a push wall and the substitution of a different type of bollards to be used. No impact on production capacity or storage area will be affected. These changes result in a recommended bid award for the project in the amount of $552,664 to Port City Builders, Inc. f0Y . *11Y or" rf»1K0KI0r"0110I OWN 9 Effective County Management • Increase efficiency and quality of key business processes RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend award of a contract in the amount of $552,664 for the Landfill C &D Pad Expansion Project to Port City Builders, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 13 hl��i•/ /:�►[/1 %II :ZK/111� : / ' 1 /],1[K/] ►/ I ►I I I.X�[/1►111:i. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE CONCRETE PAD AND FACILITY CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, after due advertisement, rebids were received and recorded by the Environmental Management Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 29th day of October 2015, in the Environmental Management Department conference room, 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North, Wilmington, North Carolina, and three (3) companies submitted bids for the provision of contractor services for the construction of a concrete pad and facility for the processing of construction & demolition (C &D) waste; and WHEREAS, a bid evaluation was completed by the Environmental Management Department staff for each of the three (3) qualified bidders, taking into consideration the minimum bid requirements, price and references; and WHEREAS, the bid evaluation resulted in the determination that the bids submitted by three (3) of the bidders were responsive bids that met the minimum bid requirements; and WHEREAS, a bid tabulation was completed for the three (3) responsive bids as shown; and Bidder ReBid Amount Port City Builders, Inc. $649,869 R.A. Casper Construction, Inc. $700,560 Bordeaux Construction, Inc. $743,000 WHEREAS, since all rebids exceeded the budgeted amount for this project, in accordance with NC G. S. 143 -129, staff reduced the scope slightly and conducted negotiations with the lowest responsive bidder, Port City Builders, Inc., resulting in a negotiated contract amount of $552,664.00 for this project; and WHEREAS, funds for this reduced project cost are currently available in the Landfill C &D Pad Expansion Capital Project Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the award of construction services for the Landfill C &D Concrete Pad and processing facility to Port City Builders, Inc., and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate and execute a contract, the form of which shall be approved by the County Attorney. ADOPTED this the 16th day of November, 2015. NEW 14ANOVER COUNTY Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 13- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management PRESENTER(S): Joe Suleyman, Environmental Management Director CONTACT(S): Joe Suleyman SUBJECT: Consideration of the Award of Bids for the Construction of a new Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant BRIEF SUMMARY: The capital project Ordinance for the Landfill Leachate Treatment System Upgrade Capital Project was adopted on November 4, 2013. The capital project fund currently has a balance available of $3,286,000. A bid opening was held on October 14, 2015, with only one (1) qualified bid received. Having not received the minimum three (3) bids required by NC G.S. 143 -129, the bid was readvertised. One rebid was received from Turner Murphy Co., Inc., and was opened on October 26, 2015, with a base bid amount of $6,189,906. This base bid amount exceeded the amount of funds budgeted for the capital project. Pursuant to state statute, staff negotiated a reduced project cost. Reductions to the project include elimination of a replacement to the existing biological treatment system; elimination of a second, redundant, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis system; and elimination of finish work that is not essential to system operation. This results in a recommended bid award in the amount of $3,114,811 for the initial phase one of the project. This reduced project scope will allow the County to meet the increased permit requirements for the current volume of leachate by the July 1, 2016 deadline. During negotiations, staff further obtained agreement from the bidder to extend the pricing for alternate bid "G" (included in the original bid specifications and priced in the bid received from Turner Murphy Co., Inc.) through August 31, 2016. Alternate "G" will allow the facility to incorporate parallel, redundant treatment equipment to eliminate downtime during scheduled maintenance. The negotiated cost of the extended pricing for alternate bid "G" is $635,825. The Environmental Management Department will program the necessary funds in the proposed FYI 6-17 budget. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Innovate programs to protect the environment • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs Effective County Management • Leverage technology and information to enable performance RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend award of an FY15 -16 contract in the amount of $3,114,811 for phase one of the construction of the Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant to Turner Murphy Co., Inc., and approval to proceed with a contract Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 14 change order in FY16 -17 in the amount of $635,825 for completion of phase two of the project, providing the funds for phase two are included in the FYI adopted budget. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 14 hl��i•/ /:�►[/1 %II :ZK/111� : / ' 1 /],1[K/] ►/ I ►I I I.X�[/1►111:i. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A LANDFILL LEACHATE TREATMENT PLANT WHEREAS, after due advertisement requesting formal bids for the Construction of a Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant, only one bid was received by the bid deadline of 11:00 a.m. on the 14th day of October, 2015; and WHEREAS, NC G.S. 143 -132 requires three (3) formal bids, a readvertisement resulted in the receipt of one rebid which was opened at 3:30 p.m. on the 26th day of October, 2015, in the Environmental Management Department conference room, 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North, Wilmington, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, abid tabulation was completed for the one (1) responsive bid as shown; and Bidder ReBid Base Bid Amount Turner Murphy Co., Inc. $6,189,906 WHEREAS, a bid evaluation was completed by the Environmental Management Department staff for the one (1) qualified bidder, taking into consideration the minimum rebid requirements, price, budgeted funds and references; and WHEREAS, the bid evaluation resulted in the determination that the rebid submitted was responsive and met the minimum bid requirements, but exceeded the available budget for the project; and WHEREAS, since the rebid exceeded the budgeted amount for this project, in accordance with NC G.S. 143 -129, staff made reasonable changes to the project specifications as necessary and conducted negotiations with the only responsive bidder, Turner Murphy Co., Inc., resulting in a negotiated contract amount of $3,114,811 for the initial phase one of this project; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $3,114,811 for the reduced project cost for phase one of the negotiated project scope are currently available in the Landfill Leachate Treatment System Capital Project Fund; and WHEREAS, staff obtained agreement from the bidder to extend the pricing for alternate bid "G" through August 31, 2016, to allow the completion of phase two of this project via a contract change order incorporating Alternate "G" in the amount of $635,825 if funds are available in the budget adopted for FY 16 -17. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the award of construction services for the Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant to Turner Murphy Co., Inc., and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate and execute a contract, the form of which shall be approved by the County Attorney. ADOPTED this the 16th day of November, 2015. hI�L� / /:l►[I] %I1:ZKI111��1 Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 14- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Ken Vafier, Planning Manager CONTACT(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director SUBJECT: Presentation: Update on Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Report BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County, in partnership with FEMA and the NC Floodplain Mapping Program, has published preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) and a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report for all areas within the County. The preliminary revised FIRMS and FIS report include proposed flood hazard information for certain locations in the unincorporated areas of the County. If finalized, these flood hazard determinations will become the basis for the floodplain management measures that New Hanover County must adopt or show evidence of having in effect to remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Prior to being finalized, an appeal period to allow community officials and citizens will be held to allow an opportunity to appeal the proposed flood hazard information presented on the preliminary FIRMS and FIS report. The appeal period began on October 29, 2015 and runs for a period of 90 days. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 15 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Barfield CONTACT(S): Teresa Elmore, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following Boards and Committees: New Hanover County Adult Care Community Advisory Committee New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council New Hanover County Plumbing Board of Examiners New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Adult Care Community Advisory Committee New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council New Hanover County Plumbing Board of Examiners New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following appointments were made. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16 New Hanover County Adult Care Community Advisory Committee: Kimberly Leonard and Philip C. White were appointed. New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians: Russell F. Carlson was appointed in the Independent Electrical Contractor category New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council: Garry S. Pape was appointed in the At -Large category. New Hanover County Plumbing Board of Examiners: Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. was reappointed in the Journeyman Plumber category. Randall Siegel was appointed in the Master Plumber category. New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment: Raymond E. Bray was appointed. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership Vacancies Terms: APPLICANTS: 18 maximum, 13 mandated based on the number of facilities operating in the County upto7 1 year term initially, expiring 11/30/16 Appointment for an initial 1 year term: Kimberly Leonard Philip C. White Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13 State mandated; May appoint up to 18 (1 member for each permitted facility) The Adult Care Home Administrators may nominate one -third of the members. If possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex- officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term of Office: 1 year term initially; 3 year term thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Hanover County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee may be a member of this committee. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in -laws. See Volunteer Job Description for more information. Purpose: The committee supports the spirit of the Adult Care Home Resident's Bill of Rights, visits adult care homes quarterly, promotes the wellbeing of residents and encourages community involvement. Statute establishing Committee: N.C.G.S. 131 D -31 Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:30 a.m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 1 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Cathi Anderson Initial 12/22/14 12/31/15 233 Racine Drive, Unit 92 Wilmington, NC 28403 910 - 228 -3625 (H) 910 - 229 -3625 (C) Mary K. Busbee First 9/16/13 9/30/16 8402 Emerald Dunes Road Wilmington, NC 28411 910- 686 -2763 Pamela Dismukes Initial 8/11/14 8/31/15 4166 Breezewood Dr., Suite #204 First 8/17/15 8/31/18 Wilmington, NC 28412 910- 465 -4770 Shirley T. Fowler Initial 3/24/14 3/31/15 945 Radnor Road First 3/16/2015 3/31118 Wilmington, NC 28409 910 - 397 -0987 (H) 910 - 620 -7198 (C) Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 1 - 2 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Revised: 8/19/15 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 1 - 3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Fred Gainey Initial 4/20/15 4/30/16 1122 -301 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 910 - 620 -8823 (C) 910 - 799 -3533 (W) Juli A. Harvey Initial 5/18/2015 5/31/16 112 Dellwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910 - 599 -8971 (H & C) 910- 343 -7411 (W) Helen Hepbron Initial 3/16/15 3/31/16 1313 Legacy Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 910 - 686 -4770 (H) 910 - 233 -8288 (C) L. Thomas Jennings Initial 11/21/05 11/30/06 415 Charlotte Avenue First 12/18/06 12/31/09 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Second 12/7/09 12/31/12 910 - 458 -2584 (H) 910 - 619 -0762 (C) Third 9/16/13 9/30/16 Hillary A. Kenny Initial 5/18/2015 5/31/16 4825 Whitner Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 910- 200 -4108 Cenetta J. Lee Initial 12/22/14 12/31/15 636 Village Park Drive, #302 Wilmington, NC 28405 910 - 477 -1864 (C) Lorraine McEvoy Initial 8/14/06 8/31/07 121 Spartan Road First 8/13/07 8/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28405 Second 8/16/10 8/31/13 910 - 784 -9325 (H) "� Third 9/16/13 9/30/16 Sandra Oglesby Initial 12/18/06 12/31/07 1508 Rock Hill Road First 12/17/07 12/31/10 Castle Mayne, NC 28429 Second 12/20/10 12/31/13 910 - 675 -8040 (H) 910 - 452 -8200 (W) Third 3/24114 3/31/17 Kristie Pate Initial 5/18/2015 5/31/16 1415 Sherwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 910 - 262 -2772 (C) Eddie J. Smith Initial 10/20/14 10/30/15 335 Ashworth Manor Court Wilmington, NC 28412 910 - 431 -2996 (C) Revised: 8/19/15 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 1 - 3 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 Revised: 8/19/15 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 1 - 4 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Elaine Terrill Initial 5/18/2015 5/31/16 502 Fern Creek Lane Carolina Beach, NC 28428 910 - 644 -4959 (C) Elizabeth Williams Initial 11/17/14 11/30/15 5426 Golden Eagle Court Wilmington, NC 28409 910 - 616 -0079 (C) COG Long Term Care Ombudsman: File: Adult /8.15 Patti Sacchetti, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 910- 395 -4553 Revised: 8/19/15 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 1 - 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board/Committee: New Hanover County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Name: Kimberly Leonard E -Mail: khleonard@ec.rr.com Home Address: 7551 Ireland Court Wilmington 28411 (Street) y (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: 910- 319 -7976 Fax: (City) (Zip Code) Cell: Business: Years living in New Hanover County: 44 Male: Female: ✓ Race: Caucasian (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name No Employer. self - Kimberly H. Leonard, CPA, MPA Age: 53 A person currenUy employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Nonprofit Consultant & Policy Analysis Professional Activities: policy analysis, strategic planning, tax preparation Volunteer Activities: executive director for the Pediatric Justice Association Why do you wish to serve on this board(committee? have a passion for the elderly and health care Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? equitable treatment, ensure the Home Care Community is acting in an emotionally and physically responsible manner Qualifications for serving: MPA degree, CPA, nonprofit experience, board membership exeperience, strong analytical skills Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: N/A List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Karen Dash 2 Phil Brady 919- 444 -1092 910 - 619 -6243 3. Lisa Keiner 910 - 675 -9386 Date: gj - a r) — a 0 15- Signature Ap fications are kept on file for 18 months l understand that a ty ny board mmittee appointee m o e without cause by a majo o ounty Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 N N C B O C C ITEM: 16- 1 - 5 RECEIVED NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 N H C B O C C P Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION z Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 COMMA. rqg' Board /Committee: New V,,,,JC V-Lr Gou..A-') *CCCr6C_du.4 C.o.m Aorne CoMmu014-)- 4dvIsc l Name: ph', ► P C. LA r-1 i5 1-1h j+ f, E -Mail: Pyn PC U-)h ,'1-e 8 a @ g ,l . c.orv.., Home C go W � ash �f'� 4`V CA LA W toL ,C, Address: �l - +.roy6 (Street) (city) (Zip code) Mailing Address if different. (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: �'� 10') a -1, -.'�3`A6Fax: Cell: Business: Years living in �New Hanover County: _ Male: I--- Female: Race: '�S�.u�S`c"`� Age: 3 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name Employer. UWtrn00 4c-d A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this app accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. department. Occupation: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: ation is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or Why do you wish to serve on this board /committee? O op--i' G g rec_A�r Utvde c��o�Nd ► N c� o loccA °�ovc,mrne.a}- o.N8 -ro coN+rLb":k-c 40 ry1y 16c,a -A 0-re-'p, 1N aQti L-j "I Pc)5s1ble Conflict of Interest. If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himselfiherseN from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Qualifications for serving: kigh leir� O� �.�- lc►�^���?�I WtI1�NgNesS -6 1w-,j rnN1 serve. Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. I- r-1c)h VoLuShcti--s Q330CP`61 a -7-7 y 2. Co r t l�x�l,�a,� (9 1d) .119 5 -169 3. 3eatv,�c r &x.1,,wci l (`t ►o) 409 - c,o,;Ko9 Date: doh Vh a o 15 Applications are kept on file for 18 months Please use reverse side for additional comments I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 1 - 6 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS 1 Vacancy, 2 -year term expiring 9/1/17 in the following category: 1 — Independent Electrical Contractors ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS CATEGORY REAPPOINTMENT Russell F. Carlson Independent Electrical Contractor Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 2 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS Number of Members: 5 consisting of 1 Chief County Electrical Inspector, 2 Independent Electrical Contractors, 1 Electrical Contractor Nominee by Power Company, 1 Electrical Contractor nominated by the County Division of N.C. Association of Electrical Contractors Regular Meetings: Meetings are held as required usually every two months in the office of the County's Chief Electrical Code Enforcement Official at the County Government Center. Compensation: None Term of Office: 2 years - may be reappointed Statute or Cause Creating Board: New Hanover County Code, Chapter 11, Article 4, Section 11 -241 Brief on the Functions: The primary purpose of this Board is to issue certificates of competence to Journeyman Electricians and Apprenticeship cards to new electrician helpers. The Board establishes minimum journeyman standards and issues certificates to those passing a written examination. Generally, recognition is given to Journeyman certificates issued by other jurisdictions. Revised: 10/20/2015 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 2 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Matthew K. Powell Electrical First 10/19/15 9/1/17 218 Woodland Drive Contractor Wilmington, NC 28403 910 - 899 -6777 (C) Electrical 9/1/17 Vacancy Contractor Eddie Richards NC Assoc. 8734 Lowes Island Drive Nominee Wilmington, N.C. 28411 231 -8567 Dale Sutton Power Progress Energy Company P.O. Box 1110 Nominee Wilmington, NC 28402 256 -7293 (W) Staff Support: James R. Shivar, Chairman Electrical Compliance Supervisor File: /Electricians New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Dept. B/C #10 10/15 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 910- 798 -7205 Revised: 10/20/2015 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 2 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2:10 %rnvernment'; wet ,+trove Surte 115 Wemr »glon W. 111403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone i910) /98-/149 FAXt910) /9&!145 i e BoarwCommittee: NI-le goo,/ r f /" cs d+ )0 � /t�:`,:►.. s Name: �v3St %( F (mow. /so» Home Address: �S.ya (i �•/�V..+w �i'. rd.• 7�rr. oil O q A rp Mailing Address N different: (city) (zip Cc*) Home Phone: e2r2) 5-2 0 - 444' Fax :t 9W 791/- -6/2 7 Cell: Af )J'10-6638' Businessl . -j�rx z Years living in New Hanover County ..33 Male• � Female: Race: !.vl�'/ C Age:_ 3� (lnformalion for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? K yes, name Employer. �e _ �i���i ; .. / .Ste. ... - --z;. e . lfel e 4.1, !. e A person cw.erniy ernptoyed by the agency or depanme'W for which this apof"atlon is ends must re!gn twv p"non with Now Hsmmw WLTI appanownt.. in eCCordance with MIC40 W,, Sec 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Pdicy FutherrrWe, apptrCant Stau/d have no rmmedrate family member employed by Such agency ar department. Occupation: � /16f!�.,. / `e.•'�-�c�a.- Professional Activities: /tdv�'•'c: �.. Volunteer Activides. I/pldw 44--lx 0617 e..•• I -Mey. c4r 40 /ac. / 0,0004 -ma/. 01 sore !,- Cis4c4 Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? --.r way tee /. �4,r IV S f !!Z= / d 71*4 YC-'- �r fee / G . L ;.40. ;.40. - Cc fv ,%' v t ��%rGlGlff OT t�t��id ✓. �1 Vw!• l ..sd% �Ll/ 1 i.c.� A*&-& -,F4 *Ac y Ce...A...A.l� toriffKt of interest- if a board member believes he/she has a conflict or poten!1al conl!xt of tnterest or a pierutar issue, that member should state this befW fo the dher members of his/her respecrtm board dump a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate. prNate, or monetary interest. eOw direct or indirect, in the issue under cons deration. The member should then excuse temsdloltwseN bom voting on the natter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Qualitrcadons for wving: 4w o L Z._.ta f�a 7t /; t r / /f /lcl�b+• is TiGc:, . 1,r )e . :a mot. t.4 Other Municipal municipal or county boards/committees on whkh you are serving: _ /VIA nrrriVr9, List three local personal references and phone numbers: �. 12h, r. s /0,s 962 t:e' - s N H C B O C C 1 ,#,w -1ar.r»is 6779- _7-0.r2 4- ';O*rlx wo"d.5 pate: /Q /r?9 app /f Ons kept on me W 1d A?OIfNt3 phase use reverse skis for sdeJV *xml canwmnts SJgnature I understand Mat any board or comiWaM appointee may be re0lovW wtttwo cause by a maody of coutry canmta Mws. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 2 - 3 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL 1 Vacancy, Unexpired Term ending 7/31/2016 in the following category: 1 — At -Large ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS CATEGORY REAPPOINTMENT Wesley Cherrelus At -Large Sean Lewis At -Large Garry S. Pape At -Large Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Number of Members: 8, appointed in categories as follows: Commercial Builder, Electrical Contractor, Engineer, Mechanical Contractor, Plumbing Contractor, Residential Builder, and 2 At -large Term of Office: Three years Regular Meetings: The Council shall meet at least quarterly and may, at its discretion, establish a more frequent meeting schedule. Meetings are held at the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department, 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110, Wilmington, NC. Action Creating Council: The County Commissioners established the Council on June 15, 1998. Membership increased to 8 on July 13, 1998. Purpose: The Council will provide advice and guidance to the Inspections Department to ensure consistent, timely, economical, professional, and efficient service as an integral part of the department =s purpose to protect the lives and property of the citizens living in New Hanover County. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 3 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Ronald Allen Electrical First 7/15/13 7/31/16 306 N. Channel Haven Drive Contractor Wilmington, NC 28409 910 - 443 -1442 (C) 910 - 799 -5458 (W) Walter Pete Avery Commercial First 7/20/15 7/31/18 3307 Tipton Court Builder Wilmington, NC 28409 910 - 632 -6252 (H) 910 - 395 -6036 (W) 910 - 512 -3301 (C) Stephen Beacham Mechanical First 7/23/12 7/31/15 832 Gull Point Road Contractor Second 7/20/15 7/31/18 Wilmington, NC 28405 910 - 443 -5111 (H /C) 910 - 798 -4822 (W) Anthony T. Dombroski, III Engineer First 7/23/12 7/31/15 2206 Acacia Drive Second 7/20/15 7/31/18 Wilmington, NC 28403 910 - 620 -3263 (H) 910 - 681 -0801 (W) Rodney Q. Harris, Chairman Residential Unexpired 1/19/10 7/31/10 7422 Fisherman Creek Drive Builder First 7/12/10 7/31/13 Wilmington, INC 28405 Second 7/15/13 7/31/16 910 - 452 -1151 (H) 910 - 313 -2468 (W) 910 - 443 -3444 (C) Mike Hayes At -Large First 7/12/10 7/31/13 1408 English Court Second 7/15/13 7/31/16 Wilmington, NC 28411 J41"L 910 - 279 -0906 (C) 910 - 790 -5700 (W) O� Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 3 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (CONT.) Revised: 7/23/2015 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 3 - 3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Randall Siegel Plumbing First 7/23/12 7/31/15 448 Marsh Oaks Drive Contractor Second 7/20/15 7/31/18 Wilmington, NC 28411 910 - 686 -0068 (H) 910- 471 -6766 (C) David Lee Smith At -Large First 7/12/04 7/31/07 905 Saltwood Lane Second 7/23/07 7/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28411 Third 7/12/10 7/31/13 910 - 681 -0394 (H) 910 - 520 -6395 (C) Fourth 7/15/13 7/31/16 Dennis Bordeaux, Inspections Manager File: /Inspections Chris O'Keefe, Director B/C #40 -7.15 New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 910- 798 -7175 Revised: 7/23/2015 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 3 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 t ;, Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION' Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 �rg A+ _ Board /C7weslev e: New) g*,.e e1 �c+�+- rig Gc t'o,•, -S a° / / 1ST{ C��I�� Name: �/ 1.� � E -Mail: Home Address: / q ,� 7 r o r/ � /c rr.s Prr �� (Street) y Zip Code)F —Q Mailing Address if different: 1 qZ L/ 5 4g' ' ``✓� D/ 1�`t �'^� "S �°Y- G �`'l� 61(e) (City) (Zip Code) \ Home Phone: 2�g' �l Fax: Cell: 21 �31:5) Business: /00 Years living m* ' New Hanover County. / � Male: I _ / Female: Race: ls fC� L A � Age: `?z (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by lyew Hanover County? If yes, name _ Employer.. ,/u k-iot e-p L as 5 o de,- pi''cp-J�� 3 Qc'`( A person currently employed by the agency or department to w hich this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County ersonnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Professional Activities: NC /qa t-J�I-` t ` - AC_ _e_ _�.tvtCi rS.So Volunteer Activities: � c Z,o �`� -�/� -� , �D z/ ioct5 Why do you wish to serve on this board-/committee ?�C 4 a1t� tt! — i"` G8 4, Conflict of Interest., If a board member Ifelieves he/she has a conflict or potential 96nflict of interest on a particular issr(e, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private, or mo etary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Qualifications for serving:. l CL Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Dc_.e �oL y�w�f �.— v✓l� n� s ✓ - �t c o - 526 - �S(�E 2. ncr� t • G�+� �.rt1 S'g t�12� �(Li -J - 3. Date: U V �(• 2 ®1 Signature Applications are kept on file for 18 months 1 understand tha any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments NOV 0, 4 2015 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16 -3 -4 NH BOCC BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board /Committee: New Hanover County Inspections Advisory Council — Name: Sean Lewis Home Address: 1107 Sheffield Ct Wilmington 28411 (Street) (City) Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: 910- 262 -5899 Fax: 910- 769 -2606 (City) .444 t E -Mail: slewis @charterbuildinggroup. c ✓^ (Zip Code) (Zip Code) cell: 910-262-5899 Business: 910- 769 -,14940 Years living in New Hanover County. 24 Male: F✓ Female: Race: white Age: 45 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name Mark Lewis Employer: New Hanover County Sheriff's Department A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artlde Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Project Manager for Charter wilding Croup Inc. Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Coach with various youth sports organizations Why do you wish to serve on this board(committee? To help provide information and ideas that benefit the overall inspections process. Cornfiict of interest: Ala board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Consistency of inspections is a concern. Qualms cations for serving: last 24 years. I have been in the building industry in New Hanover County for the Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: none List three local personal references and phone numbers: 11. Sheriff Ed McMahon 910 - 297 -9207 RECEIVED 2. Richard Donaldson 910 - 540 -8133 w ', ,., 3. Robert Armstrong 919- 256 -1233 RN C R n r G Hate: 11 -1 -15 Signature Applications are kept on rile for 18 months I understand tharaffry1ioard or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. P/Paco imp rPVPr_QP airiP fnr additinnal rnmI►� pntc tfoard of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 3 - 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION =t Telephone (910) 798 -7149 !r 1 Z FAX (9 10) 798 -7145 '\fir +rn.sir Board /Committee: Inspections Department Advisory Council (IDAC) - At -Large Position Name: Garry S. Pape E -Mail: gpape@gsp-consulting.com Home Address: 7531 Elkmont Court, Wilmington, NC 28411 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 910- 442 -7870 Fax., Cell: Business: Years living in New Hanover County: 10 Male: ✓ Female: Race: Fite Age: 41 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name No Employer. Self Employed GSP Consulting A person currenfiy employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Civil Engineer Professional Activities: ASCE Volunteer Activities: Miracle Field Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? To continue to help with the communication of the development community Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of hislher respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? T)". ) DA C_ Scry I Pe- tyw,Ay � ��s. -i��m pct:.., �w�;, a.� 4 it D�s la�r+.. -� &r%nA.1 a..X7 AI Ivi �1 �'+- M lm hoe 4:. gYOKA A Deem '1 t.+e A-1 COA1 4.,044 1'., eyOC Ix 7_6014 1 A Ir% � f MOD0.A �v t l t oe Qualifications for serving: Professional Engineer working within New Hanover County for 10 years Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving. None at this time List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Howard Penton - 910 - 452 -1410 r ...� 2. Adam Sosne - 910 - 799 -3006 H H C B O C C 3 Mike Pollak - 713 - 822 -3891 Date: 10/14/2015 Signature I/ Applications are kept on file for 18 months I understand that any board or without cause by a majority of Cc Please use reverse side for additional comnggft of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 3 - 6 t0eF-appointee may be removed Commissioners. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PLUMBING BOARD OF EXAMINERS 2 Vacancies, 3 -year terms expiring 12/1/18 in the following categories: 1 — Master Plumber 1 — Journeyman Plumber APPLICANTS Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. Randall Siegel CATEGORY Journeyman Plumber Master Plumber Attachments: Committee Information Sheet Application Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 4 - 1 ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT 1:1 ,/If NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLUMBING BOARD OF EXAMINERS Number of Members: 3 (2 Master Plumbers and 1 Journeyman Plumber) Ex- Officio: New Hanover County Plumbing Inspector Term of Office: 3 years Qualifications: A journeyman plumber is a person skilled or trained in the installation of a plumbing system in commercial or residential properties; and shall have in his possession a valid license issued by the Board of Plumbing Examiners of New Hanover County, or a valid license from another county in North Carolina. Compensation: None Regular Meetings: Held as necessary in the Inspections and Planning Department Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 14 -4 and an Ordinance requiring Plumbing Installations to be made by Journeyman Plumbers and governing the licensing of Journeyman Plumbers in New Hanover County, dated October 20, 1975, amended May 17, 1976. Brief on Functions: To administer tests and issue license to qualified plumbers. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 4 - 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Ernest Duarte, Master Plumber - Chairman First 1/19/10 12/1/12 4917 Grosse Woods Drive Second 1/22/13 12/1/15 Wilmington, NC 28411 I ` 791 -7071 (H) 367 -8426 (W) p� Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. First 1/22/13 12/1/15 P.O. Box 3194 Wilmington, NC 28406 - 763 -4025 (H) 343 -1234 (W) David K. Woodbury, Master Plumber First 2/21/11 12/1/14 2308 Waverly Drive Second 11/17/2014 12/1/17 Wilmington, NC 28403 763 -6888 (H) 763 -4324 Chris O'Keefe, Director File: /Plumbing New Hanover County Planning & B/C #25 11/15 Inspections Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7206 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 4 - 2 FrUec. 19, 1011 3;16NM 11hWAIER HEATING & AIR 12119/2012 13N0.5408 #2.P_ .1.0011001 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Govavrurwnl CantarDr", suite 175 "'lepho" "') 28'°3 COMMITTEE APPLICATION i FAX�a� 08- i17,ese -71x9 u, ftadTommfte; Plumbing Board of Examiners Master and Journeyman Name: Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. C�MaIF Address: tonic @tidewaterac.com ddr 1144 Princeton Dr. Wilmington NC 28403 Ma111ngANdreu1fdllfemt. PO Box 3194 Wilmington NC 28406 Homephone: 910- 763 -4025 Fait 910 - 343 -9262 /, 910 -619 -3929 910- 343 -1234 Bw/nesa• Years Hwng in h'ew HanoverCounly: 6W 6 Male: X Female: Race: White 66 (M/ama*n br Me purpose of aspuori v a aoas -wsm or" cmmun*y) Age: Do you have a faintly member employed by New Hanover C6urrty'1 if y44 namo No ,Employer. Tidewater Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. A Paxm cumwWly O Ay aN agency a armOrteNnf)br poabon M' M NOW C w1ih�4tiobV�urac.474NewN@R wrC0MWP rsoruu /PG".. fumagn our, appdCNXallouldfwv�nolnra�dldalalJylyfiOmbOr pYi�leh�apsnCyo✓ Ocoapatlonr Mechanical Contractor Professlona /Acti Ns$: Owner /Manager Tidewater Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Board Rem er, ea i r urn Vo/unteerAcdvitiea: ,Examiners . New Hanover Count Why do you wish to serve on this boarwcommMe? Increase the educational and saf ty standards of plumbing contractors c§ftf f of k N W Is board MW* r baNftW bebba Ass a MAW orp0kaw arAldweOR on puHOOlarbisea,• mwpbpr ahOUJd tlYa beWd 10 the otter kW& ftt a of bi Ws raspeoMn bond kp + W �D the * m*M aboard abfe �hO natwa aI r,a oogea� arerene d►at ii.M,a im a eaprsk Alb, or roo►lefery iAfMSf mbar obeot ar Mialleo4 k+ eAa bnrw undw ca rafiar. 7ttO IeM11Wer ahadd tlian MM* M=AW ra ftffi wag on pia snow what araas of concern weu/d you llko M ate eddrssaed by 8ds conwn/tt+ee9 Health, saf ty, and welfare for residents of New Hanover County Quathualions kwaervMg;Have been a mechanical contractor in New Hanover County for 40 years, NC Licefiiei nolaer FVU7r7!um01?Tq' 1188tilly 21 a III, Othermunk4pal or countyboards/co Bets on MdN�h v)u tv one: New Hanover County Journeyman Board Heating, Cooling MGM Piping em er US( three local personal refeme" and phone numbers: 7. Dr. Jim Overton, 910 -350 -0357 2 Mx. Frank Reynolds, 910- 763 -1519 3. Mr. Joseph Pace, 910 - 762 -9060 Mr. Greg Stier, 910 - 791 -8095 Date: December 19, 2012 S/gnature ' C AplWcstran +.Me kept on Istls for 1a +nonths / undat�etand that any board or eauai O appoinfN may s�illm r cause by a majodty. ofCouwy commissionara./ Please use nevenre sldk for addltlottal coannrents Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 4 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board /Committee: Plumbing board of examiners — Was, -r-r ?' Name: Randall Siegel ^*�raarrvIK ..t' C E -Mail: rs @spi- nc.com - — Home Address: 448 Marsh Oaks Dr Wilmington NC 28411 (Street) y (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 910- 686 -0068 Fax. 910- 686 -1377 Cell: 910-471-6766 Business: Years living in New Hanover County 20 Male: ✓ Female: Race: Caucasion Age: 49 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name No Employer: Signature Plumbing Inc A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Plumbing Contractor Professional Activities: WHBA, PHCC, WCA Volunteer Activities: Coaching, WARM projects., Habitat Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? Help my community. Conflict of Interest H a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Help facilitate better skilled and educated workforce. Qualifications forserving: Business owner for 15+ years Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: NHCIDAC List three local personal references and phone numbers: �. Eric Weeks 910.343.1510 NO `!! %} 2. Zach Richards 910.547.8353 N H C B 0 C C 3. Trace Adams 910.443.8753 Date: 11 /04/2015 Signature Applications are kept on file for 18 months 1 understand th any board r c without caus by a majori o out Please use reverse side for additional comme®�rd of Commissioners -November 1 , 2015 ITEM: 16- 4 - 4 teelj p htee may be removed Commissioners. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT VACANCY: 1 as follows: 1 Regular Member Term of Office: 3 Years (12/1/18) APPLICATIONS Raymond E. Bray Kristin K. Freeman Kenneth W. "Nick" Newton Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 5 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Number of Members: 5 plus 3 alternates Ex- Officio: Planning Director Term of Office: 3 years Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in the Lucie F. Harrell Conference Room at the Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC. Compensation: $20.00 per member per meeting plus auto mileage Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 153 -A -345, 266.17. The Commissioners increased to 3 alternates 11/21/94 (officially 4/1/96). The Zoning Ordinance requires members to be appointed from different areas within the County's zoning jurisdiction. Brief on Functions: In New Hanover County, the duties of the Board fall into two general categories: Interpretation and Granting Variances. Interpretation: The function of the Board of Adjustment which is most closely similar to that of the courts is interpretation of the Ordinance. This function involves (a) interpreting the meaning of parts of the Ordinance which are unclear, (b) applying the Ordinance to particular fact situations, and, if necessary, (c) correcting any mistakes or abuses of discretion which the zoning official may have made in administering the Ordinance. In exercising this power, the basic principle for the Board to keep in mind is that it must not vary the Ordinance. Its function here is to interpret and apply what the governing body has written, not to vary that legislative pronouncement to fit its own ideas. Its decisions must be in accord with what the Board believes to be the actual meaning and intent of the Ordinance. Granting of Variances: General Statute 153A- 345(d) provides that, "when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships would result from carrying out the strict letter of a zoning ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may, in passing upon appeals, vary or modify any regulation or provision of the Ordinance relating to the use of land, so that the spirit of the Ordinance is observed, public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done." Basically, a variance is a permit, which the Board may grant in certain situations, enabling a property owner to make use of his property in some way which is in conflict with the literal provisions of the Ordinance. Sometimes a lot so small or so peculiarly shaped that the owner would have great difficulty in complying with the yard requirements and yet erecting a suitable building. Sometimes contours of the terrain are such as to create hardships in complying with these requirements. Sometimes the lot is located in a cluster of nonconforming uses which will prevent the owner from securing any reasonable return from his land if he complies with the Ordinance (as where a lot in a residential district is surrounded by nonconforming business structures). When the Board grants exemptions from harsh provisions, it is "granting a variance." The above has been largely excerpted from the Zoning Board of Adjustment in North Carolina by Michael B. Brough and Philip P. Green, Jr. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 5 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PAGE 2 Revised: 2/6/15 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 5 - 3 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Andrew T. Barnhill First 11/17/14 12/1/17 337 Stradleigh Road Wilmington, NC 28403 620 -7622 (H) Peter M. DeVita First 11/15/10 12/1/13 7108 Key Point Drive Second 12/9/13 12/1/16 Wilmington, NC 28405 262 -2113 (W) Justin Michael Lewis, Chairman First 11/16/09 12/1/12 3702 Providence Court Second 11/13/12 12/1/15 Wilmington, NC 28412 n 919 - 414 -8410 (H) 794 -4880 (W) Chad McEwen First 1 /2 /11 12/1/14 226 Shore Point Drive Second 11/17/14 12/1/17 Wilmington, NC 28411 604 -2100 (C) Joe Miller, Vice - Chairman First 12/9/13 1211/16 6715 Creek Ridge Road Wilmington, NC 28409 833 -8485 (W) ALTERNATES: Henry A. Adams Unexpired 3/24/14 12/1/16 8725 Fazio Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 686- 5941(H) 350- 1200(W) 520 -1434 (C) H. Brian Prevatte First 12/9/13 12/1/16 321 Island Creek Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 686 -4917 (H) 399 -6839 (W) 520 -4482 (C) Colin J. Tarrant First 11/21/11 12/1/14 7842 Olde Pond Road Second 11/17/14 12/1/17 Wilmington, NC 28411 910 - 815 -7100 (W) Staff Support: Ben Andrea, Exec. Secretary 2/15 Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor File: /Zoning NHC Planning and Inspections Department B/C #33 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 798 -7571 Revised: 2/6/15 Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 5 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY R,- RD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Name: k Home t Address: 21. ;;;;;;;; 1., ti iI Mailing Address if different. (C8y) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 1041K-4102, Fax: Q 10--a- J -Qy40 Cell: 9 1 0- l'4j- Business.4& t?'l Years living in ,, /� New Hanover County: flit/ Male: X"' Female: Race: Ouvoi Age: 4(f (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross- section of the community) Do you have aifaMlly member employed by New Hanover County? if yes, name t Employer. �, y`LX�SIL"I.) A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no Immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Professional Volunteer Ac Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? O\A 6Aak t tom. t AtGtt�t Conflict of interest If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the othe f members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, ore, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? -11 1 1 Qualifications for serving: ' /U(p��YVtYYiIU N �i'► ',A f�1�,/CWt DY.B.�I7- Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. 2. 0 Date: /a, / A'V 1 c...". Applications are kept on file for 18 months 1Q/ RECE (Ii_. ! y, �t .,�7 Signature I understand that any board or committee ap-poin4e may without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 5 - 4 BOCC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board /Committee: /V Zanm q gaard 3y C d. ju sfi�?er�s Name: Krfsllg E -Mail: Kfreeman 71jAV j- /na11ep0 Home �Q l�,lrl��a,�� C�. G✓��irrr�u� �I/� 7A�� Address: Mailing Address if different. n (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 554- 6l d 7 7 Fax: Cell: 5-01-6077_ Business: Years living in 3R New Hanover County- Male: Female: Race: W Age: -I !In rmat!an for the purpose of ass!!ring e crc-s- section of the commun#X1 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name 40 Employer. _ A person currently accordance with A department. Occupation: Professional Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this board(committee? Gt/Y( l%?T�I � /%� / //� ��%�l /�2 r ore m aAr Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on Yparticular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he /she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? 120 1 Ad � 3 i eGlL GOl2CCr'n S `i!Dlr1GV 4, l ao Wyk � oo lhyr�w iii 7`ht ��tu' fy / / as Qualifications for serving: i ( �S k (ill e . -- -1- - l- - -- -1 h. ,.. .... -'r' i _ l -/ - _ / - - i /` / . .. - -- Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Cheri 13 1Ilmgsleek, FA &0262 - 11/�V1 RECEIVED 3. Eric, rt,Ctn ar- 102 51a - 1730 N L U U L L Date: /Lq �l �t'S Signature L4 �& -" yuw� Applications are kept on file for 18 months I understand that any board or committee ppointee may be removed Bo rd of C0mmi.'4f8Rgfsoa,ff8 "pjfgity6gounty Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional commends ITEM: 16- 5 - 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798 -7149 FAX (910) 798 -7145 Board/C, Name: Home Address � F 3 Mailing Address if different: 11339l'K (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: Fax. V -3Stl Cell: / Business: Years living in r New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: Age:�� (In ation for the purpose of assuring a cross - section of the community) /�� ,' //JJ�� Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name L X �A Employer. All-A A person currently emploedki the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Professional Activities: Activities: Yid , rL e- _ _ y,G{ a_.Ct 1,(,( 4 you wisp to serve on Conflict of Interest., If aboard rgWber believes heishe halfconflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, IV member should state this belief to the6bther members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing tat he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herseH from vorg on the matter. What areas of concem would you like to see addressed by this committee? /%Qi�� Qualifications for serving: Other municipal or county boards /committees on which you are serving: List thr local personal ref ences and phone numbers: d - �/ - ell# Q 10 2. r j 3. &VW Jr Date: L� ; " tl Signatut gatan � Applications are kept on file for 18 months I understa►►►►►►iiid t oard or committee appointee maybe remove, without cause by a majority of County Commissio � Please use reverse side for additional comments I Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 NBC g d C C Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 16- 5 - 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 16, 2015 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Commissioner White CONTACT(S): Commissioner White SUBJECT: Discussion of Conference Expenses and an Allocated Budget for Each Board Member BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioner White requested that an item be placed on a November agenda to conduct a Board level discussion of conference expenses and the option of setting an allocation per Board member for attending said conferences. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct discussion. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Conduct discussion. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Conducted discussion. Board of Commissioners - November 16, 2015 ITEM: 17