NOVEMBER 20 2015 BUILDING APPSNEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TYPE: COIyIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIJER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ?ntf -10383 L5-2984 APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT' S NAIIE: Susan sullrvan Eqan Realty services-Agent for Verizon DEVELOPER: er--on ,{ re-es.; pROIECT ADDRESS: j3Ja i\,rishLsr.itte -A..,e OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Ir.rn, :r . rrc\. LL1 ollNER'S ADDRESS: 3:3.r viriqhcsvi-te A.re CITY: t^li tmi nglon NC PHONE #: rcq :to 861! CONTRACTOR:,e'- -,co::. CITY: wi tmr ngrcn PHONE f: N A ST: )i:r ZIP::r,t: ST: Fx ZIP: t:r,,!: PHONE #: E: r- l8 i,- r ?:: LICENSE #: r, l CITY: thono t o s;r,, s a {\)\)-2--;..-{ '+ \ PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: re.rr l,e ,r,;ril G:il t.rl PHONE #: (Che.k All Ihat Apply) XIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATIONRENOVATIONGENERAL REPAIRSRELOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas Line on the Current Site? rYes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED? EMAIL ADDRESS: NEW CONSTRUCTION: tr ERECT NEI,,/ STRUCTUREFAST TRACKSHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: [ves [No UP FITADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE 3 t k)+ ej2t If UPFIT - The Shell Permi.t #: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOT,IAL: ***** rs rHrs A 6HANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? EYES flrc ***** Is Elect Power on this Building Ives ENo l,,lhat is the New occupancy Type? PH:NC RE6 #: PH: 710-82!,-0744 NC REG #: F 0102 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Addrnq and/or repfacinq antennas,No change to heiqht or existinq qround space Q ls tood o, bererages prepared or served in this structure? [ v". [lr.ro ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? [ ves r No DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy that all information in lhis application is correct and all work willcomdy with lhe and loca I laws and ord in a nces a nd reo ulations The N H C Develooment Services Center will be nolified of a nv or chanqe rn conkactor or contraclo. i-nformalron "'NO fE. Any Work Performed w/O the Appropnale Permrls Subleclio Fines Up To $500.00"' will b"e in n the app Eldq code and State Building Code and a olher app cab e Slate and Vio ation OWNERYCONTRACTOR:'Ti-ili- SIGNATURE: (OU3lfiier) Note: Demolilion notjficslions & asbestos removal p€mh applications ar6 to be submitted using the application form (-3768) whether the facility or buildino was found to contain Asb$tos or not. You are rcquired to call the Nauonal Emlssion Standerds for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) 6l (919)707-5950 at least 10 days p.ior to the demolidon of any facility or buildino. See Asb€5to6 Web Sit6: htts:/Avww.epi.state.nc.us/api/asb€slo6/ahmp-hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: :5,]..,]T BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? E YES I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:-SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT PROPERTY USE: lOrrtCe ! nesrnunaur MERCANILE leouC !ner !CONDO OTHER: retecon ro!.re r WATER: NCFPUA SEWER: f-l CFPUA *'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECI], PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD: ficesH ficnecr leeveelE ro NHc) flruentcrtl EXPRESS I tucnrtsa fl otscoven # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: T-ICOMMUNITY SYSTEM I-IWELL f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION fi cer.rrnru- seerc E p-RrvATE sEprrc E coMMUNtry sYSTEM ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- Ciry:- DATE:-FLOOD:- BFE+2ft=- AVN REVISEO DATE 4/11/12 Comment PERMIT FEE:lm DArE : _l!l!_Il:!:l_ ZIP i 2s4r a ADORESS: 933r E. Eow]er Ave ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOT,IAL: ]iin,ev Horn ffi ffi NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE: COIiIIiIERCIAL pLEASE ANSIIER ALL QUESIIOI'IS APPLICABLE I0 YOUR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility" EGAN REALTY SERVICES AGENT EOR VERIZON WIRELESS 7r-ll-- (Oe,ZG APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'S T,IATE : DEVE LOPER:PHONE tr: ZIP i 2a403PROIECT AIDRESS: i14 BURKE AVE CITY: WILMINGToN NC PROPERTY OI'INER,S t,IAfiIE: AI'{ERICAN TowER CORP ( TO!{ER OWNERi OtrlNER'5 ADDRESS: 3s00 REGENCY pARKwAy srE.ro0CITY: CARY LICENSE f: ;rto: EIi!AIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: SUSAN SULLIVAN (Che(t A11 lhat apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: PHONE *: sts-74s-6927 5T: Nc ZIP: 27s18 PHONE *: at7-9a6-4922 PHONE *: s7o-26G-s893 l-..:+:s RENOVATIONGENERAL REPAIRS lf Relocation, rs there a Natural Current Site'?Yes nNo IS BLDG SPRINKLERED? flves No D NEIJ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTUREFAST TRACKSHELL UP FIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATION Gas Line on the Ss-.iS If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *: I**** IS TIiIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? tr YESI IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOT,IAL: ENGR OESIGT{ PROFESSIOiAL: TowER ENGINEER]NG PROFESS]ONALS rs Elect Power on this Building E Yes E tO tlhat is the ileti Occupancy Type? PH:NC RFG * c-1?94PH: 919-551-5351 NC REG #: \)DESCRIPTION OF WORK; ADDINGREPLACING ANTENNAS RRUS l TO 2 HYBRID FIBER L]NES1TO 2 RAYCAPS lJo (,rvnre-tCtl.)eaSADrr '\** DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenity thal all rnformaton rn lhis apptcation is correct and all wo[k will comdy with the Sta and local laws and ordrnances and rmulations. The NHC Develooment Services Center will be notified ol anv cha or chanqe rn conlractor or contracior inilrmation. "'NOTE Any Work Performed w/O the Approprrate Permils wtll Sub|ectlo F'nes Up To $500.00"' oWNER/CoNTRACTOR: T a< 4,> t t i c!. -t(orJ.lits. ,P'rm u.tn' I or berrsages prep€rsd oa s€rired in this srudure?Yes ENo ls The Propefty Loc8ted ln TheYesNo te Building Code and all other applicable State nges in the app State B lds ificalions Code and ns and s Z Nole: Demollton mtlfrcatbrls & asbBtos rqnovel p€mlt appllcetons Ers lo be submltisd uslm th€ sppllcalbn form (DHHS-3768) whether lh6 faclllty or bulldtp wss bund !o cont dr Asb€sb3 or mt You aro GqulrEd to call lhe l.l6tbml Emtsslon Slandards lor tia2artbu! Ar PollubnB (NESHAP) ar (919)707€950 El legl 10 dsys Flor b tl€ 6molhlon of eny ibdllty or buildlm. S€€ AsDesb6 Wob SltE: ntb rlrwlr. epr.stale. nc us/epi/ssbeslos/3 hm p. htrnl SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: $25,OOO.OO BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS . SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS - TOTAL AREA SQ FTSQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF# OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBEDIExsr LAND Drsrunarruc eenurrr [ves fl uo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREASO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: DOFFTCE EReSrnunaHr MERCANTILEEDUCAPT@NDO OTHER: cELL rowER # OF STORIES; # OF FLOORS: TICoMMUNTTY SYSTEM TIWELL fIZONTNG USE C|-ASSTFTCATION f:] CENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC D COMMUNITY SYSTEM SQ FI WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA PAYMENT METHOO: ICASH ICXECX lerVmLE TO NHC) [nUenrCAr eXeneSS ImOVtSe I O|SCOWn (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL'REMSED OATE /V11/12 ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:LH: RH: B: AoDroval: Citv: DATE: FLOOD: BFE+2fr Comment DATE: 10l13/15 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS iIAItE : CoNTRACTOR: BETACoM rNC. /ADDRESS: 9331 E.FoWLER AVE CITY: THoNorosAssA 5T: FL ZIP: 33592 n tr RELOCATION J=*u,, *=' s--f !!- RECEIVED NO\, O9 20fi RECEIVED OCTOs 2015 is*-atr;r APPLICATTOiI tlta6€r (oFflcc llst) DAIE: io. .9 is-' {t8".\ ?!L{4.o t t,ztPt2.?+9 I *$ Q3 , ,*. :, i. ., ST: ZIP: Sf: _ zIP: fi PHol'fE tr i',.!tt a,4') t PRO] ECT CO{IACT PEiSOII: EXrSrnl6 Co{srnucrro ; ( ONIT A TE ,a. t AL ('' 1 E*r*roaron M *W/,tA 6EI'IERAL REPAIR5RETOCATION r{Er{ co sTRucrroi{: f] enecr llE}l REsrDEltcE IO EXISTING RESID€TJCE ..PLEAsE CHECI( A'{D AiSrlR EEI(Id ALL 'I{AT APPLY IO YOUR PRO]ECI: flnrr ermee - sF ! orr orarer sr E porcr - sF ! surnoom - sF ! eooL - sr f] s:onaee sHED - sF ! cnerNrclrst -- sr I orcr - sr orHER:SF TOTAT PROIECT COST1T* r.o,r : $ Aj!)-s OF STORIES: l-- Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUltBrlG or llECllArlICAL dork Eeing oon€ to the Accesgory St.u(tu.e?e5 f] xo If the project 15 a ielocation, ls there Is there €Iectrical Porer on this 8ui1di PRoPERTY USE / occUPrrNCY: F,II"IGLE FA'IILY tr OUP LEX I rolHirouse E a Natural Gas Line on the Current Slte? ngr(ves ENo fl v"'NO DESCRIPTIO{ OF h9ft(r 5 p e N,If Acvli.> E!leS-I'. IS THE PROPENW LOCATED IiI A FL@DPLAIX? EXISTII{G IIiPERVIOTS lnEA: _SQ FT El IfiPERVIq,TS AREA: _SQ FT firo TOTAL ACEES DISTUNBED: Exlsr LAID DIsruRBr c ps*irr: n ves f] no .ohdyrln tE St t Ba,ldhg C.Ja r{ 6t oh.r.ppticsbb Sast id b.d i6rrs , clur0c. rn t!. .pprcEd pL.!.1d .p6ir..bB or dsroe n c@trElr.6 VoLrroi ofth. NC S'rE gklq Cod. dd Sob,.cr Ir Fn.! LD lo ts00 o0r" SIO{ATURE: t+1r 1i t+ rr ** rr + *r1 o|ft 6.lr: /r2 YES r{ArER: f] crrun I cq{tur'rrry svsrrn I lnmrr trr-r- fl cEtrial t,tEu, SEIER: ff creua I cE TFAL 9Ep:rc I m:vlrr selrrc I c$.+{JNrry sys]'Er4 ... SEPANATE P€R,'IIIS RTQU]RED FOR ETECT, i:TCH, PLE6, 6A5 EqJIP, PRIIiABS S INSERTS T:' pay;Eirr iErxlo: E asx flc}r:o< (p YABLE to nrc1 [ ^,rerrOn arnrss E ,a/-ro ! Orscor.* 'r +. *+rtr**l*f tr*ra aar * r.1+*ll r. t tt. * *i * r..... * i*r * t* {fl-l-orrrcra, 277-:,. (FoR orit(! rrlr orly) " nl1,rs€D:\&\{-L- sErBAcKs: r';[r-x, -.lFo' tr'*ZONE Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE: I r -rl-t 5 FLmD: _ - * srr*:tt= *-*11 w"rv p{^ tonmKJ-tk-k?.L/b/- loff-tnt Oo APPLICAMI'5 tlArlE:}1 n', i f> NEW HAM)VER COUI.ITY BUILDING PERT'|IT APPLICA'tto,l rYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE A',Is'IER ALL q'E5IIOI6 A'P!.ICASLE TO YOUS PROJ'CI 'Project ics Pons j.b i 1ity" 6 Krr.{i,{Ar 6 r-l . $DEVELOPEII PRoIECT ADORESST PHOTE CITY: SWDMSI0I: BLOC( f : _ LOT ti -- PROPERTY CTIjIIER'S I&'tE:sr_ J4 ;t_ C OttJERr S ADDREsS ! - CITY: B>_ ADORESS; E}IAIL ADORESS: LICENSE f: TorAL HEATED sQ rr: ) l:lJ ToraL 5Q FT ut{DER noor: Zt 3 -l Toral AREA tQ FT: - C}l {ER/COIITRACT0n: l Nqnr#*Wsru, F,:i , .."* lal{-uLlP l-V tu4.Y:Yb' :.Y 'b J .Hfr* I flr - at r-- ' s.$.crn' 3.3,r.1OIr ,E$fi tm.t i i!r h'-,i' -. { -rE 'l!al, t rstlt[:'r. Lltrbt I JJ:glrlrol' Ett, r aur mrr d I^+r a*ll!fl *!n!ft trlErr l.,f', l,,,lrt',iiir,.H -}rst, r .r.rxiifmralms{lft,t a* !"l *r c{ittrti lttd' |llr t -Er tI , xorrrF t',-.,ErE , frt 3t rmr !&ilmn*:n o*oei *60dr' t{l{d * lrt *rsatra{ trr r? rmrrx xrtr r /S*,.r. ',,.f!t t{ t{ft a8 aiiijlr ll i* ri r tEr rrq} t! ,!rf!a ,t6}ta' f!*r sa*r rgft f{ rr iEl E:.t'r-, rot4 rlt|lt ,t Fl &{rt tffi? *rr,,,*,* ; r ijJji r oi rf!{t*t: _i, tr rt irEffEt- rq:fl ] ff -!(.t ,r.lr tr.f lErr rr ln a.rl!!ir! Ir-.rt,r! ff ttl t.l,lat It r lrL6..t ro,.. tr llilt r iiatb.Gl O.r L!.r lrr [ir Errrr..t tr rIa.r fl5rlrltr1 |nri .r' trr;. r.1;11.gr[$ n11 [-u v D rrc.Em-p E r- Q o*r - rr fi{r 'Ef* E-rrqr'Eq* Ef r mii.l i..irr.ierll.rai- r k ari4r +ir{r..}aa -6 -ra.li* lr tri i*ri!i. r, r d I .r{, ri!&+r tb,. B. b {!gtlll rrilryltrt* qtn, *i*.* tl ,' xr ]frlrl * ii*r **.-.. .*-. fil .f ar,r.al? xftE Er-r. , Eqc r.tmr., *xr It.tt,.i tltrrtl a Enrtr.r ... a r..ra,i rri..r,a{*HfilrErr: }t r-r*-. -'Gii qH ift* brarrq, rt-arax>r*irlltfg_-d--.-r.{r,3. !-{!{F t-r*i.!+ i rr-Jq{a.at,r} .r i? :,1. , t! ni Fn !E*t r rr r rractrcr ffi ru fs* ?rL rctt, clslmtrrrr r- HrrrE r=:-3 rt ! r rA:lla i, lrtta ..: {tlttif' },,11tx rll.'"1r. rr, m: ! oan f] <*;t rr 5p"r: Q rnrm gr!t: E srr+rir?r t'*.,-r !{U*&}: }IrrP.-.: -- -i.!r -"-__-^ ,,.'t,. tltl{ HrilOY[i {HrtTy fi.tIl&jt!$& p€ftt{IT .rGt(.':dt nl,!, r[ tlDaltllr .,!.lL ei..t & lAr rr, t,i"t{ra, t3 !*a r-a{r "'rj!rt arrtrltt Urta I . - *-".-_t r -.:ll I/ffiE*. Fraa r.rt qe* ,/-r?'\\,W NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLT$TION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICAELE TO }CUR PRO]ECT *proj ect Responslbilit)d APPLICANT,5 *., i-*.LS l)o t-,+.JD DEVELOPER:\^J ..1Ev- PRO]ECT ADDRESS:cIw: SUEDIVISION: BLOCK *: _ LOT *:G -lo PROPERTY OifiER'5 MME:cr r{aJA ^D f,^"4 €9 PKlrilE #r 52-o - o36b OT{NER'S ADDRE5S:CITYI sI: ryszlp: Ztryof COI'ITRACTOR : \t-Il r.-> N€tz- APPLICAIION Nl[b€n (OFfice Use) DATr: li brrI PllOllE #: S ZTP: Z 6t ADDRESS : LICENE *: CITY. LJr ACCOUT.JT *:Nt ,\...^ l.+! J sr:a(EF[lqof EIiTIAIL ADDRESS I PHONE *: PHONE *rPRO]ECT COI,ITACT PERSON:t'U or r+) D DGSTTT{G coNsrRucrroN: I aLrenarroru [ aeuovarrou I eeueaai- REpArps E RELOCATToN NEN COIETRUCTIq{. f] tNrCr NEhI RESIDEIEE Or &DDITISJ TO DGSTIIIG RESIDENCE *TPLEASE CHBCI( AI{D A}Js}IER BELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I err onnece _ sF ! sulrnocn _sF! ene euo:se _ sr ! orr ernnoe _ sF I eoor- _ sr I orcr _ sr OTHER:5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 3z-a TOTAL Sq FT UNDER nOOr, 32'6 TOTAL AREA SQ rr: 3 ? 3 TOTAL PROIECT CoST1LessLos t $ z5poo # oF SToKIES: _L_ rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, pu.,ttBrN6 or fiEcHANrcrrL wonk Being Done to the Accessory structure) [l vua I t'to rf the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturaL Gas Line on the cur,nent sitel flves fifruoIs thene Electnical Powen on this Building? ffiV"r l-lruo PRoPERW usE / occrrpAitcy, (rr*r,FAI,IILY TI JPLEX B{l[Zoo^n I rowu.,ouse DESCRIPTION OF WORK:ADD b"J s P ,,t<€ DISCIAIMER lh€reby certry bda[ hbrrnadon in hiE app[cadorl b co{rBct€hd ally,orkvdu and odinancesand rogLJlatons.Tho NHC De\€topm6n! S€rvic€s Cenbrwillbe notfed ofan oontBcl} in 6rm€don, '-NOTET A.y Work perfcrm€d w/O he Applopriar perniG wi b6 in co.nply wih tr€, Sble Euildhg Code aod a ohor apptbabt€ SEb and to{al hw6 y changee in he app o wd ptan6 and 6p€cifc€tons or changa in conteor or Vrolalion of he N C Siara Bdg Old€ and Subj€c! o Fin€s Up To 9500,00.'. oHNER/coNTRAcron : fa*<L9 A)-ot D 5IGMTURE, ***+**+ +:i + **:r+ ***** *** **** *({!TlJil? + + + ++** ++ + + +* + *:r* ++*+ ***** I5 THE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FTOODPLAII,I} rl YEs BLrc EXTSTING Ii{PERWoI}s AREA: I b Oo SQ FT SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: _ EGST LArO DrsruRBrNG pERr'trr-: E] yEs r-1 NoNE[^J lirPERwous AREA: Z7 t appnovar: 0 [ . city: \.O\t-f( oare : MrER:EfcFpuA ncor+ruruw sysrEM npruivArE htELL f]ceuranl ureu sEr{ER: F< cFpuA I cerurRal sEpTrc I pRrvATE sEpTrc I co,luutrw svsral +4t SEILEATE pE&l€Ts REqUIREO FO& ELECT, I{ECH, pLEGr CAS EErp, TREFAES & TNSERTS 8r"} PAYHENT ETnoD ! Ecsa E.*ecr ('A,ABLE ro n,...1 [ rr'.i *.** - [ r,rcZwsa I orxoree*;t*:t*** ****** i.:i***,t :i*:t:i+***t*+:t*rt ir*+***ii:*+:t:*:t *** *t** **** f** i*** **:!* *+** +*+ t:t:t* *:t,r* **** ** ** *+** +++ *:t++ +**+:f!.+*** RSVISED OATE o4/ttl12,*,, R-,C 6FFICER:'' IY&,-rr N/R ----7---,*, TiaLL ,15' (FOA OFEICE USE OntY) SEIBACKS: FLooD: RH BFE+2ft= {**Jr*. ,rr,$u 5nAL Lit^0 +,5rJmff\lr tku&'14r1e t',^M t 1cta,:d\ft'e1+ L' cofircnt Yau$ffi#(oo{ ar\iacon+ tuwiwrcl cil lnpection Requ " tY\rsl Grnpr"t *l a5' reo,910'254'090(, $'f rE7 \r'stt3 elts:fi1ao n pon+r - sF I sroRaee sHED _ sF ; ott'l r'qi,a #,'O 4S NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPJ an rctt rYP€ : RESIDENTIAL PL!A5t ANStti ar! slt5lrol{' aPPLr'aEtt ro Youi Piol'(I "ProJect ResPonslbtltty" CITYi BLOC( ! PHOi'IE 15-3118 APPLICATIO{ tlui|ber (of{tc. u3.) DATE: ZIP i a LOT {: HornssAPPLICANT'S IIAIi'IE: DIVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRE sugDIvrS r ot,l : PROPERTY Ot4lNEtrS NnE:€L &Nf,N'S ADDRE5S: SEHER:CFPUA ! cexrul srerrc PHO E II r,lelt!?-J$s sr r L)L zrPZ9l!-l CONTRACTOR: LICENSE *: CITY:\r, PHONE {:qlo r{s z'-1 l'7 \ADDRESS: EI'IAIL ADDBESS:prnrr *,?leAlZllls PRoJECI Co IACT PERSoN I EXISTING CoI{ST8UCIION: D ALTERATION I ntmvlriotr f] otlrnar nrelns f] RELocaTloN i! rorl slt conslv witn he s!'E a,iEt'! cod'!.d 3l olll!. 4DlctbL stor' tnd loctl l6i'3 Dl8CLAl$ER I netcby Etritlln ai nrt mrlbn h tlls i8pllcalon snd ololnalces md regulrlioflg Tho NHc Dtu.logrcnl Se k.l CanLr chBt!6s h lle aPP.olrd Planc and or.irros i. .onlr&bI ol rontrclr inEm.6r. I'XOrE A.y wo.r t'erlotnEd WO Ul€ Approprlai'Pcmr6 ri( b. l. vohbn ol lt. NC 6tb Fh!! Up To ,600.00"' ol,tt'lER/CONTRACTOR :Hwux SIGNATURE: r!t a* aaJ}*****t*t,t1a * t'rt I. .. 'q!Il,liT,l . " '* ' r.*'it'i* " 'ir *'r ' r'r*' ti*'1*" r 1i* "*'i*""' " jr* NEW COI{sTnucrroN, s r*ta, tlEt'l [E rDEttcG or I tDortton ro ExlsTrib lEsroEt'lcE H ffi *rffi ::- ^"#J:'ii;:: ;#'l; s::x.#:_ " I etreurotst -- sr fr o"* _..- tt ortlER: sF rorAl HEATED ,q ,r, L!IJ- rorAl sQ Fr l'tlDER xooFt tpfoj'l rorAl AREA 5Q Frr _- rorAL pRolEcr cosr {r.":ru) , * fu.po f oF srouEs: 2- ....-- rd,^ Is Any ELECTUCAL, Plultgttlc or ItECM!'ltCll l'lork Seing Oone to the accaesorv StructuFel L-l Yes l.J5' o If the project i5 a Relocation, 15 thcne a Naturai Ggtine on the (urrent sttel Evis $rio rs tnere electrical Poxer on thi5 Butlding? l--lves Lp tto pRopERry usE , **r*.r, fr,IliGLE tMrLY f] ruertx f] rmnnc*rsr DEscRrprror oF Horli 5fR - Nu, cMsvu ct\u\ CITY: ctNTSAI t't tt f] enrvrrr seruc I cot'$tlrrv svsreu Pt86, 6A5 rq.ilP, pRltaBs & I [ rc/vrsr ACCdNI } sTl' t\rl.\Llt l&zrp: z!,.t5 t YEs Q r,n ror(l ncnrs DrsrungrD:.11 EXIs't LAiID DISTURTI G PtRtiITr f] fr r5 THE PiOPERTY LOCAITD IN A FLOODPLATN? ExIsTItlG IttPtRYIdJs AREAI SQ FT rilEr,c $ipERvtdrs AREA: llzga- sQ Fr d fi I,IATER:CFPUA D co{.ruNrTY svsru f] PRTvATE t.ttll YES NO irs[RTs "' f] o:scovtn B ** 'l rt*t a** ar tt navlstD o rt 6al11/1' PAY6Ei{T IETHOO: ..1 SIPARAIT PTRX fl cnsx r ls N cHccx ( RTQ{'IRID to8 tal, t{t(ul PAYABTE ro la<1 [ srlr lccolltr r*,t*a** *a+rrttt l,t.l *** *t tl ***l. tr*,r tl I *a t.***i++*'r4'* r** +ri**** (loi orft(t u* oitY) ZONE:OFFlCES: Approval:-- clty:.- DArt:--- FLooD: .- SETBAC(S: F:- LH: RH:.---- Bl- 8FE + 2ft= ,r Cofinert: - P€RI'l1T ETF: ' tDls- roqe3 - 'Ls-322L ffi) NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT ^PPLITATION IY"EI NESIDENTIAL PL:AsE rr(stri Arr QIJISTIO{S t9plrrr3l€ T0 YoLR mOIE(T 'Projrct ResPonsibility' APPIICAfi(n R .b3n (oftlca ul.) APPLICA I'S iU$IE: DEVELO}ERI . 9TO]ECI ADORESS: SUBDIVISIO: PROPERTY OIiI'ICR'S MTEi G.d ER,S ADORCSS:B?r,v q CITY fvl I c0 rnAclon:l:, AOIRESS:CTTY: EfiAIL ADDRGSST |..OSi,c.,lln4P onU--iU{tn6c,:rP, ('TY: tJilrrainrztscr zrP! aJglDt'ir+ .l{ 3 iiicxliE r.or *' rxore r; !Ellg)39 sr : F:L(2IP rJSt lo.a accowl t: &i I sr:Ngzrt3A8l.{Ol pfiq{E *:-l$5,-tr?(S p+o{E tr 5ar.LqiB1 []-ourr-']t>.- sr I--l sronmr suro sF .DATE: pHo E l: PBOJECI CO{7A€I PERSOJ: EXI5TIiI6 CONSTRUCIIC I:A L'I E RA]ION fl nrmvrrron flce ntnal nermns f] RELocarroN{ tiEU co STRUCTIOI:ERECT NEtll RES rDEnct or ! ADorrron To Exlstrllc RESTDEN(€ ..PLEASE CIIECX AiD I'I$ER BELO{ ELL ?IIAI APDLY 'O Y(}'i PiO]E<t: fiarr oeuee - sF I sunrom - sF flenernxotsr sF rorAl HEATED sQ FTr -l3F-13- ! orr oamce - st l-''l pmr- sF E orcx ."-............"."- sr orHER:SF TOTAL PBolECr cosr(r&r.o$ : $ JrlQnS3 r OF STORIES; -a-5- rs Any ELECIiICAL, Pufi 6 on itldi$rlcAl [orl Bstrng Done to the ottt'*"rliu*u""' Q "t" @ --If the pro5ect 1s a Relocation, ls there a tlatunal 6as tinq on the Cument Sfte) QVes [*d- rs th6re tiLctrlcal Poven on this Eutrdins? Otrve= G{r6' TorAL sQ Fr tNoER noorr tr-{18 TorAL AREA sQ Frt (*3S- propERrY usE / ocrrparicY: f!*-ruelr ralrlv I otrlex Toiir$lousE DEgCRIFIIO OF HOR(; o|6cLA[rER r nd.by aird, h.r .I hbmrion h oC 690ac!tona coltec! rul .I worl rr, comely ,ria na &a{a &/lCR 6oe rd I ott r .CrltibE BLb nld bc.l hra lnd ordiarraa i1d Gl&5ton9. Thr NHc o.lr.logmnlt*rfa"s Caolfi w|t bo llqiLd ol .ny chlnoil!h,t.rraoFd,afflod*adL.lon or d*{t h cdlr&br or corlr..br hbrm.aon. '* OfE: Anylto.k Pefbrfligd W,Bdt A9r(ofllri Flr'nl8 wll b. h vbbtqt ol tr alc 5l.r *r&l b Fnlr uD to 1t00.0tr|, &}NER/q}{TRACTOR I 5Ie{ATURE I riaaar.raaraalaail**ta+aaa*a r\if iilf{ *r rrrr+r r * rrt * * a. + ***rt al*lr*t*,laat{r*t+a.ata)ll*ttttttt (r0r oaa!(i ust I5 THE PR@SRTY LOCATED IIiI A FLOOOPIAIIi? O VEs Oh6,- i? ExrsrilE lltP€Bvrous o*ro, J-- ,; ;t- ,offA.*r, 0rstuFBEDr '{C H Er rfipEivrdr AREA: -168 sQ FT ErIST tAtO DrsIUSBIilc gERl,ttf : lQ vEs lGE4d Ec, NArER; trcrpJA I coraururrv svsrtn I PRTvATE IIELL f] cenrneu wtr-t- S sswrn': f,fzf-nrn,.?:T,::,:T[:-*::::,,"':.T:.H:H],il11, o,*,,*,, ... g pAv Em rErHoDr Ocrce Q.rscx (pAvABLE ro Hxc) (Jertl accou{r 0 nclvrsl Q orscov:n E ttft,ttaataataa*atttt.aaa,tttrt**ra*t*Naaaararltl.ta:$atai+a*tl3t*lrt*ll*tlt+aa**l*atttltttaI.|lt ; ZONE; IID:&. OFFICER! Aoerovat; d- crty:tNltfil onrt r ?l*- ,.r, + *r,lfr e Zou,X SETBACKS: N corment t9sut0 F 1000 i -lb-aa PER'4IT BFE+2ft. e ,kah* ffi APPLICATT I T}?f .. RESIDCNTIAT PTEASI ANS|.,ER ALI- QUI5IIoIJS ApptlfABtt r0 yOUi piol€C, (fz \r-ilr1 2ots-r*APPLICATIOW itumber (Offi(. u.!) aPPLICAIT,S !{AiE : ctl ESfa "ProJect Responsibillty" R- 'E*:*erz-fOATE: \ \+rr Pll()Nf f : PNOJECT ADDflES5:-1(CITY:zrp: Z84o'l ELOC( l: [oT o: PIONE T: SUBDIVISTON: PROPERW OISIER, S IUIT,IE:us?N Oi,{T{ER ' S ADDf, E55 : -t CONTRACTOR: 4 CII : ( rrl ADDRESS:crTv: EitAIL ADDRESS:(1.$i^fq Ot:f @ C^l^,itL lL, LICENSE *:ACCOU T I: EXrSTrrrc c0 STiuGrI0r{: ! nlre Rlrtoru fter,|ovorror I e e ue nal ne earas ! rmrr *:a4g_j!3$fi ? RELOCAIION PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSOi{: E- "f,,k'*.?q-r- NEll cor{sTRUCTIOt{, ! trecr NEH *ESIDEI{CE o. ! OOrrrOr Io ExISTIire REsIDEttlcE .IPL€ASC CHEC( AiD AI{SUIR SELO}J ALL IIIAT APPTY TO Yfl'R PRO]ECT: ! rrr caamr - sF f| orr onRaor sr I roncx _ sF I surunoor'r -sF f] eool - sF I sronrce sHEo _ sF I cnrrHxarse _ sr I orcx _ sr OTHER: sr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: /iq-TOTAT SQ FT UNDER RooF: _ ToTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT CoSTlLcst-or1 | t /<f'tz) S OF STOnIES: ( Is Any ELTCTRICAL, PttI{8Il{c or IECNAflICAL lork Seing Done to the accessory Stri,itune? [ Ves [l fo If the project is a ReLocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Sitel Eye; M No fs there Electrical Power on this Buj.lding?Sves f3No pRopERTy ust / occupAmy, ftr e r.e rrmrLv I ouelex I rowNHousE OESCRIPTION OF l,\,rn<re-R L^4 o OISCLAhiER: I he.lby c.r0, hll !l Inlormlton h fiis .ppliceLn E con ct lod elr worl wit compty wi6 he Si.t SuiHhg C6d€ rnd .t oll.r sppk.blc SOE &d loco arr and ordlnanc€s and ragrrlations. Ih. NHC O€v€loprn€nt Servlcos Ccnbr r{ti bc notifi€r, ol anydrdr9€6 ln ho agprov8d pl€ns 6rd .pccilicllion! or ch6o0e in colrt acbr or conmcbr inbrmatofl. "'NOTE: tury lryort P€rlormad w/O h. App.opriab P.mil5 irtitbe ]n ohrNER/CO{rRACrOa : (74ffie7 BtctG,d' * * * + ++ * * * *+,i* *+ ***. * * * ** ** *(I lTl,l?I'J * * 15 IHE PROPERTY LGATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISIII{G IIPERVIqTS ,rnEA: _SQ FT NEI IT9ERVIOUS AnEA: _ 5Q FT Viobtbn ot ft. NC Sl6b Btdg Cod6 ord Sobj.cl srciirAruREr //3 '7 -E-4,/ * * ** +, ** 't:* * !I+ + *i. *+:l * *,r * + t **'r * * * + tr * r* * * **,r* * *,*** * ++I vrs fd-re b Fines Up To 3500.00"' !{ATER: SEWER: lTLcrrur fi creun I cor.uurrw svsrtm I PRTvATE tlELr. ! crurml srerrc I PRTvATE stprrc TOTAL ACRES OISTURBED: EXIST LAI\D DISTURBIII,G PERIII: I].] yes I.] ruo ! crurnal wrll I cor,rmr;rtw svsrrm .ri 5t:FARATTi PEI:l'\l..IS, Rr:q-rl ntil) .roI( tir:(r, rir:ctrr ptll0. Grs [Qt,IF, pRt:r:r]:r g ,t,,st:tTs 1^, payflEr{r }rE[roD: E*s* E cr.c* (payABr.E ro r.rc1 f] rrr-t oa.ani flncrvrso 5'rrr.or**,1***+*'l****l******rt*****'t*:l,i***t*+***1,|t+**,t**t,l,lr**,t:t+t****,l!,**t***it****tt**,tl**t,iri*)i:ii+ (roi oarltt lrst ottlY) f,EVlStO oAIE 0al1r/1t SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approva]:_ City:_ DATE:_ Ft000: _ BFE+2ft= zoNE: _ 0F F ICE R: PERII1II FtE: $Comme nt : DEVELOPER: ,^/C- *t5g-fr@$ PIONE ': NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION IYPE; COMMERCIAL ,r*rrff;ly:g APPLICATION Number (Office Use) PLEASE ANSIIER ALL QUESTIOiIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'5 NAIiIE: rMC Tavlor construction rnc DATE:ta/23/2oLs DEVELOPERI GLT properLies, LLC CITY: wilminoron PHONE #: (910)251-1181 ZIP i 2a4tl ST: NC ZIP:28401 PHONE #:910 2 51 1181 PHONE #: (9tol 7'7'7 -s825 PRoIECT ADDRESS: 6620 cordon Road - Unit K OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIiIE : PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAfiE: Gl,T prooerties, LLC oWNER'S ADDRESS: 14oE Casrle Ha./ne Road CoNTRACTOR: TMC Taylor ConstrucEion Inc ADDRESS: 1406 castte Hayne Road EI{AIL ADDRESS : ccole@tmctaylor. com CITY: wilmlnqton LICENSE f: rBess PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSON: chris cole (Check A11 That Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTE RATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on th RENOVATIONGENERAL REPAIRSRELOCATION e Current Site?Yes trNo IS BLDG SPRINKLERED? flves No NEW CONSTRUCTTOru: ! rnrCr NEW STRUCTURE ! rASr rnnCX I Snell UP FITADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:*a,e.-:, If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIoiIAL: coodrich Archirecrure rs Elect Power on this Buj.lding E Yes E no : (9!o) 343-106 NC REG #: 7434 NC REG # DESCRIPTION 0F WoRK: Add Bathroom and HVAC, wa11s, Ceilinq, Floorinq, painr ls food or beverages prepsred or served in rhis snraure? f] ves fl llo ls Th€ Property Located h The Flooddain? E yes No PH PH DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify lhat all information in this applicatjon is correct and att work wittcomply with the and local laws and ordinances and reoulations. The NHC Develooment SeNices Cenrer will be notifiad of anv or chanqe in contraclor or conUaclor Information, "'NOTE: Any Work Performed WO lhe Appropriate Permils Subjedlo Fines Up To $500 00"' State Building Code and all other applicable chanqes in tha approved plansand willbe in Violation of the NC Srate OWNEFyCONTRACTOR: qnris core SIGNATURE: (Ordlll€r) (Pirn &.i6) conteln Asbe3b. or not You 6rE r8qulrod tD cell tho Natlrnal Embslon SLndar& fo. l-lazadour Alr PollubnE (NESiIAP) ar (919)707650 d bn 10 days Ftor b the d6molltlon of any fddliv or bulldlno. S€€ Asbasb6 Wob SllD: htp/fuam.ept.stare.nc.u9epuasb6sloyshmp.htnt TOTAL PROJECTCOST: 21,OOO BUILDING HEIGHT: 15 '# OF UNITS: 1 # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: soo# OF STRUCTURES: I# OF FLOORS:1 ACRES DISTURBED:0 Exsr LAND Drsrunarruo eenurrz I ves I r,ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SQ FT D(IST|NG IMPERVIOUS AREA: soo PROPERTY USE: EOrrrCe ERESTAUMNT luencamru leouc f]nnr [cotoo OTHER: WATER: ZCFPUA SBIITER: IICFPUA REVISED DATE 41 .I/12 SQ FT fl coMMUNrTy SYSTEM fl WELL EZONTNG USE C|-ASS|F|CAT|ON: ECEMTRALSEPTIC LIPRIVATESEMC f]COMMUNITYSYSTEM "'SEPARATE PERII,ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG GAS EOUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS *. PAyr\rENr METHoD: flCeSn fiorecx prvealE ro NHc) finuenlcat o<eness I ucrusa I orscown (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL' ZONE: OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:RH:B:Approval: City:_ DATE: FLOOD: __BFE+2fr 0 I Comment N PERMIT FEE: $ PHONE #: (910)2s1-1181 CITY: t,ljlgjlgls!_ ST: I!_ ZIP:2!j!I ***** Js rHrs A cHANGE oF occuPANcY usel fives [rc ..... IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? _ l./hat is the New occupancy Type? ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOT1AL: TOTALAREASOFT: 8OO SQ FT PER FLR: eoo e NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSUJER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Jos- ll,ct bt 15-3r.31 AppLrcANT'S NAI'|E : Tribute construction. lnc. DEVELoPER: Same PHoNE #: 910,251.5030 PRolEcT ADDRESS: 419'1 Hearthside DrivecITY; WilminqtonZIP: NC occupANT/BusrNEss NAmE: Sea Pines Apartments PHoNE f: 910.251.5030 owNER's ADDRESS: '10 S. Cardinal DrivecrrY: Wilminqton LrcENsE *: 60001 ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive crrY: Wilminqton sT: NC zIP: 28403 ErttAIL ADDRESS : bkaiser@tributeconstruction.com 910.251 s030 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: BT|AN KA|SET PHONE #: PHONE #:910,599.8130 EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural NEr^r CoNSTRUCTTON: E] ERECT NEl,' STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: MaiI Kiosk GENERAL ilto IS BLDG SPRINKLERED? REPAIRSRELOCATION [ve' ffilro SHELLUPFITADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ALTERATToN l-l nrruovlrrolr Gas Line on the Current Site? L_-l (check A11 That Apply) Yes FAST TRACK If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ARcH DEsTGN pRoFEssror,rAL: Cothran Harris Architecture ENGR DEsTGN pRoFEssroraL: Chris Holmes, PE DE5CRrprroN oF woRK: construct new Mail Kiosk Is Elect PoHer on this Building E Yes E ruO pH: 910.793.3433 Nc REG #:4290 ptt: 910.796.9988 Nc REG *:16336 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? Eves ffi lo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz I ves [l uo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certii/ thal all information in lhis-application rs correct and all work wll comply with the Stale Building Code and all other applicab e Slate and local laws and ordindnces and regulalions. The NHC Deve opmenl Servrces Cenler wrll be nolilled ol anv chanqes in the aooroved olans and sbectftcations or chanoe i,1 conlraclor or conlraclor informalion. "'NOTE Any Work Pelor?ned w/O the Appropriate Permiis wrll bie in ViotalDn of the NC State Bldg Code and S!btecr-to Frnes up To $500.00"' SIGNATURE:gu y-J (o€liflo4 (Pfit Namo) contain Asb€sbs or not. You are lEquked b callthe Nalional Embslon SEndsrds ror Hazsrdous Air Pollutanb (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 et l6est 10 daF p.ior to lh€ domolilion ol any facillly or building. S€e Asbostos Web Sit6: http://\ yivr.epi.stale.nc.ugepi/asbestos/ahmp.himt ToTAL PRoJECT COST: $25,000.00 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 373 BUILDINGHEIGHT: 12'-3"# OF UNITS: N/A # OF STRUCTURES: 1 PROPERTY USE: lOrrrce ! nesrnumrur MERCANILE !eouC Incr lcoruoo orHER: WATER: MCFPUA SEWER: l-Kl CFPUA "'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG. GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS -' PAYMENT METHOD: ffclsu [cHrcx lenveeLE To NHc) finuenrcaru EXeRESs I ucnrrse I orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONEOFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH: RH: B:Approval:_ City:_FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft=_ AVN E coMMUNtTy SYSTEM fl WELL flzoNtNc USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON: LJ CENTRAL SEpTtC L_l pRtvATE SEpTtC fl COMMUNTTY SYSTEM REVISED DATE 4/11/12 Comment PERMIT FEE: $ APPLICATION Number (Office Use) oare : 'l 'l .5.2015 pRopERTy oll/NER,S NAIIE: sea Pines Apartments LLC ST: NC ZIP: 28403 coNrRAcroR: TributeConstruction, lnc. IFYes,what*,.**]ii]J',:.:fi:":,.lil::oFoccUPANcYusEiFt'.Hx;:;;"".,Type?- owNEFycoNTRACTOR: Brian Kaiser SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 373 #OFSTORIES:1 *or TIOORS: l- ACRES DISTURBEo: 0.009 ExsT LAND DtsTURBtNG PERMI? myES E NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 5OO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREE: N/A 59 61 i otsl fl3( 15-313L i.n {T NEW HANOVER COUN?Y BUILDING PERMIT aPPLI.ATI,N IrPf I COfiiIERCIAL FLEA5E AllrWgS A!! ?Ua511C{S APPLlcAEaa l0 voul PRolEcl "Project Respon5lbllltY" A PPL ICAT IOI{ Nufiber (otti.a Ur.l orr::11.5.2015APPLICA{T'5 NA]IIE: "iribute Constructiofl . lnc OEvtLoPER: Same PRO]ECI AODRESS:4191 Headhside Drive Wilminqicn prore *: 910.251.5030 sr: Nq zrP:-ry91 sr: NC zrPr 28{01 Pror'rE fl : 910.251.5030 Psonr r: 910.5-09.8130 Yc9 E*o OCCUPAT'jT/8U51,{ESS IAIIE: Sea Pines Apartnlenls PROP€RTY O9II*ER' S NAi'!E Sea Pines Aparlments LLC CT{NER' 5 ADORESSi0 S. Cardinal Drive Tnbule Construction lnc crrY: Wilmincton LICENSE *l 6C001C0 TRACTOi i ADDRESS I CITYWilminoton ial.(i rl: Ih!: Arrl') GXrSl COilSTRUCTIO{: u ALTERATION fl neruOverroI I erre ur nrrllns ll Relo..tioo. b there a Nalural Gas Lino on the Curlent Srle? L--l /es Ll No lS BLOG SPRIIl RC LOCATIO}I rlrneor I ves flNo NEN cOtrsTRucTIcT,l: ffi raeCr Hex sTRUCIURE I rasr rnlcX ! sHrr-r- [ uerrr I aoo lO EXIST SIRUcTU1E 10 S. Cardinal Drive EI'IAIL ADORESS: bKAiSE uteconstruction.com PRO]ECT COIITACT PERSON I Erianise TOTAL AREA SQ FTSO FT PER TLR: TOTAL SO FT UNDER nOOr' -37X- # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES D'STURBED: 0 009 NEW IIIIPERVIOUS AREA 5OO ACCESsORY STRUCIUREI MA|I KIOSK If UPFIT - The SheU Penn!.t *: Is Ete.t Poli€r on thi5 8u11ding ..."r rs rBrs a cH IGE oF occuPlrtcY ustt f vrs frc ""' It Y€s, vhat Bas the Previou5 OccuPan(y Type?Hhat ls the Ie! O.cuPtncy TYP€I ARCH DEslGN PROFESSIOt.lAL: EII6R OESIGN PROf ESSIOllAL : Cothran Harris Archrlecture px, 910 793 3{33 rc nEG r: 4290 ,u,5i'0-7ilogg88-- rc rrc o -i6335- D€SCRIPI IOi'/ O' I,,IOR(:Construct new Mail Krosk ls hod or bsy€€ges p.epar€d o( sewed tn tl{s snrtunz f ve* fr r.ro k The Propetly Locdod In the Floodpldn? n Yes m Nc olscL^luER I neEby c€nt lhnr aLlddetron . snd hcd tr*s.ni oriimncrs and roourahons lhe d chas in co.lraclo( or conl'salor inlormatio. "' subl€d lo Frms up To l50O0O-' lhis !c6r.ar@,s (o.re.r aild a/lBolr s'.o,rrr *,rn Ue Si.lE B-,d'nQ Codc anO dlolhor BpFcaD.9d€ Ndc tr."el6fl$l s.rr' ces ceirr, f{ tr.r,d's) 6.snv/:n.":fs n lhe aolrovad plals a^d loaoocaLlrals i.biiiii-*'i;icerioi";io fo/o ih€ ^pi;opdare Pet{s r l dr ra votaron otlhe'Nc stal8 BcE coo€ and SIGNATURE: 4T T,-J 1O*' (fthltd) [o!.: D.,noqrn r|oar.r{oi, r eorear r*rcver pcrntt eprl;.tonr.it t! !. 'l]br&d u.hg,!. 6grt don bm (DHr€-37!) $t ter te h.lB o. DlrB[fi. rlln b .onr6,'Erd.ro! ydrltrlNrd b c.r !| N.iord Emt lo.r $ll.!r!, ix''.r brltPo&n$tr(N€sRP)tl(019mr-5S!0iid,0niFbbtL artleo.r ot..!rt &dul&g. s.. ar!..t \rra6 &: '!.t' \4s .t! t :r. e r::..1'*r.:.tif -. 'l' i TOTAL PROJECIcosrr $25.000.00 BU|LD!,{G }iEGHT#OF UNIIS: N/A ' tt-J SO FT O(|ST]NG IMPERVIOUS ARfrr.: #oF sTOnlES: 1 * OF FLOORST-l- ExsT rAfiD DTSTURBTNC pERMTnmYES n NO \iA SO Fr pRopERry use f:orrEE f]nesnunnrr frerncercnu [rouc frnrr f]muoo orHEn:_ WATER: SEWER: mm CFPUA CFPUA C,MMUNTry SYS]EM T.I WELI cENTRAT sEPTrc [] e-avnrr semcflzoNrNG usE crAssrFrcATrolr LlcoNAruNnY gYSTEM i,fa: :,r lrj61r,. ., .. PAYTTENT METHooi [cesx i] cxecx (PAYABLE To NHc) f.]er,renrcm aeness E Mc/vtsA f orscoren t€v6ED O TE aJMZ a psore r: S10.251.5030 ZIP: NC OW|\ERTCONTRACTOR: Brian Kaiser ?otS-/47>s t 5-31,88 & NEI.I HANOVER COTJNTY BUILDIN6 PERMIT APPLICAT IOII IYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE Alilsl/€R AIL QUESTIoNS APPLICABLE I0 YOUR pioJECf "ProJect Responstbility" APPLICATIO I'lumbe r (Officc ure) APpLICAffT'S MnE: Rcbuck nories f,rralqLqr LLc DEVELOPER: Robuck HoIIleE Trianqle, LLC PllotlE *: ere-8?6-e2oo PROIECT ADOf,ESS: 71s AnLIe' D.rve CITYi wilmlnqron zIP | 284a9 SUBDMSIOiI: Melton oaks BLOCK fi _ LOT r: -9]21__ C0 TRACTOR: Robuck Hones Trianqlg, LLC ADDRESS: 5131 FaLls of Neuse Rd. ste 200CITY: Raleieh ST: !L zIP: Ugg: ElitAIL ADoRESS: i rorbech@robuckhomes . con PROIECT CO{TACT PERSO'I: chase Elan - cel am'rrobuckhone s . ccm PHoNE #: 919-s76-9200 EXISTIi}s CONSTRUCTIOiI :ALTERAIION f] nrrcvrrrorv fl crruennr nrenras ! RELocArroN Elr coilsTRucTron, E} eaecr ]rEw RasrDE €E o" I morrou ro ExrsTrtlc REsrDE cr 1'PLEASE CHECI( AfP Al,lsl{ER BELoi{ ALL THAT APPLY T0 YouR pRoJECT: I rr anae: 3.:.:- sF fJ oer ernaoe sr E] poncr lxl- sF ! surnoou -sF I eoor - sr f] sronace sHED - sF I enreuouse - sr I orcr - sr orHER:5F TOTAT HEATED SQ FT: 3osa TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: {s51 ToTAL AREA SQ FT: a5s1 TOTAL PROIECT COSTtrosrroo: $ ;ta.s;0. # OF STORIES: 15 Any ELECTRICALT PurllBrll6 or llE(HAxrcAL Work Eetng Oone to th€ Accessory Structure? n Yes If the project is a Relocation, j.s there a Natunal Gas Line on the current Stte? EYes I No Is there El.ectrical Power on this Buildingl r ves f] to pRoPERw USE / OCCUPANCYT fi Srlere rmrlv fl rupr-rx f] roHlwousE DESCRIPTIoN OF flOR(: neu ho e DlSCi.AllEft lhcteby c.n ly hrr!l inbBnrton in $is rpplicaton b corecr End dlwolt m[ coinply wjrh h. Slab Auuding Code and rX oter appiicable StaE a.d local l.$,s End odhancss s.., €!ul6!on3. The NHC Da\olopm€rit S€fflces Canbr reill be nolited olsnychangas in $o s9provrd 9l6n3 and sp€o'fi..tlrns or ch.nge in conEscbr o. conr*i$ hbmalio[ "1|OTE. Any Worl p.rbmGd w/O h. AppopdaE PEmI6willbe in Vblotion otfi. NC St'B Bdg Cod6 ard Slbi,ct b Fin.s th To 1500.00"' OhllilER/COl{TRACTOR: .rai Norbech SIGNATURE: PHOiIE *: 919 819-42?5 I No rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rlooorllrNl I vrs EXISTITG IIIPERVIOI S AREA; o SQ FT NEI.I II.IPERVIO{,5 AREA: 2505 SQ FT wnren: @ crrul fl co,BluNrry svsreM ! pRrvarE IIELL I cetrul wet-l SE$ER: E creun f] cExrRAL sEpTrc f] enrvrrr srerrc f] corciuNrry sysrEM *** sEpAttATE ![Rr4lrs I'QU:!E0 rOR ELECT, flEct{, PLAG, cAS [€UIp, pna[ABs & LiSll8Ts i** pAynEa{T ETHq): I asx I ctrcx ( pAyaBLE 'ro mr1 [ mrRIcAx exere ss E rc/rtso I orscovrra*rr*.1*f*, u(. zotie: l(- ))_---..-.? ,.' flf A ) OFFICER: ]**1r**'r***r r*'**'r*'**:i(** * ri:r * ,*,* *,*:! *,r ,** !i )* * * *,r* )*,*,a ** t*rr ) .*4*S*******.*r.***,r*..*.+.iilir l, ;.rd;ffi ili..ilfi : ii.e2 54'o?il !i *,t i(,*** ** 'i *,i *,ll * * **,r* I *,!+J* *+: *r,r1*****,1**,at l*,t+* i,*,t*)*:ti.*:i*)i)t,t*,I**:t,i)t* (foa otllaf t,5: o[Y)ff!j540 oale 04/11/12 TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: -15 EXIST LAND DISTURSII.IG PERHIT; l*.,l ves ITI rc SETBACKS: F 'lu Ln'-i1g-- nH:i - g:lS FLOOD: -+BFE+2ft=approvat: l) 11 city:l .r- DATE: rtConnlent fllq ffrIril!(PER!4II F€E: S OAIE: 11/ 1o / 15 PROPERTY olitER's M,{E: tobLrck Homes ?rianaqle, LLc . PHOI{E f: -91!:!:j::3L Oi ER's ADoRESS; 6131 part6 of Neuse Rd- sEe 2oo CITY: Rateiqh ST: r{c ZIP:27509 LICENSE *: 5708.1 1.8*'d ,t( # NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rypE: COIiIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIIER ALL QUESIIo S ApptICA8LE TO YOUR pROltCT "project Responsibility,, ;r. ) PHONE * APPLICANT'S llAllE: iared Dlrcore, Archi I.ECt , AIA, NCARB DEVELOPER: BR,\GG ROAD DEVELOPI,lENT COMPANY, IJLC {ConEact:Gordon Kolb PROIECT AoORESS: 716 Braqq DriveCfIY: wiLmi oCCUPANI/BUSINESS l,lAflE : pub 866-7100 lix Suoer Mai kets. ftrc - PROPERTY OIINER,S l{AfiE: BRAGG ROAD DEVELOPTIENT COMPANY, OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3 920 Maqazine SEreeL CITY: New Ieans PHONE f: (so4) 856-?3oo ST: r,A ZIP:7ot-ls CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: (ouE to Brd ) LICENSE *: CITY i EIilAIl- ADDRESS: rnait@cbsarch.com (AoDlicant/Archj.tecL PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: ,lared Ducore, ArchirecE, AIA, NCARB PHONE #: (Check All That apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION n GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curre Site? trYes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Tves I no NEI'J coNsrRucrrot't: p enecr Eut srRUcruRE ! rasr rmcx ! sxer-r- ! utrrr I aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect Power on this BuildingIYes E Ho ,.,.,**.i Is rHrs a cHAilGE IF Yes, lihat Has the Previous Occupancy Typelhhat is the lleu Occupancy Type? MeicanEile ARCH DESIGiI PRoFESSIoNAL: Jared Duc ote. ArchitecAIA, NCARa PHt(8s0) 43 9 1ss2 NC REG #:034 Et'lGR DESIGN PROFESSIoML: Jason s. Henderson er) PH: (864)326 4204 NC R€G S:31306, P. E. ( Bl.uewat DESCRIPTIoN 0F IdORK: Consbrucrion of a New Rerai l Bui ldinq and aII asoociaE ed S.ite Wolk I DISCIAIMER: I herebv c€rttv lhat all 'nln,m^r,on in this appth.6tion rs correct and a wort wil comply wrth th€ Slste Buitding Code afld aI other apptrcabte Sta|eand bcat taws and ordinanc€! and resutarrcns rte NnCblvitoomeni sei,-iiit".i,iil J,ii ri Subiectlo Fines Up To S500 00". ls food or beverages fepared or se.ved in lhis struclure?ves [ ruo b The Property LocaH tn The Flodflain? [ yes OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: cora""SIGNATUREo1b, Jr No fofln (DHl-lS-3788) $fiefi€. tio hdtty or butldtno wss bund b (NESHAP) el (919)m7-5950 ai leEst 10 dars Fior b tho I io'rdrr€r) (Frhr Nsn ) Note: Dainollion notifcauons & ssb€stos renoval peamll eppltcstoos 610 to ba submiu€d usirE the apgllcsthn aor*ah Ast6tos or mt Yo! alo rqlir€d D clI tE Nsfanst Embrnn ${xbrds br Hazradous Ar potub s d6mo0thn ot eny teclliry or buildtng. So€ Asbcsto6 Wbb Sh6: hrp/ ,tud.6p,.stale. nc uyepyasbesbs/shmp.htm ACRES DISTURBED: s. r4 (+/ -) NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: r e r EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? YEs ENoSQFT EXISTING tMpERVtOUS AREA: o sF {o.or) SeFf APT CONDO OTHER: pRopERry usE: EoFFtcE lResmunalr firaencalTlu [eouc f] WATER: EICFPUA SEWER: m CFPUA ZONE:_OFFtCER: Approval:_ Cit}a_ 982 SF l?A 098) SEPARAIE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR E!EC'], MEC}I. PT-BG. GAS EOUIP pREFAAS T NSERTS flcoMMuNtw SysrEM flwELL f)zoNtNG usE cLASstFtcAIONE CEMTRAL sEpTlc fl p-RtvArE sEprrc n-coiri\rtNny aisrE; PAYMENT METHOD: I]CNSTI I cHEcK (pAyAaLE rO NHC) IAMER|CAN EXPRESS flUCn/Sr I orscovrn (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH:- B FLOOD: _ -- -_ BFE+2fi= N ! T AEVISED DATE 1UI 1/I2 APPLICATION Number (office Use) DATE; 08/1?/I5 PHoNE f: (8so)419-rss2 ZIP: 2a4r2 i,T,a oF occuPAtlcY usrr Ives Im ***"" TOTAL PROJECT COST: SE,4oo,0oo BU|LD|NG HEtcHT: 3s Fr #OFUN|TS: N/A TOTALAREASOFT:4G.031 sF SeFTpERFLR: a6.03r sF f OF STORIES: rTOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF: 4d 0r1 sF # OF STRUCTURES, I SOF FLOORS: r - comm.nt A v PERMIT FEE: i-