Meeting Package 9Dec2015 9December2015 Meeting Minutes Vice-chairman Andrewcalled thePort Waterway & Beach Commission (PWBC)meetingto order at 5:00and introductions were made by each;the meeting’sattendance sheetisattached. The Octobermeeting minutes were approved and the current PWBC fund balance was noted at ~$1631.98.Staff commented onthe participationand successofthe NC Beach Inlet and thth Waterway Association’s(NCBIWA)fallconferenceon November 16and 17at the Blockade RunneronWrightsville Beach. 2015 Shoreline Mapping Presentation The results of New Hanover County’s 2015 shoreline mapping program were provided by representatives from the contractor Moffatt and Nichol Engineering. Representing the firm’s Raleigh office was Nicole Vanderbeke and representing the newly established Wilmington office was Robert Neal. The presentation was well received with insightful questions from the PWBC. A pdf of the power point presentation is attached. Vice-chair Andrew concluded the presentation with three questionsthat centered on the average annual background erosion rateof-5.6 cubic yard/foot/year(cy/ft/yr)system wide (Slide 15, WithoutCSDR, Total). Question:Is there a cost/cubic yard rule of thumb? Response:$12-$15/cubic yard inclusive of mobilization and demobilization. Question:What does the -5.6 cy/ft/yr equate to in total cubic yards system wide? Response:Over the 116,736 linear feet of shoreline assessed, the average annual loss system wide is approximately 650,000 cubic yards. Question:Is there a rule of thumb comparing cubic yard loss to perpendicular linear beach loss? Response:There is a calculationand a rule of thumb that is provided in the NC Beach Inlet Management Plan for the entire stateof1.3 cubic yards of volume change equates to one perpendicular linear foot of shoreline change. Current Efforts: NHC’s Wrightsville Beach (WB) Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR)Project Permitting There has been positive narrative and feedback from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regulatory Division.The NC Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) continues to gather federal and state agency comments to be included in the Division’s final decision. Mason Inlet Relocation Project (MIRP) A NCDCM minor modification has been requested;both the state and federal reviews continue. The engineer of record has advertised and opened bids. An apparent low bid will be taken to the Board of Commissioners on 14 December for their consideration. Shallow Draft Inlet (SDI) Permitting Comments by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) have been received. The US Fish and Wildlife Service’s(USFWS) review continues. CB15-year Extension The Wilmington District has requested clarifications within Headquarter’sissued study guidance the Beach Renourishment Evaluation Report(BRER). Attached are the requested clarifications. CB 15 Risk Reduction and CSDR Refined Modeling Both projects are underway with dual paths. The refined modeling will re-enforce our designin the event we build WB in FY18 and CB in FY19. The risk reduction plan will supplement the USACE’s Beach Renourishment Evaluation Report. WB Economic Update The USACE’s economic update is ongoingwith a completion target date of December 2015. FY16 CB/KB CSDR Maintenance The Wilmington District held a kick-off meeting with Kure Beach officials, the USACE CSDR th contractor and NHC the morning of December 9. A similar meeting is scheduled at Carolina Beach. CB Inlet Maintenance Dredging TheUSACE side-castdredgeMerrittis scheduledfor early to mid-January and ahopper dredge eventis also scheduledin April. Public Comments: Ms. Bulluck requested input regarding the federal interpretation of economic benefits supporting a CSDR project. Mr. Shuttleworth requested input from the BRER’s clarification efforts by the USACE Wilmington District. The meeting was adjourned at ~5:30. Wave Height (ft) Accretion Erosion Shoreline Change (ft) Accretion Erosion Volume Change (cy/ft) Accretion Erosion Shoreline Change (cy/ft) Volume Change (cy/ft) Erosion Accretion Elevation (ft NAVD88) Erosion Shoreline Change (ft) Accretion Accretion Volume Change (cy/ft) Erosion Elevation (ft NAVD88) Elevation (ft NAVD88) Accretion Shoreline Change (ft) Erosion Accretion Erosion Volume Change (cy/ft) Accretion Erosion Shoreline Change (ft) Erosion Accretion Volume Change (cy/ft) Accretion Erosion Shoreline Change (ft) Accretion Erosion Volume Change (cy/ft) Accretion Shoreline Change (ft) Erosion Accretion Erosion Volume Change (cy/ft) Accretion Erosion Shoreline Change (ft) Accretion ErosionVolume Change (cy/ft) MIRP F8 South MIRP F8 Mason Inlet Wrightsville Beach Mason Inlet Wrightsville Beach North Wrightsville Beach South Masonboro Island North Masonboro Island Central Masonboro Island South Freeman Park Carolina Beach North Carolina Beach Central Carolina Beach South Kure Beach North Kure Beach Central Kure Beach South Fort Fisher North Fort Fisher Central Fort Fisher South Cumulative Volume Change (cy) Agenda 9December2015,4:00PM New Hanover County(NHC), Government Center Finance Conference Room #500 4:00 Call to Order Welcome/Introductions Request approval of the Octobermeeting minutes (emailed 16October2015).Port, Waterway & Beach th Commission (PWBC)fundbalanceis~$1631.98.Balance denotes participation in the November 16 th and 17Fall NCBIWA meeting at the Blockade Runner on Wrightsville Beach. 2015Shoreline MappingPresentation:Nicole Vanderbeke and Robert Neal, Moffatt & Nichol Engineering Current Efforts: NHC’sWrightsville Beach (WB) Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR)Project NC Division of Coastal Mgt.(NCDCM)permitapplicationis currently under review, 15 December 2015 (75 day review period). Mason Inlet Relocation Project(MIRP) Apermitminormodification requestis under review by the agencies. An apparent lowbidwill be taken to the County Commissionerson 14 December. Shallow DraftInlet(SDI-5)Permitting The Biological Assessment isunder formal consultationbytheUS Fish and Wildlife (135 day review periodfrom 21 October). Carolina Beach CSDR Project 15-year Extension (CB-15) Guidance clarification between theUSACE’s WilmingtonRegion and Headquarters continues. Risk Reduction(CB-15)and Refined Modeling Both projects are underway. WBCSDREconomic Update Wilmington District USACE economic updatecontinues,the USACE’s scheduled completion islateDecember 2015. FY 16 CB/KB CSDR Maintenance Events Marinex to begin mobilization withintwo to three weeks. Public Comment: Adjourn