FY16 Emerg Mgt EMPG applicationDEC 11 2015 NORTH CAROLINA LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPLICATION FOR IFFY 2016 EMPG FUNDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING EM FORM 66 1.1 EM Agency Name - Type or print the official legal title of your Emergency Management (EM) agency. 1.2 Street Address, City, Zip Code +4 - Type or print the street address, city, and nine digit zip code. 1.3 EIN /Tax ID Number - Type or print the unique nine digit identification number for your county's agency. NOTE: Your financial personnel should be able to provide you with this number. 1.4 D -U -N -S Number - Type or print the unique nine digit identification number for your county's agency. NOTE: Your financial personnel should be able to provide you with this number. 1.5 Zip Code +4 — Enter your nine digit zip code for your county government agency mailing address, e.g., 281230465. 1.6 SAM Registered — Each applicant must be registered in the Federal System for Award Management (SAM) annually in order to be eligible to receive EMPG monies. The URL is https: / /www.sam.gov /. Expiration Date — What is the expiration date for your SAM account? 1.7 EM Program Manager - Type or print the name of the county EM Program Manager. NOTE: Must be the same title on the Position Description and Organization Chart. 1.8 Finance Manager - Type or print the name of the county Financial Manager. NOTE: Must be the same title on the Position Description and Organization Chart. 1.9 Time % - EM Director will type or print the percentage of time the director devotes to Emergency Management program activities (e.g. 50%,60%,90%, etc.). 1.10 Current Salary - Type or print the current annual salary for EM Director. (Round to the nearest dollar). 1.11 Date of Employment in Current Position — Enter the start date of your position as Local Emergency Management Program Manager, e.g. 02/04/2014. EM Application Form 66 (Rev. 10 /15) Page 1 1.12 Personnel Data Table — Complete the specific questions that deal with EM program staff. For the Cost Share or In -Kind Match question, explain how the county will match the federal award grant monies. In FFY 2016, EMPG has a 50% County and 50% Federal cost share cash- or in- kind match requirement. Federal funds cannot be matched with other Federal funds. The data requested will assist in documenting the extent to which EMPG Program funding contributes to enhancing or sustaining emergency management capacity in terms of personnel support at the local level. All EMPG Program funds (Federal and match) allocated towards Local emergency management personnel? Enter the dollar amount for all EMPG Program funds (Fed & match) allocated for State emergency management personnel. All EMPG Program funds (Fed & match) allocated towards Non -Local emergency management personnel? Enter the dollar amount for all EMPG Program funds (Fed & match) allocated towards Non -State emergency management personnel. Total Number of Local Emergency Management full -time equivalent (FTE) personnel (including those supported and not supported by the EMPG Program). Enter the Total Number of State Emergency Management full -time equivalent (FTE) personnel (including those supported and not supported by the EMPG Program). Number of Local emergency management full -time equivalent (FTE) personnel supported by the EMPG Program? Enter the number of State emergency management full -time equivalent (FTE) personnel supported by the EMPG Program. Total Number of Local emergency management personnel funded (fully or partially) by the EMPG Program. Enter the total Number of State and local emergency management personnel funded (fully or partially) by the EMPG Program. Cost Share or In -Kind Match explanation in detail? Enter in information as to how the county will match the local EMPG share. Describe if funds will come from a general fund, EMPG local funds, etc. EM Application Form 66 (Rev. 10 /15) Page 2 NORTH CAROLINA LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPLICATION FOR FFY 2016 EMPG FUNDING Grant Period: October 1 2015 — September 30 2017 11 EM Avenev Name New Hanover Countv Emer2encv Manaizement & 911 1.2 Street Address, City 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 115 a. All EMPG Program funds (Federal and match) allocated towards Local emergency management personnel? 1.3 EIN/Tax ID Number 56- 6000324 $ 73,959.50 -personnel? c. Total Number of Local emergency management full -time equivalent (FTE) personnel (including those supported and not supported by the EMPG Program)? 5 d. Number of Local emergency management full -time equivalent (FTE) personnel supported (fully or partially) by 1.4 DUNS 9 Digit Number 040029563 5 1.5 1 Zip Code +4 12181410131 5 f. Cost Share or In -Kind Match explanation in detail? New Hanover County will match funds appropriated from its general fund in the 2015 -2016 budget process. The County funds Emergency Management with substantially more than 50% match on these 1.6 SAM Registered? es, No) Yes Expiration Date 07/08/2016 LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM For 1.7 indicate actual percentage of time Emergency Management director devotes to work on only EM activities. Please do not include work time for EMS, 911, Fire Marshal, Safety activities, etc. 1.7 EM Program Manager (Print/Type in Name Below 1.9* 1.10 Time ( " /u) Current (e.g. 50%,75%, Salary 100 %) 1.11 Date of Employment in Current Position Warren Lee 50% $147,919 May 5, 2003 Email: wlee@nhcgov.com 1.8 County Finance Manager (Print/Type in Name Below) Lisa Wurtzbacher Email: Iwurtzbacher@nhcgov.com 1.12 Personnel Data: Complete for personnel supported with FFY 2016 EMPG Program funds a. All EMPG Program funds (Federal and match) allocated towards Local emergency management personnel? $ 460,304.00 b. All EMPG Program funds (Federal and match) allocated towards Non -Local emergency management $ 73,959.50 -personnel? c. Total Number of Local emergency management full -time equivalent (FTE) personnel (including those supported and not supported by the EMPG Program)? 5 d. Number of Local emergency management full -time equivalent (FTE) personnel supported (fully or partially) by the EMPG Program? 5 e. Number of Local emergency management personnel supported (fully or partially) by the EMPG Program? 5 f. Cost Share or In -Kind Match explanation in detail? New Hanover County will match funds appropriated from its general fund in the 2015 -2016 budget process. The County funds Emergency Management with substantially more than 50% match on these federal funds. EM Application Form 66 (Rev. 10 /15) Page 3 * Area Coordinator must verify the percentage of time devoted to Emergency Management activities. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE EM PROGRAM MANAGER POSITION* IS NOT VACANT OR IS CURRENTLY BEING FILLED BY AN ACTING COUNTY EMPLOYEE. + Local EM Program Manager Signature Area Coordinator Signature Branch Manager Signature Date: Il l * AS PART OF THE GRANT APPLICATION DELIVERABLES, A CURRENT POSITION DESCRIPTION AND ORGANIZATION CHART THAT MEETS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM AND STATE REQUIREMENTS IS ESSENTIAL. EM Application Form 66 (Rev. 10/15) Page 4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING EM FORM 66A (STATE /LOCAL FFY 2016 EMPG AGREEMENT) It is important that the Finance Officer and the local Chief Executive Officer have information and knowledge of the local EM program and the financial status of the local EM Agency. By coordinating the program emphasis with your county officials, the State's "Comprehensive Emergency Management Criteria" and the state and federal required activities, your partnership agreement should serve as a master plan for the year's activities. The State /Local FFY 2016 EMPG Agreement requires the signature of the Local Emergency Management Program Manager, the Local Finance Officer, and the Local Chief Executive Officer (the last may be the same individual). Your Area Coordinator will monitor your FFY2016 EMPG progress throughout the grant period. REPORTING EMPG deliverables to include Universal and Optional activities must be uploaded into WebEOC so that your agency's performance in the completion of scheduled activities throughout the year can be tracked and approved. North Carolina Emergency Management does recognize that circumstances may prevent the accomplishment of a scheduled activity. However, for full eligible Federal funding in FFY 2016, all Universal activities must be completed and uploaded into WebEOC. All requests for revisions (rescheduling or substitution of an equivalent activity) must be justified in writing to the Director of North Carolina Emergency Management through the appropriate Branch Manager. EMPG Application Form (Rev. 10/15) Page 5 STATE /LOCAL IFFY 2016 EMPG AGREEMENT AGENCY: New Hanover County Emergency Management & 911 This is to certify that the above named agency agrees to successfully complete the activities below in full partnership with North Carolina Emergency Management and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The appropriate Branch Manager and /or Area Coordinator will review the progress of this agreement quarterly with the local Emergency Management Director. This report will also be the basis for continued funding during this fiscal year. All Emergency Management activity deliverables must be completed before the agreement period ends September 30, 2016. To receive credit for any deliverables you complete, an electronic copy for each deliverable must be uploaded into WebEOC by the deadline above and approved by State personnel. Certify completion of the following activities for EMPG Universal activities no later than September 30, 2016 unless otherwise noted below: 2016.01 Update the new 2016 THIRA/SPR/NIMS reporting tool by November 15, 2016; 2016.02 Review /Update County Emergency Operation /Response plan; 2016.03 Participate in a minimum 24 hours EM training; 2016.04 Conduct or participate in three exercises per year; 2016.05 Complete all NIMS training requirements as outlined in NIMS Five -Year Plan; 2016.06 Review, input and update resources in Resource Management 2016.07 Attend Statewide EM Conference 2016.09 Update Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement Authorized Agent Page 2016.52 Update County Profile NOTE: As listed above to be eligible to receive IFFY 2016 EMPG funding, applicants must meet NIMS compliance requirements. The THIRA/SPR/NIMS is the required means to report FY 2016 NIMS compliance for FFY 2016 funds. FFY 2016 Compliance Requirements • NIMS Training: IS 100; IS 200; IS 700; and IS 800; • FEMA Professional Development Series: IS 120, IS 230a. b.; IS 235a. b.; IS 240a; IS 241 a; IS 242a; and IS 244a EMPG Program funds used for training should support the nationwide implementation of NIMS. Grantees are encouraged to place emphasis on the core competencies as defined in the NIMS Training Program. The NIMS Training Program can be found at http://www.fema.gov/pdf /emergency /nims✓nims training_orogram.pdf. The NIMS Guideline for Credentialing of Personnel provides guidance on the national credentialing standards. The NIMS Guidelines for Credentialing can be found at http:// Www. fema. gov 1pdf/emergencylnimslnims_cred guidelines_report.pdf. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act ( FFATA) necessitates a system to allow prime grant award and sub -award recipients to report monies received from federal funds. The FFATA Subaward Reporting System — FSRS.gov — is the system that allows grant award and contract award recipients to electronically report their sub -award monies. Each prime and sub -award recipients must be registered and renewed annually in the System for Award Management (SAM) to continue to be eligible for EMPG monies. EMPG Application Form (Rev. 10 /15) Page 6 This Agreement will become effective upon execution of all parties to the Agreement. The date of execution shall be the date of the last signature. EXECUTED THIS THE // DAY OF 201.5 Warren Lee (Print) Name of Local EM Program Manager Signature of Local EM Program Manager Date Signature_ ocal Chief ecutive O icer Date Y C, �u�c�2SS ,1�SSiS n� �4un�y Aka", v EMPG Application Form (Rev. 10 /15) Page 7 Grant Document Routing 95 Start date: 12/14/15 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Signatures required: L/ Tim Burgess, Assistant County Manager Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of documents attached: 1 original — FYI 6 Emergency Management Program Grant application Explanation of document(s): Attached is the application for the FY16 Emergency Management Program Grant (EMPG). This is a recurring grant that was included in the FYI adopted budget, therefore no Board action is required. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you ------------------------- - - - - -- for finance department use--------------------------------- DATE ADDED TO LASERFICHE PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature