2016-01-04 RM Exhibits Exhibit Book X' Page_I ' 16. New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for October 2015 Current Year 2015 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 149,650,699.91 $ 26,829.03 $ 3,791,499.37 $ 153,469,028.31 Abatements $ (858,343.65) $ - $ - $ (858,343.65) Adjustments $ 2,320.62 $ - $ - $ 2,320.62 Total Taxes Charged $ 148,794,676.88 $ 26,829.03 $ 3,791,499.37 $ 152,613,005.28 Collections to Date $ 32,741,018.73 $ 1,234.42 $ 3,791,626.64 $ 36,533,879.79 Write-off $ (2.44) $ (0.01) $ - $ (2.45) Outstanding Balance $ 116,053,655.71 , $ 25,594.60 $ (127.27) $ 116,079,123.04 Collection Percentage 22.00 4.60 100.00 23.94 YTD Interest Collected $ 270.42 $ - $ 27,028.65 $ 27,299.07 Total 2015 Collections YTD $ 36,561,178.86 Prior Years 2005-2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,826,059.15 $ 3,119,974.31 $ 1,249,783.82 $ 6,195,817.28 Abatements $ (21,896.90) $ (124,567.49) $ (964.60) $ (147,428.99) Adjustments $ 20,023.16 $ - $ - $ 20,023.16 Total Levy $ 1,824,185.41 $ 2,995,406.82 $ 1,248,819.22 $ 6,068,411.45 Collections to Date $ 510,836.18 $ 91,910.76 $ 25,561.30 $ 628,308.24 Write-off $ (18.27) $ (15.83) $ (63.95) $ (98.05) Outstanding Balance $ 1,313,330.96 $ 2,903,480.23 $ 1,223,193.97 $ 5,440,005.16 YTD Interest Collected $ 50,126.58 $ 15,015.25 $ 11,171.37 $ 76,313.20 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 704,621.44 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 37,265,800.30 NEW HANOVER COUNTY GoVNTy.4, O 44 ' ���, ! 0 i . qrliLe4.-e,1/4J'i) t-IL,man 0.), t` o , t'''_k to the Board Z b I. 114 a Date •F,,,,,ED,� Exhibit v Book A L Page_ �e 1 A New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for October 2015 Current Year 2015 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 6,782,702.05 $ 600.72 $ 240,396.17 $ 7,023,698.94 Abatements $ (71,046.44) $ - $ - $ (71,046.44) Adjustments $ (7,023.69) $ - $ - $ (7,023.69) Total Taxes Charged $ 6,704,631.92 $ 600.72 $ 240,396.17 $ 6,945,628.81 Collections to Date $ 1,644,061.69 $ 115.71 $ 240,396.17 $ 1,884,573.57 Write-off $ (1.28) $ - $ - $ (1.28) Outstanding Balance $ 5,060,568.95 $ 485.01 $ - $ 5,061,053.96 Collection Percentage 24.52 19.26 100.00 27.13 YTD Interest Collected _ $ 38.57 $ - $ 1,779.31 $ 1,817.88 Total 2015 Collections YTD $ 1,886,391.45 Prior Years 2005-2014 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 98,480.92 $ 156,444.18 $ 59,228.00 $ 314,153.10 Abatements $ (480.09) $ (4,731.04) $ (55.32) $ (5,266.45) Adjustments $ 138.52 $ - $ - $ 138.52 Total Levy $ 98,139.35 $ 151,713.14 $ 59,172.68 $ 309,025.17 Collections to Date $ 28,154.05 $ 4,712.99 $ 1,286.58 $ 34,153.62 Write-off $ (1.05) $ (1.20) $ (3.47) $ (5.72) Outstanding Balance $ 69,984.25 $ 146,998.95 $ 57,882.63 $ 274,877.27 YTD Interest Collected $ 3,026.59 $ 923.06 $ 491.76 $ 4,441.41 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 38,595.03 !Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 1,924,986.48 I ate JNTAN NEW , •NOVER CO y...c_y.‘,...9..ti2___ 4 Chman ,Q " � i ? o , i z Cleo the Board .-t \1 a^/� f•tsrS D Exhibit Book_Page •-_ AGENDA: January 4,2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2016. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health,Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health/wellness education,programs,and services Understand/act on citizen needs Fund: General Department: Health Ex i enditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 16-045-Public Health Foundation Grant $ 3,000 $ 3,000 BA 16-050- FDA Retail Standards Grants $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ Total $ - I $ 9,000 f)$ 9,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 16-045-Public Health Foundation Grant $ 3,000 $ 3,000 BA 16-050-FDA Retail Standards Grants $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ - Total $ - I $ 9,000 II$ 9,000 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken Departmental Budget I $ 13,279,780 I $ 13,288,780 Section 2: Explanation BA 16-045 A stipend of$3,000 is being given to the NHC Health Department Vector Control Division by the Public Health Foundation to help educate the community about mosquito control issues. This project will identify community stakeholders to collaborate on vector control improvement activities,use the vector control population health driver diagram as a framework or reference for the development of quality improvement(QI)projects,and participate in in-person basis. Vector Control's participation in this project will help improve their skill in using quality improvement methods and tools to achieve desired results. In addition,funds will be used for the printing and purchase of educational materials to be distributed in places like local schools. No County matching funds are required. BA 16-050 The Health Department has been awarded two grants from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)as part of the Retail Standards grant program. The first will be used for travel and training associated with an upcoming FDA Retail Food Safety Seminar which updates staff on changes to the FDA Food Code, Standardization Procedures,Retail Program Standards,new industry retail food safety initiatives,funding opportunities and emerging science and technology related to retail food safety. The second will be used to implement intervention strategies including educating staff of food service establishments about such things as cold holding,cooling,date marking and/or bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods. In addition,funds will be used to purchase special data recording thermometers and probes. No County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 16-045& 16-050 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2016, is adopted. Adopted,this 4th day of January,2016. (SEAL) ,Cds— r`'4, / w■ o4" .pA :eth Dawson,Chairman OA% a ATTEST: z u>f ill ,� .�?JI�.P�� Teresa P. Elmore,Clerk to the Board •f'4AL►SHED I' Exhibit I t�� Book XL Page AGENDA: January 4,2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2016. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety/crime prevention Fund: JAG-Justice Assistance Grant Department: Sheriffs Office Ex i enditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 16-049 - 2015 Justice Assistance Grant $ 35,739 $ 35,739 $ - $ - Total $ I $` 35,73911$ " ;35,739 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 16-049 - 2015 Justice Assistance Grant $ 35,739 $ 35,739 $ - $ - Total $ I $ 35,739 II$ 35,739 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken Departmental Budget h"s$ :"_ 40;197 , $ 7536 Section 2: Explanation The Sheriffs Office has been awarded an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of$35,739 by the U.S.Department of Justice. The City of Wilmington is the lead agency for this grant, which totaled$71,478. The Sheriffs Office will use its share of the award to pay for electrical wiring upgrades for the SABLE helicopter. No County match is required. The grant was approved by the Board of Commissioners at the June 8,2015 meeting. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 16-049 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2016,is adopted. Adopted,this 4th .4'01,ary,2016. G0 (SEAL) wQ :\y �! P A.. 4\ O Beth Dawson, hau-man S 4 101 ATTEST: • NBLISHEo` I Booklt1 -- Page 14 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 1 ADOPTING A CODE OF ETHICS 1 WHEREAS, G.S. 160A-86 requires local governing Boards to adopt a code of ethics; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County citizens deserve to be served by public officials who maintain the III highest ethical standards; and 1 WHEREAS, the stability and proper operation of democratic representative government depends upon public confidence in the integrity of the government, and upon responsible exercise of the trust conferred by the citizens upon their elected officials; and 1 WHEREAS,Board members must act in a manner that maintains their integrity and independence and be responsive to the interests and needs of those they represent; and WHEREAS,Board members must know how to distinguish among their various roles,to determine when each role is appropriate, and to act accordingly: I 1. As advocates, who strive to advance the legitimate needs of their citizens. 2. As legislators, who balance the public interest and private rights in considering and enacting ordinances and resolutions,and i 3. As fair and impartial decision-makers, when making quasi-judicial and administrative 1 determinations. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does i hereby adopt the following Code of Ethics to guide the Board of County Commissioners in its decision- 1 making. The Board of Commissioners directs all County boards and committees to respect and abide by this Code of Ethics in the performance of their duties. 1 CODE OF ETHICS Purpose. The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to establish guidelines for ethical standards of conduct for the Board of County Commissioners. It should not be considered a substitute for the law or for a Board member's best judgment. i Section 1. A. Board members should obey all laws that apply to their official actions. The spirit as well as the letter of the law should guide their actions. Board members should feel free to assert policy positions and opinions without fear of reprisal from fellow Board members or citizens. B. Board members should endeavor to keep themselves current, through the County Attorney and other sources, of the most pertinent constitutional, statutory, and other legal requirements with 1 which they must be familiar in order to meet their legal responsibilities. C. Board members shall comply with G.S. 160A-87 in receiving two clock hours of ethics education within twelve months of each election or appointment to office. Section 2. Board members should act with integrity as they exercise the functions of their offices. Characteristics and 1 behaviors that are consistent with this standard are: A. Behaving consistently and with respect towards everyone with whom they interact. B. Exhibiting trustworthiness. C. Living as if they are on duty as elected officials regardless of where they are or what they are doing. D. Using their best independent judgment to pursue the common good, while being able to consider t the opinions of others,presenting their opinions to all in a forthright manner. A 1 E. Remaining incorruptible,self-governing, and not subject to improper influence. F. Disclosing contacts and information about issues that they receive outside of public meetings and 1 refraining from seeking or receiving information about quasi-judicial matters outside of the quasi- judicial proceedings. G. Treating other Board members and the public with respect, and honoring the opinions of others even when they disagree. H. Being careful not to reach conclusions on issues until all sides have been heard. I. Recognizing that individual Board members are not generally allowed to act on behalf of the Board, but may only do so if the Board specifically so authorizes because the Board must take official action as a body. Section 3. Board members should be faithful in the performance of the duties of their office. Board members should faithfully attend and prepare for meetings. They should carefully analyze all credible information that is properly submitted to them, mindful of the need not to engage in communications outside the meeting in quasi-judicial matters. They should demand full accountability from those over whom the Board has authority. Section 4. Elected members of local governing Boards should conduct the affairs of their Boards in an open and public manner. They should comply with all applicable laws governing open meetings and public records, recognizing that doing so is an important way to be worthy of the public's trust. They should remember when they meet that they are conducting the public's business. They should also remember that the records of their local government belong to the public. A climate of openness is to be maintained at all times. They should take deliberate steps to ensure that any closed sessions held by the Board are conducted lawfully,and that such sessions do not stray from the purposes for which they are called. Section 5. This Code of Ethics shall be effective upon adoption, unless modified, amended,or repealed. ADOPTED this the 4`h day of January, 2016. NEW HANOVER COUNTY .... Beth Dawson,Chai c Jo B. d, ,r., • ce-C • an I \A) fi .41 'NI ,4011111111 Woo •• 'te, Col . Op missioner Skip . Ahlounty Commissioner �.. R.: apple, ty Co • ..sioner ATTEST: OB}N T"4, O '��y Teres Elmore, Clerk to the Board I- � : ,z •F�'�RLISFIbU�� i Exhibit Book A Page I'if- i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS � I RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT OF THE MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT g WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners desires to support the Mason Inlet Relocation Project(MIRP)through a coordinated effort with the Mason Inlet Preservation Group's(MIPG) implementation of the project's 2015/2016 maintenance event. i NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED THAT i i 1) The Board requests the State of North Carolina(NC)to provide financial assistance to the Mason Inlet 1 Preservation Group through New Hanover County's coordination of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project in the amount of$ 913,044.00 or 66.67 % of the Project's 2015/2016 maintenance event inclusive of pre-event efforts; (design, plans and specifications, permitting and pre-maintenance transects) construction and post-event efforts(as-builts,monitoring and reporting); and 2) New Hanover County (NHC) in coordination with MIPG assumes full obligation for payment of the balance of project costs; and 3) New Hanover County in coordination with MIPG holds all necessary NC and federal permits; and 4) New Hanover County in coordination with MIPG has complied with all applicable laws governing the I award of contracts and the expenditure of public funds by local governments; and 5) New Hanover County in coordination with MIPG has obtained suitable dredge material disposal areas as needed and all other easements or rights-of--way that may be necessary for the construction and E operation of the project without cost or obligation to NC; and i 6) New Hanover County in coordination with MIPG has assured that the MIRP is open for use by 1 the public on an equal basis with no restrictions; and i 7) New Hanover County in coordination with MIPG will hold NC harmless from any damages that may result from the construction,operation and maintenance of the project. i ADOPTED this the 4th day of January,2016. 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY '0..°1..'C 1..A' Ala 4Q G t N. Beth Dawson,C airman ATTEST: 1 't '1.4 vr .., 1 .1...e.t.P.4-eLi\-Pf—Lt-stm-e.___. #. Teresa P. Elmore,Clerk to the Board i': •F.miLISHE�, 1 3 1 I 1 i Exhibit Book _t— Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Board/Committee 2016 (Designated for Commissioner Representative) Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors Commissioner Watkins Cape Fear Community College Long-Range Vice Chairman Barfield Planning Committee (designated for commissioner) Cape Fear Council of Governments Executive Committee Chairman Dawson Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Commissioner Zapple Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority/WAVE Transit Vice Chairman Barfield (WAVE representative on the MPO/TAC) Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (3-Year Term Expiring 6/30/18) Commissioner White Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (3-Year Term Expiring 6/30/18) Commissioner Zapple Legion Stadium Commission Commissioner Watkins Legion Stadium Commission Commissioner White Local Emergency Planning Committee Chairman Dawson Lower Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board Commissioner Watkins New Hanover County Board of Health Commissioner Zapple New Hanover County Financing Corporation, Inc. Chairman Dawson New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Vice-Chairman Barfield New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Chairman Dawson NC-506 Continuum of Care Advisory Board (formerly Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness) Chairman Dawson Parks Conservancy Board of Directors Commissioner Zapple Smart Start of New Hanover County Commissioner Zapple Southeastern Economic Development Commission Chairman Dawson Southeastern Partnership Inc./Economic Development Chairman Dawson Trillium Health Resources—Southern Regional Advisory Chairman Dawson Board Wilmington Business Development Vice-Chairman Barfield Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Commissioner Zapple Wilmington Downtown Inc. Commissioner Zapple Wilmington/New Hanover Port, Waterway& Beach Commissioner White Commission Wilmington Regional Film Commission Chairman Dawson Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Commissioner Watkins Organization—Transportation Advisory Committee Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees Vice Chairman Barfield (At-Large 4-Year Term Expiring 6/30/17) Lower Cape Fear Water& Sewer Authority (At-Large 3 Year Term Expiring 5/31/18) Commissioner Watkins New Hanover County Board of Social Services Vice Chairman Barfield (At-Large 3-Year Term Expiring 6/30/16)