Risk Mgmt Advisory Committee Mtg Minutes 1-14-13 MEETING MINUTES: New Hanover County Attorney’s Office – Risk Management BUSINESS: Review and discuss the premium projections and upcoming renewal expectations for the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, City of Wilmington, Airport Authority, New Hanover County Board of Education, New Hanover County, and Coastal Care. TIME AND PLACE: January 14, 2013, 9:00 am. New Hanover County Government Center Finance Conference Room #500 230 Government Center Drive Wilmington, NC ATTENDANCE: Committee members and staff in attendance: Tiffany Allen – Risk Manager Jennifer Stancil – Risk Management Specialist Alexandra Lysik – Risk Management Technician Richard Beebee George Chadwick Deborah Watts Ron Woodruff ORDER OF BUSINESS: Minutes Review/Approved Review the list of premium projections for the upcoming insurance renewals for the above entities. Risk Manager Tiffany Allen advised committee that the Risk Management Service Fee charged for services in fiscal year 2013-2014 will be decreased by .5% to 4%. Risk Manager Tiffany Allen also discussed the overall increase in the premium projections by 15% for all property policies due to the occurrences in weather that have occurred as of recent. Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority: Risk Manager advised that due to the construction of new garage on Division Drive, expected to be completed in 2013, the property premium projection was increased. Encroachment bonds were added in December 2012. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority: No changes are expected in fiscal year 2013-2014. City of Wilmington: Risk Manager discussed the City of Wilmington’s decision to complete a request for proposal (RFP) for a broker for the fiscal year 2013-2014. A meeting on this request will follow shortly. Due to the aggressiveness of Travelers to keep the Commercial Package policy, no large changes are expected in the premium. The Volunteer Accident premium was increased due to the expected number of volunteers to be utilized by the City in 2013-2014. Airport Authority No changes are expected in the premiums. New Hanover county Safety Officer, Mike Winebar, is currently working on a Safety Policy for the Authority. New Hanover County Board of Education The Flood Policies were increased by 35% to account for the changes made by the NFIP. The Workers Compensation policy premium projection was increased to account for the high experience modification, due to the frequency of the claims. Committee Member Richard Beebee suggested charging each school the % of the premium for their losses. New Hanover County Committee Member Richard Beebee discussed the issue of not currently having a Pollution Policy for the Landfill. Risk Manager advised that the state does set aside money for pollution claims. Nevertheless, Risk Manager will write a letter discussing such concerns and submit to management. She will also invite Joe Suleyman to discuss the expansion of the Landfill and potential for a pollution claim at the next meeting. Committee Member Deborah Watts suggested reviewing claim history of other municipalities for such potential issues. Risk Manager discussed the increase of the Volunteer Accident Policy premium by 20% to account for increased use of volunteers. Risk Manager mentioned that the status of WASTEC is still unknown, but included premium in projections. Coastal Care: Risk Manager discussed the expansion of operations for Coastal Care to include other counties and name change. Property Policy premium sees little increase, but Risk Manager advised that the entity is currently moving into Shipyard building. Auto premium projection was increased to account for amount of autos which will be added. Committee Member Ron Woodruff questioned the doubling of the Public Officials Liability premium. Risk Manager advised that this is due to the doubling of the budget to account for new employees. Committee Member Ron Woodruff suggested that due to this increased employee count, the Managed Care E & O policy should also be checked for increase of premium as well. Risk Manager discussed the biggest exposure that Coastal Care faces in fiscal year 2013-2014 will be the operation of handling Medicare Payment for the state. Risk Manager advised committee that she is currently working on updating the contract insurance requirements for the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. She requested that the committee review the requirements upon completion and provide feedback. Adjournment