2015-12-30 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, DECEMBER 30, 2015 PAGE 438 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Wednesday, December 30, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Beth Dawson; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Commissioner Skip Watkins; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Commissioner Woody White was absent. Staff present: Assistant County Manager Tim Burgess; Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau; and Clerk to the Board Teresa Elmore. Chairman Dawson called the Agenda Review meeting to order and called for a moment of silent prayer for Wanda Coston and her family. Ms. Coston, a 30-year employee, recently passed away. Chairman Dawson announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board’s agenda items for the January 4, 2016 Regular Meeting with discussions as noted: Consent Item 2. Approval of Appointments of Commissioners to Various Boards and Committees for 2016. Chairman Dawson requested the Commissioners review the listing for any possible changes and she reminded the Commissioners that Vice-Chairman Barfield at last year’s meeting had expressed a desire to serve on the Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) Board of Trustees. Consensus : The Commissioners agreed to revise the listing by appointing Vice-Chairman Barfield to the CFCC Board and appointing Chairman Dawson to the Local Emergency Planning Committee and the New Hanover County Financing Corporation, Inc. Staff was instructed to submit the revisions for approval on the Consent Agenda. In discussion of the Bellamy Mansion Museum of History and Design Arts request for a Commissioner representative to serve as an ex officio member on their board, the Commissioners stated that they were unable to commit due to their busy schedules and suggested that a County staff member may want to serve. Consent Item 3. Approval of October 2015 Tax Collection Reports. In discussion of the report showing tax collections ahead of schedule compared to October 2014, Assistant Tax Administrator Allison Snell explained that mailing tax notices in July instead of August and an increase in the number of taxpayers using the installment payment coupons resulted in the increase. Furthermore, mortgage companies are processing tax payments earlier than usual at the County’s request. Chief Financial Officer Lisa Wurtzbacher explained that the extra funds would be placed in different investment options, which earns money and helps with the cash flow. Consent Item 4. Adoption of Budget Amendments. In response to questions from the Commissioners, Chief Strategy and Budget Officer Beth Schrader explained that Budget Amendment 16-049 for the Sheriff’s Department is to record a Justice Assistance grant from the US Department of Justice. The County’s portion of the funds of $35,739 will be used to pay for electrical wiring upgrades for the SABLE helicopter. Vice-Chairman Barfield noted that the Sheriff has a mutual agreement with the City for use of their SABLE helicopter and the County supports the arrangement. Both governments applied for the maintenance grants. In regards to Budget Amendment 16-045, Chief Strategy and Budget Officer Schrader explained that the grant award was for an educational campaign targeted for children to teach them methods of controlling the mosquito population. Regular Item 5. Presentation of Plaque to Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr. for Service as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the Past Year. Chairman Dawson reported that she wouldpresent a plaque to Vice-Chairman Barfield in recognition of his service as Chairman of the Board from December 22, 2014 to December 14, 2015. Regular Item 6. Consideration of Shallow Draft Inlet Fund Grant Request for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project (MIRP). Shore Protection Coordinator Layton Bedsole responded to questions about the grant request for the project explaining that the NC General Assembly established the Shallow Draft Navigation Channel Dredging and Lake Maintenance Fund to cost share with local sponsors for maintaining local waterway channels. Staff proposes to request the grant for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project maintenance event scheduled for the beginning of next year. The grant would benefit the Wrightsville Beach residents who would be assessed a portion of the cost. Regular Item 7. Public Hearing: Economic Development and Economic Incentive Appropriations. Chief Strategy and Budget Officer Beth Schrader explained Session Law 2015-277 that made several significant changes to govern local governments’ ability in making appropriations for economic development purposes. She provided copies of the law and reported that the economic incentive items were previously approved by the Board and included in this year’s budget. Proper notification was given for the public hearing to be held on Monday. Staff was directed to provide additional detailed information on the appropriations for each of the economic development expenditures. Regular Item 8. Public Hearing Rezoning Application by Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions on Behalf of the Property Owner, Rachel Trask Gonsalves Heirs, to Rezone 46.56 Acres Located at 3013 and 3079 Blue Clay Road from R-20, Residential District, to (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential (Z-947, 12/15). Current Planning Supervisor Ben Andrea responded to questions on the conditional rezoning. The property was recently included in a rezoning request for a general R-10 district; however, the Commissioners denied the request. The NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, DECEMBER 30, 2015 PAGE 439 Planning Board recommends approval with conditions. Further clarification was requested for the number of conditions placed on the recommendation for approval. The Board requested that Mike Kozlosky with the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) attend the meeting to answer any questions the Board may have; and they requested that a representative from the traffic engineer firm attend the meeting. Current Planner Brad Schuler would present the rezoning request at Monday’s meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Dawson adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P. Elmore Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting.