FY16 LSTA Pop-Up Library grant application signature pageState Library of North Carolina 2016 -2017 LSTA Online Signature Page Print this page, obtain the required signatures in blue ink, scan the PDF and return it with the application as an attachment to LSTA(o)ncdcr.gov by 2:00 PM on February 26, 2016. Grant Category: EZ Literacy & Lifelong Learning Multi -year? No Institution /Library: New Hanover County Public Library Mailing Address: 201 Chestnut St. City: Wilmington Zip Code: 28401 Library Director, Name: Harry Tuchmayer Phone: 910- 798 -6321 E -mail: htuchmayer@nhcgov.com Project Manager, Name: Susan DeMarco Phone: 910- 798 -6353 E -mail: sdemarco @nhcgov.com LSTA Funds Requested: $ 11250 The library chooses not to include Indirect Costs. Matching Funds: $ 3750 Project Total: $ 15000 Project Abstract: New Hanover County Public Library has a wealth of resources to offer the community including books, eBooks, electronic databases, and early literacy enhancing programs. The problem is that many citizens most in need of these services either do not know about them or are not able to easily get to the library. To reach these potential users we must take our services and resources into the community, meeting the users where they are. To do so we will create a pop up library that can be rapidly set up for a few hours in parks, schools, neighborhoods, and community centers. People will be able to get library cards, check out books, learn to use online databases, download eBooks, and attend early literacy enhancing storytimes and programs for children. Certification and Signature (please sign in blue ink) We are aware of and agree to comply with all state and federal provisions and assurances required under this grant program. If awarded grant funds, we assure that we will carry out the grant project according to the approved grant application. This application has been authorized by the appropriate authorities of my institution /library. Harry Tuchmaver Printed name of library director Signatyre o, ibrary direr r - 4� Date N(�A\\, Printed name of [local governmenfor institutional authorizing official o", <�eC— Signature of ab a official Date State Library of North Carolina 2016 -2017 LSTA Online Signature Page Print this page, obtain the required signatures in blue ink, scan the PDF and return it with the application as an attachment to LSTA(a)ncdcr.gov by 2:00 PM on February 26, 2016. Grant Category: EZ Literacy & Lifelong Learning Multi -year? No Institution/Library: New Hanover County Public Library Mailing Address: 201 Chestnut St. City: Wilmington Zip Code: 28401 Library Director, Name: Harry Tuchmayer Phone: 910- 798 -6321 E -mail: htuchmayer @nhcgov.com Project Manager, Name: Susan DeMarco Phone: 910 - 798 -6353 E -mail: sdemarco @nhcgov.com LSTA Funds Requested: $ 11250 The library chooses not to include Indirect Costs. Matching Funds: $ 3750 Project Total: S 15000 Project Abstract: New Hanover County Public Library has a wealth of resources to offer the community including books, e800ks, electronic databases, and early literacy enhancing programs. The problem is that many citizens most in need of these services either do not know about them or are not able to easily get to the library. To reach these potential users we must take our services and resources into the community, meeting the users where they are. To do so we will create a pop up library that can be rapidly set up for a few hours in parks, schools, neighborhoods, and community centers. People will be able to get library cards, check out books, learn to use online databases, download e800ks. and attend early literacy enhancing storytimes and programs for children. Certification and Signature (please sign in blue ink) We are aware of and agree to comply with all state and federal provisions and assurances required under this grant program. If awarded grant funds, we assure that we will carry out the grant project according to the approved grant application. This application has been authorized by the appropriate authorities of my institution/library. Harry Tuchmayer Printed name of library director Printed name of cal govemmen or institutional authorizing official Signatyre o.aibrary direr r Signature of abo a official $ Date Date New Hanover County Public Library Section 3, APPLICATION FORM 1. LIBRARY USERS AND NEED Creating full service pop up libraries will benefit families with children who have limited access to library services or are not utilizing library services. This includes traditionally underserved populations such as those living in poverty and non - English speakers. Additionally, this will benefit schools and child care centers with limited or zero library services onsite. In March 2014, the NHC IT /GIS Department compiled a service map that shows populations and population projections within a five mile radius of each of our four public libraries. We are utilizing GIS mapping to identify families with children to then target our services to those who do not have library cards and /or have geographical barriers to library access. The population study revealed that 3,897 children under the age of five are currently living in the northern portion of county that does not have a library. There is as strong need for early literacy programming and materials forthese families. The children's outreach team had to turn down four of the five public NC Pre -K centers for the Raising a Reader program due to lack of funding. This is a strong indicator of how much the educators in NHC want and need more library services for their students. Additionally the outreach team is receiving more requests from schools with high Hispanic populations for help obtaining library cards and welcoming families to the library. These families often find getting to a library difficult and intimidating. 2. INTENDED OUTCOME Improve users' ability to obtain information resources Taking library services directly to the community in places such as parks, neighborhoods and schools will provide information resources (books, help with online resources, and early literacy programs) directly to those who need it. This will eliminate the barriers caused by geography and transportation issues as well as the intimidation some people feel when walking into the physical library. 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION An ongoing struggle for libraries is getting the word out about their services to the people who need them the most. People can't use services they are not aware of. We want to connect the resources and services we have to the citizens who need them. It is easy to connect frequent library users with new services. The challenge is connecting potential users who do not walk through the library doors. Traditional methods of promotion simply don't work. The populations we need to reach include schools and child care centers with limited or zero library services, non - English speakers, those living in poverty, and citizens living more than five miles from one of our four library branches. Our best option for reaching these users is to take library resources and services out into the community. To do so, we want to create a full service library that we can pop up in parks, schools, and community centers. We will schedule pop up libraries weekly with early literacy programming. Patrons will be able to get library cards, check out books, learn about our e- resources and attend children's programs. We expect the number of program participants to be equal to or even greater than it is in the physical libraries. The library van that delivers books to homebound citizens will be utilized to transport the pop up library supplies. A van ramp is needed to easily load and unload the supplies. We need a tent to provide shelter when needed. A laptop, wireless hotspot, and scanner will be needed to check materials out and issue 1 EZ Literacy & Life Long Learning New Hanover County Public Library library cards. Adequate signage is essential so that people passing by realize we are offering free library services, not trying to sell products. Additional books are needed to stock the pop up libraries. The books will need to be stored, transported and displayed. We need carts, shelves and tables to do so. We need to purchase new books to stock the carts, including several in Spanish. (Pads will allow staff to demonstrate e- resources. Supplies to create an early literacy center, or Story Station, for children's programming are essential. We follow the guidelines from ECRR 2, (Every Child Ready to Read) and strive to incorporate the five practices: read, write, talk, sing, and play. Outdoor mats will provide space for children to sit. An iPad and wireless speaker will provide music for storytime. Puppets, puzzles, instruments, flannel stories, and manipulatives such as blocks are needed as well. Providing access to library services to people where they are is a more effective strategy than creating print and online ads that simply tell about library services. It is a more efficient use of time and money to deliver library services at the point of need instead of continuing rely on unsuccessful traditional methods to get potential users into the library. NHC has four public libraries. The northern portion of the county does not have a library. There are approximately 3,897 children under the age of five living in that portion of the county. Providing pop up libraries in this portion of the county will offer more convenient access to library services for current users driving more than five miles to reach a public library as well as reaching new users. The children's outreach staff will work with the adult outreach staff to support this project. Outreach staff will work to learn basic Spanish phrases needed to assist patrons with getting and using library cards. The staff is already doing many components of this project. The pop up libraries will give them an opportunity to combine all of the components. For example, we have created story stations /early literacy centers in county department waiting rooms across county. This experience will make it easy to create a pop up early literacy center for children's programs. We already attend community events and school functions to promote library resources as requested. Now we can take the next step and actually bring the library to the community. By strategically choosing the locations for our pop up libraries the target audience will be where the pop up libraries are! Additionally we will promote pop up libraries with signage in community centers and parks. We will plan carefully with schools to inform parents as well. Outreach staff will continue this program as a major component of community outreach. Once storage items and signage are purchased the only costs are to maintain the book collection and replace damaged items. 4. PROJECT PARTNERS, if applicable (others respond with N /A) N/A S. PROJECT ACTIVITIES July 2016 Selection of supplies August 2016 Order supplies September 2016 Assemble supplies, process books, set -up equipment, schedule pop up locations October 2016 Advertise pop -up library events 2 EZ Literacy & Life Long Learning New Hanover County Public Library November 2016 Begin pop -up library events December 2016 -June 2017 Continue pop -up library events & evaluate success 6. EVALUATION We will extract data from our library automation software to track number of new cards issued and track circulation information. This can be broken down into books for children, adults, and our Spanish collection. We will keep program statistics to determine the number of young children receiving literacy enriching services. We will survey users. When new cards are issued we will know their address and will be able to determine if they live in the northern section of the county that is without a library. We can compare all the statistics to the rest of the library system and see if there is an overall increase month to month. 7. GOALS a. Library's mission and goals: Our mission and significant purpose is to enrich and enhance the quality of life of each individual we touch. We have a special focus on kindergarten readiness in an effort to support the county's strategic goal of making sure at least 80% of all children enter kindergarten ready to learn. Pop up libraries will allow us to enrich the lives of more citizens and support early literacy programming. b. "North Carolina libraries will equip users for success in life, school, and work through library programs and services that support literacy and lifelong learning. Our pop up libraries will create a bridge between library services and potential users who need early literacy programming, help using e- resources, and access to books. S. BUDGET TABLE 3 EZ Literacy & Life Long Learning Budget Category — see descriptions below Page Quantity Cost Total q of Items per Item A Salaries /Wages /Benefits 0 B Consultant Fees 0 C Travel, library staff only 0 D Supplies /Materials Tent to provide shade /shelter for outdoor pop up 1 1 2300 2300 library events Ramp for van to allow easy loading & unloading of 1 1 350 350 books, carts, etc. Tables, hand carts, display shelves, book carts to store, 2 7 180 1260 move, and display books for check out. Ground cover mats to use in early literacy center during 2 5 110 550 children's programs Signage: logo table covers, standing banners, and 2 1,150 brochure holders to easily identify the pop up library 1 laptop, MIN hotspot, and handheld scanner to check 1 1,650 out books 2 !Pads /cases /and covers to demo library online 2 2 970 1940 resources 3 EZ Literacy & Life Long Learning New Hanover County Public Library 9. MATCHING FUNDS / LOCAL COMMITMENT The matching funds will come directly from the library budget. 10. ABSTRACT New Hanover County Public Library has a wealth of resources to offer the community including books, eBooks, electronic databases, and early literacy enhancing programs. The problem is that many citizens most in need of these services either do not know about them or are not able to easily get to the library. To reach these potential users we must take our services and resources into the community, meeting the users where they are. To do so we will create a pop up library that can be rapidly set up for a few hours in parks, schools, neighborhoods, and community centers. People will be able to get library cards, check out books, learn to use online databases, download eBooks, and attend early literacy enhancing storytimes and programs for children. 4 EZ Literacy & Life Long Learning Early Literacy Station Supplies, variety of manipulatives including instruments, puzzles, puppets, and Bluetooth speaker for storytime 2 600 Books to initially stock the carts for checkout 2 260 20.00 5,200 E Equipment that exceeds $5,000 per item 0 F Services 0 _ G Subtotal 15,000 H Indirect Costs, applicants must choose one © The library chooses not to include Indirect Costs. ❑ The library chooses a rate not to exceed 10% of modified total Direct Costs AND declares it is eligible for the 10% rate. ❑ The library has a rate of % that has been negotiated with a federal agency. Project Total (G + H) 15,000 Minus Matching Funds % 3,750 1 Total LSTA Funds Requested, up to $50,000 Round up to nearest dollar Use this total to enter in Online Signature Page 11,250 9. MATCHING FUNDS / LOCAL COMMITMENT The matching funds will come directly from the library budget. 10. ABSTRACT New Hanover County Public Library has a wealth of resources to offer the community including books, eBooks, electronic databases, and early literacy enhancing programs. The problem is that many citizens most in need of these services either do not know about them or are not able to easily get to the library. To reach these potential users we must take our services and resources into the community, meeting the users where they are. To do so we will create a pop up library that can be rapidly set up for a few hours in parks, schools, neighborhoods, and community centers. People will be able to get library cards, check out books, learn to use online databases, download eBooks, and attend early literacy enhancing storytimes and programs for children. 4 EZ Literacy & Life Long Learning