2015-07-14 Meeting Minutes New Hanover County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Quarterly Meeting Minutes Date:July 14,2015 Time: 3:00 PM Location of meeting:Council of Government Conference Room Attendees:see signature form Meeting Notes: Called to Order/time:3:06 PM by Julie Brewer,Chairperson Welcome: Susan and Dennis Bowes In-service: Julie Brewer distributed: "2 Chocolates a Day Help Keep Dementia Away" "Better Staffing, The Key to Better Care" Resident's Rights Month Jan Stump gave brief overview of online class,"Dementia Care Fundamentals and Beyond"and personal impact Review of Minutes Approved:NA i Review By-Laws:NA Old Business: Reviewed/Approved New Business: 1.Noted that 67 years experience on present CAC board 2.Continuing CAC committee as a unit on visits bringing new and varying viewpoints 3.Old business:Proposals for improving Community Involvement in our Nursing Homes a. Motion:begin with CAC inservice presentation to Nursing Home Staff Second to motion by Andrea Kelley;discussion ensued;majority voice vote to persue b. Attending Resident Council meetings: discussion held.Decision to not persue. c. CAC active involvement in community relations with Nursing Homes:discussion held;Ad Hoc committee:Hollie Blackwelder,Cay Davis,Phyllis Meole to research and present proposals at October Quarterly Meeting 4.Resident visits: Carry release of information forms to better serve the resident/facility 5.Exit Meeting Reviews: all CAC's meet prior to calling administration 6.Updated Nursing Home facilities with additional facility(Davis Health and Wellness Center at Cambridge Village)prepared by Audrey Marshall Review of quarterly visits: completed RI Scheduling visits of next quarter:tentative dates set Meeting adjourned:5:00 PM by Julie Brewer i Quarterly Meeting Scheduled:Tuesday,October 13,2015;3:00 PM COG conference room Respectively Submitted, Jan Stump,secretary 1