Agenda 2009 02-16AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse w ;u 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • JASON R. THOMPSON, VICE-CHAIRMAN ~ ~ ~ ROBERT G. GREER, COMMISSIONER • WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., COMMISSIONER L BRUCE T. SHELL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD ~1~ yl k~ ~ , ~ hhi FEBRUARY 16, 2009 9:00 A. M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION (Jim Everette, Associate Pastor, First Baptist Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner William A. Caster) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Renewal of Existing Ambulance Franchise for Convalescent Care 3. Approval to Submit a State Library LSTA Basic Equipment Grant 4. Approval to Submit a State Library LSTA Planning Grant 5. Approval of Exchange of 366 Heckler ~ Koch Weapons and Safariland Holsters for 366 Military ~ Police Weapons 6. Approval of Advertising Date of 2008 Delinquent Real Estate Taxes 7. Approval of Release of Tax Value 8. Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments ESTIMATED RE LAR A E DA ITEM F B I E TIMES GU G N S 0 USN SS 9:10 a.m. 9. Introduction of the Battleship NORTH CAROLINA Director, Captain Terry Bragg (USN Retired) 9:15 a.m. 10. Introduction of Foster Norman, Area Director for Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services 9:20 a.m. 11. Recognition of Retirees, Presentation of Service Awards and Recognition of New Employees 9:40 a.m. 12. Consideration of Request by Southeastern Center for the Return of $2 Million Held in Escrow for Facility Construction 9:50 a.m. 13. Presentation by New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District 10:00 a.m. 14. Consideration of a Resolution to Petition the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NDENR) to petition the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Establish a No Discharge Zone (NDZ) in the Estuarine Waters within New Hanover County 10:15 a.m. 15. Presentation on Sales Tax 10:45 a.m. 16. Committee Appointments NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS Boar o Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ 14.vv-If 10:50 a.m. 17. Consideration of Authorization for County Manager to Institute and Administer Work Schedules and Leave Policies, as Needed, for Reasons of Curtailment of Work or Lack of Funds 10:55 a.m. 18. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 11:05 a.m. 19. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ 14.vv-If NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 1 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Davis CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Board of Equalization and Review meeting held on January 23, 2009 Agenda Review meeting held on January 29, 2009 Board of Equalization and Review meeting held on January 30, 2009 Regular Session meeting held on February 2, 2009 Special meeting held on February 5, 2009 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna iv/14,ki 1-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 2 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney CONTACT(S): Kemp Burpeau Deputy County Attorney SUBJECT: Approval of Renewal of Existing Ambulance Franchise for Convalescent Care BRIEF SUMMARY: Coastline Care, Inc. has requested that their existing franchise be renewed for another six (6) years, to run through February 1, 2015. Pursuant to Section 20-51, the applicant has affirmed that all previously supplied information remains valid and correct, and has provided a confidential current financial statement. New Hanover Regional Medical Center, as the County Ambulance Services Administrator, has no objection to the renewal under the previous terms and conditions, for convalescent care only. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize franchise renewal. This matter will then be placed on the next agenda for the second approval required for final franchise award. ATTACHMENTS: Franchise Docs COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 2-0 01l2~l20@9 12:21 ~.910275004~ G`~ASTL~NF PAGE 02f Coas~ine Care, Inc, 3~~ Bhipyard ~ivd, 1Nllmingto~, NC 2841 ~ January 27, ~DU~ Mr. Kemp Burpeau Deputy County Attorney for New Hanover County ~3 Government Place Drive quite 1~~ Vllilmin~ton! NC ~84D3 Dear ll~r. Burpe~u: Coastline Care, Inc,, a convalesr~nt arnbulan~ service, would like ~ formerly request that N~vr Hanover County and its commissioners renew the franchise agreement that was originally ~rant~! in January 20~~4 for another 5 year term, All information in New Hanover Code is the same as when previously applied, 1 have enclosed a copy of the ~tdinance Cran~n~ Franchise to Coastiin~ Care, Inc, signed 1n February of ~ ropy of the letter from Connie Batson, Re~ion~l ~p~cialist, hIC ~~MS recognizing Cotline Care, Inc as part of the New Hanover R~gion~l CMS Model Bystem, ale have enjoyed the wprkin~ relattvnships that we have developed over the past 5 y~a~ and we look forward #o continuing those and cultivating more in the future, Thank you f Or taking the tuna ~ speak with me this morning and if you need anything fudher please do not hesitate to esk, ~incerely~ Beth ~ ~1r~c#ar of operations Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna v~.~ i w ~.vv~ 2 - 1 - 1 ~1~~71~009 1~:~1 1910~~50~40 COASTLINE PAGE 0~l11 Q41`~t/0~ 1:11 810 7~~ 773 1'fi~R EM3 ~ ~~z~~~i ~ ► ~ ~ ~~I ~~i~ ~~ao~y 9t ~ wf ~1~, Ntm~i ~78~4 F}~ ~~d-943 ~ ~4+ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~V~ reed ~ y~r a4~pl~a~ ~ , ~a ~Q~ ~ ~ ~i~ fro ~ ~s ~f ~ ~ " ~ ~a~. ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~p~aval ~f ~ ~ ' ~'oax~ ~il~ b~ i~p+au~ aina~ ~ 1 ~a b~ve ~r q~, ~~aa~~c cwt at ~ ~ ~v ~ffic~. Si~oar, ' ~n~~ . , cs fir. ads~~ HBi P11iw1~ ~ Phant ~ ~ ~ t ~ FI~ ~ n ~ 1 al: Board of Commissioners Meeting ww '9 "'i-ovjwq i Irvi rM^%7lYJ f 'wf 21l1,L2vJ New Hanover County Contract #09-024$ STATE OF NORTH CARGLINA ORDINANCE GRANTING FRANCHISE TO COASTLINE CARE, INC. COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER TO PROVIDE CONVALESCENT CARE AMBULANCE SERVICE ORIGINATING WITHIN NEW HANOVER COUNTY WITH AN IN-COUNTY DESTINATION THiS FRANCHISE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 1$th day of February, 2009, by and between New Hanover County, North Carolina, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter called "County," and Coastline Care, Inc., a North Carolina corporation with its principal office in Duplin County, North Carolina, hereinafter called "Operator"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Operator has applied for a franchise to provide Convalescent Ambulance transport services within New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, County is authorized to contract with a franchised ambulance operator for the above-described services; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, and based upon the mutual covenants contained herein and the consideration stated herein, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows; 1. Grant. Coastline Care, Inc. is hereby granted, from and after the effective date hereof, through the term of this Agreement, the right, privilege and franchise to provide Convalescent Ambulance services within New Hanover County subject to the terms and conditions of the New Hanover County Ambulance Service Ordinance and all present and future ordinances of New Hanover County relating thereto. 2. Term. This Franchise is granted for the term extending through February 1, 2015, provided that either party, at its option, may terminate the Franchise upon one hundred twenty X120} days written notice to the other party. 3. Tenritor .This Franchise shall apply to all of New Hanover County. 4. Renewal. This Franchise is renewable at the option of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. 5. Non-Exclusive. The right herein granted shall be non-exclusive, and New Hanover County reserves the right to grant similar Franchises to any person or persons at any period during the present Franchise or any extension thereof. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 2-1-3 New Hanover County Contract #~9-UZ48 6. New Hanover,Re~ional Medical Center, This Franchise is being granted by New Hanover County to Operator, and is limited to the Operator. This Franchise shall not be construed as creating any contractual arrangement between Operator and New Hanover Regional Medical Center, which is the only other existing ambulance franchisee in New Hanover County. This Franchise shall create no financial or contractual obligation upon New Hanover Regional Medical Center as to Operator, nor shall the Franchise create any obligation upon New Hanover Regional Medical Center to provide patients to Operator. 7. Standards. The standards far this Franchised ambulance service, its drivers and attendants, its vehicles and equipment, and its communications facilities shall, at all times during the term of this Franchise ar any extension hereof, comply with all of the laws, rules, regulations and requirements of the State of North Carolina and the requirements of the New Hanover County Ambulance Service Ordinance, all of the terms and conditions of which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set forth herein. Operator shall also be subject to the Off ce of Emergency Medical Services Model System Standards, as administered by the System Administrator. 8. Insurance. Operator shall, at all times during the term of this Franchise and any extension thereof, maintain in full force and effect insurance coverage, issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of North Carolina, sufficient to provide all the insurance necessary to meet the requirements of Section 2~-58 of the New Hanover County Ambulance Service Ordinance. 9. Retards. Operator shall keep and maintain all of the records required of the Operator by the New Hanover County Ambulance Service Ordinance and to permit the County to inspect Operator's records, premises and equipment at any time in order to ensure compliance with the New Hanover County Ambulance Service ordinance. 1 Rate and Charges, Operator shall submit a schedule of rates to New Hanover County for approval and shall not charge mare than the approved rates without specific approval by New Hanover County. 11. Acceptance of Franchise. This Franchise and the right, privileges and authority hereby granted shall take effect and be in force from and after final passage hereof, as provided by law, provided that within thirty ~3~} days after the date of the final passage of this ordinance, the Operator shall file with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners its unconditional acceptance of this Franchise and promise to comply with and abide by all of its provisions, terms and conditions, and said acceptance to be in writing and in the form and executed in the manner as provided in this Franchise. 12. 4perator's_ Representation and Covenants,. The acceptance of this Franchise ordinance by Coastline Care, Inc. shall constitute representations and covenants by it that: Board of Commisaio~ers Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 2-1-4 New Hanover County Contract #09-0~~$ a. It accepts and agrees to all the provisions of this ordinance and those instruments and documents incorporated herein by reference; b. It has examined all of the provisions of this and the New Hanover County Ambulance Service ordinance and waives any claim that any provisions hereof are unreasonable, arbitrary or void; c. rt recognizes the right of New Hanover County to make reasonable amendments to the Franchise ordinance or Franchise agreement during the term of this Franchise, provided that no such change shall compromise the ability of Coastline Care Inc., to perform satisfactorily its obligations or right under this ordinance. 7t further recognizes and agrees that New Hanover County shall in no way be bound to renew the Franchise at the end of the Franchise term; d. It acknowledges that its rights hereunder are subject to the police power of New Hanover County to adopt and enforce general ordinances necessary for the safety and welfare of the public, and it agrees to comply with all applicable general laws enacted by New Hanover County pursuant to such power. 13. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and aver its final adoption by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina. CsEAL~ NEW HAN~VER COUNTY ATTEST: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board Board of Commissior;rs Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 2-1-5 New Hanover County Contract #o9-oZ48 ~CGRPGRATE SEAL] CGASTLINE CARE, INC., President ATTEST: Secretary This instrument has been pre- audited inthe manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney ~ ~ NGRTH CARaLrNA NE~V HANGVER CGUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Ted Davis, Jr., sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 2~~9. Notary Public ~ My commission expires: Board of Commissi~ers Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 2-1-6 New Hanover County Contract #090248 NORTH CAROLINA C RUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (she is Secretary of COASTLINE CARE, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as an act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, , sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by himlherself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 2o0g. Notary Public My commission expires: Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 2-1-/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 3 DEPARTMENT: Library PRESENTER(S): Harry Tuchmayer CONTACT(S): Harry Tuchmayer SUBJECT: Approval to Submit a State Library LSTA Basic Equipment Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: The State Library LSTA Basic Equipment Grant will allow the Library to ugrade computer services at Myrtle Grove. Currently Myrtle Grove has four (4) public access computers compared to over twenty (20) at Main and over thirty (30) public access computers at Northeast. The grant would also fund the replacement of over twenty (20) older public access computers system-wide. The Library is asking for the full $25,000 grant and there is a 15 percent match of approximately $3,750. The grant match will be considered as part of the FY09-10 budget process. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize submission of grant application. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 3-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 4 DEPARTMENT: Library PRESENTER(S): Harry Tuchmayer CONTACT(S): Harry Tuchmayer SUBJECT: Approval to Submit a State Library LSTA Planning Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: The State Library LSTA Planning Grant will allow the Library to work with a consultant to update our Strategic Plan. This is a $20,000 grant and if awarded requires no match from the County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize submission of grant application. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 4-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 5 DEPARTMENT: Sheriff PRESENTER(S): Sidney A. Causey, Sheriff CONTACT(S): Toni Shields, Lena Butler SUBJECT: Approval of Exchange of 366 Heckler & Koch Weapons and Safariland Holsters for 366 Military & Police Weapons BRIEF SUMMARY: The Sheriff desires to exchange 366 Heckler & Koch weapons and Safariland holsters for 366 Military & Police weapons. This exchange is permitted under General Statute 160A-271 and a public notice has appeared in the Wilmington Star News notifying the public of this exchange. This is an even exchange between the County and Smith & Wesson with a value of $135,420. There is no cost to the County for this exchange. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution approving the exchange, authorize staff to proceed and process all documents required to complete the transaction and adopt the ordinance for budget amendment 09-146. (The budget amendment is for accounting purposes only.) ATTACHMENTS: Exchange of weapons resolution Exhibit A B/A 09-146 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 5-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION EXCHANGE OF WEAPONS WHEREAS, pursuant to General Statute 160A-271, the New Hanover County Sheriff s Office proposes to exchange used weapons for new weapons through an exchange procedure; and WHEREAS, staff has followed the required procedures in the General Statutes including a public advertisement notifying the public of the exchange; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff s Office proposes to exchange with Smith & Wesson 316 - H & K USP 45 full- sizewith night sights and 3 magazines at $370 each for a total in the amount of $116,920 and 50 - H & K USP 45 compact with night sight and 3 magazines at $370 each for a total of $18,500 for a combined total exchange value in the amount of $135,420; and WHEREAS, Exhibit A is attached detailing the serial numbers of each weapon to be exchanged with Smith & Wesson; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff s Office will acquire 316 - M & P Midsize with night sights at $370 each for a total in the amount of $116,920 and 50 - M & P Compact with night sights at $370 each for a total amount of $18,500 for a combined total exchange value in the amount of $135,420; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend approving the exchange in the amount of one hundred thirty-five thousand, four hundred twenty dollars ($135,420); and WHEREAS, a budget ordinance amendment has been prepared for accounting purposes only to record the transaction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to approve the exchange of weapons for the Sheriff s Office, adopt the budget ordinance amendment, and direct staff to process any required documents to complete the transaction. ADOPTED this the 16th day of February, 2009. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-1-1 EXHIT A H&K USP 25-421615 H&K USP 25-021616 H&K USP 25-024927 H&K USP 25-437166 H&K USP 25-037167 H&K USP 25-037169 H&K USP 25-437170 H&K USP 25-052621 H&K USP 25-D60155 H&K USP 25-060156 H&K USP 25-460157 H&K USP 25-060158 H&K USP 25-060159 H&K USP 25-061031 H&K USP 25-061032 H&K USP 25-061033 H&K USP 25-061034 H&K USP 25-061 D35 H&K USP 25-461040 H&K USP 25-061041 H&K USP 25-061042 H&K USP 25-061043 H&K USP 25-061044 H&K USP 25-061045 H&K USP 25-061046 H&K USP 25-064882 H&K USP 25-064883 H&K USP 25-D64884 H&K USP 25-064885 H&K USP 25-064886 H&K USP 25-064887 H&K USP 25-Dfi4888 H&K USP 25-077029 H&K USP 25077031 H&K USP 25-077033 H&K USP 25-077038 H&K USP 25-077414 H&K USP 25-019016 H&K USP 25-079017 H&K USP 25-079018 H&K USP 25-079019 H&K USP 25-079021 H&K USP 25-079022 H&K USP 25-079024 H&K USP 25-079026 H&K USP 25-079027 H&K USP 25-079028 H&K USP 25-079029 H&K USP 25-079031 H&K USP 25-019032 H&K USP 25-079033 H&K USP 25-079034 Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-2-1 EXHIT A H&K USP 25MD79035 H&K USP 25-079036 H&K USP 25079037 H&K USP 25-079038 H&K USP 25-079039 H&K USP 25-079040 H&K USP 25-079042 H&K USP 25-079045 H&K USP 25-079046 H&K USP 25-079047 H&K USP 25079049 H&K USP 25-D79050 H&K USP 25-079051 H&K USP 25-079052 H&K USP 25-079053 H&K USP 25-079055 H&K USP 25-079056 H&K USP 25-019057 H&K USP 25-079058 H&K USP 25-079059 H&K USP 25-079060 H&K USP 25-079061 H&K USP 25-019062 H&K USP 25-079063 H&K USP 25-079064 H&K USP 25-079065 H&K USP 25079056 H&K USP 25-019067 H&K USP 25-019068 H&K USP 25-079059 H&K USP 25-079070 H &K USP 25-079071 H&K USP 25-079072 H&K USP 25-079073 H&K USP 25-079074 H&K USP 25WD79075 H&K USP 25-079076 H&K USP 25-079077 H &K USP 25-079078 H&K USP 25-07908D H&K USP 25-079081 H&K USP 25-079083 H&K USP 25-079084 H &K USP 25079085 H&K USP 25-079090 H &K USP 25-079092 H&K USP 25-079093 H&K USP 25079095 H&K USP 25-079158 H&K USP 25-079159 H&K USP 25-079150 H&K USP 25-079161 Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-2-2 EXHIT A H&K USP 25-079162 H&K USP 25-079163 H&K USP 25-079164 H&K USP 25-079165 H&K USP 25-079166 H&K USP 25-019167 H&K USP 25-079168 H&K USP 25-079169 H&K USP 25-019170 H&K USP 25079176 H&K USP 25-079177 H&K USP 25-079178 H&K USP 25-079180 H&K USP 25-079181 H&K USP 25-019182 H&K USP 25-079183 H&K USP 25-079184 H&K USP 25-079185 H&K USP 25~D79186 H&K USP 25-079187 H&K USP 25-079188 H&K USP 25-079189 H&K USP 25-079190 H&K USP 25-079191 H&K USP 25-079192 H&K USP 25-079193 H&K USP 25-079194 H&K USP 25-079195 H&K USP 25-079196 H&K USP 25-079197 H&K USP 25-079198 H&K USP 25-079199 H&K USP 25-079200 H&K USP 25-079201 H&K USP 25079202 H&K USP 25-019203 H&K USP 25-079204 H&K USP 25-079205 H&K USP 25-079206 H&K USP 25-079207 H&K USP 25-079208 H&K USP 25-079209 H&K USP 25-019210 H&K USP 25-019212 H&K USP 25-079213 H&K USP 25-079214 H&K USP 25-079215 H&K USP 25-083088 H&K USP 25-083734 H&K USP 25-083735 H&K USP 25-083736 H&K USP 25M083137 Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-2-3 EXHIT A H&K USP 25-083738 H&K USP 25-083739 H&K USP 25-083740 H&K USP 25-D83741 H&K USP 25-083142 H&K USP 25-083743 H&K USP 25-083744 H&K USP 25-083745 H&K USP 25-083746 H&K USP 25-083747 H&K USP 25-083748 H&K USP 25083749 H&K USP 25-083750 H&K USP 25-083751 H&K USP 25-083752 H&K USP 25-083753 H&K USP 25-083825 H&K USP 25-083826 H&K USP 25-083827 H&K USP 25-083828 H&K USP 25-083829 H&K USP 25-083831 H&K USP 25-083832 H&K USP 25-083833 H&K USP 25-085028 H&K USP 25-085029 H&K USP 25-085034 H&K USP 25-085031 H&K USP 25-085032 H&K USP 25-085033 H&K USP 25-085043 H&K USP 25-085044 H&K USP 25-085045 H&K USP 25-085879 H&K USP 25085882 H&K USP 25-085883 H&K USP 25-085884 H&K USP 25-088477 H&K USP 25-088478 H&K USP 25-088479 H&K USP 25-088488 H&K USP 25088490 H&K USP 25-088491 H&K USP 25-088492 H&K USP 25-088493 H&K USP 25-088494 H&K USP 25-088827 H&K USP 25-088828 H&K USP 25-088829 H&K USP 25-088830 H&K USP 25-088831 H&K USP 25-088832 Board of Commissi~ers Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-2-4 EXHIT A H&K USP 25-088833 H&K USP 25-088834 H&K USP 25-088835 H&K USP 25-088836 H&K USP 25-D90473 H&K USP 25-090474 H&K USP 25-090415 H&K USP 25~09047fi H&K USP 25-090417 H&K USP 25-090482 H&K USP 25-094521 H&K USP 25-094522 H&K USP 25~09452fi H&K USP 25-094527 H&K USP 25094528 H&K USP 25-094529 H&K USP 25-094530 H&K USP 25w094531 H&K USP 25-094654 H&K USP 25-D94655 H&K USP 25-094656 H&K USP 25-094109 H&K USP 25-09411 D H&K USP 25-094111 H&K USP 25-094112 H&K USP 25-094113 H&K USP 25-096116 H&K USP 25-096117' H&K USP 25-D9fi12D H&K USP 25-096121 H&K USP 25~09fi122 H&K USP 25-096123 H&K USP 25-096124 H&K USP 25-105415 H&K USP 25-10541 fi H&K USP 25-105417 H&K USP 25-105418 H&K USP 25-106911 H&K USP 25-106912 H&K USP 25-106974 H&K USP 25106915 H&K USP 25-106976 H&K USP 25-106971 H&K USP 25-106978 H&K USP 25-107151 H&K USP 25-101520 H&K USP 25-101521 H&K USP 25-101522 H&K USP 25-107'523 H&K USP 25-10$203 H&K USP 25-108204 H&K USP 25-108205 Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-2-5 EXHIT A H&K USP 25-108206 H&K USP 25-108207 H&K USP 25-108208 H&K USP 25-108209 H&K USP 25-108211 H&K USP 25-108212 H&K USP 25-108213 H&K USP 25108214 H&K USP 25-108215 H&K USP 25108220 H&K USP 25-108221 H&K USP 25108353 H&K USP 25-108354 H&K USP 25-108356 H&K USP 25-108359 H&K USP 25-108361 H&K USP 25-108362 H&K USP 25-109786 H&K USP 25-109879 H&K USP 25-109894 H&K USP 25116127 H&K USP 25-116728 H&K USP 25-116729 H&K USP 25-116730 H&K USP 25-116731 H&K USP 25-116733 H&K USP 25-116734 H&K USP 25-116735 H&K USP 25-116736 H&K USP 25-116737 H&K USP 25116738 H&K USP 25-116742 H&K USP 25-116743 H&K USP 25-116744 H&K USP 25-116746 H&K USP 25-116747 H&K USP 25116748 H&K USP 25-116749 H&K USP 25-~ 16750 H&K USP 25-116751 H&K USP 25-116752 H&K USP 25-116753 H&K USP 25-116762 H&K USP 25-116763 H&K USP 25-116764 H&K USP 25-120569 H&K USP 25-120570 H&K USP 25-120571 H&K USP 25-120572 H&K USP 25-120573 H&K USP 25-120574 H&K USP 25-120575 Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-2-6 EXHIT A H&K USP 25-120576 H&K USP 25-120577 H&K USP 25-120518 H&K USP 29-006718 H&K USPC 29-006720 H&K USPC 29-006721 H&K USPC 29-006728 H&K USPC 29-006730 H&K USPC 29-D10919 H&K USPC 29-010920 H&K USPC 29-010927 H&K USPC 29-010994 H&K USPC 29-011015 H&K USPC 29-013098 H&K USPC 29-013140 H&K USPC 29-013309 H&K USPC 29-019071 H&K USPC 29-D19072 H&K USPC 29-019222 H&K USPC 29-019223 H&K USPC 29-D19227 H&K USPC 29-D19229 H&K USPC 29-019230 H&K USPC 29-D23239 H&K USPC 29-023242 H&K USPC 29-023243 H&K USPC 29-023244 H&K USPC 29-023246 H&K USPC 29-023247 H&K USPC 29-D23248 H&K USPC 29-023249 H&K USPC 29023251 H&K USPC 29-D24126 H&K USPC 29-024923 H&K USPC 29-024924 H&K USPC 29-024924 H&K USPC 29-024926 H&K USPC 29-024928 H&K USPC 29-024930 H&K USPC 29-024931 H&K USPC 29-024932 H&K USPC 29-024933 H&K USPC 29-027047 H&K USPC 29-029514 H&K USPC 29-029515 H&K USPC 29-029516 H&K USPC 29-031873 H&K USPC 29-033624 H&K USPC 29-039894 H&K USPC 29-039902 H&K USPC 29-039971 H&K USPC 29-040540 Board of Commissiopers Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-2-7 EXHIT A H&K USPC 29-084245 H&K USPC 29-084257 Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-2-8 AGENDA: February 16, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-146 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-146 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol and Finance Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol: Su lies $13 5,420 Total $135,420 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol: Sales of Fixed Assets $135,420 Total $135,420 Section 2: Explanation To record the exchange of 366 Heckler & Koch handguns and Safariland holsters for 366 Military and Police handguns. This is an even exchange between New Hanover County and Smith & Wesson, with a total value of $135,420. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-146, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 5-3-1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 6 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Roger Kelley, Michelle Harrell CONTACT(S): Michelle Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Advertising Date of 2008 Delinquent Real Estate Taxes BRIEF SUMMARY: According to NCGS 105-369, advertisement of delinquent real estate taxes shall be made during the period of March 1 through June 30. Staff is requesting that the Board approve the advertisement be done in the mandated period and not a specific date. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the advertisement of tax liens for delinquent 2008 real estate accounts be published in the Wilmington Star News during the mandated period and not on a specific date. ATTACHMENTS: Order for Advertisement of 2008 Unapid Tax Liens COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 6-0 NE W HANOVER C OUNTY B OARD OF COMMISSIONERS ORDER F OR ADVERTI SEMENT OF UNPAID 2008 REAL ESTATE TAX LIENS As required by G.S. 105-369 -ADVERTISEMENT OF UNPAID TAX LIENS ON REAL PROPERTY It is hereby ordered that the Tax Collector will cause to have published once in the local newspaper all unpaid 2008 tax liens on real property during the period prescribed by law. The advertisement will combine the liens of the County of New Hanover, City of Wilmington, Town of Kure Beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Carolina Beach, and the Fire District taxes thereon. ORDERED, this the 16th day of February 2009. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Attest: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna v~.~ i w ~.vv~ 6-1-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 7 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Roger Kelley CONTACT(S): Roger L. Kelley SUBJECT: Approval of Release of Tax Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request): Bleecker, Harvey V. $ 242,267 Cooper, William L. Donna 54,542 Herring, Aubrey C. Etux. 77,127 Lewis, Patricia Robert M. 45,648 McDowell, Walter L. 189,424 Norris, Rosemary F. 47,922 Ramirez, Ernest 130,070 Wade, Roy Jr. Evelyn 75,987 Walters, Eloise 67,505 Winter Irene Pikramenos Rev Tr 229,459 Request approval of the following delinquent applications for exemption from property tax for the following organizations (applications and letters explaining late filing are available upon request): Child Advocacy & Parenting Place Center, Inc. R05517-005-001-000 Church of the Servant, Episcopal Dioceses of EC R04914-002-022-000 Covil Crossing Owners Association, Inc. R04400-005-120-000 R04400-005-072-000 R04400-005-119-000 New Covenant Holiness Church R05508-003-005-000 Temple of Israel R04815-001-009-003 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 7-0 Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 7-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 8 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 09-133 -Health 09-134 -Health 09-135 -Health 09-142 -Health 09-145 -Fire Services 09-147 -Board of Elections 2009-47 -Sheriff's Office RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the ordinances for the budget amendments listed in the summary above. ATTACHMENTS: B/A 09-133 B/A 09-134 B/A 09-135 B/A 09-142 B/A 09-145 B/A 09-147 B/A 2009-47 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 8-0 AGENDA: February 16, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-133 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-133 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health Department/Women, Infants and Children (WIC Program) Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Health/Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Su lies - Com uter and Other $10,633 Total $10,633 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health/Women, Infants and Children WIC NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health Grant $10,633 Total $10,633 Section 2: Explanation To budget additional grant award from the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, because the New Hanover County Health Department has serviced greater than 100% of average base caseload of WIC clients. The funds will be used to purchase 12 computers for WIC Staff to replace old, out of warranty and service agreement computers that are not scheduled for County replacement at this time. No County match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-133, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 8-1-1 AGENDA: February 16, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-134 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-134 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health Department/Public Health Bioterrorism Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Health/Public Health Bioterrorism: Su lies $20,000 Total $20,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health/Public Health Bioterrorism: NC Office of Public Health and Health Preparedness Grant $20,000 Total $20,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget additional grant award from the NC Office of Public Health and Health Preparedness for the Public Health Regional Surveillance Team's preparedness exercise planning. The funds must be used for the expenses incurred in planning and implementing regional disaster preparedness exercises. This is a one-time, grant-funded project which will end when the grant funding ends. No County match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-134, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 8-2-1 AGENDA: February 16, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-135 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-13 5 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health Department/Administration Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Health/Administration: Ca ital Outla -Motor Vehicle $63,000 Total $63,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health/Administration: NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health Grant $63,000 Total $63,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget additional grant award from the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, to assist New Hanover County in providing health services in the community. These funds must be used in specific performance areas and the Health Department is proposing to purchase 4 vehicles to provide services in the community to support the ten primary goals for local health departments as directed by the state. No County match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-13 5, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 8-3-1 AGENDA: February 16, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-142 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-142 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health Department/Women's Preventive Health Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Health/Women's Preventive Health: Contract Services $15,000 Su lies 35,000 Total $50,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health/Women's Preventive Health: NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health Grant $50,000 Total $50,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget additional grant award from the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, to be used for any Family Planning (Title X) approved expense. These are one-time bonus funds awarded based on performance as demonstrated in increased caseload of family planning patients. No County match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-142, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 8-4-1 AGENDA: February 16, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-145 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-145 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Fire Services Department: Fire Services /Fire Services Operations Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Fire Services 0 erations: Salaries $31,755 Tem ora Salaries 15,375 Travel & Training 12,000 Safety Equipment 17,850 Fire De artments: M&R -Fire Ex ense $15,396 Total $15,396 $76,980 Revenue: Decrease Increase Fire Services 0 erations: Assistance to Firefi hters Grant -Federal $61,584 Total $61,584 Section 2: Explanation To budget a FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant awarded for $61,584. The funds will be used to purchase 75 sets of personal protective equipment specifically designed for wildland firefighting, provide Urban Search and Rescue Training Technician level training to 15 firefighters, and provide NFPA 1021 Officer level II training and certification to 25 officers. The County Board of Commissioners approved application for this grant at the August 4, 2008 meeting. There is a 20% match requirement ($15,396). The monies for the match will come from the existing budget. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-145, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 8-5-1 AGENDA: February 16, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-147 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-147 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Board of Elections Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Elections: Contracted Services $27,733 Total $27,733 Revenue: Decrease Increase Elections: 2008 Hel America Vote Act Grant -State $27,733 Total $27,733 Section 2: Explanation To budget an additional allocation of grant funds received from the State Board of Elections 2008 Help America Vote Act (HAVA) One-Stop Site Grant. The State had unexpended funds available after the general election. New Hanover County received additional funds to partially reimburse monies expended for one stop voting for the General Election. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-147, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ i v/ Lvv-f 8-6-1 AGENDA: February 16, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2009-47 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2009-47 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Federal Forfeited Property Department: Sheriff s Office Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Pro e Su lies $3,850 Total $3,850 Revenue: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Pro e Federal Forfeited Pro ert $3,850 Total $3,850 Section 2: Explanation To budget receipt for 2/2/09 in the amount of $1,628, and $2,222 proceeds from the County auction of vehicles bought with Federal Forfeited Property funds. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2009-47, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna vll~./ I %J/ 14.vv-f 8-/-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 9 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Commissioner Caster CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Introduction of the Battleship NORTH CAROLINA Director, Captain Terry Bragg (USN Retired) BRIEF SUMMARY: Captain Terry Bragg (USN Retired) is the new director of the Battleship NORTH CAROLINA. Captain Bragg will be in attendance in order to be introduced to the Board of Commissioners and the community. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Welcome Captain Bragg. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Welcome Captain Bragg. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Welcomed Captain Bragg. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 9-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 10 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Chris Coudriet CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet SUBJECT: Introduction of Foster Norman, Area Director for Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services BRIEF SUMMARY: Foster Norman is the new Area Director for Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services. Mr. Norman accepted the position at Southeastern following the retirement of Art Costantini. He comes to New Hanover County from Henderson, where he was director of a similar agency. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Welcome Mr. Norman. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Welcome Mr. Norman. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Welcomed Mr. Norman. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna iv/14,ki 10-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 11 DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): Bruce T. Shell CONTACT(S): Libby Moore SUBJECT: Recognition of Retirees, Presentation of Service Awards and Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: RETIREES John D. Bruce, Environmental Management -10 Years of Service Henry Chisholm, Museum - 27 Years of Service Gaither H. Deitz, Jr., Inspections - 33 Years of Service Johnny L. Johnson, Sheriff's Office -10 Years of Service Paulette B. Long, DSS - 26 Years of Service Sharon F. Moore, DSS - 28 Years of Service Teresa A. Murphy, Sheriff's Office - 29 Years of Service William Stevens, Jr., Sheriff's Office -19 Years of Service Joann Swart, DSS - 34 Years of Service FIVE (5) YEARS Margaret McGrath, Health Department Leslie Stanfield, Information Technology TWENTY (20) YEARS Barbara Thrift, Health Department TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS Dennis Bordeaux, Inspections NEW EMPLOYEES James Bain, Sheriff's Office Carla Baker, Health Department Allison Baxter, Sheriff's Office Jaime Beasley, Fire Services Duane Branch, Environmental Management Michael Bruce, Sheriff's Office Joshua Cranford, Sheriff's Office Janine Meylan, Sheriff's Office Mark Meylor, Fire Services Tim Morgan, Parks Department Bill Ouzer, DSS Glen Pedersen, Sheriff's Office James Price, Sheriff's Office RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna iv/14,ki 11-0 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recognize retirees and new employees. Present service awards. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Recognized retirees and new employees. Presented service awards. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna iv/14,ki 11-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 12 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Foster Norman CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet SUBJECT: Consideration of Request by Southeastern Center for the Return of $2 Million Held in Escrow for Facility Construction BRIEF SUMMARY: At its January 29, 2009 business meeting, the Southeastern Center Area Authority voted unanimously to request $2 million of the $5 million held in escrow by New Hanover County. Foster Norman, area director, will present the area authority's request and outline his plan for managing service through the end of the fiscal year. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider approving Southeastern Center Area Authority's request for $2 million held in escrow so that it can meet service needs, consistent with the plan presented, through the end of the fiscal year. ATTACHMENTS: Request letter and funding plan COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 12-0 Southeastern Center Far IVlental Health, Developmental Disabilities, & Substance Abuse Services Servin,~ Brunswick,lVew Hanover, ~ Pen~ler Counties 2023 South 17t" Street, Post Office Box 4147, Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 332-b888, Fax (910) 332-6780, 1-800-293-6440 _ _ _oster-~lor-man_ _ _ Area Director D ~E~ " January 30, 2009 ''i NEW NANC}VER CQ. MANAGER'S a~~CGE Mr. Bruce T. Shell, County Manager 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 195 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Mr. Ted Davis, Jr., Chair New Hanover County Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dr. Mr. Shell and Mr. Davis; At the January 29, 2009 Area Board meeting for Southeaster Center, the Area Board voted unanimously to request the return of two (2) million dollars from New Hanover County, that is a part of the five (5) million dollars previously provided by Southeastern Center for facility construction. As you know, the reason fior the request is the need that Southeastern Center has to pay for services for the remainder of the current fiscal year. Attached is a plan that addresses the issues we have encountered and one that will avoid any such issues in the future. At a future Area Board meeting, the Area Board will discuss its continued need fora new building. We appreciate the cooperation and support of the county. If there are any questions, please contact me or Foster Norman, Area Director. egards, F d Blankenhorn Area Board Chair FB/gp Attachment Cc: Chris Coudrlet, Asst. NN County Manager Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~onna v~.~ i w ~.vv~ 12 - 1 - 1 } a Southeastern Center State Dollar Funding Plan Southeastern center for MH/DD1SA {SEC) has experienced a situation where it has earned and expended unit cost reimbursement, {UCR) state dollar funding at a rate that result in a significant portion of funds having been expended within the first seven months of the fiscal year. Although the expenditures have taken place between July 1, 2008 and January-30 2009,-the expenditures actually cover service delivery for the time period of May 1, 2008 through January 30, 2009. The result is that SEC, at January 30, 2009, has no UCR state dollars for adult and child mental health, child developmental disabilities, or adult substance abuse. In order to avoid this situation in future years, the following plan has been developed and implemented. {1 } SEC has developed the information technology capacity to track and monitor authorizations for service and spending trends and comparison data of the value of authorizations against available funding. {2) SEC has developed and implemented a Consumer Service Limit grid that lists each service available and identifies the volume of service that may be authorized for each service. {3} SEC has developed and implemented procedures that guide staff in the authorization process. {4} SEC has developed and is in the process of implementing staff training plans that will further educate clinicians in making appropriate authorization decisions. {5} SEC has developed a standard set of reports that are regularly reviewed by the Area Director, Finance Officer, and Management Team. {6) SEC has developed procedures that prompt the agency to review and make decisions when specific pre-identified "triggers" are reached. {7) SEC shall authorize services as appropriate within available funding and funding shall be spread evenly across the entire fiscal year. {8} The Area Board shall receive an income statement, a balance sheet, and a report of state dollar earnings on a monthly basis. Each county manager shall receive the same reports. (9) The Area Board and Management team shall develop an annual budget that is completed using a process that allocates specific amounts of funding to specific ageldisability categories by service need. These dollar values shall be converted into units of service that are then used far authorization purposes. This budget plan will be reviewed monthly to determine whether adjustments are necessary. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 12-1-2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 13 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Jennifer Braswell CONTACT(S): David F. Weaver SUBJECT: Presentation by New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District BRIEF SUMMARY: Jennifer Braswell, Director of Community Conservation, will be presenting an annual overview of the New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District's 2008-2009 services, projects and accomplishments. Specifically, Ms. Braswell will discuss the District's education and outreach services, the Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP), land acquisitions, and partnerships. In addition, Ms. Braswell will discuss the District's 2009-2010 goals. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 13-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 14 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Shawn Ralston CONTACT(S): Dave Weaver, Shawn Ralston SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution to Petition the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NDENR) to petition the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Establish a No Discharge Zone (NDZ) in the Estuarine Waters within New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: At the September 22 meeting the Board passed a resolution requesting the NCDENR to petition the EPA to establish a No Discharge Zone in the estuarine waters within the Town of Wrightsville Beach's jurisdiction. NCDENR has requested that an application be submitted for all estuarine waters within New Hanover County as opposed to limiting the area to Wrightsville Beach. Since the Board passed the resolution in September, both the towns of Kure Beach and Carolina Beach have passed resolutions supporting the application for all estuarine waters within New Hanover County to be designated as a NDZ. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider adoption of the resolution requesting that the NCDENR petition the EPA to establish a No Discharge Zone (NDZ) in the estuarine waters within New Hanover County. ATTACHMENTS: Wrightsville Beach Resolution Proposed NDZ Marina Locations Carolina Beach Resolution Kure Beach Resolution NDZ Resolution September 22, 2008 agenda item COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 14-0 N. iii F i i yam! WIV ti,~ k ~ ~ au ~~n. FY l °e Ids I~. ~ i r u i I~ au i 4g ~ iU w ~ ~ y WW pppg N 1 ~u~~0~~~~ R~ a r~a~~~~i IfMFR Id°,~ v '1vu ~ p ~ ~ ~ II °v u u hr 0.4 @ ~ I wm.~~1 ti _ w ~ ~ J . I~~}~~1 I. I r11r,~ I r i~ 1 -111'1 II i. ~ n~ ~ ~a . e, q,.o ~Ia~ ra n ~ ~F. I...~L.,~ Yuo. ~ H 1~~i~ Y, ~ e, ~ - ub~ ~d~ 1~~ N ~,mw a' .u r" °c, u"r. `a ~r 0 .1~9~ ~a ~ a y° u p d u" u II ~h~ p. u~~ Vo s n Ye r'1 . .W °e u u .1 Y .~i p Y ud Y Igy9 .'~u ~tl •4' 1 u" 0 .n ~o u r u Y yU 11 li ~u~ u II p E V 1 ul~ 'Y tl J~~ yY "i, P ^i~ "P ui 6 :'B !1 1L r a u 1~. r s^ u il ~ s . . d .~y. tl~r~ti ~ o .if u u d, u c .u yid :e ~,P P 9 u ~a G~ YB OY "Y .Y Nv " 'V~v' ~L}~ ~ ~~I I~~ . II.F~~I~ ~ ~ ~ 1..~ ~ .~I ~I ~ IP1'1 ~'1~ u~orcuY uepy1~,.~~. 1~ I ` MU N. II ."~k 1 ~ D n6 L y k, &1 ~ u,.p ~ E v a aN'~' 1 ,g-. u" ? ~ Lr 1~yy{` ~s 6~ EY pp d' tl Vu LI pi, yll ~ 'o ~ E 1YL . I._~~~1~1~~.~11~y I --rte ~~~I I FJ~.~II~1 YI'~~ i' ~ i i 11 .~~u~ ~ ~ ~~.f I~ Board of Commis~bei~~e ~~IJtl~~l I~~~ p mnti~~nna JL I A, JL . P , _ ;.a II~~ r;r •~ti~ •ti . ~ ~ E ~ - . u err ti m ~ ~ _ h ~ o ~ , w Y,. :7 ~a .YLL ~ fx ~ ' u ' ~ r ° o o~° ~r n~' _ :f ~ ~ r ~ ~ 6 v 3 o ~ uu , ~ vYL J'~ Y,➢ ^M o ~ F £ • ~ ~ ~ . r" • ~ a u" a ~ . e YP. 111 x ° I _ u d ~ ~ W r . a" V { ~t „ 4! h ~ ~ ~ "asa, ~ n. a e. a :r, ~ ° r~ it Y,.., u J'~ J' • u~ Y .'W~ J ~y~ . u~, FJr V' ~ ,r, Vii, ' ~ XY1r Y r 0. R e e~ ~ tld ~ ,o r_ n~ Y, ~u y l~ m.. 0 9 ..va ~ ~ u ® Ip iii ° u b Gtl ~ ! e q~. ~~I~ MT~~IL,LE `t~r,~ ,ha rz ~ F~u '7 ~ ,'i d r e'er ~ I i r~ ~ ~ E t S 1 ~ ~y., ~y •Lr'"• ~I .`^u 0y~L 1'y1rJ . p~~ r:. ~ , 4 I ~ Iq'~, tiAh~. ~ I ~,L. Ii- .J L ~ yi y'~en~ e o ~77i 9~ J ~J ~tl ~ y ~o ` y t a ~.I ~ L u°' Y,. , ~I'~E ~k ~ a° a ~ r~ _ a 'x u:° h a u ryl 4 uM ~ I,~ ~ -.i. ~ r p ~a~~ E~ I~~-, E i~;4+ j I i ~ I~ E ~~.~P E ~h ~ ] .rt i r`~ ~ I'~11 Sri r~ 'i~ I~ r~~~ i T ~ 4~~ ~ r'. _I i~~i Filii ire 1 .r'~ .~~~y~~ ~.~I ~ F~ I iii f~~ r . ~ r ~ ,.~e , I 1 ~L J r ~I~ ~,/aJ.,~ IL~ W L of L~ W I °~17 ~ ~ o~, I; i' ~ Board of Commissio ' ~~ItI~~I ~'III~~ mnti~~nn II~II FIIII I v, ll~l m y/14. ki 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~~y wsthl~. eve ~~~~r~r ~~u~at~ 1~i~h ~~~ic a~~e~s a ~a~ ~re~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~~~ ater~ urr~u~d~~~ ar~Z~~~ ~~~aha ~ '~aw,~ ~rali~~ ~sx ~ ~~~re~tiarl ~ ~ ~f the ~ra~~~~ ~~r~~c~ ~~t~r~ ~a ~~~~t ~~~r~~ ~ ~~r~~~ ~~t~ai~ bes~~fit~ ~ 'i~A~, env H~av~~ art ~~a~ e~~ ~t~~~ ~n.~ ~~iv~ ~i~n~~ ~ ~ b~~~~~~ ~~r the ~~~~x ~~pu1~~ a~~e ~~t~ ~ e~t~~~ 1~ of the 'ter A~~ r~s ~~si~~ ~ en ~ ~ p~~~~~~ ~e ~te~ ~~r~e~~~~ P~at~t~~~ ~Aga~~~ ~a fir ~ c~~~ r~~t~ ~ ~~~~~~r~e ~ane~ ~ a~d~~~al ~a~~ ~a ~~r~ r~~t~r li i~~~ue ~ ~ ~ ~~~aa~~~~ ~ ~av~~~~ 'SEA, '~h~ ~l~na ~~~ah ~ U~ ~'l~n o rte ~~~er~~~~1 re~u~~5 ~~~i~n~~ a ~s~e water ~~~iy a i~ ~u art ~~rerz~l ~ rear ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~sh~~, ~ w~ w~l a~,~~~~Iy ~va~ t~ ~ le~~a~~ its ats~ st~~te r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~i~ n~~~r~ ~~~ur~~, f r~l~~~ ~a~s ~~~~ur~~~ eve H~~~~er om~~~~n~rs ~o " " ' ~~~stsaxs ~ ~a ~~a~n~~n~ a~ ~n~~a~~t a~~ ~at~ra ~~~s t~ ~~t e~t~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s~~~~ bane ~t~ ~tss~r~~e v~~tr~ w~i~ the T~w~' '~ri~~i~~~~ This ~~~t~~~ a~at~~ t~isd~ ~~p~, k ~E~~~~~~~~~~ y~~ ~ ~~F ~ ~~,~a ~ ~ } ~ ~ ~ inn ~ . ~ ~ti Board of C~ m'~t ~f 1~ ~:a~ 14-4- 0 AV66:k 60H 1 ~ 1 i + ~ Y y~~ if 4 ~ ~ :~i f :fir ~ ~ ~ ~l k ll~~ :elf 1.~~~~~. r~~~r~ ,tea t k~ ~ ~~~~r ~,~~1 ~.1~1 ~ ti a s~~ s a~, ~ ~ ~u~ i~~u~ ~~~~~d its ~ ~ a~ ~3~~~~~~~~N~E~~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M c ' ~ c ~ v~ Tin ~ f~~~ "r r F-^~-1 ~-I ~ 1 Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 14-5-1 } NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2~0 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE ~ 7S 'WILMINGTON, NC 28~0~ (910 7987~~9 • (910 7987~~~'FAX • .~tN~~~~.~o Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman • Jason R. Thompson, Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer, Commissioner • William A. Caster, Commissioner • Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Commissioner . „ i ~ b~~. Sheila L. Schuh, Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION TO PETITION THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES TO ESTABLISH A NO DISCHARGE ZONE IN THE COASTAL WATERS WITHIN NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County depends on the recreational use of the surrounding coastal waters to attract tourists and derive economic benefit; and WHEREAS, water quality within the coastal waters of New Hanover County has declined in recent years causing shellfish closures and beach closures as a result; and WHEREAS, Section 312 of the Clean Water Act allows responsible State agencies to petition the United States Environmental Protection Agency to petition for the designation of No Discharge Zones as an additional tool to address water quality issues associated with sewage contamination; and WHEREAS, the designation of a No Discharge Zone provides the State with an additional tool to address water quality issues associated with sewage contamination; and WHEREAS, the Town Councils for Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach have each passed resolutions petitioning the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources to establish a No Discharge Zone in the estuarine waters within their respective jurisdictions and New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, this resolution supports the designation of a No Discharge Zone within the coastal waters of New Hanover County which includes the Intracoastal Waterway and all tidal creeks that drain to it, as well as all waters that extend to a point three nautical miles off the shoreline of New Hanover County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby petition the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources to request establishment of a No Discharge Zone in the coastal waters within New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 16th day of February, 2009. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schuh, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 14-6-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 22, 2008 REGULAR ITEM: 20 DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Mayor Steven K. Whalen and Steve Dellies CONTACT(S): David F. Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution to Petition the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) to Establish a No Discharge Zone (NDZ) in the Estuarine Waters Within the Town of Wrightsville Beach's Jurisdiction BRIEF SUMMARY: Mayor Steven K. Whalen from the Town of Wrightsville Beach and Steve Dellies, the Town's Stormwater Manager will attend the meeting to request the Board to petition NCDENR to establish a No Discharge Zone in the estuarine waters within the Town's jurisdiction to reduce sources of fecal coliform. A draft resolution is attached for the Board's consideration. The Town of Wrightsville Beach adopted a resolution on August 14, 2008 requesting New Hanover County to petition for the NDZ. A copy of the resolution is attached, along with more information in the attached talking points. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution. Above action will result in: New Position(s) Position(s) Modification Or Change No Change in Position(s) ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Wrightsville Beach Resolution Talking Points COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Consider the resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 14-7-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION TO PETITION THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES TO ESTABLISH A NO DISCHARGE ZONE IN THE ESTUARINE WATERS WITHIN THE TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH'S JURISDICTION WHEREAS, the Town of Wrightsville Beach is a barrier island beach community within New Hanover County with public access to the ICWW, marsh areas and estuarine waters surrounding Wrightsville Beach; and WHEREAS, the Town of Wrightsville Beach depends on the recreational use of the surrounding surface waters to attract tourists and derive economic benefit; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County shares these waters and derives similar benefits for the larger population of the County; and WHEREAS, Section 312 of the Clean Water Act allows responsible State agencies to petition the United States Environmental Protection Agency to petition for the designation of No Discharge Zones as an additional tool to address water quality issues associated with sewage contamination; and WHEREAS, the Town of Wrightsville Beach LAMA Land Use Plan supports development of joint programs with County officials to reduce sources of fecal coliform to its estuarine and ocean waters with the goal of opening up all of Wrightsville Beach's waters to shellfishing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby petition the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources to request establishment of a No Discharge Zone in the estuarine waters within the Town's jurisdiction. ADOPTED this the 22nd day of September, 2008. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 14-7-2 i RES~}LUTIaN Nth. ~Z008} I595 Board of Aldermen . Town of wrightsviue Beach Date. August 14, 2408 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING NEw HANOVERCOUNTY TCPETITION Tl-IE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONNJENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES TQ ESTABLISH A NO DISCHARGE ZONE IN TIDE ESTUARINE WATERS wITHIl~ TIC TOWN' S JURISDICTION i i ~4~IEREAS, the Town of Wrightsville Beach is a barrier island beach community within New Hanover County with public access to the ICWW, marsh areas and estuarine waters surrounding Wrightsville Beach; and WHEREAS, the Town of Wrightsville Beach depends on the recreational use of the surrounding surface waters to attract tourists and derive economic benefit; and V~VHEREAS, New Hanover County shares these waters and derives similar benefits for the larger population of the County; and F WHEREAS, Section 31Z of the Clean water Act allows responsible State agencies to petition the United States Environmental Protection Agency to petition for the designation of No ischar a Zones as an additional tool to address water quality issues associated with sewage G D g contamination; and t ~"VHEREAS, the Town of Wrightsville Beach LAMA Land Use Plan supports development of 'Dint ro ams with County officials to reduce souxces of fecal coliform to its estuarine and F J p ~ ~ ' htsville Beach's waters to shellf.shin . ocean waters wiith the goal of opening up all of Wr.g g THEREFORE BE IT RES4L~ED TEIAT, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Wri htsville Beach does hereby encourage New Hanover County to petition the North. Carolina g Department of Environment and Natural .Resources to request establishment of a No Discharge Zone in the estuarine waters within the Town's jurisdiction. r This resolution adopted this 14~' day of August, 200$. 3 F 3 f tR 3 t n, Mayor ATTEST: ~.~n°~ 7 ~ 3 ~ F ~ ~ ~ S 1 ' J. Rolle an Town Clerk ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ ti n , t. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 14-7-3 . ~ - _n _ m ~ ~ m s _ o t a ~ i No Discharge Zone (NDZ) • Provided for under Section 312 of the Clean Water Act • An NDZ is an area of a water body or an entire water body into which the discharge of sewage (whether treated or untreated) from all vessels is completely prohibited • They are designed to give States an additional tool to address water quality issues associated with sewage contamination • NDZ designations are used to address human health, aesthetic, and environmental impacts from their increasing boating population • Water bodies that can be designated as NDZs by States and EPA include coastal and fresh waters and estuaries Why A NDZ Is Needed • UNCW study preliminary results indicate boat-borne human bacteria signals • Increase in the number ofState-issued swimming advisories • Wrightsville Beach waters are State-designated recreational waters What a NDZ Would Mean • EPA will, by regulation, completely prohibit the discharge from a vessel of any sewage, whether treated or not, into those waters • Whenever a vessel equipped with a Type I or Type II Marine Sanitary Device (MSD)(these types discharge treated sewage) is operating in a No Discharge Zone, the MSD cannot be used and must be secured to prevent discharge o Closing the seacock and padlocking o Using anon-releasable wire-tie o Removing the seacock handle o Locking the door to the head with a padlock or a door handle key lock • A vessel with a Type III MSD (holding tank) will have to disable the diverter valve (if installed) How a NDZ is Designated • An interested party, group, or local government can discuss their concerns with the appropriate State agency (DENR)that addresses vessel sewage discharges • If the State determines a water body to be appropriate for designation as a NDZ, the State can submit to the EPA Regional Administrator an application • Three ways that NDZs can be established are: o If the EPA determines that adequate facilities for the safe and sanitary removal and treatment of sewage from all vessels are reasonably available in the area requested to be designated a NDZ o In special waters, if the protection and enhancement of the quality of the waters require such a prohibition (i.e., if the waters are found to have particular environmental importance Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 14-7-4 ■ Environmental importance can include waters located in established sanctuaries, national parks, national wilderness areas and national recreation areas, and in waters used by endangered or threatened species ■ The State does not have to show that there are reasonably available pump-out or dump stations o To prohibit the discharge of sewage from vessels into waters that are drinking water intake zones Enforcement • The U.S. Coast Guard (or any other Federal or State government entity under agreement with the U.S. Coast Guard) and the State in which the no-discharge zone has been designated have enforcement authority of the no-discharge zones for vessel sewage Marine Sanitary Devices MSDs) • State law prohibits vessels from discharging any sewage, treated or untreated, into the fresh waters of North Carolina • As of January 30,1980, if a vessel has an installed toilet, it must be equipped with one of three types of MSDs • Portable toilets or "ports-potties" are not considered installed toilets and are not subject to the MSD regulations. T es of Marine Sanitation Devices Yp Sewage Treatment Vessel Length Standard Device Type I-Flow-through equal to or less The effluent produced must not have a fecal coliform device (maceration and than 65 feet in bacteria count greater than 1000 per 100 milliliters and disinfection) length have no visible floating solids. Type II-Flow-through greater than 65 The effluent produced must not have a fecal coliform device (maceration and feet in length bacteria count greater than 200 per 100 milliliters and disinfection) suspended solids not greaterthan 150 milligrams per liter. Type III- Holding tank any length This MSD is designed to prevent the overboard discharge of treated or untreated sewage Even small amounts of microorganisms from sewage wastes can introduce diseases like hepatitis to people in contact with the water. Bacteria can contaminate shellfish and make them unsuitable for human consumption. Many marine sanitation devices (MSDs) discharge "treated" waste with bacteria counts five to 70 times higher than that allowable under state law for shellfishing or swimming waters. In addition, there is no annual inspection program to ensure that installed MSDs are operating as advertised. Without routine maintenance, it is entirely possible that an MSD is not providing the level of treatment that a boat owner thinks it is providing. Prohibiting all boat sewage discharges in NDZs ensures that poorly maintained MSDs do not degrade water quality and helps reduce the risk of human illness from inadequately treated sewage. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 14-7-5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 15 DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Avril Pinder CONTACT(S): Avril Pinder SUBJECT: Presentation on Sales Tax BRIEF SUMMARY: At the February 3 City of Wilmington City Council meeting, during the public input regarding the proposed annexation of the Monkey Junction area, several comments were made regarding the sales tax revenue distribution between the City and the County. Commissioner Greer asked staff to prepare a presentation on the sales tax distribution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 15-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: February 16, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 16 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Davis CONTACT(S): Sheila Schult SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following boards and committees: Cooperative Extension Advisory Council Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Port, Waterway, and Beach Commission RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: CA-2-16-09 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following appointments were made: Cooperative Extension Advisory Council: Charles F. Mincey appointed Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority: Neal W. Andrew appointed, Frank J. Oddo reappointed Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee: Sharon R. D'Andrea appointed, Kristi Dews Dale and Susan Moriarty reappointed Port, Waterway, and Beach Commission: H. Layton Bedsole, Jr. appointed to unexpired term, Nicholas Henry Silivanch appointed to three-year term Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 16-0 Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 16-0 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ADVISORY COUNCIL 4 Vacancies - 3 year term - 5/31/2011 (Note: Vacancies have been advertised since April.) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANT: REAPPOINTMENT Charles F. Mincey Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application Board of Commissioners Meeting mii ~i~nno v~.~ i w ~.vv~ 16-1-1 NEW HANOVER GOUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ADVISORY COUNCIL Members: 16 At-Large; Appointed by the County Commissioners Terms: Appointments are made for three years. Purpose: Participate in and support Cooperative Extension programs and events. Cooperative Extension is a partnership between New Hanover county Government and two Universities: North Carolina State University and North Carolina A & T State University. Primary responsibilities of the County Advisory Council are to: 1. Provide input and direction for overall educational programming conducted by Extension Staff and volunteers in the areas of horticulture Arboretum}, 4-H Youth Development, Family and Consumer Sciences, Coastal Management, Environmental Education, and Urban Forestry. 2. Serve as an advocate in support of Cooperative Extension with citizens, community leaders, and elected officials 3. Foster relationships with other related organizations and agencies Meetings: Fourtimes yearly, held in auditorium at the New Hanover County Arboretum Statute or cause creating council: Cooperative Extension Director requested County Commissioners appoint members 112312006. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Durwood Baggett Initially by Ex-Officio 2324 41st Street, Apt. 323 Cooperative Ext. Wilmington, NC 28403 NHC 1123106 790-9580 ~H} Sheila K. Chase First 12116106 5131109 255C Beasley Road Wilmington, NC 28409 70-6024 ~H} 799-3435 ~W} Ted Davis, 111 First 6116108 5131111 2409 Shirley Road Wilmington, NC 28405 520-4344 ~C} Steven H. Everhart, PhD. First 5115106 5131109 1701 Canady Road Wilmington, NC 28411 686-2673 ~H} 796-7436 ~W} Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ ti~~nna 16-1-2 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ADVISGRY COUNCIL PAGE 2 TERM 4F OFFICE CURRENT 11~EMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Beryl Glover Initially by 5131109 4953 Wythe Place Cooperative Ext. Wilmington, NC 28409 NHC 1123146 397-9433 ~H} Second Ann Hilburn First 12111107 5131110 1422 Wagon Court Wilmington, NC 28412 792-6767 ~H} Jewell Hobbs First 8118108 5131111 5009 Birds View Court Castle Hayne, NC 28429 575-3449 H 199-2900 W Tim Kendall First 12/18/06 5131109 2418 ban Court Wilmington, NC 28411 196-6602 ~H} Samona Taylor First 11/10/08 5131111 313 Ann Street Wilmington, NC 28401 200-4432 C 796-3909 W Khalifah L. Thrower First 10116/06 5131109 324 Hibiscus Way Wilmington, NC 28412 452-4081 ~H} 392-1656 X1111} Margaret Whisenhunt First 9117147 5131110 92S Summerlin Falls Court Wilmington, NC 28412 199-1066 ~H} 612-1659 ~W} Christopher Yermal First 12115/08 5131111 2108 Metts Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 163-1915 ~H} 228-6531 ~C} Director: Melissa Hight 12108 Cooperative Extension Service File: (Cooperative 6206 Oleander Drive BIC #NIA Wilmington, NC 28403 798-7660 ~0} 798-7618 Fax} Revised: ~ 21~ 112008 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~~~ ti~~nna VL/ 1V/ LVVI 16-1-3 23{1 Government Center [)rive New Hanover County Suite 17S Board of Commissioners C~MM~TTEE APPL~CAT~~N '~1i1jY,;r,b~,p, ~c zs~o3 7'elep~ one, l U )198-7149 ~ Fa ~ f910) 79$-7145 d~~ ~t~V ~~S RoardlCammittec: Marne: ~ Rome ~ ~ . ~ ~ t act /ti, r~f~l~IJ ~a, Address. (street) (City] (Zile Cade) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address. ~ Fax. ~ done. ~ N~rne ~ Years Living in ~ New Hanover County: ~ IVlale: Female: , Race: Age: (linformation for the purpose of assuring s cross section of the cnmmu~nity) p y ersnn c~rrentl em In ed b the a enc nr de ~rtment for which tht5 ayaplic on is made, must resigrr hislher position with l~cw Han[rver County (A p y p y Y g Y p' upon al,pointmerit, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New H anaver County il'ersannelP~licy.) Occupation; t~ ~ ~ ~p~' s~'" essional Activities. ~ ~ ~ Prof V ~ ~Ds"t" Volunteer Activities: ittee? v ~h~ ~D ~ V ~ ~ ~ Why do you wish to serve on this baardlcomm ~ ~ Cnnflici of ! terest: !t a board member believes ne /she has a conflict or pateRtial conflict pf interest on a particular issue, that member should stafe,ihis belief t the other urir~ a ublic meetin ,The member should sfafe the nature of the conflict, Befalling that he/she has a separate, private or maneia members of his /her respeci~ve board d g p 9 intarest, either direct yr indirect, in the issue under con sideratian. The m emb er should then excuse himself /herself from voting an the matter. this committee? ~ ~ ~ what areas of concern would you like to see addressed by ~ ~U~- p~n.. ~D ~0 two c~ ns for scrvin : l Qual~ficat~o g ~1 4 '~r•7 err +il r+ ~ ~ ~ M Other munici al or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: ~ P ~ ~ List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1 j~~'" ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s~ I]ate.: _ ~ lase reverse side fc~r ~ dditinnal c~~mments Applications re Icep on i'ilc far I8 m Fr N - ~ zoa~ JA New ~~~ov~~ ~o ~ Bo~~,of~f~C e ing m~~ti~~nna VL/ 1V/LVVI 16-1-4 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY 2 Vacancies - 6-Year Terms (2/22/15) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Neal W. Andrew Frank J. Oddo X Kurt Taube X Jonathan I. Taylor Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting mii~i~nno VL/1V/LVVI 16-1-5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY Number of Members: l Must be a qualified elector and resident of the County. No member can be an elected official of the County} Terms: Six years ~G.S.159C requirement} Terms must end on the 22nd of the month. Regular Meetings: As called by the Chairman of the Authority Statute or cause crea#ing Authority: N,C. General Statutes 1590-4. New Hanover County Resolution dated February 7, 1971 creating Authority. Purpose: To promote the rightto gainful employment opportunity, private industry, the prevention and control of the pollution of the air, land and waters of the State of North Carolina in the safety, morals and health of the people. Brief on functions: ~1 } To aid in the financing of the industrial manufacturing facilities for the purposes of providing employment and raising below average manufacturing wages by financing industrial and manufacturing facilities through the issuance and sale of tax free revenue bonds; and ~2} to provide taxfree revenue bonds for established industries that are in need of modernization in order to meet the pollution control requirements of the country, state, county and city. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION William H. Cameron First 2115193 2/2211999 P.O. Box 3649 Second 2115199 2122!2005 Wilmington, NC 28406 Third 3114105 2122/2011 251-9822 ~H} 762-2676 ~W} Brian McCormack First 3112101 2/22/2013 822 Lambrock Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 686-74D3 ~H} 815-2718 ~W} Frank J. Gddo Unexpired 12/15/03 2/22/2009 8312 Sidbury Road Wilmington, NC 28411 686-4281 ~H} William A. Gden, Ill Unexpired 11/19/07 2/22/2413 316 S. Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 399-1680 ~H} 794-4813 ~W} Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna VL/1V/LVVI 16-1-6 INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTRC3L FINANCING AUTHGRITY ~CONTINUED~ TERM ~F OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION R. Hill Rogers First 5121101 2/22/2007 1201 Country Glub Road Second 3112107 2/22/2013 Wilmington, NC 28403 763-0273 ~H} 762-2676 ~W} Robert F. Ruffner, Jr. First 2115193 2/22/1999 1801 Hawthorne Road Second 2115199 2/22/2045 P.4. Box 4189 Third 3114105 2122/2011 Wilmingtan, NC 28406 343-1017 ~H} 392-5220 ~W} Kurt Taube Unexpired 6124105 2/22/2009 3802 Providence Court Wilmington, NC 28412 392-5610 ~H} Ex-Officio: Steve Diab, Attorney 11107 16 N. Fifth Avenue File: Ilndustry Wilmington, NC 28401 BIC# 14 763-2426 ~W} Board of Commissioners Meeting m~~ti~~nno Xi 11.1/ X %-Y/ 11.1 %j %j 16-1-7 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners C~IN~MITTE~ APFLICATI~N ~ lm~7 ~s4Q~ Telephone: (910 798-7149 Fax; (910} 7987145 BoardfCommittee; industrial Facilities ~ Pal~.nti.on Control Financing .Authority Name: Neal W. .~ndxe~r Home Address: 2 2 5 Braxl o Lane Wilmington. 2 84 0 9 (~treet~ (City (Zip Cale) 1'~a~ling Address if different: E~Maii Address; rieal~andrewenga,neers .cam Hume P~ar~e: Fix. 2~~--5558 B~srness: 202-5555 dears Living in New Hanauer County: 3~~ dale: Female; .ace; Age: 3~ (laforma#ian i`or the purpose al'assnring a cross section of the community} Employer; Axzdrew Consulting Engineers, ~ ~A person currently empluye~ by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign bislher posi#Ia1! with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.} l~ecupafiion, Consulting Prcfes~ional Engineer Professional Activities; Leadership Wilmington, PE organizations, Chamber of Cama~erce Member Volunteer Activities: 1~ATHCaUN'Is, Steward of Masanbora Island, Inspection Dept ,Ado Comm why da you wish to serve on this baardfcommittee? I want tc~ assist in developing better quality and higher paling ~oba in this county and assist local industry in redr~cing pollution. Conflkt of Jnterest: tf a board membe!' believes he ~ she has a conflict nr pofentiaJ Convict Qf interest an a particular issue, that member shautd state this beliettn the other . members Qf lris 1 her respective board during a public meeting. The member shpr~id state the mature of the conftict, detaiting thaf he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct ar indirect, in the issue under Gansideration. The m em6ershvuJd then excuse himself f Pterseit from voting an the matfer. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this ca~nmittee? Increase the number of higher paying fobs in axder to retain skil,~.ed residents and attract modern industries. uali~cations for servin : Professional Engineer, Owner of eng~.neering firm, service on other ~ g boards and committees, e.g NC Building Code, IDACr & Lands on Wilmington other municipal or county baardsfcamnaittees an which you are serving: Tnspect~.on Department Advisory Comm List three local pea~sonal references and phone numbers: 1. ~~.m Summey 383.0562 ,Tony Stroud ?93-5454 Ld Powers 799~441~ Date: February' ~ , 2009 Signature: Applications are kept nn file far 18 utonths Use reverse side far additiaaal comments Board of Commissioners Meeting m~~ ti~~nna VL/1V/LVVI 16-1-8 New Hanover County Board of Cammussioners C~JMMITTEE APPLICAT~(]N 320 Chestnut Street, Roam 305 Wilmin~tan, NC 28401-4093 t~ ~ V ~'ele have 910 341-7149 P ( ) FAQ (910) 341-4130 INDUSTRIAL FAC=CITIES AND PDLLUTIDN CoNT'RQL FINANCING UTH T W K~NO~~~ Ga ~5 Board~Comm ittee: ~~~SS1~~~_ g~~ Frank J. Dddo Name: ._R~...__,._._~__ ______...___~___..____._____.~.._---------__~__~._W.._______-____._._____._._...__..____ _ Home 8312 Sidbury Rd. Wilmington, NC 28411 Address: ______._..._.._______-----_...._..__.___..___-----___~._____.___.___mm.._...~__~..___. (Street) (City} (Zip Codc' Mailing Address if different: ~910~ -686-4281 Home Phone:._.._.~.T__~__~_________~______~._.._______._. BusinessfWark Phone: Years Living in 22 Years ~ Caueasion 56 New Hanover County: Male: __N Female: Race: Age: (information far the purpose of assuring a crass section of the eammunityl N/A Employer: --___.~_____._._._____----_..____.________~--__~__~___.___~__~_~..___.___.._______________-_______..___~.~._T_____ (A person currently employed by the agency or department far which the application is made, must resign hisihcr position with Ncw Hanauer County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Section 4 of the Ncw AanavcrCaunty Personnel Policy.) Systems Analyst 6 Project Leader at General electric Aircraft Engine Job Title: Pro ess>lonal Activit~es: __~.____.__..~--__________.__._______________._~T_.____~---___~__~___~____~__________ 1 Month w/ Foreign Mission Board in Togo West Africa, Youth leader etc Volunteer Activities: _~.T__~__.~.______..__~____--___~___._.._____._~_.__.._~_______._________._._.._____..._______._...._ Would like to contribute to the community. Another Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcammittee? _u____v..__..__________.._...~_..___.~___._..__...__...________.___.___.________.__._..._____ board that could use technical or financial expertise would also be considered. Would need to research before making What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? a decision on this. Just thought I could be a valuable resource. Extensive experience in Maintenance, Systems ~ Networking project uali cations or servmg: _.~_____...._.~_____---_~___._._._~.__._~_._____w___________.._._._..____w..~_~...____~._---___~__~________ Leadership ~ have Graduated from Mount olive with a Baccalaureate in Business with Honors. t boards committees on which au are servln [lther municipal ar coon y I y g List three local personal references and phone numbers: Ast Gowan -Professor of Business School UNCW ~ Friend -Home: 675--1176 Russ Bouchard -Plant Manager of GE Aircraft Engine ~ Fra~end -Home: ?96-3408 ___----~____~W_.__.__~_r_______.._.~.___.~___._~._______~__ Bob Keenan -Manager GE Nuclear Fuels Department ~ Friend -Home: 395-2267 3. ____.___T___.~_~------_______.___m__-------__~_____~_ June 9, 2003 ~ Date: Signature: ~ v.._ _ Applications arc kept on file for 1R man#hs Usc reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting mil ti~~nna WL / 1 V/ Lww_l 16-1-9 New Hanover County ~ , Board of Commissioners ~CI~MMITTEE APPLICATION. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 3as Wilmington,NC 2$40}-4493 Telephone {910) 34}-7149 ~'Ax {91 a~ 341-4130 BoardlCommittee: ~ Name: Home Address: ~ ~i {Street) {City) (Zip Cvde) Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: ~ Businessli~Vork Phone: Years Living in New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: Age: {Information far the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: {A person currently employed by the agency or departmeat [vr which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Jab ~tle: Professional Activities: ~ Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? ~ ~0 Canfll~et of Interest: 1f a board member believes he /she has a conffct ar potential conflict of Merest on a part,~ular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his I her respective board during a public m eating. 7`he member shoukt state the nature of the conflkt, detailing that helshe has a separate, private or monetary interesf, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? ~ ualifications for servin ~ g father municipal or county boardslcammittees on which you are serving: 200 List three local personal references and phone numbers: i. 1• ~o. N ~MMtS~~° ~ ' Date: • signature: Applicatbns are kept an file for 18 months Use reverse side tar additional comments r~ Board of Commissioners Meeting m~~ ti~~nna VL/lV/LVVI 16-1-10 WOvcO J.1KF To S~RV~ ~Y BoARD 0~ 7X~ L~W~R ~P~ f~AR VYAT~R RND Sf1rER A~R►1Y K'/fE'N TJ~RM B~CONES dYhluiBl.E Ba~~d af~mnm~ss~o~as M~a~~K VL/lV/LVVI 16-1-ll Kurt G. Taube 3802 Providence Court Wilmington, NC 28412 X91 D~ 392-5 ~ 10: Residence X914} 612-4470: Cell Phone ktaube`ci~ec.rr.com OBJECTIVE: ManagementlAdministration EXPERIENCE: Lower e E r ~V t r Sewer Authori Executive Director ~lareh 1978 March 1, 2D05 Planned and implemented the financinglconstructian of a $ZO,D00,000 regional water supply system in 5autheastern North Carolina to provide 45 million gallons per day of raw water to local governments and industry. Managed the operation and maintenance of the water system. Negotiated user contracts with local governments and industry. ■ Coordinated with attorneys, engineers, and financial advisors the issuance of over $12,975,000 of revenue bonds and the procurement of $8,700,000 in state and federal grants for capital projects. Prepared and administered a $2,000,000 annual budget. Managed the investment of up to $5,000,400.40 in fund balance and maintained a positive and sound financial position. Managed and administered all business affairs for a board of 13 representatives appointed by the member governments. oversaw regulatory matters and other dealings with local, state and federal agencies. Established the State's first Regional Lab Analytical Testing Program and negotiated participation by 17 local governments in Southeastern North Carolina resulting in an annual average cost savings of 37 % for lab testing services. ■ Spearheaded the approval and installation of highway signs by the NCD~T identifying the boundaries of the Cape Fear River Basin. Established rates, fees, and regulations for rendering water service by the Authority. Developed and oversaw capital improvement programs and long-range capital improvement plans. ■ Served on numerous government boards~committees relating to maintaining the quality of water in the Cape Fear River basin and in subterranean aquifexs. ■ Respansibilitiesmcluded public relations and public speaking skills. Established website for the organization. Board of Commissioners Meeting rn~~ ti~~nna VL/ 1V/LVVI 16-1-12 Cherr itle Economic Develo meat Commission Executive Director January 1977 -February 197& ■ Responsible for the implementation of the City of Cherryville's first effort in organizing an industrial development program. ■ Grganized the department, established the budget, hired the required staff, and developed program objectives, ■ Attracted diversified industry to Cherryville through prospecting and hunting missions; developed promotional materials; developed existing industry retention and expansion program; procured grants for economic development; secured industrial sites and buildings; developed local financing capabilities to assist prospective industry; coordinated efforts with the state and other economic development agencies; educated community leaders, board members and governmental officials on economic development process; laid plans for an industrial park; reorganized Chamber of Commerce into a more active and responsive organization to achieve other elements of community needs such as housing, water~sewer, recreation, transportation, planning, etc; conducted continuous update of data and special surveys on the area. ■ Directly assisted in locating three new diversified industries Hytec Corporation, and Bradington-Young, Inc. mmunit Devela ment Direct r C barrus Count November 1976 -January 1977 E onomic ev 1 m n Coordinator stun Count December 1975 --November 1976 Planner ~ rk C nt Plannin mmi sion January 1974 December 1975 Cart ra her en r line Council of governments actober 1971--June 1974 ~DUCATI[lN: University of North Carotins at Charlotte BA, Geography,1971 University of North Carolina at Chapel Dill ~ Basic Industrial Development Course,l X77 American water works Association ■ Seminar on Rates and Charges and the Legal Environment DRGANIZATI~NS: American'U~ater works Association ~AwwA} Lower Cape Fear River Program, Chairman (2001 and 2002} Cape Fear River Assembly, President ~2003~2oQ5} North Carolina Economic Developers Association REFERENCES: Available upon request Board of Commissioners Meeting non ti~~nna 1 ~ ~ ~ Q ~r 16-1-13 E-FEB-2@~9 05:~3P FROM:PROFORMA DOC M~MT TO:798715 P.ElE New Hanover County zan clnyc,n~t,ct,i ~~cnic~ Rnartl of Commicsionerc COMMJTTEF APPLICATION s`"'`'75 Wilntingtnn, N(' zKa03 Iclcplt~lnC. (4f{I1 1gn•71~4~1 Fox (910)~48.714i HoartilCommittce: INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND P4LLVTION C4NTRDL FINANCING AVTHDRITY Narnc: Jonathan I. Taylor #~amc Address: 313 Ann 3traet W~.lmington 284D1 IS~rcetj ~C`ItY1 (Zlp {'udt*.) Mailing A~Idress if different: E•Mai1 Address: ~ tL~profarmadoeumants . cvm Home Phone; Fax; Cell; ~usrness: 9~° • • 3456 Years Living in New Hanover County: 4 Male: l±cmale: `Race; Caucasian Age: 38 (inPormerinn for fhc purlraac of a'aurin~ a cross aallon of the cor~,e~unlty) l~mpiayer: pr° Forma Document Management Servicos, Inc. {A perean currently emplayed by the R~eney ar daparlmenl far which thl~ epplicetinn ii meAe, mw1 re~l~n hfelher paslti~ta with New Ilanovtr C`ounly upon eppuin~menf, in accordance wlfh Artictc YI, Section ~ o~lhc New Ilenr►verCnunty Pc raonnet Policy,) Occupation: Chi®f Tschnology Officmr I'rofcssionat Activities: Managem®nt of day-tv-day company operations; Research ~ development Volunteer Activities: pro bono small buein®se strategy consulting; technology mentoring Why do you wisi~ to serve an this boardlcammittec? I have agreat loots for my adopted hometown, a strong desire to Serve it, and the ®kille to b®gt do eo in this rota, Gonlltcr or rnrerra~ I a board member ber~ves he / sne Ass a conllicl or pQleMlal conR+tl al interest qa a part+culer Issue, mat member should slate lh►s belle! to lho other members of his /her respet;live board during a public meefinp The member should state the nature q1 the can(lic[, detelllnp that he/she has a separate, private qr mq~retary rmaresr, a+lher direct a +ndlrect, in the issue under cogsideralron The member should lAan a xcuse h+miell / hares!! from voting an the mallet What areas or concern would you like to sec addressed by this eommittec' Th® balance between job creation and environmental stewardship ie the key issue: how can the camma~ttee b®at address this? Qunlifcntions far serving: Wharton 9ueineee School M9A in F`inanee ttop 5~ of Classy ; former McKinsey Company Management Consultant; former Grand Canyon Trust iNGO~ stratega~c advisor ,None ~i~ t~ C~ Other munrcipel or county boardslcnmmittees an which you are serving, List three Iota! personal references end phone numbers: l• Steve Taylor, Father, New Ranover Country Magistrate ~reti,redy , l4 , 251.2~~~ ~~A~~i~~'~~ ~ 1. Dan Camischo, Neighbor, Board M®mber, Residents of Old Wilmington, 910.297,5454 3•Matthew Magna, Neighbor, Senior IT Specialist, IBM, 910 9 .6072 Date: F®bruary 2, 2009 Signature: AlrhlitKliuns Krc kcp! qn ~{Ic fur 18 men~ha U~c revere aldc far addltlnnal cammenta Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ ti~~nna VL/ 1V/LVVI 16-1-14 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE State Mandated Minimum Membership: 9 Maximum Membership allowed by State Statute: 14 Current Membership: 11 Vacancies 3 Term: One year initially (2/28/10), 3-year terms thereafter (2/28/12) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT John M. Coble Sharon R. D'Andrea Jackie Dae Kristi Dews Dale X Susan Moriarty X ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting mii ~i~nno VL/ 1V/LVVI 16-1-15 NEON HANOVER CUUNTY NURSING HGME CGMMUNITY ADVISORY CGMMITTEE Number of Members: 9 State mandated; may appoint up to 14 based on the number of nursing homes. The Nursing Home Administrators may nominate one-third of the members. Term: 1-year terms initially; 3-year terms thereafter Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level, Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 131 E-128 Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Hanover County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee may be a member of this committee. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in-laws. See Volunteer Job Descri tion for more information. Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of January, April, July, and Gctober at 4:00 p.m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments,1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC. TERM 4F GFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATIGN John S. Bilobran Initial 8113101 8131108 6605 Providence Road First 11/10/08 11130/11 Wilmington, NC 28411 686-0519 ~H} John E. Brett Initial 6120105 6130106 325 S. Third Street First 6!19106 6130109 Wilmington, NC 28401 162-7295 ~H} 815-3491 ~W} Julie Brewer Initial 6118101 6130108 3101 Durbin Court First 6116108 6130111 Wilmington, NC 28409 799-4325 ~H} Kristi Dews Dale Initial 2118108 2!28109 1312 Legacy Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 h.~- 681-0365 ~H} 540-0706 ~C} Catherine Davis First 9122108 9130111 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 395-5512 ~H} Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 16-1-16 NURSING HUME CGMMUNITY ADVISGRY COMMITTEE ~C~NT.~ TERM GF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Dorothy L. Grime Initial 12/15/03 12/31/07 5583 Wood Duck Circle First 1124105 1131108 Wilmington, NC 28409 Second 1122!08 1131111 350-0672 ~H} Faye Griffin Hoffman Initial 3!25102 3131103 162 Partridge Road 1 P.O. Box 3687 First 3124103 3131106 Wilmington, NC 28406 Second 3113106 3131109 392-6873 ~H} Patricia Lawler Initia! 6118107 6130108 602 Walnut StreetlP.O. Box 1169 First 6116108 6130111 Wilmington, NC 28402 753-8239 ~H} Mary Ann Lewis initial 3124!03 3131104 8 Merrimac Drive First 3122104 3131107 Wilmington, NC 28412 Second 3!12107 3131110 791-0523 ~H} Susan Moriarty ~ Inifiial 2118108 2128109 1509 Dog Whistle Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 790-0248 ~H} 631-374-3289 ~C} D. Alton Parker, Jr. Initial 8121100 8131101 318 Golden Road First 8!20101 8131104 Wilmington, NG 28409 Second 8116104 8131107 392-3514 ~H} Third 8113107 8131110 Glynda Pater a Initia! 11/10/08 11/30109 418 Lans n Road Wi1rn' ton, NC 28409 -9515 ~C} Denise L. Shuart Initial 8113107 8131108 111 Florida Avenue, #15 First 8118108 8131111 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 617-7005 Cell} Doris L. Walters, PhD Initial 8118108 8131!09 5006 Carleton Street, Unit 113 Wilmington, NC 28403 395-5512 ~H} Members Nominated by Nursing Home Contact: Harvin Quidas, Region O Long Administrators: None Term Care Ombudsman Cape Fear Council of Governments 1480 Harbour Drive, vilmington, NC 28441 395-4553 11108 File: 1Nursin , BIC #22 Revised: 1111212408 Board of Commissioners Meeting n~ ti~~nna VL/ 1 V/ LVV l 16-1-17 NE~f 1 ~1A1~1~Vf,R C#~t11'#~ ~ ~ ~~ssfoN~s ~Q~~ v ~~o ~ Wifm~ngivn, N~ 28443 rel~hone ~sro~ ~~r-~f~ Fa~Jf X914) 7~7~45 ~ ~ ~M~ Nerve: ~ ~ ~ ~ Dame ~ r ~S"treetl ~~rty1 ~ Co~1 ~1~g ~t~~'I~SS rf flq~me ~ l o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fex: ~ ~ ° ~ ~ Cam: ~ ~ ' - Z ~ I'14: ~ ~ Yeers I~v~it~g ~ ~Vew Haver Gott~#y..~ ~ ~ ~ Jae: Ache: ~format~vn for tfre purpose of ~ a cuss-~ctiarr of the c~n~murut~rl ~Y • ~A person CU~I ernplo~d by ~ 8~e~cy Or 1~8~# ~Dr w~11Ch 88#K?I? is !'118o~e, ln~t resin ~ pos~on wI ~ h New Hanover Gvtrnty upon appotntrnen~ in ac~~ w~ Artie Yl, Sec. 4 of the New hlanaver eaw,ty Personnel t~b~rcr.l tin: ~ ~ ~t ~0 ~ ~ nR fly 1"~/CW#1R~~ ~ C' ~ ~n ~ r': ~~r~ zaf'~, Y ~ , ` a~`~ !f a board mem 1~sfir has a ~ orpot+e►~►ryov~ctof u~ter~et# on a p~rre, i~t rber shau~d stag this 6e6'ef to ire o#her members ofihisfier' res~ctrr►e 6~d duiir~g a pu6~c meet. The merrier shoutl~d st~rte the natrrrr of the raarN9~ ~ that h~ lets a serrate, pn►vare ar rrxrnetary i~nteres~ eit/aar affect or ~ h the sue ~ cons~ratwn. The member shvuiid ifien excuse hfi'herse~f frnrrl vrrta~ an the matter: ~~f Br~S of Ct1~?C~1C1 ~IYgt~ ~ 'B #D see 8 ~ Cgr!?~~fge~ ~a ~ G L'19 G ! ~ 1 Y Y r ljLl==~•. J g4 fj/~~ )y pe y ~1V j ~~'"/~J / ~rj/~' 1 ~~M~ 1 ~ ~ ty ~ I V ~ ~1r ,y~ f lwY /V ✓ ~ ~r'! y ~ ~ ~ V I t?f1~er mum or' cgr~n~r ~aral,~/4'ari~s q~i wl~ch ~ra~~ 8~'e serv~r~. C~ ~ n ~ ~ ' Lisp #hree loci A~ raef~ and ph~e r~rmbers: . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r~,~~ ~ ~ ,~i ~ ~ c~' Apps are crept on ~ months E / ; Pfi~ase rase reverse she far add~ti'an~' comma N~lI ~ ~ 208 ~~w ~~~rov~~ co. ~D. QF CQ~iI(~mission rs Meeting vim./ iv/~ ww_i ti 16- 1- 18 r a~N'CY . • f ~w NEw ~iaNOV~`R I ~oLiNTY 4 ' ~'r, C p ~oaR~ of coMM~ssloN~~s - Y x` 430 Government Center Drive, Suite ~ 7'5 z Wilmington, NC 1~4a3 IV~~ITTEE ~4PP~.~1~A T1oN Co Telephone 1 D) 7g8-7 i~49 FAX (91 of ?98.7145 BoardlCnrtrrrr►##ee. Nar,~e• ~I r ~ ~ ~~~i i Home f ~ ~ ~~`~C~ Addnes.~. (Stre~tl f Cityl lZip Codel Mailing Address if differen#: - Q flip Cvdej ~ ~ ~ f'~ol ~l@ ,~h~1n8. 'ears living in ~ ~ Female: j/ 1~e+CB: ~ ~ A : New Hanover County. Male ge (lnformatr'on for the purpose of assurr"ng a cross-section of tfre communityl Em~rloyer. r if ~ ~.m__..____ ~ /7/ (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position wit h New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.l • ~ % occupa~ban: r s • • r ! 1 Pnofesslonal ~t ctrvnhes. Volunteer Activih'es: ~ f 1 ~ au wish to serve an #h~s board/commrt#ee. C~'~. ~ ~ ~ .J~ why ~ y Canf~ct of Intermit: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members ofhis/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing chat he/she has a separate, private or monetary intere,~t, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideratiar~. The me~t,ber should then excuse himsel f from voting on the matter, Whet areas of concern would you like to see addressed by #Ns corr~mi##ee? Qualrfrca#ions for serving: ~ ~ C C#her munici ! or caun boards~commi##ees an which ou are serv~'n : I~ #Y ~ ~is# three local persona! Hafer®nces and phan® numbers: ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ r ~ cf 3. ~ Date: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ig t Applicatrans are kept an file far 18 Please use reverse side for addntiona! comments Nov 2 ~ zoos ~~w ~a~o~~~ c~. ~~o~fdC~i~~ers Meeti g VL/lV/LVVI 16-1-19 JAN-06-2009 13:51 REALTY WORLD CAPE FEAR 910 256 5989 P.01~01 New IIaoDVer Couoty zJ0 Careroment Center Drlvc ~aa~rd of Con~missiuners CQM1ViI"~`~'~~ ,~~LiCATION suite ~ ~s Wilmo~,~oaa, NC 28403 Telophonc; X910) 798-1149 Fir; (9t U~ 79R•7 ~ 45 Bosr+dlComm~t#cc; Nu'~`ei>~g Home Community Advisory Committee ~a~c: Jackie Dae ~omc Address: ~ng~ Grant Rd. Wilmington 2aa05 (61rfN) (C(ry) (Zip Cv~cy Mailing Address if differeat: S~$ ~114a1 Address: ~ aekied~ realty~osldeapefear . co® Home Phone: 910-350-2733 Fdx; 910-344-0429 Cep[: 910-409-3240 Business: 910-344-0428 Years Living iv Nfrvv Hanor~ir County: ~ 1~2 11~a1e: ~cmalc; ~..r._. Race: Caucasion Age; d7 (~ntorm ation for the pargaec otseedrlo~ o creel teedo■ a! tho eoemusi[x1 Emplo~►er: Reeltx World Cape Fear and Irtaxim sealthcaxe (A perjoa cerrer~ll~► emplrryrd hY else s~rnry or dcp~ifmcnt for ~rhlcl~ t6ie eppllcotian It ®ot>e, mint reei8e ~ijlhcr pneiiiolr rrhH Nn~ 1f'~vvrr Cown~► np~ appoi~iment, i~ xccordon+~e wish Ar~iclc Vl. Section 4 0! the Nee 13eeover Cooety Pertoencl Pollq.) OCCa st1o~: Broken/Realtax aa~d LAN P Professioaal Activities: Member of the wilmangton Realtor Assoc, sad the 1~ational ~eoc. of Realtor VDl~mterr AcaYities: Nei Hanover 9ohool district at Issas Beer Early College Pzogram VNhy do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee9 ~ Pr~rY' career is in Rsal Estate b~t~t I ®naoy Nursing and tlaiu ~.8 a ~~y far me to give back to the community I call home. ~onflkt of I~tareet I a board member bsllev~vs ha / ihv hos o son/!ct or potvntla~ oonAlct of Mferost an a portkuler I~ar►e, mar rnemaer a~a~ld stab M,~ DrNalto the othrr nrem~ars pr 1+1a / herm3pa61lve b04rd durlnp a pflbllc moailn~, Tho mem6or should state fAe nature of tAe canAfct, Qeteflln~ reef Aa/srre Aea d separate, prfvele or MdAetOr~ 1AldMat, elfha~ diro~r orlhdil~El, in !hd iR~ue under ~on~ldvre~roh, the membarehoa~d rAen ex0u~e hlrns011lAarse►~ Ironr MOtIRQ DA IAD mAltOr. What areas o! concerti ~+ould ydu like to see addressed by this efnnmitt~' safety is crucial . s ale~o ~Eeel that the digni'~ of th® rmsidonts of the homes neQds to be pxotaCted. ~ualiGCations for s~rNns; _ bell®f my experience as a nurse for over ZO years ~rould bring a distinct insight to this Co~ttee. ~thcr mutiicipal nr county boatdslcammittecs oa which you are serving: none at preaenC Lis# thrte Ives! pcrsanal rc~c+rtnccs and phame numbers: l~ Susan Walker 910-228-0?50 Z. Ernie ~Tilkinaon 910-3440440 3. G~nt~ia Horgan 910-G1G-6+44D pate; JB~uary 6, 2009 . Appl~rerio~e wk~ kept ap o ~ o ~ Ute rererAr aide tar arld~hera~ cow manta r.~ Jai - fi ~ ~J NSW ~ ~ ommissioner Meeting m~~ti~~nna . T o t a 1 P. 01 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Wilmin7ton,NC 28403 B Telephone: (910) 798-7149 Fax: (910)798-7145 BoardlCommittee: Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Name: Kristi Dews Dale Home Address: 1312 Legacy Lane Wilmington 28411 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address: kristidewsdale~ gmail . com Home Phone: 910-68i-0365 Fax: Ce[[; 910-540-0706 Business: Years Living in New Hanover County: 6 Years Male: Female: , ~,~....E Race: Fite Age, (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: (A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Homemaker Occupation: Professional Activities: American Public Health Association Volunteer Activities: Church Nursery Worker, CARE ministry Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? Iwould like to ensure that the residents have an excellent quality of life and can continue to be active in the community. Conflict of Interes#~ If a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential convict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to fhe other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The membershould state the nature of the conflr'ct, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, er'ther direct or Indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting an the matter, What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Falls Prevention Safety, Saf®ty for Nursing Home Residents during Hurricanes Qualifications for serving: ~ have a Master's in Public Health from UNC-Chapel Hill and have worked in many different areas of health care, including long term care. Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: none List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Rosalind Barker 343-1420 ~ ~QQ$ Z, Colleen Shea 686-5860 Hilla Mannin 540-4455 BD. 0~ C~?P~~~~SS'~!lJ~ RS ~Y, 3. g Date: February 5, 2 0 0 E Signature Applications are kept on file for 18 months ~ Use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting rn~~ ti~~nna VL/ 1V/LVVI 16-1-21 KRISTI DEWS DALE 1312 Legacy Lane Wilmington, NC 25411 (910) 681-0365 kristidewsdale@gmail. com EDUCATION The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Master of Public Health, December 2005 Bachelor of Science in Public Health, Health Police and Administration, May 2000 EXPERIENCE NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Physician Relations_Manager. Served as hospital liaison for the medical staff. Monitored physician referral patterns and marketed new services to physicians and their staff, Served as a member of the Physician Satisfaction Team, provided daily issue resolution to the medical staff, and assisted with the development of a physician resolution online tracking tool. Developed, administered, and analyzed data for Medical Staff Satisfaction Survey. Created and managed NHHN Physician Services Website. Improved new physician orientation process and provided introductory computer training for physicians. Wilmington, NC 2003-2006. ENDEAVOR PHARMACEUTICALS Human Resources Coordinator. Responsible for hiring process for new employees, assisted the start- up pharmaceutical company in creating policies and procedures, created job descriptions for all employees, kept company in compliance with changing employment laws, and refined employee evaluation process. Other Experience: assisted with preparation and submission of New Drug Application to the Fvod and Drug Administration, Wilmington, NC 2002-2003. MAXIM HEALTHCARE SERVICES Human Resources Director. Organized human resource data, streamlined human resources processes to improve efficiency, updated human resource requirements for up to 350 external employees, and prepared company for an audit by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Durham, NC 2001. Senior Home Care Recruiter. Interviewed and actively recruited new staff, trained and supervised two recruiters, resolved customer service issues on a daily basis, and supervised aver 60 home care accounts. Durham, NC 2040-2041. PIEDMONT HOSPITAL Human Resources Intern. Processed employee reviews, entered payroll data, improved personnel action farm system, performed compensation market analysis, and created excel spreadsheets. Atlanta, GA 1999. BALBIRER AND COLEMAN, PLLC Accounting Intern. Assembled tax returns, entered computer data and general ledger information, and performed clerical duties. Chapel Hi11, NC 1999. UNC HOSPITALS Patient Relations Volunteer, Organized patient information, responded to patient concerns, and performed clerical duties. Chapel Hill, NC 1995. PITT COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Wellness Resources Assistant. Assisted director with planning programs for the department, performed clerical duties, and updated participant database. Greenville, NC 1997. COMMUNITY Member, American Public Health Association Member, Scotts Hill Baptist Church The Junior League of Wilmington 2003-2005 Coastal Classic Volunteer SPECIAL SKILLS Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Moderate Spanish. Board of Commissioners Meeting m~~ ti~~nna VL/ 1V/LVVI 16-1-22 New Hanover Courit~ 234 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners CQMMITTEE APPL~CATI[~N w lm~gt~n, ~c 2sao3 ~~b~h~ Telephone: (91~) 798-7149 Fax: (910} 798-7145 I~ ~ ~ BoardlCommittee: ~ n S 1 ~j~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d~ ~ Qf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i;.r~' ~ r''~~ S a. Name: ~ r°~ ~ w~--`~- Home Address: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ry ~1 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ (Street) {City) (Zip Cade) Mailing Address if different: ~M~►il Address: ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~Ufi~°~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ Home Ah~one; ~1 ~ ~ Fax: ~e~l: - ~ Business: Years Living in 1 Fe ale: Race: rf~~ A e: ~ New Hanover Caul~y: Male. m _ g (Information for the purpose of sasuriug a crass section of the community) Em la er. ~ ! ~ .~1G ~ ~.~~w S~ STI~°t~~~~ py (A person cis cbtly employed by the agency ar department f r which this application i made, moat resign hislher position with Neer Hanover C aunty upon appointment, in accordance with Artwcie VI, Section 4 of the Nero H~nver County Personnel Policy.) Occu ation: d c~.l~~ a, ~ - ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P h • ~ ~ ~~n~: r~ Ire ~ ~ ~ K ~ i t Volunteer Activities: ; C ~~v1 ~ ~ ~ ~ why do you wish to serve an this boardlcom inittee7 ~ ~r t~ 1 u c ~ , r~, ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ n Conflict interest D' a board member believes he / sh as a can Ice or poten I co+~dict of inters t nn a particular issue, drat memo r should stada this belief to the other members of his / her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the cant►ict, detailr►ap that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse Himself/herself from voting on the matter. ~`~~~+~2 What areas of concern would you Tike to see addressed by this committee? ~~1 ~ v7~' "~~~'h C~~"~~~~~~~ ~:,/q~~ ~P r ill ~ ~ ~G~ ~a.~~n ~ ~ TT ~ ~ r Qualifications for serr+ing: ~ ~ ~ J ~~a • n •F ~4 S S., r` ,p r ~ ► • A~ r s rvlII . D ~ ~ ~tber municipal ar county baardslcol~wlllttees as wYlch you a e s g f ~ List three local rsonal references and done numbers: ' ~ Ae P I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~6 248 NEVI' ~~~"~~~'F~? C~ ~ 1 ~ r Date: l f Signature: ~ Applications are kept an ~k for IS months Use reverse side far additsanal cammen#s Board of Commissioners Meeting m~~ti~~nna v~.i ivi~.vv~ 16-1-23 This page intentionally left blank. Board of Commissioners Meeting m ti~~nna 16-1-24 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PORT, WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION 2 VACANCIES 1 - 3-Year Term - 2/28/12 1 -Unexpired term - 2/28/10 ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT H. Layton Bedsole Jr. Cody Cress Marian T. McPhaul Patrick G. Riley Nicholas Henry Silivanch Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting mii tii~nn4 16-1-25 WILMINGTONINEW HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY & BEACH CoMMISSI4N Number of Members: 16 6 Appointed by County Commissioners Categories: Shipping, Commerce and Finance, Terminals and Industry, Environmental Concerns, County representative on the NC Beach and Vllaterway Association, County Commissioner 5 Appointed by City Council Categories: Engineering and Development, Business, Transportation, Member at Large, and Council member 1 Wrightsville Beach Mayor} 1 Carolina Beach Mayor} 1 Kure Beach Mayor designee Dean Lambeth} Ex-Officio Members: N.C. State Ports Authority Executive Director and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Term of office: Three years Regular Meetings: called as necessary, usually at 4:D0 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce office. Statute or cause creating Commission: County Commissioners endorsed the formation of this Commission on 12116114. Minute Book 16, page 67. The County Commissioners assigned this Commission the responsibility of studying and preparing recommendations for the best use of the 3°/0 occupancy Funds to be presented to them for approval and expanded the membership by adding the Mayorof Kure Beach on 4116184. Minute Book 19. Commissioners added memberfrom NC Shore & Beach Preservation 51161D5. Purpose of Commission: To investigate, initiate and support general water resources development projects to include abut not limited to}: ~1 } Port Improvements and growth of the shipping industry, ~2} Beach renourishment and conservation; and ~3} mitigate declines in water quality. The Commission will weigh the benefits of these water projects against the possible detrimental effects on the area's environmental quality enjoyed by area residents. The Commission is constantly studying and staying informed on various projects trying to obtain new and beneficial projects for this area. The main projects for the area deal with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in requesting studies, seeing if a project is beneficial from a cost benefit ratio, and attempting to obtain approval and then funding in the U.S. Congress and on the State level, but this mission is not carried out in isolation. The Commission maintains an awareness of project effects on the quality of the waters and their interrelations with natural resources. Brief on Functions: The Commission works closely with the N.C. Department of Resources Commission for assistance in obtaining approval of state funding and projects. An annual meeting is held in Washington for the purpose of lobbying. Board of Commissioners Meeting mn ti~~nna v~./ ivi~.vv~ 16-1-26 WILMINGT4NINEW HANGVER PnRT, WATERWAY & BEACH C~MMISSI~N TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGGRY SERVING EXPIRES Richard G. Catlin NC Beach and First 5116105 2128/2008 6417 Providence Point Road Waterway Second 2!18108 2128!2011 Wilmington, NC 28405 Association Donald E. Harris First 3114!05 2/2812008 213 Dorchester Place Second 2118108 2/28/2011 Wilmington, NC 28412 196-9696 ~H} 611-8844 ~W} Bruce L. Kirk ~ Terminals & First 2116!04 2128!2001 1913 Atlantic Drive Industry Second 2119107 2128!2410 Wifmin ton NC 28411 ~ g 686-0825 ~H} 762-8588 ~W} Geoffrey A. Losee First 3114105 2/2812008 3128 Lantern Way Second 2118108 212812411 Wilmington, NC 28409 350-1516 ~H} 163-34D4 VII} Paul Woodbury Commerce & First 2111103 2128120D6 201 Savoy Circle Finance econd 2120106 2/28/2009 Wilmington, NC 28412 392-1961 ~H} William A. Caster, Commissioner Representative County Staff Liaison: Dave Weaver Chamber Liaison: Tom Cunningham and Avril Pinder z1o8 File: (Port BIC# 26 Board of Commissioners Meeting rn~~ ti~~nna VL/ 1V/LVVI 16-1-27 01!16/2008 14;58 9102519409 DIALCORD~ PAGE 01101 New Hanover Coua~ty Z30 ~nvernmanc Center ~rivc ~3aard of Co~~issioncrs C~MM~TTEE ,A~~LIC~'~~ON ~u;~G ,~s Wiltnin~ron, N~' ~~3443 Telephone; (01q) 79R-714 Fax: (910) y9a.71 a5 ~oari~ICo~~itree~ Port, ~ates.-gvays ~ Reaches ~Ceme; H . ~eytor~ 8adsole Jr . , R . E Rome ,~ddrec~: 4n6 John S. Mosby DrivQ w~lmingtor~ 28412 (str~rty (C1ty) (Z~p coar,.} Mailing address if di!'ferent: E~N~ai~ Address: lbed.~ole@da~e►lcoz~dy. com Home Phone; 91~ 799 7944 ~Qx: 9xa Z51 9409 C~!!: ~ Business; 910 X51 979p 'ears Living to New hTannver Countyt 22 Male: Female; Rnce: 1° ~ e. SO (~n~armbt~na for tl« purreic etaaaarin~ n crnrp gcctlan n~ t~~o cnmfin~ti~} Employer: Duel Gvrdy and ~.ssocsates, Inc, (A }FCr~ea c~trr~ntly cmr~ny~d by the a~cn~y or departn~sA t for which tlila apptlcnti~n Ir made, M~aat rc~~~rn I1i~lhcr poRltioll with NCw Hat~nrrr GAl1ntV ~~pan nppnl~tmct~t, in AecnrdAr~te with Artlele V~, 5ectina a n~ t1~r New Hanavor Caualy ricryoaenot Paucy.y 4ccapation: Proj . Mgr. Pra~essional ~lcfivitie~: Registered Enva,,ror~mental Mg=, ; Membex,~nerican ~►ssac. o~ Port Authorit~,as ``olunteer Activities: ~oxme~r Chamber InFrast,ruct~e Cam. , chu~ech Why do yea wlsla to serve on this basrdlcommittcc? The beached , watero~ays end Port are a~h~ we are W~.lmington. Sustaining these Regional Features is paramount to dux success, Car~lllct of ir~~r■~t; p' ~ board member be119vgq hn / Ahe hag a Co►~I~ef or patent~el conAlc~ of InrFraof on ~ pe~!le~lor laaug, flle~f mefibnr +hoi~ld ~~ere ih~~ hA11a~10 N►o ofhwr mambor~ alhla /I~nr~AVppcfl~ DAPnd during n publl~ moaflgg, rAe member aha~ild atalo fhn nature vlthA connltl, de1af11n~ f~p~ ~e/SAo haG n gRp~rPIP, pravn~o ar mnnorery IAfQroG~, nlfherdJmcl orlnd~r~at, fn bhp IAl711R ur~dOreontldaraHon, Th8 n1eAlbOrahO~rld IN6h o~r0u~0 himoall/hAr.Qelf from rating on the mef[e~ What ercgs oT' eorlecxo wouXd yoo like to gee addressed by t~~~s committee? Federal Funding, env~,ronmental sustainabili~, Regional apprvacb to Fetes re9ourC~ Heads Qaali~eations for serving; R • S . Mara.ne Hio . t~Cw 7 9 , Regis tared Enviro .Mgr . ~ 5 years NCDEt~, 22 years NCPorts Enviro.Director Other municipal nr county boardslcol~►mittees on wliicl~ you arc ~ervin~: ~ r-' ~oo~ twist t~lree lvca~ pcxson$! re~Grences and phone numbers, JAN 6 1~Colonel Pulliam, USAGE, 91~ X51 445 xvot ~~g81~', CSC NCPorts 910 343 6232 BD. C~Mh~~;~.1~)PdERS 2. 3~A~~k Catlin, CEC Catlin EnginQOxe ~ Scientist Dale: JAnuary ~6, 208 Signature: ~ r revcr,c,ldc Pnr Addlt~nn~l cnmm~nt~ ~ C~, Post~lt~ Fax Nv#E 7fi?1 °~ro ~~p ° ► To ~ ~ ~ Ftom ~o. ~ ~ ~ooa cQ.roep~ Phono # Phanr, ~ Fgx ~ F;~x Il ti~~nna 1~iF H ~~~~r QQMMIS~~[~~tn~ f Jan1 2aa8 4.2]~~ Co 1 ewe 11 Ba~k~ r ~4mm~ rc i a~ Na. 9167 1 ~ ti h~ New ~anove~ County Goveramaat Cnate[ Drive Board o~ Commissioners CON~V~TTEE A~'PLICATY~N 5u~~t;17S Wiimingoon, NC ~64~3 Telcpbone: (918) 795-7149 Fax: (91 D) 79~-7143 BoardlCop,~p~~ee; port, Waterway and Beach Commiseipn Name: Cody Creag Home Address; l3 31 Summer Hideaway Wi lmit#gton 2 8 4 0 g (Skreek) (City) (Zip Code Mailing Address if di!'f ereot: B~Mait Address; Cody . cxea eC~ charter .net Home phone: 910.909 , 8421 Fax: X10.350.4925 Ce~I: 910 ~ 4Q9.8421 • . 910.350 .l2DD Busyness. Years Living ;a New ganov~er Cou4ty; Male; Female; Race: White Age: 37 (~neoro~ atlo~ For tQe purpose of asaucl4g ~ cross aectiar~ of rho com mutilty) employer; Coldwell Banker Cot~erGial Sun Coast eartnere , LLC (A parson ¢tlrrtrikly employed Dy k~e n~~ncy or depsrcgteak for whiclt t~ls application Is made, roast ~eaign hislher poslkl0+~ vrith Now Hanover Country ~pnA appol~tment, in ~ccordenre with prkfc~s vj, Sact<o~~ of cba New Hl~OYlr Cvugty Persoenel Polity.) Uccvpatipa; CQ~e=cial Real Estate Broker Pro#'essionsl Actindes: gee attached resume volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to Serve on this baardfco~ttee? Utilize my taoht~iaal education and experience to aid in the balance of maintaining growth and d®velapment o~hil® preserving th® environment. Canfllcf of l~tarvst: ~ e Dperty m9mblr behaves he ! she his a caRfHct ar potant~t eanRjct ai ~tarest on a p~rtiCulBr i:suv, that member should slag rlris Galialto Fla other mem6crs of hiy / r+ar raspeclive board dunnp & public moal;n8. PRe member should gate the nature ar the COAIIic(, detaiiMQ fAa[ As/she has 8 separate, private or monetary lnte~ast, either direct or indr'rQpt, fn the rssus under coag;derolivn, TAe member should then excuse RlmselF/har~ali from votln~ an the r►ie~~vr, What areas of coacerQ would you like to see addressed by this committee? The future of the port of . Wllmzngton ae it relates to the proposed North Carolina International Port in Southport, (~ualif~ca~ons for serving: 10+ years exp®rience in engineering ant hue ' bachelor of Science , Enviroruaental Engineering, North Caroli r i`"~y;~19 Cther municipal or county boardslctnnmittees on which you are serving: none ~ 2~a~ 4i~~~~ ~ Lrst three focal ersvgal references and hove numbers: gp p~ C~MMI;~~C~~~fRS ~ ! ,,Grayson Po~vell, Managing Hrokar, Coldwell Banker Commercial SCP, 910.262.8919 ~ Ken Dull, President, McKinley Building Corp4ratiion. 910.395.6036 3•Jerry Summers, Broker, Coldwell Sankex Cotaa~ercial $~P, 910.352.8633 Date. Januax'y 17, 2008 Signature► Appllcltioa9 are kept as (lie !or 18 tno~tka Use reverse Fida for addltlonal com meats Board of Commissioners Meets g m~~ ti~~nna • V V/ 1 V/ Ld V V 1 16-1-29 Jan, 1~, ~~a$ 4:2~~~ ~aldw~l~ Banker ~ammercial Na. X161 2 ~ 13~3~ Summer ~I~deaway ~ilmjngton, ~C 28409 X91 D~ 409-8421 gym) cody.cress~}a charter,net EXPERI~NC~ Apex Instruments,lnC~ Fuquay Varian, NC Air Emissions Testing Equipment Manufacturer Dr'rec~or of ~n~neerin~, November 2401 to February 2007 ~ Supported all international wining and technical support sessions. Training sessions performed at our facllity, international technical universities or at international distributors facilities in SE Asia and Europe, • Managed our in-house and contract engineers developing our automated system and other custom designed products, systems incorporate flow, pressure and tempa~atwe control/measurement and data acquisition. • selected and implemented Enterprise Resource Planning (E~) software package. Fully utilized modules for General Ledger on both Receivables and Payables and manufacturing for Inventory tracking acrd Bill of Materials, General Shale Pro~uCts, LLC Raleigh, NC Brick Manufachrrez and Masonry product Distributor ~aleigb ,District Dpera~'ons N~'anager, November 2998 to November 2001 ~ Managed the inside sales division of the Raleigh ~istnct Distribution Center. Inside sales consisted of appro~cimately eight customer service representatives and two material handlers, Responsible fox timely, accurate shipmdntS of approximately 4x0,000 bricks per day into the Raleigh Territory. • Focused on five core initiatives to maintain par execution levels: accounts receivables management, accounts payables rnanagernent, inventory management, order maintenance, and trainisag. ~ Actively involved in the 7000 initiative to serve as the one-stop-shop for the masonry contractor. Administered the sales of the "~ut~dle" consisting of concrete blocl~, mortar, angle itan and various other masonry accessories, Analyzed products and suppliers based upon market demand, quality, price and 5ervic®. • Organized a premier showroom for contractors and horn~eowners to view brick and the complete line of bundle product. Supervised the yard and warehouse for product pickup at the Raleigh Office, Apes ~nstrument~, Inc, Idolly Springs, NC Air Emssions Testing Equipment M~ufacturer Geheral~anager, September 1997 ~o Nor~er~ber ~99d • Managed day-tv•day operations of an international manufacturing corporation. Operations included saleslmarketing, inventory management, shippinglreceiving, equipment design, quality control, accounting and in~'ormation services. • Managed scheduling and equipment design ir~volvin~ Manufacturing Team Leaders. Completed bill-of materials, plumbingleleetrical schematics and goint to-pol4t documentation to aid in the manufacturing processes. Initiated processes to improve shop flaw and communication. • rtnplemented and supported contact management database to track ell logistical inforn~ation and communication with customers and vendors. Sates Manager, January 1997 to ~Au$ust 1997 • Coordinated with the Marketing Representative to prepare promotional material for s~ategic sales and marketing tactics, This included sending sales promotions to the domestic customer database via sn internal autvn~ated broadcast fax, Supported the Marketing Representative with documentatio4 and organization of a 4o-plt~-page catalog, Maintained domestic and intemational price list and product list. provided internaational sales support in the areas of quotes, schematics, marketing tnatenal preparation and direct technical support. Provided hands-on trading to custosncrs and distributors. ~Rescrnae of ~C1r'arn Cody Cress► IlI Page } of 2 Board of Commissioners Meeting m~~ ti~~nna V V/ 1 V/ Ld V V 1 16-1-30 1?, 2aa$ 4,~l~hll Coldw~ll Ba~k~r ~Qmm~rCid~ Na, ~i67 P. ~ ~ .3 E~P~RIEN~~ continued Sales l~~presentatr've /~es'ign Eagi~,eer, Tune 1996 !o December 1994 ~orlCed with the General Manager, a North Carolina Registered Professional Engineer, Responsibilities included designing, costing, pricing, building and dQCUmenting custom equipment for atypical sowce testing. ~lectro-mechanical equipment included presswe regulators, pumps, chillers, condensers, heaters, mass flaw controllers, solenoad valves, rotarneters and appropriate gauges, • Sales rosponsibilities included proposal preparation, cost versus price analysis, customer service and insideloutszdc sales. Maintained custom-designed quotation, database in Microsoft Access. • Maintained direct contact with customers by contracting to perform air emissions testing with consulting firms. DEEC4, InG. Raleigh, NC Air Emissions Consulting Finn Environmental Engineer /Project Manager, June 1994 -May 199 Managed and conducted air emissions testing projects, Responsibilities included communicating with the client, conducting preliminary surveys, managing field teams, conducting sauaple recovery and analysis, reducing data, generating reports and perfornling QAIQC procedures. ~ Knowledge of various i~adusay processes dad control equipment. Expasuze to various industries including bricl~ wood products, cement, chentical,Fetro-chemical, pulp and textile industry, Acquired excellent mechanical, electrical and pneumatic design and diagnostic sills. Northern Telecom, I nc. Research Triangle park, NC Cooperative Education Student, January 199 - ~Iay 1994 llaleigh area FQCilities Engineer~g Environrnenta! S,pecialist/Project Manager • Irnpl®rnented, supported dad managed the Environmental Prntecction Program ~FP} for the Raleigh Area Facilities. Managed e~nvironrnental projects is the following areas: hazardous waste management, gaverrunent perrnitti~ng, emergency response preparedness, government regulation compliance, records mariagernent and conservation ~ recycling initiatives, Responsible for the tracl~ and updating of permits, fees, manifests, cerUf cations, surveys, incident reports, procedures, programs and prof ics. Completed and distributed the 1993 ANnual Report and the 1993 SARA ier sport for all Raleigh Area Facilities. Cooperative Education Student, Janr~ary 1991- Augr~st Zp9Z (three alternating semesters Facilities ,Engin¢¢ring,ProjeetManager in the ~I~chunica! and Environrnenta! areas • Froject management responsibilities included; Investigating problem areas, preparing Request for Quotation ~RFQ) packages, conducting bid tneettixgS, supervising project work and inspecting and approving project completions. • Maintained support to the Maintenance and Cvnsauction Departments in mechanical ~~VAC~ concerns. Projects ranged from coordinating the replacement of a S00-ton cooling tower to coordinating the ittstallatior~ of chilled water and direct expansion ~D~}units, EDUCATION AND ACHIEVEMENTS NORTM CARaLINA STA`fE UNIVERSITY, Raleigh, NC Bachelor o, f Science, .~avironmenta! ~ngtneering Graduation Date: May 1994 Provisional Broker Licensee, North Carolina Real Estate Commission, License Nwnber 252916 Engineer-,fin-Training, Certifiicatc Number A-13 SG3 dated May 199 Genera[ .Contracting ~icanse, Buildr~g, Expired License Number 43910 from 1998-2001. Computer Knowledge: Extensive experience with word prvicessir~g, spreadsheet, drafting, graphics and database applications in Windows, DOS, UI~ and Macintosh environments. Res~~m$ pf William Cody Cress I!! Board of Commissioners Meeting ~ of 2 n~~~ ti~~nnA VV/ 1 V/ 4:VVl 16-1-31 O2~O6i2OO8 15:47 GUARDIAN AD LITEh~ ~ 97987145 NU.431 DO2 ~C,'~ ~Y~nover Coun.~y 230 Govtrnmenl ~enle~' D~'ivc ~io~rd of ~an~n~issi~oners C~1~IMITTEF A~1'~~~C~xIaN suite l7~ ' wilmkngmn,l~C tS~p3 . T~lep1►One; ~ o) 748-? 1 b9 ~ex~ ~9 f~) TSB-71b5 Hoordl~omm~t~ce: New Hanover County Part ~ watmrway and 8eavb Co~c►ission Nome: Marian McQhaul ~Ion~c Address: ~18C Abbington Terrace Wilmington 2@403 (8ereet~ l~~~yl [~~p coact Mailing Address if di~'lrent: ~~~1a~ Address; m~'haul m~belisouth. net Home Phone: 799-~24t;e FQx: C~If; ~71~~595 BuS~n~ss: 3ai-1521 '~eArs Living in . New ~c~nover County; 17 1~2 ~nsti~ve~ Neale: Femole: ~vee; Caucasian Age: (~+~~armnrlon lar r.~l~ pgrporc of ~►d~~ring ~ croa6 acctlan 41'rbc rmm~~uii ~t~) frn Flo cr; NC Admin~,etrative office of tt►e Courts/~►ttorney AdvQO■~e NFt ~uardiari ad Litem Y Y ~~1 rierson tai~re~~rly croployo~l by tl►e epency Iir~~p,rlmRul rorwl~lcl~ thls epplicai•laa is mp~e, n~uel reti~~n hislAcr pOS41l4n wllh New Ef~nover Coun1Y span opnolnrmcnt, In eccor~►i+ncc wi~l► Ariiclo'V~, 5occlon ~ of the New llannrcrCaanir nareonnoi 1'oiic~.1 OCCa etiDn; Attornoy- licensed in North Carolina 1978; Lvu.i9is►na 1g7~;Rhod® Ia~.and 1982 r Pr~oFessionni Activities: ~ County Bar Association VQiunteerAetivltieS: 9cvtti6h SaciAty of WLlmington~Adb~ra ;Mill Prong Prese~ration,Inc. ~Prea.) 1`' I~ y ~I a yea wish to scrv a on this hoordleo~a mince? I wi sh tv a e e i s t th+~ county with bal ~ncing the benefits of water re.aurce projects against pcsmible detria►ental er~vironmeAtal QPfect~, Conllkl al Mro►ear: ~ o ooa►d mam~er ~sr►eves no / sl+e hos a canflCl Or ppfen~lel Can~iet orlnreres~ o~ a parrlcu~ar is~uo. Iho~ ,neMD~► a~o~rlo siero rn~► oei+eifv u~o vrner most bbd: of Ass t pet respac~lra ooaro' during a pu4lic m aoting, rr►e member anoa~d sra+s tree nature of me rvnliicl, deleliinp +he! ne/ar+e ryas a ae~erala p~r~ete or manelary rnlerest, eNnar ClydCt or rnd~rect, in IhD ~ssaD u~00r GD~S►dOraliO►I, Tne member enoula rnen axcusv ~+►nao+!! tterseli ~rorn vo~rpp on tRe motor, 1+~hst Aro~s of concern would yon lime to sec add~esscd by this committee? I aa► oancernad about water quality ~ natur$1 resources and the impa►et on both frarn port operations ~ renouriehnEant projects . f1~r:►li~cotl4ns far 5erV11~ ; ~ Professional exp®r;ences include environmental ~ maritia~e law add g cva8tal gone b natural r®source management,as we11 as ~eeanomic cost/ benefit anallrsis. Dther moniCi al ar coon baaxds{committees on wb4cl~. you arc seeing: Ncne at this time . I have prdviou,aly p served on the Tidal Creaks Program (Wi~AHy and th® eersanal Watercrnf t Cvau~nittee . ~Ist three local personal relercr~ces ood phanc numbers: ❑r. James F. lderrrtt~Director Es~ritus VNCW Center for Marine 9eiance 96~-2303 7g9-379 ~_Mr, Chris Mey, Executive Airectar, Cep® Fear Council of Governments 395-?403 a. Capt. Steve 8euth, Research V®s9el Dan I~doar®,Praf .off Nautioal ~olence, C6CC 3G~-7414 a Hate: Si t ~ ~r ~ppricatla+ts Ar kq~ti ors flc for , a n s [1ao reverse ~f~fe rnr rd~rilirin~l ram morals FFB ~ Baas Bo~~V~~f~~~s~ners Meetin R~ ~nrr~~~x~r~QOnr v , nrW.~6y X1114 rd Nate' -MJ ul,~an, 23. ~Oa1~t ~;~$Pl~lur.~ilmi~g~an ~ealfors~' wAr~w~~x ~gIIHE~~ No. a~46 p, ~ao~~oo~ Nor H~r~over Goun~y Z3o Mvrkalplnoo Drlvo Baar~ of Camm~ssioners C~N~MITTE~ APPLYCAT`YbN w ~ Nc ~ro lA4Q, Telephont; (41p) 799.71e9 (9ta~ 798.7(1 Baar~IComndttee; curt, fat®so~ay, and ~eaah Gvmm~9eiaA lY~me; Patrick 0. R~1e,~ ~Io~ne Address;l~~ Cheyenne "~r8il wil~ingtor~ 20409 ~Sr~dv~) (G~ryy (rip Cadoy Mailing Addre~9 d~~'erent~ patr~ck~~a~araaleetate.cam B~M~1 Address: patric~cQm~mrealeetate . com Flame Ahane: Fax: 91p"~5~~4Z04 Cg~l; a . 9i0- Br~siness. Years Living in New ~anoVer Co~nCy: 11 Melee ~ Fomnlo; Rnce: Cau[a0oiao Ago; 34 (Yn~armattan far tb~purPoxe eE oaau~ing p iroas eocdoa oT ~e eom~nnniry) ~nnplayor~ due ~ War~iok r ~ttheve d Co , (A parean curre~tlY empfayed by tho esancy n~ ~a~r4rtmcnl Ior rrblcl~ sale app iZeation i~ medey must raeigo hlelher po93~nn rrit6 N~+v fi~lpGvt~ ~o~hty upon oppoihtmenq ie ~1ccoFdonao nrltb A~tMaleYlrsdetiAnQ el~ll~ Naw HuuhrarCadn~y Per~a~polPellcy,) ~COtBp~ti~: C°~Ile~v~a~ ~rviCer ProPassional Ac'dvl~los; Primarily land tra~~aatione In eoutheea~ern na VOlul~teer Activlt~e~; Rotary, Church ect~.vitiee Way do yon wish to serve on #his baardlcoma~ttee? ~ hav®~ a~oag deaira to be a part vt the gra~oth utilizing our n~tuxal reaovavea tv 9us'~ef n a ,pig that mak®a sense for our avmmu~~ty, Cvnflk~ atlMvteefi 1 a baerd n~emDOr aelbvee ne 1 eAS Ale o eOI~IpC1 or petertllRl cv~llraf o~l~rere~! art a peruculer fcsup, rnaR mernoa~el~eulA ifele' fnA p01lOf IQ IM Ollllt mem bars of hie / her rsapecllue eaa~ ~Vrlnp a puelle Mes~ing, Tr,e Membnr el~ould afele fhe neldn o/Me cannl~f, 00l8NIe9 lhel ha/9he hey a Aepe~ale, prJve(0 ~l IAOllliery ;nl4roer~ e~lhot dihc~ or ind~reci, Ir! lee 19eue Illla4/ oon~ldetetlorr. me mem~4l sAavld It~en accuse Irlmselr/Aereslllrom val►np 0++ the mailer. Whet nreAB o~ C4ttC~rn w'o~ld ~ro~ 1f ~e to see adalreSsed by Shia committee? A11ooa~on Por rsa~n~a~ning and improv~,rtg onA of oar moat vas~abl® resources w® ~iav~ ~hioh i® unique bo bur' arse. QuAtli~retlone t`or serr;n~: vuC-WYlroington - Environmente~ ~tudse~ ~ aA. 199G, lager to be involved with a plan for the gxomth in our area ~a~th thQ ~vaet ~nta~ort o~ our commul~,ity in mind, 0#her rnunici el or caun banrdslcommi • ~ ~ S p ty ttGas an wf ~ieh you tyre serving, ~ 0 4nr List tarts love! poraonei rafereno~ a~+d pone nubbere: Leo Naoadl~ 9~4-'~gQ~-41D0 Z. Hanson l~tthaae 91~-791-0400 3.Chx~s dreho 910-5~a-~Y6® Det~k Jsn~[ary 23, 2007 signoturo~ H Appficaciar[ti arc kepi nn Rio ►ar I~ mo~t2iR CJ~c ~verre redo tar oddl~i~nal eammc~ t~ B~}~rd ; Co iss' e ti g drl` T -Z( I L" -9.. 11 1- N- ~ AF~~ 16 - 3