Agenda Packet 03 24 16 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority A regularly scheduled meeting of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority will be held Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 12:00 pm in the Wave Transit Board Room at Forden Station, 505 Cando St., Wilmington, NC 28405. An agenda for the meeting is presented below. MEETING AGENDA 1)Call to Order 2)Moment of silence 3)Pledge of Allegiance 4)Public Comment Period 10 minutes 5)Consent agenda 05 minutes 1.Approval of minutes from the February 25, 2016 meeting (p. 2.Approval to sell utility easement (p. 3.Resolution for local matching funds (p. 6)Committee Reports 30 minutes Executive Committee, Mr. Jeff Petroff, Chairman Planning & Operations Committee, Mr. Andrew Koeppel, Chairman February 2016 operating & statistical reports (p. Finance & Budget Committee, Mr. William Bryden, Chairman February 2016 financial report (p. Facilities Committee, Mr. Steve Kelly, Chairman Elderly & Disabled Transportation Committee, Mr. Rick Richards, Chairman Ad Hoc Management RFP Committee, Mr. Rick Richards, Chairman 7)Staff report 15 minutes Legislative Update Veterans Transportation 8)Contractor report 10 minutes 9)New business 05 minutes 10)Old business 05 minutes 11)Adjournment REMINDER - Authority administrative offices will be closed on Friday, March 25, 2016 in observance of Good Friday. No bus service will be provided on Sunday March 27, 2016 in observance of Easter. The next regular meeting of Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority is scheduled for Thursday, April 28, 2016 in the Forden Station Board Room located at 505 Cando Street, Wilmington, NC 28405. CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20161 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are attached for consideration. A brief explanation and recommendation follows: 1)Approval of amended minutes from the February 25, 2016 meeting (p. 3) 2) Approval to sell utility easement (p. 8) Shortly after acquiring the property for the Operations Center in 2008, the Authority was approached by adjacent property owners on Castle Hayne Road for a utility easement to allow sewer connections to a current CFPUA access point. None of the property on Castle Hayne Road south of the Operations Center is connected to CFPUA sewer. Many have claimed that their septic systems are failing resulting in a potential health issue. Staff and property owners have spoken with CFPUA who is supportive of the initiative and has verbally agreed to take easement. The easement is along the eastern fence line in a Duke Power easement. The Authority is prohibited from building in the Duke easement and the sale of the easement would not impact the Authority’s use of the area over the easement. The value of the easement was determined to be $900 by an independent and licensed property appraiser under contract to Taylor Construction. If approved, the Authority would deed the utility easement to CFPUA. Taylor Construction has agreed to pay the Authority $900 to grant the easement to CFPUA and pay all closing costs and attorney fees regarding the sale. Approval of the sale of the easement and authorization for the Executive Director to sign closing documents on behalf of the Authority is recommended. 3) Resolution for local matching funds (p. 12) On March 14, 2016 NCDOT released a call for projects for local matching funds for replacement vehicles. The Authority currently has two (2) light transit vehicles on order which are eligible for the grant program. The resolution supports the Authority’s request for $22,588 for two (2) shuttles. Due to a lack of federal funding for the project, the City of Wilmington has agreed to pay for 80% of the vehicles. The state funding would reduce the City share to 70%. The remaining 20% will be allocated to UNCW based on their capital match allocations included in the mileage rate. Adoption of the resolution will also authorize the Chairman to sign contracts related to the grant on behalf of the Authority. Adoption of the resolution is recommended. CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20162 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority MINUTES OF THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY February 25, 2016 Mr. Jeff Petroff, Chairman, Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr.Jeff Petroff, Chairman Mr.Kevin O’Grady, Vice-Chairman Mr.Don Betz, Secretary Mr. Jonathan Barfield Mr.Bill Bryden Mr.Fred Gainey Mr.Steven Kelly Mr.Andy Koeppel Mr.Rick Richards Ms.Anne K. Ryan Mr.Beck Smith STAFF PRESENT Mr.Albert Eby, Executive Director Ms.Megan Matheny, Director of Planning& Development Mr.Joe Mininni, Director of Finance & Administration Mr.Michael Williams, Director of Operations Ms.Vanessa Lacer, Mobility Manager Mr.Cliff Rode, Paratransit Manager Ms.Kathy Williams, Board & Customer Service Clerk CONTRACT MANAGEMENT STAFF PRESENT Ms. NoelFox,Craige and Fox PLLC,Attorney Mr.Curtis Garner, General Manager, First Transit Mr.Bill Harned, Area Vice President, First Transit Ms.Heather Mercer, Assistant General Manager, First Transit GUESTS PRESENT Mr.Chris Dodson, NHC Senior Resource Center Mr.Josh Lopez, WMPO Mr.Ricky Meeks, Citizen Ms.Yzone Riley, First Transit Operator Ms.Suraiya Rashid, WMPO Ms. Amber Smith, NHC Senior Resource Center CALL TO ORDER Mr. Petroffcalled the meeting to order at 12:02 pm The meeting began with a moment of silence followed by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Petroff opened the public comment period Mr. Petroff indicated the public comment period is a time for the public to bring forth comments to the board CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20163 The public comment period is not intended to serve as a dialogue between speakers and the Authority Mr. Meeks thanked the board for the get well card,reduced bus pass and the Paratransit service He stated the Paratransit Interactive Voice Recording (IVR) service is an excellent feature Mr. Meeks requested the board consider offering passengers the ability to pay for transportation services by credit card He expressed his gratitude to the Paratransit operators and thanked both the City and the County for thenew buses Hearing no further comments, Mr. Petroff closed the public comment period CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Petroff presented the February2016 consent agenda for approval Mr. O’Grady asked item 2 be pulled for discussion Mr. Betzmade a motion to accept items 1 and 3 of the February2016consent agenda Mr. Petroff recognized Mr. O’Grady to proceed with the discussion for Item 2 Mr. O’Grady asked for clarification on the Resolution for State MatchingFunds for Five (5) Vehicles Mr. Eby indicated the Authority is required tohave a resolution allowing the chair to enter into a contract withNCDOT forfunding Mr. O’Grady stated that the City of Wilmington has scheduledtheir first detailed meeting regarding the FY 2017budget and he would like to include a discussion about Wave Transit Mr. O’Grady reminded the board of the need to stagger bus purchases to ensure that the fleet doesnot depreciate at a single time period Mr. Eby stated if the Authority can identify fundingwithin a relatively short time period, bus orders will be staggered over the next fouryears The Authority’s bus contract is very favorable regarding pricing and terms and is valid until 2020 Mr. O’Grady seconded approval of the consent agenda, and the motion carried ELDERLY AND DISABLED TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM Mr. Eby stated that the program was off to a great start and he commendedMs. Matheny and Ms. Lacer for their efforts in establishing the program and for their outreach efforts on behalf of the initiative Mr. Ebyrecognized Ms. Lacer to present the 5310 Elderly and Disabled Transportation Grant Program Ms. Lacer gave an overview of the 5310 Program and her activitiessince the implementation of the program in December 2016 She also requested the board to provide guidance through an Elderly & Disabled Transportation Advisory Committee EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr. Petroff stated the committee had met earlier in the week Mr. Petroff stated the committee was requested to consider organizingan Elderly and Disabled Transportation Advisory Committee to assist the Mobility Manager with direction of the program He stated that pursuant to his duties as Chairman, he had contacted Mr. Richards to serve as committee chair Mr. Richards agreed to Chair the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Advisory Committee Mr. Petroff requested that board membersinterested in serving on the Advisory Committee shouldcontact him or Mr. Richards PLANNING AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Mr. Petroffrecognized Mr. Koeppelto give the committee report CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20164 Mr. Koeppel stated that there wasa decrease in ridership for January2016 He said the Authority has received over $40,000 in advertising revenue for FY16 and projected exceedingthe $50,000 in annual revenue as budgeted Mr. Koeppel said the initiallocation identified for the first install of new amenities will be at the intersection of Market Street and CovilAvenuein front of the CVS He said staff is projecting to have the first install completed by the end of March Mr. Betz asked if staff could conducta short term survey to determine how many riders take advantage of transportation to the VA Clinic and projections as to the number of the disabled veterans who might utilize Route 207 to travel to/fromCFCC North Campus Mr. Betz emphasized the need to identify the transportation needs of this demographic Mr. Koeppel stated the next Veteran’s Council meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2016 at 7:00 pm and requested a staff member be in attendance at the meeting to identify their transportation needs Mr. Betz requested staff to conduct some research on the VAsite and find out the particulars on funding for disabled veterans that could be tied in to the mobility management program Mr. Eby stated that the requests would be addressed by the Mobility Manager Mr. Petroff expressed concern over the decrease in ridershipand asked forcomparisons to other transit locations that may show a similar trend Mr. Eby stated he has spoken with representatives from other transit agencies and the decrease in ridership is a national trend due to low gas prices FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE Mr. Petroffrecognized Mr. Brydento give the committee report Mr. Bryden stated that the budget is within authorized appropriations He statedthe line item for UNCW reimbursements is under budget due to low fuel costs and the fuel escalator in the UNCW contract Mr. Bryden said state grant reimbursementsare behindbudget; however, SMAP funding has been received which will result in a balanced budget for next month He saidsignificant savings have been realizeddue to the low cost of fuel and lubricants Mr. Bryden said that both the City and County have submitted their fund balance contributions and thanked eachentity for their financial support Mr. Bryden said First Transit has been adhering to the $35,000 monthly maintenance allowance FACILITIES COMMITTEE Mr. Petroffrecognized Mr. Kelly to give the committee report th Mr. Kelly stated that on February 17committee memberstook a trip to visit multimodal centers in Wilson and Rocky Mount Mr. Kelly stated some board members have been contacted with questions or concerns regarding the Wilmington Multimodal Transportation Center (WMMTC) Mr. Kelly said the committee is in discussionto address public concerns about the WMMTC He said presentlythere is not enough information about the project to provide the publicwith great detail or certainty Mr. Kelly said the committee discussed holding a public outreach meeting for stakeholders, individuals living in thearea, developers with interests in thearea, and neighborhood organizations representingthe area He saidduring the meeting an overview of the project will be provided and concerns from stakeholders will be heard and documented Mr. Kelly said the committee is seeking approval to proceed with the public meeting for the WMMTC Mr. Koeppel asked if the board is required to be presentduring this meeting CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20165 Mr. Eby stated that he would need to know how many board members plan to attend to determine if public meeting notices would need to be prepared Ms. Fox stated that staff should coordinate the public meeting with the City, County and the WMPO in order to have a public meeting in which concerns can be addressed She also stated it should be up to these individuals to brief the Authority regardingthetype of public meeting and who will be invited due to the amount of press about the WMMTC Mr. Kelly made a motion to direct staff to coordinate the public meeting with the City, County, and the WMPOand confirm details regarding invitations to stake holders and notifications to the public Mr. Betzseconded the motion and the motion carried STAFF REPORT Mr. Petroffrecognized Mr. Ebyto give the committee report Mr. Eby said that over the past several months discussions about ROAP fundinghave intensified Mr. Eby stated there is a limited amount of ROAP funding from NCDOT and funding is projected to decrease in future years The program is currently operated by the Authority and New Hanover County without formal agreement The current model was sustainable as long as sufficient funding was available He said Rural General Publicfundsunder ROAP which are used to support operations of Route 207North have decreased significantly are expected to be eliminatedin the near future He said the regionis now classified asurbanized; therefore, the Authority isno longer eligible for RGPfunding Mr. Eby said staff met with the County Manager, Deputy County Manager and the County Finance Director to discuss the future of the ROAP Program He sought approval fromthe board for direction to move the program completelyunder the management of New Hanover Countybeginning July 1, 2016 He said the Authority will continue toprovidebrokeredtransportation under the current agreement The change would requirea motion from the board todirect staff to work with County staff on transitioning the management and administrationof the ROAP Program exclusively to NHC He stated the County is currently servingas the designated recipientfor the ROAP funding; however, the Authority applies for the grant and oversees the EDTAP and RGP programs He said if the ROAP Program were transitioned solely to the County, the Authority would no longer manage the EDTAP Program; instead, the program would be operated by New Hanover County andthe Authority could be contracted to provide transportation services Mr. Betz made a motion for staff to work with the County for the purpose of transitioning the management and administration of the ROAP Program to the County Mr. O’Grady seconded the motion Mr. Petroff opened the motion for discussion Mr. Bryden stated the FY17budgetwill determine the outcome of Route 207North He said that all the routes have identified funding sources; however, RGP provides significant funding for Route 207 since the route operates in arural area Mr. Bryden stated the Authoritymust look at alternative funding sources to support the route Hearing no further discussion Mr. Petroff called the question and the motion carried Mr. Eby said a letter of appreciation to the City of Wilmington for their support of the four new CNG vehicles is being drafted Mr. Eby stated that CNG fuel costs were being prepared for presentation to the board Mr. Eby recognized Ms. Fox to give an update on the APTA Legal Affairs Seminar on transportation she attended CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20166 Ms. Foxsaid the seminar touched on manyof the same topics discussed during Authority meetings as transit systems around the country are facing similarissues Ms. Fox said there were sessionsheld onfirst amendment rights and transit advertising She said the ADA was discussedand she will share information learned from the seminarwith staff CONTRACT REPORT Mr. Petroff recognized Mr. Harnedand Mr. Garnerto give the contractor report Mr. Garner stated thatnew air conditioningservice equipmentis currently on order andis projected to arrive soon Mr. Garner said three mechanics have the trainingto operate the equipment He said a reorganization ofthe parts room is underway Mr. Garner said the shop is in the process of stripping the retired buses for usablespare parts He said a second safety committee meeting, whichwas held this month, went very well Mr. Harnedsaid the new CNG buses have been assigned to the longest routesand expressed appreciation for the new buses Mr. Harnedsaid First Transit is very close to settling the union arbitration and was hopeful contract negotiations would resume shortly thereafter NEW BUSINESS Mr. Petroff askedstaff to look into future fare payment options Mr. Eby stated he would research cost effective fare payment options OLDBUSINESS None ADJOURN Mr. Betzmade a motion to adjourn the February2016board meeting Mr. Gaineyseconded the motion and the motion carried SCHEDULING OF NEXT MEETING The next board meetingis scheduled for March 24, 2016 at 12:00 pm in the Forden Station ConferenceRoom Respectfully Submitted, Albert Eby Executive Director /kw/mm CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20167 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20168 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/20169 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201610 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201611 RESOLUTION _____________________________________________________________________ Introduced by: Albert Eby, Executive Director Date: February 25, 2016 URBAN STATE MATCH FY 2016 and FY 2017 RESOLUTION A motion was made by ___________________ and seconded by ___________________________ for the adoption of the following resolution, whichupon being put to a vote was duly adopted. WHEREAS , Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of North Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as the agency responsible for administering federal and state public transportation funds; and WHEREAS , the North Carolina Department of Transportation will apply for a grant from the US Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration and receives funds from the North Carolina General Assembly to provide assistance for Small Urban Public Transportation Projects; and WHEREAS , the purpose of these transportation funds is to provide grant monies to local agencies for the provision of small urban public transportation services consistent with the policy requirements for planning, community and agency involvement, service design, service alternatives, training and conference participation, reporting and other requirements (drug and alcohol testing policy and program, disadvantaged business enterprise program, and fully allocated costs analysis); and WHEREAS , the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority hereby assures and certifies that it will provide the required local funds; that its staff has the technical capacity to implement and manage the project, prepare required reports, obtain required training, attend meetings and conferences; and agrees to comply with the federal and state statutes, regulations, executive orders, Section 5333 (b) Warranty, and all administrative requirements related to the applications made to and grants received from the Federal Transit Administration, as well as the provisions of Section 1001 of Title 18, U. S. C. NOW, THEREFORE , be it resolved that the Chairman of the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authorityis hereby authorized to submit a grant application for federal and state funding, make the necessary assurances and certifications and be empowered to enter into an agreement with the NCDOT to provide public transportation services. IDon Betz, Secretary,do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes th day of March,2016. of a meeting ofthe Cape Fear Public Transportation Authorityduly held on the 24 !¶¶©∏ .Ø¥°≤? 3•°¨ (•≤• Signature of Certifying Official * Note that the authorized official, certifying official, and notary public should be three separate individuals. SealSubscribed and sworn to me () date * Notary Public 3•°¨ Printed Name and Address My commission expires () date CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201612 Monthly Passenger Summary February 2016 Total Passengers Fixed Route 180,000 120,000 160,000 100,000 140,000 120,000 80,000 100,000 60,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 0 - JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFeb 2014/20152014/2015 94,390128,378164,496168,394133,924112,258130,195130,97088,831101,346101,217109,96887,56692,74089,21181,119 2015/20162015/2016 98,499117,851152,252146,292134,044107,621117,411136,71092,75489,16391,83793,41486,06890,44179,54585,901 ChangeChange 4.35%-8.20%-7.44%-13.13%0.09%-4.13%-9.82%4.38%4.42%-12.02%-9.27%-15.05%-1.71%-2.48%-10.83%5.90% Seahawk Shuttle Paratransit 70,000 7,000 60,000 6,000 5,000 50,000- 4,000 40,000 3,000 30,000 2,000 20,000 1,000 10,000 0 0 JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFeb JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFeb 2014/20155,1064,8695,0445,2224,3844,4814,6494,496 2014/2015 45322,16358,23553,20441,97415,03736,33545,355 2015/2016 5,3244,7075,0205,7244,7474,8284,5224,961 2015/201642123,98155,39547,15443,22912,35233,34445,848 Change4.27%-3.33%-0.48%9.61%8.28%7.74%-2.73%10.34% Change -7.06%8.20%-4.88%-11.37%2.99%-17.86%-8.23%1.09% CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201613 Passengers by Route February 2016 Fixed Route No. NamePassengersTransfers 101Princess Place14,2761,865 103Oleander East6,221853 104Northeast4,717782 105Medical Center6,742790 106Shipyard Blvd4,971648 107College Road1,845218 108Market Street7,155987 201Carolina Beach Road9,8091,033 202Oleander West6,417654 203Trolley3,609 204Brunswick Connector1,894264 205Longleaf Park7,014732 207North3,492418 209Independence6,849669 301Pleasure Island890 TOTAL 85,9019,913 UNCW 701Blue3,969 712Teal2,852 702Green4,387 703Red7,738 704Yellow7,548 711Yellow Express5,816 705Loop1,824 707Red Express 9,634 709Loop Express 2,080 UNCW Total 45,848 Para-Transit Services ADA Passengers 1,845 Non-ADA Passengers 3,116 Para-Transit Total 4,961 TOTAL PASSENGERS 136,710 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201614 FIXED ROUTEMONTHLYFiscal Year to Date This Month % Change Ridership Statistics Current% ChangeCurrentPrior Last Year Total Bus Passenger Trips 82,292 77,9685.55% 678,674 717,056-5.35% Total Trolley Passenger Trips 3,609 3,15114.54% 30,449 34,942-12.86% Total UNCW Passenger Trips 45,848 45,3551.09% 261,724 272,756-4.04% Total Fixed Route Passenger Trips 131,749 126,4744.17% 970,847 1,024,754-5.26% Average Weekday Passenger Trips 5,699 5,741-0.74% Average Saturday Passenger Trips 2,133 1,9608.83% Average Sunday Passenger Trips 887 937-5.36% Operating Statistics - Fixed Route Total Revenue Miles 109,222 101,7497.34% 815,090 819,043-0.48% Total Revenue Hours 7,974 7,3768.11% 58,313 58,1190.33% Accidents Non Preventable3 1200.00% 18 14 28.57% Accidents Preventable 12-50.00%312-75.00% Passenger Trips/Revenue Mile 1.21 1.24-2.96%1.191.25-4.80% Passenger Trips/Revenue Hour 16.52 17.15-3.64%16.6517.63-5.58% Operator Overtime6.13%2.60%135.77% Farebox Revenue and Pass Sales$ 69,053$ 78,146-11.64%$626,922$665,628-5.81% Average Fare per Bus Passenger$ 0.80$ 0.96-16.55%$0.88$0.89-0.12% PARATRANSITMONTHLYFiscal Year to Date This Month % ChangeCurrentPrior% Change Ridership Statistics Current Last Year Total ADA Passenger Trips1,8451,33138.62%14,13911,13327.00% Total Non ADA Passenger Trips3,1163,165-1.55%27,24527,1180.47% Total Paratransit Passenger Trips4,9614,49610.34%41,38438,2518.19% Average Weekday Passenger Trips2202142.76% Average Saturday Passenger Trips654737.66% Average Sunday Passenger Trips219130.00% Operating Statistics - Paratransit Total Revenue Miles43,17531,19338.41%345,362279,40123.61% Total Revenue Hours2,8121,63871.67%21,80214,53150.04% Accidents Non Preventable100.00%62200.00% Accidents Preventable02-100.00%660.00% Passenger Trips/Revenue Mile0.110.14-20.28%0.120.14-12.47% Passenger Trips/Revenue Hour1.762.74-35.73%1.902.63-27.89% Operator Overtime1.91%2.02%-5.64% WavePool Passengers381628-39.33%3,2184,942-34.88% Revenue Miles3,5685,613-36.43%30,50449,288-38.11% Revenue Hours67100-32.87%643888-27.59% Special Services Greyhound Ticket Revenue$1,691$2,080-18.70%$18,914$26,262-27.98% Amtrak Passengers117153-23.53%2,0321,59827.16% Horizon Revenue$806$69316.31%$6,033$7,077-14.75% CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201615 Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Statement of Operating Position Date : 7/1/2015 - 2/29/2016 Budget Scenario : 2016 (2) (Board Adopted Original) ActualBudget Variance67% Annual GL account Operating revenues Farebox revenues 830,065 845,333 (15,268)65% 1,268,000 Passes 111,650 146,667 (35,017)51% 220,000 Contracted services Fixed Route 255,041 280,000 (24,959)61% 420,000 Para-Transit 447,635 441,333 6,30268% 662,000 Total: Operating revenues 1,644,391 1,713,333 (68,942)64% 2,570,000 Nonoperating revenues Subsidies Federal grants 2,297,616 2,364,771 (67,155)65% 3,547,157 State grants 746,477 503,300 243,17799% 754,950 Subsidy from primary government City of Wilmington 1,285,000 856,667 428,333100% 1,285,000 New Hanover County 275,000 183,333 91,667100% 275,000 Subsidy from other governments 101,250 66,917 34,333101% 100,375 Local Government Pledged to Capital - (10,000) 10,0000% (15,000) Other Income 85,514 74,000 11,51477% 111,000 Total: Subsidies 4,790,857 4,038,988 751,86979% 6,058,482 Total: Revenues and Subsidies 6,435,248 5,752,321 682,92775% 8,628,482 Operating expenses Salaries and wages Fixed Route 2,103,926 2,178,803 74,87764% 3,268,204 Para-Transit 411,457 436,844 25,38763% 655,266 Taxes and benefits Taxes 184,040 202,451 18,41161% 303,677 Benefits 648,158 694,052 45,89462% 1,041,078 Fuels and lubricants 383,500 631,600 248,10040% 947,400 Maintenance 588,425 359,083 (229,342)109% 538,624 Tires 67,966 90,333 22,36750% 135,500 Communications & Utilities 91,705 106,267 14,56258% 159,400 Professional services 291,089 281,880 (9,209)69% 422,820 Other services 128,907 67,417 (61,490)127% 101,126 Insurance Liability & Property 281,701 231,000 (50,701)81% 346,500 Auto 235,302 192,000 (43,302)82% 288,000 Worker Comp 140,401 140,667 266 67% 211,000 Office supplies and expenses 22,905 28,133 5,22854% 42,200 Marketing 7,473 33,133 25,66015% 49,700 Other expenses 94,534 78,658 (15,876)80% 117,987 Total: Operating expenses 5,681,489 5,752,321 70,83266% 8,628,482 Net Results 753,759 Fund Balance Contributions 20152016Total City of Wilmington 157,822 157,822 - 315,644 New Hanover County 157,822 157,822 - 315,644 Total: Fund Balance Contributed 315,644 315,644 - 631,288 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201616 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201617 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201618 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201619 CFPTA Agenda Packet 03/18/201620