FY17 MERCURY RECYCLING GRANTSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE GRANT COI{TRACT NO. 6904 GMNTEE'S FEDEML IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: "-"'0324 This Contract is hereby made and entered into this Ie DAY oF JULY, 2016, by and between the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARIUENI OF EI{VIRONMEIIITAL QUALITY (the "Agency') and NEW HANOVER COUltlTY, (the'Grantee') (refened to colleclively as the 'Parties'). 1. Conrad Documents: This Contract mnsisb of the Grant Contracl and its attadrments, all of which are identilied by name as follows: (l ) Grant Contracl No. 6904(2) General Terms and Conditions (Attachment A)(3) Agency's Request tor Proposal (RFP) (Aftachment B)(4) Granlee's Response to Agency's RFP, including line item budget and bdget nanaltve afi if apilicabte, inditrr,l @st documentalion (Attactment C)(5) lran Divestment Ac{ Certification (Attacirment D) These documents constifute the entire agrEemenl between the Parties and supersede all prior oral or written statements or agreemenb. The Parties may enter into Contrad Amendments in accordance with lhe General Tenns ard Conditions as described in Athchment A. 2. Precedence Among Contract Documeflts: ln the event of a conflicl between terms of the Conlract Documonls, the term in the Conlract Document wilh the highest relative precedence prevails. The order of precedence is established by the order of documents in Paragraph 1, above, with the firstlisted document having lhe highest precedence and the las!ilsled docurnent having he bwest precedence. lf there are multiple Confact Amendments, the most r€cent amendment has the highest precedence and he oldest amondment has the lou€st precedence. 3. contract Period: This contract shall be effecliw on July 1, 20.l6 and shall terminate on June 30, 2019. 4. Project Period: The Grantee shall begin the project on July I, 2016. The Grantee shall undertake and complete the prolect in a sequence thal assures exp€ditious complelion in light of the purposes of this agreemenl. Gmntee shall complete the prclect on June 30, 2019. 5. Grantee's Dttties: The Grantee shallcomdete the proieci as described in Attachmsnt C, l,le{u Hanover County, Mercury Prod$ts Recycling Project and in accordance with lhe appmved budget in Attachment C, as well as meetin! the Othei General Terms atd Conditiom of the Agency's Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service's 20i6 Merwry Products Recycling Requesl for Propcal (Attachment B). 6. Agency's Dtlties: The Agency shall pay the Grantee in the manner and in lhe amounts specified in the Contract 0ocuments. The lotal amount paid by the Agsncy to the Grantee under this Contract shall not axceed MENTY THOUSAIID D0LLARS ($20,000.00). This amount consisb of: Type of Funds Funding Source CFDA No. Appropriations NC General Assembly NiA Page I of7 7. GRANT CONTRACT NO. 6904 Accounting Code lnformation: Dollars GL Company GL Ac'count GL Center $20,000.00 1602 536961 6760 I X ] a, There are no malching requirements lrom the Grantee. I I b. There are no matching requirements from lhe Grantee: hor,rrcver, lhe Grantee has committed lhe lollowing match to this pojecl: ln-Kind $ Cash $ Cash and In-ldnd $ Other / Soecifv:$ [ ] c. The Grantee's matching requirement is i, rvhich shall consisl of: ln-Kind Cash Cash and In-Kind Other / Specifv: [ ] d. The Grantee has commifted to an additional $ to complete the proiect as desdibed in Attachment C. The Granlee wanants contributions fom the Grantee shall be sourced hom non-federal funds. The tolal contracl amount is $20,fl[.00 Reversion of Unexperded Funds Any unepended grant funds shall revert to the Agenry upon termihation of this Contract. Reporting Requiremerts: Pursuant to 09 NCAC Subchapler 03M, a Grantee that receives State funds shall mainlain, for inspection by the Office of the State Auditor, reports and accountings that support the allowable expenditure of State funds. The Grantee shall also abide by the following reporting thresholds: (1) a Grantee receiving less than $25,000 shall also include a certification and accounting, mmpleted by lhe Grantee Board, slating that the lunds were received and used for the purpose in which they were granted; (2) a Granlee receiving belween $25,000 to $500,000 shall also include a certification of accounting and d€scription, completed by the Grantee Board, stating the funds were received and used ior the purpose in which they were granled; (3) a Grantee receiving greatel than $500,000 shall include a certification and descriplion, compleled by the Grantee Board, staling that the funds were received and used for lhe purpose in which they were granted, and an audit prepared by a licensed C,€rtified Public Accountant.' lf the Grantee receives $500,000 or more in FEDERAL awards during its llscal year from any source, including federal funds passed through the State or olher grantoc, it must obiain a single audit or program-specific audit conducled in accordance with the Federal Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-133'Audils of States, Local Government and Non- Profit organizations,' lf the above amounts are not met by one single funding agency, but ralher any combination of funding agencies, then the appropriate reports shall be senl to the Ofiice of lhe State Auditor and to the Agency. Also, a conective action plan for any audit findings and recommendations must be submifted along with the audit report or within the period specifled by the applicable OMB Circular or Memorandum. Page 2 of 7 9. Payment Provisions: The Agency shall eimburce the Grantee for aclual allowable e)pendituros with he Agency retaining a minimum of ten percent (1Oi6) of the Agency's funds until all required activities are completed and reporb/deliverables are received and accepled by,the Agency. Allowable expenditures are delined as expenditures associated with work performed to meet the milestones for a specific reponing period. The Agency may withhold payment on invoices when ths Grantee fails to accomplish the milestones stated in Attachment C. 10. lrwoim: The Gnantee shall submil invoices to ihe Agency Contrac't Administralor at least quarterly. The final invoice must be received by the Agency within forty-fiw (45) days following the end of the contract perid. Amended or conected invoices musl be received by the Agencys office of the Controller within six (6) months following the end o{ the contrac{ period. Tirc Agency will not pay any inr/oice received rnore than six (6) monthi ifrer the end of he effec'tive pedod. 1 1 . Contract Administsatots: All notices permitted or required to be given by one party lo he ohor, and all other questions about the Contracl shall be addressed and delivered to the Parties' Contrac{ Adminislrator. The name, post office address, street address, blephone number, fax number, and emailaddress ol the Partres'initial Contract Administrators are set out below, Either Party may change lhe name, posl office address, str6t address, lelephone number, fax number, or email address of ib Contraci Administrator or Principal lnvestigalor or Key Personnel by giving timely written notice to lhe other Party. Any changes in the scope of lhe mntract which increase or decrease lhe Grantee's compensalion are not effective until appoved in writing by the Agency's Head or Authorized Agent. GRANT GONTRACT NO, 69(N Contract Administrator: Joseph FiEpatrick Division of Envhonmental Assistance and Customer Service 1 639 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 2769$1639 Telephone: (9'19) 707S'121 Email: Grantee Contsact Administrator:Grantee Principal lnvestigator or Xey Personnel Kim Roane, Business Officer New Hanover County 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone: (910) 798-4403 Fax (910)7984408 Email: kroane@nhcoov.com Kim Roane, Business Offrcer New Hanover County 3002 U.S. Highway 421 Nofih Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone: (91 0) 798-4403 Fax (910) 7984408 Email: kroanq@nhcqov.mm 1?. Grantee Principal lnvestigator or xey Persoinel: The Grantee shall not substitute the Principal lnvestigator or Key Personnel assigned to the performance of this Conlrac{ without prior written approval by the Agency Contract .Adminislrator. 13. Supplantation of Expenditure of Public Funds: The Grantee assures that funds received pursuant to this Conkact shall be used only lo supplernent, not to supplanl, ihe lotal amount of Federal, State and local public lunds that the Grantee otherwjse expends for lrlew Hanovei Mercury Products Recycling ssrvices and relaled programs. Funds received underthis Contract shall be used lo povide additional public funding for such services;lhe funds shall not be used lo reduce the Grantee's totalexponditur€ ol other public funds for such services. Page 3 of7 GRANT CONTRACT NO. 6904 14. Grantee's Disbursetnerts: As a condition of this Contract, Grantee acknowledges and agrees to make disbursemenls in accordance with the fdlowing requiremenb: a. lmplemenl adequate inlemal @nfols over disbursemenls; b. Pre-audil all vouchers prcsented for paymenl lo determine:. Validity and acorracy of payment. Payment due date. Adequacy of documentation supporting payment. Legality ol disbursement c. Assure adequate control of signature stampJplates; d, Assure adequate control of negotiabh inslrumenb; and e. lmplement procedures to ensure hat accounl balanc€ is solveflt and ,econcile the munt monthly. 15. Outsourcing: The Grantee cortiliss that it has identifred to lhe Agency all lobs related to the Contract that have been outsourced lo other countdes, if any. Grantee furiher agrees lhal itwill nol oubouroe any such iobs during the term of this Contracl without providing notice to the Agency and obtaining written approval from the Agency Contract Administrator prior to outsourcing. t6. E-Veri[: As required by G.S. 91a3a8.5 (Session kw 201]418), the Grantee certifies that it, and each of its submntractors for any conlract awerded as a result of this solicitation, mmplies with the rcquiremenb of Adde 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina General Statutes, including he requirement for each employer, with more ttran 25 employees in North Carolina, to verify the work authorization of its employees through the federal E-Verify system. '17. Confidentiallty: Each party shall be solely responsible for properly identifying any document(s) containing 'CONFIDENTIAL' inlormatron. Anything that qualifies as a 'TMDE SECRET' under State law must be dosignated as 'CONFIDENTIAL. All 'CONFIDENTIAL' documenb shall be properly identifed by conspir:uously ma*ing il "CONFIDENTIAL' at the top and boltom of each page. Any document(s) not prcperly identified as CONFIDENTIAL, prior to its release to the Agency, may be deemed a public record. 18. Records Retention: Records created or kept in conneclion with this Contract shall be maintained in accordance with the applrcable relention policies of the Agency, and shall not be destroyed, purged or dbpooed of without he expmss written consent of the Agency. lf any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, disallowance action, or other aclion involving this Contnact is initiated priorto expiration of the applbable retention period, tha recods must be retained until comdetion of the aclion and rcsolution of all issues arising therefrom, or until the end of the applicable retention period, whichever is later 19. Assurances For Non-Federally Funded Coltracts: The GMNTEE certilies lhat with regard to: 1. Debament And Suspension - To the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: (a) are not pmently debarcd, suspend€d, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from mvered lransac'tions by any Federal, State, or local govemmenl agency; (b) have not within a &year period preceding this proposal been convicled of or had a civil iudgment rendered against them for commission ol fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or perlorming a public (Federal, State, or local) iransaction or mntract under a public transaction; violation ol Federal or State antitrusl slatutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruclion of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) are not presently indicled for or otherwise criminally or civilly chaBed by a govemrnental entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumeraled in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and (d) have not within a $ysar pedod preceding this applicatbn/poposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default, Page 4 of7 GRANT CONTRACT NO. 6904 20. Signature Wananty: The undersigned represent and warant trat they are aulhodzed to tind tEir principals to the terms of hb agrBement. N.C.G.S. S13+32 and Execulive Ord€r 24 pohibit the offer to, or a@ptance by, any State Employee ol any gift from anyone with a conhact with the State, or ftom any person seeking b do busin*s with ths State. By execution of any response in lhis procurement, you (Grantee) altest, for yourentire organization and ih employees or agenls, that you are not aware thal any such gifr has been offered, accepted, or promised by any emfloyees of your organization. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantee and the Agency execute this agreement in lwo (2) originals, one (1) of which is retained by the Grantee and one (1) of which is rstained by the Agency, the day and year irst above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROUilA DEPARTMETTIT OF ENVIROl{MEI{TAL qUALITY Donald R. van dor Vaart, Secretary Dopartmenl Head's Signatire or Authodzed Agsnl Tommv H. Kirbv. Purchssino Director Type / Printed Name and Title Financial Servires Division/Purciasinq and Contracis Section Division/Seclion By ORIGINAL Pape 7 of 7 Adachmenl A DEQ Conlract 6904 General Terms and Conditions Govemmental Entities DEFINITIONS Unless indicated otherwise fiom the context, the bllowing tems shall have he bllowing meanings in his Contracl. A[ definitions are lrom I NCAC 3M.0102 unless othen{ise noted. ll the ruh or siatute lhat is the source ol the definition b drarEsd by he adopthg auhority, he dange shall be incorporated herein. (1) ngerEF (as used in the context ol he definitions below) means and includ€s every public officg, pubih officer or oficial (State or local, elecled or appointed), inst'tution, board, commissbn, bureau, council, deparEnent, authority or otier unit of government ot lhe St6te or of any county, unit, special disfic{ or o$er political sutsagency of govemment, For other purposes in this Crnhact, 'Agenc/ means he enlity identified as one of the parlies hereto. (2) "udit" means an Bxamination of records or financial accounts to verify heir accuracy. (3) "Certification of Compliance" means a Gport FDvidd by te Ag€ncy to he Offce of the S'tale Auditor that states that lhe Grantee has met he reportlng rsquiremeots establisied by this Slurapter and included a statement ot certification by the Agency and copies of fie suhnitted grantes reporting package. (4) 'Complance Supplemenf refers to fie North Carolina State Gompliance Supplement mainlahed by the S:tate and Local Govemmonl Finance Agenry wihin he Norh Carolina DeparLnent of $8te Treasurer hat has been det/eloped in cooperation witr agencies to assist f|e local audikr in identilying prognam mmpliance requirements and audit procedures for testing hose requkemenls. (5) "Contract" means a legal instrument that is us€d to reffect a relationship between the agency, grantee, and su b-grantee. (6) "Fiscsl Yesl' meafls the annual operating year of the non-State entity. (7) 'Financial Assistance'' means assistance ftat non- State entflies recoive or adminhter in fie brm of granb, loans, loan guarantees, property (induding donated gJrplus property), cooperative agreemenb, interest subsidies, insurance, lood commoditiG, direcl apprcpriations, and other assistanoe. Financial asshtance does nol indude anDunb rcceived as reimbursemenl br services Endered lo individuals lor luedicere and Medicaid patbnt seMces. (8) 'Financial Stalemenf means a report providing fnancial statistics Elative to a given part of an organization\ operali:ns or stafu s. (9) "Grant' m€ans financial assistance provided by an agency, grantee, or sub{rantee to caIry out adivities whereby he grantor snticipales no programmatic involvement wih th€ grantes o( subgrantee during he per{ormance ol the grant. (10) 'Granlee' has lhe meaning in G.S. 143G6-23(aX2): I nonstate enry that receives a grant ol State funds from a State agency, departnent, or hstitution but does not include any non-State entity subjex't to the audit and o&er Eporling requir€m€nb of he Local C'ovemment Commissidr. For other purpos€s in ftis Contrad, 'Granlee' shall rnean the entity identilied as dle ol he palies hereto. For purposes of this confad, Granlee also includes other State agencies sudt as uniwrsities. (11) 'Grantof means an €ntity that provides t€sources, generally fnancial, to ano$er efltity in order to achi€ve a specified goal or obieclive. (12) 'llon-State Entityf has th€ meaning in N.C.G.S. 143G 1-1(d)(18): A fi rm, corpordtion, partner$ip, association, county, unit of local govemment, public authority, or any oher persdl, trganization, group, or govemmenbl entity hat b not a Statc a0ency, dopartmslt, or institution. 03)'Pubfrc Authoritf has ttre meaning in N.C.G.S, 159- 7(10): A municipal coeoration hat is not a unit of local govemment or a hcal govemrnental authority, board, commissiofl, council, or agency ftat (i) is not a municipal corporatbn, (ii) is not subjec't ol he State Budget Ac{, and (i6) operates on an area, regional, or multiunit basis, and tlle budgeting ard accounting systems ot whidr are not fully a part of the budg€ting and accornting sys{oms ol a unit of local govemment. (14) "Sjingh Audil'means an audit tEt includes an examinalion of an organizalioflS financial statements, intemal contmls, and compliane wift the equkernenls of FedeIal or Sate awards. (15) 'Special fupropriation" rrcans a legislative acl aufiorizing he expenditure of a designatsd amount o, public funds for a specffic purpose. (16) 'Stele Funds" means any funds appropdsted by he Norh Camlina Generd Assemuy or collecled by he Shb of North Carolina. State funds indudo federal financial assistanct roceived by fie State and banstered or disbursed to non-State enlilies, Both Federal and Slate funds maintain their identily as they arc subgranted to ohor organizations. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143C{-23(a)(1), the Grms 'State grant funds' and 'S1ate grants" do not indude any payment made by the Medicaid program, he Teachers'and State Employees' Comprehensiw Malor Medical Plan, or other similar medical pmgrams. (17) 'Sub-grantoe' has the moaning in G.S. 143G6- 23(a)(4): a non-Stato entity that r€ceivB a grant ol State funds lrom a grantee or from anoher sub{rantse but does not include any non-State entity subjecl lo he audit ad other ]epo.ting requirements of he Local Govsmment Commission. (18) "Unit ol Local Govemment h6 he meaning in G.S. 15$7(b)(15): A municipal corporation bat has the power to levy taxes, including a consolidaEd city- county as defined by G.S. 1608-2(1), and a boards, agencies, commissions, aufiorilies, aod inslitutions flerco{ flat are not municipal corporatrcns. Relationships ol the Parties lndependent Contractff: The Grant€e is and shall be deemed to be an independent contraclor in the perbrmance of ulis Contract and as such shall be wholly responsible lor tle $rorft to be pertomed and lor the supervision of ib employees. The Grantee represenb that it has, or shall se@re at its own epense, all personnd required in perfoming fie seMces under this agreemant. Sudt employees shall not be omployees of, or have any individual mntracfiial relationship with, he Agency. Subconttacting: To subcontracl work to be perform€d under this contract which involves he specialized skill or expertise ol $e Grantee or his employees, the Granlee lirst obtains prior approval of the Agency Contract Administrator. ln the event the Grantee subcontracts for any or all of lhe servioes or activities covered by this contracl: (a) the Grantee is not relieved of any of the duties and responsibilities provided in this contracl; (b) the subcontrac{or agrees to abide by the standards c'ontained hersin or to provide such inhrmStion as to allow the Grantee to comply wih these standards, and; (c) lhe subcontractor agrees to allou, state and federal authorized representatives access to any remrds perlinent to its role as a subcontractor. Subgrantees: The Grantee has he rssponsibility to ensure that all sub-grantees, if any, provide all inhrmation necessary b permit the Grantee to @mply with the standards set forh in this Cootract. Assignment: The Grantee may not asstn he Grantee's obligations or the Grantee's right to r€ceive paymeflt her€under. However, upon Grantee's v',ri$en requesl approved by he issuing purdrasing authority, fire Agencl may: (a) FoMard the Grantee's payment chec*(s) diredly to any peIson or enw designatod by fie Granbe, or (b) lnclude sny person or en$ty designated by Grantee as a joint payee on the Grantee's paymenl cieck(s). Such apprcval and aclion does not obligale the State to anyone oher fian the Grantee and the Granlee remains responsble ,or tulfillment ol all contrad obligatbns. Beneficiaries: Except as herein specifically provided otremise, this Contract inures to the bGnefit ol and is binding upon ttre parties hereto and their respective suo@ssors. lt is expressly understood and agreed $at the enforcement of he tenns and conditions of this Contract snd all righb of adion relating to such enforcern€nt, are stridry ;BseNed to the Agency and he named Grsntee. Nothhg contained in this dodment shall give or alow any claim or right of aciion wtlatsoever by any otrer trird person, It is the express int€ntion of the Agenc) and Grantee that any Attachmenl A DEQ Contrad 6904 hird person receiving services or benefits under this Contract is an incilental beneflciary only, hdemnity hdemnmcation: ln the event of a claim against either party by a tird p€rty arising out ol hh contrac.t, the party whose actions gave dse to he claim is responsible for the defunse ol Ule claim and any resulting liatility, provided hat a party may not wai\re the other party's sowreign immunity or similar derens$. The parties agree to co.t&tt with each olier over $e appropriate handling of a daim and, in he elent hey cannol agree, to consult wih lie Office of fie Atom€y Cieneral. lnsurance: ouring the term of the conlract, the Grantee at its sole cost and expense provides commercial insurance of such type and wiur such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the contract. As a minimum, the Grantee pmvides and maintains tfie following coverage and limits: (a) Worke/s CoBpensation: The Grantee provides and maintains Workefs Compensation insuBnce as required by lhe latrs of North Carolins, as wellas employer's liability coverage with minimum limits of 9500,000.00, covering all of Grantee's employees who are engaged in any wo* under fiis contract_ lf any work is sublet, the Grantee requires the subgrantee to povide the same @verage for any ol his employees engaged in any !,t/ork under this conbact. (b) Commercial ceneral Liabitity: Genoral Liabitity Coverage on a Comprehensive Broad Form on an occurrence basis in the minimum amount of 9.1,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit. (Defense cost shall be in excess of the limit of liability.) (c) Automobile: Automobile Liability lnsurance, to include liability mverage, covering all owned, hired and non-ownd vehicles used in performance of the contract. The minimum combined single lim[ is 9500,000.00 bodily injuryand property damage; . $500,000.00 uninsured/under insured motorist; and 925,000.00 medicalpayment. Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation ol the Grantee and is of the essencr of this conkact. The Grantee may meet its requirements o, maintaining specitied coverage and limits by demonstrating to the Agency that &ere is in foroe insurance witr equivalent coverage and limits hat will offer at least the ssme proteclion to the Agency. Grantee oblains insurance that meets all laws ol ttle Slate of North Carolina. Grantee obtains coverage from companies hat are auhorized to provide such coverage and that are authorized by the Commissioner of lnsuran@ to do business in North Carolina. The Granlee complies at all times with the terms ol such insurance policies, and all requirements ol the insurer und€r any such insurance policies, except as they may conflict with existing North Carolina laws or this contracl. The limits of covecAe under each insurance policy maintained by the Grantee do not limit lhe Grantee's liability and obligations under he conlract. Default and f€rmination Termination by Mutual Consent Either party may terninate this agre€ment upor thirty (30)days notico in uniting from the o$er party. ln that event, all linished or unfinished documenls and otier materials, at the option of the Agency, be submiued to the Agency. lf the contrdct is lerminated as provided herein, $e Grantee is paid in an amount !,yhich bears the same ratio to lhe total compensation as the seMces actually performed besr to the total services of the Grantee covered by this agreement; for costs of $ro* perlormed by subcutractors for the Grantee provired Ihat such subcontracts have been approved as provided herein; or lor each full day of services performed $,here compensation is based on eadl full day of services perrormed, less payment of compensation previously made, The Grantee repays to he Agency any compensation lhe Grantee has received which is in excess of the payment to whici he is entitled herein. Tennination fff Cause: lf, through any cguse, the Grantee lails to futlill in timely and proper manner the obligations under this agreemenl, the Agency thereupon has the right to terminate this contract by giving written notjce to the Grantee o, such termination and specitying the reason thereof and the effective date thereof. ln that event, all finished or unlinished documents, data, studies, suryeys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, and rsports prepared by the Grantee, at the option ol the Agency, be submitted to the Agency, and the Grantee is entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfaclory work completed on such documents and other matorials. The Grantee is not relieved of liability to the Agency tor damages sustained by the Agency by virtue of any breach ot this agreement, and the Agencl may withhold payment to tie G.anle€ for the purpose ol set ofl until such time as lhe exact amount ol damages due the Agency from such breach can be determined. Waiver of Default: Waiver by the Agency of any delEult or breact in compliance with he terms of this Contra{i by the Grantee is not I $Jaiv6r ol any subsequent defautt or breach and is not a modification of he terms of fiis Contrac{ unless statod to be such in u,riting, signed by an auhorized representative of tle Agency and tha Grantee and attached to the contsacl. Avaihbility of Funds: The parties lo $is Contract agree and understs0d tlat he payrnent of lhe sums specified in fiis Contrad is dependent and conlingent upon and suuec't b he appropdation, allocation, and avaihbility o, funds for this purpose to $e Agoncy. DEo#ifl'I*6ltd Force tlajeure: Neither party is in default ot its obligations hereunder if it b prevented tom perlorming sud obligathns by 8ny 6cl d war, hostile loreign adion, nudear explosion, riot, stkes, civil insunection, eartqu*e, hurricane, tomado, or other cabstrophic nafurd event or ad of God. Survival of komises; All promises, requirements, terms, conditions, pmvisions, repres€ntations, guaranlees, and waranties mntained herein shall surviw he conffi expiration or termination date unless spscifically provided ohorwise herein, or unless supeBeded by applicable Federal or Slate stafubs ol limihtion. lntellectual koperty Rights CopFSms and Ovnership of Delit ersbles: Any and all copyrighb resulting from work under this agreemenl shall belong lo the Grantee. The GranteG hereby grants to tho North Carolina Department ol Environment and Natural Rs6ources a royatty-free, non-exclusive, pai,l-up license to use, publish and distribute results of work under this agreement for North Carolina State Govemment purposes only. Compli.nce with Applicable La{vs Compliance uvilh Lau,s: The Grantee understands and agrees $at it is subject to complianoe wilh all laws, ordinances, codes, rules, reguldions, and licsnsing requirem€lr s hai are applicable to the conduct ol ib hJsiness, induding those of lederal, state, and local agencies having juisdiction and/or auhority. Equal Employmeot Opportunity: The Grantee understands and agEes that it is subiect to mmplhnce wih all Federal and State law relating to equal ernployment opportunity. Confidentiality Confidentiality: As authorized by law, the Grantee keeps confdential any ir{orrntion, data, insbuments, doorments, studies or reports given to or prepared or assembled by the Grantee under $is aglBement and does not diwlg8 or mak€ fiem available to any individual or oeanization without the prior wittsn approval of tho Ag€ncy. The Grantee acknowledges that in receiving, storing, processing or otherwise dealing wfi any confidential information it will safeguard and not further disdose the information except as otherwise provided in this Contracl or wifrout fie prior writen appoval of the Agency. Oversight Access to PeBons and Records: The State Auditor and he using agency's internal auditors shall have access lo persons and records as a resull oI all contracts or grants entered into by State agencies or political subdivisions in accordance with General Statute 147{4.7 and Session Law 201&194, Sec'tion 21 (i.e., he State Auditors and intemal auditors may sudit the records of the mntractor during the term ol the contracl to verily accounts and data affec'ting lees or perfomanc8). The Contrac'tor shall retain all records for a period of six (6) yesrs following completion of the contract or until any audits begun during this period arB completed and findings resolvbd, whichever is later. Record Re{e ion: The Grantee may not desfoy, purge tr dispose of recods wihout he exprress written consent ot the Agency. State basic records retention poliry requires dl grant records to be retained for a minimum of six (6) years or until alt audit exc€ptiofls have been r$olved, whicher/er is longer. It the contad is subjsd to Federal policy and regulations, recod retention may be loflger than six (6) years since recods must be clained for a period of three years following submission ol the final Federal Financial Slalus Reput, if applicable, or three yeds folbwing fie submissbn of a revised final Federal Financid Stalus Report. Also, il any litigation, ctaim, negotiatifi, audit, disallowance aclion, or other adion involving this Contract has started belore expkation of lhe six (6) year rBtention period desctibed. abov6, the records musl be retained until mmplelion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise lrom it, or until the end ol the regular six (6) year paiod desaibed abore, whichever is later. Time Records: The GRAN'IEE will mainlain records o, he time and eflort ol each employee receiving compensation ,rom this contract, in accordance with he appropriate OMB cirajtar. Miscellaneous Choice of Law: The validity of thb Contrad and any of ils tems or provisions, as l,iell as the rights and duties of $e parties to fiis Contract, are governed by he laws of Norfi Carolha. The Grantee, by signing tris Contract, agrges and submits, solely lor matters conceming $is Conbad, lo the exclusive jurisdidion o, he coufts ol North Carclina atd agre6s, solely for such purpose, ftat the exdusive venue for any legal proceedings shall be Wake County, Norh Carolina. The place ol this Conhad and all transactions and agreemenb relating to it, and tieir sifus and furum, shall be Wake Coun(, North Carolina, where afl matterB, lvhether sounding in conkacl or tort, relating to fie validity, conshuclion, interprehtion, and enlorDement shall be determined, &nefldment This Conbact may not be amenH oralty or by performance. Any amendmant must be made in wdten torm and executed by duly authorized representiatives ol the Agency and lhe Grantee. Severability: ln fie event lhal a court of competenl jurisdidion holds that a provision or requirement of this Contract violates any applicable law, each sudt provision or requirement shall continue to be enlorced to the extent it is not in viration ol law o( is not oftenilis€ unenhreable and all olher pIovisions and rquirements of tris Contra6l shall remain in full force and efEct. Headings: The Sedion and Paragraph headings in hese General Terms and Cooditions arB not malerial ps.ts of the agreement and should not be used lo conslrue fie rneaning lhereof. Atladtmert A DEO Cont'sd 69M Time of the Essence: Time is ol he essencg in tie pe ormance of ttris Conhact. Care of Pmpeqr: The Grantoe agrees that it is responsible for the proper custody and care ol any State omed property fumished him lor use in connection with the performance ol his contracl and will reimburse the State r,or its loss or damage. OwneBhip of equipment purciased under this conhact rests with the Agency. Upon appmval of the Agency Contract Administrator, such equiprnent may be retained by the Grantee for the time the Granlee continues to piovide services begun under this contract. Travel Expenses; All trarel, lodging, and subsistence costs de induded in fie conbact total and no addilional paymenb will be made in excess ol he conbac{ amount indicabd in above. Conlrador must adhere to the travel, lodging and subsislence rat€6 established in the Budget Manual lor the Slate ol Norfr Camlina. Sales/use Tax Refunds: lf eligible, fie Grantee and all sub. gratees shall: (a) aek fre Nortr Carolina Oeparlment of Revenue for a refund of all sales and use taxes paid by hem in he perfomance of his Contrac{, pursuant to G.S. 105-164.14; and (b) exdude all refundable sales and use taxes ftom all rcportabl€ exp€ndibres bebre he e4enses are enteGd in heir reimbursemenl repo.b. Advertising: The Grantee may not use he award of tris Coohact as a part of any news release or commercial ad\rertising. Recycled Paper: The Grantee ensures that all publications produced as a result of his aontracrt are printed double.sided on recycled pee.. Sovereign lmmunity: The Agency does not waive ib sovereign immunity by entering hto fiis contrac{ and fu y retains ;ll immunities and defenses provirhd by law wifi resped to any adion based on this contrac{. Gratuities, Kickbacks or Contingency Fee(s): no parties oerlity snd wanant hat no gratuities, kickbaclG or contjngency fue(s) 8IB pai{, in connectiofl with his conffi, nor are any fees, commissions, gifls or otrer considerations made contingent upon the award o, his contrad. Lobbying: The Grantee certities thsl it (a) has neither used nor will use any appropriated funds lor payments to lobbyisl; (b) will disclose the name, address, payment details, and puryose of any agreement with lobbyists whom the Grantee or its sutstier contrac.tor(s) or sub{rantee(s) will pay wifi pmfits or non-appropriated funds on or after Decembor 22, 1989; and (c) will file quarterty updates about lhe use o, lobbyists il material dtanges occur in their use. Attacimenl A DEQ Cortracl 69M By ftecutiye order 24 issued by Govemor Perdue, and N.C. G.S.$ 13&32: lt is unlawful for any vendor c contraclor ( i.e. architect, bidder, conbador, construdion man4Gr, design prof€ssioaal, engineer, landlord, offuIor, seller, subconlrador, supplier, or v€ndoo, to make gifts or lo giw lavoc lo aly Sate employee of the Govemois Gbirct Agencies (i.e., Admhist ation, Commorce, Cofledion, Crime Conbol and fublic Safety, Culfural Resources, Environrnent and NatJral Resources, Heallh and Human Services, Juvenib Justice and oelinquenc'y Preventbn, Rev8nue, TBnsportation, and the Ofiice of the Govemor). This prohibition co\rers tiose wndors and contraclors $rho: (1) have a conEacl wi$ a govemmenbl 8gencf, or (2) have perlormed under sudr a contract within the past y€ar; or (3) anticipate bidding on such a contracl in tte lutur€. For additional information rcgarding $e specific Equirements and exemptions, vendors and @ntracbrs ate enco taged to review Exeartive Order 24 and G.S. Sec. '13&32. Executiw Order 24 also encooraged and invited otlEr State Agencies to implement he requitements and pDhibitioos ol the Executive frer to hei agencbs. Vendors and contractors should contad ofier Sde Agenckrs to determine if fiose agencios have adopted Executive Ordej 24.' Attachment B DEO Conlrad 6904 Mercury Products Recycling Grant Program APPLICATION GUIDELINES N.C- Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Division of Environmental Assistanc€ and Customer Service The purpose of this granl program is to assist North Camlina local govemments, solid wast€ authorities and water and sewer authorities in developing implementing and expanding recycling programs to collect products containing mercury with particular emphasis on incriasing the rrumuei or fuuuccolleclion sites for fluorescent lights and mercury thermostats. The Divisi6n ofEnvimnmental Assistance and customor service (DEACS) will administer the Mercury producs Recycling Grant hogram through the Solid Waste Managemenl Outreach Program with funding assistance from t6i Division If Waste Management Mercury Switch Program as provided by NCCS l30.4-3 10.54. with the release ofthese guidelines, DEACS is accepting applicatiors for grant funding from mmicipalities, counties, water & sewer authorities and solid waste authorities seeking Io implement or expand programs collecting and recycling mercury containing products fiom the public. Applicants should carefu\ read this entire document prior to submitting an application. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Joe Filzpatrick at (919) 707-8121 or ioseoh.fitzoatrickbncdenr.gov to discuss application requircments and funding options prior to starting w;rk o" th"ir g.*t "pplffiion. Elisible Entities: Mrth Carolina counties, municipalities, weter & sewer authorities and solid waste authorities are eligible for funding through t}e Mercury Products Recycling Grant pmgram. Available Fundins: The Division ofEnvironmental Assistance and Customer Service (DEACS) plans to offer grants through the Merc.ry Products Recycling Grant hogram on an ongoing basis for the duration of fui'ding availsbility. Approved applications will generally be funded in the order in which they were reLived. First time applicants may receive priority over retum applicants. Successful applicants are eligible for a Mercury product Recycling Grant award of up to $2s,000. The prlmary purpose of the Mercury hoducts Recycling Granl progrdm is to help create or expand the infrastructure needed to collect mercury containing products from the public. Grart funding is also available to help pay for program promotion and for recycling costs. There are limitations Jn the amount ofgrant funding that can be specifically dedicated to paying for recycling costs - see section titled "Examples ofFundable Activities" for more details. In the event that funding is not available when an application is received, DEACS will place applicants on a waiting list in the order in which they were approved and will initiate grants as soon as funds Lecome available. Grant Contract Period: Successful applicants will enter into a contract with the Departsnent of Environment and Natural Resources. Grant contracts will only be initiated once all application requirements are met. Mercury Product Recycling Grants will be wriften for a minimum contract term ofone (1) year and a maximum contract term oftlree (3) yean. contmct period options are limited to one (l), rwo (2), or three (3) years. Applicants should carefirlly consider their needs as they develop their grant timeline and submit their application. March 2015 Anacffieot B OEO Contrad 69M Grantees must expend funds and submit a final report within the contract period unless the contrsct term is extended by written agreement between the grantee ald DENR. Requests for no-c{st time extensions should be submitred b the division at leasl 60 days prior to the contract expiration date. Funds not expended by the end ofthe contract period will be forfeited. Any funds expended prior to the start ofthe contact will not be reimbursed Cash Match Reo uirements: There is no cash match requirement for particip&tion in tle Mercury Product Recycling Grant Program. See section on'Examples ofFundable Activities" for more information on funding limitstions. Due Dete: There is no duedate for Mercury Product Recycling Grant applieations. Applications will be accepted year round and grants will be fimded on an on-going basis for the duration of funding availability. Program Roouirements: To be eligible for Mercury Muct Recycling Grant funding a new or existing mercury product recycling pmgram must meet the following criteria:. Program must acc€pt fluorescent lights and mercury thermostats. The acceptance of other mercury products is desirable but not required. . Prograrn must accept items from the public at no cost. Programs may accept and manage fluorescent lights from commercial sources, public schools, and/or govemment facilities, but grant suppoft is not available to assist with the recycling costs of managing mercury products collec'ted from these sourcos.o Program must have a minimum of one location that is open year-round to accept materials for a minimum offour (4) days per week Prosrem Ootious: The Mercury Products Recycling Grant Program seeks to provide funding to irrcrease the recycling of mercury-containing products from lhe public. Funding will be availabte for the following program options: Option 1: tr'unding for New Program: Funding is available to establish a new m€rcury product recycling program tlrat will operate separately from any current Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) program. Option 2: Furding for Erpanding / Eahrncing Eristing Program: Funding is available to expand / enhance an g4!g[gg mercury product rEcycling program that operates sepantely fiom any curent HHW progr.un. With this option, grant funds are available to expand the number of collection sites/locations, enhance the currenl program, and to support the recycling coss for tie mercury containing materials collected. Existing programs can only receive grant funding for the support ofrecycling costs ifthe program is also enhancing or expanding mercury product recycling efforts. Grants are available under Pmgram Option 2 to both fust-time and retum applicans. Optioo 3: tr'unding Support for IIIfW Collection of Mercury Containing Products: Funding is available to assist local govemments with the collection of mercury-containing products through a regularly scheduled HHW collection program. To be eligible for mercury product rccycling grant support for IIHW collection efforts, the following conditions must be met: o The ttHW pmgram must be open to accept fluorescent lighs or mercury thermostats from the public al least four (4) days a week; OR March 2015 2 Altachnent B DEO Conbacl 6904 . The local govemment must op€Bte a sepzinrte mercury prcduct recycling program meeting the standards outlined in tie "Program Requirements,' section ofthis document. only HHW program costs that can be associated with the management ofmercury containing products are eligible for gtant funding support. Grants are available under Program Option ito both first-time and return applicants. Dxamoles of Fundable Activities: Mercury Product Recycling Grant funds may be used to support a wide variety ofexpenses associated with collecting mercury containing products from the public, including recycling cojts paid to vendors for the processing / recycling of the mercury containing products. The following list provides exarnples of approved uses of Mercury product Recycling Grant funds:o Storage buildings (e.g., sheds),. Storage containers for receiving materials at collection sites (e-g., deck storage boxes),. Program materials and packing supplies,o Thermostat collection box through 'l hermostat Recyclinq Corporation.. Mercury spill ki(s),o Fiucation and outreach / program promotional expenses including program signs, brochures, advertising and other promotional costs,. Mercury thermometer exchange prog.am related costs, ando Recycling costs for mercury containing products, as follows:o Program Option I or 2.- programs seeking grant support for r€cycling cost of fluorescent lamps must use one ofthe vendors on the State of North Camlina Tenn Contract 9268 and the amount of grant funds that can be used towards payment of recycling costs is limited to $1,000 per grant contract year, with a maximum award of$3,000 to support recycling coss.o Program option 3 - HHW programs seeking grant support for the handling and recyiling of mercury containing products will be limjted to $5,000 per grant contract year, with a maximum award of $l 5,000. Grant funds may not be used to pay for employee salaries, for administrative expenses such as overhead costs, for vehicle or equipment related operating expenses, or for prograrn utility expenses. Ifyou have questions about whether a potemial expenditure may be eligible for grant funding suppor! please contact Joe Fitzpatrick at (919) 707-Bl2l or ioseph.fitzoatrick@ncdenr.gov. Please note: Drum-top bulb cnshers and expenses associated with operating bulb crush€rs 4gg!eligible for Mercury Products Recycling Gram Program fimding. E&Ft99!-&I!urteut or Previous Grantees Considerinq Reaonlicrtion: Previous Mercury Product Recycling Grant recipients are eligible to reappffir Mercury Product Grant Funding under the following conditions:. The retum applicant must have exhausted all originally awarded Mercury produa Recycling Grant firnding and they must have successfirlly completed all r€quirements associated with their earlier grant contract; and. Retum applicants must be planning to expand or enhance their existing mercury product recycling efforts as a part oftheir retum application for grant funding- Recurring applicans may seek funding through Program option 2 or program option 3 (see section on Program Options). Grant funding is available to recurring applicants for program supplies, recycling costs, education and outreach efforts, and to expand or enhance their mercury product collection efforb. To ensure that suflicient funds are available for all eligible entities interested in establishing progra.ms to March 2015 3 Attadment B DEO Contrad 69M recycle mercury containing products, when making grant awards priority may be given to first-time applicants. 0ther Reouirements:l. W Each applicant must demonstrate as a part oftheir grant applicarion that they operate a rccycling program to manage fluorescent lights and mercury containing thermostats generated by the facilities that they own and op€rate. If applicants do not presently recycle lamps fiom their buildings then a program to do so must be implemented in order to be eligible for grant funding. 2. Notilicotion Reaubement if colledine d a Pemitted SolU Wage Focilitv: Applicants seeking to establish a collection progmm for mercury products at a permitted solid waste facility must provide written notification to the N.C. Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, attention: Ed Mussler, P.E., Permitting Branch Head, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1646, Ed.Mussler(ghcdenr.qov. Written notification must include facility name and address, permit number, a list of mercury containing materials to be eollected and a description of the specific location for handling and storage ofmaterials at the permitted facility. 3. J@g-W: Applicants must demonstrate how staff will be tained inthe proper handling and storage of all mercury containing materials in accordance with Universal Waste Rules I 54 NCAC 13f\.Q1 i_9 as well as in proper spill contairnent and clean-up. Spill response materials and instructions for cleaning up mercury spills are to be readily accessible at the storage faci lity. 4. W Fluorescent lights collected through anew or existing recycling program using Mercury Products Recycling Grant Program funds (Progam Option 1 or 2) must be sent to one ofthe approved vendors listed in State of North Carolina Ternr Contract 9268 if the applicant is seeking reimbursement ofrecycling costs ass@iated with fluorescent lights. S. BeanddzReinburcement Costs: Documentation from the recycling vendor must be submitted when requesting reimbunernent of recycling costs. For mercury containing materials managed by HHW programs, copies ofinvoices or manifests must be submitted with requests for reimbursement. HHW programs seeking reimbursement of recycling costs and other reasonable expenses associated with collecting and handling mercury containing materials must submit an HHW DisposaURecycling Expense Form with their reimbursement request. For a copy ofthis form, contact Joe Fitzpatrick at (919) 707-8121 or iosenh.fitzpatrick@ncdenr. qov. 6. Retroacflve Cosls: N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) grant making rules do not allow for the reimbursement of costs for puchases made prior to the execution ofa grant contract. Any grant-related purchases made prior to the grant contract period start date will not be reimbursed. It is estimated that grant contracts will be in place approxirnately two months after a grant is formally awarded. 7. UMSS!@: Fluorescent lights and mercury thermostats are Universal Wastes, Collection, storage and transportation ofthese malerials mus comply with the Universal Waste Regulations as set forth in I 5A. NCAC I 3A.01 I g. For more infonaation contact Ann Preston, Division of Waste Managomenl, Hazardous Waste Section, at (919) 707-8226 or ann.oreston@ncdenr.gov. 8. Aoolicant miast be in eood gandine v'ith DENR: a. Applicanrs with delinquencies on existing DEACS granls (e.g., failure to submit final report) will not be considered for funding until such delinquencies are corrected. b. All applicants selected for funding will undergo a complianc€ review to ensure that they do not have any outstanding Notices of Violation (NOV) or Notices of Deficiency (NOD) related to North Carolina solid waste management rules and statutes. Outstanding NOV/NODs must be mrrected to the satisfaction of t}e N.C. Division of Waste Management prior to any grant being awarded. Applicants with outstaDding NOVA.IODs are responsible for providing DEACS with informalion indicating thar they are in March 2015 ffi 4 Attachment B DEQ Conrad 6904 compliance and that Nova{oDs have been corrected befor€ a grant contract can be initiated. c. Applicants that have failed to complete and submit the required Local Government Solid Waste and Materials Management Annual Report will not be considered for fimding.9. Aqleement on Final Grunl Aoolicotions: As a condition of grant award, DEACS may woik with applicants to revise initially submitted proposals before entering into a grant contract. Any changes to initia[ proposals must be approved by DEACS and the applicang Ld the resultant final grant application will become an attachment to the Grant Contract. Please follow this l.Contact Information including:. Name and title of main contact. Organizaliono Address. Telephone and fax numberso E-mail address Management ofBulbs from Public Buildirgs: provide information on established recycling program for fluorcscent lights and mercury containing thermostats from buildings owned by ihe applicant. Include infonnation on the vendor and or method used to recycle the iollected - materials. Program option and Description: Please specis whether you are seeking grant support for Program Option I , 2 or 3. Also, please speci$ if this is a first-time application or a ieom application for Mercury Prcducts Recycling Grant firnding.. tffgy q1 anftying for grant fi:nding to establish a new program (Option l), please provide a detailed description ofyour plan for implementing your program including informaiion on the service provider, collection method and frequency, program hours/days of operation, and the name ofvendor to be used for rccycling the collected materials- Full disclosure of any fees charged to program users for the collection of any mercury products to be collected must be presented in this program description.o Ifyou are applying for grant funding to expand or enhanc€ your current collection of mercury products (option 2), please provide a description ofyour current program including information on the service provider, collection metlod and frequency, program hours/days ofoperation, and the name ofvendor to be used for recycling the col'lected-materials, and d-ataon the amormt ofmercury products collected by this program in the past. Additionally,if submitting a retum application for grant fundin& please include a description of the planned expansion or program enhancernefi.o lfyou arc applying for grant funding to support the collection of mercury products ihrough an HllW program (Option 3), please provide information showing that your prog-- -"itstle required operating hours (4 days/week ongoing) or that you hive a separate i'rogramcollecting mercury products that meets this requirement. Additionafly, pieas" piorid" dut on the amount of mercury products acc€pted by this program in the past. Materials Collected: List specific mercury containing products to be collected. List must include mercury containing thermostats and fluorescent lights. Measurement Plan: Provide a brief description ofyour plans to track data about program productivity and the amount ofmercury products collected. StaffTroiling Procedure : Provide a written statement detailing stafftraining procedures on proper handling and storage of mercury products (see other Requirements iiem #3 for more J. 4. 5. 6. The following information outlines the mandatory componer,ts ofthe format. Msrch 2015 5 Attad|olent B DEQ Conlrad 6904 information). Vendors on State ofNor0r Carolina Tenn Conrracl 9268 can help with training needs- 7. Notiricrtion Requirement: Ifyour program will collect or store materials at a permitted solid waste facility please include copy of notification made to N.C. DEN& Division of Waste Management (see Other Requirements item #2 for more information). 8. Poblic Outreach Plan: Provide a detailed description ofyour public outreach plan' The Outreach Plan should include increased local education and public outreach efforts for recycling of fluorescent lights and mercury thermostats. Include plans for distributing educational program materials, a list of methods that will be used to educate the community about the program and how program participation will be promoted. Ifavailable, please provide examples ofany educational brochures, flyers or mailers which you plan to use. DEACS staffis available to provide feedbock on and assistance with the developrnent of prognm brochures and educdional and prornotional materials. Applicants are encouraged to develop partrerships with elertic utilities such as Duke Energl, elecrical cooperatives and/or local retailers for the collection ofbulbs. 9. Implementation Timeline: Application must specifr the desired length of gant contract. Options are limited to one (l), two (2), or three (3) years. Provide a timeline for the implementation of activities under this grant. At a minimum the grant timeline must include the date mercury product collection will begin and the date that the final report will be submitted to the state. 10. Program Budget: Provide a budget listing items to be purchased using grant funds. Please see the sample budget format below for an example or how to prepare your program budget. Description (Qusntity)Furds Requested Storage shed for consolidating collected materials (l)$10,000 Shelves for Storage Shed (2)$500 Containers for recciving mercury products Br reaycling collection points such as solid wsst€ convenienc€ centers (E) (e.g., deck storage boxes) $4,000 Program matcrials and packing supplies $ 150 Recycling cast for collected materials (please eslimate quantity ofbulbs to be managed, not to exceed $ I ,000 per grant confiact year for Progrdm ODtion I or 2*) $3,000 Signs (8)$800 Brochwes and various educational materials needed for public outreach plan $3s 0 Program advenising and outreach $400 Mercury Spill Kit (8)$400 Thermostat Collection Box (i)$25 Support for HHW program effofts io oolloct mercury products (only neressary if seeking grant program support ofHHW effo s). Not to excecd S5000 per grant contrsct year - only applicable under Funding Option 3. $5 ,000 Tolal Proiect ExpeDditures $24,62s . $l,Om witl cover the G.fcling co$ of2,083 CFI-S and 3,125 stardfld 4 fr tub€s wiql tnilizing TctrD Cornrad 9268. How to Submit Aoolications: Applicants must submit an electronic copy of their proposal. Receipt ofall proposals will be acknowledged by e-mail or other correspondence. Submit electronic versions to ioseph.fitzpatrick@.ncdenr.eov. Please submit electronic versions as a Microsoft Word docrxnent. March 2015 #t 6 Attadment B DEQ Coftacr 6904 Other Terms and Conditions: All gantees are subject to the terms and conditions listed below. Additional terms and conditions mav be addressed in the grant contract and / or listed at the following web site: http:,/portal.ncdenr.orglweb/DEACS/recvclinq/k fi nancial-assistance. ' EIN etrd NC E Procureoent Registrrtio[ - Grantees will be required to provide the local govemment's EIN (Federal ID number) and to register with the state's NC E-Prccurement system before a contract can be initiated You may register for NC E-Procurement using the following link htrp://eprocurernent. nc.eov/o Publicetions - Documents and publications associated with a grant contact should submitted electronically, though ifprinted must be printed double-sided on recycled paper containing at least 30 percant postronsumer content.o Final Reports - A draft final report is required to be submitted to DEACS at least 30 days prior to the contract end date, and an appmved final report is required to be submitted by the contract end date. Final Reports should be submitted electronically. The final report format will be provided by the assiBned grant edminisgator. . Contract Extensions and Amendments - No-cost time extensions are possible but not guaranteed for grant contracts. Grantees seeking no-cost time extensions should submit a request for a time extension at least 60 days prior to the contract end date. The request for extension must indicate how long the grantee is seeking to extend the projecl and the reason that the extension is being requested (i.e., why the project cannot be completed on time). Any request for an extension must include a new timeline listing project milestones and must include a new budget ifbudget changes are also being requested.o Reimbursement - Distribution of DEACS grants firnds is on a reimbursement basis: Requests for reimbursement can only be made after the grantee has spent funds on the grant project, Reimbursement requests must b€ submitted electonically, must be submitted on letterhead must include copies ofinvoices, ard must include proofthat the grantee has made payment- proofof payment may include copies of cancelled check or other financial reports showing that funds were spenL State and local sales taxes are nol reimbursable, may not be counted towards expenditure rcquirements, and should be excluded fiom reimbursement requests. payment of grant pmceeds may be made by checks or electonic draft, and funds are usually distributed betv;een l5 and 30 days after a reimbursement request is received and approved by DEACS.o Final 10 Percent of Funds - DEACS will continue to reimburse grantees until 90 percent ofthe grant ward amount has been expended. The final 1 0 percent of firnds will be held until an acceptable final grant contract report has been received and approved by DEACS. The final report must be rec€ived by the contract enddate. All final requests for reimbursemenl must be received within 45 days ofthe contract end{ate or all unpaid grant funds will be forfeit. March 2015 1 Atadment C OEO Conlracl 6904 New Hanover County Application for Mercury Products Recycling Grant Program Request for Program Option 2 Funding 1, Contact lnformation: . Kim Roane, New Hanover County Environmontal Managemer(, Business Ofiicer. New Hanover County Environmental Management Dep€(ment. Mdfess: 3002 U.S. Hlghway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28/t01. Phone: (910) 7984403 Fax: (910) 798-4408. Email Address: jsuleyrnan@nh@ovlgl!_ . Feoerar Tax roenlf-rca',on r*-r,no"t, f 2, Manaoomsnt o, Bulbs from Public Buildinas: ln accordance with North Carolina General Statute 1304-310.60, lhe New Hanover County Property Management Deparlment has an ostablished program for recyclir€ all fluorescent bulbs and mercury thermostals from county buildings. These malerhls are collec'ted by the NHC Property Managoment Department until sufficient quantities ara available to be sent to Clear{ites Recycling, lnc., for proper handling, including recycling and/or disposal. 3.@: The New Hanover County Dopartmenl of Ervironmental Management is seeking grant tunding for Program Optlon 2 - Funding for Expanding/Enhancing Existing Program, as a return applicanl. We intond to utilize this grant funding to support tho expansion of our existing HHW / Mercury Products collec{ion program to provide a mobile van to be laken three days/week to each one of three (3) sites in the county on each day: Wrightsville Beaoh, Caiolina/Kure Bsach and Ogden (in the northern po(ion of ths county) providirE improv€d accass to cltlzens. The hour at each community site will bs 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. to rninor our primary site'3 operating hours. Thts mobil€ unlt will e)qand our total houE of op€ration by 12 hours a week. The employee will then transport the sorted materials to the primary HHW facility for nnal processing and packaging. The grant funds would be used to support the cost of the purchase of the mobile van, disposal costs and operatlng supplles for the mercury collection portion of the HHW program. The HHWMeranry Products Collection Program general program description follows: Altadrment C DEO Contracl 6904 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT HHw/ MERCURY PRODUCTS COLLECT]ON PROGRAM General Program Description Operatlons:o The New Hanover County Environmental Management Department opGrales a residential Mercury Products Collection Program as part of an ovgrall Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)collection program. This program was initiated In 2013, and received parlial program funding from the NCDENR Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach Grant Program for the rccycling of Mercury Containing Lamps and Thermostats, Resldsnts may, at no charge, drop off HFiW ttems (listed in item #4 below), including mercury-conlaining devices and lamps, for proper disposal and r€circling. Customer satisfactbn surveys have indicated great community accsptance of this program, with the only issue being the bavel time lo reach our primary locetion at the far rxestern edge of the County. Our goalwith this program expansion is to provide improved acc€s6 to residenls through a mobile unit located at three (3) new comrnunity sites within the county.o The cunent collection ard slorage site ror this program is located at 3002 U,S. Highway 421 North, Wilmington, NC, in a newly renovaied warehouse at the northeast corner of the departmenfs Recycling, HHW and Administration campus. The newly renovated warehouse provides a covered, secure faoility for processing and storing collected matedals. Hours of operation at lhis primary fucility are Monday - Friday from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - noon. Proposed expansion of this program will provide a mobile van wlth a covered trailer to be taken thr€e dawu/eek to one of three (3) sites in the County each day: Wrightsvill€ Beach, CarolinaiKure Beach and the northem portion of the County, providing improved access to cilizens. The houis al each communig site will be 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., to mirrcr our primary site,s operating hours.o A trained employa€ is on site al the primary HHW facility during all operational hours to oversee lhe coll€ction site, receive lh6 mat€rials, provide essisiance lo customers, count and inventory items receivod and ensure prcpet storage in eppropriate containors. Similarly, a trained employee will be present at each new mobile site, and will return to lhe HHW facllity each day to omoad and property prepare collected malerials for processing and/or disposal. Training & Emergency R€sponse:o Staff are tained by EcoFlo lnc., the County's conractor, in th€ fxoper handling and storag€ of materials, as well as in spill containment and €mergency decontaminalion pr@€dures. Materials for cleaning up spills, including mercury spills, are readily accessible in the storage facility and will be in the mobile ven. An eyewash station and emergency shower is in place at the main HHW facility for use in decontamination, and a portable eyewash station will be available on the mobile van. Personal protective Equipment (PPE) is provided to employ€es for their safev. Collectlon of materials:o Carts with spill containment edges are provided for employees to roll lo the customefs vehicl8 to collect materials. PPE shall be worn by employees for safety during collection of materials. Lamp bulbs musl be whole and unbroken, and may not be taped together. Packaglng and Storage:o Containers for storage of hazardous materials are structurally sound and appropriate to lhe material lo be stored. For example, Ssgallon Rber banels may be used for 4' Attachment C oEo Contracr 6904 fluorescenl lamp bulbs, stsel 55 gallon drums may be used for lamp ballasts, pallets and cardboard boxes stored on pallets may be used br 8' fluorescent lamp tubeso Slorage containers are prop€rly and cl€arly labeled b identify lhe conients.o Containers are kept closed unless actively being filled.o Containmeril shelving will be installed in the mobile van for secure storage of items during transportation to the main facility.o Plaslic tubs and plastic buckets are used for slorage of some smaller items.o All materials collected at the mobile sites shall be offloaded each day and siored in the appropriato mann€r at the primary HHW facility. Recycllng: o To recycle fiuores@nt lamps, ballasts and other mercury-containing devices, New Hanover County (NHC) partnors with an approved \rendor under State Conlract 926b, directly. We curently use Cleanlites as our contractor, and we purf,hase the 4' and 8' cardboard box6s and +gallon poly-pails from them and other suppllers for storage containers.o Lights containing mBrcury collecled by our HHW collection program wlll be handled separately frorn the bulbs collecled from our public facllities.o NHC has partnered with the Thermostat Recycling Corporation (TRC) for the recycling of waste thermostats conlaining mercury. Blns are shipped from TRC to NHC for colleclion of thormostab. Full bins are shipped to TRC for recysling. iiansgement o, ThomostatB and MerEury Gontaining Devices (MCD):o MCD's are defin€d as ihermostat switches which contain an ampule of mercury as a functioning part of the device. These are often eutomotive switches. The devices musl be received with the ampule intaot so that the mercury is not released into the environment,o Thermostats will be accepted and recycled.a Thermometors or other mercury containing devices will be accepted. 4, Materials CollGcted/ HHl , morc{rrv.ontainino itoms acceptod: . M€rcury TlErmoslats and Mercwy-containing devices (including lhermometers). Lamps containing merdry (unbmk€R). Batteries (button-cell) containing mercury 5.U@@!-e!@: r ltems collected are counled and logged for inventory conlrol purposes. A new log is used for each mor[h; the monthly counts are combined ror annual repdt purposes. Logs are used lo reconcile eech invoic€ prior to paymenl. Electronics shipments are weighed on the County's scale to measure load weighB. 6. SEEflliEiE€lecadurss: . Staff are trained by EcoFlo lnc., lhe County's contractor, in the proper handling and storage of materials, as 'nell as in spill containment and emergency dscontamination pDcedures. Mat€rials for deaning up spills, induding mercury spills, are readily accessible in the storage facility and will be in lhe mobile van. An eyewash station and emergency show€r is in place al the main HHW facility for us€ in deconiaminalion, and a portable eyewash station will be availabb on th€ mobile van. Personal Protociive Equlpment (PPE) ls provlded to €mployoes for ltlek saf€ty. 7. &lilicatioLBgg.Cjre@!: . Copy of permit is attached. Attadment C DEO Cont'ad 69u 8. Public Outreach Plan: . Education ard promotional materials are utilized to increase public awareness about the proper disposal and rocltling of hazardous materials, including m€rcury and other universal wasle. lt is particularly desirable lo make coll€ction of these malorials 6asy and convenient for the public to avoid disposal in the solid waste stream, otherwise impacting the landfill and lhe environment.. Promotional adverlising is used to publicize the new service to resldenB and to educate them about the need for elimination of hazardous materials from the landfill and the proper disposal and reoycling of appropriate materials. The County's govemment television chann€l will be used to inform the public and promote the program's expansion lo the three (3) new mobile sites within the community. A media/press release will be issued lo announce lhe program expansion and encourage participalion-. The program expansion will be added b the NHC Environmental Management Departmenfs webpage for public informalion.. A Twlfrer account has b€en established to provide Um€ly communicetions and updates to citizens who choose to "follo$/' @luvtrasu.. Grant funds will be utilized to print educational brochures, promotional materials and advertising for the expanded HHW collection program- 9- lmplemcntation Timellne: It is the intention of the New Hanovor County Environmental Management Department to begin preparation for and imdementation of the program's mobile expansion program immediately upon receiving notification of a grant aw€rd and the approval of the County,s Fy17 budget. Begin mobile collections October, 2016 Final Report June 30,2019 10. Pronram Budset: ' Mercury Recycling Program Budgot It€m Cost QEpqqCllqsls, Lamps/bulbs/Thermostats for FY17, FY18 and FY 19 i3,000.00 Boxes & packing materials -1.000.00 Mobile Van (partiat support ol gggl)12 00 150.00 550.00 Shelving for Mobile Van $ 2,200.00 Le(erllg.rWraP for Mobile Van $ 1,000.00 PPE (Aprons, gloves, fac€ shields, boots)100.00 Total i20,000.00 Communitv Suooort: The expansion of the New Hanover County Household Hazardous Wasle Program vla mobile sites within the community is welcomed. This community support ls evidenced by the attached Letters of support from the Town of Carolina Beacfi and the Town of Wrightsville Beach. Attacfiment C DEO Contrad 6904 Pal Lhlmry Go\6mor tl6s thnltl, Comty WASTEC F.Eltlty Rrmlt No: 8606 P.tnfr b OpGr.i ARI J5,20tS PaO€ r 6l t8 oNtaTro North Carolina Departmont oI Environment and Natural Resources Divislon of lllbsb lranagelrE Dubr R, MalfteuB John E. Sktatu, l[Dttcior Soorctary STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DBPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT A}ID NATURAL RESOIJRCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE SECTION SOLID WASTT IIANAGEMENT T.ACILITTPERMIT NEWHANO\IERCOUNTY is hereby lesuod a PERIIITTO OPERATE MUNICXPAL SOLID WASTE TO ENERGY COMBUSTIONFACILITY PERMIT NO. 6505I-MSWLF-I984 AND I{OUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS IVASTE COLLECTION FACILITY PERMIT NO. 6505-HHW.2O13 looatsd at 3002 U.S. Highway 421 Nodl approximdely 3 miles norrh of thc Crpo Fcr Manorial Bridgo, Nau Hanover County, Norfi Carolina, b lacordan@ with Article 9 ofChagaer l30A ofthe G€ncral Statutcs of North Caloliru and the rules pnimulgat€d lfierqmdcr, and is subjca to the conditions cct fortb in this perrrit. Olqrtdly J$r.d k, tdrnd r, l/lEd.f lU, PI. fft@.EdurrdL Ml.dr tU, ?.9.o&i, Yf.sr. snfl'l" ou.d{C Dl'St .nEl..drr8rrCoahcdar4rr, cCJ3 D.[? 20lgo+t I o]!&{, -o1o0 Edward F. Mnssler, Itr, P.E- Permiting Brrncb Suprvisor Solid Wssto Sc.*ion 1006 td SsflioE C0nb., Rabbh, t{orlh Csrdr8 fr598.1646 Pim6: 910{08{4fi} t FAX:919715-4061 t lnffi htb:/horH.mdsn rElr$hnAw A, Eqr!, o0plllnr9 t Afi!r06. f&r E iFrr Attadrrnent C DEQ Co.luad 69(x ihr, ftmEr courly WASIEC Fadlity Penrdt iJr: 860&HHtlA2Ot3 P6m[ lD ODirrta Ap.il 15, 2Ol3 PafD a of 13 DtNr8770 ATTACEMENTT PAf,T L PERII'ITTING EISTORY Permit Type Ilate Imned Solid Waste Permit Issucd Auglst7, 1984 Amendmeut to Permit I\dalqh 9, 1990 Amcndment to Pcrmit Deocmber 19. 2008 Modification to Psrsrit Add Modification to Scnice Arca Novenrbet 3, 2fi)9 Modificcion to Perrrit: Add Horxehold l&rardous Wastp Colleotion AFril 15,2013 PART tr: . LIST OF DOCUI|IENTS fOR TEE APPROVED PLAN 1 . Awlication for t{ir Quzlily Pernit for thc pr,oposod Ncw Hrnovq County Stearn Ptrnt that utilizos solid wasts ss a fusl. Prcpod Q6 Ncw tlnnover County Engiaeering md Facilitier Department. October 7, 1982. IDIN 6l7U 2, Site plans rrd a copy of Air Qnality pcrmit application (Perrnit No. S t -S I ;. Submittsd by: Campbcll and Associetes, Chdtsoooga, TN. February 4, 1983. [DIN 6172] 3. Afu Pemit fuplicabn Prtpared by Strnton M. Pt0eri & Associats, Inc., Chataroogp, TN. il{sy5, 1989. [DIN6l75J 4. &wiroouuntal Assesment od Ftnding of No Stgnificort Inpa. Pnparcd by: Sta*on M. Pstrs, Chaunroogr, TN, Apr[26,l9E9. IDIN 6l?5] 5. Afi Sanpling dad Alolysis Pla, Prcpaed by Ncw Honover Courty DeparEncot of Envirurmental Mrugpmoat Octob€r 11, 1991. IDIN 6177] 6. R€qrrcst to expand savioc mea to fte tsrritorial bourdrrics of tho mntinartal United Strtae l,ith uh disposed in Ncw Hanovcr Courty sccur€ lrrdfill Permit No. 6s-M. Hovrwcr, warte rcceived d lic tadfill Pcrmit No. 65-04 may ooly originao &om within the terrilorial bourdries ofNew lhoovor Courrty. l{o&.' This cordition nprse&s ecurenl dated April I 9, I 9% derpkd os DN 6l I 1. IDIN t335] '1. Vase krecning Plan Approved by: NC DENR Division of Wrsto ManagEmenl Decerrber I 1, 2001. [DIN 6lE6] 8. Op*atioa Plar for acrcfling nr.nic'lpal Bolid waste regrlsted by Dcprtnart of Hqmeland Seqrity, Customs and Border hotection undcr tte authority of thc Animal and Plant Hoalth tnspection Scrvioc drat originrfcd on board or mnovod trom any mcans 10. I1. Attaclment C DEO Cont"act 6904 tlerv Hrnffir Cou{y WASIEC Fadhy Frnnt I'tc 0SOsiJHw-201i Irem( b Oo.lah Afrit t5,20tt 'T"1;i;3 ofcorveyanoe during iaternational or intcrstaio movements. preparcd by: Ncw flanover County Depafinent of Envhonmertrl Managemcnt. Scp,tcmUc" I O, ZOOZ. pnf fZZS and DIN 32251 G'toudwaw Monibrhg Pras, Plepa$d by: Withers and Ravencl, Cary, NC, D*ed: Octobor 7, 2008. IDIN 50401 Rcquesl to Modi8, Pcrmit including tort corrections, modifcation to eenrice area" rsvisionc to sarnpling md rnalysis roquircrncnb and rnodified Ash Sarnpllng and .Arqyds PIEo. Suboriired by; New lftorryer Coutrty, Mlmington, NC. 'n,iust e, ZOOS. lDrNt335I Rqwst ro lrfiplemeil Penwern sb Dry{r?eek Housebld llazodous vast collection.Prprcd by: Now llanovcr County D€pertn€ot of Environrnortal Mrragernen! 3002 US Highuay42l Nortb, Witningtoa NC 2t40t. Jaurryz0l3. tDlNlgrogl Attachmeni C OEO Contrad 6904 NBw Hanot.r Cou yWASTEC Fadllty Pomit No: 660!-HHW{013 turlDn b Op.rtb A9 t6,2013 P.eE 4 d 13 oi.tiflm PARTM GENERALCONDITIONS L This permit is issued by the Nortlr Carolina Dcpartnrart of Environment and Nfrral Rcsourccs, Division of Wase Mauageme,nt, Solid Waste Sedion (Section). tr accordance witt North Crrolina Solid WaslE Mailgcorodt Rulo l5A NCAC l3B .020t (d), a solid warte managpment &cility permit shall have two parts: a Porrrit lo Congtruct end a Pdrnit to OpErate. a. Alt consruction pluses fot ftoility development are conrplaorl No edditional conrtuction is ryprovod at thc site without application in aocordarce with Section .lt00of I5ANCAC l3B. b, The Pcmit to OpcratE shall expir,e at tho olose of busincss D*€mbcr I 9, 20 I 3 . Pursuart to l5A NCAC l3B .0201(9), no lster thro June 2 t, 2013, ffe oumcr or opE ator must submit a requost to tlrc Noft Carolina Doportncnt of Environment and Nu.tm.l Rcsourcas, Division of Wastc Management, Solid Wastc Section, for permit rtview and must updete pertincnt Ecility plans including bw not limiEd to tle.facility oper*ion and lrssto scre€ning plans. 2. The persons iseued this pennit (pormitce) ale thc owners aod op€ratoN ofttc solid waste managEm€nt faoility. 3. [IntentionallyblankJ 4- Whm this pmopcrty is sol4 lcasc4 corruey€d or trEDsfErred in any manner, fic dc€d or othet instrumcnt of trarsfer must oortrin in thc doscription section in ro smalla tlpe ttrur that umd in fte body of tho deed or insulmenr, I st8tEtnent tllt tlle Foporty has besl used a$ a solid wast€ mEnag€rnent facility. 5. By rccoiving waste at this facility the pemiuec shall be considcrcd to have accqr{ed the terms and conditions ofthis pennit 6. Construction and oper:ation of this solid waSe maoagcmcnt faoility must bo in acootdance with the Solid Wasle Mansspnont Rules, l5A NCAC l3B, Aaiclc 9 of rhe Chapef l30A of the North Carolina General $8ttt€s (NCGS l30A-290, ct scq.), the conditions contsined in this permiq md the approved plan. Should the appovod plur uld the nrles oonflict fie Solid Waste Mamgement Rules shall take prccodenoe urlces ryooifically addressed by permit condition. 7. This permit is issuod based on the docuricnts subnritod in zupport ofthe application for permiting &e facility inoluding those identifiGd in Auachment I , 'i[-ist of Documents for Approved Plan," &ild wlioh constitutc the approved plan for the hoility. Wherp discrcpancies cxist, the most r€cont submittals and the Conditions of Pem:rit shall govan. 8. Altadlm€nt C DEQ Cor rad 6904 '"#HffiE:iglHff:Pcrmt to OpcrEl€ Apr t6,2014 'Hfi;ili This permit may bo trarsfcrrcd only u,iih thc approval of the Smtion rnd through thc issuauce of a now or rubstafitislly am&dcd pcrmit in accordrme witt applkxble staturcs and rulcs. In aooodanoc with NCGS I304-2952(9) thc prmittce must notify the Soction 30 (thi*y) drys pior to any rignificalt change in rhe irtcmity or buliress ,truoturt of aither the owncr or lhc opcrator ircluding but not limifd to a proposod trrr&r of ownerfiip ofttre frcility or a ctrongc in dre prart compony of the ownec c operator of tuecility. Tle pennitee ie rcsponsiblc 6r obteining all pcnnits md app,rovals necesrrry for the &voloprent of liia projcct inchding but not limitd to: r- Approval from rypropriatr .$acies for a Clonmrl m hdividual NPDES StormwaEr Disoharge Pemdt b. All sedimeuuisr/e,rosion corilrol rctivities io sacordance with tlrs S6dim6ut tion Control AeIN.C.G.S. I l3A-50. Gt scq,, rnd rule* promulgucd thcee trnder at l5A NCAC4. Issoauoo ofthis pcrrrlt d6cs not rcraovc lhc pennifcc's uponsibilitiee fc complianoe with any othcr looal, rtrta or fcdcral nlq rtgulation or sffiuto. - Etd of Section - 9. 10. AnadxIEnt C DEO Contrad 6904 ,.rffi?jl;ffffim}"xfrE: Ferttllt b Op.retr Aprl ,6,2013 P.e8 0 ot ts DtN18770 ATTACHMENT2 CONDTTTONS OFPERMIT TO CONSTRUCT Consttotion of thc MSW combustion faoility dcvclop,nreot is !ompk*e, No additimal construction to o<purd capaoity is au[uizod undcc this pcrmif Ary orpanrion of thc proc&Bsing facility will roquirc a now apptiortion in compliance wi0r ttc North Caolina Solid Wasc Marugernart Rules corairrcd in Section .l l(X) of isA NCAC I3B. The Pcnnittcc must oontect the Solid WaSo Section Environmootal Speoialist to anangc a prc-opcrative mecting onsite with koy &cility pcrsonnel pribr to operation of thc Ilazardous Houschold Wast€ Cotlcctim oporations.- - End of$ectton - Attadment C DEO contrac{ 6904 l,letl Hrmvrr Couty WASIEC Fac0ty Psmt No: OsOS-HrfW-2tXg petrrft b Oponb .Aprfl t6, Z0l8 'il'.I'3|}3 ATTACEITIENT3 CI)NI'ITIONS OTPMItrT TO OPERATE PART I: GEIIER.AI FACIIITY COlrDmoNS l. Tfiis fucility is pcrmitted io rcorivc mrmiclpal solid *rsE ss doffncd in Nordr carolinaCffml Statut€ (NCIGS) l30A-290 (a) (35) gearered wiftin the contincrral Ilnited Sbteu orcept bazudous, hfec.tious r other rastos unlcss ryeciffcally rpp,ovcd by drc Division Amrcv.d eutos inolude rnunicipal did rvaste rtgulatcd by me Deparfuart or Ilomolaad Soctrig, Qrrtome arrd Border Mim, undc thc uutority of tiAnimat and Phnt Hcalth Inlpecdoa Scrvicc that originmd on bood or rurno,vud fi,our ray mcarrs of mmcpnc during itrteraltioosl m hterstrtc moveincnts, ond odror qcciat wrstos ru ryovcd by permit modification by ttc Divlcion. 2, This pormit approvcs rhe mntinued opcrfrion of tho municipal golid vuao combustion ficility mnsieting of 3 cxistlng boilcn ad osseided air pollution contol dcvices heving a total peimited MSW mmbuetion orpaoity of rpproximrbly 500 tos of mrmicdpal solid \r,ss& por dry as showrr bolow. Operudon of any rdditional boilem rcquirrs writtcn approval ofthe Section and must be oorstuctod in accordance with tho applicable strutcs and ru16s. Tho faoility bas MSW Combustion Unit Tons pcr'Ihy Boilcr I 100 Boiler 2 100 Boiler 3 300 Finmcial assurancc rr rcquircd by *rc nrlcs rnd stsurce mug bc osablirhod with proof suborit&d to thc Dfuisioo urnually by July I and must be oortinuously mainaincd for thc duration of ihc frcility in accordance with in accardance with North carolina Geoeral StNtutc 130A-2952 rrd applicable rules. Tho froility must be dcaigne4 cquippcd grd opomtcd to prrsvcrt thc croeim of a nuirmce or advcrscly gftct huragn hcaltl or srfety, ard ,rust bc maintainod in a sanitrry condition. In addition, tte sito must bc: a Secured to prwant unautlrorizod entry. b. lnspected and clearcd of windbloun litter at loast once por day. 4. ( Ausdtmer C DEO Cootrad 690i1 ...JffiItifffi3#SHff: P€rn[ b Op.rate T$:?3i13 otN18770 A prcventive mair cnsnos progrur must be dlvcloped and implemcnlcd for plant cquipment and instn msntation to assurE reliable op€rstions. Instrurncfltation must be calibrartd per &otory shndards or recommcndations by certified pcrsormcl. A NC DENR Division of Ah Quslity pcrmit must bc maintained in effeot during ary oporating period witr fecility opcrcions conducted iE lcoodance with the pcrmit mnditionr. 0. L ogse of oonllicts bstwr pamiting agcnci6, the pennitoe is responsible for notifring the Solid Wasrc Se*ion snd initiating actions to rwtiS tbe conflict b. Tlre pcrfommnce ofopcratioru that satisfies tlre pcrmil conditions ofone agcnoy but cauee.s sn intentional noncompliurce with anodrcr pcnnit is not r dc&rree for that noncompliance, lysltr that oontests solid wastc Dust bc capared rnd reatcd in compliance with a NPDES p€rmit beforc discharge into tha environmcnt Effoctive veclor confol messures muBt be maintskred d all timct. Solid vsaste must be confined !o within thc building in rhe desipatod tipping aroa and pit. A oontingcncy plan is required and must be implcmontcd for mabaging solid wEsl,e including solid wastc not eligible for disposal at lhc New llanover C,ounty Socure Londfill during shut-down poriods. Bach ficility operatm in rosponsiblc cherge must complcte an op€ritor training course that is approved by thc Dvision. a. A resporlsiblc individual ccrtificd in MSW mmbustion opcrrtiorr must bc on site during all operating hours ofthe facility to cnsuro courplianoo witr opcrAional rcquirtmeots. b. Ail psrtinent personnel mu$ rtcoive the taining md sr+rdiBion noc€ssary to properly pdrform their dutics. c, The perrnitce must msinteh 0n updated li*ing ofall pcrsonnel including their positions and training histories ard providc lhe list to the Division upon rcqucst. An emcrgency rcsponso plan must be incorporatrd into the enrployce operating manual with each plant omplope trained in thc plur. The plaa must be maintaind at the facility ad provided to tlre orgrurizations thal would respond to an emergcnoy at {re facility. The parmittee must activoly cmploy a was& scrccning progran c the facility for detecting and preventing lho acooptance of oxcluded or unauthorized wastes. At a minimunq thc progrsm must includei 1 8. 9. I0. 1t. 12. 13. 14. Atkdment C DEO Conhact 69(x Na/ Htm{Br Counly WASTEC Fec{hy P6tlti llo: 8605-itHw-?ot s Partrn to Operabq$:ili D[fi87m s- Random inspcctions ofinooming loads or other comparabte prooedure.s. b, Records ofany inspootions, a Docmcntcd tninirg of pcrsonncl to racognize hazardous, liqui4 aad other orcludcd wrrte types, d. Devclopmenr of a contingencyphn to pmpcrly mmsge any ideitiGcd hazardous, liquit, asbcsbs or oths exclu&d or uaauthorizd mstcs. Thc phn must ,66Ess idontificalioo, rtorova[ stomge od final dispositioa of0rese wastcs. Asb€stos wa,ste must be minsgd in accordance with 40 CFR.61, All sodimentatior/crosiori conuol activitios must bc conductrd in accordrace with the sodimentation contol ActN.c.G.s, I t 3A-50, et seq., ard nrles promulgrtod thcrc under at ISANCAC 4. A cloourc and post-cloaurc plm must bo sobmitbd for ryDrovsl at lcast 90 dalr prior to closrno or putiel olosrrc of thc MSW combustim facility, Ihe plan mu* inciuie all sbpc End meEflrcs ooocssary to close and maintain the facility tn accordance with all rules in edect at thet tine. MSW COMBUS1ION ASE MANAGEME}TI 16, Ttc pconittso must meftrtain a compruhcnsiva lvtsw aohbottion arh namegcrront plan wi6 all perdnont pcrsonncl trined in tte plan's poceduras. At a minirnrn-, thc plan must moct the following conditions: a. Applogriate and rcasonable mctncs must be taken to eriminrr trgitive d,st ernisciong widr thc frcility and ,t[c lv$St aombudim ash storqga apr- b. AII pcrtincnt pcrloancl must bc equipped witt md tr:rined in tho prroper usc of rppropiate personal protectioo cEripmcnt for pmEction rgainst firgitive durt crnissions. c- combrxtion ash must be qucnc[cd or wefiod to prevcnt dust cmissions during loading, aansportrtion, unloading ord disporal d the landfi[ but no,t o levels tlut causc rsh srrnplcr to fail t psirt fil&rtsst for landfill dir?otal, d- containers or vohiclos *sed tr kanryott ash mum be lask recistant and olosed or s6cur€Iy cov€rtd to prgverfi dust €rtrissions during Uanspon l7 . The pcrnritrcc mus maintiin ao ash srrnpling and mallr'ro plan.thu meers ti. fotto*iog conditionr: 15. Atadment C DEQ Contrsc{ 6904 NEw Hanollrr Courny WASTEC Fedlty Prrnlt No | 650$Hl{W.2Ol 3 P€mlt to Opcrrlo Ap,U 15,2013 *.3113i13 A, A description ofthc procedures and mothods necessary to obtain ash samples riat are rcprcseotative of thc variability of ash wer timc and the horizonital and vertioal errcnt of ash in thc rtorago aroa. The prooedues must cover all sampling and analpis nmascary for oompliance with thcso permit oonditions including paragraphe b, c snd d below. b. Repesantativo ash mmples must be tatan vacck$ and oomposited into a monthty sample aod ansllzcd at the end ofeach montb for 3 consccriive months when one or more of tie following events take place: i) The installation of ncw oquipmcnt ihat aftcb Esh qudity, iD Any ohange in the facilig design or operuion tbat m8y affeot ssh quality, ii| A ohange in a waste souroe, stroam or generalor that may offect ash qualrty, 1v) A sunpling analysis rcsult that indiostos a statistically significant advcrse churge in ash quality, or v) Any combination of changx thar may atrect rS qudity. c. For the first par ofoperation foltowing a signifioant event addressed in paragraph b above, rqresntdive monthly samplcs must be compositcd into a quarterly sample and uralyzed at tle €nd ofcoch qusrtor. d. Aftor I loar fiom a significant cvent addmssed in pangnph b above, representative samples must be rnal@ at lcast I time per 6 months e. Combustion ash srmplcs must be analyzed frr tbe following: i) E.P. Toxicity as spocified in USEPA manual SW-846 for arsenjc, barium, cadmium, ohromiurq lead, mercury, selenium aod silvcr. ii) Tml conccmadoru of oopper, rna4gamc, niokol rnd zinc. f. The ash sampling urd analysis plan will be oubjeot to periodh review and may be rcquhed to be rerrised in aacordmoo wift Stltc artd US trA guidelincs and regulations ir efrect at thsi time. g- Complete copies of ash bt reports thrt indicate failurc to mect the pmtoctive Etandrrda must b€ fmq,arded to the Solid Waste Sectioo witrin 60 &ys a&r the r€prEscntative 6amplirrg evcnt. Othcrwise, 8sh tcsi rcsults must bs maintained in tho opcrciog rocord al the ftciliry, 18. Combugtlon ash from tho fuility must be promptly disposed or rlilizod as daily cover at tle New Hanover County Secure landfill in accodance wifr the lendfill pemrit. Attachmer( C OEQ Conrad 6904 New lhrln Counly WASIECF.cillv Pe ttfi tao: 6SO$fiHW-20t9 pemfl to Opor8b Aprt t5,20t9 '$1,3I3 MOMTOruNG A}II} REFORTING REQUIREMENTS I 9. The following arc grroundwater monibring rcquireinenh for tte MSW corrbustion facility: r" Gro.ndwder md $rftc€ xrder monitoring loodions must ba cstrblished as idcrntified in thc approvad plans. b- Tbe ovmcr or opentor must qqpre thc monitoriog welrs somi+nnualry or asothuvise dircc&d in writing hy tho Sootion Hy&rogoologist c' A ncensod gcorogist mo$ bc prpsoot to stryewirc the irutalldion of goundwa& mo,itorilg wc[E. Thc exact rocations, scztcncd intervars, ula no*rt otorr weltr must be estsblised aser oonsutEtioo with the sws Hgrogcotogise it &e time of well installaion. d. All woll comskuction rocords and soil boring logs fur new wcllc mu$ be submited to fte soaion Hydrogmrogist fur rwiew wifrin 30 dayo of completion. PART tr: EOIIEEEOLD EAZARDoUS WASrE COLLECflON 20. This facility is pcrmiticd to rcccive houschold hazardous wastr (HIrw) ge,nemted bythercsidsfs wittrin Nw llenovcr County. 21. 'tlorschold' waste is defined as: a' Ge.neratod by individuats oa the p,rtrricl' of a rcsidonce for indrvid,ars (a houoohold), and b. composed pd'sriry of nabrids found in the wuges generatcd @ cosurners in their homes. D,. Uoaccoptable wasb3 thet must not bo collected a fie HHW &Dility incldE tho following: o- Radloectirtmacrials; b. Infcctious or biologloal wastee; c, Eqploslved*ock sensitive mmial" orgaric poroxidcr, aramunition; and d. Pollahlorin&d biphcoyts (PCB) wasto ae defincd in 40 CFR ?61, wirh tre arception of fluorcscont light balhca s,d pcB houschold !v".tc 85 &fincd in 40 cFR 761.63. oper*ion of the frcility must be in aocordrnoc with thc 4proved plans srmd in the ,.List ofDocurnents for Approved P!an" (Attachnent r, psrt tr). This inoludcs the use of hainmg and wastc screaring prooodurts fouad in tho approrrcd opcrationr maruar to deiect rnd prcvcmt ulaIhmized waster ftom belng rcccp&d st & faoility. 23. Attadm€nt C DEO Contract 69(x tlew HrnDt,a' colrrty WASTEC FEcilily Pen l No: 65t)+HlfW{Ol3 Polrrt !o Oporaia Ap.ff 15,2013*';lfi3ll3 24. Onty personnel taincd in aocordanos with the taining program dascribed in tho approved opeirtons manual found in thc "List of Documenls for Approvcd Plan" (Attachmant l, Part II), are prrnitted to p$ticipate in collection actMtica 8t dre faoility. 25 , A poson in rcsponsiblo chargs tairod in facility operations Dust be omito at all times duriqg opcrsting hours of thc facility, in aocordancc wit} NCGS 130A-309,25. 26. Tho froility mwt be adcquatoty socurod by mcans of gdes, chains, bomrs, ftnces, or other sccudty messurcs approved by the Section to prevent unauthorized entry. Sips must be ported at rho entrance to the faoility stating thc hours of opcrrlion and othcr pertincnt information. 27 . Faoility personnel must ins?oct emetgemcy equipmaf and suprplies on a weekly basis. Adoquarc anounts of absorbent m*erial must be maintaincd onrits to clean up surrll quarnity spills or lcals, 2E. Adoquate aisle space must be maintrinEd st all timos to allow lhc unobshucted movemcnt ofpenonncl, fire protection equipmont, and spill contol equipmeir! and decontamination equipment in the cvent ofan emcrgenrcy. PART ltr: REFORTING AND RECORI}XEEPING REQUIREMENTS 29. Copics of this permit, the approved plans, ash 5rmfting rcsulB, tickeB of wast€ r€ceip{s and all rccords rcquired to bc maintained by the perrnittee must be meintained rt tho facility adminisFation building and madc availrblo to $e Soction upon rcquest durirg normal busincss bou$. 30. The owner or opaztor must maintain a record of 6e amount of solid wsstc Ec€ivcd at the MSW mmbustioa faoility oompiled on a monthly basis. Scales must be used to weigh the amount ofwaste r€c6ivod, 3 L otr or bcfore August I of csch )ear, the permiuee must subrnit an annual frcility rrport to thc Scction on forms prescribcd by the Section. a. Ihe reporting perlod $all be for the pruvious )Ear begirming July I md ending June 30. b- Thc rnnual facility rcport must list tbe amount of waste rtceivod and combustcd, and the amount of ash landfilled in tons and bc compilod: i) On a monthly basis. iD By coumy, city or transfer station oforigin. ii| By spccific wasto type. iv) By divarsion from tbe waste steam to al@mative 666gcment facilitics. Attachment C DEQ Contrad 6904 l{€n }&noyer Countv WASTEC Fadliu Fer n No: 6SO6.i{HW-2013 Pom{t lo Or6ralr Apri 16,20lg*8il1#i The complelod report must bo forwsrdcd to tle Environmenbl senior specialist for the facility by the date due on the prescribod annual facitity rcpoat fonm. A oopy of the completed repon must be forwarded to each oounty murager for oach oounty from wlrich waste */as recelvod at the &cilig. Docun[rtation thst a copy of thc rcport bas been forx/&ded to the county manrgpm must bG sont to the Environme'ntal senior specialist by the datc due on the presoribed annual facility nport form. - Ettd of Pentit Conditions - NEW HAT{O\/ER COUNTT TffANCE DEPARTMENT 2il0QoysoorilOoc&hr Sdt! 16:, Wihnhgt@,rSC 28403 Talcphoo: (91 O) 798-71 87 Far: (9lO) 798.7t06 Attachment C DEO Contsct 6904 Llrrfri*rctcrr0A ChidFinmdal Offier XrrtnD.McClmrq CpA Depmy Chief finaloial Offiu Jrotrcr E Mrra4y, CpAD€puycthfFineido6ra Jahuary 19, 2016 Cerdfled: Thts letter sh.ll carttfy thar 10016 dthe North carollna solld !t 6te Dlsposal Trx poceeds rcceh,ed by l{ew H8 novcr frunty are used onlf frr so[d unste manageme nt p,urposes. Thes! funds, upon rccelpt, arc deposltcd es nelrenucs ln the Envlmnmental Manapmem departnrm bud66. Fundrare uultsed rs part of the enterprlce fund srpporfing solld waeb manatEment functlons to lndude landfill and recycltng operadons, Funds ar€ nst used for any programs other than solH wastr rmnagement. )- r.\dwo \AJ\---' lJn Wurtzbrdar Chief Flnanclal Officer ew Hanoyer County ll*&; wcp.rihqw.cro Profcstonatfun r Int4rtty I Irnolttotr | S*wrrOrHp I Ac.otatrbfig Dan tl ilcdr llqw 'lbm Bridgrs Cor,,nll -l/ra6*r' Stcvc Shunlrr oih Cqntil l,?Il6cr Attachmerd C DEQ Contract 69M LeAtm Pierce )loytr Pru ltn GsLl Dodrch <'outc lle*." Miclraol Cramcr Tora lhmgr TOWN OFCAROLINA DBACH 1f21 N. Lake Park Bouhvard Carolina Eeach, Notth CatoHna 28128 9t04582'996 FAXn04fi29g? lenuary 6 2016 To: Joe Sulleyman, Neu/ Hrnov€r County I"andfiU Re: Suppo'rt for Proposed Mobile Houeehold Hazardous Waste Removal Mr. Sulleymart Tfu Town of Carolina Beach \rould IikE 10 expr€ss strong suppofl for the New Hanover CouNy pmposcd mobile harardous waste Fogram. Such a pmgram $ould offer a trsnendous strvicg to ihe Town and would facilitate dre rcmoval of such waste from tlre residential propertics. A mobile unlt could easily be accommodatcd. on a schedulcd basiE on Town popcrty without crearing a great deal ofdistu6arce. Considering the value ofrcal estate. staffng demlnds gnd nec6sary pemits for this type of program in house, youl proposcd mobile dispmal unit would providc i vcry via.bte and needcd solution to ollt. cooclms for hazardous rvsfe within our iommunity. Town strrff woutd be more rban willing to aid in Public cducation. scheduling and logictical iupport for the progmm, in ordEr to enrurc the success of the piognm. We look foruara ro continuing the good working relationship nritl Neu'Hanover Cormty. If I can providc any further expansion on this topic, ftcl free to contact me' YlztrY) ,/'i(.,/;..V,.n'. ^-- Miche I Cramei 'Iown Manager Town of Crolina Beach llr{lbm lLf, lXi,.'0 E,ffir|(hr Aldemrl Lira Wrtlr Arddoal Attadment C DEO Conlrecl 6904 Dryryt Mlh llh!,c Prsfb H.rl fr,l$ler AldE l''lt tltt,| O*ent TouMrqgrr TI)WN OF WEIGTII$V&LA BEACII Foe Ol[c Bor 6!6 SSlfuaryDrir' Writ'tsrille Bcrc.5. Norh Ceuolim ,S{90 gr0,t3st700 FAXB10r5e79l0 January 8, 2016 Mr. Joe Sulryman Dlroctor, NHC Envlronmentel Managermnt 3002 H[httoy,(21 Nor0r W[mington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Suleyman, It ls my undersiandlng frat the counry may be consEerrrB Imprem.ntLlg a moblehazaldoryt waob rrrmovsl progrem. The Totrvn wpuld support trb enrlearoi and rrylttrlth th€ County to find a location thst wortts for all. The io$,n now o,ros mir tfe" ofprog|am onoe e\tery t,- trg:f ."! s ?st_ol $5,000 per oocunence. Thas wilt ulllmetelysavo ths propsrty otunerB dwrighbvllle Beactr money Ird pmvide a ,"r, irqr"r,i ""0htbrler,gl(fs€Mcs. lf vya can assbtturtrer, pbas€ corrtBct me at (910p39-i20. :%rre rffinr"fr. oilens ro{qrfitanager Attadment D DEO Conlrad 6904 CERTIFICANON OF EUGIEI LITY Under the lran Divestment Act Pursuant to G.S. 147-85.59, any person identified as engaging in investment activities in lran, determined by appearing on the Final Divestment List created by the State Treasurer pursuant to G.S. 147-86.58, is ineligible to contract with the State of North Carolina or any political subdivision of the State. The lran Divestment Act of 2015, G.S. 147-86.55 et seq.* requires that each vendor, prior to contracting with the State certify, and the undersigned on behalf of the Vendor does hereby certify, to the following: that the vendor is not identified on the Final Divestment List of entities that the State Treasurer has determined engages in investment activities in lran; that the vendor shall not utilize on any contract with the State agency any subcontractor that is identified on the Final Divestment List; and that the undersigned is authorized by the Vendor to make this Certification. Vendor: - N ".rf $*"o,lcr (ti"trv{Y Sle hit{ [^r^nt-[^t 0€f,cer prirted The State Treasure,'s Final Divestment Ust can be found on the StateTreasurer's website at the addresg: httos://www.nrtreasurer.com/inside-the-deoartment/ODenGovernment/Papes/lran-Divestment-Act-Resources,as0x and willbe updated every 18Odays. For q uestions a bout the Department of State Treasure/s lran Dirrestment Policl, please contact MerylMurtagh at Meryl.Muttogh@ndreosurer.com or (919) 814-3852. ' Note: Enacted by Session Law 2015-U8 as G.S. 143C-55 et seg., but has been renumbered for codification at the direction ofthe Revisor of Statutes. By: Signature Hewett, Teresa From: Sent: To: Subject: Roane, Kim Thursday, May 26,2016 9:43 AM Hewett, Teresa FW: Detailed Recommended Budget Xim- Here are the chanSes made to date -as we discussed, we willmove the funds around once adopted. There were no appropriate looking revenuesin the specific orSs you identified, ro I prt all the grant revenue in one plaae with no poect code and can adiust as needed for traaking. Scott From: Steinhilber, Scott Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 10:46 AM To: Roane, Kim Subject: RE: Detailed Recommended Budget ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FUND - 7OO ORGANIZATION OBJECT Expenditures: 70080200 510000 70080200 700415 70080100 900670 Revenues: Gorys PROJECT ACCOUNT NAME Salaries & Wages M&R Buildings & Grounds ADMIN RES-LANDFILL FIN ASSURAN 70080303 70080303 70080303 302250 302250 302250 G RANT-FEDERAL-STATE-REV G RANT G RANT-FEDERAL-STATE-REV G RANT GRANT-FEDERAL-STATE-REV G RANT EXPENSE S REVENUE SCHANGE CHANGE t or (D) I or (D) 14,000 (7,500) 15,000 15,000 20,000 Total 50,000 50,000 From: Roane, Kim Sent Thursday, May05,2016 5:04 PM To: Schrader, Eeth; Steinhilber, Scott cc: Suleyman,.loe Subiect FW: Detailed Recommended Budget Hello, There are a few changes we have identified to be made to the recommended budget, if at all possible (the items in black lnk are the most importanl... the other two, in blue ink, are minor)l . 70oE0200 6mm0 - Landlill Salariei: 2 Equlpm€nt Operators (Le4ston & Hollirl are ihown at Zone 2, but these werc to be prcmoted to Zone 8 (Equipme.t Opeiator Srlpcrvisors} durint th€ .unent FY, thus shlldnt them into Zone 8 for FY17, Tracy Dawson has been wo.king srith M.rk to try to get thls conrct€d. wG hope to procerr PAR! for hh of th.se €mploy.€s now for the cuireht FY, ar thc C&D Expansion ls underxray and they have aisumed thelr dutles ln the new role. Thii will rcquire an incrcase ln the sal.ry afiounts budgeted for thes€ 2 positlons,. 70080200 610000 - Salary Adjustment 510,000. lf this is to coverthe entire de pa rtment, we would prefer it be moved to 70080100 51OOOO, ratherthan just be shown in the landlill organization. lt skews the landfill's budget view if it is placed in that organization.. ,Ooto2m 7qr415 - Pl€as€ del€te the S7,50O ConcrGte bulldlng roof repair - This was completed thls month and ls not needed for FY17. (please Increas€ admln rcie,ve by the 52500 oftsGt),. 70080300 610000 - Equipment Operator Supervisor (Moore) should be classiried as Maintenance Mechanic. This was to have been in effect already for the current FY, carrying forward to FY17- 0oe5 not affect 5S. HR has been working on tryint to get this corrected.. 7OO803q) 7m520 - 310,000 fo. new Compoctiry Protram suppll€s-ple.se move to 7q)EO2OO ,OO52O and should be shown u6dera proiect cod€ (prorect code may be added later if necessary). All of the protram expanslons/enhancement5 would best be llsted under proiect coder fo. expenditure tracklng puipos€s, but can be added later if nGcessary).. 7ootoB00 8dr2q) (Recycling) - S:t4o,mo tor composttnt Equipnent - pteai€ move to 7(x,802(x, 8dr2@ (t-.ndfi[], and show under a prole.r code (proi€ct code later if nec€ssary).. Revenu€r should bG lncreased by S50,q)0 in gant funds lor our protram enhan(ements (increase admln rese e by the 95qq)O offretl: o 7d)802q, : State Communtty Wastc Reduction & Recwling Grant - S15,q)0 o 70080350: St te Communitywaste Reduction & Re.yclingcrant - S15,00O o 7(xr8O35O : Stete lllCDEQ Mercury Grant - S20,m0 2 Best, Kim Thank you both!! Kim Roane I Business Officer Environmental Nlanagement - Adminrstration New Hanover County 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401" (910) 798-44a2 p I (910) 798-4408 f www.nhcoov.com Scott Steinhilber I Senior Budget Analyst Strategy & Budget Office New Hanover County 230 Govern.nent Center Drive, Suite 191 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7L28 p | (910) 798-727Lf www.nhcgov,com From: Suleyman, Joe Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 1:53 PM To: Roane, Kim Subject: FW: Detailed Recommended Budget Joe Suleyman I Environmental Management Invironmental Management - Administration New Hanover County 30C2 U.S. Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 798-4403 p | (910) 798-4408 f wwlry.nhcgov--com Director 3 From: Schrader, Beth Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 72:25 PM Toi Strategic Management Council Cc: Steinhilber. Scotu Akin, Amy; Herring, Christy; Hill, Gwen; Hurley, Karen Subject: Detailed Recommended Budget Ail, Enclosed is a detailed copy of the FY16-17 Recommended Budget. Please review your budget and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We routinely do our best to make sure everything is correctly captured, but always appreciate another set of eyes helping make sure we do. lf you notice an error or omission, please let me know immediately. This report literally shows every entry / adjustment made, so please make sure to read through each line item until your reach the bottom entry. As we have discussed before, the budget reflects the ITGC, Capital Outlay and CIP items that were prioritized and ultimately recommended by Chris. This information has been shared previously. Additionally, it reflects the 39 recommended positions (37 in the GF, 1 in Fire Services, 1 in Environmental Management). When reviewing your budget, you may note that nat all of the cuts that were identified by the individual Deportments have been mode. We are holding on to those additional cuts, recognizing that the Board will likely add some items to budget (e.g. Outside Agencies). lf necessary to balance between Recommended and Adopted, we will make those incremental remaining cuts on a priority basis - based on impact on ability to deliver existing services, and both the relative and absolute size ofthe cuts already taken by a given department. Full disclosure - based on the 1:1 meetings to date, I fully anticipate the need to use all of the cuts offered (and potentially then some). ln addition, there have been a couple of adjustments / strategic needs that have been identified over the past several days. There are no plans to add them to the budget at this time. lnstead, these items will be placed on a list. lf there is capacity identified during the fiscal year, we will try and add them back in at that time. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to either your Strategy and Budget Analyst or call me directly. Again, I appreciate your assistance and creativity as we work with the Board to get a FY16-17 Budget adopted. Regards, Beth Seth Schra{rer I Chi(}t St!'ategy and S d$et Oftricer Si ri'rl..1! & Aird!lrri (Jiir;:.: irr,' l''lal;1,r,:r 1 itL,lt.r 2l{l ClvcIrr,',crt1. i.,t..iri,t' 1-"..:vi.r. :ittla l.!! '".rIlrliI,f i:fr!1, Ili'. ) r.at t t':l !",, t'i'.lr.ll llag0y. | |l l1-] 4 PAT MCCRORY Govemor DONALD R, VAN DER VAART SpcreloryEnvironmental Quality May 19,2016 Ms. Kim Roane New Hanover County 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Ms. Roane: Enclosed is a copy of Contract No. 6904 between he North Carolina Departrnent of Environmental Quality, formedy the Department of Environment and Natural Resourcesand lrlew Hanover County forthe Division of Environmental Assistance and customer service - uercury iroau.r, i[.y.li;; Project. lecenl legislation requires each vendor, prior lo contracting with the Slate, lo complete a Cerlification ofEligibility under tre lran Diveslment Act (Aftachment D), pdase have an authorized otrbiatcomptete anOsign this Certification. Please have an authorized representafive sign the enclosed document in BLUE INK (an originalsignature is requircd) and retum document via email for execution by the Depa-,he;i- -' Please be advised that no work can be performed under his contract until bolh the Grantee andDeoaftment have executed the contra cl. Failwe to retum the docunents wifhin fifteeffi, brexecdion by the Depaftnent may result in the Depadnent's wilhdnwal of th. ofr"a r'rrr".i -St ouroyou have any questions, prease contact purchasing Agent Mariorie Barber at (g19) 7-0r-a5i9. - ' Sincerely, - t.l*- lr,l* Tommy Kirby u Purchasing Director Financial Services Division Purchase and Contract Sec{ion Enclosures cc: Joseph Fitzpatrick, DEe Division of Environmental Assistance and customer service -2^Nothing Compares l-_^ , , - - . -Stare of Nonh Gm[ru J Environmenrat etratity 1601 M.;lServke Center I Rnhigh. tiorth Grctina 27699r601 919-707-8600 Grant Document Routing 110 Start date: 5127l16 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Lisa Wurtzbacher, Chief Financial Officer Tim Burgess, Assistant County Manager Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of document(s) attached: 2 originals - NCDEQ Mercury Grant Award Contract Explanation of document(s) : Environmental Management has been awarded a grant from the NC Department of Environmental Quality for the Mobile Mercury Collection Program. The award amount is S20,000 and does not require a match. The revenue and expense are included in the FYlT recommended budget. The State requires these documents be returned within l5 days. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you - - - - - --for financ e department us e*------ DATE ADDED TO LASERFICHE PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature