HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 1 2016 Meeting Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 1 REGULAR MEETING JUNE 1, 2016 ASSEMBLY The Parks Advisory Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 8:00am in Conference Room 119, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington NC. Present: Frank Amoroso, Andy Mills, Linda Reece, Bruce Shell, Shawn Spencer and Nikki Zeldin. Absent: Rebecca Powell. Staff: Tara Duckworth, Tanya Gurganious and Andy Johnson. WELCOME AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Bruce Shell who asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the th May 4 meeting. The following motion was presented: th MOTION:MOVED; SECONDED Frank Amoroso by Nikki Zeldin, that the minutes of the May 4 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY meeting be approved. Upon vote, the . 1.Directors Report. Tara Duckworth reported that the Hugh MacRae Park playground has been removed and is in storage at Airlie Gardens. The smaller playground will not be taken down until the new playground is finished. She and Andy met with the representatives from Grindline regarding the Skatepark. This week they are mobilizing and there will be more movement next week since construction has started. There is a new section on the website which shows time-lapsed pictures of the progression of the park. The Cape Fear Optimist & Supper Optimist Clubs have agreed to work together and merge their softball programs. Northern Regional Park is officially open following the st dedication event held on Saturday, May 21. The Parks and Planning Departments are working with DOT on trails. There are also discussions taking place regarding a multi-purpose trail along Military Cutoff Extension. If possible, the timeline would be 2017-2018. She and Andy are developing parks preserves as there are several parcels in the County inventory they would like to see opened up for community use. They are working to put together a plan for review and approval by the County Managers office. 2.Park Operations Update. Andy Johnson shared that the Seaside Classic Tournament (an annual event) was recently held at Northern Regional Park. He acknowledged that tournaments are good revenue for the area; however, the fields are now damaged. Unfortunately, this prevents local recreation groups from using them as we are not going to reserve those fields for the summer to ensure they are ready for the fall playing season. Pop Warner will use the Northern Regional Park fields for practice. 3.Other Business. Bruce Shell thanked Andy Mills his six years of service on the board. ADJOURNMENT MOTION:MOVED; SECONDED Shawn Spencer by Linda Reece, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY vote, the . The meeting adjourned at 9:28am. Respectfully submitted, Tanya Gurganious Administrative Coordinator - Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Parks Advisory Board meeting.