FY16 ROAP FINAL REPORTRural Operating Assistance Program July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 (RoAP) Name of County or Eligible Authority Date Finance OIfrcer Phone Number Transit System Name Person(s) Completing this Report New Hanover 65 30,2016 Lisa WurEbacher 0) 798-7161 Fear Public Transportation Authority - WAVE Transit 129 N4ininni, Director of Finance & Adminastration Phone Number l91O) 202-2056 Reconciliation of FY16 ROAP funds for County or Eliqible Authority EDTAP Funds Oisbursed to Co!nty $'107,139.00 EDTAP Funds Unexpended $0.00 EMPL Funds Drsbursed lo Counly s50,868.00 EMPL Funds Unexpended $0.00 RGP Funds Disbursed lo County $36,462.00 RGP Funds Unexpended $0.00 Total Disbursed to County $194,469.00 Amount Owed to NCDOT $0.00 I Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program TOTAL AvaiIab|e EDTAP Funds $107,139.00 Unexpended EDTAP Funds $0.00 Numb€r of EOTAP Trips provided 8,223 Cost of EDTAP funded trip $13.03 % of EDTAP Tr ps provided by lhe tlansil syslenr 25.O%% EDTAP funds expended 100.0% % of EOTAP disbursement suballoceted to lhe transit system 2s.00/o o/o of EDTAP disbursemenl suballocated to match othergrants 0.0% 10 Employment Transportation Program TOTAL Available EMPL Funds $6,684.00 Unexpended EMPL Funds $0.00 Number of EMPL Trips provided 2,030 Cost of EMPL funded trip $3.29 % of EMPL Trips provided by lhe trensitslslem 100.0%% EMPL lunds oe€nded 100.0% % of EMPL disbursemenl suballocaled lo the ransil s)stem 100.0% % of EMPL disbursement suballocaled lo match olher grants 0.00/o 1',t Rural General Public Transportation Program TOTAL Available RGP Funds $89,606.67 Unexpended RGP Funds $0.00 Number of RGP Trips provided 38,752 Cost of RGP Iunded trip $2.31 % of RGP Trips provided bythe transil system 100.0%% RGP funds expended 100.0% % of RGP disbursemenl suballocaled to the transit system 100.0% % ol RGP disbursement suballocaled to match other grants o.ook I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the following information is accurate and complete. lfurther certify that all funds were expended in accordance \rvith applicable federal, state, and local guidelines. I understand that any unexpended amount will be \ withheld from the FY'16-17 ROAP allocation.\) ' \ ../\\l\[,/,, S,!6alL re of Counly Frna n.e Ofice' or Aurho.ily F , ec -! ve D reclo' Daie Unexpended ROAP funds (over $50.00) will be retumed lo the NCDOT Public Transportation Oivision. Oo not s€nd a check with lhe ROAP Report. Checks will be retumed if received. After an NCOOT review of this report, the amountto the nghl wrll be withheld from lhe countys FY16-17 ROAP allocation. 13 $0.00 1 Name of County or Eligible Authority 2 Oate New Hanover 65 2016 1 4a ln the space below, provide a detailed explanation if 1 0olo or more ol the EDTAP funds allocated lo the counly are b€ing relurned to NCOOT. 4b ln the space below, provide a detailed explanation if 10% or more of the EMPL funds allocated to the counlyare being returned lo NCDOT. ln the space below, provide a detailed explanation if 10% or more ofthe RGP funds allocaled lo the countya€ being relumed to NCDOT. NCDOT ROAP Report Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) July 1, 20'15 - June 30, 2016 FY2016 NCDOT ROAP Report Services and Expenditures Name of County New Hanover 65 16 Date 30,2016 Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program 17 18 19 20 21 22 zc 24 List any agency, organization or transit system that received an EDTAP sub- allocation from the county Original Sub- allocation Total Sub-Allocation ad.iustment during the reporting period Number of EDTAP trips provided How many of the trips in Column 20 flere provided by the transit sEtem low many of th( trips in Column 20 were provided by other means Amount Expended to provide EDTAP triDs Total EDTAP Funds Expended 3ape Fear Public Transportation Auth $26,78s 1,934 1,934 $26,785.00 $26,785.00 NHC - Senor Resource Center $80,354 6,289 120 6,169 $80,354.00 $80,354.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0c $0.0c $0.0c $0.0c $0.0c JARC, New Freedom, 5310 E&D or 531"1 Local Match $C TOTAL $1 07,1 39 8,223 2,054 6,16€$107,139.00 $1 07,1 39.0C n the space below, list the name of any agency or organization reported as a subrecipient that did NOT use the coordinated public transit system in the county :o provide the trips reported. Which of the following options did these subrecipients use to provide the EDTAP funded trips - private transit providers, rgency/staff vehicles, taxi services or volunteers? Other Funds Available for Trips 25 Fare Revenue from EDTAP Trips $27 lnterest lncome from EDTAP Funds $ to Contribution(s) to EDTAP Fund $ EDTAP SUMMARY to EDTAP Funds Received from NCDOT $ 107,139.00 34 Total EDTAP Funds Expended - Trips $ 107,139.00 29 Funds transferred from EMPL to EDTAP within the county $ 30 EDTAP Funds transferred to county in regional syEtem $Total EDTAP Funds Expended $ 107,139.00 31 EDTAP Funds received from county in regional system $ 5Z DTAP Funds transferred to JARC, New Freedom, 5310 &D or 531 1 for Local Match $ JJ TOTAL Available EDTAP Funds $ 107,139.00 Jb Unexpended EDTAP Funds $0.00 ( 37 Name of County 38 Date 39 40 41 42 43 45 ::: i:l;il 46 List lhe DSs. worklorce D€velo9menl 396ncy.nd/or lransrl systsm that rscaived a EMPL sub+lloetio. frm thecountv Odgin€lS'rb' capo Fear Pubric Transportation althor $50,868 2030 2030 0 $6,684 00 $6,684.00 $0.00 $0.00 JARC, New Freedom, 5310 E&D or 531'1 Local lllatch s0 TOTAL $50,868 2030 2030 0 $6.684.00 $6,684.00 47 Fare Revenue from EMPL Trips $49 lnterest lncome from EMPL Funds $ 48 Contribution(s) to EMPL Fund $ 50 EMPL Funds Received from NCDOT $ 50,868.00 56 Total EMPL Funds Expended - Trips $ 6.684.00 51 EMPL Funds lransterred lo EDTAP or RGP within the $ 44.184.00 EMPL Funds transferred to county in regronalslsteln 57 Tolal EMPL Funds b(pended $ 6,684.00 53 EMPL Funds received from county in regional slslem 54 EMPL Funds transferred to JARC. New Freedom. 5310 E&D or 5311 for Local Malch $ TOTAL Available EMP Funds $6,684.00 58 Unexpended EMPL Funds $0.00 FY2016 NCDOT ROAP Report Services and Expenditures Employment Transportation Program n lhe spac€ below, ltalthe name of any agencyor organi:atlon reported as a subreclplent that did NOT use the coordlnated publlc lransit system in tho county lo p.ovtde the trips repon€d. Which ol the following options did th*e subrecipienls use to provide lhe EMPL funded trips - privtte tEnsit provideB, agencyrstaft ,ehlcle3, laxl sorvicas or volunleers? Other Funds Available for Trips EMPL SUMMARY Name of County ] 59 Date ]m60 I L 61 ol 63 64 65 66 67 o6 List the Transit System that received a RGP allocation from the county Original sub- allocation Total Sub-Allocatior adjustment during the reporting oeriod Number of RGP trips provided by the transil Total RGP and local share funds expended for PGP tri^< Total Expended nn RGP Trine Stat6 Share of Total Expended /eaA n^|'mn An\ l0% Local Share of Total Expended (see Cdftrmn AOI SaDe Fear Public TransDortation Author $36,46i 38752 $89,606.67 $89,606.67 $80,646.0C $8,960.6; JARC, New Freedom, 5310 E&D or 531 1 for Local Match $( TOTAL $36,46i $89,606.67 $89,606.67 69 local Share amount paid from Fare Revenue $t3 Additional Fare Revenue from RGP Trips $ 70 Local Share amount paid from Contribution(s)$74 Additional Contributions to RGP Fund $ 71 Total Local Share Amount (Line 84 plus Line 85 $75 lnterest lncome from RGP Funds $ 76 RGP Funds Received from NCDOT $ 36,462.00 83 77 Funds transferred from EMPL to RGP within the county $ 44,184.00 78 RGP Funds transferred to county in regional system $84 Total RGP and Local Share Funds Expended $ 89,606.67 79 RGP Funds received from county in regional system $ 80 RGP Funds transfened to JARC, New Freedom, 5310 E&D )r 531 1 for Local Match $ 81 -ocal Share of Total Expended on RGP Trips $8,960.67 82 TOTAL Available RGP Fund:$ 89,606.67 85 Unexpended RGP Funds $0.00 FY2O16 NCDOT ROAP Report Services and Exoenditures Rural General Public Transportation Program Other Funds Available lor Trips 72 Based on RGP expenditures, fare revenue plus any contribution to local share should total:$8,960.67 RGP SUMMARY Total RGP and Local Share Funds Expended - f rios $ 89.606.67 FY2016 NCDOT ROAP Report Transfer of Funds Name of County New Hanover 65 Date July 30,2016 Transfer of EMPL Funds within a County EMPL Funds were transferred to EDTAP or RGP Fund?Amount Transferred Date Transferred 88 RGP $ t7,427.00 January 1,2016 89 RGP $ 26,757.00 June 29, 2016 90 $ 91 $ 92 $ County to County Transfer of Funds within a Regional System Your Countv Transferred Funds to this Countv Amount Transferred From this Fund To this Fund Date Transferred 93 $ 94 $ 95 $ 96 $ 97 $ Your County Received Funds from this County Amount Received From this Fund To this Fund Date Transferred 98 $ 99 $ 100 c 101 $ 102 $ Transfer of ROAP Funds to JARC, New Freedom, 5310 E&D or 5311 for Local Match Funds were transferred from which ROAP Program to JARC, New Freedom, 5310 E&O or 53'1 1 lor Local Maich Amount Transferred These funds were used to match which grant? JARC, New Freedom, 5310 E&D or s31 1?Date Transferred 103 $ 104 $ 105 $ 106 $ 107 $ 108 $ 109 $ 110 $ 111 $ 112 $ 113 $ 114 $ 86 87 Documentation of transfers must be on file. Documentation of transfers must be on file. Documentalion of transfers musi be on file.