FY17 Library State Aid applicationState Library of North Carolina NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES To: From: Date: Re: Public Library Directors Tanya Prokrym, Director of Library Development July 7, 2016 Application for State Aid, FY2016 -2017 PAT McCRORY Governor SUSAN KLUTTZ Secretary CALSHEPARD State Librarian This packet includes the State Aid application for FY2016 -2017 and information about State Aid payments for this fiscal year. Application for State Aid, 2016 -2017 The following forms are included in this packet: 1. Application for State Aid to Public Libraries 2. Average Maintenance of Effort Report and Declaration Form 3. Maintenance of Effort Report and Declaration Form(s) 4. Maintenance of Effort Worksheet 5. Assurance of Professional Salaries Funded with State Aid 6. Checklist (please return with your other forms) Application Form: By signing this form, the appropriate official indicates that the library wishes to apply for State Aid and that the library is in compliance with the State Aid Eligibility Rules which appear on the form. The official whose signature is required is identified on the form and is determined by the type of library and its governance. Average Maintenance of Effort Form Meeting Maintenance of Effort is determined by comparing the current year's appropriations (FY2016- 2017) with the average of the last three years. The library's average maintenance of effort, provided in my email to you, should be entered in the box on left -hand side of this form. Fill in the box on the right -hand side of the form with the total of all local appropriations for the library for this fiscal year. Only the Director's signature is required on this form. Maintenance of Effort FormW: Please submit one form for each funding entity. The amount of the local government appropriation for FY 2016 -2017 needs to be listed along with the date the budget was adopted by the County Commissioners or City Council. Documented in -kind contributions from the local funder may be included, but do not include State Aid or capital outlay in these amounts. In -kind contributions are funds allocated by local governments, on behalf of a library, within the budget of a different department of the local government. Please note that the certification statement on the MOE form requires the signature of the County or City Manager, not the County or City Finance Officer. Nothing Compares State of North Carolina I Department of Natural and Cultural Resources 4640 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699 -4600 919 - 807 -7400 Maintenance of Effort Worksheet: This form is intended to help you calculate total local support. The total for each line should match the total on that local funder's MOE form. The total of all lines should be the total entered in the box on the right side of the Average MOE Form. Assurance of Professional Salaries Paid with State Aid. Every library must complete the Assurance of Professional Salaries form, even if professional salaries are not paid from the Aid to Public Libraries fund. Please fill in the library name, check the appropriate box, then sign and date the form. Other Documents Due in Order to Complete your State Aid Application: • Long -range plan. • Roster for the Library Board of Trustees. Include the mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, initial appointment date, length of term, number of terms served, and expiration date of current term for each member. Also identify the current Chairperson. • Bylaws of the Library Board of Trustees. • Current inter -local agreement for regional libraries and other joint library systems. The omission of any documents required by the State Library may delay future State Aid payments. The State Aid forms and accompanying documents must be postmarked on or before Thursday, September 15, 2016. The State Library's mailing address is included on all documents for packets that will be returned via US Postal Service. Please do not use tracking services for items sent by USPS since this mail is delivered to the State's Mail Service Center for sorting. If you prefer to return your packet using FedEX or UPS so it can be tracked, please use our street address: State Aid Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 109 E Jones St Raleigh, NC 27601 -1023 Timing of State Aid Payments, 2016 -2017 According to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Budget Office, State Aid payments will again be deposited or mailed on a monthly basis in FY2016- 2017.Once the MOE forms are received from all libraries, State Library staff will calculate each library's total State Aid allocation and determine final monthly payment amounts. Your library's actual State Aid allocation will depend on the following: • Adjustments made once the certified budget from the General Assembly is received by the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. • Adjustments made based on the most recent certified population and per capita income figures. • Adjustments made if any libraries are unable to meet the maintenance of effort requirement. • Adjustments made if any libraries are unable to match the full amount of their State Aid allocation. • Adjustments made if any libraries had an unencumbered operational balance of more than 17 percent of the previous year's operating receipts. If I can be of any assistance as you begin work on the State Aid Application Packet, do not hesitate to contact me at tanva.nrokn m(a)ncdcr.gov or 919- 807 -7415. s State Aid Checklist Please mail this checklist with your other State Aid documents with the boxes checked to show that your application for State Aid is complete. Name of Library: OEu: HAQ0vc4— CouljA ��•� (.��f The following documents must be included in all State Aid Application packets: ❑ Application for State Aid to Public Libraries ❑ Average Maintenance of Effort Form with total MOE amount ❑ Maintenance of Effort and Declaration Form(s) from all local funders ❑ Maintenance of Effort Worksheet ❑ Assurance of Professional Salaries Funded with State Aid ❑ Current Long -Range Plan ❑ Bylaws for Library Board(s) of Trustees ❑ Current Roster(s) for Library Board(s) of Trustees ❑ Current Interlocal Agreement (regional libraries and other joint library systems only) ❑ Checklist Submit application to: State Aid Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -4600 Deadline for Submission: Postmarked on or before September 15, 2016 Natural and Cultural Res. Sl. /I.D Rev. 06/16 viiiAw STATE LIBRARY „r NORTH CAROLINA APPLICATION FOR STATE AID TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES State Fiscal Year 2016 - 2017 (Submit one form only) The type of library and its governance determine the signature required on this document: County Library: Chair of County Commissioners Regional Library: Chair of Regional Board of Trustees Municipal Library: Chair of Town /City Council Independent County Library: Chair of Board of Trustees Print Name signature CAL16 0k0Lj[ f\ certify that �ItWV600\1tc eo & IJC Librery Print Title Name of Libra meets the following requirements and hereby applies for funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund. 07 NCAC 021.0201 QUALIFICATIONS FOR GRANT ELIGIBILITY Libraries requesting funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund shall submit annually to the State Library of North Carolina an application for State Aid and supporting documentation including financial and statistical reports and shall meet the following eligibility requirements: (1) Be established consistent with the provisions of Article 14, Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes. (2) Provide library services in compliance with applicable State and Federal law to all residents of the political subdivision(s) supporting the library. Public library services shall be provided from at least one designated facility with a catalogued collection that is open to the public a minimum of 40 hours per week. (3) Employ a full -time library director having or eligible for North Carolina public librarian certification. Full -time means working a minimum of 35 hours per week. (4) Secure operational funds from local government sources at least equal to the average amount budgeted and available for expenditure for the previous three years. A grant to a local library system from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund shall not be terminated but shall be reduced proportionately by the Department if the amount budgeted and available for expenditure by local government is below the average of the previous three fiscal years. State funds shall not replace local funds budgeted and available for expenditure for public library operations. (5) Secure aggregate operational funds from local sources at least equaling state aid. (6) Expend funds as authorized In the budget adopted by the Board of Trustees of a Regional Library, a County, or a Municipality. Any library having an unencumbered operational balance of more than 17 percent of the previous year's operating receipts shall have the difference deducted from its state allocation. (7) Pay salaries for professional positions funded from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund at least at the minimum rate of a salary grade of 69 as established by the Office of State Personnel. (8) Provide to the State Library of North Carolina an annual audit of the political subdivisions) funding the library consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. (9) Submit annually to the State Library of North Carolina a copy of the bylaws of the library system's Board(s) of Trustees. (10) Submit annually a current long -range plan of service to the State Library of North Carolina. A long -range plan of service is a plan of at least five years. Upon request, submit an assessment of a communitys library needs to the State Library of North Carolina. (11) Submit a copy of the agreement establishing the library system, if composed of more than one local governmental unit. (12) Meet the following stipulations when establishing a new library or re- establishing eligibility for the Aid to Public Libraries Fund: (a) meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program on July 1 of the year prior to the fiscal year that the library plans to receive State Aid, (b) continue to meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program from July 1 to June 30 of that year, which shall be known as the demonstration year, (c) file a full application for state aid by the June 30 deadline at the close of the demonstration year in order to receive state aid in the next fiscal year. Application Reviewed and Accepted: Submit application to: State Aid Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -4600 SL/LD Rev. 06/16 Caroline Shepard, State Librarian of North Carolina Date: Deadline for submission of FY July 1, 2016 -June 30, 2017 application is: Postmarked on or before Natural and September 15, 2016 Cultural Resources S4 TATE LIBRARY 1[)12111 ('AW )I.INA AVERAGE MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT REPORT AND DECLARATION State Fiscal Year 2016 - 2017 (Submit one form only) Please submit this average summary form for the library system in addition to the individual Maintenance of Effort forms from your local funding entities. This sheet shows the library system's average appropriation from all of its local funding sources from the last three years. Please place the total of all Maintenance of Effort forms for FY 2016 -2017 in the FY 2016 -2017 box. In order to meet Maintenance of Effort, the total appropriation for FY 2016 -2017 must equal or exceed the average figure of the last three fiscal years. This summary form requires only the library director's signature. The other Maintenance of Effort forms for each funding entity must be completed and signed as usual. kL6J "Aot -Jet. C I- G•hAwq Name of ibrary AVERAGE County and /or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2013 -2014 FY 2014 -2015 FY 2015 -2016 (Excluding capital outlay and State Aid appropriations) $ 3W71 6W. TOTAL County and /or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2016 -2017 (Excluding capital outlay and State Aid appropriations) 5 '{ 033 P4 Signed: � � � Date: 0?A)SY /6 Library D' etor Submit application to: Deadline for submission of FY State Aid July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Library Development Section application is: State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Postmarked on or before Raleigh, NC 27699 -4600 September 15, 2016 Naturaland B%01� : SOLD Cultural Resources Rev. 06/16 TATE LIBRARY -f NORTH CAROLINA MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT REPORT AND DECLARATION State Fiscal Year 2016 - 2017 (Submit one form for each city /county local funder) The )✓ w k')'1tn0%rC-A GWI fj\nA.r- �"`io"Z- Name of Library will maintain its local governmental support in order to receive State Aid funds in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code, Chapter 7, Subchapter 21, Section .0200. Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2016 -2017 TOTAL County or City Appropriations(Excluding capital outlay and State Aid appropriations) Total $ Ii, 033 SN I Date the budget was approved by the Board of Commissioners / City Council 3,;Ut 90, zit" Name of County / City I certify that the appropriation for FY 2016 -2017 has been approved by IJtt J i4&)nVE2 6,),j+4 Board of Commissioners / City Council is supported by officia ords, and is available for expenditure by the Library. Signed: Date: k %)A "16 OM r°� SSCounty /C' Manager >�St Slo, Wv.� tr for: e nt�[et' COutl��l County / City Signed: Date: 0 glns116 Director Submit application to: Deadline for submission of FY State Aid July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Library Development Section application is: State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Postmarked on or before Raleigh, NC 27699 -4600 September 15, 2016 Natural and SL/LD Cultural Resources Rev. 06/16 The .w STATE LIBRARY w NORTH CAROLINA MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT WORKSHEET State Fiscal Year 2016 -2017 Name of Library Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2016 -2017 TOTAL County or City In -kind Contributions and Appropriations County City In -kind Contributions Local Appropriations Total Deadline for submission of FY $ $ $ application is: 1 � eN\ 4640 Mail Service Center Postmarked on or before Raleigh, NC 27699 -4600 $ $ $ $ $ Total $ $ $ The total for each line should reflect the amount declared on the Maintenance and Effort Report for each local funder. The final total of all contributions and allocations is the number submitted on the Average Report for the library. Submit application to: Deadline for submission of FY State Aid July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Library Development Section application is: State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Postmarked on or before Raleigh, NC 27699 -4600 September 15, 2016 Natural and SL /LD Cultural Resources Rev. 06/16 R " STATE LIBRARY nr NORTH CAROLINA ASSURANCE OF PROFESSIONAL LIBRARIANS WHOSE SALARIES ARE FUNDED WITH STATE AID MONEY State Fiscal Year 2016 - 2017 (Submit one form only) The tJFW HiVA)nVil CoUAITbf Pol l lr6�weti Name of Library Choose one: �Q Does not pay any professional salaries from State Aid funds ( Does pay the following salaries in whole or in part from State Aid funds Signed: ` /'sY/ Ci oklo - /4 Libra it r Date The following professional librarians* (minimum annual salary $37,125 ") will be paid in full or in part from State Aid funds: Name: Position: Salary: Name: Position: Salary: Name: Position: Salary: ` Professional librarians have received a Masters Degree in Library and Information Science. " Pay salaries for professional positions funded from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund at least at the minimum rate of a salary grade of 69 as established by the Office of State Personnel. Administrative Code, Ptle 7, Subchapter 21, Section .0201, Rule 7. Submit application to: State Aid Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -4600 SIJLD Rev. 06/16 Deadline for submission of FY July 1, 2016 -June 30, 2017 application is: Postmarked on or before September 15, 2016 Natural and Cultural Resources Library Advisory Board Members 2016 The LAB meets on the 31d Thursday of every month (expect July & Dec.) Meetings are held from 2:00 - 3:30 Brewington, Jan - Secretary 706 South 71h Street Wilmington, NC 28405 Cell: 910 -612 -6941 Work: 910-815-3731 Expires: 8/31/2018 (15t Term) Email: ianinwilmington @gmail.com Chadurjian, Denise 409 S. Second Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Home: 919 - 218 -7470 Expires: 8/31/2018 (1st Term) Email: dcdechad241 @gmail.com Damutz, Amy - Vice Chair 8109 Masonboro Sound Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Home: 910 -392 -7075, Cell: 910 -470 -7075 Expires: 8/31/2018 (15t Term) Email: amy.damutz @gmail.com Gardner III, John 1704 N. Lumina Ave, Unit 60 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Cell: 910 -840 -3159, Work: 815 -2785 Expires: 8/31/2017 (1st Term) Email: i¢ardner @bbandt.com Jones, Andrew 4306 Stratton Village Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 Cell: 910 - 617 -8603, Work: 763 -3404 Expires: 8/31/2017 (UnexpiredTerm) Email: ajones@rountreelosee.com Osinski, John 174 Treasure Island Way Wilmington, NC 28411 Home: 910 -686 -2461, Bus: 962 -4271 Expires: 8/31/2017 (2nd Term) Email: osins!W@uncw@.edu 8/5/2016 Smith, Harriet 1080 St. Joseph St., #9F Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Cell: 704 - 560 -2245 Expires 8/31/2016 (1st Term) Email: h.smith2Qy_ahoo.com Smith, Paul - Chair 6801 Buckhurst Court Wilmington, NC 28411 Home: 794 -7153, Cell: 431 -6064 Expires 8/31/2017 (1st Term) Email: 612prs @girnail.com Stanfield, Elizabeth 2910 Park Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Home: 762 -5151, FAX 762 -7016 Expires: 8/31/16 (2.d Term) Mail information to her Swearingen, Emilie 830 Cutter Court Kure Beach, NC 28449 Home: 458 -4430, Cell: 620 -0026 Expires: 8/31/18 (1st Term) Email: swearingene@charter.net Teachey, Virginia 8713 Champion Hills Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 Home: 681 -0321, Cell: 520 -0414 Expires: 8/31/16 (2nd Tenn) Email: vatgigi @¢mail.com Walker, Bradford 306 Apollo Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Home: 791 -2669, Cell: 620 -5508 Expires: 8/31/2016 (1st Term) Email: walkerb@uncw.edu Zimmer, Ronna - Foundation Rep. Email: RonnaZimmeraaol.com Bonner, Patti - Friends Rep. Email: pattibonnerapeoplepc.com Harry Tuchmayer - Lib. Dir., Ex- Officio Member Work: 910-798-6321, FAX: 910-798-6312 htuchmayer@nhcgov.com BY -LAWS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD ARTICLE I- PURPOSE The purpose of the New Hanover County Public Library Advisory Board shall be to review and make recommendations on policies to the County Commissioners and act as liaison among the Library, local government and the community. ARTICLE II- MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. The Library Advisory Board shall be composed of 12 residents of New Hanover County appointed by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. They shall serve a three year term with four members appointed each year. The same person may not serve more than two full consecutive terms. An appointment to fill more than half of an unexpired term shall be considered one term. Members of the Library Advisory Board shall serve without compensation. Library employees and spouses of Library employees are not eligible to serve on the Library Advisory Board. SECTION 2. Three consecutive unexcused absences on the part of any appointee automatically constitutes resignation on the part of the appointee, from the Library Advisory Board, and constitutes automatic acceptance of such resignation of the appointee of the Board of County Commissioners. Excused absences are defined as absences caused by events beyond one's control and are subject to approval by the Library Advisory Board. SECTION 3. Non voting ex- officio members shall be the Library Director, the President of the New Hanover County Friends of the Public Library, and the President of the Library Foundation of New Hanover County. ARTICLE III - OFFICERS SECTION 1. The officers of the Advisory Board shall be a Chair, a Vice - Chair, and a Secretary. SECTION 2. Officers shall be elected at the regular meeting of the Board in the month of September, and shall serve a term of one year. SECTION 3. The Chair of the Board shall preside at all meetings and shall have the usual powers of a presiding officer. SECTION 4. The Vice -Chair of the Board shall act as Chair in the absence or disability of the Chair. SECTION 5. The Secretary shall cause a true and accurate account of all proceedings, minutes and other records of the Board to be made, and to notify the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of any vacancies on the Advisory Board. The Library Director or his designee shall act as a Recording Secretary for the Board. L /Admin/LAB/LAB BY- LAWS.DOC Amended 05/2011 ARTICLE IV- MEETINGS SECTION 1. The Advisory Board shall meet monthly at a regularly scheduled time as determined by the Board. Regular meetings will not be held in July and December. SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or upon the written request of three members for the transaction of business stated in the call for the meeting. Members shall be notified at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. SECTION 3. A quorum for the transaction of business shall be a simple majority of the Board members. SECTION 4. Regular meetings may be canceled by the Chair with the consent of the officers and the Library Director. Members and the clerk to the Board of County Commissioners shall be notified of the cancellation not less than seven days prior to the time set for the meeting if possible. SECTION 5. All meetings shall be held in accordance with the General Statutes of North Carolina. ARTICLE V- COMMITTEES The Chair shall appoint any committee deemed necessary. ARTICLE VI -ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment & Agenda Review 3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting 4. Correspondence 5. Friend's Report 6. Director's Report 7. Committee Reports 8. Old Business 9. New Business 10. Adjournment ARTICLE VII- PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Board. ARTICLE VIII- AMENDMENTS SECTION 1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two- thirds vote of the members present, provided the proposed amendment has been presented in writing at the previous meeting. L /Admin/LAB/LAB BY- LAWS.DOC Amended 05/2011 Grant Document Routing 119 Start date: 8/12/16 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Si natures e uired: Tim Burgess, Assistant County Manager Beth Dawson, Board of Commissioners Chairman Return to Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Type(s) of document(s) attached: 1 originals — Library State Aid application for FYI 7 Explanation of document(s): The Library State Aid grant is a recurring grant that was included in the FYI adopted budget. Attached is the application package requiring signatures. No Board action is required because the grant was approved in the adopted budget. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you ------ - - - - -- for finance department use----------------- - - - - -- DATE ADDED TO LASERFICHE PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signature Memorandum TO: Teresa Hewett — Finance Dept. FROM: Harry Tuchmayer, Library Director DATE: August 5, 2016 RE: Signature request for State Aid forms Attached you will find an application packet for State Aid, FY 2016 -2017 • Please note that signatures must be in BLUE INK only. Please return all enclosed forms to Yvette Mays at the Main Library so that she can submit the completed application. Thank you. c Z) LL 0 to LT, -1 eF C) iG r-j CO rw M1 Ir! Fri (M ul w to LTi Iii � O eA ll� ll� ll� C) (D m m, 0 0 0 M CO CO C:) �S C0 rj r6 C-4 4 CA ri 01, ni LL E. c Z) LL 0 to LT, -1 eF C) iG r-j CO rw M1 Ir! Fri (M ul w to LTi Iii � O eA ll� ll� ll� t M CO CO C:) �S C0 rj r6 C-4 4 CA ri 01, to LL tq CD CD C:) as C3 i:j Kl Lt) m) ro OD r- 0. ra ell Cn P,! W M 14 q Lt) M CO Lt. c Cf c Z) LL 0 to LT, -1 eF C) iG r-j CO rw M1 Ir! Fri (M ul w to LTi Iii � O eA MU t Yr ;-- Uno Yr/Per 2017/01 Fiscal Year 2017 grov se Fiscal Yea, 2016 P, ext file ED SWord Cetail I Email c n t?,s earn Original Budget k 1 90.0bo.co Print -177,708.00 Excel 17 6j. 5 7,-F. C 0 23 .00 00 Ses-nent Find Transfers In Go Previe,,-,, 3,03E.00 S&-'edule 0 -:J3 Go 2E3 .00 23 Transfers Out GO .00 Fund 110 GENERAL FU Acct 110 -50-7(`-7CilG-'J+0-3-O00 -OC-301510-Gt?07c org 11070103 ... OP GRTICON Acct narr*. GRANT- STATE -176,679.00 ACCOUnt Notes Object j615!301510 STATEGRANT Type Reverue -I90,743.130 Co S, a* ,;S Projec t G0075 LIBRARY-STATE AID Rollur, 00 .00 MU t Yr ;-- Uno Yr/Per 2017/01 Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Yea, 2016 Fiscal Year 201 ' r Fiscal Year 2018 Original Budget k 1 90.0bo.co E3 -177,708.00 17 6j. 5 7,-F. C 0 23 .00 23 Transfers In Go 3,03E.00 Ci3 Go 2E3 .00 23 Transfers Out GO .00 CE3 CG 23 Revised Budget _190M0.00 -190,74100 -176,679.00 .00 Actual (Memo) -3 ": 7 ?G. 010 -I90,743.130 Co -179 443.00 23 .00 Encumbrances 00 .00 Go 23 .00 Requisitions GO 23 GO C3 Available -1 _56,21 C,C3 .00 C 7J-0 J Co Percent used 16.73 _H. C 3 101.57 CO g /C /rG. Tuchmayer, Harry From: Molesky, Christine E <Christine.e.moleskyC Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:33 PM (� To: Tuchmayer, Harry Subject: 2016 State Aid for Libraries II Sent on behalf of Tanya Prokrym, Director of Library Development: 01 _ Dear Harry Tuchmayer, We're trying something new with State Aid application packets this year — ins sending all required forms as an attachment to a second email that will follm% ,,,,, ...—.r'- I IIdt way, you n nave the forms on hand to print as needed when you are ready to fill them out. Completing Applications Instructions for the forms are provided in the Memo to Directors included in the application packet. In order to complete the forms, you will need to know your library's Average MOE for the last three fiscal years. The Average MOE for the New Hanover County Public Library is $3,807,588. This number should be entered in the box on the left side of the Average Maintenance of Effort Report form. State Aid applications are due September 15 and must be mailed to us because several documents require signatures. If you wish to send it back via the US Postal Service, please send them to the address listed on all of the forms, but do not use USPS tracking since this mail is delivered to the State's mail service center for sorting. If you want to use tracking services, FedEX and UPS must be delivered to our street address at: State Aid Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 109 E Jones St Raleigh, NC 27601 -1023 State Aid Payments We calculated your preliminary payments for 2016 -17 based on your 2015 -16 State Aid amount. Your payments for July through October will be $15,895. Once our 2016 -17 budget is certified, we'll finalize your library's total State Aid allocation and determine your monthly payment amounts for the remainder of the year. Please do not hesitate to contact me at tanya.prokrym @ncdcr.gov or 919- 807 -7415 if you have any questions Thank you, Tanya Prokrym Director of Library Development State Library of North Carolina III Tuchmayer, Harry From: Herring, Christy Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 12:35 PM To: Tuchmayer, Harry Subject: RE: State Aid to Public Libraries PIN • Adobe Ac Wt Pm forms 1<0$ A4YNKla Wlf4O* HC. Pate. 5@iWe' $+ RD�*R3 • ►.�b,,hK'4d - tgmt^.C�t / 135 1R r « t 135 -� """791`1 -CR'I - WZIII— ILAA- 'IIVIRIE I - -LIE IIfi D- IKZTVrt - - " "— PROJECTION: 3017 F718.17 BUTGET ACCOUNTS FOR: GENERAL FUND VENDOR QUANTITY UNIT COST 2017 ADOPTED 7020 PARTNERSHIP FOR CHILDREN 30 IXr9RGOV REV -STA 'E 11070203 301S10 - G0074 GRANT -STATE Reach Out i Read Grant Level with PY16 Adopted budget - 5,000.00 1.00 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 11070203 101S10 - 00272 GRAM -STATE 1.00 93,000.00 Raising A Reader Personnel 1.00 15,750.00 Raising A Reader Operating Exg.> :ses RAISING A READER PERSONNEL: PROGRAM MANAGER AND ONE LIBRARY ASSOCIATE 425 AND 20 HOURS EACH} $93,000.00 OPERATING EXPENSE: $15,750.00 TOTAL INTERGOV REV-STATE 50 MISC REVENUE 11070201 401930 - Eii010 CON7TRIBUTIONS -FROM ESCROW ACCT Support Reach that 4 Read i Raisinn?g A Reader Level with PY16 Adopted Budget TOTAL MISC RDTW,;E TOTAL PART:1£RSHIP FOR CHILDREN TOTAL LIBRARY From: Tuchmayer, Harry Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 12:08 PM To: Herring, Christy Subject: State Aid to Public Libraries - 109,750.00 - 93,000.00 - 15,750.00 - 113,750.00 - 2,000.00 1.00 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 2,000.00 -115,7S0.0 - 641,728.00 Christy Every year we have to apply for our state aid. In the application it asks for our adopted FY16/17 budget total minus capital outlay and state aid. Could you please check my number below: Total Library appropriation: $4,333,291.00 Less state aid (revenue) $190,000.00 1 Less Partnership $18,250.00 Total Library FY16 /17 $4,131,071.00 Average maintenance of effort $3,807,588.00 Harry Tuchmayer I Library Director Library - Main - Administration New Hanover County 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 798 -6321 p 1 (910) 798 -6312 f www.nhcaov.com Christy Herring I Strategy & Budget Analyst Strategy & Budget Office New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 191 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798 -7189 p 1 (910) 798 -7277 f www.nhcgov.com