2016-07-28 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, JULY 28, 2016 PAGE 582 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 4:04 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Beth Dawson; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Commissioner Skip Watkins; and Commissioner Woody White. Commissioner Rob Zapple was absent. Staff present: Deputy County Manager Avril Pinder; County Attorney Wanda Copley; and Deputy Clerk to the Board Kymberleigh G. Crowell. Chairman Dawson called the Agenda Review meeting to order, announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board’s agenda items for the August 1, 2016 Regular Meeting with discussions as noted: Consent Item 3. Adoption of Purple Heart Day Proclamation. Chairman Dawson stated that Vice-Chairman Barfield will present the proclamation during the Cape Fear Purple Heart Dinner on August 13, 2016. Regular Item 9. Public Hearing. Rezoning Request (Z-959, 7/16) – Request by Paramounte Engineering, Applicant, on Behalf of the Property Owners, Raleigh Wilmington Investors, LLC, Greenstick Acquisitions, LLC, and Henna S. Duncan, to Rezone 17.42 Acres Located at the 2400 Block of Middle Sound Loop Road from R-20S, Residential District, to (CZD) R-20, Conditional Residential District, in Order to Develop a 32-Lot Performance Residential Subdivision. In response to questions, Current Planner Brad Schuler stated that opposition th comments heard during the July 7 Planning Board meeting included the capacity of the surrounding schools, drainage of the area, traffic and that the proposed project will not be in harmony with the area. He provided a brief overview of what is allowed in an R-20S zoning district versus an R-20 zoning district. The R-20S zoning district prohibits performance residential developments and requires every lot to be a minimum of 20,000 square feet. R-20 would allow the property owner to develop the property in accordance with the performance residential standards. Performance residential developments are not subject to the zoning district's dimensional standards (lot size, lot width, etc.) and therefore encourages additional open space to be dedicated. Performance residential developments are subject to a maximum density standard (1.9 dwelling units per acre in R-20). Mr. Schuler noted that as it relates to this matter, the R-20 zoning would generally allow a few more lots with this development but is hard to determine; quantity of lots will be heavily dependent on shape, size and environmental features. Other Discussion Items Stipend for New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. Chairman Dawson presented a th request from the NHRMC Board of Trustees (BOT) concerning compensation for the Trustees. During the June 28 meeting the Trustees unanimously approved a “Trustee Certification Program” which will provide additional educational opportunities for Trustees. During the same meeting the majority of the board approved a monthly stipend for each Trustee who chooses to accept it of $200; $400 if attain certification through the Trustee Certification Program; and the Chair would receive an extra $100. The topic has been studied for a year by Trustees, staff and a consultant. The groups feel the amounts are in line with other County boards/commissions that receive compensation. th Chairman Dawson noted that she stated during the June 28 meeting that she would not participate in receiving the stipend while serving as the Commissioner Representative on the Trustee Board. She further reported that based on discussions with the County Attorney and Hospital Attorney there is no requirement in the NHRMC Board of Trustees Bylaws nor the NC General Statutes that the Board of Commissioners must approve the stipend. It is being brought to the Board based on the advice of the consultant. The consultant recommended, with concurrence from the Trustees, that while approval is not required best practice would be to have a third party oversight acknowledge this request. As the Commissioners are the appointing authority the Trustees felt it was appropriate for the Board to serve as the third party oversight. After a brief discussion, the majority of the Board agreed that more information about the request is needed nd and that it should be placed on the August 22 agenda as a regular item. Status of Bridge Gap Text Amendment. In response to questions about the bridge gap text amendment, Planning and Inspections Director Chris O’Keefe reported that the Planning Board did approve the amendment during its July 7th meeting and noted that County Manager Chris Coudriet had given direction that it is preferred to have the entire Board present for consideration of any amendments brought forward by staff. Deputy County Manager Avril nd Pinder reported that the plan is to place it for consideration on the August 22 meeting. Vice-Chairman Barfield nd announced he would not be able to attend the August 22 meeting. As the new Comprehensive Plan is not effective th until the adoption of this amendment, a brief discussion was held about waiting until the September 6 meeting. Mr. O’Keefe confirmed that there are no projects in the pipeline taking advantage of this gap. In the interim, staff will be able to handle submissions until the text amendment is approved. While staff can’t work with the amendment until Board adoption, recommendations will be made leaning towards it and any matters that come before the Board in the interim will be based on both plans. Staff Updates Proposed 2017 Schedule of Values. Tax Administrator Roger Kelley and Tyler Technologies consultant Kevin Rake reported that Item 8 on the agenda concerns the proposed Schedules, Standards and Rules for 2017 are NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 33 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, JULY 28, 2016 PAGE 583 being submitted per NC General Statute 103-317(c). The 2017 Schedule is comprised of an introduction and four parts: 1) Appendix 1 – Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Modules; 2) Glossary of Terms; 3) Appraisal Attribute Codes and Definitions; and 4) Control Tables for the Schedule of Values. A copy has been placed in the st Commissioners’ office. The next steps after the August 1 presentation will be to hold a public hearing on August 22, th 2016 and then present for Board approval during the September 6, 2016 meeting. After approval on September 6 property owners will have the opportunity for thirty days to challenge the validity of the Schedule of Values by appealing to the Property Tax Commission. TAP Funding. Planning and Inspections Director Chris O’Keefe reported that the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) provides funding for programs and projects defined as Transportation Alternatives. The funds in question are the state’s allotment and are subject to lapse if they are not obligated by September 30th. Based on the NC Department of Transportation (DOT) letter received by County Manager Coudriet, local governments are th being asked to submit project requests to DOT for the selection process no later than July 29. DOT hopes to obligate the $7.5 million to make intersections ADA compliant and ensure the funding is obligated to avoid having to return them to the federal government. The programs and projects include: on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation; recreational trail program projects; safe routes to school projects; and projects for planning, designing, or constructing boulevards and other roadways largely in the right-of- way of former Interstate System routes or other divided highways. There are TAP funds allocated to both state DOT and also to Metropolitan Planning Organizations that are designated as Transportation Management Areas (which the Wilmington Urban Area MPO is designated). Mr. O’Keefe stated that based on the DOT letter staff has developed a priority list and included additional intersections for the unincorporated county which staff believes should be added to the list. The City of Wilmington will also be submitting a list. He noted that what staff recommends as priorities will not have an impact on how DOT ranks the projects. DOT will have an independent prioritization project that will rank items in comparison with projects throughout the state. There will be a lot of projects submitted competing for the funds. Mr. O’Keefe will keep the Board apprised of the process. Wilmington-Cape Fear Homebuilders Association (WCFHBA) Correspondence. Director O’Keefe provided an update in connection with Executive Officer Cameron Moore’s letter sent on behalf of the WCFHBA board regarding length of time to issue permits and completion of inspections. Staff is preparing a response and acknowledges that issues do exist. Some of the issues are tied to the One Solution program which is being addressed through an RFP for a new software program. Other issues involve how outside agencies provide responses to the department. Staff is looking at ways to work with the agencies to improve response time. He also noted that in terms of inspections being completed within twenty-four hours of inspection request, 95 percent of time staff is meeting that goal. Chairman Dawson congratulated the county departments that received the NACo 2016 Achievement Award. Ten county programs were selected to receive Achievement Awards. She further congratulated NHC-TV for fifteen years of service to the community. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Dawson adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kymberleigh G. Crowell Deputy Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting.