ApplicationPage 1 of 5 04/14 Petitioner Information Property Owner(s) If different than Petitioner Subject Property Name Owner Name Address Company Owner Name 2 Parcel ID(s) Address Address Area City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Existing Zoning and Use Phone Phone Proposed Use Email Email Land Classification Application Tracking Information (Staff Only) Case Number Date/Time received:Received by: NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS Application for CONDITIONAL USE ZONING DISTRICT CT 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7165 phone 910-798-7053 fax www.nhcgov.com APPLICATION OVERVIEW In order to assist petitioners through the conditional use rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre-application conference prior to application submittal. Petitioners are requested to review the sections of the Zoning Ordinance specific to zoning amendments, conditional use zoning districts, and Special Use Permits prior to submission, and advised to contact Planning Staff with any questions. The following sections of the Zoning Ordinance pertain specifically to zoning amendments, conditional use zoning districts, and Special Use Permits: •Section 55.3: Conditional Zoning Districts •Section 70: Objectives and Purposes of Special Use Permits •Section 71: General Requirements of Special Use Permits •Section 72: Additional Restrictions Imposed on Certain Special Uses •Section 110: Amending the Ordinance •Section 111: Petitions •Section 112: Approval Process Applications for zoning amendments must first be considered by the NewHanover County Planning Board at a public hearing. The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the County Commissioners which will take final action on the permit application in a quasi-judicial public hearing. Attendance at all public hearings is required. The public hearings will allow staff, the applicant, proponents and opponents to testify in regards to the request. BarryAmos-Manager SAME 2608,2618 &2624NCollege College RoadDev.Ptnrs.,L.L.C. 324017.00.8285,5059 &5301 6626-CGordonRoad 8.05ac.+/- Wilmington,NC28411 B-2 &R-15/Vacant 910-799-3006/Attn.AdamSosne High-Density Residential adamsosne@yahoo.com Transition &Conservation PrintForm Page 2 of 5 04/14 Required Information Applicant Initial Staff Initial Narrative of Proposed Use Traffic Impact Worksheet Traffic Impact Analysis (if applicable) Copy of the New Hanover County Tax Map, which delineates the property requested for rezoning. Legal description (by metes and bounds) of property requested for rezoning. Copy of the subdivision map or recorded plat which delineates the property. Site Plan (8-24x36 copies for Planning Board; 8-24x36 copies for Commissioners) x Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads x Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses, this shall include number, height and type of units and area to be occupied by each structure and/or subdivided boundaries. For non-residential uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area it will occupy and the specific purpose for which it will be used. x Development schedule including proposed phasing. x Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right-of-way dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right-of-way for internal streets and location, arrangement and access provision for parking areas. x All existing and proposed easements, reservations, required setbacks, rights-of- way, buffering and signage x The one hundred (100) year floodplain line, if applicable x Location and sizing of trees required to be protected under Section 62 of the Zoning Ordinance x Any additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations or other limitations on land which may be regulated by State law or Local Ordinance. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS In order to assist petitioners through the process for a conditional use rezoning, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre-application conference prior to application submittal. Applications must be reviewed by Planning Staff for completeness prior to being officially accepted. Applications must be submitted to Planning Staff at twenty(20)workingdays before the Planning Board meeting at which the application is to be considered.In order to allow time to process, fees and review for completeness, applications will not be accepted after 5:00 PM on the deadline day. Once accepted, the Planning Board will consider the application at the assigned meeting unless the applicant requests a continuance. For High Density Residential projects, a High Density Residential application and High Density Checklist must also accompany this application. The New Hanover County Technical Review Committee (TRC) must also review a High Density Residential project prior to submitting this application. For all proposals, in addition to this application, the following supplemental information and materials are required: APPLICATION OVERVIEW(continued) Unless otherwise published or announced, Planning Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00PM in the Commissioner's Assembly Roomat the Historic County Courthouse located at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina. All meeting dates and application deadlines are published on the New Hanover County Planning website. CAW CAW N/A CAW CAW CAW CAW Page 3 of 5 04/14 x Any other information that will facilitate review of the proposed change (Ref. Article VII, as applicable) A report of the required public information meeting outlined in Section 111-2.1. Authority for Appointment of Agent Form (if applicable) Fee -For petitions involving 5 acres or less, $600. For petitions involving greater than 5 acres, $700 CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONING Conditional Use District Zoning is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective but for which none of the general zoning classifications which would allow that use are acceptable. The applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed use satisfies these requirements. The applicant has the burden of proof and must provide sufficient evidence in order for the required findings to be met. You must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements (attach additional sheets if necessary): 1.How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s Policies for Growth and Development? 2.How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property’s classification on the Land Classification Map? 3.What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? 4.List proposed conditions and restrictions that would mitigate the impacts of the proposed use(s). CAW CAW CAW CAW Thepoliciesforgrowthanddevelopmentencouragesafeandaffordablehousingtobeavailabletoeverycitizen.Sustainability oftheCountydependsonsensiblein-fillandmaximizinguseoflandsalreadyaccessibletourbanservices.Ahigherdensityof residentialdevelopmentnotonlyincreasestaxbase,butmakesbetteruseoftheexistinginfrastructure. The2006CAMALandUsePlanUpdateidentifiesthistractasbeinginaTransitionLandClassification.TheTransition classificationistoprovideforfutureintensiveurbandevelopmentonlandsthathavebeen,orwillbeprovidedwithnecessary urbanservices.Thelocationoftheseareasinbaseduponlanduseplanningpoliciesrequiringoptimumefficiencyinland utilizationandpublicservicedelivery. TheConservationclassificationonthissiteisbeingpreservedbylocatingallofthedensity,noteventhe2.5unitsperacre allowed,outsideofthefloodhazardlimits. ThesubjecttractiscoveredbybothB-2&R-15zoningdistricts.Therehasrecentlybeenseveralcommercialprojectsdeveloped alongthisstretchofN.CollegeRd.withtheMcDonalds,DollarGeneral&TacoBellbusinessesopening.High-densityresidential developmentwillgeneratelesstrafficthanwhatwouldcurrentlybeallowedforhighwaybusinessuses,andworkstowardsthe conceptoftransitioningusesandlocatingthemnearservices.Althoughthisprojectwouldnottechnicallybepartofa"mixed- use"development,locatingtheapartmentshereisconsistentwithmixed-use,wherestores,restaurantsandeventhetwo schoolsareconvenientwithoutvehiculartransportationneeds. Locatingallofthestructuresbeyondthefloodhazardareaandleavingallofthewoodedareatothenorthernsideoftheditch promotesgoodenvironmentalsensitivity.Theexistingwoodedareaalongtheeasternboundarywiththesingle-familylotswill bepreserved&supplemented,asnecessary,toprovideadequatescreening&buffering.Theoveralltripgenerationthatthis projectwillcreateislessthanwhatthepotentialcouldbeifitwasdevelopedtothemaximumdensitiespermittedinthe existingzoningdistricts. Page 4 of 5 04/14 CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT (As Outlined in Section 71 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance) The applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed use satisfies these requirements (please use additional pages if necessary). The applicant has the burden of proof and must provide sufficient evidence in order for the required findings to be met.Planning Staff, the Planning Board, and the Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to require additional information, if needed, to assure that the proposed Special Use Permit meets the following requirements: 1.The Board must find “that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved.” 2.The Board must find “that the use meets all required conditions and specifications” of the Zoning Ordinance. 3.The Board must find “that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity.” 4.The Board must find “that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County.” TheprojectwouldbeaccessedfromN.CollegeRd.,amajorarterialand100'publicright-of-way.ItismaintainedbyNCDOT. NCDOTapprovalwillberequiredforfinalpermitting-usinganexistingdrivewayaccess.Roadwayimprovementsdetermined bytherecommendationsofapreviouslycompletedTrafficImpactAnalysisformoreintensedevelopmenthavealreadybeen made.TheprojectisintheMurrayvilleFireDistrict.Adequatecirculationwithintheprojecthasbeenreviewedbythe Department.WaterandsanitarysewerservicewillbeprovidedbyextensionofpublicmainstotheCFPUAsystem.Permitting byallStateandCountyagencieswillberequiredpriortoonsetofconstruction.Thehousingfacilitieswillhavemanagement andmaintenanceservicestoassurequalityoftheprojectandsafetyoftheresidents. ThedevelopmenthasdirectaccesstoN.CollegeRd.,anexistingmajorarterialroadway,therebymeetingtherequirementof Section69.9:(A)2. TheCAMALandClassificationisbothTransitionandConservation.The"transition"isintendedformoreintensivedevelopment. Nostructuresareproposedwithinthe"conservation"classification,environmentalimpactsareminimizedandmorethan adequateopenspaceisprovided. Publicwater&sewerservicewillbeprovided.Stormwatermanagementforbothquality&quantitycontrolisproposed. Imperviouscoverageislessthanthemaximum50%. Theprojectisproposedalongthehighwayfrontagewhichisalreadyzonedformoreintensivebusinessuses.Theadjacent existingsingle-familyparcelswillbebufferedbyexistingvegetation&add'l.plantingsasnecessarytoprovidescreening&use separation.OtherprojectshavebeendevelopedintheCountyintheproximityofsingle-familyneighborhoods.Conditions includingadequatebuffering,andupgradedbuildingmaterialsaddtothequalityoftheproject.These&thelocationofthe buildingsremovedfromdirectadjacencytothesingle-familyhomesshouldassurethattherewillbenoadverseimpacttothose propertyvalues. Thelocationofthisprojectadherestolanduseplanningpoliciesforoptimumefficiencyinlandutilizationandpublicservice delivery.Itislocatedwitheasyaccesstotheinterstatehighway&downtownWilmington. Thepoliciesforgrowthanddevelopmentencouragesafeandaffordablehousingtobeavailabletoeverycitizen.Approvalof thispropertyforahigher-densityofresidentialdevelopmentwouldbeconsistentwiththeconceptoftransitioninguses,andin- fillingvacantparcelswhereexistingutilitiescanreadilybeextendedandurbanservicesareavailable. Narrative for Conditional District Rezoning of 2608, 2618 & 2624 N. College Road This area of the County, along North College Road, has become a major growth corridor. The location of the schools, NorthChase housing, commercial and industrial park development, and Olsen Park recreation facilities are just a few of the various reasons. The primary area of the tract is classified by the County as "transition." The transition classification is to provide for future intensive urban development on lands that have been, or will be provided with necessary urban services. The location of these areas in based upon land use planning policies requiring optimum efficiency in land utilization and public service delivery. Demographic studies are suggesting that aging, empty-nester, and single-person households will dominate America’s future housing markets. This all adds up to the potential for important changes in housing demand that planners need to anticipate. Shifting housing preferences and tightening of financial regulations suggest that higher-density housing options appear to be outpacing the demand for detached houses. Having a mixture of uses in the same vicinity provides innovative opportunities for integrating diverse but compatible uses. Providing convenient services in proximity of housing facilities increases pedestrian activity and decreases reliance on individual vehicles. Building up instead of sprawling out with vast land coverage of a site enhances environmental quality. The proposed project is an up-scale apartment complex with 88 one- & two- & three-bedroom units, along with a recreation amenity and accessory parking and open spaces. The large area along the creek will be preserved for passive recreation. A multi-use path will be installed along the property frontage to provide safe access to the schools and their active recreation facilities, and for pedestrian & non-vehicular interconnectivity as other properties develop along the corridor. A Traffic Impact Analysis was completed back in 2012 for the Taco Bell & a denser mixed-use proposal. This project is scaled back considerably, and does not require an update of that study. However, the improvements recommended in that report have already been installed. Utilities will be connected to the public system. The buildings will have a fire sprinkler systems. Storm water management will be provided by the existing detention pond and an additional pond to the rear of the site. Existing vegetation around the tract perimeter will be left undisturbed, and supplemented with evergreen plantings to provide screening for the residential neighborhood along Long Ridge Drive. Streetyard, interior parking area and foundation plantings will add to the visual appeal of the project. The County's policies for growth and development encourage safe and affordable housing to be available to every citizen. Infill of vacant properties where services, jobs, and easy traffic circulation to other points in the County is an excellent opportunity for good economic development and increased tax base. We believe that this project meets those criteria and presents sensible density with an attractive design. Legal Description for Conditional Use District Rezoning of 2608, 2618 & 2624 N. College Road Beginning at a point in the eastern boundary of N. College Road (NC Hwy. 132), a 200' public right-of-way; said point being located North 18021'47" West, 370.42 feet from its intersection with the northern boundary of Long Ridge Drive, a 60' public right-of-way; and running thence with the N. College Road right-of-way, North 18021'47" West, 602.01 feet to a point; thence North 78022'26" East, 601.05 feet to a point; thence South 00028'59" East, 139.50 feet to a point; thence North 67037'59" East, 66.67 feet to a point; thence North 73019'43" East, 33.87 feet to a point; thence North 65010'37" East, 17.69 feet to a point; thence North 53059'58" East, 31.06 feet to a point; thence North 61031'50" East, 20.98 feet to a point; thence South 13004'48" West, 652.92 feet to a point; thence South 71034'16" West, 81.62 feet to a point; thence North 18021'47" West, 140.00 feet to a point; thence South 71034'16" West, 300.04 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 8.04 acres, more or less. Also being defined as “Tract 2, Pond Tract & Remaining Tract,” on a plat entitled “Clayton Long - Recombination & Easement Plat,” recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 59, at Page 92. REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Location: 2608, 2618 & 2624 N. College Road Proposed Zoning: Conditional Use Zoning District R-10 / High-Density Residential The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting on the above zoning application was given to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail on __January 15, 2016_______, and emailed to all parties registered on the County’s “Sunshine List” on January 16, 2016 . A copy of the written notice is also attached. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Thursday, January 28, 2016; 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.; Murrayville Fire Station #17, 5901 Murrayville Rd, Wilmington The persons in attendance at the meeting were: Reference Attached Sign-in List The following issues were discussed at the meeting: ** A project introduction was given with an overview of Conditional Use Districts and of the site layout. ** Acknowledgement that there was an error in the letter, stating that a traffic signal had been installed at the intersection of Long Ridge Dr. Although there was some discussion of the warrant at the time of the McDonalds construction, there is no signal at that location. ** The primary concern was over the amount of traffic on N. College Rd., particularly in reference to left-turn movements out from the project access during morning school drop-off time. As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the rezoning petition: The rear pond boundary was adjusted to assure enough room for a minimum 20’ buffer along the common boundary with the residential lots. Date: February 3, 2016 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf NameAddressCityStateZipProperty Address TaxParcel # (PIN)PID NHCo Board of Education6410 Carolina Beach RdWilmingtonNC284122700 N College Rd324017.01.63693400-002-003-000 Keith & Fairy Hales144 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405152 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.35933408-002-001-000 Keith & Fairy Hales144 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405148 Long Ridge Dr342017.10.34633408-002-002-000 Keith & Fairy Hales144 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405144 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.33423408-002-003-000 Keith & Fairy Hales144 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405140 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.32233408-002-004-000 William Lawrence Bass136 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405136 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.21933408-002-005-000 Phillip & Patricia Raynor132 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405132 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.20743412-002-001-000 Phillip & Patricia Raynor132 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405128 Long Ridge Dr314905.19.29633412-002-002-000 Peggy Ann Springer124 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405124 Long Ridge Dr314905.19.28333412-002-003-000 Alfonso & Rita Williams5012 Crosswinds DrWilmingtonNC28409122 Long Ridge Dr314905.19.16983412-003-001-000 Alfonso & Rita Williams5012 Crosswinds DrWilmingtonNC28409118 Long Ridge Dr314905.19.15673412-003-002-000 Walter & Teresa Mueller83 N 400ValparaisoIN46383114 Long Ridge Dr314905.19.05603412-003-003-000 Spiro Macris2926 Cambridge DrWilmingtonNC284032520 N College Rd314905.09.84243412-003-004-000 Johnson DG, LLC370 E Maple Rd, Flr 4BirminghamMI4800993 Long Ridge Dr314905.09.66883412-001-004-000 Johnson Venita & Douglas105 Long Ridge RdWilmingtonNC28405105 Long Ridge Dr314905.09.97593412-001-007-000 Shawn & Wendy Beistel164 Tallow Wood DrGarnerNC27529109 Long Ridge Dr314905.09.98993412-001-008-000 Henry Weaver133 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405129 Long Ridge Dr3149.05.19.09273412-001-009-000 Henry Weaver133 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405133 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.00293412-001-010-000 Dennis Marshall Trite 137 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405137 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.01493408-001-005-000 Wrightsboro United Methodist3300 N Kerr AveWilmingtonNC28405141 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.02793408-001-006-000 Marty Rowe145 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405145 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.03993408-001-007-000 Keith Hales144 Long Ridge DrWilmingtonNC28405149 Long Ridge Dr324017.10.15323408-001-008-000 Bell Carolina LLC8930 Bash St, Ste LIndianapolisIN462562610 N College Rd314905.09.68863412-001-002-000 Northside Baptist Church2501 N College RdWilmingtonNC284052501 N College Rd314905.09.40003400-001-013-005 Trask Farms of New Hanover2725 Old Wrightsboro RdWilmingtonNC28405N Kerr Ave323019.70.38003400-001-013-000 Wade Pope4311 Parmele RdCastle HayneNC284292619 N College Rd324017.00.10383400-001-014-000 All Saints Anglican Parish2623 N College RdWilmingtonNC284052623 N College Rd323020.90.92043400-001-015-000 Nicholas & Maura Strance2605 Cranbrook DrWilmingtonNC284052605 Cranbrook Dr323020.90.63973408-004-018-000 Drusilla Farrar2601 Cranbrook Dr.WilmingtonNC284052601 Cranbrook Dr323020.90.74343408-004-017-000 NorthChase HOA, Inc.P.O. Box 5585WilmingtonNC28406Henson Dr324017.00.04313408-004-001-000 Tommy & Sarah Norris108 Tall Oaks DrCastle HayneNC284294300 Henson Dr323020.90.94273408-004-002-000 Tommy & Sarah Norris108 Tall Oaks DrCastle HayneNC284294304 Henson Dr323020.90.86813408-004-003-000 Tommy & Sarah Norris108 Tall Oaks DrCastle HayneNC284294308 Henson Dr323020.90.87603408-004-004-000 East Carolina Real Estate5422 Shinwood RdWilmingtonNC284094312 Henson Dr323020.90.87373408-004-005-000 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal January 15, 2016 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: N. College Apartments The property owner is interested in developing an 88-unit apartment complex on land within the proximity of your property. This proposal would require Conditional Zoning District and Special Use Permit approvals from New Hanover County. You may recall that a previous plan for 120 units, in a four-story building along with some commercial space, was proposed back in 2012. That project never proceeded. In the meantime, both the Dollar General store and Taco Bell restaurant have been constructed. Road improvements, including a traffic signal at Long Ridge Drive, have also been completed. These approvals allow particular uses to be established only in accordance with specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project. Essentially, this means that only that use, structures and layout of an approved proposal can be developed. This is a much less intensive proposal. A plan of the project is enclosed. The County requires that the developer hold a meeting for all property owners within 500 feet of the tract boundary, and any and all other interested parties. This provides neighbors with an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements, benefits and impacts. A meeting will be held on Thursday, January 28th, at the Murrayville Fire Station #17, 5901 Murrayville Rd., 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620-2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community.