SEPT 1 2016 BUILDING APPLICATION9,,..,-,. d; hf4Vr^1, &e/na- . \v t, (^ -1---, . '/ffEe N+IC^.^L-% -L v' Y "r.--.. 'NEW HANovER couNry BUTLDTNG eww-fuffu>J4(g APPLICATION IYPE; COI4iIERCIAL PLEASE AI,JSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PRO]ECT 'Project Responsibility" APPLICANT, S NA'4E DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS APPLICATION Number (Office ute) , /u\-tK /vl c NAitE: MIi'IE:/1o/A---- _zlP | _PROPERTY OWNER'5 OUNER, S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EtitAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PE If UPFIT - The SheU Permit f: ****i Is THIS A CHAI'IGE IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? oF occuPANcY usrr flves $rc *,*** What is the N€l, Occupancy TYPe? oarcr 8')o /6 PHONE #: CITY: r,; \m,"gic.r . 11, c ZIP:rLg:llt LICENSE *:ACCOUNT *: PIloNE $: (((C -^rt a,(. in nrparns l--l REtocATroN rs arDG spffixleneoz I v"s flt'to NEr,t coNsrRucrroN: fl EREcr NEtl sTRUCTURE I rasr rmcx f] sxrr-r- ! urrrr fl aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E rO ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: NC REG *: NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF WORK:c{q 6/t-A.tor ls food or beverages prepared or served ln this srnraure? [ ves No ls The Propedy Located ln The Floodplain? [ ves f] no (Ou€lllld) (Pnrl1Nsfl6) Not.: Domollion notncdbns ., asD$tos r€.novet pqmt apptL[oos alr io be submltbd uslno b€ 6pplicatlon lorm (DHHS-3768] whetheltE lsdllty or bulldln! was buid lo ; ah Asbosos or mt yoo ar6 Equlrsd to cel th€ N6tionst Embslon Sbndads br tlszardoG Air Polluiant3 (NESHAP) 6t (919)7075950 at lcssl 10 days p.ior b the domolltlonofsnyhdlltyorbullding.so6A3besro6w€bsit€:hts,/Nrrw,.opl.'6t.'nc.us/epuasbesiovahmp.htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: i( i.' BUILDING HEIGHT: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: (check alr That aPPIY) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: M ALTEMTTOT ! nercvlrroN E GENERAL n'n roca,lon. n*"rea NatGt Gas Line on the d-urrent sitez fives ftr'ro CUCc.. llri"'n,,,aA ( r 3,c,-l.,\ ,Vi rri.z,i t PHO E *: CITY: ST: CITY: Lc.\,',.,,rr(,r ST:4ZIP: jlli!t - PIloNE *: (lrc 2>e 'ltr t 7 # OF UNITS: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: SQ FT WATER: SEWER: BFE+tr J=*u'r**E(E- Exsr LAND DrsruRatNo peRiilrr l:'lves fl to SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERryUSE: floFFtcE f]nesreunmrr flurncemtu [eouc EAPrr EcoHoo orHER-j12|-- CFPUA T-'ICOMMUNIry SYSTEM T-I WELL EIZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: crpua EceHrRALsEPrtc E iFivare seprrc fl coMMUNlrY sYsrEM ,saPA;lArltititlll:ili:cUl!11:L,r(-)iiLlt(:r.M:(lrrtr:i1(la,r'!Eo!ri'r.:i!:r:qtsi\li'lsLlis" pAyNtENr METHSD: ficesx ficxecx leevaslE To NHc) flatu accourr fluovrsa flotscovrn (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) RElrlsED D rE/utl,l2 SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:ZONE:-OFFICER: Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLOOD: Comment OISCLAIMER: I hereby cenrly lhal allinformalion in lhis "no Gcai taws ana orajnancea and regulations. The-N!tahd local laws and or chanoe in contrE6i Etiinoe in iontractor or contractor Subjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' reoulations. TThe is corred and all wort $lllcomplv wlh lhe Stale Building Code and all other applicable Slale ,i$"*#H:: 9,'3:Iyl$1i3]i'i"'""J,""it'*iitiilillBfr3f '3i3l tl"i33l"' 6ffif 333:%'"i OWNER/CONTMCTOR:SIGNATURE: CC: i-AoRa{ X Ne P;AHrS t-2ctu-g?7o t 'ffi, NEt,{ HANOVE* COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT APPLICATfitt rYPEr RESIDEI{TIAL PTEASE AIISI.IfN AtL QqE'TIGIIS APPIIO{ELE TO YOUE Pf,O]ECI "Project Responsibility" APPLICAffT'5 DEVEN-OPER: PRO]ECT AD3RE55: SUBDMSION: nrnt^ o.t|r+", *.* - BLOCK r: PBOPTRTY OWfiER'5 }'IAI'IE : UdNER,S ADDRfSS:ITY: (- t L,^-, CO$TRACTSR: ADORESS: LICEN5E CITY: E|'IAIL ADoRESS:c.o PRO]ECT CONTACT PERsON: PHONE r: <Y._zlr-)pq / e s'r:!!!*rP: ePVlg- ExrsrrHG copsrftu{rro}r, fJ alrrx*tror f nrmovarroH ffi,eeruraar, REeATRS f} nerocarroru NEi., coN5TRUcrroN: I EREcr NrH RESTDENCE or I aoorTloN To ExrslrNc REsrDEtlct 'TPLEASE CHECI( AND A'{SEIIR BTLOH ALL TTIAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I nrr 6ARAGE - st f, oer cABAGE *- sF I roncx -sF I sronae: sHED- stfl roor- - sFl] surunoor'r -* sF I-l cnrrr*nousE sr SF OTil€R r SF rcz tu.Lbb+ APpucar:oil Humber (c}ffi(e ure) ti -?r*#f,r pl,NE *i 1to-alS:?A3L [*] oecx rorAL HEATTD sQ Fr ,l /O O*-. rorAl sQ FT uNDER *oor: I /O A- . rorAL AREA 5Q Fr: J-|""e'-? ToTAL PR0IECT COST(Lss'Lc,) , * 1%*O s oF sToRreS, . f" PROPERTY USE / OCCUPA}.ICY: DESCR!$ffoli OF WORK:L, DISCLA1MER Ifler€by,t;ll,i/ lri 3'r lit)r.r'6 ,t &tt. applkilir^ ts cqrert and all "rnrk wil complt wal+] !}e Srale SurH*r$ CoOe and a[ o&e, apFkable Staq] and bcal lrdr ild ordsa.ros Md tefulaims f he tll-lq coouscbr inbmaion. "'No]c. Any Ol,lNER/COI'ITRACTOR :'tlt -ffi- f-{Prlnt tnrt}+tt*+*ir.rr***t+*+*t***14*t*****.**tai*lt***t*tr+r1*alrt*ltt**lrrtri.ttrrt*+arttalal*rrtl rs rHE pnoprnry Locarro nir A FloonFlarxr fi yrs F *o BC$(1 -SQ TT r.rArER: F.creun f] communrry sysr[fi f] nnrvr* uer-l f crurnal t"tell L sEwERr Scrpua f]] cruranl sEprrc f] nn:vlre sEpri. f] conmururry sysr6l,r7--'1' SIPAHAIT PERI{]TS JTEQUIRED FOR ELEC'[, '4ECH, P186, 645 €QUIP, pREFABS & I|.ISEBT5 ." PAYI,IE,$T r.lErltoo: f, casrr ffinta* (aAvABLE To NHc) fla*r*rcm ExpREss I ncrurso fiors.ovent*ai+atttrf,*-1a**1.+***/***r*rt*+t*t+*****.*+**rr*+r*+trt*+*?*+a?+ati**+++ir*fr+**lt+41** (foR ofrtar ute oi[Y) Is Any ETECTRICAL, pLUliSING or ''iECHAIIICAI Ho.k Being oon€ If the project is a Refoc*tion, is there a llatunal Is there Electr:cal Por.,er on this BuildinglfJves srr.rGLE rAilrLy I uueurx f] rounxousr sETBAcKs: r : r{fg. r-H: N./& an, t-r./4 e,N /4 to the Accessory Structurel f] ves E ruo Gas Line on the current Site? fi ves fJ ,o fl no EXXSTIN I,I1PEEVIOUS AREA: NEIJ I}IPEXVICI,JS AREA:SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBTO: EXIST LATJD BTSTURBINC PERr4rr: l-j vrs i-'i ruo tfvltED rrlIt 6{/t:.,tt J'r**r, ,ru, t*3$rP ,'tu lnsnqefiffi kftr*{, f'l{}f5{-*t SIGMTURE: PilOilE X: zoNr: P-5 orrrce", 7ev.oY. BFE+2ft=npproval:0K RECEIVEDAUG2szoffi NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL qJESTIoNS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility,, 6104 WilIow QIen Drive CITY: witminston BLOCK #: PROPERTY 0WNER'S },IAME: eobbv lu1il]er OWNER'5 ADDRESS: G104 wilIow Glen Drive CfTY: 9lilminston CONTRACTOR: NC solar Now, rnc.LICENSE #: 69583 ADDRESS: 3401-101 Arlanric Ave CITY: aaleiqh Et'lAIL ADDRESS! permirrinq@ncsolarnow. com l{ArtlE : Chris, Baker (NC Solar Now, Inc . ) DAIE I / 2a {t5 PHoNE #: 919-833-eo9G PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: chris Baker ExrsrrNc coNsrRucrroru, E ALTERATToN I nrruovarroru [ crruennr- REnATRS f nrrocarroru NEW coNsrRUCTr0N: f] rnrcr NEt,t REsrDENcr or I ADDrrroN To ExrsrrNG REsTDEN6E **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: flarr GAMGE sF I orr GARAGE sF trPoRCH -sF fl surunoom _ sF fl cnre ruHousE _ sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: f eoor _ sF I oecx TOTAL f sronacr sneo OTHER: sofar Pv _sF SF Array SF TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: 180 T0TAL PROIECT COST1r-essr-oq : $ rr, roo # OF STORIES: z Is Any ELECTRIGAL, PLUITIBING on I{ECHANICAL hlork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [l Ves D No If the project is a Relocation, is ther e a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [ves E ruo Is thene Electrical Power on this Buildingl [l ves E no pRopERTy usE / occupANcy: I STNGLE FAMTLY ! OUer_eX ! rOwruxousr DESCRIPTION OF WORK: rnqt.allation of a reside!tia1 roof-mounted solar pv array and ordinances and regulations. The NH C Development S€rvices Center will be notified of any changes in 01e approved plans and specifications or change in contractor or conltactor inbrmation. "'NoTE: Any Work Performed wo the Appropriate Permits will be in violation of the Nc staE Btdg code gDd subject to Fines up To $500.00.,. OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Chri.s Baker SIGNATURE: * * * d( +* * * * *,k * * * * *+ * * * + * * * * * *(Ii'Il Jil? * * * * * * ** * * * )* * * + *,* ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * +* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * rs THE pROpERTy LOCATED rN A FLOODPLATN? n yES E HO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: _ SQ FT NEhJ ImPERVIOUS AREA: _ SQ FT TJATER: ! creua f coruururw sysrEM f] enrvarr wrll I cerurnnl wrll sEWER: f] creua ! crrurnal sEprrc I nnrvare sEprrc f] commururw sysrEm *** SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIPJ PREFABS & INSERTS **+ '^yi[.H'-1':;--.H-'l'l..8.1'.T-l:11'.'f.]:-ii'.,..tr-..:l::1.f3]1.--tr--.1:1yr.1.--F--r.1'-.-.ff1- sQ FT UNDER ROOF: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMTT: l-l ves [-l r'ro ZONE:OF FICE R: Approval:_ City:_ Coment: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH: RH: B: REVISED DATE 04/77/72 BF E+2ft= 2otL-g-731 l(aqn AP-Fi:cnm'N Number (office Use) ZIP 284L2 LOT #: PIJONE #: (e10) 3s0-269s ST: wc ZIPI 28412 ACCOUNT #: ST: NC zIPi 27q03 PHONE #: e1e-833-e096 PHONE #: 919-833-9095 DATE:_ FLOoD: J.*r, ree, s -16r& RECETytD AU6 1" lltj ?T * rb -ffiT{ APPLICAIJT'5 I,lAJtlE: OEVELOPtk : ii I ,.r. " *. _*_* PRO]ECT ADORESS: SUBOIVi 5 lON: 'i;:*ir,i ';)vi{iJ: - APPLICATION Number (0tfica Use.) DATr: ;'. i'V: rr., Fla^(E Ar,lSi/,'tp AtL qJE5tiONS APPLICABTT TC yOt,F. pR.:1!"r "Frajert Fesponsibilitv,, P}IONE f,: PR0PERTY 0l"Jliilt,s t$,r'1! : Otlf'{t: Xi' S ADD.E E5S : FI4AIL ADDRESS: PRO]TTT TONTACT T{ilsON: -r'r"r )n l*.: Nrw HAr{Hn,:3'xI- *Y*'-#: PERI1: r ? o$ :fr t\3 \t"t .-,}K- l]. r'' u, \iuar,l r-1[--** rr, !!- r,,, ) Tt 0h"'V- LATHY s Sl\fuelan0ei;t{, -, --. -. -..-..-; .I"-l..:...-l - -- prKlNE ,: , . ," ;1, 1-'"-..-:jto-,''{ ExrsrItiG cotrsrnucrroH: fJ atrrnerton i*J nrnovarrou []lcrr,unau R[pArRS [,] Re lxr,"::ioru NEI^I cONsrEi"JCrI0N: 1-J s*rcr HEhl Rts:DENCE c:^ f, ADBr r ron T0 Exrsyjr,tc REsIDEiia[ i*PL'AI[ CHECK AND ANSUIE BILOH ATL :},iAT APPTY }II YOUR PR*]!IT: f] arr cARAGE sF f] crl GARAcE sr I eoncH f] surunoor sF l] poor. -- sF ,iJ sunaer sHro *- .lgr sr I cnrrr'rxousE _.-_ sF T orcx _ 5F r::'r;iEn: .._ sF T0TAL HEATED 5Q FT:TOTAL SQ rT UNDER BOOF:TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: TOTAL PROIEfT COST,L...,,g:: i $S OF STORIES: Is Atry €LECTRI(AL, ptl.lrsiNG or FIECHA!,aICAL Nork Being Done to the A.itriso..y Structurel ffi VeS ffi tfo If the pno)e.: ls a Relocation, is there a ll3tur;] 6as Line on the Curre:lt Site? f, ves fIs there Electricai Power on thi.s Burldingi llf ves [] Ho PR0PTftTY uSE / OCCUpANcv: 'fi STNGLE FAMrry ] Ountrx i_l roxNilCuSr DEscRIprIoN sF hoii(' S]"tu.:{.cil,jj,,:-.1::: ,*.U)__}-kjU"_.: "{*!-_ .r:i::* ot,JNER/C8ilTRAc.|.C}R.-(-MsIGNATtJR6,{-.*-|,4,!..:..].:'..:,*,)-,,,',--, *ri'1rr*,*,rrr.:i'l*"..,,,.'Il';;ilr;-. rr:.r,.r,...\rj.r.-. -j,-".,,.rii+;*** !*;, \, I :I5 THE PROPEPTY LOCATFI] IN A FLOODPLAIN? I-."...I VES i IN} NO \I i Exrsrrrr6 lrlpERvtous ARE&: - sQ FT ,K[o.*r, ]rrrr*uur: -*..*, NEl., :llPtRvlous AREA: .--,*-.--sQ Fr txisT LAND DisTuRBING oiiili-IJ ,r, il rc htArf;*: ffi creua I c0r'ru,urir;y syl.r:lt f] Rnlvnrr lrll f] ccru;a,ri u,irlr -+.sE!,[R: ffi crnua ] crt;rit,u Sr:t>Tl(: f enrvarr sEprIC J conmuru:n' sy5-EM i&T <TPAAi)Ti PERI{ITS P.?I]:!iT] FOR ELI.: IIECH, PLBG, 6A5 EqJIP, PRfFABS 8 IHST'T;,.. pAyr{ENT s.llioc: il cot, !lcxrcr (pAyaBLE To NHf) fiarenrca* EXPRESS fi rclrrsa fiorscovrn r . ;.,r r ! ;.-.r i, ) /.,-. _ CITYI f' -_\1.:_itiL.;*I_ ZIp:.,r .o*r, R-15 pFrriii: I /rpprovai : .,1 { ity r i rt 1* l:,:g, Cr,'r,nrnt ' lr1L1'' i''1( v _ -"1 arr* zrt" I fiI rI5r:' t,',r r.if ,, *u, coNrR,{cToR: i, j'i":**,X_u$ t Lfi.ttt 1 blKkt'\ rrcrrsi *, ++l+r r,*+ti,a ' i 'tti !t 'r rr*+4 aa3rl1 ,r r r-,'r::.:+a1*ij i * nft w:a*q* ?nu g+5Lt APPLTCATIOT{ Number (Office Use) APPLTCAI{T' s l{AllE: Eqan Realrv services Aqent For verizon wireress DATET B/a5/2016 DEVEIOPER:PHO{E *: PROIECT ADDRESS: 4428 sourh collese Rd CITY3 wilminqton NC ZIP i 28412 OCCUPAI{T/BUSINESS ilA E: N/A ttsi tAktc txl - RECE1yED Ar[ 19 tOf NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII,IIT APPLIcATION rype: C0ltltttE RC IAL PLEASE ANSbIER ALL QUESTIOiIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" MltlE: Duke tnerqw P. O. Box 1090 CITY: charlotte Sf: Nc ZlPi 2a272 C0 TRACTOR: Infinitv Communicarions NC LLC LICENSE #: 14679 PROPERTY ()}INER'5 OI,NER'S ADDRESS: PHONE #: ADDRESS: 110 Lirbo ,ray CITY: Durham EMAIL ADDRESS: susans@eganrs. con PROIECT COI{TACT PERSON: Susan sul-liwan Eqan Realry services PHOI{E PHOi{E ST: Nc ZIP: 27?03*.wzL $: s7o-266-5993 Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: EN6R DESIGI{ PROFESSIOML: PH:NC REG #: Tower Enqineerinq Professj.onals PH: _9fl_j!l:j3!l_ I'lC REG #: C-L794 DESCRIPTION OF I{ORK: Removinq and/or addinq antennas, RRUS, Raycaps and Fiber Lines to exist. tower ls food or beveragee propar€d q s€rv6d ln ths *nrauo? [ ves fl llo ls Tho Propo.ty Locatod ln Tho Ftooddalnr I ves [l r.ro DISCIAIMER: I hereby certily lhal all information in lhis application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all orher applicable Srate and locallaws and ordinances and requlalrcns. The NHC Develooment Services Center will be notifed o{anv cianoes in tha aooroved olans and sdecifications or chanqe in contractor or @ntractor information. "'NOTE: Any Work Perlormed WO the Appropriate Permib will Eb in Violatidn ol lhe NC State Eldg Code and Subiecrlo F'nes Up To S500.00"' OWNERyCONTFIACTORI susan sullivan-eqan neatty serv STGNATURE: Susan Sullivanffi**- (Ofl.r, lPr a|Jr.) cootein A5b.6b6 or not Yoo ars rEqulr.d b c.ll lh. Nadon l Emhsbn str.d..ds tu Hrz.rdoos Ar tuluiantB (NESHAD st (919)707-5950 ar to6c 10 &:E trk, b rh. dqrcllton of 8rly f..rit or bullding. Soo Arb.3bs lrr€b SIE htD:#.,w. efi.state. nc.us/opi/asbosto6/atxnp.htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 25ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : # OF STRUCTURES: Exsr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMrr? E ves I Ho SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRopERTy usE: [orrrce lnesreumrr [uencarvnr-e leouc lner [conoo oTHER.lq]e!p!_ WATER: E CFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYSTEM E WELL fIZON|NG USE cLASstFtCATtoN: sEwER: T-'ICFPUA f_ICENTRAL SEpTtC E PRMATE SEpTtC ICOMMUNITY SYSTEM ". SEPAMTE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHoD: EcAsH flcnecx leeveaLE ro NHc) flnuenrcen a<eREss EMc /lsA I olscorcn TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT (FOR OFFTCE USE Oi{LY} SETBACKS: F:_LH:RH:_ B: BFE+2ft REVISED DATE ar'l 1/12 N (Check At1 That Apply) Exrsr cor{srRucTroil: f] ALrERArror{ f] nemvarror I eeteul REparRs l-l nelocarrot lf Rolocatlon, is there a NaturalGas Line on the -Current sirez Ive;[r.ro ts aloc spfitr.ixleReor ftves flruo NEt,l coNsrRucrrav: ! enecr NE!'r srRUcruRE ! rasr rnacr ! sxer-r- ! unrrr fl ADD To Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:rs Elect Poler on this Building E Yes E] ruo r**.r I5 THIS A IF Yes, rihat uas the Prevlous Occupancy CHII'{GE TYPe ? oF occuPAr{cY usel flvrs I r,n lfiat is the t{ff fivg7ry-OFFICER: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: Comment PERMIT FEE: $ v lotta-stb I APPLICATION Number (offi(e use) oNEtT l/1 llborStu@PTIONE P}lo E NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcArIott TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANS}IER ALL QIJESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" a/'c(4APPLICAIT'S MITE : DEVELOPER: zre StPRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:LOT $: PROPERTY OhINER,S M'4E : OTJNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR:45 ADDRESS: ET1AIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Au / (-o.-,o-PHONE I rnecr NEhl REsTDENcE o" ! moruot ro ExrsrrNc REsrDEl{cE Al'lSl.lER 8EL0w ALL THAT APPLY To YoUR PRoIECT: ,r.ic zprLt'fol *,QT *1--7rG{ o, qru36t '7/A9 ! arr ornace sF I orr clnacr (surnoor.r 22k--sr ! eoor f] onreNxouse SF fl orcx sr f] poncx -sF SF ! srome e sHro SF OTHER: SF SF €;,,n^t TOTAL.HEATED S q fi, /724 rorAL sQ Fr uNDER RooF:TOTAL AREA SQ FT: ToTAL PRolEcT CosTrressrorr : $ 25, cuL # oF sToRIEs: rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, pLu6BlrG or irEcH4t{rcAl work Being Done to the accessory structure? (v"t I m If the pnoject is a Rel.ocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? EYes E No rs there Electrical Power on this Building?[lves !ruo BLOC( t1- t22\ ExISTr,tG C9NSTRUCTION: I llrenarrOl I nrmvarrOru [ Ctlrnal neerrns ! REL9CATIoN NEVJ CONSTRUCTION I *'PLEASE CHECK ANO pRopERw usE / occuPAilcY, [t srrclr raurrv p ounrrx ! rohlNHousE ^E ,^,^or.. /,,a,:arha., /,iJered nr,,acL 1-, <.l arcQf4d Dzt C fcn*tt ilo s*^.ft..< | a I'e"o,e*.DESCRIPTION Ot *On*' a.-r',.1,t -------:_i?;i;, /"A h lrcr^l\ <4+*+1 cerrt that a[ hbrma$on in hrs apprrcadon ls conecr and a[ work willcompry wft tle Slal€ Euilding 6ds and all oher appllcable Stab and local urs {+C41€d ;;;;;;";."r"-d "'d;i"'"i. it'" p,c o","roge+nr ;rvices cenb' witrbe norifed ot any chanses h be apploved plans and specircatrons orchanse in co rEcbr,or """n*rir;-"u".11orc:ry worrr pelt# wro qrqeoo,optiae e"rnits willbe hiElaii;no,lrte Nc sl,aE Btdg{-ode and $bjecr rc Fher up Io i500 tlo"p,opriat Perqlitswillbe ir VElaton otlne NC Sl]aE Bkig+ode and SubFcl b Fnet Up Io 5500 tlL ..-4.-- 5TGiMTURE: /o-^ | hor-,n *,i** * *)i,* )*,t * * *,i,i * ,*,t * **,f rt l(* I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A ,t,t*** ** !t,l *,* * ,l,l i(,i,i *,t )t *** *,t* *,*r*,t*,f*ri(*,*** ****'** ** 'i* 'l )t * '* t l--'l vrs I rrc MTER: I creur fl comt"luNrrY svsrrr.r I PRrvArE wELL I celrnal wrll sEwER: ! crnul ft CENTRAL sEPTrc f] enrvare srprrc n coMMUNrrY SYSTEM *** SGPAIATE PERI'iITs REQUIRED FoR ELECT, li'tEcH, PLBG, GAs EQurP, PREFABS & It'lSERTs *** oo"rr* "rrroo, Ecrss Ecxec( (PAYABLE to "rc1 [ *r*rcAil ExPREss E nclv,to I orscovrn * *,**,| *,|,|rt**,**** *,t,! *,r,*,i )r*,1*:t*** ***)t*,t)t,I*** *****,!,* * 't,i,l ,| * !t * ,I *,* ,t * * * *,1,i !* *,l,l,t 'l 'f i ******** * *** ** EXISTIT,IG IT.IPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT ZONE:OFTICER: Approvat:- CitY: PERMTT: E YEs nNo REVr5E0 DArE 04l11/12 RH: 8: BF E+ 2ft= N PERMIT FEE: TOTAL EXIST (fOR OFFICE UsE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: ACRES OISTURBED: LAND DISTURBING LH :_ comment: DATE :FLOOD: CITY: LICENSE S: clTY | /,a)t /- sT: ZIP i OUINER/CONTRACTOR: ?otrotlal pERmrr @ APPLICATIOiI Number (Office Usc) ,orr, I7k/,-b PHONE fI zrP; Jryol PlrslrE *: 1go-46,3183 PtroNE *: .!kt16-85:l [} aoo:rror ro Exrstrllc eEsrDEHcE YOTJR PRO]ECT: I t-- J&. Et$-4->' APPLICANT, S DEVELOPE[: PRO]ECT AONRESS: 9UEDIVISION: PROPERTY ohlNtR's PRO]ECT COI|IIACT ',ln ,k; Exrsrrp6 corisr1urrrgn, I alrrr,r.rroH f RENovATIoN I srtrnal RrP,ur,s [*] ntlocailorl NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATrmI rYPf: RESIDENTIAL PltASf ar.|Sr{ER Att grEsTICtlS APPTICAS!€ T0 YOUi "Project Responsibility" Mr{E: f.rorr} J ?a+ h" PRO]E.I ' o^ililsR' s ADDRESS: XcorfiRncton: f AD*&Ess: -.f F ErlAlL 'ODRESS: r-+/\A NEhr CohrsrRutrrou: fl €ft[rr NfN RESTDENGG or ..PLEASE CHECX ANO ANSWER EELOU' ALL IHAT APPLY TO flrrr 6AM6E *--..-.- sF f] oet GARAGE I-l surunoom sF [--] cnpttlrousE si [-'] poor- sF I orcr ExISTItlG IPIPERVICIUS AREA: -- 5Q Fr NEti I}IFERVIOUS frREA; _ SQ fT sr f] roncn - sr fl sronact sHEo -- sr OTHt R: TOTAL AREA SF sQ fr:rorAL r{EATEo sQ Fr,WE!l- rorAl sQ Fr uNDER RooF: .**.'....*.....-...... OISC|AIMER. I rer€by cen,ff ri:r sI nb@ars. n &is &tlaa&n b cqiec! atd a! mrl ni[ cohpt, r.i tle State Eerldiog Cods tid ti 6Aer !o?'babb SAS &ii bcal ttdl f] srneue FAMTLY l?{oupt-sx I i rq,ruHouse :"(1?'44-. - r\ i .r.^. ,, )+/tl , LL lrad e s rs rHE pRopERTy LocArrD rN A FLo*tpurur IJ vrs d *, sd c,!,iance3 9.!d .e{l!:8,tri5- .ihe NHC Oe*'aire.r Sar(es C€nbr wis be no!6ec of ay cheges n *a app{oEd pbns aod 5qfti6cab4s or chrqt , congrlot or conlaclorFtlqrlon...ilo"IE;Afrrt4rortPerhtra€tlvrot?iAppEtlrialaP6rmi6wrlosnyobt'mottheNCStabatlqcoorrrlsubisclrot4rslrpIa3$000r" or.r,{EB/coNrRACroR: c-.." F--.-kJ'-:n sr@'lAruRE , -wlL- +rrr r r * *r* i r r!+.. r r r+* r r. * *(I?31,!t:lti.. ** rr +*r? r *?*r *, t t i * ' tr r * r. t/.1tt r r 4 r r t r r t *+**.**+:) I n Is Any ELECTiICAL, Plull*:tie or HE(HANTtAL l''ork Eeing oone to the Ac(essory If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the 1s thene E}€(tri(af Porlot" on this Euildlng? f! ,", ff*o TOTAL PROIECT COST(LesiLor): $- # 0F STORIES: PROPERTY USE / DESCRIPTIOI{ OF TOYAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTUREING *.tu"", ffi", fr current site? f, ves PE*i4rr: fl vrs fll ilo NO d*o rllrER: fl3rruo f] cowurrw sysr[t'l f]eR:vare wrll I crNrnal ue ll sEhlER: dcrruo f] cen"rRal sEprrc f] na:varr stPrrc fl coruur,rrrY sYsrFf'l PERHIT5 REQilTRID rop tttcl, HECH, PLB6, 6A5 EQUIP, PRETASS & It{fre?S "' '^'::'ll"::"1':..-"8"'f:-,F3'.':"1:::1'.::,]:.:T-',,.F.r:l',.':.::"-i"'.'..,H.lY,Y::..-H:::::'- LICENSE *: _:rrv, Cc+{e-lffi,If . .- . sr:$f*z:.s ')-&q?'l PHONT T: ,o*,, p - s f#S)--:r^-'T,.j;:;] ", jje- .n,*ifi. *n,siL u,Nb.""" 'a' si,: ii cityu.lltjflfl- oarr &12l4\1l FLooD: f11UX* $rr+2rt= Jt*r* ret, tj*ffi- :::EIVED AUC 24 2016 ApPLICAft'S llAllE: stevens Buildins Conpany Aptc, . v1:Ll '-liio-+f# APPLICATIO{ ilurber (office U5e) oa.,,* tlzrlft| ZIP: 2a4ll NEtl HANoVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI|IT APPLICATIfiI TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AT{$TER ALT QUESTIq{S APPLICABLE TO YOT'R PRO]ECT "ProJect Responsiblutlf DEYEL(PER: Torchivood PRO]ECT ADDRESS: PHO E #: v'li.Iminqton SUBDMSIO{: Maple Ridge at liest Bay Estates BLOC( #:LOT *: 22 PROPERW OrItlER's tU$tE: stevens Buildinq companv Pl(IlE ft[tlER' 5 ATDRESS: 5710 oleander Drive suite 200 CITY: wiloington COrrRACToR: Stevens Buifdj-ng conpany LrcEt{sE #: w,s_ AITITRESS: 5710 oleander Drive suite 200 CITY: wilninqton E arttlL AODRESS: s n ichol sonG s tevens finehone s . com PROIECT COI{TACT PERSO : staci Nicho.lson PI{OT{E PT(XE *:910-794-8699 ST: Nc ZIP:28403 ST: Nc ZIP: 28403 #:910-794-8699 #:910-332-8515 Exrsrrl{G cd{srRucTloil: I rlremrror I nerwarioN ! cer,rrml neearns ! RELocArroN NEr{ CO STRIJCTTOT{ r @ rneCr IEU RESIDET{CE o" ! OOrrrOt TO EIISTIiIG RESTDEI{CE **PLEASE CHECK Ai[' AI{SIJER BEL(,$I ALL IIIAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: [|arr ennree l1J sr ! orr eanace E sulnoor _sF ! eoor I eaeeuorsr - sr ! orcr TOTAL HEATED SQ FTl ,CqA TOTAL SQ TOTAL PROIECT COST Gess r-a) : $ lzo,ooo fs Any ELEGTRIGAL, PL$iarI{G or IBCHAICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory structure? p Ves l] lo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Is there Electrical Power on this Building? EYes pRopERTy lrSE / occlparcy t @ sruclr rar,Er-v I u.rer-ex I Toh,NrousE DESCRIPTI(X OF t{RK: New residential construction. DElq-AllER I her€by certry $atal hbmalion in tli6 appLalon i6 corect and d woft wil comply wit| he Star6 Bulldlng Code sE €[ ofier €ppllcsbb Sbts.nd bc€l l&vs and odlnanc6.nd legulatons. The NHC Developm€nt Servi:es centr vvii be nolified of gly d|arges h tre approved p&hs and cont-acb. lnrrmalbn. ''NOTE: Any Work Fbrb'm€d W/o hs AppopriaE P€lmlts rrll b€ h Voblion of tl€ NC SEE &dg Up To $500.0(r" Oil{ER/COiITRACTOR ! craiq Stevens SIG TITURE: *,*x *)*,t,* **** *:i*.t + * I5 THE PROPERTY LOGATED I A FLOOOPI.AI ? E YES Exrsrrrc mpERvrous * , Zbz( qrr I{E{ IfiPERVIq,S *, ..l ,q,, El no TOTAJ- ACRES DTSIURBED: ll3_ Exlsr LArf,, DrsruRBr G ,r*r-, 5 YEs [I ix, neren, p crrua I cofflrrNrw svsrem I pRrvATE wELL fl crrrml ueu serrn: @ creua ! cENTRAL sEprrc I enrvare sEprrc E cofi]'nlNrry sysrElt *+* SEPAIATE PERiITS REq{JIRED FoR ELECT, l,lECH, PLBG, 6As EqJIP, PREFABS & IT{SERTS ql ,,8<***-t 'I " payHE[r iETHoo: E cAsr E c}ro< (payaBLE To ]lf,) E ariERrca[ ExpREss E mmsl E orscoren SF sF E PoRcH 3-t,. ! sroneer SHED - sF OTHER: SF FT U$,ER * amrzfu OF STORIES3 L TOTAL AREA sQ Fr, 1b51 Gas Llne on the current site? ! ves fiil uo lilno zo E :OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE UsE q{TY) SETBACKS: F: REVIsED DATE O4/L7/12 '\ RH:- *J +(t0 fn o.\ v. BFE+2ft=Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: comEnt: LH: Jrorrr r.r, $lfuL'j- #fL, RECETtlED AUq 2 e zolo S g-- NEw HAN',ER cou'Ty BU*DrNG pERMrr liFntrl I ? /" AppttcAT,ovrypE: RESIDENTT,ALt* rfr plEAsEANswER1;fflff#*,rc;:#royouRpRorEcr 2Dv8T( I Piint I Appllatim Numb€r (offirc us€) AppL;CANT,S rvAME: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack 931s. 8/26/2016 pROJECT ADDRsgy 222 Pilgrim Circle _ crw: \y'Vilmington 71p,28401 SUBDlVlstoN: Heritage Park Cape Fear LOT #: 44 pRopERTy owNER,S NAME: Mary Bumgardner pHoNE #: 717-7924633 owNER,S ADDRESS: 2?2 Pilgrim Clrde qpy. \Mlmington C6NTMCTOR: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack ADDRESS: 4122 Bennett Memorial Road suite 304 gryy, Durham EMAtt ADDRES5T chadie@ramjackusa.com pRoJEcT cogTAcT pERSoN: Chadie Lewis EXISTING coNsTRUcTlON: D Alteration D Renovation [? General Repairs NfWCONSTRUCTION: [] ErectNewResidence E AddftiontoExistingResidence D Relocation aa* tta E Det Garage (sF) -_ E Porch (5F) tr Pool {SF) D Deck (sF) ! Storage Shed (SF) Tota! Acres Dlsturbed: a1p1284Q1 BLDG UCEN5E g' 53778 Sr: NC Ztp: 27705 pHONE: 919-309-9727 pHoNE: 919-3099727 D Att Garage tsF) _ D Sunroom {5F}'-- D Greenhouse (SF)-D other(SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes EI No TOTAT Sq rT UNOER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated;Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $4600'00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes I ruo ts any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure fl Yes E No lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes D No lsthereElectrical PoweronthisBuilding? E Yes E No Prop€rty Use/ occupancy: El Single Family D Dupler E Townhouse Description of Worlc lnstal helical piers to stabilize foundation laws and ordinafices and regulations. The NHC Derelopment Services Center wll bc notified of eny changes ln the apprwed plans and specilrcatk]rE or ch.nge in contractor lnformation. '"'NOTE: Any work performed withmt the appropriate p€mits will be in violrtlon of the NC to fines up to S50O.00'*' Owner/Contra.1ot, Chades Lewis Signature: 'Licensed Qualifier' Print Name ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E t,to Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Exlstlng tand Dasturbint Permlt: D Yes fl No WATIR: n CFPUA E Community System E Private Well 0 Central Well D nqua SEWER; 0 CrpUn 0 Community System E Private Septic E central Septic [1 Aqua zone:-_ officer: Setback{F}_(tH)_(RH} (B}_ Approval: City:_ Date:_ Flood:(A)_(V)_(Nl_BFE+2ft Comment:Permit Fee: $ w.qflr 1 6-2388NE}'I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT MPLIaTIOtt ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE AT,ISHER ALL QUESTIOilS APPLICABLE TO youR pRolECT oProJect Responsibilltt', PORCI{ CONVERSION PROIECT ADDRESS: 233 RACTNE DRrvE uNrr e CITY: rtILMINGToN SUBDIVISIOil: ASHT0N sEC 2 PH 1 APPLICAIiIT'S IIA}IE: DEVELOPER: N/e APPLICATIOIII Itrnber (Office Use) DATE: s/11/r.G PROPERTY Olf{ER'S l,lAltlE: RocER & TRrNA RYAN ZIPi 2s4o3 BL0CK *: _ LOT #: e PlloNE *: -gpjry_ CITY: WILMINGToN ST: Nc Z\P:284a3 LICENSE #: - sT:gg_zIPi 2840s PHOi{E f; PIO{tlE *: gto-"ttt -ztaz P}IOHE *i gi.o-777 -3363 I nelocarroru OdttER'S ADDRESS: 233 RACrr{E DRrvE uNrr e COT.ITRACTOR: PORCH CONVERSION ADORESS: d821 MARKET srREEr EIIIAIL AIDRESS: porchconversi-on@crmail . com CITY: WILMINGTON PRO]ECT COIiITACT PERSON: SHERRT BRII,T EXrSTil,rG COI{STRUCTTON: I ALTERATTON f] nrrcvarrOr flCeNenal REPATRS D NEl{ CONSTRUCTIOITI: f] TneCT ilEH RESIDENCE or EIruOTTTOil TO EXISTIIiG RESIDEITCE **PLEASE CHECX AI{D AT{SI{ER BELOT{ ALL THAT APPTY TO YOI.IR PROJECT: f]nrr GARAGE _ sF fl survnoor'r - sF fl cnrrruxousE -- sF f] oe r cARAGE sF f] PoRCH - sF E pooL _ sF ! sronacr sHED - sF fl orcx SF OTHER: SCREENROOM 96 SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: O TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: go TOTAT AREA SQ FT: ge TOTAL PROIECT CoST(t-es'r-ot) : $ ttgz * OF STORIES: 1 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI{BIIIG or liEcHAilIcAL hlonk Being Done to the Accessory Structure} fifr Ves E f{o If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal 6as Line on the Current Site? fiV"t E *o Is there Electrical Power on this Building? [lves EI tlo pRopERw usE / occupAlty: I srr,rcr-e FAI'1rLy f] ruer-ex [lrowNrrcusr DESCRIPTIOTiI OF tiORK: CoNSTRUCT A 96 SF PP.E.ENGINEERED SCREENP.oOM ON 4, CONCRETE SLAB DISCLAIMER lhereby c€rllfy hat all Inbrmation in this applicaton is correct and all work willcomply wilh Ure State Bui6ing Code and all oth6r applbabb Strb and local 16ff$ ard ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developrnent Services CenEr will be notifie{, of any changes in he @proved platQ and conlraclcr inbrmaton. '-NOTE: Any Work Ftrbnned w/O he AppropriaE Permits wll be in Violation orlhe NC StaE ffi AGEN? .}EREMY MARTIN SIGNATURE: (prlnt Name):t,t)*'t*,t{.*)t)t***:i*{r:}**,t*:l*:t*,X,t,},ll(**,t**,i***t,l,i,l*rt:t,**)3*****,r***:t*)t*)t,t** {.,f * **,1.* *,C * * ** ** * {. rs THE pROpERTy LOCATED rir A FLOODPLATN? Fl VeS EI nO EXISTIITG ITTPERVIOT's AREA: 1420 SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: A.OA2 F NEr,r il,tpERvro.ts AREA: sQ Fr Exrsr LAND DrsruRBrNG ,.*iIr-EJ rrt til] *€ MTER: fl creua ft ccx"naur.rrry sysrEu fJ enrvnrr wrll fl ceNrnal urlu S sEr.rER, 7 .rrro fr.r*r*l sEprrc ffi^rroru sEprrc E aor*nrry sysrEm tq ? *** SEPAIIATE PER'.IITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, I,IECH, PLBG} GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS IT'' S pAynEirr r,tErHoD: EJcosx Elcnecx (IAvABLE ro nrc) ff nllenrclr ,ir*rs El ,czrrro florscoven E**,1.d.,1.1.{.{.*,i*'t:f,t**t *:!,r***,1*,t****)trr:t!t,t*,t!t'i****+,t*****t*,t**:t***********,t*****,t**,t*,i,t{r,4.{.'t't*{.* j,j /->\ (FoR oFFrcE usE oiry) REVTsED oArE ult/tLli' zorr: rIlFL oFFrcER: KtP sErBAcKs: F'lqp r-H: NIA nn' rJfl ,,,7.5' Approval:_ City: Onre :8- ll-lda FLOOD: { BFE+2ft= _ comnnt: &dd,rro n rwo+ be umm.ted screens* -jb e"",*fflf rll?*Jmk*r" fffi.H,lXT;:;XHj€ Pt0ItE *:fufft;1@(.> t1,./ Z--.t+.,1) A y'da-/zrP. ZQ?t / BLOCK *: _ LOT *: PROPERTY qflER'S t{A E: { ^,8 fr,€/-rr. Pl{IlE #: @.ql{ER'S ADDRESS: J/n //F1€ttF- ( t-n.. Ctry z t*..,.c , '--c u Sf z rfcztp:Zequ LICENSE f: crrYz ts..tc-t*r .;/...t.-. st.*C@3 PHO{E *: PHO'{E #: .TPLEASE CHEC( narr eanace ADDRESS: E!4AIL AIDRESS: mOIECT CCIIIIACT PERSOI'I: AID ATISI{ER EELO{ 5F POOL DECK l--l srome e suro OTHE R: R taStt/qn AUo 1 I ?010 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII,IIT APPLIcarIut rypE: RESf DEilTIAL PLEASE AIIS}'ER ALL QUESTIOI{S APPLICABI,E TO YOUR PROJECT 'project Responsibilit}f -en62olb1@6 APPLICATIOI{ l{t.rber (Offtce Use) tue: fF-Fp ilimtz-zarw oor*glg/b - ACCflNT #: ,o- ?./Z-/620 SF 5FSF _5F SF ToTAL SQ FT rrM)ER R@F: 2o.( TOTAL AREA SQ n: ZO7 TOTAL PROIECT COST lress r oe z t /j ISD s OF STORIES: /---_- Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLlllEI G or IGC}iAI{ICAI- Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? Q V"r fffi If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a l.laturaL Gas Line on the Current Site? f,t Ves Q to Is there Electricat Powen on this Building? En{"r 0 Ho PRoPERTY usE / occrrPAflc v, ff*nett rarr r-v ! ruplrx J-l rOtrrcuSr DESCRIPTId{ OF HORK: .Q71 2 , ,V C;.A- .c/2a4..-/ A2c4 77) E .tt/< =, atK OEZ< SQ FT: EXrSTrr{G Co{STRUCTTO : @-llrrnnrron ! nerwarrori ! e eHrnar nrnrrns ! RELocATroit r{Ex cor{sTRrcTrcn: fl rnrcr NEx RESIDEiTE o" ! aOOrrror To EXISTII{G RESIDET{CE ! orr eaneer _-.- sr ft -[-eoncu _fi_sF Isunnoor.r SF flcnrrHxousr TOTAL HEATED ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: nn 57 I?J'YJ E.E- and ordinanc€s aod regulations The NHC Oevelopmenl Servi:es CenEr will be notfed ofany chaooes in he approved plans and specifica0ons or chage in contacbr or Ot{t{ E R/ CO{T&ICTOR :-1 6 (Prlnt taar€),t,t:|,t:i t:t,a * 4,| ,l * * !a rht )ht )t,t,t ,i,* )t,t ,t,* :i )i *:*:t :t:!:t * * * * +,* * * 'l !t:l * * )t,t )t +,t,t** S IGI,IA ****,i*** *,t,* **** )t +,t,i IS THE PROPERTY LoGATED I A FLqDPLAIil? O YEs EXISTIiT U4PERW(US AREA: _ SQ FT t{ET IiTPERVIOUS AREA: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: SQ FT EXIST UIND DISTUREII{G PERflIT: ICI VCS Ir Trc (FOR OFFICE USE OXTY) REVISED DATE OiY11l12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: IAIER: EleFpuA f] coraurrw svsrem I-l pRrvArE T,JELL l-l cerrnnr wrrr sEHER: ! cFpua f] cEirrML sEprrc fJfnrvare sEprrc E cor,u{JNrry sysrEr.r **' SEPAITATE PERNITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, NECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & IiISERTS I*' payxErr rrErrrD: Oasr O crro( (payABLE ro rrc) OBrLL rcorr Q r,rcmsa Q orscoven a*,tt,t:t:tt+tt+'t+:l:tt:taia+,it+a,it'.at}tt t**tttattt+tIt*It*t,tt+t,l*ata:trrtlt'l:l,ttltrt++*ttItt:t:ta,t,x* ZONE :OF FICE R: DEVELOPER : PRO]ECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISIOI'I: CO TRACTOR: