15 11 18 MAB minutes Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Board Members Present: 2015-16 Board Stuart Borrett Bill Terrell Mike Hudson Tucker Stevens David Ball Will Oden Melissa Collins Stuart Borrett Gwen Brown Dan Owen Tim Potter Melissa Collins David Ball Gwen Brown Will Oden, III Nancy Pritchett Rob Zapple Dan Owen Tim Potter Nancy Pritchett Absent: Will Oden,Allen Trask Bill Terrell Allen Trask, III Staff Present: Sheryl Mays, Museum Director Barbara Rowe, Curator Rob Zapple NHC Commissioner The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Ex-officio: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 in the Exploration Station at the Cape Fear Mike Hudson Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stuart Borrett at 4:00 pm. CFMA, Inc. Approval of Minutes: Stuart Borrett  A motion to accept the October 21, 2015 minutes was made, seconded and approved without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Stuart Borrett  Will Oden and Allen Trask indicated their inability to attend this meeting and have been excused. Advisory Chairman’s Report: Stuart Borrett  Dr. Borrett made a call to action for all the board members to attend museum events.  Dr. Borrett reviewed the upcoming event dates at the museum. CFM Associates Report: Mike Hudson  Mr. Hudson recognized the two exhibit awards, the 2015 Albert Ray Newsome Award from the Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies for the exhibit Reflections in Black and White and a commendation from the Southeastern Museum Conference for Make It Work.  Mr. Hudson briefly discussed the pledge letters that would be going out to all board members.  A recent audit of the Associates financials resulted in an excellent rating. Collections Committee Report: Nancy Pritchett  The Collections Committee is currently developing a wish list focused on seeking important artifacts to tell Wilmington’s story of the last 10 years. Ms. Pritchett will be sending out the list to Board members for comments. Community Engagement Committee Report: Tucker Stevens  The committee’s focus is drafting a set of guiding principles for museum partnerships. Strategic Planning Committee Report: Bill Terrell  Reach Advisors in partnership with Roberts Consulting will be developing the strategic plan for the museum. November 2015 – June 2016: Based on consultant’s suggested o timeline. July 2016 – Strategic Plan Completed o Museum Update: Sheryl Mays  Ms. Mays provided an update on the store and how it might be utilized going forward as a family activity space. The exploration station will be converted to a meeting and classroom space.  Ms. Mays discussed plans for the store at the front desk with a cart option in the future. This will enable the store to be mobile, so it can be set it up outside or in other indoor location for events.  We will continue to sell Simmons Boat Plans (in the store and online) and hope to partner with other maritime museums to wholesale them. Old Business/New Business: Stuart Borrett  Please consider attending the upcoming programs and events: November 19: Community Conversation: Race in the Media, 7 p.m. November 21: What’s Wrong with Different? 11 am & 1 pm December 18: Lego Mindstorms® Robot Workshop, 2-4 pm December 28-31: Sci-ology Week,11 am – 2 pm A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. With unanimous consent, the meeting th ended at 5:00pm. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 16 2015 at 4:30 pm in conjunction with the Associates Board in the Exploration Station at the Cape Fear Museum.