SEPTEMBER 09 2016 BUILDING PERMITS()hrflre At/ ruew HANovER couNTY BUTLDTNG PERMTT 2ott, sqqll APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResponsibilitY" APPLICANT'S NAI4Ei chris Brunson/Adam Pond DEVELOPER! Evotve companies PHONE #: 9ro-s38-7867 PROIECT ADDRESS: 531 old Maccumber Station Rd.CITY: wilminston zlP: 284a5 SUBDIVISION: Hawthorne at The Station BLOCK #: - LOT #: PHONE #: 336-38 e-eee2 APPLICATION Number (office use) DATE2-l]i9/]6-. PROPERTY OhINER'S O[^INER'S ADDRESS: MIIIE: Hawthorne Residentia,I Partners LLC 806 Green Valley Rd. Suite 311 CITY: Greensboro LICENSE #. 46-3820384CONTRACTOR: Evolve Companies ADDRESS: 2920-c Martinsville Rd EMAIL ADDRESS: chrisGevoLvecos. com CITY: Greensboro ST: Nc zIP.214o8 ST: Nc zTPz 214a8 #::za-sag-gggzPHONE PROIECT CONTACT PERSON! chris Brunson PHONE #: 910-s38-7867 EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTOru: ! ALTERATTON ! nrruOVnrrOru f] crruennl REPATRS ! nrlOCnrroru NE!,I CONSTRUCTION: I TNTCT NEW RESIDENCE Or ! NOOTTTON TO EXISTING RESIDENCE ! orr GARAGE sF EPoRcH -sF SF I sronncE sHED 218 sF OTHER: B OO SF **PLEASE CHECK AND I nrr GARAGE ANSWER BELOW SF ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: SFlsurunooN -sF ! eooL ! cneerrtrousE _ sF ! orcr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1018 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: rore TOTAL PROIECT C0ST(t-essrot) i $ ao, ooo # OF STORIES: t Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUfVIBING or MECHANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? fl Ves E f,fo If the project is a Rel-ocation, is thene a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Site? fl V"t E ,o rs there Electrical Powen on this Building? I!-lv"t l-lruo pRopERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: ! SINCLE FAMTLY I OUnleX I TOWTHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Three New structures PaviIion, Storaqe Buildins, Shade Structure and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in he approved plans and specifications or change in contractcr or contacbr information. --.NOTE:AnyWork Performed W/O he Appropriate Permitswillbe in Violation of the NC State Bldg Code and Subject tc Fines Up To $500.00."" OIdNER/CONTRACTOR : chris B:u:..s :r.SIGNATURE: (Print Name)**********r.*****r(***r<****'f*'***x*x*********************++*****>r**xx******{.**r.********{<r.** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? F'I VCS EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT NEW TmPERVToUS AREA: 545s .5Q FT El *o r.rATERr I creua I commulrrrY sYSTEM I enrvnre wrll ! cerurnnL wELL A I _ sEr^rER: I creun ! crrurnnl sEprrc f] enrvnrE sEprrc E corqmuurry sysrEm q WD-*** SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS 'I"tI* PAYMENT METHOD: ff cnSX I CneCx (PAYABLE ro NHC) [ menrcaN ExPREss E ,czrrto I orscoven *****d<r.*****r.d(***X******************************************************tr(**********X***r' TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .60 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: IEI YTS If T.TO REVISED OATE O4/TL/Iz LH:_ RH:_ B:_ZONE: _ OFFICER: Appnoval:- City: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: DATE:F LOOD:BFE+2ft= ,?2 0/Z- 8?/{ W7 tto- ?5t+ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT dIL . IPpLItarIott rvPf; RESIDENTIAL rpffinonjns PTEASE arlst'{t rrL qiltloNt tPrlrcA8la Io Yolls 'io)l{l Nur&er Ug ?roject Responsibility" (offl(. rr3!) 0$1 m:i:X,'n*,' - .Or*iel $M .* ----- ,*o*,?%JW,, r*rri,r ^* zrpi a8t.1 SUBDIvISIoN I LOT PROPTEIV OdN!R,5 O NEN'S AD'RISS: coNTnAcToa: A}ORE55: - 3l1-f2-rittl*B{-- crrY: PrcN€ r: -1oB-5(oJ8'tl 5r: 4!-zI? | 1-h +ot gu\ pftorEcr coNrACT o.*r*, . lA tfL. ,K\A tt*ne '' txrsT:r,t6 coNSrRUcTrONr g.' aTTERAJIOT f] arNovlrtOn f] crneaal nrearns ! RtLoCAIIotr l,tEr.t coNSrRUCTrO : I rntcr NEl, RESTOE$C! o" I lootrtor ro Exrsrrr{G REsroftt(E "PLEASE CHEC( AilD AxSilE! EELOT ALL I'IAI APPIY fO Y(ru8 PnOIECT: I rr crucr -- sr ! oer clnaer sr f] roncH - sF fr rrr**l - sF I coor- --_ sr ! sronacr s*€o .".....- sF i] cnreuoust .""_- st EI'r,Ec( llo sf orlrEnr - sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:toTtl sQ FT UNDER ROOr:TOTAL AATA 9Q FT: TOTA| PROIECT COSTtrs.Lort : t --1ObO f OF SIORTES; E$A&L ADDNESS I DESCRTPI10I OF r,loR{: ,,1 sru.tur( I Ll Ye5 l::l No / current sj.te? f]v"t fi no ts any ELTCTRICAL, pl-UABIIl|G or I'iECMTIICAL l,',o'& Eelot oone to the l'(essory IJ th€ projert is a Relo(atlon, js there . Nalrra] 6as Line on the Is th€.e Ele(trical Powcr onfhi5 BuiIdinS?fiv"s f]xo pRopEnry usE / o(cuPANCY: M rr*a, rm:lv f, oupr-gx n TG{NIOUSE EXrSTrtG !,tPERVrOUs area; l-tl) sQ rr ToTAt ACRES OTSTURBED: *---?-a..__ .--1 NEld IilP€nVIOUS AREA: ILt.l 5Q rT EXISr LANo DTSTURBI'IG PEMIT: [J YE5 L--J No /- r.larER: drtpua I co*ruHlrv svsrtr'r f] PRIVATE llEL! f, ctxlnrl wrlt sturn: ff (FpuA Tl cf rRAt srPTrc f] rarvarr sterrc I cofir4uNlrY sYsrFr"l r!r srpAiar! pERnr-is sEQurAto ror trECT, r.t(r, pLBG, 6as tQLl,. ortt39/t tnstot: - pAyrrr€rrfl nETBoo: f] cosn f] o,rcr (p^yaBlt ro racl flurrrca, :xcntss Ij1 aclvrsr LJDlscovER i:r'!v insr.Ecllon Regutreq. 9l plif'$ ,o*r, R-lSor,rru^ QY(Y\';':;::J: ?,'{14 approvar:-f/=- (ityi.a.tLn1 oN t | ]1/.lJf.lk rLooo: . -pERilrIT 'E€ i 1_ -_.. ffi APPIICAI'I'S trAfiE : DEVEIOPEN: NEW HANOVER COI'NTY BUILDING APPLI CA|IoN TYPE r R ESIDENTIAL PLIA5C Alllf,n Att gJEsrrdts APPTTCABLE TO YO(IR PnOltCr "Prol.ct Respon5lbtllty''.1 ELOCX {: Pr{,tiE al PRO]ECT ADoR€SS: SUBDIVISI(}}J: PH(}.E r't 7.2,t/-YS -fu/ sr t%_zt9 tk[:223 PROPERTY O {ER'S Natr{E: CX^IJER ' 5 ^wcsst ?r4d z: r/zr,na.? /k t// cfiyt ;irruezt-- stJgzptzdt'l/ Eil,/rrl ,,DORESS: < f,6/r" /,t4 *"-/' '* az^* J >zr/ft4.) d.rPtfrtE 1t a -/.j'"-/?e , orrrr rn orr rro,, 7./4 fr244 ExrsTrlrc co{srRucTrox: E ALrER^rror{ phsrovrrrox ! curnrl *rror*, 3 ^r.nYrrkt74'o ZJ/U ilEx corsriuclrof :EEREcr r,rEr nEsrDExcG o. f] mrrror To ExrsTr6 eesrouce QfV*2c r4o.. Z ..P!EAsE CIIECX AIO AI{SIET BCLqI ALL TIII APPI.Y TO YOUi PTO]CC]: fl rrr craaer ?o 5 sr ! orr GARAGT - sr fleoncx -ZO/ tt ! suxnoora - sF E ,ooL - sF E sroRAGE SHED - sF ! enrrruousr - sr ! orcx sF orHtR: €o, 5F rorAL HEATED Sp Ctt z:?-- - iOrlr SQ FT tnDER ROOF i ?8/ 'O'' Or- AREA sa FTt fu-/ TOTAL PRolEcT cosT,,*,oo I I 5d AO I OF SIORIES: ,/ Is Any EIECIRICT!, PU,la e or iEClUIt(At t&rk B€inB Done to the Ac.essory Structurel pVes I m If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas tine on the Current site? f]v"t I r,o Is there Electri.al Poeer on this Auilding?pVes I no PRoP€RW USE / OCCUPTTICY:psrrlerr ranrr,v l-] u:rr:x ! rorurolsr OESCRIPTION OF TORX: OTSCLAEaEF: ih.'.by..6t 5.talr nt mlrbn. ha. .p9L.ao L coftcrad.I sd;t .eply u$ h. €bl. auiu'ho ad * oh., apera,bL sra! 8nd krc. l*s :nd o.dn@s dd Ggurabns Th€ N8 C D.cbprunr S.di.. Cnir wil 6. @la.d ot ey .,lao6 h rE sD66d.o.r b. nt'm alon "'tlOTE Any Worl P.rlomd W1o tu Alpbpn.b tum rls *lllb. in VElaion o, tE NC Snts TOIAL ACRES OISTURBED: d sDd'lk bisd.n de.{t ..itirF- ,dt'! subFl b Fm" U, ro rsn. qa'':7 ExIsT LAID DISTUiBIIaG PERIIT: I vts f) rc Gi{ER/co{rRAcroR : /r a Frz.l lzzr'2*:r..t,* srGNAruRE rs rHE piopERw LocarED rr{ ^ rLo@pLArit? f] vrs pfro Exrsrrilc ritpERvrorjs ARaA.. //-o ?-q t{EI ITPERVTOTTS AREAT 71/ * Fl MTER: E crpuA ! co('rrulr rv svsrru ! enrvlrr w:tr fl crr,rrarr wrLr L o --,n -,,A, s$,€R: E crpuA E cFNTRAL srcrrc f] pRrvarE sEprrc ! corrurtrv t',srer/ 'n'"'-/ ZONE: ... StPAiAlE pEill]lS REQUInEO fot ELECT, taEaH, PtS6, 6A5 EQiJIp, PREFAoS E INStBIS r.r p^ynE T rElrmr I crsr ffftnrcx (p y lLE ro i]K] E AxEirc ri ErpREss [ rcrvrse I orscwrr ooi orfr.r orE dLY) i.vrsro DArr s/rrll] SETSACKS: F: LH: RH: B:OF F I'E R: Approval: Cornrent: _ City:_ DAT€ :_ BrE+2ft= - pERirr FEE: f-Z-Zl-= Gao l.$ e \Neq+lqrwqx ConStnuclrbn, Zo/6- 8?f,{ PERl,rrr L6-2427 APPLICATIOTI ffi*.8/zs,z c orn 'I .1 NEW HAN0VER coUNTY BUILDING PERMIT _L#at APPLICA| ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL pLEAsE ANswER Arr QuEsrrot'rs appLrcABLE ro vouR pRorEcr,.,<(.2b1(;8f,56 "Project Responslbility" i t,\V- (orr-I." i'eJ oare,lltr\aork PTION E * : APPLICA'{T,5 t,|AflE : DEVELOPER: PROJ E CT SUBDIvISI()l'l: PROPERTY OT{NER, S O {ER'S ADDRESS: llAllE 3 'dace .-TurnerLHomes, Tnc, BLOCK *:LOT CONTRACTOR: !{ac. -TLrr.,ev ;lcnes, rac. ADORESS: 3300 Battleg:cund AVe gclle !!q EMIL ATDRESS: jIctjert0rracleirrrneyho:res.com CITY: LICENSE *: 49242 CITY: Greensbo!o 3300 Battleqxound -qve sulte 230 Greensboro PHONE *: ,2 36t 2b2-3645 ST: q zIP::Jg? PHONE ST:gZIP:34 *t t336) 282-3606 *: (910) 616- 9534q\oa,G-t,r\qPROJECT CONTACT Matt Johns on ExrsrrN6 coNsrRucrroN: ! alreRarrou I neruwarroru [ eeruenrr- neenrns ! nrlocnrroti PHONE ilEw cor,rsTRucrroN: EI ERECT NEI,i RE5TDENCE o" ! nOOrUCn TO EXISTTNG RESIDENCE IIPLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER EELOI,I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: flarr cenace .415 sr ! oer ennnet sr @conor -f-A.-srf] sur'rnoou - sF I eoor- - sF I sronnoe sHED - f] eneeruxouse - sF I oecr SF OTHE R: rorAL HEATED Sq rr: )t'l{s rorAL sQ Fr uiloER noor: !$li[ roraL AREA sq rr, AfiSL TOTAL PROIECT CoST(r-essuort : $:535&2q S OF STORIES: A Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIaING or MECHAIfCAL l^,ork Being Done to the Accessory Structure] [ Vet [l m If the project is a Re]ocation, is there a Natural Gas Lj.ne on the current sitei !ves [ ruo rs thene Electrical Power on this Building? [ves li] lo pRopERry usE / occuPANcv: @ srrucre ramrr-v f] ouer-ex f] TowNHousE OESCRIPTIOI{0F WORK: Cc:'liirt-icr],/Ne',.r Ccosrluctlon cf a Sinq1e Famifv DISCLAIMER: lhereby cerr ry hat all inblmation in his applicalon b correcr and d wo* rvillcomply f,ih he Stals Building Cod€ and all otlar applacabls Sleb and local laws ond ordinsrces and r€gulations. T're NHC Development S€rvices C€nEr wil be nolfi€d ol gly changes h he applowd plans 3nd specllicalons or change il conlraclrr ot cont&or inlbrmaton. "'NOTE: Any Work Perfomed W/O fie Appopriab Permib wrllb€ in Violation o{ th€ NC Slab Eldg Code and Sutiect Up To $500.00"' J OWi{ER/CONTRACTOR : wacle s. Jlrrnev .tr.SIGNATURE: ,**,**r**+)t**,*,i***,t,tt*********.****r,***,r**,r**r+:t+*++,1.+:ta*r.l,i*****,1*4 r * * * * *** )* * )* * * * * * )** * )* )r * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAI'I [I,"S NO ACRESTOTAL DrsruRBED: C1 " \'}. EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: E YES E NO 5F SF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA I EW II',IPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT SQ FT (FOR OFFTCE U5€ q!LY) SETBACKS: F: REVI5ED DAIE O4l11/12 LH: RH: B: BF E+2ft= HATER: @ creua ! corMuNrry svsreu ! PRIVATE WELL ! ceNrnnl ulrrr srwrn: @ creua I cENTRAL sEprrc f] enrvrre seerrc I couMuNrry sysrEt'1 *+T SEPARAIE PER}lIIS RTQIJ]RED FOR Et.tCT, It[CHJ PLBG. 645 EQU]P' PREFAES & JN5TRIS *i+ pAyirEt{r r,rETHoo: ! cAs* [.*tcK (pAyaBLE ro nnc) f] orenrcAil ExPREss E t./rtto I ort.ovrn *+****+i(*t+,t+***+)t*+*****i.*,t,t**+**)i*+***t*+:+,**'i*++****:!****rt**rt**,i*:t,*:t*+**,f,t*++++)t+*,ttl++ ZONE:OF FICER: Approval: - City:_- oATE:F L@D:. (te : &lln, oo I i.&,, APPLICAT.IT,S MI1E: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSHER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "'Project Responsibility" i'jade Jur:nei Homes fnc. DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADOR SUBDIVISTON:BLOCK PROPERTY OhTNER'S MME: hi.1de .Turney Homes, rnc. OldtlER'S ADDRESS: 3300 Battleground Ave Suite 230 CITY: Gleensborc CONTRACTOR: Wade Jurney Homes, Inc,LICENSE S: 49252 AIIDRESS: -r300 tsartl-egrcurd Ave Su i t-e 1)30 CITY: Greensboro EIIAIL ADDRESS: j lowerv0wacleiurn ornes . com PROIECT COItiTACT PERSON: MzrLt Johnsorr f\ EXrsrrNG coNsTRUcrroN: ! ALTERATTON fl neruoverroru fteeruennl RE'ATRS -a *rr*orrm@U NEhr coNsrRUCTroN: Z enrcr NEll RESTDENCE or flmorrroru To ExrsTrNG RESIDENCE +,I.PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSI.]ER BELOI,{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI: @ nrr GARAGE ?43 sr flsunnoom -sF f oer GARAGE I roor- - sF I sronacE sHED - sF sF EIPoRcH tfl tt SF OTHER:flcnerr'rHousE - sF fl orcr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: i14C* TOTAL SQ TT UITIDER R(X)F: TOTAL PROIECT Cosrlressr-os ! $!lAlf&.M # OF ST0 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLtlitsING on I,IECHANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Stnuctunel fl Ves EI to If the project is a Relocation, ls thene a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Sitei Ives EI No Is there Electrical Powen on this Bullding? flV"u Eruo pRopERTy usE t occupAilcy: @ srrucre FAmTLY fl ouelex I rowuHousr DESCRIPTION OF lrlORK: (lcnci;tion/Iqcw Construction o{ a Sinqle [ar!.Lly Rcsiclencc DISCLAIMER: lhereby certify that all information in tris applicalron is conecl and dl work willcomply witr he State BuiHing Code and all otrer applicable StalE and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be noIfied oI any changes in he appoved plans and specifications or change in contracbr or SF ?otffiz DATE: LOT ,*ffi} i.3t o PHONE #: -E€.1-193S ST: N(r ZIP: 274I0 PHONE S: (336) 282-3G06 PHONE S: {910) 616-9s34 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: wacle G. Ju:nov .rr. EXISTING TMPERVIOUS AREA: 5Q FT NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT SIGNA' ***************************(!!'Illil]*******r(*r<*****)r(*,r***'r******* rs rHE PRoPERTY LOCATTD rN A FLOoDPLATN? flrrt EI nO *x** *i<t( * *** **1(* ****** TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: O" \O EXrST LAIU) DTSTURBTNG pERr,rrr: fl VrS EI ruO ZONE: _ OFFICER: Aoproval:- City: REV]sED OATE 04/1.1/L2 RH:_ B:_ wArERr [l creua f] com,rururry sysrEM fl rnrvare well ! crrurnal wELL +** SEPARATE PERMITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS **,1 pAymEilr METHoD: fl cnsr I cxrcx (eAvABLE ro irHc) f] anrercnN ExpREss fl ,.lrrto f] rrs.or.* ***********************+*****,t***********,t****,t,*,t,t***;t****rt*********'i**x***+****,1******* sEr,rER: Q crwt I crrurnaL sEprrc f] enrvnrE sEprrc I commururry sysrEm (FOR OFFIC€ UsE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:- LH: DATE:FLOOD:.".1liTzt contraclor informalion. '.ffi,i APPLICAI,IT J S t,lAIlE: DEVELOPER : NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcATIott rYPE; RESf DENTIAL PIEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsiblllqf h-acie Jutnei' liomes I Inc. PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OhINER'S i,lAAiE: [iad! rlq!!!L[q!!e9l IocI Ot{ltlER'S AODRESS: 33C0 Battleqround -1ve Suite 230 CITY: Gr eensborc COITITRACToR: wade Jurnqy ;lomes, rnc.LICENSE *: 49262 ADDRESS: 3300 Ba:tlegr.cuad Ave suite 230 CITY: Greensboro EMIL AIDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT 1o!*er ?Gwadei urne s. com i,latt John s on 2dtb8ffi i#y PHONE S: -1336t 282-36M 5T:gZIP:49 ST : I!_ zIP : :f_3_l! PHON E $: t336) 282-3606 PIIONE #: (910) 616-9s34 NEN coftrsrRucrloru: @ enrcr NEt,l RESTDENcE o. I nootrroru To ExrsrrNo REsrDEflcE '}*PLEASE (HECK AND ANSI.]ER BELOhI ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: 6REENHOUSE 5F OTHER: tltl rf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cunrent slte? [ ves fl ltors there Electrical por.ler on this Buitding? l'- l v"s [l ruo pRopERTy usE / occupAncv, fl srnclr ramrrv I ouer_ex ! TohtNHousE DESCRIPTIoi'I 0F WORK: conciticnlNe,/.' construction of a si.nqte Eamitv -,esrrience and ordinaces ard @oulations. The NHC Development se.vices cenbrwillbe notfiedofrry charges in he 6pprcwd ptans and sp€citicarions orchsng€ in cont acbror OWNER/CONTRACTOR: i,raae G. Ju.nev Jr. *,r + * x * +' * + * *. ., * .., * * * * * *, *.(Ii'I t* *!i1"1, * * * * * o/* * * "IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAI N' d"' )t x x * x * * * * * x + * * x ,i ,N,r,t )* )t,t* r.**,r )**** +,** *** * I lr{o EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA: _SQ FT NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT ExrsT LAND oTSTURBTNG pERlrrT: E yEs n No hArER: [l crcua ! comr"tuNrry svsreu ! pRrvArE r.rELL fl cetrnar wer-l SE!{ER: @ creua fl cENTRAL se errc fl pRrvATE sEprrc I cour,ruurrv svsrrr.r ir{ sEpARAit pERI'lI]5 RtQUIRET' FQt Er.r(T, r'l[cr'r, PLBG, cas €Qurp, pREFABS & INsERrs ,'r pay,,ENr ErHoD: E casr E,re c( (pAyAsLE ro nr,.l I ar:nr.on ,rr*rr, tr-rirrrri - [ orscwen*****t*'t***++*+++,t,t+**+*,i****,t***t*,i)t+*******'*,t+*!r:i:t*++,*:***+******:i.;i*,i,r****d.,t *,r*,****,r*** (FOR OFFICE UsE OttrY) ZoNE: _ oFFICER: SETBACKS: F: LH: l7rrr enRecr .l9S sr f] orr cnRacr sr @eoRcH -13- sr suNRoo14 ! eool I orcx 5F I sronnce sHED _SF 5F SFSF TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: COST ttoss toO : $TOTAL PRO]ECT Is Any ELECTRICAL, TOTAL SQ FT ool SO'-Hqqx.s' PLUI4BfNG or IIIECHAIIIICAL Work Being UNDER ROOF: asla TOrAL aREA SQ rr: as3t # OF STORIES: E Done to the Accessory strlcture? ! V"s ll ruo ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: O. \O aEvrSEo orrE o4l11112 8FE+2ft=Appnoval :_ City:__ DAIE :FLOOD: RH: B: PHONE #: BLocK s: _- LoT fi: (offlce Use) ,or., ? [tBl'z.tt, 9_sEP 0 2 2016 'lnVr 8q+l EC EIV ED APPLICANT,S DEVELOPER: APPLICATION ltumber (OFfi.e Use) oorr, ilohb PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:LOT *: #: ZI|P:2a4os PTOI{EPROPERW ohl'lER'S OT{NER,S ADDRESS: Ptot{E Ptot{E ST: Iq ZIP:2!491_ ST: !q ZIP: 2Sgf: gro-lg+-eegg *: 910-332-8s15 SF No Elto NEhI HANoVER coUNTY BUILDING PERMIT PE=T45+* APPLICATIdT TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI{SI]ER ALI. qJESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitf JtlAllE I stevens Buildino Coml]arlv T/a stevens Fine tromas CIW: wi lminoron BLOCK *: MME: stevens Buildino comDanv 5710 oleander Drive suite 2oo CITY:wilminoton CONTRACTOR: stewens Buildind ComDanv LICENSE #: 3!626 ADDRESS: 5710 oleander Drive suire 2oo CITY: wilmlnoton E!,IAIL ADDRESS: snichol son@sr evens f i nehomes .6m PRoIECT CoNTACT PERS0N: staci Nichotson EXISTrirG CONSTRUCTTON: ! alrenArrON ! nerOVlrrOr ! erurnar- neelrns ! RELocATToN EW CONSTRUCTTOT: @ rnrCr NEhl RESIDEiTCE o" ! mOrrrOr TO EXrSTrirG RESTDET{CE **PLEASE CHECK AllD AI{SUER BELO'I ALL THAT APPLY T0 YouR PROIECT:r /.tlvlarr camer q1u sF--+---lsurunoou sF ! oer canece sF EPoRcH laL sF ! sronner sHED _ sF SF OTHER: * OF STORIES: 4 structure? E V", d Curnent Site? [ Yes ! eneeurousr SF ToTAL HEATED saFTI I,q5C ToTAL sQ FT u DER RooF:26ot-TOTAL AREA SQ ,r. 26ol TOTAL PROIECT COST lress ra1 : $ rzo.ooo Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBI G or I;IECIUI ICAL Bork Being Done to the Accessony If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal GaslLine on the Is there Electrical Power on this Building? I-lv"r fllo pRopERry usE / occuPAr{cY: I srrerr rnNrlv I ouerrx ! rot,lNr'ousE DESCRIPTIO{ 0F HORX: New Residential Construction anc, ordinances and regulalk)ns. The NHC Development Services Cenler willb€ notied ofanychanges in lhe approved plans and or change in contl'acbr or contacbr inbmalion. '-NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O he AppropriaE Pemitswil,be in Violaion of the NC Stale Bldg up To $s00.0e" OWNER/CO1{TRACTOR: craio srevens SIGNATURE : * )*,r * *++***+,*,t * ZONE:OF FICE R: REVISEO DATE O4l11l12 8: rs rHE pRopERw LoGATED rr{ n rrooopurr? [-l ves E] rro ExrsrrNc rirpERvrdrs *ao. Zobtl so FT TorAL AcREs DrsruRBED: Llj NEtd IIi{PERVIOUS NNEI: 2 O 6'J 5q P1 EXIST LAN) DISTURBII{G PERMIT: I-I VTS ffi UO r{ArER: @ creur ! com4uNrw svsrem ! pRrvArE I{ELL I cenrRrl well E\ ,1 ?U ry al SEUER: E creua I cENTML sEprrc ! enrvare seerrc ! cor4mlnrry sysrEm Vlt tl ^, l 0noc*** sEPARATE PERT1ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, PIECH, PLAG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** I ,--- pAyt.tEitr r,rErHoD: I crsn I cxecK ('AvABLE ro rirr) E lrrenrclt. ExpREss E nclvrsa E rrr.oir. (FOR OFFICE USE OI'{LY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: P[0NE *: eto -1s4-B6ss tr tr SFPOO L DECK Approval;- City:_ DATE: N PERIIITComment: FLOOD: :::l'iJrr,co o** PROPfRTY OWNET'S OWNER'5 ADBf,ESSI ?ot6 - A?77 Nrw HANovER couNrY BuILDING pERMlr 'tf-31t5 It, _q*,__:_ A1ILICATiOIV IYPE: RtSlDfNTnL Applcarion pLEAsE ANswER ALL QU€STroNs APPLICABLE To YouR PRoJECT Numb€r "Project Responsibility" iafrice use) A ppltcArur,s NAMr : ]lilrlqd cqnstrlqg,s61g; 8/29/16 FROJECT ADORESS: 21'l north 26th $trsat 61n. wilmington ztP. 28405 SUBDIVISION: p6146, John Ashby pHoNE fl. 910-26+6589 211 norlh 26th streel ctry: will'nglgn 1p. 28405 CONTRACTOR: Highland cansinlction BLDG LICENSE f:25594 AD o R E55: :1a93lgtq"3qg9 21p.28312 €MAtLADDRE55;kevin-ramcgli@l331;fg_rtFnd:c"?tn PROTECT CONTACT Pt&591i11 Kevin Ramlqy pHoNE: g'10'843-6978 [- Alteration "]" Renovation i-i General Repairs grect New Residence ; Addition to Existing Residence lI Relacation r' i p L EAS-E EH-q cr 4N Q A N S W ER B E Lo W AtL rltA:[ AggtY" ]g-Y"gu8l8gl-EcT n "' ,- Att Garage (5F) -_ Sunroom (SFl _*_--_ * Il Greenhouse (5F) ".-".. "-"..... - .-i Det Garage (5F) - .-1 Porch (SF) --: Pool lSFl | 5torage )neo l)FJ 'I Deck (sF) --- -"-* -"- other {sF} ls the proposed work changing the existing fnottrint? -"r Yes :^--: No TOTAL5Q FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed workl 11"11"6' 1300 Unheated: roTAL PROJICT COST {Less Lot}: $4516'00 ls the propcie C urork ch&ngjng the number of bedrooms? B Yes G No ts any Electrical, Pltrrabing or Mechanical work being dane to the Aclessory Struc:ire B Yes El No lf the prolect is a Relocation, ls there a Nl}tural Gas Line on the curren: site? ! Yes |3 No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine? $ Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Slngle Family D Duplex E3 Torlnhoute D€scription of Work: roof truss re:a!s,lq i99f bac!-9lope 9f b-ogg-- *- lalvs ,nd ordinnrcej and r{:txlat,rrn fhc Nl-tC Oevs}opneat Secr'rces CEnrer '*ill be ioufied of any charg$ rn tha apprgucd plans and specifraaiions or change rn conttactof inrormation. r'*NOTE: Any work ,r.rfnrhPr, wthout the nstlrnorjare c.rr.iig [ill bc in uiolation of lhr $f ltate ala6 {d!e and suble rt lo finet up to 5500.0*" "' owner/Contractor: fevin Ramsw Signature: -LicenseC QuoliJier"Print Narr,e ts rhe propertv located in a floodplainr X Yes y'ruo rrrv. fayetteville ST: NC pHoNE; 910485-6738 EXISTING CONSTRUCT}ON: NEW CONSTT{UCTION: '- E:risting lmpervious Area: -_- 5q Ft New lmperqious Area: _** & Ft -t wATER: \[ ctnul 3 6o66gniiy System D 5EWER: d,*,ro = communitysystem D Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturhing Permit: D Yes il No Private well fJ Cen:ral Well D Aqua Private Septic n Centnl Septic E Aqua Permit zon., R:\fi"... ofiicer: il"nA setbackstrt lU-B-t.*tSlA.t*rt */a. IBISf& Approvalr _0l;- ciry:l.u\u\{$l -*--:**(v) - (N)X- BFE+Zfi= F*",$ tf IComment:011 /3/b -877{ ffi #'%ffi$'! ?dttu$ffiS fi,sfuJW6'{, &fr\di Sl&H NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILD;l'16 PERMIT aPPLICATIail TrPE: RESIDEilIIAL prf^sf allsr.raA ati Qr.JtsTtoils ApprlcAStt 10 youn Fro)tcI "ProJect f,espon:ibil ity', Apprr;errr,s N^.18, . fr4gdd-****KUAO--_ *-ooru,i{//5/{o .DEVELOPEn: p/A pri3riE !: fuo -'?f,-ll?</pRorEcraoo ffit pRoFcnry o'dNER,s xr"xrt ,--lA*roJ $flq-Q(/o$ND .__ plnnE *, 9ro f.ff ^{lt( Qt^,flrn's ADDRf sS: -(10 -Srr g.ztp,-z-l3tl l4*a-rrJ $TtuckQtvO LICEHSE e: Z€f76 . CITY: /,trA sr-.&up Z(b / u, ltp-fll:S$y' *: qro {.ff .$</ LITAIL AODRESS: ExISTri{G Cor{srRu(rrolrr iJ-aurenarioru f] R€NovArroN f, crrrrnal REpArRs f] nrLocartoru NE!,I CONSTRUCTXOI{: [] ERECT NEW RTSIDEI'ICE O" IAOOTTTON TO EXISTTN6 SESTDENCI ,iPLEAS! THECX AND AHSHTR $TLOI{ ALL T|t(T APFLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT; lppii?Hion Nunrber (0ffi(e urt) _ BLOCX l: _ LOT f; -..--SUBDIVISIoI'{: lttoo0L-lUI CO}ITRACTOR; ADOflESS: PRO]ECT COI.ITACT PIESOI{:/h tllYt rr {r*-tct/tZl O PROPERTY UsE / bESCRIPYXON OF OCCUPAHCY: HofiK: clty: Cor.fi€nt sF f] PoRcH - sr I sroneer sHEo - sF orHE n : *&!{gaa j{,**- sF llz- ;-213 .o{6f -** Pi.loltrE PiI]NE {3fu o^RAr.l. Z$a sF tr orr 6AF,AGE I suNnoo.r _--* sF f] noor- *.*-*- sr /7r /[] enreloroust *-- sF fl orcrr TOrAL HrArril 5Q FT: -*,{q- TOrAL 5{ FT UNDER RooF:TOTAL iRSA SQ FT: TOTAL PR0IECT COSTtT-wrl,*t : $ -45-!9-# OF STORI'S: Is Any rLECTRICAL, PLtt{91uc o!. HICH$II(AL l.iork Eeing Done to the A<cesso.y Structunel ffi"{*t f] Uo If the proje(t is a Relocation, is there a llatural 6as Line on the current Site? [ ves fi no Is there Electrjcal poi.rer on this Buildinglffies ffNo ffi-s;*clr rplrlv f]] ourlrx fi ro^rruHousr-! c ffo *', &* ?ottrP'V{.A -fTfACHlo 6R'+cE . t 5F OISCLAildtn I h.rrb, r.ctu' BJr .1.6k)$ltr*i !i !!'s atpleoM t iqre.t rnd r* sll r{ comd, *ih ee SbE 8u*rn0 C.#l nid al cnor e0rr&}b $b-t lU !r."t snit!$nwnji.dGlr{arons tl,q}JfCDewbiacnlSarukosC..9'w;lbrrctrado{ail}tli.r,lr3frta#r.owd:li!.!adlryCtltt!}gn3s cin"Etorialrfil:r. "alQ]t A.rWorrF"rfFrdWlii.rli'a,*trF!.-rsertt!.\/nhEno!th€tlc$UEOUgC OWN'R/CONTR^CTOR: I*AL?/ StQC{U.t,tb SIGHATURE: (lr1.t t:!$) ,' ;; ;;;;;;,;;;:;;;" rN A FLooDpLa,Hr fr ves ;i=e E{k t i',511,(i;ji'e',W4y ffi,*,lxrsrrNc rr.tpERvrorrs A'teh.t /460 sQ rT =tlbror AcRrs orsruaaw; t4d I Drl' irEH rilp[RVIo{JS A}![A; //30 -*-Sq rr ExrsT LAN0 DrsruRBrrrc pERr,lrr: f]l vts W* -.?HAr€n: f cFpuA f:J :c**.jr,:ry sysrr,4 f]nr,rvarr NELr l] cEIJTRAL *n,-. 'BoitcLffuf'o{llO+,Zit' sEw..l-t ff(r?uA f] CENTRAL stprIC I rnrvarr sEnric - co:,irlutr:'r / 5\srE,,1 "." SgpaRATE pE8!'lII5 RfQUIRi.i) FO8 tLta'r, r'rECH, pru6, CAs €glTP, PREfASS & IilSftllS..' '^'l:::":::::"...H"?::"F-.:1:,'1,::111',':l:,i1,',,.?-ffl'":i:.:::1:'""..9-1?l:1"."H:.1:::"- ,o*r, R-7 oFFrrER: " r-Krvi - ,";-.1;:H: Tlsb,-, rl?apir:vaJ :_VL-: _ t lmpr"utUt'CnP. ,rr, ,- 4/0. fb NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Mark Johnson PROIECT ADDRESSi 1224 Great oaks Drive CITY: wilmington NC SUBDIVISION: Landfall BLOCK #: APPLICANT'S NAIVIE: DEVELOPER: PHONE PHONE #| 9r0 .4a9 .242L ZIP2 28405 LOT #: #:PROPERTY (MNER,S !,lAfiE: fiNER'S ADDRESS: Ed and Chervl- Micone CITY: CONTRACTOR! mark johnson custom homes ADDRESS: 1319 military cutoff suite cc #271 EMAIL ADDRESSS markGmarkiohnsoncustomhomes. com LICENSE #: 56891 ST: - ZTP: - ACCOUNT #: 3660 ST:gZIPI W PHONE #: grc . qqz.sqzz PHONE #: 9ro .443.5422 CfTY: wilminston PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: mark iohnson EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTOn: ! ALTERATTON ! nrUOVarrOru ! Cerurnal REPATRS ! nelOCnrrOru NEl,r CoNSTRUCTION: I eneCr NEW RESIDENCE or ! nOOrrrON TO EXTSTING RESTDENCE *,TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOT{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: [Arr GARAGE 812 SF E orr GARAGE sF EPoRcH jLSF ! sur,rnoou -sF tr tr! cnerruHouse SF 162 SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT2 523i TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:6i84 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COST(resst-ot) I $ r, qoo, ooo # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUfiBING or MECHAITIICAL Work Being Done If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Is there Electnical Power on this Building? fi ves E3 *o pRopERTy usE / occuPANcYt I srruclE FAMTLY ! ouer-rx E rowruHousr DESCRIPTION OF I'IORK: New Residence and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development SeNices Cenbr will be nodlied of any changes in he approved plans and specificalions or change in contractor or conracbr infrcrmation. ".NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O the Appropriate Permits will be in Violation of the NC StaE Bldg Code and Subject t, Fines Up To $500.00... OWNER/CONTRACTOR! mark iohnson SIGNATURE: (Print Name)*****r(*r.***i.i<*********r(********,t *,t *****r.*i(********,1.****************i(****+***t({.*****,k***r( rs rHE pRopERTy LocArED rN A FLOODPLATN? fl vrS EI EXISTING ImPERVIOUS AREA: 28375 SQ FT NEW ImPERVIOUS AREA: e245 _ SQ FT hrATERt I creun I coumururrY sYSTEM ! enrvnre we ll I crr'rrnnl wELL SEWER: I creun ! crrurnnl sEprrc ! enrvarE sEprrc E colrMuNrrry sysrEM *** SEPARATE PERI'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, llECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS :+rt* *1',|l.l:'.11',;...8.'l:I.F.ff.'I.Illn',.',i.]:-ii'.'..n...:ll:l'f:l[...HHY1'i...F.1.'.'.*1. OF FICE R : Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: SF ! sronncE sHEDPOOL DECK to the Accessory Gas Line on the -SF SF Structure? ff ves E *o Cunnent Site? fi ves EI *o TOTAL EXIST NO ACRES DISTURBED: lss thn 1 LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: If VCS IFI ruO 13rO07' ZONE: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: REVISED OATE O4/LI/72 LH :_ RH:_ B:_ -ffi?ctu&+b APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATE: e/7/t6 BFE+2ft= 2,ot6-8?77 lt ^tV'zzc,5fLrNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIIaN rYPr: RESIDENTIAL pltagE aNSr,Ei arL QUEsrioars arpLt(r3lE To YouR Piolr(t "Project Rcsponsibllity" APPLICAT{I'S MI{E: cotlaqe auildinq company, LLc APPLICATION Itr,llber (offr(r Ur.) DA,E : __jl:9Ll!_ DEVELoPER: qljv - cape Fear pjfgl-llq PI(){E }: 3:3:fj:l!3:__ PRoJECT ADoRESS: 22z"Irat deIsl&all cIrY:H11!'!.nston ZIP | 23!y_ sUBDIVISI(N: EIYe. !]s!!!ELOCX t: LOT *: pRopERTy olslER,S liE$E: PtuftE {: :!9:11::239:__ ololER's ADDRESS: lios llee PoixE BIwd, suit. 6 CI1-Y: Leland CoNTRACToR: ccElage q9!l!t!!9 cornpanYr LLc LlcEtsE {: 73125 sT: I9_ zIP : igll:f- STi I9_ ZIP: z8aEr 5F SF ADORESS| l1o5 Nev PcinEe alvd EIAIL ADoREs5: :epc l ]:.hpso.6thecot:agesnc. coh PlOilE t: 9:o - i4l ?2.2 PROIECT (OiITACT PERSoN: Reed Thointr,son -- Ptol{E tr :.i9:l!::9f19__ EXrSrrNG CONSTRUCTTON: f] ALTIRArrOH I ntrcvrnoN Icelenal arearns I RELocArIotl EH CO STRUCTTOT{: @ rntcr tew RESTDENCE o" flloorr:ot ro ExrSTrNG REsrDEtlcE ..PLEASE (IIE(X AI]D AII5IIEB sETOH ALI THIT APPLY fO YOUR PiO]EqTI CITY: Le Iand l-l arr cannce sF f' ;ort clucr sr []eoncx ::!-- sF I sunnoou SF f] eoor- - sr [-l orcx ,gz sF I sronace *ro O]HE R:I cnrrruHousr 5F 'i''i -, TOTAL HEATEO 5Q FT: 1S95 TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF: +=TT TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 252,i- -----------455-.tnr} 1s Any IIECIRICAL, PL|TBMG or llEcttAl{ICA! l./o.l 8€1nB Done to the Aa(essory Struatur€l I Ves I Uo If the project ls a ReLocation, is th€.e a llatu.al Gas Llre on the cur.ent 51te? [ ves I Ho rs there Electrical Pouer on th15 Suildlng? [lves f]xo ,/ occupAr,lcy: [Z srNcur ro.rrrv I ourltx f ]olrNBcusE OF l,lORK: coD6t!uc! .et, singlc faBllv residence PROPERfY USE DESCRIPIlOI] otscLArMEit rher.Dy ceary o.sl.[ inbroation n !]6 arpiic.ron is co(*r &d a, srkwi! cooprtwitr lhe s6e 9d!Lr! c.de and al otler.orlc&l sl,b xrd lo(d ]aws ud on,nacer a.,r ,!rgora|D6. r ha NB c o6lerrptu.r s.tot.r c€nE, s1! De mil6d ol .ny .r!&rr.! . ln8 4pD Ei phn6 -d $.dlt Bo.l or chaao. in @!-4br o. ...rs!r, nrr.fralo^. '.'NOrE AryWork rbddrled w& n. aopop.irts PlnDilg wirr t! hviorrlir^.rG. Nc sl'b Bkrg c.d.6nd slbFr b Fh€s Lr9Io l{,cooc* EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SQ FT NE!,{ lrlPERvIoUS aREA: 252a 5q FT 0WNE R /CONTRACTOR : Reed rhonplon - SIGNATURE ! .,.-.,,, JltT:l:11 * r. *. *.r.v,! ++4. rs rHE pRopERry LocArEo rH a rlooorllrrr fl ves [i ro TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBEDI Exlsr LAID oISTURBIITG ,e*r, 5 vrS f] Ho raAr€n: I crcur I co,,rl.ruNrry svsrrr, f] pRrvarE kELL f, crxrnlt wrtl sEr,rER: m cFpua fl CEI/TRAL sEprrc I earvart srr:rc ! coitYulirrY sYsrEl'l .'' SEPAAATI PE8,I1ITS SEqi]IREO FOR EIECT, IIECH, PLIG, GAS Eq,JIP, PREFABS & 116€R'TS "' payr4€{T r,rErHoo: [.os, f]crec* (paYABLE To nrcl f]menrcm exm:ss E nclvrso f, o:score* t-Lv., - (roi.,r:ct usl o{tY, zorr-: A/-oFFrcER: :- f n \ sElaqcxs: F: rtru Cc U) .roi .'rrc€ ue! o*y) rEvrrro c^rr,,5:JEV!tt0 cA?r r./11./1r zon[: .dX* oFFrcrn' )-: Y [\ \ tErBAcKs: F:rL- r-n, ?r' nH, * 'e: X-" App.oval:-09-- city: LOIUI\ oorr,gFllE, FLooD: - - &!&( BFE+2rt= -Jr"rrr rrr, t/d2j9 7o/6- A?A 3 pzru?l 6tP'tru NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERITT J?! ? {LO . 2# 7 SF -.ii.i,: fo_TAt 5Q rT UNOER ROOF: a?f TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: 252a -s#ue' # 0F STORIES: aTOTAL PROIECT C05T1l*sr.a1 : $ Is Any TLECTRICAL, PLUfiEING or ,..,ECHf$tIClt i{ort 8€1ng Done to the Accessory Structut'e? fl Ves f] fo If the project is a Relocation, is there a llatural Gas Line on the Current 51te? [ Ves E *o Is there Electrical Power on thts Buildlngl fi ves fl xo pRopERry usE ,/ occuPANcv: E} sruclt FA,.'lrLY I u,rrr-ex I roulnousr DESCRIPTIOII 0F l.lORK: constluct n€lr, 6iagle {amilv residence otsclAlirER I h€reby cenily hsr all intormalbn h fiis applicalon is corEr rnd 8l *&rk si! complywin the slae Suilding code aod €{ otler Epptcsb& sloE and locai Effi sd ordina.res and,6gurstbnr. Th6 NHC Oawtopmnl Scrvbos C€nbI wi! be mrliod olanyctaogei i4 fE apgroad Pbr6 md stEclficalontorGtaflgs ln@ntrgcbror sntrrclorhbmario^.-'NOIE AnyworkFerlsmrwrofteAppoprlrEFsmitswitlbehVobtbnollhiNCStrESbgCodoardSqbigclbFhs6LhTot5m00- OWNER/C0NTMCTOR : neeg Llrenpesn SIGNATURE: *ri r rrrr** irrr.**a.** *r* - JIHI JifJ * +*+,|+:t**+rr+*++***r*.t***r,t t**ri**! "*r*++++r,i***t ji t$ rs rHE pRopERTy tocATFD rN A FLooDptarur f-J ves [l xo TOTAL ACRES DTSTUREED: O.16 Exlsr tAnD DISTURBIIJG PEBllIr: [f'l vrS E Ho rlnrrft: [} ceua f, cor.lr'{uNrry sysrtu I enrvnre *rul f, cruraal urll sEr.rER: I crrua f] cEilTRAL sEprrc fJ narvart sPrrc I co[1r4uirr/ sYsrE,'l 'T' SEPASATf PEB''IITS f,[q.,IRED FOR ELECT, HECH, PLB6, GAS EQUIPJ PREFABS & IIISERTS ''' pAytiErrT nETHoD: I rosH ff caecx (PAYABLE To NH() f] AllenrcA}r ExPREss fi *rcZraso f orscown 4pp116nfT'S ltlAltE: co"itgge Euilding Compan\', LI€ _.. _ DATE:. 6/)0/15 DEVEL0PER: $rP Iv- - Cape Fear p.lvg:_g4;.P!rcF{E *:858-45s-?so3 PRO]E€T ADDflESS:')?7 Trawlerq Way CI'tt:HilEinglon ZlPi 28472 SUBDIVISIoN: R.iver tJiqhLs BLOCK $: _ LOT #: PRoPERTY 0llfiEn'S }.lAilEl taturcu'arch LLc 1r 9lg-3t3-9202 Sf! Nc ZfP:28{51 STi Nc ZIPi 28asl 1t gta-ttz-gzoz fl: 910-35?-0730 _ Ol,lt'lER's ADDRESS: 1105 Neu Poinc BIvd, suit! 6 CITY: Lelanq C0NTRACTOR: coqlii9q llu,rIC1to9 collp4laf'1 I.Lc LfCEiISE $.7372s EXT5TTNG CON5TRUCTT0Nt ff lrrrnartoru [ nrHovarroH I eerenaL RIPAIRS I nrlocarrou '\IEr,, COi'$TRUCIION:SERECT NEW RESIDET{CE Ol. IADOTTTOil TO EXISTTNG 8ESIDET{CE .'pLEASE CHEC( AllD ANSITER BELOI{ ALt THAT APPLY T0 YqrR PROIECT: []arr 6AM6E --*....* sF (on GARAGT -_ sr{Fg;-sr LJ PooL _ sr [-l oEcx r gzr92 SF O]HER; I sronaee SHED -- sFU rool APPLIEATIaN rYPEr RESf DENTIAL PLEASE AllSI.rEf, ALt QUESTIfiS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PtOl[CT "Proj ect Respons ibility" APPLICATIOI{ Itunber (Offl{! Ui.) AD0RE55: 1105 Nev PoinE! llvq CITY: Leland EI'IAIL AODRESS : reed. thompsollEliqqgt qages:lc, q9q Plot'lE PloclEPROIECT COHTACT PERS0fil: Reed .ThoqpEen [sulnoom -sF flcnrmrxousE -_*-_** sF TOTAT HEATEO SQ FT: tels EXISTING ITTPERWOUS AREA; o 5Q FT fiJEI{ ITPERVIOUS AREA: 2524 5Q FT zoxr, H/ oFFrcER: (Foi orrlct usf cilY) ,-,1C')t'.dSYrrrD r,Ar{ e{/11ir1? 5ETBACXS: r,_€-LH"--:k:. Rx: *. 'a; x-" 2$g{ BFE+2.rt= -lt PERI.{IT FEE: '. La-€ 1e qppnoval :--.0L-- clty :!81![n- DArE : '-I ti ,.\i.ii lIlI Totb g8+ APPLICANT'S NAIITE: DEVELOPER: N/A NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIUI TYPF; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSIiIER ALL QUESTIOI,IS APPLICABLE TO Y$JR PR0IECT "Project Responsibility" Robert Parker 705 Fairlie Court CIW: Wilminqton BLOCK #: APPLICATIOfiI Number (Office Use) DATE: 3OAuq16 PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIU{I PROPERW Od{ER'S OhINER'S ADORESS: tlAItlE: Paula Holr 705 Fairlie Court CONTRACTOR; cape Fear solar sv6t,ems ADDRESS: 901 Martin Street EMAIL ADDRESS: SupporroCapeFearSolarsystems.com PHONE #: (gro) ztz-sese ZIP: 28472 LOT *: CITY; wilmrnsEol LICENSE *z G5677 CITY: wilminston P}ffCNE *: -13L9l-?.3-E:1f.1!- ST: JL ZIP z za+tz ST: Nc ZIP. 2B4oL #: (gro) z:e-szeg #: (910) 232-5288PROIECT COiITACT PERSON: Robert Parker PTPNE PTIONE Exrsrrtrlc coNsrRucrrou: [J ALTERATToN f] nrruovnrrou f] err'rrnal REpArRs I nrlocarron NEhl coNsrRUCTroN: I enecr ilEhr RESTDENCE or I morrroN To Exrsrr],tc RESTDENCE *,*PLEASE CHECK AI{D ANShIER BELOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUN PROJECT: fJnrr GARAGE - sF f] oer cARAGE _ sF f] suunoom _ sF f] eoor- _ sF flenrrruHousE - sF I orcx - sF orHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:T0TAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COSTIt-esst-ot1 : $ :r,sao # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUl.lBIllG or fiECHAIIICAL LJork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? ffi Ves fl Uo If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natunal 6as Line on the Current Site? fi V"s il llo Is thene Electrical Power on this Building? lf-l ves ff rvo PR0PERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: ffi Srruer-e FAMTLY I OUnr-ex f, rolruHousr DESCRIPTI0N 0F }IORK: Inqtqllqt.ion of soLar panela on the roof of the Holt's home DISCLAIMER: I horeby certi! hat all inbrmation in his application is correct and aU work will comply wih he State Building Code and a[ oher applicabb State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be nolifred of any changes in he approved plans and speclfications or chango in contractor or contractor inbrmation. '*NOTET Any Work Performed W/O he Appropriate Permits will be in Violation of the NC Slata Bdg Code and lo Fines Up To $500.00'* 0bfr{ER/C0I{TMCTOR : Roberr parker SIGNATURE: rs THE pROpERTy LOCATED rN A FLOODPLATN? fl VrS EXISTIilG II,|PERVIotS AREA: _SQ FT NEhI IITPERVIOJS AREAI SQ FT ZONE:OFFICER: Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: Comment:. fl noncH - sF I sromee sHED - SF SF !',ATER, f] creua I cowur,rrry sysrEM flenrvnrr wru f] crnrnal well sEl'rER: f] crnun I cerurnru sEprrc fJ rnrvarr sEprrc f] cor'r,xJNrry sysrEm *** SIPARATE PERI{ITs REQ4JIREO FOR ELTCT, }IECH, PLB6, GAS EQUIP, PREFAB$ & INSERTS **:* *y#1.x11'i..."-H.'fl..F..'l'.T.1:tn'.'i.r.iH.tl...*11''*'#.:y.il':...H.1yJ.':1...H:.':::** lf rrc TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERtrrrr: f] ves E rc REVISED DATE 04/Ltl12 i_ RH:_ B:_ (FOR OFFICE UsE CNLY) SETBACKS: F: LH: N PERI'IIT BFE+2ft=- ,rr,116- RECEIVED SEP O2 2016 Print NEW CONSTRUCTION I ERECT NEH RESIDENCE oT ADDITIOI'I TO EXISTING RESIDENCE pRorEcr ADDRESS., t7o( /-;/i;'S (/9C A. c:]rYz /<Ji/.yt. ztpt Z6a//Z-su8olwsloN: f.'1o75 f.'494 ' BLocK *r Lor*r./3 pRopERry o{NER's NA}IE:- fi,,^n', I {r+ra,O+ n.://4 ., ptwm *: l/O 47/ loZC or.rNER,s ADDRESS: 2ol /,'/ofS K.4t-kd crwi tui/,--, . srt /czrp: 38/rz- coNTRAcroR! S/"rc n/; /k{- LrcEr,lsE f: {,egs'- Accour{T s: - ADDRESS: Qsra\rr,a< A./. crrY: /.u./*, sft/4ztp; e(r'q rnArL nDDnr'ss, SicUo /aZ4 4azso,t:. tl ,^td Ptot{E s: ./7/ ?ozs- pRorEcr cof{rAcr pERsoN: S{erc n://ez pHo E $; tzt ooz{ EXISTING COIISTRUCTION: EI.TCRNTTOI RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION I'PLEASE CHECI( AI@ AI{SI{EN nrr cnuoe SUNROOM SF 6REENHOUSE BELOry AIL THAT APPLY IO sF Xoer onnaae POOL SF DECK YOT'R PRO]ECT: Qr{* sF . PoRcH SF STORAGE SHED 5F OTHER: SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: O TOTAL TOTAL PROIECT COSTGessrorl : I 60, Ooo SQ FT UNDER ROOF I 3 L{AO TOTAL AREA SQ FT: * OF STORIES: / y'sno Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBII{G or BECHAiIICAL r,Jo.k Beiflg Done to the Accessory Structure? U Yes No If the project is a Relocation, is the.e a Netural 6as Lire on the current site? ves f, No Is there ELectrical Power on this Buildingl Yes . NoAof - ^t^.pRopERw usE / occupArrlcy, X srri.i'rorr,-r DUpLEx rowNHousE A,+<'tgC DEscRrprroir oF uoRK: Oan4A /,'rtaS ,rrcff LoaK ftab oat,,4S dZ,s /o;1 /<-s;<es-.t\ifio-t.i1 iloilqe /a Rr' r+.tL C/a.<l:c Z*45 - Jt--./- OISCLAIMER I heroby certly fia! 6{ inb.malior h hrg6ptc6tor{ u conerr ,ld d wo.k w l comply wih ne SirE &dding Code ad all o&er eplicahle sl,r! 6ld @ laivs snd ordinances and tegulalrons. The NllC Cents, wll be nolfpd o, .ny ch.nges n ne appov€d pl,ans and speciicorbns o chsEe ln conr6cor or cont*bt nbmaion. '_NOT€. Any $,lork _ (PEfr- Ilab)****:rt* )* !rx tl ll * *:tt* a 'l )t* ri** ***t **r:: *a* *** *t* ** *:r.::* *** **,i*:**:t ra:r r r:rr*** r.*: r.*:xr.*** ZONE: . Approval: Commntt REVI5ED OAIE 0al11/12 BFE+2ft= OFFICER: City: (FOR OfFIC€ r,:E OrtY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: F LOOD: AVU ao/b -8?90 cl!1lFg*, -. NEW HANoVER couNry BUTLDTNG pERMrr ?rz ttl '2523{': APPLIEATI0i! |YPE: RESIDENTIALr'It} APPLICATTON.fid' PLEASE Afl$.rER aLL gt€sTror{s AppLrcaBLE To YOJR pRolEcT Numberta; "Project Responsibili!/' (oFfice usc) oor.r*rr,, *u, $/e,,e rA.//q,, Q6n7R+<1oK DArE: q/, /,V< DArE: q/, toor.r*rt', *u, $/e,le rA.//ArQ6L7R:+<l'aK DArE: 11,/, 6 --DEVELOPER: PTIONE *: QIO 217' .9O Ai7 DATE: PERi{IT FEE: $75 tb Email SIGNATURE : NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATIO N TY PE : RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Etil fFlr-l lob- ' 't: ',:t_. - AppLtcANT,s NAME: Erik Lawrence pROJECT ADDRESS: 4120 Whitehurst Drive SUBDtVtStON. Whitehurst pROpERTy OWNER,5 NAME: Erik Lawrence OWNER,S ADDRESS: 41 20 Whitehurst Drive CONTMCTOR. Erik Lawrence ADDRESS: 41 20 Whitehurst Drive ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed workl Heated: 1 55 new sq ft g1ry. Wilmington sr: NC ilP.28409 PHONE: 252-573-0672 glTy. Wilmington ZtP.28409 LOT #: 29 PHONE #.252-573-0672 gsry. Wilmington ztP.28409 BLDG LTCENSE #. 54590 EMATL ADDRE55. erikleighlawrence@gmail.com pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERSON: Erik Lawrence EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence E Rddition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF) _ tr Pool (SF) tr Porch (SF) f, Sunroom (SF) _ f Greenhouse (SF) _ E Storage Shed (SF) tr Deck (SF)E other (SF) PHONE: 252-573-0672 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S14,000 +-l ?4€r- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes n No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure EI Yes E No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNatural GasLineonthecurrentsite? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? El Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family EI Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work:Expand existing master bathroom and closet over garage to accommodate a master bedroom suite. Roof to be removed and replaced w/ new walls and roof to utilize previous storage space behind knee walls for heated living space. laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ***NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State and sub.iect to fines up to 5500.00++* owner/Contr".,o1 Erik Lawrence Signature: "Licensed Qualifier" Print Nome (nrr k"l") ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area, N/A sq Ft New lmpervious Area: N/A sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: no additional Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well E Central Well fl Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic [1 Aqua zone' R-15 Officer: Setbacks (F)- (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment: r4ffis b Darc.910212016 Permit Fee: S 09/02/2076 11:18 FAX l'Jc P\onr l+"-J5&Irq ru (, ,&n Aa RECEIVED SEP 0 2 l0l0-11.*ro*ouo.or#r;,,;;or**r, l-E 'irl rE'i"tI )au nqL AP PLI CATI ON TYP E : RESI DENTIAt PLEAST ANSWER AI-t QUESTIONSAPPLICAALE TO YOUR PROJECT "Pror.ct Responribility" owosendAPPLICANT'S NAME: PRoJEcTADDREss. 1714 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNER's ADDREss: 17lJ CONTRACTOR:Sea rs Improvements ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS; PRO'ECT CONTACT PERSON:Danny Townsend EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: NEW CoNSTRUCTIoN: tr Alteration lI Renovatlon D General Repairs New Resldehce E Additlonlo Existint Residence E Relocation E Att Garage (sF)E Det Garage (SF)- fl sur'room (SF)E Pool (sF) tr Deck (St)E Greenhouse {SF) ls the proposed work the existing footprint? E Yes n No proposed wotk) Heated: 1.5& unheat.d: ,s {r!f- setbacks (r) -(LHl -(RHI -(B) -D.te: - Flood: (A) - (v)- (N) ..-- BFE+2ft- Applicatjon Number (otfice use) oalc. gt2t2o16 2tP.28403 LOT f: PHONE #. 70&850-1305 ;ry. wirminsion-------,;78466- gr-oc r.rceNsr *:gI9- 511 NC 1p121{!0 p116pp. 336-847-1970 pssp6.336-847-1970 E Porch (5F) D Storage shed (5F) E other (5F) All windows to Dr., TOTALSQ FT UNDER ROOF TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less intormation, "rNoTt: AnY work withoLrt tle app ropnate permiB wiil be In violation oi the Nt #t€ fl d8 code and -Yf''t t" fi'* upf i S5oo oo"' own.r/contractori -9!III 'ownsend Slgnatu.a: ls the proPosed work thenumberof bedrooms? E Yss E No Is any Electrlc.l, Plumblnt or lf the project is a Relocation, workbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructure E Yes L No there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrica) Power on Building?aY€sENo Property Use/ Occup.ircy:singl3 Famlly E ouplex E Townhouse me-nt of atlririndowiand exleriordoors. No new conslruclion orD€s.ription af Wot&r Low-E, double hung, max DlsclAJMEi: I h€rebycertifY lhat all laws and otdinances and "Licensed Q,olilie/ ls the property located in a Exlstlng lmperulous Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbsd: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Exislint Llnd Disturblng Permhr E Yes E No U/ATER: E CFPUA Ei sEwER: E CFPUA E zone: - Off,ccr. Approval: - CitY: System E Private well B Centralwell fl Aqua unitysystem D Private Septic E Centralseptic O Aqua ioiormation ln thE appticatioo is cofiect and a[ workwitlcornply with the State Suildlng co& and allod1er applicable State and l@al : Nnc oevetop_"nt !.*ic6 cent€r wiltbe notified of any d.n8es lrcE approved ptaB ald sp€<ificatiollor chanSeln cont.actor ?EYesBNo Comment:Permit Fee: S ?5- C Det Garage (SF) - tr Pool (SF) U Deck(SF) 1i:: J*:-f:r,:erg-5:l:l signatu re : Print Nome Total Acres Disturbed:C 'FAft ,")g rtFtl-<- (J Ll Porch {5F) [J StorageShed (5F) E-6ther (SF) -7.r" ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E* No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl Heated: -fulo- Unheated: TOfAL PROIECT COST (Less totl: S { f, cso<c ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? EIf". EI ruo -/ ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure EI Yes E No lf the project i3 a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes Effio ls there Electripal Power on this Building? d yes [J ruo ,/ Propefi Use/ioccupancy: dsingte Family fl Duplex E] Townhouse Description of Work:,\o a[,< :sfafrtcA -('+<:t.vfd /6.fl\t i t nf AEa\A\ ir.*r,-.{"€6 D iN laws and ordinances 6nd regulations. The NHC Development SeNicer Center will be notified of any changes in information. r*'NOTE: Any work perfonned without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC .f'-- ,4 ls the propertf located in a floodplain? D Yes E No txisting lmp€rrious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervlour Area: - Sq Ft Existing tand Disturbing Permit: El Yes E No WATER: ( qfrUa E Community System E Private Well E Central Well D Aqua SEWGR: Et CFPUA E Community system n Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua Zonel ------.* Officer: Approval: - City: setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ IRH) _ (B) _ -)N REcETvED AUG a 0 20fi ;ffiarn fEm lQtb- qDTZ NEW HANOVER couNw BUTLDTNG pERMrr r-r r/- l,diL)_LoDr rr[:,rrrtlr rvlo,lt:. rtrcr,.'rrrrt A , -l-\2---J ) l ' ,l ffi APPLICANT',St1lnUg:,',1-,,.iil;; ).",r'-V Date: PROJECTADDf,ESS: tiZf 5. /Ne,st,,r)(3 Jr CITY: tiltt*tdttztl ,rr. z7 / et Y SUBDlVlSloN:, b4*oferu LOT f: ,1-- pRoPERWoWNER'SNAME: / om ,lnn f,ra^,r k<rn o<PHoNE n,(qra) da1* qyyl OWNER'SADORESS; /tZ 4 5: /4.)<ti{i4(3 OC.-clil: ./l<u.-,^,h"f. .21p' ZrYaS coNTRAcroRi 1) n ort ^ 4 6 {-W,t fur,ro *r(BLIIG ucENsE fi' '+o54? ADORESST lSJg /:Ol-+Z{@t '4K J7. g1'ni t)tr-.t,,,-t tzql Sf: rt.Zlp: *ZS*V.dl. EMATLADDR*St ZaE6r.C OC-s./;.^^:<t<-<* a* pHoNE: (4cQ Zu1 - 3A<Z I PROJEgT CONTACT PERSON:fucarr Sirzt {PHoNE: Q,o) ?G'i-'37 z z. ,/ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ZI Alteration fl Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI{: fl Erect New Residenc" gdAOlaion to Existing Residence n Relocation ***pLEASE CHECK ANp ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT Appty TO YOUR PROJECT.T* n n n Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" Att Garage'(5F) _ Sunroom ($F) - Greenhouse (SF) AP PLI CANA N IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PL€ASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' Application Number (office use) 4 stl,L Comment: Date: _ Flood: {A) (V} _ {N} _ BFE+2ft Permit ,".,r+tD -