SEPTEMBER 12 2016 BUILDING PERMITSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResPonsibilitY" effist Number (office use) ;-e41e{APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECI ADDRESS: E *sr ,U t^-I-A Oate: ,rrr,r'r,o,r,, z''o L' PRoPERTY owNER 's IIaTaz. C E42 L,4 o*r.*', orr*rrr, I 20 I CONTRACTOR;6.t7D'. T/1pct'L CNa AoDetss: b16 p< L( EMAIL ADDRESS: oJ 1,.' stDcucENsEH: 2 2 Sn {- sr:L'LaPt e&qo1 pRorEcr coNrAcr or*ro*. 6 5 R E ^t r 7EP uTb "lxone,1/a -a7H >rc ExtsTtNG coNsTRucrtoru, 5-i-tter"tion n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation D Att Garage (sF)--- E Det Garage (sF) I Sunroom (SF) I Greenhouse {SF) - ls the proposed work chanBing the existinB footprint? ! ves Ll t'lo TOTALSqFT UNDERROOI llor proposed work) Heated: 3 osa Unheated: **,}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALI.THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}** n Porch (SF) n Pool (sF) n Deck (SF) [] storage shed (sF) n other {SF) TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):5 )0, ao'(D ,/ ls the proposed work chan8inB the number of bedrooms? E Yes fl lto - -/ ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure_9yes fl No i::[:J?i::lJ:: H"J,:""1;:',ffiil],H{:'J"il" the current s te? u :'J."-L b^:!:*^g{,1 /*3* ifur: eaowa ?to-6(2'11??L -crn, L., Zz-l^,r.Uan ^a _ ztp:2rqa5' /o ^2 3r^s 2 rs there Erectricar Power on this Building? EI Yes u No l**f f-.f!;;;;'r;; 't'u/t., rr*, - f LTr,+ ffi HJ,,;:l i:il *'M,;, :,tl'r" " it':>z ;yl" E;, / " i&i' V-ii ), -' .,,--- *,- C lt"€ET A*,a lSlnlet"t" FL6*,-o ou d^ilrpT laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services center will be notified of anv changes in the approved plans and.specificatiol::t:T#:-': -*""tt rnformalron. .'.Nort. any wort pertormed wrthout rhe appropllate permrts will be in vrolation ot the N9>xl BldB codl and !ubject lo fines u+s/i500'00"" owner/contracto. Ga?Ept TEp c"tl sisnature: Ge'-A th-'-^-t] "Licensed Quoliliet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? fl yes C ruo Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervPJs Area: '- sq tt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E ves fl No warER: d crPUA tr communitv system E Private well fl central well fl Aqua ,/ SEWER: d CFPUA ! CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic E Central Septic D Aqua zone: - officer: - Setbacks (t) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - CitY:- Date: Comment: Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: S zo lt NEI,I HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT APqLI(ATION lypf ; C0M}IERCIAL ;,ttasf AslriEs nLL QUrSiIou! APTLJCABIr r0 vcluR pftolrcT "Froject &esponrlbility," PlroiiE #: gg?7 16-20?9 ir.t& ivt tr'! r; '*S b; APFLI(AIIT''5 MI.18: 0[VFl OP€R r APPI. TCATIOH Number (0frice usei * _-. ZIPI zt+rr:PROIECT AD0R[55: 25,j,1 l.tes L'i i l-a. r* !i*t OCCUPA,{T/BUSINESS NAlelE : r:ern;iJt".Jrtnt: {:.i:e PRCFIR]Y 0i'rNER'5 lrtAl,lE; r,a; !'ani] i. ii.{: OhINER'S AI|DRtSS: s.U j.:ior,"n Cr?ek }f,ive *_CITY: ;r:t-Ern:ig.9j*-. ST: Nc ZIP:2s4fq-.. LrcENsE s: 6S?r(-l.rrrv, l,v,lr-.Il-^Il sr:NC zw: 4o! PHot{€ f, i - . PHolrE *: jti-._;n.qgqr PHOilE T: r.oNIRAcrua: J*a,\.r, ?"gtri',.,-Inc AtoRFss, -.-lgr&* - lf)o?_- €ilnll Altliif SS.: _*_ PRI]}ECI ($FITACT PERSONI Lxrsl cclri'rRUCTrrlil: Q ar-rrnrtror i] *#u;ilx E^JriiRqL REpar&s l-l nerocrrron iiReloca'i.im, st5,.:reaNaturat GasLrneontheCurrenrsitel IvFfl ,lo tsELDGspnfixlenrozf]v"u f]r,ru NEh,l coruslRucl':oru; I EREcr NEl{ srRUCruRE f]r*sr rnncr f] sxell f]uprrr f] AoD ro Exrsr srnucrufiE ACCESSOflY SIRUCTUftE: ff LtPFl'f - The 5he11 PPrmit #l .r'r* Is 'rHrs A cHAfi6r cF occ.,pAHcy usEi ff yEs EM' .*rn* II. Yes, khat uas the Previous 0ccupancy Type?lihat is the llek occupancy Type? f liffi Dt:5l6tti pf,Of FSSIOi|AL : S i il A . tse:-,Cajur;nr: , ;,8 I P{: qtu;l\-16r,o tJC REG tr: ro?]6 _- 119i8 DL5(.RIPI[0[,i OF hJ0f(K: .{jj.gr4,lt.r,ij,*!,:T4}: t]j!jr.i:*r:J:.Je;g,';:jr;Ll.1l;-ar_?a-._g:!.:: ls fcod or bsvd{rges pepured or sorysd ln u1i8 $ructursl ffi',t s ff i.ro ls Ih* Property Located ln The Flooddatntff Yr:s ffi xo A{Cit OESI6l,l PR0FESSIO|I|/IL: L. r"{ark L::r:ile:ft:i iti . .x rA alrs hf.{If:tri D[Arc(slnilnr. 4irl n Eai-a-!r-,--,- ACfiES DIS.IURBED: i NfW IMPERVIOUS ABEA: n 15 tlect Power on this Building [t vcs flno t{{ldho s6s bund to l0 day, fioa lro tlo SO FI UlSt:t-AlMER. I toypilv cprlity tlrat all ,nlorqlsloo i,r lht3 af.pif,trtn,r' rs r',1{,ecf irr:d ::l: $st{ trll cornL{y nith the St3to ts!,ih: ;rntl kx6l l;r.vs ilrnl orLlkr;r,rle$ anrl ra!.iuldtirr.,5. lhe NHC Cevelll),ns,:1 Suirr!ri, Cerrld: w;:; t:t noillid Of anv chi:nocs in ur :t1anQ(i in iionlrir'.l,rilx c.rlllrrdlor rnlolqratort "'NOI[An1 &O'. l]e-fcrFrt.d !1.11 'hc l.rflcfir:.tte lCrer{:lrll 6e n \irrrjr,crTnr,nrs(rir1otsc000... A_lh.^-n }rhr,trra CWNEFUCONTRACTOR: ,ir,*ll*sr,..ib-uiL:i-iii:-*:1,--{rii -ir:rq:q-r,. SIIINATURE: L(,ltll HAns) f &Jte: i)$firilttlon nowcsliirl.; & EsbGstos ,rynsvat 0ennit gFplts{a6.r 8re N !"6 lusrntied !sii0 &s sFpllcsrlon ttrm lOfus-3dtey rtronar $)rdnlo AcDrRto$ 0r' rlot. You sro roqrlrEr, to 6slt th€ Nstoosl E.n8slon 8Lndard3 ior h8rardou$ Alr Poll{rknts tNE$ftAP) ol (919}707.15950 d darrxJllkn of iny hdirly o, bulldifiu. lls Asloiro-r rffgb $itr: ht?://yfl.6pi.strtrl.*f,.uselrtrrst€$t(:3ldlmp.hFrl TOTAL PROJECT COST: .;-21-or51-* .* BUILDING HEIGHT: f OF UNITS: TOTAL AflEA SO FT : ;I. A.Oq :JQ FT PER FLF , OF STORIES: #OF FLOORS:IOTAL $Q l-T ITNDEF ROOF: :2,.19,. ..- _- # CrF STFIUCTURES: EXSr LArrD otSruRBtNG pERMr? Jfl yeS fl nO SQ FT EXiS'i ING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERryu$E: [ZloFFlcE f]REsTAuRA."rr [:fMEncAr,tlLE l_]Eouc Deer []como oTHEft wATEFt: U'JCFPUA IICOMMUNITYSYSTEIVi []wir-L fIzoNtNGUsEcr-AsstFtCATloN: sEWER: fficrnul ficrrurnau sEpnc Ir'nivareSEpTrc SFour*ruNrrvsysrEM ". Stp.lfi.qTt: :t;tiltIS nLOL,lRfD aOF fr.r!:]". il:C{ I'i.16 :;{i f1Jijtp. I,tr{:fAe$ & frsanTS -. PAYiIENTI*ETI{OO: IICASH IICHECK(PAYAELETO NHC) IIAMERICAN E(PRESS EUCUSA (FOfi OaslCE USE ONLY} florscorcn HEVISED OAIE '/T1./'I2ZONE;OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_*_LH:_ RH:_ B: Appruval :* .-*, C1U:_....-_ DATE:_ F LOOD:BFE+2h 'ri:. i r,i r:"r: ';o:: frrn-?Dlb- FZrK APPLICATION Humber (Of+ice utc) l ffi PROPERW OT{I{ER'5 OTT{ER'S ATDRESS: COI{TMCTORI ADDRESS: EIIAIL AIIDRESS: kcaison@nhcqov. com PROIECT COI{TACT PERSOil: Kevin Carson ((heck All lhat apply) ExrsT cot{srRucrro{: ffi Er-rrnarrot fl nrrornrron I crnrnm REpArRs I ner.oclrror lf Rclocdon,bthereaNatwalGasLineontheCurrentsitez [lvF[ruo tSBLDGspRrr.rxlrnro?nves [truo IitEll cot6TRttcrro{: fl rnrcr ilE}t srRtcruRE flFAsr rRAcKfl srer.r- [urrrrE aoo ro Exrsr srRrrcrunE ACCESSORY STRTJCTURE: NEhI HA]IIOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,IIT APPLIcATIoil rypE : C$4i4ERCIAL PTEASE Ar{Sr{ER ALL QUESTTO|{S ApptICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "ProJect Responsibility" APPLICAT{T'S ttlAIG: Kevin caison DATE.JJJSIL DEVELOPER: New Hanover CounEy PfIll{E *: e1o-7eB-433s PROIECT ADDRESS: 39s0 iruvenile cenr.er Rd.CITY: !{ilminqron ZI'Pz 2a4os OCCUPAilT/BUSII{ESS l{A}lE: NHC sheriff csr Buirdinq llAllE: New ltanover county $:.@ ST: g ZIP:3gg sr,tiJLzwzA?WC *: gro-zgs-n::g *z gto-ze+-atzo CITY: wirminsron LICEITSE CITY: If UPFIT - The SheLl Permit #: **r** rs rHrs A ctulr{GE oF occtpatcy usel fivrs filo *'r.*i rF Yes, rfiat sas th€ Prevlous occupancy Type? _ lfiat is the il€u occupancy Typel AiOl DESIO{ PROFESSIOI{AL: Charles J. Todd (Lirrle Diversified}%i 9r9-474-25to NC REG f : .L Pil: 910-433-282s l{C REG *i 22922E[{GR OESIGil PROFESSIO{AL: Ben Roqers, pE (Elemine & Assoc) DESCRIPTIS{ OF lCIRXt 29t6 sq.ft. addirj.on ro exisrinq CSr buiLdinq b ftod or bomage popamrt c sevod h tila sruct.rar f]ves [l ruo b The Proprty to*d h lto Ho@*z flves EI *o DISCI IHER: I hereb.y cerlity urat all inlormatiqn in Oris-apdicslbn is conect and all work will comply wit,l rhe Stab Building Code and afi oth€r applicaue State and.local laws and ordinances and r€gulstbns. The NHC Development Servi>s CenEr wil be nodfrid ol anv chanoes in th6 aoomved olans and 'sbecifications or change in conrador pr contractor i-nformatkm. "'NOTE: Any Work Pertornred wO rtre4prop.isle P;rmts wi[affti1 Vio6d[[ot rhalle Srete 6Eg eod€ino :ifi:ffi;'J*Xfi*..*" "",".:#;;,.;, ;;-^'r* f7"- ! LS. (Ou.lltc) {P'tr}5t) Nole; De(Iloffton nodtlcdlont & rbaoc rgnold poililtlpplcdocB.,rbb.tamlEd udrB thaS0cdon bfn (Of}lll\37SS)sitdlfh. hcllyorbuffie wa6 h$db comh A.ta&c d tlol You 6rs nryfrld b cr$ dle N.to(ld &nbdon *t&fd. frr lhz.flbr.! I{r tbtrEt! (NESH p) .t (919)7076m !t l€.sr 10 &F trto. b th. &tnoluon ofrl, hcsty o. h.dldhg. s.. A$6E $r.b stb: hrp//u^rx,.ed.strb.rc.us,€pi/esbcb6/.fimp.html TOTAL PRO,ECTCOST: s350, ooo zuILDING HEIGHT: re rt #oF UNITS:TOTALAREASQFT:2er6 SQFTPERFLR: zgre #oFsroRtES:-I_ TOTALSQFTUNDERROOF: eoe3 #OFSTRUCTURES: 1 #oFFLooRs: r Is Elect Prer on this Building [l ves flr'to EXSr LAND DTSTURBING pERMmEIyES n NO SQ FT D(STING IMPERVIOUS AREA PRoFERwuse; fffficE f]REsrAumnr [urncrrnrs [eor.rc nnpry f]cooo orHER: lvltr!, EcFryA f]coftsilUN]TYSYIsTEM DrrvELL EzoNNGUsEcLAsstFtCATtoN:sEt^/ER: mcFpuA Eicerrnru-sEpflc I nn-rvlre sEprE g1-muuuxnysylsrEM "'Si.i)Aii/ilt i][ill,4l l3l?l:l]illts:i ;r.ltr; ii-r t"15.1.;.i.trlLlG.i-,rrSiOiIf, l)lttrlABS {t.l-\a!ls ., PAYIIIENTMETHoD: flcnsn floreo<pAyABlEroNt-rc) flauenrclxoteRE$s ftucrvlsr floscoren (FOR OFFTCE TJSEOilLY)REI/XEDXTE4flIN2ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_Otf_DATF' FLOOD:_ BFE+2t=_ *'*-* ^ ' &*u,r rEe $_[I-K<_- ACRES DISTURBED: .62 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ;o: s SO FT 5,?s 6J /ot|-B?21 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIVUT APPLICAIIfi'J ryp€r RESIDENTIAL ptrAst ANslitn Art QUE5TIONS AppLrCASLt T0 Voijn pRolECT "Project Responsibility'' PORCI{ CONVERSIONAPPLIONT'5 NA}iE: DEVELOPER: p7a PR0JECT AODRESS: 7812 r,lasonboro sqund Road CITY: HILMIN6ION 5UBoIVISIOI'I: lrawninq creek ph1 & 1A 8L0cK S: PXopERry oulNER,5 llA,{E: r,ioodford & Donna Middlecon 0ldl'llR'S AD0RE55; 791.2 Masonboro Sound Road CITY: i\II LMING.ION C0i{TRICTOR: 9oR.cE goNyE!.;s}ON _ LICEilSt fl: ADDRESS: 6s2,I I,IARXET S.I.RF:ET CITY: H! lr.",tlIJGTQN EtlAIL A00RES5: porchconvcrsjoneqmail.com PRO]ECT CONTA(T PERSON: SHFIRPI BRIlI"I L6-2515 ailIZl?idrr ilumber (offlce U6c) . DATE: s/2elt6 PHONE S: ZIP:28409 pt{oNE lOT f: 1R s: -:-:-9::r-L.9.!.!.1- 5T: t'rc Zl?: zsrtog ST: ZTP: 2WgL fJsurunoor* -sF I enreunousE - sF f] eoor- - sr floecr - sF f sronacr sHED - OTHER: screenroon 166 PtloNE #: elo-???-3383 PIPNE S: 9r.o-???-3163 5F SF Exrsrilrlc collsrRucrrol{, I atrrnaTloN I ntNovarroru [ eerrnar- REpArRs f nrLocarroN NEl,l coNsrRucrrorv: f EBEcr f,lEt{ REsIDEtlct o" [laoorrroil To Exrsrrrlrc RESIDENCE rtpL€ASE CHECK Ar{B At{SlilER SELOhl ALL THAI APPLY T0 Y0UR PROIECI: f] arr 6aRA6E sr I oer GARAGE sr I noaor -sFT0TAL HEATED SQ FT: TOIAL 5Q FT UNDER f,OOF: rF- TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: rse ..,_ TOTAL PROI ECT COST (tesr l,or) : $ rz, a gs # OF STORIES: r Is Any ETECTRICAL, PLUI(BING o|. HTCHANICAL work Being Doae to the Accesrory Structuret E yeS I *o If the project ii a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on thl. Current Site? f'l Ves B *o Is thene Electrical Powen on this Building?lTI ves D*o PROPERW USE / OCCUPAXCy: p STNGLE FAMTLY I OUnr-rx f]rO'.$rxOUSe OtSCRIPIIO'.J OF I,JORK: consLrucr a 166 sf screen room addirion Lo an exJsting nascnry telrace DISCLAIUER: I hereby cerrify lhst ail i.brmabon in fiia agp}calon 6 cor.ect and a[ work *iliconpry wrh ie Slare Suildrng Code and C o,lB. Epplcrble SlsE and bcal la$rs c6uacr'r 6brma0on. '-NOTE. Any Work Perfomed w/O he AppropriaE ftrmG will bc n V[br1on ot lhe NC SEe *{ Coda and Fines Up l o $5@ 0O" lldllER*€e$IRA€+OR: AG6N'r .JEREMy r.rARrr-N SIGNATURE: (Pti6t +r.ne)lYf t**++f ti*ivr*1f, f, *+**+*+ +*+* +**i*****+r++tt+f +++++*+*+ *++ i**** rs rHE pRopERTy L0(ATED rN A FTOODpTATN? n yEs E *OfUfll EXISTIHG II,IPERVIOUS AREA: :4?49.... .__ SQ FT NEI,I II-IPERVIOUS AREA: O 5q FT rdArEB: I creun I comururry sysrEr.t I rnrvarr wrll f] cr*rnal we ll sEr,rER; ffi crnua I cerurnal sEprrc l]J parvarr sEpTrc ! cotmulrrw sysTEM ... s€PARATE pERr{rTS REQUTRED FOn ELECT, ilECH, PLAG, GAS EQUIp, 9nEFASS & rr{S:8T5 rt' '^'li:l.i:'.1":;"-..?.'1.'1.-E"'ji-.I.1:1"111'-l:.iT,,,.4I.-11Ti-:::i'.':.,.,?.YJl:1,.-H:::::** (t0R orrlcr usr o{Lv) / , , rrvtlFo 0ATr 94111,'12 .sErBACXs: r,N/& ux, b-. nx' l0' e,'u\' npprouat: OL.. citvlali&i'11- r, t A- V I TOTAL EXIST ACRES oISTURBED: o LA|D DrsruRBrNG pERr.trr: l]f vrs [il ruo zoNE: I *15 oFFrcER: I