SEPTEMBER 14 2016 BUILDING PERMITStu-1tTT alr.le: f PHor{Efl: '/ 01 - )o s7 Ctw: L,-tlat A|aPq/,) EIDG UCEflSE #i (]rtr; Lv ,l ,*t sr @[tP: )P I / e pxonr, 9ro-133-I2-t36 pRo,EocoNrAcrp r t{*, )o rn (-o L r* t ,ron ,1/o'733-PJl L Exlsn G COa{STRUCIloil: E Alteration E} Renovatlon (eeneralRepalrs NEw CONSInUCIION: E Erect New Residence a Addition to ExistinS Residence D Relocation .. 'PLEASE CHECI( AN D ANSWER BETOW AII" THAT APPTY TO Yo(,,R PROIECT" E Att car.ge (sf)- E $rnroom (sF) - E Greenhouse (SF)- E Det Garage (5F)-D Porch (sF) E Storage Sfted (SF)- TOrAL PRoJECT C[}sr (Less Loqt 5 a.a7 o a o Ir the proposed worl changing the numbel of bedrooms? tr Y6 *,r& ls any Elcdrl€|, Plumbing or Mcdrenlcal work beint dode to the Acccssory St,usture E Va fi Ao lf the proiect is a Relocltion, is thete a tlatur.l G.s Line on the curent site? tr Y€r F No ls thare EhcEical Poweron this Buildlne? ! Ycs E No *ffi1YffiI**FYEI\tr }jli-.li,ff ; n o,,,', - 4'" n n p p t-u m n s f;z mly "rrrt tho ft tf,. tn{orfirtlon In thb appllcadon B aoflrd .lld .ll aorl wlll conipv wnh tha Stet Bulldl.f, C.dG.td d.dE ryLaliGst t! trd lo.d Lur .nd ordh.n..r .nd rquLdons. Thc nHc O.\do?m!ni Sarvlc.r Cantrr 1rlll b. nodtLd ol .iy .hrn8.t ln th. .99ro/d drrB .nd t9.dfdo.l' (r dEI. h @dr..lor ln,omrtlon. "'NOTE: Any rrork P..forn.d *iti|dn Et .PPEFLt. Ftmiti wiI b. h doLtloo of th.b ftG rpro 35m.(}t" Osner/Conttrctor: "Uens.d Quo frea Slgnature: ls the pmperty located ln a floodplain? tr vcs Sffo ErEfil8 lmpcrvlolJ5 Aree: - Sq Ft New tmpglvlous arGa: _ 5c Ft werrn ( creul E community system E Priwte well E c.nlral well E Aql]a SeWfn: ts CFPUA O communaty System E Private septlc D Centralseptic E Aqua zon.: - ofior: - srrtlEts itl - (ull - (ix) - (l) -ApprsvC: - Otf _'- oatc: - Floo.t: (Ar- (Vl - [N)- lFEr2fF - APPtICAt{1"5 NAMEr PRO'ECTADDiESS: suBDrvlsroN: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: owr{ER's ADonEss: CO TRAfiOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESSI ls the proposed wo.l( changrng thp existing footprint? E ves [ ruo rfiAL sq rr ur{DlR lror llor proposed wotlf t"",.* iL Ps/ unh.at.&0i-c/'r rr i4uaDtt lffir NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUI1DING PERMT I-I APPLICAfl ON TYPE : RESIDEilTIAI PI.EASE AI{SWER AI.L QUEsTIOI{S AP?TJCA TE 'IO YOUR PROICT 'Prolect ResponslHlltf RECEIVED sEP 0 6 20s rV o D Pool (sF) tr D€ck (sF)tr other (sF) 4)o Total Aar3a oisturbsd: E bdnS t.nd Dlsturbtng Permtt E Ye3 0 o Comrncfit:Pcrmt fce; S t0h \)-,a':'. ,, Number (offce uie) ,/G PROJECT ADDRESS: 312 Gravhawk circle NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOI,,R PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility' Cha!te! Building Group CIry: liiltninqton APPLICANT, S MIitE: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: ?lott,-qtw T6=2572 - APPLICATI0ITI Number (offlce use) DATE: a-23-L6 z*| ry SUBDMSION: Eorest Creek BLOCK f:LOT #i 21 PRoPERW o{r{ER's n*r, DrnaL(s* co]1'PHolrlE #: ST:OhINER, S ADDRESS:ZTP: sT: q zIP: 2!3q*zW #:W% CO,ITRACToR: charter Buildinq Group LICEI'ISE *: ADDRESS: 108 Giles Avenue aTtY! wiLminoton EIIAIL AIDRESS: tonya@ charterbui Ldinqsroup. com Pll('ltlE PROIECT CO{TACT PERSG{: sean r,ei.ris PHOIIE EXISTIN6 cO STRUCTION: I alrenarrot I nenovArrol I eeruenal neemns ! REL6CATIoN NEl cor{sTRUcTIot: [} enecr NEht RESIDEN6E o" ! aoorrrol To EXI5TING RE5IDENCE trtr **PLEASE CHECK AIID AI{S}IER BELOT{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOI.IR PRO]ECT: I nrr ernaee %- sF ! oer cannce sr I eoncH -LsF SUNROOM SF n poor- - sF l-l sronace sreo sF GREENHOUS E - SF ! orcr SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: L TOTAL SQ FT UNDER TOTAL PROIECT C0ST Ges" t-oo : $ -:a5g3-- # R(X)F 3 3809 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: q_ OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, pLulrBI G or ttEcHANIcAL work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? fl Ves fl ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curnent site? ftves flno rs thene Electricat Power on this Building? l]lvet Jfl ruo pRopERw usE / occuPANcY, I srlcle rnffir-v I ounlex I To]lNHousE DESCBIpTIOIT OF HORK: New sinqrle Familv DweLlinq with attached qaraqe DECLAlli,lER lhereby cerlify lhatall lnfrmadon ln fils appllcatbn h corEct and 6llworkwl! comply wlfi he State Buildlng Code and all and odlnshces snd Egula{ons. The NHC Oovelopment S€rvlcss C€nbr wll be noifod ofany changes ln he approved plans and Up 10 $s00.00*'contacbr lnbmaloh. 'tNOTEi Any Work Perfomed w/O fls Appropriab Psmlts wlll be ln Vlolaton ol the NC Stats OI{I{ER/CONTRACTOR: chalter Buildinq croup SIGNATURE: rs rHE pRopERry LocArED rN A FL@DpLArHr l--l ws El no EXISTIiIG IIiIP ERvIq'S AREA: NEW ItiIP ERYIOUS AREA: -SQ FT 42s1 5Q FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: g- ExrsT LAIID DrSTURBrI{G PERTuT: I ves ll'tr Ho hrArER: @ creua fl co04MUNrw svsrer,r I PRrvArE WELL I cetlrnrl well SEHER: I cFpuA E CENTRAL sEPTrc ! enrvrre seerrc ! co]ll{uNrrY sYsrEM ZONE :OFFICER: (FOB OFFICE USE O.ILY) SETBACKS: F: LH: ,T*' SEPAIIATE PERIITITS REq.,IRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PL8G, GAs Eq.JIP, PREFABS & IIISERTS +'' pAyrrrErr nErHoD: E casx EcxriK (payABLE ro rncl I mrtnrcan ExpREss E mclvrsr l--l orscovtr *+{.!r,i* * *,f,t:* * **,1. * *,t * **+ ***+ *++* ++***,f* *'t** ****++* ** + f *tt,r,} r(*,i * r( * * {' * * **r(* '} 't :i' +++* **+* **** ** SF CITY: applicable Slab and local lavrs $t,uq t- SEWSED DATE 04111112 RH: B: BF E+2ft=Approval :- CitY:- DATE:- FL@D: fu/b-q/L/5 15-2469NfiW H-ANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APFUCANAN ryPE RE5IDINTIAL PLTASE ANSWER AIL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUB PfiOJECT,'project Responsibility. Application Number (offi(s usel AppLtCAt{I,s gap4 g. Redland Development lncorporated;;r;;;;r;;;;r, }T6rffi,rlr.,rtffia-'- *- Dare' 825/16 a,*r,xn -ctrY: \ r*Ilstgn zt,,mLl'liiiril,iEii,Xgi::r-v::'*'l1Y:::a- -crry: w,lnll{gl----* ilzs?&-- 1gT s, 123 pngpfRTy OI TNER,S NAME: Redland Development lncorporated PHONE *: 910-443-2700 owgEtrs ADDRrss. 662a-A G;rd;;E;A .*, tnn,*,@1_*-_-- z*,xlr.rS - CONT{ACTOR: Redland Developrfi ert lncor[rcrated ELDG UCENSE T. 30700 ADSRESS r 66a2 -i,-d;id{:}r1 nfi E--^**gpy. Witmington 51. NC 21p.28405-,--EruAr! A';il;;3;f6;d i 6,er"udFo.n " PHot{E: 919143:2i?o_ pBOJtcT C,NTACT pE*SON: Martin Sorenssn PHONf : 91n443-2700 ExlsrrNc coNsrfluc?roN: r: Artrrauon Ll Renovation f Generat Repairs NEw coNsrRUCTloN: G Erert New Residcnce I Addition to Exisiing Residence il Relocation '**P!.q&!E-@It-L!IHA'IAePtYT.o-Ygg3.p,E-q,EgI*** 7 Att Garage (Sn 60J ffi Sunroom (sF)300*- -Greenhouse (SF) --__._ I Det Garage (SF]-- D Pool (sF)---_--.-._.-- n Deck {SF) tZ Porch {SF} 153 U Storage Shed ftF) ----3 Other 15p1U/H S]orage se t ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I yes Il mo TOTAL SQ FT UNDE8 R0,OF gor oroposrd workl ?{eated. 3703 rorAL PRoJECT Co5r {tess r or; 5f!.!00- lsthe proposedwork changingthenurnhero, bedrooms? E yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E Nolf the project !s a Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes E No ls there Electrical power on this Building? [ yes [tr No Property Use/ Occupanctc d singte Family J Duplex D Torrnhouse Description of work: Erec? new sjngtgr""l[.tg:idu"""lrl[jld&d 2_ cqlgqlage DISC|'ATMEB: r h?4by cenify th"rl ai1 iltf information in thls aporicatior: is (orre.l3nrr a, worr. {!t cornpry wi?h rtle l:H:::,::,Iilj1?:1:::-:ll:,:ll. Nll..oweklpsrynr scrvire' ctrn€, w.l h€ Dotitied of nny tlunser rn rtre;io{ornr'.ion. r'TNOTI: Any wort p€.f$m!d withrut the app.5pltrin nurr*, *if iU. f, ,ji,*,ir#;#'_E;,;p,4; Owner/f, antrr.lorr lt4adin Scrensen SEnature:-Licensed Quolifief Print Nare ls the property located in a floor{plain? I yes l.l txisting lmperuiou! Arco, 0 ^.-- Sg Ft Total Acres Dlsturhed:2t t{sw lmporvious erea: !$1.--_- Sq rt fxitting land Dis?urbin;;;;; ;;" WATIR: = CFPUA D CorrrnrvnitySystem ,l privateWell C Central Well lI Aqua S€WERr G cFpuA n Conmr:nity syr:cm il private septic iJ cent;.a! septic E aqua zo*e: l4Y* orncer:ry s€tb:c1slrl[(rll,*:fn$ }(. ta)*_ 4"***;,, ,*,s", !, g :iru tnseclisn ts{uuffi, $1$"2${& q7" fb W 9lS.ptPuA vD Bus-?Atr - 1/ 5/(.tlbs,f ul/ ''/vrr J Y NEt^r HANoVER couNTY BUTLDTNG PERMIT APPLICANT'S ttlAilE: DEVELOPER: nia APPLIOATIfiI rYPE: COFIMERCIAL PLEASE AI{SI{ER ALL QUESTIOTTS APPLICAELE TO YA,IR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Chambliss and Rabil Contrastors, Inc PRO]ECT ADDRESS;202 GLLes Ave.CIW: v,Ir-lmirqton OCCUPANT/BUsINES5 M!lE: Pa,,vs and Claws A4ioa} Hqspital APPLICATION Number (office Use) DATE: s.11.16 PHONE f: el.o-350-05s4 ZIPz zaqot PROPERTY OWHER,S OI^INER'5 tr)DBESSl 5333 Oleander Dr I'lAltlE: wetts Real EsLate HoLd]qgg PI0NE *: gg::gggL CITY: witmtrnscon ST: Nc ZlP2 28403 LICENSE S: CITY: wilminston 5T: Nc ZIP: aa+os PT{oNE #: gro-:50-o5st PI{ONE #: e1o-231-213E CONTRACTOR: chemb-1iE-q--end .Ll ADDRESSI 6426 c wincimill llav EfvlAIL ADDRESS: rqber PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Rob NioDer (ch.ck All That APPIY) Exrsr c$lsrRucrroil: f] ALTERATToI{ fl nenovrrroru fJlgilemL lf Relocatbr, is there a NaturalGas Line on the Cr.irent Site? flv"t flruo IF Yes, rhat ARCH DESIGN ENGR DESI@,I Ls3P-Laura Mi.l"ler CBHF PH; -ry,9.9,9,9.1- xc REG s: lgL PH: e1o?914000 NC RE6 tr: 3:5!l- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNEF|/CONTMCTOR: {Audtllo4 SIGNATURE: xore: oemont#fiffiarions & ro616 r€,novar p"*t ,ppiruo* 8r€ to be $ibmlted uslng tre applbadon brm (DHHS-3768lj|lefjP $&ry^"'-ylH}-Y:sjoud to cofttEln Asbeltos or not you aru r€qulrcd to call ths Natoosl Emtsslon Sbndards br Hazrtdous Alr PollursnB (NESHAP) Bt (919;ZOZ+SSO et teast 10 days prbr to rt$ d3nrolttioo otsny bdllty of bu0&[, Soe Asb6los Wbb Sita: htlpl^m,wv.epi.stat€.tlc.usiapilasbe€los/Ehmp.htnl TOTALPROJECTCOST: $ ?OO,OOO BUILDINGHEIGHT:24,5 #OFUNITS: TOTALAREA SQ FT : -U8.SQFTPERFLR: gooo # OF STORIES # OF FI-OORS: :1 ls food or beverage preparcd or ssved in tris sfiucture? flv". fl*o b rIB kopsrty Localed ln The Floodplain? [ ves fl *o Rob Nipper (Ptlnt N4nel TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: e000 # OF STRTrcTURES: -3 Exsr IAND DtsruRBlNG PERMIT?['-]YES fl NO SO FT EX]STING IMPERVIOUS AREA:1 6375 pRopERwuse: [JorRcE f]RESTAURAT{I f]MERcAt{nLE f]eouc flapr ncoxoo orHER: wArER: IACFPUA flcoMMUNlrYSYSrEM nwELL _EzoNlNgqqF9_TsslFlcArloN: SEV\IER: frcrpun frcer.nnru,SEPTlc [e-nvnresEPTlc f]coMMUNITYSYSTEM "'SI.pARATE PERfv'llTS fteQUIRED FOR ELECI, MECH ptS0, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & |I']SERTS ' pA1 rrrENT METH64:: ftC*Sn [tCXeCX lelVnelr TO ]rr]rc) fi nuencnr.r r:<eREss ft ucrusa ff oscown ffiaEffiffiF#ffiffiffi (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:-OFFICER: - SETBAfiS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- nppn*"1_ CiU:-DATE:- 5t-oOD: ----1.- v T BFE+2fl= ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: z se r o SO FT REVISED MTE /U11/12 REPATES f] nrr-ocarron ts BLDG SPRINKLERED? flves flNo r{Er{ coNsrRUCTrON: [t rnrcr NEhr srRucrune flFAsr rRAcK fl snrr-r- fluerrrf] aoo r0 Exrsr srRucrtRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect Porer on this Building f] ves fJ tto oF occuPAt{cY usE? flves [iilo *'"** t&at is the t{eH Oc€uPanGY TYPe} PROFESSIOIIAL: PROFESSIOML: f*,.** fS IHIS A Ct Al'lGE Has the Previous OccuPancy TYPe? Commercial Comment PERMIT FEE: $ l- E-"tt I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT -JAPPLICA| IO N TYPE. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Pro.iect Responsibility" t,,*lo/b'?/g/ - /b-lslt .JFtrhrt!, @! (office use) APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: oat", {-l-l(- zn:)-E46f BLDG LICENSEs: A}X?*9 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: pRoJEcr coNrAcr pr*ro*,Dovi J T^*4_ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration fl Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION; n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ,I'T IPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECTI'*'" 1 oetearage $r1 ? 87 ! Porch (SF) Pool (5F) Deck (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)n tr rorAL PRoJEcr co sr ltess totl' 5 i { IbO . "9 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Ves Sruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure dYes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Ves fl ]\lo lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yesp No ! Att Garage (SF) ! Sunroom (5F)_ tr Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Ves f no TOTALSQ FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: tr other (sF) 76/ pHoNEil. qlo - qq*ql.y'q ClTt: Lrl . I t-..r"ur t-aa, srt nt!2zt* *tVb fpnone, 1/0- 4.f )- I r a I wone, ?to'4"/ )'ef t4? jz'{ Property Use/ Description of E Duplex E t laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wrll be in violation of th ,tY Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" SiSnature: lsthe propertylocated in afloodplain? E Yes E ttto Existing lmpervious Area, 2)OD to t, New lmpervious Ar "", O b? sqt TotalAcres Disturbe o, tl| Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr Yes F No WATER: p CFPUA E Community System E private Welt E Central Well E Aqua SEWER; / CFPUA E Community System D Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: Officer:setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: Comment: Flood; (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: S 7t lD vRECEI.,EDSEPO2?016 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 'I YJ t3 -" 5e DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify that allthe information in this application is correct and allwork will comply with the State BuildinS Code and all other fines up to S500.00'*t 2ort" -115? ',lqb i, ,',, " ffi,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING Pf RM}T AP P U CAn ON rYPf; RESIDENTIAL P[6Ac,i Ar-SY.,iF Air QU[']T]ONS Applr(atirr :.] yOtJB PROJTCl "Projctl Rcsponsibility" [l Pool (Sr] *-"*-- I Dect (5r) --*-**- AI, phai t,or Nufibrr Sunrocm iSf! .1 Grernhousc (5f ) *" - - .-, Stor;ce Shed (5F) I orner (sr) rr th,, pr.f,oilil wotk (hnnf aii! !hr exirtlng loorprln'"? N/ yQ5 ' No ToTALsQr'UNDERRooFijcrF,ltilo$€lJtr,,cri}Heated;..-*unheated:.2b?.,{. rorAr pBoJErr cosr iler,: rorl, s. -J5- L,{{.}- / lr the Frapoted work chanEin$ thr nirmher ol herlrooms? J Yes d/ruo tr any Elecrical, Plumblng or Mechanical r','ork berng done to the Acce!5orY Slruclurt' il Yer il t'to ll!hop?ciettrsaRelocotlon,isthereaNitlur;rtGaiLineonth''curr'ntgite?JYos{]No l5 ther? Electri{al Powrt on 1l;11 $vitdrns? 9 Ve s CJ no Propcrty Use/ occuPancy' dst'rgle family f3 Duplex D Townhousc ,n6. - - -'' I rrs56ription or work: -*cii€"i- f"i{*'- *sr.xA.if- . -Exg;rr*.(-*!ffitr:^ l: * . ApO -L*tE- I ;xrLaE;tri-. . f.gn.u:...-*g}:{ir.- i- -Ik ieru,- J r: thc propPrtvlo:alFdrnal'rcCilrtn? L Yes ijd No Eristing lmpervlous nron, . 6 f,& rt Total Actes Digrurbcd: New lmpervlous Area: ... - *5fi - Sq ft Existing Land Distr,rbing permit: ll Yes D No wATfR. { rrouo E cct:1!r,..nrlv Sr.':ienr gi Prrvalij vJeli E Cc't'ti'i'l v/ell ' Aqilil iprrJtts lrrr'UOI Cgur*rgrytySr':!rn 3 pri,.'atrS*plrc il ft'rir:r'<ii:tlr I Aqua ."^. &-iE- ;;';,i'@'serbocks (t) t\)rn(Lx) ]Q.'rnxt . to*]-- r'r Z5- ' Approvaf: city: ---- .,, DaI€: 1:lZ*'lbno.a: (A) **.- {v} *_-- {N) --J(- Brt'r?fi: l6:#toco ApplrcANrs HAME: *p-f-"ft[;t*S (j}t,$ir---Ibt(<** o","'*$;..!f 't-b.--- pRoJtCTAoDf,ess:-.,6-*-t'L,Rs*g'a$tr_"!B,..--.*-...,cITY"-\{!!}A.*-aP:2P'<lm suEDr\nsloil: T*E-" RtrSfl"I}}tr:AT^*\AAti!\Et-€rl:- Lor.,r:.-- pRopERTyowHsR,sNAMf: j6na.!B--trnh&lc,a!<- Gfi:H&.* pHoNEF:-Qlc -1c*" strias-*- .. - owNER'5ADDn$s: SNI\^E- A; -l{ga>J..€-."-----.. --- {trY . ZIP:----. ...., coNrRACIoR. D-?,fr.lg)4}g} fkt*STRrXftC;ti-*:I:S-rt- BLDGLtctNsEe, 5l-9 r8, ioo*nrr,* {"--=ar.i szr::- ----.*jt"<-:e*r:ls'ue-tsti :1lzrn Lfze::r> irrlArt ADDR[sl: -gdt.9gf*.i r]+sc&[},1n$r-CJ-\iIL.-CCiLl, PHoNt: -q!p'5-?C-C-5L-L.--- pRo,Ecr coltrAcr prR3or', *D.AX"L17**Tflg t{AS .-PHONE: {rt"'-5a9:-0*lL I .".- EXISTINGCONSTRUCTIoN:'il6'1r'r;tron :" Rnnov3l on l'i GeneralReiarr: NEWCONSTRUC1ION.: fr,jilurwftelrirr1rlro i. addrtinntotxisl:ngResidr:r:rr'lll R('location A* Garase ,rr, - "* ----'PLqaslg'l-c,{ Aua 3uwl3-Bllgwt!!-r!ru*r-ur:"0-ro*ffi '"' - *t ' * Cornrnenl: -1ALraj -,.-sl/--r:raio - xlba,* .