SEPTEMBER 15 2016 BUILDING PERMITSAPPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVlSION: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: x coNrRncroR:(1,,r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATI O N TY PE : RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Application Number (office use) sh /re a* 2{ltl PHoNE.#: 7lo - \t,c- lql?_ aP.2-t1 ll BLDG LICENSE #: r ADDRESS: -{+rvrnrr ADDRESS: J PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: D Townhouse.rct^ota kr*o\e )1,/ li q owner/contr ,"ro. Q'L'* kt()rr[-, signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ---f--- ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes p No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: EI Yes E No WATER: E CfpuR El Community System fl Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E Cfpua E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic fl Aqua Zone: _ Officer: Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= Comment: ./ EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: D Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs tr Pool (SF) D Deck (SF) * rorm se FT uNDER RooF lfor proposed workl Heated: / 660 ,/ unheatedr t ToTAL PRoJECTcosT (Less Lot): 5 f0/ 0N ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr yes /ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure 6. yes E trto lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNatural GasLineonthecurrentsite? E Yes E] No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? 6 ves E ruo Property Use/ Occupancy:Single Family E Duplex :f Description of Work: NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *** *** n Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)- E Greenhouse (SF) - E Det Garage (SF) _E Porch (SF) E Storage Shed (SF) I other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr ves /ruo +\Ut, Yr/_L>(-- qtto Ll/L i,*tl t',.A fiCr;rt -rz . rr Js rr 9L^.l.1,< information. * * rNOTE: Any work performcd without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC to fines uoto S500.00r+* Permit Fee: S $4uP t\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDIN(, PEHMI I APP LICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSW€R ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pror€ct ResPonsibilitY" Zolr--H Numbe, (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suEDlvlsloN: PROPERTY OWNER,S OWNER,S ADDRESS: P,234// a corutnacron' ADDRESS: T TMAII- ADDRESS: 'I pRottcr contacr PfRsoN:PHONEI EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: E Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTONi n Erect New Residence F Addition to Existin8 Residence n Relocation "'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCT1** SlPorch (sF) BLDG LICTNSE #: *l[C,, zrp, :28?// tr tr n Att Garage (SF)_! Det Garage (sF) sunroom (sF) Greenhouse (SF)- tr Pool (sF) tr Deck (SF) E Storage Shed (SF) tr other {sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes El No j( rorlt so rr uNDER RooF (/or p roposed workl n".r.a, 2 NLz! unheated: O $rorar enorrcr cosr (Less Lot): S Ct , *!O - @ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes EL r'to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or M€chanical work being done to the AccessorY Structure E Yes E No lf the project isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes E No ls ther€ Electrical Power on this BuildinE? E] Yes D No Property Use/ Description of laws and ordinances and reSulations, The NHc Development services center will be notified oI any changes in rhe approved plans and specificationt or change in conllactor information "'NOTt:Any work performed without the apPlopriate permits will be in ,,r ***",-fki F' ""''/o { owner/contractor:' "Ltcensed ouoliPt' rt .J. ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private well E central Well D Aqua SEWER: n CFPUA tr Community Svstem D Private Septrc fl Central Septic fl Aqua zone: officer: setbacks (t) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) - Total Acres Disturbed: ryw Approval: _ City: - Date: Comment: tlood: (A) ' (v) -(N) 8t E+2tt= Permit Fee:5 1{,* PHONE #: CITY: ?o 2?1 ef/a a+nlI,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYP E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResPonsibilitY" 6^or^c t lYr PHONE #: CIW: PHONE: *offf* Application fu&N*fleo1 9- 7- /t zte: 78'/O'b ,,.-\/ !:; i;i\,\'ri\. APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVlSION: Date: LOT #: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS:ZJP: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: BrDG LrcENsE n 66f39 sr{Wry289n\ tr Porch (SF)E Det Garage (SF) - tr Pool (SF) D Deck (SF) n Storage Shed (SF) D other (SF) ols the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes, E- ryo TOTAL sQ FT UNDER RooF (for proposed workl Heated: 'e2 Unheated: rorAr PRoJECT COST (Less Loit 5 60 h -/ ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms ?'lL'+.s@ NO ^ ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the AcFssory Structure E Yes E trto lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNatural GasLineonthecurrentsite? D Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fi ves E no Property Use/ occupa".rff Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse ExtSTtNG CONSTRUCTToN: E Alteration ,h A"nourtion E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**'* tr D D Att Garage (SF) Sunroom (SF) Greenhouse (SF) Description of Work: I?(r. o r, Ac J^ tz^-f. r., laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in 'd plans and specific;tions or change in contractor information. *r +NOTE: AnY 6s up to S5oo.oo'* * Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Qualifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes F "o Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes D ruo WATER: fi, CfeUn E Community System E Private Well E Central Well D Aqua SEWER: Aarrro E Community System E Private Septic D Centralseptic fl Aqua Zone: - Officer: Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval:. Comment: Total Acres Disturbed: Print Nome City: - Date:Flood: (A) (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: S ?5lb ?to'3dz--froo CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State RECEIVED SEP 14 2016 RECE\IED SEP 14 1T1T NEW HAM),ER couNTy BUTLDTNG or*rrrTESt(a4fu5* *-NO PLAI{SJT ?olu- q?e,f APP LICAT TOTU IYPE ; RESI DENTIAL FLE}IiE ANSI,IER ALL qJE5IIONS AFPLICAELE TO YOL]R PRA]ECT . "Project ResPons ibility'' ! enecr NEur REsTDENCE o" f] aoorrrot rd ExrsrrNc REsTDENcE ANIIFR BELOL,] ALL THAT ApPLY TO YouR PR0IECT: APPLICATIOI'I NurrbeP DAIEi os l1]l2AlL t+! -2:.9:j_82:-9.:.9L PROPERTY 'OI4NER, S OWNER'5 ADOREss: co TRACIOR i TLqneson Re.Etoratio[ dba sef!'Dra of N}: LIcEf'lSE ]; 61933 ADDRESS: 68!E Eindnill lrav ,CrTY: lo],:Fia Lor: 5T;qzIP:3!l!i EttAIL aDDRESS: cgoweleEer'proofnewnarlove PHOl'lE *! -:1!-l!?:!!!!- pRolEcT cfi'lTAcT PEttSoI{: Tcrmv s4se-d + P}['NE fl li!:f!]:!!3f-- EXISTTNG cOtlsTRUCTIOrr I ALTERATION I nrr'rovarroru @ crr.rrnar Renuts I RELOTATION T.IEh] CONSTRUCTION: *+PLEASE CHECI( A''/D I en ornner sF I oer elneee - sF ! eoncu - sF SF f] sronrer sHeo SFf] surunoott - sF f] cnernHoust -..-- sF Ot4JNER/CoNTRACTOR: zoNE: ._ oFFrcER: Approval:.,- CitY: 5F OT}ER: "eC - sr6r,iATURE: I mor fl oecr SF ToTAL HEATED sQ FT: l,lll ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROItCI COST t-ot ror. : $ ot,o::# OF STORIES: 1- Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING on mECHAr,tIcAL |lork a€1ng oone to the Acc€lsDry gtru(t!r'e? fi v"s fl ruo rf the pFoject is a Relocation, is rhene 5 lt1z1uraL Gas Line on the clFrent Site? [ves fllo f5 thore Electrical Poiirer on this Building?Eves Itto pRopEkTY UsE / occllPAt'lcY! fl srrclt FAi'1ILY E ouerrx I TohjNtlousE DESCRIPTION OF !{ORK: s;ructJrai rEF4rrs iue.,to f,ire at Lore ' or'!'*alf insJlaEiox'. rloorincr'' root ili[-a,oaen,rn",.uy*,,;f/.iat+r hformarion rn his .pp]kaion i5 coryect End sll{orhrl !cono:rwif,' €re sEre Bildllls ll:::1-9:-"-::l^"?*"1tj^T:*::::*n< rnENhu ue€bDm4l seBic6s c4r!r *11 h.notiledolsrvchd rgst'n ne 3pp'ov€c PlsrsEFd spEc'6ctro's or ch€FE6 . s'eE Bidd codc and gub €crtr F,ns6.t.HD $5OC.O0'1'cont "ro. tnt rr r[on.:.ttOTG Any V/o* pErfc,DBd V/,tI;, the appDpisro Periits will bB in vioraron 6, ths N C Sls€ Sds /{Prlit fl.qe,**+y'il*a*+i*'****,t:***++*.**!***t*rt*t(**1.*$*t+++++**'i'r*'r't*r.*,lt++****i**t IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A }LOODPLAIN? nl YE5 ff NO EXISTIHG IHPERVIOUS AREA: __-SO FT TOTAL ACRES DI5TURBED: NEI{ II'IPERVIOT,,S AREAJ - SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PER[,trr: I vrs rio HATER: E cret.n I colli4uNrrY svs'reu E PRTVATE IrELL f] ctrurner uerr SEI,.]ER: I CFPUA D CENIRAL sEPTIC I ENTV TT SEPT]C f] COI'4I\IIJNITY SYSTEM *++ sEpARAyE PERHIT5 REqJTRED FOn ELECi, tlEaHr PLEGj cAs EQULP, mEFABS & INSTRTS !ft pAyMENr rlErrido: fJ cls, fl"rrdt ( PAYAELE To rurci fl mrrrcair excness Ll nclvrsa lJ orscort* ++++ +*i.*ii a* *,i,1* +++ * * * * * r**)t *1fiiri +tt**'**+*t*3.**+****t+* **t+ 3****+++*****l'********r++:i **lr*'* (Foh oFFrcE ijs: c&LYl NEVISaO O rE s4/7t/!2 LH: RHi - 8:-5ET8AC(s: F: PERf{ IT(omment i AFPLICAIIT, S NAIIIE; I9T! DEVELOPER I T\o-resor ReBtor3tiof, db PROlEcr ADDRESST 108 Little cteek Ed. _ CITY: caEtle Eql'ne . -_ ZIP i 20429 SUBDIVIsION:BLOCK #; - LOT *: NAr,'lE: Joyce chanl}era PHOiIE + r .ryl:!::931- :og L:Li.:e C:6ak Pc. CITY: qasE]e l-:a},Ile -- ST:J!- ZIP: ?8429 OATE:FLOOD: ,,..T$+rc UE NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' MIiIE: Blanton Buildinq, rnc. PROIECT ADDRESS i a'7a6 verrazzano Place CITY: Wi lminqton SUBDMSION: Landfal l BLOCK *: 7 LOT *| ztP | 2S!9L 38 PROPERTY OhINER.,S otr['lER'5 ADDRESS: lllAllE: Bl.anton Buif dins, Inc. CITY: Wl lminqton f: -2lElg-f!!g- ST : Ig_ zIP :2!3!!_ sT: J!_ ZIP : .r?.!jLllll s: lr:E!:Jgi!- *.- 9L0 -264 - O94A PHON E P. O. Box 312 2 CONTRACTOR: Bfanton Buil.dins, rnc.LICENSE f: 3'74a7 CITY: wl lminctonADDRESS: P. o. Box 3122 EMAIL ADDRESS: budblanton@ao1. com chri sblant on@ec . rr . com PIiONE pROIECT CONTACT PERSON: chris BlanLon PHON E SF OTHER: UNDER R00F: 5308 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: s308 # 0F SToRIES: 1&FRoG MTER: I cFpuA E coMMUNrry sysrEM E pRrvATE WELL ! cetrnll wrll sewrn: [] creua ! CENTRAL sEprrc ! nnrvarr srerrc ! corvtmuNrry sysrEM i.'I.:I. SEPAIIATE PEMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I'IIECH, PLB6, GAs EQIJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS :}IT+ pAyilEin ilErHoD: I clsri flcnecK (PAYABLE ro tnc; I mrrnrcar{ ExpREss E nc/urSo I orscoven ++)t)t,i++ ri( +rtr< * )t )t,f ** )t * *)i**)*)*,* ir*****)t *****)*,*,* r*****)* j* +,t** **)t)i *** * )* )* *)*)*)****,*,*,**)k**)t+ r*,*****)t)t )k* (FoR oFFICE USE q!LY) SETBACKS: F: SQ FT TOTAL ACRES +,/ 6500 SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBED: +/- .a DISTURBING PERMIT: [_i YES E NO LH:- RH:ZONE:OFFICER: ApprovaL: REVISED DATE O4l11l12 - B:- BFE+2ft= N PERMIT 2Dtb-?W APPLICATION Number (offi<e Use) DATE: 9-9-16 PHONE *: ExrsrriG co srRucrroN: ! alrenarron ! neNovarroru ! ceruener- neearns ! RELocATToN NEVJ CONSTRUCTTOru: I enrCr NELr RESIDENCE o" ! mOrrrOru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE .*,XPLEAsE CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOI,{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT:p arr ennace 676 sF ! oer clnner ! sunnoolr -sF ! eoor- _ sr sr I concH 3e1 sF I sronncr sHro SF SF! cnrrruHous r _ sF ! orcr TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: qzar TOTAL SQ FT TOTAL PROJECT COST lress roq : $ aoo,ooo Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUi,lBIl,lG or I,IECHAiIICAL Work Eeing Done to the Accessony Structure? [ Ves I f'fO If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cunrent Site? [ves I to Is there Electrical Powen on this Building?!V"r Ito PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: fl SrruCre remrr-v ! ouelex I ro!,tNHousE DESCRIPTIoN OF ORK: Construct new sonqle family residence and ordrnances and regulations. The NHC Development SeNices CenEr will be nolified ofany changes in fie apprcved phns and specilications or change in contracror or conractor inbrmaton "'llOTE:Ary Work Performed W/O $e Apprcpriaie Permiis willbe in Violailon otlhe NC SiaE Bldo Code and Subpcr ro Frnes Up To $500.00"' OIINER/CONTMCTOR: chris Btanton, Blanton Brdq rnc SIGMTURE: f- fu-- + + i. i.,r. + + ,r +,( i. i. +,*,* **** *** * * * * *(IltI! li11* * **** *****)*)* )* )* ** **,*,*,*+,*,r***i(+++ i< * * + ,*,*,r ,* i< i(,r )r+i.r.*)i*x x:r. rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN A FLooDILATN? E yEs E *o EXISTII{G II{PERVIOUS AREA: NEhI IIiIPERVIOUS AREA: Comment: Citv: DATE:FLOOD; ,rrrr-[,352@ ,/.<;i\- dec @ i ,l i,./. I :i. i nhcgou , co ff\9to - 79 &- 7o ruo NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcafi$t ryPE; RESIDENTIAL |4OBILE HOITIE PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY & ANSXER ALT QUESTIOI{s "Project Responsibility" illon nt+e- e//a- LICENSE f: APPLICANT,S l',lA E: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBOIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S MfitE: 6L1ilsx'5 ADPP555;,t5l3 coNrMcroR: 7 4D EMAIL ADDRESS PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: p <-T PHONE #: PHONE S: gl-tlsrorl NEt,i r,roBrLE HoME ! aelocarror oF usED r4oBrLE HoME DEscRrprroNoF loRK: Peo/ac.o( dou-bte t<lrcc- tttlt45tnq/t btd.nobi l.,x^, $rr be in Molaton oi !l. Nc slrre Eldc cods snd subj.cr ro Fine! Up ro 3500.00- (CHE(K ALL NEl,j I,4OBILE HOME THAT APPLY) ! aelocarrot oF usED r4oBr-LE HoME o$NER/coNrRAcronrOjZ'S n - O-41:/L srGMruRE : (prlnt r,ta're) rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN A rLooDpLArN? [ v"r fiffi5 pRopERTY USE/OCCUPANCY: pffiSrOrUCr / OTHER? M},II'FACTURER: C T'4 H H A]] U{dCh,, )HUD LABE L: YEAR I.4ADE:2D/b tlrDrH:/0i /' HURRICANE ZONE: ! oEcK: I vrs P-ru0 srDKE DErEcroR: 6r, D "osF PoRcH: Eff,es E No - GARAGE: [ ,rr$6-SF SF TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT: I VeS I HO fficovee 4/ tzl12 ( FOi OFFTCI USE OILY) SETBACKS: r:Ad - ttt: REV]SED B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: coflrcnt: BFE+2ft= N PERMIT FEE: $ LOW Number rffiGij oarctl-7-/Q PHONE *, 9tD-- o7v:d7{-3 zrp I A g Ll / / PHONE *,Qto bzo-bat3 g,--Nczlp;1f (tt ZIP i r!z!a TOTAL PROIECT COST lress rotl: $ uarrn: I creur ! coMMUNrw svsren ffivarE wELL ! crlrnal weLl sEwER: I creun ! CENTRAL sEprrc p-en-warr srerrc ! coMrvluNrry sysrEM PAYIEI{I iIETHD; SEPAMTE PERIiIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I'1ECH, PL8G, CAS EQUIP,PREFABS & INSERTS *++ I casx I crecx (payABLE ro r{1c) f] eru accourr I r,rcTvrsr ,o*r, lr.l I { or,irctn,RH: Np *: - LoT *: