SEPTEMBER 22 2016 BUILDING APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT,ON WPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' ,L ctw Date: aPt 2'l1tl PHONE #:7lo- 17Ct-1qt17 P- qllotl (office use) sh /%APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBorvrsroN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: L .t ctw:zr/p. Zt\ ll 6,rf /4x coNTRAcroR r ADDRESS:CITY: BLDG LICENSE #: ST ztP llif,@l -*tk.MAll- ADDRESS: .. o 1l PROIECT CONTACT PERSON D Greenhouse (5F)_ )t Description of Work: CA tr Deck (5F) fz)o,r ry;lJcu ctr- PHON E PHONE ! storage shed (sF)_ tr Other (5F) 0 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: - Alteration Z Renovation ! General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTloN: E Erect New Residence I Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation *',I.PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI,L THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT''}I' - Att Garage (sF)! Det Garage (5F)_D Porch (SF) D Sunroom (5F)D Pool (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D ves /No * fofal sq ff ultDER RooF (for proposed work) Heated:ItO) r' unheated: t TOTAL PROJECI COST {Less Lot): S ta, ooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves /tlo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure 6, Yes E ttto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Buildlng? 6 Yes [J no Property Use/ Occupancy:single Family EI Duplex Townhouse k,+"u..ll root u',11 LYL;r\lll +Lr t ^;t>qqr0 ", enclo vi 1QFt <strr ^t\cl ,A + laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany chanSes in t approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor information. *r'NOTE: Any work perfolmad without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC 8l to 5500.00"* Q"u* /.r'(bl.-Q owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes EI No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permiti D Yes n No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System ! Private Well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officeri _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH)_ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood; (A)__ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit fee: S $+D- $Y-y',,,,., iffij rnYr'_ ..-;'rrl':,r,, ,m; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PtItMI I AP PLI CAT,O N TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSW€R ALT OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" CITY zotb-1l.gi APPlcalror Number (offrce u5e) oate: 4l -APPLICANT'S NAMTJ PROJECT ADDRESS:IP 294//ol CITY SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:PHONT # OWNER,S ADDRESS: 1corutnacron r ADDRESS: I EMAIT ADDRESS PH '1 pnottcr corutacr PERsoN PHONE Tf ELDG LICENSE # srl@2r", 2A?// ?to Aet Seto Property Use/ Occupa ,ts sin le Fam ly Dup !Townhousex Description ot Work: DISCIAIMtR: I hereby certity that all the rnformation in this application is correct an d all work will comply with lhe srate Euildin8 Code and all other applicable Stale and local laws and ordinances and regulations- The NHC Development Services Center wall be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or change rn aontractor rnformalron "'NOTI: Any work periorm€d withoul the ap opriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code atld s0bject to up to 55oo.oo"' ,{Owner/Contractor r SiBnature "Licensed Quolilier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes fl No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: - Sq tt Existing l-and Disturbing Petmit: E Ves ! Itto WATER: fl CFPUA E Community System fl Private well E Central well D Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ flood: (A) . (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - .J. D 0 p 7 ,x n Comment Permit Fee s >,<n 4/o ctTY: - zl?: - EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: B Alteration D Renovation D General Repairs N Ew coNsrRucr o-' "::: );::::::"^fr :::H ;:il:T:11"J:f, :::il-",,.. -. D Att Garage (sF)- E Det Garage (sF) BlPorch (sF)-- ! Sunroom (5F)- D Pool (sF)- E storage shed (sF)- n Greenhouse (SF)_ n Deck (SF)- D Other (SF)-,-- ts the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? n Yes ts No { roral se rr ultDER RooF (lor prop osed work) ,."r"a, 2 FLd unheated: O $rournnotrcrcosr(Less t-ot): g Cr',ffO- dO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes EL tlo ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No i:.'isrrtr..:I..r- .. .r.3rir . . .. \.r ,ri,mq.i- ,;;:i, t'.:Ft .j€.., ':f \{'.}-'rr r:, , rr;:l 'i . .: i t.,.'.\'.rf,trt.!i 1 rir1..','. ;i.r5r. ^,13 r .!t. 6.t1.r,-\.;l:.,'',r ' ';r\'ir .\\r,j).J.r,i/ !1 ,\\ r{ 'r''\..r:r .'..;, ri.r, 1q r,.r _ . "st lt i'i,:tt' t; ,o-" ,ffi,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P L, CAT lO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUE5TIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResPonsibility" Grorx-- e;--AZC ?lla *oitfl*? Application fuM"s,$,no/ 9'- 7- /*DateAPPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME ztP. '7?.10 \ t-oT i Dtr OWNER'S ADDRESS: clTY AD DRE SS 42't t-<.C ITY EMAIT ADDRESS: ztP BtDG LICTN 66f'se /&4 6 4-1.-z,t, nr,t ST re, 289p'B 00 PHONE Att PROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE Ols the proposed work changing the existing footp rint? tr Yes fr No ToTAt 5Q fT UNDERROOI lJor proposed work) Heated Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 /,o l\ ls the proposed work changinB the number of bedrooms? €+ts NO ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ls there Electrical Power on this Building? { ves tr l'to Property use/ occupancy{ single ramily E DuplexE Townhouse StructureEYesENo E ves fl No Description of work: (rzr DISCI-AIMEB: I herebY certifY that all the information in this application is correct and allwork willcomply wit lhe stale B ldinB Code and allolher applicable Slate and local laws and ordinances and re8U lations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chanBes in plans and 5p ations or change in contractor information. ***NOTE: Anv wor riate permit5 will be in violation of the NC State Bl up to S500.00"" f SignatureOwner/Contractor; "Licensed QuoIilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! ves / ttto Existing lmpervious Area: - 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed:0 New lmpervious Area:5q Ft Existing Land oisturbing Permit: D Yes E No WATER: X CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well ! Aqua sEwER: ACFPUA E community SYstem E Private septic E central Septic D Aqua zone: - officer: _- setbacks (t) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: _- tlood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Permit Feer S ?5 fb ctw: PHONE #: CONTRACTOR: EXISTING coNsTRUCTloN: tr alterationA Renovation ! General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:DErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation '.'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*{'* D Au Garage (SF)-- D Det Garage (SF) C Porch (SF)- E sunroom (sF)--- D Pool (sF).----- D storage shed (sF)-- n Greenhouse (SF)- ! Deck (sF)--- tr other (sF) No IYJ Comment: R RECEIVED SEP 14 20fi ?Olb- q?s''t ou*r_rTt#t(a-?fuS* APPLlCATIO Nufiber ECE\IED stP 14 1$1$*-No pLAilS-r PRO]ECT COf.]TACT PERSO''I EXIsTINC CCNSTRUCTION: NEW HAI.IOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICA\ IOII TYP6; RESIDENTIAL FL€AiE AHsI{ER ALL OJESTIONS APPLTCABLE TO YOI.JR PRO]ECI ' "ProJect Respons ibility'' A'FI,lCANT' 9 IIAIiIE :Sceei DEVELOPER i r.-,,.. r ".Rtc!ati6:r dba 6e PRO]ECT ADDRESS:E Cfeek R CITY:castle SUBDIVISI0I'J: .. _ BLOCK #: PROPTRIY OI,{I'IER' S NAiIE: Jcyce c5anserE OIJNTR 'S ADORESS: loe LiLtle C:4ek F.d CoI{TRACTOni rl,n dba seFrDro 6f }Il-rc(NsE *: 5?933L ADDRESS:660i5 lndm il1 llay c lTY: lrli:minqt.rn EIIAIL ADORESS: cqc'{eroE elv!roofnEwraD i Tc:Imy Sneed ATI 6AFA6E - SF SuNRooL _sF Is there Electrical Power on this Building? pRopERTY USE / OCCr,,PANCYr fl SrruCrt nntlttv ! oueirx E ruuuxousr PHoltE f r 2:!_lsl:l]!l zlP: 26429 sTi !!_ zrP: ?Btu: Pfioi./E #i 91C-?62-ate0 PIONE *:g',-0-3€..-A543 Lol *: ^LTERATION I nrnwlrroru @ ceneur Recarns ! RELocarroN NEw CONSTRIJCTTON, ! enecr NEbi RESTDEN(E o" I loorrroru TO EXrSTrt'lG RE5TDENCE *1'pLEASE CHECX ANo ANSIIER DgLOI'l ALL THAT APPLY TO YoUR PRoIECT: POOL _ sF l-l cnsrrunousr - sF [] oecr - st' orHER: [l oer ernaee 5F LJ PoRcH - sF fJ sronrer sHED - sF SF TOTAL HEATED sQ FT: 1.{3: TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA 5Q FT; - I0TAL PROIECT COStr tlmsr-qr) : $ rc,ooo # OF STORIES: Is Any ELEcTfilcAL, pLUtlBIN6 or pIECHA;1ISAL kork B€1nB oone to the acr@sso;y st.u(tunel fl Ves fl ruo rf the proiect is a Relo(ation, is thele a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fives f]to YeS No relarrs Cue to f irE at :rore. Drvwall,irtsulEElon. floor I DESCRIPYION OF I,.IORX: DtSClAlMEhi lhqiDy €rtt/ la{ al hbmstlor ln tli! 6pp k!(on is c{.recr..d El workw I coFplywi,1 oe 9tal€ 8u]dirg aad onilnr^ces Enc rEgulBtons Tn" NHc DeEloPnenl SeNicBs c€n ur wi lr o-' notllEd o,Bnv chaflgss i' t'e apprcEd pEn C4i. rnd allo$er.ppr.85b SEts 5d rocir ItB,s sEnd 50Bci6cr&rs olch6nge m con tr€clDr or cort'€cro.inbrmsUon, ".IIOTE Anr_ Vr'orh P6rrnmed W,i:) ile approprl8:o Po OflNER,/CoNTRACTOR: ,F+ r,l+ *+iir+* **)t*t****++ +*+ sIGNATURE: {rlt *,* r *r++,a * *r* ** *r!*** * Er**r+ a++*+**** **ri**+t}**..*+ *+ SETBAC(s: F: LHI FHI B: irswillbB in v'olalion rlths NC SlaE Adg s5!C.,10^' rs rHE pRopERTy LocArED rN n rloootutt? ffi vrs E ro EXISTIi|G IITPERVIOUS AREA: --'-SQ FT ToTAL ACRES DISTUBBE0: NEI{ If,lPERVr(rus AREAi -- sQ FT Exlsr LAI'ID oT5TURBING pERl4rr: m ves ffi rc i.JATER:CF PUA CO[1I4UNITY SYSTEiq fl ailrvarr r,rrrr I cENTRAL !,{ELL SET,IER: E CFPUA D CENTRAL SEPTIC fI ENTVITE STEITC fOI,]]i{JNTTY SYSTEM ++* SEPANATE PER.4IIs NESJIRED FOh ELECI, IvlECH, PI-86J GAs EqUIP, PREFAES & INS€RIS ilii payMENr rlErHm: fJ cnsn ff "r.o< ( PAYABLE ro nrrc; fl onrrrcal excn.ss fl uclv:sr fl ors.-r" *x*++**Jt**r(rtt.t+* **+*+,**t,*+,i*lA********++*+****,lt+r!**++ +*****'* + * 1r t + r.1. *,41* *. ** r* i,r **i*'r* /Foi oaFIca u5: ofiLy) REVI960 'ATE t4l11l12 zoNE: -- orFrcER: BFE+2ft-ApprovaL:- City:- DATE:- FLooD: - AVN Comment:FERMIT FEE: $ DA.|.E. 09 /13 /2ca., Pi-oNE rf; j]]::::=Sll arTY: ciL:,E ..r',,ne ST: l"( ZIP;:512a NEU'I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANsIIER ALL QUESTIONS APPL]CABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' 2)tb_1w APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'S l,lAIilE: Blanton Building, Inc.DATE:9-9-16 DEVELOPER:PTONE *: PROIECT ADDRESS i 1706 veyrazzano Place CIry: wj.lminqton ZIP .- 2a405 SUBDIVISION: r,andra L L BLOCK *: 7 LOT *: 38 PROPERTY OWNER'S tlAr4E; Blanton Brrildins, Inc.PHONE #: 910 s38 7888 OIINERTS ADDRESS: P.o. tsox 3122 CITY: wI lminqEon ST: NC ZIP: 28406 CONTRACTOR: Blanton Buildinq, rnc.LICENSE *: 3?4e1 ADDRESS: p. o. Box 3122 CITY:Wilminqton sT: I!_ zIP: :!3!.q EIIAIL ADDRESS: budblanEon@aof.com chrisblanEon@ec.rr.com PIONE *: 910-s3B-7888 PROIECT CoNTACT PERSON: chris Blanton PI0NE *: 910 -264 - 094a EXISTII{G CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTIOH: @ tneCr NEh/ RESIDENCE o" ! aOOrrrOt TO EXISTING RESIDENCE '*i'PLEASE CHECK AND AN5|.,ER BELol,l ALL THAT APPLY T0 YoUR PRoIECT: filrr cnmce 676 sF DET GARAGE - SF POOL SF PoRCH 321_ SF STORAGE SHED - SF SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: qzer TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: si08 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: s3o8 TOTAL PROJECT C05T lress rory : $ aoo,ooo # OF STORIES: 1&FRoG Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI4BING or IiIECHAI,IICAL l.lork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves [ ruo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? [ ves f] ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Building?!ves Ito PROPERW USE / OCCUPAI,ICY. I STruCIC FAMILY f] DUPLEX TOWNHOUS E DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Construct new sonqle famil y residence suNRooM _sF GREENHOUSE SF DISCLAIMER: iherebycenily tratallinbrmailon in hls applicaiion is conecr and all work willcomply wru) he SlaG Burrdrng Code and attoher appticabte StaE and tocalaws and ordinances and rcgulairons. The NHC Developmenl Services Centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in he approved plans and specifcaions orchange in contract'ror conracb. inbrmalion. '-NOTE:Any Work Performed W/O he Appropria@ Permirswillbe in Violation ofrhe NC SraE Eldg Code and Sublect ro Up To $500 00"' ,*" (prrnt rdre){ +)*)* * * { * +,* r* rt,r,** * *,* i * !*,t ,t * * !t {+,t * ** * *,1* * **,},* i * ** *,t,t,t**. + ,t,t * t,*rt r* I i * * ,t i(,t i(** *,* ** , *{( *,*)*,* r * r r(* !t* rs THE pROpERTy LOCATEO rN A FLmDPLATN? El yES t NO EXISTII'IG IMPERVIoUS AREA: NEt/ IMPERVIOITS AREA: ZONE: OF FICER: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOoD: _ A Comlent: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: +/ .4 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERIIIT:l-l ves I NO BF E+2ft= 0 +/ -65aa SQ FT SQ FT WATER: I cFpua n coMMUNrry sysrEM E pRrvATE WELL I cerurnar wrrl sEwER: E cFpuA E CENTRAL sEprrc ! enrvlrr sEprrc E coMt4uNrry sysTEM *** SEPAIATE PERiiIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, }IECH, PLBG, GAS EqJIP, PREFABS & IiTSERTS I'''* payfiEltT nETHoD: E crsn E cnecx (PAYABLE ro Hc) E MERrcAr{ ExpREss E n./rrso E orscor.* ,*,****+,t ++t**++**,i** )i)i* )t)t)** )t*** )*)** ++ ****,t,i )i*** ****)*)*)*,******* !t )i )i )* )* )t )* )* * rt ** ** + +,f,*,t ,t * )i )t )**** +* (FOR OFFICE UsE OIILY) REVISED DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: N PETIIiIIT FEE: $fTszw ffis+4 I ffi I orcx _ sr orHER: OIINER/CONTRACTOR: chris Blanron, Bfanron Bl.dq rnc SIGNATURE: As" @ nhcSou ,co,\C* ?o - 79&' 7or"o Loltv-2-o ( Np NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN ryPE: RESIDENTIAL tt4OBILE HOttlE\Number (Offi.e Use) Dorr,q'7 - / Q L b ao'b3 PLEASE PRIIIT CLEARLY & A}IS}IER ALt QUEST'O S 'Project Responsibility" /*: /t), Ilon ftth,1..APPLICANT'S i,IA!IE: DEVELOPER:PHONE S:9r g-3 PROIECT ADDRESS: -r' 7 lL L)a.&CITY:i)PL zptAgql/ Ch, tD; l+on h)t,;r- LOT #: plolrE #: q lu b 20 ^ bJK 3 /c ide fiobr'te hont BLOCK #: OWNER,S ADDRESS:CITY:mt sr N Qn,3( (tr ACCOUNT S:sr, -ziil-- PHONE #: * CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: t40 LICENSE S: ITY: EMAIL ADDRESS PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: , tr.t <-7- DESCRIPTIoN OF tloRK: INSTALL NEI^/ MOBI LE Q-Le PHONE #: (CHECK ALT THAT APPLY) HoME ! nrloarrou oF usED MoBTLE HoME o( dowbte t CLL k)i'k1. 5 171 wir b€ in viol.rin ol rE Nc sr.le ak! cod. .nd sut jEr lo Finer up Io 1500.00- or,{NER/coNrRAcr o* O.i,, < n - o 9r{ :/z (Print Nane) *)r )i )i )*)r** )**** * )r* )r*****)t )* * )** )r* )r * )r* * )i )i )** )r )i )t ++* +t,l *+ + rt:* ++rt+ +*******,t,i***,t*)r )r****+*+ +,* rt ,*,*,t,t * )r rs rHE pRopERTy LocarED rN l rlooorurrul I v PROPERTY USE/OCCUPANCY: ffiTSTOTruCT / OTHER?"' fiffi HUD LABE L: YEAR I'IADE:20/b l^IIDTH: IVIANUFACTURER: / t"9 ,, Ct't * HaLt*latlu,,,n-ffiil@1*,t wat *:C/*\Pa 2303 TN COLOR:/a R:YE5 NO SF TOTAT PROIECT COST 1r-e*s r.orl: $)lrtac.AC TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ExIsT LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: I]..I yes I]-] ruo HURRTCANE ZONE: ! rE ZE 3 5i4OKE DETECTO DECK: I ves EKruo sF PoRcH: EkvaEs E ruo cmree, E ,rsp1-fl-SF WATER: S EV'IER: CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEII CENTRAL SEPTIC II,+PRTVATE h,E LL It[+r.wArE sEPr CENTRAL WE LL IC I comuunrw svsrrN *** SEPARATE PERI1ITS REQU]RED FOR ELECT, ItECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** payrENr nETHoD'i ....tr*:::....I:::::..t.'.::::.::.::]*..5.::::::::::.-.P::",'1,,,,.ffo"* ,orrt 4I{orrrrr , ofFrcE usE o{tv) sETBAcKs: r:44 " lx:_ RH: B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ BF€+2ft= AVN aa-// Comment:PERIiIIT FEE: $- t/ SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAfiE: ,1 sr.NAruRE: rCbn .a)}*- ICATI 2a4- Zio7 !l]\.i1 Prinr NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION rYPE : RESIO€NTIAL PIEAS€ AN5\,V'F ALL QLIT(-IIONSAPPLICASII ]O YOUN PRO]'CT 'Proie.r a.rponribilh/ tf # AppLtaANT,S NAME: Penton Construction. LLC o.re 09/12l2016 PROTECT AOORESS: 19,15 Sprinonood arnve CtTy- Wilmington ztP 28/09 suE0tvrsro Shinnwood West loT nr 74 PRO'ERTY OWNEF,9 I.IAME. PENTON NCW HO'nCS, LLC oWNtR,S ADDR!SS: 6105 Oleander Drive Suile 201 PHONE r 910-452-14 t0 Cl . Wilmington zt?.2E/03 6gN1iAcf9x. Penlon Construction, LLC SLDG LtC€NSE r. 50903 1pptrg55,6105 Oleander Drive Suile 201 €tTy. Wihington sI NC ztp 28403 EMATL ADDR€SS: morgaanjean@gmaii.com PHONE 910-452-1410 PROJTCT CONTACT PTRSO N- Morgan Dateria EXlSTlt{G COI!5TnUC'ION: : Alleration :. Renovation : GeneralRepairs NtW CONSTRUCTIONT f arecl N€w ReJidence I- Additioh ro fristing Residence - Reloc.tlon .,.PTTASE CHICK AND ANSWER EELOW ALI THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT"' I lrtcaraSe{sr)416 : oetcaraSe(sF)- ? Porch lSFl 82 i sunroom {sF) :l Greenhouse {sF) -___ i PoollSF) : oeck (SFl -l Storage Shed ISF) _-,__ ri Olher (SF)130 ls the gropored work (hantint the existinS footprint? ' Yer : No IOTAI Sq fT UNOER ROO, Uor pra?csed workl g""1"6 2000 Unheated:628 rorAL PRoJICT COST lL"rt tori S9jP9 15 the groposed work (hanging the numbe. of bed/ooms? E Yes G No ls any alectri.al, Plurnbing or Me.haricalwork beint done to the Accerlory Structute E Yet E No It the p.oiect is a Rlloaatlon, ls lhere a Natural Gii Line on the aurrent s;te? D Yer E No ls there Eleclrical Power on this 0uildinS? E ves G tto P.operty u5e/ Occupancy: : singlc Famlly O olplax O Townhoo!€ Dc'.,iprion or worr: 911!!L9l9la3!1!yj9!I!9!ce dtormrrut. "'rloll : Ahy w.'t it,r tm.d withou lh. rgoropn rl. o" '';! w l b. rn y:oration ol rh? N(old3Co6t a.d luoled lo nn.3 up !o S5a) 00"' Owne./Contraclor:Howard A Penton llt It the prope(y located a.l a lloodplain? : Yes Etislint l.npervigus Area: - -, S{ Ft New lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Slgnrtu.e (A r.t\ i)*Ji,,,-o-l,l /rQt ru\ Total Ases Dirturbed: 0 060 Erlstint Laod Oisturbint Perrnit: E Yet Cf No wATtR: E cFPuA E Corn unity Syltcrr E Priv.le well El Central well El Aq'ra sEwtR: B CFPUA O community gystclr E Pnvale S€pti( C Ce.tr.lseptic E acua r5t.L^,,f. .l!omte,,flg_Lx) 5 (nn) -,!. {B} 5 rpprovr, Dtl .*,"$I0-_ (v) I r':ily lnspecllirr Requreo 9] e254{i: Perrni fer: 5 - tr Comment:I (N) PHONI 91G520-8111 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLt CAT ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect ResPonsibilitY" .l lt CITY PHONE # T:Xso Application Number 2o 16 -qiq'q") ."' i. ttt..'&,r APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: S1 €Date ztP zzqo4'! SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER' OWNER'S ADDRESS LOT # S NAME: all CITYi PHONE BLDG TICENSE ztP u4) J( corurnlcron ADDRESS: <'f ' CITY EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSO ! Att Garage (SF) n Sunroom {SF) m q.to q7l 11, EXISTING CONSTRU C1itON: fteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: L-l Erecl New Residence dwitbn to Existing Residence D Relocation .J PHONE **,iP|-EASE CHECK A ND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YO UR PRoJ EcT** * E Det Garage (5F)n Porch (SF) tr Pool (SF)! storage shed (sF)- tr other (sF)hn Greenhouse (SF) - tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes Etlrtio TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed work) Heated: ToTAL PRoJECT COST {Less Lot): S 2tC,oeC lsthe proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? fl Yes *l ,.( Unheated:32cs ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure O-yas lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes EfNo lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes ffi Property Use/ OccupancY:si Family n Du lex E t ou Sei-tf +anDescription of Work: ll information. "'NOTE: Any work performed wit the a ppropriate permit5 wrll be in violation of the NC Bldg Code and subject laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor 00"' )f,Owner/Contractor:u "Lrcensed euoltltet" Signature; ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes No Existing lmpervious Areal Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:3Zc Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E ruo WATER: E CFPUA E community system fitivale well E central Well ! Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA tr community system El4rivate Septic fl central Septic E Aqua zone: - officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: - Date: - Flood: {A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S I ?.lz RECEIVED SEP 21 2016 & NE},I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER}IIT APPLICATION TTPE; ELECTRICAL PLSASE ANS|IER ALI oUESTIONS APPLICABLE rO YOUR PRoJECT "P.oject Responslbilit!,"' ttru'%fY APP L ICAT IOTI Number (cf+tce Us.) APPLI€ANT'S t{A'{E ; PRO]ECT ADDRESS: Presaige Pocls Of wiimington inc, CITV: car-o1i.a beach DATE: 92016 ZIP:28at26C9 lra.le.iqh OCCUPAIIT/EUSINESS NA E: PROPERTY OT[{ER'5 IJA',IE : Sanoaa Per:shi ng sandra Pershing CITY: aaio) ira beacil PHOi{E *: 9i0-232-53?5 ST: !g- ZIP:28.128OIJNER,S AIDRESS: 5i) 9 lta.l.eish ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR : PlesEiqe pools cf laiL:ninqEon inc ACCOTJNT #:t'JC STATE LTCENSE #::00 6 Ssps p ]OURT.IEY A LICEIISE *; ST: :g- zIP: f]:_lj._AOORESS:53C'i Scuth colleqe rd CITY: wi:ix,inqrcn EITAIL ADDRESS: FAX *: prescigepcolsof eilmingac.eqhail. com d -d r d 'r @d, nb tu sr. 3.@4 c.d. rld 'l .as .pcrd. sit G .d cli.rt,G ce+ -, $ .$n d ry.e,e- - r.r,lod r's eJ Nc ad. 31d! c* d sed b f:n- Ll, ro r50o 0o" OWNER/COI{TRACTOR: shane kosrj k SIGIIIATURE TOTAL SQ FT OF BUILDIIIG:rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN l rtooocurn! [ ves I NO NgI!: lf the elecmcal system(s) you are pormilting sarvss on,y a small po.lion ard not the ent.e buildir€ pd the square foolage ot lha small area , sc.ves- Tho rqu6l6 too@€ b nd lgqaired f you ,ra only dlaoging out E singb compo.ld ., a syste$. IF BLDG PRoJEct - PERIIIT Ui'IBER: TOTAL ELECTRfCAL COST: NoTE: l, ),ou hsvc tne Prored eemt Nunrbor you na6-i6ii6ifiiffi-iiiire, eadte o. Phon Numbor. rs FmD IRErARED rN THrs or-oer f] vrs I NO I5 YOIrR PROIECTt [l nlSfOfXffAL {HorF€. Duplex o' roltnr,"'rla On I COTUERCIAL (Ax o,l€rcqlstruct dr) fi]rew construction n addttlon f] alteration f] r*irting Eullding NOTE: Resii€ ial ts delirEd as a si.€le-.family d€tached home. a dudex or !p to a maxrmum o, (E) Sbcned Townnouses onlyl Commerc€l Ptoiecls ar€ ar€fincd as ApaftneoB, condos. Olflces 6nd other Bt6inesses. IF CO,${ERCIAL, T.JHAT IS THE OCCUPANCY IvPE: I Assembly f] ractory/rnaurt"t"t f] Hazardous n rnstltutlonal I ausiness I lrrcantlle n Educational E Resldential I stor"g" Pl€€se CHECK below nsx to tho description of work thal you are doing. Please use the space below iF lDelEils) fo b€tler d€scibe yolrr 3cope of work includang all work which reqlires an €lectrical p€rmal lf applicable. dease enter the total nlmbor of fixfur€s you aro instal,ino or rcdadng in lho buildinq. ! Install/Replace Electrical system I temporary Power Pole (Tpole) AddlAlter Existing System Upgrade of Existing Elect.ical System f] ctrg out component of Electrical system I chrng" &.,1 tleter Base TOTAL AfiPS: PLEASE GIVE DETAILED SCOPE OF HORK IN SECTION EELOT{ SPECIFIC DETAILS:swirfiing poo: bcid.ilrq or:iy PAYIiIENT ITETHM i *** *.r ***!***+)t **:tli,r r( * ** ii,r * ** +* +,** * * +****)..,*** n **tr** *** *)t**,t **,|++*tt,t*,* )t * J. *,* * * r*.1)* * ** * )t * xt,l. * t.{ SEPARATE PERNITS REQUTRED FOR EI-ETT, IIFCH, PI.B6J 6A5 EQUIP' PREFABS & IIISERTS *'i I crsx f] cxecr (IAvABLE ro ier) f] aru accuxr f] rclvrsr I orscoven (foi otFrcE usE ofiLY)REVrstD 4/13/12 1a .P Plo E ri (910) 5C9-23r0 pRolECT cOtJTAcT PERsotlr pHol,lE *: !Le.i-j!:=3- / qfoS Rn,Anu, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPTICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ?otkqq,u) lL-2r7? APPLICATIO'I Number&l,.-----. (office use) tlzs/u--7---T-- 2/)a DATE:APPLICANT'S tlAl'tE : DEVELOPER:PHONE S: PRorEcr ADDRESS ' 77,4 5 f etJrrot dg,,<- cttv, suBDrvrsroN: ( o l/Ae jl r- e-- ZIP i PROPERTY OWNER's t,IA E:TNI\G_PHONE #: OI^INER'S ADDR ?'Au- 0*-...^LLC LICENSE S: CTTY: 4Ei*'ST: _ ZIP: _ ST CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:ri Z EI'IAIL ADDRESS:PHONE #: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: i 'r+zi r-1'rat \?'^-- EXrSr[,lG coNsrRucrroN: f] nrrenlrron ! nercvnrrol I eerurnar nelnrns I RELOCATION NEH CONSTRUCTION;4 ERECT NEW RESIDENCE OT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECX AtlD AI'ISWER BELoW ALL THAT APPLY TO YoUR PROIECT: I rrr camer - sF ! oer canncr sr f] eonet 4)SF PooL _ sFsuNRoolvl _ sF GREENHOUSE SF l-l orcr sF OTHE R: q ZIP i Lo- 277"c'rot SF 5F TOTAL AREA SQ FT:l{60., STORAGE SHED TOTAL HEATED SQ TOTAL PROIECT COST tress rou : $0 # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiBIIIG or UECHANICAL Work Be ing Done to the Accessory Structure? [ ves I lo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the cunnent site? [ ves No ,r./qf7 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: Is there Electrical Power on this Building?EYes Eruo J{r! PROPERTY USE / OCCUP DESCRIPTION OF I^IORK: ANCY:[| srrclr ramrlv f] rou.nHousr 73rr\3z*r4 //,v,aZfl ourrex N e"o ,l) DtSCtAtMER: thereby cerrit ihat arr inbmation in his appli€aton is conect and allwork willcomplywit., he State Building Code and all oher app and ordinances and .egutaiions The NHC Development Services CenEr will be notlied otany changes in he approved plans and specifcations or licable Slale and loca laws cont'aclDr inbmaton.'*NOTE: Any OWNER/CONTRACTOR: w9(perfomed w/O 'I: Appropriate Pem'rswillbe l4Jr,.^* {r,flv,/.^'' in Violation orthe NC Stab A1d9 SIGNATURE : cddgK To $500 00"' rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN l rlooorlarru? [ vrs EXISTING IMPERVIoIIS AREA: _5Q FT NEW IMPERVIOT S AREA: _SQ FT (Prrnt Nane))r**rt*,**,****************,f++*i*,***+*,1*****,**********,t,t +++r. *** ++* ++*,i.,f **1. + **,* *** * )****,1+*+ ** d*o TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEO: EXIST I.AND DISTURBING PERMIT:I lYEs I lNo urrn: I crpun E coMMUNrry svsrm I pRrvATE wELL I cerurnal nrlr srwrn, fi crcua I CENTRAL sEprrc I nnrvarr srcrrc I coMMUNrry sysrEr4 *** SEPARATE PERHITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLSG, CAS EQUIP, PREFABS & IN RTS *** pAyr'rlENT rirErHoD: f] casn I cHrcK (PAYABLE ro NHc; I mrnrcaN ExpREss E ".zrrso E rrscout^ **** * )r* *!t)t* * *****ri*,r)** **** ***+ *****,** **:l* * )****)** **** **** *** *,** {(+i(* i( i( +,F,* **,*,** )**,*x )** * *** )t* ZONE : _ OF FICER: (FoR ofFrcE u5t oNLy) REvrsEo DATE 04/77/L2 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE :_ FLOOD: _ _ AV Comment:J.-*r'o'r'r*r"r"-(oqT- BLOC( #: LOT *: PTONE *: # RECEIVED SEP O6 20ffi Nta1yru NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT AP PL|CAflA N tY PE: RESIDEMTIAI PLEASE ANSW€R ATL OU€STIONS APPLICAEIT TOYOUN PNOIECT -P.ol€qt R.ePonslbrlItY- APPLICANT'S NAMT:Prestige Pools Of Wilmington lnc Dite 9-3-2016 I Priot PRO]EgT ADDRESS:7605 Vancouver Court ctry. Wilmington tp. 28412 suBDtvtstoN:LOT fl PROPENTY OWNfN'5 NAM E: John & KAren Gaynor p11sNs s. 910-8334529 OWNER'S 199pg55. 7605 Vancouver Court CITY:wilmington 719. 28412 CONlRACTOR;Prestig e Pools Of Wilmington inc.aLDG xcENsE ,r. 579 ADDRESS:5307 South Colleqe rd oTy: Wilmington 51. nc 2p.28412 EMATLADDRESS: Prestig epool soi ilmington@gmail.com PHONE 910-509-2370- EXISIING CONSTRUCIION: E Alteration n Redovation n General Repaits t{Eli, CON5TRUCT'OiI: fl Erect New Residence G Addition to EdstlnS Residence n ielocatlon ..-P[TAsE CHECK AND ANSW ..' n Ait Gar"8e (SF)- a Det Garage (SF)- : Porch (5F) R Sunroom (SF)-.-- E Greenhouse {sF} - 364 E Storage Shed (sF)-G Pool(SF) C Deck (SF). other (sf) ls the propored work changingthe existing jootprint? n Yes I: No TOTAL SQ FT UNDTR ROOF Vot p.oposed wo.k) H!?ted: rorAl PRorEcr cosr (t ess rot): $!!!!!!-* lsthe proposed work chan8ingthe number of bedrooms? El Y€J E No tsanyEl€Etrical,Plumbl6sorMedtanlcalworkbeingdon€toth€AccessoryStructureEYesENg lf the project is a Relocatloo, ittherea NaturalGas Line on the curent site? g Yes EI llo ls there flectrical Power on thi5 Building? E Yes n No Prop€rty Use/ occupancyr El Single Family E ouphx D Townhonse oescription ofwerk:lnstallation of in q mund fiberqlass swimminq pool or change in .onlrdcto. Unheat€di la$! d ordinenceJ and regulanofiJ. th€ tlHC t evelognefit se.eices Cenler wall be notitied of any cha information. ""NOTFj Anywo* p€*orm€d witnout th€ appropr'ate permiltwjilbern vioratjoo ol the owner/contractor: L signatur;: liceased Auaqiet" ?rint Ndmc 9500.00"' lsthepropertylocaled ina floodplain? E Yet E No Existint lmpervious Aaea: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Dirturb€d New lmpervious -7.i-\Arca: , -.X- (--l sq Ft Existing tand Dlsturblng Permil: n Yes n No WATER: 1 CFPUA E community systern [1 Private well O centr;Jl well E Aqua SEWEBi/a{FPUA E community system D Private septi. n centralSeptic n Aqua zonei - oftic€r --- s€tba€kr (F) - (LH, .--- (fiH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - oate: -- flood: (A) --- (v) - (N) ---- 8rE+zft= ---- Comment: -- Permlt Fee: $ *9? PRoJECT COi{TACf pEX5pir. shane _-_=- p6sxl; 910-232-5375 VS RECETVED SEP 06 2010 Qptt* "rto+ Application NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMI AP P LICAT ION TY P E : RESlDEttlTlAL PLIASE ANSWER ALLQUESTIONS APPLICISLE TO YOUR PROIECT -Pro!e<t Retponslblllty. 3 m APPLICANT'S NAME:Prestige Pools Of Wilmington lnc 9619.9-3-2016 ing I PROJECT ADDRtSSI 4300 Chadslord court g1Ty, Wilmington 719. 28409 SUSDIVISION: LOT I pRopERTy owNEB,s NAME: PAnl Novosel pH61,tg x. 910-231- 1399 1p6qg5g, 5307 South College rd cry: Wilminglon 5I:lLztP:28412 -EMAI! ADDRESS:presligepodsofwilmington@gmail.com p11g11g; 91 0-509-2370- EX,STING COi{STRUCnON: G Alteration lJ Renovation il GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: il Erect New Residence l-i Addition to Eristing Residence J Relocation ...PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW A[I. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT" ' li Att Garage {SF)---. :l Det Garage {SF)- tl Porch (SF) E Pool(sF) = Deck {SF) 4Mn Sunroom (sF) - [:l storage Shed (SF)_ 3 Greentrouse (5F) - il other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existlng footprint? :i Yes G No ,ofAL sQ FT UNDER RoOF \for proposed wotkl eated:0 unheatGd:0 P.operty Use/ occupancy: El Single Famlly [f Duplex E Townhouse Desrrlption of worl: lnstallalion of in ground tiberolass swimminq pool la'tli and ordinancer and regulations. Thc tlHC Dclclopmcnt Scrvi(cs ceoler willbe notified ofany.han8es in th?elproved p atrd rpe.ificrlions or ctlan€e In contrador lnforftlon. ""NOTE: Anywo* pertorm€d wilhout th€ rpp.oprial€ r,ermits willb€ ln viobtlon of the NC s upto S500.00"' owner/contractor: Shane Kosnik Signatu "Llccdted Quolili?f P.int Noae tsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes E No [xlsling l.npervlous Area: __ 5q Ft TotalAcres Ditturbed: New lmgeffious Area:5q Ft Exining Land DisrurbinS Pe.mit: 0 Ves D tlo WATER: El CFPUA D Commurity System E Privrtewell E centralwell fl Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA 0 Community system 0 Private septic Ei Centralsepti( O Aqua zone: - offi.e.. --_* Setback (F) - (tfi)- (RH) - (Bl -Approval: _ Cityr _ Oate: _ rloodr (A) __ {V} _- (N) - IFE+2ft. * )rr Comment:Permit Fee: $ 6ryNER,SADDRESS; Cny. wilming(on zn:28!09 g9NTRACTOR. Prestig€ Pools Ot Wilmington inc. 61p6 gg6115g g; 54579 pRojEcT C6NTAST pEs561. Shane ps9x5 910-232-5375 ToTAI PRoJECT cosT (ress Lot): $!!@00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyllectri.al,PlumblntorMe.hanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureBYesnNo lftheprojectisaRelo.atlon,isthere.NatlralGasLineonthecurrentsite?[YerBNo lsthere Electrical poweron this guilding? El Yes E No RECEIVED SEP O2 2O1O 'I i _.l- ,i ffi,' t1 SUBDIVISION:9 )!'t41 V t u,,,) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLI CAT lO N TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QU ESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" CITY 1 Application Number (offlce use) oat", ?-,/-/L ztP: 2-s4Af LOT #A-4 *.. ,f-* )APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS; r-lr PROPERry OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:q CONTRACTOR:5 ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: 7n u-c,^ IJ or5 TAL. ^t/Da.,. t cl, Jnr*t PH)NE * q/D- (1 q 4/qq CITYi zP:a*qd)- BLDG LICENSE f: 1o)&d9 ctTY: lJ,l*.S't: fu-.yL-ztP: ?Z4of PHONEI 0" lln v PHONE q/a .- qz/?' q/ 7 7PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:at4 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect NewResidence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ,.*i.PLEASE CHECK AN D ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*'*'* ! Att Garage (sF)_n Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (SF) n Storage Shed (SF)_! Sunroom (SF) L_r breennouse ()F, {eoor 1sr) n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Ves d ruo TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $o ooo ou ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves {rrro ls a ny Electrical, Plu m bing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re Ef yes E No lfthe project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yesFNo ls there Electrical Power on this BuildingZ S Ves E trto Print@J'E}='- Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: singl e Family E Duplex E T usea DISCLAIMER: I hereby certlfy that allthe information in thls a pplication is correct and allwork witl compty with the State Buitding Code aws and ord nances and eNHCD nt Services Center wil be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and information. *+*NOTE: Any ed witfout priate permits wllbe in violation ofthe Bldg Code and subject5&..1iJ and all other applicable State and local specifications or change in contractor to fines up to 5500-00*** -)- wr ,na- a. tz\Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIiJier" Signaturei lsthepropertylocated in afloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious lrea: A)-o O sq rt TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:u 6.0 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes Xro WArrn: p CFPUA E Community System E private Well E Central We E Aqua SEWER: F CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centrat Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval:_ City: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S n Other (SF)-.- Unheated: 1Z Totb lyto ffi NEI{ HAM)VER COt.,NTY BUILDING PERIITIT APPLI0ATIOTI Tl?E: RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE A'ISTGR ALL qJESTIOIIS APPLICAALE TO \(I',R PiO]ECT "Project ResPonsibllltf CITY: APPLICATIO{lt*er (offtc. t,5. ) DATE:7 P}OTE *: ZIP: ELOCX f: LOT $: --Plo € t: ST:NQ ZIP:z*k> ACCO(IJT *: srl)a zwt&fg P}O'E : Pto{E #:Qto.?-t ?.to?1 APPLICA'{T'S llA}iE : DE\ELEER: Pf,O]ECT ADORESS: SIEDIVISIO : PROPERTY flIER, S or*R',S ADOnESS: PUA . lflVatr t lt D*el.ftestl^IIE r PRO]ECI CfiTACT PERSO{: EXTSTTIG coLsTRUCrIO : I ar-renlrrol I RET{OVATION fl cexrRal nrnuns I RE locArrolt xEI C(IETnrrcTIot{ t l-l "nrCr EH RESIDCTICE or 6r'rrn ro €xtsrmr REsroGtl(E ..PLEsG CHGCT AtI' TIIITER EEL(*I ALL TRAT APPLY TO YOIN PXOIECI: Coi{TRACTOR: ADORESS; E A,tL ADORESS: EXISTITE I'?ERVIqE AREA NE}/AREA LICETTSE *: CITY: ;ira**r****t*+ D po*c" - sF ! sromcr sHE, ------:--onxnt C'/ o SIG ATI'RE : f'61, t *< n AT-T GARAGE SF GARAGE SF n SUilROOa{5F SF f] anerruotsr -- sr u DECK SF DfscRrPTroa of xnx: uryt Su'rr^,,,*r*L o€cllrGR I h€roby cortt het 3l hb*mah( n sbn B con€ci dtd d Yro.t Yril cofl9y wtt tl3 $t5 ali€ilg $d ardhilcos tld regdatbn& Tne NtlC oovelo9rYEnt S'Mco'enbr wl! b. noli.d of tly 6tt0€3 h ite 49.ov!d co.r-D( hbon*.r. -LOTE : Any $rofl Fffi w,o ll' App'lpdti P.rmrls wll b€ n vbb6.l ol the Nc slsl fl otrfr6, , L/?0),@ SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: - TOTAL 5Q FT TIDER ROOF: -_ TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: - TOTAL pf,orEcr cosrlrcrcrol;1-w of sroarEs: rs Any ELECTRTCAL, pUrD|6 oc trftluxrcaL tiofk Betng Done to the accessory stru(turcl E v"s f] no If the pro3ect is a Relocation, is ther€ a l{ttural 6as Llne on the Current Slte? flves fl m Is there Electrical Po{€r on thls BulldtnS? f]vet l--lno pR(DERry usE / ocoPlrY, lVsrr,c.t rurlv I nrlex I rorr'orrse Slst td bcal la'is *fiER/@tITR CTOR: r+.rrir+ rr.r..r. *.t. t...t.*.(11'JiEJ IS THE PROPERTY LOCA TED ITt A T L@OPLAIX?l--'l ves Lr, ,r.r,*"ro, - ' Lrro Drsnna$6 eenn(r r fl vrs I rrc f] ce*rml utlr ** * **t t**t ttt:l +t f,EVTSED Oalt e4l1t/ t2 SQ FT SQ FT TOTAL EXIST I'ATER : sEt*i : ! corurr E crrrmlCFPUA TY SYSTEII I eawart ilru SEPTIC n PRIVATE SEPTIC I comxrw svsren II5 IRED FON ELECT, IIECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQU IP, PiEFANS t IIGERTS *" cl{Ecl (p YAaLE 10 l*E)BILL ACCO!|T fl rcrvrse florscoven It a*,li*,1+t +ll*l taat t,}rrl'tt*,.at *t:lrt '+'* tttttt":t**:l 'ir ir"* " 'tti''tt' rr' SEPASAIE Ptntt PAYiExr iETlo: Ec st **ra,l*t a+tt t|ial taa)*tal ZOi{E: - OFFICER: Apprcval:- CltY:- DATE:- FLOOO: - (foi OfFTCE tsE OILV) SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- BFE+2ft= ca e ohor Co0rent I tt PERTIJT FEE: , ffiall- / fr \rlL t a -_ RECETvED sEp 0 o 201t M1o^rro[ botdorsi"cSlww ")>Jr"" ''si NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L \CAT tON TY P E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLETO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect ResPonsibili\/' l.cotn ?aVr^1n I@b-laab (o$ce us€) APPLICANT,S NAMT:B"b Ah cr ,(SE Date G /b /tt/ aP a PROJECT ADDRESS:/1 Lnu FAl L D t"1 L,{crw I LOT #l '( SUEDlVlSloN:L +n,rt ,aL2- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:thr *Shn 4nfl ENS PHONE f:ftc aq-9 vfDror,4 /l *? OWNER'S ADDRESS: ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRTSS: o o CITY E zte: 2<a'1? / AII)G UCENSE f 5V5 6 (.) CT\.EASf dV{ r st. wtP PHONE r'L z PHONE - G71)-{o7d rt z 8)t.r-U PROJECT CONTACT PERSON obil 7rc.4 hru EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration I Renovation El GeneralRepairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Ered New Residence E Addirion to Existing Residence I Relocation D att Garage (SF)-EI oet Garage (sr) .j$f,-tr Porch (5F) LLI o [] sunroom (sF) D Greenhouse {5F) - ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOE llot proposed work) Heated TOTAL PROTECT COST (Less Lot): 5 c a0 D Pool (5F) D Deck (sF) D storage shed (sF)-- D other (sF)- Yes - No o8 unneatea, /lO{ ,q(L ls the proposed work changing the number oI bedrooms? O ves El tto isanv'fleaacat,ptumbinsorMe{hanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEIYesDno lftheprojectisa Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes E lo tstheieEiectricalPoweronthisBuilding? D ves Q no E TownhouseProperty U5€/ Occupa El Single FamllY E DuPlex Desctiption ot Work: DISCLAIMER: t herebv certifY that alllhe information in this application is correct and allworkl'l/illc i"*rlrJ"ria.** i"a te;ubtions.lh€ NHc Developm€nt s€rvices ceflterwillb€ notified ol anv t"i"r.",,""- ;;'ror, *;ork performed without the appropriate permitt will be in violation of lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? D ves S Ho Exfsting lmpervious A re ,Qflsqtt Total Acres Disturbedi with the State BuildintCode and allother applicable Stat€ and local proved plans and speciflcation! or chanSe in conrractot Code and tubFcl to fines up lo SSm m"'the Nc state BldS 0\Ft c l(Signature:owner/contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" New lmPeiious Area:5q Ft.7 f Existing Land Disturbing Permiti Cl Ye5 No WATER: dCFPUA E community system fl Private well D centralwell E Aqua sEwER: d CFPUA D community System El Private Septic E centralseptic n Aqua zone: - office]: - setbacks (t) -- (LH) - (RH} -- (B} -App.ovall - cltY: -- Date: -- Flood: {A} -. (v) .- (N) - BFE+zft. -- Permlt Fee: S Comment CONTRACTOR ,B PR()JEg 75 vg3NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION rYPE; RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" oarc. ogt12t2016Appt-tCANT,S NAME. Penton Construction, LLC trtrIEIEII PROJECT ADDRESS: 1951 Springwood Drive CtTy. Wilmington ztP.28/.09 SUBDtVtStON: Shinnwood West pROpERTy OwNER,S NAME. Penlon New Homes, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS.6105 Oleander Drive Suite 201 PHONE #.910-452-1410 CtTy Wilmington ztP.28403 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC BLDG LICENSE g: 50903 ADDREss.6105 Oleander Drive Suite 201 ctTy. Wilmington srr !q zrP 28403 EMATL ADDRESS: morgaanjean@gmail.com PHONE.910-452-1410 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON Morgan Datema PHONE. 910-520-8.11 1 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration I Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation I.**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'}1 E Att Garage (SF)428 ! Sunroom (SF) f Det Garage {SF)_I Porch (5F)220 Lr storage 5hed (5r-) _ E other (sF)120 tr Pool (SF) E Deck (SF)114! Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes I No unheated:882 3z1P newtTOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work)g".1"6.2388 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 90,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E ruo Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descripti on of work: Build Single Family residence law5 and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fine5 up to S5OO.OO... Owner/contractor: Howard A Penton lll Signaturel "Licensed Quolifier" P nt Ndme ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0 075 New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA fl Community System ! privateWe E Centrat Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem E private Septic ! Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Ofticer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ App.oval: _ City:_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S & LOT #: 73 1,153 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 230 Government Center Dr. Suite 170 Telephone (910) 798-7308 Fax (910) 798-7060 lnspections Manager ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** FOR COMPTETE ELECTRONIC PROJECT SUBMITTATS BY EMAIT lf you wish to submit your Commercial or Residential pro.iect electronically by email, please attach your electronic plans in the "pdf format along with you r application" before clicking the send button ! FOR COMPTETE ELECTRONIC PROJECT SUBMITTATS IN PERSON lf you wish to submit your Commercial or Residential project in person on CD, please fill out the building permit application on line, print it, scan and put it on your CD along with the plans and Appendix B if applicable in the "pdf format" & bring your CD to the Development Services Center, located at 230 Government Center Drive; Suite 170. lf you have questions about the electronic submittal process, please call the Development Services Center at (910) 798-7308. Please note that we except Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards (American Express, Discover, VISA, and Mastercard). Tha nk you I .l o L)N-ry, e I\\ z = ,i -t- tl \ a rtt { *wup:i \.) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" Date 09/08/2016 )ou-?F{S pROJECT ADDRESS. 5838 Wayfarer Trail CtTy. Wilmington ztP.28409 sUBDtvlstON: Shinnwood West pRopERTy OwNER,S NAME. Penton New Homes, LLC PHONE s.910-452-1410 CONTRACTOR: Penton Construction, LLC s1p6 u6sx5g 6. 50903 ADDRESS: 6'105 Oleander Drive Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington sr. NC ztP.28403 EMATL ADDREss: morgaanjean@gmail.com pRoJEcT coNTAcT PERSON. Morgan Datema EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:EErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation *,T.I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*T* PHONE. 9'10-452-1410 PHONE.910-520-8111 n Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No Unheated:543 TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s90,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E No lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E DuplexE Townhouse Descript ion of Work: Build Single Family Residence DISCI.AIMER: I hereby ce(ify that all the information in this application is correct and aJl work will compty w laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes information. ***NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Owner/Contractor: Howard A Penton lll Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedi e uilding Code and allother applicable State and local plans and tpecifications or change in contractor and subject to fines up to S500.00+'* I 0.0629 New lmpervious Area;Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes n No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr CommunitySystem E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approvat:- city:- Date:- Ftood:(A)-(v)-(N)-BFE+2ft=- $t rLU 0>Comment: Permit Fee: $ / AppltcANT,s NAME. Penton Construction, LLC tOr r: 68 OWNER,S ADDRESS. 6105 Oleander Drive Suite 201 ClTy. Wilmington z/p. 28403 E ett carage (sr)432 n Det Garage (SF) ! Pool (SF)_ ! Deck (sF)_ n Sunroom (SF)_ TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workj Heated:22O1 E eorcn (Sr) 11 I ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (SF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 230 Government Center Dr. Suite 170 Telephone (910) 798-7308 Fax (910) 798-7060 lnspections Manager +**IMPORTANT NOTICE + * * FOR COMPTETE ELECTRONIC PROJECT SUBMITTALS BY EMAIL lf you wish to submit your Commercial or Residential project electronically by email, please attach your electronic plans in the "pdfformat along with your application" before clicking the send button! FOR COMPLETE ELECTRONIC PROJECT SUBMITTALS IN PERSON lf you wish to submit your Commercial or Residential project in person on CD, please fill out the building permit application on line, print it, scan and put it on your CD along with the plans and Appendix B if applicable in the "pdf format" & bring your CD to the Development Services Center, located at 230 Government Center Drive; Suite 170. lf you have questions about the electronic submittal process, please call the Development Services Center at (910) 798-7308. Please note that we except Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards (American Express, Discover, VISA, and MasterCard). Tha nk you. L\N I nz : I - r'1 1 ,1 i o t-l. r 1 7 ") o ,