SEPTEMBER 27 2016 BUILDING PERMITSc\ dor4-1qO^ NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,IIT Applrcatro n?r.. Cq$IERCIAL Pr,EASt AtSLEt Att QUISiIONS App[Ir.Ar[E TO yotn ptO)tCI "ProJGct i.sponrlbllity! \ Pltot{E APPLTCAT'I'S DEVTLOPEi: ltaltt: PiOJECT ADDiCSS: occrrpAirr/BUS IIESS PioPEtTV ol{tlEi's ot{ ERr S ADoRESS COI'TRACTOR 3 ADDiESS: EiAIL ADORESS: PnolEcr co{TACI PtRSofl: A'IE 3 tutriE: APPLICAIIO{ flulrbcr (Offlc. trr) t: ST: Z,Pzctw: LlcEusE t: clrY: PnolECr Co rAcr Prlsor: t , ]r I .l, tt.rar. 9 p61ne tr-ffi fi17 ;t'#Hlffi s:*.tr,1'J..h'"'lll.F,Jry[$#]EE-,r,rry,,Hff iTsrg,*p*. EN COuSTiUcTtor: I rnrcr NEU STRuCTURE ft rrcr rnrcx I sxrr.r, I u$5 3 ,, , ,osT sTirrcnnE ACCESSORY 5TRUOUiE: If UPFIT - The Shcll Per0it $:Is Elcct Porcr on thls Building El yes E rc @ m ..... thc ]{6r occup.ncy fypcf _ i,C REG C: ilC REG tr , OF UNITS:l0FsToRrs: I I,." Ig IHI]5 A CIUIJGE ya3 tlic Prllor Occuprnry T)DG? OF OCCUPATJCY trrt flws _ Lhtt 15 PH: tf Ytt, ritt Arcfl 0E516 EXCn DESlGtl PtoFESSl(,tat: PtoFESS IO AL : DESCRIPTIOT', 0f IOR( : b food or bcvcrrg€a FCp.rad or scNrd ln thh aln Efir?[l Ho r n" eropary t ocnrd In ]hc Floorrcrnr I v"s s! ro 3ydi#?S,i'*H,Ht"l,1'#ffi I'll**s:g-"tt-q!l-see'ra-prc.Fllhwio\i:[S,&ffieP$m$qvffi gruHf+ufjmffi SIGNATURE: *ffi W*i':mffiJ:flHm'EH.:gHg-T.Hfgff-rnlt*rr. bdnvo, hr'hr rr. rud,"XIf:HIfr Jffi,H,i.ffil**T**S.=y:. ", 3gagre;. er._6iiif;ii&Tffi1ffiH,ffi*, dsiotlhd ol tiy hdtlty s hlElI, 8x llndc Yltb SL: hprtrwvrrplr.r..ic.rttdtenodi.rpJan{ TOTAL PROJECT COST: 5, ooo BU11-DING HEIGHT: rOTAt AREA SO FT, A','JD TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: )(r,r3 SQ FT PER FLR: .1>J , OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:- NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: SO FT l-- {sFtooRs:- EGr ltND DlsTUReruc hpypl[1,6s fllxpSO FT EXSnlc HPERVIOUS AftA pRopERryusE: EpFFEE flnesnumnr flnencArnlr Eeurc Eerr EOroo orxen !'AEI;HBUIEE$ItTHA*b,Fffi**Dgf;itr#,ffi FEA,.N: " SEPARA'IE PERMFS REOUIPED FOR ETEfi, MECH, PIBG. GAS EOLNP. PfiEFABS I I}ISERh.. pA\orEinilETHOD; [CSx [CxsO<pevrolEToNHc] firmenrcalo<rness@ucmsa fiorscorren (FOR OFFICE t 8E ONrn RIVEED OATE an !n2ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACI(S: F: LH: RH:_ .B:Appro\r8l:- Cny:- DATE: FLOOD: - BFE+2fi= I *J4h- ale\yaC DERMTT FEE: $ lo..h0 P}O E T: y'lSue,)Wa< {"2 NEW HANovER couNry BUTLDTNG eERMIT *MTG qSV L APPLICATION TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" ,lh^ LOT #: PHONE #: cw: Aac{/t APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: E Greenhouse (SF) BIDG LICENSE # ExlsTlNG coNsTRUCrlON: H Alteration fl Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residen." H Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Rtt Garage (SF) - E Det Garage (SF) - n Porch (SF) p srn,oo, (sFl Pr K l?-t ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ ves I rtro TorAL sq FT UNDER Root (Jor proposed workl n"rt"a, @ llD Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes ! ttto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ff V", lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? { v"t E trto tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) PHONE: ! Storage Shed (SF) - S o,r,", (sil /6 N l7- EI trto No7 tlt tc>cc.'lia't 4ro 5.(7_3tlbtJh!; "r..o Property Use/ OccuPancY: Description of Work: y EI Duplex E,Townhouge DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that allthe information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and allgther laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans State and local or change in contractor to fines up to s500.00***information, ***NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg C Owner/Contractori "Licensed QuoIifier" o5(aact ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes X *o Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New tmpervious Area: l0l 't( t d-_l sqft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes ff *" Print Nome Total Acres Disturbed: WATER: tr CrpuR E Community System I erivate Well f] CentralWell E Aqua SEWER: D Cf pUA E Community System ffi erivate Septic I Central Septic E Aqua Zone:officer: Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: CitY: - Date: Comment: Flood: (A) (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= *r."*r"",rtl D- \._\ 1!ll:'i;l W (office use) st: NL.zrP:(") - ill, NRoPERTY or ER,SI *,*rn,s arxrREss: \*r.o.ro.,-J+ SUBDIVISTON: ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICArIOIT N?EJ RESITiEIIITIAL pr-rAsE A*sr{ER Ar-L Qucsrror{s orrlrcod* To youn pRoJEcT ..project Responsibilit/, 5^^-i+(-c_ crw: BLOCI *r i Plor{E r: 4t fr-1 ze- 8r<; ct*WrFCITY:t< h- APP L ICATIOII I{unber (offl(. Ur.) o^rE,: ?-/3-lb PXOI{E *i zte44!.lt P}TXE Plot{E *lL:rre,zzar *r 9 t9- +22-A lOt, q51{3 LOT tr: EIIAIL ADORESS: PRO]ECT COiITACI LrcEr6E r! b 6fl6 crw:Zal-T- rrnsor: ?abby fl.r,:c"v&s f "ga JS'I EXTST tArD DTSTURBTilG pEnnrT: I vrs [-l rc sEr,rER: zr cFpuA I crurnnl serrrc ! pRrvArE sEprrc f] coulnltrw sysrtn r*r SEPAqATE pERt4rrS REQUIREo FOR ELECT, !,!ECH, pLBG, GAS EgJIp, pRrtABS & I SERTS *** pay EUT rirErHoo: I casx I cx:cK (payABLE ro r,,r1 [ Atrrnr.* ,rr.rit E-*.^rri" - f] orr.orr. * ***,r*,1***t+*t,t ***+,t**,*+*rt I +* * +***,1*,i**:l* t*r* a****** **:r* *** *** *+ t++*t+* **{i *t+**rt* +*** *t mrrn, [[ creua f] cofil.1ulrry svsreu I pRrvATE r.lELL I cerurnal wer-l (foR orFtcE usE otY) SETBACKS: T: tEvrSIo D rc 04/11/12LH:_ RH:_ B:_ $tfSgq BFE+2ft= _:_ ll DEbIIY 'EI. ' EXrsrr{G coNsrRucrron: I rlrrnarrot ! nerwarrofl ! eer:ur- neearns ! RE[OcATroN r{El., coNsrRucrrou: fifrnrcr NEH RESTOEiTCE o" ft morrror ro Exrsrr,rc REsrDEircE .TPLEASE CHECX AflD A Sl.l[R BELoll ALL TH T Apply TO y(rut PRO]ECT: lXlarr craaee 474 * loer eenrce sr fironcx 2{? srI suunoom _sF ! roor- _ sr ft slonace rrro _ ,,fl cnreHxousr - sr n oecx sr or*fikt__7--r, U-^l. xi! TOTAL HEATED SQFII Z+72- TOTAT SQ FT UNOER ROOF:- TOTAT AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROI ECT C0ST 1r-css roe : t iSO o(r)f 0F STORIES: z- rs any ELEcrRrcaL, pLuli8rilc on itEcHAttrcaL work Being oone to the Accessory structurc? [ ves $Horf the project is a Rerocation, is there a Natural 6as Li.ne on the current site? [ves E}roIs there Electrical Power on this Building?Rlves IUo pRopERTy usE / occupANcy, El srHcLe rnr.rrlv ! oueuex I To{rilHousE DCSCRIPTIOI{ OF !'IOR(: DlscLAlMER. lh€reby cenit hstall lnbrmallon in his erplicllon is corect snd 6llworkwi! comply wih hu srau aurraing coae -J atorreffi.bb srsE end krcrltaws :1."'d,:Y1L1:s.rjPP]I ij !.T:1"1.:nr se 'vice_s centsr will be nolnrd of sny chsnoes h ns app'o"ca pbns a'd speciiE dol" li.i"ns" ,n -n*"o, o,coot&br inbmalion. r.ilOTE: Any Wort Perfomed w/O hc AppmpriaE pomirr wil b€ h Vbtatibn ot[ic NC St b Bldg Cod. ;; SuO;*i o ii*" Up ro |SO0.OO- ohrirER/cor{TRAcron: Ci+^r--, c,s.- {ouc:rwlL sIGMTURE: /11t4,* l*o-*&--- ** ** +,r+ *:* {.,r **** **** * ** * * ** *(i!'li,l!1} * * **** ** ** * rs THE PIoPERTY LOCATED Ir{ A FLOODPLATN? E yEs EXTsTTNG D4PERVIoUS AREA: _SQ FT NEW ITIPERVIOTJS AREA: -SQ FT ZONE: OFFICER: Approval:- City: Cofiment: ** itt,l'*t**:|*t**a *:t + * 't it ** +t* I *$jt *:t * * ** * *:* t Eno TOTAL ACRES DISTT'RBED: 18 oATE:_ FL0O0: PROJECT ADDRESS: : ffi APPLICATTIT'5 DEVELOPER: M'{E : NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TypE: RESIDENTIAL pLEAsE alrsr/ER ar-r QuEsrror,rs orrrrcojt-t ro youR pRoJEcr ..project Responslbility- *r,-iaoo,, rime: QY er , e,c"t^- PROJECT ADDRESS:z2 lr SUBDIVISION:rUer Lr' PROPERTY ONNER,S TIAITE: OTNER,S ADDRESS: COiITRACTOR : ADDRESS r EI4AIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COITACT PERSOT{: c- crw: Pt{otrlE s: DATE: LOT S:BLOCK *l ztp:284t26E- sI.,,Lz,Ptz.7L4 sr:zdQrp. Zfuf *qt?-tlzz- AirC) t:=BZi3 LL(_Pt{oitE $: CITY: "-fL-rr.r LtcllsA*t. /o B ll b ar1y, Ra-(o-- Ptot{E PIflIE EXTSTTNG CO{sTRUCrro : I rlrrnnrroN I nrtwerror ! eetenll REpArRs fl RELoCATToN NEW CONSTRUCTIOU. $ CNTCT NEII RESIDENCE O" I AOOTTTOII IO EXI5TI G RESIDEiICE *.PLEASE CHECK AI{O ANsIIER BELOW ALL TH,/TT APPLY TO Y(ruR PROJECT: n 2rr oruce 4 bb sr ! oer crRaee sr fironcx 4 t ? sr D ffil668": -rrz-sF f| roor- _ sr I sronace sxeo! cneruxous e - sr I oecx - sr orxen, Sto.8' SF SF ToTAI HEATED SQ nt Z*7,i TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RooF:ToTAr AREA sQ rr: g5o3 TOTAL PROIECT COST 1t-ess r-o9 z $ 175Oc>tl * or srontes: Z rs Any ELEcrRrcaL, pLUI{Br G on itEcHAt{rcat work Being Done to the Accessory structurt? ! v"s [l Horf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current sitei Ives I Hors there Electnical Power on this Building? fl Ves I r'ro pRopERw usE / occuPANcY, $srHcle rnr.rrlv DESCRIPTION OF TORX: )alt@- %\K lu,ab$S APP L I CATI0I'l l{umber (offl(. us!) ouelrx ! Ts,NHousE DISCLAIMEFL lhercbv cerli, h3l all inbnnalion in his srplicrton is conecr and aitworkwil compty wit he sr"ro guiuino coae "na art or,elii[sbte slaE and tocalawssnd odinanc€s and r€gulalions. The NHc Developme nt s! waces cenErwill be notfed ofsny chsnles h tle appowd plans.nd specirortirn" liil"ngu in *nrr""o, o, rs rHE pRopERw LocATED rr{ l rloooputlt l-''l vrs EXISTII{G IMPERVIOUS AREA: _SQ FT NEW Ii,TPERVIoUS LREA: _ SQ FT ,t++l l:i* **** +++1*+** *** ** +* ti** ** OFFTCER: NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: (FoR 0frIcE ust oilr v) SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ uarEl: @ crrur I coMriluNrry svsrem I pRrvATE t.lErl f] crtrnel urr-r- sErrlER: @ creua f] CENTML sEprrc ! enrvere seerrc I cor4MuNrry sysTEM EXrST L I{D DrSrURsritG mrurrr: I ves [ rc $\)'t1+- IEVISID D rE 0rrlt1/12 *'* SEPATATE PEMITS REQUIREO FOR ELECT, IIECH, PL8G, GAs EQJIP, PRETABS & T SERTS *+T payltEr{T r,rErHoo: I clsx flcxecx (PAYABLE ro n*) E *r*r.r* ,.r*.ir E-r.^iii "- E orr.orER * *,** 'r* +***:***,*,t *,t*rt *+*r**** +*** ****+*:|rt+** ++t*,t*:l *:t+*****:l+* *:r*:t***,3*****+*:****t*rr*:f:r+*t* ZONE: Approval:- CitY:- Coment: B: BFE+2ft. I lEDl TT TEE. J DATE:_ FLoOD: OIINER/CONTRACT0R:SIGMTURE : : ffi APPLICAI{T DEVELOPER PROJECT A o NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AppLrcArrON ry"E: RESIDENTIAL PT EASE A SXER At-L QUESTIOT{S Apptlca;lE TO youR pio]EcT ..project Responsibtllty', ;11\ BLOCX t: CITY: LICE SE *:46/tb )ort, qW APPLICATIOI{ l{umber (Officc Us!) oart, 4-13-/L ztP': ?E,'l ,L LOT s: 6Y * ?ll-L7a-Atac)*W7,r' crw, sr:dczrp: zzer! ^esfy\ .-.+( . (., ,L. Dtr|rrc l.t O ,.; tt >.> ,/ e;PK,IE s: q?-AZ--G?E<) PlloitE *:ZL3 PTO E S: suBorvrsro1{: Bu=-I; PROPERW OHiIER, S MI'IE: Or ER'S ADDnESS: [Z CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: Ei!AIL 'IDORESS: PRO]ECT COITACT PERSO{: cc.lh t-L. a (<v SFSF z ExrsrrNc coirsrRucrroN: ! rlrenerror ! neruouarror ! cerraar- neearns ! RELOCATTON NEW COi{STRUCTTOru: [l rneCr E]r RESTOENCE o" I noottror ro ExrsrrNc REsrDEncE ..PLEASE CHECI( A'[' AIISHEN ITLOI{ ALL T'IAT APPLY TO I'T'UR PTO]ECT: ffiarr cauee Sl7 sr ! oer canace sF E poRcH 4*3 sefl suunoom - sF I roor- - sr I sronacr_ sHED _ sFn cneruxous e - sr ! oecr TOTAL HEATEO Sq II Z??D TOTAL SQ FT UiIOER ROOF, +.I.O iOMI ANM Sq rr, f'+OD TOTAL PROIECT C05T lress roq ; l lL;pr>* OF STORIES: rs Any ELEcrRrcaL, Ptlrtt8t c or IECHA tcAL work Being Done to th€ Accessory structurr? [ ves E ruorf the project is a R€location, is there a Natural 6as Line on the cument site? ft ves ! NoIs there El€ctnical Pohier on this Building? fitves I r'fo pRopERw usE / occupAr{cy: [l srtclr rar.lrlv I ouelex ! ro|Nxousr DESCRIPTION OF }OR(: olscLAlMEF[ l hercby cenify h all inbflnalion h his epllcslitn -6 colecl and alt woit wi[ compty witl he srar6 Buitdng cod. .nd att orruiffiaou stat ana bcd taws :ll.:IylT:*-y.,j*::I*.T:^:,T^::1T1:.*T:"^. c"l":yr^b" "orn€do,anyda!.s n t'c approwc pransa,ro rpecir"",in.liii"nsu,n*nr"o,o, conrracbr hbrmaion. '-t{orE:Anv work Perlomed wo h. Appopriab pemirs wfllbe h vbtstion of 0le r.rc s,"c aae cod" ;j l;b6; ;ffir;;; ffi;;jtI OhII{ER/CONTMCTOR: A[rcr,e,,r- -LLr^.r qn . tt^ SIGMTURE: warrn, I cFpuA E cof4,.rutrry svsrrm I pRrvATE uELL f] cerrrel uell -! seuzetQcrrua fl .ENTML sEprrc fl rnrvare sEprrc -coMMUNrry sys,Elr +l ,q1L'** SEPARATE PERtilrrs REQUTRED FoR ELECT, HECH, PLBG, GAs Egjrp, pRErABs & rNsERTs **i pAyltEr{T nEloo: fl crsx fl csecx (pAyaBrG . u*) ! -r*r* .rr*.i, f]-r.rriii "- E orr.orr. * *** *+,t +'t,t*+*,!* *,r** *+ *:*,1+ *:t:t* * +,t *,t,t,t *:r,t * * ***,r *** *t,*:r +***:*:r* *:l* ** * * 13 *r** *****:**rt**i( ***,. ** (aoR oaFrcc usE ofluy) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: ExrsT tAr{D orsruRBrxc ,enl.trr, E vrs I r,o itvrsto D T€ oallvu - g:- Approval:- city:- DATE: coflment: ** *,r +:*,r * r*+ ++** ** ** * * * ** ** *(Il',ll,l!101* * *** * ***..,, rs THE pRopERw LoCATED IN A FTOODPTAIN? E yEs EXISTIi{G IllPERvIot S AREA: _SQ FT NEhl II,IPERVIOUS AREA: _ SQ FT ZONE: OF FTCE R: +*********+:l*i*:*+**ttt*a+**+****t*:t**,t*+t Erc TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: BFE+2ft= fl DEOrar? .E.. 4 F LOOD: NEt^, pover lz untf 'D -Jffi- R COUNTV BUILDING PERI'IIT L6-ALL __+,,e_frs1 APP L ICAT IOtI t{utllber (offl.e U3.)& APPTICAfT'S tlAXE: DEvELOPER r PRO]ECT ADORESS: OCCUPANI,/BUSINESS PiOPERTY OI IER,S OOIER,5 ADORESS: CoNTRACTORT AOORESS: EiIAIL ADORCSS: PROJECT COflTACT PERSOfl : lf RrMon. b trlere a Naturat Gas Line rf UPFIT - The SheLl Permit * ...i. I5 Ir Yer, ldrat ras the P.evlous Oc APPLICAI IOI| ryPf I COIIIiERCIAL a sr,El aLL QUESTTOBS APPLICAEII T0 yqrn pf,o]E(I "Project Responslblllt!'" CITY: witEli,nqton CIIY: wilminq.on DATE:2-11-20r6 PllOt{E *: _ 2IP:2o4ol *: 910-r?o-2?34 sT: !g_ zIP:jl3gL ST: NC ZIP: 2Br03 PlPalE ,: s2r-ssr7 PllOaiE #: s2o or2ir LICEISE t: 7t et2 CITY: wilm:nqrqn ErIsI coNsTRUCTrOtt: EI alr:na r l-l nerpvarrot [-'] Grre rlr rhe Curent Srtc? L_-l Yes LlNo (Cnr<k ^lr ri.t APrly) oF occuP^lrcY uset flvrs tdhat ls nrplrns l-l RELocATToN rs eLDG spfiixleneoz flve" fl uo Occlpancy Typ.? IEIiJ CO{STnKrroil: I enrcr srnucTURE ! rasr rnlcx ! *rr.r" I urrrr I loo ro Exrsr STRucruRE ACCESSORY STRI,CTURE: rs El.ect Porer on this Building E Yes ENo A CHAXGE Typel $nothe Nes AXCX DESIGiI PROFESSIO'JAL : E Gn oESIGN PnOFESSIOa{ALr OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:(o''4 px:::1&_ tlc REG PH: HC RE6 :0 t80 , bdt(l{ Y6t hrn b rt lcd 10 d.yr pld io th. f OF UNITS: f OF STORIES:I__ i OF FLOORS:j- SO FI *: OE5CRIPTION OF le tood or bgY*eo6 P.lPorod d !*v€d ors ouaue? f] ve. EI ruo r rm aopery tocatEd ln Ttrg FloodCatnt E ves E Ho SIGNATURE: ,{ctd Dcmdi..r ndllca!..[ d a.b&. rsn.^'d rydtdld. .IE ro b. nnnl!6d ldng iE.pdlcadoi rfin al'tnh Arb6dlo6 s nol Yd, a€ llqrmd b call ita ernl..l..l SEr6fd. to. HEllnoJl r* Pdlrffi (XEs}]AF) drnolt oa oa 'ly fldly or birgdng. S.. A!t*b.gbr hlts/ar*u,..p.rlsl.. nc uredl.strrcddtop.l'tnr TOTAL PNOJECT COST:BUILOING HEIGHT:49- TOTAL AAEA SO FT :SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF;# OF STRUCTURES; ACRES DISTURBED: re- NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT D(ISTING IMPERVIOUS AFEA: PROPEFTY USE: I]OFFICE fluencnrnrr Eeouc nerr lmroo orxe* WATER: [f CFPUA SEWER: El CFPUA E}CEMIRAL '. SFL.\aa: i l (itLtr.rs,I.'f P YMENT MEIHOO: [CeSn eAyAarE To NHc) fieuentcar.r exeRESs ElMcMs f]oscoven ZONE:-OFFICER: (FOR OFFlcE US€ OILY) tlEvl*olr rE lr!fi2 SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH: B: - BFE+2{I=- Exsr LAND DrsruRatHo renunz fives I no Jr*u,ro.,rj#tr- Sl3le Co.nmont FLOOD: u0-J^olto I rwEr- DzoNlNG usE ctAsslFlc,{TloN: PRTVATE SEPTIC E @irMUNlrY St6rE F.)t : iratr MEijrl , ?_i,.,:rii:,||rP :lrfl r.l.l, a r\;:':rl i '- Aooroval: RE n\ u ?torr-s NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaI| rYPF: CO!{i{ERCIAL PLEASE AHShIER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responsiblllty" il/qfiE: William Hartnett PROJECT ADDRESS: 323 Eastwc)od R,l . Suite F CITY: wi.t-mr-nqi-en OCCUPAilT/BUSINESS t'lAfiE: qpnpqter warriors Inc Q,ot b-q50L APPLICATIOITI Nurnber (Offl{e Use) APPLIf,ANT' S DEVELOPEB: DATE: PHOI'IE #: ZIP:7"fis0i PROPERTY OffirlER'5 t{A}tE : OtINER'S AODRESS; t,.o. Brian Satz PHOI,IE *: Box 1502 CITY: l{ilmingron LICEilSE Si 't6e-t6 CITY: wilninqron 5T: g zIP:?'y!L 5T: r'rc Zrp: 28405 COIITRACT0B; iiKs consLruction ADDRESS: 5504 Business Drive El4AIt ADDRESS: hks6Bb!zec.rr.com Pl0tlE #: PlCIl'lE f : 91 0-? 90*0 r 81 910-7 90*0l" 81PR0lfCT CONTACT PERSON: Bi11y Hartnett (che(k all That ApPly) Exrsr coNsrRUCTroN: fJ rurenarron fl nrr*ovarroru Eleerenal REpArRs [l nrloclrror lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on tne Crinent Site? ftvtf fl r.ro tS BLDG spffineneD? n ves I uo Is Elect Powernon this Building Sves fl ruO occuPAlrcY usEr ftYEs tr- NEhl cot'lsrRUCTroi,r: I enrcr i.Er.J srRucruRE f]FAsr rRAcK fl sxrr-r- fl unrrr fl noo ro Exrsr srftucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheI].Permit $: IF Yes, rhat was the Previous ARCH OESIGN PROFESSIOilAL: hltrat ls th'e ttev EI,IGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: NC REG NC REG OESCRIPTION OF WORK: lg fEod orbwsag€s proparod rsfrrred h Ev*fro brhePnop€rty tnTheFtoodpteln?flYes OWNEfil/CONTMCTOR: (Cl.ramd) mnrain fubael or fto{. Yo.r ars rlquirrd b cdl tfte }{ctionsl E nkddn $rndsrdr b ilmdo(,' Air Pofiutanb (NEStl P) d (010)707-5050 at hasr 10 dsy! ltfor b $e demoll0m dany hc{lry orbutldng. 8oo A$aioe fi$ab Slb: trfit}:ilunrcr.ilpi rtato nr us/ep/s6besto6/Bhmp html TOTAL PROJECT COST:BUILDING HEIGHT: I&. \ #OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ n , --w D SQ Fr PER FLR: fuo # OF STORIES:ToTALsQFTUNDER@ #oFSTRUcTURES: T- #oFFLooRS: ACRES DISTURBED: NEWIMFERVIOUSAREA: --1 EXST tsND DTSTURBTNG PERMI?mYES SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUSAREA: pnopERwuse: florRcr f]nesrnumNr ffir^*n*LE [EDuc []ner [cor.loo orHER: wATER: fufCreUl IfCOMMUNTTYSYSTEM nWErL EZONTNGUSECI-ASSIFICATIOL sBA/ER: fficreun Ecemml sEPTlc flen-vnre sEmc ;-co*ruunrrYsYsrEM .. SEPARATT PEFTMITS REOUIREO FOfl ELECT. MECH. PIBG. GAS EOUIP, PHEFABS & INSEIITS *' pAyMEN?METHoD: [fcAsH ffcxecx(PAYABLEroNHc) flrusnnaNE)(PREss f]uause flotscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE #11/12 ZONE;_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B,- Approval:-City:-DATE-FLOOD: -T ^ BFE+ffi=- comm'nr pLnurr FEE,$J-[D-- r.+** Is THrS A CHA'{GE y Type? OF 'arl** Occupancy rype? (Prlnt Ns{b} IPPI.ICANT,S NAME:C NEW HANOVER COUNTY tsUILOTNG PTHMI I APP Ll CAT t O N TYPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]TCT "Project Responsibility" I tar=-oare: /] sf / I CITY: I rr[e..t lr-. AP: L?rl t tPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS:toq u;,ID crTy: [-o..-ng-rL- zt?:Jzk9lll fr(ort klent-- ErDGtrcENsE*: A'Jlr4CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:CITYI tr Att Garage (sF)_-- n sunroom (5F) ! Greenhouse (sF) - ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? n Yes n No Heated: TOTAT PROIECT COST {Less l-ot)i S Property Use/ Occupancy: El'Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr v"t (ro ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes { no lftheproject is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E ves '{ttto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes { No fl, storaee shed (s il I b O n other (sF) Unheatedr sT: ZlP, EMAIL ADDRESS: C \{-1;q <rs> ptF-.r.,^t--enone:151 -3\9oz'7la PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: txlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration E Renovation f] General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: ! Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence I Relocation I+*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTIi* tr Det Garage (sF)! Porch (SF) Cety tk) ,*<rt*- ' PH)NE, 1 {?'aj3'c'27 6 tr Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) laws and ordinances and regulationr_ The NHc Development services center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and Specifications or chanSe in contractor rnlormalron. ...NoTt: Any wort perlormey'rirhoul the approp ate permrts will be rn violation of the NC state BldS code 9d subject to fines up to s500'00"' ,Z -=/,.'^ - y , /--r-'7-,,' owner/contractot: "Licensed QuoIifiet" ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes E ttto Existing lmpervious Area: _- Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: E ves fl no WATER: E CFPUA E community system /rrtuu,." *",t n central Well E Aqua sEwERt /CFPUA D community system fl Private septic fl central seplic ! Aqua zone: Officer:setbacks (r) - (LH) - (RH) - {B) -Approval: _ City: - Date: Comment: Flood: (A) - (V) - (N)8Ft+2ft= Permit Fee:b )ordx4CSs NEW HANOVER COUIIITY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|IaTI Ty"E, RESIDEIiITIAL pLEAsE ArsxER aLL QuEsrrors nprlrcljt, To youR pRoJ€cT ..project Responslbtlity, Y t CA-w-LLC t ICENS E CITY: )otu-Woo APPLICATIOI{ ilunber (offl<r Ur.) PHOOIE [: SUBDTVISION: PNOPERW OT6'ER'S OTNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EIiIAIL 'U'ORESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PIRSON:ProilE r: lto-fid3-+r1ro SF PROPERIY USE / DESCRIPTIOiI OF DlscLAlMEFt lhorcbv cenjt il.laN inbnhs on h his rppucrirn-6 corecr 6nd dt woikwit compry i,rt he sao auirong cooc rna af[]ffiffiifrflffi :::*I'"H:Tf^:1'**Ell"""Y^:PylTil,:1:"^'-?i:.1:1b"":teL:r:nl.:lalo€s 'r$e ryr*a p"i""'o ip*ii-iii.-liJhangein con,.6coro.conr&br hbmadoll. '"l'lorE:Anv worl Perlorm6d wo h€ Apprcp .b p.mia w lbe h vbrsrion or lh6 Nc sbb Brde co& ;d/suudi" iin* up r" rsoo.oc- ohmER/cotitTucToe, Alt r,t-*.lAl.nt:r,,"r,-* lL sIGilATuRE: t",c.l";;[; **:l* **:l:* *:r * *:r*,r** ** ** * **** *(Ii'l'l,l!t*"J****** **** ******* *+** *** **+ *********** *****HI**** rs rHE pnopERry LocArED r{ a rrooopurr? l--] vrs f] m EXISTIIiIG IiIPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEll, II.tPERvIoT,s AREA: -sQ FT TOTAL ACREs OISIURBED: Exrsr LAID DtsruRarirc rtnurr: I ves [ rc rurER: I creun I coftn{uNrw svsrru ! pRrvATE WELL I celrnal well ?f t (>1 t t sEwER: ! crrur fl cENTML sEprrc ! enrvare serrrc I cor!,rMuNrry sysrEm Q l)b f t-*r* sEPAitATE PEMrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, t4EcH, pLB6, GAs EgJrp, PREFABS & JirsERTs *** pAyitEry nEr,orr: ! casx I cxe cK (payaBLG ro *tr) E -rrra* ,ir..r. E-r"^rri"'- tr rrr.*,. * *'r ****It++*** ** **** a,lt '**** **** a,t+'*,1,r**+** **** *:t:a**+* t:r,l*+:r* ,l** ** ****t** *at **++**rr *rr:t +:t zoNE: _ 0F FrcE R: Approval:- citY: Comnent: (FoR OTFICE UsE OtrY) SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH: REVISTD oAtE 04111/12 - B:_ _ BFE+2ft= t nEDrr? .... a DATE: q^ B-/A ztP: z8*/1 LOT fi: B *, Qr?--L7L- Ara<:tWl ,rr{(rro, 276/q*'4V+zzZri,-tPI{ONE Exrsrfiitc co srRucrror,t: I alrrnerrol ! neuwarror f] eeNenal nerlrns I RELoCATToN NEW CON5TRUCTIOI: IICNECT NEH RESIOENCE O" I AOOTTTOI TO EXISTII{G RESTDEiICE ..PL€ASE CHECX AI{D lrl{SIIER BELOU ALL IIUII APPLY TO T(UR PTO]ECT: fit4ry cauee 4L< sr I oer cenlee sr ltrtponcr ztt5; q! ElESild#eZr4-sF n '*,. -lI Srro*ioGir--'I eReeuxouse - sr ! orcx SF SF ToTAL HEATED sQ FT. Z5bb TOTAT SQ FT UNDER RooF:ToTAL AREA sQ fi? +zZSi TOTAL PROI ECT C05T 1r-ess roq z I i 7 S ocx>f OF STORIES:Z rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, pLUrtrB[{G or r,lEcHAt{rcaL work Being oone to the accessory structure? ! ves ftf1rorf the project is a Relocation., is thene a Natural Gas Line on the current Site? EG ELNoIs there E}ectrical Power on this Building? @ves Ito occuPAr{cY: $Srrcr-r rmrr.v [ounr-ex [r NHousE WoR(: >( DATE:- F LOoO: : ffi APPLICA I'5 MfiE: DEVELOPER: CITY: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:cIw: ;-{-r-LC- NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIITIG PERMIT APPLICATIfiI TYPE.. COISIERCIAL PLEASE AI6}IER AtL OUESTIOIIS IPPLICISLE TO YOI'R PRO]ECT nProiect Responsibililf MriE: r&qtin R. yares PROJECI ADORESS: -l5llo oleande! pr CfTY: wilminqron OCCUPA T/BUSII{ESS MltE: jear show LLc PROPERW OT{{ER'S OTflER's AIDRESS: llAr,lE: centro Independelce LLC APPLICAI{T'5 DEVELOPER: Eorb qse t APPTICATIOiT tsmber (Offtc! Ure) o^r*_2J29892!i_ PHOiE $: ZIP: 28a03 CfTY: wi lminqt on *i 9L0-726 -3673 ST: Nc zIP:28403 ST: Nc ZIP: 2ss32 *i 2s2-7'12 -2oo'7 *2 252-772 -2oo7 PHOI{E .1500 Oleander Dr E AIL ADORESS: iusrinyaresosilenredqeenr. com LIC€ SE *: CITY: Havelock PROJECT COI{TACT PERSo.I: Jusrin R. yar.es Pltot{E PTO E Exrsr cq{srR,crror: fi *rrmrro,, tr .rffii!$i 'fiTrlil-* lf Relocdon, b there a Nsttrst Gas Line on the E-unent Site? [vI"[ No neparns I-'l RElocartor s eLDG spR-rNKLeneoz [v"u [No rs fiIs A cMr{6E Occupancy Typel or (xcuPAr{cY user flves flrolhat i5 the l.el Occupancy Typel PROFESSIO AT: PH: PH: tIC REG f: iJC RE6 S: DESCRIPTIofiI OF I{ORK: 1 Room Haunted Attractioos (3 Tents) in Palkinq Loc next to weLla Falqo SIGNATURE: cqtah Arodo. d nd- Yd, J. r.qdrd to c.a Sr. Nrdcrd Antllon S!.l.bd3 tb. |kldoor ff tufr'|ar (lGstl P) d (9197(r,.550 i L.d t0 dly. Fra bnr dliduan o( !.l, ffiy o. hfrrC. Saa A!6aaoa lfls Siax tltpr/YrttY.00l.rtaa tlc tdbCrabcdodldrm9.|unn TOTA PBOIECTCOST: S2O, OOO BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS: SQ FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SCI FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBEV. - f OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: SO FT REI./ISED DAIE 'flVI2 Et{ coilsTRtrcTrot{ r f] enrcr Er STRTTGTURE ! rasr rnacr ! sxer-r- ! urrrr fl oo ro ExrsT sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRIJCTURE : If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:rs Elect PoHer on this Building EI Yes E no fF Ycs, rftrt AROI DESIGI{ EIIGR D€SIG ras the P.evlous PROFESsIOT{AL: b 6od or bovracm prspd€d a sd!€d h orb *rnre? f]Yes film r rhe eopcrry Loc.i.d ln Tho Foodah?flves ft Ho OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (OC5r) NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA rruslin R. Yates Exsr LAND DtsruRBlNG pERMtT? E yES E NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOT',S AREA pK)pERryusE DoFFrcE Enrsrnunpn lnmc$mu neouc lanr flcomo orrER WATER -cFpuA f'l comruMrY sYsrEr EtlEr Ezo ltlci I,sE cLessFlcAlro]t frree n"crpun [f carrml*rrrc Dpnveresesrrc f]@rrrluNlrYstsrEfti f. SEPAII$E P€RMITS RE'IUIRED FOR EIECT' MECH, PLBG' GAS EI]IIP. PREFABS E INSERTS ". RH: B: pAWE T ETHOO: EcAsH EfieO<PavnalElol*lc) fiemerucala<nness Ercrvrsl Eorscorrn (FOR OrFrcE USE Ol&Y) ZoNE OFFIcf,jR:--.---- SETBA(I(S: F: LH: BFEI2If-rWrord:--City:---DATE FL@o: Commont Je*u' rer, r--..:lQD__ CO{TRACTOR: ,Jusrin R. yares APPI.ICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP LICAT ION TY PE : REStDENTtAt PTTASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Proiect Rcsponribiliq/ PHONET ***PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT+T' ! Det GaraSe (sF)_tr Porch (SF) n Pool (sF) n Deck (sF) D storage shed (sF) D other (sF) SUBDIVISIONT PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: Dcscdption of work: st'ruco{,trt EMAIL ADDRESS: W PROjECT CONTACT PERSON : Att Garage (SF) Sunroom {SF) Greenhouse (SF) Property Usc/ Occup.ncy: rnDS ho*se_EXISflNG CONSTRUCnON: E Alteration D Renovation ! GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: n Ere€t New Resiaence (AaUltion to Existing Residence D Relocation tr C ! ls the proposed work chanting the existing footprint?,{ Yes I No ToTAt sq FT UNDER RooF (fot ptoposed *o*l n""n"a, KZ Unheated: rorAl pRorEcr cosr lLess Loi0 s z{ / o o , ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? (Yes E lto lsanyEl.ctrlcrl,PlumblntorM.ch!nl..lworkbeingdonftotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lftheprojectisaReloc.tlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYasENo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildinc?r( ves E tlo laws and ordinances and reguhtions. The NHC Delelopment be notified of any dEnges in the approved plans and or change in contrador information.'+'NOTE:be in violation of the Owner/Contra.tor: "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes,x No Existing lmpervious Area: 5q Ft Tot.lAcres Disturbed:,Dq -A'.2til.w lmp.rvlous Ar.!: ______ili:i_ sq Ft WATER: <CFPUA D SEWER: y'CFPUA tr zon.: _ Office.: Approv.l: _ Ctty: Commrntl Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr Vesr{no Community System E Private Well D Central Well E Aqua CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic E Centralseptic E Aqua sGtblcks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ /o '7q? /7 t I Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft=,"arr@- Jprb"+:fiibbZ oq t:l i;l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT I ON TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Date e.l\'\t? ztp:')-?Llo€l f: .l lr- '!6'qd? APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERW OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR; {At16vr2gp15p') )06{ Sunroom (SF)! tr Greenhouse (sF)- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF \for proposed work) Heated: PHONE #: TOrAt PRoJECT cOSr (Less Lot): S 4*l OoO ls the proposed work ch anging the n u m ber of bedrooms? El Yes ! No ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure fl Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes fl No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes fl No Description of work: (office use) . ).+o.l BLDG LIcENSE $ , qC 41 crrv: Lu B sr: nazlP )8'+t€) PHoNE: -Jo't J0{, ar{oLf PHONE:16t1-!J$.tuotf V'corch lsrl Sq>- tr Storage Shed (SF) {Decklsil Liu+k-D other (sF) Yes n No 4rr>* E Det Garage (sF) ! Pool (sF)-_- unheated: 6t ta()- +po rc|5qz =9+f{ 'Jrdar ro{- Property Use/ OccuPancY:Family E DuplexE Townhouse AD DRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION; n Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW coNsTRucTlotrl: E-f6il llew Residence D Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation **TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. .. +NoT€: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the Nc state Bldg code and subject to fines uplo s500 00'** Owner/Contractor: "Lrcensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? W{* D n, Existing lmpervious Are"t C\ 5q rt New tmpervious Ar""' 1O S-1 sq rt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: A v.t VG WATER: D CFPUA ! communitv Svstem 6*"t" w.lt E Central Well C Aqua ,JK {rrr,,lo ! community system E Private septic I central Septic E Aqua Officer:setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) Approval: - CitY: total Acres Disturbed: SEWER: Zone: 0ci c(, Comment: Flood: (A) - (v) - (N)BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: S Signature: 9 C€fl,rA ;Ifu.-. -Et I,r llfr ,l' ffff.1'. talati''ilIr RECEIVED SEP13 2016 \ot,o 45tot" APPLICANT'S NAIiIE: rMc raylor ;AfEt s/1,2/2or6 DEVELOPER: Baysi de Elecrric PHoNE *:9102518ss8 PROJECT ADDRE5S:35015 Ma.ket Slreet C!TY: witminqton ZIP:2g403 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: Bayside Elecrric pR0PERTY OIINER'S NAIIE: will Brldqes PHONE #: OllllERrS ADDRESS: ls15 woosrer srreer CITY: wilnrnqron ST:JL ZIp::!.1!l CONTRACTOR: ruc ravtor NEhI HANoVER coUNTY BUILDING pT@ APPLICAII0N IyPE.; COIi,II4ERCIAL APPLICATION Number (Offi(e Ule) PL€AsE AIISI,JIR ALI QUESTIONS APPLICABLE To YoUR PRo]€cT "Project Responsibility,, ADoRESSi 1406 Casytle Hayne Road EIIAIL ADDRESS: ccole@rmct avlor . con PRolECf CONTACT PERSON: chris cole If UPFIT - The She]t Permit #: LICENSE #: 18s B5 CIIY: Wilminqron 5T: NC ZfP: 28401 #:9r025111.81PHONE PHoNE *: 9ra717|a2s Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: E ALTEMTTo* M ^rrlifiii;;i 'fjfi?'i!*. *rparns l-l RELocArroN lf Rolocauon, isrherea Naturai Gas Line on rhe -currenr site? Ey;ENo ts BLDG spilixleneor Ives @ruo NE!,I col'lsrRucrroN: I eRecr NEl.l srRUcruRE ! rnsr rnacx I snelr- [ urrrr I aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCIURE: Is Elect Po!.,er on this Building m Yes Dno ,1.*,.* rs IHIS A CHANGE IF Yes, what was the Previous o(cupancy Type? oF occuPAr.,cY us* flves ffi r'o talhat ls the Ner"/0ccupancy Type? NC RE6ARCH DESl6N PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: OWNERyCONTRACTOR: cnris coro SIGNATURE: d€molitlon oi any ftclllly or bulldlng. See fubesbs W6b Si!6: hupr/'rrrr.€pl.6rato.nc.us/epi/asbeslodahmp,htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 3O,OOo BUILDING HEIGHT: 2a' TOTALAREASQFT: 7,OOO SQ FT PER FLR: 7. coo TOTAL$QFTUNDERROOF: 7.000 # OF STRUCTURES: _! PH: PH:NC REG s: DESCRIPTION 0F !,rlORK: DenolrEion of wal1s. floorinq. tixEures. New Paint-, Stained Ploors, Flxrures ls food or b€vsagos pr6par€d d ssyed In tlrls un.lcir,na? [ ve" [l ruo b ne eroperty Locat€d ln Tha Floodplaln? yes El lo DISCLAIMER: lhereby cerlii/ thal allinformalion rn lhls applicatron rs correcr and allwork willcomply with the Stslo Euildlng Code and all other 6ppttcable State and locdlldws and oldrnances and regJ,alrcns. The N']C D€veloomenl Servlces Centerwjllbe notiliA ofanv chanoes in th-e aooroved olans and:;ec jcations orchonqe rn contaclot 0r contraclor'nformal:on. "'NOTE:Ary Work Pertomed WO lhe Appropnate Permrts wllb;o in Violalion ol theNC Sla€ Bldg Code andSubjed'lo Fines Up To $500.00"' (oe[]!s) (prL'r N!m) Note: D€mo,llon nodffcali.ns 3 asbastos r.movdl pormi! sppllcstons s6 to tr€ submltted uslno th€ 6p9llc€ioh 6m (DHHS-3768) rll]!h6r tD hclllt oa bulldtng wa6 found b cant6ln As!66tos or tot You a.6 rEqukad to c6llth€ Nalional Emls6ion S'bndsrds br llsz.E dous Alr Polluia.E (NESHAp) at (919)707-5950 st l6sst 10 d6y! Flor !o rle # OF UNITS: # oF STORIES: r # OF FLOORSi -t-- AcRES DISTURBED: N,/A NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A SQ FT BFE+2fi= p(sr LAND DrsruRerNo peRnlrrt f:'trves fi r.ro SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTY usE: noFFrcE n nesreunmn fiuencrumle [eouc [eer [couoo orxrn: WATER: mcFPUA fl CoMMUNny SYSTEM E WELL flzoNlNc UsE cLAsSlFlcATloN: SEWER: ZICFPUA f] CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ PRIVATE SEPTIC I COMMUNfTY SYSTEM .'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT.I!1ECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PFEFAES & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHoD: flcesn filcnecx pevrslE ro NHc) f]auenrceH e<nness flucwrsr ff orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)AE\4SEO DATE rlIl/12 ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Appro!'al: City:- DATE:_ FLOOD: Comment Jr*r,rrrr,*/f,F-