RLU Memorandum to CC on Bridge Ordinance 08-04-16 REALTOR® LAND USE MEMORANDUM TO: Beth Dawson, County Commission Chair Chris O’Keefe, Planning Director, NHC Jennifer Rigby, Long Range Planner, NHC FROM: Ea Ruth, Chair, Governmental Affairs Committee Shane Johnson, WRAR COO SUBJECT: New Hanover County Bridge Ordinance Amendment DATE: August 4, 2016 The Wilmington Regional Association of Realtors® has reviewed the staff- proposed Bridge Ordinance Amendment A-424 (“Amendment”) for New Hanover County. At the June 6th Planning Board meeting a discussion about Section 72-42(4): Mining/High Intensity Mining was held. This section currently reads, “High Intensity Mining shall not be allowed in areas classified as aquifer resource protection or watershed resource protection on the CAMA Land Classification Map.” As the CAMA Map is no longer part of the county’s plan, this language requires amendment. The Planning Board agreed to change the language to, “An application for a Special Use Permit for High Intensity Mining shall require an analysis of impacts to aquifer recharge areas.” This follows the purpose and function of the Amendment to maintain the spirit and intent of existing regulations, while functioning as a temporary ordinance. The Planning Board agreed with this language as does WRAR. We encourage the County Commissioners to support the Amendment as unanimously approved by the Planning Board. Thank you for your consideration. cc NH County Commissioners, NH County Planning Board, Don Harris, WRAR Chair, Hank Adams RCA President, Todd Miller, NCCF Executive Director, Mitch Lamm, Wilmington Chamber Chair, Heath Clark, HBA Chair, Jerry Panz, WRAR CEO, Cameron Moore, HBA Executive Officer, Jo Anna Edwards, RCA Executive Officer, Dick Blouse, Wilmington Chamber President & CEO, Steve Hobbs, Vice Chair, Governmental Affairs Committee, Mike Giles, NCCF Coastal Advocate, Karen Dunn, NCCF Clean Communities Coordinator