Script for BOC for A-424 SCRIPT FOR Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (A-424, 7/16) Request by Planning Staff to amend the Zoning Ordinance to update references to the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan to coincide with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the Public Hearing 4. Board of Commissioners discussion 5. Vote on the text amendment request. The motion should include a statement saying how the amendment is or is not consistent with the land use plan and why it is or is not reasonable and in the public interest. Action Needed  Motion for approval of the either the staff version of the proposal, the Planning Board’s recommended version of the proposal, or another version of the amendment.  Motion to “table” the item in order to receive more information  Motion to deny the amendment request based on specific reasons Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to approve the staff-recommended version, as the Board of Commissioners finds that this request as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan and the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, as the amendment is necessary to allow continued administration of land use regulations to facilitate intelligent growth and economic development in the county. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest as the amendment allows for uninterrupted administration of the county’s Zoning Ordinance in a manner consistent with the spirit and intent of the existing regulations.