2016-10-03 RM Exhibits Exhibit Book X L Page l'2 6 1 & New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for July 2016 Current Year 2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 1,288.16 $ 913,595.01 $ 914,883.17 Abatements $ - $ - $ - Adjustments $ - $ - $ - Total Taxes Charged $ 1,288.16 $ 913,595.01 $ 914,883.17 Collections to Date $ - $ 913,595.01 $ 913,595.01 Write-off $ - $ - $ - Outstanding Balance $ 1,288.16 $ - $ 1,288.16 Collection Percentage - 100.00 99.86 YTD Interest Collected $ - $ - $ 6,943.26 $ 6,943.26 Total 2016 Collections YTD $ 920,538.27 Prior Years 2005-2015 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,609,183.89 $ 3,536,223.03 $ 1,035,437.81 $ 6,180,844.73 Abatements $ - $ (22,641.72) $ - $ (22,641.72) Adjustments $ - $ 247.83 $ - $ 247.83 Total Levy $ 1,609,183.89 $ 3,513,829.14 $ 1,035,437.81 $ 6,158,450.84 Collections to Date $ 123,836.85 $ 32,272.18 $ 2,265.87 $ 158,374.90 Write-off $ - $ - $ - Outstanding Balance $ 1,485,347.04 $ 3,481,556.96 $ 1,033,171.94 $ 6,000,075.94 YTD Interest Collected $ 14,034.45 $ 3,124.92 $ 879.35 $ 18,038.72 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 176,413.62 (Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 1,096,951.89 I NEW HANOVER COUNTY GOVNTY. Cidd,e2.%44Thell <4,- O Nr-, Ch irman � ` .4AP, i l f �lQ�t Cler to the Board 2 _, o to l �j ' 1 � �!f 1,I — Date •F.1>LISHED��Q• Exhibit I Book &L Page 1O• b New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for July 2016 Current Year 2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ - $ 2,286.24 $ 53,869.32 $ 56,155.56 Abatements $ - $ - $ - $ - Adjustments $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Taxes Charged $ - $ 2,286.24 $ 53,869.32 $ 56,155.56 Collections to Date $ - $ 252.12 $ 53,869.32 $ 54,121.44 Write-off $ - $ - $ - $ - Outstanding Balance $ - $ 2,034.12 $ - $ 2,034.12 Collection Percentage 11.03 100.00 96.38 YTD Interest Collected $ - $ 420.06 $ 420.06 Total 2016 Collections YTD $ 54,541.50 Prior Years 2005-2015 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 80,388.32 $ 174,233.63 $ 50,517.23 $ 305,139.18 Abatements $ - $ (253.32) $ - $ (253.32) Adjustments $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Levy $ 80,388.32 $ 173,980.31 $ 50,517.23 $ 304,885.86 Collections to Date $ 5,317.79 $ 624.04 $ 174.44 $ 6,116.27 Write-off $ - $ - $ - $ - Outstanding Balance $ 75,070.53 $ 173,356.27 $ 50,342.79 $ 298,769.59 YTD Interest Collected $ 626.73 $ 57.59 $ 51.48 $ 735.80 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 6,852.07 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 61,393.57 NEW HANOVER COUNTY GOVNTY.ivo '111"--....il _ li 4.........41-al AlLadihod '1...'". ........."•-- \' S Ch IIirman O fro Clerk to the Board I- ii t, 114 .a2 tO13Ii (o Date •F4.4IBLISHED Exhibit V " O� Book Page ' • AGENDA: October 3,2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2017. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage to the budget Fund: General Department: Various Ex•enditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-012 Grant Expenditures by Function Cultural and Recreation $ 1,633 $ 1,633 Human Services $ 539,318 $ 539,318 Public Safety $ 23,235 $ 23,235 Total $ - 1 $ 564,186 Q$ 564,186 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-012 Grant Revenues by Function Cultural and Recreation $ 1,633 $ 1,633 Human Services $ 539,318 $ 539,318 Public Safety $ 23,235 $ 23,235 Total $ $ 56 .86-1 $ 564,186 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken Appropriated Fund Balance ($ 2,278,280 1 $ 2,278,280 Fund: Fire Services Department: Fire Services Ex•enditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-012 Grant Expenditures $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Total $ - I $ ,t ($ 75,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-012 Grant Revenues $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Total $ - $ 75,000 Q$ 75,000 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken Appropriated Fund Balance I$ 1,875,654 1 $ 1,875,654 Section 2: Explanation BA 17-012 New Hanover County receives multiple grants that do not correspond with the fiscal year, meaning the expiration dates are not June 30. For this reason,this budget amendment is being presented for adoption to rollover unexpended grant expenditures from FY16 to FY17. Grant revenues will also be increased,therefore there is no change to appropriated fund balance. The grant rollover for the General Fund is S564.186 and the Fire Services Fund is S75.000. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 17-012 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2017,is adopted. Adopted,this 3rd day of October,2016. (SEAL) 64e-elt7;e GO0r1TY•iv Q., , %;$. Beth Dawson,Chairman � n ATI 'ST: .521 t/,, III It Teres P.Elmore,Clerk to the Board 3?A8ustA Exhibit v ' g. p, b Book AL- ,Page U AGENDA: October 3,2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2017. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage to the budget Fund: General Department: Various Ex i, •I. e• Decrease Increase Total BA 17-013 General Government $1 11 87.74 51,211,287.74 BA 17-013 Human Services $177 666.11 S177,666.00 BA 17-013 Public Safe $712,793.41 S712,793.40 BA 17-013 Economic and Ph sical Develo,ment $115 000.01 5115,000.00 BA 17-013 Culture and Recreation $529 412.081 $529,412.08 '?> 7V r 0 r ' $2,746,159.22 `Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-013 Appropriated Fund Balance $2,278,279.60 S2,278,279.60 BA 17-013 Intergovernmental-State $59,415.00 $59,415.00 BA 17-013 Intergovernmental-Federal $2,375.00 $2,375.00 BA 17-013 Intergovernmental-Other $394,190.80 $394,190.80 BA 17-013 Miscellaneous Revenue S11,898.82 $11,898.82 . . 'a l ro" '; ' 11` _.. lb 2 $2, 46, • Prior to:lotions Total if Actions I"odas Taken General Fund Budget 00 w " Appropriated Fund Balance ,, i $2 78 279.60.�':«, ,- ... t Fund:Automation Enhancement and Preservation(AE&P) Department:Register of Deeds _ Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-013 General Government 540,025.50 $40,025.50 <t' r' t sr t ti �'� t c: $ 40,025.50 $ 40,025.50 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-013 Appropriated Fund Balance S 40,025.50 S 40,025.50 $ 40,025.50 I$ 40,025.50 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Toda Taken AE&P Budget 1 1i I Appropriated Fund Balance a.F of '` Fund: Reappraisal Reserve Department:Tax Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-013 General Government $923,943.00 $ 923,943.00 Total $ 923,943.00 $ 923,943.00 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-013 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 923,943.00 $ 923,943.00 $ 923,943.00 I S 923,943.00 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken Reappraisal Reserve Budget $0.00 S 923,943.00 Appropriated Fund Balance $0.00 $ 923,943,00 Fund:Room Occupancy Tax(ROT) Department:Finance Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-013 Room Occupancy Tax $642,057.49 $ 642,057.49 S 642 057.49 S 642 057.49 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 17-013 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 642,057.49 $ 642,057.49 Total $ 642,057.49 0$ 642,057.49 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken ROT Budget $ '4)537,608.00 S 6,179,665.49 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 437,033.00 S 1,079,090.49 Exhibit J • �n goo 'age � r- '7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS � DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, domestic violence transcends all ethnic, racial, gender, and socioeconomic boundaries, weakening the very core of our community; and WHEREAS, the effects of domestic violence are far-reaching and may cause families to seek safe shelter, the criminal justice system to expend valuable resources, and families and friends to experience grief and concern for their loved ones; and WHEREAS, 1,190 adults and 181 children received direct support services such as court accompaniment, advocacy, empowerment groups and counseling and 118 adults and 84 children received emergency shelter through Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. in the year 2015; and WHEREAS, Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Irc. provides emergency support and ongoing services in New Hanover County for victims and survivors of domestic abuse; and WHEREAS, on September 4, 2002, Gladys Bryant, an employee of New Hanover County for more than two decades, and on August 6, 2008, Tarica Pulliam, an employee of New Hanover County for two years, lost their lives in acts of domestic violence exhibiting to all their coworkers and friends, the prevalence of domestic violence and its consequences; and WHEREAS, many other persons throughout New Hanover County and the United States find themselves in abusive relationships and need to find a safe and empowering environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners refuses to tolerate domestic violence in any form and wishes to create a society that promotes strong values, fosters a safe and loving home environment for every family, and encourages our citizens to enhance their efforts to work together to address the problem of domestic violence. BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that October 2016 be recognized as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 3rd day of October, 2016. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Beth D<<wson, Chairman ATTEST: Te esa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board rs - III Exhibit x�� Book L Page BA- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION Promoting Regional Economic Cooperation to Support the Wells Fargo PGA Golf Tournament WHEREAS, the PGA Wells Fargo Championship Golf Tournament will be hosted at the Eagle Point Golf Club in New Hanover County, North Carolina on May 1-7, 2017; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the opportunity to host this tournament as an economic catalyst for the Greater Wilmington Area, leaving a permanent impression on the tens of thousands of visitors from around the globe as a tourist destination, a robust economic engine, as well as an attractive location to live; and WHEREAS, this tournament will bring unprecedented attention to the region as millions learn about the area through a worldwide television broadcast, reports by countless sports journalists covering the tournament and the area, the attendance by influential opinion makers, and visits by golf fans witnessing every drive, shot and putt; and WHEREAS, the tournament is an opportunity to tell the world about our growing economy, talented workers, natural beauty, beaches, rivers, history, dynamic food scene, shopping, international airport, lifestyle, and more. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is committed to capitalizing on this opportunity by working in partnership with neighboring counties, municipalities, tourism and economic development organizations, and businesses across the region to collaborate to promote the area as a place to live, work, visit, and to grow businesses. ADOPTED this the 3rd day of October, 2016. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Beth Dawson, . rman 3y l ,2 � N ATTEST: A_L_4 y° Teresa P. Elmore, Clerk to the Board