OCTOBER 10 2016 BUILDING APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLiCAIION TY P E : RESIDENTIAI PTEAS€ ANSWER ATT QUESTIONs APPLICAB[E IO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilih/ ,1o16- loorv L6-27 s2 Applk t on Number (office us€l APPLIC-ANT'S '{AME: Dan B. Wax D.te.9-9-16 pROI1CI AOORS5S: 812 Seven Oaks Dr Ct . Wilmington 71p.28411 sUBDtvtstoN. Seven Oaks LOT S: 7 pRopERTy owNER,s tyAME: Dan B. Wax OwNER,s ADoREss; Ell,ngton Farms, 509 Vorils Lane, Unil 105 PHONE #. 803{79-0814 cffy. Wilmington, NC a?.28411 69il1RA66p. Dan Wax (owner/builder)BTDG TICENSE 'ADDREss. same as above CITY 5T: _ZlP: EMATL ADDREss: danwax@outloo&.com PHONE. 803479-0814 PROJECT COi{TACr p6X5g11. same as above PHONE. 803-479-0814 Exlsflr{G COr{STruCnO : E Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs N€W CONSTRUCTIOT{: E €rect ltlew Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence rf Relocation ...PTSASE CHECK AND AN9WER BETOW ATI. IHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT T ' i..l att earage (sr)650 tl Det Gara8e (sF)- D Porch (sF) U Sunroom {SF)tr Pool(SF)n Storage Shed (5F) _ [] G.eenhouse (SF)n Oeck (SF)z1u TOTAL Sq FT UI{DER ROOF lfor proposed workl 11""1.6. 1950 TOTAI- PROJECT COsT (Less Lot):,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes d to ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechankal work being done to the Accessory Structure f) Yes d No tftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLioeonthecurrentsite?DyesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Ves d to Property Us€/ (kcupenq: E Sind. femily tr Dupler El Townhouse DescriptloD of Work:New single famil y r€sidencs to b€ built at 812 Seven Oaks Dr. Wilmington, NC l.\rs and ordinanc.s and tegr{.tions. ,te HHC Oevclopment s€wices C.nter wlll be notifl.d of a.y charBes in th. apprur€d plans and sp€cilications intornritloo. 'r'tilol€_ Any m.k pe.forrned withod the appmp.l.te p.mits will tE in vrobrion oI rhe Nc Stn. aua cod" and lubJ.rt to fi.e. up 16E ot dla,Be ln co.tr&tor st* P0"' |r\J /(xro€r/contr.cto.: Dan B' Wax s8nature: 'tlcenscd Qw llet' Ptiat Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr vcs dXo ExlstinS lmpenious Arear _ Sq ft Total Acres Disturbed: t[ew lmpeIvious Area:5qft ExBting land Disturbing Permit: E yer B o wxERt {cFPuA E community System E private welt E Centrat Welt E Aqua SEwERt fCFPvA /Community System E private septic ff Cenrratseptic E Agua Zone: _ Ofllcer: _ Serb.crs (f, _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approyil: _ Crty: _ Irate: _ Flood: (l) _{V}_ (t{l_ SfE+2lt= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S \, c,o ffi O other (sF) -.--ls the proposed work chan8ing the eristing footprint? D ves 6 No unheated:650 "lotL-lOo6715-2000NET.I HANOVER COI'NTY BUILDII{G PERIUIIT APPLICAIIdI TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AIIS}JER ALL QUESTIOTS APPLICAALE TO YOI'R PRO]ECT '?roJect Responsibiliqf APPLICATIOT'I l{lrlb€r (Office t,lse) APPLICAI{TJS lultlE: LAUREL coMpANrEs L LC PROJECT ADOfiESS: SUBDIWSION: DEVELOPER: DATE: 0'7 08 16 6 CITY: WII,MINGToN ZIP | 28409 BLOCK *: LOT 8t 24a PROPERTY OhNER,S fiAIqE: }IURPIIY EVER}iART PH E*:(H{ER,S ADORESS: flaeg $6.r$,t DA CITY: l,t-), Lw,.sf t NLZIP | 2R.to1 COT{TRACTOR: I,AUREL COMPANIES LLC LICE SE #: 14369 CITY: WI],MINGTONAIX)RESS: 1121 MITITARY CUToFE RD C-32 sr:gzIP;391q ETIAIL ADORESS: TIMG LA URE ICO!{PANIES . COM Pt6 E *: gLO 632 316s PRoJECT Coi{TACT PERSOII: rIM BARKER Plot{E *: EXTSTT G CO STRUCTTOTTT: I alrrnarrot I neuoarroN I errsral neelrns I RELOCATTON T{EU COIGTRUCTION:ERECT r{Erd RESIDENCE or I aoorrror To EXISTING RESIDEITCE ++PLEASE CHEC'( Aif,' AT{SIIER EELOI{ ALL THAT A9PLY TO Yq'R PROJECT:n ArT cARAcE Jii6 4sr I orr oruer sr I eoncx Z3a sFtr5FnSTORAGE SHED -) *, I lt),>.1 l? 8 suNRod,{ _ sF GREENHdJSE _ sF POOL SF SFtrI oecx z7+5F OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ w: 28 95-roral sQ FT UmER RooF: 3361 TorAL AREA SQ Fr. TOTAL PROIECT COST aess r-rnr z l$ 40 3. ooa f OF STORIES: 3 rs any ELEcrRrcaL, ptrfiBrrE o. I{EcH,,u{rcaL r{onk Betng DorE to the Accessory structure? f] ve, [t mrf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal 6as Lrne on the cunnent site? Ely; E iloIs there Electrical poHer on this Building? [V"s fiHo PROPERW USE / OC€IJPAI{CY:SINGLE FAI4ILY I oue r.ex I rowuxcusr DESCRIPTIO,II OF HORK: STR NEw coNsTRUC?IoN OISCLAStiER lh€roby c6rrit tlata! inbnralto in trrs ?plc.don b consct 6nd at wort wiI comply wit fie slate Bu[dhg code d1d al otDr applicabb stab md tr.d lawssod odlnrcas afld ,Eguta&rE The NHC De!€topmenr SsNtes Cenbr ed{ b€ notfed oI in fie approvod dsrs and sp€ciltaions or chaflSe h cont lrcbr orcont.cbr rnblm6lon. ..1|OIE: Any Wo* porbrm€d Wr'O tlc AppropriaE po,tnh6 $ra b€ffi€ NC Siab B&g Codd and tsoo.00.* O$II{ER/COIIITRACTOR: rn1 BARKER SIGIUTTURE : i,r+rrr.*r+,r.* *+r,r******* **a. #lt!,illll** ** ** *****:*+ * ++. * *+* *r* + a*, + +,r,r IS THE PROPERTY L(X'ITED II{ A FLOODPTAI ? E YES EI ,{, EXISTIIIG IfiPERIIICUS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DTSTUNBED: IrlEtt It'lPERW(xrS AREA: -- SQ FT Extsr LArp DrsruRBrirc rffi, E vrs fi rrc H: RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= *t)trt i.*:t +t**++****,1:i + * eErrIsE0 DAIE 04111112 }{ATER; SEI,IER: crpuA n c$nuNrry sysrEn n pRrvATE uELL f] cmrraal uell crnua ff CENTFAL sEprrc I rnrvare sEprrc f] c$r,rurirry sysrEm ZO{E: -. OF FICER I (Fof, ofFlcf usE d[Y) SETBACKS: F:_ LApproval:_ Clty:-- DATE:_ FLOOD: _ Coment: a **ir 'EPA&ATE PERltrls iEqurRED FoR ELEcr, tEcH, pLB6, 6rs EQUrp, pRErABs & ,vsERTs *** eAy?Tirr lEry: EJ*'* EI.."r.r(.i:Ay^BLE *;t tr;r;;;;;;; -tr,n-rrrin"'-nr.r.*r. ,.rttat:i****:t*a**,|****:a:r**** t***,|** * )t* *:t** + *:t:l* **,* +-* *,.*** * ** * *:l* tr*i* rt*a++ra* + ,.*+:Gr:t 1a**t * rt PER'{IT FEE:l417,ott ffi PHOIE *r 910 632 316s & Zttt- I c{9rc-_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUII"DING PERM]T APPLICAT,Oi{ TYP€: RESIDE,UTI,AL PLENE AttSW[[ At"[ qUEST|0NS.A,pprrcAEt-t tO you& p8oficl "Prolect Responsibllg d 2d L- loo, D L6-28L3 Agglkt!io6 loffi& ur.) APPLICAI.{7S NAMt: PROI tCT SUE0rVtSlON: O€sc.iption af Worl: or\aDate zlP .En "*r rt '7 /"''PROP€RTY OWiIER'S OWN€N'S ADDRESS: IiAME:'*, AODRESS: tMAlt PROj ECT CONTACT Pf RSON EXISTI G CO'{STRUCTION: -- NEw CO||STIUCTION l baq if,4 crTY ,t<lt n Renovation [] G€neral Repeirs N€w Residence l: Additlon to €xiating R$idanc€ U Reloaation , 2t?'o tlCtNS€ r,: I I in./l-P PHONE ) tt Garage {SF) q.{lf Det Garage (sF) _ fl Sunroom (Sfl D Pool (SF) - 0 Greenhsure(SFl n O€cf (5t)- ls the propoied work chandnt rtre eristing botprint? [] Yes [] ilo rch {St}ZI n Storage Shed (sF)- [:.1 other {!t} ToTAL SQ FT ul{DER R@F {lorproporcd wotk) Heated:1 Unheatedl TOTAI PnOr[CT COST (Less Lot):5 1t ts the propor€d work chantint the oumber of b€drooms? D Y.6 O t{o lsanyElE dcal, Pbmblrla or iardEnhd yorl b€ing done to th€ Ac€e3sory structure O Y* B tlo lf$epro.igstisandocadon,iithereaNaturalGarUneonlhecurrentsite?OYerBllo ls thcre Electrlcal Pos€r on this guildinS? tr v.r (f ,{o Prop€rty Us€/ Occupancy:4*'o,L:f-iiry*e,":J^do I Lwi.rd ddha.{es and rqrrrtlonr- l}*ffiC Oaraloprn Se.vrr. Center lrrIl b. ndifi.d o{ xry ch.nt.l h lie ar0.o{d phns and rpacifrcalb6 o, clr.6ga in cantr&tor htonn r|o.}. ..'XOru: Any w!.1 peflorned *ithod $. Owner/Cortrador:\\a",Jr v-rr .propri.to permiB *ill bG in vbldlrn o, dte l€ $i.te SllS Skn.ture to irE u9 to S5&.0O"' 'Lic.n,ed QuEltlkt' ls the property located in a floodplain? g Yer Edstlf|t lmpcn iooi ArG.: _ Sq ft Tot l A..ra. O*rurb€d, t ('8? No nry,35Jla tqo Endft l"axl obt ttPrnrrft: E v6 O tto w|fi* gcFyl 0 Community Systam D Private Well E Cfitral Wcll E Agua sfwtn: Edfpul O community SFtem B prkate septlc 0 Crnt al S€ptic Cl Aqsa I0ac: - O*u: - serb.cr, lrl - ltHl - (nH) - (El -Approvrl: _ Cty: _ O.t!: _ Flood:lAl_M_l'tl_tfE+tft"_ Commcit: pennft Fcc:s ,1,CITY I 281<,-t I tLSL"a) 2ottl- loo I APPLICATION Number (0ffi.e Use) In R SEP29 201ftE6 HANSVER COUNTy BUILDING pERMIT APPLICATION TYPF: R ESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR P8OJECT "Proj ect Responsibil ity" l ,/ DEVELOpER: Robuck Homes Trianqte, LLC PHoNE S; et9 B"t6 92ao PRoJECT ADDRESS: ?28 Antler Ilrive SUBDIVISION: Mel lon oak6 CITY: I,]il.minqron ztP: 33392_ 014BLOCI( #: ADDRESS; 6131 Falls of Neuse Rd. sbe 200 LICENSE $: 57083 CITY: Raleiqh LOT {': ST: NC ZIP: 276 09 5T; NC ZIP: 27609 PROpERTY ohlNER'S NAME: Robuck Homes Triansle, Lt oI^INER'S ADDRESS: 6131 Falts of Neuse Rd. ste 2oo CITY:Raleiqh CoNIRACTOR: Robuck Honres .!rrLangle, I,LC EItIAI L ADDRESS: i norbech@robuc khomes . com PHONE #: PHONE #: 919 - 816 92AO PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION : ,-lai Norbech - i norbech@robuckhomes . com 9t9 2'7 7 l72A I alrunnrroru [ Reuovarron f] eeuenar aeenrns ! RELocArroN NEI'l C0NSTRUCTI0N:ERECl NEUt RESTDENCE o. E aOOrrrOru TO EXrsrrNc RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHEC( AND ANS!,JER BELOI,J ALL THAT ApPLY TO YoUR pRolECT: ATT GARAGE so4 suNRooM _ 5F GR EENHOUSE 5F DET GARAGE - SF POOL _ 5F DECK 5F PORCH 146 SF STORAGE SH ED oTHER: Screen porch i72 5F SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 3211 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F: ar20 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: qr:o TOTAL PROIECT C05T lress tog : $ zsg.qoo * 0F ST0RIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIYBING or IT1ECHANICAL Work Belng Done to the Accessory Structurel n Yes If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Site? n Yes I fJo Is there Electnical Poi^ren on this Buildlng? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: I Srrelr rnmrlV DESCRIPTION OF HORK: new home I ves I tlo I No DUPLEX TO'JNHOUSE OISCLAIMERT lhereby corlit hatsll inbrmalbn In his applicatbn as conecl snd all worK willcomply wlh Ure 516r€ Bulldinq Code and alt olher apotcabte Slale and tocat taws and o.dinances and reg u ls laons. The N HC De!€lopmen I Se tuices Cen t€r will bs no [fied ol an y chang€s in hc approyed plans and speclfcauons or chanoe in con tracn r or Oh,NER/CONTRACToR: char] es J. Bishop rv ** +* r ** *:i * i * x*,k *** * * ** * ** * *(I!Ti filii SIGNATURE: **,t * ** ** * * **** * t* ** ** ** * * * + +**** )t r. * + *+ * * t* )i **** x ** * *,i rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rloooclarrul f] ves NO EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA: o SQ FT NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2?Z_- SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: f,s.9+ EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERI"III: I,1,ATER;CI- PUA COMIIUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE IiELL CENTRAL h]ELL SEl/JER:CFPUA N CENTRAL 5EPTIC I lnrvnrr srprrc f] coMlyuN]Tv sysrErl Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ A I YES NO (FOR OF'ICE USE ONLY) BEYIiEO DAIL A4/77/11 SETBACKS; F:_ LH:_ RH: B: ++' SEPARATE PERI'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, i4EcH, PLBG, 6As EQUIpJ PREFABS & lNsERTs *** pAyMEr,lr r,{ErHoD: I casr [$recK (pAyaBLE ro nHcl Iaurnrao, .*o*ri, I r.rcTvrso E orscou.* ***x)t***+i*******;**)*+**+a,f*rf*****,*+***rt(*t(t{.:f*j*****)****!t,i*+,t**********)****,*********xxx*** ZONE:OF FICE R : t c F{XJCr LZ B FE+2ft= 'Bmrc AppLICANTTS NAME: Robuck Ho,nes rl.ianqle, LLC DAfEt e/3.)lt. PHONE #: 919-A'/6-920A .J*N ECEIVED SEP28 2016 EW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT 2sl'b-LqqoJ#AppLtcAtou wp€: RESTDENnAT (fffi1ffiA- PL{AsE ANSWI R AL t QUESTIONS APPIICA6LI TO YOi;R PRO]I ( '.I "project Responsibility,, AppgCANT,S NAME. Ocean Blue Pools & Spas ot NC 661". 912812016 pROJrcr ADOB:SS: 5142 Masonboro Harbour Drive CtIy Wilmington 21p.28409 sugDrvrsroN:LOI n 66NTRAC1OR: Ocean Blue Pools & Spas of NC ,...,, BtoG llc6tv5E,; 73764 ADDRESS: 30 Covil Avenue 511y Wrlminglon 31. NC 21p. 28403 EMA|t ADDRESS: oceanbluewilminglon @gmail.com eXlsflNG CONSIRUCTION: 'l Alteration Renovation l i Ggneral Reparrs NEW coNSTRUcrroIrr: i ' Erecr New ies,dence i I Addition to Existing Residence I Relocatron ''1PL€AS!CHEC(ANSWER BE LOW ,qLt THAT AP PIY TO YOUR p1161E.910-799-3022 . Att Gardge {SF) : Greenhouse {SF} [] D€t Garage (SI) __ ir Pool lSF)338 . : Storage Shed {SF)_ l1 other (SF).- :-, Porch {sF) fjl Deck {5F) l! the proposed work chan8ing the existing lootprint? i. yes l- j No fOTAL 5q n UNDER ROOF (for proposed wotk) Nealedl Unhealed I ToTAI PROJECT COSi lLess Lot)92s,750,00 ls the proposed work changing the nurnber gt bsdrooms? D y€s E lrto ls any Electrical, Plumbi.g or Mechanicrl wrrk bein8 done to the A(ceJsory stru.iure D yes n No lf rhe project is. Relocation, is there a Naturat Gas Ljne on the current site? n yes n No ,sthere Electrical Power on this Building? E yas D No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family i Ouptex D Townhouse Descripti fencing on of work: lnqround Swimrninq Pool w/Tremron Paver Co0inq, Pool code roain d rarns. Pool code alalms, Pool code rnlormalron "'NoT[:Any \xotl perlormecl wlthout ihr rpproprifir perlnitr willbe in vmlailon ol th€ flc state Bldg code ard aubiert ro ire5 up ro 5500.00... Owner/Contractor: Pauline Dunne Signat!re ''Liensed Aunliltet' P nt Nofie ls the prope.ty located in a floodplain? fl Yes E No €xlsting lmperviousarss; 3522 Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbad: 0 New lmpervious Area Sq Fl fxirting Land Disturbing Permitr n ves E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Wel n Central Well C Aqua SEWER: fl CFPUA fl communiry System D Private Septic D Centrat sepri( n Aqua Zone: _ Offi(er: --- Setbacks {f) _ {lX} _ {iHl .- (B) _ Approvel: _ Cityr _ Dater *_ Flood: (A) *- (V) _ (N) _ BFf+2ft= _ 0 Commenti N0 7rg. N0C€0i(' Permit teer 5 pBOpERTy OWNfi.5 11,19g. Jon BealsowNER,sADDREss,!11? iJt,r;,#H*.t1 ."--*ou pxore, e1_0j!e-102?_ pROJECI CONTACT pgXg61, Susan Rowland :- Sunroom (sf)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN rYPE r RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSIJER ALT QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responslbilit}/' PROJECT ADDRESS: 8808 champion tli11s Drive CITY: l,li Lminqton SUBDMSIO'I: Porters Neck Plantation 2.otb. tootS ffi+@- APPLICATI(F' l'lumber (OFflce Use) APPLICANT'S NAITE: DEVELOPER: PROPERTY OT{ER'S I,IA E: OII{ER'S ADDRESS: ZIP ,. 2A4LL BLOCK *: LOT #: ]9!_ PHO E *:Charles & Ri-ta Fischer If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Is there Electrical Powen on this Buildlng? EYes CITY:ST: _ ZIP:_ CO|ITRACTOR: charter Building Group LICENSE #: 676?9 ADDRESS: 108 Giles Avenue CITY: wilmington ST: NC ZIP: 28403 ElitAIL ADDRESS: tonya(! charterbui ld inssroup . com PIIONE #: grai 69244a PROJECT COi{TACT PERSON: sean rewls PIIONE #: 97a2625899 EXISTIiTG Coi,TSTRUCTTO : ! AlrenarrOU ! neruoVettor'r I crruenll neemns ! RELocATToN NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE *IPLEASE CHECK AiD AI'IS|{ER BELoll ALL THAT APPLY TO YqrR PROIECT: T No ATT GARAGE 516 SF n DET GARAGE - SF POOL 5F PORCH 346 SF f] surnoor,r -sF STORACE SHED f] cneeurouse - sr ! orcr - sr OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: 2513 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 2513 TOTAT AREA SQ FT: 33?5 ToTAI PROIECT CoST(tsssloo 3 $ 3o80oo # OF SToRIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING or ECHA ICAL t{ork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? E Yes Gas I Line on the Current Site? [ves No a No PROPERW USE / OCCUPANCY:STNGLE FArlrLy ! ouer-ex ! rowuxouse DESCRIPTION 0F HORK: New single Family dwelling with attached galage DBCIAIITER lhsrsby cortify hat a[ lnb.madon in his applksrion ls conEcl and dl work will comply wlh he Slate Itrlldlng Code a.]d dl oh€r appllc8blo Slab and local laws and ordlnances and l6oulalions. conracbr hbm6lon.'-l'loTE: OtINER/CONTRACTOR The NHC D€!€lopm€nl S€rvlcss CsnErwlllb€ nodfisd Anywork Perbmed w,IO tl6Appopriab Pern16wll charter Building Grou olanychanges ln tt€ approv€d pkns and spaclfcatons orch4g6ln contractcr or b6 ln Vblaton ol 01e NC Srab BLla Code and Sublecl b Fines L.lo To 3500.00"' srGNAruRE:'0[vr,,CNVO,^- aP.Int iJane)***:***,r.,***r(r.,xi.x:***r,r,****x{,r,**r.**{,,****l *** t ***,},}'*+,t,*,1.++,}**,*,1'l**+x,*+'*'*f,**** r* + i*,* +rr** +***+,* rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED r{ l rlooopurul f]l vss EXISTII{G II4PERVIOI S AREA: _SQ FT NEt't I PERVIoT.IS AREA: jf!!_ SQ FT NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: <1/3 E HATER: SEHER: crrul f] coru4uNrw svsrrm I pRrvATE trELL ! cerurml well cFpuA n cENTRAL sEprrc I enrvlre srerrc ! co MUNrry sysrElr *T.. SEPAIATE PERIiIITS REqUIRED FOR ELECT, IiECH, PLB6, GAs EqJIP, PREFABS & IIIEERTS '*. PAY}iEN' I'IETHOO:tr CASH Icxrcx (pAyABLE ro tucl I lltenrar rxentss tr !1clvrsA tr DISCOVER ZoNE : oFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= AVN *t*:i:i++*,*{.*,t,4+,t:t)t,l:t*****,**+**)t,*,t,i.;i,t*:a+)t+*****:frt*+:i1.,t,t)ir+:i()t:t*'t,i(,i.:a:1.*!t,l.,l:1.+++,1.++,*+*,}*)***)t,i**t (FOR OFFICE UsT CIILY) REVISED DATE 64111112 Corment:PERMIT FEE: $iw 1 Charter Buildioq croup DAxEr 9/2't/),6 PIIONE *: Exrsr LAND DTSTURBTiIG pERnrT: l-l VeS fl UO io( (D 101f," UDn oo-ol!Zor[* 1178 U DEVELOPER: CITY: CastIe Hayne OCCUPANT/BUSINESS l,lAltlE : ttardees PROPERTY OWNER'S llAIilE l Bay Eoods OI,JNER,S ADDRESS: 1021 NoeI] Lane CITY: Rocky Mount COI'ITRACTOR: cotunercial Millwork & lnstallation LfC LfCENSE S: 70783 ADDRESS: 356 rndustlial Rd.CIW: Nenroolt E!,IAIL ADDRESS: rbenacquisto@ cniploducts - com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Rich Benacquisto L6-2564 APPLICATION Numbea (Offtce Use) PHONE #: PHONE #: 252-931-2000 5T: Nc ZIP:27802 sT: IN zIP: 37821 PHoNE f:423-623-2'700 PTONE #: ext r 111 If UPFIT - The 5he11 Penmit #: IF Yes, uhat uas the Pr€vlous Occupancy Type? **1** rs THrs a CHANGE OF OCCI pAt'lcy US:l f]VrS [lNO ****' Is Elect Pouer on thls Building E Yes E rc What is the New Occupancy Typel PH PH NC REG *; C REG *: ARCH DESIGI{ PROFESSIO AL: ENGR DESIGiI PROFESSIOML: DISCWMER; I hereby certify that all inbrmation in and locallaws and ordinances and reoulations. The orchanoe in conlractor ot contractor i-nformalion. '_ Subjecllo Fines Up To $500.00"' lhis applicalion ;s conect and all work will compiy with lhe State Bu'lding Code and NHC Develooment Services Cenlerwill be notified of anv chanoes in lh6 aoo@ved NOTE: Any Wo* Perform€d w/O the Appropriate Permils will bie in Violation of lhe soecifications BIdg Code and all olher applicab,e Slate and C SlcNAruRE:2-0OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Ri.chard Benacquisto (ArJ!r,(Prhxri.) coddn ArbG.lo. or mt Yo! d! I! irtld b c.{ tr tHolr.l Embb'l Sard.rd. f!. lbadour A& Po[rrbob (NESHA4 al (918P07$951, Ea bdt 10 &F Flo. b [E d6.nolftron d ary hd{ty or bulHhlg. S€. A!b6b W€b Sls: trttsr/vftrw.sd.lab.nc.ls/oplb6tab./.hnp.hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $7e,e?0.74 BUILDING HEIGHT:_ #OF UNITS:t f TOTAL AREA SQ FT :7120'SO FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _# OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: ACRES OISTURBED:E(sr I-AND Drsrunsrruo eenunz I ves f] Ho NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SOFT E(STING IMPERVIOUS AREA: flrcNrlrc rrsE cr-AssrFrcArorr lfcoMMUNnYSYSTEM -. SEPARATE PERMITS REAUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PL.BG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS '' PAYI|ENTMETHOD: [CaSx f]orO<pevnalETor'lHc) fiemenrcmeeness f]rrrovrsl fiorscown ((" V,s $)-' *at L' q r WATER: EGFPUA [CoMMUNITYS\4SIEM DwEr SEvvER: EGFPUA [ICENIRALSEffC LIPRIVATESEPnG (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REyTSO DArElflr/r2 ZONE:_OFFICER: _ SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:- Apgwal: CII}t:-DATE:-FLOOD:- BFE+2tu- N Commem PERMITFEE:s //da.O<) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMI{ERCfAL PLEASE ANSI,U€R ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibiUty" APPLICANT'S NAIIE: Richard Benacquisto DAIET !2!!3J39J3_ PROIECT ADDRESS: 5501 castle Hayne Rd ZlP t 28429 DESCRIPTION OF I,IORK: b tood or b€\rsqr6 prepaed c seved h t{s oralo? [lYe" I lo ene eropery l-ocabd ln Tlb Roo+lalnZfi ves f]I,.lo (ch€ck All Th.t Appry) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTON l-l neNOVlrrOru [l Cereml neenrnS ! RELOCATTON tf Rolocaton, is there a Naruratcas Lioe on the -cunent Site? []v"'i-f] ruo ts BLDG spRlN-xLeneoz I v"" f]no NEr.l coNsTRucTrqv: I enecr NEu STRUCTURE I rAsr rmcr ! sxer-r- fl uerrr ! eoo ro ExrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STiUCTURE: pRopERryusE: flornce E]n:snunnrr [uencannlr neouc flap,r f]coNoo orHER- I