OCTOBER 19 2016 BUILDING APPS.. .,t .. 1,gt', 2ot6 - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICAIION fY PE: RESIDET{TIAI PITASE ANSWER AtT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Prolect nrJpofflulftlf ,/r,/5 / L6-2854 Appllcatlon Number {offlce us€) AppuCAt{T,s NAME. ForeverHome Building Company, LLC D.t3. 10-5-16 pROJECT ADDRESS: 944 Baldwin Park Drive ctw. Wilmington ?4P.28/.11 ggg64y151git. Anchors Bend LOT #. 172 pROpERW OW ERT 111466, ForeverHome Building Company, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS. 302 Jefrerson Street, Suite 180 PHONE f.9t0421€398 6ryy; Raleigh ?rtq.27605 CotrTRACroR: RH McClure Builders of SBl, LLC BLD6 UCENSE f. 74404 ADDRESS, 302 Jefiorson Str€st Suite 180 cnY:Raleigh sr. NC ztP.27605 EMAIt ADORESS: lynetter@foreverhomellc.com p69xs.910-821-8398 EXISTING CONSTRUCT|O :! Alteration n Renovatlon E General Repairs NgWCONSfRtTnO:EEredNewResldenceEAdditiontoExistingResldence!Relocation ..tPLEASE CHECT ATD ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI*" tl Att Garage (sF) 531 n Det Garage (sF)_ E porch (sF)1'18 D Sunroom (SF) _E Pool (SF)--E Storate Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)tl Deck (SF) _U other (SF)Screen Porch 280 ls the proposed wo* charEing the existing footprint? E yes E No rOTAt Sq FI UI{DER ROOF (for prcNsed work,x666. 3197 unhe.ted: 200 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot):275,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeirtsdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lf the project ls a Rslocadon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes [! t{o ls there Electrical power on thts Buildint? E yes tr o Property Use/ Descrlptlon ot Octupancl: E Slngle n Duplex E To nhouso work:New single residontial construction DISCITIMER: I hereby cer ry that a the hformaton ln thts applkatlon Is corred and all wort vr l laws and oadlnances and regulations. The NHC Developmant Services Crnter wtll be nodrled+'NOTE: Anywo* performed wlthout the appropriate p€rmlts wlll be ln Owner/Contractor: 'Llceosed Quoltfier' Rob€rt W. Jordan Code and allother applicabh State and local or chan8e ln contractoa P.lnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E o E{stlry lmpewlour 1,a", 1 1 063 q ft cw lmpsvbus Area. 3287 sq Ft Total Acrss Dlsturb€d: Exls$ng Land Dkturbtnt permh: E y6s E No WATER: El CFPUA El Community System E private well E Gntratwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E community System EI private Septic E Centrat S€ptic E Aqua Zon€; _ Officer: _ Serbad(s (F) * (tH) _ (RH) -- (B) _ Apptorah - cltv: - Datq - Flood: (A) - (v) _ (Nl _ BFE+2fr. _Comment: n thenges of the Nc state aug to fi nes up to Parmft Fee: S / ?/? PROJECT CONTACT pgXg61. Robert Jordan pHOt{E. 910-279-3403 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMII AP PL,CAfl ON TYPE : RESIDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESNONS APPIrcAALE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prolect R6ponslbllltt/ ZolL- /o/?7 L6-2837 Applicadon Numb€r (offcc u5e) AppucAI{T,S f{AME. ForeverHome Building Company, LLC nate. '10-5-16 pROJECT ADDRES9: 940 Baldwin Park Drive crw . Wilmington ztP.28/.11 gt gppy1g1oN. Anchors Bend pRopERTv OWNER g gag5, ForeverHome Building Company, LLC owr{ER,S ADDRESS: 302 Jefierson Str6et, Suite 180 rcT#. 173 PHONE S. 91G'821€398 ctw. Raleigh aP. 27605 CONTMCISR: RH McClure Buildere of Stsl, LLC BLDG UCENSE f: 711404 ADDRES9: 302 Jefferson Stre€t, Suit6 180 61ry, Raleigh st: NC ztp:27605 EMa1L ADDREss: lynetter@foreverhomellc.com pHor'tE. 910€21€398 pR111ECT CON1ACT pERSON. Roberl Jordan PHOr{E. 9'10-2793403 EX|sIING COI{STnUCTION: n Aheration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRT CTION: E Erect New Resldence E Addiflon to Existing Residence E Relocation *..PIEASE CHECI( AI{D ANSWER BE ..' G AttGarage (sr) 5S E Det Garage (sF) - E porch (sF) 311 E Sunroom (sF) - n Greenhouse (SF) D Pool(sF) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No unheated: 692 TOTAL PROJEC? COST (Less Lot): S 250,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D ye3 E No ls any Electrlcrl, Plumblnt or M€chanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure [3 y€s E No lf the pro.iect is a Relocatlofl, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? El yes G lrlo ls there Electrlcal Power on thls Buildtng? E ycs E No Property the/ Dcacrlptlon of Occlpancy: E Slngla Famlly tr Drplex tr Townhousework New singlo family residontiel construction DISCIAIMER: I he.eby cenlry that all tie lnformadon ln thts applhauon ls conEct and .ll worl wtfl comply wtth the Sl.te Bulldlng Code and €ll other applicabh State and loclllaws and ordlnances and re8ulatons. The NHC D€./elopment SeMces Center wlll be nottrled of chanSe in contractorlnformetlon. ...NOTE: Any worl performed wlthout the appropiate p€rmftswill be tn Ownsr/Contractor: 'Ltcensed Qw lef Rob€d W. Jordsn Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplaln? E yos E o E{stlrrg lmpervbus Area. 1 1063 sq Ft Grtv lmpetvlow Area' 3896 sq ft Total Acro3 Dlsturt€d: Exlsung Land Dbturblnt permlt E yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Communtty System E private Well E CentralWell E Aqua SEWE& E CFPUA E Communlty system E priyate Septic E Centralseptlc E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _- Sorbad6 (r) _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Apprsr.l: _ Clry: _ Oars: -_ Flood: {Af _ (V) _ (r{) _ BFE+2ft= _Comm€nt: of the NC State Ahg Cod€bject to ftnes up to Permlt Fee: S 3? ,'.-')- t ' :,.. :'ffi,, fl Storage Shed (SF) _ tr other (sF)_ TOTAT SQ Fr UNDERROOF gor propsed warl) Xeated: 2895 : b tb' t( -]tzt( #(#gl NEW HANOVER COUN]Y BUILL'ING PTHMI I AP PLI CATI O N TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSWER AIL QUESTlONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" r\o ',^,) OM rn CITY PHO E# APPLICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRES SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: Oat€(r\ ztP LOT fr )o ztP (t CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: BTDG LICENSE H STCITY TMAIL ADDRESS PHONI PRO,IECT CONTACT PERSON Scott fD'o-^c-n '. PHONE 9t r:-)1Y -1tt 3 ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? !Yes n No l"b *(l ,nn"",",TOTAL Sq ff UNDER ROOF (lor p ed TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less tot) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n v"..Q{o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E/Yes E No lftheproiect is a Relocation, is therea Natural Gas Line on the current site? El Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ${es E No Property Use/ Occup Description of Work:"n.y'$i amily E Du lex !TownhouseS-nCdD fl^ngle F DISCLAIMER: I hereby certafy thal allthe information in lhas application is correct and all work will comply laws and ordinance5 and regulations. The NllC Development Services Center will be nolified of any chanSe Slate Building code and allother applicable state and local si e approved pla nd specrfications or change in contractot informaiion. +'+NOTE: Any work pe rformed without the appro priate permits will be in violalion of the NC ldg C ect to fines up lo S5O0.00"t Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIiliet" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? fl yes [ ruo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes ! No WATER: / CFPUA E Community System C Private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWER: A CFPUA E Communrrysystem fl Privateseptic E Centrat Septic ! Aqua Zone: __ Officer: _ Setbacks lF) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Hood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S ?s CITY: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E<lteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*,'* n Att Garage (SF)- [ Det Garage (SF) ! Porch {SF)=- Vsun,oorn (Sr) - E Pool {SF) - n Storage shed (St) - I Greenhouse (SF)- ! Deck (SF) - ! other (SF)--_- o .s\lil:1 AppltcAnoN n/pr: REsTDENT,ltLq6? [t'] 145 PTEASE ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPLITAETT TO YOUR PROJTC-I "ProiectResponsibility" AO t 6 - /6Ll 6 {ofike usel APPI-ICANT'S NAMT:Oate PROjECT ADDRESSI suBDrvlsroN: CITY ztP toT 3 PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRE 5S: CONTRACTOR tr(PHONT '] 7O3 - 8V20 ctw. /,/1i)11r11.75*n ttP 2/-8ft/ (al _T BtDG UCtNSt #00rr+ AD DR E5S:42) t/4-z Cttt: d./,lAtmtbA 51 lft-LtP 2slaf TMAII. ADDRTSS PROJECI CONTACT PTRSON IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration fl Renovalion fl(General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIONT [ ] trect New Residence fl Addition to txisting Residence D Relocation 'ATPLEAST CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.T THAT 7- PHONT 45a 7)?a PHONI 538 gB03 &u-1 O a\earagels d [] sunroom (5F)q ti Det Garage {sF) 6 D Porch (sf)fo fl Greenhouse (st I q ls lhe proposed work chanBin8 the existinB lootprint? Ll Ves E Uo TOTAI SQ fT UNDTR ROOF (/or proposed workl Heated too U n heated 6 rorAt PRoJEcr cosr (Less lol): S Jf t;/. lf ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D y", di'no ls any Electrical, PlumbinS or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure O ves E No lllheproject isa Relocation, islhere a Naturat Gas Line on the current site? fl yes Ft,to ls there tlectrical Power on this Buildin8? E yes ,E No Property Use/ Occupancy: 6 Single Family E DU plex tr Townho Description ol Work:lr,n t(/t l Ltt a"na t z Cl DISCLAIMER: lherebv cenrfy lhal all lhe inlormalion in thi! application is rorrect and alt work witt compty w h rhe Srat€ Buitda ng Cod€ and allolher apphcable Slale and loralaws and ordananres and rntormalron "'NOTt:A Owner/Contractor: 'Ltcensed Quohljet" ,€tulations The NHC Dev€lopmenl Servirer Cenrer wil b€ notified ot any chante! in rhe approved p l.nr and gpeailicatron! or chenge rncontra!tor ny worl p€rlormed wirhoul the appropriale permils wil be in viotation of thp NC Srat€ BldB Cod€ an ds bJ€rl lo frnet up 10 S5O0 O0"' r.{Signature ls the property located in a floodplain? D ves p No txisting lmpervious Area Sq tt New lmpervious Area Sq rt WATER ( CrPun ! community System Mcrpuo fl communiry systemStWER Total Ac,es Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing permit: O tesp E Privare We f] Cenlrat We| fl Aqua E Privateseptrc D cenlral Seplr( fl Aqua Bf Ei 2fr: No u zone: __ Otficer: _ Serbarks {f ) _ (tH) -- IRH}_ lB) _ Approval: __ Ciry: _ Dare: _ flood: (A) _ {V) _ {N) Comment: __ Permit tee: $ O Pootlsl U J oect< 1sr1 Q ! storage shed (5r \ ,q tr other (sF) y' z. 3L"-e_ y'";\ (&, \./, [r-tcrc !{Et{ HA}{}VER Co,'I{TY BUIDIilG PERI.,IIT ^P?LrcArIdt TyPE: RESIDEIIIIAL Pt€as! AI5L:R AlL Q{t!TI{!ts tppLICalLE fo ylt5 ttotr.al 'ProJ fft neslonslitl tty- 0 ^tA RAV /|,/ttrn ?orv- 66q ApPL1(/ATt0a{ l{u6b!r (otft.. Lba) APPLICA"T's I,UHE: DEVELOPER: /-!r:1-)-DATE: - PN3]ECT AIDAFSS st.l8DNIISIO'J: PlsL *r ! ;. ,., ,U / zw:. ,.,i4t: LOT 8:8L0CK *: MOPER TY O'IER'S MXEI DOAIII FA | ^/l /eu-lt/drER,s Aootass:Z co,lTR{cToR i tDoRtss: prryrt* *, 910 .6 / o 24,12 9. UVE DAk t*ttJ"crrYt W/lrt1|N6*/oN sTt l8:ztp: 23.'02 ewltr ,t 9/n . b/, .*++z ewtr * 1fi.b)a.34+- RE LrATIO,I LICEII5E g: CITY:/ lf ,tt t^.l t'ttN(z1P&fu23 EIIAIL AtO*Igsi PRolrcT co|IlrsT censor: IzrA]fup Ensrnre cmsrrucTro[! n aLTERAT]or.l [l e$nvruou I eeuenau nexr*s I liEt{ c0}6t8uc110fi: I rn:cr I&t RESI0E]IC! or s m:not T0 xtsTrnc RE5IDEIrCE IPLEASE CHT'( AIO AI'STiER BELIU ALT TXAT APPLY TO YOT.II PTO]EC.I: oEr GARAGE _ SF 5TORA6E SHri --.* Sr Stir:R -s't-xz..AAt:1:;:./':' P;: t/ 4ft t r rorAl HEATED sq F7: 4;t rorAl sQ Fr urDER x.I,r: /.'51 "i;i;'ito** sQ Fr: _ TOTAT pROIECT (OST ura r.*1 . $ + AOA * oF sFoRIrs: ? Is Any ELE(r*rcAI, purt&ttae (r itctalrrct! l,ld-k B€ing Done to the A..arsony structu.cl ffi Vaa fi ffo If the proje(t is a Relocntion, is theie a Natural. 6as Lin€ on the Current site? f] v"s Irt Is there Electrlcal Po!"r oh thls EuiLd;.ngf $ves IHo piopERTY rlsr / ocorprltcy: [l srrcl: rAlatr-v f] urercx I rnarutsr suNRoo{ -=sF I nml _ sr Gf,EErilrorsE _ sF fl oecr .&14 sr DESCRIPTI&{ OF tioR(: zore , R - lSorrrcen, .approvat: 0.F city SETBACI<S: {^)lL\)1 oArr ,PInir; rr-m gJtcH -- sFATT GARAGE SF /.;) 8-k rtt z.l' OtSCl f,Gft I h.rsby dit n.taa;66.bl h l)is 4etcrbn a cdEr..d.i,nrr *a e.n!l.y *n tE SEr &ird.i Aa. 'ld d ord Crt.tob St.b sa er t*6 -d o.rhr!.* tid 6!'rit!oi.. nE tfiC D.Ekp.Bdl S.ryis On r. *l b. rbnld oa &, dsro* n ak r&br.., pt rrr edrbtE d.nrna.. conrebr o.€^t-t, il6@aoo, "lOTg Anvubrr f\Drnfrd, WrO ?r Aoslri.r P.,niEr, b., \,rbr.!an ot h. NC s|.i *b.cb(b 'ld SA-ct tc Fno6 !n to !SO.OC-/ .- / / ,' fttiER/coI.IrRA{ToP'i 1.{\^J/,.'ir Ltn( 1'rt src ATL,RE: ,,,[,. l.( l'./-L_ -t,t,'*'+'rr*.'t'.**'"..*..,9*l'liT]....l.1,..rll1rr.,.-"..',...'.',-,, rs l{E p*optRw LocATED r a rloo*urfl vrs [] m ErISTI}|C IfiP€nAO(]s ,ltEA. _SQ FT lrgd IIIPIRYIOIIS An€A: ._-,.--SQ FT r{ArE R: E CFAA SETER: E CFAJA ccrrlr{'r./I lv sYsTrlt PRIVAIi WELL n ca'riRAL srcrrc I pRrvArE sEprrc f] coturrw svsrur TOTAL ACRES DISTU*BED: EXrsT LA,S OI5nn8It6 pEnrllr rf v:s [--'l rt o4Y), / -, rrttlrD o.ra ixlrl/I,r5!1[ Lx,$[ nH, *- a,15' D: -. -...._** lOttCX BFt+xt" _ elyrrxr ,{Er}q}: lJ cAlr [] ftrrcr (pAyrrLE ro *r1 f]ure:cn, rx"rrss [ *m"o fJ orra-rarrraia*irr*ra t'rrta)ra*r.r.... r.r..r*.raa.. rtr.airatr.. ..aa,a.aa+a*araa.ar.r PfRtaIT rEE: t-.*-- S *t. rao( l4e(A{ "No {,rli ( u r cl- rs prr r iutb rl *c. \> dli( v f r lchi'i( r ita gr,,*ittri rnit lc(cltc\ h;r r.llrC\ I CITY: f] cenru- ueu Iri t )a a {.. NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPE: COHMERCIAL PLEASE AI{SWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "ProJect Responsibllity,, 4,ot5 lt+?L-r#Eat APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAME:CHRIS S , KIMI]EY-HORN DEVELOPER:VERIZON WT s PHONE f: 67 a-s33 -3925 PHONE #r ST: _ ZIP: _ PHONE *: ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE PROIECT ADDRESS; 1111 MrLr rARY CUTOFF ROAI) OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: ARBoRETUM - vERIzoN wIRELEss PROPERTY OIINER,S NAI1E: L&B ucEpp/RHpr FORI]M LLC d4lNER'S ADORESS: CONTMCTOR: TBD CITY: wr LICENSE #: CITY:ADDRESS: EIiIAIL ADDRESS: PRoJECT CONTACT PERSON: cnRrs STRANGE , KIMLEY,HORN NEW CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEW srRUcruRE f] rnsr rnacr ! sner_r_ fl uerrr ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE: TNSTALL oF A pREpAB Eeur PMENT SHELTER Exrsr cor{srRucrrow: I ALrERArror{ tr -r-Jiffiliii 'tiT?iilL*,- nrparns l-l RELocArroN lf Rolocaton, isth€rea Natural cas Linoonthe current Sitez Ives I rrro ts eLoc spffixreneoa Ives INo If UPFIT - The Shell Pernit #: ***,ir. Is THIs A CHANGE IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Tlpel ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL; Is ELect Power on this Building Yes [ru0 oF occuPANcY use r fivrs I hhat is the Neu Occupancy Type? PH:NC REG #: PH: 6?8-s33-3926 l,lc REG *: o 41745ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: wILLIA}4 EDMONSON DESCRIPTIoN OF la,ORK: rNsTAnL oF PREFAB EQUI PMENA SHELTER. ! k food or bo\rorEges F€pd€d q 8on6d ln ttrls *uauro? [ yes No ls The Roporty Located ln The Floodplah? [ yes No Code and allother a pplicable State and soecifications Bldq Cod6 andonState OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (Oldt, CHRIS STRANGE AT]THORIZED AGENT SIGNATURE: Nolq Domolldon nodflcadons & Bbostos rEmoval p6mll Eppllcadons 6re !o bg arhnurad usl rg ttlo Bppllcalion torm (DHHS-3768) vch€tfier th.hclny or hrlldkE wr! bund bconbln Asbeab6 oa mL You alE ,rqulr€d to call rho Nstonal Enbaioh Standards fo. lhzardouE Air Pcrlubnr. (NESHAP) er (919)707-5950 .t 1.6.t 10 day6 pbr to ttodornoldon of eny fBcili9 or bLdldhg. Se€tub66bs Wbb Slb: htD/ ^,y.r{,cpt.s6!0. nc. ui/6d/.sbostos./ehmp.hEnl TOTAL PROJECT coST: $80 , 000 .00 # OF UNITS: r TOTAL AREA SA FT :345 f OF STORIES: 1TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: :as # OF FLOORS:1 pRopERTy usE: [orrrce f]nesraunnNr [l,lencRmru [eouc f:lcoMMUNtrysYsrEM nwE_LE CENTRAL SEPTIC fIP-RIVATE SEPIC _mZONlNc USE CIASS|F|C.AT|ON: m.r ncoMMUN[ryswTEM ACRES DISTURBED: o,018663 9 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: gr: WATER ECfPUA SEWER: ECFPUA .'SEPARAIE PFRIV{ITS REOUJRED FOR ELECT,IUECH. PLBG pAyrilENT METHOD: f]Cnsr florecxpeveeu ro Nncl E(sT LAND DISruBBING PERMI? NYES fJ NO SQ FT E(STING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0 c^ trr , GAS EOUIP, PREIA&S 8INSFR'rS ,', Eleuenlcex E<nREss EMcJVtsA f] oecor,rn zoNE:-oFrrcen, __ _*. rffiEffi"J= _.,,_.-R*_B:Appro\.at:-ch[_ -_DC_FL96D:____ BFE+2* REVISEO DAIE 1JI 1112 N T I Comment PERMIT FEE: $.- .. :_.,. J rffi. DATE:10/08,/201s ZIP | 2}ao5 CITY: -DAl,LAs ST: Tx ZIp:7s231 PHoNE *: 67a s33-3926 BUILDING HEtcl{T: 10, SOFTPERFLR:3a5 # OF STRUCTURES: r ! ner f]coruoo orHER: rerecom Dts( FiAvrru* ,:. ltZl {,tll,lary C"J-a,b NEW I{ANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERTVIIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL FifASE ANSrdEr AI I QUESTIONS Apprl(AAtL rO youp pRoJECr 2n6.-t1772 *'t+-a8Bz APPLICATION Nunber (Off1(e Use) ! i.,,h-ulrf '.C-D" APPLICANT'S NAIqE: aa!ts ..r 1i.:-_i! "PFoject Responsibility,, !:1I11,a i -:!Ji-ri DATE: 'r rl DEV!LCPER:-._; : .:: -: i PHoNE ,i; 5'l ri -533 3926 PRoIECT ADDRESS; i:rZr Mrt rrARy t,L.rIi:..,,.1 CITY: r^'rr,Mr\croN ZIP i ?.N4c5 oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAHE; ARBcijLUi,l _ ,ERizcii litREl PROPERTY OI,JNTRJS NAME: OUJNFfl'C ANNRESS: C0IfIRACTOR: 'rEr- ADDRESS: EHATL ADDRESS: PRoIECT CONTACT pERSOi!: :t..rir1r srtu,!-11.j J'E UCJD!/IHP; :CRL"I4 ;],C PHONE #: CIl',,: ;il,r,i:s LI(ENSE #: ClTY: 5Ti \')1 ZIl,:1r,?)'- ST: ZIPI PHONE f: (al'.<k ^11 rhat Apply) Exrsr corusrRurrro'r : [] alrenarroH ll R€loEalon, is therc a Natural Gas Line on the Ci_rrrent Site? f] i] c:Henal neearRs -as [No :s BLDG s RELOCATION xrrRsou I v"" I r.ro R'NCVATION N E",] CoilsTRUCI:ION I EREcr NEh sIRticruRE Irasr raacr f] srierr fl uarrr ADO TO EXISI STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRJCTUR€: :r:srAr,r If UPFIT Thc ShelI permit il: **.+} Is THIS A CHAT{GE IF Yes, what r€s the previols occupan<y Typel ANCH OESIGN PROFESSIONAL: EN6R OESTGN PRCFESSIO,IAL: !IiI LT.qY I::)}IC\SON oF occuPANcY us:l I v:s l,lhat ls the New occupancy Type? PH: PH:578-b33,i926 NC REG # NC RE6 *4:'i r5 DESCRIPUON OF I,,JOR(: INI:TALII QII )RDFnB }, ls tood or bow.ages pr€pered s s€rved in rhrs *uaure? i:yes E No rs The pmpotly Locaed rn The Floodphi EyesFlNo DlscLAItr€R: r he,eLr LU,r,t) I .i,:,t /ih,rmenor ifl thrs ,ppricaii(,n is cufleci and ar ,rc,k ,4ll comgy !,/fih rhe slate 8u iii#jiu,,$""ffi3r.3,'ElT.i,:i?,"iiq""*T:.l,re.N,ji;littTL?.;:5#:iifi7slill,i:jgl"r..,**r[,iH"gTsuhtccl ro F nes U3 To 5500 0C'.- rli n0 code and allourer pplicab c Stale rh OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: :sr's SIGNATURE: NotE: D€rnolidon ncdnc.tu ns & €sbsstos ffnovdpBrmtt app lLatlons sr6 b bo submlle{ usim tia sDoticaton lorm (DHHS-3768) $Edror tho facltq orcont h Asbesbs o. n6r You sr€ rsqunod b c.lt Os Nsdo.la{ dernoftlxr of ary fucilny or bdldhg. Se6 Asb€slc6 Wob Sna: TOTAL PROJECT COST: sgo. ooc, cc Emksion SEn&lds for liazrrdous /tr potiL,tanls (NESHAPj €r (919)707{950 4 ilasn.t0 da)a pnor !o rJrs # OF UNITS: r TOTAL AREA SQ !T : ra i SQ FT PER FLR: .:,a5 _#OF STRUCTURES: - #OF STORIES: :TOTALSO FT UNDFR RoOtr:,.i,# OF FLOORS Bldq Coce an,l httpr^i,*w eri.slate nc us/epi/asb€sro!/Eh BUILDING HEIGHT: 10 , NEW IMPERVTOUS AREA: s r l NO pRopERTy USE: forrrce E nesrnuRer.rr [r.teRcarurtr fleouc f]ner [coruoo orHER; :erccor EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMM =YESSC FT EXISI-]NG TMPERVIOUS AREA: o flcoMMuNrry sysrEM fl WELr_ zlzoNtNc USE CLASSiFIlcENrMLsEplc 1 j y4r6sppnc IE6MiluNrr/;Gff''CATION: r;y REVISED DATE &I '12 8FE+2ft= ERM|T FEE: $ PAYMENT METHOT: [CesH IcHeck eA\rABt F ro NHc)AMERIcAN E<nREss f_l r.lovrsrr I otscown WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: I CFD,JA ZONE:OFFICER: \ Approval:_ City (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY-} r, tl.8r-n'ruipSETBACKS: FLOOD: t rlf; eg i I -76 uvgr I ./t! {jy.' r.)a: r( Comment 6 trlt..\ " )a ,rl o -5u 7. PHONE f; 678 s3J_3e26 Is El.ect Power on this Building E yes I lO i.t'iatr ACFES DISIURB!D: 1.1 e66-); a vn V. I L V lStrl) lUi l4r l() ApPLf CANT'S NAME : .'::i l r s l'lr;uict. /. lr.1l.!.il -lljl?li * Qou',tnA { NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON TTpEr COI'ITIERCIAL jj:tASt A{S!t€R Al illlliIIO[! ApPl](AB!i r_o Yol]i r)til.ra{.i "Pnoject Res pons i bi l.i ty" frJgl &r APP L ICAT ION Number (offlce U5e) DEVELOPER: ', rRt :.j j:i r:le:,f,5i:Pll0N E r, DATE: PRO]E.T ADDREsS, 1:I i!1:1 13t) 1rJ l',0rr :{oAt) 0CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAtIE : ..\prai: :",i,.r'.'i:r7. r :r1\ {rFIi:,n,!:l CfTY: r'i i I i t I \. -.,' t i1j ZIP.,'....a. PROPERTY OI^INER., 5 NA|,IE OWNER'5 ADDRESS; PHOI,JE $: CITY: :-rli,:-ir ST: r ]: ZIP: r,..:t-rl CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: 1652 Middle River LooP LICENSE S: 1443 4 CITY: Fa etteville -ST: NC ZIP: 28302 EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERsON: PHONE $: 800-998-0320 PHONE #: ".,,: .., i.,, ACCEsSORY STRUCIURE: ::;srA! r. ri: .', ;R.;r.ii1 ':lir":?MEL-- sir;.::.,.l-:R If UPFIT - the Shel] Pefmit l, lF Yes. what !,Jas the P.evious occupancy Type? Is Elect Power on tris Br|j..l.1r.ng ktrat j.s the New 0ccupancy Type? I l,i_l ,lI*T' IS TIIIS A CHAN6E OF OCCUPANCY UsE?Y€5 T t(0 i*rl .r ARCH DFSIGN PROFESSIONAL ENGR DE5I6N PROFESSIONAL or chanq6 S,rbjact lo P8 PH rJ( tE6 i ril RfL,,,'r_ I !.:.r,t: :..i ::li.:l li Di:SCRIPIIoN 0F I.JORK: r:rs:Ai,;. cr' "its5Ar and loc,al i 18 food or bovoragos prsparsd or Bsrvod in lhls atruclure? f]Yes !No IE Th6 Proporty Locat€d tn Tho Floodplaln? [ res DISCLAIMER: rre ardin .efllfy r.hal oll..llormr!:io, in this3pplri.iion rs,:ora:( aixj {rll rsrrt:.;h c.rrply Irrt r lr1(' :.itat! BJ: nces and rc{ulatn-,n conkact(rr nlorrn.rt ., Thc NllC De,/eioDrnDrt Seru,cssror "'NoTE An:,,',Vorh Pc,lormfYl ,l,ed (r, any cnd,lcss In l-a aDbrL, ale pe,rrxls wJl te 1n \.,rutarroi'. ,ri r;rate Bldg C.3e Nr.r ir.,es U, To S500 00"' contain AsbosDcs o( rot You 3/6 Gqut€d io call ths NsronalE na.on stanclards fo. tla2rrdo6 A.tr Pottutsnb (NEsHAq at (919)707-s9s0 6r i66s1 10 d.ys ptior o tred.rmt{on ol any lrcllily or bulldlog. Sce A5b9!ro6llreb Si!a: r!$:/A!w*_eor :t3te.^c nvspi/osbesi3siar.r, hr^r . l .: . o: BU|I_DING HEIGHT: i ,.) SQ FT PER FLR ,.i r ___-- SIGNATURE: # OF UNITS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: TOTAL PROJECT COST: : I TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: :,i., -- f OF STRUCIURES: # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS YES NONEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: : 1 ... SQ FT pRopERryUSE: forrrcr flnesreuRlrw lurncRNrrs [Jeouc Iecr f]coruo. .rHER;:..,. . . SQ FT WATER: [CFPUA DCOMMUNITYSYSTEM SEWER: i_r CFPUA fICENIRAL SEPTiC L_l mzoNlNG USE CLASSIFtCATtON: .;y COMMUNIry SYSTEM nw&L PRIVATE SEPT1C PAYMENT METHOD: ECASH I CXeCX leevreLE To NHC)I AMER,cAN E(pREss Ir..lcn,rsa I DISCOVER ZONE:__. _OFFICER: (FOR OFFIC€ USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F RH:_ BApproval:___ Ctty:=- DATE:_ FLOOD BFE+zft=AVN --'.'--LH I Comment nivISED DATE 4t 1/1? Horne Brothers &nis<ve <gan e(. r orr-' Exrsr corusrRucrroN: fl ALTERATToN I *r*irii'rJ hSCir*t rrearns f] RELocA'r'roN rt Retocstlon, ,s rhe.o,r \at ,':,1 Gas Lns rn lhe E,-r,o',t S.te, f] vi"['u" '5 1j' 1v; 5efi6 lcf L.z f ,e' f]'lc NEr.t coNSTRUcrroN, [] rnrcr NEH srRUcruRE fl rasr rnacr f] sxer-r, [l unrrr [f] aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE OWNERICONTRACTOR: .. r;ii r r ; s r;i/,trcn, ni-i,1|:i I 2tr1, .\G!:r,i . ACRES DISTURBED: . !'-.,.,i ri PERMIT FEE: $ r -r r: . &lu-3 APPLICATION Number (Offi.e Use) APPLICANT, S NAIT1E : _A-r!: :.1obi11:.)/DAIE: lol712016 DEVELOPER: Ja.:k ALten / Juvo TeLecom CITY: trt:tr:::t::r PHONE #: !)1-585-2S16 PROIECT ADDRESS: 17t I A11ens Lane OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE: crown castle Tcwer PROPERTY OTJNER'S NAI4E: aro',;n :ast-le , :--a3e Rig:rr-s OWNER'S ADDRESS: -i5.10 Toringdon l!'ay CONTRACTOR: Mastec Network Solut ions LLC PHONE f: CITY: charlot te sT: r.r. zIP::82r, 70037 ADDRESS: 1000 centre Gr.een l,iay, surte 300 ST: Nir ZIP: 2151 l EMAIL ADDRESS: ir<i, I :,'.:! l=r:r' . .:PHONE #: rIi 53:29,]i PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: ra.r- A-len PHONE f:828-302-i23C (check A11 That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALT€RATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?n Yes il,'lo IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?flv". [No NEW CONSTRUCTIOII:ERECT NEI,J STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: cell rower LICENSE #: CITY: Carv If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #: **i*i*,, rs rHrS A cHANcE oF occupANcy usE? EyES NO * * *,t,t Is Elect PoHer on this Building E Yes E ruO NC REG #: NC REG #: ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOT,IAL: PH PH DESCRIPTIoN 0F WORK: swap out antennas and radios on tower ls food or beveragos preparcd or served in this sruaura? [ ves [ ruo ls The Property Located ln The Flooddaint I ves [ ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby ceni, thal all informat on n this-applicalion is correct and all work will comply with lhe Stale Building Code and all other applicable Staleand local laws and ordrndnces a,ld reoulalrons. The NHC Develop.nenl Serv ces Cenler wrll be noli'ied of anv chanoes in th; aDoroved olans anri iiecrfrcarronsoI chdnoe rn conlra.lor or conlrrchr intormaliol. "'NOTE Any Work Perlormed w/O the Appropnate Permris wrtl 6e rn V|olation of the NC State Bldg Code andSubject-lo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNEFyCONTRACTOR: ,-a. k -q,re.SIGNATURE: (Ouallfior) contain Asb03to6 or not. You are roquired to csllthe Nalional Embsion Standords for Hszsrdous Air PollutanE (NESHAP) at (919)707-5ga,o Et teast 10 dsys p.ior to ttr€ domolilion of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: htE:/ f,ww.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asb€stotahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: 25, 000. 00 # OF UNITS: I.r,/A ACRES DISTURBED: ]] ..ExsT LAND DtsTURBtNG pERMtT? r-']yEs E No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: No charrqe .SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PRopERryusE: EoFFtcE lnesreuner.n luencnnlle f]eouc !APT nCONDo oTHER:ce;r ro,er WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: T-l CFPUA *. SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD:EcAsH ficlrecx leaveelE ro NHc) fieraenrcnru expRESs E Mc /tsA I orscoven SO FT E coMlruNtTy sysTEM fl WELL EzoNtNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON: LJ CENTRAL SEpflC Ll pRtvATE SEpTtC E CaMMUNIT SYSTEM zoNE:. orFrcER: ("J.1#3[11"Jt .r, RH: B:Approval:_ City,_Onre_ rr_OOO. - -' " "-eie;2i"= REVISED DATE 4/11/12 N ! PERMIT FEE:bn D @ NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATION rYPr: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ZIP:28,103 IFYeS,whatwa5thePreviou5occupancyType?-t{hatisthet{ewoccupancyType?- BUILDING HEIGHT: N/P. TOTAL AREA SQ FT : NIA so FT PER FLR: N/A ToTAL se FT UNDER RooF: u/A # oF STRUcTUREGE_# OF STORIES: r: , i # oF rlooRs: iiTf- comment A v ga/so NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PNOJECT "Proiect ResPonsibility'' Ir/ -loJg5 application Number {office use) PORCH CONVERSION Date 1014116 APPLICANT'S NAME: '1207 SI\,4ITH BAY CIR CLE W ctfi. wILMINGTON ztP.28409 PROJECT ADDRESS: EASTWboD VILLAGE PH 4SUBDIVISIONT PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME DANIEL & MARYANN ST JOHN PHONE S:910-256- 1 152 1207 SMITH BAY CIRCLE W crrY. wtLMtNGTON ztP.28409OWNER'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR PORCH CONVERSION 6821 MARKET STREET CITY WILMINGTON sr. NC ztP.28405 BI-DG LICENSE #: N/A ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS . porchconversion@gmail.com PI{ON E PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Sherri Britt PF]ONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration fl Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: n Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence f] Relocation **'*PTEASE CHECK AND A SWER BELOW ALT THAT APP LY TO YOUR oJECT*r* tr Porch (SF) 910-777-3363 910-777-3363 n Att Garage (sF)-=-tr Det Garage (SF)- E Sunroom (St)168 I Pool (5F) n Greenhouse (sF)-Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No ToTAt sq FT UNDER ROO! Aor ptoposed work) Heated:168 TOTAL PROJECI COST (tess tot): S 20963 Property Use/ Occupancy i A Single Family E Duplex fl Townhouse lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes G No ls anv Eledrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes C No tf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes [f No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? G Yes f) lo n Storage Shed (sF)- tl other (5F) Unheated: on sf 1111qvk; Con skuct a 168 sf Sunroom addition on propos ed concrete slabDescripti DtscLAlMEn: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and all work will .omply the state ng Cod€ and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany €ha information. "'NOTE: Any wo.k performed without the appropriat€ permits will be in violation of the 5 and specification5 or change in contGctor Sldg subject flnes up to 5500.00t*' €rrtt€f@or "Licensed Quolifler" . Agent Jeremy Martin Signature: lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? D ves E ruo Existing lmpervious Ar""r 341 sq Ft Total Aces Disturbed' 0'0038 New lmpervious Area:0 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA ! community System n Private Well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System n Private Septic E Central septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2tt= _ in app Comment: ^'1 Permit Fee: S Lffi tOT a:74 I \v ./,-) ! ".:,... l&r iJota-toJffi APPLICATION Number (Offi(e Use) RECEtvED srl r6 zoto NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AN5}iER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S l,lAl.lE: !,{it tiam Gwarhmey PROIECT ADDRESS: 6412 oua il Run Road SUEDIVISION:A].iD REW MCKOY PROPERTY ohlNER',S NAt'lE: scenic DeveloDmenr LTn Ot4,lNER' 5 ADDRESS: 6412 ouail Run Roa d CONTRACTOR: Gwathmey Res idential Group, LLC ADDRESS: 1r 1r Milirarv cuLoff Road, Suite 191 CITY: witminq ZIP i 284a9 BLOCK *:LOT #: 2!. CITY:Wi lminqton ST: Nc ZIP: 28409 ST: NC ZIP: 284os LICENSE #: ??174 CITY:Wi lminqton ElilAIL ADDRESS: wilt ia PK)NE #: sto -'t s9 22e5 PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: william Gwarhmey PIIONE f: 910-6?9,Bsoo EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATTON 6ENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEh' CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEt4l RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSb'ER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: athmevqrouD ! orr crnnoe sr I noncH '7s2 sF Is there Electrical Power on this Buildingi PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: I S rClr ralrtlv DESCRIPTIoN OF I^,ORK: Construcr new 2 sro PooL _ 5F DECK SF I SToRAGE SHED _ 5F OTHE R ;5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: a.8e2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: s.6aa TOTAL AREA SQ FT: s,sae TOTAL PROIECT C0ST lress rorl : $ gzs,noo f OF STORIES: rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, PLUI4BTNG or flEcHANTcAL work Being Done to the Accessory structure?ves [ ruoIf the project is a Relocation, is ther-e a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site?I Yes Iro I v"s ll'] ruo DUP LEX TOWNHOUSE ry slnq le family re sidence. Crawlsp ace foundat ion ick veneer total hei h DISCLAIMEII lhereby certii/ ulata[ inbrmalion in fli and ordinances and regutations. The NHC Developme contracbr informalion. T'NOTE: AnyWor( performed s alpraaton is corred and dr wofk wil comprywith lhe slare EuiEing cor,e and a[ oher applicaDre stal" and rocar ra,,s nt services cenEr wiI be notfed of an y changes in fie approved plao s and specikations or change in con iracto r orw/O ule AppropriaG Pemirs wi be in Viotalion ofthe NC Stab Btdg Code and Sub,ect io Fines Up To $500.00.,, OWNER/CONTRACTOR :SIGNATURE: ,**,*,r**,**,r,r*)*,*,r*************(Ii'llJilt]****r*****+,r+*.***+*;***,i)*,*,*,r***,r IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? l-l YEs E IO EXISTING Iii|PERVIOUS AREA: e7s SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEt{ II,IPERVIOUS AREA: 3,sse SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING mrrn: I crnua srwen: I crcua ! comuururw svsrrN fl pRrvArE wELL wi liam Ghiat hme ,i( *,*,i * * * ,*,* *,t * *,* * *,i** * * ! celrrRnr seertc LJ pRrvATE secrrc lJ CENIRAL WELL COI1IIUNITY SYS <1 PERMTT: l:':1 yEs TEM t NO REVIStD DATE 04l11112 **T SEPARATE PERIiIITS REQI,'IRED FOR ELFCT, I{ECH, PI"8G, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS *,i*pAyr,lE,r fiErHoD: I cas" I crieiK ('A'ABLE , *.i Eir*r.on .*.*rr, '-El ,Jrrrro " '' n ,rr.or.,'t'i*)***)*'*'*)t*'*'t*)*,*,t**)t*)*,*!i,k*,f,*)*,**)t**)t***+*****)i,i)t***,****,i,t*,i*)t,*,t**,t*,r,r,i)t;r*)t,*+,f***)***+.r)r*** (FoR OFFTCE UsE OflrY) ZONE: _ OF FICE R:SETBACKS: Approval :_ City:_ DATE :-- FLOOD F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ :BFE+2ft= NCorment: PERMIT FEE: DATE: 0 9./ 1s./ 1 6 DEVELOPER: plO11E f: e1o-67e ssoo PHONE #: 97a '/69 4266 I rrr cnme e _ sF I surunoou _ sF ! enerHnouse _ sF \ip- .ft, NEtl HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIIT APPLICATIoTI Ty"E: RESIDE TIAL PLEASE AXSI{TT AtI. QUESIIOi]S APPL]CASIE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitr, Zot[- 1oZ lt IF 817 APPLICATIOI NUES€ r (offtce Uic) -23-lbpplrcam,d'tlrte : DEVELOPER: L d o c OATE: P}IONE }: MO]ECT ADORESS: SUBDTVISIfi:3 oarats Vr et: €S*a 4etS CTTY: BLOCX *: _ LOT f: pttors *: AJo zr.9 : 6 '7-< srtLlL.zrPtZfr!o5 t-7 PROPERTY ff ER,S Afi€:/e O[{ER,S ADORESS:1 'aL R-rl CITY:'{Lt COI{TRAC'OR 5 ADOftESS: €I'IAIL ADORES PnolEcr cot{T " t.l EXrSTlr{G COr{ pERS0N: 5 LICE SE *: CITY:t\pzrt:7fu5 76c(?q -8*s6 ST PlotE s: ACT srRUCTroN: fl alrenarror ! nrrirouarror ! errrnar- nenarns I RELocarror.l Pror{E x:7&3t34'irt r{Et{ cpNSrRUCTrOf{, I enscr NEri RESTDENCE o" I morrro* To ExrsrrN6 REsroENcE ,'prrlif <xrcx lld Aflsr{ER BELora aLL n{4[ rppLy ro youR pRo]GCt: I arr eAnaor - sF ffir, uo.oo, S a L sr I eoncx - sF I surunoon - sF I eoor- - sF f] sronaet sHEo -- sF TOTAL HEATED Sq rr,91 L rorAr sQ Fr uHDER aor,ct €x L rorAl AREA Sq nt .5?b ToTAL PRorEcT CoSrlr-c*sr-ot1 , t /tn1 A, O0 * 0F SroRrES: I Is Any ILICTIICAL, PLt ,18ll{6 or iECHI ICI- Tork 8ein8 Done to the Accessory St.ucture)nr"' 6. atlon ont there a Natura} Gas line on the Current Site? Bui ldlng? I_lYes lgl No I ves f] ruo srr,rGLE FAr,rrLy ! ouer-ex f! rorr,uouse I ceriuxouse - sF f] oecx - sr orHER:SF If the project is a Reloc fs there €lectrical Powe. PtOPERTY I'sE / OCCT,PA CY: oESCRIPTIoiI OF Wof,l(: ,ri* * *r* * **,8 ++** ** * * * * * * *. * *(I fll.,l!1t] **.r*. * *.* *r* ** *+++ **,t rr *+ *+**t r. r * *,** *++ i,| *+* *,r rr r. a IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED Ifl A T LOOOPTAI]{ ? T"I YES NO EXISTIiT I,,IPERWOIJS Af,EA: - sQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTI'R3ED: [Er.l yPERvrous AiEA: _sQ FT EXIST rar{o DrsrunBr c pERnrr: r-'l yEs n ilo rulrw,t d y'puA I comrurrrv svsiEh D pRrvarE hrELL I cenrnal wrr-r- sEr{ER: UfcF pua I crurnar. srerrc f] pRrvATE sEprrc I corrlrw svsrrr,l "1 s EPlut rE pEMrrs RE$TTRED Foi ELEcr, nEcH, pLB6, 6As Egjrp, piEFABs t rrEERTs .{.' paylrrirT ir€rroo: I crsn I cxrc( (payABLE ro ,r*1 f] orrir.* ,**ri, -EI *)rrl^"'- g orr.or4*,r*****,r*,t****,t*,t**,|rxr,*,1,i**,i***r**,t)t:|a,t)t)tlt,t**r:a,l)r*++********rt*)r****t * t*:t+r* I * *** ** *r, rr (FoR ofFrct usE otry) iEvrsEo oaIt 04111/1? SETBAC(S: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_AppnovaL:_ City:_ DATE;_ FLOOD: _ , ts DFCIAn/ER lh.€by cerlit hat aI hbnhaton h A16 epptrcaron 6 codect 5.rd .t wo.k wiltcompty wih trs Star€ Suitding Codo snd e, ot€, spptaabte SraE snd hc€t raws ald ortn a.cas .rd ,egulations. The NHC Oevslopri.nt Sery.ces C€nB. wil bo .orifisd ol any chsnoos n 6€ app.ovod pbns and 6pecrfications or chsio€ il con rrsclo. o,cont6cbt lnbmalion. "1\lotE Any work Podolnrod w/O lle Appopn6b P€tlnirs v.illb6 in vblarlon o,s1eNC Slab Bd! Code aodSubi€c!t Fin€s th To iS000{r" orr{ERlconrRA(T u:M srGMruRE : M ZOiIE: _ OF FICE R: - BFEt2ft= 79 oo {tt'2rStl"-/o z7o ftr4t30 ffi APPLICAT{T'S IIAI'IE : DEVELOPER: NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERI,IIT APPLICAfiO TyPE.. RESIDENTIAL PL€ASE ANSTER ALL QUESTIOTIS APPLICABLE TO YO,,R PROJE(T -Project Responslbilit)P CIW: \,)t\5nr^xq fo^J BLOCK #: -1 1r 8r ACCOUNT #: Bfo^:E ?urua for.:SrZrrr () PROIECT ADORES5: 2 ti Cle tX,l6r A D0rUE SUBDIVISION:o PROPERTY OUITER'S ttAitE: a,trrro€, RoiuT n 'A.)S i-2Dcn oN) ot ER,s ADORESS z 3ez- Q1AS v-r \)S L€N)€ CITY: CONTRACTOR:J(Dr)t: OOIL-(Ca,.:S,r2<.1 cq-l z: r..-> PK)NE f : ?10 8Zl SSoo LOT $: zIP: ?842'1 -1 I prONE #: qrt> BZI 85OO SI : T-,\LZIP: ZTJ4 II srr ,.[ zr, @ tADORESSz 3? 7 c'4,(\Ni 9 ( -n^JF LICEIEE *: ITY: tJ\ Lc fn t ^-) ra() p arr crucr t-l 61 sr ! surnoom _ sF I enre uouse - sr DET GARAGE - SF POOL SF PoRcH Ll32 sF ! orcx 5F I sronecr sneo OTHER: SF SF Frt TZQO -?-t 7t ToTAL sQ FT rrr{DER RooF: 3tb I , L i'otat ffea sq FT: 31(olTOTAL HEATED SQ TOTAL PROIECT COST sess ror; : $z80,3co f OF STORIES: Z Is Any EL€CTRICAL, PLUiBI G or iTECHANICAL Work Eeing Done to the Accessory Structu.e? E V"r E NoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a I'latural 6as Line on the Curnent Sj.te? Is there Electrical Pouer on this Euil.ding? ldfives @no .+ TEe*p fo.o€P PROPERTY USE / OCCUPAT{CY, El Srnelr FAHTLY n DUPLEX I TOWNHOUSE [v"t f] no DESCRIPTIOI{ OF HORK: N E\r) Sr x)(aLE €Cvnt.r{ ?fSr O€":c€- { OISCLAIER I heeby cenjt tlal all lrbtmation h $is applicalbn b coflEcr ard al i,orl wil corlDty witrt t!6 SlaE Buitdino Code and dl oher appkable StaE and bc6l talnsalE odindlces and lEgulalbns. The NHC Devolopment Servicos CenEr wi{ be notifed ofany changes in ihe approvBd plans and specificalions or change in cont&br orconEacbr anbma&)n. "I\|OTE: Any Work Pedrrmed w/O fie Appropriab pe.mirs wilt be in 0rf{ER/coirrRAcToR: -Tz4vls srop6_ \robbn of te NC SlaE SIG ATURE: Bdq Code and CENTRAL I{ELL COI'II.UN ITY SYSTEM Fines Up To $50O.0(r" )i **:r,* !* * **** * ** * * ** * * ** ** ** *(i!'Il l3f])t* +,t** )t*+* )t )i )t i.*rt+ )t )t )t )t r* )t,t )*** *+rt+ * )i )*:*,i *)i * r*,t ** )i* * +,t )*** *,t rs rHE pRopERw LocArED r A FLOoDPLATN? El yEs EI rllo EXISTITG ItrlPERVIdrS AREA: _Se FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEO: NEtd IMPERVI(ruS AREA: 32 b SQ FT Exrsr LAIu) DrsruRB {G orr*i:-E vrs l-'l rc HATEn: I creun ! corfiuNrry svsrrr,r f] pRrvarE WELL strren: fr| crcua ! CENTRAL sEprrc l-l pRrvarr srprrc tr (FoR OFFICE UsE OiLY)REVISEo oarE o4l11l12ZONE: _ OF FICE R:SETBACKS: F:_ LH: *** SEPARATE PER'lrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, MECH, pLB6r GAs EQUrp, ,REFABS & rNsERTs ***pAyirE{r Er}oo: fl.osx flcrccx (pAyaBLE. **1 f]rr.i *.q,; 'E;;;io^'-'frrrr*rr. 'i*'t*:r'lri:l:*:*:t*:r*'r*:,t**+*,****,r*:r.****,at*,*,rrt*,| 't*,*+ ** i* ** *, *** * ** ** )* *:i*,!,a,t +:t* *:t,t +,t,t:t:ta* *,r ** * r:r Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ Coment: a RH: a. BFE+2ft= VN PERT'IIT FEE:/43Y - APPLICATION tlrmb€r (offtce Use) oarc: 9-23- Zolb El[ArL ATToRESS: plot{E #: 9/ O 8 Z l gsoo PrcJECT COI{TACT PERSOI{: P}OiIE #: q IO 36'I 'OS 3 Exrsrr G co{srRucrrori: ! alrrnnrron I nercvarrox ! crleall nrearns fl RELocATror{ NEU CONSTRUCTTOT: [l rnrCr EH REsrDEr{CE o" ! aOOrrrOl TO EXISTI G RESTDET{CE .*PLEASE CHECK At{D AI{sIIER BELO}I ALL TI{AT APPLY TO YOTJR PROJECT: .-' i. ' ir., m $^,s€ ezfso Zttb -toLl s L6-2658 applacation {offce use) Date.9-12-2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPUA| D N fYP E : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLETO YOUR PROJECT 'Prolect ResponsibilM AppltcAt{T,s NAME. Carson Boone pROJECT ADDRESS: 32 Formosa Dr cl]y. Wlmington :4P.28403 suaDtvlstoN: None tot i:32 pRopERw owNER,g lagg. Carson and Hailey Boone owNER,S AOORES5. 3oo Rogersville Rd pHoNE #. 910-262-7480 clw. Wlmington aP.2U03 COIIRi{CTOR: Carson Boone B1DG UCENSE *. 39138 49gj555, PO Box 313 ctTy. Wrightsville Beach sr. NC zrP.28480 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERSON. Carson Boone PHONE. 910-262-7480 EXlSTll{G CONSTRUCnONT fi Alteration El Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCflON: A Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation T..PLEASE CHECX AND AI{SWER BETOW 4[L IHAT. Appty TO YOUR PROIECI*i E ett Garaee (sr) 440 7 Der Garage (sF) E porch (5F)61o ! Sunroom (SF) _D Pool (5F)E Storage Shed (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF) ! Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes E No n other (sF) TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF lfor prcposed work) Heated z3\C Unheateo,8?o TOTAT PROJECT COST (less Lot):tqo,qso.oo ls the proposed work-changing the number of bedrooms? E yas E No IsanyElectrical,PlumbintorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesDNo lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGastineonthecurrentsite?EyesENo lsthere Electrical Poweron this Building? E yes E o Property Descripti Use/ Occupancl: E Family E Duplex E lownhouse on o1 111orii, Single personal residence olscLAlMEnr I h€reby certifv that allthe infiormation in this application;s corect and all work will comply \rith the state Building Code and allother laws and ordinanc€s and reSulations. The ilHC Development Services centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifi.ationt information.'r'NOTE: anywort performed wtiout the appropnate pe.mitswrllbe in viol.tion olthe Nc state Btdg Code and subject to fines up to Owner/Contractor: Carson H Boone lll Signature: "Licensed euoliJie/, print Nome lsthe property located in afloodplain? E Ves E tto Existing lmpervious Area. 21,026 sq Ft Totat Acres Dlsturbed: , 6 t|{ Af*43 New lmpervious Are", t6JCFl ,O Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No WATER: D CFPUA E Community System E private,Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER:, El CFPUA Ll Community System' D private Septic E Centralseptic fl Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approual: -_ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ applicable State and local or chang€ in contractor 500.00.1; Comm€nt: ci\2{nQ- Permit Fee: $/ t0g. * 6;y1411 gppX5g5. cboonel @ec.n.com p66pg. 9 10-26-7480 NE!'l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{rT AP P L IGAT Io/I ryPE.. COTTIIIE RC IAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YCIJR PRO]ECT -'.Pr.oJect Responsibl1lty,, -ltrzc ll r D^rE. €l /2zl/E PHONE *: CITY:zrPl.u:;?x)- Zo l4- /o)8/ tu'vzl APPLICATlol{ Number (offlce Use) APPLICAflT'S t{AfiE : DEVELOPER: pno:ecr aooiEts, ' at T PROPERTY OI{NERJ 5 IIAI4E: OI{NER'S ADDRESS:crw: LICEIISE *: 5920't ADDRESS:crw: Ei,IAIL ADDRESS: - PHOIIE S: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:p (ch€ EXIST lf Relocatim, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes Em IS BLDG SPRINKLERED? on^r(flfr)g?/ --y3ztn.4i4*t *1tlof *.7fu;ne,)t*37 f7a flv No ELL u P Fr+"EIfi o{€.frrs+{+nu€+uf, €- occuPANT/BUSINESS NAttE : NEtl CONSTRUCTI ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The She]l 6 Penmit #: I*''I IS THIS A CHAI{GE OF IF Yes, uhat was the Previous 0c cupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiiAL: EIIGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: /py Qnroz'*e ts a ,, owN DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 18 food or bovfiag€o p'€paa€d q s€nBd h t*6 €Oudu€?tr No ls Th6 Propdty LocEted ln The Floodflain? [ ication is State Building Code and atl other State the ofthe Dlans and Nc srare soecilicalio.rs Bldg Code and OR:SIGNATURE: (au.llll.r) nodllcedoos & esbGto€ rsnovel pdmh appllcathis sr! to b. slt.nnbd Uslng tE epdlc.doi tdm wholtEa t|c fsdllly o. hrlldhO rvls fdrd to conbln ArbGtoa or nol You al! lrqulr€d to call tha Nadoml Ernkllon Srandardg for Hazardo6 Alr Polut ntr (NESHAF) al (91 9)707-5950 rt le€6t 10 d6y3 p.lor b thr d..mlidon ol.rry tu[ty o. hildm. TOTAL PROJECT COST: S6e Asb6to3 W6b SIte:htFr/trw.ed.st8t .rrc.udopvab6rGJehmp.hanl BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST DrsruRBrNc pERurra I ves fl No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PRoPERTvUSE€ldrtcE OTHER CO, Appro\ral:_ 2r # OF UNITS: flzoNtNc usE ct-AsrstFtcATtoN: fl@TTMUNTTYSYSTEM EOUIP PREFABS & INSERTS -' 7 TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER WATER: SEWER: 7 Mcrpue flconMUNnYSYSrEM -WE_L,flCreue Ecemnru- sePnc El pR-tvArE sEpnc / sEpaRArE pLRVtrs RteutRLD FoR LLF.T vrcp pLBG cAS PAYMENTMETHOD: ECASH fiCneo<lervnauroNHcl lnueRrcANE(PRESS f]uovse f]oscoven ZONE:_OFFtCER:(FOR OFFICE USE ONLn SETBACKS: F:_LH:RH:_B: - BFE+2JI= N REVISED DAIE {1 1/I2 Comrnent CD:-DA TE:_FLOOD: A PERMIT FEE:$,/5-8 dd E PH: PH: CONTRACTOR : REG #: NC REG #: /nr?t3r"aa APPLICANT'S NAME: E.1w in schoenclor f NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Zn ro * 1o 2So L6-2824 APPLICATION Number (office Use ) DATE: ttt/4/16 OEVELOPER: CITY: wrtmrn ton PHONE *: ST: Na ZIP:2t.ia3 ACCOUNT #: ST: NC ZIP: 28rr5 PHONE #: 70q 20r-i260 PHONE #: i a A -2a.)r-326i PROIECT ADDRESS: 4{al-c cteander D: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAtllE : ups -q:cre PROPERTY Oh,NER'S NAME: Lrrr-her He:it-er OIINER'S ADDRESS: 44!l c oleander dr CONTRACToR: Eiwrn schcendo:f ADDRESS: 321 Atmora Lcop CITY: wr lminor.n LICENSE #: ;I.,9 CITY: Iqooresv:.I le EltlAIL ADDRESS: schoen,CorfedwinGqmail.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Edwin :-rchLiend.rf (check AII That Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: I ALTERATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the RENOVATION tr Current Site?n Yes trGENERAL REPAIRS No IS BLDG SPRIN RE LOCATION KLERED? [v"r I r.ro NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEtl STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHEL L UP FIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ***** JS THIS A CHANGE IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building T Yes Eruo oF occuPANcY uset Ives IHo ***** What is the New Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: ta.rei ar,!.r--PH: 980-253-8600 NC REG #: 9542 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTI,AL:PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: new conventional wall,paint.carDet, furniture , electricaf work,aLl per drawings ls food or beverages prepared or served in lhis slructure? Eves fl lo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf I ves [l no DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy thal all rnformation in thrs application is correcl and all work willcomply wrlh lhe Slate Building Code and all other applicable State dnd lolar laws and ord nances and reoJlations. The NHC Develoomert Servrces Cenier wrll be norified ol anv chanoes in the aDoroved olans and soec fiaations orchange in conlraclor or corlraclor riformalron "'NOTE Any Work Performed w/O tne Appropriate Permiis wrll bie i r V'olalron ol lhe NC Slate Bldg Code ard Subtecr-to F'nes Up To S500 00"' EcoMMUNrry sysTEM flwELL flzoNtNc USE C|-ASS|F|CAION: Ll CENTRAL SEpTtC Ll PR|VATE SEpTtC D COMMUN|TY SYSTEM ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2ft= OWNEFyCONTRACTOR: !.r,ri: :.i .., -it.--ri SIGNATURE:(quamc.) (Pdrn N€.n6) contain Asbestos or not. You are r€qulr€d to callthe Nadonal Emls"sion Srandards ior HazaElrus Alr PollubnE (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prlor to the demolition of any facility or building. Se6 AsbestGs W6b Sile: http:/ rwrw.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asb$to€/ahmp.htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 13, 5.0 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : !qL2_ SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES: PROPERTY USE: lOrrrCe E nesreunelrr I\4ERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHER: WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: Z CFPUA *, SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, IljIECH. PLBG. GAS EoUIP. PREFABS & NSERTS *' PAYN4ENT METHOD:flcesu ficHecr leeveeLE ro NHc) [aru_ accounr EIMcA/tsA fiorscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4NIl12 Comment ..2. j-- i-','-,:;; ._ '*ffij ZIP: :8,1 : i PHoNE #: i a 1- 2at- 326.) BUILDING HEIGHT: _ # OF UNITS: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ #OF STRUCTURES:f OF FLOORS: _ AcRESDlSTURBED:-ExSTLANDDlSTURBlNGPERMlT?EYESElNo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:_SQ FT EX|ST|NG tMpERVtOUS AREA: _ Se FT J=*r,rr.=, $ i(,A' "u ir a Lo/L - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIVIIT ADL019 APPLICATI1N ryPE.' RESfDENTfAL PLEASE ANSIJER AIT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResponsibiJ.ity'' APPLICANT,S NAME: H&H CoNSTRUCToR I s oF FAYETTEVILLE LtC DEVELOPER:PHONE #: PROIECT ADDRESS: 3312 Brushy Mountain courr SUBDIVISI0N I Adams Landinq BLOCK #: 3 312 Zsz t L6-27 05 APPLICATION Number (offlce Use) LoT f: o1e CONTRACTOR: H&I] CoNSTRUCToRS oF FAYETTEVILLE, LLc ADDRESS: 8209 tvlarker. sLreet , suite C PROPERTY ObJNER,S NAIVIE: H&H coNsTRUcToRs oF FAYETTEVILIJE LLC PHoNE f: e1o-219-148s OhINER,S ADDRESS: 8209 Maiket street suite C CTTY:Wi lminqton sT : Jg_ zIP ::3.311_ LICENSE #: ?41s 8 CITY: WILMlNGTON EIIAIL ADDRESS: iul icafferry@hhhomes . com/ Jer ryBrenninq@hhhomes. com PHONE #: 910-219-148s PHoNE #: 91o 219- 148s EXISTING CONSTRUCTION :A LTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEI,{ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEt4 RESIDENCE OT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 405 SF DET GARAGE - SF I surunoom _ sF P00L _ sF SF GR E ENHOUS E SF DECK 5F OTHE R:SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT i 24s2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 3o6e TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 1e7s TOTAL PR0IECT CoSTlessroq : $ t:e # OF STORIES: z p6p6g rgz SF STORAGE SHED 213 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUiIBING or I',IECHANICAL t,]ork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Vur [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturaL Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [ Ves r No Is thene Electnical Pou/er on this Building?I ves [no PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY DUP LEX TOI^INH0USE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STNGLE FAMTLY DwEr,l,lNG DISCLAIMER: lheteby cerlify hal all lnbrmation In his sppllcaton is co(ecl6nd allwork willcomplywlh he Stat€ Buttdtng Code and altorh€r appllcabte S6te and tocat laws and ordlnances and regulalbns. The NHC Developmenl Services Center willbe nodlied olany chanqes ln he approvsd plans and sp€cillcations or chang€ ln con!'aclor or contraclcr inbrmalioo. '-NOTE: Any Work Perlormed w/O lhe Appropriae Perm its willbe ln Vlohlbn ol the NC Ststs Eldg Code and Sublecl b Ftnes Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR : JJ Brenninq SIGNATIJRE: (p. inr )t )t * t,i,l,*,t )* * * * :* )* * :*,* + * :t + * +,1 * )* * * :*,1 )t IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINI I_i VTS EXISTING ITIPERVIOUS AREA : NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: *,*.t**,t *,* )t* *** ** **,t )*,t+ * ** *,t* * )* *,t* +*** + )i * ** )* I NO 2454 SQ FT SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .14 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:I YE5 l-l r'ro I^IATER:CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE WELt CENTRAL I^,ELL AQUA COMMUNITY SY5TEM AQUAsewrn: I cFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTTC PRIVATE SEPTIC *** SEPAIIATE PERlilITs REQ{TIRED FOR ELECT, lilECH, PLBG, 6A5 EOJIP, PREFAsS & Il'lSEnTS *'}* PAYIiIENT ttETHoD: E cass E orrcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f] AuERTCAN ExpREss I mcTvrsl I orscoven * )t + + * *+ *1.**:t,t,t* ++*:i +:* + 'i +** **r**:a***:*+ '* +**!* * *** ** * **** **** * + * *,i*,i***,t * ***:|,i:f **:t* 'i 'i )** * *** +* (ron oFfIcE usE o.rrY) REVISED DATE €4111/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: BFE+2ft=Approval :_ Cj,ty:_ DATE :_ F LOOD: _ , N /ZZA DATEr 9/20 /2016 cIrY: JflUIIgIg!__ zIP I Jtl]2_ sT: Ig_ zIP : :!3Ll_ PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: J.r Brennins ZONE: _ oFFICER: 1/r\). EB NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI',IIT APPLrcatIoN n?E r RESIDENTIAL rLtrst AxSllER al"L (!,/lsrr&rs aFPlltaSlt r0 Yo{rR PSoltcr "ProJ.(t Respo[siblfity" =\Dlr, -/oagg L6-2883 APPLTCATION l{uhbea (ofil(e u..) IP}LICANT'S iIAI4E I PRO]ECT ATDRESS l5 SOBDIVI5ISI: PROPERTY OI{'IEi'S llAfiE: ol,lt{Ei's ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR T ,TDDRESS: EI4AIL ADDRE55: PRO]ECT COT{TACT PERSO},I: t DATE; lr, PHoXE {r qlo-qsz Ira - -1r (: CITY r BLOCT *:Lot {: zrpr 7Bt{ I ( P80XE ,! 1to qs-z-'ll'ls EXISTITIG @I9TRTJCTIOX: I llrrnrrrOr I n Warron f] e rNsut nrclrns f] RTL(xATIol{ NEIJ COI,ISIRUCTTON: s rneCr nnU REStDEiTCf o" fllOOr:tOr.t TO lrGSTtNG iESIDE}TCE sr,&zrp,ZAl5\ LrcEtlsE *r SLI{OB rccom l' JbO{b crrvr Eelu\{r ST:zrp; &951 PHoitE {r qo- qsz -'l l?5 pmxr /, Qlo -9sZ - '1 ttS En poncH sTo{aG! SHED _ SF sr .T}LEASE C}IECX AID AIISI{ER BETOI, TfI TSAT APPLY IO Y(IN PNOfECTI flsumoon -sF f] pool -. sr roTAL }iEATED sa rrr 3C i2 mTAL sQ FT uIDER Root: - roTAL AREA sQ FT: - ToTAL pioJEcT @ST 6on!4 ', lfOt "-" t oF sToRIEs: : r! Any ELEcrifcAL, PLUB,trt,16 o. ]tEcMfllcll lork 8.tng t]otr. to the A.(.esory structur.l I V", fi ffo -If the project is a Relocatlon, is ther€ a Natural 6as Llne on the Current Slte? EV"i SnoIs there Electni.aL Poider ofl thls Butldtngl flve: Sm pR{pERrY rEE / OcOFAr,Ey: ffi rr*tr FAr4rLY fl TIJPLEX fl t(}'}OrCusE DEsc[rprr(I{ oF Horxt 5F R: Nt^/o cor}s+niL+io^] DtSCtAnrEIt t t r.Dt..dlt bn.i hlrhdlrn h hl!.[E&.toh b.ofl!6rld d slll ril.r,rrl, lff r lt.6l!L Bo8hg 6d! md d onct,INcd. &!t lrd bal I.er! !d odhancas a{,a0ol6uons Ina xHc f,Ev.@mnt 66dha3 canlr ud! h. rEllad ol.n,EnfflE! In n. ?DrD\Ed,hn5 rtd spo.llk lor|, ol craE. h cd|tr.br or flenrrmia.re _ sF EDEcx 5T OTHE R:SF conldr ht rm!6n. 'rNotf : lr} ltrit Mo'llrn wo h! fuD.op,l.b Plmlritl br h VbLllo^ oi fl! t{c snb Code rtd E bj.cr b fh.3 Up Io 16m.0" il \1{SIGiIIATURE I iar4*tar*a**aa* I5 THE PRT'FERTY LOCATED DI A TIOODPLAIiI? f] EXIS'ING I,PERVTOUS AiEA:b son M'{ERlSI'ITRASTOR: .r ra*a* rlr **,lrr! ]{El{ II+ERVI(ITS 4g1; . : -' Sq uren: [] crpur D co {l,rtrY sYsrrm ,*r...+ttrar a * *at a *arltl. { * *.a. r,a '} r* *r +*rtalr+ ra YEs Sl *,l\ TOTfu ACRES DISTURBED: Exrsr LA^D DrsruR'rr* i"*r,-, 5 vo ff * f] pnrvrrr IELL f] ctrrlAl utrL SETEN cFpuA fl cE[TRAr sEprrc f] rnrvrrt srrrrc fl corrlurrry sysrEh Comlnt:_ _ rT (tot ol'.r 05r oraY) atvrtlD o 'l aalt1/12 SET8ACKS: F;_ LH: nHr- B:- ..' 5tPARATE PElfll-I' RIQUTRIO foi rtt(I, tll(H, PI.BC, GAS tSJlP, P&lrA8s E lNstRTS ir' paylrEtIr ]rErHoD: fl .** ffi.rr.r (payaBrE m m,rc1 [ ltL. o..onr f]r.frto f]mscovrr..rrrra *rri taat ar*varr ra{rlri.l tr*t}4rt*a+!r**la,ltaaa*rtat'}a{+'}ri}aa*tt*llt* ti14**t+*t$rr*tt, zoNE: '_- oFFICEI: Approval:- clty:- DATE:- fLmD: - - - BFf{2ft. - AYI.J tl{o$lczso te?uA-, PERfifi TEI: DEI'ELOPER: )f! CTTY: &'* RECEIVED SEP 22 3016 NEW HANOVSR COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT _aa,t:i+p) APPUCATION WPE: RESIDENTIAI Pt EASI ANSWIA ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABI.I TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prolect Responslblllty" Appliaatron (of{ic. usel APPLICANT,S NAME:Ocean Blue Pools & Spas of NC Date. 9119/16 PRO,JEC' ADDRTSS 6242 lnglesids Drive 61Ty. Wilmington 21p. 28411 pRopERTY owrttER'5 1111rng; Jim & Gela Hunter pHoNE r: 910-228-0723 owN ER,s ADoREss: 6242 logleside Drive 6yy Wilmington CONTRACTOR:ocean Elua Pools & Spas of NC g11y, Wilmington BIDG TICENSE 8: ST:7;p 28403AoDR[ss: 30 Covil Avenue MAtL ADDRESS: oceanbluewilmington@gmail.comE : Sunroom {5F)- EXISTING COiISTRUCTION: I- Alteration : Renovatiot fl Generaliepairs NEW CoNS?RUCTIO]{: : Erect New Reiidence [] Addition to Existing Residence : Relocation ...PTTA5"HTCX AND AN5WIR BELOM"" Att 63rape (SF) n Det Gar.8e (SF)-- :I Porch (5F) G Pool (SF)403 J storage shed lsFi_ -: Greenhouse {sF)[? Deck ISF)580 :-l other (sF) ls t he proposed work changln8 the eristing footprint? ::l Yer [! No TOTAL 5Q fi UNDERi.OOF Uor proposed work) Healed:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Les5 Lot): S 42,200.00 lsthe propo5ed work chsngingthe nlmber of bedrooms? ll Yas E| No ls any Ele.trical, Plumbing or Mechanicel work beinS done to the Accessory Struaure F Yes E] l{o Ittheproject isa Relocation, istherea Natural 6as Line on the current site? E Yes G l,to tsthere Elsctncal Poweronthis Butlding? B Y"5 E No Property use/ Occupanry: G sinSle tramily n Duplex D Townholg€ Oescription of Work:lnslall lnoround $wimminq Pool Wconcrete deckinq wlpool code alarms, and pool code main drains Pool code 6' privacy fence taws and ordinancet and reg!lrtlonr. rhe NHC o*lelopment Servicas Cdnter wlllbe notlfled oraoyahanger in tte approved ,lans .nd ,petifaationl or change lo cont.t€ror rnformation'""NoTgtAllywo.lp.rlormedwllhotrttheapprornalslermlt!willbelnliolationofth.NCSl3tegldgcodernd5uhiecrloinesupto$500.00"' Owner/Contracto "trcensed Quolilier" r. Pauline Dunne Signatur€: ls the oroperty located ifl a floodplain? n Yss E l.lo Existins tmprrvious aru",!!\$ sq rt Total A.res Disturbed: New lmpervious o."",3tfib 9q Ft Existing land Disturbin8 Permit: D Y€s fl No WATERT E CFPUA n Communlty System 0 Private well n Central W€ll E Aqua SEWER: G CFPUA E Community System E PrivatesepticnCentralSepticnAqua zone - offtcer; - setbacks ltl - {LH} - (RHl - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date; - Flood: {A} - (V} _._ (N} - BFE+2ft: - Commen!: P€rmit Fca: S le,a suBDlYlS'oN: lor f: -- 7,v.28411 ?3764 p119xs.910-79$3022 pRoJEcT gONTAST pgpggl. Susan Rowland .**.- pxgtil6. 910'799-3022 - # NIW NANUVTK LUUN I Y tsUILUIN& PTTiMII APPUCAflON WPE; RESIDENTIAL PaTASE ANSWE R ,Itr QiJ ESTIONS APr: in6, i -i t... I >'4,"c.- "P.oiect RerponBibiliiv" 2ol 'lc>LLl 2ate-Dt9 ?RoJEcT aoDREss: 6242 ingieside Drive ;UBDIVISION ,ROptRTy owNE,q,s g4lyg Jirn & Geia liunte.p96xq 3. 910-228-C723 f,wNER,s ADDREss: 5242 ingleside Drive :oNTRAcfoR: Ocee: Blue Dools & Spas of NC ctTy. i,Irlmingtor y1p 28411 q9pgg55, 30 Covil Averue Cliy. .,,rlilc':i3to g196 r 166it9g :. 73760 z.P.284435T: _ :MAtr ADDRESS: ocaanbluewlnington.@gmall.com p116111. 31C-799-3022 rRolEcT coNtACT pgp56p, Susan Rcrvlano :X|ST|NG colisTRUCIlONr : El:eraiion - Qercvalion J". General Repairs !EW CONSTRUCIION; ,. EIe.t li€$ iesiqerlce l..l Add:tion to Exiiting ResidElce -- ?e::etir .T'PIEAsE CHECK AI{D ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY 10 YOUR PRO,JECT''. At Garage iSF) - i" Oet GaraBe (SF) - porch {SF) ? Pool (SF)40 _?S:o.age Shed (5t) __."._. sF) 580 )unrocra i)l. J ' 6reennouse i5;l _-_--? Deck 1 * Other ISt) s the p/ogcsed ,ori .ia.r;rF tne eri5ti6g i.c:3:int? : ves ]i No IOTA! 5Q FT UNDER RoAr ':ct ,,o?osed rr?*l Haated: 'oTAt PROTECT CosT r-655 -q1 $42 203.fr Unieated s the proposed wori cha.,ging tne rl]iioer ol bed.ooms? D Ye5 G No s any Electrical, Plirmbing or Mechanical wo.i being d one to the Accessory Stri,aL:e 3 Yes l No f the prcjed is a R€location, ii :heae a liaru.al Gas line on the curre.t site? n Yeg 3 Nc s there []e(t.,.3i P1"vo. cr th:5 3url4:ng? E yes D Uo ,roperty usel oc.upanry: G single Family i Duplex n Townhouse )escript ion ot work: lrstali ltq:cung Swii':rrntr:3 Pool Wconcrete deckrnQ vr;ga,ol code ararr-rs. and poci code main drarns )ool code 5' oriYac-v ience )wner/Contraalor Ltceised Qlo1'';?" . ?a; lre 0:rre rv, and oror.a":es a.: -e!- 3l'._s.l'! \fi: leytri)r1?r: Stlices Canler will!a nolified o'r.V air}-?.( i :he aip,rvec,a.e.rJ sts.5(at,cnJ or change i. (on:ra.icr -iorn!!?r "'\Cr:i_.r?!'.:?,-irr?a"Yr:_'r-:::"eirgiraii.Eceimjt!t!lbernlEjatraro,i-e\aSla1€SagCr.e3.CsuErec:rn.!:utt2s5OO.AC'.. ; rhe prcperty,cca:ed r- a'acdclail? f Yes G No- \ .4. xisring rmpervious Area' ))\f Sq rt Total A(res Olsturbed'')\a a lewtrnperviousArea"i-tstiI *scF1 Eristing Land Distu.bing Permit: I Y€s: No VATER: 3 iii,lri : cc-n r,.,:y s/rtem E Private well E central Wel' : :!cua EWER: f arr-e : C:--.':',:,,;:e- I D.,vateSert,c D Central Sc,-ttc : qoJa on", fi-15. or{i:er: fu|(r- serbacks(F) dE r,.nr rd-I]l;i'E] XyA- &'lurrMEilfs rpprovat: -*- city: V{\$t. Date:Flood: (al _*- (V) - (Nl --. Br€*:ft= il\A St.,bS + (c4ao .omment LO, Fe/ht! lee:5 appltcANy's NAM6: Ccean Slue Pools & Spas of NC _ D3re. 9/19/'16 PHONE 9i c-799-3022 _ si8nature: _ )or\,'io27, I?ECEIVED S:? 2I 2OI$ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N f Y PE; RESIoENTIAL PI.EAS€AN5WE8 AtI OUISTIONS APPLICABI.E IOYOUi P8O]ECT "Prolect Rerpon!lblllty" Emall Prlnt -lhi13Z Appt-t(ANT,S NAME: Michael and Marybeth B€rnhard oate.09/18y2016 tr Suroom (SFl- pnoJrCI A00RESS: 1415 S, 4th Streot clw, Wilmintgon zrr: !!j!l-- suBDtvtstoNi Non0 lOT fl pnopERTy OWNER,S NAME. Michael and Marybeth Bernl.lrd PHONE r. 773"744-8169 OWNER,S AoDRESS:5181 1'lth Strest S crry, Arlington, VA a*ry!- coNTRAOOR. Sun Clty Pools lnc d/b/a Abl6 lnslallations g196 116gxg6 s.76891 AoOREss,3934 Markol Streot ctly. Wilmintgon Srrla Zrp:4!9_ tMAlL A00BESSr Ab eok@gmai.com PHON':91S.251-0030 Pnol EcT coNTAcT pERSON. Tara t\4srley PHoNE. 910-251-0038 EXIsTING COIISTRUCIIOiI: E Alteration fl nenovation O Gene.alRepai.s NtW CONsTRUCTIONT O Erect New Resideoce G Addition ro €xirtinS Reriden(e 3 Relocarion ...P|-EASE cHEcK ANp ANSWER !g9y{A!-IEALA!!!L!OJ9!!l!.qggI... D A( Ga.ate lsf)_ O ge!c-va8€(5fl_ O Porch (5F) E Pool {sF) I1--C] stora8e shed lsf)- O Greenhoure (St)-E Deck (St)357 O orhe. (5t) _ Irthepropored worl.han8lng theexl5tin8 footprint? 0 Ye! C, No TOIAT SqrT UNoEn RoOF llot proposed wolk) Heatedr Y---unhearedr NA TOTAI ?ROJECT COSTltess tot): S 37,808.00 lr rhe proposed work changlng the number of b€droom3? C "ei E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlunblntorMechanlcalworkbelnsdonel,'\eAcceslorySructureBYerENo lf the project ls a Ralo.atlon, ls there a Natural 6as Llne on thc current tite? E Y.t B No ll there Ele(trical Power on thls Suildlnt? E Y€s E No Propeny Ure/ O<(upancyr E slnSle Famlly O ouplex O Townhouee 0erariptlon otWorki lnslsllation ol an inground swimmioa pool Owner/cont.actorl Tara Marloy for Able loslallations _ SlSnature: Irwrlnd o.dhrna.,..d r€lolallont. Tn! NIC oev.loprn.ni Se rvicer C..r., ll!..otllledolr.y.h..8atlntn?.pprovcdpLnr.ndrp..lf.!rionro?chan8alncontridot h(o..natlo.. '" N OT€: Any *orl p€rlo,mid wlrhoul lh. .pprop/l.ts pern, rl b. ln vrolrr bn ol th. NC Sr ai. Sldt Code rnd rubjacr to fln.r uO ro 9500.00... 13 the prop.rtylocated in a tloodpla'n? O Yer E No Exktln8 tmporvlolr Are.. 1434 Sq Ft New trnp€rvlour Area, !!l- sq rt olsturbcdr 0 00 trlstlnS land OlsturblnS Pcrmltt E Yes E No WATERT B CFPUA B Communlty Sysrem E PrivateW" f CqntralWell E Aqua il521; : W i!,M:*,'i'll,[,lii V k = e't/"'{ 7a vt" Permlt Feo: $u>Cor mentl Poal paho T City lnspeclion Requreo, 910.254"9i. j &*r,uro s:?21zor'Email Print ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT lO N TY PE: RESIDENTTAL PI-EASE ANSWER ATI. QUEsTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Rerponsibllity'' -lhi132Applicailon Numb€t (office ure) AppLtcANT,s NAME: Michael and Marybeth Bernhard oate. 09/18i/20't 6 pRoJEcT ADDRESS: 1415 S. 4th Street c|Iy. Wilmintgon atP.28401 suBDtvtStoN. None LOT 8: pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME. Michael and Marybeth Bernh3rd owNER,S A9DRESS: 5181 11th Street S PHONE f. 773-744-8169 c|.Iy. Arlington, VA aP.22204 6gx1x4CT6g, Sun City Pools lnc d/b/a Able lnstallations CtTy. Wilmintgon ST. NC PHONE. 9'10-251-0038 sts6 1166r{s6 s, 76891 aP.28403ADDREss. 3934 Market Street 61y1411 499p g55. Ableok@gmai.com PROJECT CONTACI PERSON Tara Marley PHONE. 910-251-0038 ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCIIONT E Alteration E Renovation 3 GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: B Erect New Residence E Addition to txisting Residence ! Relocation ...P|EASE CHECT( AND ANSWET BETOW Art THAT Appty TO yOUR PROJECrr.. tr An Garage lst)_ O Det c rrage (SF)_ tr porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF)E Pool(SF)324 E Greenhouse (SF)_E Deck (SF)357 ls the proposed wo.k changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT Sq tT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed work)Heatedr NA Unheated: NA TOTA| PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S 37,808.00 ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? E .e5 E No lsany Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcalwork beingdonet. 5e Accessory Structure E Vs E No lftheproiectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalcasLineonthecurrentsite?EyerENq 15there€lertricalPoweronthisBuildin8? E yes E no Property Use/ Occupansy: E Stntle Family El Duplex D Townhouse Oescrlplio n of work: lnstallation of an inground swimmi ng pool Owner/Contlacto .. Tara Marley for Able lnstallal.ions "Licensed Quoliliat" Print Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes E No Exlstlnr tmpervtous Ar""r ]j!j- sq rt New lmpervlous Area:357 Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Dlsturblng Permlt: E yes E No WATERT El CTPUA E Community System E Privare Wr f Centralwel E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community Sysrem E Privatesc, E Cen(ratsepric E Aqua zone: !-l- officer: - setbacks (F) 1]:L (Lx; l- 1an1 7.5 1s1 1 1.5 Approval; _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2tr= _ laws and ordinance! and retulalioos. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center rttbe nollfed ot any changei in theapproved plan5 and Jp€cifiaation5 Or change In Contlaator ,nlormataoo. '''NoTE: Any work performed without rhe appropri.te pa..r lt be in vtota r ion of the Nc srare BldB code a nd subjed ro tines up to Ss0o.OO... lctal Acres Dlsturbed; 0'00 Comment: - Permlt Fee:9 2 ctl"'lc)7/ D Storage Shed (SF)_ O Other (Stl_ sknature: cr/ 2trurru1 AppgcANT,S NAME: HORIZON NEW HOMES LLC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT AP PLI CATION TY E : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALLQUESTIONS APPLICABI.€ TO YOUR PROJECT *P.oiect Re5ponsibllit/ 2-orE -???a L6 -2J 3_g (ofiice use) 931s.09-26-15 pRoJECT ADDRES5T 4822 GATE POST LANE sry. WILMINGTON z?. 28412 sUBDwtsroN: FORTUNE PLACE AT JOHNSON FARMS pRopERw ow{ER,s xasE; FOFTUNE PLACE HOLDINGS LLC pg61g 6, 910-520-6O1'l coNrRAcroR: HORIZON HOMES OF WILMINGTON LLC 51p6 U6g115g s 70867 EMATL ADoREss: HORIZONHOMESBILLING@GMAIL.COM p119xs.910-508-6655 pRolECT CONTACT peRSOr.r. JODA BENNETT ps6x6; 91G622-5275 O(STfr{G CONSinUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation D General Repairs t{EW COIiSIRUCIION: E Erect New Residence f} Addition to Eristing Residence El Relocation ., 'PI.IAsE CHECX ANO ANSWER BEIOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'" A Att Garage (Sr) !]9- tr Det Garage (Srl - E Porch {SF)382 n sunroom (sFl_D Pool{sF) - D Deck {sF} D Storage Shed (SF)_ O Greenhouse (SF) _ ls the proposed worl changing the existlng footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ Ff UNDER AOOF Vot ptoposed wotkl Hs31s6;2347 gnhg31s6;901 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r $250000 Is the proposed work changingthe numberoJ bedrooms? fl Yes E tto lsanyElectrlcal,plumbingorMechanlcalwqrkbeingdonetotheAcc6soryStructureEYesENo lltheprojectisaRelocrtlon.isther€aNaturalGasLineonthecurentslte?EyesBt*o Isthere ElectricalPower on this Euilding? E Y€s EI No Property Use/ occupancy: E Sinde Family El Duplex E Townhouse Descripti on of work: SINGLE FAMILY NEW CONSTFUCTION OISCLAIMTR:I h.r€by crdiry that allthe inform.ti,on in thrr.ppli6lion ir.orr.ct ..d .ttworl wil compty with lhe State gulldin8 Code ordinanceraod rcgulationi. the NHC Oevelopment SErvi.es CenterN,/jllbe notified of.nychang€s tn rh€ approvad pians infonnatlon. "' OlE: Aoywo p€rformed witholt t 1€ appropnate p€rmtts will ba In vtoblon of th€ C Bldg Code and owner/contraasc E.DEANS HACKNEYJR signaturer "Licenscd Qualifief Pint None lsthep.opertylocated in afloodplain? E yes E No Existint lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Dl5turbed: less than 1 New hp€rv;su3 47q31 3263 Sq Ft Exlstlng Land DisturbirS Permit: E Yes 0 No wAT€n: E CFPUA fl Community System I private well E Centralwell E lqua S€WER: E CFP-U-A E Community System fl privdte Septic E Centratseptic E Aqua zon"'llf-L(c&1,",, t{-(A setback(F} 15' (rxt 5' (nx} 5' ta} l5' approval: bV city:L$1|[ oate;lUr[[]2, Rooa: (A] - (v] - 1n) X are+zrt= - and allothrr applkabl€ Srate and loc.l sp€dnaatlonJ or chaoge in aontJtctor to ,in6 upto$5m.@... Permit Fee: S i'll r lna.r46ii4a Dr^, r..a". 01 n 4C , 11. Com \o t . 1.,).,ffi; LOT fl: 1 s\A,xgj,5 ADsX6g; P.O. BOX 3442 gnv. WILMINGTON ae: !!fl!_ 4eps6551 P.O. BOX 3442 g;n. WILMINGTON 91; NC 21p1 284O6 0 other {SF)_ .-a:: ). i-'- ,, .":. t,,ffi,!' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD!NG PERMIT AP PLI CATIO N IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" )-otb * ??q_o L6-27 88 Application Number (office use) AppltcANr,s NAMg. HORIZON NEW HOMES LLC p31s. 09-26-16 pROJECT ADDRESS: 4822 GATE POST LANE slry. WILMINGTON 71p.28412 suBDtvtstoN: FORTUNE PLACE ATJOHNSON FARMS owNER,s ADDRES5. P.O. BOX 3442 61ry. WILMINGTON ztP.28406 coNrRACroR: HORIZON HOMES OF WILMINGTON LLC 9196 U6gt!59 g 70867 ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 3442 ctw. wtLt\iltNGToN sT, NC 21p.28406 EMATL ADDRE55: HORIZONHOIiIESBILLING@GMAIL.COI\4 p1.16x5 910-508-6655 pRSJECT 6ONTACT psnSOru. JODA BENNETT PHONE. 910-622-5275 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Il Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation I.,I'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}*1' E Att Garage (sF) 519 E Det Garage (sF)E Porch (SF)382 E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF)! Storage Shed (5F)_ E Greenhouse {SF)_n Deck (SF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed wotk)11s2ys4. 2347 Unhgslg6;901 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 250000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes G No lf the proiect isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family n Duplex E Townhouse Descrip tion of work: SINGLE FAMILY NEW CONSTRUCTION laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans an specifications or change in contractor information. "*NOTET Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bld I Code and s ct to fines Lrp to 5500.00"* Owner/Contractor: E.DEANS HACKNEY JR Signature: "Licensed Qudlifier" Ptint Ndme ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft New lmpe ru1su5 4196. 3263 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr CommunitySystem E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ {B} _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Total Acres Disturbed. less than 1 Comment:Permitees;5 /4/AL LOT #: 1 pRopERTy oWNER,5 xay6. FORTUNE PLACE HOLDINGS LLC pH6xs s. 910-520-60'1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNry BUILDING PERMIT A P P Ll CAT I O N ryPE; RES I DE NTIAL PTEASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 2o16- ??€/ L6-2802 AppLtCANT,s NAME. HOFiIZON NEW HOMES LLC PRoJECI ADDR€S! 4826 GATE POST LANE p31g. 09-26-16 ctrY. wtLMtNGTON sUBDtvlstoN: FOBTUNE PLACE AT JOHNSON FAR|\ilS pRopERTy owNER,5 11141y1s. FORTUNE PLACE HOLDINGS LLC oWNER,s AoDREss. P.O. BOX 3442 p116xg s. 910-520-60'1 1 6Iry.WlLMINGTON 1p 28406 coNTRAcToR: HORIZON HOMES OF WILI\TINGTON LLC s196 U6sx55 x 70867 ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 3442 Ctw WILMINGTON sT, NC 21p 28406 EMATL ADDREss: HORIZONHOI\,4ESBlLLlNG @GMAlL.CONil p66xs 910-508-6655 pROtECT CSNTACT prnSOru JODA BENNETT p116xE 9'10-622-5275 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Ateraton - Renovaton I General Reparrs NEw CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence f Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E ett earage (sr) 536 E Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (sF). 398- E storage Shed (sF) _ tr other (sF) ! Pool (sF) n Deck (sF)E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? Ll Yes E No TOTAI- SQ FT UNDERROOT \for proposed work) Heated: 2129 - Unheated: 934 TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot): $250000 ls the proposed work €hanging the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: G Single Family ! Duplex E Townhouse Descrip tion of work: SINGLE FA|VtLY NEW CONSTRUCTTON laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Cent€r will be notified of any changes in the approved plans an speclfications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE:Any work perform€d without the appropriate permits wi be in violation of the NC State Bld g Code and s act to fines up to 5500.00++. owner/contractor: E.DEANS HACKNEY JR Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/' print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed. less than 1 New lmpervious Area: 3183 -sqFt Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No WATER: El CFPUA fl Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Septic n Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:-_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment Permit Fee: S /rlL o0 e 4p 28412 LOT #: 2 ! Sunroom (sF)_ t'"'""1 7-o t6 t"""1- ??20 ffi{t" NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPN RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Responsibility" Application ib-2tDG;:;::", AppLtCANfs NAMg. David Cameron p31s. 9/30/2016 pRoJEcI ADDREss: 506 wendover Court 911y. Wilmington 71p 28411 pHoNE #: 910 232 8102 OWNER,S ADDRESS: David Cameron 61ry. Wilmington 71p. 28411 CoNTRA6T9R: David Cameron BLD6 LICENSE S: ADDREss: 506 Wendover Court 61ry. Wilmington 51 NC 71p. 2841 1 EMATL ADDREss: davidcameron995@gmail.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON David Cameron n Att Garage (sF)n Det Garage (sF)L-l Porch {sF) p116115. 910 232 8102 p11911s 910 232 8102 I Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) ! Deck (5F) n Storage shed (sF)- I Greenhouse (5F)_ TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl Heated: 28 TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 700 Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsany Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re ! Y€s E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Build ing? E Yes E No Descript ion of Work: Convert small existinq area in bonus room to a full bathroom DlScLAlMEir I hereby certify that all the information in this application is corred and all work will comply with the state Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development Services Center will be notified of any €hanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. '*'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bld permit Fee: $ biect to fines up to 5500.00*** Owner/Contractor: David Cameron Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes ! No WATER: El CFPUA D Community System E private Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl_ BFE+2ft= Comment:?0 o- 5ggp1y1g191; Emerald Forest LoT s: =___--* pROpERw OwNER,S NAME: David Cameron EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation **iPIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECII** E other (sF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ yes E] No Unheated: "Licensed Quolifie/' Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft RECEIVEDOCTOs2016 2ot6- NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE fO YOUR PRO]ECT Project Respons ibil ity" /a/3 / I L-28s1*,.-, ,/, ,\O<^ APPLICANT'S t,AfiE :C€ott€tr-^i\( CI TY: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADO SUBDIVISION RESS: PHONE S: iP,2842"1/q3 €,".PROPERTY OiINER,, S OWNER'S ADDRESS:?.:.'3o-r Crl Jr CONTRACTOR ADORESS : B ( 3 EMIL ADDRESS: ELOCk f: CITY: t.t NSE f ^7t oz PTIONE S:r,3-353 / sr: MCzrp : sr: lnC zrp: 2El, b LOT f: a e LICE CITY:i (5 ,C Q.+-PTIONE S: PHONE f:t20- 3\*3 )PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Jo.^..JL.,-^ u: el.-6 ^c /.. ! neruovarroH ! ceuenar- nrcarns !RE LOCATIONEXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION NEW CONSTRUCTION: CHECK AND ANSI{ER BELOW AL PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ERECT NEt.l RESIoENCE or tr ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE L THA' APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: t'*. ooooou 6t / sr 28o SrX. ATT GARAGE 6tr SF PORCH 5F ! suuaoou _ sF ! eoor- - sF ! sronncr snro SF GRE ENHOUS E SF f| oecx SF OTHE R:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:22 TOTAL sQ FT UNDER R00F:):2_TOTAL AREA sq rr, P2 3J TOTAL PROIECT COST tress ror) : $e o # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUiISING or lilECHr${ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure?[v"t !ruoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? [ Ves I to Is there ElectricaL Power on th Building? [ v"s l-l uo SIN6LE FAI,IILY ouplrx E roh,NHousE t A <^r C4- <-< OISCI-AIMER: I horcby conjly hai all inbmslion in his spplicadon is corcr and allwork wilr compty wah he Ststs Buitding Coda and alt oher sppticabt€ StatE and tocat taws and odinan@3 €nd r€gulatbns. Ths NHC Devolopm€nl S€rvicos Csnrsr willbs not,ied ol soy changes in rhe spprcved ptans and specifEations or conlract)r information. "'NOTET Any Porrormed w/O uls Approprial6 Psrmitswi[ b€ in Viotation of the NC Stab Btdg Cod€ \c-.o r,t -G SIGNATURE: 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR :1 \-'\ * ,1 )i * ,*,* ,* + * *,i **,r )i * ** * *** * * ** *(il'{i lil"J * * * *** ** ** ** * ** ** rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN a rlooopurrl l-'] vrs NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:,l \- LH + *,i ,i **,* + )k )i )t +*)t )i)*+,i,i )i*,* ** EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NEW II4PE OUS AREA: FT 0 I'IATER: SEWER: c CFPUA ZONE: _ oFFICER: 5Q FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERHIT: T-I yrs I-I IIo I cor"ruutrw svsrer,r ! pRrvarE r,rELL ! crrlrnnl wrrr! crrrnal srerrc ! pRrvATE sEprrc ! conlrururw svstrr"r (FOR Offrc€ usE oriLY) SETBACKS: F: REVISTD oarE 04l11/12 r*+ SEPARATE PERI1IT! RIQUIRED FOR ETECT, I,4ECTI, PL86, GAS EQUIP, PNEFABS & INSERTS S,IpAyrrErr r.Er,oo: Icrsn Icr.c( (,A'ABLE ,o nr.l E] orr*r;^; ;;;;;, "'ij ,.rrrro"'- E _r.*r*,i,t * )* + *+ * )i *,t +,i )t )* )i +,* * *)t * * ,r,* + * * ** )t* * )i*)t* + **,t t)* *)* *,t )t **t)i **)t )t * )t )t ** )* ,* ,t * *,t ,* +*+ **+ * )***,t+:f)t *** + +,t : RH: R.Approval:_ City:_ DATE : FLOoD:BFE+2ft= I'lCollment : PERIiIIT FEE: eo APPLICATION Numben (office Use) oarc,lo- t-/0 "Xot6' NEh.I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT ADLO24 APPLIiATIaN IvPEr RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANS}IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PflO]E(T "Project Responslbllity'' PHONE $: PHONE f: DET GARAGE - SF POOL _ 5F DECK SF /o/3 3 L6-2889 APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAIiIE: DEVELOPER: H&H CONSTRUCTOR ' S O!' FAYETTEVILLE PHONE ff: PROIECT ADDRESS: 1111 Adams Landirq D:rive CITY: WILMING?oN zIP i JILJZ_ SUBDIVISION:Adams tandlnq BLoCK #: 1113 LOT #: 024 PROPERTY OI,'INER, S NAME: H&H CoNSTRUCToRS oF TAYETTEVII,LE, I,LC PHoNE #: 91o 21e 148s ollNER'S ADDRESSi 8209 Market street suite c CITY: wilminqLon sT : JL zIP:2939_ CoNTRACToR: H&H coNsrRUCToRs oF FAYETTEVTLLE, LLc ADDRESS: 8209 Markeb street, suite c CITY: WlLMINGTON LICENSE #: ? 4158 5T: IL ZIP: 2 8411 PRoJECT CoNTACT PERSoN: J.l Brennins I nrr cnnaer 423 sF a PORCH 215 910-219-1485 910-219-1485 5UNROOt"l SF GREENHOUSE 5F OTHER: ToTAL HEATED SQ FTr 2oo0 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: 2G3e ToTAL AREA SQ FT: 1s0e SF STORAGE SHED TOTAL PROJECT COST 1r-ess roq : $ rre,s:r # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING on IiIECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Yes SF 5F I No If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? [ ves fi no Is there Electrical Power on this Building? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: E SINGLE FAMILY DESCRIPTION OF hJORK: SINGLE FAI},ILY DI,,,ELLING r ves lll ruo DUPLEX TOt^jNHOUSE DISCIAIMER: lhereby cerlit tral all inbrma(on ln his appllcadoa ls correclsnd all workwillcomply wllh he Slate Buildlng Cod6 and all oher applicable Slsb and local laws and ordlnances 6nd regula{ons The NHC D€velopmsnt S€Nlces C€nbr will be nodfied ofany chaages in 0re approved plans dld specifcsllons oa changs h coolracbr or contaclrr inbrmalion. "'NOTE: Any Work Pe.Iormgd w/O h6 AppropriaE Permitswlllbe io Vlolalio'r ol the NC Srab Bldg Code and SubFct b Fines L,p To $5O0.0O." 6-OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Jr Brennins * *,r r*,r ** * ,r,r * *r. *,* * * ** * ** * * * * *(I i'l! li1"] * * * * ** ** ** I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINT T--] VCS EXISTING IITIPERVIOUS AREA: -sQ FT NEI^I IITIPERVIOUS AREA: 2406 SQ FT SIGNATURE : * )*+ * +*,i * ** * ** *,1+,i* * *,** ** + )t** NO TOTAL ACRES OISTURBED: ,14 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:T YES F-l] uo ulrrn: I CFPUA n coMMUNrry sysTEr4 PRIVATE l,.]E LL CENTRAL WELL AQUA COMI1UNIW SYSTEM AQUAsErdER: uI cFpuA I CENTRAL sEpTrc ! enrvarr srerrC .TI SEPANATE PERIIITS- REQI'IIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PI.B6, GAs EqJIP, PREFABS & INSG pAy[ENr llErHoD: flclsn ficxrcK (rAvABLE To .,trc) f]auE;r.* .**.r, tr;;r;; ZONE: _ OF FICE R: RTS r*+ DISCOVER :f J*:t *:i!t * '* 'i )** * * **,t***:t *,* **,|,t *,t+ * r***:i:i)* * *,** )t *** * *:B* *,i ,* ,t + * * )i,**,i * ** * * ** * ***{ ** * ***)i* * )t jt * *** *:r (IOR OEFI(E USE OiILY) REVISED DAIE o4l11l12 SETBACKs: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B: Approval :_ city:_ DATE :_ FLooD: _ _ v_ N _ BFE+2ft= /86 I 2- DArEt J9JJ]129]L EtIAIL ADDRESS: i uf icafferLv@hhhomes . com/ JerrvBrenninq@hhhoftes . con ExrsrrNc coNsrRucrroN: I nlrenarrou I ReNovarrolt f] orruenal REPATRS f] RELocATToN NEN CONSTBUCTION: M ERECT NEW RESIDENCE O" I NOOTTTOU TO EXISTING RESIDENCE 'IPLEASE CHECK AND ATISNER BELOIi ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: AoA ///3 Y NEId WGEO65 HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE A}Isl,iER ALL QUESTIOI{s APPI.ICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responstbility" L6-2887 APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAflE : DEVELOPER : H&H CONS?RUCTOR'S OF FAYETTEVIIJ LLC . PHONE #: PRoIECT ADDRESS i 5079 wil]ow Glen Drive CITY: I,lILMINGTON ZIP', 284t2 SUBDIVISION:Wi11ow Glen EstaLes BLOCK *: 6079 LOT #: 065 PROPERTY OI,${ER,S i,IAME: H&H CONSTRUCTORS OF FAYETTEVILLE, LLC oI,INER'S ADDRESS: 8209 Market street suite c CONTRACTOR: H&H CoNSTRUCTORS OF. FAYETTEVILI,E LLC LICENSE *: 7415 8 ADDRESS: 8209 Market street, suite c CITY: WILI.,IINGTON sT: NC zlP: 28411 PHoNE #: 910,219-148s PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSoN r JJ Brennl nq PHoNE *: 910 219 1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIR5 RE LOCATION NEU' CONSTRUCTTON: Z] rneCr NE]l RESTDENCE o" f] nOOrrrOru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE I*PLEASE CHECK AND AI'JSWER BELoW ALL THAT APPLY TO YoUR PROIECT: I lrr canacr 4't a DATE'; J!/\A29]L DET GARAGE - SF POOL _ SF DECK SF PoRCH _l:3_ sF STORAGE SHEDSUNROOM GREENHOUS E SF 5F SF OTHER: SF SF FT | 2E7a ToTAL 5q FT UNDER R00F: 3386 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: zgor DUP L EX TOhINHOUSE TOTAL PROJ ECT COST Gess Lor) t $ $z , zta Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLt I,IBING or iIECHAI,IICAL Work Belng Done to the Accessony Structune? E Yes I No If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as Line on the Cunrent si.te? [ ves No Is thene Electrical Powen on this Building? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY, E] S tert rnUrlV I ves I no DESCRIPTION OF WORK:SINGTE FAMII'Y DWELLING OWNER/CONTRACTOR: J.r Brenninq ).'r,** *** * **)*,**:** * ** * ********(Il1lfffi m--*-- DISCIAIMER: lhereby csfiry glat all inbrmatbn h fiis apdlcaton Is conecl and dlworkwlE c!flplywih lhe S'la€ Bulldlng Cod€ 3nd silohe, appllcable Slab 8nd locd laws and ordlnalces and regulatiors. Th6 NHc Developm€nt Servlces cenler will be notfiod ol any changes ln he approved pbns 6nd sp€ciflcallons or chadgo lo cootaclcr or conractcr tnbrmaton. '-NOTE: Any Work Perrormed WO tle ApproprisE Pemilswlllbe ln Viobllon ot lhe NC $aE aHg Cod€ snd fubFcl lo Fines th To ${rm.O0" srcNAruRE: #4--=--rZ i ir+ ++:t+ rrr.* )* * *,1 ,i,i,l * **+*i{lri. +*r. * !(1r +,1. + * * * + +*,* IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEl^l IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3444 5Q FT ZoNE: _ OFFICE R: tf YES NO SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .14 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:lT1 ves []-l No WATER : SEI'ER : fl creua I cour.rum:rv sysrEM n pRrvATE wELL I crtlrul urr-l fl creun ! cerrnnr srerrc f| pRrvATE sEprrc COMMUNITY SYSTEM "+ SEPAIATE PERI,IITS REqJIRTO FOR ELECT, IilECH, PLBG, GAS €qjIP, PREFASS & INSERTS I** PAYI'IENT HETHo0:fl .osn Elor..K (pAyaBLE ro rxcy I anrnrcau ExpREss tr ftclvrsa n DlSCOVER j*)*)t,t)t**)******)t)x****)**,t,t**,t,t,***,**,1ilr.*++,1,i{.:lrt ++ 't,f * * +t:i t***t**,*****+** +)il* * * * ,i:t {r:t l.t * lr +,t *,} + * (FOR OFfTCE UsE oILY) 8lvrsro DArE 64l1U12 AoDroval; Citv: DATE: FL00D: BFE+2ft= AVN Comment: PERMIT FEE: t I AQUA EW /17?oJ PHoNE *: 910-219-148s CITY: -Ej_L'ni!qto"__ ST : g ZIP:2g1ll_ Ell,lAIL ADDRESS: i u I -ica f fertry@hhhomes . coft/ JerrvBrenninq@hhhomes. com TOTAL HEATED SQ * OF SIORIES: