OCTOBER 20 2016 BUILDING APPSv$ APPLTCANT'S i,IAI'1E: DEVELOPER: OWNER'S ADDRESS; CO{TRACTOR: 2ett;tc3i7 t L-27L{ APPLICATION Number (office Use)ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIOI.IS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility,, ,0UtJlt CITY: BLOCK # i LIU PHONE #: LOT S: ztP: 7(Vn j sI: t{ ztp I lgVZ? ST: _ ZIP: _f/ l.b i,. PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISTON: PROPERTY oWl'lERr S NAr,lE: () er dr LLL t.CITY: LICENSE S: CITY:ADDRESS: arr ; gh, EltlAIL ADDRESS: Sc,.lv J t.t ]4^ L |-crh POOL _ SF J l. co r,vr P}loNE t: 1to.t o{ tl PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION;& PHONE tt q/c,q5 voio No I 4 u..',,iu lo Fines Up To $500 00" *** **** )t *,* ** * )* * ,* *,* ***,*,k*,r,*** * *x* A LTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTIOT: ! rntcr NEh, RESIDENCE or ! loorrrolt To ExIsTIt{G RESIDENCE '*PLEASE CHECK Al{D ANSI/ER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: fl nrr canacr _ sF ! orr crnacr _ sF E PORCH sp SIORAGE SHEDSUNRoOM _SF SF SF Yes n No PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRIPTIOI{ OF Wonx: (,.rtc{ SIN6LE FAI4ILY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE do*S- Car otrg t^+-tt GREENHOUSE - 5F pfbrcx _ sr OTHER: TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: t'lt ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER RoOF: i?i TOTAL AREA SQ FT: r-tc TOTAL PROIECT COSTrressrorr : $'lgrOaA # 0F SToRIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or IttECHn ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Stnucture? If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural 6as Line on the Current Site? [ ves Is there Electrical Po|rer on this Building? l_-fves I lrrto t'^_ t*Ie OISCLAIMER:by cerlily hal alr inbm illcomplywih he Siale Building Code and a and od in a.ces and rcgu lalions The N H C oevelopmenl Se ryices C€nE r will be nottied ol an y changes in lhe apprc ved plan s and speci lloher app icable Stab and locattaws frcalions or change in contracrrr orcontacbr in b rmarron "1{ OTE Any Work Perlormed W/O he Apprcpriare Pe rrn irs wi[ be an Vio tation of the N C Sta ot'rNE R/coNTRAcr o' C k *L?o n*' <'" ? h ffi#i S" cte'6t'lAruRE : ** * * *,**,i,r*,* *,r,*,* ** ** * *1*** * *(ii'JlJi+l - -;-r -;*.': rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN l rlooorlarut I vrs EXISTII',G II4PERVIOUS AREA: _SQ FT NEl.l IMPERVIoUS AREA; _SQ FT NO (FOR oFFICE ll5t olrlLY) iEVISED DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= N PERI,4IT FEE: $ TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXrST LAND DISTURBING eraltrr: I vts NO WATER:CF PUA f] cor,u'luNrrv svsrer'r !PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL WELL srwrn: p/creua fl CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC COMIIUNITY sYSTEI.,l *** SEPARATE PERI1ITS REQUIRED FOR ETECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAsS & INSTRTs *" pAyr4Er,lr METHOD: E COS*r ECrrCr( (pAyABL€ rO NnC) E Al'rsnrCAN EXPRESS E r.lrrso DISCOVER *** *,t*rt * * )**,trt,**,t*,t* * ,*,* ,* * *,t )*** * * )t*,*** * * *,1,t ,*,*,* * *r*rr * *,**,***,r )* )** *,r * !** * !r,* **** * )** * **,* *,r * * **** * * ZONE:OF FICE R : Appr"oval.:-City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: - - AV Comment:_"1oo a: D^rE,:q-?1-/L PHoNE #: g/O.G*.8,1(t t N NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON fYPE : RESIOENTIAL PTtA5T ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPIICAELT IO YOUR PRO]TCI "Project ReJponJlbllity' 2arc-lo3l b Emall APpTIcANI,s NAME: EIJC L LAZZATi Date. 10/10/2016 PRoJEcT ADDREss: 4 I 25 uonnelly Lane CtTy. Wllmington 28d09ztP: SU BOIVISION: M asonborough Planlallon I-OT fi: PNOPERW OWNER'5 NAME:Salvalore & Michele Lucldo 631 - 495-77 67PHONE H: owNrR,s AoDREss: 4 1 25 Donnelltfeno ;1.r. wirminaion 2tP.28409 coNTRAcroR: Lazzarl Conslruclion lnc BLOG LICENSE {:58894 ADoREss. 445 Shipyard BIvd aIIY. Wilmlngton sI NC zt;2g{{2 EMA .ADoREss:oric.lazzari.construlition@gmalf.com pH;;;3Ir-20-o-4lsl pRoJEcr coNTAct pERsoN. Bekah wagner PH0NE.910-599-8253 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: E Alteration [3 Reiovatlon C] GeneralRepairt NEw CoNSTRUCTIO :0 Erect New Resadence O Addition to Eristint Residence O Relocation '"PtEASE CHECX AND AIISWER 8EI,OW ATI. T'IAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT'ii C AtGaraSe{SFl_ 0 DetcaratclsF)_ tr Po.ch (SF) D Sunroom (5F)__ O Pool {Sr)_ f-l Greenhouse (sF) - O Deck {SF)_ ts rhe proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? O Ye5 !, No E Stor.Ee shed (SF) _ TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOI Uo. propoted wotk) Heated Unheated: TOTA! PROJTCT COST (L€ss tot): S 66,500 ls the proposed $/orl chanSing the number of bedroo rs? El Yes E No IranyEleatrlcal,Plumbln6orMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAcceisoryStrlrctureEYei6No lf the project is a Relo.atlon, is there a Natural Ga5 line on the current site? E Yrs 0 tlo ls there Electrical Poweron lhis Bulldlng? @ Yes Cl No lJwr and ordman.cr Jnd regubrio.r. Ihe NH( Dcvelopmcnl Servlcer cenrer wtll b€ norrficd ol any.hrng6l. rhe apprdcd plinr a.d lpecifuatlonr o. rh)n8e rn(onr,rcror nrformanor, TINOIt:tuiy work parlornred wlrhoor the appiop,i.re p.(mnr wlllbe jnviolriio^ o, rhe NC Srare BldB Code and tobj€.r to rher upro 9500,00"' Propen De5arlp y Use/ O.cupan.y: E Slngle famlly [f Dupler O Townhoule iron of work: Rehovate kitchen, drning robm and den, Romove column, inslall beam per aflached design specilicalion owner/Con t a.tor EQ.t(: L- |JAZZ,A? |Slgnature: 'Liacnsed Quolifrct" fuinlNotne ls the property locatcd in a floodplaln? El Yes trl No Erstlng lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmpervlous Area: - Sq f t €xistlnS Land Dlsturbln8 Permit: E Yer El No waTER: tr CFPUA E Communlty Systcm E Prlvote wcll Cl ccnt.alwell [f Aqu. SEW€R: tr CFPUA C Community System E Privare Sepiic E CentralSeptic E Aqua zone' R . l5 omcer: $(- setbacki (rl6[L- (tHy rf\[ lnxt ,rb (0)d\L Approval:y, V{tu$ O"te, -,,-- - Ftood: (Al __ - (V) - ttlfollx r**.n=--\a crt Pe.mlt fcer S wCommchtirvA//. d-//,r7 "//tu 24c/os 1li{r, lncn6n{i41 Dnart,rott ()l n. rE i ^, ^ "'"l(,.r8To 6 fl othe. (sF) _ Email (offlce use)ffi':l $ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUItDlN6 PERMIT AP P LICATI O N TY PE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIOI'IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Prorect Responsibility" APPL|cANTs NAME; Eric L Lazzari 10110Do16Date: PROJECI ADDRESS: arzc uo nne v LA ne clTY: Wllml ngton 28409zlP sUBDtvtstoN: Masonborough Plantation LOT f PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Salvatore & Michele Lucido PHONE # wit 631-495-7767 owNER,s ADoRESS: 4125 Donnelly Lane CITY mington 28409zlP Lazzari Construction lnc ctw. Wilmington pHoNF 910-200-418I BI.DG I.ICENSE #: st, NC 28412 CONTRACTOR ADDREss: 45 Shipyard Blvd ztP 910-599-8253 tr storage shed (sF)_ tr Clther (5F)qo/ PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *].TPIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT"'T ! Att Garage (SF)n Porch (sF) tr sunroom (sF) EMA[. ADDREss: eric.lazzari.construction@gmail.com pRoJEcr coNTAcr pERsoN. Eekah wagner tr Greenhouse (5F)_tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? O Yes f No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aot proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (less Lot): S 66,500 lsthe proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? El Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanicalwork being doneto the Accessory Structure El Yes E No lf the project is a Relo(ation, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? El Yes X o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes El No Property Use/ Description of specilication. Occupancy: E Single Work. Henovate ktc Fam hen, ilY E Duolex D Townhouse dining robm and den. Flemove column, install beam per attached design laws and ordinanc€s and regulations. Th€ NHc Development services center will be notiffed ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in viobtion ofthe NC State BtdS Code and subject to fines up to SSm.m..* owner/contractor: EQizl L- LAZZaQ I Signature: "Licensed Quolilief P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? El y€s El No Existing lmpervious Area: _Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: El Yes D No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Well E Centralwelt E Aqua SEWER: EI CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ {RH} _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment permh Fee: S 2att-,03, c "n*[(r.>t-Io 58894 fl Det Garase (SF) tr Pool (SF)_ \;, !.; AP P LI CATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PI-EAsE ANSWTR ATI- QUESTIONS APPTICABTT ]O YOUR PRO]TC] "Proiect Responsibilily" CITY PHONT # _4ac-ioqgg ftLtto-W+'E APPLICANT'S NAMt: PROJECI ADDRESS: oate, lo- (l-/e zlP z.81rt SUBDIVISION: PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAME OWNf R'5 ADDRESS:\e- IJD TOT # CITY 35 k)qq ?-q o55 ZIP: ??tr \ BI.DG TICINSE fi sr:fl,1zrr; ?,f15')CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS TMAIL ADDRTSS [l Att Gara8e {sf)_! Det Garage (5f) I Sunroom (St)I Pool (st) n Greenhouse (SF) _D Deck (Sr) ls lhe proposed work chanBin8 the exisrin8 lootprint? [ ves ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOE Uor propos€d 'vod) Heated: TOTAT PROJTCT COST (Less tot): S P E PROJEcr CONTACT PIRSON IXISTING CONSTRUCrIOT: Q Alteration fl Renovation fl Gen€ral Repairs NtW CONSTRUCTION: [-] trect New Residence ( aOOition ro txisling Residen€e E Relocation ' '.}PLEAST CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ATI- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT" ' D Porch (Sr ) D Storage shed {sf)- tr other {st) Unheated:z1a ls the proposed work chanSin8 the number oI bedrooms? E Ves B.-Ho ls any Electrical, PlumbinS or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lrtheproiect isa Relocation, is therea Nalural Gas line on the current site? D Ves ! nfo ls lhere tlectrical Power onthis Building? E vesf, ruo \ occupancy: \ Single tamily .[J Dlplex O Townhouse -,worr: Crid ( r\J?.rnl 'y'r-'r--A ft) 't.lkL k rt- hrf,t: X. "o Property Use/ Description of lawsand ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Servi(es C€nrer willbe nolalied oI any.hanger in the approved plans and sp€ciri.atlons or.hange mconlractol rnformalron "'NOTt:Any worl perloimed wnhout th€ appropriel€ permilt willb€ in violarion ol lhe NC slale BldB Code and subi€d ro frnes up to S5O0 OO"' 0wne r/Cont ractor: "Licensed Quotiliei' SiBnature: ls the properry located rn a lloodplain? E Yes & No fxisting lmpervious Area: - sq r, \ Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Areai _ Sq Ft txistinS Lahd Disturbing Permit: D Yes D lto WATER: E CFPUA E CommunirySystem D P(vate well E Central well C Aqua StwER: ft CFPUA fl Community System n PnvateSeptrc D Central Seplic ! Aqua zone: _ _ Olficer: Setbacks (F) __ {LH) _ (RH} _ (B) _ Approval: __ Cityr __ Dale: _ f lood: (A) _ (V) (N) _ Bf Er2ft= _ Comment: Permit tee: S ('-"?.r-'(, I d ?, Yu*\ .) -1+ CITY t-7p ?I nxorvr,?lD 44?-?€33 Q ^,t^ dexn{ri{ *- ra L" *ruo pLAf)ix N€W HAI'OVER COUNW BUIIDING PERMIT APPIICATIO N TY PE : RESIDENTIAL PltnSa AttSt^,,f I ALt etjIS, JNS tpri.tcAgl ! -rC YOUR pqol[(:;,,project RcsponsibIhy, 1 (tr )c,<-' [)loL Emarl ftjn! AppLICANr S NAME: Stonc_!',,tol11!ome ry Co.'struclion PROJECT AOOnESS. 191! S oul,r Llye Oak r y'uta?a sUBDtvts!oN. Olea nder Esta.,es PRoPtftTY OwNER,s NAME. NiriB Peak owNEnS ADoErss: tStS SoJiiL,;;iGi COft T8A(TOR. Stone_[rcnilo ,rrry Conslruction Co aDDnESs. 115_5 PRoJEct coNTAcT pERsoN Robed Monloome C'TY Dare 10/11t2016 4?.28403 lor{. 1.1o Acres Tract E - PHONE I allYl 71p.284C:t _ -, BtoG ttc[NsE s. 28130 ztP.28403 'v -_* PHoNE. 9.10_520_,1653 EX|SII(G COttStRt CTION: a A,teGtjon E Rengvatjoo [? G€nrrat Regairs El./V CONSIiUCIION: : €r.n Neyr Resjdenie f l.rd,rton to txirring Residence I Reic.ai:on ;j At Gerage {SFl _ ___ T Y : oer Ge.;ge (SF) _- _- Por.ch (SF): sljnroo1] (sFJ- : poot{srl_ -. Greenhouse (st I _ _ I Dcck{sr,--_ _ ls the proposed worl changi:18 ihe existinS tgoto.in:? : ye,s : No fo7At se FT u DeR i OoF lfot ptoposed uro.kl tcated: __1p!e-_ unheaeo: tOTAt PROJECT COST iterj tori <2C0,000.00 Property Use/ oc.upanq: [, Sin 8,e Family ! O upler 0 rownhouseDer<ription of Wo.k: Rericdel,i hallvrav,:a.,povrd er roo.n. master bed,,b alh and tu/o u Psla rs iooms'l\a{,,:,ri.;.l& ,L.,n .;Lrall t r'lip, ... r ls the p.oposed work chihg:.g :hF n.rmber o, beCrooms? ! yer a No13anyElectri6r.Pll,mbingorMechanicelworkbe;n8donetotheA.<esscryStrurtrrreEyesENo lfthepr.riectisaRelocltion,irlhereaNaturr,Gastjneortheau.,pn!jite?ByerBNo ls ihsre Fleatrlcal Powe. on thij Builolnt? B yes 5 O - SroraSe Shed {SFl=-_-- f Olh€r (SFl lstheprope(y loca:eC in a floodr'n;"? E vrs e Nq Exisling l.npervlous Ar.n: ,- __- Sq Ft llew tmperdour Ar"a:!'_,--_ So r, WAT'RI E CtPtJA E Commuoiry System :l priv.rr. S€WER: E CfpUA E Conrmlrr.ry Sy zonq R.-15 officen !S!* set App.ov.tr l_q-. Cjty: hhr.^ Oat€ Cor,r r-,rent; \1\[)i Iottl Acre5 Oisturbed. 0 Eriltint t and Dhiurbtnt pe.mit: : ye, : No welt ! Ceotralwe n Aqua I I 5tem ::l privatescr,r. 0 a,"., ru.r, tr)d\A {Lr) .t\l {nnr , p[r\rg no.a, 1o1 _ __ 1v1 ria,Seoric 5 Aqua N\A.tsr *Its --(N).._-srE "2ft. ii la -5 €D Sr(E r :ifl in$pscti.*n Q*qureq, g I $2i4.lr D pR.rill Parmit Fae:S * tr,to P u4tJ 5 x NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcATIoN TYPE : REsIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT.,p.oject Responsibiliq/, ry Construction pRoJEcT ADDRES5: 191 9 South Live Oak ctTy. WitmingtonsUBDlVlSloN: Ol eander Estates pRopERTy OWNER,S NAME. Nixie peak oWNER,S ADDREss. .1919 South Live Oak cONTRAcToR. Stone_Montgome ry Construction Co ADDRES5. 115-5 Hinton Avenue EMATL ADDRESs: iennifer@stone montgomery.com clTY: Wi E Greenhouse (SF)-.-n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes E No fOTAI Sq Fr UNDER ROOF (for proposed work TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less r-ot;; 5200,000.00 ) Heated; le 0o Unheated: Property Use/ Occupancy: E Singl e Family fl fl TownhouseDescription of work: Remode llre Duplex work:kitchen,hallwa y, bar, powder room , master bed/bath a t {t/Io LOL Application Numb€r (offic€ use) AppLtCANT,S NAME. Stone_[rontgome PRoJEcr coNTAcr pERsoN. Robert Mon tgomery EXIST|NG CONSTRUCTTON: E Alteration E Renova on E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ! Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF)n Porch (SF)D Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (sF) oarc. 1011,12016 tP.28403 LoT #. 1.10 Acres Tract E PHONE #: ctTy. Wilmington aP.28403 BLDG LTCENSE #. 28,130 lmington St: NC atp.28403 PHONE.910 -70a-'ro.lo PHONE. 910_520-'1653 [] Storage Shed (SF) --! other (sF) lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl yes E NolsanyElectrical,plumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdoneto,t"ol"rirrr,rr.rureDyesENo lf the project is a Retocation, is there a Nat_ar e ", r,:n" on ii" ;;;;;; ;;", . yes G Nols there Electrical poweron this Building? E yes E No PrintEmail ,4.nd two ldinB plans the State 8ui he app.oved and\illwork wrl comply wrth be notrfied ofany chanEes rn t upstairs rooms DISCLATMER: I hereby ce laws and oadinances and information. ..*NOTE: A Owner/Contractor; De e C om NH d he Th ontg I s. M a reSulation tha b ert rtjfy v Ro phe velop application is correct t 5ervice5 Center will propriate permits will this Code applicable State and tocat or change in contractorbe in violation of the NC BldB Cod ry Signatu rei I ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves E trto Existint lmpervious Area; ..-..--. sg Ft lotal Acres Disturbed: 0 New lmpervious Area. 0 Sq Ft gxisting tand oisturbi"r;;;; WATER: E CFPUA D Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E private Septic f) Centrat Septic E AquaZone: --- Officer; --- setbacks (F) -_ (rH) =- (RH) -- (B) _Approvat: .-- City; -- Date: --- Ftood: (A) -=- (V) -_ (N) _ BFE+2ft=Comment: c Permit Fee: S ,t lt)."o I "Licensed euolifie/, \ ) NE!I' HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT|ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PltAST ANSWE'I ALL OUEST]ONS APPLICASLT TO YOUR PROJICI "P.olect Rcrpollsibllitl/' 2ot-Oz\L L6-2825 AppLtcANTs N,qME: Tongue & Gtoove LLC Date. 10-3.16 pRoJEcT ADDRESST 600 lnverary l^/ay Cny Wilmi.glon ztP 28405 suBDlvistoN.L6(udl toT l: 12 PHONE ,,.910-35?'0332 owNER',S A00Ri55:C|Ty, Wilmiiglon ztP.28480 pRoJECr coNTAcT pExgg . John oevine 9ug11g- 9'10-899'7459 EXISTING CONSTnUCTION: : Alteration 3 Renovation E GeneralRepairt NEW CONS'RUCTION: I !re.t Nevr Residence I Additior to Existing nerid€n.e f Relocation .'.PLEA5E CHEC( ArlD ANs-w "' J At! G3rage {SF)__ ai Det Garage (SF)- ,-l Porch {SF} - sunroom (sF)- 3 rou 1sr; 1718 : Greeohouse (5F)- loeck(sF)- ls the proposed work changing the existing fcotprint? E Yes E No I slo.age Shed (SF) _ - other 15F) TOIALSQ FT UNBER ROOF llct ptoposed vcrt) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COsT (Less Lct): S '100,000 ls the propored work changir8 the number of bedrccms? E yes 3 t'to ls any Ele.trical, Plumbingor Mechanicalwork being done totheA.cesso.l St.uchre E Yes Il No lf the proiect is a Relocation, ls there a Natoral Gas Line on the current iite? fl Yes E No lsthereElecrricalPoweronrhisBuilding? rI Yes A No property U!€/Oc.upan.y: E Single tamily El Dupler E Townhouse Des.ripti on of wo.k: Bi.rilc Pcol and Fence rrwsrrd odinrntei r.d reguhllr.5 The NtlC O.vrlopsem 5(iiaf! acf,krwill5r rotified.feny eharSes in theapprov.d plans and rt?ctfia:lio.t or ctanSc in.oni..dorirr..t.:Ic.. "'1O,-'Any won e.r'13'rnd !.iinoli! ttre:qrroiii:rr re,.ii:5 wlll be in viobri). ot r.e NC st.te Br.J, Cod€ lnd 5Lbjc.t lc n.$ !p to S5Ol00... ntractor. [4ark Beison 'Licehsed Q,Joliler" ls the property locared in a floodulain? tr Yes B Ho Exi5tln3 trnp€rvior,r Ar"u,9l2j- sq rt New lmperYious Aroe' 'l718 5qgg SiEnaturei Total Acret Ol5turbed: .5 Existing Land Di5turbine Pernrit: E Yes O No I aqr.ra i! Fee:5 WATTR: E CtPLlA C Conr.muniry Sylte C Prierie We C Cenlralw€ll n Aqua SEWER: G CF Conrnrurity Syrtrm ,on"R,-2O P]{A; btsl-cer:EWI ,*0" ?rivare Sep!rc : Cenrralsepti( N,'A t,.rt lD' r*rr lb' rer $x e4,? r IT' citv, t iLI[ o,t"lb rtood:{A)BFE+2ft= i(-t . Approval: Comrnent (v) _ {N) i'idr lnrnar.linrl 06ll u'66 0'14"1r / r\ 1a pRopfRryowN€g,s NAME. Alan & Rose Zimmer coNrRAcToR. Tongue & Groove LLC BtDc ucEusE r. 54432 ADDREss: 6331 Oleander orive gyry. Wilmington sr, !L z,pr egl__ EMATL ADoRESS. mark@iongu€-and-groov€.com PHONE. 910-679-4610 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESNONS APPLICTELE TO YOUR PROJE T "Project Responsibilitf 7aiL-t c 2?'2- L6-2825 Application l{umber {oflice use) Appt"tCANT,S NAME. Tongue & Groove LLC Date. 10-3-16 pRoJECT ADDRESS: 600 lnverarY WaY ctw. Wilmington zt?. 28445 grJg6;y1516ir, Landtall LOT s: 12 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADORESS: Alan & Hose Zimmer PHONE f. 910-352-0332 ctry. Wilmington aP.28480 coNTRAcToRr Tongue & Groove LLC BLDG IICENSE f; 54432 ADDREss. 6331 Oleander Drive ctTy. Wilmington sr, NC ztP.28403 EMATL ADDRESS: mark @ tongue-and-groove.com PHONE. 910-679-46 t 0 pRotEcT coNTAcr p1p56p. John Devine Pttot{E. 910-899-7459 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT ! Alteration fl Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: U Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation *aa **a Att Garage (SF)[] Det Garage (sF]_n Porch (SF) 1718il sunroom (5F)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) D Storage shed (5F) _ - other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work) Heated:Unheatedi IOTA| PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 100,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property use/ Occupancy: E Slngle Famlly 0 Duplex E Townhouse Descripti s1 s19,1611; Build Pool and Fence laws and ordinanaes and regulations. The NHc oevelopmefilse iceg center will be ootified of a ny chan8e! in the approved plans a nd Jpecifiaation! or cha nSe in contractor info.m.tion. "'NOTE: AnY work performed withor,t the appropriare p€rmits will be in violation of the Nc State BldB Code and 50bject to finer up to SS0O.OO... Owner/Contractor: Mark Batson Signature: "Licensed Quoltlet" Pdnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? EI yes E Xo Exlstlng lmpervious Area: 6&4 sq Ft New lmpe rvlous Area: 1718 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: D yes E No WATER: El CFPUA trl Community Syst€m E private Well D CentralWel E Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA El Community System E private Septic fl Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl_ (LH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approvalr _ Cny: _ Date: _ flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BtE+2ft= _ E Pool(5F) n Deck (sF) Total Acres Disturbed: .5 Comment:Permit Feei S a/srt Zau-ta3zz APPLICATION Number (office Use) NEId HAiIOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLICATI(N rYPE: C0 IIIERCIAL PIEASE AIISI{ER ALL QUESIIOI{S APPLICAELE TO Yd]R PRO]ECI -Project Responsibility" APPLICAI{T' S l,lAl{E : Ky Ie lruck DATEi 9/30/2076 DEVELOPER: Kyte Buck CITY: lil4irsrqn PtloltlE *: 910-599-1 4C8 ZIPi284al OCCUPAI'IT/BUSIiIESS tlAliE: Jason and Karen Essers PROPERTY OTJNER'S t{AIrtE: Jason and Karen Eggers O {ER'S ADDRESS: 112 Market street unit 18 CO TRACTOR: Kyle Buck ADORESS: 353 olde Point Loop EMAIL ADDRESS: hri lrningtonbuildingGya:roo.com CITY: l.lirmington PKI{E *: 919-609-261s ST: NC ZIP:28401 ST: NC ZIP: 28443 PHoNE *: 910-s99-1409 PIIO E *:910-599-1408 LICET{SE *: CITY: Hampstead PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: K le Buck EXIST COI'ISTRUCTIOiI: (Che.k All lhat Apply) aLTERATTo I-l nrmvarror l-l cerenel neperns l-l RELocArroN Gas Line on the Cunent Site? EYe;E No tS gt-DG SpRrNxLeneoz [l ve" I uolf Relocation, is there a Natural NEl,l CONSTRUCTIO :EREcr r{Er{ srRUcruRE I rlsr rnlcx I sxrll f] urrrr E eoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: rf UPFrT - The 5he11 Permit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Buitding E Yes E ruO ARCH DE5I6N PROFESSIOiAL:PH:NC RE6 #: ENGR OESIGiI PROFESSIOiAL:PH: ?/o -3oc -7s?b Nc REG *: DESCRIPTION OF l,lORK: E)(tend existinq loft mezzani-ne and instaff metal i-bealn stai rcase ls lbod or b6rsagB trEpd€d s ssved h Uis slnrctrez I ve. I llo s nr. erop",ty Locatsd ln Tho Ftoodflain? [ ves T No the State Code and all other applicable State Dlans and soecificalions NC State Bldg Code and OWNEFYCONTRACTOR:Kyle Buck SIGNATURE: (qdb.) (Prti i,t6rll.) Notd D€mollton ndllcadorl3 E asb6tG rinovel ponnit Epdlcsii,|! 610 to b6 .uhnht€d ushg the app caion brm corltain Asb€sbs or noL You ar€ requk€d to csll tlt€ llatjonal Emi]siIl Stsrdsr6 foa Hazrrdous Ar PollutartB dofiiol[ron oldry lbdlity or hrmng, S.E A5b6C Wob Sllb: http:/ f,wyr.€ri-state.nc us/opi/asb€stos/ahmp hlrnt TOTALPROJECTCOST: SlO,OOO BUILDINGHEIGHT:5?.1A' the lbdfiy or bulldlng we3 found io at (91 at le6l l0 daF pftr to lhe # OF UNITS: a Exsr LAND DrsruRerlc penurrr l-lves I to SQ FT EXSTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT DAIE 411n2 ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA pRopERry usE: [orrrce flnesreumr.n [uencar,rTlle leruc napr EcoNoo OTHER:a @ EcoMMUNrry sysTEM EWBL EZONTNG r.|sE CLASSIF|CAT|ON:E CENTRAL SEmc Ll PRIVATE SEpTtc fl corrtMuNtry SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA WATER: SEWER: .. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIR€D FOR ELECT, MECH, PtsG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS & INSERTS -' PAYMENT METHOD:flcesx flcxecK (eAvABLE ro Nncy flnuenrcmr ExpRESs I ucrvrsn I oscoven ........6Hrffidffiffi...................r..................-.r.......... (FoR oFFrcE UsE oT{LY) BEVISEDZONE:_OFFICER: _ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Apryovd:_ Clty:_ DATE: FLOOD: ___ BFE+2fi= D,Comm6nt ci'17u- PERMIT FEE: PROJECT ADORESS: 112 Market street unit 18 ***** rs rHrs a CHAIGE oF occupAr{cy user f}ves flro ***** IFYes,},hatriasthePrevioU5oCcupancyType?-[fiatistheNfroccupancyType!- tt^) /.,-.--::!--c-!J--!r- TOTAL AREA SQ FT:-q5__ SQFTpERFLR:3314 #OFSTORTES:2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 9942 # OF STRUCTURES: ] # oF FLooRs: J effi#+*,e'JJ APPI-lCAlt T'5 NAMt: PROJECT ADDRESS:z-L SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONIACT PERSON: E Greenhouse (SF) _ Property Use/ Occupancy: g 0C1 $ { NXmr TATDNTypE: REsTDENTTAT 0r"I v rrercdaNswen ALL euEsTroNs AppucABtf "Proiect Responsib "4.2 CITY: A CITYi 42-4/ oae:/o' 3 '/C Z]P: >trqa3 LOT r: /5-t PHONT #u ?-L zlP BtDG TICENSE </Zqrc ST ztP PHONT PHONE &(.) - qY /9 [] storage shed (sF)_ E other (sF) E a,b:ilfr253 crrY: b IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairsr NEW CONSTRUCTION: d Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation *t* aa* ,...D Att Garage (SF)_ f] Detcarage (SF) B-Porch (SF) fl Sunroom (5F)D Pool (SF) _ {*,r1rr1 / o Descdption ot Work: ,/*'ffzu2b"JmL-"*zZ-- z.;ii; T/7 laws and ordinances and re8ulationr. The NHC Developmenl Services Center will be notified oI any chn8es in the approved pl.ns end s orchanSe in cdltGctor raformation. "'NOTE: Any work p€rformed whhout the appropriate permfu will be in vioialion of lhe NC Code and 5ubject uP to 55@.00"' Own€./Contrador:Signature "Ltcensed Quolifie/ Pnnt Nome / ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes d r,lo Existing lmpervious Area: O Sqn *o'rr , JS, SEWER: d CF TotalAcres Disturb"o' ' OO5 New lmpervious Area: t /S36 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E ves /tto PUA E Community System ! Private well E Central well E Aqua PUA E Community System D Private Septic E Central Septic fl Aqua -5Zone;Oflicer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH)_ (RH) _ (B) _ Apptoval: -- City: _ Date: _ rlood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BfE+2fr= _ Comment: permit teei S ts the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes D No ToTAt sQ Fr UNDE RRooF Vor proposra .orfl rcrt"o, ft/L / Unheated: - rorALPRorEcTcosr(LessLot): S I /7k, oA u- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E tlo lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEYesENo lfthe proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No BPD AP P LICATIO N TYPE.' RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSW€R ATT OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Projecl Responsibilily" (ooj.-\ (r.4qo G,t a^.x-f.-, Drz CITY a*r(ru*Lr. 4.r- tb,,.rr Zoto- /o 3 tt Applicalion loti(e ur€) ta->\bq APPfICANT'S NAMT:Date PROJECI ADDRESS: suBDlvrsroN: ztP: Z.i4o\ IOT fl: i1 PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAME:'lu"nt (ulnur.- OWNER'S ADDRESS: A.rl tLL E fl, hl, PHON 4o 4(t -t4o ,.Jl-z.tq: Utlol Bt DG UCENST eCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:clTY: LL,,..azr$/ PHONT: qr,e ST: EZIP {rt - l{o Zol o7 TMAII- ADDRTSS PROJICT CONTACT PERSON E Att GaraBe (sr)24c.' E Sunroom (SF) PHoNr 4a 71q -?rt 'ITPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BI ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT..' D Det GaraBe (SF) _C Porch {st) [] Pool (5F)fl storage shed (st)_- D Deck (SF)13o D orher (sF) Ru.,., ExlsTlNG CoNSTRUCTIoN: fl Alteration [] Renovation f] General Repairs / NEW CONSTRUCTION g trect New Residence C Addirion to Exisling Residence D Relocation C Greenhouse (Sf)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing lootprint? E v", d ruo TOTAT Sq FT UNDTR ROOr lJor proposed work) Heatedi TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 \7o , K>O Unheated: Z'l a ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes dro ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure fl Yes El No tf the projecr is a Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas Line on lhe current site? D ves 0.no ls lhere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes EI No Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family C Duplex dTownhouse Description ot Work:4o^,t^t;t -(ct-*rbt?r L+4 otsctAlMtR: I hereby cerlrfy lhal alllhe informalion in thi5 app lication i5 correct and allwort will complY wrth lhe Stale Suildrns Cod€ and allolher applicable Sl3le and lo.al laws and ordinancer and !egulalio Th€ NHC Develop enl Services Cenler will be noljfred ol any chanBe! rn planr and spe.ilication5 or change in conlraclor Inloimal,on. '''NO'rt: Any wor appropriate permils wrll be in vrolation of the NC SrQl and !ub,ect to lines up to 55oo.0o"':J},:,# owner/contractol: "Ltcensed Quoliliet" Signature I ls the property located in a floodplaan? ff Yes E tto tristing lmpervious Area: C2 sq ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0.O\ New lmpervious Area: (6b Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: d Yes I No WATER: g CFPUA E Communiry System O Pnvate well fl Central Well D aqua StWtR: CyCFPUA O Community System I PrivateSeptrc E Central Septrc D Aqua zone, u(-tlLO\olticec - serbacks {r) - (LH} - (RH) - lB) -Approval: _ Ciry: __ Date: _ Flood: {A) __ {V) _ (N} __ Bf E12fi= -_ Commenl: permit [ee 753 oa t#\."9 ClWr /-t i,l i,'.) APPLICATION rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PI-EASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" 2t:t6- /03t g- Applicalion (otfr(e use) llo-?\fu APPLICANT'S NAMT: PROJECI ADDRESS:bo Date CITY ztP 8a %4"\ suEDlvlsloN:6,--rr-al- 4.r-rbe..tr toT I PROPERTY OWNTR'5 NAME 5.r rl.^ (o,.lnr-u nDvrr. t l,l,L PHONT #Ato 4(t '14o C ITY ztP . Ual6l CONTRACTOR BIDG TICTNSE fl ADDRESS:CITY 5T. gZlP Zol ol IMAIT ADDRESS PHONT: qttg {rr . t.0o PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Rr',."PHoNtr 4&c nq -*1t ! Sunroom (Sf)I Pool {sF) I Greenhouse (5F)_C Deck (SF)t 30 ls the proposed work chanBing the existin8 tootprint? tl ves D t'to TOTAL SQ tT UNDTR ROOr Uor proposed workl Healedi l,<1"9 unheated: Z4o TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less tot)s lZo,ooo Oescription of Work:/.o.J<ltu\L1 4 ,'\.!t1\ a L D storage shed (sr)- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes G/ruo 15 any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work bein8 done to the Accessory structure D yes /t'lo lf the proieci is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas [ine on the current site? E ves E/ t'to ts lhere Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes E/ruo Property Use/ Occupancy: D Single tamily E Duplex EI Townhouse DISCLAIMtR: I hpreby (erlity lhar all the rnlormation in this appli(alion is cor.ed and allwoik will comply wilh laws end ordinancet and reeulationr.e NHC Developmenl Servrces Center will be not,fied ot any rhange! rn I 'nlorrnalron "'NOTI Any worl ropnat€ permitt wlll be in violation ol lhe NC 5ta e aui ldinB Code and allothe, applcable Sule and local plans and sp€(iricaiions or chante ,n conlra(lor nd !ubject lo llnes Lrp lo 55o0.m"' Owner/Contractor: "Lrcensed QuohJier" New lmpervious Area AqT)Sq ft 5ignature txistint Land Disturbint Permit: dy., E ruo WATERT d CTPUA E Communiry System D pnvare Weil D Central We fl Aqua StWtR: gCFPUA E Communirysystem ! Privateseprrc fl Central Seplrc D Aqua,\zone:4?.4L})olficer. _ serbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RH)_ lB) _ Approval: __ Ciry: ___ Date: _ f tood: (A) _ (V) __ (N) Btt.l2ft: Commenl Permit Fee ,J 606. OWNER'S ADDRTSS: tXISTING CONSTRUCTION: O Alteration D Renovation fl General Repairs / NEwcoNsTRUCTIOf'l.dtrectNewResidenceEAddiriontoExistingResidenceERelocation ...PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCT". D arr earaee (sr) 74o fl Det Garage (sF) ! Porch (SF)----- ! other (sF)-.--- ls the property located rn a floodplain? D Ves C t'to tristin8 lmpervious Area: O Sq tt Total Acres Disturbedi ,.o ( '&)h t6 -/!JifAPP LICATIO N rYPf: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPI,ICAEI-E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" B CITY APPlICANT,S NAMf: PROJECI ADDRESS:Ao b suBDrvlsroN: PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAME:'9,-trnt (a,.ler-rr- 0 OWNER'S ADDRESS: Appli.alion d#qq Date a.zl?: Z44o LOT #: 3b trL PHON CITY E fl; t^l 4ro 4Q-t.1" zrp.. Z&tlot CONTRACTOR A DDR E SS: ELDG l-lctNSE f CITY ST: q ZIP {rt - t.to Zerl c? TMAIT ADDRISS PHONT: qro PROJICT CONTACT PTRSON Rrr.-PHONE: 4l.71q -ltrt EXISTING CoNSTRUCTIoN: f) Alleration E Renovalion ! General Repairs / NEwcoNsTRUCTlOw.EErectNewResidencelAdditiontoExistingResidenceDRelocation ,.IPLEASE CHECK AN D ANSWIR BTLOW ALI, THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'T T D Der Gara8e (sF)E Porch (SF)E An Garage (sr) Z4O ! Sunroom (5r)_ D Greenhouse (5f)_ D Pool (SF) D Deck (sF)t)L, D slorage Shed (sF) - D orher {sr) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! v", d r'lo TOTAL SQ fT UNDERROOF Uor ptoposed wotl) Heated:5qt Unheated: 24O TOTAI- PROTECT COST (Less tot): S l?o Doo ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes E1ruo ls any tlectrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes g No lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D ves El'tto ts there tlectrical Power on this Building? E yes EllNo Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family E Dupler dTo*nhorr" Description of work:t<t t'<,t^t-<-(o,.ra rlo.ld DISCTAIMtR: I hereby cenity thal allthe rnlorm.!ion in thi5 application as cotr€ci and allwork willcomplY w laws and ordinances and reBulatione. The NBC Developmenl Service5 C€nler will be noliiied of any chanS€! rth I slar€ Buil rnlormatron "'NOTt: Any work the appropnai€ permils will be rn vaolation ol lhe NC S dang Code and allother applicable Slale and lo.al plans and lpecilkrliont or chanSe rn conlra(lot nd !ubjecl to frne5 uP lo 5500.O0"' Owne r/Contraator:Signature: "Ltcensed QuoliJiet" Pnnl Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E y", dlo f xistint lmperviour Area Sq ft Total Acres Distuibed: O,o \ New lmpervious Area: (6D Sq Ft txi5tint Land Disturbint Permit /v", D ruo WATER: /CIPUA D Communrty System n Pnvate Well E Central Well L Aqua stwtRr dCtPUA D Community System E PrivateSepttc E Cenlrat Septrc E Aqua zon., M(-L(Efficer: - serbacks lF) - lrH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: __ , City: _ Date: _ Flood: lA) _ (V) _ (N) Btt+2rt=4CommentPermit tee: S 8/8 -oo a t-l .#1,APPLICATION T YPE.. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICASt€ TO YOUR PRO]€CT "Project Responsibility" CITY z0/L* /0332_ (otfi.e ute) lu )\Y3 APPLICANT'S NAMT: PROJECT ADDRESS: Dale SUBDIVISION:4,--r. ---- 4.),.tur<t"oT # ztP Zi4o\a PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMT 5.t "nt^ aLr"l nur- OWNER'S ADDRtSS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS TMAII ADDRTSS: a.r1 l,LL CIIY EU ul 4ta 4(t-t la ^/t ztP: Ullol PHON BTDG I,ICENSE H ctw 5Tr F{.-ltP: &1e 7 PHONT Qt,o {<r . l.to PROJTCT CONTACT PERSON . ' TPtfASE CHECl( AN D ANSWER BELOW AI.I, THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.'TCT.T ' [l Att Garage (SF) Ao D Del GaraBe (sF) ! Sunroom ISF)D Pool (sF) n Greenhouse (sF)_D Deck (SF)lXo ls the proposed work changing the existinB footptint? fl ves V t'to \4b3 Unheated: 7,1" Rrr." txlsTlNc coNsTRUCTloN: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Reparrs/ NEw CONSTRUcTIoIt d trect New Residence fl Addition ro Existin8 Residence D Relocation D Porch (SF) ! storage shed (sf) ..- D other (sF) ts the proposed work chanBing the number of bedrooms? E yes d r'lo ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done lo the Accessory Struclure E Yes Er No lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? O ves druo ls there tlectrical Power on this Buildingl D ves dlto ngle ramily E Duplex /To*nhour"Property Use/ occup Descripiion of work: ancy:si ,^\..1 nourl*o.<K olscLalM!R: lhereby cenrty that alllhe inrormatron in ihi5 applcalion rs corre.l and allworl wrlicomplv w laws and o.drnancer and r€Sutatione. The NHC D€velopm€ni 5etvices Cenler wrlbe nolrlied ol anv (hanBet rnlormatron. '.'NOTtr Any wort pe appropnate permils wrllbp rn vrolalion or lh€ NC Signature ildinS Cod€ and allolher 3pP|cable Stale and lo'al d planl and spe(ilacalione or chanS€ in contr3'lo' and rubiecl to linEs up lo 55o0.oo"' Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quoliiet" 15 the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes D t.'lo Existing lmpervious Area' O sq rt Total Acres Disturbed: O.0 ( New lmpervious Area:bq) s Existing Land oisturbint Permit: dYes E ttoq rt WATER: g Cf PUA C Community System D Pnvate well D Central well ! Aqua !-/stwER: rJ cFPua D communrty System f} PrivateSeplrc E) Central Septrc D Aqua/\ zone: Mf-4uo) olficer. - setbacks (r) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ tlood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) __ Btt+2fi= __ Commelll Permil fee: S 771, * pHoNE (... ?1t - tl l l TOTAT 5Q FT UNDTR ROOr (/o/ p toposed workl Healedl ToTAL PROJICT cosT (Less Lot) S \?a{ oco dr\:, I v* *r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT/oI! rrPE: RESIDENTIAL PttAst aisllEt 4!L QrJEstloxg APPLICAELT T0 yo]]R PROIt(l ,. 'P.oJect 8e5pon5 ibilitt/' 2ol6- lo3t7 I L-27L< a#iiZfii6r l,Ju,rber APPIICANTJS NA}18 DEVELOP!R: -t ! L(( crrY: 1l'r-c l.ir:" StrlL oAfEtE-?,1- lL PHON€ B PtnNt. rt qt)'t-tt ' /"';t I sr| lt:ztP I jgnl @ *,lezoQlzy ?|fiNE * 1tc.*o( 759/ 5l sr l cll pRolECr AoDRESS: lqrq i - -i. , .,i; cIrY, suBDrvrsrot{: f' ;::-liii--;'.' ,,,,..-,\ zjPt.'vtc') srocx tP_ Lor ,: _ l( iPROP€RTY o{aJNEt'S NA}IE : o,.lirER, s aD0RE55: qri ,.., c'l Ql,n iPCO TRACTOR : ADOR€SS I ,t 1r1.1..., r)? LICEI,ISE *I arry: Cq.I.o EI,\AI L ADDRESS:l.(c,r. PRO]ECT COIiTACT PERsO : EXIS'ItIG CON5TRUCiICN:ALTElATION R E NOVAT IO I,I f] ceHrul RaPArRs f] R€LocArrol NE!.t consTrucrroN: n rn:cr r€w RE5r0!8cE o" I aootrrot ro ExrsrrN6 nEslo€NcE ..PL'ASE CETCX AND AI{SI,{ER 8[LOX ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PNOJECTi I orr camcr sF I PoRCH -sF ( 1,. f] surunoon -- sF OE5CRT PTIOI./ OF l^ioa{: ar,i al OUNE R /CONTRACTOR:( , 'I 6ARAGE - SF PmL _ SF L.!-\i! l,.,r Ll lr t.r.. lq{ 5'rC,RA6E SH€D n crrrnrouse .---_ sr Q'orcx -- sr orHER: lf the proj TOTAT HEATED 5Q FT: tZA TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF: '?" TOTAL AREA 5Q FT; -U " ToTAL PRolEcr cosTrr-as:r.orr : |l.l tL'o * oF sToRIEs: / ts Any ILECTRICAT, PLUfisIHG or !aECH!}iICAL ldork 8e!ng Done to the Accessory Structurel I Ves I lo ect is a Relocation, is t!.sre a Natlral 6as Line on the Cu.rent Site? n Yes fl ruo rs there Electri(al Pore. on this BuildinS?!,,e s NO PNOPERTY UsE ,/ OCCUP'INCY:SIHGLE FAHILY UJP L fX TG,.J IJHOL]S '*.;rj' l. .. r?- DlsClJMER: lr.,.ry..c,!r, t r: d' r$'i!cohtlr p,i ihe Srar. 8udd69 Caa. a.d rn oh.,.ptl'c:de Str! r.d b.n! rr(5 &i o,d.:..a ..6 egu|:ta$ rt. Nl I c t v.rcrflnl s.Q!.!s cr.Ei s! bc .orr.d o I ..y cn,.19 r . t'. 6oF'.v€a 116.: r.a rnc.i6d on! or chang. . conr&or o c.hr,act}l in6r4avoh -NCI! AnrWorXPsr.6!dVJ,cfieAir:{rrsrPerritsprlboinVolatio.olrheNC .rb F cs Up To 1500 0(r" /c.r, i.,,S., tr.ri.Sf 6NATURE NOYESIS TtlE PROPTRTY LOCAIEo Il', A FLOOOpIAIII? EXISTII,IG IIIPERVIOUS AREA: _Sq FT t'lEU I PEnVIOUS aREA: -_-_ Sq FT WATER: SEwER r treua f c[rra,ar srP'rrc D crnun I comuliry svs:eu f] pRrvArE uIELL f] crn:nrrl uelr- PRIVATI STP;IC COT,.'4UN I TY SYSTEI4 !!t SaPARAIi P[Rr4j:S nEQstRlD FoR !trCr, IECH, !t86r 645 I,QUIp, i'nE[a8:8 lNSt8i5.'. paynErr n€rroD: I cosx [c"rcr (pAyaBLE To rx1 f]mrrtcAN rxmrss E *rrrto DI5{0Vr8 /flR)r:.:'ta L].tl 6\:1../ t1 ,orr, p=5 OF F;CgR i Aii.oval:- city:_ DATE Ap ,"n, $\lO nr+,NU+ a;N l6 - + BEE+2ft= _ PIX'4IT FEE: '- (r0r orrr(r L.st cnlvj SaTBACKS: F Cornent: 4-.?0-!,.rLooo 0ty lnqec*:n leqxeo, 9 i &25{SS PrGNe *. Q /1. t/ 5t,. Y L ic TOTAL ACRES DISTJREfO: Exrsl LANo DrsruR8r G nenarr: f] v:s ! ro U ftoL, ?, En', H [\JJ rr))nw 0*: 1U- 2L.27 APPLICATION Number (of+i.<e Use) fl 7_l'L'lr,.,t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT APPLICATI)N IYPr; COIvIMERCIAL PI.EASE ANSUIER ALL QUESTTONS APPLICAALE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResponsibiLity" APPLICANT'5 l,lAIvlE: Walcer Pete Avery, McKinlev Buildinq CorporaEion DATE: e -L2-16 DEVELOPER:DLH Holdi.n LLC PHoNE #: 910 39s Go36 PROJECT ADDRESS: 3 5 US Hiohwav 421 North CITY: wilminqron occUPANT/sUsINESS NAITIE: Nqv cq4srrucrion shell Buildinq- l-140 Business Center, PH lll OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3807 peachrree Ave, suire 200 CITY: wilminoLon ST: Jg_ ZIP: 28403 CoNTRACToR: McKinley Buildinq Corporation LICENSE *: 3o8e 6 ADDRESS: 3807 Peachtree Ave suite 200 CITY; wj"lminqton ST: !g_ ZIP: 2!3!3_ EIiIAIL ADDRESS:nle vbui ldin PHoNE *: 9ro-395-6036 (Check All Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS lf Relocation, is lhere a Natural Gas Line on the Current NEW CONSTRUCTTON: E} rReCr NEW STRUCTURE ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE: NoNE Site?.Yes E No lS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION rrenror f] v"" Iuo f] rasr rnacr I srrrr- ! uerrr f] aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ZIP: 284oL If UPFIT - The SheU Permit #: IF Yes, !,/hat was the Previous occupahcy Typel ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Hi Architecture and Devel ENGR DESI6N PRoFESSIoiTAL: CBHF Enqineers ****', Is Tgrs A CHAN6E oF occupANcy usrf fives [ rc ***** Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes n ruO l,Uhat is the New Occupancy Type? PH:910-7G3-8968 NC REG #: 6os6 PH: 910-?91-4000 NC REG #: 023311 DESCRIPTIoN 0F WoRK: ErecLion qf 3oooosF pre-enqineered buildinq-sheIL ls food or beverages prepared or served ln this struqlure? Yes I No ls The Property Located ln Ths Floodplaln? [Ves I No DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all rnformatron rn this.applicairon is correct ano all work will comply wrlh the State ELilding Code ano al, other appticabte Slaleand locai lari/s €nd ordrnances and regulalions. The NHC Developmenl Services Cenle, will be nolirli6d of anv chanoes in fi; aDoroved ojans end i;ecrfi.-ationsor clange ln conlraclor oI conlaclor intormalion. "'NOTE: Any Wo'k Performed WO lhe Approoriare Pe'mils will b;e in Violdtroi of rhe NC Srate Bldq Cooe andSubjecllo Fines Up To S500.00-' STGNATURE: \0 dter ?oto Avery (Awthi€.) (Prinr N6m) contalnAsb€stos or nol. You Ere requlred lo csillhe Nalionsl Emlsslon Sbndsrds ror Hazardous Air Potturanls (NESHAP) st (919)707-5950 s oast iOdays prlor to lho demoliilon otsny hclllty or bulldlng. SBe Asbosros Wsb Site: hrrpr Mrw.€pt.sralg.nc.us/epy6sb6sios/6hmp.hllnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: S 14 o oooo BUILDING HEIGHT: zo , eet SQ FT PER FLR: 3oooo # OF UNITS: shell TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: i oooo #OFSTRUCTURES: I ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DrsruRanrc peRutttz ['-iyEs NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: s7320 sF SQFT EXISIING IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER; ICFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA Application for LDP has been filed SQ FT ICATION: r - z *. SEPARATE PERI!,1ITS REAUIRED FOR ELECT, I!,IECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP PREF'ABS & INSERIS '' pAYl\irENr METHOD: [CnSu flcHecx lenvmrE To NHC) fleUenrcau exeness I rr,rcnrtse I orscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONL' ZONE:OFFICER:.- SETBACKS: F;_ LH:RH:B: Approval :_ City:_DATE:_FLOOD:BFE+2ft= Z E coMMUNtTy SYSTEM ZWELL flzoNtNc usE CLASSIF LJ CENTRAL SEPTIC II] PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNIry SYSTEM County REIISED DATE 4/1 1/12 N I Comment PERi..lIT FEE: PROPERTY OWNER's NAmE: pr,H HoLdinqs, LLC PHONE #: 910-36s-G036 PROIECT CoNTACT PERSON: pete Averv PHoNE *: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Mc(infev Buildinq Corporation #OFSTORIES: 1 #OFFLOORS: 1 i t I pRopERryusE: EoFF|CE lnssraumrur fiuenceurru leouc [aer [coruoo oTl.rrR: