2016-11-03 November 3 2016 Agenda PackageAGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Assembly Room , New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC DONNA GIRARDOT, CHAIRMAN - ERNEST W. OLDS, VICE-CHAIRMAN PAUL D. BONEY, BOARD MEMBER - H. ALLEN POPE, BOARD MEMBER THOMAS "JORDY" RAWL, BOARD MEMBER - EDWARD T. (TED) SHIPLEY, III, BOARD MEMBER DAVID WEAVER, BOARD MEMBER CHRIS O'KEEFE, PLANNING DIRECTOR - KENNETH VAFIER, PLANNING MANAGER NOVEMBER 3, 2016 6:00 PM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Donna Girardot) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Ken Vafier) APPROVAL OF MINUTES REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS The Planning Board may consider substantial changes in these petitions as a result of objections, debate, and discussion at the meeting, including rezoning to other classifications. 1Public Hearing Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request (A-425, 9/16) – Request by Planning Staff to amend Zoning Ordinance Section 70, Section 71, Section 23, and Section 50 regarding Special Use Permit Requirements and the Table of Permitted Uses. 2Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z-963, 11/16) – Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Coastal Carolina Car Wash, LLC, to rezone 0.83 acres located at 6016 & 6100 Castle Hayne Road from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District. 3Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z-964, 11/16) – Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Amber Sun, LLC, to rezone 5.00 acres located at 5000 Blue Clay Road from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District, in order to allow for office and school uses within the existing building located on the property, and to expand the existing parking lot. TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT 1TRC Report for September-October 2016 OTHER ITEMS 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 3, 2016 REGULAR ITEM: DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Chris O'Keefe, Planning & Inspections Director CONTACT(S): Ken Vafier, Planning Manager; Ben Andrea, Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor SUBJECT: Public Hearing Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request (A-425, 9/16) – Request by Planning Staff to amend Zoning Ordinance Section 70, Section 71, Section 23, and Section 50 regarding Special Use Permit Requirements and the Table of Permitted Uses. BRIEF SUMMARY: As part of an ongoing dialogue about the county’s special use permit (SUP) regulations, New Hanover County staff facilitated a meeting in early March 2016 with community representatives both in support and opposition to draft ordinance revisions that were created after a series of stakeholder input meetings. After the March 2016 meeting, Planning Staff took the lead on developing a new draft that embellished the points of improvement that were largely supported throughout the ongoing dialogue, including describing a clear and predictable process for application, review, and decision making, in addition to revising the table of permitted uses in a manner that provided clarity for discerning how a particular industry is classified and regulated by the county. At the directive of the Board of Commissioners, the new staff-drafted amendment proposal was then provided to LSL Planning, the consultation team contracted to work with both the City and the County for comprehensive land use regulation updates. LSL Planning created reports providing recommendations and feedback on the language proposed by staff for Sections 70 and 71 of the ordinance, in addition to suggesting how the table of permitted uses could be revised to improve organization and provide clarity for industrial use classification utilizing the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) coding. After an initial work session on August 30th, the Planning Board tabled this item at their September 8th meeting. Two additional work sessions were held on September 22nd and September 29th. The draft text amendment includes all of the changes recommended by the consultant, staff suggested language, and the changes discussed at the August 30, September 22, and September 29 Planning Board work sessions. The Planning Board did not propose changes to the recommended version of the Table of Permitted Uses (TOPU) during the preliminary work sessions. As such, four options were agreed upon for further discussion by the Board: 1) NC Coastal Federation version of the TOPU; 2) Planning Board recommended version of the TOPU from 2014; 3) Wake County TOPU provided by Wilmington Chamber of Commerce at the 9/29/16 work session, for consideration of the format of the document; 4) Receive LSL's Policy Audit and prepare the TOPU based on this analysis. ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hold Public Hearing on proposed amendment and either: - Motion to recommend approval of the proposed amendment or an amended version of the proposal - Motion to table item in order to receive more information - Motion to recommend denial of the amendment request based on specific reasons Hold Public Hearing on TOPU options and either: - Motion to recommend approval of the proposed amendment or an amended version of the proposal for one of the 4 presented TOPU options - Motion to table item in order to receive more information - Motion to recommend denial of the amendment request based on specific reasons ATTACHMENTS: A-425 Script A-425 Proposed Text Amendment A-425 Option 1 Cover Page A-425 Option 1 A-425 Option 2 Cover Page A-425 Option 2 A-425 Option 3 Cover Page A-425 Option 3 A-425 Option 4 Cover Page A-425 Option 4 ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 SCRIPT FOR Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (A-425, 9/16) Request by Planning Staff to amend Zoning Ordinance Section 70, Section 71, Section 23, and Section 50 regarding Special Use Permit Requirements and the Table of Permitted Uses. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. We will then hear from any members of the public who wish to speak on this item with a time limit of 3 minutes per person. Persons who have signed up to speak may yield their time to another person if they wish. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Public speakers (3 minutes per person, unless time is yielded others who have signed up to speak) 3. Close the Public Hearing 4. Planning Board discussion on Sections 70 and 71 (the language pertaining to Special Use Permits) 5. Vote on amending Sections 70 and 71 (the language pertaining to Special Use Permits). The motion should include a statement saying how the amendment is or is not consistent with the land use plan and why it is or is not reasonable and in the public interest. Options for Motions:  Motion to recommend approval of any version of the amendment proposal  Motion to “table” the item in order to receive more information  Motion to recommend denial of the amendment proposal based on specific reasons, such as the proposal is not consistent with the land use plan and/or the proposal is not reasonable and/or the proposal is not in the public interest 6. Planning Board discussion on Sections 23 (the TOPU) and Section 50 (the text description of the table and the proposed “similar uses” language) 7. Vote on amending Sections 23 (the TOPU) and Section 50 (the text description of the table and the proposed “similar uses” language). The motion should include a statement saying how the amendment is or is not consistent with the land use plan and why it is or is not reasonable and in the public interest. Options for Motions:  Motion to recommend approval of any version of the amendment proposal, including the following options or modified versions of any TOPU proposal: 1. NC Coastal Federation version of the TOPU; 2. Planning Board recommended version of the TOPU from 2014; 3. Wake County TOPU provided by Wilmington Chamber of Commerce at the 9/29/16 work session, for consideration of the format of the document; 4. Receive LSL's Policy Audit and prepare the TOPU based on this analysis.  Motion to “table” the item in order to receive more information  Motion to recommend denial of the all of the TOPU amendment proposals based on specific reasons, such as the proposal is not consistent with the land use plan and/or the proposal is not reasonable and/or the proposal is not in the public interest - 1 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 1 of 6 A-425 Text Amendment “Clean” Version Last Update: October 5, 2016 The language below represents a “clean” version of the A-425 text amendment proposal. This version shows how Article VII of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance would appear based on changes made after the 8/30/16, 9/22/16, and 9/29/16 Planning Board work sessions. ARTICLE VII: PROVISIONS FOR USES ALLOWED AS SPECIAL USES 1 2 Section 70: General Information, Applications, Process, Public Notice, Public Hearings, Review and 3 Decision, and Conclusions Required for Approval 4 5 70-1: General 6 7 (1) Special Use Permits add flexibility to the Zoning Ordinance. Subject to high 8 standards of planning and design, certain property uses may be allowed in the 9 several districts where these uses would not otherwise be acceptable. By means 10 of controls exercised through the Special Use Permit procedures, property uses 11 which would otherwise be undesirable in certain districts may be developed to 12 minimize any negative external effects they might have on surrounding 13 properties. 14 15 (2) Any use or development designated by applicable zoning district regulations as a 16 special use, or as allowed only pursuant to a special use permit, may be 17 established in that district only after the use or development is authorized by a 18 validly issued special use permit. 19 20 70-2: Applications 21 22 (1) Applications for a Special Use Permit shall be submitted to the Planning Director 23 or their designee by the owner or owners, or their duly authorized agent, of the 24 property subject to the Special Use Permit petition at least 20 business days prior 25 to an adopted Planning Board meeting date. For Intensive Manufacturing uses, 26 the application must be submitted at least 35 business days prior to the Planning 27 Board meeting date. A schedule of adopted Planning Board meeting dates and 28 the application deadlines shall be available at the Planning Department. Any 29 additional information, documents, etc. submitted after the application deadline 30 must be submitted no later than 10 business days prior to the Planning Board 31 meeting date to be included in the Planning Board agenda package. Additional 32 information and documents may be submitted during the public hearings. 33 34 (2) Applications for a Special Use Permit shall include the following to be considered 35 a complete application: 36 (A) Completed and signed application form for a Special Use Permit 37 (B) Traffic Impact Worksheet 38 (C) Traffic Impact Analysis (only applicable for development proposals that 39 exceed 100 peak hour trip generation) 40 - 2 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 2 of 6 (D) Site Plan, including the elements listed in Section 60.1 41 (E) Narrative of proposal depicting the nature and scope of the proposed 42 development 43 (F) At the discretion of the petitioner, supplemental information, plans, 44 and/or documents that the petitioner intends to use to demonstrate at 45 the public hearing that the conclusions required for approval in Section 46 70-7 are met 47 (G) Authority for Appointment of Agent Form (only applicable if the petition 48 for Special Use Permit is submitted by an agent for the property owner(s)) 49 (H) Application fee based on the adopted fee schedule 50 (I) Community information meeting report for community information 51 meeting per Section 111-2.1 (only for uses classified as Intensive 52 Manufacturing) 53 54 (3) Specific requirements of application requirements may be waived by the 55 respective reviewer, planning director, or planning board, where it is determined 56 that the required information is not applicable to the subject request. 57 58 70-3: Process: 59 60 (1) In order to assist applicants through the process for obtaining a Special Use 61 Permit, applicants may request a pre-application conference with NHC planning 62 staff prior to application submittal. 63 64 (2) The Planning Director or their designee shall review application packages and 65 respond to the petitioner as soon as possible but at most within 5 business days 66 following the application submission to notify the petitioner in writing including 67 regular mail or e-mail of any omissions to the requirements under Section 70-2(2) 68 that render the application incomplete. This review for completeness is to ensure 69 that each of the applicable documents have been submitted as part of the 70 application, and not to verify or substantiate the information provided within the 71 application package. 72 73 (3) Applications with no omissions to the requirements under Section 70-2(2) shall 74 be deemed complete and be calendared for a public hearing at the earliest 75 upcoming Planning Board meeting that allows time for the required legal notices. 76 The Planning Director or their designee shall respond to the petitioner as soon as 77 possible but at most within 5 business days following the application submission 78 in writing including regular mail or e-mail to notify them that the application was 79 deemed complete and confirm the date of the Planning Board meeting at which 80 the public hearing will be held. 81 82 (4) Within 10 business days following an application deadline, complete applications 83 for special use permit petitions shall be posted on the Planning Department web 84 page (www.planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com) in addition to the date, time, and 85 location of the Planning Board meeting at which the public hearing will be 86 calendared. Notification of the posting of the special use permit application(s) 87 - 2 - 2ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 3 of 6 and meeting information shall also be sent to the Sunshine List. Any additional 88 information received from the petitioner after the application deadline shall also 89 be posted on the web page. 90 91 (5) In preparation for the public hearing at the Planning Board for a petition for a 92 special use permit, the Planning Director or their designee shall analyze the 93 information and materials provided in the application package to provide a 94 summary of the request and preliminary findings of fact in the form of a report 95 to be included in the agenda package for the Planning Board meeting. The intent 96 of the report is to inform the Planning Board of whether the Conclusions Required 97 for Approval in Section 71-4 have been met or to identify, from staff’s 98 perspective, issues or areas that the Planning Board may need more information 99 on in order to provide a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners 100 whether each of the required conclusions in Section 70-7 have been met. The 101 staff analysis report shall be published by the Clerk to the Planning Board as part 102 of the agenda package for the Planning Board meeting. 103 104 (6) In preparation for the public hearing at the Board of County Commissioners for a 105 petition for a special use permit, the Planning Director or their designee shall 106 prepare a report summarizing the Special Use Permit request, the information 107 and materials provided in the application package and presented at the Planning 108 Board public hearing(s), the Planning Board’s recommendations, and preliminary 109 findings of fact. The intent of the report is to inform the Board of County 110 Commissioners of whether the Conclusions Required for Approval in Section 71-111 4 have been met or to identify, from staff’s perspective, issues or areas that the 112 Board of County Commissioners may need more information on in order to reach 113 a required conclusion. The staff analysis report shall be published by the Clerk to 114 the Board of County Commissioners as part of the agenda package for the County 115 Commissioners meeting. 116 117 70-4: Public Notice 118 119 (1) Public notice for a petition for a special use permit shall be disseminated per 120 Section 112.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 121 122 70-5: Public Hearings 123 124 (1) A public hearing at the Planning Board for the special use permit application shall 125 be calendared per Section 70-3(3). 126 127 (2) The public hearing for the special use permit application at the Planning Board 128 shall held in a quasi-judicial format. At the hearing, the Planning Board hears 129 factual evidence presented at an evidentiary hearing, then makes 130 recommendations for findings of fact supported by competent, substantial, and 131 material evidence. Based on those recommended findings, the Planning Board 132 may render a recommendation to the County Commissioners on whether each of 133 the required conclusions specified in Section 70-7 can be reached. 134 - 2 - 3ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 4 of 6 135 (3) The Planning Board may continue the hearing to a later meeting to accommodate 136 the presentation of additional testimony or evidence. If the time and place of the 137 continued hearing is announced in open session during the hearing, no further 138 notice need be given for the continued hearing. 139 140 (4) A public hearing at the Board of County Commissioners shall be calendared 141 following the public hearing at which the Planning Board makes a 142 recommendation. 143 144 (5) The public hearing for the special use permit application at the Board of County 145 Commissioners shall held in a quasi-judicial format. At the hearing, the Board 146 hears factual evidence presented at an evidentiary hearing, then makes findings 147 of fact supported by competent, substantial, and material evidence. Based on 148 those findings, the Board of County Commissioners decides whether or not it can 149 reach each of the required conclusions specified in Section 70-7 below. 150 151 (6) The Board of County Commissioners may continue the hearing to a later meeting 152 to accommodate the presentation of additional testimony or evidence. If the time 153 and place of the continued hearing is announced in open session during the 154 hearing, no further notice need be given for the continued hearing. 155 156 70-6 Review and Decision: 157 158 (1) The applicant bears the burden of presenting sufficient evidence in support of the 159 application to allow the Board of County Commissioners, after weighing such 160 evidence against that presented in opposition to the application, to make findings 161 of fact that reasonably support each of the required conclusions outlined in 162 Section 70-7 as well as any applicable specific standards for the proposed use as 163 required by Section 72. If that burden is met, the Board of County Commissioners 164 must approve the application. If that burden is not met, the Board of County 165 Commissioners must deny the application, provided that if the Board of County 166 Commissioners determines that specific minor changes or additions to, or 167 restrictions on, the proposed development are necessary and sufficient to 168 overcome impediments to its reaching the required conclusions, it may approve 169 the application subject to reasonable conditions requiring such changes or 170 additions or imposing such restrictions. Such conditions may include time limits 171 for completion of development or for the start or end of certain uses or activities. 172 173 (2) A motion to approve the application must state the required conclusions and 174 include findings of fact on which the conclusions are based, plus any proposed 175 conditions of approval. The favorable vote of a majority of Board of County 176 Commissioners members present is necessary to pass such a motion. A motion to 177 deny the application must state which of the required conclusions cannot be 178 reached and include findings of fact on which the inability to reach the 179 conclusions is based. The favorable vote of a majority of Board of County 180 Commissioners members present is necessary to pass such a motion. If a motion 181 - 2 - 4ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 5 of 6 to approve the application fails, the application is deemed denied, and those 182 members voting against the motion must state which of the required conclusions 183 they could not reach as well as findings of fact on which their inability to reach 184 the conclusions is based. 185 186 (3) Every decision by the Board of Commissioners issuing or denying a special use 187 permit shall be subject to review by the Superior Court by proceedings in the 188 nature of certiorari. Any petition for review by the Superior Court shall be filed 189 with the Clerk of Superior Court within 30 days after the decision of the Board is 190 filed in the Office of the Clerk to the Board, or after a written copy thereof is 191 delivered to every aggrieved party who has filed a written request for such copy 192 with the Clerk or Chairman of the Board at the time of the hearing of the case, 193 whichever is later. 194 195 70-7: Conclusions Required for Approval – The Board of County Commissioners shall approve 196 an application for a special use permit if it reaches each of the following conclusions based on 197 findings of fact supported by competent, substantial, and material evidence presented at the 198 hearing. 199 200 (1) The use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where 201 proposed and approved. 202 (2) The use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 203 (3) The use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, 204 or that the use is a public necessity. 205 206 (4) The location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as 207 submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be 208 located and in general conformity with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for New 209 Hanover County. 210 211 Section 71: Validity, Extensions, and Changes for Approved Special Use Permits; Resubmittals of Denied 212 Applications 213 214 71-1: Validity and Extensions of Approved Special Use Permits: 215 216 (1) A special use permit, issued by the Board of County Commissioners, shall become 217 null and void if construction or occupancy of the proposed use as specified on the 218 special use permit is not commenced within twenty-four (24) months of the date 219 of issuance. If an extension is desired, a request must be submitted in writing to 220 the New Hanover County Planning Department prior to the expiration. 221 Extensions may be granted in accordance with Section 112-6 of the Ordinance. 222 223 (2) In the event of failure to comply with the plans approved by the Board of County 224 Commissioners or with any other conditions imposed upon the special use 225 permit, the permit shall thereupon immediately become void and of no effect. 226 No building permits for further construction or certificates of occupancy under 227 this special use permit shall be issued, and all completed structures shall be 228 - 2 - 5ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 6 of 6 regarded as non-conforming uses subject to the provisions of Article IV of this 229 Ordinance provided, however, that the Board of County Commissioners shall not 230 be prevented from thereafter rezoning said property for its most appropriate use. 231 232 71-2 Changes to Approved Special Use Permits: 233 234 (1) The original applicant(s), their successors or their assignee may make minor 235 changes in the location and/or size of structures provided the necessity for these 236 changes is clearly demonstrated. Minor changes shall be reviewed by the 237 Planning Department and upon favorable recommendation by the Planning 238 Director may be approved by the Zoning Administrator. Such approval shall not 239 be granted should the proposed revisions cause or contribute to: 240 (A) A change in the character of the development. 241 (B) A change of design for, or an increase in the hazards to pedestrian and 242 vehicle traffic circulation, or 243 (C) A modification in the originally approved setbacks from roads and/or 244 property lines exceeding ten percent. 245 246 71-3 Resubmittals: 247 248 (1) An application for a special use which has been previously denied may be 249 resubmitted only if there has been a change in circumstances as determined by 250 the Planning Director or the director's designee. Evidence presented in support 251 of the new application shall initially be limited to what is necessary to enable the 252 Planning Director to determine whether there has been a substantial change in 253 the facts, evidence, or conditions of the case and shall include: 254 (A) Circumstances affecting the property that is the subject of the application 255 which have substantially changed since the denial; or 256 (B) New information available since the denial that could not with 257 reasonable diligence have been presented at a previous hearing. 258 If the Planning Director deems the evidence substantially changed, the proposal 259 may be resubmitted as a new application. Appeal of the Planning Director’s 260 decision may be made to the Board of County Commissioners. 261 - 2 - 6ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REQUEST (A-425, 09/16) TOPU – OPTION 1 - 3 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 4 - 1 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 2 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 3 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 4 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 5 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 6 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 7 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 8 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 9 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 4 - 1 0 IT E M : 1 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REQUEST (A-425, 09/16) TOPU – OPTION 2 - 5 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 A-416 – Planning Board Recommendation – Table of Permitted Uses A-416 Planning Board Recommendation Page 1 Permitted Uses PD R 20S R 20 R 15 R 10 R 7 B 1 B 2 I 1 I 2 O & I A R A I S C R A R F M U Supp Regs NAICS Manufacturing Artisan Manufacturing P P P P P P P Limited Manufacturing Animal Food Manufacturing P S P P P 3111 Grain and Oilseed Milling P S P P P 3112 Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing P S P P P 3113 Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing P S P P P 3114 Dairy Product Manufacturing P S P P P 3115 Animal Slaughtering and Processing P S P P P 3116 Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging P S P P P 3117 Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing P S P P P 3118 Other Food Manufacturing P S P P P 3119 Beverage Manufacturing P S P P P 3121 Printing and Related Support Activities P S P P P 3231 Cutlery and Handtool Manufacturing P S P P P 3322 Hardware Manufacturing P S P P P 3325 Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing P S P P P 3326 Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing P S P P P 3331 Industrial Machinery Manufacturing P S P P P 3332 Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing P S P P P 3333 Ventilation, Heating, Air- Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing P S P P P 3334 Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing P S P P P 3335 Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing P S P P P 3336 Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing P S P P P 3339 Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing P S P P P 3341 - 6 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 A-416 – Planning Board Recommendation – Table of Permitted Uses A-416 Planning Board Recommendation Page 2 Permitted Uses PD R 20S R 20 R 15 R 10 R 7 B 1 B 2 I 1 I 2 O & I A R A I S C R A R F M U Supp Regs NAICS Communications Equipment Manufacturing P S P P P 3342 Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing P S P P P 3343 Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing P S P P P 3344 Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing P S P P P 3345 Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media P S P P P 3346 Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing P S P P P 3351 Household Appliance Manufacturing P S P P P 3352 Electrical Equipment Manufacturing P S P P P 3353 Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing P S P P P 3359 Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing P S P P P 3399 Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing P S P P P 3371 Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing P S P P P 3372 Other Furniture Related Product Man. P S P P P 3379 General Manufacturing Textile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills S P 3133 Tobacco Manufacturing S P 3122 Other Textile Product Mills S P 3149 Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing S P 3161 Footwear Manufacturing S P 3162 Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing S P 3169 Sawmills and Wood Preservation S P 3211 Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing S P 3212 Other Wood Product Manufacturing S P 3219 Converted Paper Product Manufacturing S P 3222 - 6 - 2ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 A-416 – Planning Board Recommendation – Table of Permitted Uses A-416 Planning Board Recommendation Page 3 Permitted Uses PD R 20S R 20 R 15 R 10 R 7 B 1 B 2 I 1 I 2 O & I A R A I S C R A R F M U Supp Regs NAICS Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing S P 3311 Steel Product Manufacturing from Purchased Steel S P 3312 Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing S P 3313 Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production & Processing S P 3314 Forging and Stamping S P 3321 Boiler, Tank, and Shipping Container Manufacturing S P 3324 Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities S P 3328 Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing S P 3329 Motor Vehicle Manufacturing S P 3361 Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing S P 3362 Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing S P 3363 Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing S P 3364 Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing S P 3365 Ship and Boat Building S P 3366 Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing S P 3369 Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing S P 3391 Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing S P 3327 Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing S P 3323 Apparel Knitting Mills S P 3151 Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing S P 3152 Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing S P 3159 Textile Furnishings Mills S P 3141 Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills S P 3131 Fabric Mills S P 3132 - 6 - 3ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 A-416 – Planning Board Recommendation – Table of Permitted Uses A-416 Planning Board Recommendation Page 4 Permitted Uses PD R 20S R 20 R 15 R 10 R 7 B 1 B 2 I 1 I 2 O & I A R A I S C R A R F M U Supp Regs NAICS Intensive Manufacturing Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills S 3221 Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing S 3241 Basic Chemical Manufacturing S 3251 Resin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing S 3252 Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing S 3253 Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing S 3254 Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing S 3255 Soap, Cleaning Compound, and Toilet Preparation Manufacturing S 3256 Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing S 3259 Plastics Product Manufacturing S 3261 Rubber Product Manufacturing S 3262 Clay Product and Refractory Manufacturing S 3271 Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing S 3272 Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing S 3273 Lime and Gypsum Product Manufacturing S 3274 Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing S 3279 Foundries S 3315 Fuel Bulk Storage Facilities S Electricity Generating Facilities S - 6 - 4ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REQUEST (A-425, 09/16) TOPU – OPTION 3 - 7 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 8 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 8 - 2ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 8 - 3ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 8 - 4ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 8 - 5ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 8 - 6ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REQUEST (A-425, 09/16) TOPU – OPTION 4 - 9 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 A-425 Option 4 - Receive LSL's Policy Audit and prepare the TOPU based on this analysis. The fourth option to address the Table of Permitted Uses (TOPU), agreed upon by the Planning Board at the September 29, 2016 workshop, is to await the final audit and blueprint report (to include TOPU comments) from LSL Planning. These reports are anticipated to be received in draft form by staff in November 2016 from the consultant, with a public unveiling of these documents proposed to occur in early 2017. In consultation with LSL’s recommendations and utilizing the newly adopted NHC Comprehensive Plan and Garner Report, staff will draft proposed changes into the current TOPU (with or without NAICS codes). Staff will present the new draft TOPU to the NHC Planning Board for review and appropriate action and adoption. Following Planning Board adoption, the new TOPU will go to the NHC Commissioners for their review, appropriate action and adoption. - 10 - 1ITEM: 1 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 3, 2016 REGULAR ITEM: DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Brad Schuler, Current Planner CONTACT(S): Brad Schuler; Ben Andrea, Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z-963, 11/16) – Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Coastal Carolina Car Wash, LLC, to rezone 0.83 acres located at 6016 & 6100 Castle Hayne Road from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District. BRIEF SUMMARY: The subject property consists of portions of two parcels located at 6016 & 6100 Castle Hayne Road, totaling 0.83 acres. When zoning was initially applied to this area in 1985, a strip of B-2 zoning, approximately 190 feet in width, was established along the eastern side of Castle Hayne Road. The property is located within the commercial area of Castle Hayne. This area includes general office, retail, and restaurant uses. Single-family housing surrounds the commercial area and is located directly east of the property along Blossom Street, an unimproved public right-of-way. As this is not an application for a conditional zoning district, there is no site plan and no specific uses are proposed to be developed on the property. If this application is approved, then the property can be developed in accordance with the standards of the B-2 zoning district. According to the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the site is classified as Community Mixed Use. This placetype provides opportunity for lower density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Commercial uses should be limited to office and retail spaces in carefully located areas where neighborhood character will be enhanced, while recreation and school facilities are encourage throughout. The proposal to rezone the property to B-2 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commercial uses are appropriate within the Community Mixed Use placetype. Also, the B-2 district provides more opportunities to provide a mixture of residential and commercial uses. According to the Castle Hayne Community Plan, the site and commercial corridor is classified as Commercial/Mixed Use. The plan encourages commercial/mixed use development to extend east along Blossom Street as shown on the below Proposed Land Use Map. Therefore, this application is consistent with the Castle Hayne Community Plan. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval and suggests the following motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 0.83 acres from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District as described is: 1.Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because the B-2 zoning district would allow for office and retail uses, which are appropriate within the Community Mixed Use placetype. The application is also consistent with 2008 Castle Hayne Community Plan, which identifies the property and surrounding corridor area to be developed for commercial and mixed use purposes. 2.Reasonable and in the public interest because it encourages commercial and mixed use development along the Castle Hayne commercial corridor that may serve the area residents and attract additional customers to support area businesses. ATTACHMENTS: Z-963 Script PB Z-963 Petition Summary Z-963 Staff Summary Z-963 Neighborhood Map Z-963 Zoning Map Z-963 Comp Plan Map Z-963 Water Sewer Map Applicant Materials Cover Sheet Z-963 Application ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 SCRIPT FOR Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z-963, 11/16) Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Coastal Carolina Car Wash, LLC, to rezone 0.83 acres located at 6016 & 6100 Castle Hayne Road from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the Public Hearing 4. Board discussion 5. At this time, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to recommend approval or denial of the application. What do you wish to do? 6. Vote on the zoning map amendment application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 0.83 acres from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because the B-2 zoning district would allow for office and retail uses, which are appropriate within the Community Mixed Use placetype. The application is also consistent with 2008 Castle Hayne Community Plan, which identifies the property and surrounding corridor area to be developed for commercial and mixed use purposes. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because it encourages commercial and mixed use development along the Castle Hayne commercial corridor that may serve the area residents and attract additional customers to support area businesses. - 1 - 1ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-963, 11/16 Page 1 of 1 Case Z-963, (11/16) Rezone from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District Petition Summary Data Parcel Location & Acreage: 6016 & 6100 Castle Hayne Road, 0.83 acres Petitioner/Owner: Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions (Applicant) Coastal Carolina Car Wash, LLC (Owner) Existing Land Use: Automobile Service Station (car wash) Zoning History: July 1, 1985 - Initially zoned B-2 & R-15 via Area Castle Hayne Land Classification: Community Mixed Use Water Type: Private Well Sewer Type: Public Recreation Area: Riverside Park Access: Castle Hayne Road (US 117) Fire District: New Hanover County North Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Holly Shelter Creek (C:Sw) Conservation/Historic/ Archaeological Resources: There are no known conservation, historic, or archaeological resources on the property. Soils and Septic Suitability: Kenansville Fine Sand (Ke) – Class I: Suitable/Slight Limitation Schools: Castle Hayne Elementary, Eaton Elmentary, Holly Shelter Middle, Laney High - 2 - 1ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-963, (11/16) Page 1 of 6 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION CASE: Z-963, 11/16 PETITIONER: Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions, applicant Coastal Carolina Car Wash, LLC, property owner REQUEST: Rezone from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District ACREAGE: 0.83 acres LOCATION: 6016 & 6100 Castle Hayne Road PID: R01109-005-001-000 R01109-004-003-000 2016 COMP PLAN PLACE TYPE: Community Mixed Use EXISTING CONDITIONS: Existing Zoning and Land Uses The subject property consists of portions of two parcels located at 6016 & 6100 Castle Hayne Road, totaling 0.83 acres. When zoning was initially applied to this area in 1985, a strip of B-2 zoning, approximately 190 feet in width, was established along the eastern side of Castle Hayne Road. As this B- 2 district did not follow rear property lines, it created many split zoned properties consisting of B-2 and R- 15 zoning. This rezoning application, if approved, would zone the subject parcels entirely B-2. The property is located within the commercial area of Castle Hayne. This area includes general office, retail, and restaurant uses. Single-family housing surrounds the commercial area and is located directly east of the property along Blossom Street, an unimproved public right-of-way. - 3 - 1ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-963, (11/16) Page 2 of 6 Existing Site Conditions Currently, a car washing business operates in the B-2 zoned portion at 6100 Castle Hayne Road. The R-15 zoned portion was previously used as a mobile home park, however that use has since been discontinued. The R-15 portion and the parcel at 6016 Castle Hayne Road are currently undeveloped. Parcels included in the rezoning application Area proposed to be rezoned Community Services Water and Sewer: The property has access to public sewer (CFPUA). Public water is unavailable. Fire Protection: The property is served by New Hanover County Fire Services and located in the New Hanover County North Fire District. - 3 - 2ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-963, (11/16) Page 3 of 6 Schools: The property is located within the school districts for Castle Hayne Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High schools. Conservation, Historic, and Archaeological Resources The subject property does not host any known conservation, historic, or archaeological resources. PETITIONER’S REQUEST: The petitioner is seeking to rezone 0.83 acres currently zoned R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District. STAFF POSITION: Zoning Ordinance Considerations The purpose of the Highway Business District is to provide for the proper grouping and development of roadside business uses which will best accommodate the needs of the motoring public and businesses demanding of high volume traffic. The district’s principle means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and/or major arterials. As this is not an application for a conditional zoning district, there is no site plan and no specific uses are proposed to be developed on the property. If this application is approved, then the property can be developed in accordance with the standards of the B-2 zoning district. Transportation The Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) conducted a traffic count at the 6100 block of Castle Hayne Road in 2015. The count yielded an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 15,324 trips. Castle Hayne Road has a design capacity of 16,200 daily trips, and therefore it is classified as having an “E” Level of Service (LOS) with a Volume to Capacity Ratio of 0.95. Environmental The property is not within a Special Flood Hazard Area and does not appear to contain any wetlands. Stormwater management will be reviewed by New Hanover County Engineering when a development application is submitted to the County. Comprehensive Plan Considerations According to the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the site is classified as Community Mixed Use. This placetype provides opportunity for lower density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Commercial uses should be limited to office and retail spaces in carefully located areas where neighborhood character will be enhanced, while recreation and school facilities are encourage throughout. Relevant Goals, Strategies, and Guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan: Goal I: Support business growth (Desired Outcome: A vibrant economy for New Hanover County Based on business success.) Strategy C. Align county zoning ordinances to encourage targeted business in appropriate areas. - 3 - 3ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-963, (11/16) Page 4 of 6 Guidelines C.3 Develop strategies for encouraging office, retail, and other light intensity nonresidential uses within existing residential areas to provide community level service. The proposed rezoning of the property to B-2 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commercial uses are appropriate within the Community Mixed Use placetype. Also, the B-2 district provides more opportunities to provide a mixture of residential and commercial uses. 2008 Castle Hayne Community Plan According to the Castle Hayne Community Plan, the site and commercial corridor is classified as Commercial/Mixed Use. The plan encourages commercial/mixed use development to extend east along Blossom Street as shown on the below Proposed Land Use Map. Therefore, this application is consistent with the Castle Hayne Community Plan. The subject property is identified with the blue star - 3 - 4ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-963, (11/16) Page 5 of 6 REVIEW AND ACTION: This application has been processed and reviewed per Section 110 – Amending the Ordinance. Staff recommends approval of the application. Staff concludes that the application is consistent with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan and with the 2008 Castle Hayne Community Plan. B-2 zoning would provide for additional opportunities for this property to be developed for commercial or mixed use purposes, which is encouraged by both plans. FIRST ACTION NEEDED:  Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request  Motion to “table” the item in order to receive more information  Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning request Example Motion for Approval: Motion to recommend approval, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 0.83 acres from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is consistent]. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments.]. Conditions: [List any agreed upon conditions] Example Motion for Denial: Motion to recommend denial, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 0.83 acres from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District as described is: 1. Not Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is not consistent]. 2. Not reasonable or in the public interest because [Briefly explain why not. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments.]. - 3 - 5ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-963, (11/16) Page 6 of 6 Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 0.83 acres from R-15, Residential District, to B-2, Highway Business District as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because the B-2 zoning district would allow for office and retail uses, which are appropriate within the Community Mixed Use placetype. The application is also consistent with 2008 Castle Hayne Community Plan, which identifies the property and surrounding corridor area to be developed for commercial and mixed use purposes. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because it encourages commercial and mixed use development along the Castle Hayne commercial corridor that may serve the area residents and attract additional customers to support area businesses. - 3 - 6ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 27 27 0 18 15 38 22 24 43 1 39 9 14 13 28 25 26 421023 41 16 40 1719 8 326 4 3 7 5 12 36 31 20 11 21 3334 29 35 37 44 2 30 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE RD LYNN AVE SYCAMORE AVE LINVILLE DR BLOSSOM FERRY RD PRIVATE CASTLE AVE VOLK DR SHEARIN HILLS DR MISHOE RD MCCLURE CIR BLOSSOM ST VINE ST MOSSY ROCK CT MULBERRY ST C A P E L A N DI N G R D BLOSSOM ST 1,000 Feet®HNC Z-963 RA B-2 R-15 R-10 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE RD MCCLURE CIR CASTLE AVE LYNN AVE BLOSSOM ST Z-963 Case: Zoning MapAmendment Request: Z-963 Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Z oning:Site Address: 6016 & 6100Castle Hayne Rd R-15/Undeveloped B-2 Parcels within 500 Feet of Case Site ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!! Case SiteNeighboring Parcels ID Physical Address15915 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE26008 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE36004 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE46118 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE56118 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE66201 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE76200 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE06100 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE86016 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE96000 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE106000 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE116215 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE126200 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE136101 1 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE146117 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE156117 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE165916 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE1711 CASTLE AVE CASTLE HAYNE186001 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE195900 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE205 CASTLE AVE CASTLE HAYNE216011 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE225901 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE230 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE245908 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE256201 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE266129 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE270 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE286015 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE296000 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE306206 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE316208 BLOSSOM ST CASTLE HAYNE326205 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE336017 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE346010 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE355900 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE363 CASTLE AVE CASTLE HAYNE375900 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE386205 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE396107 CASTLE HAYNE RD CASTLE HAYNE406115 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE416115 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE426005 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE436101 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE446109 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE - 4 - 1 IT E M : 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 RA R-15 I-2 R-10 B-2 O&I ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE RD LYNN AVE SYCAMORE AVE LINVILLE DR BLOSSOM FERRY RD PRIVATE CASTLE AVE VOLK DR SHEARIN HILLS DR MISHOE RD MCCLURE CIR BLOSSOM ST VINE ST MOSSY ROCK CT MULBERRY ST C A P E L A N DI N G R D BLOSSOM ST 1,000 Feet®HNC Z-963 Case: Zoning MapAmendment Request: Z-963 Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Z oning:Site Address: 6016 & 6100Castle Hayne Rd R-15/Undeveloped B-2 Zoning Districts SHOD A-IARB-1 B-2 EDZDI-1I-2O&I PDR-10 R-15R-20 R-20S R-7RA RFMU SC Incorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD)Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD)See Section 55.1 of the Zoning OrdinanceCOD - 5 - 1 IT E M : 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 COMMUNITY MIXED USE GENERAL RESIDENTIAL RURAL RESIDENTIAL ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE RD LYNN AVE SYCAMORE AVE LINVILLE DR BLOSSOM FERRY RD PRIVATE CASTLE AVE VOLK DR SHEARIN HILLS DR MISHOE RD MCCLURE CIR BLOSSOM ST VINE ST MOSSY ROCK CT MULBERRY ST C A P E L A N DI N G R D BLOSSOM ST 1,000 Feet®HNC Z-963 Case: Zoning MapAmendment Request: Z-963 Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Z oning:Site Address: 6016 & 6100Castle Hayne Rd R-15/Undeveloped B-2 Placetypes Commerce Zone Emplyment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation - 6 - 1 IT E M : 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 ORANGE ST CASTLE HAYNE RD LYNN AVE SYCAMORE AVE LINVILLE DR BLOSSOM FERRY RD PRIVATE CASTLE AVE VOLK DR SHEARIN HILLS DR MISHOE RD MCCLURE CIR BLOSSOM ST VINE ST MOSSY ROCK CT MULBERRY ST C A P E L A N DI N G R D BLOSSOM ST 1,000 Feet®HNC Z-963 Case: Zoning MapAmendment Request: Z-963 Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Z oning:Site Address: 6016 & 6100Castle Hayne Rd R-15/Undeveloped B-2 Sewer Collector Water Distribution Main - 7 - 1 IT E M : 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 APPLICANT MATERIALS - 8 - 1ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 8 - 2ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 1 of 3 04/14 Petitioner Information Property Owner(s) If different than Petitioner Subject Property Name Owner Name Address Company Owner Name 2 Parcel ID(s) Address Address Area City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Existing Zoning and Use Phone Phone Email Email Land Classification Application Tracking Information (Staff Only) Case Number Date/Time received:Received by: NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS Application for ZONING MAP AMENDMENT 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7165 phone 910-798-7053 fax www.nhcgov.com APPLICATION OVERVIEW In order to assist petitioners through the rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre-application conference prior to application submittal. Petitioners are requested to review the sections of the Zoning Ordinance specific to zoning amendments prior to submission, and advised to contact Planning Staff with any questions. The following sections of the Zoning Ordinance pertain specifically to zoning amendments: •Section 110: Amending the Ordinance •Section 111: Petitions •Section 112: Approval Process Applications for zoning amendments must first be considered by the New Hanover County Planning Board at a public hearing. The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the County Commissioners which will take final action on the permit application in a quasi-judicial public hearing. Attendance at all public hearings is required. The public hearings will allow staff, the applicant, proponents and opponents to testify in regards to the request. Unless otherwise published or announced, Planning Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00PM in the Commissioner's Assembly Room at the Historic County Courthouse located at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina. All meeting dates and application deadlines are published on the New Hanover County Planning website. CindeeWolf CoastalCarolinaCarWash,LLC6016&6100CastleHayneRd DesignSolutions 323213.22.2956&.23.3046 P.O.Box7221 1202NLakeParkBlvd 0.83ac.+/- Wilmington,NC28406 CarolinaBeach,NC28428 910-620-2374 R-15/Vacant cwolf@lobodemar.biz matt@secofconstruction.com PrintForm CommunityMixed-Use 910-458-7790/MattMurphy - 9 - 1ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 2 of 3 04/14 CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONING Requests for general rezonings do not consider a particular land use but rather all of the uses permitted in the zoning district which is being requested for the subject property. Rezoning requests must be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance, and the applicant has the burden of proving that the request is not consistent with the county’s adopted land use plan, zoning ordinance, reasonable, and in the public’s interest. The applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed zoning district satisfies these requirements. The applicant has the burden of proof and must provide sufficient evidence in order for the required findings to be met. You must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements (attach additional sheets if necessary): 1.How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s Policies for Growth and Development? APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS In order to assist petitioners through the rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre-application conference prior to application submittal. Applications must be reviewed by Planning Staff for completeness prior to being officially accepted. Applications must be submitted to Planning Staff at least twenty (20) working days before the Planning Board meeting at which the application is to be considered. In order to allow time to process, fees and review for completeness, applications will not be accepted after 5:00 PM on the deadline day. Once accepted, the Planning Board will consider the application at the assigned meeting unless the applicant requests a continuance. For all proposals, in addition to this application, the following supplemental information and materials are required: Required Information Applicant Initial Staff Initial Copy of the New Hanover County Tax Map, which delineates the property requested for rezoning. Legal description (by metes and bounds) of property requested for rezoning. Copy of the subdivision map or recorded plat which delineates the property. Any special requirements of the Ordinance (for example, Section 54.2 for Planned Development District, Section 54.1 for Exceptional Design Zoning District, or Section 54.3 for Riverfront Mixed Use District) A report of the required public information meeting outlined in Section 111-2.1 (if applicable) Authority for Appointment of Agent Form (if applicable) Fee -For petitions involving 5 acres or less, $500. For petitions involving greater than 5 acres, $600 CAW CAW CAW N/A N/A CAW CAW Policiesforgrowthandeconomicdevelopmentencouragecontinuedeffortstoattractandretainbusinesses.Sustainabilityof theCountydependsonsensibleinfillandmaximizinguseoflandsalreadyaccessibletourbanservices.ThisareaofCastle Haynehasbeendesignatedasappropriatefor"CommunityMixed-use"development.Extendingthecommercialzonethrough thepropertiesandovertoBlossumStreetnegatesthecurrentsplitzoningandwillallowtheOwnerbetterflexibilityfor improvementanddevelopmentalternatives.The2008CastleHayneLandUsestudyalsorecommendedthatthesubject propertybezonedforbusinessfromtheCastleHayneRoadfrontageallthewaythroughtoBlossomStreet. - 9 - 2ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 3 of 3 04/14 2.How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property’s classification on the Land Classification Map? 3.What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? 4.How will this change of zoning serve the public interest? If an applicant requests delay of consideration from the Planning Board or Board of County Commissioners before notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will be calendared for the next meeting and no fee will be required. If delay is requested after notice has been sent to the newspaper, the Board will act on the request at the scheduled meeting and are under no obligation to grant the continuance. If the continuance is granted, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule as published on the New Hanover County Planning website will be required. By my signature below, I understand and accept all of the conditions, limitations and obligations of the zoning district for which I am applying. I understand that the existing official zoning map is presumed to be correct. I understand that I have the burden of proving why this requested change is in the public interest. I certify that this application is complete and that all information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. __________________________________________ _______________________________________ Signature of Petitioner and/or Property Owner Print Name CindeeWolf/DesignSolutions TheCommunityMixed-useclassificationfocusesondevelopmentpatternsthatareamixtureofretail,officeandhousinguses. Theproposedrezoningwouldjustextendtheexistingbusinessdistricttoalogicaldelineationandallowacomprehensive developmentpatterntobeestablished. Theownerimprovedthepropertybyremovingantiquatedmobilehomesfromtherearareainhopesofreplacingthemwith newerresidentialunits.However,thehistoricdensitywasnolongerpermittedbecausezoiningenforcementinterpretedthat themobilehomeparkusehadbeenformallyabandoned.TheOwnertriedtoappealthatinterpretation,butitwasdenied.this leavesthepropertyrelativelyunusablebecauseconventionalR-15residentialdevelopmentwouldbegenerallyunattractiveto therearofcommercialuses.ZoningforbusinessbacktoBlossomStreetwouldcreatealogicalseparationandtransition betweentheneighborhoodstotheeastandthebusyCastleHayneRoadcorridor. Thisrezoningwillallowthecompleteareaofthesubjectpropertiestobedevelopedasawhole,andaddtothecentralbusiness districtofCastleHayne.Itwillgivetheownermoreflexibilityfordevelopment.BlossomStreetwouldprovidetheseparationto themoreresidentialusestotheEast.Anydevelopmentwouldberequiredtoprovidevisualscreeningandbufferingtomitigate anyimpactstothoseresidencesfromtherearofthecommercialuse. - 9 - 3ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 9 - 4ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 9 - 5 IT E M : 2 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 Legal Description for  Rezoning of part of 6016 & 6100 Castle Hayne Road      Beginning at a point that is located South 80050’00” East, 215.00 feet from a point in the eastern  boundary of Castle Hayne Road (S.R. 2812 / NC Hwy. 133 / U.S. Hwy. 117), a 100’ public right‐of‐way;  said reference point being at the northwestern corner of “Tract 2 – Coastal Carolina Car Wash,” on a plat  recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 55, at Page 327; and  running thence from the point of beginning:  South 80050’00” East, 115.00 feet to a point; thence  South 09010’00” West, 314.00 feet to a point; thence  North 80050’00” West, 115.00 feet to a point; thence  North 09010’00” East, 314.00 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 36,110 square feet, or  0.83 acres, more or less.  - 9 - 6ITEM: 2 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 3, 2016 REGULAR ITEM: DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): Brad Schuler, Current Planner CONTACT(S): Brad Schuler; Ben Andrea, Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z-964, 11/16) – Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Amber Sun, LLC, to rezone 5.00 acres located at 5000 Blue Clay Road from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District, in order to allow for office and school uses within the existing building located on the property, and to expand the existing parking lot. BRIEF SUMMARY: The subject property consists of 5 acres located at 5000 Blue Clay Road. When zoning was initially applied to this area in 1972, the subject property and surrounding area were zoned R-15. The property has a history of being used for non-residential purposes. Prior to the establishment of zoning, the property was used as a seafood restaurant, and on occasion, as a night club. The restaurant suffered extensive fire damage in the mid-1980s resulting in its closure. In 1997, the property was rezoned to a Conditional Use Light Industrial District in order to allow for the development of offices for engineering consulting services and general contractors (Z-598). Currently, an office building and parking lot exist on the property. StreetSafe, a not-for-profit organization which provides educational services promoting safe driving practices, began to operate in the building in 2015. Recently, the organization sought to expand the parking lot in order to provide a larger area for conducting the driving classes. During this time, it was discovered that this use did not comply with the standards of the Conditional Use District, which limited the allowable uses to “geological and engineering services, special trade and general contractors”. This rezoning application, if approved, would modify the zoning district to permit technical schools, including StreetSafe, on the property. The surrounding area is zoned R-15 and consists of low density single-family housing. The proposed development will generate 22 trips in the AM peak, and 19 trips in the PM peak. Because the trips do not exceed 100 in the peak hours, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required to be completed. According to the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the site is classified as General Residential. This placetype provides opportunity for lower density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Commercial uses should be limited to office and retail spaces in carefully located areas where neighborhood character will be enhanced, while recreation and school facilities are encourage throughout. The proposal of allowing office and school uses within the existing building on the property is consistent with the General Residential placetype. Further, the proposed O&I district is more appropriate within this placetype, and within residential areas, than the current light industrial zoning. ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval and suggest the following motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because office and institutional uses that enhance neighborhood character are appropriate within the General Residential placetype. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposed office and institutional uses will provide additional high quality educational opportunities for the residents of New Hanover County, and because the proposal removes industrial zoning from an area predominantly zoned for residential purposes. ATTACHMENTS: Z-964 Script Z-964 Petition Summary Z-964 Staff Summary Z-964 Neighborhood Map Z-964 Zoning Map Z-964 Comp Plan Map Z-964 Water Sewer Map Applicant Materials Cover Sheet Z-964 Application Proposed Site Plan Cover Sheet Z-964 Proposed Site Plan ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 SCRIPT FOR Conditional Zoning District Application (Z-964, 11/16) Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Amber Sun, LLC, to rezone 5.00 acres located at 5000 Blue Clay Road from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District, in order to allow for office and school uses within the existing building located on the property, and to expand the existing parking lot. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the Public Hearing 4. Board discussion 5. At this time, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to recommend approval or denial of the application. What do you wish to do? 6. Vote on the conditional zoning district application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because office and institutional uses that enhance neighborhood character are appropriate within the General Residential placetype. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposed office and institutional uses will provide additional high quality educational opportunities for the residents of New Hanover County, and because the proposal removes industrial zoning from an area predominantly zoned for residential purposes. - 1 - 1ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-964, 11/16 Page 1 of 1 Case Z-964, (11/16) Rezone from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District Petition Summary Data Parcel Location & Acreage: 5000 Blue Clay Road, 5.00 acres Petitioner/Owner: Cindee Wolf, Design Solutions (Applicant) Amber Sun, LLC (Owner) Existing Land Use: Office Building Zoning History: July 7, 1982 - Initially zoned R-15 via Area 8A April 7, 1997 – Rezoned to (CUD) I-1 in order to allow for an engineering consulting business. Land Classification: General Residential Water Type: Public Sewer Type: Septic Recreation Area: Northern Regional Park Access: Blue Clay Road (SR 2181) Fire District: New Hanover County North Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Prince George Creek (C:Sw) Conservation/Historic/ Archaeological Resources: There are no known conservation, historic, or archaeological resources on the property. Soils and Septic Suitability: Kenansville Fine Sand (Ke) – Class I: Suitable/Slight Limitation Stallings Fine Sand (St) – Class II: Moderate Limitation Leon Soil (Le) – Class III: Severe Limitation Murville Fine Sand (Mu) – Class III: Severe Limitation Johnston Soil – Class IV: Unsuitable Schools: Castle Hayne Elementary, Eaton Elmentary, Holly Shelter Middle, Laney High - 2 - 1ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-964, (11/16) Page 1 of 6 CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION CASE: Z-964, 11/16 PETITIONER: Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions, applicant Amber Sun LLC, property owner REQUEST: Rezone from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District ACREAGE: 5.00 acres LOCATION: 5000 Blue Clay Road PID: R01800-003-016-000 2016 COMP PLAN PLACE TYPE: General Residential EXISTING CONDITIONS: Existing Zoning and Land Uses The subject property consists of 5 acres located at 5000 Blue Clay Road. When zoning was initially applied to this area in 1972, the subject property and surrounding area were zoned R-15. The property has a history of being used for non-residential purposes. Prior to the establishment of zoning, the property was used as a seafood restaurant, and on occasion, as a night club. The restaurant suffered extensive fire damage in the mid-1980s resulting in its closure. In 1997, the property was rezoned to a Conditional Use Light Industrial District in order to allow for the development of offices for engineering consulting services and general contractors (Z-598). Currently, an office building and parking lot exist on the property. StreetSafe, a not-for-profit organization which provides educational services promoting safe driving practices, began to operate in the building in 2015. Recently the organization sought to expand the parking lot in order to provide a larger area for conducting the driving classes. It was then discovered that - 3 - 1ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-964, (11/16) Page 2 of 6 this use did not comply with the standards of the Conditional Use District, which limited the allowable uses to “geological and engineering services, special trade and general contractors”. This rezoning application, if approved, would modify the zoning district to permit technical schools, including StreetSafe, on the property. The surrounding area is zoned R-15 and consists of low density single-family housing. Existing Site Conditions A 7,549 square foot building and parking lot have been constructed on the southern portion of the property, comprising approximately of one acre. The remaining portions of the property are undeveloped and wooded. Community Services Water and Sewer: The development is currently connected to public water (CFPUA). Wastewater is treated with a private septic system. Fire Protection: The property is served by New Hanover County Fire Services and located in the New Hanover County North Fire District. Schools: The property is located within the school districts for Castle Hayne Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High schools; however the proposed use will not have an impact on the school system. Conservation, Historic, and Archaeological Resources The subject property does not host any known conservation, historic, or archaeological resources. PETITIONER’S REQUEST: The petitioner is seeking to rezone 5.00 acres currently zoned (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District, in order to allow for office and - 3 - 2ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-964, (11/16) Page 3 of 6 professional/technical school uses within the existing building located on the property, and to expand the existing paved area used for driver training courses. STAFF POSITION: Zoning Ordinance Considerations The purpose of the Office and Institutional District is to provide areas where institutional uses, professional office uses and other uses compatible to uses of an office or institutional nature shall be encouraged to locate and to provide protection for this type land use from encroachment by other less desirable uses. The district's principal means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and/or major arterials as designated on the County's Thoroughfare Classification Plan. A conceptual site plan is included as part of the application and is shown below. If this application is approved, the property must be developed in accordance with the site plan. The applicant is proposing to utilize the existing building for office and educational uses, and to expand the existing paved area used for driver training courses. Conceptual Site Plan Further, the proposed development is subject to the County’s site plan/building permit review process. The process includes reviewing the plan with the technical standards of the County’s development ordinances, including landscaping, buffering, and stormwater requirements. A fully opaque buffer is required along the property lines that adjoin residential uses and zoning. As currently shown, the site plan complies with the Zoning Ordinance. Transportation The proposed development will generate 22 trips in the AM peak, and 19 trips in the PM peak. Because the trips do not exceed 100 in the peak hours, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required to be completed. - 3 - 3ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-964, (11/16) Page 4 of 6 The Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) conducted a traffic count at the 5000 block of Blue Clay Road on October 12, 2016. The count yielded an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 1,825 trips. This portion of Blue Clay Road has a design capacity of 9,400 daily trips, and therefore it is classified as having an “A” Level of Service (LOS) with a Volume to Capacity Ratio of 0.19. Environmental The northern undeveloped portion of the property is located within an AE Special Flood Hazard Area and AE Floodway. Stormwater management will be reviewed by New Hanover County Engineering. Comprehensive Plan Considerations According to the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the site is classified as General Residential. This placetype provides opportunity for lower density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Commercial uses should be limited to office and retail spaces in carefully located areas where neighborhood character will be enhanced, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Relevant Goals, Strategies, and Guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan: Goal I: Support business growth (Desired Outcome: A vibrant economy for New Hanover County Based on business success.) Strategy C. Align county zoning ordinances to encourage targeted business in appropriate areas. Guidelines C.3 Develop strategies for encouraging office, retail, and other light intensity nonresidential uses within existing residential areas to provide community level service. Goal XIV: Actively promote high quality education and diverse cultural opportunities for New Hanover County residents and visitors. (Desired Outcome: High quality education and diverse opportunities that sustain the economic vitality of our community and enrich the lives and future residents.) The proposal to allow office and school uses within the existing building on the property is consistent with the General Residential placetype. Further, the proposed O&I district is more appropriate within this placetype, and within residential areas, than the current light industrial zoning. - 3 - 4ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-964, (11/16) Page 5 of 6 REVIEW AND ACTION: This request is being facilitated by Section 55.3 – Conditional Zoning District of the County’s Zoning Ordinance, and has been processed and reviewed per Section 110 – Amending the Ordinance. A community meeting was held on Thursday, September 29th, 2016 in accordance with the requirements for such an application. Nobody from the public attended the meeting. The applicant has provided a summary of the meeting which is included in the applicaton. Staff recommends approval of the application. Staff concludes that the application is consistent with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan and with the Zoning Ordinance. Commercial, office, and school uses that enhance neighborhood character are appropriate within the General Residential placetype. The proposed uses do not generate a substantial amount of traffic and will provide additional educational opportunities for the area’s residents. FIRST ACTION NEEDED:  Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request  Motion to “table” the item in order to receive more information  Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning request Example Motion for Approval: Motion to recommend approval, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and 2016 Comprehensive Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is consistent]. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments.]. Conditions: [List any agreed upon conditions] Example Motion for Denial: Motion to recommend denial, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Office and Institutional District as described is: 1. Not Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is not consistent]. - 3 - 5ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Z-964, (11/16) Page 6 of 6 2. Not reasonable or in the public interest because [Briefly explain why not. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments.]. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Planning Board finds that this application for a zoning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD) I-1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because office and institutional uses that enhance neighborhood character are appropriate within the General Residential placetype. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposed office and institutional uses will provide additional high quality educational opportunities for the residents of New Hanover County, and because the proposal removes industrial zoning from an area predominantly zoned for residential purposes. - 3 - 6ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 5 11 13 13 17 0 14 7 16 9 10 1 18 8 13 3 4 15 6 2 12 I- 4 0 E I- 4 0 W BLUE CLAY RD P R I V A T E WOODHAVEN DR BROOKDALE DR GLAZIER RD MILLHOUSE RD P R O S P E R I T Y L N GILBERT CURRY DR HERMITAGE DR B A L L A R D D R D A I R Y F A R M R D CONWAY RD PRIVATE B L U E C L A Y R D PRIVATE 1,000 Feet®HNC Z-964 R-15 CUD I-1 BLUE CLAY RD GILBERT CURRY DR Z-964 Case: Conditional ZoningDistrict Request: Z-964 Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Z oning:Site Address: 5000 Blue Clay Rd (CUD) I-1/Schools & Offices (CZD) O&I/Schools & Offices Parcels within 500 Feet of Case Site ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!! Case SiteNeighboring Parcels ID Physical Address14929 BLUE CLAY RD05000 BLUE CLAY RD24917 BLUE CLAY RD35124 BLUE CLAY RD44916 BLUE CLAY RD54908 BLUE CLAY RD65110 BLUE CLAY RD75116 BLUE CLAY RD84911 BLUE CLAY RD95021 BLUE CLAY RD105025 BLUE CLAY RD114908 BLUE CLAY RD124909 BLUE CLAY RD13200 BROOKDALE DR145001 BLUE CLAY RD155008 BLUE CLAY RD16106 GILBERT CURRY DR174915 BLUE CLAY RD185108 BLUE CLAY RD - 4 - 1 IT E M : 3 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 R-15 R-10 B-2 I-2 CUD I-1 O&I I- 4 0 E I- 4 0 W BLUE CLAY RD P R I V A T E WOODHAVEN DR BROOKDALE DR GLAZIER RD MILLHOUSE RD P R O S P E R I T Y L N GILBERT CURRY DR HERMITAGE DR B A L L A R D D R D A I R Y F A R M R D CONWAY RD PRIVATE B L U E C L A Y R D PRIVATE 1,000 Feet®HNC Z-964 Case: Conditional ZoningDistrict Request: Z-964 Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Z oning:Site Address: 5000 Blue Clay Rd (CUD) I-1/Schools & Offices (CZD) O&I/Schoolsl & Offices Placetypes Commerce Zone Emplyment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation Zoning Districts SHOD A-IAR B-1 B-2 EDZDI-1I-2O&I PDR-10 R-15R-20 R-20S R-7RA RFMU SC Incorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD)Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD)See Section 55.1 of the Zoning OrdinanceCOD - 5 - 1 IT E M : 3 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE URBAN MIXED USE EMPLOYMENT CENTER I- 4 0 E I- 4 0 W BLUE CLAY RD P R I V A T E WOODHAVEN DR BROOKDALE DR GLAZIER RD MILLHOUSE RD P R O S P E R I T Y L N GILBERT CURRY DR HERMITAGE DR B A L L A R D D R D A I R Y F A R M R D CONWAY RD PRIVATE B L U E C L A Y R D PRIVATE 1,000 Feet®HNC Z-964 Case: Conditional ZoningDistrict Request: Z-964 Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Z oning:Site Address: 5000 Blue Clay Rd (CUD) I-1/Schools & Offices (CZD) O&I/Schools & Offices Placetypes Commerce Zone Emplyment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation - 6 - 1 IT E M : 3 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 I- 4 0 E I- 4 0 W BLUE CLAY RD P R I V A T E WOODHAVEN DR BROOKDALE DR GLAZIER RD MILLHOUSE RD P R O S P E R I T Y L N GILBERT CURRY DR HERMITAGE DR B A L L A R D D R D A I R Y F A R M R D CONWAY RD PRIVATE B L U E C L A Y R D PRIVATE 1,000 Feet®HNC Z-964 Case: Rezoning Request: Z-964 Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Z oning:Site Address: 5000 Blue Clay Rd (CUD) I-1/Schools and Offices (CZD) O&I/School & Offices Placetypes Commerce Zone Emplyment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation Sewer Collector Water Distribution Main - 7 - 1 IT E M : 3 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 APPLICANT MATERIALS - 8 - 1ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 8 - 2ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 1 of 3 04/14 Petitioner Information Property Owner(s) If different than Petitioner Subject Property Name Owner Name Address Company Owner Name 2 Parcel ID(s) Address Address Area City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Existing Zoning and Use Phone Phone Proposed Use Email Email Land Classification Application Tracking Information (Staff Only) Case Number Date/Time received:Received by: NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS Application for CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT T 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7165 phone 910-798-7053 fax www.nhcgov.com APPLICATION OVERVIEW In order to assist petitioners through the rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre-application conference prior to application submittal. Petitioners are requested to review the sections of the Zoning Ordinance specific to zoning amendments and conditional zoning districts prior to submission, and advised to contact Planning Staff with any questions. The following sections of the Zoning Ordinance pertain specifically to zoning amendments and conditional zoning districts: •Section 55.3: Conditional Zoning Districts •Section 110: Amending the Ordinance •Section 111: Petitions •Section 112: Approval Process Applications for zoning amendments must first be considered by the New Hanover County Planning Board at a public hearing. The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the County Commissioners which will take final action on the permit application in a quasi-judicial public hearing. Attendance at all public hearings is required. The public hearings will allow staff, the applicant, proponents and opponents to testify in regards to the request. Unless otherwise published or announced, Planning Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00PM in the Commissioner's Assembly Room at the Historic County Courthouse located at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina. All meeting dates and application deadlines are published on the New Hanover County Planning website. CindeeWolfAmberSun,L.L.C.5000BlueClayRoad DesignSolutions 324109.05.3818 POBox72215000BlueClayRoad 5.00ac.+/- Wilmington,NC28406CatleHayne,NC28429I-1(CUD)School&Offices 910-620-2374 910-262-6757/DougDarrell O&I(CZD)School&Offices cwolf@lobodemar.bizdoug@streetsafeus.com GeneralResidencial PrintForm - 9 - 1ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 2 of 3 04/14 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS In order to assist petitioners through the rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre-application conference prior to application submittal. Applications must be reviewed by Planning Staff for completeness prior to being officially accepted. Applications must be submitted to Planning Staff at least twenty (20) working days before the Planning Board meeting at which the application is to be considered. In order to allow time to process, fees and review for completeness, applications will not be accepted after 5:00 PM on the deadline day. Once accepted, the Planning Board will consider the application at the assigned meeting unless the applicant requests a continuance. For all proposals, in addition to this application, the following supplemental information and materials are required: Required Information Applicant Initial Staff Initial Copy of the New Hanover County Tax Map, which delineates the property requested for rezoning. Legal description (by metes and bounds) of property requested for rezoning. Copy of the subdivision map or recorded plat which delineates the property. Site Plan (8-24x36 copies for Planning Board; 8-24x36 copies for Commissioners) x Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads x Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses, this shall include number, height and type of units and area to be occupied by each structure and/or subdivided boundaries. For non- residential uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area it will occupy and the specific purpose for which it will be used. x Development schedule including proposed phasing. x Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right-of-way dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right-of-way for internal streets and location, arrangement and access provision for parking areas. x All existing and proposed easements, reservations, required setbacks, rights-of-way, buffering and signage x The one hundred (100) year floodplain line, if applicable x Location and sizing of trees required to be protected under Section 62 of the Zoning Ordinance x Any additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations or other limitations on land which may be regulated by State law or Local Ordinance. x Any other information that will facilitate review of the proposed change (Ref. Article VII, as applicable) A report of the required public information meeting outlined in Section 111-2.1. Authority for Appointment of Agent Form (if applicable) Fee -For petitions involving 5 acres or less, $600. For petitions involving greater than 5 acres, $700 CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW - 9 - 2ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Page 3 of 3 04/14 CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONING Conditional Use District Zoning is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective but for which none of the general zoning classifications which would allow that use are acceptable. The applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed use satisfies these requirements. The applicant has the burden of proof and must provide sufficient evidence in order for the required findings to be met. You must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements (attach additional sheets if necessary): 1.How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s Policies for Growth and Development? 2.How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property’s classification on the Land Classification Map? 3.What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? 4.List proposed conditions and restrictions that would mitigate the impacts of the proposed use(s). If an applicant requests delay of consideration from the Planning Board or Board of County Commissioners before notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will be calendared for the next meeting and no fee will be required. If delay is requested after notice has been sent to the newspaper, the Board will act on the request at the scheduled meeting and are under no obligation to grant the continuance. If the continuance is granted, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule as published on the New Hanover County Planning website will be required. By my signature below, I understand and accept all of the conditions, limitations and obligations of the Conditional Use District zoning for which I am applying. I understand that the existing official zoning map is presumed to be correct. I understand that I have the burden of proving why this requested change is in the public interest. I certify that this application is complete and that all information presented in this application is accurate tothe best of my knowledge, information, and belief. __________________________________________ _______________________________________ Signature of Petitioner and/or Property Owner Print Name CynthiaWolf/DesignSolutions Policiesforgrowthencouragecontinuedeffortstoattract&retainbusinesses.Theexistingpropertyuseisnon-conforming. Therezoningwouldbringtheuseintoconformanceandallowittoexpand.Theconditionaldistrictprocessallowsthistooccur andstillprotectthesurroundingresidentialuses. Thesiteisina"GeneralResidential"landclassification.Thisisaplace-typethatshouldbelimitedtoofficeandlimited commercialuses.Thechangewouldbeconsideredadown-zonefromthemuchmoreintensiveindustrialzonecurrently existingandmoreappropriatetothenewplanclassification. Theenvironmentalcontractorthatonceoccupiedthepropertyvacatedseveralyearsago.Theexistinguseasatechnicalschool isconsiderednon-conformingandtherebyisnotpermittedtomakeimprovementsorexpand. Thetripgenerationfortheexistinguseasadrivingsafetyschoolsandsomeprofessionalofficeshasaverylowtripgeneration. Bufferyardplantingswillprovidevisual&noisescreeningtomitigateanyimpactstotheresidentialusestotheSouth.The rezoningwouldmaximizetheeffectivenessofthecurrentuse,butnotappreciablychangethecurrentconditions. - 9 - 3ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 9 - 4ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 9 - 5ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 Legal Description for  Conditional District Rezoning  5000 Blue Clay Road    Beginning at an iron pipe in the eastern boundary of Blue Clay Road (S.R. 2181), a 60’ public  right‐of‐way; said point being located perpendicular to a point in the road centerline that is  approximately 634 feet from its intersection with the centerline of Brookdale Drive (S.R. 2258),  a 60’ public right‐of way; and running thence from said point of beginning:  South 53032’19” East, 249.11 feet to a point; thence  South 24053’06” West, 878.44 feet to a point; thence  North 59014’15” West, 106.55 feet to a point; thence  North 61028’08” West, 235.84 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of Blue Clay Road; thence  with that right‐of‐way,  North 31003’47” East, 291.93 feet to a point; thence  South 58023’22” East, 203.72 feet to a point; thence  North 21032’28” East, 109.77 feet to a point; thence  North 15059’15” East, 153.37 feet to a point; thence  North 63019’45” West, 148.41 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of Blue Clay Road; thence  with that right‐of‐way,  North 31021’32” East, 372.79 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 5.00 acres,  more or less.      - 9 - 6ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 9 - 7ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Location: 5000 Blue Clay Road Proposed Zoning: Conditional Zoning District / (CZD) O&I The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting on the above zoning application was given to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Dept. for notice of the Sunshine List on September 16, 2016. A copy of the written notice is also attached. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Thursday, September 29, 2016, 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.; at the site / 5000 Blue Clay Road, Castle Hayne. The persons in attendance at the meeting were: No one attended other than the NHCo Representative – Brad Schuler. The following issues were discussed at the meeting: N/A As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the rezoning petition: None Date: October 5, 2016 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf - 9 - 8ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 OwnerOwner AddrOwner City ALLSBROOK ROBERT DOUGLAS142 BRADLEY PINES RD   WILMINGTON, NC 28403 AMBER SUN LLC5008 CASTLE LAKES RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 BONHAM L V LIFE ESTATE4917 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 CARTER WALTER C SR5200 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 CHINN LEONARD D JOYCE A REV LIV TR1817 FUTCH CREEK RD   WILMINGTON, NC 28411 CORPORATION FOR INQUIRY INC2525 WONDER WAY   WILMINGTON, NC 28401 FLESHER LARRY T5110 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 GREEN JERRY THOMAS5116 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 HARRISON CYNTHIA LYNAE4911 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 KENNEDY GREGORY L5021 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 KENNEDY JAMES EDWARD5025 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 MANASSAS INC6955 MARKET ST   WILMINGTON, NC 28411 MCRAE JOHN HENRY1538 JESSUP AVE   BRONX, NY 10452 MYERS JERRY GENERATION SKIP TRST121 COLUMBIA ST N  CHAPEL HILL, NC 27514 NICHOLS KENNETH W DORIS5001 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 POSTEMA KEEGAN P5008 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 RODRIGUEZ GILBERTO T BARBARA J106 GILBERT CURRY DR   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 TADLOCK DONALD JENEANE C2116 CASTLE HAYNE RD   WILMINGTON, NC 28401 WATSON DEBORAH FLESHER ETAL5108 BLUE CLAY RD   CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 - 9 - 9ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 9 - 10ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal September 16, 2016 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: Street Safe Driving Training Facility 5000 Blue Clay Road The referenced property is within 500 feet of yours, and is being used as a technical school for promoting safe driving. StreetSafe is a not-for-profit program with a mission to teach young and inexperienced drivers to become safer and more responsible on the road. This facility was used as an environmental contractor’s office and testing labs for many years. These uses required an industrial zoning designation (I-1/CUD), which was approved back in the late 1990’s. The current use would require a modification of that existing zoning. As a school, the most appropriate designation would be Office & Institutional (O&I), and we will be seeking a Conditional Zoning District approval from New Hanover County. A Conditional Zoning District allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project. Essentially, this means that only that use, structures and layout of an approved proposal can be developed. An exhibit of the site is attached. The only proposed change to the existing layout is the expansion of the pavement used for driver training. The County requires that the developer hold a meeting for all property owners within 500 feet of the tract boundary, and any and all other interested parties, prior to submittal. This provides neighbors with an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements, benefits and impacts. A meeting will be held on Thursday, September 29th, at the facility, 5000 Blue Clay Road, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620-2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community. - 9 - 11ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 9 - 12ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 9 - 13ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 PROPOSED SITE PLAN - 10 - 1ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 10 - 2ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 - 11 - 1ITEM: 3 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: November 3, 2016 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ITEM: DEPARTMENT: PRESENTER(S): CONTACT(S): Brad Schuler; Sam Burgess, Senior Planner; and Ben Andrea, Current Planning/Zoning Supervisor SUBJECT: TRC Report for September-October 2016 BRIEF SUMMARY: The Technical Review Committee met once during the month of September and twice in October to review three site plans. The full report is included in the agenda package. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear report. No action required. ATTACHMENTS: Sept-Oct 2016 TRC Report Package ITEM: 4 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2016 NHC TRC REPORT 1 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2016 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) met once in September and twice during the month of October and reviewed three (3) performance site plans. 1) Whiskey – Navajo Development (Performance Plan – continued from Sept 21 meeting) The Whiskey-Navajo Development is located near the central portion of our jurisdiction and is classified as General Residential on the County’s adopted 2016 Comprehensive Plan. The 170-unit project consisting of 56 townhomes, 26 duplexes, (88 single family lots) is near the 5600 block of South College Road, east side. Site Plan Attributes - Zoning: R-15 Residential - Water Service: Public (CFPUA) - Sewer Service: Public (CFPUA) - Road System: Public - Acreage: 71.35 - Access: Navaho Trail & Mohican Trail (public roads) - TIA: Yes - Conservation Resources: Yes In a vote of 5-0, the TRC approved the Whiskey-Navajo Development for 170 units with the following conditions: 1) No gates, traffic calming devices, or on-street parking unless reviewed by TRC and NCDOT. 2) Off-site road improvements as recommended by the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA). 3) Design of a T-intersection at the entrance to Navajo Trail to improve site distance requirements by NCDOT. 4) The creation of a sidewalk from the entrance to Mohican Trail into the project. 2) Beau Rivage Apartments (Performance Extension Request) Beau Rivage Apartments is located in the south central portion of our jurisdiction and is classified as General Residential on the County’s adopted 2016 Comprehensive Plan. The 120-unit project is located near the 6200 block of Carolina Beach Road, west side. The applicant for the project requested a preliminary one-year extension to the plan based on nominal work completed. Site Plan Attributes - Zoning: R-15 Residential - Water Service: Private (Aqua of North Carolina) - Sewer Service: Private (Aqua of North Carolina) - Road System: Private - Access: Carolina Beach Road - TIA: No - Conservation Resources: No - 1 - 1ITEM: 4 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2016 NHC TRC REPORT 2 In a vote of 5-0, the TRC approved the preliminary extension request for Beau Rivage Apartments with conditions (5) stated from the original approval in November, 2014. 3) 7230 Carolina Beach Road (Performance Plan) 7230 Carolina Beach Road is located in the southern portion of our jurisdiction and is classified as General Residential on the County’s adopted 2016 Comprehensive Plan. The 18 lot project is located near the 7200 block of Carolina Beach Road, west side. Site Plan Attributes - Zoning: R-15 Residential - Water Service: Private (Aqua of North Carolina) - Sewer Service: Private (Aqua of North Carolina) - Road System: Private - Access: Carolina Beach Road - TIA: No - Conservation Resources: Yes In a vote of 5-0, the TRC approved 7230 Carolina Beach Road with the following conditions: 1) No gates, traffic calming devices, or on-street parking permitted unless reviewed by the County’s TRC. 2) A waiver request by the applicant was accepted for reducing the private road right-of-way width from 45’ to 40’ with 22’ of pavement and 2’ of valley curb based on the nature of the elongated tract of land and desire to have larger lots. In lieu of the waiver to remove the sidewalk requirement, the TRC voted to have a 5’ thermoplastic strip be installed along the paved road edge (one side) to provide a safe haven for children and residents to the entrance with Carolina Beach Road. 3) A NCDOT Driveway permit will be required prior to final plat approval. 4) A wall/fence will be constructed along the southern boundary of the project (applicant request). 5) Road stubs will be paved prior to final plat approval to the project boundary to meet road inter-connectivity requirements. If for topo/grades impair the construction of the road stubs to the property boundary, signage will be placed indicating that the stubs will be constructed in the future along with posting a bond. 6) A field check for conservation resources and class IV soils will be verified by Planning staff within seven (7) business days. A modified performance residential application may require modification with the subtraction of class IV soils. - 1 - 2ITEM: 4 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 OCTOBER 2016 FOR PROJECT # 16289.PE PRELIMINARY DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5601 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WHISKEY-NAVAJO WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET INDEX SHEET NUMBERSHEET TITLE COVER SHEET SITE PLAN C-2.1TREE SURVEY C-2.0 Know what's R NOTICE REQUIRED ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE PHYSICALLY LOCATED PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF ANY CONSTRUCTION IN THE VICINITY OF SAID UTILITIES. CONTRACTORS SHALL NOTIFY OPERATORS WHO MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES IN THE AREA OF PROPOSED EXCAVATION AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS, BUT NOT MORE THAN TEN WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION. CONTRACTORS SHALL CONTACT OVERHEAD ELECTRIC PROVIDER TO COMPLY WITH FEDERAL OSHA 1910.333 MINIMUM APPROACH DISTANCE TO ENERGIZED POWERLINES AND OSH 29 CFR 1926.1407-1411 MUST BE FOLLOWED. CONTACT THESE UTILITIES DEVELOPER: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT & CIVIL ENGINEER: LAND SURVEYOR : VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST NEW HANOVER COUNTY ORDINANCES AND STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL. Signature: Name and Title: Date: Registration Number: WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE THE CURRENT DEVELOPER OF THE PROPERTY AND THAT UPON RECEIPT OF "AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT" ANY CLEARING, GRADING, CONSTRUCTION, OR DEVELOPMENT WILL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PLAN AND THE APPLICABLE ORDINANCES AND RULES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND ITS AGENCIES WHICH ARE HEREBY PART OF THIS PLAN. AS THE DEVELOPER, WE ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPOSED FACILITIES. WE WILL NOT ATTEMPT TO TRANSFER THIS RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Signature: Name and Title: Date: NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHISKEY-NAVAJO DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LLC P.O. Box 3649, Wilmington, NC 28406 PROPERTY OWNER: TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY- C-3.0UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE PLAN PRIVATE ROADS CERTIFICATE I, __________________________ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PRIVATE DRIVEWAY AS DEPICTED ON SUBDIVISION PLAT______________ HAS BEEN DESIGNED, INSTALLED, INSPECTED AND APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 52-4 OF THE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODES PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR ALL OR A PORTION OF THE SUBDIVISION. BY CERTIFYING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS DRIVEWAY AS PRIVATE...THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES OR ASSURANCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF SAID ROADS BY NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION. __________________________________________________________ CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERDATE PRIVATE ROADS CERTIFICATION I (WE) THE DEVELOPERS OF THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY UNDERSTAND THAT THE DRIVEWAY ACCESSING THE TOWNHOUSE PORTION OF SAID SUBDIVISION IS DESIGNATED PRIVATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF THE DRIVEWAY WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE DEVELOPER DESIGNATES THE RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOCIATION. RESPONSIBILITIES MUST BE ACCEPTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOCIATION AS SPECIFIED IN THE PROPERTY OWNER COVENANTS FOR SAID SUBDIVISION. THE PRIVATE DRIVEWAY IN SAID SUBDIVISION IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 52-4 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE COUNTY CODES WHICH INCLUDES THE DESIGN, INSTALLATION, INSPECTION, AND APPROVAL BY A LICENSED ENGINEER (P.E.) RECOGNIZED IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR ALL OR A PORTION OF THE SUBDIVISION. IF ALL OR A PORTION OF THE ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEM WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION IS BONDED THROUGH A SURETY, PERFORMANCE BOND, OR CASH ESCROW, NO BOND SHALL BE RELEASED UNTIL ALL ROAD CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETE AND CERTIFIED BY THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. IT SHALL BE DISCLOSED TO THE PROSPECTIVE BUYER OF A LOT OR LOTS WITHIN A SUBDIVISION THAT DRIVEWAY MAINTENANCE SHALL RUN THROUGH THE PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOCIATION IN PERPETUITY AFTER ACCEPTANCE FROM THE DEVELOPER UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE DRIVEWAY IS RE-PLATTED AS A PUBLICLY DESIGNATED ROAD AND TAKEN OVER FOR MAINTENANCE THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT) OR APPROPRIATE GOVERNING AUTHORITY. _____________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S)DATE CERTIFICATE OF DISCLOSURE FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENTS I (WE) ACKNOWLEDGE THAT NEITHER THE STATE NOR THE COUNTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF ANY STREETS, PARKS, DRAINAGE, OPEN SPACE OR OTHER AREAS WHICH ARE DESIGNATED FOR PRIVATE USE. I (WE) ACKNOWLEDGE THAT PRIOR TO CONTRACTING WITH A PROSPECTIVE BUYER, I SHALL GIVE THE BUYER A WRITTEN STATEMENT WHICH DISCLOSES THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF SUCH PRIVATE AREAS AND SPECIFIES THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SAME. WHEN APPLICABLE, THE STATEMENT SHALL DISCLOSE THAT THE DRIVEWAY WILL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED TO MINIMUM STANDARDS SUFFICIENT TO ALLOW THEIR INCLUSION ON THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM FOR MAINTENANCE. _______________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S)DATE - 1 - 3 IT E M : 4 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEO OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHEOHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE WETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWET WETWETWETWET WETWETWETWET WET W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WETWETWETWETWETWET WET WET WET WET 25 26 12 345 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 27 28 31 32 33 34 36 39 35 37 38 40 42 41 45 46 43 44 47 48 50 49 51525453 55 57 56 59 60 58 61 62 64 63 65 66 67696870 72 71 74 73 75 80 76 78 77 79 82 81 83 8584 86 87 8988 90 92 91 94 93 96 95 97 98 100 99 101 102 105 103 104107106 108 110 111 109 112 114 113 115116 A B C D E F G H I K J M L 60 ' 34 ' 50' 26' 50' 26' 20 ' 20' R30' R30 ' R30'R30 ' R30'R3 0 ' R30'R3 0 ' R3 0 ' R30' R30' R 3 0 ' 10' UTILIT Y E A S E M E N T 10' 10' 25' C O D S E T B A C K 20'DRAINAGEEASEMENT AND VEGETATED BUFF ER 20' 20 ' D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T 20 ' 10' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T 10' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T R3 0 ' 26' 50' 26'50' R3 0 ' 20' MIN. TYP. 18'26'18'8' 8' 9' 18' 24' 18' 20 ' M I N . TY P . 10' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T 10' UTILIT Y E A S E M E N T 10' UTILITY E A S E M E N T 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' UTIL I T Y E A S E M E N T 30' 26' R30' R30' R3 0 ' R30' R3 0 ' DA T E : SC A L E : DE S I G N E D : DR A W N : CH E C K E D : PEI JOB#: CO N C E P T U A L L A Y O U T : PR E L I M I N A R Y L A Y O U T : FIN A L D E S I G N : RE L E A S E D F O R C O N S T : PR O J E C T S T A T U S RE V I S I O N S : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N SEAL CL I E N T I N F O R M A T I O N : 08 / 2 4 / 1 6 08 / 0 1 / 1 6 NE W H A N O V E R C O . , N O R T H C A R O L I N A MA S O N B O R O T O W N S H I P 16289.PE WH I S K E Y - N A V A J O 1. R E V I S E D P E R T R C C O M M E N T S 9 / 2 8 / 1 6 ±1.89 AC AMENITY AREA WITH POOL AND CLUBHOUSE WITH MAILBOXES USED AS OPEN SPACE 18 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS PROJECT ENTRANCE EXIST I N G P O W E R L I N E E A S E M E N T SITE DATA TABULATION OWNER:DRY POND PARTNERS, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS:PO BOX 3649 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION #: R07100-004-004-000 TOTAL PARCEL AREA:133.45 AC RECORDED DEED BOOK:DB 5373 PG 1557 CURRENT ZONING:R-15 PROPOSED ZONING:R-15 (PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL) CAMA LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: AQUIFER RESOURCE PROTECTION AREA AND WATERSHED RESOURCE PROTECTION EXISTING LAND USE: UNUSED LAND PROPOSED LAND USE: RESIDENTIAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE:UNDEVELOPED DIMENSION STANDARDS NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE 59.1.1-2.1BUILDINGS ON THE PERIPHERY OF A PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SHALL SETBACK NO LESS THAN TWENTY (20) FEET FROM THE ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE. (6/16/86) 59.1.1-2.2IN NO CASE SHALL ANY PART OF A DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT BE LOCATED CLOSER THAN TEN (10) FEET TO ANY PART OF ANY OTHER DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING; AND IN NO CASE SHALL ANY PART OF A MULTIPLE DWELLING UNIT BE LOCATED CLOSER THAN TWENTY (20) FEET TO ANY PART OF ANOTHER DWELLING UNIT. (6/1/92) OPEN SPACE REQUIRED PROVIDED 170 LOTS x 0.03 AC/UNIT5.10 AC5.17 AC ACTIVE OPEN SPACE2.73 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 2.44 AC 5.17 AC BUFFERYARD BUFFER AGAINST RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IS EQUAL TO 50% OF REQUIRED SETBACK PER UDO SECTION 62.1-4 FLOOD NOTE THIS TRACT IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE X (AREA DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN) ACCORDING TO FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 3720312900J WITH A DATE OF APRIL 3, 2006. SEE MAP FOR PRELIMINARY FLOOD DATA ASSOCIATION MAINTENANCE ALL BUFFERS, DRAINAGE AREAS AND PASSIVE / ACTIVE OPEN SPACE SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION TREE PRESERVATION 1.ALL TREES WILL BE PRESERVED OR REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 62.1-3 AND 67 2.REFER TO SHEET C-2.1 FOR EXISTING TREE INFORMATION DENSITY DATA TOTAL OVERALL SITE ACREAGE:± 133.45 AC TOTAL PARENT PARCEL TO REMAIN:± 62.10 AC TOTAL PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL R-15 TRACT ACREAGE: ± 71.35 AC DENSITY CALCULATIONS: GROSS PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL R-15 TRACT ACREAGE:± 71.35 AC LESS - APPROXIMATE WETLAND AREA:± 3.12 AC LESS - APPROXIMATE STREAM AREA:± 0.28 AC TOTAL AREA SUBTRACTED:± 3.40 AC NET TRACT ACREAGE:± 67.95 AC BUILDING UNITS (PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL ALLOWS 2.5 UNITS / ACRE) ALLOWED UNITS:170 UNITS (2.5 x 67.95) PROPOSED UNITS: 170 UNITS TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS 170 UNITS TOTAL TOWNHOMES:54 UNITS (PHASE 2A) TOTAL DUPLEX:28 UNITS (PHASE 1) TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY LOTS:88 TOTAL LOTS PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY LOTS RANGE IN SIZE FROM:60' x 120' (7,200 SF) TO 80' x 170' (13,600 SF) (54) SINGLE FAMILY LOTS VEGETATED BUFFER STORMWATER POND 0 50 100 200 400 SCALE: 1"=100' GRAPHIC SCALE JURISDICTIONAL STREAM RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR ROAD (60' ROW) ROAD CONNECTION TO ADJACENT PARCEL (26'W G-G, TAPERS TO 30'W AT CONNECTION) (16) SINGLE FAMILY LOTS VEGETATED BUFFER VEGET A T E D B U F F E R ±0.50 AC ACTIVE OPEN SPACE W/ MAIL KIOSK ±0.22 AC ACTIVE OPEN SPACE 20' BOUNDARY SETBACK, TYP. TO BE KEPT AS HOA MAINTAINED BUFFER N O R T H SIGNIFICANT TREE, TYP. 25' COD SETBACK (SWAMP FOREST WETLANDS) PROJECT ROADS ALL PROPOSED ROADS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT WILL BE BUILT TO NCDOT & NHC STANDARDS. ALL ROADS WILL BE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY THERE SHALL BE NO ENCUMBRANCES WITHIN THE NCDOT RIGHT OF WAY ONLY NCDOT APPROVED MATERIALS ARE TO BE USED WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY TOWNHOME SECTION WILL BE BUILT WITH PRIVATE DRIVEWAY WITH PARKING IMPERVIOUS AREAS RIGHT OF WAYS (INCLUDING AMENITY PARKING)7.53 AC PARKING (TOWNHOMES)1.44 AC TOTAL8.97 AC STREET LIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHT MODELS AND LOCATIONS SHALL BE DESIGNED BY DUKE ENERGY BEDROOMS - TOWNHOUSES WILL HAVE APPROXIMATELY 2-3 BEDROOMS PER UNIT - SINGLE FAMILY HOMES WILL HAVE APPROXIMATELY 3-4 BEDROOMS 502 MOHICAN TRAIL 418 MOHICAN TRAIL EXISTING 60' R.O.W. JURISDICTIONAL DITCH ±1.38 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE ±0.50 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 10 / 0 4 / 1 6 1"= 1 0 0 ' AE JR C AE 20' BOUNDARY BUFFER OFFSET FROM NAVAHO TRAIL GREENWAY EASEMENT AMENITY WITH ARBOR, WALKWAY AND MULTI-PURPOSE LAWN AMENITY WITH ARBOR, WALKWAY AND MULTI-PURPOSE AREA (54) TOWNHOME UNITS W/ 20' MIN. BETWEEN STRUCTURES PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL TRACTS WOODED AREAS TO BE LEFT IN NATURAL STATE (TO GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE) WITH SELECTIVE CLEARING OF INVASIVE PLANT MATERIAL PAREN T P A R C E L 20' BOUNDARY SETBACK PROPOSED PROJECT BOUNDARY 50' JURISDICTIONAL STREAM BUFFER FUTURE PROPOSED ROADWAY CONNECTION TO FOX RUN PAVING NOTE: ALL PAVING THICKNESS WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON SOILS DATA.NO TESTING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AT THIS TIME, SO A MINIMUM PAVING SECTIONHAS BEEN PROVIDED AND WILL BE FURTHER EVALUATED WITH THE AVAILABILITY OFSOILS DATA. 8'18'26'18'8' SIDEWALK SIDEWALK90° PARKING STALL90° PARKING STALLPRIVATE DRIVE 34' G-G13' 5'7'1'1' 13' 5'7'1'1' 1/4" PER FT1/4" PER FT 1/2" PER FT1/2" PER FT MODIFIED VALLEY CURB 6" STONEUNDER CURBING 6"-B25.0B BASE 1.5"-SF9.5A SURFACE PAVING NOTE: ALL PAVING THICKNESS WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON SOILS DATA.NO TESTING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AT THIS TIME, SO A MINIMUM PAVING SECTIONHAS BEEN PROVIDED AND WILL BE FURTHER EVALUATED WITH THE AVAILABILITY OFSOILS DATA. SLOPES= 3:1 SLOPES= 3:1 60' RIGHT OF WAY 26' G-G12' 5'6'1'1' 12' 5'6'1'1' 1/4" PER FT1/4" PER FT MODIFIED VALLEY CURB 6" STONEUNDER CURBING 6"-B25.0B BASE 1.5"-SF9.5A SURFACE PAVING NOTE: ALL PAVING THICKNESS WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON SOILS DATA.NO TESTING HAS BEEN COMPLETED AT THIS TIME, SO A MINIMUM PAVING SECTIONHAS BEEN PROVIDED AND WILL BE FURTHER EVALUATED WITH THE AVAILABILITY OFSOILS DATA. SLOPES= 3:1 SLOPES= 3:1 50' RIGHT OF WAY 2%2% TURNDOWN CURBAT SIDEWALK 6"-B25.0B BASE1.5"-SF9.5A SURFACE EXISTING TREE, TYP. REFER TO SHEET C-2.1 FOR TREE EXHIBIT 10' x 70' DOT SIGHT TRIANGLE, TYP. DUMPSTER LOCATIONMAIL KIOSK FOR TOWNHOMES 28 DUPLEX UNITS WITH 20' MIN. BETWEEN STRUCTURES ADA CURB RAMPS AND CROSSWALKS, TYP. 25' GUY WIRE AND TRANSMISSION POLE EASEMENT ±0.65 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE - 1 - 4 IT E M : 4 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 - 1 - 5 ITEM: 4 Planning Board - November 3, 2016 VICINITY MAP INDEX OF SHEETS PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 7230 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD DEVELOPER/OWNER WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 2016 McADAMS HOMES, LLC 6626-C GORDON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 PHONE: (910) 799-3006 LEGEND PROJECT NAME: 7230 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD GSP CONSULTING PROJECT #: 2016-0004 FOR SITE DATA TABLE PREPARED BY: - 1 - 6 IT E M : 4 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 No. License # Revision Designer Drawn By DateBy Scale Date Job No. PREPARED FOR:Sheet No.7230 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD McADAMS HOMES, LLC 6626-C GORDON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 910-799-3006WilmingtonNew Hanover County North Carolina PRELIMINARY PLAN C-3 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 30 ft. 30 0153060 - 1 - 7 IT E M : 4 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6