TDA Board Meeting August 31 2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUGUST 31, 2016 PRESENT: Jonathan Barfield, NHC Commissioner Anne Brodsky, Hotel/Motel – Kure Beach Kim Hufham, President/CEO – NHC TDA Frank Jones, Hotel – (150-) Wilmington Carl Marshburn, County Attractions Nicolas Montoya, Hotel – (150+) Wrightsville Beach Chuck Pennington – County Bed and Breakfast Daniel Perkins, Hotel – (150+) Wilmington Angela Rhodes – County Restaurants Emilie Swearingen, Mayor – Town of Kure Beach Bill Saffo, Mayor – City of Wilmington Dan Wilcox, Mayor – Carolina Beach Lisa Wurtzbacher – Authority Finance Officer EXCUSED: N/A ABSENT: Bill Blair, Mayor – Wrightsville Beach; LeAnn Pierce, Hotel – Carolina Beach STAFF: Jeanette Foster, Administrative Services Manager/Recording Secretary Shawn Braden, Executive VP of Marketing Linda Brothers, Financial Analyst, New Hanover County John Sneed, VP of Sales and Services Connie Nelson, Communications/PR Director Karla Thompson, Technology/Systems Manager GUESTS: Clean Design: Scott Skaggs, Travis Conte, Tom Hickey, Amanda Maranelli French West Vaughn: Leah Knepper, Shina Jackson Mary Baggett Martin – Blockade Runner Resort Chairman Frank Jones called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board of Directors to order at 5:35 p.m. at the New Hanover County Government Complex in the Lucy B. Harrell Conference Room. ITEM #1 – EXCUSED – N/A 1 ITEM #2 – APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES – MAY 25, 2016 AND JUNE 8, 2016 \[Motion made by Chuck Pennington, seconded by Anne Brodsky and unanimously accepted to approve the May 25 and June 8, 2016 Board minutes as read.\] Chairman Jones welcomed our new Board member Daniel Perkins, Assistant General Manager of the Hilton Wilmington Riverside, representing 150+ rooms hotel in Wilmington. ITEM #3 – FINANCIALS/ROT REPORT – LISA WURTZBACHER Lisa Wurtzbacher, Authority Finance Officer, presented the TDA Financial Report for fiscal year of July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016. It was noted that an audit report for Fiscal Year of 2015-2016 should be ready to present at our October meeting. Total Expenses – July, 2015 – June 30, 2016 – Spent $1,753,996, leave us 4% under stnd budget for the Fiscal Year. Revenue over budget – 1 3% $279,000; 2 3% - $456,000. ROT Collections: st 1 3% for July, 2015 – June 30, 2016 compared to last Fiscal Year: 6.87% increase; based on Calendar Year (January, 2016 – June, 2016 ) 10.99% increase nd 2 3% Fiscal Year of July, 2015 – June, 2016 and Calendar Year – January, 2016 – June, 2016: Carolina Beach: 7.37% increase FY; 12.51% increase CY Kure Beach: 9.72% increase FY; 2.60% CY Wrightsville Beach: 3.03% increase FY; 4.60% CY nd 2 3% collections compared to last Fiscal Year of July, 2015 – June, 2016 and Calendar Year, January – June, 2016 for City of Wilmington, Convention Center and District U: City of Wilmington: 7.55%; increase FY; 14.47% increase CY Convention Center: 9.73% increase FY; 11.66% increase CY District U: increase of 7:06% FY; 13.60% increase CY During Lisa’s report, various Board members discussed how it is going with collecting ROT funds from short term rentals (home owners) who have not been reporting same. It appears letters have gone out to several who have been found 2 doing this. Information has been sent to them about what they should be doing and several are now in compliance. \[Motion made by Anne Brodsky, seconded by Chuck Pennington and unanimously accepted to approve the financials/rot report as presented by Lisa Wurtzbacher.\] Lisa presented a Budget Amendment – BA#2017-001 to appropriate the Purchase Order rollover for Audit Services and account for the payment against the Fiscal Year in which it is paid: Appropriated Fund Balance Amendment (Revenues) - $2,138.00; Expenditures (contracted services) – original amount of $65,100; new budget - $67,238.00. (Copy located in TDA Board Minutes Book XII) \[Motion made by Chuck Pennington, seconded by Carl Marshburn and unanimously accepted to approve the Budget Amendment – BA#2017-001 as presented.\] (Copy of this amendment in our Amendments Book.) ITEM #4 – 2016-2017 MARKETING PLAN PRESENTATION – KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham, along with Clean Design, French West Vaughn and Shawn Braden presented various information on the 2016-2017 Plan. Kim thanked the CVB staff for all of the hard work they had put into the plan, especially Shawn Braden and her marketing staff along with Karla Thompson. Of course, the agencies were also thanked. Kim presented information on the State of Tourism for 2015. Tourism Expenditures amounted to $520.86 million which was a 2.55% increase over the previous year; NHC generated $46.17 million in local/state taxes; more than 5,840 employees in travel and tourism related job with $121.05 million in payroll. The entire presentation can be found in Board Minutes Book XII. (Full Marketing Plan Book presented to each TDA Board member at the end of the meeting.) ITEM # 5 - PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS – KIM HUFHAM Kim wanted to remind everyone that on September 22the Marketing Plan will be presented to our constituents here at the Government Center. Memo will be sent out to our hotels/motels, attractions, restaurants, etc. reference this meeting. 3 ITEM #6 – OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS N/A ITEM #7 – CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS – FRANK JONES Chairman Frank Jones would like to ask that the TDA Board support Mayor Saffo th and the City on the November 8 Parks Bond by passing a resolution. Mayor Bill Saffo indicated that one of the initiatives of the TDA Board has been sports tourism. He said we need more fields to provide long term efforts as we know we are looking at a lot of business for this area. We know we are losing a lot of business to Myrtle Beach and other areas. Would definitely like to work out locations for sports venues here. The proposed bond would include more sports venues. Mayor Saffo said the other part of this development would include the northern riverfront park which affects tourism as well. The Bond is in the amount of $38 million. \[Motion made by Mayor Dan Wilcox, seconded by Mayor Emilie Swearingen and unanimously approved to support the proposed parks bond with a resolution.\] Kim advised she would get with the Mayor’s office on the suggested language. There being no further business to come before the TDA Board of Directors, the Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 ______________________________ __________________________ Kim Hufham, President/CEO Angela Rhodes, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XII 4 5