NOVEMBER 3 2016 BUILD APPS;,1 .t,&! t;, ' APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PIIA5E ANSWER ATt OUESTIONS APPTICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECI , l. -:. "Project Re5ponsibility" CITY tLlt PHON t # ctfi )olt toffil {APPTICANT'S NAMT: PROJECT ADDRESS:zrP SUBDIVISION:[oT a PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRISSI L ztP _ € BLDG LICTNST # ADDRESS TMAII. ADDRESS PHONf PROIECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [J Alteration f] Renovation General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: fl Irect New Residence I Addilion to txistang Residence D Relocalion *T*PLEASE CHICK AND ANSWER BTI,OW ALT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJT TI** ulin / tti-Ja-ST ztP 27q t, L] Art carage (SF) _ Ll creenhouse (st)_ ls there Electrical P E Det Garage (Sr)! Porch (SF) ! storage shed (sF)_ D orher (sF) ptt tyAta*. E Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF) E Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? y'V", ! t'to TOTAI SQ tT UNDTR ROOr (/or ptoposed wotk) Heatedl rorAr PRoJEcr cosr (ress ror) t 4,Sbt' ls the proposed work chanBing the num(er of bedrooms? D y", /lrlo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory lf the project is a Relocation, is there s line on the current site? )Unheated R ( //.1Jt \k Pl*,) Structure E -Yesfl v"' tr(o i(", l ol \,t.L9 {.lutLNo his Build a Natural,Ga ing? Elzves fl I,roftTbtt ower on t F'klnt aP lex D h,L +sll KK lO Property Use / occupancy:ingle Famil up Descri n ot work: T & 1/ DISITAIMtR allthe intormalion in this appl d all work wrll comply with lh€ Slale Euildin8 Code and all olh€r applcable slal€ and lo(al laws and ordinan(es and r€8ulation5. The NHC Development Services C€nlet wall be nolrlied ol eny tha in lhe approved pia specirrcalions or .hange in conlractor rnformalron. "'NOlt Any work p€rlo vrolation ol I NC Bldg Code a ubject to fines up to S5o0.0o"' Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain?Yes E No txisting lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes E no WATER: L-l ctPUA E communrty system lPlvate well fl cenlral),ruell E AqLra stwER: E cFpuA D a"r-"",,r rrr,".,, /p, u"," r"rt , WH;il Septrc D Aqua zone: - Officer; - setbacks (r) - (tHl - (iH) - (B) -Approval: - City: -- Daiei - Flood: (a) - (v) - (N) - BtEl2ft= - SiBnaturefi,N our lhe approprrt€ perm t wrllbe rn ^) Alfi ET t Comment * tt,flrl 1;, hL /a1"1 ft/,,l, p)p p,rph/1,,"t/q/lo{|p Date CONTRACTOR CITY f+-t ,""*,, 7 /Ct 76f ?fT/ *,#,,:^,,1e 12 \il.,J-AC_0-f i Fr-tonr z34eL APPLtcArtoNrvPfrRtslDtNIAI ?Ol6- Pl tA5t aNswtR aLL QUtSITONS APPU(aBl t to YOUR PROitCl .i)i-'7 t "proiect R€sponsibil; "' '"""'' YbO 11r,ulo L Date r€-a-.J y't--C CITYPRO'ECI ADDRESS suBDlvlsloN:0 PHON E d ,! ZtP t-h PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAME:71/o r' vu aw 5 "t.e-o)u *,67{^./eo 6 "*?;y7E' CONTRACTOR ADDRISS: E-&,CITY: LtJ ,'w,J89€l o '1 / z./>'2BIDG UftNSt f Sl:1/ C-:.:re: ) I *DC/o- E>€ -7Aq c tMAtr ADDRtss: Lfttl<a il tth,,'I ' eo PHONT PROJTCI CONTACT PERSON PHONE IXISTING CONSTRUCIION: O Alteration I Renovalion n General Reparrs NEWCONSTRUCTION Ll trect New Residence ! Addition to [risting Resrdence n Relocation .'TPITAST CHECX AND ANSWTR BELOW ATI- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCT'}' D Au GaraBe (Sf) _ 3 Sunroom (5r)_ fl Greenhouse (SF) _ Ll Del Garage {St )fl Porch (sF) [] storage Shed (5f] _ f.l other (sF)E let qaro D Pool (5t) fl Deck {5t) ls lhe proposed work changinB lhe existing lootprinl? E Yes fl No TOTAT SQ fT UNDIR ROOF Uor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (tes5 l-ot): 5 s ts the proposed work changing the number o, bedrooms? D yes [! tto ls any tlectrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork beine done lo lhe Accessory Structure n Yes E No lrthe proiecl isa Relocation, is therea Nalural Gas l-ine on the currenl site? D Yes D trto ls there Electrical Power on lhis Building? lp Yes D No Prop€rty Use/ O.cup Description ot Work: ancy, /single ramily f) Duplex D Townhouse -fr/-r. al-end a/ DISCIAIMtR: I her€by cenit lhal allthe inlormarion in lhas a rcarion is corr€cl and allwork will comply wrth ih€ Stal€ Euilding Code and er appl.abl€ st.l€ and lo.a laws and ordinanres and regulalion5 The NHC Dev€Servirer Cenler wrllbe nolified oi any chanBe5 in lhe apploved plan5 and sp rons or change an conlrectol rnfo,malron. "'NOTI Any work p th erm[5 willbe invrolation ol rhe Nc srale Bldg up lo S5O0.O0"' Owner/Contractor: ^Licensed Auojltet" Signatu re: ls the property located in a lloodplain? fl Yes E t'to txistin8 lmpervious Area: - 5q tt Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area Sq tt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D t'to JWATER: LB CFPUA E Communrty System O Private Well E Central well E aqua srwER: d cfPUA fl communilysystem fl Prtvale Seplic f) centralSepti( D Aqua 4u,lc Zone Olf ice r Selbacks {r) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approvalr - City: ----. Date: -- f lood: (A) - (V) -- - (N) --- Brtrzft= ' Comment Permit tee: $ C ITY /)- :. [r v- r c - '--- \-\ \ ..5- \ Email Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BU]LDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibillty' T&t ?ab- APPLTCANTS NAME. MELVTN BUtLDtNG Date lo-tt-llz PROJECT ADORESS: 4405 RONDO PL ctrY. wtLMtNGTON aP.28411 suBDtvtstoN, BEXLEY LOtc:11 pRopERry owNER,s NAME. MELVTN BUtLDtNG PHONE f. 9104705443 owr{ER,s ADDRESS. PO BOX 221 c|TY. HARRELLS aP.28444 GoNTRACTOR: MELVTN BUtLDING BLDG UCENSE $. 35359 aDDRESS. PO BOX 221 ctrY. HARRELLS sr. NC ztP. 28444 EMAtt ADDREss; iohnmelvin@melvinbuilding.com PHONE.910-470-5443 pRoJECT CONTACT PERSON. JOHN MELVTN PHONE. 910-470-5443 E Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? E Yes fl No unheated:728 Property Use/ occupancy: El single Family E Duplex fl Townhouse Descript ;e6 61161sy11 NEW CONSTRUCTION changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractorlaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwilibe notifled of any information. a*'NOTE: Any work performed withoutthe appropriate permits willbe ln violation of Total Acres Disturbed:'065 BldS Code and ect to up to 5500.00"* owner/Contractol:JOHN MELVIN Signature: "Licensed Quolifiel Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E ,to Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:2800 Sq Ft Exinint Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System EI Private well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System D Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua Zon€: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - Crty: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S :1'i EXISTING CONSTRUCfIO :E Alteration n Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ..*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' E att earage (sr) 490 ! Det Garage (sF) - E porch (Sr) 238 E Sunroom(SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ D Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (sF) _ TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOI \for proposed work) Heated:26 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lotl; 52'15000 lstheproposedworkchantingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbintorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEVesENo lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes E No t\.; A\ i1 lr_t i:i&lr4rruu**_ P.rasEA fV*SlPrt /2/h',EES APP Ll CATIO N TYPE ; RESIDENTIAI NSWER AtT OU€STIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilily"0\6 -\01\\d:',li{;n APPLICANT'S NAMT PROJECT ADDRESS: L*-j Et"AgU 5 CITY Date //5 20/(i a tor# ZtP: lLL-ra%, BLDG t-lCtNSt rl b7 7b?-ei sr.c'*a zp,W/z- 3 fza - s'62 - {-TfV suEDlVlSloN Ft'fu;{r PROPTRTY OWNTR'S OWNTR'S ADDRTSS: NAMEfi*x ctry: /.dr/U'rii CONTRACTOR L/,td ADDRtSS 4 TMAII, ADDRTSS L/ffi-< Ak rtC<<. furztl.zzJ . C2,44 E,r*p ctfi: /1// PHONT PROJTCT CONTACT PIRSON PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCIION; Ll Alleralion n Renovation General Repairs rrLt*lo,/4 D/ru/fas [] Greenhouse (sf) - [-] Deck (St) ls the proposed work changing the existinS footprint? L] Yes No ?O b Sft unheared ToTAL PRoJECT COST (tess Lol)r S E Storage Shed {st)-- do,n",(st) /qE/wf:'- )y;-eAQ--&l&"av a:ga1- p*Y- Ar.,?*.r+=n, y'{4ru? 0zralra, 4r,fr9rt lnJ Denz ea- Islhe proposed work changing the number ol bedrooms? f) Yes ts any Electrical, Plumbing oI Mechanical work being done to lhe ll the prorect rs a Relocation, ls there a Naturi* Gas [ine on the cu ls there I lectrrcal Power on this Euilding? EI Yes E wo / Property Use/ Occupancy: V Single family E Duplex C Townh o use &" Accessory Structure O rrent site? El ves D ,*i, No 97rq7 o/k-.,Description of Work:d leozaom * e otu/an- al ntt,Fat-&oF fu:o F le€ztb h-b :ilrgr/',('\b c2 F'l€a/4 IE'IZ ,wdh th€ Srale Suilding Cod . lctfLtqr'/ ls lhe property lo(ated rn a lloodplar applicablCSlat? and lotalDISCLAIMtB: lher€t his laws and ordinances and r€8ulations. The NHC Developmenl Setvices Cenler will be noliied ol anv chanSe s in the approved plant and 5pe( lcatlon5 or chanBe in conttaclor hformalron "'NOlt Any woik perlormed wathoui the apptoptral€ permile wrllbe in violelion of lhe NC Sl sublecllofrnes uP to S5O0 O0"' Owner/Contra(tor a7,L /4c kY&2,9J - P4ar&/ ///il t7 n?DYesENo Ixisting lmpervious Ar€a Sq tt Total Acres Disturbed New lmperviou5 Atea Sq tt txistin8 Land Dlsturbing Permitr [] Yes D No waTER: { CFPUA E communitv system D Plrvate well fl cenlral well fl Aqua sfwfn: $ CFPUA f) Communrlysystem E Prrvateseplrc E central septic E Aqua \\ zon€: -- officer: - Setbacks (r) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: __ ciryr _- Date: - tloodr (A) - (v) - (N) - BfEl2tt= -- t^l Pltb Permit tee: $ Comment: ztP '2/-s E Pool (5r).- ,ro^ro Zto.-7t,2 - tLzi NEW CONSTRUCTION: D trecl New Residence I Additaon ro Existang Residence D Relocation .'*PLEAST CHECI( AND ANSWER BTLOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT"'} [] Att Garage (sf)- D Det Garage (sF) ! Porch (sF)---- E sunroom {sF}_ TOTAT Sq fT UNDER ROOf (/or ptaposed wotk\ Healedi Signature: .,0- a= !i:t , :i ffi APP LICAT I ON f YPf: RESIDENTIAt PLEA5T ANSWER AI-L QUE5IIONS APPTICAETT 1O YOUR PRO]EC-I "Proiect Responsibility" crw 20rb- l0(4 appli.anon Number {ofiice u5e) ztP trp2/14 BLDG l-lCtNSt f /r7 sl:ZLL-ztP: >tr/4 suBDlvlsloN PROPTRTY OWNIR'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRTSS aa APPLICANT'5 NAMT PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACIOR ADDRTSS: C ctw CITY PRO,lECT CONTACT PtR50N ! Att GaraBe (SF) _ ! Sunroom (Sf) _ n Greenhouse (5f) _ EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoN:J/ Alteration D Renovation ! General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D trect New Residence [] Addilion to txisting Residence D Relocation 'T*PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BEI-OW ALL THAT APPI.Y ToYo URPROJ ECT.,. ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing lootprinr? fl Yes E No E Det Garage (Sr) E Pool (SF) fl Deck (5r) 2a Unh€atedTOTAI Sq fT UNDTR ROOF (/or proposed work) Healedl roTAr, PRoJtcr cosr (tess tor) S-/{ Oo O,"'--- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes & Ho ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to rhe Ac€essory Structure E ves D t'to lllhe proiect is a Relocation, islher€a Natural Gas Line on the current sile? E yes &no ls there tlectrical Power on this BuildinB? p ves E I'to ancy:$L s|ngle./r,1./' r,ta;nily E Duplex,E ,pl nhouse /-,,,,, *- </i r'tProperty Use/ Occup Description of Work: D|SCLAtM!R: I hereby cenrt lhal att the inlormatron in thi5 applicalion i5 (orred and allwork wrll comply wrlh lhe StarP Suildins fode and all olh€r applicabl€ Slalt and lota laws and ordinance5 and reBUlalions. The NHC Developmenl Servite! Cenl€r will be nolrfied oJ any thanBes in lhe approved plans and speciJrcatio n5 or chan8e mconlracloi to S50o 0o"'rnlormalron. "'NOTt Any work p ormed wilhout lh€ appro ate permils v/illbe in vrclalion of lhe NC S Bldg Code a Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Lrcensed QuohJiet" ls th€ property located in a {loodplain? u ves ( tlo txisting lmp€rvious area, /f70 SqFt Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq rt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr Ves ,& r'ro WarEn: ( CTPUA fl Communily System D Plivate well E Cenlral Well O Aqua StwER: M CtPuA D Communrty System E PrivaleSeptic E Centlal Septrc C Aqua zone: - Ollicer: - Setbacks (f) - (tH) - (RH) - lB) -Approval: Cily: -- Date: - tlood: (A) - (V) -- (N) - Bf E12lt= - za-.',/dd 2 0 Commenl: w R45b Permit tee:9 ---a- ,---) PHON t fZ-.../ Date: -=--2?qo? D Porch (SF)_=- I Storage shed (5t)- n orher (sF)-.- Z-/ rjnmt aooaess, b// /a *'4 //--z.zr2 zz; rt-d-zLt .Ze- PttoNE. ?,/./ - <'77' 7475 // ,-- /1/', ---)' ,tt>hJ/ ffl r--- pHoNE l- 7A + {:A & .>,r- RECEIVEDSEP2O2OS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE I RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI.]ER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT,'5 llAIrlE: Mcadams Homes r,LC DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PRoJECT AODRESS: 6923 Aida courr CIry: wi lmington SUBDIVISION: .lacksons Ridse BLOCK #: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: 6626-c cordon Rd CITY: wi lmington CONTRACTOR: McAdams Homes LLC LICENSE #: 6eeo? ADDRESS: 6526-C Gordon Road CITY: wilmlnqton El'tAI L ADDRESS: bianca@rncadamshome s . net /qrad adamshomes . net A,@-161'd" ib- p1 {l APPLICATION Number (office Use) OATEI ae / 2t/ t6 PHONE S: 910-798-3006 ztP " 233tL 19LOT S: ST: NC ZIP:28411 ACCOUNT *: 5T: IS_ ZIP: 233_l! PHoNE #: e1o-7e8-3006 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION; Tim Raynor PHONE #: 910-so8-2298 ALTE RATlON R E NOVATION ! cerurnrr nrenrns ! RELocArroN NEW CON5TRUCTIOru: I enrCr NEW RE5IDENCE or E ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE |'*PLEASE CHECK AND AI{SWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY T0 YOUR PROIECT! I arr eaneee 4a7 PORCH 2oo SF SUNROOM 5F ! sronaer SHED _ sF sF ! oer canaee _ sF ! roor- _ sF ! cneenxouse _ sF ! oecr SF OTHER:SF ToTAL HEATED 5Q FT: raro ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER RoOF: 2o?7 TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: 2077 TOTAL PROJECT COST lress ro9 : $ rzsooo # 0F STORIES: z Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI,TIBING or IECHANICAL hJonk Being Done to the Accessony Stnucture? [ Ves fi ruo If the project is a Retocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cunnent S:.te? [ ves [ ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: I StruOle rnUtlV I ves [ ruo DUPLEX E TO}INHOU5E DESCRIPTION 0F t{oRK: Erect 3BR 2.5 Bath 2 car saraqe sinqle familY home a, ial OISCLAIMER: lher6by cediry hd all inbrmalion in his applicaton 6 conecl and allwork willcomply witl lhe Slale Suilding Code and all oiher applicable SlaE and loc6l laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Development Services Cenier willbe noiiied olany changes in he appro,"€d plans and conractor inbrmaton. '"NoTE:Any work Perfomed wo ihe AppropriaE Permits will be in violarion ofihe Nc slaie Bldg Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR I adam sosne SIGNATURE: (Prrnt Nane)++++ ++ + +++*,t+++ +++* +++ ++++++++ * ++ ++It '* + ++ it + +,i+ * + * *+ *,t ++ +* * + * * )k* * * )r * )r )** )t*,r * * *,t +,r + ,1+ ,r + +,t *,** I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTIT,IG IMPERVIOUS AREA: D SQ FT l-l vrs El ro TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEhl IMPERVIOT S AREA: l',l53 SQ FT pves [Irc wnrER: ffi cFpuA n coMMUNrry sysrEM f] pRrvArE TJELL sEulER: F cFpuA E CENTRAL sEPTrc ! enrvare seerlc **'* SEPARATE PERI'1ITS REQU]RED FOR ELECT, HECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** payfiEirr hErHoD: I casx flcrecK (PAYABLE ro riHc) E srLL Accot Nr E r.rclvrsr I orscoven + '* + * )* ,* * * * x.t * )* tr + ,t * * + + ,* + ,t * * )t * )t * * {( !* ,f + + ,* ,* * + * :} * * )3 * * !i it * * * )* ,* * * * * ,t )t + ,* tr + * * * 't 't + + * '* * + * )t )t * * + * + * + * * * * ZONE: OF F ICE R: (FOR OFFICE UsC C'ILY) REVISED DATE O4l1U12 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Approval:- city:- DATE:- FLooD: - BFE+2ft= - AVN PERMIT FEE:Comment: CENTRAL WELL COMI"IUNITY SYSTEI"I PRoPERW o}'INER'S tlAr4E: McAdams Homes LLc PHoNE #: 910-798-3006 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERII1IT: !, AoW- 10'-1 t\o-'?\qSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPLICATToN ryPFj CoIYII'IERCTAL PLEASE A,l']sNER AT! QUESTIONS APPLICA8LE TO YOUR P8O]€CT "project Responsibility,, APPLICANT'S NAME:Tribute Construction lnc. DEVELOPER:Same pHotr *: 910.251.5030PRolEcT ADDRE55: 2440 Salinqer Court CITY:Wilminqton zrp t 28412oCCUPANT/BUSTNESS NAfiE: EchoApartments pRopERTy owNER,s Nru"tE: Echo Farm Aoartments LLC oNNER,s ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive CONTRACTOR:Tribute Construction lnc. ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Dflve Ei,IAI L ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONIACT PER5ON: crrY: WilminOton PHoue *: 910.251.5030 sr: llg zrP: 28403 sI: NJC zrP: 28403 PHoNE #: 9'10.251.5030 PHoNE #: .-!U::l!i:- P/qF CITY: Wllmington(* " Co- EXIST CONSTRUCTTOru: I nl_rerarroru [RENOVATION lf Relocation, ls there a Natural cas Llne on the Current Site? [ NEW CoNSTRUCTION, ffi enecr NEW STRUCTURE FAST ((heck AII Th.t apply) GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATTON Yes Eluo ts BLDG spRtNKLEReot f] ves ffi rrro ACCESSORY STRUCTUREi T.ot h Fncloc TRACK ',t . e- SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE fsE **..** I5 THIS A CHANGEfF Yes, $that $tas the previous Occupancy Type? OF OCCUPANCY US ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIONALI DESCRIPTION OF I.JOR(: ran Harns itecture Iect Power on this Building E? Ef YEs ffiruo '****l.ihat is the New Occupancy Type? PH PH 793-3433 NC REG *: NC RE6 iI: ff ves El ro 4390 Conskuct new r'11-\ E,.olu,.LL/^e- ls food or beveragos prepared or served in this sruaure? [ ves ffi No lsTh6 property Localed ln The Floodplainz flves ffilto DISCLAIMFR: I hereby cerliV lhar all lnlormation in hts so.ti..and locallaws and o.dlnances and requtattons. The NHC bivelor change rtr contractoror cont octor Inlormaton. .,,NOTF: AnySubjectlo Fioes Up ToSSm 00-' Uon is corecl €nd-allkorh wilJ compty wilh lhe Srate Building Code and EI oher?oD cabte Srar6 1&8,?1.'fl#3t &?3iiyl,X?J,",!ji""""#it :Xi,,".TiJi.llBfsf!i,,"# fi"is3#li8"."3s39.j"i domoliuon of any Ecillly orbundln0 TOTAL PROJECT COST; lEmlslion ShndBrds torHazrdous r{r poflubnts (NEsHAp) at (91 hrFr/$rww.6pl.sbt6.nc usr,epyasbestos/ahmr.htrnl OrUO".'Or*;; leasl l0 days pnor b hs OWNERYCONTRACTOR: (q(Em.,) Nol.; Domollton nolifrcadons E asbest8 r€moyat Fsmttap plkaddns am !o D6submifl.d ushg trcontah Asbeslos or not You aro roquir€d !o catttis Nauoha . S€o Asb6stos Web si!s: 000 BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SQ FT :ab TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF: ACRESDISTURBED: N/A #oFSTRUCTURES: 1 WATER: ffiCFPUA SEWER: m CFPUA COMMUNTIYSYSTE CENTFAL SEPTIC M 9)707-5950 at lo'# OF UNITS: 1 # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: E(ST I-AND DISTURBING PERMI? IXI YES N NO DWELL flzoNtNc usE clisstFrcATloN: PRIVATE SEPTtc ncoMMUNlry SYSTEM SIGNATURE: s appllrauon form (DH NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A SQFT EXISTING I[4PERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERT usE: [onnce [Resreunmr MERCAUTTLE [rouc ftarr [coNoo onreR: SQ FT ." SEPARATE PERMITS REOUInEO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAA5 E INSERTS -' pAYlvtENT METHoD: flcasn flcuecr leavesr ro NHc) IAMERTCAN E(PREss f]Mc /tsA I orscoven (FOR oFFlcE USE oNLy) FEIISED DATE 4/11/12ZONE: OFFICER:Approval'. Citf_ DATE;_ FLOOD: _-..''-_ BFE+2fr=_AVN APPLICATION Nunbe n (offiEe Use) oare: 9.26.20'16 LIcrNsE #: 60001 If UPFII - The Shell permit #: Business SETBACKS: F: LH:_ RH:_ B._ comment pERMrr FEE: $_ 2u1(!-1 APPLICANT,S NAI{E:The Pioneer Group, lnc APPLICATION Number (Office Use) The P oneer Group lnc PHONE #:9104433681 PROIECT ADDRESS: :ir PierpcirLt Dri,e CITY:Wilmington a BLOCK *: _ LOT #: PROPERTY OtdNER'S NAI'1E: Rebec.a an.l Lr:ane Hixon PHONE *:9104433681 Ot'rNER'S ADDRESS: ttt PierDoi:rt Drl-re CITY:NC ZIP i )e4r':'ST: CONTRACTOR:The Pioneer Group lnc LICENSE f:70322 ADDRESS:PO Box 15474 C ITY:ton ET1AIL ADDRESS:hello@thepioneergroupnc.com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:S annie Covin EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATlON R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAI RS NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOl,l ALL THAT APPLY T0 YoUR PROIECT: PHONE #:9104433681 PHONE *:9104433681 RE LOCAT ION SF SF ATT GARAGE - 5F SUNROOM SF DET GARAGE - SF POOL SF PORCH - SF STORAGE SHED GR E ENHOUS E TOTAL HEATED 5Q SF DECK 2 ! 6 SF OTHE R FT: Ea!TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: .4. TOTAL AREA SQ FT: s,,. # OF STORIES: ] DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Addition of bedroom, bath and laundrv andordinancesandregulaiionsTheNHCDevelopmentServicesCenbrwillbenoliliedofanychangesinheapprovedplansandspecificationsorchangeincootracbror contacbr inlolmalion "'NOTE:Any Work Pedomed W/O he Appropriale Permils \rillbe in Violation of lhe NC Slae Bldg Code and Subject to Fines Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR :Stephann e Covington rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN A FLooDpLArr,rl lf ves SIGNATURE: I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:no chanqe EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l-l Yrs lTl r'ro ********r(**tr(***1.1.i.1.**,t+lrli*,t+**4,*,k,k**r.,t***{.,1.*******)k*++,t,*****xr.x*+**1.******{.+**+*x*,k,i*xr.* EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NEW II'IPERVIOUS AREA: I{ATER: SEWER:$4+z SQ FT SQ FT CFPUA COI4MUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE WE LL CENTRAL WELt CFPUA ! cerurnnr seerrc I PRrvArE sEPTIc COMI\4UN ITY SYsTEI.,1 *** SEPARATE PERI'1ITS REQUIRED FoR ELECT, ME PAYMENT METHoD: I cAsn Icnec( (PAYABLE To NHc) ZONE:OFFICER: CH, PLBG, GAs EQiJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS **I' ******++***,***i.+,t++*)*,*,***,*,t,t***r(i(**+,t*++*******++++**r(*,1.*+x****+*++{'*x*r(**+***,(*:t")*)*'**** T Ar,lERrcAN ExpREss E ,.lvrso I orscoven (FOR OFFICE UsE OI{LY) REVISED OATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:- RH:- B:- NA Appnoval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLooD:BFE+2ft= NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: R ESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANsI,iER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Proj ect Responsibility" DATE: I,' r4/'2lr16 DEVELOPER: SUBDIVISION: zlP i :.,a . Sr: JNc I zrp: Ee-'46i- a TOTAL PROIECT COST rr"." rorr : $ ltesooooo I Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI,TBING or MECHANICAL t^Jork Being Done to the Accessony Structure? [ V"t fl ruo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Li.ne on the curnent site? [ ves fl ruo rs there Electrical Power on this Building? Jil v"s l-'l ruo pRopERTy usE / occuPANcY: I srrucrr raurrv ! ouerex ! TowNHousE 2oltv- tC?}} 16--3039NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMITAPPUafn TypfI RESIDENTTAL prEAsE AllStl[R At"l- QUESTIOi,{S APPLICABLE TO yO.'R pRO]ECr '.project Responsibilit)/, CIW: wi1minqton APP L I CATIOI'I llumber (Offlce Use) APPLICANT'S NAI,IE: DEVELOPER: N/A PRO]ECT ADDRESS: CITY: 14ilminqton PHONE #t (e10)2 32- 5288 Pl(cltlE *: (910)79r-0844 ST: Nc ZfP: 284oe ST: NC ZIP: 284 01 SF SF SF SUBDMSIoN: 81s creenbriar Rd ZIP:2s409 BLOCK S: LoT ! PROPERry OhNER,S NAI{E: cha!1e6 Back s olrNER's ADORESS: s1s Greenbriar Rd CoiITRACTOR: cape Fea! Solar Svs tems ADDRESS:Mait in treet CITY: wi tonEIIIAIL ADDRESS: su ort@CaDe FearSol arSvslems PROIECT CO{{TACT PERSOS|: Robert Parke EXISTTT{G CoNSTRUCTTON: E} nlreurroru f] neruovarrorv I GENERAL REPATRS f| nelocarror 1{E!{ CO STRIrcTIOOI. I rITCr NEH RESIDENCE O" I AOOrrrOr TO EXISTING RESIDEI{CEI.*PLEASE CHECK AM) AITSI{ER BEL(,hI ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT:l-l lrr canner <F I-l surnoor,r <F fl cneeruHotse _ sF n DET GARAGE I rool _- sr fl oecr sFnn SF OTHER: # OF STORI E5: PORCH STORAGE SHED TOTAL HEATED SQ FT! _ TOTAL SQ FT UTIDER ROOF 3 _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _T0TAL PROIECT C0ST rru*s rorr : g 23628. OISCLAIMER lherBby certify hai allinibrmerion in bas applicaiion iscofl€ct end d work wifi comply with hs Slat6 Bt llding Code and allolher apptbable Stste end bc6l tawsand ordin ancss aod dgulaliMs. The NHC Oovebpmenr Services Centr, w lba noEfied olanychan0os h he approvEd plans and spocificalion s or chang s in con lractor orconlracbr inbrnafu . nTNOTE : Any Work porbfined WO he Appropriae Pa.mits witt be in Violaliofl ortne NC StaE SIGIT|ATURE : BUg Code and !c Fines Up To $500.0(}.. OI.{NER/CONTRACTOR:rt Parker ****,r:i* *** ' ***,r * * ** ** * *r,** *(l !t: Ji:.'J:irt+)t:i**t*:* *,r*rt*,t* )r**+:tl*,1:r+,*****r**** )*:! +:r *,t * ,! * rt:*,|:* *,i )*,*I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINT N EXISTIiIG IilPERWdrS AREA: _ Se FT NEhI IIiIPERVIOI,S AREAi -sQ IT YES Tf NO TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED: EXrST LAND DTSTURBTNG nrnr.trr: I vEs E NO r,rArER: I cFpuA f] conluurw sysrEM n PRTvATE wELL f] cenrnal uell sEt{ER: I creun I cENTRAL sEprrc I enrvarr sEprrc E co]1mrJNrry sysrEu OFFICER: (roR oFfIcE UsE q{[Y) iEvIsED DAiE O1rl11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ rri' SEpaRATE PER,lrrs REQUTREo FoR ELEcr, t'rEcHr pLB6, GAs EqJrp, PREFABS & rNsERTs ,,,rr pAyrc r rErloDr I crsx I cr:cx (pay sLE to nol fl*rrr; ;;;;, '-ii nirrrro"'- E orr.orr***t* ****'r+:t '|**:t,lt*)*,*:r:i*)******)***** *:l*:l***,t*,***+:*,**r.* *,r**,r*,* +***,t:t** + * * * ,t:r, *:*,r * ,*,*:i *,i *,r,*,r,r Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ Coonent: BF E+ 2ft= t{ PERMIT FEE: $ Roberg Parker LICETEE *: 6s57? 901 PIoNE *3 lsj.o) 232-62a8 PI{oNE *: tsto) 232 - 6288 ZONE; rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, plufi|Brxc or [EcH[{rcAr !'rork Berng Done to the Accessory structune? [t v", [ ruorf the pnoject is a Relocation, is thene a Naturar 6as Line on the current site? Et ; Ef Nofs there Electrical power on this sullding? [1V". f]no PROPERW IEE / OCCUPAIKY: flSrHOIr FAMILY D DUPLEX fI TChITIHOUSE DESCRIPTIO{ 0F UmK: Installatioh of solar pane16 on the roof of the BackeB, home lntu to?)s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI.IIT APPLICATION TYPE.. COI'I'iIERCIAL PL€AS€ ANS}IER ALL QUEST1ONS APPLICABLE TO YOJR PRO]ECT "Ppoject ResponsibiUt)f Brandon Cat 1e , RJTR ArchitectE 1 Park Wilmin onL 1,C 16-?4m ffi I2iI APPLICATIOI{ Number (OFfice use) APPLICAI{T'S iIAI,IE: OEVCLOPER: cK Gal DATE: G-1-2016 PlOtlE #: 704 342-9000 ZIP | 284t2PRoIECT ADDRESST 1626 BARCLAY porNr Br,D - cAxAcE 10 CITY: wifminqron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA'iIE; Element West A tment6 PROPERW Ol.lNER'S tlAr4E: cK GalIery park wilminqLon LLC OhINER'5 ADDRESS: 301 s colleoe srreeL ste 28oo CITY: chartoEte CO TRACTOR: HI( Jordan & co, Inc LICEIEE $: 26431 ADDRESS: 5129 oleander Dr sui.te 201 CfW: witminqton Ei,IAIL ADDRESS:abooer@hk-i construction. PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN: turdy Boqer (Check AtI That Arply) P}ONE *: ST: g ZIP::!:!L ST:Ig_ zIP: 293q PIIONE *: 910 2sG-4388 PK,NE S: gto'tg't-4389 EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E aLTERATTOT I nrmvarrOru lf Reloc6rton, is there a Ngtural Gas Line on the Cunent Site? Ll GENERAL REPATRs l-l nerocarrotl E ruo rs aLDG spRrN-xleneoz I ves f] NoYes NEU coNsTRUcTroN: I tnecr NEI SrRUcruRE I resr rmcx I sxrr-r- ! unrrr f] aoo ro Exrsr sTRucTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The She11 Permit #: IF Y€s, t trat ras th€ Prevlous Occupancy TlDe? ..'.+ rs rHrs A o{orcE oF txoJparJ€y user flves fian ..... Is Elect Pouer on this Building I Yes Euo DESCRIPIIoN 0f uoRK: caraqe rlpe L ls lood or bov€rag* F€p6€d o( san €d ln urls *uctneZ [ve" I r'ro f The ercperty LoceH ln Tho Floodflaln? [ ves No wilh lhe State Code snd ARCH DESIGII pKIFESSIOIIAL: Daniel F be OWNER/CONTRACTOR: k rTae,"EJ/*/ ?.(er/J,/E SIGNATURE:(tuCtrd tPirn rr't6) Ndg: Ddndldo.l ndicrtqa 6 asOBG rdnovd parmh apCbatdB 116 b bc arbmltrd ldng tE apClcst.fi lonn TOTAL PROJECT COST: 7? , 031 .42 BUILDING HEIGHT PHi ff!_551_)323_ Nc REG *: 10670 PH: 40{ 252-0800 NC REG *: 23014 €ll other applicable Stsle otans and soecifcalionsNC State Btrdo Code end cootain AstEc6 d ioL Yti, orB t€qllld to call lh€ Nsdqd Erhddr Srrd8rds fo. H@rd.r,3 Ar rolut'rt8 (NESHAP) Et (91q7or-5950 d lc1 10 itEy6 trlor to r|o dendldfi d 6ny hdlhy d hJldhg. 56 &t@ fi6 9E htFrlriN,vr 6pl.saG.nc.u6,,r€puosb66to6hhmp.hunl $ntotE t o ladlhy d bulldh0 *aE rdmd to # OF UNITS:N/A WATER: ECFPUAsEwER: EICFPUA ZONE: pRopERryusE: lorrrce flnesTAunel'n fiuenc',rrnu f]eouc !enr f]coxoo OTHER: |-]COMMUNITY SYSTEM -WELL EIZONING USE CLASSI fICENTRAL sEPrrc E PRTVATE SEmC fl CIMMUNfi SYSTEM FICATION: R : -' SEPARATE PERIVITS REOUIRED FOF ELECT. MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 6 INSERTS ." pAyMENr METHoD: flcnsn Elcnecx eevaalE ro NHc) flluenrcatt e<nness I uovtsr ! oscown (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)OFFICER: SEIBACI(S: F:-LH:- RH:- B:- Appmval: C|I),:-DATE:-FLOOD,------T BFE+tr FEI/ISED OAIE ai1n2 I Commont PERMIT FEE: $ t&at ls the t{eir Occupancy Typ.? _ E}I6R DESIGN PROFESSIOTAL: Blad ElIinwood TOTAL AREA SO FT: JZg,- SQFTPERFLR: 125? #OF STORIES: T TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: f?!f_ # OF STRUCTURES: ]__ # OF FLOORS: I ACRES DISTURBED: Sec-Sir.].]- Exsr LAND DlsTURetHo crnUtrz fl ves f] No NEW IMPERMOUS AREI|: see civil SQ FT D(|STING IMPERVIOUS ARE!u see civil SQ FT rD- blt{ to+}3 1624.\f\' ffi,, APPLICATION Number (Crffice Use ) APPLICANT'5 NAIIE i Brandon Catledse, RJTR ArchiEects DEVELOPER: cK Gatlery park wilminqton LLC PROIECT ADDRESS: 1525 BARCLAY porNT BLD - GARAGE 10 CITY: witminsron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIitE : ELemenr Barclay wesr Apartmenrs PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: cK Gallery Park I,JilminqEon LLC DATE: 6-1-2015 PHONE #: '7o4 342 - goao PHONE *: CONTRACTOR: HK ,fordan & co, rnc ADDRESS: 5129 Oleander Dr Suite 201 LICENSE S: 26431 CITY: wi lminqron ST: NC ZIP: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: aboqer@hkl construction. com PHONE #:910 2s5-4388 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Andy Boqer PHONE #: 9ta '79'7 -43A9 (Check A1l. Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes Eto IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Iv"s Ir,lo NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIONAL: Daniel F. Joy ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSIoNAL: Brad ELLinwood Is Elect Power on this Building I YeS Ero PA: JJ9_SS!:J3:2_ Nc REG *: PH| 404 262-0A00 NC REG #: 10570 23014 DESCRIPTION 0F lrjoR(: cara t!- 18 iood or beverages p(eparod or s€rved in this sructrro? (a) OFFI ves ! uo b Tha ftopsty Locsted ln The Floodplain? E Yes No te Euilding Code and all other applicable Slate olans and sDecilications\lc srare Bldo code and e1 DISCLAIMER: I hereby certjfy lhat all informalion in lhis appljcation is corect and all wolk will comply with the Sta and local laws and ordrnances and reoulations, The NHC Develoomenl Servrces Cenler wll be notf,ed o, anv cha or chanqe in coniracror or conlracror i-nlormal'on. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O lhe Appropnale permrts wiusubjec(Io Fines up To $500.00"' OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: muv--s!,Eer'32* Z4tztl/"r' SIGNATUR6 , contatn Asb€€tos or nd. You srE Gqul.6d to c6ll lho t\buonal Embslon s-Ender6 h. Hezar(hlg Ar Pollusnts (NEsllAP) et (919)m7-5950 3t len 10 day3 p.lo. b U€ denoltlon of any frdllty or bulldlng. S€e tubeetos Wob Slte: mp/,$^.w.epl.nate.nc.r6/EpuB9bgstoa/ahmp.ltml (Ou€lifs) TOTAL PROJECT COST: 77, 031.42 # OF STORIES: r PAYMENT METHOD:flcnsn [cnecK (pAyABr.E To NHcl fieuenrcm ExPREss EMcMSA I otscown -. SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIBED FOR ELECT. MECH, PL8G. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' -.\SETBACIir',oJ'Y .r, X RHt X Bt-L(FOROFFTCE FLOOD: -- - BFE+in=- N PERMIT FEE: $- REMSED DATE ,Ul 1/12 t t[f I I 'lo t (t [Jt ft 0{{tt'.rO n 71,.-(t (tt 0,rX( NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" ZIP', 2s412 OtdNER's ADDRESS: 301 s col l CgS"-..:i! j9g!...r9!S:11qq_ CITY: !!eIl!!!S_ 5T: NC ZIP::!:!:_ :r:i*r:r rs rHrs A 6HANGE oF occupaNcy user fives fl ro ***** IF Yes, what uas the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New occupancy Type? _ BU|LD|NG HETGHT: ]:___ # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT: J2SJ- SQFTPERFLR: 1267 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ]Egf- # OF STRUCTURES: ]- # OF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DTSTURBED: scs--g.il4!-t- o(sT LAND DISTURB|NC peRU[Z r-lVeS I r.ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civit SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SQfi pRopERryusE: EoFFtcE E nesrnunmr puencnHrtLE [eouc ! enr lcoHoo orHER- WATER: ECFPUA fl CoMMUNITY SYSTEM flwELL EZONING UsE CLASSIFICATIoN: R-2 sEwER: El= CFPUA frCeUrW SEPTTC fIP-RMATE SemC a-OUUUNrY SYSTEM )ity lnspeciion Requrreo, gi 0.2S4.0r 1nb- tcl+I t & NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPLICATIdI nPf : COiIiIERCIAL PLCAS€ AXsI.'ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLT TO YOI'R PRO]ECT 'Project Responsibility" 7A 2nFF APPLICATION l{umber (Office u5e) APPLICAT{T'S llA}tf : Brarldon Catled , RffR ATchi EecE E DATC:_-j_l_:!fq_ DEVELOPER: cK Gallerv park wilm-inqton LLC P}€NE *: ?04 342-9ooo PROJECT ADDRESS: 1G24 BARCTTAY porrIr BLv - GARAGE 9 CIW: -!{ilni4qron ZIP i 284:.2 OCCUPAiIT/BUSINESS tlAltE : Element Barclay liest. Aparrmenr6 PROPERW OUNER'S t{Ar,tE: cK Gallery park wilminqron LLc P}ONE *: OhINERjS ADDRESS: 301 s cotleqe srreet Ste 28OO CITY: Charlotte ST:qZIP:3@ CONTRACTOR:tlK Jordan & Co, Inc LICEI,ISE *: 25431 ADDRESS: 5129 oleander Dr suite 201 CfTY: wilninqron ST: Nc ZfP: 28403 ElrlAIL ADDRESS: abooer@hkic on ruction . com PHONE $: 910 2s6-4398 PROJECT CONTACT PERSoN: Andy Bocer PHOI{E #i 9to ?91-4389 If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permit *:Is Elect PoYer on this Building I Yes Eror.... rs rHJs a orarrcE oF occupa cy mrt f] ves I IF Yes, xhat l:as the Prevl,ous Occupancy Tlrpe?lfiat is the l{ff Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGi{ PROFESSIOTIAL; Dalie1 F .loy PHi 770 661-7492 NC REG #: 10670 EI{GR DESIGH PROrESSIO AL: Brad Ellin\rood PH: 404 262-0800 t{C REG *: 23014 DESCRIPTIoN 0F WORK: caraqe Type 1 l8 lood or b€\r€tag€s pr8psrsd or sarved in Efrs sfrmre? five. I tlo b The Proporty Locsted ln The Floortplaln? [ Yes No with lhe Stale Exrsr cor{srRucrroN: fl ALrERArron [ *#ifr*;"i 'ET?'i"*. nrrarns [l RELocarroN lf Relocation, is there a Nalurarcas Line onrhe unenr Site? [V"i-[ruo tS AIOC SpnfU-XleneOZ I Ves [ruo NEt{ cot{SrRucrro},1, E] rnrcr NE$ srRUcruRE fl rAsr rmcx I snrr-r- [ urrrr f] rco ro Gxrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTUNE: be ola OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:o-.,. r'.", $lN Zaaru/tg'SIGNATURE: loldtllol Nolo: OqndEoo nodfcadooG E aab6b€ rEnolrd p€rmh spdkatdls 66 b b6 srhmttEd tdnO U|6 apdlcddo fDam (DHH$.Sr68) ,r/hds fis hdl[y d hdl&E wss hJ'}d to .DIttEln ArboG or nol Y.il aro tBqtdrEd bcallt|o Nsiqd Ejnlrsldl St nrhd6 fu H@rdous AL PolubitB (NESNIAP) st (81S)fr-5950 6r t@t 10 dsys tr d b $o d€indldoi d 8rry hdllty o( hdldhrg. s@ &tcd6 t\bb slra htor "we/.od.5trlanc.us/6pvas!,65ta6dahmp.lllml TOTAI PROJEGT COST: ??. 03 r .42 TOTAL AREA SQ FF : L261 SOfiPERFLR: 126 ?# OF STORIES: r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 1267 f OF STRUCTURES:# OF FL@RS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: see civil Exsr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMrr? EvES E No NEW IMPERMOUS AREA: see civit SQ FT EXISTING IMPERMOI.JS AREIi: see civil SQ FT pRopERryusE: flornce nnesmumrvr fluencnruu lsouc [err []muoo OTHER WATER: flcFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA.. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. IltECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS -' pAyMENr METHoD: flcesn Ecttecr Pavas[E ro NHc) flauenrcax oenESS E McMsA flotscoven all olher applcable Slate Dlans and soeci6calionsNC Srsre Bldg Code 6nd f]coMMUNry sysrEM fl WELL mzoNrNG usE CLASSTFTCATTON:ff oENTRAL SEPTTC Ll PRTVATE SEmC E COiTMUNrY S'r4STEM R': REVEED DAIE {/11N2 ZONE:OFFICER: (FOR OfnCE USE OfltY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:- Affroval:- Cltr[- DATEI-- FLOOD: - - - BFE+2F AVN I Commsnt PERMIT FEE: $ BUILDING HEIGHT: 19' fl OF UNITS: N,/A 'LOt,rt to++t 7A. F{? 6 APPLICATION Nu mber (office Us€ ) PRoJECT ADDRESS: 1624 BARCLAY porNT BLV GARAGE 9 CITY: witminqron ZIP | 284t2 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: EfemenE Barcfay west Apartmenrs PROPERTY OIINER'S NrtlilE: CK Gallery park wilminqton LLC PHONE #: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 301 s CoIIese srreer sre 2800 CITY: charlotte CONTRACTOR: HK ordan & Co I ADORESS: 5129 oleander Dr suiEe 201 CITY: wi lminqron ST: Nc ZIP: 28403 EftAIL ADDRESS: aboqer@hk i cons Lruct ion. com PHONE f: 910 256 4388 PROJECT CoNTACT PERSON: Andy Boqer PHONE #: 9).o '79'7 - 43a9 (Check All Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTERATION tr RENOVATION tr GENERAL REPAIRS No lS BLDG SPRIN RE LOCATION xreneor f] v"" I r'tolf Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?tr Yes tr NEhJ CONSTRUCTTOT: I eneCr NEW STRUCTURE I rASr rnACr E Sner-r- E UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Penmit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? ARCH DESTGN PROFESSIONAL: Daniel F. Joy ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONALI 3rad .]]i:l,,Lood DESCRIPTION OF l,loRK: Gara 1 TOTAL PROJECT COST: 77 o3r.42 BUILDING HEIGHT: 1e' rs Elect Power on this Building E Yes E to ***,* rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy user flves I PH: 770 661-1492 NC REG #: 10670 PH: 404 262-0800 NC REG #: 23014 ls lood or bev€rsges propared or servod in lhis sructlre?I ves I to ls Th€ Propsty Located ln Tho Floodplain? E Yes OISCLAIMER: I hereby certry thal all information in this application is corr€cl and all work willcomply with the and local laws and ordrnances and reoulatons- The NHC Develooment Servrces Cenler will be notrlled of anv or chanoe in co'rlracror or conlra(lor iilormalion. "'NOI E. Any Wor( Pedormed W/O I're Appropfiate PermrlsSubiectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' T N State Bullding Code and all other applicable State will ,NC Stale Bldg Code and OWNER/CONTRACIOR: x,ar'+*,n-7cit t )4'tn utz tt- SIGNATURE: (Adik) (Pdni Nano) contaln Asbo9o6 or nd. You a€ Gqulrcd to call th€ Netioml Embslon Slandaftb b. l-lezerdo(r8 Alr Pollutant3 (NESHAP) 8t (919)707€950 s! lasi l0 dey. p.lor to tha domolltlon of any lbclllry or bulldhg. S6o Albgrio9 wob Sho: mpr r*r.w.6plstate.nc.uvepuesb6stos/ahmp.lnml # OF UNITS: N/A # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1257 # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBEO: see civit EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?T ves INo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SO FT D(ISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SQ FT pRopERry usE: lornce [nesraunmr fluencnrnle Eeouc EAPr [muoo orHER_ WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA ZONING USE CIASSIFICATION: R- 2 EcoMMUNmY SYSTEM II@MMUNTTY SYSTEM fl WELL f:]CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ PRIVATE SEPTIC .. SEPARATE PERI\,4ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD: [C*Sn ICUeCX leAVeetE TO NHC) [nUentCAN O@RESS E MCMSA E OrSCOven Cco) OFFIC ^\ REMSEO OAIE ',/1 I/I2 R: h-.E+2ft= (i r- N PERMIT FEE: $-I I r ZONE: -to $L Lrr-T 0sr. A 00l.lvr.rl TIL( I [)ity inspeclron Requrreo, 9i 0.2S4.0r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN rYPr: COMMERCIAL PIEASE ANSI,IER ALT QUESTIONS APPL]CABI-E TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT' S NAl,lE : DATE :J-_ljzllfll__ DEVELOpER: cK GaIIerv park wilminqEon LLC PHONE *: '7o4 342-9oao ST: NC ZIP: 28202 LICENSE s: 26431 <iii> I ffi l,]hat is the New Occupancy Type? _ TOTAL AREA SQ FI i }2SJ- SQFTPERFLR: 1257 2OIt, \cq,1 NEl,l HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERfiIT aPPLICATIoN rYPE: COIIIIIERCIAL PL€ASE AXSXER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICABLI TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responslbility" 16 2,t€1 APPLICATIOiI Number (Office Use) APPLICAiIT'5 iIAiIE:Brandon Catl , R,JTR Alchitects DEVELOPER: cK Gal1ery park wilhinqron LLC PRO]ECT ADDRESS: 1321 ELEMDTT I{AY - GAIAGE 8 CITY: wilmi OCCUPANT/EUSINESS tU E: E1ement. Barclay weBr ADa rtment6 PROPERTY O NER'S tJArlE: cR callery park gtilminqron Otn{ER'S ADDRESS: 301 s colleqe srreer sre 28oo CfW: charlofte C0 TRACToR: HK Jordan & co. Inc LICE SE *: 26431 ADDRESS:512 9 OleendeI Dr Suice 201 CfTY: wilminqLon EIIAIL ADDRESS: aboqer@hki constmction. con DATE: G-1-2o1G PTONE S: ?o{ 342 - 90 oo ZIP i 284a2 PHONE *: ST: Nc ZIP: 2s2o2 ST: NC ZIP: 2e4o3 Exrsr cor{srRucrroN: fl ALrERArrori f] *rlJiHil'rl 'Et'i'il*o. nenarns I RElocarroN lf Rdocation, is there a NarurBlcas Line onrhe -Current Site? flvu; I r,\ro tS ALOG SpffiXLeneoZ I ves IHo NEtl cor{srRucTro , [l rnrcr NEr srRUcruRE I rasr rucx I sxrlr- ! uerrr I aoo ro ExrsT srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The 5he1l Penmit *: fF Yes, hhat Has the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGII PROFESSIOIU\L: Daniel F. Joy '.*.. rs rurs A oral{6E oF occuprNcy user flws flllo *'*.. Is Elect Pouer on this Building E Yes f] uO hhat is the Nerr OccupaDcy Typ€? PH: 770 661-1492 ilc REG #: 106?0 EI{GR DESIGN PROFESSIOilALT Brad Ellin,Jood PH: 404 252-o8oo NC REG *: 23014 DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK: caraqe TyDe 2 w/ Etoraqe unit6 ls M or bevoragG pr€parod or serv€d ln tfs *rrcnre? flves I Ho C me eropety locabd ln Tho Roodplah? [ Yes I No wilh lhe S'bre Bui Code and be all other Bpplicable SEte Dlans and soecifi cationsNc Sbre Bldo code and SIGNATURE: Nd8: Domdlhn n dicad..E & 6sb& rEnovsl pdmlt gpdlcatqls ar! b b6 subnn6d tdng dE rpdlcaddl km (DllHS{76E) wtr.tEr rh€ bdllty d hrldhg sss idrnd b oonldn Astod6 or n t Y.r, tlD rqurd to crI the Naddd E nhddr Stsrdrds to H@8rtou6 Ar Potlllai6 (NES+IAP) !i (918)7Ur.5S0 st lGr lO drys rd6b t|c d!.ndltm d arry ftdllty or h-dldlnO. Sa Aahd6 U'bb slla ttbr/v/ur*-od.ststo.neudopuasbdo3bhmp.tihl TOTAL PROJECT COST: s2,588 .21 # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROoF: 1613 # OF STRUCTURES:# gF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBEO see Civil Exsr I"AND DlsrunerNe peni,urr lElves f] No NEW IMPERMOUS AREA: see civil SQ FT D(STING IMPERMOUS AREA see civil SO FT pRopERryusE: flornce Enesreunnrcr fiusnceunu f]eouc [nrr [conoo OTHER: WATER: EICFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA T'] CPMMUNITY S\'ISTEM N WELLfr celrnal sernc E P-RrvATE sEplc mzoNtNG usE cl-AsslFrcAToN: E coMMUNtTY SYSTEM R-2 "' SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH. PLBG GAS EOU F, PREFABS E INSERTS "' pAyMENr METHoD: flcrsu flcxecx pavral-E ro NHc) flel,renlcnn o<nRESs ElMcMsA f] orscoven (FOR OmCE USE O[LY) ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS:F: LH: RH: B:Appm\.al:_ Clty_ DATE: FLOOD: __BFE+tr Comment N PERMIT FEE: $ FEVISED DAIE {'I1N2 PlOtlE f: 910 2s6-4388 PlOt{E f: 910 ?e?-438ePRoIECT CONTACT PERSoN: Andy Boqer OWNER/CONTRA CTOR: t*an+,lrl*-5/f,J )Az( //C BUILDING HEIGHT: ]9:_ # OF UNITS: TOTAL AFEA SO FI : f5.I].- SQ FT PER FLR: 1613 /otu tc+lrrl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICA|I1N IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESfIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTTS NAITIE: Brandon Catledse, RJTR Ar:chiEecrs DEVELOPER: CK Gallery park WilminqEon LLC PRO]ECT ADDRESS: 1321 ELEMENT wAY - GARAGE 8 CITY: wilminqron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAITIE: ElemenL Barclay l4esr Apar tmenE s PROPERTY OWNERiS NAME: CK Gallery Park wilminqLon LLC OWNER'S ADDREsS: ro1 s coltese Street ste 28oo CfTY: charlorEe EiIAIL ADDRESS: aboqer@hki consEruction. com PRoJECT CoNTACT PERSON: A.ndy Boqer --152454- APPLICATION l\lumber (Office Use) PHONE f: '7a4 342 - 9oaa ZIP i 28172 PHONE *: ST: NC ZIP: 28202 PHONE *: 9to 256- 43A8 PHONE S: gto '79'7 -43a9 ((heck All That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Rolocation, is there a Na ALTERATION Gas Line on the Current Site? RENOVATIONn tr GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION tural Yes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v"" flno NEW CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEt^t srRUcruRE ! rmr rnlcx ! sner-r- ! uerrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Penmit #: IF Yes, $hat was the Pnevious Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONALi Danie] F. Joy Is Elect Power on this Building Yes E*o rr*'* rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usrr Ivrs a l4hat is the New occupancy Type? PHi '7'7o 66L-1492 NC REG #i 10670 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONALI Brad EIlinwood PH: 40A 262-AA00 NC REG #: 23014 {AElif*) TOTALPROJECTCOST: 92,688.21 BUILDINGHEIGHT: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: -]!-]:-# OF STRUCTURES: l ACRES DISTURBED: s - c .. DESCRIPTION OF lroRK: Gara e 2 (w ls food or b€v€rsg€s prepar€d o. s*vod in lhis sfirctur€? DISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlrfy thatalLinformation in and local laws and ordl Sublecllo F nes Up To nancea and reoulatrons. Th or contractor iiformation. '$500.00-' this appLication NHC Develoom NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA ZONE:F. (cu) T ves [ ruo b The Prop€dy Locat6d ln The Floodplaln? E ves No Buiding Code and all oiher applicable State Dlans and soecificat ons'NC State B dq Code and in the a roved 19'# OF UNITS N/A # OF STORIES: I # OF FLOORS: stora e unit s) OWNEFUCONT , RACTOR: x,a.r-2n". Ja,sl t !.r4 rtrttc' SIGNATURE: contstn Alb€ddr or noi. Yoo aro Equk€d to callth6 Natoml Emlsslon S'tan(brlr for Hazodous Ar Fblluiants (NESHAP) 3t (919)m7-5950 3t loost 10 days p.lor b th€ d€nDlltbn ol Eny fudllty or bulldho. Soe ,lbosbo web Slb: mp/ avrv.epl.slal€.nc.uvopyasb6bs/ahmpjtml EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?ves IHo SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:See Civil SO FT pRopERTy usE: EoFFrcE EnesnuneNr fluencrutrtu Eeouc E pr EmHoo orHER fl @MMUNTTY SYSTEM ff WELL zzoNlNG usE cL^sslFlcArlo -CENTRAL sEpflc E pRIvArE sEPTrc n coMMUNrrY sYsrEM N:nz REVISED DATE {1 I/12 PAYMENT METHOD:Ecpsx EcnecK (pAyABtE To NHcl fleuenrceN exeness I ucnnsa I otscown -. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT. MECH. PL8G, G,lS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' fr..k (FOROFFICE USE SETBACKS: FLOOD: - - --------- BF E+2ft ---"ilY.r, # RHtY BtXOFF c li((t,tAr.l JR itv lnSDgCIlOn Hequlre0, y lU'ZC.r'IJ) ! I I Approval 1o t.l,L-[lr00ltuvI nlhr p ffr DATE: 6-1-2016 CONTRACTOR: HK ,fordan & co, rnc LICENSE s: ADDRESS: 5129 oleander Dr suiEe 201 CITY: I:lS:gg!g!-- ST: NC ZIP: 28403 TOTAL AREA SQ FT:.]5]3- SQFTPERFLR:1613 N PERMIT FEE: $- l(.0 tnb} NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIIa,J TypE: COIIII,IERCIAL PL€ASE AI,JSI{ER ALL QUESTIOT{S APPLICAELE TO Y()t,R PROJECT "Project Responsibillty" 1ffia57 1; \ APPLICA'ION Number (Offlce Use) APPLICANTTS NA}IE: Brandon cat Ledae , RJTR ArchitectE DEVELOPER: CK ca11ery park wilminqton LLC PHONE f: 104 342-9ooo PRoJECT ADDRESS: 1331 ET,EMENT r{Ay - GARAGE ?CfTY: wilminoron ZIP : 2a4r2 OCCUPAITII/BUSINESS t{At4E: Elemenr Barclay we6r tB PRopERTY OHIIIER'5 MilE: CK Gallerv park wilminqr.on LLC PIO E $: OI,INER'S ADDRESS: 301 s colleqe srreet Ste 28OO CIW: Challotre ST: Nc ZIP:28202 CO TRACToR: HK Jordan & co, rnc LICEiISE f,: 2G431 ADDRESS; 5129 Oleander Dr Suite 201 Cfw: wilninqron ST: Nc ZfP: 28403 ETAIL ADDRESS: aboqer@hk construcLion . com PTONE *: sto 2s6-4taa If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is E1ect Polrer on this Building !Yes Euo ARCH DESIG'I PROFESSIO ALT Daniet F. J PH: '770 567-t492 NC REG *: 10670 EI{GR DESIGiI PROFESSIOTIAL: Biad E1linleood PH; 404 262-0800 NC REG *: 23014 DESCRIPTIoN 0F WoRK: Garaqe Type 3 {w,/ ADA pa!kinq) ls food or bayeragG Fopalod o( ssrv€d h thls ouane? filves [ ruo ts The Property Located ln Ths Ftoodptatn? f] ves I No Exrsr coNsrRucrrori: I aLrERArro* 3 *r,rJffffi ET?'il*. nrrarns fl RELocarror{ It Relocation, is there a NaruratGas Line on the drrent She? [vF[ruo tS aLoo spn-tNKLeneoz I ves !uo r,lEl{ coNsrnucrro : I rnecr E}{ srRUcruRE I rasr rnacr ! sxrr-r- ! uorrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: DISCIAIMER: I hereby cerofy Ulst sll inlormalion in hrs srDti:slion is co,rcc1and alt u,ork willcomdv wilh lheand locallaws and ordinances and reoulstons. The NHC D6veloDrnent SeMces Center will be nodfifo ot anv or chanqe m contraclor or contractor fnformstion. *NOTE: Any WoIk Pedo.med w/O the Appropriate PermitsSuUecllo Frnes Up To 5500.00- all olher applicsble State Dlans and slec]fi cationsNC Sbre Bldo Code and StEIe BUi Code and lhe OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:^*"-...""r-$*),,*rrt,rr.SIGNATURE: (qudn.4 Ndoi Dqndldoo ndi.aiqls I rsbBt6 rtnovd F r lt apClcadqB ar€ b bo sl,bmlt d rdno tro spClcs{dl fqln (DHHS-3768) $iEt|g tD hdlhy d hll&E uss lumd to cootatn tu&S or r|ot Ycrr.rB.Equllld to rdltho N8ldr8l E nbdgl ffi lu H@rdous Ar tulutlrrl3 (NES{AP) rt (S1S)Irr-5SO €r l6t l0 dny6 rrle b tls ddndildl ol dly tud[ty d h dlm. Seo Aste V,GO Slto: ]tFrlM.€d.slst6.nc.us/6pua3besto56hmp.ht nl TOTAL PROJECT COST: ?2,647-51 BUILDING HEIGHT: 19' TOTAL AREA SO FT: 1338 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF 1338 # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS:1 ACRES DISTURBED: see civi I Exsr LAND DtsrunetNo prnMrrr [ElyES f] No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA see civil pRopERryUSE: DoFFlcE flnesreunru,n flueRmnrtur [eouc [err f]coNoo OTHER: WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA FICATION: R - 2 SQ FT n@MMUNmYS\ETEM [-']WELL aZONING USE CLASSI fr cerrRru- sernc fl p-RN/ArE sEprrc DcotuMUNrY sYsrEM pA\rriENr MEIHoD: ficnsx ficnecx pevaarE ro NHc) finuenrcax o<nREqS EIMc/vlsA f]oscown ..r.....-rr.'... (FOR OFFEEUSEO LY) ZONE:-OFFICER:-SETBACKS: F:-RH: B: Approval:- Cit)r:- DATE: FLOOD: - BFE+2ff= N .. SEPARATE PEFMIiS REOUIRED FOFI ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS & INSERTS -' Comment LH: PERMIT FEE: FEVIsED DATE IN1N2 DATE : -_j:l:2!!g_ pROIECT CONTACT PERSoI{: andv eoqer PtOl'tE *: sto 79.t-43as ..*i' rs rHrs A o{at{cE or occupar{cy usE} EyEs fi rr '..*.IFYes,UhatYasthePreviousoccupancyType?-}fiatistheilgoccupancyIype?- # OF UNITS: N/A SO FT PER FLR: 1338 # OF STORIES: 1 {rtk icl{r+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE; COMME RCIAL PLEASE ANSI.JER ALL QUESTIoNS APPLICABLE T0 YOUR PRoltCT "Project Responsibility" -4C+453.- APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DEVELOPER: .CK Gattery park WilminqEon LLC PROIECT ADDRESS: 1331 ELEMENT wAy - GARAGE z OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAlilE : Element Barcl.ay WesE Apartments PROPERTY Ol.lNER'S IIAME: CK GalIery Park 14ilminqton LLc OI.TNER'S ADDRESS: 301 s colleqe street sEe 28oo CITY: charlotte CITY: wi ]mingron PHONE *:'704 342- gooa PHONE S: STi NC ZIP; 28202 CoNTRACTOR: HK Jordan & co, rnc ADDRESS: 5129 Ofeander Dr. Suite 201 LICENSE *: 26431 CITY: wilminqton ST: NC zIP: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: aboqer@hk'i construcE ion. com PHONE f:910 2s6-4388 PRoJECT CONTACT PERSON: Andy Boqer PHONE S: 9ta t97 -43a9 (check AII Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Rolocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes Eno IS BLDG SPRINKTERED?[v"" [ruo NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI4 STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ! unrrr ! loo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: *.*** rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupANcy user Ives r IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DanieI F. Joy What is the New occupancy Type? EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Brad Ellinwood PHi 404 262-AA00 NC RE6 $: 23014 DESCRIPTION OF l^loRK: cara arkin ls rood or bevoragos prspared or servod in this stsucttro?I ves [ ruo b The Proporry Locatod ln The Floodplain? EYes I No DISCLAIMER: I hereby nd ordin cenify that allinformation in h the State Bu and local laws a nces and reoulation.nnrrr.r.r i;lnrm:rl lhis application is correcl and allwo NHC Developmenl Servrces CenlerNOTE:Anv Wo Performed WO rhwillbe notified of ing Code and all other applicable Slate roved olans and soecifications ol rhe NC Slare Bldg Code ands. The Is Elect Power on this Building YeS Ero! PHi 77o 661-1492 NC REG *: 10670 Sublecllo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: rgrd1a-tuqE r l-p4*, Z-'/$trs " r c SIGNATURE (auslm6r) TOTAL PROJECT COST: 72,64?,51 BUILDING HEIGHT: 19' Noto: D€moll[on ndlficallons I asbostos r€movol pomlt appllc€tlons ar€ to bo submltted uslno th€ appllca{oo furm (DHHS3768) wtloth€r lho ftdll1y or bulldlno w6s lbund io conlaln Asb€sloo or not. You 616 rcqulrod to calllh€ l.bliorEl EmEelon S'laftbrcb b. Hazerdou! Alr Pollutenb (NESHAP) 3l (319)707-5950 3t ben 10 (bys prioa to lho deflElllbn ol 6ny hdllty or bulldlng. Ss Asb€slos Web Sho: mtpr rvrw.epl.st8te.ft.(ls/opuesb€$o€r'ahmp.ltml #OFUNITS: N,/A # OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS:1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?r YEs flNo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civi r PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE EnesraUnarr MERcANTLE Eeouc ! aer lco NDO OTHER WATER: fICFPUA SEWER: mCFPUA flcoMMuNnYsYSTEM EWELL EZONTNG USE CLASSTf] CENTRAL SEPTIC LIPRIVATE SEPTIC f]COMMUNMYSYSTEM FICATION: r z TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: T338 ACRES DISTURBED: see civil lrrl\ # OF STRUCTURES: 1 (FOR OFFTCE USE SETBACKS: SQ FT PAYMENT METHOD flcrsn flcnecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) EAMERTcAN DeREss EMcMSA E otscown ". SEPARATE PERI\,4ITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT,IltECH, PLEG GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' L DATE FLOOD: IT f N PERMIT FEE:[^A 0p /tvJrr4 Trtr tfi"a ptlr.,) REVISED DATE /VI I/I2 # APPLICANT'S NAI'IE: Brandon Catledqe, RJTa Architect.s DATE: 6-1-2015 ZIP i 2a412 If UPFIT - The SheII Permi.t #: .t TOTAL AREA SQ FT:-]fI-g- SQFTPERFLR: 1338 I k0r '00 Y lu'ZCq'i (ro) 1prU tDRbo ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcatIotl TYPE: CO{IIIERCIAL PLEASE ATSH€R ALL QUESTIONs APPLICABLE TO Y(XJR PROJ€CT 'Project Responsiblltty" 1@5?- APPLICATION Number (offic€ Use) APPLICANT'S llAtr{E: Brandon catLedae, R,fTR Alchitects DATE:_-.,:E:LZS.1!._ OEVELOPER; cK GaIIerv park wilminqron t,Lc PKINE f: zo4 342-9ooo PRO]ECT ADDRESS: 13]8 ELEMEIT }IAY - GARAGE 6 CfTY: Hitmi ton ZIP i 2BAt2 OCCUPAiIT/BUSINESS tlAitE: Elemelrr Barclay r{e6r Aparrmenr6 PROPERTY OWNER'S l,lAlilE: CK Gallery park wilminsron LtC PK)NE f OWNER'S ADDRESS: 301 s colleqe srreet ste 28OO CIW: Charlotte 5T: Nc ZIP: 2s202 COI{TRACTOR:tII( Jordan & Co. Inc LfCEiISE $: 2643r ADDRESS: 5129 oleander pr suite 201 EttlAIL ADDRESS : aboqer@hkiconsrrucrion. com CITY: willrrinq!qD ST: Nc ZfP: 28403 PIONE *:910 2s6-438B (Chect All ft3t Apply )cxlsr coNsrRucrloil: n ALTERATIoN E REirovArror{ l-l ce rmr- REparRs l-l RELocarror{ lf Relocator, is there I Naturat cas Line on the Enenr Sile? E Y;E No tS BLDG SeRIN-KLERED? E yes E No NEU coirsrRucrrou: I rnrcr NEt., STRUCTURE f] rasr rracx I sxelu ! uerrr I aoo ro Exrsr sTRUcruRE ACCESsORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheU Permit #: IF Yes, drat xas the Prevlous Occupancy T)De? ARCH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOTIAL: Daniel F. .Joy ..r.. rs rHrs a orarcE oF occupalrcy usE? f] yEs I Is Elect Poxer on this Bui.lding EI Yes E rc lfiat is the er occupancy Type? PHt 710 661-].492 l,'C REG S: 10670 ENGR DESIGT{ PROFES5IOiAL: Brad 811in!,ood PH: 404 262-0800 NC REG *: 23014 DESCRIPTION 0F l.,oRK: Gar"aqe Tlpe 3. ls tu or bevorage pepared a senrsd br Orls *Uctre? [lYe" [ ruo U n" f*prrty Locsted ln Th€ FlooddatnZ f] ves El ruo $,ilh the Stale Code and be SIGNATURE: (Oldllls, Nolo: Dtidl{on ndf.at(Il8 & 86b€gbo r. nor€l p€rm[ spClcatm5 sro lo bo srbnlr€d ldrlg tle spdlcstd, lqrh (DHHS-3768] Bhdl6 tF bdlhy q hrl&tg was iard to conbln Asb€Gbs q not Yq, Erq Gqulr€d lo call tl€ tlsusd Emt96{m Sbndords hl. H@rddrs Ar Po{lut8nG (NESHAP} Et (91S)707-5$0 at load 10 ds},s Fld ro $e domdnio d any bd0ty or hrldlrE. So€ ^sbdc VS Stle lt$r ^ rw.ed.sl8to.nc.u6i/6pussbesrosbhmp.ltml Bll olher appl,cable State olans and sioecif cetionsNC Stare Bldg Code and TOTAL PROJECT COST: ?7,031.42 TOTAL AREA SO FT : 1257 SQFTPERFLR:126? TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 125?# OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS:1 ACRES DISTURBED: see civil EXST IAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? m VeS I HO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SQFT E(STING IMPERVIOUS AREA see civil pRopERTyusE: florrrce ERrsnunnrr fluencernu [eouc [npr n @NDO OTHER: SO FI WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: m CFPUA ECoMMUNrYS\ETEM flwEu LJ CEMTRAL SEMC L-I PRIVATE SEPTIC mzoNrNG usE cLAsstFrcATroN: fl coirMuNrrY s\4srEM R-2 pAyMENr METHoD: flcrsn f]cnecxpavaaE To NHc) fleuenrcar.r oeRESS E Mc/vtSA E orscoven (FOR OGFTCE USE Ot{-Y)REVEED [UTE lfl 1n2 ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS:F:-LH:-RH: B:Approval:_ CI$_DATE: FLOOD: __ .. SEPARATE PERMIIS REOU]RED FOR ELECT, MECII, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 6 INSERTS -' N BFE+2F Comment A PERMIT FEE:C PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: Andv Boqer Pll()t{E *: gto 797-439s OWNEF/CONTRA CTOR' ta*t-*.*.-%t/.J fu z tl / r BUILDING HEIGHT: I9]- # OF UNITS: N,/A J0t\o to+u O \ APPLICANT,S NA}1E;Brandon CaEledqe, RJTR ArchiEect s PROJECT ADDRESS: 1]]8 ELEMENT '{AY . GARAGE 6 OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAflE: ElemenE Barclay west ApartmenLs PROPERTY OWNER'S NAt'tE: cK callery Park l,lilminqEon LLC OtrlNER' S ADDRESS: lol s colleoe street ste 2800 CITY: charlotte NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE r COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSS]ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" 16,4-32.- APPLICATION Number (Office Use) PHONE f: CONTRACTOR: LIK Jordan & Co, rnc ADDRESS: 5129 oleander Dr suite 201 LICENSE S: 26431 5T: NC ZIP: 28403CITY: wi lmingron EMAIL ADDRESS: aboser@hki construction. com PHoNE *:910 256-4388 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Andy Boqer PHONE #: 910 797 43s9 (Cherk A11 That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocaton, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?tr Yes Ero IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Iv"" Ir.to NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: @ eneCr r'rrW SrnUCrUnr !FAST TRACK SHELL UP FIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Permit s: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH oESIGN PRoFESSIONAL: Daniel F. Joy Is Elect Power on this BuiLding I YeS E*o tJhat is the New Occupancy Type? {!**** rs rHrs a CHANGE oF occupANcy uset Ives I NO ****i, l41t 't'7o 6Gi,-t492 NC REG *: 10570 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Brad Ellinwood F+l: 404 262-o8oo NC REG #: 23014 DESCRIPIIoN 0F l^loRK: Gara e1 ls food or b€vsrages p(epsred or ssvsd in this sEucure?I Yes tr No ls Tho Property Locatsd ln Th6 Floodplsin? E Yes I No this applicatron is correct and allwo NHC Develooment Services CenterNOTF: Anv Work Peiforme.l WO lh rk will comply e Appropriale Permi wilh the State Building Code and all other applicable State Is will tie of the tale B Code and DISCLAIMER: I hereby nd ordln cenjfy lhat all information in plans NCS ldq fcationss. The OWNER/CONTRACTOR: x*r-'atce , Jon* Z4tuzct c SIGNATURE: (Aiolifi€.) TOTAL AREA SQ FT :126'7 SQ FT PER FLR: 1267 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1267 #OFSTRUCTURES:1 Not6: Domollto.r noffcaton! a asb€sloe Hnovel Fmll eppllcetlon3 er€ to lr submlu.d urlno tho appllcallon bm (DHHS3r) s,helh€. rh6 fEcllny or bulldhg w53 fu.ld b demo{ilcn of any hdllty or bulldlnC. Soe Asba€b6 Web Slb: mpr/wvJw.eplsti€.nc.us/opuaeb6tos/Ehmp.mml TOTAL PROJECT COST: 77,031.42 BUILDING HEIGHT: 19 ' #OFUNITS: N/A Sublecllo Fines Up To $500.00"'in contraclor or cont ACRES DISTURBED: see civiL NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil WATER: IICFPUAsEwER: UICFPUA # OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS 1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I ves Iuo SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AR wllbe notifed of an s in the EA: see civ11 SO FT PROpERTY USE: EOFFTCE EneSnUnam flUenCernle [eouc !p1 @NDO OTHER fI@MMUNTTYSYSTEM flwELLE CEMTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEP-IIC ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: n z fl CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM.' SEPABATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAYVIET{T METHOD:ficesn flcnecK (eAvABLE To NHc) EAMERTcAN D@ness I ucrusn fl otscoven rrD)"JY-r* X RH,V B,yi\(FOR OFFTCE USE ZONE:oFFrcFR:SETBACKS: Approva FLOOD: r- BFE+2ft= REVISiEO DATE /V1ll12 $Co f'8 I r^ liDv[A 1ltc P fi?4 0, ol'., r Jr*r,, ,..' :m DATE: 6-1-2016 DEVELOPER: .r. e:r r-r1, D:yr. wi rmindr-n r.r.c PHONE S: '7a4 342 90ao CITY: Elgilglgg_ ZIP | 2e$2 sT: Ig_ zIP:!!:!2_ itu lncnanlinn R6^rtrren. Q'l[)rf -nt 'laxr-.lo ?5K 1€--2457 ! ffi' APPLICANT,S NAI'IE: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANS$]ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office Use) Brandon Catledqe, RJTR Architects DEVE LOPE R:CK Gal le Park wi Imin tson LLc PRO]ECT ADDRESS: 1343 ELEMENT wAY - GARAGE 5 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAHE: Element Barclay west AparEmenEs PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: CK Galtery Park wilminston LLC ObTNER'S ADDRESS: 301 s coflese street ste 28oo PHONE *:'io4 342-9ooo PHONE #: CITY: charlotte ST: NC ZIP: 28202 sT: NC ZIP: 29403 CONTRACTOR: HK ,fordan & co. rnc ADDRESS; 5129 oleander Dr suite 201 LICENSE #: 26431 CITY: wilminston EltlAI L ADDRESS: aboqer@hki constiuct.ion. com PHONE #: 9ro 2s6-4388 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Andv tsoqer PHONE f; 9\a '79"7 -43a9 If UPFIT - The shell Penmit #:Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes Ero i.**** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupArcy user Ives What is the New Occupancy Type?IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL: Daniel F. Joy PHt 77o 68L-1492 NC REG #: 106?0 ENGR DESIGN PROFESsIONALI Brad E]]inwood PH: 404 262-0800 NC REG #: 2301.4 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Ga]: ls iood or bov€ragos preporsd or ssrvod in lhis sfuchre?I ves I No b The Proporty Locatod h Ths Floodplain? E Yes te Build ng Code and all olher applicab e Stale e 2 (w/ stor:a e units ) I DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy lhal all :nformat on rn lhrs applcaiion ,s correcl and all work wllcomply wil'r lhe Sla and lo.al laws and ord,nanLes and reoulations, The NHC Develoomenl Services Cenler wll be not,lled ol anY cha 6r chanqe in conrraclor or conlraclor i-nlormat.on. "'NO I E: Any Work Perlormeo WO lhe ApproPrale Permits will Subiecrlo Fines Up To $500 00''' lhe approved olans and soecifications of rhel.lC Srare Bldg Code and IFICATION: r z OWNEFI/CONTRACTOR:xrar-ry".Joty'r'7,-Anrrz,TSIGNATURE: (Or.li@ (Pnd Nsn.) tloto: Oofirollton no0ncetl.rt8 & asbosbs ,trltoval pomlt applhatbn3 olo lo bo submllod lllno th€ appllcaucn furm (DHHS-3768) *toth6r tho f6dllty o. bulldh0 was irrnd b contatn Asbesbs or not. YolJ are rcqutrcd to calltho t{atlonal Emt$lon sondaltb br l-hzardous Ar Pollut6nts (NES}I.AP) d (919)707550 at hasl 10 d6y3 p.lor to tn6 demolltbn of any ftdllty or bulldlng. S€€ Asb66!dt Web S[o: htlpr luM.ePlstat6.IE.us/6pl/asb€6bsrahmp.mml TOTAL PROJECT COST: 92 6AA.2l BUILDING HEIGHT: 19, TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 1613 SQ FT PER FLR: 1613 # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _t!_tf_# OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: r ACRES DISTURBED: see civil EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I ves [No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:See Civil SO FT pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE Enesraunerr fluencmrnr leouc APT @NDO OTHER WATER: I]CFPUA SEWER: m CFPUA E@MMUNrYSYSTEM flwELL EZONING USE CLASS f] CENTML SEPTIC LIPRIVATE SEPTIC f]COMMUNITYSYSTEM USE ONL}'i /KS:F:f LH: )(EA PAYMENT METHOD: lUSx [CneCr leAVen[E TO NHC) flellentcel o<eness I ucrust E oscoven ". SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS '' FOR OFFICE FLOOD:-- N PERMIT FEE: RF'ISED DA]E {i1/I2 f,_)--llcc t f((o Pt,o^( irV ir$oeClrff ReOurreO V ru-2ic-.Jr I P0tt\ut4 (check all That Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTOIT l-l nrNOVlrrOlr l-l eeruenll nelarns ! RElocarroN tf Rolocation. istherea Natural Gas Line on the -Current Site? EY;ENo ts eroc spRlN-xreneoz !v"" !llo NEW CONSTRUCTTOH: fl enrCr NEW STRUCTURE ! rlSr rnlCX ! Sner-r- ! unrrr I aoo ro ExrsT sTRUcTuRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: DATE: 5-1-2016 CITY: wifminqron ZIP i 28472 # OF UNITS: N/A (ru) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE I COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" )Att lbT'ct APPLICATION Number (office Use) 16:2451- APPLICANTTS NAIqE: Brandon Catledge, RJTR Architects DEVELOPER: CK GalIery park witminqron LLC PRoJECT ADDRESS: 1343 ELEMENT wAy - GARAGE s CITY: r,^li lmin OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAflE: Element Bar.ctay wesr AparrmenLs PROPERTY OWNER'S NAr'lE: cK Gaffery park witminsron LLc oWNER'S ADDRESS: 301 s colfeqe srreer sre 2800 CITY: charlorre CONTRACTOR: HK Jordan & Co Inc LICENSE #: 26a31 PHONE #: 704 342 eooo CITY: I{r lmlngton PHONE f: ST: NC ZIP:28202 PHONE #:910 256-4388 PHoNE #: 9ao 'tgi-43a9 ADDRESS: 5129 oleander Dr suite 201 EI4AI L ADDRESS: aboqer@hki construct ion . com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: andy eoser (check au rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Rolocation, is there a Natural NEW CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEt,t srRUcruRE fl rasr rnacx ! sxer-r- ! unrrr I roo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATToN fl neuovnrror l-l ceNeRAL neparns l-l RELocArroN cas Line on the current Site? [ v"s [ ruo ts groc spRtNxLeReoz I ves I to If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Typel ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Dan1e1 F. .roy ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Brad Elllnwccd DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: carage T),pe 2 (w/ storage units) !*'*,*'** rs THrs A CHANGE oF oCCUpANCy uSet IveS IrrrO..--- Is Elect Por.,rer on this Building T Yes E ruo what is the Neu Occupancy Type? PHt iio 56t-t492 NC REG #: 10570 PH: 404 252 0800 NC REG #: 2301a DISCLAIMER: I hereby cedify thal all information in this application is correct and all work will com y with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and locallaws and ordrnances and reoulatons The NHC Develooment Services Center wli be nolifred ol anv chanoes rn the aDoroved olans and soecdications or chanqe in contractor or contractor i-nlormalDn. " NOTE: Any Work Perlormed w/O the Appropriale Permits willble in V'olalion ol theNC State Bldg Code andSubiecllo F'nes Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: anav eoqer SIGNATURE:(Ouditur) (Pnn! Name) Noter Demolilion notjfcalions & asbesbs rernoval pemit applbations are to b€ submitEd usirE the application form (DHHS-3768) vrhether the facility or buildino was fund b contain Asb€stos or not You sre required to calltlo Nalional Embsion SNardsrds br Hazsrdous Ar Polluents (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior b tl€ demolition ofany bcility or building. S€e Asbostos Web Site: htlpJ xwwepi.sble.nc.us/epi/asb€stos/ahmp.hunl ls food or bovsragss prsparod or s€rvsd ln this structure?I ves ! l.to ls The Property Located ln The FloodplainZ I ves I uo TOTAL PROJECT COST: 92, 588.21 ACRES DISTURBED: see clvrl EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I YES EINo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see crvrl SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SQ FT pRopERwusE: noFFrcE nResrnumm fiuencerrLe f]eouc laer lcor.roo orHER: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: -.-,# OF STRUCTURES: 1 WATER: ECFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL ZzoNlNG USE CLASSI SEWER: E CFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC Ll PRlvArE SEPTIC flCoMMUNlry sYsrEM " SEIy.ts/irE PFRII l-q RFOUIFED I oli ELEC] MLaH PLIIG.GASFCUF e{iEtAas E NSERT-< " FICATION: R-2 PAYVIENT METHOD:ECASH lcnecx lenvneLE To NHc) [nuenrcnu EXPRESS I t',lcnflsn Eotscown (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: REVISED DATE ,{,/11/12 ZONE: OFFICER Approval:_ City:- DATE:_ FLOOD: --- BFE+2ft--- AVN Comment ,.1', . ..m DATE : __j:_l_2!_E_ ZIP: 28412 ST: Nc ZIP: 28403 BUILOING HEIGHT: 19 ' # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : -E]:- SQ FT PER FLR: 1613 # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS: 1 PERMIT FEE: $- )otlq lqSt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERI'IIT APPLICArIoN ryPE: COIilltlERC IA L PL€ASE AT{S}TER ALL QUESTIOTTS APPLICAEL€ TO YOIJR PRO]ECT "Pnoject ResponsibilitlP APPLICA I,S tIA,tIE:Brandon Catf , RJTR Archit.ect6 DEVELOPER: cK Gattery park wilhinqron LLc PROJECT ADDRESS: 1339 ELEMEITT wAy - GARAGE 4 -tG245t ffi,'APPLICATIOl{ Number (Offlce U5e) DATE: 51-2015 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIE: Elemenr Baicl.ay !{e6r ADalrment6 PRoPERW OI ER'S t{Ar,tE: CI( callery Park wilrLinqron TJLC otlNER'S ADDRESS: lq1 s colleqe sEreer sre 2eo0 CONTRACTOR: HK,lordan & co, IDc LICEIISE *: 26a 31 ADORESS: 5129 oleander Dr suite 201 CIW: !rllminqton EtitAIL ADORESS: aboqer@hkiconarrucri.on.conl CfTY: wilminqton ZlPi 28412 PTIONE #: ST: Nc ZIP: 2s403 PI0NE S: 704 342-9ooo PIO E f:910 2s6-4388 Exrsr cor{srRucrro : E ALrERArron D -.ilfi;i;ii Et';ik^,- nrrarns I RELocArroN lf Relocstion, is lhere a NaturalGas Line on the Errent Site? [vF[f.ro tSaroO SpRtN-xleneoz Ives Ir,ro NEll cot{srRucrrol: I snecr NEU srRucruRE ! rasr rmcr I snrr-r- ! uerrr n aoo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: fF Yes, what ras the Previous Occupancy Typel ARCH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOML: Dani.el F. Joy ...r. rs rHrs a o{AltGE oF occupar{cy usrr f}vrs Is Elect PoHer on this Euilding Yes Ero t0rat is the N€u Occupancy Type? PH: 770 66L-1,492 NC REG *:10570 ENGR DESIGTI PROFESSIO AL:Brad El-Ii.nwood PH: 404 252-0800 NC RE6 *: 23014 DESCRIPTIoN OF IrORK: caraqe T,.pe 2 (erl stora ge uni.ts ) ls iood or bovorag€s proparsd or son€d h this *Uctre? [ ve" I Uo ta n" emp.rty tocalad ln Ths FloodptatnZ I ves [l uo Building Code snd all olher Bpplicsble SEte olan5 and sDecif cationsNC Sale Bldg Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: r".'ar*ec..'-D /fr 744 2. t ! t t / E - SIGNATURE:(qrdil') Ndo: Dsndlifi nodicatdE t rabcstB rEnqval pdnlt spdlcrtdls a.6 b be suhnllad l6in0 &€ spClaatdl ldm (DHHS-3788) wtlofiar $o bdltty q hrl&{ wss hl'd !o c(,ialn Asb€C('s or not Yd tE raqdrEd !o aall t|6 NadtrEl Emhslfi Sarderdr b. H@dqrs Ar Pollutans (NESiA4 dt (S1S)7t -5950 st l'd 10 dsys Fk to i'ls d€lldltdr d Bn, hdllty o( b.dldtE. SE As!d6 5Jb SIa hrDJr*$r.od.ststo.nc.uJopussb6s16,,.hmp.hLnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 92,688.21 BUILDING HEIGHT: 19'# OF UNITS:N/A TOTAT AREA SO FT : 1613 SOFTPERFLR:1613 # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1613 # OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FL@RS: r ACRES DISTURBED: see civil Exsr LAND orsrunerNo eenurrr ffives fl No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREII: see civir SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AF|EA see civil SO FT pRopERry usE: flornce flnesnuuNr fluencervrru [eouc APT @NDO OTHER: WATER: ICFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA E coMMUNnY S\4STE!!- E WELL f-ICENIHAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEFTrc f]coMMUNrrY sYsrEM ZONING USE CI-ASSIFICATION: R-2 pAYrrENr METHOD: [USn EqreCX ervastE rO NHC) flalrenrcan oeness I ucwrse E oscown ..' SEPARATE PERIIITS REOJIRED EOR ELECT, MECH. PL8G. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS 6 INSERIS "' (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:- B: Approvel: Cltf-DATE: FLOOD:---BFE+tr AVN nElvtsED OATE 4/t1n2 Commont PERMIT FEE: $ I I CITY: cha!1orre ST: IL ZIP:3@L PRoIECI CoNTACT PERSON: Ardv Boqer pllot{E *: 910 29?-4389 7{tlu \rl5t ffi APPLICANT'S NAI'IE: NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIOiIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 18-2450 APPLICATION Number (office use ) Brandon Catledqe, R,ITR Architects DEVELOPER: CK GaIlerv park wilminqEon LLc PROIECT ADDRESS: 1339 ELEMENT wAy GARAGE 4 CITY: witmingron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIIE : Element Barclay west Apartment.s PROPERTY oWNER'S NAITIE: cK Gallery park wilminqEon LLC OhJNERJS ADDRESS: 101 S colleqe Street ste 2800 CITY: charloLce DATE: 5 1-2015 PHONE f: '7o4 342 - 9ooo PHONE f: IPST: Nc z i 28202 CONTRACTOR: HK ,fordan & Co, Inc ADDRESS: 5129 ofeander Dr Suite 201 El'lAIL ADDRESS: aboser@hki construct ion. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: tu1dy Boqer EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Rolocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?tr Yes NEW CONSTRUCTION I ERECT NEt^l STRUCTURE LICENSE *: CITY: wi lminqron \*,ST: NC ZIP PHONE *: 910 2s6-4388 PHoNE *: 219 12M9L (Check A11 That apply) RENOVATION tr GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I ves fluo FAST TRACK SHEL L UPFIT ADD TO EXTST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Daniel F, Joy Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes E*o What is the New occupancy Type? i,**'* rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupArilcy user [vrs T PHi 77o 66L-L492 Nc REG #; r.0670 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Brad EIlinwood PHi 404 262-0A00 NC RE6 #23474 ls food or bov€ragos prepared or scved ln this sfritcur€?I yes E llo ls Tho Propsty Locatod ln The Floottplain? ! Yes I dinq Code and DESCRIPTION OF UJoRK: cara 16 13 See Ci-vil 2(w e uniEs ) r Sublecr'1o Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: Indy'?@c, -fot*t btt<trtt { SIGNATURE: (Calillor) ed N!,n€) ikrt6: D€mollton notncatlone & 63besbs rcfiovd pollnlt appllcallons alE to be submltl€d ualno rh€ aPpllcalion brm (DH 3768) whelhor the facllhy or bulldhg wa31b!M to contAtn Asbo6tos or nol You alr Equtrad to callUto ilatlonelEmbslm Slsnda(b for Hazardouc Ar Pollutarts (NESHAP) 3l (919)70-5960 3t hosi 10 day3 p.lor to th6 domotltlrn of sny frdllty or bulldln0. S€o Asboobs w€b She: ht$r/*1vw.€pl.slste. nc.usr€pyasb6tcrahmp.mml # OF UNITS DISCLAIMER: I nd ord nances lhat all rnformat on in and locallaws a in contractor or conl and reoulations. Thera.lor riformatron. "' TOTAL PROJECT COST: e2,688.21 BUILDING HEIGHT: 1e' TOTAL AREA SQ FT SO FT PER FLR: 15r.3 lhe N/A # OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS:1 all olher applicable Stale Dlans and sDecillcalions'NC Srare Bldg Code and TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1613 # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBEO:EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?ves Ir'ro EZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: t-: PRIVATE SEPTIC fl coMMUNnY SYSTEM NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ARE'\:See i vil PROPERTY USE: floFFlCE Ll RESTAURANT MERcANTLE ! eouc ! aer @NDO OTIIER SO FT WATER: E]CFPUA SEWER: fl CFPUA @MMUN]TYSWTEM CENTRALSEPNC fI EWELL -. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSEFTS - PAYMENT METHOD flcrcH flcnecK (PAYABIE To NHc) EAMERIcAN Deness I ucruse I oscown REVISED OATE 4fl I/I2 ^l: (FOR OFFICE USE 'r,-- DAT "J}-.r, Xnx'* e,j-SETBACKS:FLOOD:--BFE+ztfi=_ 1 tAr T ZONE: (cu) L,l-lIIQttr'rQn f llc (.ily riTpeclron kequ[eo, Y tu-lc,*',J', ZIP i 284!2 aaaEsqnRv qTPt taTt tPF. PERMIT FEE: $- 2ott' t0+9) f62F+9- 1 \ NEt^, HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE.. COI4'qERCIAL PLEASE AI{SI{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAALE TO Y JR PROJECT "ProJect Responsiblllty" Brandon Catledqe. RJTR Aichitec !a 1erv Park wi1 LLC PROIECT ADoRESS: 1327 ETEMENT wAy - GA.RAGE 3 APPLICATIOII Number (Officc Use) APPLICAITTJ 5 !.IA}iE : DEVELOPER: cx ear occuPAt{T/BusrtitEss r,rAr4E :Elemenr Barcla weat A rEmenLe PROPERTY OI.INER'S iIAfiE:CK Galferv Park vli l-minol:LLC OI,INERJ S ADDRESS: 3 1 S Co1le Street ste 28oo CITY: Charlottea CONTRACToR: HI( Jordan & co, rnc LICENSE *: 26431 AODRESS:suite 201 CITY: wilErinqron CfW: Hilrdnqton ZIPI 28a72 PIIONE f : ST: Nc ZIP: 28202 ST: Nc ZIP: 28403 PI(,NE *: 7o4 342-90oo PIOilE S: 910 2s6-4389 (Che.k AU Thst Apply) Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: E ALrERArror l-l nrrovarrot f-l crteml nrparns J-'l RELocArroN It Rdocadm, is t\ere a NaturatGas Line on the -Currenr She? [vF[ruo ts BLDGspfii xLeneoz Ives INo NEt{ coNsrRucrror{, [l rnecr NEu srRucruRE f] rasr rucr ! sxrr-r. I urrrr ! aoo ro ExrsT srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF Yes, rfiat ras the Previous Occupancy Tlpe? aRCH DESIGN PROFESSIOIAL: !4ie-]- F. Joy .*'r rs rHrs a cHtl{GE oF ocorprl{cy usrr flvrs fllto ..... Is Elect Porrer on this Building I Yes E,ro trhat ls the t{€r, occupancy Type? PHi -77o 66r-L492 NC REG f: 106?0 PH: 404 262-0800 t{C REG *: 23014EIIGR DESIGT'I PROFESSIoflAL: Brad Ellin,rood DESCRIPTION 0F tlOR(: caraqe Tlpe 1 ls fuod or bey6rag6 troporBd or gerirsd in hb sfu(tJ€?I ves fl ruo b Ths Propo{ty Located tn The Floodptain? f}ves fl to the slate Euildi 6ll olher applicable Sbte Dlans and soecif callons NC Slrle Bldg Code and O\A/NEF/CONTRACTOR:.Mara -6r..t l,fgtsrud SIGNATURE:(audikrl Fdrn Nrm) Nolo: D€.ndlto.r ndltcadqB t ffi rrnord pormlt EpClcatqs srB b ba llt.nttod ldnC aE olCLstql lfin vJtFt|€r O|o hdllty q hilfE wo6 frn,ld ro coitdn Arb6sG o. not Yoo.,o rEqdlrd to.dlrF Nlndtd E nbdo $srxffi b H8dqrs Ar tulutantr (NESHAP) d (Sl0)m7.5950 d 16r t0 dry! Frlo. to tlo domdHdl d rny l8dliy ff h.dldlnC. Se AEb€d6 Wlb Slra: lttsrlrr*! -od.sls!6.ncus/@UsstEsrocbhmp.lnmi TOTAL PROECT COST: ?7, 03 t . a2 TOTAL AREA SQ FT :126'7 SQFTPERFLR:126?# OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:4_# OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBEO:see Civil EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?a YEs ENo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see cilril SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SO FT PRoPERTYUsE:[oFFlcEf|nesrnunarr[uencaurtuf]eoucf}aerf]corroooTHER:- WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA Ea rlcpMMuNny sysTE!!- [f wEU- EzoNtNG usE crAsstFtcAroN:fl CENTML sEPrlc LIPRIVAIE sEPTlc ElGPlrlMUNnY s\€rEM "' SEPARATE PERINITS REOUIRED FOF EL€C;, MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS '' PAYI{ENTMETHoD: flcasH flcxecxpavaalEroNHc) fleuenrcmacREss EMc/vrsA Eloscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE OILY)FE\/IS€D DATE lflIN2ZONE:_OFFICER:_SETBACXS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B'._ Approval:_ City:- OATE: FLOOD: -- BFE+2G AVNComm€nt PERMIT FEE:q DATE: 5 - 1-2or6 El,lAIL ADDRESS : aboqer@hkiconetruc!ion. com PRoIECT CONTACT PERSotl: Andv Boqer PHO E $: eto 1s7-438e BUILDING HEIGHT: 19' # OF UNITS: N/A 2ottr lD11S >: 1ffi49NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICA8LE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTj5 NAI,1E: Brandon Catledse, RJrR ArchitecLs I ffi APPLICATION Number (Offtce Use) DATE: 6-1-2016 DEVELOPER: CK Gatlery park witmingEon LLC CITY: wilminqton PHONE *:'7a4 342-9oaa zlP| 2B4i-2 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAl,tE : Etement Barctay wesE Apartmenrs PRoPERTY oWNERTS NAME: cK Gallery park l,rilminsEon LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: 1327 ELEMENT I4AY - GARAGE 3 CONTRACTOR: HK .rordan & co, rnc ADORESS: 5129 oleander Dr suite 201 EMAIL ADDRESS: aboqer@hki consLruct ion. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Axdy Bose:. (Ch€€k All That Apply) CITY: wilminqton PHONE f: PHONE f: 910 2s6-4388 PHONE f: 9i.o 't9'/ -43a9 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Rglocadon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?trYes Ero IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v"" lro NEI^l CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEW srRUcruRE I rasr rnacx ! sner-r- ! unrrr ! noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The sheLl Penmit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ',,'I*'* rs rgrs A cHATJGE oF occupalrcy usrr lves ! Is Elect Power on this Building Yes Ero llhat is the New occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIoNAL: L PH ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL! Brad Ellinwood PH DESCRIPTION OF I,ORK: GaTa e1 i 'tio 661-1492 NC REG #: 10570 : 404 262-A800 NC REG #: 23014 ls lood or bgvsr8ges prsparsd or s6rv6d in this stlrcure? DISCLAIMER sublecllo Fines Up To S500.00"' and local : I hereby cenjry that all information i and ordinances and reoulations. Th onrractor or contractor r"nformation. ' n this app ication s correci and a I wo e NHC Oevelopment Serv ces Cenler"NOTE Any Work Performed WO lh rk willcomp y wil will be not lied of T ves I no b Ths Property Located ln The Floodplain? [ ves I No h lhe State Building Code and all other applicable Stale roved Dlans and sDecrficatronsotthe NC Slaie Eldg Code ande Appropriale Pe (Adi,ld) P'irr N$r.) coartaln Arb6at6 or noL You alE rcqulrcd lo calltho l.ladoftal Ernbslon Sandaldi fo. Hazardo(r. Ar Pollubd8 (NESIIAP) st (919)707550 d lo6st 10 &y! p.b b ilE dsmlltbn of ony bdllty o. bulldlrE. S€e Asb€lto3 Web StD: lrttpJ xrrJ.opl.Sare. nc.uJopllasb6E/shmp.tnml OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:,d*.-a.<,etJM-)4rugrr,c ST6NATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: 77,031.42 BUILDING HEIGHT:f OF UNITS: N/A # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1257 # OF STRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTURBED: see civi t EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?T ves IHo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civil SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see civ1l pRopERryusE: DoFFrcE nResrauneu @uencmrnle [eouc f]p1 @NDO OTHER SQ FT WATER: SEWER: ECFPUA ECFPUA ECIMMUNrYS\ETEM DWELL -ICENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC aZONING USE CIA$SIFICATION: n-z flcoMMUNnY SYSTEM ". SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, [/IECH. PLBG. GAS EOUiP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' pAyMEirr METHOD: [CeSn [CneCr leaVaAlE rO NHC) finUenrcer OeneSS I UCTUSA E OrSCOven tl I , SETBACKS: (FOR OFFICE USE "JJL,-,J RH, y B,Y r Lfr\BFE+zft= REVISED OAIE /Ul 1/12 N D l .s I Comm lrl! t eJL t\ bJOD FLOOD: PERMIT FEE q'u OWNER'S ADDRESS: @ CITY: charloLLe ST: Nc ZIP:28202 LICENSE *: 2 6431 5T: NC ZIP: 2s403 TOTAL AREA SQ FT i }2SJ- SQFTPERFLR: 126'1 # OF FLOORS: 1 (cD) iolu tDTaL NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI'IIT APP LICAT ION TYPF.. COI'I'iIERCIAL PLEASE AIISI,IER ALL QUESTIO}IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Ppoject Responslbility" cat 1 e. RJrR Architects 15.2448-. APPLICATIOI{ Number (office U3e) APPLICANTJ S I{AfiE :B randon DEVELOPER: cK Gattery park l.ti1minqlon LLc PIiONE t:'704 342 -9000 PRoIECT ADDRESS: 1325 ELEMETT riAy OCCUPAT{T/BUSINESS tlA E: Elemenr Barcl.ay HeEu Apalrmenr6 PROPERW OI{NERTS tlAilE: cR GaLLe!-y park wilminqton LLC otlNER'S ADDRESS: 3or s cofleqe Street Ste 2800 CITY: Charlorre CONTRACTOR: H( .rordan & Co, Inc LICEIIISE #: 2 6{31 ADDRESS: 5l-29 oleander Dr suiEe 201 CITY: wilminqron ZIP: 2Ba]2 P}ONE $: ST: Nc ZIP:28202 CITY: wilninqron Sf: NC ZfP: 2s403 EIitAf L ADDRESS: aboqer@hki con6rrucEion. com PROIECT CONTACT PERsoN: Andy Boqer (che(k All T}lat Apply) EXrSr COl'rSrRUCrrOr{: fl aLrERArrOn fl nrxovlrror l-l ernrnal nrnarns l-l RELocArroN tf Rdocation, b here 8 Naturar Gas Line on rhe Einent Sire? flv"Ffl ruo s amc spiiixleReoz I v.s [ ruo NE}J coNsrRucrror: El rnrcr I{Eu srRUcruRE f] rasr rnacr ! sner-r- f} unrrr f} aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - Ihe 5he11 Permit #: IF Yes, nhat l:as the Prevlous Occupancy TlDel ARCH DESIGT PROFESSIO AL: Daniel F. Joy r..*' rs rHJs A o{ar{6E oF occupArcy user flws flt€ .'... Is Elect Por.er on this Building r Yes EHo L0lat Is the t{er Occupancy Type? 't't0 66!-!492 tlc REG *: 106?0 {04 262-0800 C REG *: 23014ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL:Lin$ood PH PH DESCRIPTIoN OF I.IORN:Garaqe Type 1 18 iood or bo\rorEg€s p.Bp{Bd or 8sn €d h Uris *uctre? filves [ ruo f ne eropany Locarod h The Floodpetnz f] ves [t No the stale Code and all olie. applcsble SEle olans end sDecif cationsNC SEre Eldg Code and cordn AsbosE q not You rr! rqukld to .dl t|. Nsddd Enbddr stBnd.rds fu H@rdous Ar &lubnrs (NEsflAP) st (810)7qr.5g5o rr t@r 10 dsys Fl( b tlo domdldm d lny fuIly or hildhro, Se A6bdc hftb SfiE mtsJh^/v\r/.od.9a!6.nc,u6,/6prssb€dc/sh'np.hl,'nl TOTAL PROJECT COST: ??.031.42 BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS:N/A # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: L ACRES DISTURBED: seejirrlt # OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I vrs flr'ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREII: see civil SO FT E(ISTING IMPERMOUS AREA see civi.I pROpERTyUSE: florHce f]nesrnuRarr fiuencarrtu f]eouc f]enr [coHoo OTHER SIGNATURE:(Ardlid) (Prrd Nir'.) Ndg: Uqndlian ndfcadql! t albebs rrnovd p6rmh BpClcatdE ars b be a6.nluad dlr tE apClcadm ft.rll of lhe whotro. fE hdlty d hil&E was hrld lo 1 SQ FT R-2 FET,/EED (ATE,lrl1N2 WATER: ECFPUA fICOMMUNITY S\CIEM E wEl.r UIZONING USE C|ASSIFICATION: sEwER: EICFPUA f:ICENTRAL SEmC Ll PRwATE sEPrlc E CltlMuNIrY SYSTEM 'r'qF|A&q]i:PERti!liSREOUlrlLtFOilFLEC' LrECil PL8G. GAS EOUlp. PREFAaS & lllSEFlS -' pAyMENr METHoD: flcnsx EcHe(,< Pavner€ ro NHc) fiauenrcari o<eREss EMo/vlSA ! otscorrn ZONE:-OFFICER:SETBACKS:F:-LH: RH:-B: Approval:-C1t!/:-DAIE: FLOOD:---BFE+2tu-AVN (FOR OFFICEUSE O LY) t Comm6nt DATE: 51-2016 Plot{E #: 910 2s6-4388 PHO E *: gao 19'7-43a9 OWNER/CONTRA CTOR' xrrarsoa"-fint fu ' 4z tr TOTAL AREA SQ FT .. -261- SQ FT PER FLR: 126? PERMIT FEE: $- Totb tD+rL NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PTEASE ANSNER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 1*4& ffi APPLICANTJS NAI,4E: APPLICATION Number (offlce use) Brandon Catledqe, RifTR ArchitecEs oATE: 6-1-2015 DEVELOPER: cK GaIlery park wilminqton LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: 1325 ELEMENT WAY CITY: wi tminqron OCCUPANI/BUSINESS tlAltE: Element Barcfay west Apartments PRoPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: cK Gallery Park wilminqEon LLC OIINER'S ADDRESS: 301 s collese sEreet ste 28oo CITY: charlotte CONTRACTOR: HK ,fordan & co, Inc ADDRESS: 5129 oleander Dr suite 201 CITY: wi lminqLon LICENSE #: 26431 EiIAIL ADDRESS: aboserohk'iconstruction.com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Andy Boqer (Check All That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v"" flruo SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE PHONE *: 'ta4 342 9aoo PHONE 8: ST: Nc ZIP: 2s403 PHONE f:910 2s6-4388 PHoNE f: 9t o '79't-43a9 lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?tr Yes ENo NEId CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIoNAL: Daniel F. Joy ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: tsrad E]]inwood DESCRIPTION 0F trloRK: cara e1 ls food or b€y€rag€s prop8red d srved in this sfucEro?I (ou6lir6r)(PinrN6m.) TOTAL PROJECT COST: 7?,031,A2 BUILDING HEIGHT: Is Elect Power on this Building Yes Ero r.***' rs rHrs a cHANGE oF occupAr.rcy usrr !vrs ! l,lJhat is the New occupancy Type? PHi '7'7a 667-L492 Nc REG *: 10670 PH: 404 252-0800 NC REG #: 23014 OISCI.AIMER: I hereby cenjry thal all information in this applicalion is conect and all work willcomply wilh lhe Sla and locallaws and oroinances and reoulalrons, The NHC Oeveloomenl Servces Cenler willbe nolilied olanv cha or chanoe rn contracror or conlraclor ihlormalion. "'NOT L. Any Woi( Performed WO the Appropriale Permits wrll Subiecllo Frnes Up To $500.00"' OWNEFyCONTRACTOR: rrrc+++se*'F't'w ?4 *t ,,-STONATURE: ves [ ruo h The Property Locared h The Floodplaln? [ Yes No te Buildlng Code and all olher applicable Slate nse:in lhe approved olans and aDec llcationsol lhe NC Srare Bldo Code and # OF UNITS: N/A conEln Asb€6to6 or nd- You er6 l€qulrcd to call lhe lburnal Elnbslon sandafil fur Haardous Ar Pollub B (NESHAP) st (919)7076950 at len 10 &y3 P.hr lo th. rr€molltlon of any lbdllty o. bulldlno. S€€ Asbolb! w€b Snr: htlprl^.ww.epl.stare. nc.ut€pl/63b€6tos.rqhmp.hml 19', pRopERTy usE: EoFFrcE Enesraumrr @uenurnle !EDUC E APT ECOIOO OTHER. WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA zoue:l'lF'OFFIC R: c i Ll'.. (FOROFFTCE USE SETBACKS:FLOOD:- T]@MMUNMY SYSTEM -WELL MZONING USE CLASS 5 cemnel seerc E P-R|VATE sEPnc ICOMMUNITYSYSTEM IFICATION: R 2 PAYMENT METHOD:[casn lcnecK (pAyABtE ro NHc) EAMERIcAN EXPRESs I ucnnse I otscoven -. SEPARATE PERI\,{ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. IVECH. PIBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAAS & INSERTS "' (.D) {*\HY*,J^, Y ",L REVISED DATE fi 1/12 BFE+zft=_ B I I lu t 0q,Lr hN A0{muan ffrt p (rft 0 L{"',, ZIP i 28412 5T: NC ZIP: 28202 I TOTAL AREA SQ FT: gJ- SQFTPERFLR: 1267 # OF STORIES: T TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 1267 # OF STRUCTURES: -1- #OFFLOORS:1 AcREs D|STURBED: scs-qryIL- Exsr LAND DlsTuRetlc eenurz I ves fl llo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREy'u see ci.vj,r SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: -scc--g]JJ]-- SO FT *N PERMIT FEE: $- i0eciion xeuuireo, v tu'2cq'rlr nlq" { f.ro$).- u"_\i19 cr ! & \S ttr\\2a\Q r o+gt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERTIIIT APPLICAT ION IYPE.. COiIII'IERCIAL PL€ASI AXSI{ER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICAELE TO Y(UR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responsibil1ty" 16-2447 APPLICATION Number (office u5€) APPLICANT'S NAIIE: BraDdon Cat1edqe, RJTR A.rchirect DATE: 5-1-2016 DEVELOPES: cK Gal1e Park wilhinqton LLC PlollE #: ? 04 342-9000 PROIECT ADDRESS: 1319 ELEMENT wAy CfTY: wil-nd ZIPl. 28412 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tlAllE: Elemenr Barclay wesr Aparr lnents PROPERTY OIINER'S tlAfiE: cK Gatterr,, park riilmlhqton LLc PHO E *: O[{NER'S ADDRESS: 301 s colleqe srreet Ste 2800 CfTY: Charlorte ST: JL ZIP::gA!L COI'ITRACTOR: Ht< Jordan & co. rnc LIC€NSE #: 26431 ADoRESS: 5129 oleander D! suite 201 CIW: wilmi.nqton ST: NC ZIP: 28403 EIiAIL ADDRESS: aboqer@hhi con6Eruct ion. com PIPNE $: 9ro 2s6-4 388 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Andy Boqer PHONE *: 9ro ?97-43s9 rs Elect Powep on this Building EI Yes EI Ho ...r. rs rHrs a orarcE oF ocarparicy usrr f]ws [| ] ....* IF Yes, rhat ras the Prevlous Occupancy T)Del ARCH OESIGTT PrcFESSIOT,AL: DanJ,eI F. Joy t&at ls the t{€u Occupancy Typ€? PHi 770 65r-7492 flC REG *:0670 EIIGR OESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: Brad Ellinwood C REG #: 23014 DESCRIPTION 0F t,oRK: carase Trce 2 (w/ Etorase unita) ls tood or bewrag€ prepared or servad Lr urts stuoneZ fl v"s f] lto ls Ttre Propsrty Locsted ln Tho Ftoody'ah? [ ves [l uo Ihe Slate ing Code and Exrsr coNsr*UcrroN: n ALrERArron 3 *roJffffi'Ei';il*o'- nerlrns fl RELocArror{ lf Relocation, as rhere a NatwatGas Line on the dnenr Sire? flvFflr,ro ts gl-oc spA xleneoz Iv". [ruo NEt{ cor{srRucrroftr I enecr NEN sTRUcruRE ! rnsr rmcr I sxrr-r- [ unrrr f] rco ro ExrsT srRUcTuRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: the oll olher applicable Sbte Dlans and soedfcatonsi.lc Sl,ate Bldg Code and (OJdllL4 Not6: Derndtton ndicaddl3 & E6t6atc rEnord ponnll apCbaial6 E e b h 4fonhd tElrlg tlo apClcato tstn (DHH$,66) r.trodEa OE frc{lv d h.dl&U was hrnd to .ofltrln Asta$G or noL Yoo Brs rlqdrd lo .dl 0|o Noddtsl Enhslm Slrrdsrd! ld tlqrdors Arr rdluEnrs (NES AP) d (91Slfr€950 dt l€6n 10 dq/6 Ela b ,. dqndEql d any hdlly or boildlno. Ss Asbcto3 \rJbb Sllor lrtEr ^!*uod.si8l6.ncu5/opu&sb€6rorshmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: e2,688 .21 # OF UNITS:N/A # OF STORIES: r ACRES DISTURBED:see Civil Exsr LAND DrsrunsrHe penurrlElves IHo NEW IMPERMOUS AFlElii see ci.vit SOFT E(ISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:See civil SO FT pRopERryusE: florrtce Enesrrunrrr fiurncannu [eouc f]err f]mNoo orHER: owl\ERycoNTRAcToR: +!dr-eeqa< --&#- )1aa, r t:SIGNATURE: IwATER: IICFPUA SEWER: @ CFPUA f]CoMMUNTTYSYSTEM DWELL f]CENTMLSEPTIC LIPRMATESEPIC aZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: R-2 fl coMMUNnY SYSIEM "' SEPARA.TE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS "' pAylrENr METHoD: flcesn Ecxecx Pavae[E ro NHc) fiauentcex a<nness f] ucrvrsr fl oscoven ZONE:_OFFICER: (FOR OfFTCE USE ONLY)SETBACKS:F:-LH:-RH: B: Approval: C[t$-OATE: FLOOD:---BFE+2FAVN RE\AED OAIE 4fI1fI2 Comment PERMIT FEE: $ If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #: PH: glg2:!!!!_ BUILDING HEIGHT: fgj-TOTALAREASOFT:fL- SO FT PER FLR: 1613 TOTALSQFTUNDERROOF:1613 # OF STRUCTURES: L_ #OF FLOORS: -1-- rc144+, APPLICATION Number (office use ) DEVELOPER; CK CaIlery park wilminqron LLC PRO]ECT ADDRESS: 1319 ELEMENI wAY OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAflE: ElemenL Barclay west Apartrnents PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: CK Gallery Park Wil.minqton LLC OI^INER'S ADDRESS: 301 S CoIleqe street ste 28oo PHONE *:7o4 342-9oaa PHONE S: CITY: charlotte ST: NC ZIP: 28202 CONTRACTOR: HK Jordan & co. rnc LICENSE S: 26431 ADDRESS: 5129 oleander Dr suire 201 CITY: 14i lmrnqron 5T: NC ZIP: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: aboser@hki construction. com PHONE *: 9ao 2s6 - 43aa PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Ar]dy 3oqer PHONE *: 9L0 't9t 43a9 (check A1l Ihat apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Rolocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Currenl Site?Yes ENo IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I v"s ! r.ro NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Penmit # IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? ARCH OESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Daniel F, Jov Is Elect Power on thj.s Building I Yes Eruo PH't 11a 66t-1492 Nc REG *: 10570 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Brad E]]inwood PH: 404 262-0800 NC RE6 *: 23014 ls tood or bevsrages prepared or sglyed in this sructrre?I ves I No b Tho Pmp€.ty Locslod ln Tho Floodplain? E Yes rk willcomply with lhe State Building Cod DESCRIPTIoN OF I^IORK: cara e 2 (w stora e uniE s N DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenjry that all information in this applicalion is correct and all wo and local laws and ordinances and reoulat,ons. The NHC Develooment SeMces Center or change rn contacbr or contractor rnformalion, "'NO I E. Any Wor\ Periormed w/O tn Subjecl'lo Frnes lJp To $500 00"' will be notifiad of e Appropriate Pe anv chanoe rmils wll b;e pp e and all other applicable Stale roved olans and soecificat ons ol the'NC Slale Bldq Code and .Dnlaln Asb€stc or not. You ar€ rcqulred to callth€ lbtlrmlEmbdon s-tEndadr br tl6zadous Ar Pollutants (NESHAP) 3t (919)7o75s0 et ben 10 d6y3 p.lor to the demolltlon of any fecillty or bulldlng. S€e Asbgstos Web She: mrp:/ ww.spl.st3te.nc,uropyBbeotorahmp.tnml SIGNATURE (orBlird) TOTAL PROJECT COST: e2,688.21 BU|LDING HETGHT: 1s' # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1513 # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED: see civil EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I YES ENO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: see clvil SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:see civil pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE lnesraunaNr fluenceNTrLE Eeouc EAPT @NDO OTHER # OF UNITS: N/A flWELL aZONING USE CIASSIFICATION: r z PRTVATE SEPTTC fICOMMUNmY SYSTEM SA FT WATER: ECFPUA DCOMMUNITY SYSTEM SEWER: E CFPUA - CENTRAL SEPTrc [ -' SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED r-OR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS - PAYMENT METHOD:lcesn flcnecK eAyABr.E To NHc) EAMERTcAN D@REss EMcMsA I otscoven Cro; zoqe:l'\f -OFFIC *'a\R: Approval C ftn0 I/rn^ ( lr- N PERMIT FEE:u)rl sPeCIrOn R0QrirrOO, V tu-2cq',t I Com loBt I 00tul%-Iltr e ft( REVISED D TE /V11/12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATI1N rvPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NArvlE: Brandon catl.edqe, RJTR architects DATE:__i__l_2!l!_ Totro to+5/ ffi *i.i.* rs THrs A 6HANGE oF occupAritcy user !ves Ero."-.r l,lhat is the New Occupancy Type? _ OWNEF/CONTRA CIOR: xtv-aoq., 5,*r Z 46 z ar z r c TOTAL AREA SQ FT : .$]]- SQFTPERFLR: 1617 tJst Ir )0lta t013u1 APPLTCATTON I'lurnlrer J €Z NEI,{ IJANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIT'Applttrroi! r)?f I RESIDENTIA| PtErgE /l,tslJtt ,(L qrEsllor|s tppll(Ilt€ m roui piotE(T ,?roJa(t R;5ponstbluq/, APpLrc^NT,s NA,.re: "l,l<st E*\Au 6,*o DEVILOFIn I DATE: lO t+,I pfloN[ ,r PnoPEnIY otiNln,S thrtE; ol{Ntll'5 ioDsESS: gGo ft CI'IY: BLOC( CITYr ,rt tIcENsE i,r 715'l ICUY: L€\.^^t PlroNE.tt;t99 4b1-efis 5I;zl1't ZqLlLLl 5f; Nc ZIp; 29951 PtloNE x: '?EZ'ZKUL PROJECT AODI85S,5 -SlJBDIVfSI0Ni l,ztp: 28y1. 3elr( 9+ coNTlA.Ton: :6rs^+- A ,[d"r (".,,t1o Ttl^IL ru)DRISS PnoJtcT coir^cT PEIisoN:Ml,J IK,A,r P|a,NE : -782'7a<t6 ToTAL PnolECI cosT 0..ii 16r.I : $ %O,Ot:cz I5 Any EltCInICAl, PIUIiBING or UECII$IICAL l,/ork If the proje(t ls a tlelocatioh., ls tlero a rs there t-']octrlcal Por,rer on thls lull.dlng PROPERry LSE / oCcU lMY: f]5lt't6tE !:A].llrY OUPL DESCnrPTrofi 0f l.toir(,!'orJ sa ry<,Lolffi'oToT L HEITE0 sO fi: 1.1'11 T0TAL so tT }xoF.n Root:: A.'i13 T0I L AREA sq FIr l, 0F sTonrEs: I 8elng Dono to thc Acccssot'y structure) E Ves I lo N;tural 6as l.lne on the curtent sltei Eyes fr trolpvesEtlo ,r fr^rro*u Dlscr^f'ree It,!lly..,!liy$.t dbtxmlbtlh,,,s,i'prcaioll b.d.cl,l1d,t ']olrdl cc\r, lt/ri h! a.E &rulh, Cod. .nd .l rr,r., rpptcrbl! 6l.L snd bcoJ hy.in'l ordhrrE r rlld n!!hdor!. ltl. trHC O.vrbFn€r|lSeftl.3r OnEr r/fl bo mtt d o,.6n[rr, h lrmi ton. "]lOIEi rny Wor* P.,'fum.d V,/,O $c lpr,rgrl.r frrdtr v/jl h! $y chr{Er h U. lrFDy.d pLa. rnd lSns ordr.l1go h.onrfirbror hvl)Lllon ol$! NC 6l!10 ,In s LbTols0O00"' o NEn,/coNTnArTon :r 5ICI,/ATURE: .r+r ++*:rrlt*+*++*+******ir#t'f iIffJ.r**.t I5 Tlll:- PROPEnTY LOC TED fi, t FLO0DPL{I I f,f, *+t+a+aa,lrtritttr+ra*r+a*+*i+a+++a+*+*++ar+rt+il YEs l.d tfi €XISTING Il.lPt'nvlot]5 lnEl, - 5Q FT ToTAL lctEs DISTUnBED: o,()tr . NEl.' r,tipEflvrous /iIlEN 4llll .sQ. rT Exrsl LAND orsrunBr 6 prurrr, l:l yes ,= rc weient flycut ! conrrlrw sysrcli I pRrvATE lJEu n c€NrnA[ !l[rr sr:l,El; Vcrpul E cE TR t sEprrc fl pnrvATE scprrc ! comrurrw svsrrt .+* StplStTE pEillrTs nlQUIirD FoR ErlcT, 0EC[, pr!6, 6A5 EQurp, pfltta0s & ustxrs ,.t payrrri A€rHoo, l]]casfi f] orrcr (pAyAsL€.To rixc) m^[EircrN expnrss . E m/vrsa l] orscovrnt*:la+)l*tat'l{.t+ll}*+*t,ft*t*tt***t,i*+*++++*it,t+,t,}+jr,t**{*+fr++}*},}+++*+**+*+**ri+,ii,t*tt,}t}** zorr: (-j,f orrrcer:F[rrt "F' ,r'* on:* B&5 flooDr _ tz1qf'o"" "r""' epproval :._Ql! crty ljf,\Lfi\ orrr BFE+2ft= .- n PERII]T FEE:"1- ) Coftrent abact Lvev ure.! r'irr In1qq" qa:11ryr, 9lt2(4 S ADDAESS; ___ LoT lir ExrsrrNc c0NsTI{,fir0N: n ALTERAIIoI' I n$ovrrnri .'-fl emEnri nrp,rrns I Re loarron Nfl,] CoN5TRUCITON: ffUrEa' "H RESIDEI.ICE or ! ,ADOrtrOt To ExrsTlit6 nEsrDE cE r.plrrsE (HEat( /tm AriSHEIl 8ELo9 ArL n,IT lpfl-v To y(uR ptoJECT: ffan ealrrrr. 43tl sr f] oer emrcr _ sr Vpona 33L . .ro _I surnoon .-sr I robr" _-__ sr fj sronror sHED -- sFf] crerlHousr_ sr l] orcr _-,-,-- sr oTHEtr: '--- sF ,l*D2 Ru[Ll\lE0 'uii 2 0 AIPI,ICANT.,5 NI,I,1E: DIVTIOPEft: P'iOJECT ADDIIESs, ap p r-ic.lrro-li Nxrnbe I. (.'ffi 6! ur.) J NEI,{ IIANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,IIT'APPLrcAfiott ffi,Er II ESIDENTI/IL ptElse llst€n lLt QuEsIroIa lp?!rcA0!E To youi ,iolftT/PrcJe.t n;sponrlb11tty,, ld.r SUIIDIVfSI0Ni lc) PNOPERry d,$ITR'S olrNEn,s n0DnE55 | ,.PttAsE cvEc(, tr{r .{tisHER 8tL f{arr ennmr {1,1 sr I surnoolr _ sr NAJ.IE;l',t-2,tbr,"K PIlONE $:q8q 1lt- 061(clry; 6,1'uison zlq I l1$16 CoNTnACT0nr .1aJJ--f!1]lBrf,tIcElEE ,lr 73 AoDB[5.ti Svsla t<.u [rTy:sI : l$- ztp: 'd19 ITI,IAII. ADD}IEsS:FIlr],i,E | '78?.Ze$C . .:orq., co[rAcr P[nsoN; EI'rsTrNG co sTRUCTroNI n ALTERATT0IT' f] neirovli r0it erlenai nmrrns I p1161p n2797./trt("l_:- iELocATro Nfl'/ coNsTnUcIIoN: lgf EREcT NrU ResIDEllcE or l:lArJorIrol,l to ExrsrrN6 nESIDB.tcr- or{ -att T,lnT Apttv To voun ploJEcTr 6REENHOUsI 5'j ror - t,EtrrED s9 n: \i111 TorAr sQ Fr uNDEn RooF: .2.51\. r0r r ARE^ se FT, *1lov ToTAL pnOlECT C0STG.irrd) : $ ',l,lO,otlo # 0F sTonrEs: I fi ,1ny' ELEctnIctL, ,lU[8 ,6 oI lf(,itlllcil. l,totk 0€l0f Dona to the Ac.ej5ory 5tt uctlre] lf Vu, [ rcff the project is a Relocatto'n, is tlere a llitxral 6as t-ine on th€ {ument SIte? [Vor'fi toIs there Electdcal Por,,er on thls Aultdingl !Ves Iib PROPEftTY UsE / 0CCt'Plr{CY; OESCIIIPTTON OF I..,OR(: fl srlcr.n rrvllv LJ dJPLrx l-tufroHNsousEIL.I *o.rn\o, nLscl lUEAi I hu6by..,tly $al ra bbonllon b $,5 Brrtcslon b .trlod rnd it reit !r0.orrr,/ ret t &. gtr. tbl|Ino crd. ltld rt ot.r.od ordnro..r .r,ii r.rubu.a! nl. Itl, D.y.lopn.nl Savlctr Crn br r,/0 bo nolNsd oI.oy d.r!.s b ,r sprrorid pbn! !i d sprdlL.,lon. d.t.rrd h.. nr..cr,l hb'rmar.n. lllol Er lry wa(t P!&nr.d w,io rt r Applbpdlr. PBl,ntB w !. hr,/hhllon ol hi NC Sljh sI6NATtJirir 3coo,oo" o[NFn/Cot TnAcTo,t: +i+**+*,1*+.r+r**l+*+*+.*;*Jiitili?J*r IS TIII PIIOPEIIfi LOCATID fN ,1 FLOODPL,IIN} EXrsrrM rl|Pfnviorrs A[rA: - sQ fr NEr,, r,tpEnwous Ax[A; _]t1_ sQ rr PAYflENT IIITIIOO; ZANE I & Approval:-QlL- I \lf srraAoc:LH 0fE+2ft= +rr**++rl}{rr+:}rr+*++++r*a+++++++*{+t++t'i[+**++*+*+*l fJ vrs Ef r,ro ToTAt AcnEs Drslunsro: 0 of Exrsr rArJD DrsrunBrN6 lrnnrT; I yxs t:J flo ,;,fin: fl,crrua ! conrrurrw svsrEr.t D psrv r E[[ f] cE rnAr [,rlL IEHER; M cFprA n cEr[nAt srprrc f] prirvATE slpT]c fJ corm.nrw svsrru .+. srPn&qTE PESllrIs ifQUIEED r0B fr!(I, firc8, PLB6, 6A5 EO,'lp, p[Eri8s & ]]tsEiTs ..r ff c,lsl flcrrrcr (p yAarr. To x,rc) E orucar rxrnrss . ll rc7vrsr I orscovrn v \r) - l5o,rr.,o *+1*ti*t+tl+a1+t+t*i*,*+1:t+t+t:;i'+$rN+t+*++*++,f4+1,+.Jt**ir:+*a+*tt,|tt** ..t,t :tf-rr-. ,o*itJ: /t(, id : { nH, .J s*ffik *c-a t rLCOD: .- fl PfNI,IIT FE[! ' Zc(Cc ^cqbk\1 "[- w,xl"\fr-:lt-Cfr.-C - i.ihr lnrna^i{}r\ Dl^lr lrto^!t r.2i ,!.nt'la )otLo to+bl t6" ti=to7T BLoC( fl: Plr0 E UPI 7 E.ltL t.oT ,l; I]lorr r;rRaer sr Wponcs -35L_t .! roor- _ .tr ! sToB^6[ stED _.sfI orcr -.-=-- sr oTH€n: ,*"--.-._ sF R EC EiV TN APT'LICANI)S I futs't" €rJJ-.r' 6, OIVELOPEN:LLC NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII]T AP PLI C^TI O'I ITPEI R ESIDENIIA I] tlt^sE lt,stJEt lrt qrcsTror6 lppLlclot E To y0ui ftolEcT "t,fgj€ct R65ponslblllty,, 2olt,.lolzT APP Lf cr\Tr0N ltultlher (offlce lri6) *_ DAril tolqltt Plfitl[ 4, 797-ZbnT- PROJECT ADD& SUoDMsffii L) ESS:.tta CITYr lat /, ut"oc,( t 5 zI;P t Z9!t7 3!9 o)'so< - r7e I LoT llr PNOPFRIY OI,'NENJs N'(.lE I t-cl i^d lHoiJL- ;(su olNrn,s AD0[8.5s: I c0 InAcTon,I ADDn[55 r E ^IL A00nES5: rl CITY: oo CITY: tIcENsE $; 13371 - sT: y[hzrq | 4&t sT,t l.!c zrP I z3q5I OTIIER: Plnvt it 182.2&tL FttoNE t: 1fX'X€aL 5F P'rol(cT cotrlAc1 PtnsoN;l\l ,c\ool ExrsrrNt colsTnucrror: l]lrLTeR,uror' lJ nrmvlirciilfl ce,urnai RrperRs l]] RrLocarrol NIl,l colSTRUmrN, fiz(nrcr Hru RfsrDEiitcE o" I aoorttolt T0 ExrsTIuG REsIDEt{cE ..pttasE cliErl trc lrrsHFR uEtfi{ tlt- TlhT .inply To youn poolEcTl ffir, uo*u, 4% sr I orr canrce -- tn d**.n -Al--srsuNnoo,{ _sr 6R E EN'JO1JSE st: I rooL -- sr I s tonA6[ srED -'.--.sFlll orcr -==- sr ToTAL 'tEArED sq r.r: 1,9j1 ToTAL 5Q Fr UNDE| R0OFi l,LqL TOTAL AREA SO FT: 4I-(,UU ToTAl. PIoIECI cosTGr"ror) , $ 'llO 'Orso ,, of STonIEst i, 6 rs Any tle(iluc,l!, ILU$BINd ot'IEOIANICA|.Uork B6lng Done to t[e A(.e5sory Strrrctrrrel I yes fJNoff the project is a nelocatloh, 1s therc a Natural 6as Is there lle.trlcnl Pouer. on thls BnLI.Ung) EYes H Llne on the current 51te? SVor' ff to No PnoPEnrv usf / occuP DUPL'X lol,,Nl€Us! D[scnrPTroN 0t loRi(: DlscLANEnr I he/6by c!,11f/ U.l !t hbm.Uon h $L,pFh.lon lr.!n cl.nd al silr,rl,ro,4rprvtrI ho 8r.r. &rldn! c.d.,{ ifulllraprl,cru. sht snd lcellars rnd ordh{c.i.rxl ,!9u,.!o,r Th. MIC OowbF,rEol Sorko! CinLr rvll bs r8r&d 61 4ly rlrnr., h !D lrrhvsdrJsfi..C +rclta r.s or ctrrnlo tt cortrr.t .c,6nn dor hbrln.,olt. "tlOTBlnylVorl P.rlbro.i Wm !h. rpoprl.L th,II ht l!!hWl! ororlh!ttC6bt€!lr0 OTINE n/CONInACIon : -Ir, rst Br[& 6*"p sr6l^ruiE, d I rho. rh ro 150{cd o L-- *. '',rr,r*.r *..+*.+.++ +*+ *+irJiitiiil',I+t+t*++*r*+:l+++i*++++++r.:r+,t+i*;lt*+,ttiit*+++t*,r*+ *lll+,1 rs rHE pnopEnTy rocATED xl a rr,ooolrlrrur f] vrs E r,r,: gXlsTrNG rfiPERurars ARrA: ---::- 5Q fT IofAL Acn€s DISTUnBED: O.OL Er,l TflPERUTOIA Astlt _131L_SQ. F t EXrST LAto DrsIlrnBril6 prRflrl: E ves l]f r.,o I,'AT'R :rcul I cor,uurrw srsTen ! rnrvlrr urlL I cannnt ru seura:'crrua [J cE rn t. sEpTrc I enrvarr saatrc I cottultrry sysrEl't t,r' 5rpaflATE PEPJIITS f,rQur8to foi ELECT, ISC!, Pt86, 6tS tQUIp, tR[FrnS & il6lrrs rlr PNYTIENT }IITI{OO:)f clsrr I arrrr (payAa.E.ro rnc; flornrcnr exnness . f,j Rclvrsl l] orscoven**rr;r**t**+1,1**r,i*+*a,r1*l**afa*++:tr*rt+N*l*+tat+,1'++*tt,tlt**+*+t+*+*,r*a,l*4aa.|a+*+rr+*+t* ,rtr, R-15 o*rrun,\1 rpprovat: C K- cityB}ll\. orrr: .",..".,\\)u9 0uxltr r.\l Pt\ oflr, _ ir, 15 tn,*nrrY o-- 6[x ' iEyllao DrTt a4llrlrtao' BFE+2ft. n PEN'.III TEEI ' IBA(K5: FL000r D albrrc l/wa\Yv-r\l.f 5 C\s (:ilylnmeelnn Rxurc{r, 9l $254-_q}.,i (ffi_J \.1 RECEiVEiIiiT2O?I}IB CONTBACTOII:J ADDllEsS r'E Aorb \D+LL APPLICATTOiI Nrmhet APPLICANT]S IW.IE:\d DTVTLOPER:LLC PRO]ECT ADDRESs: .SIJBDIVTSION PnOPEnTy c[,,NrRJS NAIIE: SVSon *oz*-- orNrn,s aDot:ss, 3337 {F. .\c,,v. s }r. .CITYI NEhl I]ANOVER COUNTY BUTLDTNG PERMIT'APPLI1ATIq mFi RESIDENTIA| ftElsE , lrJtf rtr 6esrroli Apftr(/lilE T0 !!irn ,Rollar ?roject ne5ponstb[tty,, 8t.nc( #t DATc: lO FtloNE llt '782- t-oT t ; ztlt /yU9Z 3(8-HqjPTONE,'t: wC.. too rITYI *ut\ LIcEiJsE 8: ?j3? |,linl-- st, !&uP I atq$l irtlguPt ZY'lri TJ:.\J l Et! IL IDDIESS: ..r'.1 o_PPBNE lti 182.2 06 PnoJricT c0 IncT Pfnso :M.or.l Klkr -=_ P'(}NE 'll .e8o6 Exrsrrlc' coNslflucrrol: I alrrnlnoru' f]fi ENCV TION 6EI,IERAI REPAIRS fltLoc Tr0 nEsroENcE o" flloorrrol T0 rxlslrlc ncsrDlr{cr L TIIAT APPLY fO YOI'N F'O]TCT: ! ort c,ruer _ sr d*oq 11{ u, suNnoo}l _5F [] poor. -.-. sr fl sronlec srrED _ .sF D cnerurouse st I oecx _ sr oTflERi 5F and ordhonco: rnd rooul.llonn I]3 liIO o.t{hr,n!nl & lvL.! cooLr Mi b6 mlold ohrydro9., h lt. rprrolrd dlrs lnd .rscl,I3llonr 0r.t.n!. b .rn[..cro, br coohcb/ h brm! !06. "'X0TEr,liylvo tu/tnnld Wb $. Appopd.L P6ml!v!l b. hvl.bl,bo o/h! NC slah lld0 th.8 tiP To $500.00'" ol,rNEl/C0NTnlCI0R:?r'll-.t'5T6iIATURI: +* r1+.+ rr +*r { r*r + 3 * *. * *. i* *(iiti Jnt'} * *:i','rt+t+,1;r*+{(+,r+***rr*ar****a+*:tt+++ii,++r+},}++:}t*ri*:r rs Trr pnopE,rTY rocATED rN A fuoooPlArNl f] YEs R/tw N[hl coNSTRUcIro : ffmrl Ww .'prE^s€ CIEC( llo Axsr,lER BELol,t r[ Man rr:wee 151 sF r0TAL HEATEo sq Fr: lrl jl ToT t sQ rT UNDER nooF: jlrt ToTAr AnfiA sq rr, Y(t(,00 ff) ToTAL PnolEcT cosTtro'sr4 , $ lqqp # or SroRtrs, i.9 Ii Ary efEcTnI( [, PlutlrIl'16 or H€cllAttIC^I_ l.]ark lelng Done to th. Accessory stru.t r.l E Yes E NoIf the projoct 1s a Rslocatloh, Js.there a ;tural 6as Llne on tlie current -5lte? Elyes'El lo 15 there Elcctrical Pol.lcr on ttrts lultdfnglIVes Ilo PHop[fl,l'ly usE / occrrpANcYr I srlmr rlr,rrlv I ounlex *rnouru DcscnrPrroN oF l,,on(: j€rtd In,,rnV,ct*- EXISITNG IIIPEnVIoUS AREA: -----:- sQ fT NEll I4pEnVroUS ati[i I 3fqtrl --CQ FT foTAL AcREs DISTITRBED: 0 Of ExIsT [r],lo DISTUfl0IN6 PHr II: I Vrs l:1 rrn otftcE usE o,ln _ t TBA.(5: F r_l!- tH ' * u' X._-ZocI B:-z-f I co*nurrw sysrr n pflrvATE r,Jrrt f] crNrRAL l.rELL f] crurut srprrc D pRrvAT! srprrc f] co,qrmr:v svsrru *rr ttp^ntlE pfxHITs 8rQUr8€D F0[ E[E(T, tiEcH, ptl6, 6A5 EQUIP, p[Er.A8S & LI5ERTS r.r PAYIIFMT tI[.lHOO;fl casn ficre .r (pAyAsLE. ro urc; fime nrcm uxpness . B lclwsr fr orscorrn t+,r*+**'r,i:|+tl+*+**rr*t*r*+**r+***!t,,*+1+lt+*t+*a++****+t+,1+++++++t++:i,l,l:i+,1+lr+:l:'a;ii*+ri++'l* mien sEliEft: l4 crput Ltf crPUA R-15 o,,rru , ,rr r LL .t., ZONE; ApPro Cofine nt u Iu r-wa o^rE L ?u SlL--PERtlIl IEf: i ilfEt2ft-r 5[ I I t[G>.h\btrctt'r.'ii FL00Dr i:ity ln$pecton Requr*u, 9 1 (l?54'$ li -+E+-\+-Sot\ CIIYr )otu l_0123 APPLICANT'S NA,i1E :fl( r,.^ , <f (.'.*).li e ; fatr r$ DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AOO CONTRACTO ADDRESS: EMAIL ADD F RESS: E € NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION IYPE; R E5IDENTIAL PLEASE ANSU/ER At[ qjESTIONS APPI-ICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" APPTICATION Number (office Use) D^rEt /O-) O -).) PHONE #:Qte A77- zrp' AtL//)- PHONE d: sr: ^!.t(zrP: .- I Ii. CITY: [P tL SUBDIVIS ION: 'r- l -t fo^ PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER,S ADDRESS: €^'.<r Ua,,-<. CITY: LICENSE T 7fiI c/ rccouNt r,ti /o-.. I o R:I e-r f,r (:: t *;$Izw,@o be{7@22:3137 CITY: RE55:$4 rc I+A€L Te'rieN 6 t,t'tatL ' cc,, 't"r PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:l .,.-a{L*- LJ{)^tac L PHONE PHONE s:2s-3 r-'t 1U.J< EXISTIN6 CONSIRUCTION :A LT ERATION R ENOVAIION 6ENERAL REPAIRS RELOCAT ION NEW coNsrRUcrron: EI rnecr NEW REsTDENcE o|- ! noorrroru To ExrsrrN6 REsTDENcE r*PLEASE CHECI( ANo ANSWER BELoW ALL THAT APPLY T0 YOUR PRoIECTI [Jnrr canrce 61b SUN ROOIVl GREENHOI]SF SI 5F SF DET GARAGE _ SF POoL _ SF DECK 5F ffi eoncH 3oO sr STORAGE SHED OTIIER: SF 5F rorAl HEATEo sa t:257? IorAL sQ FT SNDER toor: 3l0O rorAL AREA se rr: 32At) TOTAL PROIECT C05Tltessroq | $ lTEOoO # OF STORIES: I rs Any E!EcrRrcAL, PLUllErNc o. tttEcHAl.trcAL work Being oone to the Accessory structurel I v"t I lo If the project is a Relocation, is thene a NaturaL Gas Line on the Current Sj.te? Is there Electnical Power on this Building? [vut []lo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY, I SrtCre rlmrlv DESCRIPTIoN oF t{oR(: l.) eW b{re rvr. c' Yes Eto DUPLEX TOI,,]NHOUS E DISCLAIMER: lhe.eby cerlily hal all inlormalion in his applEalon is co(ecl and allwo,[ wiE comply wih he Sr?re Euilrhg Code and aI oher apptasbte Stalc and tocat tawsandordinancesandregulations.TheNllCD€velopmenlServr€sCeoErwillDeoo!f€dolanycnangesinheapp,ovedplansandspecificationso,changeinconxacbro, conuactor inbrnalon. "'NOTE:Any Work Perlomed W/O Ure Appropriale Permirs willbe in Violatloo olthe Subjecr kl Fines Up To 5500 00"' OWNE R/CONTRACTOR: \C)l"a;e,1t- !rg c [,.5r6I (p.Lrt N.ie)ttrt4+.+r,lr++**++l**iitii.,l+t++.r++*{r,****+trii**,t+++*+*)t*++.{r++ir*+++++r+++++.+i+,r+,ir*.i IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YES E,o TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: t-2EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: I,IEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: lZooO sQ FT EXIST LAND DISTUREING PE RI,IIT:l--'l vrs E ruor1(7'l sq rr WATE R : SEWER:p creua E cerurnnl sEPTrc E PUA tr COI.1I4UNITY SYSTEIVl PRIVATE WELL CENTRAT l^lE L L PRIVATE SEPTIC COMIYUNITY SYSTEM .It' SEPAJIATE PERIlITS REQUIREO FON ELECT, Tl€CH, PL8G, GAs EQUIP, PREEABS 8 INSERTS ''t IcHrcx (nAvABLE To rHcl !errl rccouur t1C,/V r SA OI SCOVE R CF CA SH ZONE:OFFICER: aooroval: Citv: DATa: FLOOD BFE+2ft= AVN Conment: PERMIT FEE: $ +++*+,t+***,i,i***+,f1,t+*+tt1+++**tt4+*i,tt+*+*rta++t,trt+*+++t**,*att*+,tirit,t**,rttt**,ti**,i**+,iri*i+* (roR oFfrcE usE oarLY) REVI5E{r UAtt 04lrl/12 ) BLoCK f: LOT fi: _ PAYMENT T1EIHOD: SETBACKS: F : LH: RH: B: IIEW TIAIrcVER COUIITY BUII"DIITG PERMN APPl.EAlIOtl tlft: REIDEI{TIAI. PIEAIE AITSWER AI.T CIJESTIONS APTCABII TC} YOI,R PROECI *ol€st R.rDoosbiliy &ak toloz_1.C-2e5+ Appnt.tbn t{umbet Gm.e urel Apptt6lt{yT NArr/g, Kenrclh Fisfier gq1g3 1G'l$16 Prq1g64Pp6655; 218 John Sihr€r tk gryy, trYllmington 4y 211111 SUBOAT1SI9 : Tressra Cow l0l *: 70 PROPffW OIff f,trT TAME:Lin<lsay Vaugttr Fistrer snd Kerxleth Fisher OwIf En S ADD;1ESS: 218 Long John Sihrw Dr. pltgf,Es;910.61S2123 g6y1 lMlmingbn 422s411 CO fRACIOfi: Kervl€lh Frsh€r *nu)h"c agr66g55; ZtB Lorg Joho Sercr O1y' Witnhgtofl 51; NC 21p; 28411 BLDG trcENSE #: EMATL ADDRE$: kn$er@b€aclltowrrbrol<ers.coeil PHO'[E:91G01&21a3 pROrECt COITAC1 pE 6qfl: l(ermdt Fisher p6qs.91G61e2123 EXEnI{G COilStitUCnOf* D Alterauon fl Refld.a on fl Gmeral Reprirs nP @{sIn{,cnoN: E E ect lle* Residglce fi Addltbn to Erirtira Residedcc o Rdocation tta D AttceraSe (5F)- [ oct Garage (5F] D pofch (sFl- E sunroom 1sg itoo n poot {sF) - El srorage sh€d (sq24 D qeenhouse (SF) _ tr Dect {SF}-- B Oth€r (SFl_ ls th€ propos€d uprt chargiry the exlstirts iootprint? E yes E No IOTAI SQ fT UNDEIWooli (for proooed vyor*l feared: 76 urrtn t d,d aq TOTA. PTrECT C{!lT {Less Lot}:550@ ls the proped mrt drangng the number of bedrooms? El yes D ,Io ls any Bectrlc.t, Phmtlrng or MGM wor* b€itg done to the Accessory Strusturc [3 y.i tr llo lf tie prclct* b a RCocadon, is th€re a Nahrral Gas Une olr the current site? E yca E to ls tter€ EMlcal Po{rer on this &dHirE? E yss tr ilo PropenV t sc/ Occuparcl: D 9ryh Farn$y tr Dupler tr fonrnhoGo DescriFlbr of Wodc addinq a nev mastar suib and a smroom Ol,cfAluEtu I h4reiv cE tfu fnat all ttre irfoinrtlcn in this applkatlcn b cor,€ct *!d.1, wo.t wtu comph with t le Stete Blilding Cod€.,id all oth€r app[aable Sorr and locallau,r and ofdin nclg tnd ,eguhr$onr. fnc HC O€valoFmGnt SlflicEs C!fltlr w,l be nqdficd ot3ny dEnSrt h tlre 4prouad plang and gpedncrgons or cha.Ba io aontradorinformrtbr. "' OfE: Arry wort perfcrned witho{t the approp.i"tc pcrmltr w{l be in violrtiofl of the NC Srare Codr and to ,ir6 up to S500-m... ()rrn r/contactofi Kenngfi Flt6{ S[nrrurel1@@/ol,frel Pdnt t/fl?,e ls the p,operty located in a fbodplain? E Y€s [3 l{o E:dstfg Fnpervtous Area: ))oO sC Ft Total Ac?ss Dlsturhd , - 9l L N6w lmp€rvbus Are., ) 1 I " Sq rt Extsulll Land DBturbhs permtr tr Ves /tto WA'ER: E CFPUA E, Communlty Swtem E private we[ E Central Well E Aqua sEl Ef,: El CFPUA E Communlty System tr priyate S€ptk E Centratseptic E Aqua Zonc: _ O,ficer: _ Setbadr lFl _ (Ul) _ {RH} _ (B} =- Appllrnl: _ Ct$_ Drlc: _ Fhod:|A!_M_{l{}_BFE+2ft'_ t F.tr' t Fe.! S 4oo -@t Nu Fire ND Cffli)A ct' k'v ll )ottt to+o *6-2&91 APPLTCATION Number (office Use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLToATIoN ryPE.. COMIIERCTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' APPLICANT'S l,lAl,lE: Richard Benacquisto DEVELOPER: PROIECT ADDRESS: 2518 carolina Beach Rd CITY: l.[i.lminqton PRoPERTY OI.INER'S tlAI'4E: Bay Poods OI{NER'S ADDRESS: 1021 Noerl Lane CIW: Rocky Mount COi|TRACTOR: coNnercial Millwork & lnstal.lation LLc LICENSE *'. '10'183 ADDRESS: 355 Industrial Rd CITY: Newpolt EI4AIL ADDRESS: rbenacqui s to G cniproduc ts . com (check A11 That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: DATE: t0/4/L6 PHONE *: 2s293"12000 ST: TN ZIP: 37 821 PHONE #:4236232'700 ALrERArror{ l--l nrruovlrron I-l ceru:ml neperns l--'l RELocarroN Gas Line on the unent siter [vi-! r'ro rs eLDG spii xleReol I ves I Holf Relocadon, is there a Natural NEII CoNSTRUCTTON: I rneCr NEur STRUCTURE I rmr rmCr I Sxer-r- fl urrrr ! eoo ro ExrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - Th€ SheU Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E ruo ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOI,IAL: ENGR OESI6I{ PROFESSIOTIALI PH: NC RE6 #: NC RE6 # DESCRIPTION 0F l,rORK: rnterior RemodeL E tuod or b€\rqagEs ppaed a seved h Uda ouctraz flves I r'ro f ln nopery Located In Th6 Floodgah? [ ves [ ruo wlrh the stat6 Bui Code andlding Slate and OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Richald Benacquisto SIGNATURE:(a,.m.d (P'nl{a )ib(s Ddrollian nodfcdoar & aab*bo rdrcval pdnrlt app[cdoal! alr b !. st$rnlbd ullng tE Eppllcston lbnri (DH|'1S3788) wttc66. tho hdllv o. hnHl[ wE8 buld b Eo.rt.|n A.b..b. or'lot You rE rqulrld b calldr. t&dorEl E nbsb Sddsrt tb. thlsdolt A. Pollu!.nb (NESHAP).t (819)707S@ at L.s|10 daF Flo. b tlc dolilo{do.l ot !.y lbc$y or bulUlrE. S€a Aababa W€b Sll.: hlE:/ *ryr.opirEb.nc,rr8/orlh6b6GEmp.ht ToTAL PRoJECT cosT: f914.9:.4 BUILDING HEIG}{T: TOTAI. AREA SQ FT :1802'SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES:ToTALsQFTUNDERRooF:-#oFSTRUcTUREs:-#oFFLooRs:- ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsrunatNo eenurn ! vrs [rc NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:-SO FT E(SING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SA FT pRopERryUSE: florrtce nnegreumrr [uencarrnu [eouc lnrr lmNoo OTHER WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA EE] r-l @MMUNrv sYsrEM r-l wE L rlzoNlNc t sE cr.AsslFlcATloltt - Eiceurnru-semc Epalvlresernc EcoMMUNITYSYSTEM -. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS -' pAyirEr.lrMETHoD: flcrsn EqreCxpevnalEToNHc) finuentcmoeness f]uevrse Eoscoran (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:- Approrrsl: CIIy:-DATEL-fIOOD:----a-T. N BFE+2ff= REVISED DATE {TIIlI2 Commert PERMIT FEE:$ PHONE *: zlP | 28407 OCCUPANT/BUSrIESS tlAl,lE : Hardees sT, Nc zIP:2?802 PROJECT CoI{TACT PERSoI'I: Rlch Benacquisto PHONE #: ext:I11 .**.* rs THrs A cHAIitGE oF occupAttcy usel fives flflo ****. IFYes,whatUa5thePreviou5ocGupanGy,ype?-t{hatisth€lladoccupancyType?- # OF UNITS: