NOVEMBER 9 2016 BUILDING APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT cElvED ocl 2 5 20t AppLtcArtoN rypF_: RESTDENIAT RECEIVED OCT 2 ild$$alrs*ER ALL euEsloNs AppLTcABLE ro youR pRorECr "Project Responsibility'' AppLtcANT,s t|4yg. william holloway l-r t;Jt 11 Application 2otty- tc4,f",e& Date. 10-18-2016 pROJECT ADDREss: 3206 monticello ct CtTy. wilmington ZtP.28405 sUBDtVtstoN: north chase pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME. anthony maguire PHONE #: 910-431-1073 OWNER,S ADDRESS. 3206 monticello ct ctTy. wilmington zlP.28405 LOT # CONTRACTOR: jwh builders, llc BLDG LTCENSE #. 72248 ADDRE5S: 129 maypop ln ctTy. wilmington sT: nc ztP 28412 EMATL ADDREss: jwhbu ilders@yahoo.com pRoJEcT coNTACT p6p5gr. william holloway EXISTING CONSTRUCrION: E Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELO W ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT,.** PHON E. 910-726-483'1 PHONE. 910-726-4831 n Att Garage (SF)_n Det Garage (SF)_ u 5unroom (51-)n Pool (sF) n Deck (sF)! Greenhouse (SF)_ Is the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work)tleated:480 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S25000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E f'lo ls any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical workbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural cas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy: G Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: demo existing frog with a 7 ft. ceiling hgt.; build new frog wilh 8 fl. ceiling hgt. ; add bathroom, bedroom, re H laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and spe.ifications or change in contractor information. *+'NOTI: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00*" Owner/Contractor: j w holloway Signature: "Licensed Quolifiel' Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes n ruo WATER: b CFPUA tr community system E Private well E central well E Aqua SEWER: b cFPUA tr community system E Private septic E central septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) -Approval: _ City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee: S n Porch (sF)_ ! Storage Shed (sF)_ ! other (sF)_ Unheated: eug eqk r,@tK ".# r'i[8'iP*WJ r,?t!$r,., N G P E RM rr Email Print APP Ll CATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PL€ASE ANSWER AIL QUESTIONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslbility'' AppLtcANT,s NAME: Jason Walker sa1q 111112016 pRoJEcT ADDRE5S: 408 Jenoa Drive ctTy. Castle Hayne ztP sUBDtVlstoN: River Bluffs pRopERTy oWNER,s 1141y1g, Chris Niedermayer pg911s 6. 703-862-6792 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 192 Hemlock Forest 611y. Mineral, VA y1p 23117 CONTRACTOR: Carolina Creations Landscape, lnc BrDG UCENSE #. 73105 ADDRESS: P.O. Box2327 611y. Shallotte st: NC ztp 28459 EMATL ADDRESS: jwalker@carolinacreations.biz pRolEcT coNTAcT psp56p Jason Walker pH6119.910-755-641'1 pH6xg 910-755-641 1 E Pool (SF)225 E Storage Shed (SF) _ TOIAT Sq FI UNDER ROat Vor proposed workJ Heatedl Ia Unheated: na TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less tot): $84,400 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lftheprojectisa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E SingleFamily ! Duplextr Townhouse Description of Work: lnstall a 12'x25' fiberqlass pool w/spa, 975 sf of concrete pool deckinq, 42'x30' screened enclosure for pool laws and ordinan.er and reSulations. The NHC Development Servi.er Cenler will be notified of any.hanges in !he approved plans and specaficalions or change in contrartor informalion "'NOTE:Any work performed without rhe appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NC Slate EldB Code o fines up to 5500.00"' Owner/contractor: Jason Walker Signatu "Licensed QuaIifier" lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? C Yes E No Existing lmpervious Ars6; 3250 5q P1 TotalAcres Disturbed: New tmpervious Are"' 975 5o Ft - Existing Land Disturbing Permiti E Yes E No wATEi\ CFPUA C community system E c,t{urwutt E central wetl El Aqua sEWtR:\ cFPLIA C communitysystem E efiug\s"ot,. E centralsept'c E Aqua zone:- officer:- setba.ks (F)-(tir) -(nn)- (g) -Approvak- city:- Date:- flood:(A)-(v)-(N)-BFE+2ft=- Comment: Permit fee: S ?b tor H '1 36 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration ! Renovatlon n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence Ei Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation I.**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'IECT*'} D Att Garage {5F) _ ! Det Garage (5t)_ D porch (SF}_ I Sun.oom (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) _ C Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed wo.k chan8in8 the existing footprint? ! Yes D No tr other (SF)_ Fi.<-(+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDITTIG PERIIIIT APPLIcarIott ryPf : C0tll{ERCfAL PI"EASE AI{S}JER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICASLE .rO YO{,R PRO]€CT "ProJect Responsibility" APPLICANT, S I.IAHE:Yates Chambl iss DEVELOPER i PRoIECT ADDRESS: 2250 shipyard Boulevaid suir.e 14 CfTY: nil.rni.nqton tolb.- l1qLL{ 1€-30G APPLICATIOf'I l{umber (offi(e U5e) DATE: 1c-1€.2015 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA]|IE : tsozart Famrly Dentigtly PROPERTY Oi'INER'S ilft,lE: 2250 shipyard LLC c/o Bill cameron Otf,lER'S ADDAESS: 12c1 Gle:r Meade Road CITY: t{i lm-inqton PHONE *: ST: NC ZIP; 2 84 03 PHONE #: PHONE r : _L::-Sl_?-:!_3-1j.5__ CoITITRACTOR: charrlclr sB & Ra-bil ADDRESS: 542G -c ir,indnii I riav EIitAIt ADDRESS: yaces&chambli s 6-rabi1. corn LTCENSE *: 15 82s PROIECT CCNTA(T P€R50N: yatee Chanbliss ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIO AL: L. Mark Loudermilk, AIA EN6R DESIGiI PROFESSIOML: sid A- Bendahnane PE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: nee tcnant layout Is Elect Pouer on this Building El Yes fl rc PH:910.341.7600 NC RE6 *: 10776 ls bod a b6v6.ages prapartd c s*vod In t{s sfu*ure? fl ves I No ls Ths Propsty Locslod ln Tho Floodflain? [ Yes I No OISCLAIMER: I hereby cenit thal all intormalron rn lhrs dpplicalo iE corect and al work w\ll comply w{n the ano locar laws and orornences and reoulalrons. The NHC Develooment Servrcos Cenler wl, be holrlied d anv or change in coouactor o, conlractor .itormauon. "'NOTE. Any Wortl Pedormed W/O lhe Approprlale Permils Sublecllo Frnes Up To 5500 00"' Stare Burld'.9 Code and all other app|cable Slale chaloes rn the aoDroved olans ano sDeqficalionsw.tt& in Vrolalroir or lhe\C Stat€ Eldg Code and cdtLin A.bs6los or nol. Yo./ ars r.qul.6d lo csli th€ Ndjonsl Errilsio.r slrrldard. fs Hazlrdous ar Po{utents (tlEs}iaP) rt (sl d.nohlon d .ny flctllty or hrilding Ser Alb6lo. W.b Sit.: m$:/&r}rv eri ea|€ nc u./spi/r.b$losrahrnp llanl OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:Yatcs CharnbliBs SIGNATURE Nolar Dotnolilon notificdions & s3be!lo6 rrrov.l pennil .pplicslionr 6.e to be srbhlt.d o6in0 the applicrticrr lorrn (DHHS-3768).,lhe lscillt o. Mlding 163 tound to TorAL PRoJEcr cogl' ZooL BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 2 .959 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER FIOOF: - d OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED: 950 6t l6aS l0 fuys p.ior ro tho # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: - EXST I.AND DISTURBING PERMIT?YEs ENOc NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SO FT D(ISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA; pRopERTy usE: moFFrcE Ensraunnr.n f]uencannr-e fleouc [arr f]coruoo OTHER WATER: SEWER u CFPUA rl COMMUNITY S\€Tq4_ E]WELL EZONr$G usE cl-AsslFlcATlq.l: a oFPUA El CENTMT SEPflC Ll PHVATE SEPTtc fl C-Oin $.lfrY SYSTEM '' SEPARATE PER''',lTS REqUIREO FOe EIECT MtCrl PLeG GAS EO'Jrp. m!;AAS A r\SERiS '' PAYI\,ENT METHOO !ce*r f]cxro< (pAyAaLE To NHc) E A\,tERtcAI{ E}FREss E]Mc.^ilsA I oscoven SQ FT (FOR OFFICE IJSE ONLY)ZONE:-OFFICER:- SETBACKS: F:-LH:-RH:- B: Approvali CiVl DATE: FLOOD:--- BFE+r[t AVN FEVISEo }(TE 4'1r12 I Comment PERMTT FEE: $tto - ZIP: 2B{03 PHoNE fr glc.'162.2616 CITY: wilm1ndcon ST: Nc zfPi 2840s (ah€.| All Thet Apply) Exrsr colrsrRu(Tro : El ALTERATIofl [-l nemvarror fl cerrul nrnarns I RELo(arror tf Ralocdbn. istherea Naturar Gas Lrne on the -cwrent S1", Iv"?[ruo lsBLDGSPii KLERED" I v". [tr.ro r{Er.r corsTRucTro{, I enrcr NEU srRucTURE fl rasr rucr f] sxrr-l I uerrr I nm ro ExrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRT'CTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt #: ,r*.r rs rHrs A cHAr{GE oF occupANcy user fives fllro *,,,., fF Yes, what was the Previous Occupan.y Type? _ lfiat is the l{er., Occupancy Typ€? - PH:910-470-9687 NC REG *: 12918 .L 20ttr- loq25 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT A PPLTCATTON TypE: REStDENT|At PIEASE ANSWER At[ qUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO,JECT..proiect Responsibility" Appllcation Number (offlce use) AppLtcANT'S NAME. poRcH coNVERStON PROJECT ADDRESS: 2 LANDING R Dat€. 11-04-16 CITY: WlLMINGTON suBDtvtstoN. oAK LANDING HOUSES ztP.28409TOWN LOf #:2 pRopERTy OWNER'5 114y5. ROGER & pATRtctA LOWERY owNERS ADDRESS. 2 OAK LAND ING ROAD PHONE #. 910_297_3420 ClTv: Wl LMINGTON ztP.28/09 coNrRACroR. PORCH CONVERSTON ,r.oorlcrr$o.+l+*J&j14psp6gg, 6821 MARKET STREET cnY. wLM|NGTON ST: NC a?.28409EMAtI ADDRESS: porchconversion@gmail.com PROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Sherri Britt EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration D Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence I Rerocation ! Att Garage (5F)_ E Sunroom 1sF1 197 n Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF) ! Deck (sF) PHONE.910-777_3363 PHoNE. 910-777-3363 . Storage Shed (SF) --..- tr Porch (SF) E other lsFl ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work,6g21s6. 197 Property Use/ Occupancy; D Single Familv tr Du ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E NolsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? [ yes El Nols there Electrical Poweron this BuildinS? E yes E No Unheated: Description of work: enclose and existing screen wall system and windows plex G Townhouse porch with sunroom DISCIAIMERi I hereby cenify that alt the informaflon tn this a lawsand ordinancesand regulatjons. The NHC oevelopment Services Centerwillbe notifled of any changes pplicatlon ts correct and allwork wlllcomply e State dlng Code and a[ other applcabtestate and locat ioformatlon. +*TNOTE: Any work performed q,v{.#eo ttrtbr: Agent appte perflitswillbe in viotaflon ofthe NC Slgnature: Total Acres Disturbed: 0 Existing tand Dlsturbing permit: D yes E No 'in contractorwltho0tthe appropria Jeremy Martin up to S5@.0o... "Licensed Quolilef lstheproperty located inafloodplain? [ yes E No Existing lmpervious Ayg"' 2696 5o gt New lmpervio us Area: 0 Sq Ft *r +ndt*h?,*/ WATTR: E CFPUA fl Community System D private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER:- Ei CFPUA fl CF,f unjty System EI private Septic E Centrat Septic E Aqua zonetQ-?O o*r"r,(ffi setbacks(F) 3, (rx) /J (nx) lS (g) 2i Approval: - crty: - oate: ll /lt Ftood:(Al_M_(r,r) X grr+2ft= (l^;^. lo'Odv,rutr5fu,/r"* (,-'+ unlts) Comment:.k 30-Permlt Fee: S TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess Lot): 512,025 qfr,.dttr 8o- RECEIVEDOCISl2OIO NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATI O N WPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proi€ct Responsibility" Jctu**oq,lb Email Print 931s. October 31, 20'16Catherine BaldingAPPI.ICANT'5 NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: suE0tvtStoN: 138 S Cardinal Drive ctTy Wilmington 71p 28403 oWNER,s ADDRE5S: 138 S Cardinal Drive 61ry. Wilmington 2p 28403 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERsoN. Casey Wlliams PHONE. 910-622-2450 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ,I.*I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** D Att Garage {SF)! Det Garage (sF)_tr Porch (SF) L_l 5unroom {51-) ! Greenhouse (SF)_ n Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAI- 5Q FT UNDER ROO! Vor proposed work)H""1g6.2,000 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 18,050 lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Ye5 E No lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? El Ves E tJo Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E Duplex D Townhouse Descripti on of Work: Enlarqe an exisitinq openinq between the kitchen and dininq room by installinq a beam per our enqineer's specifications in the attached letter. We \^/ill also be replacing an exterior side door and installing a new interior pocket door laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developm ent Services Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications o ance. information. +"NOTE: Any work performed wjthout the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NC State 8ld8 Code and syb Owner/contractor: Nick Balding Signature "Licensed QuoIifier" lsthe propertylocatedinafloodplain? ! Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E ruo WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S .1.:m t-oT s: pROpERTy OWNER,5 111yp, Sarah & Thomas Huettl pHgXg g. 910-619-5541 coNTRAcToR. Balding Brothers BLDG ucENsE #.66865 ADDRESS. PO Box'1947 ctTy. Wilmington sT. NC 2tp.28402 EMATL ADDRESS: Catherine@baldingbrothers.com 1HONE 910-251-2721 ! Storage Shed (SF)_ n other (sF)_ I,rL.i :i ffi APP Ll CATIO N TYPE i RtSIDENTIAL PLEA5T ANSWTR Att OUES]IONS APPLICABI.T TO YOUR PRO.JEC] "Pro L u CITY PHONT H C ITY -16#ffi ^e::#* eotu-locl4'"1 6 Oate 2APPLICANT'5 NAMI PROJECI ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: i-D ztP c LOT f PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRTSS: ADDRTSS TMAII. ADDRTSS PROJTCT CONTACT PERSON Ll Att Garage (sr) I sunroom (sF) fl Greenhouse (Sr) - 6-oeck (Sr) ls lhe proposed work chan8inB the existing footprint? { ves I BTDG LICINST fl CITY ,(,n6 zp 29Q< PHON T io o od PHONT qto:%1-oqoo 66?39k N )tytft I L- EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: ! Alteration p. Renovarion I General Repairs Ntw CoNSTRUCTION: fl Erecl New Residence { aad,tionro txisting Residence fl Relocat,on T\4 t f-L ' ' tPI.EAST CHEC( AND ANSWTR BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI"I E De1 GaraBe (St)0 Porch (SF) fl Pool (Srl lot E Stora8e Shed (st)_ ! olher (sF);@ rOTAt SQ fT UNDIRROOi Uat prcposed work\xearea, %\ + ,AtO tr rvEw trtaT PnoireO ls the proposed work chan8ins the number ol bedroomst d yes E wo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure Z Yes D No lrthe pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas line on lhe current site? D ves E Itto lsthere Electrical Power onthis Building? ?! Yes f) No Property Use/ Occupancy:d single ramily E Duplex E Townhouse Descrip n ol Work: 1+-r laws and o,dinancps and r€Bulalions The NHC Oevelopmenl Servicet Cenler wrll be noli{i€d ol any chantes in t pproved pla n! and sp itiionl,arro, hlormarron "'NOlt Anyworlperlormedwilhoutheapproplal€p€rmil!willbehviolaiionoftheNCSlar dt Code and !ub as up lo 55O0 00"' -l- h O\{rn€r/Contractor "Lrcensed QuolilEi' Signature ls th€ property localed in a floodplain? D ves { tto txistinB lmp€rvious ar.., iO f0 sq Fl Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area I Sq rt txistinB Land Disturbin8 Permit: D Yes D t,to warER: ! CFPUA E communrty system E Prrvate weil n central well fl Aqua stwtn, / CFPUA fl Communiry System E Pfivale Septrc D central Septic E Aqua Zone: __ Oflicer: - Serbacks (f) - ILH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: -- Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) -,- (N) - Bf E12lr= - Permit f ee: SComment 4ru ltP CONTRACTOR rorAt PRoJtcr cosr (Less Lor): S lf, OO O I-lryinrr,l )L tts 0q'53NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPUCAflON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibiliv' Appli€tion (offce use) appt-tcANTs NAME. F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack s21s 111312016 pROJESI ADDRESS: 401 Crete Drive 61n, Wilmington aP. 28403 sUBDtvtsloN: Capri Estates PARTD #R05507-002-032-000 PROPERTY OWNEtrs NAME; James Williamson p1161r;6 3. 91 0-796-'1 545 OWNER'S ADDRESS. 401 Crete Drive g1n. Wilmington 71p,28403 CONTRACTOR. F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack ssp6 U6sx56 s. 53778 ADDt655. 4122 Bennett Memorial Road suite 304 61ry. Durham sr:!qzr 27705 EMAIL ADDRESS:charl ie@ramjackusa.com PHONE:919-309-9727 PROJECT CONTACT p5sg91. Charlie Lewis p11sx6. 919-309-9727 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration O Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONsTRUcnoN: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existin8 Residence D Relocatlon }+*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI" ! AttGaraBe(SF)- ! Det Garage (sF)- tr Porch (5F) E Sunroom (5F)- E Greenhouse {SF)- ! Pool(SF) tr Deck (sF) D Storage Shed {SF)_ fl Other {SF)=-- {No ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes C No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work) Heated: _- Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):8075.00 Property t)s.l occup"n"yr{single Family EI Duplex D Townhouse ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D ves dno ls any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory structure E yes lf the pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ves {no ls there Electrical Power on this Building? /ves E t',to wolk lnslall helical piers to stabilize foundation as desiqned by struclural enqineerD€scription of DISCLAIMERT I herebyce(ifo that allthe information in this application b correct and allwotk willcomplywith the State Suilding Code laws and ordinences 3nd regulations-The NHC oevelopment Services Center wlll be notlfied of arry changes in the information. "'NOTE: Any work performed wlthout the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NC owner/Contracor: Charles Lewis signaturei "Licensed Quolifief Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes E No Existing lmpervious Areai -5q ft TotalAcres Disturbed: .- New lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft E isting t'and Disturbing Perm?t E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E community System E Private well E centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Prtuate Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: - Offlcer; - Setback (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (Bl -Approval: - Clty: -- Date: - Flood: (A)-(V) -(N) - BFE+2ft= - and all other 3pplicable State and loc,l spe.jfications or change in mntractor to fines up to Ssoo.maa' D Comment:Permlt Fee: $ LoT f: 13 lrEmatt.l I priirt I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDIN6 PERMIT AP PU CAflON rYPE: RESID€NTl,AL PLEASE ANSWER AL! qUESTIONS APPTICABTE TOYOUR PROJECT "Prolec{ R.sporisibillv' appucAryfs NAME: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack oly. Wlmlngton 66. 11/32016 z/P.28/.03pRoJEcT ADoREss: 40'l Crete Drive SUBDIv6lo1: Capri Estates PARID #R05507{02-032{00 LoT #: 13 pRoptRTy owNER,s t{4y5; James Williamson pxsN5s.910-796-1#5 owNERS ADDRESS; 40 t Crete Driv€OTy. Wilmington ztP- 2UO3 CONTRACIOR F.S., L-L-u. dba RamJack BLDG UCENSE g, 53176 ADDRESS 4122 Bennett Memorial Road suite 304 CITY:Durham EMATL ADDRESS: charlie@ramjackusa.com pHsrls 919-309-9727 pRolEcT coNTACT pEqg6p, Charlie Lewis p11qx6. 919-309-9727 Exlstltrc CONSIRUCrION: Ll Altaration IJ Renovation B General Repai6 NEW CO'{SrRUCIIOI{: O Erect New Residence E Addition to Bdsung Re5idence El Relocation ' T A P[EAsE CHECK AIID AIIST/YEi SELOW AII THAT APPLY TO YOU R PRO,' ECT." D Attcarage(sF)- 3 Det Gardge (sF)-. - O Porch (5F) sr: P ztl; 27705 0 Sunroom (SF)--- D Greenhouse (sF)- Is the proposed work changing the existi nB footprint? E Yes O No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER R@i lfot p.oposed work) H€atedl TOTAL PROTECT COST (Less Lot): S8075.00 Property u*l oco+aaq: {single Famil, tr Dupler tr Townhous€ tr storage Shed (5F)- D other (sF)_ P4" O Pool(sF) A Dec* (st) unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? B ves fio ls any El€ctrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanhal wqrl being done to the Accessory Strudure E -Yes lf the proiect is a Relgcatlon, is there a Natural-Gas Line on the curr.nt site? E y"" {no ls there Electrical Power on thls Buildi.g? E/v.t tr t'to work: lnstall helical Diers to stabilize foundation ffi desiqned by structural BngineetDes.ription of olsCLAlMEi: I her.by.e.l,fy that allthe inform.tion in this.ppllGtlon is collect and allwork willcDrnpjy wjlh lhe State Sulldlng Code laws and ordinances and r.6ul.tioni. The NHC O€veloPmen! 5er(.6 Clnter will b. norifi"l of lnv ch'ngc!in th? app.ov.d pllB and iniorm aton. "'ilgft: AnY wo* pe.formed withdrt tha aPprolri.te rernlts will be in vlol.t'on 6' ttrc NC Owner/Conkactor: Chartres Lewis f'ltnature: "Licensed Quolifrer' Print Nome ls the property locat€d in a floodplain? E Yes E No ErirtinE lmpewlous ArG.: -Sq Ft ToElAcr€s Dlsturbed: ---N6., lmp.rviol5 Ar.a: - S{ Ft E ktlng Laod Olshlrblng Permib 0 Ycs D No wAfER: El CFPUA E community system E Prtvate well El centralwell B Aqua SFU'ER: N CFPIJA E system E Private Septic O Central SeDtic E] Aqua zon., P- l0 om""setbecki (F).AU.t3(u1 ftrlp taxl rll4 tet dtB Approv.l: - cityr - oate, !;[!Qflood: (A]- (v)- N] X. BFr+2ft' - and allottE appliable St te and lo.al ipedfEabni o. chrnSe in.onrE{to. to finer up to Ssm.m"' Comment:N Permlt Fe€: 5 .iR^x."a\-\ ^&){offce tJse) ll wq)q Application Number (offlce use) NEW HANOVER COUNW BU!LDING PERMIT AP PLI CAflON TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslbilit/ AppLtCANT,s NAME: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack oar,PJ. 1113120',l.6 sUBDtVtstoN: Piney Acres SEC 6 BLK C PARID-R05617-00&011-000 pRopERTy OWNER,S NAME. Frank Stanley OWNER,S ADDRESS: 227 Forest Road PHONE #. 9'10-200-3359 ctTY. wilmington ztP.28/.03 CONTRACTOR F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack BLDG uCENSE S. 53778 AODRESS: 4122 Bennett Memorial Road suite 304 CtTy. Durham 51; NC 21p. 27705 EMATL ADORESS; charlie@ramjackusa.com psgxs; 919-309-9727 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Charlie Lewis PHONE.919-309-9727 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT n Aheration I Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation 1**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THATAPPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** D Att carage (sF)_tr Det Garage (5F) _D Porch (sF) D Sunroom (SF)! Pool(sF)E storage shed (sF)_ D Gr€enhouse (sF)-tr Deck (SF)n other (sF) ts the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOP lfot ptoposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT cosT (Less Lot): S6925.00 ls the proposed wo* changing the numbe. ot t.a-o.* E v.t o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E /ei lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes E/fio ls there Electrical Power on this Building? /Yes tr trlo Property Use/ occupancy: E4ingle ramily E Duplex tr Townhouse {ro Descriptlon of Work:lnstall helical piers to stabilize foundation as designed by struclural enqineer laws and ordinances and regulatlons. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany chang€s In the approved plans and specilic.tions or change in contractor lnforrnation. +**NOTE: Any work performed withouttie appropriate pemrts will be in viol.tion of the NC code a to flnes upto s50o.00... owner/contractor: Charles Lewis Slgnature: "Licensed Quolfiel Print Norne lsthe propertylocated in afloodplain? D ves E ttto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: - sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl Yes E No WATER: D CFPUA E Community System fl Private well fl Centralwell E Aqua sEwER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: - setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RHl - (B) -Approval: - Clty: - Date: - Flood: (A)-(V) - (N)- BFE+2ft= - Comment Permit Fee: $ C(OJ px91g611ppxs95. 227 Forest Road 611y. Wilmington 71o. 2MO3 Lm fi: 09 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP UCAnO N |VPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUES]1ONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]EgT "Prorect Responslbllhtf Aott toqZ\ lr.y!ral!:l l, nht..l suBDtvlstoN: Piney Acres SEC 6 BLK C PARID-R0561740&011-000 pRCpERTy OW ER,S N114g, Frank Stanley p119619 * 910-200-3359 OWNER'S ADDREsS:227 Forest Road c11y: \Mlmington 71p. 28403 coNTxAgToa: F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack g19g ggg;g5s 3. 63779 4p6pg55;4122 Bennetl Memoria! Road suite 304 EMATL ADoRESS: charlie@ramjackusa.com pg6p6; 919-309-9727 pROJECT coNTAcI pEn5g , Charlie Lewis _ps61g1. 919-309-9727 ExlsTlNG COi{STRUCnON: B Aheration El Renovation EI G€netalRepairs NEIIU CONSTRUCTION: 0 Erect New Residence E Addttion to Existin8 R€sidence B Relocation *.PIEASE CHECX AI{D ANSWER 8 .. C Att Ga.age (SF)-- E Det Garage (SF)- tr porch {SF) E Storage shed (sF)- 61n. Durham 5r: !!- ztPl 27705 D Sunroom (SF)- B Greenhouse (SF)- trl Pool (SF) O Deck (sR tr Other {SF) ls the proposed work changingthe existing footprint? n Yes - No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER RaOF llot ptogosed war&) Heated: - U.heated: TOTAL PROJEST COST {LeSs LOt): S6925.00 ls the p.oposed wotk chanBint the number of bedrooms? E Yes r/no ls any Ehctrical, Plu blrS or Mechanlcal work beinS done to the Accessory Structure E /yes lf the project is a Relorition, is there a Natural Gas Line orl the current !ite? E] Yet E4'to ls there tlectrical Power on this Burlding? /ves D trto Property use/ Occupancy: El'(ingb ramity E oupler tr Townhouse Deicription ofWork:lnstall helacal pi6rs to stabiiize foundation as desiqned by structural enqineer DECIAIMER I I hercby ccrtiry rhat att the informatio. in this appli..tion 6 codect and all wo* wiu <omply whl th€ Slete 8uildi.8 Code talvs ad ordinances,nd regulaltons.Ihe NttC DevelopmentSE !t€5 Cent€r wlllb€ notr'fied ol a ny changps hthe approved plarE and ]nfonnalion. "'NOT€: Any wo.* performed walhout the appropriate pctnt'6 wfl be in violauon ofthe IJC orwner/Contractor: Charlas Lewis SiSnstute: "tic.hlcd Quolifre/ PtittNome lsthe property located in a floodplain? E Yes D o Exlsting lmpewlous Ateat -- Sq R Tqlal Arres Dlsturb€d: New lmpervlolE Area: - Sq lt Existing La.d Distu.bhg Petmtr 0 Yes El No WAIE* tr cfPUA E Community System E Private well E centralwell E Aqua and a,lother applirable Stak e nd lo{al specifi€ations or change In tolrtrador to fincs upto S5m.0O"' SEWER: tr CF9!'A El zon", €-l i orn""., Approval: _ CltY, communlty System EI Priv-ate Septic P Centralseptic tr Agua - setback (F t,.\//\ tut l/t\ teut tl i//t tet tt A Date: I ' /7 t{oFtood: tA) - (v} - (N) -Il sFE+zft= - +'.f-- Commenti e !l (. t t"' c<7 <Permit Fe€: S 4pp11g4111,9 111p1g, F.S., L.L-C. dba RamJack g*g 11/3i2016 pRoJECTADDRESS:llltoPlLoTy.Wilmington 21p28403 LoT*:09 - {no !