NOVEMEBR 21 2016 BUILD APPSlptt,,tt lts APPLIf/.fiO TYPE.. C$$IERCIAL PLEASE AIS}T€R ALL QUESTIOG APPLICAILE IO YqJR PROJECI -PrcJGct nosponstbility" fOlY crw PHOi{E f Pr{01{E * APPLICATIff l{u ber (offlc. Ur.) ZIP I DATE 3APPLICAIT'S MTIE: DEVELOPER: occt PA T/o{rsrilEss }lArE : PROPERTY MIER,s MIER,S AIX'f,ESS: t{a}tE: and oa cfiene in cqllracblSubFlo Fh6 Up To or conlt"adort500.00- CITY: COi{TRACTOR: ADDRESS:CITY: EHAIL AI'ORESS: PRO]ECT COITACT PE affi/rr EXrsT coflsrRt crloN;uoil REiPvATIOTI f Ralocdon, b tlste a Site? f,sd co 5TRUCTIO|: f] enecr t:u srrurrunt f]FAST TRA€T If UPFIT The she IF Yes, rdlat r.s thc ANCH OEsIGII PROFESSI ETGN DESIGT{ PROFESSIOML: DESCRIPTIOI{ OF I..IORK : ls food or ba,gagE trlPsld OSCTAIMER: ard local laar8 I heroby conify end ordlnancas tlrat sX into.madon h this 6..rod h t{e ttrrctrr? ElYes b Tf. Pro9..ry Locabd h Tho SI P: ,rk rr. PIfiE ' urrrr I AoD To Exrsr srRt cnnE r,lc REG *-.,- Cods 6od all olh.r Sttt€ olans andNC State and fl OF UNITS: o a PH: ls /1,rt 5- OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (OrdL.)rh.d-t liEal, a ufille r- ldnd bt{oL: Otno6o.r ndlcadoa!.&-* rrtFvd Fll ra9CHoaE rl b b. rlD.nllrd u.t{ 6a a9Pfc.lo.t ro.rn @ai*rA--b ctrl. Yql i! tt$irld 5 cat tr iaraod Enf oar Clt Id.t lbdo..& r'5rfir (icEH Pl a ol9rlrr{a) r lrr l0 -yo gt bIt dildfior d {ly fi.Iy or A.bff \rS0r +TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDER SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: f OF STRI'CTURES:f, OF FLOORS: AffiES DISTURBED:D(ST lnND DISTURBIT{G PERM NEVV IMPERVIOIJS ARE'IJ SO FT E)(SNNG IMPEFIVIOUS ARE'U PFOPERTY USE:flnesrxnerr fiuencerrne Eerc Eerr Eooroo o'Itctt-* IYATER: SEWER: - SEPARAIE P€ffiIs EGX.IMGD F(N E,'ECT, SECH' NTG. GAS Eq,P, PFEfE A II;Ef,TS - pArlrElrrrlErHcre f]crsr f]oreo<prvrar-eronrc1 fierencaneeness fl yq,ry61 ftusco/En (FffiOFTrcEUsEO[Y)FF'}*D UATE Jl1fl2 ZOIIE:-OFFICER:-SETBAO(S: F:lll:- Rlt- B:- FLOO}---BFE 5+z{ts HEIGIfT: ncomf,rllrYslslEu nm-L [fzot{llotsEcussflcATlolt-. Eceiiintserrrc fieFvlrsserrrc E]oorfl.hrrYstsral so 4r-,. ApFo\ra[ CIU-DATEI- A PERMIT FEE: v ltEtt l{AillOvER cOu}lTY BUILDIiIG PERI{IT 1€=€€qF0 PRO]ECT ADORESS: PTP E I: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?flru. I:IJY 7ot<o 'r(Ea.l APPLICANT'S tlAiTE: DEVEI-OPERT ,a..,t,l i i PRolEcT AoDREss: llal lr^td$ (offl(. u!.) PHoNE $: 7n(/ - .tri. ..q lr c) .1. ",i ,l_-.1 I ztqt.lA{l<- APPL]CATION PHONE *: lnr)_ sriJLL zrp: ? r4ot PHoWE *: qZ1-86i_AloB PHofiE {:lEilala]:giAg d. crTY: Ii"---.}.. ,_, -{, , J, r, ,l CITY:1r)r ,__ ctwr (!.:- ll, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcarroN rypEr SIGNS / BILLBOARDS PLEASE ocItI cLEA{tv t alr5ll,Ei lLt QUasrrON5'?roJGGt Rerponsibllltt,, .)-_DATE:,0:?t_lQ L. Pa':l.- Btvo(cupalfl/Buslt{Ess NjqhE : /-li_f l., rI\ r /-r- ltMot4\L PROPERTY OI.II.IER' S i'ME: TOLLTI-i 'callatuu_fuPgel]s OW'IER'S ADDNESS:tlI a-N sr I AIC zrp; I g4 taCO{TRACToR: i j l{ :;l":. rtr}-.1, *rr. LICET{SE Sr A.v-'/. l<3{A00RE55: -t: _.,, .1.. , q EIiAIL ADDRESS: r, -.. . ..... I PRolEcT CoMTACT pERso t ,l),,L)jr,. I ffi enecr OESCRTPTIOai OF htORkI' t,./J. 6/) (CHECK ALt THAT APPLY) LJ AITtR L-l ntn,rrn f] e1uncr ! cllaNGF ouT.i....1.1.-.--_t.-. i(! ,!"la-.1.1__.. _ . 11L.t _.-*.. -_-,1-1-- :._,,.!,.,_- _-_ rs srcr{(s) o oR oFF pRElrsEsr p or,r lorr usqnrMEar l n"€ov co'ttv o',l ar lnb.h6tm h Dk .pdk no, ,. cE -l ud dr srt sn cornry riu'' ,,,. sl!r. gulri.E cod. Ed .i 0o,". apdrc.bb sr!r..nd k*r.w!,n drln'nces otu rsgJtton!' r,. xHc o!v't*'{ so.yi.* c.nr. *r, u ,-,'rJ i .,, ".fi* ii ii""'.ro..,". ,,"n. ,i{,p.c rcaro.rs d cius€.n currr.do, o,@d"cior rnorn'&o' -torE ^nv wqt P.,h.d wo rc eoe,op,,a" p"..8 ; ;;;'vil;fr"1il1i" *r. Eroo c.or. arld suqsd b Fnos r.r, io i50o.0o_ 0u ER/CoiIIRACTOR: \cl"- ( 5 r!I6tlAT{,iE: _.-.1:,_[.-l. i|'*!.=rtrla jr.rlrr*+ **llrr TYPE OF SIGN(S ) IEI rnrgsrnm LJ sHrNGrE ING (Ground) . ai' * a+.a a a rr*+*t* mARQUEE ! lno:rcrroH t**ti+la+rra**:aarrra.ri. c4 ta *itt4,4t P(Ln\ulrc LMI l.lALL ! cmoev ROOF OTHER ,tv ri - rrl\t ftt6€fixrr FEE; rT'S€PARAIE PERqITS REQUIREO tOR TTECT. HrCH, PI.86,6A5 EQL]rI, PRiiAB! & INSERIS ".PAYiErr IiETloo r E c^, Q clecx lrovolr ro uc1 ! errnrcrr exeness fi.,,rc7v:sa ! orscov:naa*]i* +ri rrait. r.** rr 1+ a +r**. + * rr. r * ta rt* aar.jtt*a.11r ** *** * rrr.!lr+*1***. + + r a,.,*rl+ r, r..r:r , Rf,(lI )o,,,.,r,oval:' ( f-. 6i1y ZONE APpf 'i)m oFFICt usr u&iy) ,TBAckS: t: ln/ LH . , Rlvrsru o.rl !/relr?: N1A Rh.-!A_ B, ii/A_ - ..S]lL!- BFE+2ft=:ltrt rYl DAT€F LOOO Comoent i/-,.,,u J ' \ 1l'l tr:t -l Lv) \ i,D1 1)rt rD 'ixl[.^ 5('L r r';.,r f)!ii r I . I 11 6tt((-1flll>} C p rlut '\r l\\\usltr ,) ti.t i< Total Nulllber of Slgn5 on this project: rL srctr 1 r-relght: J.<' slsn Dtmenslons: Vk<tzsx Total sQ.FT. o+ stgn:14J,,Jl:]:l ] l"lsl,, _ slsn olmensiorr, - , ---- Totat se.Fr. of sign:srGN 3 Heisht: sisn otmehsions: ,^,.i II .,' ll ]]ilsr6N 4 Hel;ht: --= ;il; ;i::;;i;:: _--- i_---.- Illli i8.ii. $ :ill; - roTAL PRoJECT cosTr g S ^^r. IS THE pRopERry LOCATED IN a rLOooerUru? [ Ves EI to Ik rctfuDtr!1- NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMI aPPLIcATIott TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QIJESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Zot,'t-(t35L APPLICATION Number (office Use) DArE; /,/ '2/ '2o/ 6APPLICANT,S IIAIiIE: DEVELOPER: L.l- PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: MCITY. PROPERTY OI^INER, S i,IAI'1E :(:c[.., d D.lJ r.", LOT #: proNE #: 31a-/)5'/93A sr | *LzrP't -ST: /V C:IP: - ProNE #:3)6.b 7r-*t r&. {- 923 d PHONE #: A, Lu i"J< Td/ZIP | _ BLOCK f: OWNERJS ADDRESS ' 82O ADDRESS: ,,'. l-e CITY: L{J ;T a;;jif E_ LICENSE fi: CITY I tlt;lmlntsr,ut SF OIHE R EMAIL ADDRESS;e 6 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON://PHONE #: EXT5TTNG CONSTRUCTTON: I nrrenlrroru f] nrnovarroru ! cerueRal neelrRs RELOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: ! eneCr NEll RESTDENCE or pdOrrrOl To ExrsTrNG RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHEC( AND ANsWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: [t6rr cannce 5.1(^ sr ! eoacn - sF SF STORAGE SH ED SF 5F ATT GARAGE - 5F 5UNR00I{ _sF GREENHOUSE SF POO L DECK TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: A- TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER NOOT' 5?O TOTAL AREA Sq fi' 5Q A TOTAL PROJECT COST tress Lor) : $# OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or FIECHAI{ICAL l.Jork Being Done to the Accessory Stnucture? [ Ves ffio If the project i.s a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current site? EYes Efo rs there Electrical Powen on this Building?Ev"t Ehd pRopERTY USE / OCCUPANCY, p,{rruCle rAmrrV DUPLEX TOI^INHOUS E DESCRIPTION OF WORK: DtSCLAIMERT thereby certit rhar att intomaiion in his applicadon is correcr and allwork willcomply wih he Siaie Building Code and all oher applicable Slate and local laws and ordinances and regutations The NHC Oevetopmenr Servic€s Center willbe notlied ofany changes in te app.oved plans and specifications orchange in conlracloror coniracror nbrmarion. '"'NOTE: Any Work Perlomed W/O lhe Appropriate Pemrts will be in Violaton ofihe NC SlaE Bld OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (Print Nane)*,t r(,t ,t * )t * )* )t )i( ,*,* * * **** ** *,t**,t 1.* i. * ,.,* i. *,1 Code and Sublecl lo Fmes Up 1o $500 00"' ,** ++ *+ **,*,* * )** *)**)* )**** **{<,t*,t,* r( *** ** *,* *;* * )*** * ** **,i)*,** * * rs rHE pRopERry LocATED rN a rloooerarlt f] ves l-l ro EXISTING IiIPERVIOUS AREA: _SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEI,.I IMPERVIOU5 AREA: - SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: E YCS [_I ruO WATER: SEL.IER:! crnua ! crruraal srerrc f] pRrvATE sEprrc I colll,rurrrv svsrrm CF PUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE WE LL CENTRAL h]ELL **A SEPAIIATE PERI4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, A,IECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS **i PAYi]ENT I]ETHOD CASH Eorecx (eAvABLE To nuc; Ianrnrcm excaess tr t4clvrsA I orscoven )* )*,* * ****)*)**,**** *** * **,* )*r** ***** )*,* * ***,* *,*+*,* **+ *** **** * *,i,f ,i * * **)* )*,* * * )* +*** *,t* **r(* **r<* i( * + * {(* ZONE: _OFFICER: (FOR OFFICT USE 6rLY) REVI5EO DATE q4/77/L2 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B;_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FL00D: _ BFE+2ft= _AVN PERMIT FEE:Comment: ': ffi CONTRACTOR: a^)SIGNATURE: p, rrt 6\Lt! { APPLICANT'S NAIIE: Rcber.t Jacobsen EW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATI1N rYPE: COMIT1ERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPL]CABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 2AKr- 8 APPLICATION Numben (office Use) OATEi c8/29/tL PROIECT ADDRESS: 340 N. rhird srreer OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE: Rsr.1 us lL; PROPERTY OWNER,S NAI{E: OWNER,S ADDRESS: 3!.i] N Third Street Thir:d and crace, LLC PHONE #:914-',7 63-',7 349 +ADDRE5S: 66 CONTRACTOR: N/ + TOTAL AREA SQ FT : ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL: Allen Crlbb PH PH | 2!2:352:33!!_ Nc REG #: : 910-191-1000 NC REG #: L ICE CITY: NSE #: Dq, EMAIL ADDRESS:tlc c aL c 6A PHoNE *: qlo. ?9q - ossa PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:qt(PHONE S: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building Ives Eruo ***** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usrl !ves flm *.*,*-. IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOTIAL: Robert Jacobsen 13519 023311 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: trLerior renovation ls food or beverages preparod or served in this structure? [Ves fi lo ls The Prop€rty Located ln The Floodplaine I Ves [ ruo lding Code and all other applicable Stale n the app Dlans and sDecificaiiorsNC Srare Bl.to codE andViolationof rot", o.ronJffffi"tions & ssbesto6 l€mm$flrffiH* ,o * "rorired usiog the oppricarion form (DHHs-3i68) whet|or the rocitity or buttdino wss tound ro contaln Asb€stos or not. You ere r€qulrod to csllthe Nadonal Emlsslon S.tandads for Hazardous AJr Pollubnb (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 3t least 10 &ys prior to th€ al€moliton of any tacili, or buildino. S€e Asb€eios Web Site: htFJAlww.opi.stat6.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.htrnljftor* r"or=cr cosr:flo sur-or.rc HETcHT: N,,AN/A I SQ FT PER FLR: ii,132 # OF UNITS: \/A # OF STORIES: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED: N/,q N,/ A ", SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS & INSERTS *' EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMrr? I-']veS [l NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 11 , 4 12 SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1i, 432 pRopERTy usE: florrrce lnesrauneur llaencelrrLe !eouc APT CONDO OTHER: WATER: SEWER: -ME CFPUA CFPUA f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION f] CENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM SA FT PAYMENT METHOD:ficasx flcuecx lenveelE To NHc) [nuenrcnn EXpREss I ucnlsa ! orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER: Approval:_ City:_DATE: FLOOD: Comment SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: BFE+2ft= REVISED DATE 4/11/12 ) N PERMIT FEE:v G bow DEVELOPER: PHONE #: 202-362-53ar CIW: !:ls4g!g_ ZIP | 284t2 CITY: r.Ji lminoLon ST: NC ZIP:284c1 6C.8)5 *, l'Lzwih*ll (check AlI that Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: ! ALTERATTON I neruOVerrOru ! CeNenll nrllrns ! RELOCATTON tf Rstocation. istherea Naturat cas Line on the 6urrent sitef Ives Ino ts aroc spRttlxLeneoz [l v". Ilto NEW cONSrRUcrrON: E EREcr NEI{ srRUcrURE f] rasr rnrcr ! Snrll ! urrrr ! aoo ro ExrsT STRUCTURE araFqqnpv <Tp TT PF. Uhat is the l,lew occupancy Type? _ SIGNATURE: #OF STRUCTURES: r',r #OFFLOORS: ' t\\"Ct;- itZ:-3 -ft-a+ & APPLICANT'S l,l.AIilE : DEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER CO.'NTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcArZatt rrPE: RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE ALSr{ER ALL qJESTIo S AppLtCIBLE T0 YorJR PRoIECT "ProJect ResponstbUity" Tbn,lvt PX)t'lE *: .L1q- t10'7 PRO]ECT AODRESS: s{rBorvlsrofi: o ZrP: .A|l'to C BLOCK *: LOT *: Pt${E f :q- t1a'l)1 St: tti Ztp:Z-N.e5 fl cc'z sr:./!zrn: ^t*osPtot{E *: )11 t 1O-7 o PROPERW O}'{ER'S M',IE:OA lv< O {ER,S ADDRESS:o crw: M LICENSE #: CXTY:l^)'. t, COI{TRACTOR: ADORESS: q PRO]ECT CCi{TACT PERSOI,I: b ,q ExIsTIMi coriSTRUCTIoil: E A ilEt{ cot{sTRuc T Iottr , {enect 1 _----7---- _LrERArroN ! nrr6vrrron ! ernen-ar- nsnarns f| PtoNE *:211't1o1 RE LOCATIO}'I SF tiEt{ RESIDEIi}CE or I ap,6lr1q{ TO EXISTIi6 RESIDENCE +.PLE.ISE CtrIECl( AI{D A}iSI{ER BELotI ALL TIIAT APPLY TO YOT.li PNO]ECT: f] arr camcr - sF ! oer cnnree - sF I sur,inoor --sF E pooi _ sF I eneelrxotrsr _-_]- sF I oecx - sr OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ rr: lll5 rorAl sq Fr rrilDER Rar: -fu-fl rorAl AREA sQ nz _bL7 TOTAL PROI E€T COST tr-ces r-at : $lOo,o0o # oF SToRIEST L Is Any ELECIRTC L, PLttiStlG or ltECMtltClI l.Jork Belng Don€ to the Accessory Structune? [ Ves I Uo If the project ls a Relocation, is thene a l{atural Gas Line on the Cunrent Slte? fives fl xo Is thene Electrlcal Polrer on thj.s Building? [-1v"r f-l to pRopERry rJsE / occupANcy, g(rnc,, rurlv I ruer-ex I ro,lrc{o{rsE oESCRIPTIoi{ OF lloiK:bq)c-D h e,L, s2- DlscLAl*lER lh6r.by c.nit t1a ai inbrmatim h nl3 ?pk6tbn b cotrEcl aid 6t u.ork wi! comply witl tl€ S.tab Buitdhg cod€ drd 6i 06€r .ppkabte slrt &d hcd tay,s and odin$caa a$ €euLEn8. The NHC De\elrphant SoNi:es C6nlI wil be noflbd ofany.tl 1g,es in fie appoled pEsrs dtc, sp€cifcatioGg or cllang€ in conttcbr o.conf*br hbmaton. "'ilOTE:Anywork PerfornBd w/i) fie Apgropdat P6mh! wItbe in Votston of tie NC StsE Btdg and $bjecl b Fines Up 'ro S5O0.OO- OI{IVE R/COT.ITRACTOR :Tant lv e1 ) **,r,r++*,*,.i+,r*** *****r***** *(I{Tl}lC;* l** **** *** ** * rs THE PROPERW LOCATED rN A FLOODPLATN? [ VeS EXI EXISTIIre I,{PERVIOI,S AREA: O SQ FT (foR oFFIC€ USE 0LY)zore, K-ts oFFICER: 114 SETBACKS: F:3D' u:/b' Apprcval: DtL city: hlth^ DATE: SIG ATURE: +,t+***** *,t,1***,t* *,t )t,r t{o TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: " I B 8E!1SE0 DAiE 04,/r!/14 NEll rrpERvrots AREA: _ sQ FT EXIST LAID DISTURBTiE PERUTT: F] yts El no liArER: EfcFpuA E coauxtw sysrEt'r E pRwArE !,ELL I cexrul wrll sErdER: EfcFpua I crrrnar- sEprrc f] pRrvArE sEprrc I co.o,urrw svsreN '*r SEPA,IATE PEf,ltrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, ttEcH, pLBc, GAs EgJrp, PBEFABS & rEERTs .**pAyrExr nETloo: Eosn E orecx (payABrE m r*rl E *n*r.* ri.ri, tr-ofrr* E orscow** r*tl * + + +,t:a:l l t ++* *,i,*:t * *,t *,! lt,i t *,**,t *+ l + t*,t:f :t**tt+:l+:i+,f+*+,t:i*:fat!t*,tt+i:t*jl,t*it****,r:tr8:i!t,a:t,t:i*,1 ta Lr :)c\J C.)o. c/ <r,, =:=-)C,Q)4,.c. =l<)o,(.., 1 ror: /o ' B:25'Gr$il*.rr) Zo.Ex BF E+2ft= $51 \ll€e(N Codrr€ nt : \t1 9 &fBr*rr r hl \l \ l, F LOOD: 1 PERI'IIT FEE:T+P APPLTCATIotI umber (o+flce Use) oxe;_.]llJ_!!_ CITY: {* o }-oL"t sr(rro*o, -. r^ t.4 sr EIitAI L ADORESS : ffi APPLICANT'S MI,,IE: DEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER COI,NTY BUILDING PERI,IIT APPLICATI0II n"E: RESIDETITIAL PLEASE A}ISI'ER ALL gJESTtOflS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect RGipoflslbiuty, CTTY: APPLICATIOIiI umber (OPflce Use) DATE: /b PT€ E *:ztP':;!t3o5 BLOCK #: LOT *: srt Lzrp:Lfr05 sr:./!zre: At+os PtotiE t: ) -7 ", t 1 C:7 pl(r{E r: 211-,1 01 PROJECT ADOiESS: S{,BDIVISIO{: PROPERTY OUiIER'S |IAI,IE :OA lv< O {ER'S ADDRESS:o CO'{TRACTOR: ADORESS: LI EIiATL ADORESS: PRO]ECT CG{TACT PERSoiI: crw: LICEI.ISE *:(!'l[5') CITY 3 Ll', I *, . b Io lu EXISTII.IG CO STRUCTION: E ALTERATION fln,lrron [ GE''IERAL REparRs I ner-ocarrolr ilEr{ coirsTRuclloil, [l-enecr El{ REsrDEr,tcE o" ! oorrror ro ExrSTrr& RESTDEN€E ..PLEASE CI{ECI( AIE AIiS}IER BELO{ ALL IHAT APPLY T0 YOUn pROJECTT [arr caalee - sF I oer oamee - sF I surnoor'r -_ sF f] eoor- _ sr I eneeuHarse - sF I orcr _ sr EI-poncx /+SF [zsromee as OTHE R: qZ sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:bao TorAL sQ FT ulrDER RooF: gDA rorAl AREA sQ FT: 7c-2- TOTAL PROIECT COST c-"o r-a) : $$o,ooo * OF STMIES: Is Ary ELECIRICAL, PLIIEI 6 or IIECHI}{ICII. l.Jork Belng Done to the Accessony Stnuctur€? f, Ves I Xo If the project ls a Relocation, 1s there a Natural 6as Line on the Cument site? ftves I lto Is there Electrical Pouer on thls Bultdlng? f]ves [-l no pRopERw nsE / occupAncy, (srnc.a remrlv I crupr-ex E TohrisousE DESCRIPTISI OF t&RK: b SF D&lAh,EFl IherBby c.rtjt lhat ei inbrmaton h ,tis ?piba6on b colrsd €nd sx york wi[ corng]y wifi tle SraE &rildiB Code ald d ofi€r +plc.$b Stlb s.ld tocd taws and odtn!flc!3 l'd rglultlions. Tie NHC oe\eloptnent S.Nit€3 Ccolr will b€ noti.d ofany ch&g€s in $e +pro!6d pkrs arl(l apodfcatons or cha.tgs h contrlcbr o. con!6cbr hbdD8ton. "1{OTEi Any O,*.IER/COt{TRACTOR: zo{E: -gUoFFrcER:TN Work Performed W,O fi€ AppropiaD Permhswttbe ln --i-I O"t lve v'loblbn of u1e Nc sr'a Bldg Q$e aid subiecr o Fina3 Lh To $$0.00,- _ . stc ArUREr S.--* =-Q^-"--- .-:r;;;;;g;*,**:l******* *,t.* * * '*:* )* * * *,t**:t ttEra):F+ +*t*ti* *,i++ +t*+ +** +,t* +**ri*,|** rs rlrE pRoPERw LocArED rN A FLOooPLATN? f] ves El ro ToraL acREs DrsruRBEDr , I I NE}I ITPEMTTOUS AREA 3 - SQ FT EEST LATD DISTURBIT{G PERIIIT: FI YES EI rc r{arER: Ef cFpuA I co"rruHrw svsreu I pRwATE uELr I cexrul wrll sErGR: EfcFpuA I crurnar- sEprrc E pRrvarE sEPrrc f] co*r.nrw svsre , *** SEPAIIATE PEE{ITS REqUIRED FOR ELECT, iIECH, PLBG, @S Eq'IP, PREFAES & III'ERTS "+ I pAy Er{T nET}Eo: E cAsx E cxrcr (DAYABLE Io rl{l ! Arreucax ExPiEss E aaf** [ orscovrn *t* * ****+i* t*+*,t*,i,t,t+ * +**it.t*tt +i.*l,tlt t,;**:|trt,trlt**:l*,t+,i+1.:ii!*l)t,t,i:i*+*ttl,tir:*t)t*t:t *+rt,l+t,l+*i (roR offtct usa iEwstD DArE 0411111l orq5€r<t)(E f= ,.2/)rl)a1,P &proval :-!L city :-\lL!!L DArE * \orl LH:\D Flt: lo' s:{mr,ltaur,r' a$f:_ 8FE+2ft= N oiLY)r,l\lrSETBACKS: Coflrcnt: mct.{ 510rrc{s(e. nl.Ir"FLMD: Ii{€PERI4IT FEE:lb )at, -ltl75 16"€+5b Tb*1 lv"'/ pr€fiE *: )1q'l1a'l Exrsrrrr Ii,pERvrdrs aREA: -12- sQ FT NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,,ECT "Project Responsibility" Affit AppIcation HilHi;:"'::., Date. 10/28/2016AppLtcANT,s NAME. D.B. Horton, lnc pRoJEcT ADDREss: 7870 Champlain Drive 61ry. Wilmington z,P.28412 sUBDtVtstoN: Bass Lake at Woodlake Waterside tor #. 1 06 owNER,s ADDREsS. 7483 Chipley Drive CtTy. Wilmington ZtP.28411 CoNTRACT9R: D. R. Horton, lnc BLDG UCENSE #. 29676 ADDREss. 7483 Chipley Drive ctTy. Wilmington st, NC ztp ?8411 EMATL ADDRESS: ccpalmer@drhorton.com PHoNE. 910-821-8558 pRoJEcT coNTACT pgq59N. Charlotte Palmer PHONE 910-821-8558 u Deck (SF)E other (sF)129 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No Unheated:684 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $178070 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E lto ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description o1 1111o11' New single family residential laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor information- **+NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.00*** Owner/Contractor:Charlotte Palmer Signature:Charlotte C Palmer "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 15 New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Centralwell n Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem E Private Septic ! Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _q Comment:Permit Fee: S pRopERTy owNER,S NAME: D. R. Horton, lnc pHoNE #: 910-821-8558 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation i.* PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'}*'} E ett earage (sr) 461 n Det Garage (sF) E Porch (SF) 88 n Sunroom (SF)_ n Pool (sF)_ E Storage Shed (5F)_ E Greenhouse (SF) _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDE R ROOF lt'or proposed workl Heated:2678 ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N rYPE: RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Application Nurnber {office use) oate. 1012212016'" ^ tmerAppLlcANT's NAME. L/r rilr ru e ril pRorEcT ADDREss. 7882 Champlain Drive ctTy. Wilmington ztP. 28411 suBDtvtstoN: Bass Lake at Woodlake LOT # 109 owNER,s ADDREss. 7483 Chipley Drive ctw. Wilmington aP.28411 CoNTRACToR: D.R. Horton, lnc ADDREss. 7483 Chipley Drive ctTy. Wilmington BLDG TICENSE # st: NC ztP. 28411 EMATL ADDREss: ccpalmer@drhorton.com PHoNE. (910)821-8558 pRoJEcT coNTAcr tap561. Eric Rodman pnorrrr' (91 0)520-6544 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation **'PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTI'I'I' E Att Garage (SF)429 tr sunroom (5F) L- Det Garage (SF) _-: Porch iSF)450 :l other (SF) f Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) I storage Shed (SF)_ n Greenhouse (sF)_ ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL 5Q FT UNDERROOT lJor proposed work)Heated: 3126 TOTAT PRoJEcT cosT (Less Lot)5230340 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? El Yes ! No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family n Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Single Family Besidential lawsand ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Cente r will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and spe€ifications or chan8e in contractor information. "+NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to $500.00"' Owner/Contractor:Charlotte Palmer Signature:Charlotte C Palmer "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Affes Disturbed: 2 New lmpervious Area:2593 Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Well E Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Septic n Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date: _ Flood:(A)_(V) _(N)_BFE+2ft=_ Comment: Permit Fee: S Qtoz- Aottt ' I tL5,lEM pRopERw owNER,S NAME: D.R.Horton, lnc pHoNE#: (910)821-8558 unheated: 1298 _:. 't&, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CATI ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO',ECT "Proiect Responsiblllty" \otu-ilL5) fi6+9A2 AppLICANTS NAME. Charlotte Palmer Date.10/?212016 pROJEST ADDRE5S. 791 1 Champlain Drive CITY Wilminglon Zlp, 14.+ t 1 sUBDtVtStoN. Bass Lake at Wood Lake LOT il:42 CoNTRACToR: D.R. Horton, lnc.BLDG LTCENSE #. 29676 ApDREss. 7483 Chipley Drive ctTy. Wilmington sr. NC ztP. 28411 EMAtt ADDRESS: ccpalmer@drhorton.com PHoNE. (910)821-8558 pRoJEcT coMAcT,rxro*. Eric Rodman p116xs (910) 520-6544 EXISTING CO'{STRUCTION: n Alteration D Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION; E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation *I'*PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BEIOW AlL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*'I* E ltt carage (sf)407 n Det Garage (sF) f porch (SF)tlJ D Sunroom (sFl _ n Greenhouse (SF) _ fJ Storage shed (sF) _ I other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes f] No rOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Healedi zo.+3 Unheated:530 IOTAL PROJECr COST {Less Lot): S 1 70000 s the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E ttlo s any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes n No fthe proiect isa Relocation, istherea Natural 6as Line on t he current site? E Yes E t{o s there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No I Pool (SF) I Deck (sF) ,roperty Use/ )€scriptlon of Occupancyr E Slngle Famlly E Duplex E Townhouse l r.r1, Single Family Flesidenlial avvs aad ordinanc€s and regulations. The NHc Deve,opment Services Center w;ll be notitied of any changes iit the app.oved plans and speciflcation5 or change in contractor nformation. *"NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate perfiits willb€ in violatiofl ofthe NC State Bldg Codc and rubject to fih6i lrp to S500.00.'. )wner/Contra.tor. Charlotte PalmeriD.R. Horton, Inc Signaturer Charlotte C Palmer #:.1*:?!i:;::l:::'- ^'-' 'Licensed Quol$er' P nt Name sthe property located inafloodplain? El Yes E fto .rlstlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .39 ,lew lmpervious Area:2177 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbint Permit: Ei Yes D No UAIER: E CFPUA - Community System E PrivBte Well n Centralwell E Aqua ,EWER: El CFPUA tr Community System fl Private Septic fl centralseptic E Aqua .one: -- Offlcer: _ SetbaclG (F)_ {tH} _ (RH} _ (B} _ rpproval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) ---- (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ lomment: Permit Fee: $\,*tz - pRopERTy owNER,5 141ys.D.R. Horton, lnc paolrr r: (910)821-8558 owl{En,s ADDRES5. 748:} Chipley Drive Ctw, Wilmington 71p.28411 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Responsibility" Application appLtcANT,s NAME. Charlotte Palmer Iov-iIZ6E, oa:€. 10t22t2016 pRoJEcT ADDREss: 7907 Champlain Drive ctTy. Wilmington ztP.28412 suBDtvtstoN: Bass Lake at Woodlake toT #:41 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: D'R HOTION, INC pHoNE #: (910) 821-8558 OwNER,s ADDREss. 7483 Chipley Drive ctTy Wilmington ltP.2841',| pRoJEcT coNTACT pERsoN. Eric Rodman pHoNE (910) 520-6544 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation **,*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTI'I'{' E ltt earage (sr) 389 n Sunroom (SF) ! Det Garage (5F)_Z Porch (SF)105 E Storage Shed (sF) _ E other (5F)160 I Pool (SF) I Deck (5F)E Green house (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heate 3221 TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): $211000 lsthe proposed workchangingthe number of bedrooms? fl Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex n Townhouse Description of work: New single family home with attached garage laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractorinformation- "+NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC state Bldg code and subject to fines up to Ssoo.oo'** Owner/contractor: Charlotte Palmer/D.R.Horton lnc Signature:Charlotte C Palmer "Licensed Quolifier" Pdnt Ndme ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E ruo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .27 New lmpervious Area:3124 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA n Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA fl Community System E private Septic E Centrat Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ )Comment:Permit Fee: S coNTRAcToR. D.R. Horton, lnc. BIDG LtcENsE #.29676 ADDRE5S. 7483 Chipley Drive ctry Wilmington sT NC 2tp.28411 EMATL ADDRESS: ccpalmer@drhorton.com p69x5. (910) 821-8558 Unheated: 757 & APPLICATION T YPfi RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELT TO YOUR PRO]ICT)', t:l "Proje(t Responsibility" &tU' ile36,,,,",," gez tr"-3otj (offic€ u5e) APPLICANT,S NAMT PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: /j f4.a.6r1pa4 //.t gti ,r-s Da:l"': / o zotL ztP .?-9'*€{ (, ctw PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME fitu * /-lu tEuta OWNER,S ADDRTSS: CONTRACTOR ILL (-E-tN /J PHONf d 9? j -/,ol 4,1", CtrY: At-rr t*zlp':2alds' ADDRTSS tMAII. ADDRTSS oz Br-DG LtCtNSt # ctrY: I l), Lo1/t/ LlaA sr:-zlP nvfi- PHONE ?t*-/ar:qGa/ @ vt,c fir, LLr.tarPRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON tXlSTlNG cONSTRUCTION: fl Alterataon E Renovalion E General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTtoN D Erect New Residence B Addition to txisting Residence fl Relocatron *I'IPLEAST CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCT..* E Det Garage (5F) 4rO D Porch (SF)E Att Garage (sF)_ D Sunroom (SF) _ n Greenhouse (Sf) _ E Pool (5t) fl Deck {sF) unheatedt z/3 P E Storage shed {5f)- ! other (sF) $v9e f v€c. ls the proposed work changin8 the existing lootprint? E yes [] t'to TOTAI Sq FT UNDTRROOF Uor proposed wor*) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (less t ol). 5 J-9 O O O ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes El lrlo ls any Elecl,ical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes D No lf the projecr is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas [ine on the current site? E Yes B No lsthere Electrical Power onthis Building? 6 Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: El Single family D Duplex E Townhouse Description ol work: B t. :ca AO t -14 q@jL aq4-.\ laws and ordinances and regularion!. The l,lHC Developmenl Servi(es Cenlei wrll be nolrlied ot any r rntormation "'NOTI:Any work p€rformed wilhout the appropriate p€rmils willbe in violaiion ol l Owner/Contra.tor Signature "Ltcensed QuoltJier" Pant Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes El l',lo {80 sqx hange5 3pproved plans and speafrcalronr or change in conltactol heN ldB Code and 5uble.t lofrnes up to S5O0.O0"' fxistinB lmpervious Area: New lmpervious Area: Total Acres Disturbed: qto Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E) Yes ! No WATER: F CFPUA D Community Sysrem O Private Well D Central Well fl Aqua stwER: $ CFPUA E Communitysystem D Privateseplrc E Central Septrc E Aqua Zone: __ Olficer: __ Setbacks (t) _ (IH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Ciry: ___ Dare: _ rloodi (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ Bf Er2tt= _ (-(-l i\ Lof a : o?8/Q -oo r'-eo6 no1 PHONT:8).?-< nu- 4t 04{ hu. L*<//s Comment: permit tee: $ *tqry Dfi-&,1*s1^l. ( rJ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TYPE; COI4MERCIAL PLEAS! ANSUIEfi Att QUESTIoIIS APPLICABLE T0 YolJff PRoIECT 'Project ResponsibiLity" lnv.nDL aopii -rrorNumber APPLICA T'S NAllEi pelphi conscruction, rnc. DATE:-J]:15:-1S- DEVELOPER:PHONE *: pnO:rcr monrsi,4&l,D Mcclelland Drive ?ZIP: zeqosCITY: wi.l OCCUPANT/BUSINEss AME i tro].conddhlniums lAl'l Rri 1 PRoPERTY o ilER'S NII]IE;Place OUINER'S ADOREsS:nd Drive CONTRACTOR: Delohi coRstruction ADDRESS: pc Box log LICENSE *: Nc CITY! ailminq:on ST: Nc ztP: 2s4os ST: Nc ZtrP: 2e54r PHoNE #: s1o-353-i544 PHONE *: 91c a 2-6451 CITYr.lackson!111e EMAIL ADDRESS: delDhi. office.adement@d$ai1 . coln PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: r'Chect AII rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:6ENERAL REPAIRS Ero ts BLDG sPRIN RELOCATIOT'l xleneoz I vu. flrunlf R€locEtlon, is lhere I Notural NEl,, CoNSTRUCTTo[i I rneCr ren sTRUcTuRE f] rmr rucr I sxtr-l I ucrrr f] aoo To ExIsT FTRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The She]l Permit +:Is Elect Porer on this Euilding EfYes E lo r1**. rs rxts A cHANcE oF occupAllcy usE? flvrs [ rc *.--* ldhat is the N6,, OccuPancy TYPe? ALTERATToN f-l aemvlrrolt Gas Line on the Eirenl Site? E IF Yes, rrhat was the Pr.vlous OccuPancy Iype? ARCH DESI6I{ PROFESSIOIAL: E'{6R DES]GN PROFEsSIONAL PH NC REG *: _ NC RE6 ii: DESCRIPTION OF I'ORK:ReDlace existinq ou side de.ka a.d atalrs ls food or bevorages prepsred or ssNed h thls struaur"Z [vu" I lto ls Th€ Proporty Loc€ted InThe Floodplain?EYes r DISCLAIMER: lhereby ce lt lhal allioformatjon in end bcallatds and oadinances and reoulauoos. The dr atEnoe n c,ontraclor or contracu lnformallon " Subi€cllo Fines Up To$500.00"' h€ sbre Suildlflg cooe D(sr LAND DrsruRBno eenurn I SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N wll OWNER/CONTRACTOR: oi"" p.ir". SIGNATUR lordii., Fthl Nu.) Noti Dsmolldon nolln.arlons & sb€d6 rsovd pemlt .pplicalions ala !o b€ subm conlrln AsDostrs o. not. Ydl ,re reqd.Gd lo .s[ lh6 Ndiond Embsbn St]endar& tor ned usln0 lhs apprlcdron torm (fiHS'5766) wtolher tho iatlnt ot u.!l6lng wBs round Io Hoz.rdous AIr Pollulnts {NESHAP) al (919)7fi'5950 al lcast 10 davs glor lo the derrrl on 61 6nv bdiy or buildhg, s6€ Alb.stos web sit6: htlp://lrrrrw.eP'.slale.E.lrsled/asbastorshmp hlFl rorAL PRoJEcr co." $la:gg-e{jr$BUILDING HEIGH-I':JI OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT # OF STORIES: ? TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES:S OF FLOORS: -ACRES DISTURBED:0 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: IYES NO SO FT pRoPERTy usE: DoFFlcE EResmuneNr [uencemle [eouc [eer ficoNoo orne* WATER: IZTCFPUA I]COMMUNIrySYSTEM NWELL DZON'NG USE CTASSIFICATION: - SEWER: TAfFPUA ECENINAL SEPTIC L-] PRMATE SEPITC []] COMMUNITY SYS]EM ",SFPMATE PERMITS REOUIREO FON ELECT,MECII, PLBG,GASEOUIP, PREhNBS & INSENTS ''' pAyMENr METHoD: ficesH [cHecx PAYABLE TO NHC) f]ruenclU exeness I ucrusl I olscovrn (FoR oFncE usE oNLY) RgvsEo DATE 1/11/12 ZONE:_OFFIcER SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:- B:- Approval: Citfx- DATE:- FLOOD: - -_ - BFE+ Comment PERMIT FEE: PHONE S: !10-?99-9?79 is correcl ard allwork wil SO FT PER FLR:- )- *\*^,,4 trr 0{Il,J b,t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT Zott,tL31 APPLTCATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,/ER AtL QUESTIONS APPIICASLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project ResponsibilLty" APP ICATION tilurnber (odtice use) DelDhi Conslruction Inc DATE: 1t - 1:- 15APPLICANTJS NAIIE: DEVELOPER I PHONE #: PRoIECT ADDRESS: 4LlZ uccrerrana Drive r) OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE :Holton Place Condor,ini PROPERTY ol^lNERr S NAl4€ :ts6]ton Flace condomi niuns OWNER'S ADDRESS: 4Ll2 Mccrerru"a Drive D CITY: !,lilmirq.on l,lhat is the Ne\,/ Occupancy Type? _ PH: CITY: trii Zlp 1 2aaa5 1 PHONE fii ,ro.r)r.rr, ST: !q ZIP: 284 o5 CONTRACTOR: Detphi consrruc!:.an, rnc ADDRESS: po Box 3og El.lAIL ADORESS; delph: . ofi 1ce . nallaqemenEorqmai] . com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: LICEiISE $: Nc CITY: Ja.kso.vil1e sT: jS_ zlP : f!13! PHONE * PHONE * 910-353-36.r/. 9to-352-5451 E RELOCATIONEXIST CONSTRUCTTON: f, ALTERATTON lf Rolocatioo, is there a NaturalGas Line on the Current Site? RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS Yes E No lS BLDG SPRINKLeneor I v""E No NE coNsTRUcTro1: I rrecr ttut srRUcruRE ! rasr rnacx ! snrrr f] ucrrr ! ADD To Exrsr Jrnucrunt ACCESSORY STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building Yes E ruo '***** rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupar,lcy usE? flves fl r'16 -...- IF Yes, uhat kas the Previous Oc(upancy Type? NC REG 1I: NC REG N: ARCH DESIGN PROF€SSIONAL: EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL: DESCRIPTIoN 0F l,loRK:Reolace existinq out€rde decks and stairs. b tood orbev$ag€s pr€pd€d or servod In this sflrturet flves I uo lsThe Property Located ln'Ihe Floodplain? f]Ves I No sbre auiEin0 code a.d allOISCLAIMER: I heebv edtu lhat all inrormatio., rn lhis applicaljon ls cor€ct &d all work will comCy with lhe,rd llgl law3 and ordinanc€s and.eoulauofls. -he NHc DeveloDmerl Setvces Cenler uiill be nolilled of anv 6rananoe rn contactor or conl.&lor lirormatlon "'NOTF:Arywor\ PerlotftEd wO lhe Approg ale Permiis SuUect-lo Fine6 Up To $500.00"' NC- SQ FT OWNEFICONTRACTOR ACRES DISTURBED: -!-EXST LAND DISTURBING PER SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: urr l-lves-N/* :NO SIGNATUR {odlt.i Pirtl.h.) Noro: D€molllon nodncdbns a .sb€dos r*nc.ral p.ittl spdlc.lioG er6 ro b€ submltted ushg the appllcallon f..m (OHHS-3788) shether he facilily or bulldno was lound lo cooth Asb€stos or nor. you 616 requlred !o cs! th€ Nr[omt Erntddl Srands.6 f()r tl5zsrdot,! Ar Po{nlsrllB (NEStt P) .r (s19)70r-595o e Eaf 10 dsys klr to ho der.lfrdrof.nyhdfiydbdldlno.S.eAsbaddslt€bSto:htlq/&u.edslab.IElrsledasb?sloq/ahmpifi! roTAL PRoJECT cosr, $!A!gq-E!.} BUILDING HEIGHT # oF LJNITS: 24 TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - , OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORSi--- pRopERry usE: DoFFrcE DnesreuneNr [uencnNnle nEouc nepr z CONDO OTHER: waren: g6rpul E coMMUNlrY SYSTEM EWELT EZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: SEWER: II;ICFPUA [] CENTRAL SEPTIC LJPRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM "' SEP RATE PERMITS R'OIJIRED FOR €I ECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP. PIIEFA&S & INSERTS "' eAvMENT METHoD: Eclsn EcnEcx (PAYABIE To NHC) finuentcnx exenESS E McNtsA I oscoven NEW lt\TPERVIOUS AREA: ZONE:-OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SEIBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- City:- DATE- FLooD: -- -- BFE+m= AVN Commentl PERMIT FEE: RTVISEO DATE ]IA 'I2 aro NE: n sO FT PER FLR: # OF SToRIES: 2 \t*vff',1w,,trn*sw l,otu nDo;::\NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON IYPgj COMI.IERCIAL PLEASE AiISNER ALL QUE5TION5 APPLICAALE fO YOUN PRO]ECT "ProJect Responslb1l1ty" riirr-Er ron Number (otfice Use) APPLICANT, S NAI,IE :DeIohi consLruction lnc DEVELoPER: PHONE #: PROIECT ADDRESS: 4bI4 ucclelland Dri". F.l CITY: wilminqEon OCCUPANT/BUS]NEsS NAI.IE i IToITon Place condomini lA11 Buildinos) z+P ,28405 PROPERTV OIiNER,S NAI.IE : Eolaon Pl.ace Condominiume iloA CITY Filmino'-on PHONE *: 910-?s9-97?9 ST: }lc ZIPoWNER'S ADDRESS: 4b"I4 uccrerraro CONTRACTOR r DeiDhl co]1struction, Inc ADDRESS: Po Box 3og Drive N :28105 LICENSE $: Nc El'lAI L ADDRESS:del6h1. off ice. rnanaqemenE@qmai1 CITY: Jackson.rille sT: -!l!_ zfP : l!!ll PHoNE *: eLo-351 - 3641 ((hecl All Thit Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:RELOCATION xr eneot l-'] vu. Iiil NoIf Relocation, is there a Natural PRIN NEr,' CoNSTRUCrrOr.r: I eneCr lew STRUCTURE ! rasr rnrcx I sxer-t I uerrr f] noo ro Exrsr ETRUCTuRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: aLTERATToN I-l nrrovlrrolr 17 cetEnal nrperns Ges Line on rhe dirrenr sib? EY;_EINo ls BLDG s If UPFIT - The sheLl Permit # IF Yesr $/hat l,fas the Prevlous occuPancy 'type? Is ELect Poter on this Building d"eF Eruo ***.* rs rHrs a CHANcE oF ocslpANcy usE? [v:s [! r.ro "**,tlttat ls the Neu Oc(uPan<Y TYPe? ARcH D€SIGN PRoFESSIoNALT ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:PH: DESCRTPTION OF trioRK: R WATER: SEWER: (FoR OFFTCE USE oNLY) ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH:_-RH: B: Appro\ral:_ Cltlx-DATE- FLOOD: - - BFE+2fi= NC REG $ CREGN ls food or bevdagos prBparod or serv€d in thls structuref flves fl uo bThe Property Locat€d lnThe Floodplain?No wirh rh. srar6 Buildng code and all SIGNATUR d.fiolltlon ol ahy taclllry o. bLrtldh!. Se Asbesros w.b Si|!: hlip:/itr,w{.epl.slat .m.us,epuasbeslos/dhp.hlrn! TOTAL PROJECT COST $:asea-Ecat BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SO FT #OF STORIES: 2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES:I OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:o EXST LAND DISTURBINC ETNI,tTI I YES I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SA FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pRopERry usE: floFFrcE flnesmunerur fluencernlr [eouc ff eer @@NDO OTHER: {od6.r) PthtNnm) tlot!: o.mofilon ftdlk5ns & ..b.do. ts@l p.mh apdh.toE lr. lo h. .ub6lt!.d Blr€ lh. ePpil6lio mntrln Asb.rtos or not. Yd, alo requlred to crll lhe NalrorBl E nbslon sl8n&r& for Hazardous Ak Pofluanls lorm (oHtls-376a) wh.h€r ft6 ,acllity or bu qn! was rdrld ro INESIIAP) at (919)70-5860 at l6ast 10 day3 !.ior lo Lhe JCEPUA N COMMUNITY SYSTEM Vcrpue fr ceurm- seertc fl EWELL flzoNrNc usE cL sslFlcATloN: - PRMATESEPTTC fl COMMUNTTY SYS'IEM pAyuENT METHOD: DCASH ECHECK(PAYABLE TO NHC) f]el,SntCau e<eness I ucartsn E osdoven Comment N PERMIT FEE: R:nSEDDATE 4/11/12 oATE: i1-1s-15 PROIECT CoiIIACT pERSOt'l: PHONE f: l:9--152:.!35f- OWNER/CONTRACTOR: oino Psiros #OFUNITS;2a I "'SEPAF TE PEFMIIS REOUIREIJ IjOR El-ECt, MECI-|, P!BG, GAS EOUIP. PIIEF,rB's & lNSEFis " NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI'AII0N IYPE; COMMERCIAL PTEASE A SUER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAEIE TO YOUR PRO]EC'T "Project Responsibillty" ')i)u ltZLl AP0LrcATroN Numb€r DelDhi const!uc!1 DATE i 11- 1s 16APPLICANT,S NAME: DEVELOPER I PHONE S: PRoIECT ADDRESS: 4rtl, Mcclelland Dlive M CITY: witmi ZIP r ?8a05 OCCT PANT/BUSINESS NAHE: ItoLEon pla condohiniirnE (A1I Bui PROPERTY OWNER,S NAITE I lia on Place condomi ol4lNER'S ADDRESS:C1 11and Dri CITY: r,{il.mirqion sT: :Nc APr 28405 CONTRACTOR: pelphi consEruction, lnc.LICENSE *: Mc EIiIAIL ADDRESS; Cel DL1.off1ee.naoenenE@amalI. com CITY: .lacksonvllle 5T:lg- ZIP: 23s41 PlloNE #:910-3E3-3644 AoDRESS: ?o Box 308 PROIECT Col.lTACT PERSON: Dino Psilo6 PHOIIE *: e10-r52-54s?--.-.-r------ (check A]1 rnat apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Reloc8iion, is the.e a NaturalGas Line on the Cur NEW CONsTRUCTTON: ! eneCr ruew sraucrune I FAST TRACI{SHELL ucrrr I eoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE Is Elect Po{er on thls Building Vrr' E *o RENovATToN [7 aelernr nrparns J-l RELocATToN renr sire? f] yes*ElNo 6 sroc spRNxLrneor I vos [ ruo ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Perhit + *ri'r* rs rurs A CHANGE oF occupar{cy rrsE? flvrs fluo **,** IF Yes, uhat uas the Pievious O<crpancy Type] t&lat ls the Neu, occuPancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOi]AL: ENGR OEsI6N PROfESSIOltlAL: PH:NC REG * NC REG iIPl.l DE5CRIPTI0N 0F WoRK: Replace exisEinq ouEslde deck6 and sEairs 16 ,ood or beverages pruparod or s€rved in tHE gtructute? E Yes No ls Th6 Propeny Located ln The Floodpl8in?Yes I No the Slars Euildlng SIGNATUR a DISCLAIMER: I he.€by cauly lrat allinfo.mallon in and tocallads and oronan es and requlzlions.The or cnanos in conlracbr or conl€clor informallon "'Suol€cr'lo Fhes Up IoS500.00"' OWNERICONTRACTOR:Dino PEi106 (orr6.t) P.iltN@) Nol€: O€lrrdlton nodncdbns a sb.slos rcmcArar p€hn lPdka{oB aG lo b6 lub.niIl.d clno thc .rC,..do. lod (oHH @nrah Astesros or not. You ,€ ruqulr.d to crl lhe N.lbn5l Embslon sl8n&r(h td H&.nlous Alr Pofldant! {l^lEStlAP) d.rDlltoar of eny hfty o. brdldhq, S.a Asbsdo6 Web 6lt6: lrupJ Mr^r',.0plllaB.nc ul/€pllasbosloshhmp.hhl TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL sQ FT UNDER RooF: - * oF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURB'NG PERMIT?YES STING IMPERVIOUS AREA:N/k s-376a) lrtBrE 0E ia.lllv o, bdldi.C wB l4nd l. at (919)707-5950 at lelgl 10 dsys trlor lo ue # OF FLOORS: E I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTY usE: EoFFlcE f]nrsreuneur I eouc [mr flmuoo o'rnen WATER: SEWER: TACFPUA I E(rpue E coMMUNrrysysTEM fl WELL fIZONTNG usE cLASSlFlcATloN: CENTRALSEPTTC LIPRIVATESEPnC fICOMMUNITSYSTEM SQFT EXI MERCAN'I'ILE SO FT .'SEPAF TE PERMIIS AEAUIRED FOF ELE:1.MECH, PLBG, GASEOUIP, PREFAAS & INSAiTS'" PAYMENT METHOD: [CeSn flcirecx PAYABLE TO NHC) f]nUentcrru eXeness fiucrvtse f] oscovEn ZONE:-OFFICER (FOROFFTCE USE ONL9 SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: FEVISEO DAIE,l/1r12 BFE+2fi=Ap/oval: Cit)r:- DATF FLOOD: -- N Commentr PERMIT FEE: $ PHoNE S: 910-799-9?r9 TOTAL PROJECT CoSr: $la99S-E{,r.t BUTLDING HEIGHT: - # OF UNITS: '.. - SO FT PER FLR:- #OFSTORIEST 2 *\5<6ut b D{-br,r!ro^$'laI0(})'Lol,, -t \TLX lppEc-nrror Number v'NEhJ HA}NVER COUNTY BUILDING PERHIT aPPLI'ATI,N TYPE: COT1MERCIAL PLEASE AtlS!{ER ALt QUEST1oNS APPLICABTE TO YoUR PRoIECI 'Project ResPonslbillty" DeIDhi constructiAPPLICANT'S NAI{E DEVELOPER:PHONE S: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:4,lB vcclelland Dri OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA}1E: HoiI cordortiniumE {AI1 Buil PROPERTY OWNER) S NAI"IE : l{olEon P]ace Condoiri-niufts L CITY: witm ZIP:28aos OU]NER, S ADDRESS:4&lA Mcclerland Prive L CITY: vritmi PHoNE *r 9Io-?99-9?r9 ST: !q ztrP; 284 os CONTRACTOR:n.r.hi aanstrrctlon LICENSE $: -89_- ADDRESS: Po Box 308 CITY:,lackso nviLle ST: Nc Z Pr 2a54). EMAIL ADDRESS: de1Dhl. office. nanaqe(enE@qmail . com PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: f,ino Psi PHoNE #; ll!=E:!351_ {Check All rhat &ply)fvu_l GENERAI. REPAIRS RELOCATlONEXrST CONSTRUCTION: fl ALTERATTON lf Raloca on. ls there a NalutalGas Line on the Current Site? RENOVATIONtr E uo ts BLDG SPRINKLER eot I v".No NEr,l coNsTRUcTIoN: I tntcr xet.l sTRUCTURE I rlsr rnacx f, strr-r- [ ucrrr I ADD To ExrsT $TRUcTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTTJRE: If UPFIT - The 5he11 Pernit S: Is E1ect Porer on this Building .r,*r'. rs rHrs A 0IANGE oF occupAr,lcy usE? flves fluo *-".* Ye$ Lj N0 If Ves, Lhat i/as the Prevlous occupancy Type?hhat ls the Ner,r occupancy TYPe? NC REG 3 NC RE6 IARCH DESI6N PROF€SSIOTIAL: TNGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: PH PHi DESCRIPTIoN OF I^JoRK:Replace eiisti nq outside decks and 6!a ls food or b€vorag66 prepared o. soNed h lhis 6truc{urez flves E] lto ls The Property Locsled ln The Floodplain? EYes [ ruo wirh lhe stare Buildins lbe SIGNATUROWNER/CONTRACTOR:Di[o Psilos (qrdfi.d or'i". Mm) Nora: Olmolldon notttlcatlo.B E a$6stos r.rno'/d peml aPpllcdons aro b bo lubrnlftd ush0 lh€ .ppllcalbn dbh A.b..r6 d .ot. Vdr .r. r..uLed to el lhe Nalio.r.l Embslo. Sr.der& fo. Htzlrdous f Po{danIs lorm {DHHS'376E) whe$or lie taclly 3r bull4n0 was found lo INESHAP) ar {919)707-5950 ar bast 10 days Eior lo ii€ # OF UNITS 21 # OF STORIES: z # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED EXSI LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?tfYES I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PRoPERTY usE EoFFrcE Dnrsraunnxr [uenceure leouc f]eer flcoruoo orHER: w rER: EICFPUA SEWER: ETCFPUA ",SEPAFATE PERMIIS REOUIRED FOR ELECT,I!4ECH, PT8G, GAS EOUIP, PREFAA.S & INSENIS ''' PAYT ENT METHOD: ECnSn ECneCr (PAYABLE TO NHC) firu,aentonn exeaess I trlcartsn I oISOOVER N/k D COMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL f]ZONING USE CTASSIFICATION: f] CENTRAL SEPTIC LJPRIVATE SEPTIC DCOMMUNITY SYSTEM ZONE:OFFICER: (FOROFFTCE USEONLYSETBACKS:F;_LH:_RH: B: Approval:- C|t),i-DATE FLOOD: --- BFE+2fi= AVN Comment:PERMIT FEE: F!r/lsED oATE 4n1/12 DATE: 1l - 1s -:5 PHoNE #: 9r.o-353-354/, damlitbn ot a,!y hdrv d bulldlno. 5.6 Aib6lce ! leb Sn6: ttior/Ur&.€pi-.ts!a.nc.usieC/.Eb.6io./shmp hhl rorAL PROJECT COST, $igq.3{.*} BUILDING FIEIGHT: - TOIAL AREA SO FT: SQ FT PER FLR:- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROoF: ' # OF STRUCTURES: - ok,*#,trtru )D\a 11L2-+ APPLICANT'5 NAME;Delptli DEVELOPER: e11and Drive !'J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIIATI,N IYPE; CoMMERCIAL PLEAsE ANsIEN AlL qUESTION5 APPITCAETE TO YOUR FRO]ECT "ProJect ResPonsibi.lity" crw: Buildi ICATION mber (otfice use) PHONE * : _____i_- PRO]ECT ADDRESS:4bZ9ucct oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME i !101!on Place condor'ini (At 1 PRoPERTY OI^JNER'S NAME I OWNER'S ADDRESS:McclelI CONTRACTOR: DelDhi c struction, I.rc. ADDRESS : PC Box 3OB EiIAIL AoDRESS: de1phi . PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:DlDo P6iio (aheck AU rhat AP91Y) EXIST CONSTRUCTfON: Ni!:28{05Ipz CITY: wilmircton 919-?!19-9'719 : Nc zIP:2s405 sT: Iq_ zIP : :!53! PHoNE *: 910-353-3544 PHoNE *: 910-3d2-545? l PHONE *: 5T LICENSE #: Nc CITY:.lac lf Relocatlon, is there a Natural NE0 CONSTRUCTTON| D enscr tew sTRUcruRE I rlsr rnacx SHE LL ALTERATION Gas Une on the Current Site? RENOVATIONu E GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATlON No lS ELDG SPRINKLERED?[v"" []:t'lo UP FIT ADD TO EXIST TRUCTUREs Permlt *: ****r I5 THIS A CHANGE IF Yes, uhat h.as the Previorrs Occupancy Type? rs Elect Polrer on this Euildiog oE occuPANcY use: flves fl tlo *'*-- l,lhat i5 the Neu oc(upancy TYPe? ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The She1l TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDER 6"1 fl,o AR'H DESIGN PfiOFESSIO AL: ENCR DESI6N PROFESSIOI'IAL:PH DESCRIPTION OF [,ORK ReDIace aYist ino oulsi decks and slails b food orbevd.ag66 p.eparod or 6€rved in lNs Etruc{Uref flvesEIuo Is Th6 Propety Locat€d ln The Floodplah?EYes E]No DISCIAIMER: lhelebv cenllv lhat allinformalion in lhis apphcetion is cofiect and allwork u'll comdy wlh he ;ffi"um"#":#ti,me'd*"*:Igh}e.N39.?"*"J$Ei"lH:EEP."[y,LE#".,iB'g#il.Sublecrlo Fmes Up To35m.00"' wlll SIGNATU tlor6: o€mo[tion rDtlRc.lons & a3b.$o6 r.med pemil apdicatioN aro lo bo submltted uslno lha appllcallon lorm 1DHHS'376O wn6ther llre lsclllly c.ntaln Alben6 d na You .,. r.quk d ro 6d lh. NstroEl Ehls.lon SEnd.rdsro. Ha?6rddl! Alr Po lnar& INE.SHAP) al(919)7Ol'5950 al loast 1 d6rm[{on ot arry tacilty or buldlng. see Asne$os vveb Sil€: hugr/wq8/.6ddsle.rc.BlepuasbeslovrhmpJ m! rorAL PRoJECT cosr: $la:q4E4d BUILDING HEIGHT: - # OF UNITS:4 Slale 8uild.! Cude or b{Jldina was fc nd lo 0 d.ys Fld to the NO SA FT # OF STRUCTURES: # OF SToRlEs: 2 # OF FLOORS: --ACRES DISTURBED ROOF: _ 0 Exsr LAND DlsruRBtruc eenurr I YES I NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA i/SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTy usE [oFFtcE f]nesr,quRerur [uenclNlre [eouc [ner I CONDO OTHER: WATER: UCFPUA DCOMMUNITY SYSTEM f]WELL DZONING USE CI.ASSIRMIOM sewen, ffierpue frceNrnelsecrrc f] iFvnre secrc ElcoMMUNlrY SYSTEM -, SEP,/\RATE PEFIMITS REO{IREO FOF ELECT, MECH. PI,BG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS -' i PAYMENTMETHoD:rlcAsHg"]5:,::trXylg*_.:g:lffi..-L*Hf lors$oven (,oR oFncE usE 'NLY) "*"{oot orrn. ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS:F: LH:- RH:- B: Approval: Commgnt _ BFE+2t=__--____----Citf.- DATB- FLOOD: - AV /'i-i., (x&, DATE:_11:.:5--19_ NC REG $: __j- Nc REG $: -l-- OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: Dino P€ilos SQ fi PER FLR: - Jr.*,rr=.,r-10'F NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLICATI,N TYPE: COMMERCIAL PIEASE ANSIJER ALL QUESTIOI]s APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonslbility" ICATlON DATE: *umber roti." rr.l ,1-rs-rsAPPLICANTJS NA}IE: DEVELOPER: DeIDhi consir PHONE $: PRO]ECT ADDRES5r 4lrl vcclelland Drive X occuPANT/BUsINEss NAME: Irolton Place CondoftiDiums (AI1 Buil PROPERTY OlnNER,S NAME:liolton PLace c6ndo iniums EOA OI.{NER'S ADDRESS:Aht\ v"le11and Drive X CITY: !,li1mi CONTRACTOR :DelDhi LICENSE #: Nc CITY: ,'ra CITY: witn i 2a4a5 PHONE S: 5T gto-tdg-gttg !g- ztrPi 2840s ADDRESS: PC Box 308 EIIAIL ADDRESS; delphi. off ice . Danaqemehceqoa i I . com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Dino Psilos ((heck AII That Apply) :13 5T: Nc ZIP: 28s41 PHONE *: e10-3513-364,1 pxorr *, lil#iF--T-__ EXIST CONSTRUCTION:I rlrrnlrrol I lf Rglocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cur PRIN NEn CONSTRUCTTCTN: I rArCr reu srRUcruRE f] rsr rnlcx fl snrr-r UPFIT N ADO TO EXIST iTRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The she11 Perllllt *Is Elect Pouer on this Bullding d E*o .***T IS IHIS A CHANGE OT OCCUPANCY USE? f] VCS EIHO |.."" It Yes, uhat rlas the Pra,,ious occupancy rype? Hhat ts the lleu' OccuPancy Type) ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiIALi ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOI'IAL: PH: PH: RENOVATTON El5nrnnl nernras rent Site2 L_-l Yes lll No lS BLDG S RELOCATION KLERED? T] Yes ., i I l DESCRIPTIoN 0F |,JoRK Replace exisEi nq ouE6ide deck6 and slairs ts tood orb6vq.8o6s propaed or s€rvod in ilis structure? f]ves EI uo ts The Propefy Locat€d ln tho Flooddain? EYes fi t'to DISCLAIMER: I herebv cerlilv lhat allindmalbn in lhs applr.alDn is mnecl and allwo' sttl8fi *Jfls"",,Hs3l11HiBtd"1?"l,i"Hf;1 lr'N3?'?ffifiB8"$fgffi w8:l Suq.ctlo Fhes Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Dino 1os SIGNATUR lodndl {Ptht Ndi.) Not6: tr€lll.{l; m(lbltldl. & a.!.sto. rm@d Dettnlt applkslon6 316 lo bo subtnllted ushg !h. aPollcadon @n6h As.st6 or nct. You ar. r.qd.€d to cdl {E tl€tlo€l Embcon s.ndards fo. HEzardorrs a,r Po usltE fonn (oHHS€76a) wholher ltE hclllty INESHAP) al {919Fct'5950 at lcasl l u uut{ng wa! rouno ro d.m6{lldr or any f!.][ty o. bdlrlne. S€€ Asbegos web Sio: ltlg:rwr r,.epl.slaterE Biepl/asbesd,ahnp hlml rorAl PRoJECT cosr, $la94g-E{.9* BUILDING HEIGHT #oF IJNITS:24 TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ fi PER FLR:#OF STORIES: 2 ToTAL SO FT UNDER RooF: - # oF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORSi Slale AulEing Code a^d all BFE+2fF SQ FT ACRES DlSTURBED: i--- NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXST LAND DISTURBING PER SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA' r,,rrrrE YES I ,i. pRopERry usE: ffoFFlcE EnrsmuneHr nuenceutr-e f] eouc I err CONDO OTHER: WATER:flCFPLJAIICOMMUNIIYSYSTEMnWE[IZONINGUSECLASSIFICATIoN: setiven, Ecrpun fr crurnel seertc flP-RlvArE sEPrlc EcoMMLrNlrY sYsrEM .,SEPAR TE PERMITS REOLIIRET}FOR ELECT, MECH. PIAG, GAS EOUIP, MEFABS & INSEBTS "' PAYMENT METHoD: flcasu flcHrcr (PAYABLE To NHc) flluencm exenEss E MCMSA I orsgoven.i ZONE:OFFICER (FOROFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH: B: Approval:-City- DATE- FLOOD:- N Comment PERMIT FEE: or"d *rr en rn, I z,-.'<f jr\: ,( )ctto-rll2c+ NC REG *: Nc REG ii: -L- L 0lt- kc AUb )at,-)lL1LNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TYPE: COII1MERCIAL PLEAsE ANSHER ALL QUESTIONs APPIICABLE TO YOJN PRO]ECT 'Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME: Delohi consLructj'on Inc PRO]ECT ADDRESS:4t23 vccLe11anal Drlve K CITY: wil oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: Holr lace condomlniums (!-11 Eu AP ICATION umber DATE: 1f,-1s-15 IzP: 28405 5Ti Nc zIP;28541 PIIONE *: 9r.o-3 a - 364r'' PlloNE s: 910-352-54slz olf PROPERTY OWNER,S NA E : Holton ?aee.ondominium6 XOA CONTRACTOR i Delphi C strucEioD, Inc ADDRESS I Pc Box lo8 LICENSE *: Nc CITY: Jacks il1e EI4AIL ADDRESS:delphi.of,!1ce. nanaqemen PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Dino PEiios ((heck All That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: fI ALTERATION lf Relocstion, is there I Nalural Gas Line on tho NENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS tr RELOCATIONE Current Site?Eluo IS BLDG sPRIN KLERED? E ves [|tto NEti CONSTRUCTIoNi f, en:cr rueu srRUcruRE f] resr rucx I sxell ! uerrr f] ADD ro Exrsr ACCESSORY STRUCTIJRE If UPFTT - The shell Permit $: Is Elect Poyer on thjs Building rri*. rs rHrs a cHANGE oF occuP^NcY usE? f]vrs ffi ruo *-** IF Yes, uhat was the Previous occupancy Type?hat is the Ne!, occupancy TYPe? ^RCH DESI6N PROFESSIONAL: ENGR D€SIGN PROFESSIONAL: PHI PH: NC REG,ll: NC RE6 ii: 5TRUCTURE u/'.F E*o DEsCRIPTIoN 0F l^loRK:lace exi6!i.ouEltide de s and sta ls food or b8v€lages prepared or served in lhls Slruauret flves p ruo Is The Property Localed ln The Floodplaln?NoI rhe slare Bulldlng codc SA FT USCLAIMER: I hereby c€rtity lhal allinlormalron in ,nd loc:rl laws afld ordlnances 3nd regulttms r he orchanoe in contaclol or conlracticr lnrolmalDn -_' Sublecilo Flnes UP To 5500.00"' OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: oino pelos SIGNATUR I.toid ocrnomo no n61loE E lBb6src .dnovrl penlt epdicaUons aro io ba subml&{ (rsln0 the applcalion form {DtlHS-r68) wtiehar $6 codah Asbelos or not. You al€ requred ro clll lh€ N.tloEl Embllon standardt ld H@r(b6 Ar Poldarns (NESHAP) ar (s19)707'5950 at d6{rbltlon or Esy t .llly d bdldhol S.. Asb..lcWlb Sii6: http/ M-+irLio.nc.osrepUsbeslodahmp.hrnrl roTAL PRoJEcr cosr: ttaqq-4i BUILDING HEIGHT: - *r, o, *[" ** to-o rE.r 10d4rforlo$a # OF UNITS: 4------)-- "TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR: - #oF STORIES: 2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RooF: - # OF STRUCTURES: ..-# OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PEB I ACRES DISTURBED: o NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SOFT EXISTINGIMPERVIOUS MERcANTLE [eouc I aer AREA mNDO OTHERIPRoPERTY usEr DoFFlcE f]nesuuneur ! ZONE:--OFFICER BFE+2ft=Approval: CltY:- DATE- FLOOD: - - AVN WAIER: ETCFPUA ECOMMUNIY SYSTEM EWELL EZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: i-arEi' ficreul fi cerrnel seerc ! entvnre seertc EcoMMUNlrv sYsrEM -,SFP^F^TE PEFMIIS REOI.]IRED FOR ELECT,MECH. PT8G, GAS EOUIP' PREFAB'S & INSERTS "' IpAyMENIME1HoDr,H.**qT1*ff:.I3_F35Ss:g.c:::lEorsf oven (FOR OFFICE USE ONL9 SETBACKS: F: LH:- RH:- B:- Comment:PERMIT FEE: REVISEO DATE l91I/12 DEVELOPER:PHOI{E *: PHoNE $: _9:9:lj!:9:f9_ ouflERJs ADDRESS:4r2, Mcclelland Drive ( cIW: t{illr,i!1q:on ST:i!-zTPl zE4o5 frL 0/AGb( )arc.6t L a)Z 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIIT APPLICAIION IYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEA5! ANSUEn ALL QIJESIIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROIE(I "Project Responsibillty" --+---aPdLrcarroN r,,mber APPLICANT'5 NAME:DeIohi Cons t!uct.ion, Inc DEVELOPER: PROIECT ADDRESS: 4?) ucctetta)l'a Drive f OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAf'IE: Holron place condornlniuBs (AI1 Buitdinqsi PRoPERTY Ol,rlNER'S NAME:llolLon Place CondoNiniurTr6 OUNER'5 ADoRESS: 4&el Mcclelland orive J CITY: }lilmino:or1 CON]RACToR r Delphl ccnsEruction, rnc LICENSE $: Nc ADDRESSi Pc Box 308 CITY: JacksonviLl.e ElilAIL AoDRESS : delphi. of f ice. nanaqemenc@qm1iI PROIECT COl.ltACT PERSOTU: Dino psilos PHONE #: DAT::1-L5-16 PHoNE *: 9ro-?9-9',]79 5T: lic :28{05 ST: rc ZJP: ze5,il PHONE *: l!:153--]j:11_ PHONE *: e10-ri2-64st If UPFIT - The SheLl Permit +:Is Elect Po,,e. on this Euilding Ye E r'ro ****. rs rHrs A CHAIGE oF occupar{cy usE? flves fl uo ----* IF Yes, lhat u,a5 the Previous Occupancy Type?lrlhat ls the Neu o(cuPancy TYPe? NC REG $: Itc nec *, -f-ARC}I DESIGN PROFESSIOT{AL: EN6R DESIGN PROFEsSIOI,IAL: PH: PH:-T - DESCRIPTION OF LloRk I ReDlace exrst: o ouEEide ceck6 and srairs. ls fuod or bev€r8gss prspared or sdved in this slructure? nYes I No ls ThB Propsrty Located ln th€ Flooddain? EYes T the SlaE auMing C.rCe and all olh StateDISCLAIMER: lheroby cerlit lhal alljnlormalioo inind ldal laws and oftlirErres and reoulaiions, The 'ir.]1rnde ln..nr6.br or dlr&lorl_^lorrolio. "' Suu6ct lo Fin€s Up To 5500.00 "' {AJd!.,, C'ir{rm) Nor.: O€nElton odifc.rbns e rs6.sro6 r4@l p.mn apdlcato.s ar€ !o b. subm corrirh A!b6Et6s d nor. Ydr ar6 f64ir€d lo cai lh6 Na$oml Emlsslon slandanb for l&d LBlns lhc spdrcslron (trm (OHHS-375s) u/h6th€r tho ,acjtiV o UU!*B s,-*s toonO to Hazardous Al, Poldanl! (NESHAP) al (01s)707'5950 at l€alt 10 days trior lo he lrill OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Dino Psilos SIGNATUR d€nEluql of 6.y fadrlty d bdldho. se. A.b.sr6 w.b sit6: hnB/ M.€pl3lt..E6ieBlrasbeslos/snmp.hlrnl #OFUNITS:2a TOTAL AREA SO FI SQ FT PER FLH # OF STORIES: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: - d OF STRUCTURES * OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURB ED: o Exsr LAND DrsruRBtnc eenutr f]YES I NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING TMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT pRopERry usE: noFFrcE nRrsrauneNr lurncnu r Irouc f],qPr @muoo OTHER: WATERT g/CFpUA IICOMMUNTTYSYSTEI f] WEr"r IIZONTNG USE CLASSIFICATION: SEWER: EIFPUA IICENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC DCOMMUNfi SYSTEM '" SEPAR,\T! PERMITS REOUINEO FOR EI,ECI, MFCII, PLNG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSEBTS "' pAyMENr METHoD: fIASH [CHeCr< (PAYABTE TO NHc) firuenlclU O<nneSS E UCTUSI EO R RE\/SED bATE 4/i 1,12(FOR OFnCE USE ONLY)ZONE;-OFFICER:- SETBACKS: F:-LH:-- RH: B: Approval: Clty:-DATF FLOOD:--- BFE+zF AVN Commentt PERMIT FEE: $ ({ ZtP r zaeos ((h..k all Ih6t Apply) Exrsr coNsTRUcTroN: E ALTERATTON ! nercverror I e$rennr- aeelras ! nELocATroN It Relocarion, is rhere a Narural cas Line on the Eirent Sito? [viIuo ts gLoc spRlN-rrEneoz Iv", flruo-- NEr.r coNsrRr.rcrroN: I enecr rew srRUcruRE ! resr rucrI sxelr I unrrr! aDD To Exrsr brnucrunr is correct and allworJ< $il TOTAL PRoJECT COsr' $lA!gqE{:I} BUILDING HEIGHT;- ScrU AP LICATION Number 7(t6 APPLICAiITJ S NAME: DEVELOPER: DeIDhi consEructio PROIECT ADDRESS: 4&lq r.lcclerland Drj.CITY: witm OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: Ho cd.dominium6 {dl1 B[i PROPERTY OIINER,S NA EI Tiolla1 PlLqe Condoriniums HoL ohlNER'S ADDRESS: 4b)4 ycct "t""a D!].ve =CITY: Rilminoton COMTRACTOR: DeIDhi cors..ructi.on, Inc LICENSE *: NC ADDRESS: PO Box 308 CITY:.racksonvlile EI4AIL ADDRESS: delDhl . off lce . rnanaqement@qmail . com pRolECT COI{TACT PERSoN: Dino Psiios (Ch.ck A1I Ihat Apply) PH: NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLICATION IYPT: COIIIMERCIAL PlEAsE AI{SIJER AIL QUESTIONS APPLICAILE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" PH Pt 2a4a5 PHoNE Sr e1o-9 - 9',7',l9 ST: \c P: 28405 ST: _:ic lIP: zss+r PIIONE *: e10-163-354.1 PHol{E $: 910-rL2-8457.--------1-- ADD TO E)II EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Rolocation, is there a Nal AI TERATION U Ero ST STRUCTURE RENOVATION 6ENERAL REPAIRS No lS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION rLeneot IvesuralGes Line on the Current Site?tl NEl^, coNsrRucTxoNr I enecr rew srRUcruRE f] rlsr rnacx I snrrr I ucrrr A€CESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Pernit +Is E1ect Pouer on this Buildin8 f,,E*o ****i rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupANcy lJsE) flvrs E] r,ro ***** IF Yes, uhat $as the Previous o.cupancy Type? I'ihat 1s the Neu/ o.cupa cy Typel ARCH DESI6N PROFFSSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: NC RE6 # NC R€6 ii DESCRIPTI0N 0F L^IoRK l TOTAL AREA SO FT : ACRES DISTURBED:o G food or beveragss preparcd or sdved in ttis slructurez f]ves p uo h The Propelty Located ln The Floodplain?ves fil r,to rhe stare auildin0 uill OWNER/CONTRACT OR: Dinc Psilos SIGNATUR Nord O.ndtuon no{floroB a asb.sro! r4Mr p€mlr sppllc6toB sro ro b6 submltt6a usho rh. aggrlcarlon lofin (oHHsi76a) wh6[Br lho l6clllt, or DISCLAIMER: I hs6by canity lhal allirformation in and locallal/s and ordinances and reoulauoos. The or chanoe h mnEadot or aontraclor intormalloo. "' subjecrlo Fines Uo To $500.00"' .oorth tub€slo€ or nor- You ar6 raqul€d b crll $e Nallonal Emlssior| Sla.dads tor Ha:ardo6 Alr Po{dar.a! {NESIIAP) tt (919P07-5950 3l leasl I0 days demoldo. .{ any tadL o. bu'ldh$ S.e Asb.stos w.b Site httA/,\rary. ed.stls.nc.t 5/efriasbestos/ahmp.hhl rorAL pRoJEcr cosr, qa3g4-P4lt BUTLDTNG HETGHT; Exsr LAND DrsruRBrr.ic eenurr fl YES flcoMMuNny sysTEM flwElr flzoNrNc usE cLAsstFtcATtoN: L-I CENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC ECOMMUNITY SYSIEM # OF UNITS; # OF STORIES: z N I o NEW TMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PRoPERTYUSE:f]oFFlcEnaesreunexr[laenceNlle[eoucf]eel[conooorxen WATEF: ZICFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA ,.,SEPAR TE P€NMITSREOUIRED lAR ELECI.MECH, PLBG, GASEOUIP, PREFA&S A INSENTS " PAYMENT METHOOi f]CaSn [CneCX (PAYABLE TO NHC) [aUenrClU eXeness I r,lcrvse I ps6oven t SO FT (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:-Approval:_cit!4- DATE_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+ Comment FEvtSE0 DA IE ,l/ l lIl2 PHoNE S: _-___.j__ nFhl..E F{i cri nd oATE:=fg 24 SQ FT PER FLR: - TOTAL SO FTUNDER ROOF: _ #OF STRUCTURES: _ # OF FLOORS: ; PERMIT FEE: $ I 'l L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATIaN rYPE: COMII'IERCIAL PLIASE ALlSl,lER ALL QI,ESTIONS APPLICABLE T0 YoIJR PiolECT "Project Responsibility" CITY: ,rilmi AP LICATION umber ( DATE:-15-15APPLICANTJ S NAME : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:Li otlNER'S ADORESS:4 PHONE S: 26405 ST: lrc :28405 P; i!:tr PHONE *:L0-l r1 coNTRACToRT DelDhi c5nstruceion ADDRESS l P0 Box r08 CITY: wilminqLon LICEI,ISE *: Nc cITy: Jacksonville STi uc EMAIL AODRESS:delBhi. oft ice nadehentGomail con pRolECT COMTACT PERSON: Dinc P6ilos EXIST CONSTRUCTION I ALTERATlON 11 Relocstlon. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current NEt,t coNsrRucrroN: f] rnecr rew STRUCTuRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Tf UPFIT - The 5he11 Permlt S IF Yes, uhat u'as the Previotls occuPancy Type? (che.k Au -Ihat apply) RENOVATION 6ENERAL REPAIRS D RELOCATIONE KLERED? E Yes NoSite?tr Yes E]r.o rs BLDG SPRIN UPFIT r**rr rs rHrs A cHANcE oF occupAr,lcy usE? flves I r'ro ***** titrat is the N€h, OccuPancy TYPe? fl rrsr rucx I sxru I ADD TO EXIST TRUCTURE Is Etect Pouer on this Building Ero NC REG { NC REG d ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIO AL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: P PHI DESCRIPTION OF I^jORK:lacc exi6L oxEside FLOOD:_ _ _ N ls iood or bovqages prspsred or 6erved in tttis 6ttlcture? DYes DIscL MER: l herew ccrrry tut all into.mauo h lhis apdhaton is 6rEr ard all rcrk will comply wit^ lhe #'l$e'Jflff#SigBHi'*"'1?|,",triiid"'F{3+o?f}f'&ffi,"iS#ffit%iyl,f'#'','if"'4;iil.sub,.cr']o Flnes up To 3500 cot' r No ls Th€ ftop€rty Located ln The Flmdplain?ves fl No stale auilding SIGNATUR lordihd {PrhtNln } Irlot!; O6fioM6 60dicarbm & 6.tslo6 nrno..l t6EEt Bppll.rbB ai6 ro b6 submh.d uslno lh6 apptl@tun rorm (O!lHS-375a) Bt'6lher 0!. is.lllly ot orlatn Asbedos or not. ydJ sr€ reouked lo call tll€ Nalional Emlsslon Slrnalards for Hsierdous AIr Pollula s (NESHAP) al (019807'5950 at le85t 10 days dsmllllofi or any fsdty s brrtlhc. s€e Asbesros web sfto: Ittlpr/\N.opl5tde.nc6/epu4be9oshhmp.hl,nl lolle rorAL PROJECT Cosr, $lagg!.-e4lt BUILDING HETGHT: - #oFUNlrs; 24 TOTAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FLR:I OF SToRIES: 2 # OF FLOORS: IACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOLJS AREA:so Ft PROPERTY USE: DOFFTCE nnCSnUUUr MERCANTILE f,eouc I arr I CONDO OTHER: wATERi grCFpUA fl CoMMUNTTY sysrEM [f wErr f]ZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCATTON: SEWER: ETCFPUA ECENTRALSEPTIC L]PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNTTY SYS]EM ,, SEPAFAIE PERMITS REOUIREOF(Fi ELE(:I,i,tECI], PLBG,GASEOIJIP, PREFISS & INSERTS "' pAyMENr METHOD: [CnSn [CneCr (PAYABLE TO NHC) [lrUeRrCen rXeneSS f] r'ilCrulSn E DrsqovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLyZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LHI RH: B:ApEoval: Clty:_ DA Exsr LAND DrsruRBlno crnurr f] ves ExlsTlNG IMPERVIoUS AREA: N/A- NO SQ FT BFE+2ft= Comment:PERMIT FEE: R€VSEq OATE 1/1r12 Sctt"ltlB6 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA''IE: PR0PERTY OWNER'S NAlttE i liolEon Place conalomintums Hoa PHOiIE $l 2]!:!P9:9f:9- A PHONE *: lf!lil:l!1l OWNER/CONTRACTOR: oino Psilos TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: - # oF ST,IUCTURESI E clb ( DEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLttAtIoN IYPE; COI'IMERCIAL PLEASE A'iSliER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUi PiO]ECT "Project ResPonsibility'' CITY: ilminqLon PHONE *:"ro.tbg-stt" APdLICATION fumuerotf1c. usc) APFLICANT'S NAME: Delphi con6ElucEron, lnc DATE| PHoNE #l -16 P:284os zT I I sT: Nc P: 28405 sT : -!q zfP : lj:3!#: sro-:i:-le a+ PRO]EcT ADDRESS: 4rl5 ucclelrand Drlve 4t OCTUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE :lace condominiu s IA1-L Btr11d PROPERTY OHNER'S NA|!E:!i61ton ?1ace condominiums IIOA OWNER'S ADDRESS: 4{'l 5 MccleLI anal Drive f-)CITY: Nilmi CONTRACTOR:Deiphi c LICENSE *: N,: CITY: 1 ADORESS:Po Box 3os EMAIL AODRESS:delp}li.office. nanaqeme Lalqmail,.com PHONE PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: (cneck aU Th.t apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION I ALTERATlON n RENOVATION 6ENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocatlon, is there a Nalural Gas Line on the Current Site?tr Y6s No lS BLDG SPRINKLE RED? EYas No NEN coNsrRucrroNr I tnecr r'leu srRucIURE I rrsr rnlcx I sHrlr f] urrrr ADD TO EXIST ETRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is E1ect Polier on tltis Building dYes E*o ***r* rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occurmcv usrl flvrs PHoilE s: ero-312-545?.---.-.--------- I rF Yes, lrhat llfas the Prevlous occupancy Type?llhat is the New o(cuPancy TYPe? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DESCRIPTION OF WORK side decks and stairs - ls food or bov€raggs prepar€d or sorvod in this stnraurez [Ves E] ruo bThe PropeRy Located lnThe Floodplain? wilh the stale Bulldi& cod€ SIGNATUR IYes No SO FT StalcDISCLAIMER: I hereby @rdfy ual all info.m8lion in and local lars aM oldinances and leqqla0ons. lr'e. or chanoo ln contrador or conlracbr Inlornal on. -_ Sublectlo Fines UP To 5500 00"' d OWNERYCONTRACTOR : Dino Psil.o6 (O'ill6i (Plhl N@l N"t* o..dfio;noti;do* & €sb€do6 removEt pem[ Epotliruso* aru to b6 "ubmttui ,rsh0 the rpptksllon (om (DtlHa"376E) sdoth€t lh€ lhdlllv -,t"r,, e.t"a-or na. v*,r.req*ed !o cdt Oe Nalion l EfiBlron staru,rds for Hsu.rdolB Ar Ponui6d! (NEstlAP) !a (919)707_5950 al l€a6r 1 ;;nbi of a.y iadnv or b'ildlho. at. A$.nos lveb sI!: htts,/u '/w ed3tat''nc usrcd/albcslo"hmp hrol or bdklo was rouno ro o oa,rlrta o ur I TOTAL PROJECT COST $ra ooo ar,ml BUTLDING HETcHT TOIAL AREA SO FT # OF STORIES: 2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - * OF STRUCTURES S OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED:c Exsr LAND DrsruRBtto ernunr I YES I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SA FT EXISTING IMPERViOUS AREA PRoPERTY usE: fpFFlcE EntsraumNr nr'leneNnr-r neouc il epr ZCONDO OTHER; WATER:g(crruo COMMUNTfY SYSTEM fl wELL nZON'NG USE CTASSIFICATION: SEWER: IZCFPUA CENTRALSEPTC I PRMATE SEPT]C COMMUNITY SYSTEM GPARATE PERMITS REOUIREDEOR ELECI,|VECI'I, PLBG,GASEOUIP, PREFABS & INSENTS -',.,s PAYMENT METHOD rlCASH trCHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) EAMERICAN EXPRESS E MCIi/ISA (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:-OFFICER:---SETBACKS: F: BFE+2ft=furproval:- CifY:- DATE fl otscoven REVISEODATEIr/11n2 a FLOOD:-- Commentr N PERMIT FEE: $ If UPFIT - The Shell Permit li: NC REG S: i NC REG iT: : f OF UNITS: 24 : SQ FT PER FLR: - 'k7TL* oY (or /W Ao ttr t il?+ APPLICANT,S NAI'IE: De],Dhi OEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINEsS NAME : NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|IOM IypE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSU'ER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUN PRO]ECT "P.oject Responsibility. CONTnACTOR r DerDhi c struction, Inc. ADoRESS i po Box 30 CITY: fiiimiEqton ST: Jq LICENSE *: Nc CITY:,facksonville LICATION Number ice use) PHONE *: r0-9 1'.t 5T: NC P: 28s41 PHONE *: s1o-.1 3-3644 PHONE *:10-3 -6451 tsui CrTY: w PROpERTY o[{NER'S NA}IE I EoIEon placc Condomlnium6 HOA pHONE *: OtdNER'S ADDRESS: 4LZ< M.Iellar1d Drive P:2a405 Exrsr co'srRucrro,, D ALTERATT.N n ^u"oifiiil'ni Tlltfi'rro. ^uror*,ll Rabcdion, is th€re a Naturatcas Line on rhe direnr Site? [vi-[f.ro TSBLDGSPRIN RELOCATION rreneor I vu"No NEH cor,rsrRucrroN: I rnrcr rurw srRucTURE f] rsr rnlcr f] sxell I ucrrr f] mo ro exrsr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE ! TRUCTURE El.lAI L ADDRESS r derbhi office - F.abaqeRen PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Dino If UPFIT - The Shell Pernit *: Is E *.*.* IS THIS A CMI{GE OF OCCUPAXCY US IF Yes, uhat u,as the Frevlous Ocaupancy Type? Iect Poker on this Buildlng E y erflvrs [rc *,*'* t{hat ls the Ne& Occupancy Type? PH PH urrfll YES 6o DESCRIPTION OF tdORK I Iace exisli ouEside deckE and ls M or bev€aagos prepared o( se r€d in thiE stucturet flves fi uo h rhe ftoperty Located rn The Floodprain? AN(H DESI€T'I PROFESSIOI,{AL: EN68 OESIGN PROFESSIO AL: DISCITAIMER: I hereby ce ry llrat ajljnlormalon rnand,ocal lar6 and oI! inancBi and rcoulauoN TIEorchanoe ln conlraclororcontracbrihtorm.nm'- Sublecl lo Fines Up To Ssm.00"' wilh lhe Slat€Code and allother Slale OWNEFYCONTRACTOR:SIGNATUR llol€: Demolllion notinca{ons E asbosos rornwalDermtt appllca ons er6 ro b€ sub,nlu€d urlno th6 .pdldlton tt rn IOHHS-3764) *n.0br th6 l&lllv o,codah Albeslos or nol. Ydr aro r.qutad ro calt th6 Nalio.6l Emlsslo. Stondards lor Harlrdous Atr po,tlnsnts (NESHAF) ar (919)707-5950 st lessr 10 daysdenblfion ot any hdlity or bLitdh!. Se€ AsbenoE Ul€b Sne htprtusr.€d..tato.nc_LE/epU6sbestos/.hmp.htmt #OFUNITS:24 TOIAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FLR: es No SO FINEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXST IAND DISTURBING PER SO FT EXISTING JMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usE: [oFFtcE f]Rrsmunntr [larncmlle Irouc Imr fimr.roo wArER: ZICFPUA SEWER: EZJ CFPUA TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED:0 # OF STRUCTURESi (FOR OrHCE USE ONLY) SEIBACKS: F:-LH: DcoMMUNny sysTEM flWE|J- EzoNtNG usE CLASSIF|CAION: LJ CENTRAL SEPTIC LIPRN/ATE SEPTIo ECoMMUNITYsYsTEM ZONE;OFFICERApproval:_ Crty_ DA Commentr E:- FLOOD: _RH: B: BFE+2fi= N l PERMIT FEE: RF/ISED (# 4p: zaros DATE: lr-r5-iG Nc RE6 rli I ruc nre +: -f- is corect and all work will roTAL PROJECT COSr: tagg2_eIjfl.i BUTLD|NG HE:GHr: - #OFSTORIES: z L * or moons: ---f-EIruo OTHER: i -,SEPanATE PEtrIUTTS REOUIFEDFOF ELECT,MECH, prBG, GAS EQUIP. PIIEFAES & INSE'ITS'! IpAy ENT METH.D: flcesn I cHrcx ("AyABrE To NHc) fleuentcnru exeness I rr,lcalrSl E o,r"6r.* I tott"-+8 NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI1ATI,N IYPEr CoMMERCIAL PLEASE AN5h]ER ALL QUE5IIONS APPLICAILE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibiLlty" APPLICANT'S NAi4E:Derphi DREss: 4615 Mcclelrand orive ts CITY: liilmt LICATION er ice Use) PHONE *DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AD OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME :lloitotr Plac C6.domin1um6 {ILl Buildi PROPERTY OUNER,S NAI4E ace condoniniumE OUINER'S ADDRESS: 4hI6 MCclelland Driwe F CONTRACTOR:Delphi rrucEion, rnc LICENSE *:NC EIIAIL ADDRESS : delphi . offlce. manaoemen!@qmall . com PROJECT COiJTACT pERSOt'l: Dino Psilos {Check A!1 That Apply) q,t(h lhe stale Suildino I o st: nc zLp, zas+r*, ii-.I:-.I]f- *, li.TIlil------r---- Yes I No SO FT PHONE PHONE EXIST CONSTRUCTION:RELOCATION lf Ralocalk n, is there a Natural PPINKIERED r fl ves NEI CoNSTRUCTTONT n :nrCr neu 5TRUCTURE I rlSr TRICX I Slrll UPFIT ADD TO EXIST TRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: r+ UPFrT - The shell Permit +Is Elect Po[er on this Building Eno5 *r*r* rs rHrs A cHArcE oF occupAtrcy usE? fives fl Ho *--- IF Y.s, urtat llas the Previous occupan€y Typc? Nhat 15 the Ntr,'j OccuPan'y Typel aLTERATToN [-l neruoverror M orruenal nepnrns Gas Line on the *currenr sit6? E]Y;EINo ls BL DG s fluo ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: EiIGR OESIGN PROFESSTONAL: PH DEsCRIPTION OF WORK :ld .le ls bod or b€versg6s prBpared or sefled in this siruclurez f]ves firuo ls The Property Locared ln Tho Floodploln? DISCLAIIER: I herebv c€rlilv fsl a,l info.mation in and locall s aM ordl^am3a and regdallorE. Tl9 6r chanoe in conlraclor Or COnlGCbr lnlolmalm -_' Subiecrlo Ftres Up To S5o0.00"' ffiffidr*rr€nErr,rffir (FOR OFNCE USE ONLY) ZoNE:-OFFICER:- SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH: B: approvd:--- cttr- oatr' FLOOD:--_-- BF AVN n!ll OWNEFYCONTRACTOR Dino ?rii SIGNATUR Note: D6moliuon nolii.6iions a aEb.dos ro.nc!-al p€mll aPpUcslrorE are to bo submlned ushglh€ sMka on fom (DHHS-3768) wl'o$r€t lh3 bclrllv ot codaln Asle$os oa not. Yo! are rcqui.ed to callth€ NalioMl Emlsslon sLndards for Haarilous Alr PollutanB (NESHAP) al (s'19)707-59s0 6t least l0 d.iloftbn of a.y h.[lv 6r bdldlno. see Asb.nos w6bsn : htlpJ ew.eplslaL.rio6leDvasb6lorahmEt{ml # OF UNITS: ACRES DISTI]RBED:EXST LAND DISTURBINC ECNUITI I NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTy use EoFFtcE Dnesreunerur [uenceNrrc neouc nmr PcoNoo ornen' ToTAL sO FT UNDER ROOF: - f OF STRUCTURES ., SEPAFA'TE PEFMITSREOUIRED FOR EIECI.MECH. PTBG, GASEQUIP, PREFAB.S & INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD: [C,sn flcHecr FAYABLE TO NHC) [aUeRtClH eXenESS E MCMISA WATER: SEWER: UICFPUA I I ETCFPUA LI COMMUNTTYSYSTEM fI WELL DZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: oENTRALSEPTTC fleEveresenrtc flcoMMUNlrysYSrEM tro,.fo,u. REVETD rE{1rrz E+m= Commentr PERMIT FEE DATE:__lf_ll:]5_ zIP " za+os PHoNE *: ero-?Be-9??9 CITY: wjrmj,nqron 5T: -!!g- ZIPI 28405 ADDRESS: Po B6x 3oa CITY: NC REG #: I Na REG n! i # OF SToRIES:1#OFFLO0RS: l roTAL PROJECT COST: $laoooE4lt BuILDING HEIGHT: - TOTAL AREA SO FT: SO FT PER FLR: -