NOVEMBER 29 2016 BUILD APPS?oNEhI HA]'ICVER Cd,NTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLI CAtIatt rYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE Ai{SIER AtL Qt ESTIoflS AppLtcABLE TO YOJR PROIECI 'project Rcsponsibilitf t(t - ll*o ffi €, clw:rli lu Tb*lvtAPPLICA'{T'S llAIIE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADOftESS 3 st Sotwslo{: PROPERTY OI{,IERJ S tIA'itE :OA lv< OO{ER's ADORESS:o b CITY: LICEITSE #: crw:ti'. I *t . zlP I BLOCK *: LOT *: - PH$IE *:2-7q' | 107 m.stt !!9zrPtAfrlli sr:.,$zrn: ^t+os >o F COI{TRACIOR: ADOiESS: LI ioe C? Eft[AIL ADORESS:PKnE #: ) -7 1. t 1C''7 PloflE *: 21dt-t1 O1PRO]ECT CO'NACT PERSo.I: EXISTtt'tG COi'ISTRUCTIoI{ : lu n ALTE RATION n on ! c:rsul nererns I RElocarror [Er{ cot{sTRucTrsi, $ enecr Et{ REsroEatcE o" ! oorrrot To ExrsT$tc RESTDENCE ..PLEASE CHECI( AIO AT'SXER gELOfl ALL IHAT APPLY TO YOI.Ji PiO]ECT:[arr eaarer - sF I oer eauee rr d**o a4 SF f]sunnoon _sF f] eool_ sr g srouee ro 96 sFI enrruransr _ sF ! oecx _ sr OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQFT: b$a TOTAL SQ FT UI{DER R@Ft QAZ- TOTAL AREA SQ rT: r@ TOTAL PROIECT COST rr-ess r.o z $ bc. o oa * OF STORIES: Is Any EtECTitCAt, Ptt$8n6 or iECHAIIICAL ttork B€1ry Done to the Accessory Structurel fl Ves I UoIf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Stte? [Ves I rio Is there Electnical Poq,er on thls Building? [-lYes [-l to pRopERry usE / occupArcy, ffr*., rorruv f! crunr-ex I rorlrsrorlsE DESCRIPTIOII OF I{NK: b t1-n-.4'2 c c e>> a,^ R DISCLAIIER I heeby fiata L4bmalion h fiis ?pf,catoo b co@ct 6nd afi work wi[ corhdy wfi trl€ StaE Eloildlftg Code a.ld al ott€. sgplcdb StsE 6d bcd latvs aod ordinsflclt and €gulltions- The NHC Devehpment S€rvi:€s Contsr will b. notlLd ofliy cnaoges in fie Ap@'ied pbns sfla, sp€ctllcetioru or ch6nga in conE&br or caoracbr hbmsliirn. "'NOIE: Any y,,ork Ftrforrl€d W/O $6 AppopnaD P6lrnits wtt b€ in Vhtation ofrhe NC Siat Btdg a1d Subje.r D Fino3 LD lo S5m.OC.- om{ER/cotrrRAcroR: Tcnl lv el SIGNATURE: -(PGt tk .) ---7- +,a:r,r ra:r rr:r tr rr i ******t+ r,r**+++r:**,i *+,t +*++ {*tt +lr*:}*rt:*,r*+ * a *:r :t )r *,a:},}:r + rt * *t:i* IS I}IE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOOOPLAIN? [ VCS EI TO EXISTIIIG I'4PERVIqJS ASEA:SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED: . I B EXrST LAID DTSTURB$|G PERXTT: I VrS DCI rc tiArER: Ef cFpuA I co,r'r.}rrw svsreN ! PRwarE I{ELL f] celrul uell SEIER: EfcFpuA f] cerrmr- sEPrrc I PRrvArE sEPrrc D coruNrrv svsrrN *+{. SEPAIUTTE PESTITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, IIECHJ PLM' GAS Eq,IP, PREFABS & II{S PAYITENT IiEI}OO:I cxecx (PAYABLE m x]r)AIIERICAN EXPRESS il nclvlsA tr DISCOVERilCASHtr i**,t **ttt*+ * :t t* *+* *:t,t:t +,t {.,tt*t rt * * {ti t 'l i t** t * +:lrt *tt*it+ +**,r**t:t:i* '} 'tl'+ * + 't * +tt:l:t ** l' 41+ l* ***'t+l itvlslo oArE 04,/11l12 Ell Ir4PERwot s AREA: -Jql SQ FT zotre, [[orrr Appnoval :-!)g- CER: 11 {w (FOR OFFICE USI OI!Y) Setaacxs, r, 30 rx:-l!l xx' to' s' z5' city:l!UL- DArE , rolar\rt,FL0oD: - -?rff:- ,, coml€nt: Ulit\clt€\g \s Less js !o{?e.}Wg+ BFE+2ft= lhure oe.too hkFEE: S APPLICATI0.{ tlt$iber (OFflce Use) DArE:-!p1!!!fi PIoNE *: 2-7 q . t ''l c--7 ftow- ilv{ / ffi NEhI HANOVER COTJNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLtcatTatt ryPEr RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE ATS*ER ALL qJESTIO'{S APPLICTSLE TO YOI'R PRO]ECT "ProJect R.sponslbiUty" Tb,lvr -A CITY: APPLTCATION t{urnbeP (oFflce use) APPLICANT'S M}tE : DEVELOPER: PiO]ECT AOORESS: st s)tvrsr(x I ZIP: _ BLOCK #: LOT 8: - PH}.IE f:2-7q't1a'l crw stt tt. zrptlEgS LICEI{SE #: clrY I W'. I 14,sr:.1&zrP: ^?+oSProfiE *: )-7q t1c,-r ttJil h. Pf,@ERTY OI ER'S q.{ER, S ADDRESS:o COTITRACTOR: ADORESS: EITAIL ADORESS: I arr eamce - sF f] surnoo.l _sFfl ene e xnolse - sr tJAfiE :on lv< LCI b U1 , C ota PRO]ECT CO{TACT PERSO :lu PlofitE *: EXISIIiE CON5TRUCTION: I alrrnar:ou I a ON r{Et{ coirsrRucrrorrr r EJ-enecr NEhl REsTDETEE or ! pp1119x ro Exrsrnt REsrDEucE ..PLEAsE CHECI( ATD ANSNER BELOH ALt I}IAT APPLY TO YOUT PRO]ECT: T I oer eemee f] poor _ sF f! oecx _ sr -lolzrl A unau anclat<rfrF!^F At brL.'s CZ YES Erc sr lyl eonor a-+ TOTAL HEATED SQ Fr: 68O TOTAL SQ FT UIIDER R@F: BOZ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: -3?&TOTAL PROIECT COST sass ray ; $ 6 c, oca # OF STffiIES : ! Is Any ELECIUCAL, PLt,itBI 6 or liEcltl ICA! lrork Belnt Done to the Accessory Stru(turc? [ Ves [ rcIf the proJect 1s a Relocation, !.s thene a tiatural 6as Llne on the current Slte? f] ves I no Is there Electrical Polrer on thts Bulldi.ng? l-'lves [-'] no PRopERw rEE ,/ occupAr{cy, [Cr*c.a ro,lrlv I cuelex I ro{Nt{orrsE DESCRIPTTO{ OF t{R(: b .--_- [y'[ sroraee AsFGg OTHER:SF cce55 DECI-AHER I heBby hel etr inbrmatbn h 'lis opBcaton 'E corEcr and ai vrork rll cofply wih th. $are Bu dk€ code al(i d ofi€r ?plcata sttE rld tocd lay.s - contacbr h b nnaton. "1{oTE: Any work Perfomed w1o fie ADg.opriaE Ftrn h5 wrl b€ in OTNER/COIIITRACTOR:Tonl lvel -(t6t t...) ---7- *+,t+:i+:ltt*+*:a++++,t,t+,.,*'*++++*:|:t:*'i!*+il**i+,t**,t:i+:t++'l,l,| I5 I}IE PROPERry LOCATED I}I A FLMOPLAIN? [ VCS ET Vioklion oftle NC 51at SIG ATURE ! BId!Bid SrbF.lE Fines up To iioo.Oo": 'i:t+** *:ta'trl* *!i,lra*,tir+:t to :3-o=70(D,) '..{:D5--o t) N)(,r {-= EXISTIIIG I'IPERVIOUS AREA:o sQ rr TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: . I B E}I ITOER\EOUS AREA: J|lbE.]- SQ FT EXIST LATD DISTURBII{G PERfiIT: MIER: EfcFpuA E csrauNrry svsrrN I PRwATE uELL ! cetrul uell SEHER: EfcFpuA I crnrmr srnrrc f] PRTVATE sEPrrc I corrutrw svsrru $rll0,-- r*r SEPAjIATE PEH.IITS REQTJIRED FOR ELEC?, IECH, PLBG, GAS Eq,IP, PREFABS & IIISERTS 'r* gAynErr nErlbD: E cesx Elcnrcx (IAYABLE ro ur1 [ ueucAt{ ExPREss E ,rcmso tr ,or, ( -\0 OF FICER:11^SETBACKS:r:llA Lx: rJ [A RH:^/lA B:.fh- Appnoval:;[t(- city:$llL DArE :ttr rlooo:?e€-L BFE+2ft. h,.lSf 0 DISCOVER **t*+t*:r*** a**+**'t,i(a:t,t*:t*t,l*,|*t:t*t**t' **:l t t * ir t:r* 't + *,1+ +til.*,i:tt **l tr**:t*tta*i*t*1till*,r* 'ttl++:| (roR ofFtcE ust orilY)REWsE0 DArE A4l11/12 Coim€nt: t, $l rCtl€rl€\s s b x i$'m?fl,EE: Q. too a (T DArEz lO'ZO lQ Pto E *: ,11'1 - tl o'-f I errre.nl neearns I RELocarroir &otu- l19lu # NEW HAITPVER Cq,,NTY BUILDIN6 PERtttIT APPLZA fioI TTPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ATISIJER ALL qJESTIOI{S APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT *ProJect R.sponslbili.ty" APPLTCATIO'I Nunber (off1ce ute) Dl;'* lo-lalbAPPLICA'{T'S NA''IE I To*lvt DEVELOPER:+,PfP E #: PRO]ECT ADORESS 3 st EoIvIsIo : -A CITY:d: lt}, .ZIP 2 PtO E *t q- t101PROPERW O'{ER'S I{AI,IE:OA lv< O,0IER'S ADORESS:o CITY: LICEIEE *: crw:N'. r .te or44 )1 st2 LztPtdfr&25 sr:.(zrr: A?IPS Pto{E f: )71 t1O-7 P}rcNE #:21q-t101 CoaIRACIOR I ADTRESS: Ll ENAIL ADORESS: PRO]ECT COiITACT PERSON: 6frQ i oe. Ci b fvc lu Exrsrr{G coNsrRucrroN: A o.rr*trJr-fl*rtorron 3 orreerl nsearns I ne irEU cor6TRucTloi., EJ-enecr NEH RESTDEICE o, ! OOrrror ro ExrsTrr6 REsrDEt{E ..,LEAIiE CHEC( AIS A SHER BELOI{ ALL IT{AT AI'PLY TO YOI,II PRO]ECT: ! oer earaee sr fl ponor 2.1 SF tocATror -T; tz I Pnj na'q' 5l tudure = a,b5{*,Fr I sroaeer * 7?: sr TorAL HEATED se fiz 62o rorAl sQ FT tnDER R@F: gc-:L TorAL AREA sQ FT: _E-L_ TOTAL PROIECT C0ST r-ess r-at : $be.* OF STORIES: I I arr omace - sF I sur,rnoo*'r --sFI eneeuno.rse - sF ! eoor- _ sr I orcr _ sr SF Btdg a1d Srbj{rc1 b Fin.s LF To S500.0C- OTHE R: c Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLIIEI G or iEC}UUIICAI l,lork Eeint Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves [ rcIf the project ls a Relocation, is thene a tlatural 6as Line on the Curnent Slte? [Ves I rio Is thepe Electrical Porren on this Building? f]ves Ino pRopERTy rEE / O(orpAr{cy, ffrrre,. ranrlv ft cxrelex ! rq{ffiolrsE and odin$cas 'ld r.gubbns ThB NHC t)a\/ebp,lr.nl Seftlr3 Canbr \xl[ ba notlbd of{l contrcbr hb.m61i1o. "1{OTE: Arly lYork Pedcrmed w/rC h. ApproprEt Pemlta wil be in orirrrER/coilTRACToR: Tonl lv e1 DESCRIPTIOI{ OF ISRK: 4 C< oISCLAHIER I heraby ccnit tra ali inbrmston h hls Tp$c8!on b 8ad all v/ill crrnply wifi tle stab &ril6i1g code dtd dl 06€r applc*ie strt arld tocd la"vs y chargBs h fie 4pro!6d phns dld sp€clfrcatrons o. ciange h contr&br or vlrhion ofthe Nc srtt SIG ATURE: I Qlo .= '-$ | (:l;iv () <D :.:tCT4)dag?,),l)c 1:= ::t +:r+:r :.*+,i*i:r***:i****."* ****ETl Jir]*7** **r. *** * ** rs rlrE pRorERw LocArED rN a FrooDpLArN? [ ves El * +t,rll f :i* t t t ** :.t,1 t+ *:t to EXISTIIG I:|.iPERVIOIjS AREA:o 5q FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: . I 8 rirEll u4pERworls AREA: --.,!A!a_ sQ rr Extsr LAID orsruRBrilc pERltrr: f] yts E rro [{ATER: EfcFpuA I ccl,rurr,llw svsreN I pRwATE ]|ELL ! cexrul uell sEt{ER: EfcFpuA I ceHreal sernc fl pRrvArE sEprrc I co,ururrw svsrsu zonE : approval: h[ citylt)|Lfl1 oare FLOOD: -'All!-L stt*2ft. l*X SEPARATE PER'IITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, TIECH, PLBG, GAS EQI'IP, PREFABS & IiSERTS **+ pAyirEr.T nErloo: E cAsn E cxrcx (payABLE ro xx1 [ AlcnrcAx exrn:ss E *r** E orscovER*,f+,1'i!il:i**'i,l,a+'t,t,i*,1,1**:t*t*,1+,it+*++i'*+t****+t*'ttiti+t+tt,r+i*+*i+ar.t+t+i+i*+*t tt+t**ittatt R -'lC orrr.r^'Frrr\(FOR OfFIC€ USt Ot SETBACKS: F tY) iEvtsco DAIE 04111/12,.'D rx'_11)_ an' lD ad!| o(.J*Spd FEE: h, u*n BLOCK #: LOT *! - 2ott,-lt,&L & NEW HANOVER Cfl,,NTY BUILDING PERI{IT APPLICATIo^| nPE: RESIDETITIAL PLEASE AltstER ALt QtrESTtoflS APpLIC,AELE T0 ydJi piolEct "Project Rcsporslbility" Tbn,lve n'k APPLICATIOiI unb€r (Otflce U5e) DATE: ?tftl{E *t A1 7 APPLICA'{T'S MI'IE: DEVELOPER:. r 1 A-f PRO]ECT ADORESS: SUBOIVISIO,I: PROPERTY OI{ER'S M',tE :OA lv< O,'{ER'S ADDRESS:o zrP | _ BLOCK *: LOT *: PIEflE #:2-7 q- t107 CITY:srt Lzt?tLtLaS LICEITSE #: Cfinl. N'. I ,w ,sr:.lgzrP: Atsps 502 CTTY W;lm. COT{TRACTOR: AMRESS: al b a1 Ort^ PROJECT COiITACT PERSON:t, alrrmrrou fl n ATIOII tr GEI{ERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATIOI.Itr tiEr{ cofsTRucTro , EJ-enecr NEH REsrDEt*cE or f} ADorTror To ExrsrrN6 REsrDEr{cE rTPLA{'E CHECK ATD AIT$IER BELOI{ ALL 1I{AT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]EC': EITAIL ADDRESS:O T f| rrr eamcs fl oer eauee sr Efro* OII\IER/CO{iITRACTOR: TO,^Y I ve -/SIG ATURE, r+tl+,i*:r*+:r+**,r*************(I{*#tr[Z; cr21 sF -GlalPnma Slvuclu,e Jo5F f] suxnm.r ..--sF f] pooi - sF [t-sronaer * gfr sr a,toSO I eneeuriorse - sr ! oscx _ sr omER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 68o TOTAT Sq FT UilDER R@F: 8rA TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _fuzl TOTAL PROIE€T COST r-ess r.q) . $ bol cwC * oF SToRIES : I Is Any ELECTiICAL, PLuttBItlG or iECH ICAI lrork B€lng Done to the Accessory Structur€? [ Ves I HoIf the project ls a Relocation, ls there a t{atural 6as Llne on the Curnent Site? [Ves IroIs there Electrical Po er on thls Bullding? [-lves [-'] xo PROPERTY uSE / occuPAtrcy, ffr*e ., rarriv I ouer-ex ! rorilHo{JsE DESCRIPTIO OF ISRK:b c e 5 OJSCLAIHER canit tla Efi hbrmatbn h rlis +p*aa6on b co@ct dtd af, nork,ri[ comply yrih fie StaE B,litdktC Code drd d o6er pp[cable $ats ed tocd la,vs and odinacas ad ,tgulalbns. The NHC Det,elrpfil.nt SaNicea Oenlr wi[ be noti.d ofaty ct1&]ges h he +ploled pbns rr,sp€cl,lcatoals oa ai&06 in contr&b r or coniacbr hbm.ion. "l{OTE: Any Work P€rfom€d W/o fi€ AlpropdaE F.e.mh, wit b€ in Vtotatbn oftro NC StaE Btd!aid SJbiect b Fines t& To $50O.(}..- rs rHE pRopERw LocArED rN A FL@opLArN? [ ves El ro EXISTITG I,.IPERVIqJS AREA: O SQ FT 't:* :t + * +:* +,r + + *r +:| *,i +t + * ** * +++)i TOIAL ACRES DISTURBED:,lB EXIST LAiP DISIURBTiE PERIIIT: FI YEs Dfl ipNEI{ I,,IPERWOUS AREA: Iaa{)SQ FT I{ATER: trcFpuA I ccn+ruNrw svsreN ! pRwarE ELL ! celrnol well sErcR: EfcFpuA I ceurrar- seerrc I pRrvarE sEprrc f] co+uNrw svsreu '+I SEPAIUqTE PEHIITS NEQUIRED FOR ELTCT, IIECH, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & IIISERTS '*'pAytlE r nErrco: I csx I cxecr (pAy BLE ro rorl I arrnrcor, eir*str E *r** E orscovr.*tl*,ti,lt**t*,*,|++,t****t,t**++**,t:l****t,t:t*:a**arl,tt +*:i+,tt:* *)it*,i+**++,t,t,r,***+i.ar**t+:t++,t,al.rt:trtrt *,1 rY-\ Y), \) (FOR oFFICE US! diLzote:f[ orrrcen:,u SETBACKS: F: Approval :city :\a)!!1 orrr :\N.11 / I le rlmo :lL c Cdment 35 LH:-I-Q- nn: It).\t--B|,), ) iEwsE0 DArE 04111/12 Pto E s: )-7 1- t 1O'7 PIG{E *: 211-11 O1 EXISTIIre CO STRUCTION: E $qo fY\,.wffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibiliv' A \N (QE ("\^\''(Date \JT CITY lLlz& Number (office use) APPTICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: trlalrrp o1 zlP: Jt)\O3 Atls \nr Ori. r<tJL LOT S PHoNE#: AILO 3'SaG r1q CITY rt3 f zrP: A-?5o I BLDG L|GENSE #: Qo t\'+ q ie/sr:$!ztP: Slso\ PHoNE: qto 35a to1q7 PHONE:q\6 3sa dqq tb\ PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:U CONTRACTOR \) ADDRESS:e EMAIL ADDRESS:EN qV OWNER S ADDRESS: Description of Work: b e ( Ov4r'\ A$oE (o !.V.L (\ctw \.} \ V*ktog EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [] Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI:! erea ruew Residence [] Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation Property use/ occu pan"y, /snd. Family E Duplex ! Townhouse i.*,}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER B ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*" .a/ere.,ae.$il 591 E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (sF)n Pool (SF) ! Greenhouse (5F)! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Uor prop osed workl Heated: AloJ 3 Unheatedi q{ TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S LlDoro@ lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechani€l work being done to the Accessory Structu re E Yes fl No ,f the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E ttlo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Zf Porch (SF)lb-7 n Storage Shed (SF) _ d o*ler-tsrt Zo,D.h -I11 e--J E Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" laws and ordinan€es and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notiffed of any changes in t app plans and s or change in contractor information.'1'NOTE: Any rmed withoutthe appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC up to S50O.00"'k"eVNII'OE Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? | ves {Xo Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbed: O, lAb New lmperviousArea:3OOtO Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E ttto-/WATER: d CFPUA tr Community System E Private well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: {CFPUA D Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks {F} _ (tH} _ (RH} _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+zft= _ Comment: Permit Fee:5 @I t@ to fi o+ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: I Xpru -\\gc1 ffi NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERHIT aPPLIcAIItlt rYzEr RESf DENTIAL Prt^lt Ar{$Er ^li snsrrrl AP]tr(ailt I0 Y9!n ?rcll(r "ProJ.ct n.rpoDslbllltY' CITY: DLoCX li CITY i ucnsr r: 9{LB Acclifi rr lb0{b crrY: Estu\lt n,IOIiFffil PlbiE ri qo- qsz-11'7s pmnr Jr Qto -(sZ - 1r'lS -LS42S9 APPLICATIO}i lllletrt (ofilc. u3.) EXrSTrrrc cD SrH,crr r [ &rrunor f] neovarror f]e emnt nrrrrns I i[rocATtofl IEH CO]BTnUrtIo[r s rnaO nm RESTDEiICE or f]mOrrrOli ro Exrsrr]E REsloErcE ,OPLICANT'S MiIE: DEVELoPER r PRO]EO ADDRESS SUBDIVISIO'I : PROPERTY O'*IER'S TME! oNl,rEi,5 ADDnESSI co}'IRACTOR: TDDRESS I ETAIL ADDiISS: 9RO]GCT COiITACI PERSC'I: ptoPERTY t6E / OCOTPATCY I DATE I IB tb inoii r; {t0 - qsz -111 :rP: TRLf I (:tt.ot t l PloIf {:1ro qs-a.i\1s sr :iit- zri : zeYl5 \ sr sr SF ..DLEASE C'[TX ATO '8SIEi IEIA ALI TXII APPLY fu YqN PIO]ECTI dor, **r tltt) sr I oer GARAGE - sr frr***, -" i roo,. - r, flerrenrursr - sr f] oro< - sr rorAL HEATED "q '.,,/5q5 mrAr SQ Fr uilDEn erl,rr 3i?)i- rorAl AREA sQ Fr: - ToTAL PROIECI COSI0,.$rd) ; t Z.SO/@ t oF STonIES: a Ir Ahy Etlclucar, PutlIIl{E orltrolrlltclr ]Jork !.lnt lon to thc Ac(Gssory stru.tlre! ft V"t fi X" .rf the project ls I RelocEtlon, l! th€re a latural 6.! tlne on the current slt.? EV.. flloIe there Elect.lcal Po{er on thtr Bulldlng? ElVes flxo DESCiIPTIO{ O} llolxr <r itl rnou rurlv l--l urpuxilut^, corrs+^E+iDNl $STORAGE SHED PORCH OTHI R: fl ro**ousr Dl8Cl-AliE* I b,.!y t: lfy tn.i Sblrtdbn h hl! .Drl.!im t 6na mi, rt rortrrl! coolr *ttl t: E'bb Ettldtt! &d. xd .l olE ,cdcd. g.t rn lol Lx. ,lc or.,h!i.ra ai, ttgolallorE tlt. t.lt|C tbv.bpdlnl 6anta! c.ntri&t &!rd oltntrni{.rh ll! *9er.! F.na,!6 .p6cl6hn c cBi!. b drE !l u @nrEf hbo!&,r "ltolt: Arty$tti Pldro,,rEd n O lttloDlort EF.nni. *$ tE h vol.lbn ot i. XC S'bl Codr rs afiid E Frb. $'to GooE_ t{\.t SIG!{ATUiE :otrER/a$rnArTon: ll,rlt{t:l,aaaar*ia rtra r+rtta.*t.tl trtt *tr ral*ltttatrt tl 15 THI PROPEiTY LOCAIED t A TL@DPLAI'i? f] YES lb EXI5'I G $IPERVIIUS AREA I SQ FI ACTIS DISTUTEID:"J-o llEtl tllPEivr0rs ^itlr -& I sQ Fr EIST LA]o DIsIUesI]rG rrun I f] vrs *," }JAIER I crpur El c(}rt NrrY svsrrx E puvet ttt-t f] crmnm urLr sErEi: E] crpul E cEt{Tna sEPTrc fl ruvlrt srrrrc El ccfiru rrv sYsr Et{ zo[E: ofFICEi: lrc drt(t os drt!) tlllttn o rl aaltIll, 5ETB f,rs: fl- LHr- lH!- B:__ Approval:- CltY:,- DAIE:- flmDi - '"'fr TOTAL Lt .'. gapaf,aMtBtlls itqrltED ton ,lI(t, lt€(x, Pt86, GAS lgjl'' PRttAgs a Il{stRIs 'r' , r** oo*, -; m *; (p YrsLG m rr; I rnt rccorr D ncrrsr I orscowr ,....a*..r.r..rtrr.rr.rriJrrrrrrtr{*+ta:r.*a!}att'laltr*rtr*atrt+i.a+*ttra.*,t**tr*r'l'+ttal**t'| - BfE+2ft= -co[rnent:PEFl(r rEl ! 1 #..: ffifi4F NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMXT APPLIcarroN rY"E: RESIDENTIAL rrtasl llillilt ALr. Ql{Jtlor! lt?llalltE to Yorl ?lolt(I 'Proj.ct i.rpollglbillqf cfTYr Y,oV*-tU5'L L6.-3258 APPIICATIOIT lirder (ofilc. vr.) tllzr lrrr PRO]E(I ADMESS: srnon.rsrc r - [k tFDLtC {r,S iu EI DEVELOPER: pro9tRTY otalEk,s AnE| ON!Ei,S ADDBESSI mMnAclon: IDDtr!SS: E{AIL EDTESS: Pnoltc cd{IacT pERsoil: ELOC{ tr LoT l! PHONE { I CITY. ucerr *r 9t1FB Accoufi x crrvr Erlu\lr 5T! DATE i PHolrE li qlt) -'{sz - -I[s Ttpr ?B-ll I ---.J,:- 1ro qsz-l\1s 511[t 2p; z8{5 \ .t ltJo/lb NC,zrPr 2AqS {qo- qsz-'r r?5 prorr ir Qto -9sZ - 1t'lS Exrsrrrc d,flsrrucrmrr f] rtrrurror f] nelorarrot flerrran nrmrns fl $tocArrol{ nEl,r colErRucIIoN: s rnrr mu iEsrDEIcs o" I ADorrror To ExrsII[6 [EsIoEl&E !.DLElsE CIG(I AtD lnst'&R ELqd lrt rH I lrPlv lo Yltrl ?lo:ECT! ffi m eausr ,? i {3 sr fl orr GARAGE - sr S[noaor i of\ sr d s,xnml - sF fl pmr -- sr f] sronrer $ttD - sr . IEB/SINTRIrjII'T I aaaaaltatt'}lll*i Lr ToTAL HEATED ,q FT , JLA S ToTAL SQ FT UIJDER ROOT . >:LlA TOTAL AiEA Sq FT: - ToTAL PRoJECT cosl6..!!c) | ,'?s;O/@ I oF sToRrES: d I. Any rLEcfiI(Ar, PuIUrrE .r xEclu lc[ Io.k B.tnt Dotr. to th. Ac..r3ory StructurE? [ Va" fi ffo , rf the proJ€Et ls a ftelocltlon, ls there a Latuml 6!s Llne oh the Curretrt slt.l Ev". Sfori there Electrkal Pqrer on thr.t lullding? f]ves Sro 5F ffi rr*u rrul-v l-'[ oreux I ramousr Q - Nt^a Co s+nt-+rDNi f] ererurorsr - sr fiorcr - sr orHER:sr PTEERTY TISE / OCO,PAICY I DtsctlPtl(rl of tl()IX! OGCarnEt I [f,.!, Errt tt.r tnEhruon h hrt 4rc&! I drta lrd d ro.tfil!.!.e1, qrt i! 6-bb A'rl{!! 6d. rn { oh, rp?a.da &rt ti bal L,r,r $d.(trlrrcrs rn Elordbna lra lllcDEbpdr.al &,trt c.rllt trf, !. l!$.{t dDtdr{6 h tu ?9oEn Frrt rt6 .P.dh.ldu c dtrl!. b drb.lr u @.rdr hbr*i. "NoIE: ^,lrillb Mnn a r9o t.^4!.dl&Fllml6 til !r h \rol6n ol tr XC 3'.b Ed! C.d. r!. &!l-l b rh.. th r! $00.ry" !S IGI.IATI'RE I IS THE PK'PE8TY LOCATED fl A TTOODPTI$I?E EKrsr,Is rpGiurqrs Aiar 0 sQ rr t{B{I$ERvro(E 1;1g1;..''*8,<-5O FT mrrn: El crpur f] coffirxrry svstrx pnrvlt rrlt I carur urrr sErEir E crrua Q cEr{Tf,Ar sEPrrc I rnrvrrr srrrrc I cGl& IrY sYsrEl'i mIE: -- OFFICEi:SETEACYS: F;- LHr- RH:- B:- .lraaat.*aa4at+rriaaaa+lrt.ratrar aartta trar*a aat aa.a lrrl*lr*a4yEs El s ,orT**r, DrsrurBED: .' U Exrsr ,ro DrsTurBrl* ,rort I5 * # . ..' StPAAArt PttrrIlS ilqtrntD FOR rttrr, 6t(lt, PlB6) 5l! tqJtP, PEtrl85, IxstRlr "' pamErrr r{EnroD: E ,*lt ffi .flro (FtrY BLE 1o tor) E}sa. ,c.drll D ltrfrs^ or*ovrr 4.r r a a,l arri aaaa rrarrrrri*rrrr rrrtrr+ta*rrilttttat,lratia*aailrrt*a{r*atttaaar*r*atta'rara, (a4 orrr(r u$ urY) *vtltD oAit aalrr/1, Apprcvdf :- clty:-- DATE:- fLooD: - -- - BFtrlft= - l PERf,I.I fET I Pllo[E t: \,, Itr AP P Ll CATTO N TYPE; RtSIDENTIAt PTtAST ANSWTR ATt OUTSTIONS APPI,ICABLI TO YOUR PROJECT . "P,oiect Responsibility" CITY futto-l1 r{ Date 1u)L-?-)ofi zn,)hT t V APPLICANT,S NAMT PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAME o OWNTR'S ADDRTSs PHONT #: L/c/ ? Z V <7 ZIP >t t"t- BLDG UCTNST I: CITY Z-r.lnY sI: lr)c ztP. 2H/ z- /.,/--C,/, PHONE: ?/d'44:f 2 t<7 D ./<.qC orr. ICONTRACIOR ADDR T 5S J EilC TMAII. ADDRTSS:C, C ./,.,J4 Zl,a PROJfCT CONTACT PERSON PHONI t/v; 2 y'3-2 TOTAT PROJTCT COST (Less tot): S ,/ f Oao- ancy: E Single Family tr Duplex D Townhouse -T--ls the proposed work chan8ing lhe number ol bedrooms? D V"t {no ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done totheAccessory structure El'-Yes D No lrthe project is a Relocation, istherea Nalural Gas Line on the currenl site? D Yes EI'No ls ther€ tlectrical Power on this Building? lB'fes E no Property Use/ Occup Description ol Worki 4l/" t)lA- * A*/z; 7.r-t {_s fl &s -d {otgz.- )...+-,-),- ' /t/a lpl tlo" D------------- law5 and ordanancer and regul.tions TheNHCDeveloprnenlServic€sCenlerwallbenolifiedolanychange5inrheapprovedplansafdsp€.ifiralionsor(han8ean.onlistlor informalron "'NOIt: Any wort p€rlorm?d wilhout rhe approprial€ pE,mit! wilt b€ in vlolalion ol lhe NC Srale Bldg Cod€ and subterr to trne5 up lo 95O0.ClO"' Owner/Contractor "Ltcensed QuoIilier" A 1 o ,,./Signalure: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft txisting Land Disturbing permit: fl Ves E ruo,// WATER: MTPUA D commLrnrry System D pravare welt E cenlral Well D Aqua.//SIWER: EI{FPUA fl Communrty Sysrem E privale Seplic D Cenlratseplrc ! Aqua zone: __ orficer: _ Selbacks (f) _ lt H) _ (RH) _ (B) Approval: _ Cily: _ Date: _ Hood: (A) _ {V) _ (N) _ Bf Er2rr= __ Comment Permit tee I LOT #: CITY: EXISTING CoNSTRUCIIoN: [ffirarion E Renovation f] General Repairs NtW CONSTRUCTION: fl trecl New Residence EHtrdition to Exislin8 Residence ! Relocalion ...PI.TAST CHICI( AND ANSWTR BEI.OW AI.I. THAT APPI-Y TO YOUR PRO.'ECT..I ! Att carage (sF) - n Der Garage (sF) lf porch lsrl 2 I Y/ / ! Sunroom (5F)_ f) Pool (sf)- ! Slora8e shed (5r)- D Greenhouse {5t) _ E Deck (sr)_ ! other (SF)- ls lhe propo5ed work chanBinB the existing footprint? D Yes E No ToTAl.sQfTUNDERRoot|Jorpropo5edwolk|Healed:-vnneatea.4/L. ls th€ property lo€ated in a floodplain? D y", W{o tristing lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt Total Acres Disturbed: W APPLICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESSI k) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLtcATtON T YPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibilitY" ctw Qotlo-t\ (office u5e) Date t/- z>-2016tp;2820f-- SUBDIVISION: F PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER,S ADDRESS: lL-cr\4 ,/') Lo+!" PHON E #?ro - s26 ^ oq)p zv 231o? LDG LICENSE fl ST PH 14 5 CITY CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:CITY ExrsflNGcoNsrRucfloN:FAtteration n Renovation " ffEifTli't ^-1q trdril NEW CONSTRUCTTON: L- Erect New Residence E Addition t6 Existin8 Reirdence .{-l Relocation PROJECT CONTACT PERSON D Att Garage (SF) ! Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) E Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D ves fl no ToTAL sQ FT UNDERRooF Uor proposed work) Heated: ToTAt PROJECT COST (Less Lot); S 4ooo. * Property Use/ Occupancy:mily tr D lex Townhouse Description of work:at) F- * ** PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT AP PLY TO YOUR PROJECT'} * * al t:- L- r Greenhouse {5F)'- ! Det Garage (5F)- t n Porch (SF) E storage shed (SF)- n other {sF) /-z D unhearedt -s/ 2 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr yes E ruo ls any Elestrical, plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E t',to lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natutal Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electncal Power on this Buildrng? EI Yes f) No {r,n, DISCLAIMtR: lhereby certify that allthe information an this application is corred and all work will comply with the state Euilding code and all olher applacable state and local laws and ordinances and regulationt. The NHC Development servi.es Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plan5 and 5pecifications or change in contractor rnformation. "'NOTET AnY work performed without the appropriat€ermrts will be in violation of the NC state Bldg and 5ubject to fin tos 00*" N nature:Owner/contractor "Licensed Quolilie/' ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E lto Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes ! No WATER: fl CFPUA E community System B Private Well El Central Well D Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city:- Date: - Flood:(A)-(v)-(N) -BFE+2ft=- Permit feer S 1{-Comment: flo 'hqdz I W -f&r.=ia-q t-oT H - ztP:.1!!e9 EMAIT ADDRESS: PHoNE:?l!2':9 t) *o'! J g - ,... ,&,' NEW HANovER couNry BUTLDTNG pERMrr - ffi\k;!Kl4 2- APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL Appr,cation P L EAs E AN sw E R AL L ::::l' :1,'##f i,t',' o' o u ^ P R d E cr//6r ./OJ l,:;l' :: ", AppL;CANT,S NAME. Erik Hemingway 9316. Oct. 8, 2016 pROJECT ADDRESS. 510 Olive Street ctTy. Wilmington y1p 28401 suBDtvtstoN: Seitter Acres LOT#: 54 OWNER,SADDRESS. 321 Front St.q;ry. Wilmington, NC 7p. 28401 CONTRACTOR: Elm Builders LLC s196 U66x5g s. 73227 ADDRE55: 1705 Chestnut St 611y. Wilmington st: NC ztp 28405 EMATL ADDRESS: erikhem@gmail.com p11sx9.910-431'3855 pRSJECT C9NTACT pgp5gx. Erik Hemingway pxsxs. 910-431-3855 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation I.**PIEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW AIT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'ECT**'} E Att Garage (sF)400sf n Det Garage (sF)E Porch (SF)96 E Su nroom (sF)tl Pool (sF) I Deck (sF) n storage Shed (sF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_- other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed work)11""1"6. 1600 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot); S 100,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical PoweronthisBuilding? D Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: Construction of new residence laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development 5ervlces center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTt: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S50O.O0**' Owner/contractor: Erik Hemingway Signature: "Licensed QuoIilier" ?EYesENo Sq Ft ls the property located in a floodplain Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Total Acrer Disturbed: New lmpe1yieu5 41s3. 2096 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes ! No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Communitysystem ! Private Septic n central septic E Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - {B} -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME. Renovo Homes pHONE #: gn1',""1"6' 496 NEhI HANOVER COI.INTY BUILDING PERI{IT APPLICATT(N TTPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AIiISTER ALL qUESTIOIIS APPLICABLE TO YCI'R PRO]ECT 6ProJect Responsibility" part?l tfti L5.t31,+ ffi APPLICATIq{ ]{rmb€r (oFfice use) APPLICANT'S tlA}lE: DEVEL(PER : Ln,r^el {amaa LLl- PRolEcr ADDRESsT Z: y 4 Dr-:CrUA"l.k-41-_ crry,lN tl SUSDlvrSION:BLOCK *: PRoPEnTY om{ER's tt,i,ir* Ln'':/i I (i,^natwie.. L1L- OI'{ER'S ADORESS: ,iZt ln,t,r""? (rrai( Z-l6EfY: oAtE:. 4-z(r -lc, ta|)a | 4{Ja I l< LLL ttcerse*, 7q 367 / oln(( {-38 ctw: PHCI'IE *: ZI,P:2frita< LOT *: PK*.E *: 1/o-4 J z -3 ?d sTi *zl}i SELo: st;^,f ajlz 28tlo: C CONTRACTOR: ADOf,ESS:ll 2l ,"}.r tl l-AJ t l,v, EI.IATL ADORESS:AUI .- <'A /\PHo E *: 1)o-63e.3?6 P}E}IE *: EXrSTrrG CO|STRUCTTO : I alrenarroru f] ner,rovlrrot I eeNenll REPAIRS fl RELocATIoN l{E}r CO0ISTRUCTIOI: El rnrCr !.EU RE5TDENCE or [ ruOrrrOl TO Exrsrrilc RE5TDEN(E .TPLEASE CHECI( AM' Af,SXER BELO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOln PROJECT: ATT GARAG E as7 sF I oer eannee sF [poR 264 SF I surunmu _sF I eoor- - sr I sronaor sueo I orcr _ sF oaERr 5F 5FGREENHOUSE - SF TOTAL HCATED SQ FT:ZZ /_3 roTAL SQ Fr $OER nOOr, ? 9-5J TOTAL aREA sQ Fr: _ TOTAL PROIECT COST rr-.ss r-otl : $z'a .1or # OF STORIES: A Is Any ELECTRITTL, PLts{BI G or iEcHAtlIcAL t'lork Being Done to the A€cesso.y structure? fl V"r ffi Uorf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Naturar cas Line on the current site? fi[ves f] uo Is there Electrl€a1 power on this Buildlng? [-lv"r F{xo pRopEnTy usE / occrrpA cyt ffil srHGLr raMrlv DESCRIPTIOI{ OF }rOnK: -SF DUPLEX I ro^ruxouse PRolEcT C0I'ITACT PERSSI : CH fV eil-i a,4t.,s-t DlscLAn ER I h€reby cs.ri!, har.[ hb.matbn h trb epdaarbo b con€ct and 6{ ryo* wit comply wifi fte shre &rildinq Code a.d d ohe, appllcabb Stats and locd ladsahd ordlratces rnd .egulatibns- Thc NHC Der,ebFn€.|t S€rvlc€s GenDr wi! be .}otfle<t of aiy chsEes in ,le approved ptats and spaclfca ofis or crratoe in aorltrscbr otconiactor hbrmaton. "1|OTE: Any OIil{ER/CONTRACTOR: Wort Performed w/O he Appmpriate permits wil ++*:r ++*++* +*r++ **** ********(ilti #ii"i****** **** *** **'l* t**t****!** ***i.!a **,k :t ** **,a,* * Ir * r + atr* * * il,qp bZ be ln Vk htion offie NC SEE SIGNATURE : Bdg Code €rd $rbjecl kl Fines l& To $50000'- I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATEO II{ A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTT!6 II|PERyIUTS AnEA: _SQ FT XEB IIPERLI(US AREA: _ SQ FT EXIST LAI{D DISTURBIT{G PERTCIT: N YES T'] NO unrER: Fl creul fl covtruNrry svsrem f] p&lvATE tdELL I ceurnal urrl sErcn: $ cFRA fl cENrRAt sEprrc I enrvarr sEprrc fl colnr rry sysreri{ lilr SEirnFli; p!ffii-Ts ii!!:itjaEJ l:Cfi iL€air ,.iEfii: !rLac. CA:. :i;:jJ, pRsFatis & .f,l<Ep-is ii!: payrE r r{Erxx}: fl asn flcreo< (payaBLE ro nrcl f] urenr.* .o*.i, E] *l*ti ! orscocn****iI+.***,;*****.i.**r*,t *,tr**+* Elvrs flrc Af lq TOTAL ACRES DISIURBED: (Foi orFlc€ u5[ cnLn REvrsED oarE a4l11/12 SFTEAC,(S: F,_ LH:_ RH;_ B:_ZONE: OFFICER: ___- Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FL$D: _ l{ BF E+ 2ft = I :I & APP Ll CATTON rYPf ; RESIDENTIAL PtTASE ANSWTR ALi QUISTIONS APPTICABTT ]O YOUR PRO]TC'I "Proiect ResPonsibililY"2cibr"Bmq APPLICANT'S NAMT PROJICI ADDRESS:\\ r,>L.-,Dl5 6li t- 4>*st ".*-,\i Date l\-)t -i L zlP X-.4L\ PHoNt r q 112- Ad2 -t'{>v' .t 5-*- CITY SUBDIVISIONi IoT # PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NA]OT€a> <^n-e-F"-.-bt-,g1n. C-Jo 6..a np )l'-r t-4OWNER,S ADDRTSS CONTRACTOR €t, ADDRTSS TMAII. ADDRTSS: C 'll )'. tt.r'r.*5r a.s+n.o-L,t'5"l-BrDG uCtNSt fi eF>-o sr: !'L7l?: Ltqzr' qHONE nto -(, l)'- 1f,t,l py,one 9Jz t-/)'')to> C ITY PROJTCT CONTACT PTRSON fo,L1 K,'t --t IXISTING CONSIRUCTION: O Alteralion E Renovation ( General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Exisling Residence E Relocation HECK AND ANSWTRBTTOW ALI- THAT APPI-Y TO YOUR PROJEcT.. . D Det Garage (sF)Ll Porch {sF)?-.i E Sunroom (Sf)D Pool (sr)! Slorage Shed (sr)'})- n Deck (SF)E other (sr) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl yes E-lo ToTAI sq FI UNDER Roof [Ior proposed work\ . Healed'.I l>-1> unheated I1)- TOTAT PRO.,[CT COST (l-ess Lot): 5 );-c,co D Townhou5e E Atr Gara8e (5f)_ D Greenhouse (5F) - ls the proposed work chan8ing the number of bedrooms? D ves,{ ro ls any Eleclrical, Plumbin8 or Mechanical work being done to lhe Accessory Structure fl ves F+o Itthe project is a Relocation, is there a Naturat 6as tine on lhe currenl site? D Yes ELNo ls there EleclricalPow€r on lhis Building? fl ves 4lo Property Use/ Occup Description ol Work: ancy, {single tamily E Dup lex .ul-.'il e- L-J DlSCtAlMtR: I hereby cen y lhal all the inlormalion in thi5 appl ication is corred and all wotl will comPlY with rh€ St.le Bualdrng Cod€ and all olhe' appli'abl€ Sr'l€ and lo'a hvrs and ordrnan(es and IeSulailons The NHC Developmenl S€rvices Center willbe nolrfied ol anv thanS€5 in lhe approv€d plans and sP€(itratrons ot t ha nge m tonllaclor rnlormation. "'NO'It Any worl perlormed wilhod lhe approptiatep€lmitswillbeinviolalionoJlheNcsrareBldSCod€and5ubjecttoflnesUplo9500'00'.. owne r/Contractor:\lo )"\ K;s f d- ._ ,;----> 35oo New I mpervious Area Sq tt txistint Land Dislurbing Permit: D yes B'.!lg WATER: Ef4rPUA D communitv sYslem fl Ptivate well f) Cenrral well n Aqua stwER: .E5-€FpuA fl commun(y syslem fl P vale Seplrc D central Septic E Aqua zone: -- Ollicer: -- selbacks {t) - (tH) - (RH} - (B) -Approval: ciry: - Daiei -- f lood; (a) - lv) - (N) -- Brtr2lt= - -'_- SiSnature Permit f ee SComment: , >t.-31/11 Y' ):rl:i "Lrcensed Quolifier" tu jnl Nome ls the properly localed in a floodplain? D Yes E) t\to txisting lmpervious ar"", It )r> sq ft Total Acres Distutbed: ._--.-- ffi n/b- //?{l 16- 1935 APPLICATION ltumber (Offi(e Use) APPLICANT'S MilE: pulte ltomes OAfE:6/29/2ot' PHONE #:910 -442 -2840 PRO]ECT ADDREsS:4112 Passerifle Ave CIry: wilminoron zIP | &J2_ 01083SUBDIVISION:River Light6 BLOCK *:LOT #: Ot{l\lER,s ADDRESS: 3so4 Parinqqon Court CITY: Myltle Beach ADORESS: 3504 Farinqdo. court CITY:Myrtle Beach Ei,lAIL ADORESS: Ti ffany. Bowieopulr.e . com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Tiffanv Bowi ST: S_ ZIP: 2ss?e 5T: jg_ ZIP: 2es7s PI0NE *: 843 -3s3-s119 PK)NE *: 84 -353-5119 SF I No ExIsTrt{G coNsTRUcTIoN: I alrrnarror ! neuovarrou f] eruenar- REpArRs n RE LocAr ror,t NEr{ CONSTRUCTTOT: I enrCr NEhi RESIDENCE o" [ 66p1119X TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE T'PLEASE CHECK AllD Ar{StilER BELo}I ALL THAT APPLY TO Yo{rR PROIECT: ATT GARAGE 487 SF I orr oanace _ sF PoRCH 371 5F ! surunoom - sF I eRrrnnouse - sr fl eoor SF I sronnee sHED - sF TOTAL HEATED 5Q TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: 2ss2 ToTAL AREA 5Q FT: TOTAL PROIECT COST 1r-ess rol : $ r:grge # OF STORIES: 1 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUflBll,G or IIECHAI{ICAL l^lonk Being Done to the Accessory Structure) E YesIf the pnoject is a Relocation, Is there a t{atural Gas Line on the current Sitel flves [l to Is there Electrical Power on thi.s Building? l-'l v.. IHo pRoPEnTY usE / occuPAircY r EI sruclr rar,llr-v f] DupLEx f] ro],NrffrusE DESCRIPTION OF ',IORX: New sF Construction - Martin RayE Levatj.or tc2c with 4' caraqe Ext., frp1, Study TLO flex, screened porch, wqlk-up aEti.c sCorage, bdrm ILO qar storaqe naste! bath option *1 DISCLAIMER: lherobycanlthal a[ inbmation in ftis epplicalion b co.r€ct and all$,o* wlllcomply witr he Stale Euilding Code md altoher appltcsbte St,ats and bcalt.ws and ordhanc€s and togulaUons. Tlr€ NHC Dov€lopnEnt Services Cenlor wiX be aolfed otany changes ln hs epproved plafls rd speciicatons or ch€ng€ jn conaacbr or coaEecbr lnbrmalon. "'NOTE:Ary \ /ork Pe.fomed W/O he AppropriaE Pelmils wilb€ h Vrolatbn otrhe NC SraE Btsg Code snd Srbjecr !3 Fines Up To $500_0(r- CE{NER/CONTRACTOR :Tiffanv Bo!,ri Pulte Homes SIGNATURE : ,*+ +* ++ + **++,r*)* + * *** ******* *(I!'ll liltJ 't,i **$'* *it**.8*,i* *** +)t*+ *trt **,*,a**+**,** *+,** ** *)t 15 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? T-'i YES EXISTIITIG II'PERVIOJS AREA: - SQ FT NEtrt IIIPERVIdTS AREA: _ SQ FT I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PER IT:F-'l vrs fl uo MTER: I CFPUA N COM1UNITY SY5TEM PRIVATE I^.IE LL CENTRAL L]ELL sEr,JER: E cFpuA n CENTRAL sEprrc ! Rnrverr sEprrc E cofiMUNrry sysrEM r., SEPARATE PERIiiITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, iIECIi, PLB6, 6A5 EqJIP, PREFABS & II{SERTS '}** pAyrlE T fiErHoD: fl cnsr il orsc( (pAyArLE ro NH€) E Ar,trRrcA ExpREss fl rcTvrsn I orscovrn **:l,a+,t*,t,*:t**,t*+*,}+* *,* *,t*,| )t * )i*:l )*,**,***rt,*,|****+,at,t,t+)t:a**,*'t*,tr++)**,t + )**+*****,*++ *+*+ ra *,t * +:! a,i:a,r (FoR OffItE USE q{[Y) iEVISED DAT€ O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Appnoval:_ Clty:_ DATE:_ FLOOD; _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment : t{ PERIiIIT FEE: t I ,3/3.db NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcAtIoN TYPE: RESIDEITTIAL PLEASE AIISlljER ALL QIJESTIO S APPLICABTE rc YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' DEVELOPER: Newland communities PRoPERTY Ol$lER'S i,lAr,tE: Pulte Homes PIONE *: 843-3s3-s119 CONTRACTOR: Pulte Homes LICENSE #: f] oecx _ sr orHER: ZONE: _ 0F FICE R: FT: 2osa /4/b - //q? I L6-2359.t. & APPLICANT'S t,IAfiE : NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE A S}/ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABI.E TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' Pulce Hones APPLICATION Number (Offi<e Use ) DATE: B / 16 /a6 DEVELOPER : Newland communities PHONE *: 970- 442-z!4a PRoIECT ADDRESS: 345s Lauqhinq cu1l Terrace SUBDMSION: River Liqhts PROPERTY Ot,lNER'S NAIt'lE: Pulte Homes CITY: wilmincton ZIP i 2e4a2 CfTY: Myrt.le Beach PHONE *: 841-3s3-s119 ST: sc ZIP: 29s79 ST: j!_ ZIP: 2 9s7e PHoNE *: 843-3s3-s119 OI'INER,,S ADDRESS: 3s04 Farinadon courr ADORESS: i5o4 Fari-nqdon court Ei'IAIL ADDRESS: Tiffany. Bo{,ie@pulre . com CITY: M rtle Beach PROIECT COiITACT PERSON: riffany Bol,rie PHONE #: 843-353-511e ALTE RATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION ERECT NEW RESIDENCE on tr ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECI( AND AI{Sh'ER BELOI{ AI-L THAT APPLY TO YOIIR PROJECT: ATT GARAGE 487 SF fl surunooN - sF GREENHOUSE SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q Ff ? 2094 TOTAL SQ TOTAL PROIECT €OST cess t-or) : $ t:e,oee FT UNDER ROOF: 2s41 # OF STORIES: r 5F TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ EXISTlNG COI'/STRUCTION : NEhI CONSTRUCTION: DET GARAGE - SF Poo L _ 5F DECK SF OTHER: walk-up attic storage, bdlm #3 ILO qaraqe storaqe master bath +3, study ILO flex DISCLAIMER: lhereby certi/ ha! all inbrmalion in llis applicston is conecr and all rvorkwillcomply wlfi rle Srare Suitdiog Code and attoher @plicable St6ts dd bcd laws aftl o.dinarces and re0ulauons. The NHC Oolebpmenl Seruic€s Cenbr will be nolifed otany changes in he approvecl plans €{d spgcificatons or cfiafiOe h contracbr or contacbr informaton. '"NOTE: Any Work Perfoamed w/O he App.opriaE Pemitswittbe in Viota on of lhe NC SlaE Subject b Fines Up To $500.0f" OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Tiffany Bowie/pu1re Homes SI6NATURE: (Print r{ane)+++ + +++ ++,t+ *+*+ + a t r ++ + l+++,t*,!:i ****i ++,f + +,t,t* *,t **+ *:i *l tt**:t+ )* + )t ,* ,t ,t ,t ,t *,t*** )t *+ + it *,*r* * t+,i,i )t IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? N YES NO EXISTING II,IPERVIO,S AREA: -SQ FT NEt{ IMPERVIOUS AREA: _ SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EX]ST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:I-l vrs E ruo I,JATER :cFpuA n c$'luNrry sysrEM n pRrvATE I.,ELL f| crtrnnr wrlr- sEhlER: EI cFpuA f] cENT&At sEprrc E pnrvare sEprrc n cs,r{JNrTy sysrEr4 *.'t SEpARATE PERIIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, l,lECH, PLBG, Gr.s EQuIp, PREFASS & I SERTS *+* pAyriENT ttErHoD: Icnsx flcxrcK (pAyasLE To NHc) E A,{ERrCAN ExpREss nclvrsa I orscovrnT ** *:t + + *,*,t,t*,i * +* * + t,t,i* * t:F** jt+,t*,* +:t *t*****'****,|+*:t't++,t,1**r.+**+*,1)t,t+**,|****+**,i*:i**,t*,*,ti,r,*)* ZONE: OF FICE R: (FOR OFFICE U5E O{TY) fiEVISED OATE g4l11l12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FL00D: _ BFE+2ft= N I I )a bq- fb BLOCK f:LOT l+: or.o8s CONTRACTOR: Pulte Home€ LICENSE #: I noncx 260 sF f] sronnee sHED _ sF Is Any ELECTUCAL, PLU,{8IXG on IIECHAI{ICAL trork Being Done to the Accessory Stnucture? [ Ves fi UoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal 6as Line on the Current Site? [Ves [ruors there Electnical Power on this Building?[ves l-'l ro pRopERTy usE / occupA[cv: I srrucrr FAHTLY n DUptEX E TOhiNHOUSE DESCRIPTIOTT OF WffiX: SF New Construction, Martin Ray Floor Plan w/ screened porch, 4' qaraqe ext, FLOOD4Z@ i#! effi ;,I-*;,o,l:-,fr HS,,NGPERM'r AP P u CAn O N rYPE: RE5!DENTIAL PIEASE ANSW:R ALI. QUESTIOTIS APPI.ICABIE TO YOUR PRO,,ECT "kojcct Rcspo.ntbilitY' )ot6'fiq2l s36; 'l li 16i/2016 Ust&l*l aEr \u. *}tt lo{t lut ) APPLICANT,S xass, F-S., L.L.C. dba RarnJack PROJTCI ADDRTSS:1120 Pembrgke Jones D.ive clry Wllmington ap 2840i suBDlvlstoN: Landlall PARID #Ros1 19.00901',1-000 l-oT s, 07 p1161,1g x; 9'10-262-1847 OWNER'S ADDRES5:'1120 Pernbroke Jonos Drivs ctry Wilmington ap;2PAO5 CO\'IiIiLTCIR F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack BTlG U'ENSE s.53778 qTy, Durham 5t: Ia aP; 27705 EMA'I ADDRESS:charlie@rami€ckusa.com PHoNE 9J9-309-9727 PROIEcr CONTACT PERSOiI Chariie t.ewis p116116. 9 l9-3O9-9727 ExlsTrNG CoNSTRUCnO i: Alte6tion : Renov.tion L? General Repairs NEwcoNsIRUCnON: C Erect Nelv fiesidence O Addhioo to Exilung Residence I Relocation "'FLEASE cllEcl( AND-AN5!ry!n BIr!I44!L]xa[-8!-p,Lfl9l9!&?.lqrlq"' U Att Grrage iSF) - O Det C:Jr3:le (5F)- l-l Porch {SF} l:] sunrcom {sF,-- O Pool(SF}- fj Gree^house lsFl - t] Dcck(sF)- ls the proposed work chlnging the exlstlng footptint? I-j Ycs tr No IOTAI sQ FT U|IOER aOO,llat pagosed wotkl Hoatcd: -,-- - -- Unheated: Cl slorage shed {Sr) -*-tr other {s0 TOTAL PROJECT COST ltess Lot):5 8614.00 lsthe proposed wod( chan8ing the numberofbedrc )' .I E Ycs Cl o lsanyElectrlel,PlumblngoaMeahanicalwo*b€ingdone:o:holcaestoays:rtlgturetrYesBNo lfthe project i5a Relo.ation, istherea NaturalGas [inc on lire cu rreot site? E Y.t El No ls thorc €le.trical Powerc.thi! guildinS? B Y.. O ft o Property Use/ o.cupanc$ El strgle F.tnlly E oupler D Towtholse Complete claa,ispacs encilpsllir:jn- lnstalldimple shelld memilranB ovsr qround suriace, covar with 20 mlDesc plion ofwoak: crawl sheild liner, Brd soal uP thr walls and cmu's. inslall d.'hurxidiie, i$d se6ltouldalion vonls and leave a 3' gap for t€mite 1 t.6 . nd o' J,..1^.6 .nd relulrrionr. Ihe 8HC Olv.lopnc.l se^j -.. 1i..'" wr : 5. noiinad of arr .ta.Sn h rh. trp.crel pl.n3 lnd t rilr(.]tlall! or dsnte h :.rl iao. ,1:r. ):'rn. "'IaTI Any lorl perfoBrd ril\o{t th. ,Pot.:i ' " "! ' invi.htlon ot6e flc to fn.s upto S5CO.0!'I' Orvner/Contlactor . Chades Lewis -_- -- ggnait te: 'Li.e.tcd Quotifei mntNom. lsthepropcltylo.3ted inafloodpbin? D Ye5 n No ExininS lmpe.vious Area: ..- 5q R l{cw lhpervlousAre.: __ Sq Ff WAtEn: Gl CFPUA l] Community SYstem n Pnv::, System n pr1\ .on", k-i -oo*."s€tb3rrs {F},*1(rF )dfit (R (8)4i8 Approval IolJl acras 0isturbed: -__ ( - . : 'ng Lnd Distlrbing Permit: E Yes D No I i- ccntralwell Cl Aqua '. 'centl?lseptic O Aqu3 H!C..Le"- L(9_i5 Comment: trrty: - Daterl l'Zr'lt4loo{,: lA)ngj (Nl BFE+2?t: Permh tee: $ PROPERTY OWr(rR S NAME: rolr,Ksvit aspp655, 4122 Bennett Merncriai R9?9 sulte 391- SEWER: E CFPUA i] ffi X NA tliru: Subrt,t]j rES NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP Ll CAIION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASEANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROJECT ''P.oiect Responsibllitf 2ot t ' ,1"12 ( PEzru.ffit1 (offlce ur€) F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack Oate '1111612016 APPLICANT'S NAME: 1'120 Pembroke Jones Drive ctw:Wilmington 712 28405PRO.'ECT AODRESS: suBDlvlslo p, Landfall PARTD #R05'l 'l9-009-0'l l-000 PROPERTY OWN ERJS NAME: Tom Kievit PHONE #:910-262-1847 '1120 Pembroke Jones Drive Wilmington 2l 28r'.05 OWNER,S ADDRESS:crw: CONTRACTOR:F.S., L.L.C. dba RamJack ELDG UCENSE #:53778 ADDRESS:4122 Benneft Memorial Road suite 3M 611y. Durham 51 NC 71P;27705 EMAIL ADORESS:chadie@ramiackusa.com PHONE:919-309-9727 D(|SI|NG CONSTRUCIION: i Alteration U Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOWALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*.. D Att Garage (sF)- tr oetcarage(SF)- tr Porch (sF) tr sunroom (SF)--- D Greenhouse (sF)- tr Pool{sF)D storage shed (SF)- tr Deck {SF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Ycs E No TOTAI sq FT UNDER ROOI lfor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: ToTAL PROJECT CoST (Less Lot): S 8614.00 ls the proposed workchangingthe numberof bedroorns? ! v(]s E o lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetothenccessoryStructureEYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo Isthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? G Yes D No Property Lrse/ OccuPancY:g Slngle Famlly E Duplex El Townhouse work; Complete crawlspace encapsulaiion. lnstall dimple sheild membrane over round surface, cover with 20 mlDescription of olScLAlMER: I hereby certifythat altrhe informatjon tn thtrapplic!riox is corcct and allwort vrillcomply with the State Bualding Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordlnances and regu lations.The NHC Development Services ccnterwtl be notafied of any chang€s intheapproved plans and specilicatlons or chenge in contractor information."'NOTEianYwo*performedwithoultheapproprir'"f,rr'1'v'.inviolationoftfieNC cod€d to fin€s uptoSsm.00"' Charles Lewis Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuolAe/ lsthe propertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmperviousArea: -Sq Ft TotalAcles Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: -Sq Ft txislihg Land Dlsturblng Permit E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Privirlc \'.'.ll F Central Well E Aqua sEwER: E CFPUA E Community System EI Priv l.'!,r):rl'i l Centralseptic E Aqua Zonei - Officer: - Setbacks{F)-(tl'} -(RH}-(B}-Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: lA) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment: - Permlt Fe€: $ LoT #: 07 pRoJEcr coilTAcr p5p59p; charlie Lewis pHgNg. 919-309-9727 qrawl sheild liner, and seal up thr walls and cmu's. install dchumidilier and seal foundation vents and leave a 3' gap for termits I