Agenda 2016 12-05AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC BETH DAWSON, CHAIRMAN - JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., VICE - CHAIRMAN SKIP WATKINS, COMMISSIONER - WOODY WHITE, COMMISSIONER - ROB ZAPPLE, COMMISSIONER CHRIS COUDRIET, COUNTY MANAGER - WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY - KYM CROWELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD DECEMBER 5, 2016 4:00 PM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Beth Dawson) INVOCATION (Kathy Beach, Interim Associate Pastor for Christian Education and Discipleship, First Presbyterian Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Skip Watkins) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS MINUTES Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Acknowledgement of New Hanover County State of Emergency and Termination of State of Emergency in the County of New Hanover Proclamations 3. Adoption of Public Officials Bond Resolution 4. Ratification of Grant Application for 2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) 5. Approval of Board of Education 2016 -2017 Budget Amendment #2 ESTIMATED MINUTES REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 10 6. Consideration of New Hanover County Health and Human Services Facility Design and Construction Administration Contract Award 40 7. Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z -964, 11/16) — Request by Design Solutions on Behalf of the Property Owner, Amber Sun, LLC, to Rezone 5.00 Acres Located at 5000 Blue Clay Road from (CUD) 1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) 0&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District, in Order to Allow for Office and School Uses Within the Existing Building Located on the Property, and to Expand an Existing Paved Area on the Property to Allow for Driver Training Courses PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS MINUTES Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 10 8. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 9. ADJOURN Note: Minutes listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Mission New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Vision A vibrant prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Core Values Integrity - Accountability - Professionalism - Innovation - Stewardship Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 5, 2016 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Commissioners PRESENTER(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review Meeting held on November 10, 2016 Regular Meeting held on November 14, 2016 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 5, 2016 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Chairman CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Acknowledgement of New Hanover County State of Emergency and Termination of State of Emergency in the County of New Hanover Proclamations BRIEF SUMMARY: On October 6, 2016 at 12 noon due to the approaching Hurricane Matthew the Chairman signed into effect the New Hanover County State of Emergency Proclamation. The State of Emergency remained in effect through the debris removal process. On December 5, 2016 4:00 p.m., having determined that a state of emergency no longer existed, the Chairman signed into effect the proclamation terminating the New Hanover County State of Emergency. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Acknowledge the State of Emergency Proclamation dated October 6, 2016 and the Termination of State of Emergency Proclamation dated December 5, 2016. ATTACHMENTS: Termination of State of Emergency 12 -05 -16 State of Emergency 10 -06 -16 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 2 NTY- 1,1 0, 1,i,l 1111 i :1!� �I ) , 1 0) 1 ll 1:30)''\ O) 0) ':4) i1 it 1 R&A Lei oil A 230Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wil min gton, NC 28403 (910)798 7149 (9 10) 7987145 FAX www.nhcgov.com TERMINATION OF STATE OF EMERGENCY IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER Beth Dawson Chairman Jbnethen Barfield, Jr. Uce- Chairman Wbody fttte Commissioner Skip Mtklns Commissioner Rob Zapple Commissioner WHEREAS, on Thursday, October 6, 2016, due to the approaching Hurricane Matthew, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners determined and proclaimed a local state of emergency for the County of New Hanover; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has determined that a state of emergency no longer exists in the County of New Hanover; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the above - referenced proclamation of a local state of emergency and all of the restrictions and orders therein are hereby terminated effective December 5, 2016. ADOPTED this the 5th day of December, 2016. Beth Dawson, Chairman Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Beth Dawson BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr. 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 175 Vice-Chairman WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Woody White (91 O) 798-7149 Commissioner (91 O) 798-7145 FAX Skip Watkins WWW.NHCGOV.COM Commissioner Rob Zapple Commissioner NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION OF STATE OF EMERGENCY Section 1: Pursuant to New Hanover County Code Chapter 17, Article 111, Section 17.71 and Section 17.72, and North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 166A and Article 36A, Chapter 14, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has determined that a State of Emergency as defined in the New Hanover County Code Section 17.71 exists in New Hanover County. Section 2: Therefore, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the existence of a State of Emergency in New Hanover County due to the approaching Hurricane Matthew. Section 3: The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby orders all county law enforcement officers, employees and all emergency management personnel to cooperate in the enforcement and implementation of the provisions of the county emergency ordinances. Section 4: This proclamation shall become effective at 12:00 Noon on October 6, 2016. Adopted this the 6th day of October 2016. (SEAL) Beth Dawson, Chairman Board of County Commissioners -1j.LA440fu 6y��� Teresa Elmore Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 2 -2-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 5, 2016 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney CONTACT(S): Kemp Burpeau SUBJECT: Adoption of Public Officials Bond Resolution BRIEF SUMMARY: Pursuant to General Statute 58- 72 -70, the Board is to review annually the Surety Bond coverage for the following: Finance Officer $500,000 Sheriff $ 25,000 Register of Deeds $ 50,000 Tax Collector $100,000 Staff has verified that adequate coverage is in full force and effect. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Public Officials Bond Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION APPROVAL OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS BOND WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 58 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners conducts an annual review of public official bonds; and WHEREAS, said bonds have been reviewed by the County Attorney and found to be in full force and to be in proper format. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve the Surety Bond for the Finance Officer, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, and Tax Collector. This designation of approval is hereby incorporated within the respective bond as if set out in its entirety on the face thereof. ADOPTED this the 5th day of December, 2016. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Beth Dawson, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 5, 2016 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Fire Services PRESENTER(S): Donnie Hall, Fire Chief CONTACT(S): Donnie Hall SUBJECT: Ratification of Grant Application for 2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) BRIEF SUMMARY: Fire Services requests Board approval to ratify 2016 FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant application requesting funding to replace portable radio communication equipment that is reaching the end of its useful life span. The total project cost to purchase 113 Motorola APX radios is $600,986. The local cost share is $54,635 and the Federal Funding Assistance total is $546,351. If the grant is awarded matching funds will be included in the FY 18 Budget request. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify 2016 AFG Grant application submittal. ATTACHMENTS: Grant Narrative GEF Form 17 -012 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 Narrative Grant Project Description and Budget New Hanover County Fire Rescue is committed to provide a professional service to the community by protecting life and property through all hazards response and risk reduction. One of the most basic of essential tools to be successful at this mission is communication. Communication is the lifeline that keeps firefighters safe and provides the tool to call for help and to respond to calls for help from both internal and external sources. The requests primary goal is maintaining and improving inter - department communication response and mitigation. Our agency purchased our current inventory of 800 MHz radios in 2007 -2008. The technology platform of our current radio inventory will no longer be supported and parts to repair radios will no longer be available in 2019. Our request for funding will be solely utilized to move our department into the new platform of P25 II radios thereby increasing our safety, interoperability, functionality and standards. The change to the P25 II technology is imperative for service delivery as we will no longer be able to service, repair, replace or maintain our inventory of radios without support or access to parts. The most critical elements of our grant request is ensuring our firefighters have the safety equipment and compatible communications between public safety agencies serving the citizens of New Hanover County and the surrounding areas. Our grant request includes 13 APX 8000 portable radios to be utilized by command and support staff and 100 APX 6000 radios to be utilized on response apparatus. The total to replace the portable radios with P25 II complaint radios that comply with the newest standard is $600,970. The federal funding assistance requested to complete the program is $546,336.36. Our local cost share is $54,633.64. Financial Need New Hanover County Fire Rescue receives an annual operating and capital budget based on an ad valorem tax rate of .07 cents per one hundred (100) dollar property value. This was reduced from 7.9 cents in FY15 -16. The population of our county has increased 1.4% over the prior year based on NC Office of State Budget and Management information. We continue to face increased pressure on expenditures and strategic reductions to balance our annual budget while balancing service delivery needs. Salaries, benefits and operating expenses grow approximately 2% each year. Our total operating budget adopted for FY16 -17 was decreased by 5.2% from the previous budget year. New Hanover County has a long- standing commitment to sound financial management in the most cost effective manner possible, fully maximizing the use of public monies in the best interest of the public. To deter costs, trend analysis, implementation of evidenced based programs, policies and services have been implemented to defer, or eliminate large capital expenditures however, there have been a number of items that have negatively affected our budget that have been out of our control. Along with our expected operating costs over the past several years our fire stations have been plagued with mold and have required extensive remediation, we have experience catastrophic mechanical failures on Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 apparatus, and entire building systems have required replacement. All items were corrected immediately to ensure the safety of our crews hereby reducing our available budget dollars. The increased service demands coupled with the ever increasing population and lowered budget has made long term planning to replace our communication system equipment challenging to say the least. Along with the challenge of operating in a reduced budget, in the upcoming budget years NHCFR will be tasked with replacing one of our eight fire stations. This station was originally constructed as a volunteer fire station and was not designed for 24 hours per day habitation by career crews. The station has reached the end of its useful life and is no longer cost effective to maintain and is not a safe haven for crews. The estimated cost of this project is over $4.6 million. Operations /Cost Benefit The safety of our firefighters and citizens relies on maintaining an interoperable communication system which allows effective communication between telecommunicators, emergency response agencies, and neighboring communities. A favorable response to this grant request will ensure NHCFR and our regional partners will have continued communications with each other as well as internal communications at daily incidents and during mutual aid responses. The importance of agency interoperability and communication consistency cannot be separated. Without one, the other is lost. The continued compliance with the P25 technology enables clear and direct communication with all public safety agencies. Fire officers will also realize better communication with their firefighters utilizing increased multiple talk groups available for fire ground operations. This allows separation of fire ground operation channels while strictly dedicating the main channel for dispatching purposes. Fire ground interior operations can also be separated from support activities reducing wait time for open frequencies. The Rapid Intervention Team can stay better informed by having uninterrupted communication with the fire ground commander. The P25 II radio replacement project will not increase or decrease our operating costs but will be invaluable to increasing functionality and communication effectiveness. NHCFR has worked with representatives from the Motorola organization to select the best radio for our replacement project. The APX 6000 and the APX 8000 portables have been identified as the most effective and have the P25 II technology that will be supported for the foreseeable future. NHCFR will replace mobile and base models in the future on an as needed basis to keep project costs as low as possible. These improvements will be most visible at multi - jurisdictional calls (Mutual Aid and Automatic Aid) but will also be an important aid to internal communications. Rather than all of the departments trying to talk on a few frequencies, entire talk groups can be created for their respective assigned fire ground tasks. In general, this grant will result in continuing to improve functionality and interoperability with neighboring communities, improve on scene effectiveness and increase firefighter safety. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 2 Statement of Effect The lifeblood to any successful operation is clear, concise, and effective communications. The ability to maintain our communication system both internally and with our regional partners will improve fire ground safety and enhance interoperability. North Carolina has experienced rapid growth over the last decade and is expected to grow by 10% in the next decade. New Hanover County is expected to grow at an even higher rate of 14 %. This ever increasing population continues to increase the demand for service while budgets do not grow at the same rate. New Hanover County Fire Rescue will benefit each and every day both in daily operations and emergency situations, in single company, multi- company and multi- agency responses from the P25 II radios however, the time constraint to move to this technology is out of our control. The overarching mission of the AFG Grant is to strengthen national preparedness and resilience, long term vulnerability reduction and operational communications. Our request definitely falls under these guidelines and we humbly ask your consideration to assist New Hanover County Fire Rescue in replacing our soon to be obsolete portable radios. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 3 . IhP+TY. C * * * * Revision for GEF 17 -012 * * * * NEW HANOV'ER COUNTY Grant Application Evaluation Form 'H1.1ti114t' Lead Department: Fire Services Department Head: Donnie Hall Date: 1118116 Focus Area: Superior Public Safety Co- Applicants / Other Participating Departments /Agencies /Community Organizations: Grant Title: Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG 2016) Funding Organization: FEMA Fiscal Year: Grant Amount: FY18 $ 546,351 Matching Funds? ❑Yes ❑No If Yes, Amount $54,635 Application Due Date: November 18, 2016 Briefly describe the purpose of the grant. To replace obsolete radios used for communication. P New Grant ❑Recurring Grant Multi -Year Grant? ❑Yes ❑No ❑in Kind ❑Cash ❑Other If known: Are any other NHC Departments eligible for this funding? oYes Oqo ❑Possibly Specify, which onus)? Will this project in any way duplicate or compete with another service or ❑Yes mRo ❑Possibly program provided by NHC, another local agency or community organization? Will this grant provide support for a mandated service? w4les ❑No Can we capitalize on this funding to meet current and/or future equipment or facility needs? Does the grantor agency accept indirect costs as an allowable expense? if Yes, what dollar or percent a a is allowed? _a (fQ*-d� 0 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 1 es ❑No es ❑No Can the proposal be completed within grant time frame allotted? Yes DNo ❑Possibly Can the requirements of this grant be met with current staffing levels? es o�N!o ❑Possibly Will new positions be requested (or expiring grant funded positions extended)? ❑Yes GNo If Yes, how many new positions will be funded by the grant? new positions How many existing positions will be funded by the grant? existing positions Will the grant create a program or require any County commitment for funding ❑Yes o after grant funding ends? Does this program fit well with and enhance a current department or County es allo program / initiative I service? If Yes, please explain: Does sufficient administrative support exist to make the grant worth pursuing? TV" es ❑No Description of items or services to be purchased with funds: Purchase APX P25 II portable radios (113) and accessories. Are matching funds in the current budget or does the match require additional oAvailable funding? . Y �� r feet t ! r, 'F y g rW ❑Additional Needed w J ❑N /A- No matching funds WA / t, J n- P &0 require r quested Does tffj grant extend &f and the fiscal year (7 /1 to 6130)? oyes VNO Is funding received in advance or on a reimbursement basis? ❑In,Advance pKeimbursement I have read, and am familiar with, the Grant Policy (AM 13 -001). I acknowledge that as the Department Head, I am agreeing to be responsible for the administration of this grant and will ensure all re uirements are fully m(et in a timely manner. % e(W // Department Head Signature Date t1��N- IT Director (required if computer /technology related) Date Grants & Project Analyst v % \,Oequires BOCC approval (agenda date Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 2 I�i nal Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 3 O ML / VROLA Motorola Solutions, Inc i To: NHC Fire Services From: Mike Cavalluui Ann: Chris 3ohnson 313 Old Dairy Rd Wilmington, NC 28409 P25 Templates �r Phone: 910 -520 -5740 So3 Phone. 910-279 -2044 Fax North Carolina Sales Team Fax- 910-799 -2465 Qty Model N Description Your Pricer Extended Prim t00 H98UCF9PW6 N APX6000 71800 MH_7. MODEL 2.5 XE FIRE PORTABLE $1,850.94 5185,094.00 100 QA02006 APX6000 XE Rugged Fire Package $504.00 550,400.00 100 H869 ENH: MULTIKEY $207.90 $20,790.00 100 0806 Digital CAI Operation 5324.45 532,445.00 100 QA01843 Man Down Operation $94.50 $9,450.00 100 OA01427 Impact Green Housing $15.75 $1,575.00 100 B38 Smartzone System Operation 5756.00 S75,600.00 100 Q361 P25 Digital Operation $189.00 $18,900.00 100 QA05574 ALT'. LWON IMPKESS 2300MAH FM 569.30 56,930.00 100 H885BK 3 Year Service Fron the Sett Lite 584.00 58,400.00 100 SVC03SVCOI 15D Programming Charge 539.00 $3,900.00 100 NNTN8575A Xtreme Temperature Impact Green RSM $369.60 $36,960.00 100 NNTN7624 Impress Rapid Rate Vehicular Charger S33033 $33,033.00 50 RLN6486 Boston Leather Fireman's Radio Strap $28.49 51,424,50 5o RLN6487 Boston Leather Fireman's Radio Strap -XL $30.80 $1,540.00 100 RLN6488 Boston Leather Anti -Seay Strap $11.55 51,155.00 too PMLN5659 Leather Carry Can ./D-Rings 551.59 55,159.00 5 H91TGD9P W7AN APXWW 7110011HF MH7 MODEL 3.5 XE FIRE PORTABLE $3,848.67 519,243.35 5 QA02006 APX8000 XE Rugged Fire Package 5504.00 52,520.00 5 H869 ENH. MULTHCEY $207.90 $1,039.50 5 Q806 Digital CAI Operation $324.45 SI,622.25 5 QA01843 Man Down Operation $94 50 5472.50 5 H38 Smarume System Operation 5756.00 53,780.00 5 Q361 P25 Digital Operation SI89.00 $945.00 5 QA05574 ALT: LI-ION IMPRESS 2300MAH FM 569.30 5346.50 5 H8858K 3 Year Service Fron the Start Lite 584.00 $420.00 5 SVC03SVCDI 15D Programming Charge $39.00 $195.00 5 NNTN8575BLK Xtreme Temperature Impact Black RSM $369.60 S1,848.00 5 NNTN7624 Impress Rapid Rate Vehicular Charger $330.33 51,651.65 5 FLLN6496 Boston Leather Fireman's Radio Strap $2849 5142.45 5 RLN6488 Boston Leather Anti -Sexy Strap S11.55 557.75 5 PMLN5659 Leather Carry Case w/D.Rings 551.59 $257.95 8 H91TGD9P W7AN APXWW 7dm0NHF MILT MODEL 3.5 XF FIRE PORTABLE S3,848.67 530,789.36 8 QA02006 APX8000 XE Rugged Fire Package S5154.00 $4,032.00 8 H869 ENH'. MULTIKEY $207.90 $1,663.20 8 QA01427 Impact Green Housing $15.75 5126.00 8 Q906 Digital CAI Operation 5324.45 52,595.60 8 QA01843 Man Down Operation $94 50 $756.00 8 H38 Smartzone System Operation $756.00 56,048.00 8 Q361 P25 Digital Operation $189.00 51,512.00 8 QA05574 ALT: LI -ION IMPRESS 2300MAH FM $6930 $554.40 8 H885BK 3 Year Service Fron the Start Lite $84.00 5672.00 8 SVC03SVCOI 15D Programming Charge $3900 5312.00 8 NNTN9575A Xtreme Temperature Impact Green RSM $369.60 $2,956.80 8 NNTN7624 Impress Rapid Rate Vehicular Charger $330.33 52,642.64 8 RLN6496 Boston Leather Fireman's Radio Strap SZBA9 5227.92 8 RLN6498 Boston Leather Anti -Sexy Strap $11.55 $92.40 8 PMLN5659 Leather Carry Case ./D-Rings 551.59 $412.72 16 NNTN7073B 6 Unit Multi Impres Charger w /Diplay 51,143.45 $18,295.20 Notes I. North Carolina sales in has not been included in this quotation. 2 Prices in accordance with North Carolina Sure Contract N725G 3. Proposal Valid for 30 Days Proposal Name: qafg -2 -2016 Equipment 600,985.64 Payment Terms: Net 30 days Installation Includ Delivery: Approx. 30 Days from receipt of PO Proposal Date: November 8 2016 Total 600 985.64 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 3 Total Project $600,986 Local Share /a 10% Federal Funding Assistance $546,351 Local Share $54,635 $600,986 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 4 � � E 2 2. � B � m 2 % E 2 � 2 § ■ m k 0 E � � � B � g|\ ©|lo mim m |m _1- -|_ m |m m! \ \ \ \ M < 0. < (D # 0 LO � / # a 9 a t j 2\ cu £ $ E 4 m w LL 3 � ¥ en � � � � � \ } < � Q 0 o m E d o /ƒCM « M ■ - _ § R R R t R 0 _ E C f a �$ 0■ a « « < < 2 « « 2 L6 _ � k � E (r \� U)\ § .. 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W I W _W ! d�LL LL a�oL ao w e+ n co j I 0 !x z v � 01 � d - r Y.+,.a V V'y aw u7 a n N (N 2 41 L C a a Q Q Q a LL q V In �p OO N 3 O� 1 N C N -0 W'- ., N 0 N � 0 � N cv 0 LU w E � E 0 U 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 5, 2016 CONSENT DEPARTMENT: Strategy & Budget PRESENTER(S): Elizabeth Schrader, Chief Strategy and Budget Officer CONTACT(S): Elizabeth Schrader SUBJECT: Approval of Board of Education 2016 -2017 Budget Amendment #2 BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 6, 2016, the New Hanover County Board of Education adopted 2016 -2017 Budget Amendment #2: a) Budgets a Wrightsville Beach School Foundation donation to fund two tutors and a teacher assistant for $58,376, $4,800 in proceeds from the sale of a Head Start van, $19,500 in advertising revenue received from The Education App in the local Current Expense Fund. $886,112 of fund balance is appropriated for school allotment carryover balances, central carryover for ongoing projects and outstanding purchase orders and miscellaneous transfers due to school allotments and school budget plan transfers. b) NHCS budget capital outlay projects on an annual basis. For multi -year capital projects, the public school system must re- appropriate funds annually. This budget amendment records carryover of $150,700,007 for ongoing capital projects in the Capital Outlay fund. $145,723,636 for 2014 bond projects $ 1,421,976 in county capital appropriations ($1,413,288 for Sidbury Rd Complex) $ 683,867 in local funding projects (includes mobile classroom replacement, Lakeside demolition, Roe renovations, playground equipment replacement, etc.) $ 538,274 from DPI for school bus leases $ 2,332,254 for lottery projects $150,700,007 This budget amendment also establishes budgets for $960,500 of lottery projects. The applications for these lottery projects were approved by the Board of County Commissioners on 08/22/16. Finally, this budget amendment transfers $50,000 from the Sidbury Rd. Complex to budget Sidbury Road tree replacement required by the NHC Zoning Ordinance (leaving a final budget of $1,363,288 for Sidbury Road Complex). STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Support programs to improve educational performance RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Board of Education 2016 -2017 Budget Amendment #2. ATTACHMENTS: NHCS 2016 -2017 Budget Amendment#2 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 Item: 2016 -17 Budget Amendment #2 Date: September 6, 2016 Department: Finance Background /Historical Context: The attached Budget Amendment is needed to record revenue changes and transfers as described in chart below: Fund Description State To record State Revisions #01 - #07 including NCVPS reduction in Non - Instructional Support ($101,032), Technology carryover ($82,589), Summer Reading Camps carryover ($393,134), School Resource Officers allocation ($410,117) and Summer Reading Camp transfers. General To record budget for the following items: WBS Foundation donation for 2 Tutors and a Teacher Assistant ($58,376); Matching for SRO grant budget ($156,741); Proceeds from sale of Head Start van ($4,800); Advertising revenue from The Education App, LLC ($19,500); School allotment carryover balances ($159,679); Central carryover for ongoing projects and outstanding purchase orders ($569,692); and Miscellaneous budget transfers due to School Allotments and School Budget Plan transfers. Other Record budget for the following items: Donations form Wilmington ILM ($300) and Restricted Vendor Fair Sponsorships ($10,100); Proceeds from sale of Drivers Ed Vehicle Revenue ($1,621); New Smart Start Grant ($24,025): Carryover of unspent portion of Year 3 Head Start grant budgeted for May and June ($113,087) and Chamber of Commerce grant (3,610); and fund balance appropriation for various grants and reserves ($3,936,081). Capital Outlay To record carryover for ongoing capital projects ($150,700,007), and establish budget for new lottery projects approved by DPI totaling $960,500, and transfer $50,000 from Sidbury Road project to new Tree Replacement Project required by NHC zoning ordinance. Enterprise To record the Actual vs Planning budgets for the Fruit & Veggie Grants for Alderman, College Park, Williams, Sunset Park, Bradley Creek, Freeman and Wrightsboro. Recommendation: For Approval Rationale for Recommendation: Approval is needed to record budget changes. Short and Long Term Impact: Required for planning and resource management. Supporting Documentation: • Summary by fund and purpose /function • Individual Funds shown with current and revised totals. • Capital Outlay also shown by Project, including the multi -year budget. Board Action: Recommendation Accepted Recommendation Rejected Tabled for Further Study Other ITEM: 5 -1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Budget Amendment #: Be it resolved by the New Hanover County Board of Education that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Revenue Source: Federal Sources State Public School Fund (1) Local Current Expense Fund (General) (2) Federal Grant Fund (3) Other Restricted Revenue Fund (8) Subtotal Operating Budget Capital Outlay Fund (4) Enterprise Fund (5) Private Purpose Trust Fund (6) Total Amendment Purpose /Function: Instructional services: Regular Instruction $ (4,319) $ 160,689 $ $ 290,181 $ 446,551 $ 13,479 $ Fund Balance Appropriations $ 460,030 Special Populations $ (3) 15,498 $ 84 15,579 - $ New Hanover County 15,579 Alternative Programs $ 322,036 28,040 $ 117,889 467,965 $ Other Revenues 467,965 School Leadership $ (54,148) 13,680 $ 600 (39,868) $ State Sources (39,868) Co- Curricular $ - 57,741 $ - 57,741 $ Transfer from Other Funds 57,741 School -Based Support $ 411,630 214,670 $ 379,767 1,006,068 $ Total Revenue 1,006,068 subtotal $ 675,197 $ 490,318 $ $ 788,520 $ 1,954,036 $ 13,479 $ $ $ 1,967,515 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ Special Population Support and Development $ - $ 803 803 $ 803 Alternative Program Support and Development $ 1 $ (8,427) (8,426) $ (8,426) Technology Support $ 90,228 251,304 $ - 341,532 $ 341,532 Operational Support $ 66,873 176,943 $ 72,676 316,492 550,966 $ 867,458 Financial and Human Resources $ - 7,586 $ - 7,586 - $ 7,586 Accountability $ $ - $ - System -Wide Pupil Support $ $ - - $ Policy, Leadership and Public Relations $ - 41,640 $ 11,800 53,440 $ 53,440 subtotal $ 157,102 $ 477,473 $ $ 76,853 $ 711,428 $ 550,966 $ $ $ 1,262,394 Ancillary: Community Services $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ Nutrition Services $ 997 $ $ 997 28,557 $ 17,849 47,403 subtotal $ $ 997 $ $ $ 997 $ 28,557 $ 17,849 $ $ 47,403 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ $ - $ $ $ - $ 151,053,694 $ - $ 151,053,694 Non - programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ $ $ $ (1,550) $ (1,550) $ - $ $ (1,550) Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost $ $ 3,225,001 3,225,001 13,811 $ 3,238,812 Transfer to Other Funds $ $ - - - $ - Scholarships $ $ - - $ - subtotal $ $ $ $ 3,223,451 $ 3,223,451 $ 13,811 $ - $ $ 3,237,262 Total Appropriation $ 832,299 $ 968,788 $ $ 4,088,824 $ 5,889,911 $ 151,660,507 $ 17,849 $ $1 ,568,267 Revenue Source: Federal Sources $ $ $ $ 113,087 $ 113,087 $ $ 17,849 $ 130,936 Food Sales $ $ - - $ - - Fund Balance Appropriations $ 886,112 $ 3,936,081 4,822,193 683,867 $ 5,506,060 New Hanover County $ - $ - - 147,145,612 $ 147,145,612 Other Revenues $ 82,676 $ 15,631 98,307 $ 98,307 State Sources $ 832,299 - $ 2 , 25 856,324 3,831,029 $ 4,687,353 Transfer from Other Funds $ - - $ - - $ - Total Revenue $ 832,299 $ 968,788 $ $ 4,0 $ 5,889,911 151,660,507 $ 17,849 $ $ 157,568,267 Passed by majority vote of the New Hanover County Board of Education fif North Carol on the 6th Day of September, 2016. 7am_A� Chairman eTce fa Ne w Hanover County Board of Educat n INver County Board of Education Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 2 State Fund Cummulative Budget Summary: Revenue Source: Federal Sources Current Budget I Amendment #2 1 Revised Budget Purpose /Function: - - - Fund Balance Appropriation - - Instructional services: New Hanover County - - Other Revenues - Regular Instruction $ 76,964,829 $ (4,319) $ 76,960,510 Special Populations - 24,909,032 Total Revenue (3) $ 832,299 24,909,029 Alternative Programs 4,704,584 322,036 5,026,620 School Leadership 7,668,020 (54,148) 7,613,872 Co- Curricular - - - School -Based Support 7,139,502 411,630 7,551,132 subtotal $ 121,385,967 $ 675,197 $ 122,061,164 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ 250,224 - $ 250,224 Special Population Support and Development 292,133 - 292,133 Alternative Program Support and Development 346,138 1 • 346,139 Technology Support 300,000 90,228 390,228 Operational Support 13,884,160 66,873 13,951,033 Financial and Human Resources 275,801 - 275,801 Accountability - - - System -Wide Pupil Support - - - Policy, Leadership and Public Relations 685,508 - 685,508 subtotal $ 16,033,964 $ 157,102 $ 16,191,066 Ancillary: Community Services $ - $ - $ - Nutrition Services 65,488 - 65,488 subtotal $ 65,488 $ - $ 65,488 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - Non- programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ - $ - $ - Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost - - Transfer to Other Funds - - - Scholarships - - - subtotal $ - $ - $ - Total Appropriation $ 137,485,419 $ 832,299 $ 138,317,718 Revenue Source: Federal Sources - Food Sales - - - Fund Balance Appropriation - - New Hanover County - - Other Revenues - - - State Sources 137,485,419 832,299 138,317,718 Transfer from Other Funds - - - Total Revenue $ 137,485,419 $ 832,299 $ 138,317,718 Explanation: To record State Revisions #01 - #07 including NCVPS reduction in Non - Instructional Support ($101,032), Technology carryover ($82,589), Summer Reading Camps carryover ($393,134), School Resource Officers allocation ($410,117) and Summer Reading Camps transfers. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 3 General Fund Cummulative Budget Summary: Current Budget I Amendment #2 1 Revised Budget Purpose /Function: $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 Food Sales - Instructional services: Fund Balance Appropriation 7,399,260 886,112 8,285,372 New Hanover County 72,855,604 Regular Instruction $ 21,453,829 $ 160,689 $ 21,614,518 Special Populations - 2,301,008 Transfer from Other Funds 15,498 - 2,316,506 Alternative Programs $ 82,419,864 2,498,116 $ 83,388,652 28,040 2,526,156 School Leadership 6,186,022 13,680 6,199,702 Co- Curricular 2,126,571 57,741 2,184,312 School -Based Support 8,208,348 214,670 8,423,018 subtotal $ 42,773,894 $ 490,318 $ 43,264,212 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ 2,067,865 - $ 2,067,865 Special Population Support and Development 136,169 - 136,169 Alternative Program Support and Development 390,198 - 390,198 Technology Support 7,220,912 251,304 7,472,216 Operational Support 16,710,939 176,943 16,887,882 Financial and Human Resources 4,822,413 7,586 4,829,999 Accountability 356,229 - 356,229 System -Wide Pupil Support 561,178 - 561,178 Policy, Leadership and Public Relations 1,733,950 41,640 1,775,590 subtotal $ 33,999,853 $ 477,473 $ 34,477,326 Ancillary: Community Services $ - $ - $ - Nutrition Services 172,260 997 173,257 subtotal $ 172,260 $ 997 $ 173,257 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - Non- programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ 2,540,324 $ - $ 2,540,324 Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost 2,869,533 2,869,533 Transfer to Other Funds - - Scholarships 64,000 - 64,000 subtotal $ 5,473,857 $ - $ 5,473,857 Total Appropriation $ 82,419,864 $ 968,788 $ 83,388,652 Revenue Source: Federal Sources $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 Food Sales - - Fund Balance Appropriation 7,399,260 886,112 8,285,372 New Hanover County 72,855,604 - 72,855,604 Other Revenues 2,155,000 82,676 2,237,676 State Sources - - - Transfer from Other Funds - - - Total Revenue $ 82,419,864 $ 968,788 $ 83,388,652 Explanation: To record budget for the following items: WBS Foundation donation for 2 Tutors and a Teacher Assistant ($58,376); Matching for SRO grant budget ($156,741); Proceeds from sale of Head Start van ($4,800); Advertising revenue from The Education App, LLC ($19,500); School allotment carryover balances ($159,679); Central carryover for ongoing projects and outstanding purchase orders ($569,692); and Miscellaneous budget transfers due to School Allotments and School Budget Plan transfers. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 4 Other Restricted Revenue Cummulative Budget Summary: Current Budget I Amendment #2 1 Revised Budget Purpose /Function: $ 2,733,315 $ 113,087 $ 2,846,402 Food Sales - - Instructional services: Fund Balance Appropriation 600,000 3,936,081 4,536,081 New Hanover County - Regular Instruction $ 275,000 $ 290,181 $ 565,181 Special Populations 24,025 114,000 Transfer from Other Funds 84 - 114,084 Alternative Programs $ 8,096,766 4,377,147 $ 12,185,590 117,889 4,495,036 School Leadership - 600 600 Co- Curricular 678,000 - 678,000 School -Based Support 792,500 379,767 1,172,267 subtotal $ 6,236,647 $ 788,520 $ 7,025,167 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ - - $ - Special Population Support and Development 200,000 803 200,803 Alternative Program Support and Development 168,903 (8,427) 160,476 Technology Support - - - Operational Support 1 980,000 72,676 1,052,676 Financial and Human Resources 82,013 - 82,013 Accountability - - - System -Wide Pupil Support - - - Policy, Leadership and Public Relations - 11,800 11,800 subtotal $ 1,430,916 $ 76,853 $ 1,507,769 Ancillary: Community Services $ 70,500 $ - $ 70,500 Nutrition Services - - - subtotal $ 70,500 $ - $ 70,500 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - Non- programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ 142,500 $ (1,550) $ 140,950 Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost 211,703 3,225,001 3,436,704 Transfer to Other Funds 4,500 - 4,500 Scholarships - - - subtotal $ 358,703 $ 3,223,451 $ 3,582,154 Total Appropriation $ 8,096,766 $ 4,088,824 $ 12,185,590 Revenue Source: Federal Sources $ 2,733,315 $ 113,087 $ 2,846,402 Food Sales - - - Fund Balance Appropriation 600,000 3,936,081 4,536,081 New Hanover County - - - Other Revenues 1,636,630 15,631 1,652,261 State Sources 3,126,821 24,025 3,150,846 Transfer from Other Funds - - - Total Revenue $ 8,096,766 $ 4,088,824 $ 12,185,590 Explanation: Record budget for the following items: Donations form Wilmington ILM ($300) and Vendor Fair Sponsorships ($10,100); Proceeds from sale of Drivers Ed Vehicle ($1,621); New Smart Start Grant ($24,025): Carryover of unspent portion of Year 3 Head Start grant budgeted for May and June ($113,087) and Chamber of Commerce grant (3,610); and fund balance appropriation for various grants and reserves ($3,936,081). Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 5 Enterprise Fund Cummulative Budget Summary: Revenue Source: Federal Sources Current Budget Amendment #2 Revised Budget Purpose /Function: Instructional services: Regular Instruction $ - $ - $ Special Populations - - - Alternative Programs - - - School Leadership - - - Co- Curricular - - - School -Based Support - - - subtotal $ - System -wide support services: Support and Development - Special Population Support and Development - - - Alternative Program Support and Development - - Technology Support - - - Operational Support - - - Financial and Human Resources - - - Accountability - - - System -Wide Pupil Support - - - Policy, Leadership and Public Relations - - - subtotal $ - Ancillary: Community Services - Nutrition Services 12,768,000 17,849 12,785,849 subtotal $ 12,768,000 $ 17,849 $ 12,785,849 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - Non- programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ - $ - $ - Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost - Transfer to Other Funds - - Scholarships - - subtotal $ - $ - $ - Total Appropriation $ 12,768,000 $ 17,849 $ 12,785,849 Revenue Source: Federal Sources $ 8,932,000 $ 17,849 $ 8,949,849 Food Sales 2,925,200 - 2,925,200 Fund Balance Appropriation 814,700 - 814,700 New Hanover County - - - Other Revenues 76,000 - 76,000 State Sources 8,100 - 8,100 Transfer from Other Funds 12,000 - 12,000 Total Revenue $ 12,768,000 $ 17,849 $ 12,785,849 Explanation: To record the Actual vs Planning budgets for the Fruit & Veggie Grants for Alderman, College Park, Williams, Sunset Park, Bradley Creek, Freeman and Wrightsboro. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 6 Capital Outlay Cummulative Budget Summary: Current Budget I Amendment #2 1 Revised Budget Purpose /Function: $ - $ - $ - Food Sales - Instructional services: - Fund Balance Appropriation - 683,867 683,867 Regular Instruction $ 147,145,612 $ 13,479 $ 13,479 Special Populations State Sources - 3,831,029 3,831,029 Transfer from Other Funds - Alternative Programs - - $ 2,015,000 $ 151,660,507 $ 153,675,507 - School Leadership - - Co- Curricular - School -Based Support - subtotal $ - $ 13,479 $ 13,479 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ - $ - $ - Special Population Support and Development - - Alternative Program Support and Development - - Technology Support - - - Operational Support - 550,966 550,966 Financial and Human Resources - - Accountability - - System -Wide Pupil Support - - Policy, Leadership and Public Relations - - subtotal $ - $ 550,966 $ 550,966 Ancillary: Community Services $ - $ - $ - Nutrition Services - 28,557 28,557 subtotal $ - $ 28,557 $ 28,557 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ 2,015,000 $ 151,053,694 $ 153,068,694 Non - programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ - $ - $ - Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost - 13,811 13,811 Transfer to Other Funds - - - Scholarships - - - subtotal $ - I $ 13,811 $ 13,811 Total Appropriation $ 2,015,000 1 $ 151,660,507 $ 153,675,507 Revenue Source: Federal Sources $ - $ - $ - Food Sales - - - Fund Balance Appropriation - 683,867 683,867 New Hanover County (includes Bond) 2,015,000 147,145,612 149,160,612 Other Revenues - - - State Sources - 3,831,029 3,831,029 Transfer from Other Funds - - - Total Revenue $ 2,015,000 $ 151,660,507 $ 153,675,507 Explanation: To record carryover for ongoing capital projects ($150,700,007), and establish budget for new lottery projects approved by DPI totaling $960,500, and transfer $50,000 from Sidbury Road project to new Tree Replacement Project required by NHC zoning ordinance. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 7 Bond Program Summary Budget by Funding Source and Project #: Funding Source/ Project Budget Beginning Amendment #1 Project# Program Project Description (Multi -Year) Budget (7/12116) Amendment #2 Revised Budget PSBCF - Lottery Revenue: 9158.15 076 Sidbury Road Complex 110,000.00 1,174,035.94 1,174,035.94 9162.16 076 Wrightsboro Floor Replacement 54,000.00 37,260.00 37,260.00 9163.16 076 Laney Painting 180,000.00 159,600.00 159,600.00 9164.16 076 Fire Alarm Replacement 36,000.00 32,611.52 32,611.52 9165.16 076 Eaton and Codington Carpet Replacement 144,000.00 23,129.98 23,129.98 9167.16 076 Bellamy Painting 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 9168.16 076 Williams Service Ramp 45,000.00 40,700.00 40,700.00 9169.16 076 Laney Restroom Renovations 38,250.00 402,271.13 402,271.13 9170.16 076 Bellamy & Murray Traffic Improvements 80,000.00 74,215.00 74,215.00 9171.16 076 Sidbury Road Roadway Improvements - 308,431.00 308,431.00 9172.17 076 Playground Equipment Replacement 100,000.00 100,000.00 9173.17 076 NHHS - Cafeteria Serving Line Renovation 25,000.00 25,000.00 9174.17 076 Brogden Hall - Floor Tile Abatement 185,000.00 185,000.00 9175.17 076 Laney - Electrical Switchgear Replacement 30,000.00 30,000.00 9176.17 076 Gregory - Cooler /Freezer Replacement 40,000.00 40,000.00 9177.17 076 Freeman - Boiler Replacement 125,000.00 125,000.00 9178.17 076 Eaton & Codington - Carpet Replacement 50,000.00 50,000.00 9179.17 076 Bellamy - Boiler Replacement 125,000.00 125,000.00 9180.17 076 Ashley - Underground Fire Sprinkler Line 85,000.00 85,000.00 9181.17 076 Access Control System Upgrade - 195,500.00 195,500.00 $ 767,250.00 $ $ 3,292,754.57 $ 3,292,754.57 DPI School Bus Revenue: 6550 120 School Bus Leases (DPI) $ 786,362.00 $ $ 538,274.00 $ 538,274.00 Local Funding: 8500 801 Capital Outlay Contingency n/a 13,811.29 13,811.29 5110.16 801 Furniture & Equipment 110,000.00 1,575.81 1,575.81 6550.16 801 Vehicles 189,500.00 8,008.81 8,008.81 7200.10 801 Roe Kitchen Upgrades 46,625.00 28,557.22 28,557.22 9160.16 801 Lakeside Demolition 348,500.00 233,381.02 233,381.02 9161.16 801 Roe Renovation 204,200.00 60,353.56 60,353.56 5110 814 Furniture and Equipment 109,241.41 7,898.97 7,898.97 9115 815 Playground Equip Rplmt & Access 100,000.00 29,618.73 29,618.73 9137 815 Mobile Classroom Replacement 852,211.94 300,661.50 300,661.50 $ 1,960,278.35 $ $ $ 683,866.91 $ 683,866.91 County Capital Appropriation: 5110 816 Furniture and Equipment 75,875.00 4,003.99 4,003.99 6580 816 Maintenance Equipment 55,800.00 4,683.21 4,683.21 9157 816 Sidbury Road Complex Improvements 1,550,000.00 1,550,000.00 1,363,288.48 2,913,28848 9160 816 Lakeside - Phase II - 465,000.00 465,000.00 9161 816 Sidbury Road Tree Replacement 50,000.00 50,000.00 $ 1,681,675.00 $ 2,015,000.00 $ $ 1,421,975.68 $ 3,436,975.68 2014 Bond Program: 9001.01 900 Northeast ES 17,011,380.00 10,092,445.44 10,092,445.44 9002.03 900 College Park ES Rplmt 17,011,381.00 16,733,119.00 16,733,119.00 9003.05 900 Blair ES Rplmt 17,011,381.00 16,708,090.80 16,708,090.80 9004.06 900 Laney HS Addns & Renovns 11,245,057.78 2,022,992.00 10,608,015.85 12,631,007.85 9005.08 900 Hoggard HS Addns & Renovns 15,915,488.77 14,626,241.73 14,626,241.73 9006.09 900 New Hanover HS Renovns 6,511,894.00 5,712,158.03 5,712,158.03 9007.10 900 Roland Grise MS Renovns 11,660,898.00 11,659,550.33 11,659,550.33 9008.11 900 Noble MS Renovns 7,906,664.00 7,906,664.00 7,906,664.00 9009.12 900 Trask MS Renovns 9,901,100.00 9,901,100.00 9,901,100.00 901013 900 Myrtle Grove MS Renovns 8,727,903.00 8,727,903.00 8,727,903.00 9011.14 900 Wrightsville Beach ES Addns & Renovns 7,332,492.00 7,332,492.00 7,332,492.00 9012.07 900 Technology - Network Infrastructure 5,690,014.00 4,842,431.43 4,842,431.43 901107 900 Technology - Security Cameras 3,402,276.00 3,161,279.33 3,161,279.33 9014.07 900 Technology - VoIP Core Infrastr /Equip 469,279.00 469,279.00 469,279.00 9015.04 900 Sunset Park Roof Rplmt 219,800.00 - - Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 8 Funding Source/ Project Budget Beginning Amendment #1 Project# Program Project Description (Multi -Year) Budget (7/12116) Amendment #2 Revised Budget 9017.04 900 Trask Roof Rplmt 1,808,970.00 1,808,970.00 1,808,970.00 9018.04 900 Laney Roof Rplmt 517,249.00 (91,219.00) 493,470.12 402,251.12 9019.04 900 Johnson Roof Rplmt 6,272.45 - - 9020.04 900 Hoggard HS Roof Rplmt 499,722.00 499,722.00 499,722.00 9022.04 900 Pine Valley Roof Rplmt 336,434.00 206,565.26 206,565.26 9027.04 900 Veterans Park Roof Coating 1,226,276.00 1,226,276.00 1,226,276.00 9028.04 900 Noble Abmt/Carpet Rplmt 304,553.00 108,113.61 108,113.61 9029.04 900 Hoggard Abmt/Carpet Rplmt 681,750.00 660,540.50 660,540.50 9030.04 900 Laney AbmUCarpt Rplmt 516,208.00 435,676.87 435,676.87 9034.04 900 Codington HVAC Imprmts 260,720.00 - - 9035.04 900 Eaton HVAC Imprmts 261,525.00 - - 9036.04 900 Veterans Park HVAC Imprmts 367,474.00 237,092.33 237,092.33 9037.04 900 New Hanover HVAC Imprmts 360,459.00 360,459.00 360,459.00 9038.04 900 Bradley Creek HVAC Imprmts 1,611,757.00 852,591.33 852,591.33 9039.04 900 Johnson HVAC Imprmts 1,611,758.00 935,614.81 935,614.81 9040.04 900 HVAC & Controls Imprmts atVarSchools 1,509,314.00 1,491,875.94 1,491,875.94 9041.15 900 Program Management 3,106,796.00 2,823,659.62 2,823,659.62 9042.16 900 Contingency 3,268,541.00 (1,931,773.00) 3,417,150.87 1,485,377.87 9043.04 900 Carolina Beach Roof Rplmt 151,774.00 109,648.93 109,648.93 9044.04 900 Roland Grise Roof Rplmt 394,916.00 394,916.00 394,916.00 9045.04 900 Gregory Roof Rplmt 569,386.00 569,386.00 569,386.00 9046.04 900 NHHS Roof Rplmt 611,137.00 611,137.00 611,137.00 $ 160,000,000.00 $ $ $ 145,723,636.13 $ 145,723,636.13 $ 165,195,565.35 $ 2,015,000.00 $ $ 151,660,507.29 $ 153,675,507.29 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 9 Capital Detail - Amendment #2 Project # Program Code To set up budget for approved Lottery Applications: Project Description Amount 9172 076 4.9172.076.529.000.945.17 Playground Equipment Replacement at Various Sites 100,000.00 9173 076 4.9173.076.526.352.945.17 NHHS - Cafeteria Serving Line Renovation 25,000.00 9174 076 4.9174.076.529.352.945.17 Brogden Hall - Floor Tile Abatement 185,000.00 9175 076 4.9175.076.526.326.945.17 Laney - Electrical Switchgear Replacement 30,000.00 9176 076 4.9176.076.529.332.945.17 Gregory - Cooler /Freezer Replacement 40,000.00 9177 076 4.9177.076.529.312.945.17 Freeman - Boiier Replacement 125,000.00 9178 076 4.9178.076.529.000.945.17 Eaton & Codington - Carpet Replacement 50,000.00 9179 076 4.9179.076.529.338.945.17 Bellamy - Boiler Replacement 125,000.00 9180 076 4.9180.076.529.327.945.17 Ashley - Underground Fire Sprinkler Line Replacement 85,000.00 9181 076 4.9181.076.529.000.945.17 Access Control System Upgrade at Various Sites 195,500.00 960,500.00 Revenue: 3460 076 4.3460.076 Lottery Revenue (960,500.00) Transfer to set up budget for Sidbury Road Tree Replacement required by NHC Zoning Ordinance: 9157 816 4.9157.816.529.000.945.17 Sidbury Road Transportation Phase II (50,000.00) 9161 816 4.9161.816.529.000.945.17 Sidbury Road - Tree Replacement 50,000.00 To record carryover net of accruals - Per 8130196 GL and pending accrual adjustment: 076 9158 9162 9163 9164 9165 9167 9168 9169 9170 9171 120 6550 801 5110 6550 7200 4.9158.076.522.000.945.15 4.9158.076.526.000.945.15 4.9162.076.529.404.945.16 4.9163.076.529.326.945.16 4.9164.076.529.000.945.16 4.9165.076.529.000.945.16 4.9167.076.529.338.945.16 4.9168.076.526.346.945.16 4.9168.076.529.346.945.16 4.9169.076.522.326.945.16 4.9169.076.526.326.945.16 4.9170.076.526.000.945.16 4.9170.076.529.000.945.16 4.9171.076.522.000.945.16 4.6550.120,551,000.000.00 4.5110.801.411.000.933.16 4.6550.801.551.000.923.16 4.7200.801.411.000.933.10 SIDBURY ROAD (COLLEGE PARK) ELEMENTARY SIDBURY RD - COLLEGE PARK WRIGHTSBORO FLOOR REPLACEMENT LANEY PAINTING FIRE ALARM REPLACEMENT EATON & CODINGTON CARPET REPLACEMENT BELLAMY PAINTING WILLIAMS SERVICE RAMP DESIGN WILLIAMS SERVICE RAMP CONSTRUCTION LANEY RESTROOM RENOVATIONS LANEY RESTROOM RENOVATIONS BELLAMY & MURRAY TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS BELLAMY & MURRAY TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS SIDBURY ROAD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS SCHOOL BUS LEASE (DPI) CAP FURNITURE & EQUIP <1,000.00 VEHICLES CAFETERIA SMALLWARES Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 10 �r X73 '7 // 1,150,213.00 23,822.94 37,260.00 159,600.00 32,611.52 23,129.98 80,000.00 700.00 40,000.00 386,750.00 15,521.13 6,750.00 67,465.00 308,431.00 538,274.00 1,575.81 8,008.81 533.35 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 11 4.7200.801.541.000.933.10 ROE KITCHEN EQUIPMENT >$5,000.00 28,023.87 8500 4.8500.801.393.000.000.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY CONTINGENCY 13,811.29 9160 4.9160.801.522.000.945.16 LAKESIDE -PHASE 1 FACILITY DEMOLITION 214,642.00 4.9160.801.526.000.945.16 LAKESIDE -PHASE 1 DESIGN CONTRACT 18,493.02 4.9160.801.529.000.945.16 LAKESIDE -PHASE 1 DEMOLITION MISC CONTR 246.00 9161 4.9161.801.529.000.931.00 ROE UPGRADES 60,353.56 802 6580 4.6580.802.325.000.000.00 PO#4252 ROLLED FROM 2658080232500000000 - 814 5110 4.5110.814.411.000.933.00 CAPITAL FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT <$1,000.00 7,898.97 815 9115 4.9115.815.529.000.931.00 PLAYGROUND EQUIP RPLMT /ACCESS PHASE 2/3 29,618.73 9137 4.9137.815.461.000.945.00 CAPITAL FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT <$5,000.00 512.39 4.9137.815.462.000.945.00 COMPUTER EQUIP >1,000.00 2,454.37 4.9137.815.529.000.945.00 MOBILE CLASSROOM REPLACEMENTS 297,694.74 816 5110 4.5110.816.411.000.933.00 CAPITAL FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT <$1,000.00 4,003.99 6580 4.6580.816.411.000.933.00 CAPITAL/MAINT & TECH 4,683.21 9157 4.9157.816.522.000.945.00 SIDBURY RD - PHASE II (283,144.61) 4.9157.816.522.000.945.17 SIDBURY RD - PHASE II 799,431.00 4.9157.816.526.000.945.00 SIDBURY RD -TRANS ARCHITECT 52,724.26 4.9157.816.529.000.945.00 SIDBURY RD TRANSP -MISC OTHER 93,708.83 4.9157.816.529.000.945.17 SIDBURY RD TRANSP -MISC OTHER 750,569.00 9160 4.9160.816.522.000.945.16 LAKESIDE - PHASE II (465,000.00) 4,9160.816.522.000.945.17 LAKESIDE - PHASE II 465,000.00 900 9001 4.9001.900.522.000.945.01 NORTHEAST ES GENERAL CONTRACT 7,950,863.65 4.9001.900.526.000.945.01 NORTHEAST ES ARCHITECT FEES 107,307.45 4.9001.900.529.000.945.01 NORTHEAST ES MISC/ OTHEREES 944,274.34 4.9001.900.541.000.945.01 NORTHEAST ES FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 1,090,000.00 9002 4.9002.900.522.316.945.03 COLLEGE PARK ES RPLMT GENERAL CONTRACT 15,038,000.00 4.9002.900.526.316.945.03 COLLEGE PARK ES RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 455,774.50 4.9002.900.529.316.945.03 COLLEGE PARK ES RPLMT MISC/ OTHER 544,344.50 4.9002.900.541.316.945.03 COLLEGE PARK ES RPLMT FURNITURE & EQUIP 320,000.00 4.9002.900.542.316.945.03 COLLEGE PARK ES RPLMT INST/TECH EQUIP 300,000.00 4.9002.900.561.316.945.03 COLLEGE PARK ES RPLMT LIBRARY BOOKS 75,000.00 9003 4.9003.900.522.341.945.05 BLAIR ES RPLMT GENERAL CONTRACT 14,677,500.00 4.9003.900.526.341.945.05 BLAIR ES RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 556,193.50 4.9003.900.529.341.945.05 BLAIR ES RPLMT MISC/ OTHER 779,397.30 4.9003.900.541.341.945.05 BLAIR ES RPLMT FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 320,000.00 4.9003.900.542.341,945.05 BLAIR ES RPLMT INST/TECH EQUIPMENT 300,000.00 4.9003.900.561.341.945.05 BLAIR ES RPLCMT- LIBRARY BOOKS 75,000.00 9004 4.9004.900.522.326.945.06 LANEY ADDNS & RENOVNS GENERAL CONTRACT 11,892,992.00 4.9004.900.526.326.945.06 LANEY ADDNS & RENOVNS ARCHITECT FEES 234,694.90 4.9004.900.529.326.945.06 LANEY ADDNS & RENOVNS MISC/ OTHER 314,832.17 4.9004.900.541.326.945.06 LANEY ADDNS & RENOVNS FURN /EQUIP 158,488.78 4.9004.900.542.326.945.06 LANEY ADDNS & RENOVNS COMPUTER EQUIP 30,000.00 9005 4.9005.900.522.342.945.08 HOGGARD ADDNS & RENOVNS GENERAL CONTRAC 13,806,548.60 4.9005.900.526.342.945.08 HOGGARD ADDNS & RENOVNS ARCHITECT FEES 323,106.70 4.9005.900.529.342.945.08 HOGGARD ADDNS & RENOVNS MISC/ OTHER 308,097.66 4.9005.900.541.342.945.08 HOGGARD ADDNS & RENOVNS FURN & EQUIP 158,488.77 4.9005.900.542.342.945.08 HOGGARD ADDNS & RENOVNS COMPUTER EQUIP 30,000.00 9006 4.9006.900.411.352.945.09 NEW HANOVER HS RENOVNS SUPPLIES 2,138.00 4.9006.900.461.352.945.09 NEW HANOVER HS RENOVNS EQUIPMENT 1,353.13 4.9006.900.522.352.945.09 NEW HANOVER HS RENOVNS GENERAL CONTRACT 5,323,203.35 4.9006.900.526.352.945.09 NEW HANOVER HS RENOVNS ARCHITECT FEES 150,091.03 4.9006.900.529.352.945.09 NEW HANOVER HS RENOVNS MISC/ OTHER 235,372.52 9007 4.9007.900.522.364.945.10 ROLAND GRISE MS RENOVNS GENERAL CONTRACT 9,678,545.00 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 11 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 12 4.9007.900.526.364.945.10 ROLAND GRISE MS RENOVNS ARCHITECT FEES 1,166,090.00 4.9007.900.529.364.945.10 ROLAND GRISE MS RENOVNS MISC/ OTHER 581,697.33 4.9007.900.541.364.945.10 ROLAND GRISE MS RENOVNS FURNITURE & EQUI 233,218.00 9008 4.9008.900.522.350.945.11 NOBLE MS RENOVNS GENERAL CONTRACT 6,562,531.00 4.9008.900.526.350.945:11 NOBLE MS RENOVNS ARCHITECT FEES 790,666.00 4.9008.900.529.350.945.11 NOBLE MS RENOVNS MISC/ OTHER 395,333.00 4.9008.900.541.350.945.11 NOBLE MS RENOVNS FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 158,134.00 9009 4.9009.900.522.325.945.12 TRASK MS RENOVNS GENERAL CONTRACT 8,217,913.00 4.9009.900.526.325.945.12 TRASK MS RENOVNS ARCHITECT FEES 990,110.00 4.9009.900.529.325.945.12 TRASK MS RENOVNS MISC/ OTHER 495,055.00 4.9009.900.541.325.945.12 TRASK MS RENOVNS FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 198,022.00 9010 4.9010.900.522.351.945.13 MYRTLE GROVE MS RENOVNS GENERAL CONTRAC 7,244,159.00 4.9010.900.526.351.945.13 MYRTLE GROVE MS RENOVNS ARCHITECT FEES 872,790.00 4.9010.900.529.351.945.13 MYRTLE GROVE MS RENOVNS MISC/ OTHER 436,395.00 4.9010.900.541.351.945.13 MYRTLE GROVE MS RENOVNS FURNITURE & EQUI 174,559.00 9011 4.9011.900.522.408.945.14 WRIGHTSVILLE ADDNS / RENOVNS GENERAL CONTR 6,085,968.00 4.9011.900.526.408.945.14 WRIGHTSVILLE ADDNS / RENOVNS ARCHITECT FEE 513,274.00 4.9011.900.529.408.945.14 WRIGHTSVILLE ADDNS / RENOVNS MISC/ OTHER 293,300.00 4.9011.900.541.408.945.14 WRIGHTSVILLE ADDNS / RENOVNS FURN /EQUIPMNT 439,950.00 9012 4.9012.900.311.000.911.07 CONTRACTED SERVICES 10,373.07 4.9012.900.542.000.911.07 TECH NETWORK INFRA COMPUTER HARDWARE 4,832,058.36 9013 4.9013.900.529.000.911.07 TECH SECURITY CAMERAS MISC /OTHER 3,161,279.33 9014 4.9014.900.542.000.911.07 TECH VOIP CORE INFRA/EQUIP COMPUTER HRDW 469,279.00 9017 4.9017.900.522.325.945.04 TRASK ROOF REPLACEMENT GENERAL CONTRACT 262,500.00 4.9017.900.526.325.945.04 TRASK ROOF RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 173,498.40 4.9017.900.529.325.945.04 TRASK ROOF RPLMT MISC/ OTHER 1,372,971.60 9018 4.9018.900.522.326.945.04 GENERAL CONTRACT - LANEY ROOF RPLMT 390,045.00 4.9018.900.526.326.945.04 LANEY ROOF RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 12,206.12 9020 4.9020.900.522.342.945.04 HOGGARD HS ROOF RPLMT GENERAL CONTRACT 460,653.00 4.9020.900.526.342.945.04 HOGGARD HS ROOF RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 39,069.00 9022 4.9022.900.526.362.945.04 PINE VALLEY ROOF RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 10,959.00 4.9022.900.529.362.945.04 PINE VALLEY ROOF RPLMT MISC/ OTHER 195,606.26 9027 4.9027.900.526.000.945.04 VETERANS PARK ROOF COATING ARCHITECT FEE 122,627.80 4.9027.900.529.000.945.04 VETERANS PARK ROOF COATING MISC / OTHER 1,103,648.20 9028 4.9028.900.526.350.945.04 NOBLE ABMT /CARPET RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 15,885.00 4.9028.900.529.350.945.04 NOBLE ABMT /CARPET RPLMT MISC/ OTHER 92,228.61 9029 4.9029.900.522.342.945.04 HOGGARD ABMT /CRPT RPLMT GEN CONTRACT 50,000.00 4.9029.900.526.342.945.04 HOGGARD ABMT /CARPET RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 64,430.50 4.9029.900.529.342.945.04 HOGGARD ABMT /CARPET RPLMT MISC/ OTHER 546,110.00 9030 4.9030.900.522.326.945.04 LANEY ABMT /CARPT RPLMT GEN CONTRACT 100,000.00 4.9030.900.526.326.945.04 LANEY ABMT /CARPT RPLMT ARCHITECT FEES 49,477.00 4.9030.900.529.326.945.04 LANEY ABMT /CARPT RPLMT MISC/ OTHER 286,199.87 9036 4.9036.900.523.000.945.04 VETERANS PARK HVAC IMPRMTS HVAC CONTRACT 208,149.83 4.9036.900.526.000.945.04 VETERANS PARK HVAC IMPRMTS ARCHITECT FEE 28,942.50 9037 4.9037.900.523.352.945.04 NEW HANOVER HVAC IMP HVAC CONTRACT 313,599.00 4.9037.900.526.352.945.04 NEW HANOVER HVAC IMP ARCHITECT FEES 36,046.00 4.9037.900.529.352.945.04 NEW HANOVER HVAC IMP MISC/ OTHER 10,814.00 9038 4.9038.900.523.304.945.04 BRADLEY CREEK HVAC IMPR MECHANICAL 727,355.43 4.9038.900.526.304.945.04 BRADLEY CREEK HVAC IMPR ARCHITECT FEES 26,079.00 4.9038.900.529.304.945.04 BRADLEY CREEK HVAC IMPR MISC/ OTHER 99,156.90 9039 4.9039.900.523.843.945.04 JOHNSON HVAC IMPRMTS MECHANICAL 810,371.00 4.9039.900.526.843.945.04 JOHNSON HVAC IMPRMTS ARCHITECT FEES 26,079.00 4.9039.900.529.843.945.04 JOHNSON HVAC IMPRMTS MISC/ OTHER 99,164.81 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 12 9040 4.9040.900.523.000.945.04 MECH CONTRACT -HVAC & CTRLS IMPVMTS 374,350.17 4.9040.900.526.000.945.04 HVAC CONTROLS IMPR -VAR SCH ARCHITECT FEE 150,931.00 4.9040.900.529.000.945.04 HVAC CONTROLS IMPR -VAR SCH MISC/ OTHER 966,594.77 9041 4.9041.900.153.000.945.15 PROGRAM MANAGMNT PROJECT MANAGER 1,303,017.70 4.9041.900.188.000.945.15 ANNUAL LEAVE 42.06 4.9041.900.211.000.945.15 EMPLOYER SOCIAL SECURITY 99,798.95 4.9041.900.221.000.945.15 EMPLOYER RETIREMENT 198,406.14 4.9041.900.231.000.945.15 EMPLOYERS HEALTH INSURANCE 82,668.88 4.9041.900.529.000.945.15 PROGRAM MANAGMNT CONTRACTED PROGRAM M, 1,139,725.89 9042 4.9042.900.399.000.945.16 CONTINGENCY UNBUDGETED 1,485,377.87 9043 4.9043.900.526.308.945.04 CAROLINA BEACH ROOF- ARCHITECT 4,736.40 4.9043.900.529.308.945.04 CAROLINA BEACH ROOF -MISC 104,912.53 9044 4.9044.900.526.364.945.04 ROLAND -GRISE ROOF- ARCHITECT 39,491.60 4.9044.900.529.364.945.04 ROLAND -GRISE ROOF -MISC 355,424.40 9045 4.9045.900.526.332.945.04 GREGORY ROOF- ARCHITECT 56,938.60 4.9045.900.529.332.945.04 GREGORY ROOF -MISC 512,447.40 9046 4.9046.900.526.352.945.04 NHHS ROOF- ARCHITECT 61,113.70 4.9046.900.529.352.945.04 NHHS ROOF -MISC 550,023.30 150,700,007.29 Revenue: 000 4110 4.4110. COUNTY APPROPRIATION (1,421,975.68) 4910 4.4910. FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED (683,866.91) 076 3460 4.3460. PSBCF - LOTTERY REVENUE (2,332,254.57) 120 3400 4.3400. DPI SCHOOL BUS REVENUE (538,274.00) 900 4810 4.4810.900. 2014 BOND REVENUE (145,723,636.13) (150,700,007.29) Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 13 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 5, 2016 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Property Management PRESENTER(S): Kevin Caison, Facilities Project Manager CONTACT(S): Michelle Winstead, DSS Director and Phillip Tarte, Health Director SUBJECT: Consideration of New Hanover County Health and Human Services Facility Design and Construction Administration Contract Award BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Health and Human Services Facility will serve as a new home for the Department of Social Services and the Health Department. Currently these departments are located in 3 separate buildings (1650 Greenfield, 2029 S. 17th, and 2023 S. 17th Street). This project will be to design a facility that will be constructed at the current DSS site that will make client services more efficient and convenient. On October 18th the county released a Request for Qualifications for design services for this facility and received several Statements of Qualifications from interested firms. (Please see attachments for list of firms.) The review committee reviewed the submittals and scored each firm according to the criteria set within the advertised RFQ. Sawyer, Sherwood, and Associate Architecture was the unanimous top ranked firm. The proposal from Sawyer, Sherwood, and Associate Architecture is for the complete design of the facility including all applicable engineering and consultants needed from the space study through construction. The amount of the proposal is $1,495,740 plus a $20,000 allowance for reimbursable costs. If approved design will start in January 2017 and should be ready for bidding in February 2018. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Provide health and wellness education, programs, and services RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve award of design contract to Sawyer, Sherwood and Associate Architecture for the design of the New Hanover County Health and Human Services Facility and adopt the capital project ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: Proposal RFQ 17 -0219 Evaluation of Firms Capital Project Ordinance Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 6 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 6 November 28, 2016 Mr. Kevin Caison Facilities Project Manager Property Management New Hanover County 200 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Health & Human Services Facility Design Services Fee Proposal Dear Kevin ; This design services proposal follows the qualifications based selection of our firm to provide design services for this project. As indicated in our firm qualifications statement, our team will provide architectural and engineering services. The "Site Planning & Building Concept Design" document dated October 21, 2016 provides direction for the project including the following : The building square footage need is estimated to be 103,000 to 1 10,000 sf. The project budget is estimated to be $21,800,000 to $22,800,000. The project must accommodate uninterrupted DSS operations on the site. The county will secure temporary parking off site as needed to allow project construction in the DSS facility parking area. We will begin the work with a space needs study that will look for consensus with the building occupants and your project team and promote the efficient use of the site and building space in the new facility. The space needs study and the schematic design will refine the building square footage and site plan. Following the facility programming phase we will provide leadership and project services including schematic design, design development, construction documents, bid phase services and construction phase services. The design team will provide services in the following disciplines: Architecture Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Fire Sprinkler Engineering Plumbing, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Data Cabling System Design Interior Design s2a1com 124 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 910 762 -0892 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 Health & Human Services Facility Design Proposal Page 2 Open Office Planning, Design and Furniture Specifications Construction Cost Estimating Based on the project size, scope and complexity, a lump sum fee of $1,495,740 is proposed. The fee is approximately 7.5% of the projected cost of the work for which we will be providing design services, and is consistent with the budget opinions previously provided. If the budget changes by more than 10% we propose adjusting the fee to maintain a 7.5% fee. The lump sum fee will be allocated as follows: Space Needs Study 3% $ 44,872 Schematic Design 12% $179,489 Design Development 15% $224,361 Construction Documents 40% $598,296 Bid Phase 5% $ 74,787 Construction Phase 25% $373,935 The construction contract bid process will follow the traditional competitive bid method and the award of a general contract to include all trades. The construction documents developed by the design team will be the basis for contract bids. CM at Risk is not proposed and will increase our fee if that delivery method is utilized. We have included representing the project with regulatory agencies having jurisdiction and will make presentations of the project to the county project team as the work progresses. A preliminary schedule covering all design phases is being developed and will be finalized, with county participation, to set milestones and completion dates. The City of Wilmington planning review process will be included in the proposed design schedule. We understand that project completion on a predictable schedule is important and are prepared to proceed without delay. A building commissioning agent is being selected by the county and will be under contract with the county when the project is in schematic design. We will communicate directly with the commissioning agent and welcome the review, rigorous design and better building performance potential the commissioning agent could bring to the project s2a3.com 124 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 910 762 -0892 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 2 Health & Human Services Facility Design Proposal Page 3 A few reimbursable expenses which are not included in the lump sum fee are anticipated including: Regulatory Permit Application Fees Renderings produced by specialist. Printing and mounting drawings and illustrations for public display. Printing of construction bid sets. Reimbursable cost should be budgeted at $20,000. We envision a facility that is inviting to patrons and employees, improves the delivery services and reduces stress for the facility staff and patrons. As always I am available to meet at your convenience. Please call or email me with any need. Thank you for considering our firm for this important work. Sincerely 7 r John R. Sawyer AIA s2a3.com 124 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 910 762 -0892 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 3 New Hanover County Health and Human Services Facility — RFQ 17 -0219 Evaluation of Firms FIRM'S NAME Average Score per RFQ Criteria 1. Sawyer, Sherwood, & Associate Architecture 80.3 2. Becker Morgan Group /CJMW 60.7 3. Perkins & Will 51.7 4. LS3P 50.0 5. Ratio Architects, Inc. 47.0 6. ADW Architects 46.5 7. Oakley Collier Architects 44.2 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 1 CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FACILITY PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the Health and Human Services Facility Capital Project, which capital project involves the construction and /or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159 -13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 159 -13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Health and Human Services Facility Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Proceeds from Sale of Fixed Assets $1,515,740 Total $1,515,740 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense $1,515,740 Total $1,515,740 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this 5th day of December, 2016. Kymberleigh G. Crowell Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Beth Dawson, Chairman Board of County Commissioners Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: December 5, 2016 REGULAR DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Brad Schuler, Current Planner CONTACT(S): Brad Schuler and Ben Andrea, Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z -964, 11/16) — Request by Design Solutions on Behalf of the Property Owner, Amber Sun, LLC, to Rezone 5.00 Acres Located at 5000 Blue Clay Road from (CUD) I -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) 0&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District, in Order to Allow for Office and School Uses Within the Existing Building Located on the Property, and to Expand an Existing Paved Area on the Property to Allow for Driver Training Courses BRIEF SUMMARY: The subject property consists of 5 acres located at 5000 Blue Clay Road. When zoning was initially applied to this area in 1972, the subject property and surrounding area were zoned R -15. The property has a history of being used for non - residential purposes. Prior to the establishment of zoning, the property was used as a seafood restaurant, and on occasion, as a night club. The restaurant suffered extensive fire damage in the mid -1980s resulting in its closure. In 1997, the property was rezoned to a Conditional Use Light Industrial District in order to allow for the development of offices for engineering consulting services and general contractors (Z -598). Currently, an office building and parking lot exist on the property. StreetSafe, a not - for - profit organization which provides educational services promoting safe driving practices, began to operate in the building in 2015. Recently, the organization sought to expand the parking lot in order to provide a larger area for conducting the driving classes. During this time, it was discovered that this use did not comply with the standards of the Conditional Use District, which limited the allowable uses to "geological and engineering services, special trade and general contractors ". This rezoning application, if approved, would modify the zoning district to permit technical schools, including StreetSafe, on the property. The surrounding area is zoned R -15 and consists of low density single - family housing. The proposed development will generate 22 trips in the AM peak, and 19 trips in the PM peak. Because the trips do not exceed 100 in the peak hours, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required to be completed. According to the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the site is classified as General Residential. This placetype provides opportunity for lower density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Commercial uses should be limited to office and retail spaces in carefully located areas where neighborhood character will be enhanced, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. The proposal to allow office and school uses within the existing building on the property is consistent with the General Residential placetype. Further, the proposed O &I district is more appropriate within this placetype, and within residential areas, than the current light industrial zoning. The application was heard by the Planning Board at their November 3, 2016 meeting. At the meeting, no one from the public spoke in opposition or in favor of the application. The Board recommended (5 -0) approval of the application with no added conditions. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval and suggests the following motion: Motion to approve, as the Board of Commissioners find that this application for a zoning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD) I -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O &I, Conditional Office and Institutional District as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because office and institutional uses that enhance neighborhood character are appropriate within the General Residential placetype. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposed office and institutional uses will provide additional high quality educational opportunities for the residents of New Hanover County, and because the proposal removes industrial zoning from an area predominantly zoned for residential purposes. ATTACHMENTS: Z -964 Script BOC Z -964 Petition Summary Z -964 Staff Summary Z -964 Neighborhood Map Z -964 Zoning Map Z -964 Comp Plan Z -964 Water Sewer Map Applicant Materials Cover Sheet Z -964 Application Proposed Site Plan Cover Sheet Z -964 Proposed Site Plan COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval as presented by staff. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 SCRIPT FOR Conditional Zoning District Application (Z -964, 11/16) Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Amber Sun, LLC, to rezone 5.00 acres located at 5000 Blue Clay Road from (CUD) 1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District, in order to allow for office and school uses within the existing building located on the property, and to expand an existing paved area on the property to allow for driver training courses. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutesfor rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, asfollows a. Staff presentation b. Applicant' s presentation (up to 15 minutes) C. Opponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant's cross examination /rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent's cross examination /rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. (Dose the Public Hearing 5. At thistime, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to recommend approval or denial of the application. What do you wish to do? 6. Vote on the conditional zoning district application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to approve, as the Board of Commissioners find that this application for a zoning map amendment of 5.00 acresfrom (CUD) 1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) 0&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District asdescribed is 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan because office and institutional uses that enhance neighborhood character are appropriate within the General Pesidential placetype. 2. Fbasenable and in the public interest because the proposed office and institutional uses will provide additional high quality educational opportunities for the residents of New Hanover County, and because the proposal removes industrial zoning from an area predominantly zoned for residential purposes. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 1 Rezone from (CUD) 1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) 0&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District t066m ( Aff5Alk Parcel Location & Acreage: Petitioner /Owner: Existing Land Use: 5000 Blue Clay Fbad, 5.00 acres andeeWolf, Design S:)lutions(Applicant) Amber Slan, LLC(Ovvner) Office Building Zoning History: July 7, 1982 - Initially zoned R-15 via Area 8A April 7,1997— Fbzoned to (CUD) 1 -1 in order to allow for an engineering consulting business. Land Classification: General Fbsidential Water Type: Public Sewer Type: Sept i c Fbcreation Area: Northern Fbgional Park Access: Blue Clay Fbad (SlR2181) Fire District: New Hanover County North Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Prince George Creek (0Siv) Conservation/ Historic/ Archaeological Fbsources: There are no known conservation, historic, or archaeological resources on the property. Soils and Septic Slaitability: Kenansville Fine Sand (Ke) — Class I: Slaitable/ Slight Limitation Elallings Fine Sand (St) — Class 11: Moderate Limitation Leon SDiI (Le) — Class III: Savere Limitation M urville Fine Sand (M u) — Class III: Severe Limitation Johnston Sloil — Class IV: Unsuitable Schools: Castle Hayne Bementary, Eaton Bmentary, Holly Shelter Middle, Laney High - ❑❑❑VVdK❑❑ 0° S. -109:1 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 1 CONDMONALZONING DISTRICTAPPUCAWN CASE: Z-964,11/16 PETI11ONER Ondee Wolf of Design Solutions, applicant Amber Ran LLC, property owner RBQUEST: Fezone from (CUD) 1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) 0&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District ACREAGE 5.00 acres L OCA11 ON : 5000 Bl u e Cl ay Fbad RD. M1800-003-016-000 2016 COM P PLAN PLACE TYPE General Fbsi dent iall PLANNING BOARD ACTION: The application was heard by the Planning Board at their November 3, 2016 meeting. At the meeting, no one from the publicspoke in opposition or in favor of the application. The Planning Board recommended approval (5 -0) of the application with no added conditions. EXISTING CON DI11 ONS Exist ng Zoni ng and Land Uses The subject property consistsof 5 acres located at 5000 Blue Clay Fbad. When zoning was initially applied to this area in 1972, the subject property and surrounding area were zoned R-15. The property has a history of being used for non - residential purposes. Prior to the establishment of zoning, the property was used as a seafood restaurant, and on occasion, as a night club. The restaurant suffered extensive fire damage in the mid-1980s resulting in itsclosure. honing "'�o� i EkOOh,[lALE I -2 a R -10 v m m < a oP� Q � - Z -x%64 , (CUD) 1 -1 R -15 IL c© � •tam. Q`n Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 3 - 1 In 1997, the property was rezoned to a Conditional Use Light Industrial District in order to allow for the development of officesfor engineering consulting services and general contractors (Z 598). Currently, an office building and parking lot exist on the property. ElreetSafe, a not - for - profit organization which provides educational services promoting safe driving practices, began to operate in the building in 2015. Pecently the organization sought to expand the parking lot in order to provide a larger area for conducti ng t he driving classes. It was t hen discovered that this use did not comply with the standards of the Conditional Use District, which limited the allowable uses to "geological and engineering services, special trade and general contractors ". This rezoning application, if approved, would modify the zoning district to permit technical schools, indudingEtreetSafe, on the property. The surrounding area iszoned R-15 and consists of low density single- family housing. Existing Ste Conditions A 7,549 square foot building and parking lot have been constructed on the southern portion of the property, comprising approximately of one acre. The remaining portionsof the property are undeveloped and wooded. Community Sarvices Water and Sawer: The development is currently connected to public water (CFPUA). Wastewater is treated with a private septic system. Fire Protection: The property is served by New Hanover County Fire Sarvices and located in the New Hanover County North Fire District. Schools. The property is located within the school districts for Castle Hayne Bementary, Eaton Bementary, Holly 5helter Middle, and Laney High schools; however the proposed use will not have an impact on the school system. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 3 - 2 Conservation, Historic, and Archaeological Fbsources The subject property does not host any known conservation, historic, or archaeological resources. PETITIONER'S REQUEST: The petitioner is seeking to rezone 5.00 acres currently zoned (CUD) 1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) 0&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District, in order to allow for office and professional /technical school useswithin the existing building located on the property, and to expand the existing paved area used for driver training courses. STAFF P09110N: Zoning Ordinance Considerations The purpose of the Office and Institutional District is to provide areas where institutional uses, professional office uses and other uses compatible to uses of an office or institutional nature shall be encouraged to locate and to provide protection for thistype land use from encroachment by other less desirable uses. The district's principal means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and /or major arterialsas designated on the County's Thoroughfare Classification Ran. A conceptual site plan is included as part of the application and is shown below. If this application is approved, the property must be developed in accordance with the site plan. The applicant is proposing to utilizethe existing buildingfor office and educational uses, and to expand the existing paved area used for driver training courses. Conceptual Ste Flan Further, the proposed development is subject to the County's site plan /building permit review process. The process includes reviewing the plan with the technical standards of the County's development ordinances, including landscaping, buffering, and stormwater requirements. Afullyopaque Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 3 - 3 buffer is required along the property lines that adjoin residential uses and zoning. As currently shown, the site plan complieswith the Zoning Ordinance. Transportation The proposed development will generate 22 trips in the AM peak, and 19 trips in the PM peak. Because the trips do not exceed 100 in the peak hours, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required to be completed. The Wilmington Metropolitan Ranning Organization (WMPO) conducted atrafficcount at the 5000 block of Blue Clay Fbad on October 12, 2016. The count yielded an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 1,825 trips. This portion of Blue Clay Fbad hasa design capacity of 9,400 daily trips, and therefore it isdassified as having an "A" Level of Service (LOS) with a Volume to Capacity F2atio of 0.19. Environmental The northern undeveloped portion of the property is located within an AESpecial Flood Hazard Area and AERoodway. S{ormwater management will be reviewed by New Hanover County EngineeringE Comprehensive Ran Considerations According to the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Ran, the site is classified as General Fesidential. This placetype provides opportunity for lower density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Commercial uses should be limited to office and retail spaces in carefully located areas where neighborhood character will be enhanced, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Relevant Goals, Strateges, and Guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan: Dom S ipport business growth (Desired Outcome: A vibrant economy for New Hanover County Based on business success.) El rate C. Al i gn cou nty zoni ng ordi nances to encourage t argeted busi ness i n appropri at e areas. Guidelines C.3 Develop strategies for encouraging office, retail, and other light intensity nonresidential uses within existing residential areas to provide community level service. Do,Wole: Actively promote high quality education and diverse cultural opportunities for New Hanover County residents and visitors (Desired Outcome: High quality education and diverse opportunities that sustain the economic vitality of our community and enrich the lives and future residents.) Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 3 - 4 The proposal to allow office and school uses wit hint he existing building on the property is consistent with the General Residential placetype. Further, the proposed 0&1 district is more appropriate within this placetype, and within residential areas, than the current light industrial zoning. R,EVI BIV AND ACTION: This request is being facilitated by 1ction 55.3 — Conditional Zoning District of the County's Zoning Ordinance, and has been processed and reviewed per 11dion 110 — Amending the Ordinance. A community meeting was held on Thursday, Saptember 29th, 2016 in accordance with the requirements for such an application. Nobody from the public attended the meeting. The applicant has provided a summary of the meeting which is included in the applicaton. Staff recommends approval of the application. Staff condudesthat the application isconsistent with the 2016 Comprehensive Ran and with the Zoning Ordinance. Commercial, office, and school uses that enhance neighborhood character are appropriate within the General Residential placetype. The proposed usesdo not generate asubstantial amount of trafficand will provide additional educational opportunities for the area's residents. R RST ACTT ON N ®®: • Motion to approve the rezoning request • Motion to "table" the item in order to receive more information • M otion to deny the rezoning request Example Motion for Approval: Motion to approve, asthe Board of Commissioners fi nd that t his appl ication for azoning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD) 1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District asdescribed is: Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 3 - 5 Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Ran and 2016 Comprehensive Ran because (Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment isconsistentl. 2. R-,asonable and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may indude public health and safety. character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balandng benefits and detriments. 1. Conditions: [List any agreed upon conditions] Example Motion for Denial: Motion to deny, asthe Board of Com m i ssi oners fi nd that t hi s appl i cat i on for awning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD) 1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) 0&1, Office and Institutional District asdescribed is 1. Not Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Ran and the 2016 Comprehensive Ran because (Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is not consistent). 2. Not reasonable or in the public interest because (Briefly explain why not. Factors may indude public health and safety, dharacter of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments 1. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to approve, asthe Board of Commissioners fi nd that t h is appl icat i on for azoning map amendment of 5.00 acres from (CUD)1 -1, Conditional Use Light Industrial District, to (CZD) O&1, Conditional Office and Institutional District asdescribed is: 1. Consistent with the purposesand intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Ran becauseoffice and institutional usesthat enhance neighborhood character are appropriate within the General Fasidential placetype. 2. R-,asonable and in the public interest because the proposed office and institutional uses will provide additional high quality educational opportunities for the residents of New Hanover County, and because the proposal removes industrial zoning from an area predominantly zoned for residential purposes. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 3 - 6 o °S. -IONS O `7/ h v� N h mW � O� N LL N C d V � W O o�j N n � � Q � O N O U O O S D. N Gi a 2 N � V W N O \ o O O a N N V U O 0 O O v _ N S V LL 10 0 W O N h r 's 0 .3 a N V d � a C N O Q O u y T � a u L d a d m = o N / Ifi N L d ` i a o_ ui Ol Ol U N o y _ CT.yq. L N 1 01 n M `O W K g g g g g g g g g g g g g a g g� g g w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w F w w 5 5 U J J J J J J J J J J J J J Q J J W J J .N CO CO CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO CO CO K CO CO m CO CO T O1 O n -zT lfl 00 O l0 ci ci L!1 00 O1 m -i 00 J L!1 00 a g °g m rn -' rn 0) -' -' rn o o 0) rn g g ° � !ZT L!ZT ZT L!L!ZY L!L!ZY ZY N L! L! �� rn L!O c-I ci O N M L!1 l0 n 00 Ol O� c-I cN-I cM-I c�-I cM-I � c^ -I � O h M O � P ui 2 L7L Y N O O a m ----------- V 0 v I LL 10 0 O� O N h r 's .3 _ _ V O h M O � P ui Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM :7 -4 -1 Gx: P 1 v O L7L Y O O o, m ----------- Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM :7 -4 -1 Gx: P 1 v @� . V) ❑ tC° \ ®/o � o } ± I ) � �. /� . ❑ ❑� \f)� o 2 5 a } ^ m 2 2 ¥�!�#a® ^� 7 � ❑ ❑ � \ \ \} <�d \ ° a ) ) | ® § 2 2 0 $ \ \ \ \ \ Ln 7# 3 2§ E .� ■1111■ ) N00 # o � N 0 x e } -0 . ` 0 &� U w a; � t -> �, � & . § � b ^. N/ § ` Cx: } S S ,. C .. . S : . }^ r 2 ) \ ` .° 2§ . u � o - Board e Commissioners December :m, ITEM lau �� @t % 4) ( \ \ 5 ; \ � \ — \ 7 } q : \ ƒ \ D } ) a E ƒ E ° B ƒ = E \ I \ 3 \ 2 \ M05 ep''j-c-0 ) LLI / ƒ ) / J I / ] § § -0 ; w 0 �a0 k ] �| �� � _� o. 0 & \ IN �� & u] © z ) in 0 0) o .. ; . a 23 r S - I= LU x ) 3 � � ; J § CIO S �°� 2 � � 0 0 12o § G . § t + A, Board e Commissioners December :m, ITEM lau Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM :7 -7 -1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 8 - 1 Print For NEW HANOVER COUNTY 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 PLANNING & INSPECTIONS Wilmington, NC 28403 910- 798 -7165 phone 910- 798 -7053 fax Application for www.nhcgov.com CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT Petitioner Information Property Owner(s) Subject Property If different than Petitioner Name Owner Name Address Cindee Wolf Amber Sun, L.L.C. 5000 Blue Clay Road Company Owner Name 2 Parcel ID(s) Design Solutions 324109.05.3818 Address Address Area PO Box 7221 5000 Blue Clay Road 5.00 ac. +/- City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Existing Zoning and Use Wilmington, NC 28406 Catle Hayne, NC 28429 1 -1 (CUD) School & Offices Phone Phone Proposed Use 910 - 620 -2374 910 - 262 -6757 / Doug Darrell 0&1 (CZD) School & Offices Email Email Land Classification cwolf @lobodemar.biz doug @streetsafeus.com General Residencial Application Case Number Date /Time received: Received by: APPLICATION OVERVIEW In order to assist petitioners through the rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre - application conference prior to application submittal. Petitioners are requested to review the sections of the Zoning Ordinance specific to zoning amendments and conditional zoning districts prior to submission, and advised to contact Planning Staff with any questions. The following sections of the Zoning Ordinance pertain specifically to zoning amendments and conditional zoning districts: • Section 55.3: Conditional Zoning Districts • Section 110: Amending the Ordinance • Section 111: Petitions • Section 112: Approval Process Applications for zoning amendments must first be considered by the New Hanover County Planning Board at a public hearing. The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the County Commissioners which will take final action on the permit application in a quasi-judicial public hearing. Attendance at all public hearings is required. The public hearings will allow staff, the applicant, proponents and opponents to testify in regards to the request. Unless otherwise published or announced, Planning Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:OOPM in the Commissioner's Assembly Room at the Historic County Courthouse located at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina. All meeting dates and application deadlines are published on the New Hanover County Planning website. Board of Comill ptrp:� December 5, 2016 ITET7 - 9 - 1 04/14 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS In order to assist petitioners through the rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre - application conference prior to application submittal. Applications must be reviewed by Planning Staff for completeness prior to being officially accepted. Applications must be submitted to Planning Staff at least twenty (20) working days before the Planning Board meeting at which the application is to be considered. In order to allow time to process, fees and review for completeness, applications will not be accepted after 5:00 PM on the deadline day. Once accepted, the Planning Board will consider the application at the assigned meeting unless the applicant requests a continuance. For all proposals, in addition to this application, the following supplemental information and materials are required: Required Information Applicant Staff Initial Initial Copy of the New Hanover County Tax Map, which delineates the property requested for rezoning. Legal description (by metes and bounds of property requested for rezoning. Copy of the subdivision map or recorded plat which delineates the property. Site Plan (8 -24x36 copies for Planning Board; 8 -24x36 copies for Commissioners) • Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads • Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses, this shall include number, height and type of units and area to be occupied by each structure and /or subdivided boundaries. For non- residential uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area it will occupy and the specific purpose for which it will be used. • Development schedule including proposed phasing. • Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right -of -way dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right -of -way for internal streets and location, arrangement and access provision for parking areas. • All existing and proposed easements, reservations, required setbacks, rights -of -way, buffering and signage • The one hundred (100) year floodplain line, if applicable • Location and sizing of trees required to be protected under Section 62 of the Zoning Ordinance • Any additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations or other limitations on land which may be regulated by State law or Local Ordinance. • Any other information that will facilitate review of the proposed change Ref. Article VII, as applicable) A report of the required public information meeting outlined in Section 111 -2.1. Authority for Appointment of Agent Form if applicable) Fee - For petitions involving 5 acres or less, $600. For petitions involving greater than 5 acres, $700 Board of Comrpi§Wl)(trp'} December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 9 - 2 04/14 CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONING Conditional Use District Zoning is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective but for which none of the general zoning classifications which would allow that use are acceptable. The applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed use satisfies these requirements. The applicant has the burden of proof and must provide sufficient evidence in order for the required findings to be met. You must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements (attach additional sheets if necessary): 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? Policies for growth encourage continued efforts to attract & retain businesses. The existing property use is non - conforming. The rezoning would bring the use into conformance and allow it to expand. The conditional district process allows this to occur and still protect the surrounding residential uses. 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? The site is in a "General Residential" land classification. This is a place -type that should be limited to office and limited commercial uses. The change would be considered a down -zone from the much more intensive industrial zone currently existing and more appropriate to the new plan classification. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? The environmental contractor that once occupied the property vacated several years ago. The existing use as a technical school is considered non - conforming and thereby is not permitted to make improvements or expand. 4. List proposed conditions and restrictions that would mitigate the impacts of the proposed use(s). The trip generation for the existing use as a driving safety schools and some professional offices has a very low trip generation. Bufferyard plantings will provide visual & noise screening to mitigate any impacts to the residential uses to the South. The rezoning would maximize the effectiveness of the current use, but not appreciably change the current conditions. If an applicant requests delay of consideration from the Planning Board or Board of County Commissioners before notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will be calendared for the next meeting and no fee will be required. If delay is requested after notice has been sent to the newspaper, the Board will act on the request at the scheduled meeting and are under no obligation to grant the continuance. If the continuance is granted, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule as published on the New Hanover County Planning website will be required. By my signature below, I understand and accept all of the conditions, limitations and obligations of the Conditional Use District zoning for which I am applying. I understand that the existing official zoning map is presumed to be correct. I understand that I have the burden of proving why this requested change is in the public interest. I certify that this application is complete and that all information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Cynthia Wolf / Design Solutions Signature of Petitioner and /or Property Owner Print Name Board of ComrPM7' December 5, 2016 ITE 7 19L - 3 04/14 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PUNNING & INSPECTIONS A UTHORITY F ©R APPOINTMENT OF AGENT 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 910 -798 -7165 phone 910- 798 -7053 fax www.nhcgov.com Please note that for quasi- judicial proceedings, either the land owner or an attorney must be present for the case at the public hearing. The undersigned owner does hereby appoint an authorized the agent described herein as their exclusive agent for the purpose of petitioning New Hanover County for a variance, special use permit, rezoning request, and /or an appeal of Staff decisions applicable to the property described in the attached petition. The Agent is hereby authorized to, on behalf of the property owner: 1. Submit a proper petition and the required supplemental information and materials 2. Appeal at public meetings to give representation and commitments on behalf of the property owner 3. Act on the property owner's behalf without limitations with regard to any and all things directly or indirectly connected with or arising out of any petition applicable to the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. Agent Information Property Owner(s) Subject Property Name Owner Name Address Cindee Wolf Amber Sun, L.L.C. 5000 Blue Clay Rd Company Owner Name 2 City, State, Zip Design Solutions Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Address Address Parcel ID P.O. Box 7221 5000 Blue Clay Rd 324109.05.3818 City, State, zip City, state, zip PID 1800- 003 -016 -000 Wilmington, NC 28406 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Phone Phone 910- 620 -2374 910 -262 -67571 Doug Darrell Email Email owolf @ lobodemar.biz doug 0 streetsafeus.com Application Tracking Information (Staff Only) Case Number Reference: DatelTime received: Received by: This document was willfully executed on the ­ Owner 1 i ature day of x a,M �= , 20 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 9 - 4 04/14 Ip}r rr _ �1 I j ' +I a •4°• L I_ , 4 `. ■ pp�� IF J1 r 31.L r r Q�_ i, R - a I 4_ s 43521: /16/4929 a �•, e I - 2911.114.127.111 • .. a ti� ,. L Lv ZA-° •I "i{0. �� ,'�. ••�@,, '- i� `I L•.. °. 41 ir r y r J 6111 Crmf Druz Se , . " •, ��.y s I cr' , F ' oard•of Comm s io r� ITEM: Legal Description for Conditional District Rezoning 5000 Blue Clay Fead Beginning at an iron pipe in the eastern boundary of Blue Clay Fead (SR 2181), a &� public right -of -way; said point being located perpendicular to a point in the road centerline that is approximately 634 feet from its intersection with the centerline of Brookdale Drive (SR 2258), a &� public right -of way; and running thence from said point of beginning: SDuth 53°sj[� �BFast, 249.11 feet to a point; thence mouth 24 0�- &LM/Vest, 878.44 feet to a point; thence North 59 °9jg�l�/est, 106.55 feet to a point; thence North 610 j,, � ,+ � KBVVest, 235.84 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of Blue Clay Fead, thence with that right -of -way, North 3104 � Lj - ,mEast, 291.93 feet to a point; thence mouth 58 °� sJ, East, 203.72 feet to a point; thence North 21°Lss��� 4gEast, 109.77 feet to a point; thence North 15 °�'j�g1~�ast, 153.37 feet to a point; thence North 630fl BVNest, 148.41 feet to a point in the eastern boundary of Blue Clay Fead, thence with that right -of -way, North 31°s9�s�oBEast, 372.79 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 5.00 acres, more or less. Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 9 - 6 szsszos`cus xr� ooseaos`as b 6Zt�8ZiV `audaN a11880 4 40 t 1 V 7 NOf1 bNJBtN(? too-az au roof a 'seu x oa pao�{ fa13 ai9 Ot10, Y ua�s�n�a 61 c4n Nu PVOY �x q. s 1 i b (g. t a � s 4�g 1 'l — ill� 4 d l CS y � �x q. s 1 i b (g. t a � s 4�g 1 'l — ill� 4 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Location: 5000 Blue Clav Road Proposed Zoning: Conditional Zoning District / (CZD) 0&1 The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting on the above zoning application was given to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Dept. for notice of the Sunshine List on September 16, 2016. A copy of the written notice is also attached. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Thursday, September 29, 2016, 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.; at the site / 5000 Blue Clay Road, Castle Hayne. The persons in attendance at the meeting were: No one attended other than the NHCo Representative — Brad Schuler. The following issues were discussed at the meeting: N/A As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the rezoning petition: None Date: October 5, 2016 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf Mara OT 73mmissioners - DecemiDer 5, ITEM: 7 - 9 - 8 Owner 93'OO ROBERT DOUGLAS AM - -- :• CARTER CORPORATION FORINQUIRYINC FLESHER LARRYT GREEN = THOMAS . ;;.• KENNEDY GREGORY L KE EDYAM EB :• F• MANASSASINC MCRAE JOHN :.S J ON - TF67 NICHOLS KE3NNEFH W DORIS POSFEIVI A K: TAIDLOCK DONALD Owner Addr 142 BRADLEY R NES RD 5008 CASTLE LAKES RD 4917 BLUE CLAY RD 5200 BLUE CLAY RD 1817 FUTCH CFA RD 2525 WONDERWAY 5110 BLUE CLAY RD 5116 BLUE CLAY RD 4911 BLU E CLAY RD 5021 BLUE CLAY RD 5025 BLUE CLAY RD 6955 M AR,<ET ST 1538 .JESSJPAVE 121 OOLUM BI ST N 5001 BLUE CLAY RD 5008 BLUE CLAY RD 106 d LBERT CURRY DR 2116 CASTLE HAYNE RD 5108 BLUE CLAY RD Owner City WI LM I NGTON, NC 28403 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 WILMINGTON, NC28411 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 WILMINGTON, NC28411 BRONX, NY 10452 CHAPEL HILL, NC27514 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 WI LM I NGTON, NC 28401 CASTLE HAYNE, NC28429 Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 9 - 9 Q, -�S- 00 1A Ln 00 Ul z LLJ Y CC U-) < 2 z z F- F 01 Z f-,A 0 C z lk, woo ,A Z U, ul rx, rl, rx, ttl z 1A Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 9 - 10 00 Ul z LLJ Y CC U-) < 2 z z F- F Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 9 - 10 Design So�c>rtr'ov�s Sq rnrl Ins k September 16, 2016 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: Street Safe Driving Training Facility 5000 Blue Clay Road The referenced property iswithin 500 feet of yours, and is being used as a technical school for promoting safe driving. StreetSafe isa not - for - profit program with a mission to teach young and inexperienced drivers to become safer and more responsible on the road. Thisfacility was used asan environmental contractngf neiod ' rrc SJrJ-nf k bsfor many years. These uses required an industrial zoning designation (1 -1 /CUD), which was approved back in the k sd 088/ -f- Sgd bt gplrrst rd v nt Ic copt IV ' I ncification of that existing zoning. Asa school, the most appropriate designation would be Office & Institutional (0&1), and we will be seeking a Conditional Zoning District approval from New Hanover County. A Conditional Zoning District allows particular usesto be established only in accordance with specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project. Essentially, this means that only that use, structures and layout of an approved proposal can be developed. An exhibit of the site is attached. The only proposed change to the existing layout isthe expansion of the pavement used for driver training. The County requiresthat the developer hold a meeting for all property ownerswithin 500 feet of the tract boundary, and any and all other interested parties, prior to submittal. This provides neighborswith an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questionsto be answered concerning project improvements, benefitsand impacts. A meeting will be held on Thursday, September 29t " +' ssgd e bhiB( +4/ / / AID d Bk x Cn' c +59 / — 6:30 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620 -2374, or email cwolf@obodemar.biz with comments and /or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community. P.O. Box 7221 , Wilmington, NC 28406 *Telephone: 910 - 620 -2374 *Email: cwolf @obodemar.biz Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 9 - 11 Existing Paved Driver Training Area V.� J.k Proposed Pavement oard of Comm's -' SI? "e -n r's - rul. 7 - Q I lqlh� StreetSafe Driving School 5000 Blue Clay Road 100 80 60 40 20 0 SO 10C 12016 Traffic Impact Worksheet Prior to submission of nonresidential site plan, this worksheet must be prepared. A Traffic Impact Analysis will be required for all projects generating 100 peak hour trips or more. The scope of the TIA shall be determined by concurrence of the Planning Director, the MPO coordinator and NCDOT traffic engineer. Any mitigation measures required must be included in the final site plan submitted for review. PROJECT NAME StreetSafe Driving School PROJECT ADDRESS 500 slue Clay Road (S.R.2181) DEVELOPER/OWNER Amber Sun, L.L.C. EXISTING ZONING I -1 (CUD) / Proposed O &I (CZD) GROSS FLOOR AREA 7600 +/- NEAREST INTERSECTION Dairy Farm Rd (S . R. 2181 ) BEFORE PROPOSED PROJECT Average Daily Traffic (Date) LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) A sq. ft. ITE MANUAL TRAFFIC GENERATION ESTIMATE: *ITE Manual available at Planning Department USE AND VARIABLES: Tech School (540) & Professional Offices (715) (Example: Racquet Club; 8 courts; Saturday peaks) AM PEAK HOUR TRIPS 22 PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS 19 (Traffic generation of 100 peak hour trips will require Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping meeting with Planning Department) t Person Providing Estimate F lk, Signature Peak Hour estimate confirmed by Planning & Zoning on (Date) Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 -9-13 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Board of Commissioners - December 5, 2016 ITEM: 7 - 10 - 1